PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2754)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


Disk No: 2754
Disk Title: ProDev*EPRICE
PC-SIG Version: S1

Program Title: ProDev*EPRICE
Author Version: 4.10
Author Registration: $35.00
Special Requirements: PC-SIG #533 and a hard drive.

An electrical, plumbing, heating and air conditioning contractor's price
maintenance system designed as companion software to the PRODEV*QUOTE
(PC-SIG #533) system.  This allows contractors to take advantage of
weekly/monthly price updates from either the National Price Service
(USA), Trade Service Corporation (USA), Trade Service Of Australia,
Trade Service Information (UK), or Plumlee Custom Publishing (USA).

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1991 PC-SIG, Inc.


║              <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #2754 ProDev*EPRICE  >>>>                ║
║ To read the installation instructions, type:  LIST README.DOC  (Enter)  ║
║                                                                         ║
║   (Printing and viewing of documentation is in the INSTALL program.)    ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To run the program after installation, type: EPRICE (press Enter)       ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print the registration form, type:  COPY REGISTER.DOC PRN  (Enter)   ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                        (c) Copyright 1991, PC-SIG Inc.  ║


                             NATIONAL PRICE SERVICE

                             THE CATALOG Order Form

                      *** First 3 Months at Half Price ***

      YES!!! Please start _____ subscription(s) to THE CATALOG at $84.00 for
      the first three months of each subscription ordered.

      ___ Enclosed is a check for $ ______ (PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER)

      Or, you can charge the subscription fee for THE CATALOG if you have
      VISA or MASTERCARD (Only the initial subscription can be charged to
      your credit card).

      ___ Please charge my order for $ ______ to my __ VISA __ MASTERCARD

              Card No: __________________  Expiration Date: ___________

              Name: _________________________ (Print exactly as on card)

              Signature: ____________________________ (Required by card)

      After the first three months, please bill us for THE CATALOG Weekly

              ___ Monthly at $56.00 per month
              ___ Quarterly at $168.00 per quarter
              ___ Annually at $638.00 per year (Includes 5% discount!!!)

      COMPANY NAME _____________________________________________________

      NAME _______________________________ TITLE _______________________

      AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE ____________________________ DATE ___________

      ADDRESS __________________________________________________________

      CITY ______________________________ STATE ________ ZIP ___________

      TELEPHONE (_____)____________ EXT _____ BEST TIME TO CALL ________

      COMPUTER MAKE _____________________ OPERATING SYSTEM _____________ 

      DISKETTE SIZE (Check one) ___ 3 1/2   ___ 5 1/4

      You heard about NPS Via PRO DEV Software's PDS*EPRICE Shareware.

      MAIL TO: National Price Service, 4525 W. 160th St.,Cleveland, OH 44135

                   For more information, call 1-800-733-0313


Plumlee Custom Publishing Plumlee Contractor Inventory File - Enquiry

Please complete this form and send to:-

    Plumlee Custom Publishing
    PO BOX 5017
    CLEARWATER  FL  34618

    Tel: 813-443-4548
    Fax: 813-447-7282

I have recently obtained the PDS*EPRICE and PDS*QUOTE systems
developed by PRO DEV Software.

Please  forward full details of your Plumlee Contractor Inventory File

Name:   ________________________________





Tel:    ________________________________

My computer is _________________________ (Insert Make/Model)

using 5.25" MS-DOS Diskettes  ____   }
                                     } Indicate disk size required
      3.5 MS-DOS Diskettes    ____   }



This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP).  ASP wants to make sure that the shareware
principle works for you.  If you are unable to resolve a shareware-
related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly,
ASP may be able to help.  The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute
or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for
members' products.  Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road,
Muskegon MI 49442-9427 or send a Compuserve Mail message to ASP Ombudsman

                 ProDev*EPRICE INSTALL & Upgrade Instructions

If you do NOT have a hard disk, stop now.  The size of the ProDev*EPRICE and
ProDev*QUOTE files will require a hard disk.

If you DO have a hard disk, put the ProDev*EPRICE Shareware disk in drive A:.
Type  . . .

   A:  (Enter)
   INSTALL C: (Enter)

You can use some other drive letter like D, E, F, etc.  The INSTALL program
will create the \PDS sub-directory for you if that sub-directory does not
already exist.  It will already exist if you have previously installed the
ProDev*QUOTE Quotation system.

The INSTALL program has a menu that will allow you to Install the initial
ProDev*EPRICE system, Upgrade an existing PDS*EPRICE installation or Print
the instruction manual.


  Version  4.10   ProDev*EPRICE PRICING SYSTEM REGISTRATION FORM     05/01/91

  Thank  you  for evaluating my Shareware Software.  If you find that you are
  able  to  use  this software beyond the evaluation stage, you MUST register
  your  copy  with PRO DEV Software.  The Registration Fee is only $30.00 FOR
  EACH  COPY  IN  USE plus $5.00 Shipping and Handling.  The next page is the
  order form.  To insure your satisfaction, I offer the following.

                           Pre-Registration Support

      You  can  call  (preferred)  or  write  to  PRO  DEV  Software with any
      necessary   questions  about  setting  up  or  effectively  using  this
      Shareware  for  your  company.    Please  be  sure  to follow the Setup
      instructions in the README.DOC file . . .

           COPY A:README.DOC PRN  (Enter)

      .  .  .  before  calling or writing.  You must operate this system on a
      hard  disk.  You can NOT operate this system on floppy disks due to the
      size  of  the  system.   If I determine that you have received a faulty
      evaluation  copy,  I  will probably send you a complimentary evaluation

      This system works with the ProDev*QUOTE system, and both can be ordered
      on  the  following  registration  form  to  save  an  additional  $5.00
      Shipping  and  Handling  fee.   Please see the registration form on the
      ProDev*QUOTE disk for ProDev*QUOTE warranty information.

                Here is what you will get for your registering.

  1.  You  will  receive  a  registered  copy  of  the  latest version of the
      ProDev*EPRICE system Shareware disk.     You will NOT have to enter the
      copyright  screen  random  number.    You will also be able to skip the
      closing  screen.    You  will  NOT  be  sent  a  printed  copy  of  the
      documentation  as  the  on-disk  manual  is  complete and describes all
      features.   This also holds down the registration cost of this powerful

  2.  You  will  receive  at least 1 year of telephone (preferred) or written
      support.    For  registrants  outside  the USA or Canada, I will not be
      able  to  return  telephone  calls  as  the  overseas rates can rapidly
      exceed the low registration cost.

  3.  If  within  90 days of receiving the registered disks you find that you
      are  not  satisfied  with  the  PDS*EPRICE  system,  you may return the
      REGISTERED  DISK  in  the  original  PRO  DEV  Software disk mailer (or
      equivalent) for a full refund.

  5.  If  you  discover  what  appears  to  be  a  bug, PRO DEV Software will
      attempt  to  resolve  the bug within 30 days from the time that PRO DEV
      Software   receives   your   full  telephoned  (preferred)  or  written
      description  of the bug.  If the cause of the perceived bug is a result
      of  unusual  hardware  or software that you are using, PRO DEV Software
      can  not  always  modify  the  programs  to  operate  with your unusual

  Version  4.10   ProDev*EPRICE PRICING SYSTEM REGISTRATION FORM     05/01/91

  To  register  your copy (or copies), please Send Check, Money Order, Postal
  Order,  Cash  OR  you  can enter your American Express, Master or Visa card
  number  below  along  with your signature.  Canadian registrants can submit
  their  check  using  Canadian  funds WITHOUT exchange rate adjustments.  If
  Canadians  use a Credit Card the Credit Card Company WILL apply the current
  exchange rate.

  [ ] Please send ____ copies of ProDev*EPRICE at $30.00 each  . . . ___.___

  [ ] Please send ____ copies of ProDev*QUOTE  at $40.00 each  . . . ___.___

  [ ] Please send ____ copies of ProDev*QBROWSE at $15.00 each . . . ___.___

  [ ] Please send ____ copies of ProDev*QTRACK at $10.00 each  . . . ___.___

  Non-USA/Canada - Add $5.00 for extra banking & Postage costs . . . ___.___
                                 Add Shipping and Handling . . . . .  $5.00

                                                     TOTAL . . . .  $___.___
  Send to or call:
                    PRO DEV Software                616-788-2243
                    545 Grover Road                 8:00 - 5:00
                    Muskegon, Michigan 49442        Eastern USA Time

  Be SURE to enter your desired PASSWORD for file packing below!

    Password:________    Disk Format:   5 1/4 360k __      3 1/2 720k __
    (up to 8 characters)

  NAME __________________________________________________________________

  COMPANY _______________________________________________________________

  ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________


  CITY ____________________________  STATE ____________ ZIP _____________

  PHONE _____________________________  SIGNATURE ________________________
  (In case of questions & Credit Card)    (Required ONLY for Credit Card)

                                Type of payment

  Check/Money Order__   American Express Card__  Master Card__   Visa Card__

  Credit Card Number _________ _________ _________ ________  Expires ___/___

  For  the  fastest service, mail or telephone order from PRO DEV Software at
  616-788-2243  (M-F  8:00-5:00  Eastern  Time).   You  can also register via
  CompuServe PPN: 72617,1266.

  Version  4.10   ProDev*EPRICE PRICING SYSTEM REGISTRATION FORM     05/01/91


        Computerized Price And Product Updating Service - Enquiry

        Please complete this form and send to:-

            Trade Service Of Australia Pty. Ltd.
            G.P.O Box 2058
            Brisbane 4001
            26 Douglas Street
            Milton QLD. 4064

            Tel: (07) 3698699
            Fax: (07) 3683747

        I have recently obtained the PDS*EPRICE and PDS*QUOTE systems
        developed by PRO DEV Software.

        Please   forward   full   details  of  your  Computerized  Price  File
        Maintenance Service (PFMS) to:-

        Name:   ________________________________





        Tel:    ________________________________

        My computer is _________________________ (Insert Make/Model)

        using 5.25" MS-DOS Diskettes  ____   }
                                             } Tick disk size required
              3.5 MS-DOS Diskettes    ____   }



                                 TRADE SERVICE
                         PFMS DataSelect (TM) Service
                                  Order Form

10996 Torreyana  Road (ZIP 92121)
P.O. Box 85007 (ZIP 92138)
San Diego, CA
Telephone 800-854-1527                        FOR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ONLY
                              SUBSCRIPTION TERMS

Please  enter  our  order  for  the  PFMS  DataSelect  Service.   This is your
comprehensive  standardized  automatic  price  updating service for Electrical
Contractors.   We understand we will be billed $55.00 per month (plus sales or
use  tax  if applicable) for a Weekly Diskette showing all price changes which
occurred  to  the  DataSelect  Material Item File.  This will be sent to us by
Trade  Service.  We will be billed monthly and remittance will be forwarded to
Trade  Service at the above address.  With this order form, we are enclosing a
check  in  the  amount of $165.00, plus tax if applicable, as a non-refundable
pre-payment,  to  cover our first three months of service.  We understand that
this sum will be applied to our account.

We  understand  that  we may cancel this subscription by written notice at any
time.    (NOTE:  All  cancellations  become  effective  as of the first of the
following month).

In  becoming  a  subscriber we understand that you are merely furnishing price
information;  that you do not guarantee the accuracy thereof; that there is no
effort  on  your part toward fixing or regulating prices; and that there is no
understanding  that  the  prices  provided  will  be maintained by anyone.  We
further  understand that all brand and item selections have been made by TRADE
SERVICE;  that  the  prices shown for a brand apply specifically to that brand
only;  and  that  all price adjustments due to the variance between brands and
distinct  geographic  locations  are  the  responsibility  of  the subscriber.
However,  each subscriber's file will contain regional pricing relative to his
subscription  address  below.   Pricing data is furnished without warranty and
Trade  Service  assumes  no  liability for any actions or results from the use
thereof.    We  also  understand  that  all  material  furnished us under this
subscription is for the exclusive use of, and by our organization.

Our Software package was purchased from:  PRO DEV Software - Muskegon, MI

Specify Computer Operating System: __________________________________________

Diskette Size Required:       [_] 3.5"      [_] 5.25"    (Check One)


                                                     DATE ___________________

FIRM NAME (Please Print) ____________________________________________________

STREET ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________

CITY ______________________________ STATE _______ ZIP CODE __________________

ORDERED BY: (Print) _________________________ SIGNATURE:_____________________

TITLE _______________________________________ PHONE _________________________
(Zoned  pricing,  for  your  specific  Zip  Code,  is  also  available  with a
CUSTOMIZED  PFMS subscription.  Please contact Trade Service for a price quote
and additional information.)

REPRESENTATIVE: (Please Print) ______________________________________________

ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________

CITY ______________________________ STATE _______ ZIP CODE __________________


SUBSCRIPTION  TERMS  and  indicate that you heard about Trade Service from the
PRO DEV Software EPRICE system.

                                 TRADE SERVICE
                         PFMS DataSelect (TM) Service
                                  Order Form

10996 Torreyana  Road (ZIP 92121)
P.O. Box 85007 (ZIP 92138)
San Diego, CA
Telephone 800-854-1527                    FOR PLUMBING/HVACR CONTRACTORS ONLY
                              SUBSCRIPTION TERMS

PFMS  DataSelect  is  sold  on  a  subscription  basis  to  contractors.   New
subscribers  receive  a  complete  item  file  load,  followed by a price file
update  disk  every  week,  for  which  they  are  billed monthly at a rate of
$55.00.    For  an initial subscription, Trade Service requires a three month,
non-refundable,    prepayment   of   $165.00   (plus   tax   if   applicable).
Subscriptions  may  be  cancelled by written notice at any time.  Subscription
rates are subject to change without notice.

                          PLEASE READ AND SIGN BELOW:

In becoming a subscriber, I understand that:

1.  Trade  Service  is merely furnishing price information; that Trade Service
not  guarantee  the  accuracy  thereof;  that  there  is  no  effort  on Trade
Service's  part  toward  fixing  or  regulating  prices;  and that there is no
understanding that the prices provided will be maintained by anyone.

2.  All  brand  and  item selections have been made by TRADE SERVICE; that the
prices  shown  for a brand apply specifically to that brand only; and that all
price  adjustments  due to the variance between brands and distinct geographic
locations  are  the responsibility of the subscriber.  (Each subscriber's file
will  contain regional pricing relative to the address to which the DataSelect
service is mailed.)*

3.  Pricing  data  is  furnished without warranty and Trade Service assumes no
liability for any actions or results from the use thereof.

4.  All material furnished us under this subscription is for the exclusive use
of, and by, my organization as shown below.

[_]  PLEASE  ENTER  MY  ORDER for the PFMS DataSelect Service.  I am enclosing
$165.00  as non-refundable prepayment for the first three months of DataSelect
service  and  agree  to  pay  $55.00 per month thereafter, on a month-to-month
basis, as billed.

FIRM NAME (Please Print) ________________________________ DATE ______________

STREET ADDRESS __________________________________________ PO BOX ____________

CITY ______________________________ STATE _______ ZIP CODE __________________

ORDERED BY: (Print) _________________________ SIGNATURE:_____________________

TITLE _______________________________________ PHONE _________________________


Current software vendor:  PRO DEV Software - Muskegon, MI

Specify Computer Operating System: __________________________________________

Diskette Size Required:       [_] 3.5"      [_] 5.25"      [_] 8"

*  Zoned  pricing,  for  your  specific  Zip  Code,  is  also available with a
CUSTOMIZED  PFMS subscription.  Please contact Trade Service for a price quote
and additional information.

SUBSCRIPTION  TERMS  and  indicate that you heard about Trade Service from the
PRO DEV Software EPRICE system.



       Computerized Pricing Service - Enquiry

       Please complete this form and send to:-

            Trade Service Information Ltd
            Computer Services Dept.
            Cherryholt Road
            PE9 2HT

            Tel: (0780) 64331
            Fax: (0780) 57679

       I have recently obtained the PDS*EPRICE and PDS*QUOTE systems
       developed by PRO DEV Software.

       Please forward full details of your Computerized Pricing Service
       and DataSelect Contractors Computerized Price File to:-

       Name:   ________________________________





       Tel:    ________________________________

       My computer is _________________________ (Insert Make/Model)

       using 5.25" MS-DOS Diskettes  ____   }
                                            } Tick disk size required
             3.5 MS-DOS Diskettes    ____   }



Copyright  1989 By PRO DEV Software              ProDev*EPRICE Version 4.10

                                May 1, 1991
                  Vendor Encouragements And Restrictions

This  document  contains  PRO  DEV  Software's  message to Disk Copying and
Bulletin  Board  Services.  This is the second release of ProDev*EPRICE and
is coordinated with Version 4.10 of the ProDev*QUOTE Quotation system.

First  of  all,  thank  you for carrying my Shareware software in your Disk
Copying  Service  catalog  or  on  your  Bulletin Board Service.  You are a
vital link in the Shareware distribution process.

                               You MAY . . .

1.  This ondisk letter authorizes you to include the enclosed ProDev*EPRICE
    Version  4.10  disk  of Shareware software in your Shareware Cataloging
    and  Disk  Copying  Service.    This  is a non-exclusive authorization.
    However,  since this system is used to convert Contractor material item
    prices  from  3  USA and 2 non-USA pricing services to the ProDev*QUOTE
    Quotation  system file format, it MUST be carried with the ProDev*QUOTE
    system  in  your  catalog.   Further,  the ProDev*EPRICE system MUST be
    listed contiguously with the ProDev*QUOTE system.  The two systems work
    together  for  the  fast  growing  numbers  of  contractors  purchasing
    Shareware software.

2.  You  may  sell  disks containing copies of this software as long as you
    do  NOT  imply  to  your customers that this is "free" software.  It is
    best  if  your  catalogs  make it clear that this is Shareware software
    that  the  end  user  must  register  with PRO DEV Software to continue
    using beyond the evaluation stage.

3.  If  you  are  a Disk Copying or Bulletin Board Service and you obtained
    this  software  from  other than PRO DEV Software, you may not have the
    latest  version.   You are encouraged to write or call PRO DEV Software
    and ask for the latest version.

         PRO DEV Software   545 Grover Road   Muskegon, MI 49442

         616-788-2243       CompuServe PPN: 72617,1266

4.  You  may  add  your own files to this disk as long as none of them give
    any impression that this Shareware software is "free".

                             You may not . . .

1.  DO  NOT  remove any of the following files from the disk (or compressed
    file if you are a BBS):


    LIST.COM  is  included on this disk with written permission from Vernon
    Buerg and may NOT be removed or replaced with a different version.

                                  Page 1
Copyright  1989 By PRO DEV Software   Page 2     ProDev*EPRICE Version 4.10

                  Vendor Encouragements And Restrictions

2.  Further,  if you are a Disk Copying Service, please do not compress the
    above  files.    Do  NOT put one of my competitors products on the same
    disk!    Naturally,  a  BBS operator will compress the entire system as
    required.  If you sell 720k or 1.44m disks, you can combine this system
    with ProDev*QUOTE and ProDev*QUOTE Utilities disks.

3.  You  may  not replace the PRICEDOC.EXE SCRNCHed documentation file with
    the  ASCII  EPRICE.DOC  file  or  another form of archiving, packing or
    ziping.    Further,  you may not unLHARC the PRICPROG.EXE, PRINTERS.EXE
    or  the  PRICEDAT.EXE  files.    If you are a BBS, archive/pack/zip the
    above  files  along  with  the other files WITHOUT first unSCRNCHing or
    unLHARCing  those  files.    This is because my INSTALL program expects
    the SCRNCHed and LHARCed files.

I  also  encourage  you  to  give this full featured system the write-up it
deserves  in  your  catalog.    The  next  page  gives my "unbiased" {grin}
suggested  catalog  descriptions.    I  really  get  discouraged when I see
catalogs  that just say "ProDev*EPRICE  Contractors Pricing System".  It is
really  a  powerful,  low  registration  fee  system  that  will  allow the
Contractor  to use the ProDev*QUOTE  Quotation  system  and ALSO be able to
receive weekly price updates from the Pricing Services.

Now  that I have gotten all of that legal stuff out of the way, let me tell
you what is in Version 4.10.  The ProDev*QUOTE system has been evolving for
12  or  14 years, first on a mainframe computer and then as Version 3.0 for
PC/MS-DOS  Shareware  about  4  years  ago.    Version  4.01 was a complete
upgrade  using  pull-down  menus and dBASE compatible files limited only by
available disk space.

                            PDS*EPRICE FEATURES

The  publishing  of  the  ProDev*EPRICE  system  has been requested by many
Electrical,  Plumbing,  Heating  and  Air  Conditioning Contractors who are
registrants  of the popular and low priced ProDev*QUOTE system.  Typically,
the  prices  of  Quote/Bid  software,  compatible  with  the National Price
Service,  Trade  Service  Corporation,  Trade  Service  Of Australia, Trade
Service  Information (UK) or Plumlee Custom Publishers (USA) weekly/monthly
price  updates,  cost  in  the  range  of  $800  to  $2,500.    NOW,  these
Contractors  have a cost effective alternative.  They can take advantage of
their  newly  purchased  low  cost  computer  without  having pay such high
prices.    This release is to coordinate with ProDev*QUOTE Version 4.10 and
includes only minor changes.

    Very truly yours,

    George Abbott

    Member - Association Of          Telephone:  616-788-2243
    Shareware Professionals         CompuServe PPN: 72617,1266

                           Catalog Descriptions

1.  One Liner Description

    (disk  #) ProDev*EPRICE 4.10 [ASP] - Contractors Price Maintenance system
    for ProDev*QUOTE.

    NOTE  To  Disk  Vendor  -  You MUST use wording such that it is obvious
    that this system is used WITH ProDev*QUOTE.

2.  Complete Description

    (disk #) ProDev*EPRICE Version 4.10 Electrical, Plumbing, Heating & Air
    Conditioning   Contractors   Price   Maintenance  system  is  companion
    software to the ProDev*QUOTE  system to allow these contractors to take
    advantage  of  weekly/monthly  price  updates  from either the National
    Price  Service (USA), Trade Service Corporation (USA), Trade Service Of
    Australia,  Trade Service Information (UK) or Plumlee Custom Publishing
    (USA).  Compare the registration price of $35 of ProDev*EPRICE combined
    with the $45 ProDev*QUOTE  registration  price, with the $800 to $2,500
    Quote/Bid systems that use  the weekly price updates.  The ProDev*QUOTE
    Quotation  system  is  an  excellent  full  featured  Quotation  or Bid
    Estimating   system  for  any  Electrical,  Plumbing,  Heating  or  Air
    Conditioning  Contractor  (or  any other type) business.  Requires hard
    disk.  [ASP]

3.                             Feature List

* Pull-Down Menus                       * Freeze Unwanted Items
* Extensive Windowing                   * Customize Descriptions
* Instant Screens                       * Virtually unlimited data file
* On-Screen Help Messages                 size
* Complete program with all features    * Print Reports to printer, screen
* Complete Manual                         or disk
* Customize Field Names                 * Point & Shoot Browse
* Import Data From 5 Price Services     * Printer Support
* Self-Configuring Menus                * Very Fast To Learn And Use

Thank  you  very  much for carrying my Shareware software.  I hope that you
explain  the  Shareware  process  of registration in your catalogs.  If you
have any questions, please be sure to write or call.

    George Abbott


Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2754

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

VERSION4 10        147   5-01-91  12:00p
PRICPROG EXE    119990   7-01-91  12:00p
PRICEDAT EXE     27729   5-01-91  12:00p
PRINTERS EXE      8997   5-01-91  12:00p
PRICEDOC EXE     42593   5-01-91  12:00p
INSTALL  EXE     22883   5-01-91  12:00p
LIST     COM     10231   5-01-91  12:00p
NPSORDER DOC      1979   5-01-91  12:00p
PLMORDER DOC       978   5-01-91  12:00p
TSCORDER DOC      7751   5-01-91  12:00p
TSIORDER DOC      1194   5-01-91  12:00p
TSAORDER DOC      1225   5-01-91  12:00p
VENDOR   DOC      7962   5-01-91  12:00p
REGISTER DOC      5651   5-01-91  12:00p
README   DOC      1362   5-01-91  12:00p
GO       BAT        38   7-23-91   2:37a
FILE2754 TXT       728   8-05-91   2:18a
GO       TXT      1079   8-08-91   8:09a
       18 file(s)     262517 bytes
                       50176 bytes free