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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2739)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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                             PUZZLERS Challenge.
                   Copyright (c) 1991, by Dennis J. Yelton.
                             All Rights Reserved.

          Ok, so you've finally solved a 7x7 Quilt puzzle and you think
     you're pretty smart, right?  Well, let's not be so hasty.  The REAL
     challenge isn't just to solve the puzzle, but to solve it in as few
     moves as possible.  It turns out that any 7x7 Quilt, no matter how
     thoroughly it's scrambled, can always be solved well within the
     "Genius" range.  So how close did you come, Sherlock?  Think you can
     do better?  Well, that's what the Challenge Puzzle is all about.
     This is the 7x7 Quilt puzzle obtained when loading the file
     CHALLENG.PZL from the FILES menu.

          You are hereby challenged to solve the Challenge Puzzle in WELL
     under the 171 moves required by the "Genius" version of SOLVE.  Yes,
     it CAN be done.  In fact, it can be done with a vengence!  But you may
     require a little help, so the following Clue Poem is provided for your
     assistance.  Within the poem are all the clues needed to conquer the
     Challenge Puzzle with embarassing ease.  Of course, you first have
     to unlock the mysteries of the poem.  But once you do, you'll be
     astonished at the result!


      CLUE POEM:

                              CAN IT BE DONE?


                               D. J. Yelton

           They say it can not be done,

              Though fools are bound to try,

           Adrift in rudderless ships

              On endless seas so dry.

                               They say it's like the ether,

                                  A hole that will not fill,

                               A torrent without limit,

                                  Transcending human skill.

           But some could not ignore it,

              Like feathered shaft it came,

           Pointing forever upwards,

              To heights of greatest fame.

                               The learned among them knew

                                  A skeptic's often right,

                               But reckoned like their fellows

                                  There'd been an oversight.

           From Alpha to Omega,

              From Hercules to Zeus,

           They boldly tried to scorch it,

              But only cooked their goose.

                               Much later came the Great Ones,

                                  Courageously they fought.

                               But they each succumbed in turn,

                                  Till all t'was left was naught.

           Now we KNOW -- it CAN'T be done,

              The rules are much too strict.

           But if they're too restrictive,

              Perhaps they should be fixed.

                               So if you have the patience,

                                  Look closely and you'll see

                               A number and procedure

                                  To solve the mystery.


Disk No: 2739
Disk Title: Puzzlers
PC-SIG Version: S1

Program Title: Puzzlers
Author Version: 1.00
Author Registration: $15.00
Special Requirements: 512K RAM, EGA or VGA monitor.

PUZZLERS is a puzzle game that has been described as a two-dimensional
Rubik's Cube.  PUZZLERS has a variety of numbered grids, each containing
a colorful pattern, which the computer or another player can scramble by
shifting individual rows and columns.  Individual moves are shown on the
screen as the pattern is scrambled.  The object of the game is to
unscramble the grid in the least number of moves.

PUZZLERS has two main patterns:  checkered boards containing letters of
the alphabet and quilt designs.  The size of the grid square can range
from 3 X 3 to 7 X 7.

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1991 PC-SIG, Inc.


Copyright (c) 1991, by Dennis J. Yelton.  All Rights Reserved.

     ORDER INFORMATION   (Offer for Version 1.00 expires Jan. 1, 1995)

          To order a registered copy of "PUZZLERS," complete the form below.
     The cost is $12.50 for the software, plus a $2.50 charge for shipping
     and handling.  (Texas residents must add sales tax -- see order form.)
     All payments must be in U.S. dollars, and payable to Dennis J. Yelton.
     (Checks or money orders must be drawn on a U.S. bank.)  Return the
     completed form, with the payment, to:

                           Puzzlers Purchase Order
                           c/o Dennis J. Yelton
                           2901 Barton Skyway #1404
                           Austin, Tx. 78746.

     Orders may take about a week to process.  Allowing for postal lag
     time, you should receive your order about two weeks after sending
     the form.  The only exception is if you send your order during my
     annual two-week vacation.  So to be safe, if you're ordering this
     for a friend's birthday present or something, you should allow four
     weeks total processing time.

          PUZZLERS requires an IBM PC or compatible type computer, at least
     512K of RAM, EGA or VGA color graphics, and DOS 2.0 or greater.  Also,
     a processor speed of at least 8 MHz is recommended, but not required.

          Here's what you get for your money:

                1.  The most recent registered update of PUZZLERS.EXE.
                    This includes the "Expert and "Genius" versions of
                    SOLVE, the DESIGN feature, and the twenty-six demo
                    puzzle files.  (See PUZZLERS.DOC.)

                2.  The program documentation file (PUZZLERS.DOC).

                3.  A collection of PUZZLERS hints, tips, suggestions, and
                    general information (PZLHINTS.DOC).  This fifty-seven
                    page file contains thorough, detailed information on:

                       a. How to solve an Alphabet Soup puzzle -- a simple
                          procedure which will make you an instant "Expert."

                       b. How to solve a Quilt puzzle -- guidelines on how
                          to deduce the position of any quilt tile, even if
                          you've never seen the unscrambled solution!

                       c. How SOLVE works -- see what's behind the "Genius"
                          of SOLVE.

                       d. A description of several of the PUZZLERS puzzles'
                          basic mathematical properties -- clear and
                          thorough explanations; no complicated mathematical

                       e. Thirty hints for unraveling the mysteries of the
                          Clue Poem!  (Including a complete solution.)

               4.  A ninety day limited warranty on the program diskette.

               5.  Free support for six months.     

               6.  A 50% discount on all future version upgrades.

     ORDER FORM (#000019) (Version 1.00 -- offer expires on Jan. 1, 1995.)

     Complete all items and return with a full payment of $15.00, in U.S.
     dollars, payable to Dennis J. Yelton.  (Texas residents, add $1.09
     sales tax.  Austin MTA residents, add an additional $0.11.)



         COMPLETE mailing address:_________________________________________




          Which type of diskette? (Check only one)

                       5.25" diskette ___

                       3.5"  diskette ___


          The registered user's name will appear on the title page, where
          it reads "Unregistered User" in the unregistered version of the
          program.  Please print the registered user's name in the blanks
          below EXACTLY as you wish it to appear on the title page.  (Use
          capital letters only where you wish them, etc.).  You are
          limited to a maximum of twenty-six characters, including spaces
          and punctuation.  The name you give must be that of a private
          individual, and not that of a group, club, organization, etc.
          If you are obtaining this program for a friend, be sure to use
          your FRIEND's name and not your own.

          REGISTERED USER: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

      IV. COMMENTS (Optional, but greatly appreciated.)

          Where did you learn about PUZZLERS? _____________________________


          General Comments & Suggestions: _________________________________





                            PUZZLERS Documentation.

                   Copyright (c) 1991, by Dennis J. Yelton.

                             All Rights Reserved.


          1.  Title Page .................................. page  1

          2.  Contents .................................... page  2

          3.  Files You Should Have ....................... page  3

          4.  License ..................................... page  4

          5.  Registration ................................ page  4

          6.  Hardware Requirements ....................... page  5

          7.  Getting Started ............................. page  5

          8.  Printing the Documentation Files ............ page  7

          9.  Obtaining Help .............................. page  8

         10.  Selecting a Puzzle .......................... page  8

         11.  Alphabet Soup Puzzles ....................... page  8

         12.  Quilt Puzzles ............................... page  9

         13.  Demo Puzzles ................................ page 10

         14.  The Challenge Puzzle ........................ page 10

         15.  Designing Your Own Puzzle ................... page 11

         16.  Puzzle Manipulation ......................... page 11

         17.  File Management ............................. page 12

         18.  Scrambling a Puzzle ......................... page 12

         19.  The SOLVE Feature ........................... page 13

         20.  Sound Adjustment ............................ page 14

         21.  Speed Adjustment ............................ page 14

         22.  Color Adjustment ............................ page 15

         23.  Rating Your Performance ..................... page 15

         24.  Obtaining Maximum Enjoyment from PUZZLERS ... page 17

         25.  Hints, Tips, and Suggestions ................ page 18

         26.  Error Messages .............................. page 19

         27.  Warranty Disclaimer ......................... page 21

                                     -- 2 --


          This unregistered version of PUZZLERS includes the following:

               1. The program:  PUZZLERS.EXE

               2. The program documentation file:  PUZZLERS.DOC

               3. PUZZLERS order / registration information:  ORDRINFO.TXT

               4. PUZZLERS Challenge information:  CHALLENG.TXT

               5. PUZZLERS demo puzzle files:

                     a. The PUZZLERS Challenge Puzzle:  CHALLENG.PZL

                     b. Alphabet Soup demo puzzles: A3_DEMO.PZL,  A4_DEMO1.PZL,
                                                    A4_DEMO2.PZL, A4_DEMO3.PZL,
                                                    A5_DEMO1.PZL, A6_DEMO1.PZL,
                                                    A6_DEMO2.PZL, A7_DEMO.PZL

                     c. Quilt demo puzzles:  Q3_DEMO.PZL,  Q4_DEMO1.PZL,
                                             Q4_DEMO2.PZL, Q4_DEMO3.PZL,
                                             Q4_DEMO4.PZL, Q5_DEMO1.PZL,
                                             Q5_DEMO2.PZL, Q5_DEMO3.PZL,
                                             Q6_DEMO1.PZL, Q6_DEMO2.PZL,
                                             Q6_DEMO3.PZL, Q6_DEMO4.PZL,
                                             Q7_DEMO1.PZL, Q7_DEMO2.PZL,
                                             Q7_DEMO3.PZL, Q7_DEMO4.PZL.

          These files are provided "as is," without any warranties,
     expressed or implied.  (See WARRANTY DISCLAIMER, page 21.)  They allow
     you to completely enjoy all ten of the PUZZLERS' puzzle categories.
     None of the features provided by these files differ in any way from
     the corresponding features of the registered version of PUZZLERS.
     However, registered users do receive two program enhancements allowing
     them to design their own Quilt puzzle patterns, and examine computer
     generated solutions to any puzzle position.  Additional registration
     benefits are listed on the next page, under REGISTRATION.

          If for some reason you did not receive all of these files, you
     may order either registered or unregistered copies of PUZZLERS.
     (Offer for  Version 1.00  expires on Jan. 1, 1995.)  For information
     on ordering the registered version, see the file ORDRINFO.TXT.  For an
     UNregistered version of the program, send $2.50 shipping and handling
     charges (payable to Dennis J. Yelton) to

                          Puzzlers Unregistered Order
                          c/o Dennis J. Yelton
                          2901 Barton Skyway #1404
                          Austin, Tx. 78746.

     (Texas residents add $0.18 sales tax.  Austin MTA residents add an
     additional $0.02.)  Payments must be in U.S. dollars, and any check
     or money order must be drawn on a U.S. bank.  Specify the diskette
     size (5.25'' or 3.5'') and your complete mailing address.

                                     -- 3 --


          PUZZLERS is not free software, but Shareware.  Please register if
     you enjoy the program and plan to keep it for more than 30 days.
     Consult the file ORDRINFO.TXT for registration details.

          This unregistered version of PUZZLERS may be freely distributed
     without profit, provided none of the files are altered in any way
     (except archiving), and all of the files listed on page 3 are kept
     together as a package.  Other rights may be granted, but only by
     explicit written consent of the copyright owner, Dennis J. Yelton.

     REGISTRATION:  (Offer for  Version 1.00  expires on Jan. 1, 1995.)

          Anyone who enjoys PUZZLERS is encouraged to become a registered
     user.  Consult the file ORDRINFO.TXT for registration and ordering
     details.  Registered users receive the following benefits:

               1. A personalized copy of the most recent PUZZLERS update.

               2. Two special program enhancements:

                       a. The SOLVE feature (both "Expert" and "Genius"
                          versions), which will efficiently solve any
                          puzzle position in an instructive manner.  (See
                          page 13 for more details on the SOLVE feature.)

                       b. The DESIGN feature, for designing your own Quilt
                          puzzles.  (See page 11 for more details.)

               3. A PUZZLERS general information file (PZLHINTS.DOC) filled
                  with helpful hints, tips, and suggestions.  This
                  fifty-seven page file contains thorough, detailed
                  information on:

                       a. How to solve an Alphabet Soup puzzle -- a simple
                          procedure which will make you an instant "Expert."

                       b. How to solve a Quilt puzzle -- guidelines on how
                          to deduce the position of any quilt tile, even if
                          you've never seen the unscrambled solution!

                       c. How SOLVE works -- see what's behind the "Genius"
                          of SOLVE.

                       d. A description of several of the PUZZLERS puzzles'
                          basic mathematical properties -- clear and
                          thorough explanations; no complicated mathematical

                                     -- 4 --

                       e. Thirty hints for unraveling the mysteries of the
                          Clue Poem!  (Including a complete solution.)

               5. A limited warranty.  If your program diskette has any
                  defects, it may be replaced free of charge for ninety
                  days after the date of purchase.

               6. Free support for six months (postal mail & CompuServe
                  email).  All problems or questions will receive a prompt
                  and courteous response.

               7. A 50% discount on all future version upgrades of PUZZLERS.

               8. Registration provides positive feedback, and motivates
                  further development of high quality / low cost products.


          The hardware requirements for running PUZZLERS are: an IBM PC
     compatible computer with at least 512 KB of RAM, and an EGA or VGA
     color graphics system.  Although not required, a processor speed of at
     least 8 MHz is strongly recommended.  The graphics based menu system
     may be a bit sluggish for slower speeds.

           PUZZLERS does not require, nor does it support, a mouse.


          Before doing anything else, please make a backup copy of your
     program diskette!  Your copy of DOS came with a utility program,
     called DISKCOPY, explicitly for this purpose.  If you are uncertain of
     how to use DISKCOPY, refer to your DOS manual and/or the instructions
     that came with your computer.

          The registered version of the PUZZLERS program can be executed
     directly from the diskette on which it was received.  (This may also
     be true for unregistered users, depending on how the program was
     obtained.)  Once the computer has been turned on (and DOS has been
     loaded), simply set the default drive of the computer to that
     containing the PUZZLERS diskette, and type:


     (all commands must be followed by pressing the ENTER, or RETURN, key).

                                     -- 5 --

     For example, if the diskette is in drive A, type


     to set the default directory to drive A.  (If the diskette is in
     another drive, substitute the appropriate letter for "A.")  Then type


     to start the program.

          You can also install PUZZLERS onto a hard disk, if available.  If
     you do not know how to do this, then follow the example below.  (Again,
     this procedure may vary for unregistered users, depending on the form
     in which the program was received.)  The example assumes the program
     diskette is in drive A, and the hard drive is drive C.  If these are
     different for your computer, then substitute the appropriate letters
     for "A" and "C."  Once DOS is loaded, begin by typing


     to set the default drive to the hard disk.  Then type


     to "Change Directory" to the root directory of the hard drive.  Next,

                                  MD PUZZLERS

     to "Make Directory" called PUZZLERS.  And follow this by typing


     to "Change Directory" to the new PUZZLERS directory.  Then, with the
     program diskette in drive A, type

                                  COPY A:*.*

     to copy all the files from the program diskette to the PUZZLERS
     directory.  This completes the installation.  The program can now be
     run at any time by first typing


     to set the default drive to hard disk, and then


     to "Change Directory" to the PUZZLERS directory, and finally


     to start the program.

                                     -- 6 --

          PUZZLERS was designed to be user friendly.  You shouldn't even
     need to read this file to enjoy the program.  Basically, all you have
     to remember is that if you ever get stuck, and don't know what to
     do, just take a look at the "Active Keys" bar at the bottom of the
     screen.  The "Active Keys" bar always indicates the ONLY keyboard
     keys that the program will accept at any given time.  These keys are
     "lit" on the bar.  When more than one key is lit, each represents
     acceptable input.  If you're not sure which of the lit keys to use,
     then EXPERIMENT -- you aren't going to break anything!  Within a few
     minutes you'll probably never even need the "Active Keys" bar again.

          The only other thing you need to know about is the PUZZLERS HELP
     system.  The main menu displays a HELP item, which contains detailed
     information on every aspect of the program.  To learn more about
     a particular program feature, just examine the corresponding item
     under HELP.

          Right now you know everything you NEED to know to enjoy PUZZLERS.
     If you're in a hurry to check out the program, then quit this file and
     get to it!  The rest of this stuff can wait for a rainy day.


          The registered version of PUZZLERS is accompanied by four text
     (The unregistered version does not include PZLHINTS.DOC.)  These can
     all be printed out using the DOS PRINT utility.

          Before printing a file, first check to see that your printer is
     turned on, loaded with an ample supply of paper, and set to begin
     printing at the start of a new page.  To use the DOS PRINT utility,
     load DOS and type PRINT followed by the name of the file to be printed.
     Preface the filename by the letter designating the drive in which it
     is located.   For example, if ORDRINFO.TXT is in drive A, you can
     print it by typing

                              PRINT A:ORDRINFO.TXT

     (followed by ENTER, or RETURN).

          Each text file has been preset at 66 lines per page, which is the
     standard for dot matrix printers.  Users with laser printers may wish
     to use the editor of their choice to edit COPIES of these files to 60
     lines per page.  (You have permission to do this ONLY under the
     condition that all edited copies are erased IMMEDIATELY after
     printing.)   For PUZZLERS.DOC (and PZLHINTS.DOC), this is easily done
     by simply deleting lines 1, 2, 3, 62, 65, and 66 from each page.

                                     -- 7 --


          Virtually all the help you need can be obtained while running the
      program.  Just select HELP from the main menu.  For more explicit
      details on a given feature, see the corresponding topic within this


          Choose a puzzle by selecting the PUZZLES menu item.  Two types
     of puzzles are available, "Alphabet Soup" and "Quilt."  Each is
     available in several different sizes.  Registered users also have the
     option of designing their own Quilt puzzles.  (For more details, see


          The Alphabet Soup puzzles are composed of a square grid of tiles,
     each displaying an alphanumeric character.  Each of the grid rows can
     be moved horizontally left and right, and each of the columns can be
     moved vertically up and down.  The rows and columns all "wrap around"
     on themselves, so that a tile which would otherwise leave the grid
     actually reappears on the other side.  If you think about it, you'll
     see that this makes the square grid sort of like a donut.  Effectively,
     the top edge of the grid is connected to the bottom edge, and the left
     edge is connected to the right.  Imagine taking a piece of ordinary
     writing paper, folding the bottom edge up to the top edge (this forms
     a tube), and then folding the left edge of the tube over to meet the
     right edge.  Presto!  A donut!  (Mathematicians call this shape a
     "torus."  When a torus is represented as a square, as in the puzzle,
     they say the square has "periodic boundary conditions."  This is just
     a fancy way of saying it "wraps around.")

          In a puzzle's original state, all alphanumeric characters of the
     grid are "in order."  Beginning with the capital letters of the
     alphabet, the letters appear in alphabetical order from left to right
     and from top to bottom (like the words in a book).  In the larger
     puzzles the capital letters are followed by the numerals 0 - 9, and
     these numerals are then followed by the lower case letters of the
     alphabet.  We will say that a puzzle in this well-defined order is
     "unscrambled," or "solved."

                                     -- 8 --

          This nice, pristine order can be destroyed by randomly moving the
     rows and columns to and fro ("scrambling").  The object of the puzzle
     is to restore such a scrambled grid to its original, unscrambled
     position.  Once you've mastered this feat, an additional challenge is
     to minimize the number of moves you require to unscramble the puzzle.
     (See RATING YOUR PERFORMANCE, page 15.)

          If you're familiar with puzzles at all, the PUZZLERS grid
     probably reminds you a lot of the old "15 Puzzle" that used to be so
     popular.  You know which one; it was the puzzle with the 15 numbered
     tiles and one "hole" in a frame.  You could move the numbered tiles
     around in the frame by sliding them into the "hole."  Yes, THAT "15
     Puzzle."  (This puzzle was invented about a century ago by the King of
     Puzzledom, Sam Lloyd.)  Well, the two puzzles may LOOK similar, but
     looks can be deceiving.  In fact, the Alphabet Soup puzzles are
     considerably more subtle and difficult than the "15 Puzzle."  The
     primary reason is that the PUZZLERS grid doesn't have a "hole."
     Without the "hole," several tiles must be moved together as a unit.
     You don't have the luxury of moving ONE tile over a space, and then
     TWO tiles up a space, etc.  With PUZZLERS, you HAVE to move the same
     number of tiles every time.  As an example of the terrible dilemma
     this can pose, try solving the demo puzzle A4_DEMO3.PZL.  You can load
     this from the FILES menu when running PUZZLERS.


          The Quilt puzzles are really no different from the Alphabet Soup
     puzzles, except for the design on the tiles.  But since the Quilt
     tiles aren't clearly "numbered," it is not obvious where they are
     supposed to go.  There IS a pattern, however, since the unscrambled
     solution must look like a quilt.  Moreover, for the predesigned quilts,
     this pattern is unique; there's only one way each one can be
     unscrambled into a pristine Quilt.  By matching colors and stitches on
     adjacent tiles you should be able to reconstruct this unique solution.

          Sound simple enough?  If it does, then you're probably in for
     quite a shock.  The predesigned quilt patterns weren't just chosen
     at random, the larger ones were very carefully designed to provide
     maximum frustration.  So don't be so surprised if you think you're well
     on your way to a solution when suddenly nothing else fits!  (Take a
     look at some of the Quilt demo files, and you'll see a few of the
     ghastly problems that can arise.)  If you're serious about solving the
     larger Quilts, you'd better look for more than the obvious "matching
     colors and stitches on adjacent tiles."  There are other, more subtle
     clues available.  If followed carefully, they will lead you directly
     to the solution.  No "tricks" are required -- just sound, solid
     reasoning.  (NOTE: Registered users, consult the file PZLHINTS.DOC
     for detailed descriptions of many of these additional clues.)

                                     -- 9 --


          PUZZLERS is accompanied by several demo puzzles for your general
     amusement.  You may load these demos from the FILES menu.  These
     puzzles are simply certain scrambled positions of the Alphabet Soup
     and Quilt puzzles, and were designed primarily for educational
     purposes.  Most of them are "almost solved," with only a few tiles out
     of position.  Since the PUZZLERS puzzles become more difficult as you
     near the solution, these demos provide you with the opportunity to
     develop your skills in those areas where they really count.  If you
     can design a procedure that allows you to efficiently solve all the
     demos, you'll be well on your way to "Genius" status.  (See RATING
     YOUR PERFORMANCE, page 15.)

          But be warned, just because a particular procedure works well for
     for a certain size puzzle doesn't mean it'll work well for another
     size puzzle.  In fact, it may not work at all.  As a case in point,
     develop your own technique for solving Q4_DEMO1.PZL and then try using
     a similar technique for solving its larger "twin," Q7_DEMO3.PZL.  Go
     ahead, see what happens.

          Didn't work, did it?  (Yes, it CAN be done.)  Something very
     subtle is going on here.  Do you see what it is?  Be patient; see if
     you can discover the "secret" on your own.  If you're really stumped,
     and are a registered user, the "secret" is revealed in the file
     PZLHINTS.DOC.  Also, IF you're a registered user, you can use the
     SOLVE feature to learn a simple and efficient technique for solving
     any puzzle position (including all the demos.)  If you're not a
     registered user, consult the file ORDRINFO.TXT to see how to become


          So, you think you've got it all figured out, huh?  Then you
     should be about ready for a REAL challenge.   That's what the
     Challenge Puzzle is all about.  To view this puzzle, load the file
     CHALLENG.PZL from the FILES menu.  Go ahead, take a look.

          Still think you've got what it takes?  Well, even if you don't
     think so, you probably do.  The Challenge Puzzle is, in fact, MUCH
     easier than it appears.   But chances are you'll still require a
     little help if you want to beat SOLVE's score for this puzzle (171
     moves).  Fortunately, this help is provided in the form of a Clue Poem,
     located in the file CHALLENG.TXT.  The poem contains all the clues
     needed to find a dazzlingly brief solution!  (Registered users:  30
     additional hints to the Clue Poem, and a complete solution, are
     provided in PZLHINTS.DOC.)

                                     -- 10 --

     DESIGNING YOUR OWN PUZZLE:  (Program enhancement for registered users.)

          The DESIGN feature allows you to create your own imaginative
     Quilt puzzles.  More than a trillion trillion trillion different
     designs are possible!  Using this option, you can create puzzles
     with levels of difficulty ranging from the trivially simple to real
     brain-wrenching monstrosities.

          Here's how it works.  From the PUZZLES menu, select the DESIGN
     option for the quilt size you desire, and a randomly generated Quilt
     puzzle of that size will appear.  A white, circular cursor will also
     appear on one of the quilt "patches."  This cursor can be moved to any
     of the quilt patches using the cursor (arrow) keys.  The color of the
     patch containing the cursor can be changed using the SPACE bar.
     Repeatedly pressing the SPACE bar will cycle through all fourteen
     color choices.  After changing the color of one patch, move the cursor
     to another and change its color, etc.   Continue this procedure until
     the quilt pattern you desire is achieved.  At that point, you can exit
     the DESIGN mode by pressing ESC.  (If you like, you can use the
     original randomly generated design by immediately pressing ESC.)

          (NOTE: When solving a user-designed Quilt puzzle, the computer
     will recognize the puzzle as solved only when it is restored EXACTLY
     to its original position.  You may wish to design patterns having many
     solutions, in which case the computer will recognize only one of these.
     This course was purposely chosen, because the ratings performance chart,
     displayed when a puzzle is solved, is valid only for puzzles having a
     single solution.  Puzzles with many solutions are, of course, easier
     to solve, so displaying the same chart for each solution would simply
     be furnishing inaccurate information.  Naturally, this shouldn't
     prevent you from choosing any design you please.  If it's your design,
     you can consider it solved whenever you like.  After all, you're not
     going to let a computer push you around, now are you?)


          Each move consists of sliding an entire row one space to the
     left or right, or an entire column one space up or down.  The
     direction of movement is selected with the cursor keys (you know,
     the ones with the little arrows on them).  Once a direction is
     selected, all subsequent movements will be in that same direction
     until another cursor key is pressed.  The row or column to be moved is
     chosen by the corresponding numeral key.  For an explicit example,
     run the program and see the  HELP / DIRECTIONS  menu.

                                     -- 11 --


          PUZZLERS has the ability to store, retrieve, and delete files
     containing any puzzle position.  These puzzle files are saved to the
     default directory (usually the same drive and directory containing
     PUZZLERS.EXE).  You may save up to 128 files in this directory.  If
     you wish to work with more files, you may do so by running PUZZLERS
     from a diskette drive and inserting a blank, formatted diskette when
     you exceed the 128 file limit.  When running PUZZLERS from a diskette
     drive, you can only save puzzle files if the diskette is NOT
     write-protected (see the instructions that came with your diskette).

          To save the current puzzle position, select SAVE from the FILES
     menu.  You will be prompted to enter a name for that position.  Enter
     the name by typing any sequence of up to eight alphanumeric characters
     (letters and numerals).  (You may also use any other character which
     the keyboard will accept.)  The name you choose should be distinct
     from that of all the other puzzle files; if it isn't, the old file
     with the same name will be lost.  (Don't worry, you'll be warned
     before the old file is overwritten.)  If you don't remember the names
     of your old puzzle files, you can display them using the LOAD option.
     Please note that SAVE automatically appends the extension ".PZL" to
     all puzzle filenames.

          To retrieve a puzzle position, select LOAD from the FILES menu.
     Another menu will appear, showing all available puzzle files.  If
     there are too many files to fit on this menu, select the last item
     ("More...") to view the remaining filenames.  Please note that when
     you load a puzzle position that the former position, shown on the the
     screen, is lost.  If you want, you may prevent this by first storing
     the former position using the SAVE option.

          To delete a puzzle file, select ERASE from the FILES menu.
     You will be prompted to enter the filename of the file you wish to
     delete.  (If you don't remember to name of this file, you can display
     all available filenames using the LOAD option.)  You are NOT required
     to enter the ".PZL" extension, since ERASE automatically appends this
     to all filenames.  When needed, you may use DOS wildcards to delete
     multiple files.  (Refer to your DOS manual if you are unfamiliar with


          The easiest way to scramble a puzzle is to use the SCRAMBLE menu
     option.  When SCRAMBLE is used, the computer randomly moves the rows
     and columns until the ESC key is pressed.  To ensure a thorough
     scrambling, the number of moves made by SCRAMBLE should be at least
     three times the total number of tiles in the puzzle.  The "Move"

                                     -- 12 --

     counter is always reset to zero after using SCRAMBLE, allowing you to
     better track your performance.  (See RATING YOUR PERFORMANCE, p. 15.)

     THE SOLVE FEATURE:   (Program enhancement for registered users.)

          The SOLVE feature was designed to serve both as an educational
     tool and as a strong opponent.  (For ideas on how to compete against
     whole idea is that SOLVE is smart, but not too smart.  That is, it's
     smart enough to make a formidable opponent but simple enough that
     anyone can comprehend what it does.  Further, when used in conjunction
     with the demo puzzles, SOLVE can actually teach you everything you
     need to come within an arm's reach of "Genius" status.

          SOLVE is very easy to use.  You can call on SOLVE's help from any
     puzzle position by simply selecting SOLVE from the main menu.  When
     you do, you'll have a choice between two versions of SOLVE, "Expert"
     and "Genius."  These names refer to the rated performance of each
     version.  (See RATING YOUR PERFORMANCE, page 15.)  On selecting one of
     the two, a "Thinking" message will briefly appear, informing you that
     SOLVE is studying the current position.  Below the message will be an
     indicator gauging the remaining "think time."  Also, when the message
     appears, all of the incorrectly placed puzzle tiles will begin to
     blink (or flash).  This gives you immediate feedback on whether any
     particular tile is in its correct position (very useful, if you're
     stumped on a Quilt).

          When the "Thinking" message is removed, it is replaced by a
     "Ready" message -- SOLVE is ready for action!  This message indicates
     that SOLVE has decided on a move or, more likely, a sequence of moves
     that will advance the puzzle one stage closer to the final solution.
     This move sequence will usually place one or more of the incorrectly
     placed tiles into their correct positions without (permanently)
     altering the positions of the other correctly placed tiles.  To reveal
     the move sequence, first press ENTER (or RETURN) to remove the "Ready"
     message.  When the message is removed, the incorrectly placed tiles
     will cease to blink, and a new set of tiles will begin to flash
     (blink).  These newly flashing tiles are the ones whose positions will
     be different AFTER the move sequence is performed.  One or more of
     these may flash more brightly than the others, indicating that they
     will be moved to their correct positions.

          You can have SOLVE perform its move sequence, slowly, a few moves
     at a time, by repeatedly pressing the SPACE bar.  The same tiles will
     continue to flash, so you can easily track them as they are moved to
     different positions.  The non-flashing tiles will have the same
     positions before and after the move sequence.  When the move sequence
     is completed another "Thinking" message will appear, and the entire
     procedure can be repeated until a complete solution is obtained.

                                     -- 13 --

     Alternatively, you can exit the SOLVE mode at any time by pressing ESC.

          (NOTE: Occasionally, you may find it useful to temporarily
     suspend the blinking of the tiles.  You can do this at any time by
     pressing the PAUSE key.  With a little judicious timing, you can
     freeze the screen in either the "blink on" or "blink off" state.  This
     is particularly useful when only a few tiles are in their correct
     positions.  In this case it is often easier to recognize these tiles
     by pausing in the "blink on" state.  Blinking can be resumed by
     pressing any other key.  Please note that if you pause while SOLVE is
     thinking that the thinking will cease until another key is pressed.)

          If you find you're having difficulty developing your own solution
     strategy, SOLVE can actually teach you how it solves a puzzle!  This
     is best done by watching SOLVE tackle the demo puzzles.  Most of the
     demos have only a few misplaced tiles, so you can easily follow
     SOLVE's approach.  Careful observation of how SOLVE handles just a few
     of the demos will teach you all you need to know to solve any of the
     Alphabet Soup puzzles.  For a more thorough discussion of how to solve
     both the Alphabet Soup and Quilt puzzles, see the file PZLHINTS.DOC
     (available only to registered users).  This file also contains details
     on how SOLVE works, why some "nearly solved" positions seem so
     difficult, and other puzzle properties.


          The SOUND menu option is used to toggle the sound on and off.


          The speed of all puzzle movements can be adjusted using the SPEED
     menu item.  This affects ONLY the speed of movement, and not that of
     any other program feature.  For a given speed, the larger puzzles will
     move more slowly than the smaller puzzles.  You can neutralize this
     effect by choosing a fast speed for the larger puzzles and a slow
     speed for the smaller puzzles.

                                     -- 14 --


          With the Quilt puzzles, it is particularly important that you are
     able to distinguish the colors of the different quilt "patches."  The
     larger Quilts use 14 colors, other than black and white.  If you have
     difficulty distinguishing these colors, select COLOR ADJUST from the
     HELP menu.  A color pattern with all 14 colors will appear.  You should
     adjust the brightness, contrast, and color controls of your video
     monitor until you can clearly discriminate all 14 colors.


          Whenever you solve a puzzle a message of congratulations will
     appear, telling you how well you've performed based on the number
     of moves you required.  The message will rank you into one of the
     categories "Novice," "Veteran," "Expert," "Genius," or "Super Genius."
     To obtain an accurate rating for a particular puzzle, you should
     thoroughly scramble and solve the same puzzle several times, keeping
     a record of your scores.  Average the scores, and round this figure to
     the nearest whole number to calculate your rating.  (This rating may
     not be valid for user-designed puzzles -- see DESIGNING YOUR OWN
     PUZZLE, page 11.)

          (NOTE: You can view the rating performance chart for any puzzle
     by loading the unscrambled position from the PUZZLES menu, making any
     single move to "scramble" the puzzle, and then reversing the move to
     "unscramble" the puzzle.)

          You should be aware that the category names are in no way
     intended as a reflection of your general intellegence.  The categories
     could have easily been named "A," "B," "C," etc., but somehow terms
     like "Super Genius" seem more fun.  Nevertheless, you may be curious
     as to how the scores separating the different categories were chosen.
     For the Alphabet Soup puzzles, the demarcations were determined by the
     average performances of four solution algorithms (computer programs)
     designed by the author.  These algorithms represent solution
     strategies ranging from extremely simple and unsophisticated to
     comparatively complex.  They were each used to solve several (see
     below) thoroughly scrambled positions for each puzzle size.  The
     average scores were used as the boundaries between the categories.

          (NOTE: Actually, the simplest program was never written; the
     algorithm is so simple that the averages can be reliably calculated
     by hand.  The other three were written and tested as stated.  The
     "Expert" and "Genius" versions of SOLVE are two of these algorithms.)

          The first algorithm, used to determine the "Novice" / "Veteran"
     boundary, is incredibly naive.  It completely ignores the "wrap around"

                                     -- 15 --

     nature of the puzzle grid, always choosing the VISIBLY shortest route
     when placing a tile.  Further, it makes no attempt to coordinate the
     movements of the tiles.  It always positions the tiles one at a time
     (and in alphabetical order) with total disregard to how this procedure
     affects the positions of the other displaced tiles.  Anyone who
     develops a reliable solution technique will easily outperform this

          The "Veteran" / "Expert" algorithm (which is the "Expert" version
     of SOLVE) uses a considerably more sophisticated approach.  It is fully
     aware of the "wrap around" boundaries, always choosing the true
     shortest route for positioning any tiles it decides to move.  Moreover,
     it will usually correctly place at least two tiles per move sequence,
     and makes a modest attempt to coordinate the movements of those tiles
     that are not moved to their correct positions.  This program was used
     to solve each size puzzle 100 times.

          The "Expert" / "Genius" algorithm ("Genius" SOLVE) is very
     similar to the last.  The only difference is that this version devotes
     much more "think time" to coordinating the movements of several tiles.
     If only a few tiles are mispositioned, it will usually choose the same
     move sequence as the previous algorithm.  But when most of the tiles
     are out of place, it rarely chooses the same move sequence.  In fact,
     it frequently makes moves that appear nonsensical, but which actually
     "set up" several tiles for future move sequences.  This program was
     also used to solve each size puzzle 100 times.

          The final algorithm was used to determine the "Genius" / "Super
     Genius" demarcation.  Again, it uses the same basic approach, but
     devotes a WHOLE, WHOLE lot of time to coordinating the tile movements.
     (This algorithm is painfully slow for the 6x6 and 7x7 puzzles.)  Due
     to the long run times, fewer puzzles were solved to determine the
     demarcation averages.  Of course, this also reduces the statistical
     reliability of these averages.  The number of solutions obtained for
     for each puzzle is as follows:  3x3 - 100,  4x4 - 50,  5x5 - 30,
     6x6 - 15,  7x7 - 10.

          Although this procedure for selecting the Alphabet Soup
     categories is reasonably objective, the same is not true of that used
     to determine the Quilt categories.  The reason is that, in principal,
     the Quilt puzzles should take no longer to solve than the Alphabet
     Soup puzzles.  Ideally, one could work out all of the Quilt tile
     positions before making the first move.  However this is not the
     intent of these puzzles, and it's certainly not how most people will
     approach them.  The idea is that you should be able to determine the
     tile positions AS you solve the puzzle, working out the positions
     entirely in your head.  If approached in this spirit, the Quilts will
     clearly require more moves.

          One reliable method of scaling the Quilt category demarcations
     would be to accumulate a large statistical data base of performance
     results over a broad, heterogeneous population.  Unfortunately, your
     author doesn't have the time, patience, or resources to undertake such
     an endeavor.  So instead, I accumulated a small nonstatistical data

                                     -- 16 --

     base of performance results for a narrow, homogeneous population --
     namely, just me.  Of course, this is a pitifully inadequate substitute
     for the "real thing," but this is my game and I'll do as I please.

          Basically, here's what was done.  First I rated myself on each of
     the Alphabet Soup puzzles, then I obtained my performance average for
     each of the Quilt puzzles.  For each puzzle size, I calculated the
     percentage increase in my average score when going from the Alphabet
     Soup to the Quilt puzzles.  I then increased all the category
     demarcation scores (for the same size puzzle) by the same percentage,
     rounding all results to the nearest whole number.  These scaled scores
     were used for the Quilt puzzle demarcations.

          Now, before you even think of picking up that pencil and writing
     a scathing letter to point out all the implicit assumptions suggested
     by this procedure, many of which are obviously incorrect, let me
     assure you that I am well aware of this.  I simply chose to ignore
     the problem.  If you still feel compelled to write, then please do.
     Criticism or not, I will be glad to hear from you.


          There are many ways to enjoy the challenge of PUZZLERS, alone or
     with a friend.  Here are just a few ideas:

               1.  Compete with a friend.  Save a scrambled position with
                   the FILES / SAVE menu option; both you and your friend
                   should try to solve the same puzzle position in the
                   fewest number of moves.  For an extra challenge, see
                   who can design the most difficult Quilt puzzle.  (You
                   should agree in advance as to what does and does not
                   constitute a valid solution to a user-designed puzzle
                   -- see DESIGNING YOUR OWN PUZZLE, page 11.)

               2.  Compete against SOLVE.  Save a scrambled position with
                   the FILES / SAVE menu option, so both you and SOLVE can
                   tackle the same position.  Begin by competing with the
                   "Expert" version of SOLVE.  As your rating improves,
                   see if you can take on the "Genius" version.

               3.  Compete against yourself.  Keep a written record of your
                   performance.  Watch yourself go from "Novice" to
                   "Genius," -- and if you're REALLY, REALLY smart, maybe
                   even "Super Genius."

               4.  Accept the PUZZLERS challenge!  Ordinarily you'd have to
                   be a real pro to beat the "Genius" version of SOLVE on
                   a 7x7 Quilt.  Not so with the Challenge Puzzle,
                   CHALLENG.PZL.  If you can unlock the mysteries of the

                                     -- 17 --

                   Clue Poem (see CHALLENG.TXT), you can achieve a score
                   that would make even the best "Super Genius" turn
                   multicolored with envy.

               5.  Develop solution techniques for all the demo puzzles.
                   How efficiently can you solve the demos?  Can you
                   expand the techniques you discover to formulate an
                   efficient general solution strategy?

               6.  If you're a computer fiend, write your own SOLVE
                   algorithm.  Can you write a program that's more
                   efficient than SOLVE?

               7.  Why stop with PUZZLERS?  Invent your own puzzle.  Write
                   and distribute your own puzzle program.  Come on in,
                   the water's fine.


          Would you like to know more about PUZZLERS?  Perhaps you need a
     little help developing a reliable solution strategy.  Or maybe you've
     noticed that some of the puzzles "behave" differently than others.
     It's not just that they're bigger and harder, but well .......... ,
     "different."  Possibly you've had difficulty with a few of the demo
     puzzles, like Q7_DEMO3.PZL or Q7_DEMO4.PZL, which seem SO CLOSE to a
     solution, but are maddeningly difficult.  (In fact, both Q7_DEMO3.PZL
     and Q7_DEMO4.PZL can be solved in less than 25 moves.)  Or perhaps
     you're still struggling with the Challenge Puzzle, and can use a few
     more hints.

          Then you should read the file PZLHINTS.DOC (available only to
     registered users.)  Here, you'll find more information about PUZZLERS
     than you probably care to know.  You'll learn how to tackle even the
     most challenging PUZZLERS puzzle.  You'll learn why Q7_DEMO3.PZL and
     Q7_DEMO4.PZL seem so difficult, but are in fact dirt simple.  You can
     examine thirty additional hints to the Clue Poem / Challenge Puzzle --
     and if you can't resist, the complete solution is also available.
     You'll even learn how both the "Expert" and "Genius" versions of SOLVE
     work, and may be amazed at their pure simplicity.  So, what are you
     waiting for?  Dive into PZLHINTS.DOC!

                                     -- 18 --


          Here are a few error messages you may encounter, and what they

               1.  Device driver not found.

                      The program tried to load a non-EGA or non-VGA
                      graphics driver, and failed.  This program will
                      only run with EGA or VGA color graphics.  If you
                      have such capability, then check to be sure your
                      video mode is set for 16 colors with a screen
                      resolution of 640x350 before retrying the program.

               2.  Error:  Corrupt data file.  Program must terminate.

                      You have tried to load a puzzle file containing
                      bad data, or the program made an error when reading
                      the file.  Try loading the file again; if the same
                      problem occurs the puzzle file is no good.

               3.  Error:  Insufficient memory for menu allocation.

                       The program ran out of memory when trying to create
                       a menu.  It is recommended that you run PUZZLERS on
                       a machine with at least 512 KB of RAM.  Also, it is
                       NOT recommended that you run the program from within
                       a shell, or while a Terminate and Stay Resident
                       (TSR) program is executing.

               4.  Error:  Menu exceeds screen boundaries.

                       You should never see this message.  If you do,
                       there is a bug in the program.

               5.  File not found.

                       The program tried to erase a puzzle file it could
                       not find.  If the file exists, make certain it is
                       in the default directory (probably the same
                       directory containing PUZZLERS.EXE).

               6.  Puzzle files not found.

                       The program was unable to locate any puzzle files
                       when the FILES / LOAD menu option was selected.
                       Make certain the files are located in the default
                       directory (probably the same directory containing
                       PUZZLERS.EXE).  Also, if you rename any puzzle
                       files they should always have a ".PZL" extension.

                                     -- 19 --

               7.  Security error.  Program terminated.

                       The program has been altered, perhaps by a copying
                       error.  Use your backup copy of PUZZLERS to replace
                       the file PUZZLERS.EXE.

               8.  Sorry, this program requires an EGA or VGA adaptor
                   supporting 640x350x16colors.

                        The program was unable to find the appropriate EGA
                        or VGA adaptor setting.  PUZZLERS will only run
                        with EGA or VGA color graphics.  If you have such
                        capability, then check to be sure your video mode
                        is set for 16 colors with a screen resolution of
                        640x350 before retrying the program.

               9.  Too many puzzle files.

                       You have attempted to save more than 128 puzzle
                       files, the maximum that PUZZLERS can accommodate.
                       If you need to use more, see FILE MANAGEMENT on
                       page 12.

              10.  Unable to create file.

                        PUZZLERS was unable to create the puzzle file you
                        tried to save.  Try again; if the same problem
                        occurs, your disk may be full or write-protected.

              11.  Unable to open the file PUZZLERS.EXE.  File must be in
                   the default directory.  Do not rename this file.

                      PUZZLERS.EXE will not run if renamed.  Also, the
                      program must be located in the default directory.
                      (See GETTING STARTED, page 5.)

                                    -- 20 --



     states do not allow the exclusion of the limit of liability for
     consequential or incidental damages, so the above limitation may not
     apply to you.

          This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of
     Texas and shall inure to the benefit of Dennis J. Yelton, and any
     successors, administrators, heirs, and assigns.  Any action or
     proceeding brought by either party against the other arising out of
     or relating to this agreement shall be brought only in a STATE or
     FEDERAL COURT of competent jurisdiction located in Travis County,
     Texas.  The parties hereby consent to in personam jurisdiction of said

                                     -- 21 --

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2739

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

PUZZLERS EXE    131173   3-17-91   1:42p
PUZZLERS DOC     53430   3-02-91  11:20a
ORDRINFO TXT      5542   3-17-91   1:42p
CHALLENG TXT      3460   2-10-91   8:19p
CHALLENG PZL       170   1-02-91   6:25p
A3_DEMO  PZL       170   1-02-91   6:19p
A4_DEMO1 PZL       170   1-02-91   6:19p
A4_DEMO2 PZL       170   1-02-91   6:19p
A4_DEMO3 PZL       170   1-02-91   6:25p
A5_DEMO  PZL       170   1-02-91   6:20p
A6_DEMO1 PZL       170   1-02-91   6:20p
A6_DEMO2 PZL       170   1-02-91   6:20p
A7_DEMO  PZL       170   1-02-91   6:20p
Q3_DEMO  PZL       170   1-02-91   6:21p
Q4_DEMO1 PZL       170   1-02-91   6:21p
Q4_DEMO2 PZL       170   1-02-91   6:21p
Q4_DEMO3 PZL       170   1-02-91   6:21p
Q4_DEMO4 PZL       170   1-02-91   6:19p
Q5_DEMO1 PZL       170   1-02-91   6:22p
Q5_DEMO2 PZL       170   1-02-91   6:22p
Q5_DEMO3 PZL       170   1-02-91   6:22p
Q6_DEMO1 PZL       170   1-02-91   6:22p
Q6_DEMO2 PZL       170   1-02-91   6:23p
Q6_DEMO3 PZL       170   1-02-91   6:23p
Q6_DEMO4 PZL       170   1-02-91   6:23p
Q7_DEMO1 PZL       170   1-02-91   6:24p
Q7_DEMO2 PZL       170   1-02-91   6:24p
Q7_DEMO3 PZL       170   1-02-91   6:24p
Q7_DEMO4 PZL       170   1-02-91   6:24p
FILE2739 TXT       878   8-07-91  12:49a
GO       BAT       159   8-07-91   8:11a
PREVIEW  EXE      7347   4-18-91   1:15p
       32 file(s)     206239 bytes
                       90112 bytes free