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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2757)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


Disk No: 2757
Disk Title: ProDev*MEMBER
PC-SIG Version: S1

Program Title: ProDev*MEMBER
Author Version: 1.09
Author Registration: $30.00
Special Requirements: Hard drive or high-density floppy drive.

PRODEV*MEMBER is an excellent Church Membership Giving, Attendance and
Talent tracking system for any sized church.  Pull-down menus and
on-screen ``what to do next'' instructions with context-sensitive Help
makes the system highly intuitive to learn and use.  The system uses
dBASE III+-compatible files and does not require the user to own the
dBASE system.

Keep track of any number of members, non-members, former members,
shut-ins, visitors, and affiliated missionaries.  By using a
relationally-linked child database, information can be kept on zero to
any number of children per member.  Givings or Offerings are easily
posted and a complete range of Giving Statements can be printed.  Enter
the appropriate information on talents, duties, and teaching expertise.

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1991 PC-SIG, Inc.


║              <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #2757 PRODEV*MEMBER  >>>>                ║
║ To read the installation instructions, type:  LIST README.DOC  (Enter)  ║
║                                                                         ║
║   (Printing and viewing of documentation is in the INSTALL program.)    ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To run the program after installation, type: MEMBER (press Enter)       ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print the registration form, type:  COPY REGISTER.DOC PRN  (Enter)   ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                        (c) Copyright 1991, PC-SIG Inc.  ║


This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP).  ASP wants to make sure that the shareware
principle works for you.  If you are unable to resolve a shareware-
related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly,
ASP may be able to help.  The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute
or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for
members' products.  Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road,
Muskegon MI 49442-9427 or send a Compuserve Mail message to ASP Ombudsman

              ProDev*MEMBER Installation & Upgrade Instructions

The INSTALL.EXE program can be used to BOTH initially install or to upgrade
the ProDev*MEMBER Church Membership system.  It will also print the manual.
Place the ProDev*MEMBER Shareware disk in drive A:. Type A: (Enter) to see A:>.

If you have a HARD DISK, type INSTALL C: (Enter) or whatever drive letter you
wish to install the ProDev*MEMBER system on.  The INSTALL program will create
the C:\MEMBER sub-directory for you (or whatever drive letter you specify).

If you have a 2 FLOPPY DISK drive system, format (3) disks without DOS for your
working ProDev*MEMBER disks.  To format these disks, insert your DOS disk in
drive A: and the fresh disks in drive B: and type FORMAT B: (Enter). Follow the
screen instructions.  After you have formatted the (3) disks and before you
have removed the 3rd disk from drive B:, type COPY COMMAND.COM B: (Enter).
Label the (3) disks as follows:             * WARNING - Should have floppy *
   1. "ProDev*MEMBER Documentation Disk"    * size greater than 360k.      *
   2. "ProDev*MEMBER Working Program Disk"  ********************************
   3. "ProDev*MEMBER Data Files Disk" - This disk has COMMAND.COM on it.

FLOPPY DISK users insert the ProDev*MEMBER disk & type INSTALL B: (Enter)


  Version  1.09                 ProDev*MEMBER                     05/15/91

  Thank  you  for  evaluating my Shareware Software.  If you find that you
  are  able  to  use  this  software beyond the evaluation stage, you must
  register  your copy with PRO DEV Software.  The Registration Fee is only
  $25.00  FOR EACH COPY IN USE plus $5.00 Shipping and Handling.  The next
  page  is  the  order  form.    To  insure your satisfaction, I offer the

                          Pre-Registration Support

      You  can  call  (preferred)  or  write  to PRO DEV Software with any
      necessary  questions  about  setting  up  or  effectively using this
      Shareware   for   your  Church.    Please  be  sure  to  follow  the
      Installation instructions in the README.DOC file . . .

           COPY A:README.DOC PRN  (Enter)

      .  . . before calling or writing.  You must operate this system on a
      hard  disk.    There  will  NOT  be room to operate this system on a
      floppy  disk  system  without  a hard disk.  If I determine that you
      have  received  a faulty evaluation copy, I will probably send you a
      complimentary evaluation copy.

               Here is what you will get for your registering.

  1.  You  will  receive  a  registered  copy of the latest version of the
      ProDev*MEMBER  system  Shareware  disk  so that you will NOT have to
      enter  the copyright screen random number.  You will also be able to
      skip  the  closing  screen.   You will NOT be sent a printed copy of
      the  documentation  as  the on-disk manual is complete and describes
      all  features.    This also holds down the registration cost of this
      powerful system.

  2.  You  will  receive  at  least  1  year  of  telephone (preferred) or
      written  support.  For registrants outside the USA or Canada, I will
      not  be  able  to  return  telephone calls as the overseas rates can
      rapidly exceed the low registration cost.

  3.  If  within  90  days  of receiving the registered disk you find that
      you  are not satisfied with the ProDev*MEMBER system, you may return
      the  REGISTERED  DISK  in  the original PRO DEV Software disk mailer
      (or equivalent) for a full refund.

  5.  If  you  discover  what  appears  to be a bug, PRO DEV Software will
      attempt  to  resolve  the  bug within 30 days from the time that PRO
      DEV  Software  receives  your full telephoned (preferred) or written
      description  of  the  bug.    If the cause of the perceived bug is a
      result  of  unusual hardware or software that you are using, PRO DEV
      Software  can  not  always  modify the programs to operate with your
      unusual  arrangements.   This system uses a lot of memory.  Thus, if
      you  have  large  memory  resident programs, there may not be enough
      memory to properly operate the ProDev*MEMBER system.

  Version  1.09      ProDev*MEMBER CHURCH MEMBERSHIP SYSTEM       05/15/91

  Please  send  Regular  Check, Money Order, Postal Order OR you can enter
  your  American Express, Master or Visa card number below along with your
  signature.    If you are outside the USA or Canada please obtain a check
  from  your  bank in USA funds on a USA bank.  You may find it easiest to
  send  USA  Cash  or an American Express Check.  Canadian registrants can
  submit   their   check   using  Canadian  funds  WITHOUT  exchange  rate
  adjustments.    If  Canadians  use a Credit Card the Credit Card Company
  WILL  apply  the  current exchange rate.  Registrants outside the USA or
  Canada  should  add an extra $5.00 USA equivalent to cover extra banking
  and/or postage costs.

          ProDev*MEMBER at $25.00 per disk                  ____.___

                Shipping & Handling .......................   $5.00

                Non-USA/Canada add $5.00 .................. ____.___

     Mail To:   PRO DEV Software
                545 Grover Road             TOTAL Enclosed  ____.___
                Muskegon, Michigan 49442

  Be SURE to enter your desired PASSWORD for file deleting below!

    Password:________    Disk Format:   5 1/4 360k __      3 1/2 720k __
    (up to 8 characters)

  NAME __________________________________________________________________

  CHURCH  _______________________________________________________________

  ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________

  CITY ________________________ STATE ________________ ZIP ______________

  PHONE _______________________  SIGNATURE ______________________________
       (In case I have questions)        (Required ONLY for Credit Cards)

  Check/Money Order ___  American Express ___  Master ___  Visa Card ____

  AmEx/Master/Visa Number ______ ______ ______ ______   Expires ____/____

  For fastest servive, you can telephone your order to Pro Dev Software
  at 616-788-2243   8:00 to 5:00 Monday - Friday  Eastern Time

  Version 1.09                  ProDev*MEMBER                       05/15/91


Copyright  1989 By PRO DEV Software              ProDev*MEMBER Version 1.09

                               May 15, 1991

                  Vendor Encouragements And Restrictions

This  document  contains  PRO  DEV  Software's  message to Disk Copying and
Bulletin  Board  Services.   User  Groups may copy this disk as long as the
shareware registration process is properly explained to members.

First  of  all,  thank  you for carrying my Shareware software in your Disk
Copying  Service  catalog  or  on  your  Bulletin Board Service.  You are a
vital link in the Shareware distribution process.

                               You MAY . . .

1.  This   on-disk   letter   authorizes   you   to  include  the  enclosed
    ProDev*MEMBER   Version   1.09  disk  of  Shareware  software  in  your
    Shareware   Cataloging   and   Disk   Copying   Service.    This  is  a
    non-exclusive authorization.

2.  You  may  sell  disks containing copies of this software as long as you
    do  NOT  imply  to  your customers that this is "free" software.  It is
    best  if  your  catalogs  make it clear that this is Shareware software
    that  the  end  user  must  register  with PRO DEV Software to continue
    using  beyond  the evaluation stage.  If you list the registration fees
    in  your  catalog, DO NOT use words like "Donation", "Contribution", or
    other such words.  It is a REGISTRATION FEE or COST of $30.

3.  If  you  are  a Disk Copying or Bulletin Board Service and you obtained
    this  software  from  other than PRO DEV Software, you may not have the
    latest  version.   You are encouraged to write or call PRO DEV Software
    and ask for the latest version.

    PRO DEV Software   545 Grover Road   Muskegon, MI 49442

    616-788-2243 (8:00-5:00 M-F Eastern Time)  CompuServe PPN: 72617,1266

4.  You  may  add  your own files to this disk as long as none of them give
    any impression that this Shareware software is "free".

                             You may not . . .

1.  DO  NOT  remove any of the following files from the disk (or compressed
    file if you are a BBS):


    LIST.COM  is  included on this disk with written permission from Vernon
    Buerg and may NOT be removed or replaced with a different version.

2.  If  you  are a Disk Copying Service, please do not further compress the
    above files.  Naturally, a BBS operator will compress the entire system
    as required.  If you are a User Group, Shareware registration education
    should be part of your established proceedures.

                                  Page 1
Copyright  1989 By PRO DEV Software              ProDev*MEMBER Version 1.09

                  Vendor Encouragements And Restrictions

3.  You  may  NOT  replace the MEMBDOC.EXE SCRNCHed documentation file with
    the  ASCII  MEMBER.DOC  file  or  another form of archiving, packing or
    ziping.   If you are a BBS, archive/pack/zip the MEMBDOC.EXE file along
    with  the  other  files WITHOUT first unSCRNCHing the MEMBDOC.EXE file.
    This  is  because  my  INSTALL  program expects the SCRNCHed file.  The
    same applies to the LHARCed MEMBPROG.EXE and MEMBDAT.EXE files.

4.  If  you  are  a  Disk Copying or Bulletin Board Service that feels that
    you  JUST  must  add  your  own  message  to  the end of my Copyrighted
    documentation  contained in the MEMBDOC.EXE file, send the text of your
    message  on  a  disk to PRO DEV Software and I will add it and reSCRNCH
    the  MEMBDOC.EXE  file  for  you.    You  can also CIS Mail the text to
    CompuServe  PPN:  72617,1266.    Please  realize that you are placing a
    burden  on  me to do this as the SCRNCH process takes my computer about
    an  hour  to  perform and you can add your messages in separate files a
    lot easier.

I  also  encourage  you  to  give this full featured system the write-up it
deserves  in  your  catalog.    The  next  page  gives my "unbiased" {grin}
suggested  catalog  descriptions.    I  really  get  discouraged when I see
catalogs  that  just  say  "ProDev*MEMBER Church Membership system".  It is
really  a  powerful,  low  registration fee system that powerful enough for
ANY sized church.

Now  that I have gotten all of that legal stuff out of the way, let me tell
you what is in ProDev*MEMBER.

This  system  allows  a church to track any number of members, non-members,
former  members,  shut-ins, visitors and affiliated missionaries.  By using
a  relationally  linked child data base, information can be kept on zero to
ANY  number  of children per member.  Complete Member/Child talent, duties,
teaching  expertise  and  ANY  other information can be stored as free-form
text  allowing complete customization of this information.  The program can
intelligently search and report on ANY desired information.

The  church  secretary  can  print  single  or  all  records  as  dozens of
different  label  runs  with  a variety of filters.  Rotary Card File cards
can be printed on all or selected records.

Eleven  different report selections with a variety of filters will meet the
demands  of  the entire church staff.  Two of the report selections produce
3  different church directories.  All label runs and reports can optionally
be  printed  to  the printer, screen or to a disk file.  The disk files can
be  printed  directly  to the word processing sub-directory for easy import
into word processor documents or merge files.

The  Givings  or  Offerings  can  rapidly  be posted to a transaction file.
Even  open  plate  and  special  funds!   When the program totals match the
total  funds  collected,  the  transaction  file  is  posted to a permanent
Giving  data file.  All or individual Quarterly, Annual (or any date range)
Statements  can  be  printed  such  that  they  can  fit any sized windowed
envelope.  Version 1.09 raises categories of giving from 3 to 6.

                                  Page 2
                           Catalog Descriptions

1.  One Liner Description

    (disk  #)  ProDev*MEMBER  Version 1.09 - Extremely full featured Church
    Membership Giving & Talent system for any size of church [ASP].

2.  Complete Description

    (disk  #)    ProDev*MEMBER  Version  1.09  [ASP]  is  an excellent full
    featured  Church Membership Giving, Attendance & Talent tracking system
    for  any  size  church.    The  latest  in pull-down menus and constant
    on-screen  "what  to do next" instructions along with context sensitive
    F1  Help make the system highly intuitive to learn and use.  The system
    uses  dBASE  III+  compatible  files.  The stand-alone program does NOT
    require  the  user  to own Ashton-Tate's dBASE system.  The system will
    keep  track  of  any  number  of  members, non-members, former members,
    shut-ins,   visitors   and   affiliated   missionaries.    By  using  a
    relationally  linked  child  data base, information can be kept on zero
    to  ANY number of children per member.  Givings or Offerings are easily
    posted  and  a  complete  range  of  Giving  Statements can be printed.
    Complete  talent, duties, teaching expertise and ANY information can be
    stored  and selectively reported.  At the LOW registration of $30, this
    is a BEST BUY!

3.                             Feature List

* Pull-Down Menus          * Pop-Up Calendar          * Post Daily Giving
* Extensive Windowing      * Print to printer,        * Track 6 Areas Of
* Instant Screens            screen or disk             Giving
* On-Screen Help           * Printer Support          * Track Open Plate Cash
  Messages                 * Very Fast To Learn       * Track Special Funds
* F1 Context Sensitive       And Use                    (Unlimited Quantity)
  Help Windows             * dBASE II Plus            * Giving Statements
* Complete program           and PC-File:dB             Fit Any Type Of
  with all features          compatible                 Window Envelope
* Complete Manual          * 6 Label Runs             * Easily Correct Giving
* Customize Field          * 12 Reports               * Giving Data Password
  Names To Fit Your        * Draft Or NLQ Printing      Protected
  Church                   * Labels & Reports         * Report Giving Totals
* Virtually unlimited        Include Multiple           for any range of
  data file size             Filters                    dates for budget
* Store Member/Child       * Intelligently search       comparisons
  Talent, Duties or ANY      & report talent or       * Powerful Default
  information as free-       ANY free-form text         Customization
  form text                  information              * Track Attendance

Thank  you  very  much for carrying my Shareware software.  I hope that you
explain  the  Shareware  process  of registration in your catalogs.  If you
have any questions, please be sure to write or call.

         Very truly yours,

         George Abbott                   Member - Association Of
         PRO DEV Software                Shareware Professionals

       Telephone:  616-788-2243  M-F  8:00-5:00  USA Eastern Time
                          CompuServe PPN: 72617,1266


Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2757

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

VERSION1 09H        71   5-15-91  12:00p
MEMBPROG EXE    162376   5-15-91  12:00p
PRINTERS EXE      8997   5-15-91  12:00p
MEMBDATA EXE     26173   5-15-91  12:00p
MEMBDOC  EXE     59531   5-15-91  12:00p
INSTALL  EXE     32999   5-15-91  12:00p
LIST     COM     10231   5-15-91  12:00p
VENDOR   DOC      9503   5-15-91
REGISTER DOC      5154   5-15-91  12:00p
README   DOC      1988   5-15-91  12:00p
GO       BAT        38   7-23-91   2:37a
FILE2757 TXT      1102   8-05-91   2:13a
GO       TXT      1002   8-09-91  12:02a
       13 file(s)     319165 bytes
                       35840 bytes free