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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2753)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


Disk No: 2753
Disk Title: ShareDebate International #4
PC-SIG Version: S1

Program Title: ShareDebate International #4
Author Version: 1/91
Author Registration: Multiple registration plans from $5 through $25.
Special Requirements: 384K RAM.

Issue 4's Headlines:

                     6 GUEST AUTHORS & 7 NEW DEBATES!

                Jerry Pournelle, Milton Friedman, Ben Bova,
             George Gilder, J. Neil Schulman, Murray Rothbard

              On NASA, Laws that do harm, Future of Science,
           Freedom & High Technology, Natural law & Copyrights,
               Economic Spin Doctors & Future Voting Methods

ShareDebate International, a ShareWare diskette magazine, is a
quarterly debate forum for computer users concerned about the present &
future carried by 544 to 1,444 BBSs or Shareware Dealers.  Issue 4
includes material by InfoWorld's & Byte's Jerry Pournelle, Ben Bova
(President, Science Fiction Writers of America), Nobel Laureate Milton
Friedman, Prometheus-winner J. Neil Schulman, Economists George Gilder
& Murray Rothbard, & futurist R.H. Martin. 7 more debate topics are
added to the 12 previous topics.  The full text of a recent law
authorizing the government to get involved with Shareware & Public
Domain Software is also included.

A unique commission/subscription feature is built into ShareDebate
International to encourage people to distribute, participate, and profit
from the disk-based magazine.

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1991 PC-SIG, Inc.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2753

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

DBATE004 BAT       857   1-05-91   7:54a
DBATE004 BW        452   1-05-91   7:54a
DBATE004 CFG       486   1-05-91   7:54a
DBATE004 COL       486   1-05-91   7:54a
DBATE004 HDR      9638   1-05-91   7:54a
DBATE004 MRK     17244   1-05-91   7:54a
DBATE004 NEW        64   1-05-91  12:54p
DBATE004 OLD        72   1-05-91   7:54a
DBATE004 PGE    203874   1-05-91   7:54a
INQUIRY  COM       208   1-05-91   7:54a
IRIS     EXE     65606   1-05-91   7:54a
IRIS     MSG      7472   1-05-91   7:54a
SI004FLS BW        452   1-05-91   7:54a
SI004FLS CFG       486   1-05-91   7:54a
SI004FLS COL       486   1-05-91   7:54a
SI004FLS MRK      3074   1-05-91   7:54a
SI004FLS PGE      8366   1-05-91   7:54a
SOFTSERV BW        452   1-05-91   7:54a
SOFTSERV CFG       486   1-05-91   7:54a
SOFTSERV COL       486   1-05-91   7:54a
SOFTSERV MRK      2489   1-05-91   7:54a
SOFTSERV PGE     17356   1-05-91   7:54a
READ     ME       1587   1-05-91   7:54a
FILE2753 TXT      1587   7-09-91   2:20a
GO       BAK         0   8-08-91   7:38a
GO       BAT       826   8-08-91   7:38a
       26 file(s)     344592 bytes
                        3072 bytes free