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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2750)

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Disk No: 2750
Disk Title: ShareDebate International #5 & #6
PC-SIG Version: S1

Program Title: ShareDebate International #6
Author Version: 4/91
Author Registration: Multiple registration plans from $5 and up.
Special Requirements: 384K RAM.

Issue 6's Headlines:

             ShareDebate International's first double-disk issue
          Featuring 11 popular authors including Jerry Pournelle &
                     the League for Programming Freedom!
      Also, ShareDebate has gone Semi-Annual to half subscription costs!
                   Spring/Summer 1991 (Issue #5 & #6)

ShareDebate International, a ShareWare disk magazine, formerly a
quarterly, is now semi-annual starting with this double-disk issue (#5 &
6). It is a debate forum for computer users concerned about the present
& future carried by 544 to 1,444 BBSs or Shareware Dealers.

                 Debates & Articles in This Double Disk Issue

Prior to this issue there were 19 debate topics (named in issue #4).
Five new debate topics have been added. Three are related to the Gulf
War and the Palestinian problem. One is a catch-all topic, which is used
by Sysop-Attorney Paula Goldman in her coverage of recent FCC actions
that impact the computer industry. The other topic covers intellectual
property law and programming freedom. Four position papers of the League
for Programming Freeedom, including one written for ShareDebate
International, kick off this debate.

Benston and Kaufman review the history of S&Ls. Bova writes about
freedom of information over the satellite waves. General Graham writes
on the political limitations imposed on the Patriot. The 28 Americans
killed by the Scud missile didn't need to die. Pournelle discusses how
government hurts progress.  Smith assesses the National Interest Project
level Stock market proposal.  Schulman's Prometheus- winning novel,
Alongside Night, is excerpted (7 chapters). Martin writes on the Gulf
War and viruses. McAfee Associates' latest version of its virus detector
is included, SCAN76-C.

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1991 PC-SIG, Inc.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2750

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