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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2733)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5150"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5150" to load....


                                                        Appendixes   277


    This appendix contains a complete set of error messages you may
    encounter using the PADtalk scripting language. The compiler error
    messages are listed first, followed by the runtime error messages.

    For general error messages received when working with HyperPAD features
    not involving PADtalk, see "General Error Messages" in the User's Guide.


    When you compile a script from the Script Editor or the message box,
    HyperPAD checks for any PADtalk syntax errors you have made, displaying
    an error message if necessary.

    The messages produced by the HyperPAD compiler are listed below in
    numerical order. Each error message is described briefly.

    0.  General syntax error.

    The compiler has detected an unknown syntax error. Please report this
    condition to Brightbill-Roberts.

    1.  "handler" or "function" expected.

    HyperPAD was unable to compile a handler or function because it was not
    preceded by a handler or function keyword.

    2.  Reserved.

    Reserved for future use.

    3.  "begin..end" block must follow handler or function.

    HyperPAD was unable to compile a statement following a handler or
    function keyword because the statement was not enclosed by a begin...end

    4.  Reserved.

    Reeserved for future use.

    5.  Reserved.

    Reserved for future use.

    6.  Incomplete statement.

    The compiler reached the end of a script before it expected to.

    Check the syntax of your script and make any necessary corrections.

                                                        Appendixes   278

    7.  Reserved.

    Reserved for future use.

    8.  Can't use "begin..end" block in message box or do command.

    A begin...end block can only be used within a HyperPAD script.

    9.  String too long.

    Your script contains a string that is too long.

    A string used in a script cannot exceed 255 characters.

    10.  Identifier too long.

    Your script contains an identifier that is too long, preventing HyperPAD
    from compiling the handler or function in which the identifier is used.

    An identifier in a script cannot exceed 255 characters.

    11.  "do" expected.

    The compiler has encountered a while statement without a matching do.

    12.  "then" expected.

    The compiler has encountered an if statement without a matching then.

    13.  "hyperpad" expected.

    The compiler has encountered an exit to or pass to statement and expects
    HyperPAD to be the destination reference.

    14.  "return" statement only allowed in functions.

    HyperPAD has found a return statement in a handler.

    15.  Invalid or missing object reference.

    The compiler has encountered a reference to an object that does not
    exist, or one that does not suit the operation being performed.

    16.  Reserved.

    Reserved for future use.

    17.  Invalid number of arguments for this property.

    HyperPAD cannot compile your statement, because you have specified too
    many or two few arguments for a property.

                                                        Appendixes   279

    18.  } expected.

    The compiler has encountered an open brace without a matching close

    19.  Reserved.

    Reserved for future use.

    20.  "of" expected.

    The compiler has encountered a statement such as set, edit, or case
    without a matching of.

    21.  ) expected.

    The compiler has encountered an open parenthesis without a matching
    close parenthesis.

    22.  Identifier can't be a destination reference.

    The compiler has located the use of an identifier (such as a keyword
    like begin) that cannot be used as a destination reference.

    23.  Invalid identifier in expression.

    The compiler has encountered an expression that incorrectly uses an
    identifier such as a function or a quoted string.

    24.  Page and/or pad reference expected.

    The compiler has encountered a statement, such as go to, without a
    required page or pad reference.

    25.  "pause" or "programDirectory" expected.

    The compiler encountered a run command that uses the with preposition
    with an identifier other than pause or program directory.

    26.  Identifier is not a property.

    The compiler has encountered a statement that attempts to set or get
    something that is not a valid HyperPAD property.

    27.  Can't set this property.

    The compiler has encountered an attempt to set a property that cannot be
    set; for example, you cannot set properties such as layer, markedLines,
    currentLine, longName, ID, or longID.

                                                        Appendixes   280

    28.  Identifier can't be made global.

    A global statement was encountered in which the identifier being
    declared global was previously used as a local variable.

    29.  Quoted string not allowed.

    The compiler has encountered a statement whose handler name is a quoted

    A statement must be in the form:  handlerName [arm 1,arm 2,...]

    where handlerName is the unquoted name of the handler.

    30.  ; expected.

    The compiler has encountered consecutive statements without a semicolon
    to separate them.

    31.  ( expected.

    The compiler has encountered a close parenthesis without a matching open

    32.  Reserved.

    Reserved for future use.

    33.  Invalid parameter to "number of".

    A number of function was encountered using a text parameter.

    Check the required syntax for the number of function and try again.

    34.  Only 3 replies allowed in "answer" statement.

    The compiler has encountered an answer statement with four or more

    Check your answer statement.

    35.  "to" expected.

    The compiler has encountered a statement, such as set, send, for, add,
    convert, or write, without a matching to.

    36.  "from" expected.

    The compiler has encountered a statement, such as subtract or read,
    without a matching from.

                                                        Appendixes   281

    37.  "by" expected.

    The compiler has encountered a multiply or divide statement without a
    matching by.

    38.  Reserved.

    Reserved for future use.

    39.  Reserved.

    Reserved for future use.

    40.  "until" expected.

    The compiler has encountered a statement, such as repeat or read, that
    requires a matching until.

    41.  "end" expected.

    The compiler has encountered a case statement without an end keyword.

    42.  : expected.

    The compiler has encountered a statement, that requires a colon.

    43.  = expected.

    The compiler expected to find a statement in the form, for statement for
    <variable> = <number>, but the = sign was left out.

    The compiler has encountered a for statement without the required
    assignment operator.

    44.  Invalid container name.

    The compiler has encountered a statement that contains an improper
    reference to a container.

    Make sure that your identifier reference is a valid identifier, i.e.,
    one that starts with an alphabetic character, _ or $, and is followed by
    only alphanumeric (A..2, O..9) characters, or the _ or $ character.

    45.  Duplicate handler name.

    The compiler has encountered the use of a single handler name twice in
    the same script.

    46.  Duplicate function name.

    The compiler has encountered the use of a single function name twice in
    the same script.

                                                        Appendixes   282

    47.  Invalid characters in container name.

    The compiler has used an invalid character in a container name.

    Use only the alphanumeric characters (A..Z and 1..9), or the $ and _
    characters, in your container names.

    48.  "page" expected.

    The compiler has encountered a pop statement without a page reference.

    49.  Page reference expected.

    The compiler has encountered push statement without a page number.

    50.  More than one statement encountered.

    You have entered an invalid statement into the message box and the
    compiler cannot process it.

    Make sure that you enter only a single statement in the message box.

    51.  Container name not allowed.

    The compiler has encountered a do statement where a container name is
    improperly used as the operand.

    52.  Can't use reserved word as container name.

    The compiler has encountered the improper use of a reserved word such as
    begin as a container name.

    53.  Can't change local container to global.

    The compiler has encountered an attempt to change a local container into
    a global variable.

    54.  Container is already global.

    The compiler has encountered a global statement whose operand is already
    a global.

    Delete the global statement from your script, or place the global
    statement at the beginning of the script.

    55.  "left" or "right" expected.

    An effect has been used, the direction it expected is missing.

                                                        Appendixes   283

    56.  Effect name expected.

    The compiler has encountered a visual statement without a matching
    effect name.

    57.  Can't use this direction with the specified effect.

    The compiler has encountered a visual statement with an invalid

    Check the syntax of the effect you chose and try again.

    58.  "delay" expected.

    The compiler has encountered a visual statement that uses the with
    preposition, but the delay is not specified.

    59.  Object reference expected.

    The compiler has encountered an edit statement without a valid object

    60.  "script" expected.

    The compiler has encountered the statement, edit the, without a proper
    script reference.

    61.  Incomplete expression.

    The compiler has reached the end of an expression unexpectedly.

    62.  "pause" already specified.

    The compiler has encountered a run statement with two pauses.

    63.  "directory" already specified

    A run statement was encountered in which the program directory keyword
    was used more than once.

    64.  Sort option already specified.

    Conflicting options were encountered in a sort statement.

    65.  Reserved.

    Reserved for future use.

                                                        Appendixes   284

    66.  "dateTime", "numeric", "text", "ascending", "descending" or "by"

    The compiler has encountered a sort by statement without a sort

    67.  Background field reference expected.

    The compiler has encountered a find statement in which the "in"
    parameter is specified,  but the reference to a background field not.

    68.  "paramCount" and "params" do not take arguments.

    The compiler has encountered a paramCount or params function that
    incorrectly uses arguments.

    69.  "param" must take one argument.

    The compiler has encountered a param function that uses zero or more
    than one argument.

    70.  Color name expected.

    The compiler has encountered a set statement that requires a color name.

    71.  "chars", "words", "items" or "lines" expected.

    The compiler has encountered a chunking statement where the chunking
    reference is not found.

    72.  , expected

    An incorrect number of arguments to a command has been encountered by
    the compiler.

    73.  " expected.

    The compiler has encountered an open quote without a matching close

    74.  Background reference not allowed with page id.

    A background has been specified with a page referred to by its ID.

    Since pages referenced by their ID are unique, the background
    specification is unnecessary.

    75.  Invalid or no target object specified in "send".

    The compiler has encountered a send statement that does not properly
    refer to a HyperPAD object.

                                                        Appendixes   285


    Runtime errors occur as HyperPAD executes a compiled script. When a
    runtime error occurs, HyperPAD displays an error message with two
    choices: <<Script>> and <Cancel>.  If you select <Cancel>, HyperPAD will
    stop execution of the script. If you select <<Script>>, HyperPAD loads
    the Script Editor and displays the script that caused the runtime error.

    Note: If you compiled the original script with the Debug option on,
    HyperPAD will place the cursor on the line that caused the error. If the
    Debug option was off at the time of the compile, the cursor will be
    placed at the top of the script after an error.

    0.  Unknown runtime error

    Your script has generated an unknown runtime error. Please report this
    condition to Brightbill-Roberts.

    1.  Argument to arithmetic routine is not a number

    Your script attempted an arithmetic operation upon a string instead of a

    2.  Argument to "param" is not a number

    An argument passed to the param function was text, rather than a number
    as required.

    3.  Argument to "param" is less than 1

    You passed a number less than 1 to the param function.

    The number passed to the param function must be between 1 and the number
    of parameters. If you pass a number larger than the number of
    parameters, the param function will return empty.

    4.  Argument to "print" is not a number

    The number of pages parameter passed to a print command contained text,
    rather than a number as required.

    5.  Argument to "character" is not a number

    A character chunk parameter did not evaluate to a number.

    6.  Argument to "word" is not a number

    A word chunk parameter did not evaluate to a number.

    7.  Argument to "item" is not a number

    An item chunk parameter did not evaluate to a number.

                                                        Appendixes   286

    8.  Argument to "line" is not a number

    A line chunk parameter did not evaluate to a number.

    9.  Invalid object ID

    An object was referred to with a non-existent ID number.

    10.  Can't find object ID

    An object was referred to with a non-existent ID number.

    11.  Can't find object offset or name

    An object was referenced using a non-existent name or number.

    12.  Invalid characters in date/time format

    An argument contained an unrecognizeed date or time format.

    13.  Parameter to function is not a number

    An text argument was passed to a function that requires a number.

    14.  Reserved.

    Reserved for future use.

    15.  Reserved.

    Reserved for future use.

    16.  No corresponding "case"

    A case statement has been evaluated with a selector that has no
    corresponding case.

    Use an otherwise statement to handle unexpected values for the selector.

    17.  Argument to unary minus is not a number

    The minus sign was placed before a text value.

    The minus sign can only be used with numeric arguments.

    18.  "pop" encountered with no previous "push"

    The pop page command was executed with no page on the page stack.

    Use the push statement to push pages onto the page stack.

                                                        Appendixes   287

    19.  Delay is not a number

    The parameter specified as the delay for the visual command is not a

    20.  Target can't be used with this operation

    The target object is not being used in accordance with its type.

    21.  Invalid use of current object

    The currentObject is not being used in accordance with its type.

    22.  Invalid number of arguments for function

    A built-in function has been called with too many or too few arguments.

    23.  Invalid argument to "domenu"

    The doMenu command has been called with an invalid choice.

    The parameters to doMenu are the commands exactly as displayed in the
    menus; a dimmed choice cannot be used as an argument to doMenu.

    24.  Invalid chunking parameter

    An argument used in a chunking expression is either negative or not a

    25.  Invalid argument to "keypress"

    The keyPress message has been received, but the argument is not numeric.

    26.  Can't modify scripts at current user level

    An attempt to edit a script was made with the user level less than

    The userLevel property must be set to Scripting to edit scripts.

    27.  "true" or "false" expected

    An attempt has been made to set a property that requires a boolean value
    to something other than true or false.

    28.  Accelerator key out of range

    An attempt has been made to set the acceleratorKey of a button or field
    to a value less than 0 or greater than 255.

                                                        Appendixes   288

    29.  Invalid coordinates

    An attempt has been made to set the rectangle or location to coordinates
    that make it impossible to display the object on screen.

    30.  "on" or "off" expected

    An attempt has been made to set a property that requires a value of on
    or off to something other than on or off.

    31.  "layer" or "position" expected

    An attempt has been made to set the tabbing property to a value other
    than layer or position.

    32.  "thin" "fat" or "off" expected

    An attempt has been made to set the cursor property to a value other
    than thin, fat, or off.

    33.  Text size too big for operation

    An attempt has been made to increase the number of fields in a container
    to a number greater than 30,000.

    34.  Not enough memory to get field content

    There is not enough memory for HyperPAD to make an internal copy of the
    content of a field.

    35.  Invalid insertion point

    An attempt has been made to set the insertPoint property of a field to a
    value less than zero or greater than number of characters in field.

    36.  Invalid file number

    An invalid number was used with the read, write, or close command.

    Only numbers returned from open(), append(), or create() can be used as
    a reference to a file.

    37.  Number expected for "chars"/"words"/"items"/"lines"

    The read command was used with a non-numeric value specifying how many
    characters, words, items, or lines to read from a file.

    38.  File has not been opened

    A read, write, or close command has been used to refer to a file that is
    not open.

                                                        Appendixes   289

    Use open(), append(), or create() to prepare a file for use with read or

    39.  Can't print without starting print job

    A print command has been used with the printer property set to off.

    40.  Query expression must evaluate to "true" or "false"

    The expression supplied to the query command does not evaluate to true
    or false.

    41.  Invalid style

    The style of a button or field has been set to an improper value for
    that object type.

    42.  "top" or "left" expected

    An attempt has been made to set the namePosition property of a field to
    a value other than top or left.

    43.  "left", "right", or "centered" expected

    An attempt has been made to set the align property of a button or field
    to a value other than left, right, or centered.

    44.  Invalid argument to "send"

    An attempt has been made to send an invalid message with the send

    Messages sent with the send command must be a single, non-hyphenated

    45.  Math error - invalid

    A floating point math error has occurred.

    46.  Math error - denormal

    Your script generated a very small floating-point number resulting in a
    possible loss of significance.

    47.  Math error - divide by zero

    Your script attempted to divide by zero.

    48.  Math error - overflow

    Your script generated an overflow in a floating-point operation.

                                                        Appendixes   290

    49.  Math error - underflow

    Your script generated an underflow in a floating-point operation.

    50.  Math error - inexact

    Your script generated a loss of precision in a floating-point operation.

    51.  Math error - invalid argument to math function

    A built-in math function was called with a non-numeric argument.

    52.  Math error - loss of significance

    Your script generated a loss of significance in a floating-point

    53.  Invalid number format

    An attempt has been made to set the numberFormat property to an improper

    The numberFormat is a text value consisting of a number of zeros,
    followed by a decimal point, followed by 0 or more zeros, followed by 0
    or more pound signs (#).

    54.  Too much recursion

    HyperPAD has run out of stack space, a condition caused either by a
    handler that repeatedly calls itself or other nested handlers.

    55.  Invalid communications port setting

    An improper value for the modem, baud, parity, stopBits, or dataBits
    property was encountered.

    56.  Can't find page

    An attempt has been made to a number less than zero or greater than the
    number of pages in the pad.

    57.  Out of memory

    An operation requiring a large amount of memory has been attempted at a
    time when memory is low and cannot be recovered by HyperPAD.

    This condition occurs when you have pending handlers on pages that
    cannot all be contained in memory at the same time.

                                                        Appendixes   291


    The following table contains all of the keystrokes recognized by
    HyperPAD. Use the table for:

    1.  Determining the numbers passed to the keyPress handler. For example:

    handler keypress(keyNumber);
      if keyNumber is 7181 then
        answer "ENTER was pressed";

    2.  Determining the text returned by the key() function. For example,
    key(7181) returns "enter". The following example uses the key() function
    to evaluate a keypress:

    handler keyPress(keyNumber);
      get key(keyNumber);
      if it is "ENTER" then
        answer "the ENTER key was pressed"
      else if it is "SHIFT+PGDN" then
        go to the next page
      else if it is in "0123456789" then
        answer "A number was pressed";

    If the key pressed was a letter, number, or punctuation, then that
    character is returned by key().

    3.  Determining special key combination for the record command. For

    record "{alt+f}{enter}";

                                                        Appendixes   292

    Key:           Key Code:            Key:            Key Code:
    ENTER          7181                 CTRL+PGUP       33792
    ESCAPE         283                  CTRL+PGDN       30208
    TAB            3849                 SHIFT+UP        18488
    SHIFT+TAB      3840                 SHIFT+DOWN      20530
    BACKSPACE      13592                SHIFT+LEFT      19252
    SLASH          13615                SHIFT+RIGHT     19766
    SPACE          14624                SHIFT+PGUP      18745
    ALT+EQUAL      33536                SHIFT+PGDN      20787
    ALT+DASH       33280                SHIFT+HOME      18231
    CTRL+BACKSPACE 3711                 SHIFT+END       20273
    CTRL+ENTER     7178                 F1              15104
    ALT+SLASH      13808                F2              15360
    ALT+PERIOD     13552                F3              15616
    CTRL+MINUS     3103                 F4              15872
    BIGPLUS        20011                F5              16128
    BIGMINUS       18989                F6              16384
    PERIOD         13358                F7              16640
    SHIFT+DEL      21294                F8              16896
    UP             18432                F9              17152
    DOWN           20224                F10             17408
    RIGHT          19712                F11             34048
    LEFT           19200                F12             34304
    HOME           18176                ALT+F1          26624
    END            20224                ALT+F2          26880
    PGUP           18688                ALT+F3          27136
    PLUS           20011                ALT+F4          27392
    MINUS          18989                ALT+F5          27648
    INS            20992                ALT+F6          27904
    DEL            21248                ALT+F8          28416

                                                        Appendixes   293

    Key:           Key Code:            Key:            Key Code:
    ALT+F9         28672                ALT+V           12032
    ALT+F10        28928                ALT+W           4352
    ALT+F11        35584                ALT+X           11520
    ALT+F12        35840                ALT+Y           5376
    CTRL+F1        24064                ALT+Z           11264
    CTRL+F2        24320                ALT+1           30720
    CTRL+F3        24576                ALT+2           30976
    CTRL+F4        24832                ALT+3           31232
    CTRL+F5        25088                ALT+4           31488
    CTRL+F6        25344                ALT+5           31744
    CTRL+F7        25600                ALT+6           32000
    CTRL+F8        25856                ALT+7           32256
    CTRL+F9        26112                ALT+8           32512
    CTRL+F10       26368                ALT+9           32768
    CTRL+F11       35072                ALT+0           33024
    CTRL+F12       35328                CTRL+A          7681
    SHIFT+F1       21504                CTRL+B          12290
    SHIFT+F2       21760                CTRL+C          11779
    SHIFT+F3       22016                CTRL+D          8196
    SHIFT+F4       22272                CTRL+E          4613
    SHIFT+F5       22528                CTRL+F          8454
    SHIFT+F6       22784                CTRL+G          8711
    SHIFT+F7       23040                CTRL+H          8968
    SHIFT+F8       23296                CTRL+I          5897
    SHIFT+F9       23552                CTRL+J          9226
    SHIFT+F10      23808                CTRL+K          9483
    SHIFT+F11      34560                CTRL+L          9740
    SHIFT+F12      34816                CTRL+M          12813
    ALT+A          7680                 CTRL+N          12558
    ALT+B          12288                CTRL+O          6159

                                                        Appendixes   294

    Key:           Key Code:            Key:            Key Code:
    ALT+C          11776                CTRL+P          6416
    ALT+D          8192                 CTRL+Q          4113
    ALT+E          4608                 CTRL+R          4882
    ALT+F          8448                 CTRL+S          7955
    ALT+G          8704                 CTRL+T          5140
    ALT+H          8960                 CTRL+U          5653
    ALT+I          5888                 CTRL+V          12054
    ALT+J          9216                 CTRL+W          4375
    ALT+K          9472                 CTRL+X          11544
    ALT+L          9728                 CTRL+Y          5401
    ALT+M          12800                CTRL+Z          11290
    ALT+N          12544                ALT+TAB         45056
    ALT+O          6144                 ALT+SPACE       45568
    ALT+P          6400                 ALT+BACKSPACE   46080
    ALT+Q          4096                 CTRL+ALT        46336
    ALT+R          4864                 BOTHSHIFTS      47104
    ALT+S          7936                 CTRL+EQUAL      47360
    ALT+T          5120                 CTRL+INSERT     47616

                                                        Appendixes   295

    The remaining keys will only be understood by HyperPAD. These key
    combinations will not be understood by other programs (if you use the
    record and playback commands to force keys into a running program).

    Key:             Key Code:            Key:            Key Code:
    ALT+SHIFT        47872                CTRL+RIGHT      51968
    CTRL+1           48128                CTRL+DOWN       53248
    CTRL+2           48129                CTRL+CENTER     53504
    CTRL+3           48130                CENTER          53760
    CTRL+4           48131                CTRL+HOME       54016
    CTRL+5           48132                CTRL+END        54272
    CTRL+6           48133                CTRL+SHIFT+HOME 54528
    CTRL+7           48134                CTRL+SHIFT+END  54784
    CTRL+8           48135                CTRL+SHIFT+I    55552
    CTRL+9           48136                SPACEPRESS      55808
    CTRL+0           48137                CTRL+BIGPLUS    56320
    CTRL+DEL         50688                CTRL+BIGMINUS   56576
    CTRL+SHIFT+UP    50944                ALT+ESC         56832
    CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN  51200                SHIFT+INSERT    57088
    CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT  51456                CTRL+SHIFT+PGUP 57344
    CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT 51712                CTRL+SHIFT+PGDN 57600
    CTRL+RIGHT       51968                ALT             57856
    CTRL+LEFT        52480                CTRL            58112

                                                        Appendixes   296

                                                        Appendixes   297



    Extensions are .EXE programs created using the Microsoft C compiler
    (version 4.0 or later) or the Microsoft Macro Assembler (version 5 or
    later). An extension consists of a number of routines that appear to
    HyperPAD as handlers or functions. Sample uses for an extension are:

        0  Display a graphics picture (like the supplied GX2 extension)

        0  Send the content of a field to the COM1 port

        0  Sort the lines of text in a field

        0  Control a videodisk player

    You can define new handlers or functions in an extension, or intercept
    existing messages, like idle or select. You pass messages to external
    handlers and call external functions just as you would any other handler
    or function in a script. In fact, you can think of your extensions as
    being a script that is made up of handlers and functions.

    Extensions receive messages just before the pad script. If you define
    extensions in your Home pad, the handlers and functions in that
    extension will be accessible from every pad. If you define extensions in
    any other pad, the handlers and functions will only be accessible from
    that pad.

    You can pass parameters between HyperPAD and the handlers and functions
    in your extension. Each parameter is passed as a HANDLE to text (a
    handle is a pointer to another pointer). There are routines available
    that you can call to assist in converting handles to other more usable
    forms. These routines are called callbacks (because HyperPAD calls the
    extension which then calls back a routine in HyperPAD). All of the
    callbacks are described in detail later in this appendix.

    The examples presented in this appendix are written in C instead of
    assembly language for clarity.

                                                        Appendixes   298


    To create an extension, follow these steps:

    1.  Use a text editor to create your source file.

    2.  Compile your source file using the following command:

    cl /c /Alfw /Gs test.c

    This command compiles a C file called TEST.C using a custom memory
    model. You must use this memory model when compiling extensions in C.
    The /Gs parameter instructs the compiler to turn off stack checking.

    In assembly language, use the following command:

    masm test.asm;

    3.  Use the LINK.EXE program to assemble an EXE file using the following

    link test,,,startup/NOE;

    This command links the TEST.OBJ file with the library STARTUP.LIB that
    is supplied with HyperPAD. This library replaces the standard C startup
    code. The /NOE switch forces the linker to use the information in
    STARTUP.LIB in place of those in the default C libraries.

    After this step, you will have a complete extension called TEST.EXE.

    4.  Use the MOVER.EXE program to add the extension to a pad. Use the
    following command:

    mover mypad.pad add test.exe

    This command copies the TEST.EXE file into the pad called MYPAD.PAD. If
    you need to replace an already existing extension called TEST with a
    fresh copy of TEST.EXE, use the command:

    mover mypad.pad replace test.exe

    You are now ready to use the pad with the newly defined handlers and

                                                        Appendixes   299


    If you are programming extensions in C, some library functions will not
    work, namely the functions that assume SS equal to DS. Further,
    functions that cause the C startup code to be linked will not work. You
    can determine if the C startup code is linked if you receive the error

    unresolved external _main

    Extension are limited to 64K in size. However, in low memory situations,
    pads with extensions of this size may not load.



    Included with each extension is a table that you must define, called the
    function pool. The pool describes the name of each routine defined in
    the extension, its entry point (a pointer to the routine), and whether
    it is a function or a handler.


    Each extension can optionally include routines that is called when the
    extension is loaded from disk and released from memory.


    The WhenLoaded() performs any initialization required by your extension.
    This routine might perform memory allocation, global variable
    initialization, and interrupt redirection as required by the other
    routines in the extension. WhenLoaded() is called before the entire pad
    is loaded from disk, so it cannot send messages to the current page.


    The WhenUnLoaded() is called when the extension is released from memory.
    This routine might free any remaining memory blocks used by the
    extension or perform any additional cleanup as required by the

                                                        Appendixes   300


    ** The following is a skeleton C extension.
    ** It defines a handler called "Sample" that does
    ** nothing. It returns the continuation value STOP to ** cause HyperPAD
    to terminate the message.

    #include <stdarg.h>
    #include "extern.h"

    pascal far WhenLoaded()

    pascal far WhenUnLoaded()


    int NumArgs;


    POOL pascal Pool[] = {
            {      "Sample",   /* name of the handler */
                   Sample,      /* pointer to the handler */
                   0,           /* reserved */
                   HANDLER},    /* this is a handler */
            {      NULL,        /* NULLs mean end table */
                   0}   };

                                                        Appendixes   301


    ; The following is a skeleton assembly language
    ; extension.
    ; It defines a handler called "Sample" that does
    ; nothing. It returns STOP to cause HyperPAD to
    ; terminate the message.
    .MODEL      LARGE
    include     extern.inc
    SampleName   db          'sample',0
    Pool         PoolStruct <SampleName,SampleProc,0,HANDLER>
                 PoolStruct <>
    WhenLoaded   proc        far
    WhenLoaded   endp
    WhenUnLoaded proc        far
    WhenUnLoaded endp
    SampleProc   proc        far
                 mov         ax,STOP
    SampleProc   endp


                                                        Appendixes   302



    You can pass parameters to handlers and functions in an extension using
    the normal PADtalk syntax. The extension, in turn, receives the
    arguments on the stack, each as a HANDLE to a null-terminated text
    string (a string that ends with the 0 character). The number of
    parameters is passed lowest on the stack, followed by each parameter
    that the handler or function was called with. Each parameter is in the
    form of a handle to text.

    In order to access the variable number of arguments, you must include
    the standard C header file: stdarg.h. This file contains macros that
    allow you to access the arguments passed on HyperPAD's stack. The
    following example retrieves all of the passed parameters and prints

    int sample(NumArgs,...)
    int NumArgs;
        var_list args;
        HANDLE hdl;
        int i;
        for (i=0;i < NumArgs;i++) {
            hdl = va_arg(HANDLE);
            printf("Argument %d = %s\n",i,deref(hdl));

                                                        Appendixes   303

    The next example shows a function that receives two parameters (and only
    2) and returns their sum:

    int sample(NumArgs,...)
    int NumArgs;
        var_list args;
        HANDLE hdl;
        int number1,number2;
        if (NumArgs != 2) return(STOP);
        number1 = htoi(va_arg(args,HANDLE));
        number2 = htoi(va_arg(args,HANDLE));
        ReturnValue(itoh(number1 + number2));


    Routines in extensions that implement HyperPAD functions can return
    values to HyperPAD scripts. These values must be in the form of a handle
    to text because that's how HyperPAD internally represents and stores all
    variables. Returning values to HyperPAD is accomplished with the
    callback function ReturnValue(). For example, the following C statement
    returns a string to HyperPAD by first converting it to a handle:

    ReturnValue(stoh("John Q. Smith"));

                                                        Appendixes   304

    Each routine can return a continuation value to HyperPAD (either using
    the return statement in C or through the AX register in assembly
    language). This value indicates to HyperPAD what  to do with the
    message. The possible continuation values are:

    Value:             Description:
    PASS               pass the message on to the next layer in the object

    STOP               stop passing the message

    PASS_TO_HYPERPAD   pass the message on directly to HyperPAD, avoiding
                       the other objects in the hierarchy

    ERROR              do not pass the message on and stop all pending


    HyperPAD provides two different ways to allocate memory: pointers and


    A pointer is an 8 byte (far) reference to a block of memory. Allocation
    and deallocation of pointers is accomplished using the NewPtr() and
    FreePtr() functions. The following declares a pointer and shows how to
    use it:

    PTR p;   /* declare a pointer */
    /* allocate a block of 100 bytes */
    p = NewPtr(100);
    /* copy some text into that memory */
    strcpy(p,"This is a test");
    /* free the memory */

                                                        Appendixes   305


    A handle is a pointer to another pointer which, in turn, points to a
    block of memory. The double indirection (meaning the pointer to a
    pointer) is necessary because memory blocks in HyperPAD are movable. The
    following example shows how to allocate and use a handle:

    HANDLE h;     /* pointer to a pointer (a handle) */
    /* allocate a handle of 100 bytes */
    h = NewHandle(100);
    /* copy some text into the handle
    strcpy(deref(h),"This is a string");

    Handle memory blocks can move during a memory allocation request. If
    there is insufficient memory available to satisfy the request, HyperPAD
    will attempt to shuffle the memory blocks to make room for the requested
    number of bytes. Thus, during a memory allocation, HyperPAD may
    invalidate  the pointer to your memory block, but the handle will always
    remain the same. At the end of the following example, the pointer "p" is
    no longer valid:

    HANDLE h1,h2;            /* declare some handles */
    PTR p;                   /* declare a pointer */
    h1 = NewHandle(100);     /* allocate the first handle */
    p = deref(hdl);          /* establish a local pointer */
    h2 = NewHandle(100);     /* declare another handle */
    ** the local pointer "p" no longer points to the
    ** memory block referenced by the handle, h1.

    It is the responsibility of the extension to free all of the memory it
    uses (This is a good use of the  WhenUnLoaded() function). All of the
    callback functions that allocate memory are noted in their descriptions
    later in this appendix.

                                                        Appendixes   306


    Often times, it is necessary to dereference a handle, or, in other
    words, look at the memory referenced indirectly by the handle. In C, you
    can use the dereference operator (*) as in the following example:

    HANDLE h;
    printf("the handle points to the text %s\n",*h);
    A more readable way is to use the deref (defined in extern.h) macro
    which performs the same function:
    HANDLE h;
    printf("the handle points to the text %s\n",deref(h));

    In assembly language, use the following code to dereference a handle:

    les       bx,hdl         ;ES:BX = hdl
    les       bx,es:[bx]     ;ES:BX = *hdl


    Callbacks are functions defined in HyperPAD that extensions can use to
    perform various tasks. Callbacks are useful for converting data to and
    from handles, sending messages to HyperPAD and getting and setting the
    content of a field. All of the routines are declared in a C header file
    called extern.h (or, in Assembly language, extern.inc). These files must
    be included in order to write extensions. In C this is done using the
    following statement:

    #include "extern.h"

    In assembly, use the following statement:

    include extern.inc

    When calling a callback routine from assembly language, the registers
    SI,DI,BP,SS,DS are preserved. All other registers are destroyed.

    Callbacks return values in AX for 2 byte quantities and DX:AX for 4 byte
    quantities (like handles and long integers).  Unless otherwise noted,
    the routines follow the pascal calling convention; they perform their
    own stack cleanup.  Other routines, such as printf(), sprintf(),
    SendHPMsg(), and SendPageMsg(), follow the C calling convention.

                                                        Appendixes   307


    The following are the memory functions:

    Function:           Explaination:
    NewHandle           allocate a handle

    FreeHandle          free a handle

    HandleSize          get the size (in bytes) of a handle

    LockHandle          lock a handle (not movable)

    UnLockHandle        unlock a handle (movable)

    ReAllocHandle       change the size of a handle

    NewPtr              allocate a pointer

    PtrSize             get the size (in bytes) of a pointer


    The following are the conversion functions:

    Function:           Explaination:
    btoh                boolean to handle

    ftoh                float to handle

    htob                handle to boolean

    htof                handle to float

    htoi                handle to integer

    htol                handle to long

    htos                handle to string

    itoh                integer to handle

    ltoh                long to handle

    stoh                string to handle

                                                        Appendixes   308


    The following are the functions for getting or setting values in

    Function:           Description:
    GetFieldNum         get field content by number

    GetFieldName        get field content by name

    GetFieldID          get field content by ID

    SetFieldNum         set field content by number


    The following are the external message passing functions:

    Function:           Description:
    Do                  execute a PADtalk command

    SendPageMsg         send a message to the current page

    SendHPMsg           send a message to HyperPAD


    The following are the screen handling functions:

    Function:           Description:
    MakeWin             make a window

    RemWin              remove the most recent window

    PutStr              put a string on the screen

    HighLine            highlight a line on the screen

                                                        Appendixes   309


    The following are the event handling functions :

    Function:           Description:
    PeekEvent           get the next event without removing it

    GetEvent            get the next event

    UnGetEvent          put event on top of the event queue


    The following are miscellaneous functions:

    Function:           Description:
    ReturnValue         return a value to HyperPAD from a function

    GetSharedArea       get a pointer to the shared data area

    GetTime             get the value of a millisecond timer

                                                        Appendixes   310



    hdl = btoh(b);

    BOOLEAN b;  /* boolean to convert */
    HANDLE hdl;

    Purpose: The btoh() function converts a boolean value to a handle. The
    handle will contain the text "TRUE" if the value is non-zero, or "FALSE"
    if the value is zero.

    Note: This functions allocates memory that you must free using


    HANDLE hdl;     /* handle to command to execute */

    Purpose: The Do() function executes the HyperPAD command contained in
    the handle hdl (just like the built-in HyperPAD do command). You can
    execute any valid PADtalk command except the do command and commands
    having begin...end blocks.


    /* make the command string */
    hdl = stoh("beep 5");

    /* execute the command string */

    /* free the command string */

                                                        Appendixes   311


    HANDLE hdl;  /* handle to free */

    Purpose: The FreeHandle() function frees a memory handle that was
    allocated using NewHandle().

    Note: You will get unpredictable results if you attempt to free a handle
    that has not been allocated. You must free all handles that you allocate
    in your extension.


    HANDLE hdl;

    hdl = stoh("beep;");


    PTR ptr;  /* pointer to free */

    Purpose: The FreePtr() function frees a memory allocated using NewPtr().

    Note: It is the responsibility of the extension to free all of the
    pointers that it allocates. Freeing a pointer that has not been
    allocated will cause unpredictable results.

                                                        Appendixes   312


    hdl = ftoh(d);
    HANDLE hdl;
    double d;    /* float value to convert */

    Purpose: The ftoh() function converts a double to a handle. The returned
    value can be freed using FreeHandle().


    MSG Msg;  /* message structure to be filled */

    Purpose: The GetEvent() function retrieves the next event from the event
    queue, placing it into the structure Msg.


    MSG Msg;

    if (Msg.Event == EVENT_KEYPRESS) {
        printf("a key was pressed\n");


    hdl = GetFieldID(pageorbackground,FieldID);
    BOOLEAN pageorbackground;   /* page or background */
    WORD FieldID;               /* field ID */
    HANDLE hdl;

    Purpose: The GetFieldID() function returns the content of a page or
    background field given its ID. If pageorbackground is TRUE, then FieldID
    specifies a page field.
    Otherwise, FieldID specifies a background field.

    Note: This function returns a duplicate of the content. The returned
    value can be freed using FreeHandle().

                                                        Appendixes   313


    HANDLE hValue;

    /* get background field ID 3 */
    hValue = GetFieldID(FALSE,3);


    hdl = GetFieldName(pageorbackground,hName);
    BOOLEAN pageorbackground; /* page or bkgd field? */
    HANDLE hName;        /* handle to field name */
    HANDLE hdl;

    Purpose: The GetFieldName() function retrieves the content of a
    background or page field as referenced by its name. If pageorbackground
    is FALSE (zero), then hName specifies a field on the background.
    Otherwise, hName specifies a field on the page.

    Note: This function returns a duplicate of the content. The returned
    value can be freed using FreeHandle().


    HANDLE hName;
    HANDLE hValue;

    /* create a field name */
    hName = stoh("Help");

    /* get the field's value */
    hValue = GetFieldName(TRUE,hName);

    /* get rid of the name */
    /* get rid of the value */

                                                        Appendixes   314


    hdl = GetFieldNum(pageorbackground,fieldnum);
    BOOLEAN pageorbackground;  /* page or background field? */
    int fieldnum;              /* field number */
    HANDLE hdl;

    Purpose: The GetFieldNum() function retrieves the content of a
    background or page field as referenced by its number.

    If pageorbackground is FALSE, then fieldnum specifies a background
    field. Otherwise, fieldnum specifies the number of the page field. This
    function returns the value contained in the specified field.

    Note: This function returns a duplicate of the content. The returned
    value can be freed using FreeHandle().


    HANDLE hValue;

    hValue = GetFieldNum(TRUE,1); /* get page field 1 */


    hdl = GetGlobal(hGlobalName);
    HANDLE hGlobalName;   /* name of global to get */
    HANDLE hdl;

    Purpose: The GetGlobal() function returns a duplicate of the content of
    a global variable. The returned value can be freed using FreeHandle().


    HANDLE hdl;
    HANDLE hGlobalName;

    /* create name of global */
    hGlobalName = stoh("savedMenuBar");

                                                        Appendixes   315

    /* get its value */
    hdl = GetGlobal(hGlobalName);

    /* free the global name */
    /* free the value, when done with it */


    pShared = GetSharedArea();
    SHAREDPTR pShared;

    Purpose: The GetSharedArea() function returns the pointer to the Shared
    Data Area contained in the HPAD.EXE program. The format for the Shared
    Data Area is described later in this appendix.


    sz = GetTime();
    DWORD sz;

    Purpose: The GetTime() function returns the current value of the
    millisecond timer. HyperPAD uses either the system clock or the real
    time clock that are able to tick 1000 times per second. At each tick of
    the clock, HyperPAD increments a value that this function returns. Thus,
    if you call this function twice, the second call will return a larger

    This function is useful for delays and timing screen effects.


    DWORD t1;

    t1 = GetTime();
    if (GetTime() - t1 > 1000) {
          // at least 1 second has passed

                                                        Appendixes   316


    sz = HandleSize(hdl);
    HANDLE hdl;   /* handle to block of memory */
    int sz;

    Purpose: The HandleSize() function determines the size in bytes of a


    HANDLE hdl;

    hdl = stoh("This is a handle");



    Purpose: The HideMouse() function hides the mouse. You must hide the
    mouse before writing directly to the screen (with PutCh(), MakeWin(),

    Note: If there is no mouse, calling this routine will have no effect.


    int x1,x2,y;       /* coordinates of line */
    int attr;          /* attribute for the line */
    PACKETPTR Screen;  /* description of screen */

    Purpose: The HighLine() function changes the attribute of the line
    defined from point (x1,y) to point (x2,y) (in other words - highlight a
    line). The attribute lies within a range of 0 to 255.  The range of the
    values for the two points is defined by the screen driver.

    Note: Attribute 7 (light grey) will appear on all video card/monitor
    combinations as white on black.  Attribute 112 will appear as reverse
    video on all video card/monitor combinations.  All other attributes
    cannot be guaranteed to appear on other hardware combinations.

                                                        Appendixes   317


    The following code fragment controls a highlighted bar in a region
    defined by the rectangle (x1,miny)-(x2,maxy).

    #include "extern.h"
    #include "keycodes.h"

    int x1 = 10,x2 = 70,y = 5;
    int maxy = 5,miny = 10;
    int newy;
    MSG Msg;

    HighLine(x1,x2,y,112,Screen);      /* bar on */
    while (!Done) {
        switch (Msg.Event) {
        case EVENT_KEYPRESS:
            switch (Msg.KeyWord) {
            case kb_ENTER:
            case kb_ESCAPE:
                Done = TRUE;
            case kb_UP:
                if (y > miny) y--;
                else y = maxy;
            case kb_DOWN:
                if (y < maxy) y++;
                else y = miny;

        if (newy != y) {
            HighLine(x1,x2,y,7,Screen);   /* turn off */
            y = newy;
            HighLine(x1,x2,y,112,Screen); /* turn on */


                                                        Appendixes   318


    bool = htob(hText);
    HANDLE hText;   /* handle to text boolean value */
    BOOLEAN bool;

    Purpose: The htob() function converts a handle passed from HPAD to a
    boolean (TRUE or FALSE). The function returns zero if the handle
    contains the word "FALSE" and a non-zero value otherwise.


    d = htof(hdl);
    HANDLE hdl;  /* handle to text float value */
    double d;

    Purpose: The htof() function converts a handle to a double.


    i = htoi(hText);
    HANDLE hText;       /* handle to some text */
    int i;

    Purpose: The htoi() function converts a handle passed from HPAD to an
    integer (an integer is a 2 byte quantity).


    l = htol(hText);
    HANDLE hText;  /* handle to text long value */
    long l;

                                                        Appendixes   319

    Purpose: The htol() function converts a handle passed from HPAD to a
    long integer (a long integer is a 4 byte quantity).


    s = htos(hText);
    HANDLE hText;  /* handle to text */
    STRING s;

    Purpose: The htos() function converts a handle passed from HPAD to a
    string. This function does nothing more than dereference the handle.
    Thus, the following statements are equivalent:

         ptr = *hText;
         ptr = htos(hText);
         ptr = deref(hText);


    hdl = itoh(i);
    int i;    /* integer to convert */
    HANDLE hdl;

    Purpose: The itoh() function converts an integer to a handle.

    Note: This function allocates memory that you must free using

                                                        Appendixes   320


    ptr = LockHandle(hdl);
    HANDLE hdl;  /* handle to be locked */
    PTR ptr;

    Purpose: The LockHandle() function freezes the memory block's position
    so that it will not move (until it is either freed using FreeHandle() or
    unlocked using UnLockHandle()). This is useful if you want to access the
    memory block using a pointer, instead of a handle. There may be some
    space and speed savings depending on the number of accesses to the
    memory block.

    The LockHandle() function returns a pointer to the memory.


    HANDLE hdl;
    PTR p;

    hdl = stoh("This is a handle");
    p = LockHandle(hdl);


    hdl = ltoh(l);
    long l;     /* long value to convert */
    HANDLE hdl;

    Purpose: The ltoh() function converts a long to a handle.

    Note: This function allocates memory that you must free using

                                                        Appendixes   321


    int x1,y1,x2,y2;         /* window coordinates */
    int attr;                /* window attribute 0..255 */
    PACKETPTR Screen;        /* pointer to video packet */

    Purpose: The MakeWin() function creates a removable rectangular window
    with the upper left corner at (x1,y1) and the lower right corner at
    (x2,y2) on the screen described by Screen.
    The attribute of the window is specified in the attr parameter and has a
    valid range from 0 to 255.

    You can create many windows that overlap. The windows are remembered in
    a window stack; you can remove windows only in the order that they were

    Screen output is NOT clipped within the active window.  For example,
    PutCh() and PutStr() functions will write anywhere on the screen,
    regardless of any window that may be open.


    PACKETPTR Screen;
    SHAREDPTR pShared;

    /* get a screen packet */
    pShared = GetSharedArea();
    Screen = pShared -> pVideoPackets[0];

    /* make a window with color white on blue (31) */
    /* remove the window */

                                                        Appendixes   322


    hdl = NewHandle(NumBytes);
    int NumBytes;  /* number of bytes to allocate */
    HANDLE hdl;

    Purpose: The NewHandle() function allocates a block of movable memory.
    The NumBytes parameter specifies the size of the memory block in bytes.


    p = NewPtr(NumBytes);
    int NumBytes; /* number of bytes to allocate */
    PTR p;

    Purpose: The NewPtr() function allocates a memory block accessible via a
    pointer. This function is similar to the C function malloc(). All memory
    allocated using NewPtr() must be freed using FreePtr().


    MSG Msg;  /* message structure to fill out */

    Purpose: The PeekEvent() function copies the next event from the event
    queue into the message structure. The event will not be removed from the
    event queue. PeekEvent() is equivalent to:


    /* Msg now has the next event */
    Use PeekEvent() to examine the next event without disturbing it.


    The following code fragment waits for a mouse button to be pressed. If a
    mouse button is already pressed, the loop is skipped.

                                                        Appendixes   323

    MSG Msg;

    PeekEvent(&Msg);    /* look at the next event */
    if (!Msg.Buttons) {


    sz = PtrSize(ptr);
    PTR ptr;  /* pointer to memory block */
    WORD sz;

    Purpose: The PtrSize() function retrieves the size of a pointer. This
    function returns the exact number of bytes of the memory allocation
    requested using NewPtr().


    int x,y;          /* where */
    int attr;         /* attribute to put there */
    PACKETPTR Screen; /* description of screen */

    Purpose: The PutAttr() function writes an attribute directly to the


    int i;

    for (i=1;i < Width;i++) {
        PutCh(i,1,196,Screen);    /* write a '-' */
        PutAttr(i,1,112,Screen);  /* reverse video */

                                                        Appendixes   324


    int x,y;          /* where */
    int ch;           /* character to put there */
    PACKETPTR Screen; /* description of the screen */

    Purpose: The PutCh() function writes a character (ch) to the screen
    (Screen) at the location defined by (x,y).


    int i;

    for (i=1;i < Width;i++)
        PutCh(i,1,196,Screen);   /* write a line of '-' */


    int x,y;            /* place to put the string */
    STRING str;         /* pointer to string to print */
    PACKETPTR Screen;   /* pointer to screen information */

    Purpose: The PutStr() function places a string at the given location on
    the screen.


    int i;
    PACKETPTR Screen;

    for (i=1;i < Height;i++) {
        PutStr(1,i,"Hello World",Screen);

                                                        Appendixes   325


    HANDLE hdl;  /* handle to memory block */
    WORD newsz;  /* new size (in bytes) */

    Purpose: The ReAllocHandle() function changes the size of a handle. The
    handle will remain the same, but the memory block referenced by the
    handle will change.


    HANDLE hdl

    hdl = NewHandle(100);     // allocate a handle
    p = deref(hdl);           // get local pointer
    ReAllocHandle(hdl,200);   // make handle bigger
    p = deref(hdl);           // must reassign p because
                              // it changed!

    Note: After you reallocate a handle, you must re-assign any local
    pointers you have to that handle.



    Purpose: The Refresh() function redraws the current page on the display.

                                                        Appendixes   326



    Purpose: The ReleaseHPAD() function causes HyperPAD to give up control
    of the screen, keyboard, mouse, and timer. After calling ReleaseHPAD(),
    an extension can change the video mode, read from the keyboard, or use
    the mouse.

    Note: RestoreHPAD() must be called before control is returned to
    HyperPAD. After you call ReleaseHPAD(), the following callback functions
    will not work:




    Purpose: The RemWin() function removes the most recently opened window
    created with MakeWin().

    See Also: MakeWin();



    Purpose: The RestoreHPAD() function restores the keyboard, timer, mouse,
    and video mode that was previously given up by calling ReleaseHPAD().
    This function will reset the video mode back to the mode appropriate for
    the current pad.

                                                        Appendixes   327


    HANDLE hdl;  /* handle to text value */

    Purpose: The ReturnValue() function returns a value to HPAD.  All values
    returned to HyperPAD must be in the form of a handle to text.  The
    conversion routines can be used to assist in converting data to a handle
    suitable for return to HyperPAD.


    To return an integer:


    To return a string:

    ReturnValue(stoh("Hello World"));

    To return a boolean value:


                                                        Appendixes   328


    HANDLE hMsgName;    /* handle to message name */
    int NumArgs;        /* number of arguments to follow */

    Purpose: The SendHPMsg() function sends a message directly to HyperPAD.
    hMsgName is a handle to the message name, like "select" or "keypress".
    NumArgs specifies the number of arguments that follow (each argument
    must be a handle to text). You can pass any number of arguments, as long
    as NumArgs specifies the correct number.

    Note: For assembly programmers, you must clean up the stack depending on
    how many arguments you passed. If there are no arguments, pass 0 for


    HANDLE hMsgName;
    HANDLE hArg1,hArg2;

    /* create message to send */
    hMsgName = stoh("myhandler");

    hArg1 = itoh(10);
    hArg2 = itoh(20);

    /* send message and arguments */

    /* free up message name and arguments */

                                                        Appendixes   329


    HANDLE hMessage;         /* handle to message name */
    int NumArgs;             /* number of arguments */

    Purpose: The SendPageMsg() function sends a message to the current page.
    The hMessage parameter is a handle to the message name, like select or
    keypress. NumArgs specifies the number of arguments that follow (each
    argument must be a handle to text). You can pass any number of
    arguments, as long as NumArgs specifies the correct number.

    Note: For assembly programmers, you must clean up the stack depending on
    how many arguments you passed. If there are no arguments, pass 0 for


    HANDLE hMsgName;
    HANDLE hArg1,hArg2;

    /* what message to send */
    hMsgName = stoh("myhandler");

    hArg1 = itoh(10);
    hArg2 = itoh(20);

    /* send the message and passed parameters */

    /* free up the message and passed parameters */

                                                        Appendixes   330


    BOOLEAN pageorbackground; /* page or bkgnd field? */
    WORD FieldID;             /* ID of field to set */
    HANDLE hValue;            /* new content for this field */

    Purpose: The SetFieldID() function sets the content of a field based on
    its ID. If pageorbackground is FALSE then FieldID specifies the ID of a
    background field. Otherwise, FieldID specifies the ID of a page field.
    The hValue parameter is a handle to the new content of this field.


    HANDLE hdl;

    hdl = stoh("This is new content for field 1");

    /* set the field's content */



    BOOLEAN pageorbackground; /* page or bkgd field? */
    HANDLE hName;             /* handle to name of field */
    HANDLE hValue;            /* handle to value to set */

    Purpose: The SetFieldName() function sets the content of a field given
    its name. If pageorbackground is FALSE, then hName specifies the name of
    a background field. Otherwise, hName specifies the name of a page field.
    The hValue parameter is a handle to the new value of the field.

                                                        Appendixes   331


    HANDLE hName;
    HANDLE hValue

    /* name of the field */
    hName = stoh("Help Window");

    /* create a new content */
    hValue = stoh("press SPACE to continue");

    /* set page field hName */



    BOOLEAN pageorbackground;  /* page or background */
    int FieldNum;              /* field number */
    HANDLE hValue;             /* value to set */

    Purpose: The SetFieldNum() function sets the content of a page or
    background field given a field's number. If pageorbackground is FALSE,
    FieldNum specifies a background field. Otherwise, FieldNum specifies a
    page field. The hValue parameter is a handle to the new field's content.


    HANDLE hdl

    /* create a value */
    hdl = stoh("This is new field content");

    /* set page field 1 to this value */

    /* free the value */

                                                        Appendixes   332


    HANDLE hGlobalName; /* handle to name of global */
    HANDLE hValue;      /* handle to value of global */

    Purpose: The SetGlobal() function sets the value of a global variable
    referenced by the name hGlobalName to the value hValue. If the global
    variable does not exists, it will be created.


    HANDLE hGlobalName;
    HANDLE hValue;

    /* create name of global to set value of */
    hGlobalName = stoh("savedmenubar");

    /* create the new value */
    hValue = btoh("FALSE");

    /* set the global to the new value */

    /* free the value and global name */



    Purpose: The ShowMouse() function shows the mouse after hiding the mouse
    using HideMouse().

    Note: This routine has no effect if you don't have a mouse or the mouse
    is already displayed.

                                                        Appendixes   333


    hdl = stoh(str);
    STRING str;  /* pointer to string to convert */
    HANDLE hdl;

    Purpose: The stoh() function converts a string to a handle. This
    function essentially allocates a block of memory and copies the string
    into it.

    Note: The returned value must be freed using FreeHandle().


    MSG Msg;  /* filled out message structure */

    Purpose: The UnGetEvent() function places the event structure Msg at the
    beginning of the event queue such that it is the next event to be


    The following code fragment fakes a keyboard event that never happened
    (the press of the ENTER key):

    MSG Msg;

    PeekEvent(&Msg);    // set the Msg fields
    Msg.ShiftState = 0;
    Msg.Event = EVENT_KEYPRESS;
    Msg.KeyWord = kb_ENTER;
    Msg.AsciiCode = 13;
    Msg.ScanCode = 28;

                                                        Appendixes   334


    HANDLE hdl;  /* handle to memory block */

    Purpose: The UnLockHandle() function unlocks a handle that has been
    locked using Lockhandle(). This allows the memory block to move during
    subsequent memory allocations. Another way to unlock a handle is to free
    it using FreeHandle() (which will free and unlock the handle).


    HANDLE hdl;

    hdl = stoh("This is a handle");

                                                        Appendixes   335


    The following standard C routines are implemented as HyperPAD callback



    You can use floating point math within C extensions in HyperPAD version
    V1.00C or later. To use floating point, you must use the default
    floating point library (/FPi). Internally, the C compiler generates
    inline floating point calls using interrupts. The interrupt service
    routines are contained within HyperPAD itself, so your extensions will
    be small. Many of the floating point functions are defined as callback

    The following math functions are defined in HyperPAD:

    Since extensions share HyperPAD's stack, functions declared pascal
    cannot return double values (because functions declared pascal return
    values local to the DS of the extension, which is different from
    HyperPAD's DS). Functions that return double values must be declared as
    C functions. For example, the following function will not work

    double pascal sample()
    The function must be rewritten as:
    double sample()

                                                        Appendixes   336


    HyperPAD's data structures that extensions may access are:

    DataStructure:        Description:
    Function pool         This structure declares information about the
                          handlers and functions contained in the extension.

    Video packet          This structure, located in HyperPAD, defines
                          information about the screen.

    Message               This describes the structure of a HyperPAD event
                          stored in the event queue.

    Shared Data Area      This structure, located in HyperPAD, defines
                          variables relevant to the HyperPAD environment.

                                                        Appendixes   337


    The function pool is used to communicate the names, entry points, and
    type of routines that you have declared in your extension. When your
    extension is loaded, HyperPAD looks at this table and dynamically binds
    the handlers and functions that you have declared with the scripts in
    memory. It has the following definition:

    typedef struct {
         STRING Name;        /* name of this procedure */
         RTN    EntryPoint;  /* pointer to function */
         WORD   MsgNum;      /* relocated message number */
         WORD   MsgType;     /* FUNCTION or HANDLER */

    The function pool is declared as follows (with a NULL entry at the end
    to signify the end of the table):

     POOL pascal Pool[] = {
         {    "Sample",      /* first entry */
              HANDLER   },

         {    NULL,          /* end of table */
              0    }    };

    The MsgType field can be one of two values:

                                                        Appendixes   338


    The video packet is a structure containing screen information, such as
    where the video segment is, the width, height, bytes per line, and some
    other information. A pointer to a video packet is necessary to use any
    of the callbacks that access the screen. It has the following structure:

    typedef struct PacketStruct {
         PTR  Screen;         /* screen */
         BYTE bpl;            /* bytes/line */
         BYTE Height;         /* height of screen */
         BYTE Width;          /* width of screen */
         BYTE Flag;           /* flag - booleans */
         RTN  SetMode;        /* routine to set mode */
         RTN  CursorOFF;      /* turns cursor off */
         RTN  CursorThin;     /* makes cursor thin */
         RTN  CursorFat;      /* makes cursor full height */
         RTN  ModeAvail;      /* is this mode available? */

    A pointer to the video packets is contained in the Shared Data Area. To
    create a local copy, use the following code:

    SHAREDPTR pShared;       /* pointer to shared data */
    PACKETPTR Screen;        /* my video packet */
    pShared = GetSharedArea();

    /* get driver 0 */
    Screen = pShared -> VideoPackets[0];

    You can then use the packet for modifying the screen. For example:

    /* create a window */

    /* put a title on it */
    PutStr(13,10,"[ Window Title ]",Screen);

    The coordinates of the screen are within the following range:

    1  <= x  <= screen width
    1  <= y  <= screen height

                                                        Appendixes   339


    The message structure contains the description of a keyboard or mouse
    event. It has the following format:

    typedef struct {
         BYTE Event;              /* event */
         BYTE ShiftStatus;        /* shift status */
         BYTE MouseX;             /* mouse x coordinate */
         BYTE MouseY;             /* mouse y coordinate */
         BYTE Buttons;            /* mouse buttons */
         WORD KeyWord;            /* the keyword - if */
                                  /*  Event == KEYPRESS */
         BYTE AsciiCode;          /* ASCII code */
         BYTE ScanCode;           /* scan code */

    The types of events that can occur are as follows:


                                                        Appendixes   340


    The event queue is a buffered stack of mouse and keyboard events. When
    the pad user presses a key or moves the mouse, the event and other
    pertinent data is inserted into the event queue at the end. Extensions
    have the ability to peek, get, and unget events from the event queue.

    For example, when the user presses ESC, an event is generated and the
    structure is filled out as follows:

    Event:          Returns:
    ShiftStatus     the status of the SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT keys at the
                    time of the event

    MouseX          the mouse x position at the time the key was pressed

    MouseY          the mouse y position at the time the key was pressed

    Buttons         the status of the mouse buttons at the time of the
                    0=no buttons down,
                    1=left button down,
                    2=right button down,
                    3=both buttons down

    KeyWord         kb_ESC (as defined in the include file keycodes.h)

    AsciiCode       The ASCII code for this key (in this case=27)

    ScanCode        The scan code for this key (in this case=1)

                                                        Appendixes   341

    When the left mouse button is pressed, the structure is filled as

    Function:           Description:
    ShiftStatus         This status of the shift keys at the time the
                        button was pressed

    MouseX, MouseY      The mouse position where the left button was pressed

    KeyWord, AsciiCode, Not used for mouse events

    Note: The event EVENT_IDLE is returned by GetEvent() whenever the event
    buffer is empty. The valid fields are: Buttons, ShiftStatus, MouseX,

    ShiftStatus is bit defined as follows:

    Bit No.:      Returned when:
    bit 0         right SHIFT key pressed

    bit 1         left SHIFT key pressed

    bit 2         CTRL key pressed

    bit 3         ALT key pressed
    The following is a C routine that uses the event buffer to wait for a
    key. Notice that the keypress event remains in the event queue after
    this routine exits.

         MSG Msg;
         do {
         } while (Msg.Event != EVENT_KEYPRESS);

                                                        Appendixes   342


    The Shared Data Area is a structure contained within the HPAD.EXE
    program that contains program name, video driver information, and
    command line information. The format of this area is as follows:

    typedef struct {
         BYTE flags;                      /* 0   */
         DWORD CmdLineBits;               /* 1   */
         char program_parms[128];         /* 5   */
         char program_name[80];           /* 133 */
         char spawn_name[80];             /* 213 */
         char spawn_parms[128];           /* 293 */
         char saved_pad[80];              /* 421 */
         BYTE return_code;                /* 501 */
         BYTE CardType[2];                /* 502 */
         BYTE MonitorType[2];             /* 504 */
         BYTE CardMem[2];                 /* 506 */
         char CardName[30];               /* 508 */
         PACKETPTR *pVideoModes;          /* 538 */
         int (pascal far *StartRtn)();    /* 542 */
         int (pascal far *StopRtn)();     /* 546 */
         int (pascal far *SaveKey)(WORD); /* 550 */
         char OriginalDir[64];            /* 554 */
         WORD EnvSeg;                     /* 618 */
         DWORD SerialNo;                  /* 620 */
         WORD EnvSegSz;                   /* 624 */
         RTN SetNorm;                     /* 626 */
         DWORD Reserved;                  /* 630 */
         PTR TradeNamePtr;                /* 634 */

    When you run HPAD from the DOS command line, the HPAD.EXE program
    determines the program parameters, video card information, and available
    video modes and remembers this information in the Shared Data Area. The
    other fields in the Shared Data Area are used when HyperPAD runs another
    application, and are useless to the extension.

                                                        Appendixes   343

    The useful fields in the Shared Data Area are described below: 

    Field:           Description:
    Flags            A set of six Booleans in the bits of the Flag byte
                     (see the following table)

    CmdLineBits      Contains bits representing which command line
                     parameters the user supplied on the command line

    programParms     The original program command line

    programName      The name of the program, including the directory from
                     which it was run

    CardType         Contains the video card(s) installed in the computer.
                     CardType[0] is the primary adapter.

    MonitorType      Contains the moniter type(s) attached to the video

    CardMem          Contains the amount of memory on each of the video

    pVideoModes      Pointer to an array of video screen drivers.
                     pVideoPacket[0] is the default driver. This is the only
                     way to get a video packet from within an extension.

    StartRtn         Routine to start playback of keys in the recorded
                     keystroke buffer

    StopRtn          Routine to stop the playback of recorded keys from the
                     keystroke buffer

    SaveKey          Routine to save a key in the keystroke buffer of

    OriginalDir      Saved directory to change to if returning to HyperPAD
                     from a launched program

    EnvSeg           Segment of HyperPAD's copy of the DOS environment

    SerialNo         The serial number of this copy of the HyperPAD Reader.

    EnvSegSz         Number of bytes for the environment. This can be larger
                     than the environment, leaving room for expansion.

    SetNorm          Routine to set the normal 80x25 text mode on exit.

    TradeNamePtr     Pointer to the title of HyperPAD. Examining this string
                     will determine if you are running in the Reader,
                     HyperPAD Easy, or HyperPAD.

                                                        Appendixes   344

    The Flags byte is set up as follows:

    Bit No.        Description:
    bit 0          1 = exiting to DOS,
                   0 = executing another program

    bit 1          1 = pause after launching program,
                   0 = return to HPAD immediately after launching program

    bit 2          1 = mouse installed,
                   0 = no mouse

    bit 3          1 = first time HyperPAD was loaded,
                   0 = HyperPAD has run another program at least once

    bit 4          1 = don't disturb the screen if running another program,
                   0 = clear screen before launching program, set screen
                       when returning from launching another program

    bit 5          1 = DesqView is present,
                   0 = DesqView is not present

                                                        Appendixes   345

    The CmdLineBits field contains bits representing which command line
    parameters were specified when HyperPAD was loaded from the command
    line. If a bit is set, then the corresponding command line parameter was

    Bit No.        Description:
    bit 0          /NOMSG

    bit1           /25

    bit 2          /43

    bit 3          /50

    bit 4          /NOSHOW

    bit 5          /NOMOUSE

    bit 6          /NOIDLE

    bit 7          /MONO

    bit 8          /LCD

    bit 9          /B&W

    bit 10         /GREY

    bit 11         /COLOR

    bit 12         /AUTOSAVE

    bit 13         reserved

    bit 14         /NOKB

    bit 15         /NO15

    bit 16         /ENHANCEDKB

    bit 17         /NORTC

    bit 19         /NOEM

                                                        Appendixes   346

    This page left blank intentionally

                                                        Appendixes   347



    Brightbill-Roberts, makers of HyperPAD, also publishes a popular family
    of programs for creating screen shows for display on IBM Enhanced
    Graphics Adapter (EGA), MultiColor Graphics Array (MCGA), Video Graphics
    Array (VGA), and Hercules monochrome systems. HyperPAD 2.0 supports
    images and screen shows created by Show Partner F/X, Show Partner, and
    PC Partner. Using HyperPAD's fxshow command, you can now view graphic
    presentations, demos, and animations from within HyperPAD.


    HyperPAD 2.0 supports the screen show and image files listed in the
    following table. These files can be run from within HyperPAD using a
    special program called FXSHOW, which is included in your HyperPAD

    File Type:      Description:
    .GX2            The .GX2 file format is a popular standard for storing
                    color images. Brightbill-Roberts' Show Partner F/X,
                    Show Partner, and PC Partner create .GX2 files. Lotus
                    Freelance Plus and Ashton-Tate Applause II also create
                    .GX2 images that HyperPAD can use.

    .PRO            The .PRO file format is used for the scripts created by
                    Show Partner F/X to control screen shows.

    .PR2            The .PR2 file format is the result of using the F/X
                    Master Maker utility to master a .PRO script file. By
                    mastering a script, a Show Partner F/X user prevents
                    anyone from changing the screen show in any way.

    .SLD            The .SLD file format is used by PC Partner, a limited
                    version of Show Partner F/X that is bundled with many
                    LCD display devices.

                                                        Appendixes   348


    HyperPAD supports the files listed above with a special program called
    FXSHOW, which is included in your HyperPAD package. To use FXSHOW with
    HyperPAD,  youmust have already created images or screen shows with one
    of the products listed above.

    When you start HyperPAD, it looks in its home directory for a file
    called FXSHOW.EXE; when you ran SETUP, this file was copied to the
    HyperPAD home directory for you. If HyperPAD located FXSHOW, an
    additional credit will appear at the bottom of the screen:

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    If HyperPAD was successful in locating this file, you can then use the
    fxshow command, which is described in Chapter 11, "Commands". When you
    use the fxshow command, HyperPAD shrinks down to 3K and runs FXSHOW.EXE,
    passing it the file to view.

    Specifying a SLD, PRO, or PRO file causes HyperPAD to view that file and
    then return to HyperPAD at the point where you left off. (If you need to
    perform some extra commands upon returning to HyperPAD, include them in
    a resume handler on that page).

    You can also specify GX2 files to view. In this case, HyperPAD assembles
    a show from the GX2 files that you specified and begins cycling them.
    When the you have viewed all of the GX2 files, control is returned to
    HyperPAD. If you press ESC during the show, FXSHOW temporarily stops the
    show and displays a list of the GX2 files in the show that it created.
    At this point, you can press ESC again and return to HyperPAD, or
    highlight a GX2 file in the list and continue the show.

                                                        Appendixes   349



    The MOVER.EXE program copies an extension into a pad, deletes an
    extension from a pad, or replaces an existing extension in a pad with
    another extension having the same name. Adding extensions to a pad
    increases the pad size by the size of the extension, plus a small amount
    of code size.

    mover <pad name> replace | add | delete <extension name>

    mover <pad name>


    The following example moves an extension called TEST.EXE into the Home

    mover home add test

    To replace the extension in the phone pad called "lookup" with a new

    mover phone replace lookup

    mover phone rep lookup

    To delete an extension from the Home pad called "rtns":

    mover delete rtns

    mover home del rtns

    To get a list of the extensions (and the handlers and function defined
    in those extensions) just supply the name of the pad. The following
    example lists the extension information in the Home pad:

    mover home

    If you don't supply an extension, HyperPAD assumes ".PAD" for pads and
    ".EXE" for extensions.

    See Appendix 3 for more information about writing extensions.

                                                        Appendixes   350


    The PADINFO.EXE program prints out information about you pad. The
    following information is listed:

    Information:                  Explanation:
    Pad Name                      Full DOS pathname of the pad.

    Pad access                    Either read/write (for normal pads) or
                                  read only for pads with the Can't Modify
                                  option set in the Protect dialog box.

    Can't delete pad              Indicates if the Can't Delete option is
                                  checked in the Protect dialog box.

    Home pad                      Yes if the pad is a Home pad.

    Access by password only       Yes if the By password only option is set
                                  in the Protect dialog box.

    User Level                    1 to 5 depending on the user level.

    PADINFO will also tell you if the pad is serialized. The serial number
    is used by the Reader.

    At the end of the above information, PADFINO lists the extensions, the
    extension size, the extension version number, and the handlers and
    function that are within each extension.


    The STRIP.EXE program removes the text portion of all of the scripts of
    a pad. This utility is useful if you want to distribute your pads
    without revealing how the pad was created.

    strip ad name


    strip home.pad

    strip phone.pad

    To remove the scripts from all of the pads in a directory:

    strip *.pad

    If you attempt to access a script after the text has been removed,
    HyperPAD will display the error "Cannot edit mastered script".

                                                        Appendixes   351

    If you want to remove a single script from a button or field:

    1.  Copy the button or field using the Copy command from the Edit menu.

    2.  Create a new pad by selecting New from the File menu

    3.  Paste the button of field into the new pad using the Paste command
    on the Edit menu.

    4.  Exit HyperPAD and run STRIP.EXE with the new pad you just created.

    5.  You now have a copy of the field or button without the text of the
    script which you can copy back to the original pad.


    The COMPACT utility compacts a pad without having to run HyperPAD.

    compact ad name


    compact home.pad

    compact myphone

    To compact all of the pads in the current directory:

    compact *.pad

    After compacting each pad, the number of bytes that was saved is

                                                        Appendixes   352

                                                        Appendixes   353



    If you have purchased a license to install HyperPAD on a network, you
    can give many users access to a single copy of HyperPAD program located
    on a file server.

    This appendix contains some notes intended for the network adminstrator
    who wants to install HyperPAD on a network. The description is specific
    to Novell networks, but much of the material presented here applies to
    other networks as well.


    Follow these steps to install HyperPAD on a Novell network:

    1.  Create a directory on the file server for HyperPAD's program files.
    The files that must be included here are:

    HPAD.INI (optional)

    The user's rights to this directory should be ROS (read, open, and

    2.  In order to prevent users from violating the license agreement, the
    HPAD.EXE file should be marked execute-only so that users will be unable
    to copy it. The overlay files (HPAD.OVL and HPAD2.OVL) cannot be marked
    in this manner because of HyperPAD's overlay manager.

    3.  If you have any read-only pads that you want shared by many users,
    they should be copied into this area. For example, you may have a
    HOME.PAD that is loaded by default for each user. Any help files or
    other read-only pads should also be included in this directory.

    Any pads that the users can modify should be copied into the user's
    private directory area. Do not flag pads shareable read-write as this
    will cause problems if many users update the same pad simultaneously
    (which HyperPAD doesn't support).

                                                        Appendixes   354

    4.  Grant the appropriate users access to this directory area. In the
    system login script (or login script of each user), add the statement:

    set HPADNET="."

    This causes HyperPAD to look for pads first in the user's directory
    area. Further, HyperPAD will create the HPAD.INI in this directory.


    If a pad is marked for read-write access, only one HyperPAD user can
    open it at a time. An attempt by a second user on the network to open a
    file already in use will result in an error message to the second user.

    You can allow more than one user to open a single pad if it is marked
    read-only. You can do this within HyperPAD  by setting the Can't modify
    option in the Protect dialog box to on. In this case, HyperPAD opens the
    pad in shared, read-only mode. These pads can still be modified through
    PADtalk (by modifying field contents and object properties), but the
    pages that are modified will never be saved to disk.

    If a pad is currently being used by more than one user on a network, and
    one of these users attempts to make the pad read-only, an error will be
    displayed indicating that the pad is already in use. The pad cannot be
    changed to read-write until there is only one current user.

    The cantModify property can be changed using the PADtalk statement:

    set the cantModify of pad to true;

    set the cantModify of pad to false;


    HyperPAD opens the HPAD.MSG and HPAD.PRN files using a shared, read-only
    mode so that many users can access these files at the same time.

    In order for HyperPAD to share pads, you must be using MS-DOS version
    3.0 or better.

                                                        Appendixes   355


    HyperPAD looks for files in the following order:

    1.  In the current directory

    2.  In the directory specified by the HPADNET environment variable (if

    3.  In the original directory from which HyperPAD was started

    4.  The directory where HPAD.EXE resides

    5.  Each directory in the DOS path

    6.  On the B: drive (if HyperPAD was started from the A: drive on a low
    density disk)

    As an administrator, you can make HyperPAD search for pads first in the
    HPADNET directory. This is set in the DOS environment using the
    following DOS command:


    To specify the current directory:

    set HPADNET=.

    By setting this variable, you can adjust where HyperPAD looks for pads
    and the configuration file HPAD.INI.

    When you exit HyperPAD, HyperPAD writes the configuration file HPAD.INI
    into the directory specified by HPADNET. If this environment variable
    doesn't exist, HyperPAD will attempt to write the file into the same
    directory as the HyperPAD program files. If the user doesn't have writes
    to this area, the file will not be written.

                                                        Appendixes   356

    This page left blank intentionally.

                                                        Appendixes   357


    The following illustration shows the available edge types in HyperPAD:

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                                                        Appendixes   358

    This page left blank intentionally.

                                                        Appendixes   359


 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                                                        Appendixes   360

    This page left blank intentionally.

                                                        Appendixes   361


    As a pad developer, keep in mind that HyperPAD is a disk-based system,
    and give thought to the issues involved when a user runs the pads you've
    developed on a system with dual floppy drives and no hard disk.

    HyperPAD  can help you ensure that your users don't lose data when
    switching disks. To keep users from losing data, do everything possible
    to  make sure that the current pad has been properly closed before
    another pad is opened.


    HyperPAD allows the user to remove disks from the drive after a
    go statement fails to find a specified pad. HyperPAD
    displays a Where Is dialog box for the user to complete after changing

    The go statement has an optional parameter that allows you to display
    your own message in place of HyperPAD's Where Is dialog box.

    go to pad "A:SAMPLE.PAD"

       with diskchange "Insert Disk 2";

    This example closes the current pad and displays the message "Insert
    Disk 2" in a dialog box. If the user selects <<Ok>>, then HyperPAD
    attempts to load the pad "A:SAMPLE.PAD". The message will continue to be
    displayed until the disk with the pad has been inserted into the A:
    drive. If the user selects <Cancel>  or presses ESC, then the original
    pad will be loaded. (If the original disk is not in the drive, then the
    user will be instructed to insert the original disk.)

    The user can also remove the disk containing HPAD2.OVL (Program Disk 2).
    When the overlay is requested (when HyperPAD is compiling a script, for
    example), the user will be prompted for the disk containing the overlay
    (using the Where Is dialog box). Once the overlay has been loaded, the
    user  will be prompted to insert the disk containing the pad. Changes to
    the pad will be lost if the user does not reinsert the disk with the
    current pad.


    If you run HyperPAD on a low density disk from the A: drive, HyperPAD
    will search for pads on the B: drive (if there is one).


                                       Chapter 7: Chunk Expressions   59


    In an English-like intuitive manner, chunking precisely accesses any
    piece of data from anywhere within your pad. You can specify individual
    or groups of characters, words, items or lines from a container, or even
    pinpoint parts of other chunks. The following are examples of chunking
    used to access information:

    put char 1 of page field 1 into msg;

    print the last word of field "Last Name";

    delete the first line of MyWordList;


    There are three forms of a simple chunk expression. These examples show
    each form using character (abbreviated char) chunks.

    The first form specifies any character within the container, in this
    case the first character.

    char 1 of page field 1

    The second form specifies a range of characters (a group) within the
    container, in this case the first 10 characters.

    char 1 to 10 of page field 1

    The last uses an ordinal to specify the character within the container,
    in this case, the third character.

    the third character of page field 1

                                       Chapter 7: Chunk Expressions   60

    The available ordinals are:

    Ordinal:        Example Chunk:
    first           the first character of field 1

    second          the second character of field 1

    third           the third character of field 1

    fourth          the fourth character of field 1

    fifth           the fifth character of field 1

    sixth           the sixth character of field 1

    seventh         the seventh character of field 1

    eight           the eight character of field 1

    ninth           the ninth character of field 1

    tenth           the tenth character of field 1

    any             any character of field 1

    middle          the middle character of field 1

    last            the last character of field 1

    The special ordinals any, middle, and last depend on the contents of the
    container. The ordinal any specifies a random character, word, item, or
    line, and middle selects the middle character, word, item, or line.


    Character chunks are determined by offsets within the container. The
    following example returns the character at position 5 ("o").

    char 5 of "hello there"

    All characters, including spaces and carriage returns, are treated as
    chunking characters.


    Word chunks are delimited by spaces (" ") or carriage returns. For

                                       Chapter 7: Chunk Expressions   61
    word 2 of "this is a test"

    will return the word "is". Notice that the word itself is returned
    stripped of any spaces or carriage returns that surround it.

                                       Chapter 7: Chunk Expressions   62


    Item chunks are delimited by commas (","). For example,

    item 2 of "doctor,lawyer,clerk,"

    will return "lawyer". In fact, the text between the first and second
    comma is returned, even if there are spaces and many words. For example,

    item 2 of "doctor Williams  ,lawyer Seeley  ,clerk Betty"
    will return "lawyer Seeley  ". Notice that the commas are not returned.


    Line chunks are delimited by carriage returns. For example, if there is
    a field with the following text:

    doctor Williams
    lawyer Seeley
    clerk Betty

    the following chunk expression

    line 2 of field 1

    will return "lawyer Seeley". Like item chunks, anything between the
    carriage returns is returned, including spaces, words and items. Since
    the text in fields may be word wrapped, the actual number of lines in a
    field and the number of lines on the screen may not always be the same.
    Also, line chunks are returned without their carriage return delimiters.


    In addition to simple chunking expressions, combine chunking types to
    further pinpoint a piece of text. Always order the statement from the
    smallest chunk to the largest chunk. Each chunk type is separated by the
    word of. For example:

    char 1 of word 6 of page field 1

    char 5 to 8 of the second item of field "Address"

    char 1 of word 2 of item 6 of the last line of field 1 of
    page 10

    the middle item of any line of field "Zippy Messages"

                                       Chapter 7: Chunk Expressions   63


    In addition to retrieving pieces of text, you can use chunk expressions
    as destinations for text. For example:

    put "hello" into word 6 of page field 1;
    put pg fld 2 before the first line of pg fld 1;

    When pinpointing a chunk as a destination, specify if you want to
    replace the chunk (by using into), insert before the chunk (by using
    before) or insert after the chunk (by using after).

    If you use into, the expression supplied will replace the specified
    destination chunk. For example, if field 1 contains "HyperPAD", then the

    put "Extension" into char 6 to 8 of "HyperPAD"

    will change field 1 to "HyperExtension".

    If you specify a non-existent item as the destination, HyperPAD will
    create blank items as filler. For example, suppose field 1 contains
    "John Smith", then the following statement

    put "Sue" into item 4 of field 1;

    will change field 1 to "John Smith,,,Sue". Notice that HyperPAD inserted
    3 commas in order to make "Sue" the fourth item. The same will happen
    for line chunks as well.

    Using before and after as destinations with items and lines inserts a
    delimiter. For example, the following statement

    put "Hello There" after the last line of page field 1;

    appends a line after page field 1 and sets it to "Hello There". HyperPAD
    inserts a carriage return to create the correct number of lines. The
    same is true of items.


                                                  Chapter 9: Colors   69


    Some PADtalk properties and commands require that you specify a color.
    Traditionally on personal computers, colors are represented by a
    foreground color and a background color combination, or attribute. There
    are always 256 attributes available in character mode, but these are
    translated by some hardware systems to black and white. Colors 0 to 127
    are normal intensity combinations, and colors 128 to 255 are high
    intensity combinations.

    There are 16 possible colors, each corresponding to a number. Each color
    can be used as a background or foreground (16*16=256).

    0     black                  8     dark grey

    1     blue                   9     light blue

    2     green                  10    light green

    3     cyan                   11    light cyan

    4     red                    12    light red

    5     magenta                13    light magenta

    6     brown                  14    light brown

    7     grey                   15    white


    The color names from this table can be used to specify a color in an
    English-like manner, as in the following example:

    set the fillColor of button 1 to red;

    set the acceleratorColor of pg btn "help" to light red;

    put yellow into myColor;

    You can combine the color keywords using the word on to form a
    foreground/background attribute specification. When no background is
    specified, black is assumed. The syntax for such a combination is as

    <foreground color> on <background color>

                                                  Chapter 9: Colors   70

    For example, the following statement sets the fill color of button 1 to
    be light blue background with red lettering.

    set the fillColor of button 1 to red on light blue;


    The color constants are translated by HyperPAD to single numbers between
    0 and 255 using the following formula:

       color = (background * 16) + foreground

    For example, the color red on white translates to:

       color = (white * 16) + red
       color = (15 * 16) + 4c
       color = 244

    Thus, the following two statements are equivalent:

    set the fillColor of button 1 to red on white;
    set the fillColor of button 1 to 244;

    Representing colors as numbers allows you to algorithmically adjust the
    colors of objects, as in the following example:

    -- ask for the foreground color number
    ask "type in foreground color number";
    put it into fcolor;

    -- ask for the background color number
    ask "type in background color number";
    put in into bcolor;

    -- set the color
    set the color of page field 1 to (bcolor * 16) + fcolor;

    The colors available are determined by the graphics card and monitor
    used. The color constants 0 through 7 are low intensity, whereas colors
    8 through 15 are high intensity. On some monitors, you may need to
    finely adjust the contrast to see the high intensity colors.

    Using a high intensity color as a background is blinking on most
    hardware configurations. HyperPAD disables this blinking capability to
    provide you with the maximum number of color combinations (256). You can
    specify the higher intensity colors using the word blinking:

    set the color of button 1 to blinking grey on red;

                                                  Chapter 9: Colors   71

    When you design pads for monochrome systems, all of the 256 available
    colors are translated to black and white. In general, it is safe to use
    the following color combinations:

       color 7 (grey)              white on black
       color 112 (black on grey)   reverse video

    These are the default colors for all objects.

    On LCD systems, such as some laptops, the color combinations may be


                                               Chapter 11: Commands   99


    This chapter provides an alphabetical listing of all the commands
    available in PADtalk. Each command is described in detail, its syntax is
    given and examples are offered.

    Command:                Description:
    add                     Add to a container
    answer                  Ask a question with buttons as choices
    ask                     Ask a question, allowing user to type response
    close                   Close a file
    convert                 Convert date and time data to a different format
    delete                  Delete a chunk from a container
    dial                    Dial a number with a modem
    divide                  Divide a container by an amount
    do                      Execute an expression as a statement
    edit script             Edit the script of a HyperPAD object
    find                    Find text somewhere in your pad
    flushCache              Write changed pages from memory to disk
    fxShow                  Execute the Show Partner F/X runtime
    get                     Put an expression into the local variable "it"
    global                  Declare a global variable
    go                      Change to another page, background, or pad
    hide                    Hide an object
    hilite                  Highlights text in a field
    multiply                Multiply a container by an amount
    noSound                 Turn the speaker off (from sound or play)
    play                    Play music in the background
    playBack                Play back previously recorded keystrokes
    pop page                Change to a previously saved page
    print                   Print information from a pad

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   100

    Command:                Description:

    push page               Save a page for later recovery using pop
    put                     Copy information to a container
    query                   Create a subset of pages based on criteria
    read                    Read chunks from a file
    record                  Record keystrokes for later playback
    run                     Run another program
    send                    Send a message to another object
    set                     Modify object properties
    setDefaultPopupColors   Sets the popup colors to the default
    SetPopupColors          Sets the colors used to display popups
    show                    Make an object visible
    sort                    Sort the pad
    sound                   Turn the speaker on a a particular frequency
    subtract                Subtract an expression from a container
    visual                  Set up an effect for the next page change
    wait                    Wait some number of miliseconds
    write                   Write text to a file


    add <expression> to <destination>;

    Purpose: The add command adds the value of the expression to the value
    of the destination and places the result into the destination.

    The <expression> must evaluate to a number or be a container holding a
    number. The <destination> must be a container.

    Note: You will receive a runtime error if either the <expression> or the
    <destination> is not a number.


    add 5 to page field 23;

    add 45.67 to word 2 of page field 1;

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   101


    answer question [with <button1> [,<button2> [,<button3>]]];

    Purpose: The answer command allows you to create dialog boxes that ask a
    question. The user responds by choosing one of the buttons supplied. The
    dialog box is similar to other HyperPAD dialog boxes and is always
    centered on the page. You can specify up to 3 buttons to choose from.

    The Answer dialog box looks like this:

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    The <question> is the text within the dialog box. The text can be many
    lines long, in which case it is word-wrapped. Use carriage returns to
    improve the readability of your messages.

    The user can choose one of up to three buttons you supply in <button1>,
    <button2>, <button3>. If you don't specify any buttons to choose from,
    HyperPAD uses the two default buttons: <<Ok>> and <Cancel>.

    When the user accesses the dialog box, it remains on-screen until a
    choice is selected. After the user responds, either by selecting a
    choice or pressing ESC, the dialog box is removed and the selected
    button text is placed into the local variable it. For example, if the
    user selects <<Ok>>, it will contain "Ok". If the user selects <Cancel>,
    it will contain "cancel". If the user presses ESC, then the variable it
    will be empty.

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   102


    answer "Ok to quit?";

    answer "Continue printing?" with "Yes","No";

    answer "What color?" with "red","blue","green";

    answer "Error printing!" with "Ok";

    The following handler asks the user if it is Ok to quit:

    handler cancel;
      "Ok to quit?" with "Yes","No";
      if it is "Yes" then quit;

    See Also: ask


    ask question [with <default response>];

    Purpose: The ask command allows you to gather information from the pad's
    user by creating a dialog box in which the user types a response. The
    Ask dialog box presents a question as a prompt, a text box in which to
    type a response, and <<Ok>> and <Cancel> buttons.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    When the user presses the <<Ok>> button, the response is put in the
    local variable it. If there is no response, or <Cancel> is selected, the
    local variable it will be empty.

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   103

    If you supply a default answer, it is presented in the text box as the
    default response. Then, when the user begins typing in a different
    response, the proposed answer is replaced by the typed one.

    Note: You cannot change the proposed buttons in the Ask dialog box. They
    will always be Ok and Cancel.


    ask "What is your name?";

    The following uses ask to go to the page that the user specifies. If the
    user cancels the dialog box, the process stops:

    handler select;
      while true do
          ask "Go to which page?" with currentPage + 1;
          if it is empty then exit;
          go to page it;

    See Also: answer


    close <file number>;

    Purpose: The close command closes a previously opened file. All files
    must be closed after you are finished with them. (You can open a file
    using the create and open functions.)


    close fh;

    The following example writes the contents of field 1 to a file:

    put create("data.dat") into fh;
    write field 1 to fh;
    close fh;

    Note: This command sends the close message.

    See Also: create, open, read, write

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   104


    convert container to <format> [and <format>];
    convert var1 to seconds;
    convert var1 to dateItems;
    convert var1 to [long | short | abbreviated] date;
    convert var1 to [long | short] time;
    convert var1 to [long | short | abbreviated] date and
    [long | short] time;

    Purpose: This command converts dates to different formats. The range of
    dates HyperPAD understands starts from Saturday, January 1, 1583 -- the
    starting date of the Gregorian Calendar. Using convert, you can input a
    numerical date, like "5/8/90", and translate it to written form, like
    "Tuesday, May 8, 1990".

    The following are explanations of target formats using January 1, 1990
    at 5:00:00 PM as an example.

    Date Format:                  Example:
    date (same as short date)     1-1-90 The dash (-) is the only date
                                  separator output by convert

    long date                     Monday, January 1, 1990

    abbreviated date              Mon, Jan 1, 1990

    seconds                       12843766800 The number of seconds since

    time                          5:00 PM

    long time                     5:00:00

    dateItems                     1990,1,1,17,0,0,2 (year, month, day, hour,
                                  minute, second, day of week)

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   105

    Container formats:  The power of convert is derived from the flexible
    representation of the container being converted. The following are

    1.  Both the dash and slash (-,/) can be used as date separators.

    2.  Date item lists can be modified creating an invalid date and then
    normalized by converting it to another format. The following example
    modifies the dateItems list to figure out the date 40 days from today:

    get the seconds;  --get today's date and time
    convert it to dateItems;  --convert to date item list
    add 40 to item 3 of it;   --add 40 days
    convert it to longDate;   --normalize
    answer "40 days from now is" && it;

    The next example modifies the dateItems list to figure out what the date
    and time will be 18 hours from now:

    get the seconds;  --get today's date in seconds
    convert it to dateItems;  --convert to date item list
    add 18 to item 4 of it;  --add 18 hours
    convert it to longDate and time;  --normalize
    answer "18 hours from now is" && it;

    3.  The formats that you can convert from are loose. The following are
    suitable formats for convert:

    Example:                   Format:
    Jan 1, 1990                date

    January 1, 1990            date

    Jan 1, 90                  date

    Jan 1, 1990 11:20          date and time

    Mon, Jan 1, 90 11:20 AM    date and time

    11:20                      time

    11:20 PM                   time

    11:20 Jan 1, 1990          time and date

    11:20 Mon, Jan 1, 1190     time and date

    65                         seconds

    1990,1,1,17,00,2           dateItems

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   106


    This function returns the day of the week of the first day of the
    current month:

    function firstDay;
      get the date;
      convert it to dateItems; --represent as date items
      put 1 into item 3 of it; -- put 1 as day of the month
      convert it to long date; -- convert to string
      return word 1 of it; -- return day of week

    This handler computes tomorrows date:

    handler tomorrow;
      get the seconds;
      add 60 * 60 * 24 to it;
      convert it to long date;
      answer "Tomorrows date is" && it;

    Comments: The following months and days of the week and their
    abbreviations are recognized by HyperPAD:

    Keyword:               Abbreviation:
    january                jan

    february               feb

    march                  mar

    april                  apr

    may                    may

    june                   jun

    july                   jul

    august                 aug

    september              sep

    october                oct

    november               nov

    december               dec

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   107

    Keyword:               Abbreviation:
    sunday                 sun

    monday                 mon

    tuesday                tue

    wednesday              wed

    thursday               thu

    friday                 fri

    saturday              sat

    See Also: time, longTime(), seconds(), date(), longDate()


    delete <chunk> from <container>;
    delete <container;>

    Purpose: The delete command can be used to remove a chunk of
    information, or all the information from a container. The number of
    characters removed from the container is specified by using a chunking
    expression involving items, words, lines or characters (see the section
    on Chunking).

    If you do not specify a chunk to be deleted, HyperPAD will delete all of
    the characters in the container. For example:

    delete page field 1;

    delete salesTax;

    Chunks are defined by the characters that are around them. When you
    delete items and lines from a container, you also remove the delimiter
    (either a comma or carriage return) that defines it. For example,
    deleting a line from a field would delete the carriage return at the end
    of the line (if there is one).

    The following example deletes items from a field. Suppose field 1
    contains "Jim, John, Sally, Lisa". The following statement:

    delete item 2 to 3 of field 1;

    results in field 1 containing "Jim, Lisa". Note that "John, Sally," was
    deleted, including the commas.

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   108

    When to use it:  When you want to remove a specific part of a
    container's value while keeping the rest intact.


    delete myvar;
    delete page field 5;  -- removes all chars in page field 5

    The following example deletes the current line from page field 1:

    get the currentLine of page field 1;
    delete line it from page field 1;

    The next example deletes all of the lines that contain the word "BAD".
    Care is taken to make sure that the loop is performed the correct number
    of times because the number of lines change as we delete lines:

    put the number of lines of page field 1 into numlines;
    put 1 into i;
    while i  numlines do
        if line i of page field 1 contains "BAD" then
            delete line i of page field 1;
            subtract 1 from numlines;
        else add 1 to i;


    dial [pulse | tone | noHayes] <number> [with <modem commands>];

    Purpose: With dial, you can call any telephone number (using  a modem)
    for voice communication. Specify pulse or tone dialing, depending on
    your phone service (the default is pulse).

    While dialing, you are presented with a message, indicating that dialing
    is in progress

    If the dial is successful, a dialog box will be displayed requesting
    that you pick up the phone. The modem will remain connected until this
    dialog box is removed (by selecting the <<Ok>> button).

    The dial command performs the following steps when dialing the phone:

    1.  The modem port is initialized using the current settings of the
    global properties modem, dataBits, stopBits, parity, and baud.

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   109

    2.  The modem is initialized using the Hayes modem command "ATV1E0",
    causing the modem to echo responses to HyperPAD. HyperPAD waits for the
    modem to respond "Ok".

    3.  The <expression> is prefixed with "ATDP" or "ATDT" depending on if
    you specified tone or pulse. Specifying <modem commands> replaces this
    default prefix with your own.

    For example, the following dial commands are the same:

    dial "5551212" with "ATDT";
    dial tone "5551212";

    4.  The <expression> is ended with a semi-colon and a carriage return.

    5.  The Progress box is displayed and the new expression is sent to the

    6.  When the number has completed dialing, a dialog box is displayed
    indicating that it is Ok to pick up the phone.

    7.  After you select the <<Ok>> button from this dialog box, the text
    "ATH0" is sent to the modem and HyperPAD waits for the modem to respond

    If dial is unsuccessful, you will receive an error message .

    This error is not a normal runtime error, however, and will not stop
    execution of your script. You can determine if an error occurred by
    using the result() function. The result() will be the text "not dialed"
    if there was an error, or empty if the dial was successful.

    If you have a Hayes incompatible modem, you can use the noHayes option
    to dial the phone. In this case, HyperPAD will not send any modem
    commands to your modem. The dial command performs the following steps:

    1.  The modem port is initialized using the current settings of the
    global properties modem, dataBits, stopBits, parity, and baud.

    2.  If you specified <modem commands>, HyperPAD will prefix it to

    3.  HyperPAD sends the new expression to the serial port. HyperPAD will
    not wait for a response; it will return immediately.

    For example:

    dial nohayes "5551212";
    dial nohayes "D 5551212;" & return;

    The nohayes option is also useful to initialize your serial port.

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   110

    The following example uses dial to initialize the COM1 port to

    set the modem to "com1";
    set the baud to 1200;
    set the parity to "none";
    set the stopBits to 8;
    set the dataBits to 1;
    dial nohayes empty;


    dial "315-463-1234";

    dial "315-463-1234" with "ATZ";

    dial pulse "9,18002341624";
    if result() is "not dialed" then
      answer "Can't dial the phone";

    The following example prompts for a number, then dials it. Special care
    is taken to check for an area code enclosed in parenthesis. This means
    that the number is long distance and should be preceded by a 1.

    ask "Number to dial:";
    if char 1 of it is "(" then
        -- get rid of parenthesis
        get substitute(it,"(","");
        get substitute(it,")","");
        -- long distance
        put 1 before it;
    get substitute(it," ","");
    dial it;
    if the result is not empty then
      answer "Error dialing the phone!";

    Note: The serial port is not initialized until you issue the dial

    See Also: baud, parity, stopBits, dataBits, modem

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   111


    divide <destination> by <expression>

    Purpose: The divide command divides <destination> by <expression> and
    places the result back into <destination>. The <expression> must be a
    number or a container holding a number. The <destination> must be a

    Note:  You will receive a runtime error if either the <destination> or
    the <expression> is not a number.


    divide page field 23 by 4;

    divide salesTax by 0.07;


    do <expression>

    Purpose: The do command compiles and executes the <expression>. This
    command provides a mechanism for executing statements from within a
    handler that haven't been compiled.

    The do command executes statements the same way as the message box.
    Thus, you can use the do command to evaluate expressions, putting the
    result into the message box. The following example puts the result of a
    calculation into the message box:

    do "3 + 4 - " && page field 1;

    You can only execute one command at a time. Thus, the <expression> can
    contain many statements.

    The do command must compile the specified statement, which may cause a
    slight delay in your script execution. The compiler must be located in
    the disk file "HPAD2.OVL", which must be accessible for this command to

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   112


    do "go to the next page";

    answer "Go where" with "next","previous";
    do "go to" && it && "page";

    The following statements execute the contents of field 1:

    do page field 1;


    edit [the] script of <object>;

    Purpose: This command is used to edit the script of different objects.
    This is the same as selecting the object's Info dialog box and selecting
    the  <Script...>  button.


    edit the script of page "Preferences";

    edit the script of page button 3;

    edit the script of background "Template";

    edit the script of pad;


    find [part | whole] <expression> [in <field>];

    Purpose: The find command locates text anywhere in your pad. If you
    restrict the search to a single background field, only text on any page
    in that field will be locate. If you don't restrict the search to a
    particular background field, find will locate text in any field in your
    pad. (The find command will not locate text on the painting layer of the
    page or background.)

    HyperPAD searches differently for a part than it does for a whole. The
    whole option tells HyperPAD to locate only whole words; that is, only
    occurrences that are enclosed by word delimiters (such as spaces, end of

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   113

    lines, and punctuation) will be found. The part option tells HyperPAD to
    locate the text anywhere, even if it occurs within another word.

    For example, consider a field containing "John is a lawyer". The
    following statement will not find a match:

    find whole "law";

    The next statement, however, will find a match:

    find whole "is";

    Using find part, HyperPAD  will find occurrences anywhere within the
    target text, even if the expression occurs within a word. For example,
    consider the same text "John is a lawyer". The following statement will
    find a match:

    find part "law";

    Up to 10 strings can be specified. If more than one is given, find will
    locate any of the expressions in the destination. For example:

    find whole "john","joe","jack"

    After finding an occurrence, the user can press ENTER to search for the
    next instance of the string. If the user presses ENTER, the search
    begins on the current page where the previous find left off.

    If the user presses any other key, the search is terminated.

    If find locates a match within a locked field, you are taken to the page
    containing the match and the focus is set to the default object (because
    a locked field cannot receive the focus). If the user presses ENTER to
    locate the next match, the search begins on the next field after the
    locked one.

    If you use find from the message box, the Find in Progress box is
    displayed while HyperPAD searches; two beeps will sound if no matches
    are found. If you execute find from a script, the Find in Progress box
    and beeps won't occur.

    Determine the result of the find command using the result() function. If
    the find is successful, result will return "found". Otherwise, result
    will return "not found".


    To find John anywhere in the pad:

    find "John";

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   114

    To find John in the "first name" field:

    find "John" in field "First Name";

    The following button handler locates the next occurrence of the
    highlighted text. If the user hasn't highlighted any text, the Ask
    dialog box will appear and ask for something to find:

    handler select;
      get the selectedText;
      if it is empty then ask "Find What?";
      if it is empty then exit;
      find it;
      if the result is "not found" then
        answer "Can't find" && it with "Ok";



    Purpose: This command writes to disk all of the pages in memory that
    have been changed and empties the cache. Internally, HyperPAD keeps
    recently accessed pages in an area of the memory called the cache. When
    the cache becomes too large to fit in the memory, a page that hasn't
    been used in a long time is removed from the cache and written to disk.

    When to use it: Anytime you need more free memory for a particular
    operation, use this command. Also, use flushCache to prevent thrashing.
    (Thrashing is the constant disk access that occurs when the cache is
    full. For each new page read from the disk, a page must be written out.)



    The following example frees up the maximum amount of memory before
    cycling through all of the pages in a pad:

    for i = 1 to the number of pages do
      go to page i;

    Note: This command sends the flushCache message. The cache is flushed
    when the message is received by HyperPAD.

    See Also: maxDirtyPages, autoSave

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   115


    fxshow <fileName>;

    Purpose: This command is used to display images or screen shows from
    within HyperPAD. The fxshow command requires an external file called
    FXSHOW.EXE. The <fileName> parameter is the DOS filename of the .PRO,
    .PR2, .SLD, or .GX2 file you want to view.

    When HyperPAD loads for the first time, HyperPAD looks for the file
    FXSHOW.EXE in the same directory as HPAD.EXE. If the file is found, you
    will see an additional credit message displayed at the bottom of the
    screen informing you that fxshow is available. You cannot use the fxshow
    command if FXSHOW.EXE is not located in this directory.

    The fxshow command causes HyperPAD to shrink down to 3K and run the
    program FXSHOW.EXE, passing it information about what files to load.
    Refer to Appendix 4, "Support for Show Partner F/X" for more

    When running the show, HyperPAD does the following:

    1.  Switches to the directory containing <fileName>.

    2.  If no extension is specified, searches for files in this order:
    *.PRO, *.PR2, *.SLD, *.GX2.

    3.  Issues the suspend message to run FXSHOW.EXE.

    4.  Runs the show.

    5.  Returns control to HyperPAD.

    This is very similar to running a program with the run command, except
    that HyperPAD first changes to the directory containing the files you


    fxshow "sample";

    fxshow "C:\FX\SAMPLE\SAMPLE";

    fxshow "d:\pics\*.gx2";

    Note: This command sends the fxshow message. The handler for this
    message is implemented in HyperPAD.

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   116


    get <expression>;

    Purpose: Use get to retrieve a value and put it into the local variable
    it. The <expression> can be a constant, a literal, a function, or a
    container (the value of a variable, a field's contents, or the contents
    of the message box).


    get 1 + 2 * 3;

    get field 1 of page 25;

    get word 1 to 5 of line 6 of field id 2 of page 88;

    Using the local variable it will enhance script readability and
    execution speed, as shown in the following example:

    get the selectedText;
    if it is empty then ask "What do you want to find?";
    if it is empty then exit;
    find it;

    See Also: put


    global <var1> [<var2>,...];

    Purpose: The global statement allows you to declare a global variable. A
    Global variable is accessible to all handlers, not just the handler in
    which it is defined. Global variables remain until you exit HyperPAD or
    run another program.

    Note:  The global command cannot be used in a do command or in the
    message box.

    When to use it:  If you want a particular variable to maintain its value
    between handlers or pads, you must define it as a global variable.


    global taxAmount,salesAmount,userName;

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   117



    go [to] [pad] <padName> [with diskChange <expression>];
    go [to] <background> [of [pad] <padName> [with diskChange
    go [to] <page> [of <background>] [of [pad] <padName> [with diskChange
    go back;
    go help;
    go home;

    Purpose: The go command changes to another page, background or pad. The
    destination indicates which page (and if necessary, which pad) will be
    displayed. If the destination specifies only a pad, HyperPAD goes to the
    default page (the page which was last accessed) of that pad. You can
    alter the destination by supplying a container as the destination.

    The diskChange option allows you to specify that the destination pad may
    be on a different disk. In this case, the user will be asked to switch
    disks using the <expression> that you supply as a prompt. For example:

    go to pad "a:phone" with diskChange "Insert Disk 2";

    When you supply the diskChange parameter:

    1.  The current pad is closed.

    2.  HyperPAD displays a dialog box with the message the you supplied.

    3.  The user can then remove a disk and insert the disk containing the
    desired pad. If the user selects <<Ok>>, HyperPAD will attempt to load
    the pad from the new disk.

    If the user is unable to insert the correct disk and presses <Cancel> at
    the dialog box, HyperPAD will attempt to load the original pad. If
    unable to do so, HyperPAD will ask the user to insert the original
    disk...and will continue to do so until the original disk has been

    The go home and go help statements are special because they use
    HyperPAD's special file searching method to locate the pad.

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   118

    The statement

    go to pad "HOME";

    may not be unable to locate the Home pad because it may not be in the
    current directory or path. Thus, if you want to access either the Home
    or Help pads you should use go home and go help.

    go back - is the same as selecting Back from the Go menu.

    go recent - goes to the most recently accessed page (the one that you
    just came from).

    You can also use ordinal types with the go command. The allowed ordinal
    types are:

    first, second, third,...,tenth

    If you attempt to go to a page beyond the end of the pad, the result()
    function will return "no such page"; otherwise, it will return empty.


    go to page 1;

    go to page 1 of background 2;

    go to background "template";

    go "phone";

    go to pad "phone";

    go to pad "phone" with diskChange "Insert Disk 2";

    go to page 2 of pad "Phone";

    go to page 1 of background 2 of pad "Phone" with
       diskChange "Insert Disk 2";

    go to the next page;

    go to page (currentPage() + 10);

    go to page ("taxNumber" && i);

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   119

    go to any page;

    go to the recent page;

    go to the first page of pad "Phone"

    ask "Go to what pad?";  -- ask for a name
    go to pad it;

    ask "Go to what page?";  -- ask for name or number
    go to page it;

    Note: Remember, pads are only referenced by name. Thus, the only way to
    go to a pad is to supply the DOS name of the pad:

    go to pad "phone";

    Pages and backgrounds, however, can be referenced by either their number
    within the pad, their ID, or their name. For example:

    go to page 10;       -- by page number

    go to page id 56;    -- by page ID

    go to page "status"; -- by page name

    When going to backgrounds, HyperPAD really goes to pages on the
    specified background. The following list summarizes what happens with
    different go statements involving backgrounds:

    The following statement goes to the first page on the first background
    that you created.

    go to background 1;

    The next statement goes to the first page after the current page that is
    on a different background.

    go to the next background;

    The next statement goes to the fifth page that uses background 2.

    go to page 5 of background 2;

    The next statement goes to the next page after the current page that
    uses the same background.

    go to the next page of this background;

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   120


    hide <object>;

    Purpose: The hide command allows you to make the specified button or
    field invisible. This command actually modifies the visible property of
    the target object. In fact, the following two statements are equivalent:

    hide page button 1;

    set the visible of page button 1 to false;

    When to use it:  If you want a button or field to become visible only
    when certain criteria are met, you can use hide and show to toggle the
    object's visibility.


    hide page field 1;

    hide background button 3;

    See Also: show, visible


    hilite [<chunk>];
    hilite <field>;
    hilite the message box;

    Purpose: This command highlights text within a field or the message box.
    The text that gets highlighted is copied into the selectedText.

    When highlighting text, the text becomes highlighted on the screen.

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   121


    hilite char 1 to 5 of page field 1;

    hilite line 1 of page field 1;

    hilite the last line of me;

    hilite field "Last Name";

    hilite the message box;

    hilite word 2 of msg;

    The following example locates the word "lawyer" in a field and
    highlights it.

    get offset("lawyer",field "occupation");
    if it is 0 then exit;
    hilite char it to (it + 5) of field "occupation";

    See Also: selectedText


    multiply <destination> by <expression>;

    Purpose: This command multiplies the value of the <destination> by the
    value of the <expression> and places the result into the <destination>.
    The expression must be a number or a container holding a number. The
    destination must be a container.

    Note:  You will receive a runtime error if the <destination> or the
    <expression> are not
    both numbers.


    multiply page field 1 by 6;

    multiply totalAmount by salesTax;

    multiply the message box by 10;

    See Also: add, subtract, divide

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   122



    Purpose: This command stops any music or tones that are currently being


    sound 2000;    -- start a sound
    wait 200;      -- 200 milliseconds
    noSound;       -- turn it off

    The following example plays notes for 5 seconds.

    play "abcdefg";
    wait 5000;

    Note: This command sends the noSound message which is implemented in


    play <expression>;

    Purpose: The play command allows you to play music in the background
    while other HyperPAD tasks are taking place.

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   123

    The <expression> is a string containing note and music commands:

    Command:   Description:
    A-G        Play this note.

    +,#        Make the preceding note sharp.

    -          Make the preceding note flat.

    Ln         Set the length of each note to n. L1= full note, L2 = 1/2
               note, L3= 1/4 note (default). The range of n is 1 to 64.

    MN         Play normal. Each not will play 7/8 of the time given by L.

    ML         Music legato. Each note will play the full time given by L.

    MS         Music staccato. Each note will play 3/4 of the time given by

    On         Sets the current octave to n. The default is 2, the range of
               octaves is 0 to 6. Middle C is at the beginning of octave 3.

    Pn         Pause = n. The range of n is 1 to 64.

    Tn         Tempo = n. This sets the number of L4 quarter notes in one
               minute. The range of n is 32-255. The default is 120.

    >n         Increases the octave of the next note by 1.

    <n         Decreases the octave of the next note by 1.

    .          Increases the playing time of the note (L*T) by 50%. Multiple
               periods can appear after a note (multiples the playing time
               by 3/2). Periods may also appear after a pause.

    Note:  Any spaces in your play string are ignored.

    Music continues to play in the background until there are no more notes
    to play. You can stop the music by issuing a noSound command. You can
    determine if music is playing using the isSound() function.


    play "cdefgabc";

    play "O1 L16 T12O A O2 P4.. B.";

    Notes: This command sends the play message. When the message is received
    by HyperPAD, the music will begin playing in the background.

    See Also: noSound, isSound()

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   124



    Purpose: The playBack command starts the replay of keys that have
    previously been recorded using the record command.
    HyperPAD begins executing a playBack command on the next idle message.

    If keys are played back within HyperPAD, the first key will be pressed
    at the beginning at the next idle (when HyperPAD checks for key
    presses). The real power, however, is in HyperPAD's ability to play back
    keys while other programs are running, like in the following example:

    record "/frHOUSE.WK1{enter}";
    run "C:\LOTUS\123.EXE" with programDirectory;

    Note: This command sends the playBack message. The playBack command is
    executed when this message is received by HyperPAD.

    See Also: record


    pop page [into <container>];

    Purpose: The pop page command removes the last pushed page from the page
    stack and either goes to it or places it into a container.

    The push page command allows you to remember where you are in your pad
    as if you had placed a bookmark on that page.
    Then, when you want to return there, you use the pop page command. You
    can place a series of these bookmarks, in which case pop page will take
    you to those pages in the reverse order in which you placed them.

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   125

    If you use the form

    pop page;

    you will actually be taken there (you will change pages and possibly the
    pad). You can also put the references to that page into a variable:

    pop page into pageRef;

    pageRef will contain a page reference similar to the following:

    page id 2 of pad "C:\HOME.PAD";


    The following statements show several different uses of the page stack.
    The first example remembers the current page, fetches the user's name
    from the Home pad, and returns.

    push this page;
    go home;
    go to page "preferences";
    put page field "User Name" into userName;
    pop page;

    push recent;
    pop page into pageRef;
    get the last word of pageRef;
    go to the first page of pad it;

    See Also: push page


    print <expression> [at <x>,<y>];
    print <page reference>;
    print <number> pages;

    Purpose: The print command prints either a page, a group of pages, or an
    expression at an optional X,Y location.

    Printing pages within HyperPAD is controlled by the current settings in
    the Print Page dialog box, the Page Setup dialog box, and the Printer
    Setup dialog box. Printing pages with the print command is exactly the
    same as choosing Print from the File menu and selecting the Pages

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   126

    For example:

    print page 1;

    print page "status";

    print the next page;

    print 10 pages;

    Printing text, on the other hand, is not controlled by the current print
    settings. You must turn the printer on and off manually (using the
    printer property) and eject pages by sending formfeeds from your script.
    The following steps are taken:

    1.  Turn the printer on.

    2.  Do your printing.

    3.  Turn the printer off.

    The print command keeps track of the printhead position internally. When
    you first turn the printer on, the print head is positioned at 1,1 on
    the page. As you print characters across the page, the print head X
    position changes to different coordinates, such as 10,1. As you print
    carriage returns, the X position is reset to 1 and the Y position is
    incremented, like 1,10. When you print an end of page (formfeed) the
    print head position is reset to 1,1.

    You can directly locate the print head using the print at syntax. For

    print "hello world" at 10,10;

    When using this syntax, you can only move the print head to the right on
    the current line or down on the page. The printhead cannot backtrack
    over already printed text.


    print page field 1;

    print page field 1 & return & page field 2;

    print formfeed;

    print page field "First Name" at 10,10;

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   127

    The following example prints the AUTOEXEC.BAT file:

    set the printer to on;
    put open ("C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT") into fh;
    if the result is not empty then exit;
    while the result is not "eof" do
        read 1 line from fh;
        print it & return;
    set the printer to off;
    close fh;

    The following handler prints all the page fields in a pad:

    handler select;
      ask "Which pad?" with currentPad();
      if it is empty then exit;
      go to pad it;
      for i = 1 to the number of pages do
          go to page i;
          for j = 1 to the number of pg flds do
            print page field j & return;


    push <page description>;
    push recent;

    Purpose: The push page command saves a page identifier on the page
    stack. The push page command remembers a page and pad so that you can
    later return there with the pop page command. You can think of this
    command as placing a bookmark at a location within a pad.

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   128

    The push recent syntax saves the page that you just came from on the
    page stack.  This is particularly useful for returning back there later,
    like in the following example:

    This handler belongs in a pad script.

    handler openPad;
      push recent;

    When you want to return from where you came:

    handler select;
      pop page;

    When to use it:  Use the push page command when you want to remember a
    particular location within a pad so that you can later return there.


    The following script visits every page of a background, sending a
    message to one of its fields and then returns to the page it started

    handler select;
      put 0 into total;
      push this page;
      for i=1 to the number of pages of bkgnd 2 do
          go to page i of bkgnd 2;
          send "reCalc" to field "Item Cost";
          add pg fld "Item Cost" to total;
      pop page;
      answer "The total was" && total;

    Some other examples:

    push this page;

    push recent;

    push previous page;

    push next page;

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   129

    push first page;

    push page 2 of bkgnd 4;

    See Also: pop page


    put <expression> [into <destination>];

    Purpose: The put command places information into a container: either a
    field, a variable, or the message box. The <expression> can be text,
    numeric, a numeric expression, or a container. The <destination> must be
    a container.
    Expressions are evaluated before they are stored in the destination. So,
    if you put an arithmetic equation, its result is placed into the

    If no destination is specified the result is placed into the message

    The put command is probably the most often used command in PADtalk. It
    provides the only mechanism for copying data from one location to


    put 10 into page field 1;

    put longDate() into the message box;

    put "Wowee" after word 7 of pg fld id 8;

    put page field "subTotal" into page field "total";

    put 10 into field 1 of page 6 of background 2;

    put empty into me;

    The following two statements are the same:

    put "hello";
    put "hello" into the message box;

    The next two statements are also the same:

    put "hello" into it;
    get "hello";

    See also: get

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   130


    query <expression>;
    query clear;

    Purpose: The query command creates a subset of pages based on some
    criteria. The query command goes to each page of a particular background
    and evaluates a boolean (true or false) expression. If the expression is
    true, then the page is included in the query. If the expression is
    false, then the page is excluded from the query. A subset of the pages
    that meet the criteria is formed.

    The following example will include only pages that contain "John" in the
    "name" field.

    query field "Name" contains "John";

    If you want to query on a numeric field:

    query field "Total" > 10;

    The following statement shows the versatility of the query command. It
    results in a random set of about half of the pages of any background
    being included in the query.

    query random(2) = 1;

    Once the query has been established, the pad user can view only those
    pages included in the subset. Using the built-in navigation tools
    (including PGUP and PGDN), the user can move between the pages in the
    group. While a query is active, the user can also print and sort those

    Although you can use PADtalk commands to access other pages in the pad,
    in order to restore the pad to its pre-query state, you must clear the
    query with the query clear command.

    The query will also be cleared if you perform another query, exit to
    DOS, or run another program.

    For larger queries, HyperPAD may be required to create a temporary file
    to hold some query information. The file will reside in the program
    directory (where HPAD.EXE is located) and will have the same name as
    your current pad but with an ".IDX" file extension.

    The result of the query can be determined using the result() function.
    The result() will return "found" if the query found at least one page;
    otherwise the result() will return "not found".

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   131


    query field 1 contains "Smith";
    if the result is "not found" then
      answer "No pages in query.";

    query field 1 = 3 and field 2  10;

    query field 1 = 3 and field 2  10 or state = "NY";

    See Also: find, sort


    read from <fileNumber> until end;
    read from <fileNumber> until <character>;
    read <expression> characters | items |
         words | lines from <fileNumber>;

    Purpose: The read command reads data from a file into the local variable
    it. You can only read from files that have been opened using the open()

    The syntax read from <fileNumber> until end is used to read all the
    characters that remain in the file starting at the current position in
    the file.

    put open("data.dat") into fh;
    read from fh until end;
    close fh;
    put it into field 1;

    The syntax  read from <fileNumber> until <character> is used to read all
    of the characters up to the next occurrence of character starting at the
    current position. For example:

    put open("data.dat") into fh;
    read from fh until "A";
    close fh;
    put it into field 1;

    The syntax read <expression> characters | items | words | lines from
    <fileNumber> is used to read a number of characters, words, items, of
    lines from the file into the variable it.

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   132

    For example:

    put open("data.dat") int fh;
    read 1 character from fh;
    put it;
    read 6 words from fh;
    put it;
    read 5 items from fh;
    put it;
    read 2 lines from it;
    put it;

    Words are surrounded by either spaces or carriage returns, items are
    determined by commas, and lines are defined by carriage returns.

    When reading from files, HyperPAD translates carriage return/line-feed
    pairs to single carriage returns.

    You can determine if you have reached the end of file using the result()
    function. If you have reached the end of file, the result() returns
    "eof". Otherwise, the result() will be empty. The end of file is
    determined by either an end of file marker (Hex 1A) or by reading the
    number of characters determined by the file size. For example:


    read from file_number until end;

    read from file_number until "@";

    read n+1 words from file_number;

    read 1 line from file_number;

    This example reads the AUTOEXEC.BAT file into page field 1:

    put the open of "C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT" into fh;
    read from fh until end;
    close fh;
    put it into page field 1;

    The next handler reads a text file of names and addresses into the PHONE
    pad. Each record in the text file is separated by a blank line. The
    format of the phone record in the text file is as follows:
       Phone Number
       Phone Number

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   133

    The address field can take up as many lines as necessary, as long as a
    blank line is understood as separating the records:

    handler readPhoneRecords;
      put open ("PHONE.TXT") into fh;
        doMenu "new page";
        read 1 line from fh;
        put it into field "Name";
        read 1 line from fh;
        put it into field "Phone Number";
        read 1 line from fh;
        put empty into "Address";
          read 1 line from fh;
          if it is not empty then
          put it after the last line of address;
        until it is empty;
        put address into field "Address";
      until the result is "eof";
      close fh;

    Note: The <fileNumber> parameter is a number returned by the open()

    See Also:  write, create(), append(), open()


    record <expression>;

    Purpose: This command records keystrokes for later playback using the
    playBack command. The number of keystrokes you can record is 100.

    Recorded keystrokes remain in memory when you run other programs. If
    there are any keys in the buffer when another program is launched, they
    are immediately played back when the running program is started.

    The <expression> contains the keystrokes that you want played back.
    Letters and punctuation are types in as normal, like:

    record "hello";

    Special keys and key combinations are placed inside brackets, like:

    record "{alt+f}Njunk.pad{enter}";

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   134

    A complete list of all of the special keys and key combinations is
    located in Appendix 2, "Key Codes". The record command will translate
    all of the keys in the <expression>  to numbers.

    In addition to keystrokes, there is a special command that you can place
    within brackets called pause. For example:

    record "{escape}{enter}{pause:5000}";

    The pause command waits a specified number of milliseconds before
    continuing keystroke playback. Thus, {pause:500} waits for half a

    When to use it:  When combined with the run command, the record and
    playback commands are particularly useful because you can pump
    keystrokes into other programs.


    record "this is a test";

    record "{alt+f}ophone{enter}";

    The following runs BASICA, loading a program called DEMO and running it:

    handler select;
     record "load ^"DEMO.BAS^"{enter}run{enter}";
     run "BASICA.EXE";

    Notes: This command sends the record message. HyperPAD handles the
    record message.

    See Also: playBack


    run <program>;
    run <program> with programDirectory;
    run <program> with pause;
    run <program> with programDirectory,pause;

    Purpose: The run command executes other programs you use on your
    computer. While the external program is running, HyperPAD shrinks to 3K,

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   135

    giving the program as much memory as possible. When you exit the
    external program, HyperPAD resumes where it left off.

    The pause parameter causes HyperPAD to display the message

    Press any key to return to HyperPAD

    before returning to HyperPAD.  HyperPAD will resume after any keystroke
    or mouse button press.

    The programDirectory option controls which directory the program will be
    executed from. If specified, the current directory will be changed to
    the directory containing the program. If it is not specified, the
    current directory will remain unchanged. This parameter is used mainly
    with programs that require you run them from their own directory.

    When running another program, HyperPAD performs the following steps:

    1.  If the extension is not supplied, HyperPAD looks for .EXE, .COM, and
    .BAT files.

    2.  If a directory is specified with the filename, HyperPAD looks only
    in that directory for the program.

    3.  If no directory is specified, HyperPAD searches the following areas
    (in this order) for the program:

    a. The current directory.
    b. The directory specified by the environment variable HPADNET.
    c. The program directory (where HPAD.EXE is located).
    d. The startup directory (where HPAD.EXE was started from).
    e. Every directory specified in the path.

    You can determine the return code of the a program using the result()
    function. Normally, you can determine the return code of a program in a
    batch file using the DOS errorlevel batch command. In HyperPAD, this
    number is returned by the result() function.


    To return temporarily to the MS-DOS prompt:

    run environment("COMSPEC");

    To run a standard program:

    run "C:\123\123.EXE" with programDirectory;

    To run a batch file called C:\BATS\TEST.BAT:

    run "C:\COMMAND.COM /c C:\BATS\TEST.BAT";

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   136

    To run a batch file leaving room for a larger environment:

    run "C:\COMMAND.COM /e:2048 /c C:\BATS\TEST.BAT";

    To run a program and pause before it returns:

    run "FORMAT.COM A:" with pause;

    Abbreviations: programDir, progDir


    send <message> <parameter list> to <object>

    Purpose: The send command sends a message, along with its parameters, to
    a specific object. It allows you to redirect a message's normal travel
    up the hierarchy to another object.

    When to use it: Use the send command when you want some action to be
    performed that is handled by some other object or handler.
    It can also be used to bypass a message handler in the hierarchy.

    Parameters: The <message> parameter is any message for which a handler
    has been defined in the hierarchy of the receiving object.  The
    characters of the message must be enclosed in double quotes, like
    "select". The optional <parameter list> is a list of  values separated
    by commas that will be used by the receiving message handler.


    send "select" to page button "Quit";

    send "keyPress" 7181 to me; -- simulate ENTER

    send "changeTemp" "up",5 to fld "Thermostat";

    The following statement avoids the other objects in the hierarchy by
    sending a message directly to HyperPAD:

    send "doMenu" "new page" to hyperpad;

    The send message will travel up the hierarchy of the receiving object.

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   137

    The following example sends a message to one of two routines. It either
    adds or multiplies two numbers, depending on which option the user

    handler _add(n1, n2);
      put n1 + n2;

    handler _multiply (n1,n2);
      put n1 * n2;

    handler select;
      answer "add or multiply" with "add", "multiply";
      if it is not empty then
        send "_" & it 10,12 to me;

    Note: The send command changes the value of the me object, but does not
    change the value of target or currentObject. You can only send messages
    to objects within the current pad. If you send a message to another
    page, that page does not become the current page (i.e. it will not
    receive the openPage message). Parameter expressions are evaluated
    before the message is sent.


    set [the] <property> [of <object>] to <value>;

    Purpose: The set command establishes property values of the objects in
    your pads. With set, you can modify properties affecting buttons,
    fields, pages, backgrounds, pads, the message box, the menu bar, the
    status bar and the tool box.

    The properties that you can set for the different objects are described
    in Chapter Twelve, "Properties".


    set hilite of page button 1 to true;

    set lockScreen to false;

    set the color of page field 4 to black on white;

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   138



    Purpose: This handler resets the colors of the popup menus to the same
    values that HyperPAD uses to display the pull down menus. These colors
    are modified depending on your computer's graphics card and the command
    line parameters /mono, /lcd, /B&W, and /color.

    See Also: popup(), setPopupColors


    setPopupColors <menu color>,<highlight color>,
      <letter color>,<dimmed color>;

    Purpose: This handler sets the display colors for future popup menus.
    The colors are used as follows:

    Color:             Description:
    Menu color         The color of the menu, including the border

    Highlight color    The color of a highlighted choice

    Letter color       The color of the accelerator characters of the
                       choices (specified with the & within the choice)

    Dimmed color       The color of dimmed choices (specified with the @
                       character within the choice)


    setPopupColors 31,112,27,123;

    setPopupColors light green,black on grey,red,light grey;

    See Also: popup(), setDefaultPopupColors

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   139


    show <object>;

    Purpose: The show command makes the specified button or field visible;
    this is the same as setting the visible property of the object to true.

    When to use it:  If you want a button or field to become visible only if
    certain criteria are met.


    show page button 3;

    show page field 7;

    The following two statements are equivalent:

    show button 1;

    set the visible of button 1 to true;

    See Also: hide, visible


    sort [ascending | descending] [text | numeric | date]
      by <expression>;

    Purpose: The sort command reorders the pages belonging to a background
    according to a specified condition.

    The sort command works by cycling though all the pages of a particular
    background and evaluating an expression. The result of the expression is
    saved and used as a sort key. Once all of the sort information has been
    gathered, the pages are sorted in the specified order.

    For example, the following statement sorts a pad by the first background

    sort by field 1;

    For each page in the current background, the expression field 1 is
    evaluated and used as sort criteria. Suppose that there are 5 pages in
    this pad, each using the same background.

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   140

    After sort has cycled through all of the pages and evaluated the
    expression, the situation is as follows:

    at page 1, field 1 = "Sue"
    at page 2, field 1 = "John"
    at page 3, field 1 = "Zev"
    at page 4, field 1 = "Lisa"
    at page 5, field 1 = "Jim"

    After sorting, the pages will be reordered as follows:

    page 5 will become page 1  ("Jim")
    page 2 will become page 2  ("John")
    page 4 will become page 3  ("Lisa")
    page 1 will become page 4  ("Sue")
    page 3 will become page 5  ("Zev")

    When there are multiple backgrounds in the pad, sort may appear to give
    incorrect results because pages in the pad that use different
    backgrounds will remain in their same positions. For example, suppose we
    have 7 pages, 5 pages using background 1 and 2 pages using background 2.
    We perform the same sort on the first page of background 1:

    page 1, background 1, field 1 = "Sue"
    page 2, background 2
    page 3, background 1, field 1 = "John"
    page 4, background 1, field 1 = "Zev"
    page 5, background 2
    page 6, background 1, field 1 = "Lisa"
    page 7, background 1, field 1 = "Jim"

    After sorting, the pad will be organized as follows (notice that the
    pages of background 2 remained in their relative positions in the pad):

    page 7, background 1  ("Jim")
    page 2, background 2
    page 3, background 1  ("John")
    page 6, background 1  ("Lisa")
    page 5, background 2
    page 1, background 1  ("Sue")
    page 4, background 1  ("Zev")

    The sort command treats the data differently if you specify text,
    numeric, or date. For text data, HyperPAD alphabetizes the data. For
    numeric data, HyperPAD compares numeric quantities. For dates, HyperPAD
    compares the data as dates (dates can be represented using any format
    the convert command recognizes).

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   141

    The optional parameter ascending (the default) specifies that you want
    the data sorted with the lowest values near the front; descending
    specifies the opposite.

    For larger sorts, a disk file may be required to hold temporary sorting
    data. In such a case, HyperPAD creates a temporary file in either the
    directory specified by the TMP environment variable, or if TMP is not
    specified, in the directory from which you launched HyperPAD.

    To make sorting faster, therefore, you can have TMP specify a directory
    on a RAM disk, as in the following DOS command:

    SET TMP=D:\


    sort descending by field "name";

    sort by the last word of field "name";

    sort numeric by field "age";

    sort ascending date by field "birthday";

    See Also: query, find


    sound <frequency>;

    Purpose: The sound command turns the speaker on at a given frequency.

    The sound will remain on until you turn it off using the noSound


    sound 2000;
    wait 500;  -- half a second

    Notes: This command sends the sound message. When the handler reaches
    HyperPAD, the sound handler is executed.

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   142


    subtract <expression> from <destination>;

    Purpose: The subtract command subtracts the value of the expression from
    the value of the destination and places the result into the destination.
    The <expression> must be a number or a container holding a number. The
    <destination> must be a container.

    Note:  You will receive a runtime error if the <expression> and
    <destination> are not both numbers.


    subtract 5 from page field 23;


    visual [effect] <effectName> [<direction>]
      [with delay <expression>];

    Purpose: The visual command sets up an effect to be used during the next
    page or pad change. Instead of simply replacing one page with another
    (which is the default) you can select an effect which alters the manner
    in which a page is placed on-screen.

    Once the effect has been executed, it is reset to the replace effect
    (the default). So, you must specify an effect each time you want it to

    The following list includes all the effects and their usable directions:

    Effect:        Direction:
    box            in, out

    drip           none

    fade           none

    hsplit         in, out

    peel           upperleft, lowerleft, upperright, lowerright

    quad           none

    replace        none

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   143

    When to use it: Visual effects are useful if you want to capture your
    audience's attention without distracting them from the information
    you're relating.


    The following example goes to the next or previous page depending on
    whether the SHIFT key is depressed when the button was selected. It uses
    an appropriate visual direction as a user feedback device.

    handler select;
      if the shiftKey is "down" then
          visual effect scroll down;
          go to the previous page;
          visual effect scroll up;
          go to the next page;

    Comments: The visual effect is set to replace when the next idle message
    is sent (upon completion of all pending handlers).


    wait <milliseconds>;

    Purpose: This command waits a specified number of milliseconds. Pressing
    CTRL+BREAK will terminate the wait command and stop execution of the

    The delay is the same for all computers. HyperPAD uses either the real
    time clock (on AT style computers) or the system clock (interrupt 8) so
    that it ticks 1000 times per second.


    wait 5000;     -- 5 seconds

    wait i * 1000; -- if i = seconds

                                               Chapter 11: Commands   144


    write <expression> to <fileNumber>;

    Purpose: The write command adds data to an open file. Only files opened
    with the append() or create() function can be used with this command.


    To write a field to a file:

    put create("data.dat") into fh;
    write page field 1 to fh;
    close fh;
    Use the return constant to end a line:

    write page field "name" & return to fh;
    write page field "address" & return to fh;
    write page field "phone number" & return & return to fh;

    Note: Single carriage returns are translated to carriage return/line-
    feed pairs. All files are automatically closed when the user exits or
    runs another application using the run command.


                                              Chapter 4: Containers   41


    HyperPAD offers four storage facilities, called containers, in which you
    can store data. These four containers are fields, variables, the message
    box, and the selectedText. Each of these containers can hold up to 32000
    characters (depending on available memory).

    The commands get and put allow you to manipulate the contents of
    containers (Use set with the selectedText). For example:

    put "hello there" into page field 1;

    put 18.2 * 56.78 into subTotal;

    put "Please Wait..." into the message box;

    set the selectedText to "hello there";


    Fields are display and retrieval areas for text within your pads. Fields
    do not have a fixed length, as they do in some database programs. They
    can hold any length of text up to 32000 characters, making them
    efficient storage devices. The following examples show how to manipulate
    a field's contents using the PADtalk commands put and get.

    put "This is a test" into field "Status";

    put field 2 before word 2 of field "Status";

    get page field id 6;     -- into "it"

                                              Chapter 4: Containers   42


    A variable is a named container that you can use to store data within
    your script. Like fields, variables can hold up to 32000 characters. The
    name of a variable can be up to 255 characters long, but it is usually
    beneficial to keep the name a readable length. Variable names must start
    with a letter, underscore (_) or $ and contain no spaces. The following
    are examples of variable names:


    You do not need to declare variables before using them in HyperPAD (as
    you do in other languages). You just put something into them.

    Variables in HyperPAD have no type, as they do in other languages.
    HyperPAD makes no distinction between text and numbers. Thus, the
    following operations are legal:

    10 + i
    "10" + i
    (word 2 of "hello 5 there") + 67.89 - i
    56 & i & "hello"

    If you attempt to apply a mathematical operator to text, however, you
    will receive an error message. For example:

    5 + "hello"

    Because variables in HyperPAD can be either textual or numeric, the
    number 0 and the text quantity empty ("") have special meaning. In fact,
    they are equivalent. When a variable is first introduced, its value is
    initially empty (""). If the variable is then used in a comparison with
    another text quantity, the value will be empty (no length). If it is in
    a comparison with a number, its value will be 0.

    The equivalence of 0 and empty is important when performing comparisons.
    Consider the following comparison in PADtalk:

    if i is empty then......

    When HyperPAD compares the two quantities (i and empty), it will attempt
    to convert both to numbers (HyperPAD first tries to compare numbers,
    then text). If i is initially empty, then the conversion will change the

                                              Chapter 4: Containers   43

    value of i to 0. When this occurs, you can rewrite the comparison as

    if i & "x" is "x" then......

    This forces HyperPAD to compare two quantities as text and avoid its
    internal conversion to numbers.

    Internally, HyperPAD keeps track of whether a variable is textual or
    numeric. HyperPAD will not perform any internal conversions if the
    variable is being used in accordance with its current type. This greatly
    speeds up script execution by reducing internal conversions.


    A local variable is a temporary storage container used during the
    execution of a handler. When the handler has completed execution, the
    local variables are relinquished. The following is a handler that uses a
    local variable called temp:

    handler select;
      put 10 * 5 into temp;
      put temp into page field 1;

    Access to local variables is faster than access to any other type of
    container. Thus, to speed up a script you may want to copy global
    variables or field contents into a local variable, like in the following

    put page field 1 into temp; -- make a copy
    for i = 1 to 10 do
      if line i of temp is "lawyer" then beep;

    This example stores the data from a field in the local variable temp to
    speed up the loop that follows.

    Every handler reserves a special local variable called it. This is used
    to hold temporary results and is even used by some commands to return
    values. For example:

    get page field 1;   -- puts the data into "it"
    put it into the message box;

    ask "What is your name?";     -- puts response into "it"
    if it is "joe" then beep;

    Using the variable it enhances the readability of your PADtalk scripts.

                                              Chapter 4: Containers   44


    Global variables are accessible from all handlers and functions. Global
    variables stay around until you exit HyperPAD or run another program.
    You can tell your handler that a variable is global using the  global
    statement. The following statement declares two global variables
    lineCount and totalPrice:

    global lineCount,totalPrice;

    When you are done using global variables, you may want to delete their
    values to save memory. You can do this using the delete or put command:

    put empty into lineCount;

    delete totalPrice;

    The following handler uses a global variable called previousText to
    store the user's last response to the ask statement:

    handler select;
      global previousText;
      ask "Where do you live" with previousText;
      put it into previousText;


    Parameter variables are place holders that attach names to values which
    are passed to handlers and functions. Parameter variables are similar to
    local variables in that they can only be used within the handler in
    which they are declared. The following example shows a handler that
    declares some parameter variables and how to call it:

    handler CalculateResult(interest,periods);
      put interest * periods / 365 into page field 1;

    handler select;
      CalculateResult 12 / 100,36;

                                              Chapter 4: Containers   45


    The message box is a container that has two uses:

    1.  You can display messages for the pad user.

    2.  You can type in commands and execute them immediately.

    The following example uses the message box to tell the user to wait:

    show the message box;
    put "Please Wait..." into the message box;

    The message box is the default destination of the put command. For
    example, the following statements do the same thing:

    put "Please Wait...";

    put "Please Wait..." into the message box;

    The message box can be referred to by:

    the message box
    msg box


    The selectedText is another storage facility into which you can put
    information. Also, text is automatically stored here when the user
    highlights text in a field (using the SHIFT+ARROW keys or dragging the
    mouse). You can use put and get to retrieve its contents:

    put the selectedText into page field 1;

    get the selectedText;    -- put it into "it"

    However, unlike other containers, you can only set its value using the
    set command:

    set the selectedText to "hello there";
    set the selectedText to empty;

    Changing the value of the selectedText has no effect on the display.


                                      Chapter 6: Control Structures   51


    HyperPAD usually executes commands in the sequence they appear in your
    script. Control structures change this linear sequence. You can create
    loops, conditional statements (commands that get executed only if
    certain conditions exist), and selection statements (which select a
    block of statements from a list).

    HyperPAD's control structures are similar to Pascal's:

    if...then...else       conditional
    case                   conditional
    while...do             looping
    repeat...until         looping
    for...do               looping


    if <expression> then

    Purpose:  The if structure specifies that a statement should be executed
    only if a certain condition is true. If the condition is false, then
    either no statement is executed or the else statement is executed. The
    if statement responds directly to the user of your pad by executing
    commands based on the user's actions. For example, if step four is not
    completed, then do not allow the user to advance to the next page.

    <Expression> must return a Boolean value (either true or false).

    <Statement> is a single PADtalk statement. Multiple statements are
    enclosed in a begin...end block.

    Note:  The entire if statement ends with a semi-colon.


    A simple if statement:

    if it is "Ok" then quit;

                                      Chapter 6: Control Structures   52

    An if statement that executes more than one statement:

    if page field 1 contains "lawyer" then
        visual effect scroll up;
        go to the next page;

    A complex if..then..else statement:

    if field "Last Name" is empty then
        go to page 1;
        put "went to page 1";
        go to page 2;
        put "went to page 2";


    case <expression> of
    <expression>  :  statement;
    <expression>  :  statement;
    [otherwise  :  statement;]

    Purpose: The case statement give scripts the power to choose from more
    than two alternatives without specifying numerous if statements.
    With a case statement, you set up a number of conditions, each with its
    own "action". When the case statement is executed, the action associated
    with the met condition is executed.

    A case statement consists of an expression (the selector) and a list of
    statements, each associated with an expression. The case statement
    selects for execution the statement that is equal to the current value
    of the selector. When the statement has completed execution, control
    goes to the end of the case statement.

    You are not limited to a single statement for each expression. If you
    want to execute more than one statement if a match is found, use the
    begin...end construct to enclose the statements.

                                      Chapter 6: Control Structures   53

    If there is no match for the selector, HyperPAD executes the statement
    following the word otherwise. Be sure to include an otherwise statement
    if there is a possibility that no matches will be found or HyperPAD will
    give a runtime error. Your otherwise statement does not have to generate
    an action, simply create a blank statement after that expression.


    The following is a typical case statement:

    case mycolor of
      "blue"   : go to page id 4;
      "red"    : begin
                   visual effect scroll up;
                   go to page id 4;
      otherwise: answer "Don't know this color.";

    The following illustrates the versatility of the case statement. The
    selector and each of the possible matches are expressions. If no match
    is found, nothing happens.

    case trim(salary) of
      4 + 5/yearly_salary   : put salary*100 into msg;
      56*min(field1,field2) : put salary*200 into msg;
      otherwise             : ;


    A common mistake when scripting is to forget the end; that ends the case
    statement. You must end each begin...end construct as well as the entire
    case statement.

    If you do not want a statement to be executed when a match is found, use
    an empty statement (just place a semi-colon after the colon). For

    "blue" : ; -- do nothing

                                      Chapter 6: Control Structures   54

    The selector is evaluated for every comparison in the case statement.
    For speed, keep the most often matched cases near the top. If the
    selector involves a complex expression, put the result of the expression
    into a temporary variable first, then use the temporary variable as the
    selector, like in the following example:

    get page field 1 & page field 2;
    case it of
      "jim"     : put it after page field 1;
      "john"    : put it;
      otherwise : answer "Don't know you!";

    HyperPAD case statements follow a looser syntax than their Pascal
    counterparts. HyperPAD allows any valid expression to be used as a
    match, but in Pascal, only ordinals can be used as matches. This makes
    the case statement especially handy for evaluating text, as in the
    following example:

    case (word 2 of item 6 of line 4 of field "last name") of
      "smith"   : go to pad "smith";
      "jones"   : go to pad "jones";
      "fisher"  : go to pad "fisher";
      otherwise : go to page "help";


    while <conditional expression> do

    Purpose:  A while loop is used to execute a statement repeatedly while a
    condition remains true. As soon as the condition is false, the loop
    terminates execution. The while loop will skip the statement if the
    condition is initially false.

    To execute numerous statements inside the loop, enclose them in a
    begin..end block.

                                      Chapter 6: Control Structures   55


    This loop cycles through all the pages of a pad:

    put 1 into count;
    while count < the number of pages do
        visual effect fade;
        go to the next page;
        add 1 to count;

    This loop locates the last backslash in dirname:

    while (i>1) and (character i of dirname is not "\") do
      subtract 1 from i;


      <statement 1>
      <statement 2>
    until <condition>;

    Purpose:  The repeat...until control structure executes a block of
    statements until some condition is met. The sequence of statements is
    executed at least once. After each execution, the condition is
    evaluated. When the condition becomes true, execution falls out to the
    bottom of the loop.


    The following example prints out all the names in a pad:

    set the printer to on;
    put the number of pages into count;
      print field "last name" & return;
      subtract 1 from count;
    until count < 1;
    set the printer to off;

    This example waits for the mouse button to be clicked:

    repeat until mouseClick();

                                      Chapter 6: Control Structures   56


    The differences between while and repeat are as follows:

    1.  Statements in a repeat loop are always executed once. A while loop
    executes only if  a specific condition is met, but be careful; the
    while statement will not execute its statement at all, if the condition
    is initially false.

    2.  The repeat control structure executes statements while a condition
    is false. The while control structure executes statements only while a
    condition is true. These two scripts point out the difference between
    repeat and while:

    repeat                   while (i = 10  do
     :                       begin
     :                        :
     :                       end;
    until (i = 10);

    3.  Repeat can hold multiple statements without enclosing them in a
    begin...end block.


    for <variablename> = <start value> [down] to
      <stop value> [step<increment>] do statement;

    <variable name> is the index variable to be stepped through the range of

    <start value> is the initial value of the index.

    <stop value> is the ending value of the index.

    <increment> is the amount to be added to the index each time through the
    loop. By default, this is 1 (or -1, if "down to" is specified).

    Purpose:  A for loop executes a statement a fixed number of times. The
    index counts the number of executions as it loops through the script.
    When it reaches the specified number, it drops out of the loop. This is
    especially useful because the counting variable can also be used inside
    the loop. For example:

    For i = 1 to 10 do
      go to page i;

    The counting variable i is used inside the loop.

                                      Chapter 6: Control Structures   57

    By default, the index is incremented by 1 each time through the loop.
    You can change the increment by adding a step value, which is, a value
    (or amount) added to the index each time through the loop. For example:

    For i = 1 to 10 step 2 do go to page i;

    Specify a downward direction for the index by giving a start value that
    is less than the end value and using the keyword down. This causes the
    index to be decremented by 1 each time through the loop.

    For example:

    For i = 10 down to 1 do go to page i;

    To specify more than one statement to be executed each time through the
    loop, enclose the statements in a begin...end block.


    Cycle through 10 pages:

    for i = 1 to 10 do
      go to the next page;

    Count how many directories deep we are:

    put the directory into dirName;
    put 0 into count;
    for i = length(dirName) down to 1 do
    if character i of dirName is "\" then add 1 to count;

    Ends up with 11 in the Message Box:

    put 1;
    for i = 1 to 100 step 10 do
      add 1 to msg;

    Ends up with 21 in the message box:

    put 1;
    for i = 100 down to 1 step 5 do
      add 1 to msg;

                                      Chapter 6: Control Structures   58

    The following handler prints out a cosine graph taken from the "Pascal
    User Manual and Report":

    handler select;
      put 16 into xlines; --line spacing/abscissa unit
      put 32 into xlimit; --char widths/ordinate unit
      put 34 into zeroy; --length of graph in lines
      put 1/xlines into delta;
      put 8*atan(@procedurelist = 1.0) into twopi;
      put empty into it;
      for point = 0 to xlimit do
          put delta * point into x;
          put exp(-X)*sin(twopi*x)into y;
          put round(scale*y) + zeroy into ypos;
            put space after it;
            subtract 1 from ypos;
          until ypos = 0;
          put "*" & return after it;
      put it into page field 1;


                                      Chapter 5: The Current Object   47


    This chapter describes HyperPAD's facilities for referencing the current
    object, the object that first received the message, and the object whose
    script is currently executing. Reference each of these directly with the
    object names: currentObject, target, and me.


    The current object is either a highlighted button, or a field that is
    highlighted or being edited. The current object will only change when
    the focus changes, either by pressing TAB or clicking on a different

    You can refer to the current object in a script using the reserved
    object name currentObject, like the following example:

    set the color of the currentObject to red;

    put "hello there" into the currentObject;

    Also, you can determine the full name of the current object using the
    currentObject() function:

    put the currentObject;

    if word 1 of currentObject() is "bkgnd" then
      answer "The current object is on the background";

    This function returns the name of the current object in the form:

    page button id 2

    page field id 5

    bkgnd button id 45

    bkgnd field id 3

                                      Chapter 5: The Current Object   48


    The target references the object that initially received the message.
    This is the object at the start of the hierarchy for this message,
    either a button, a field, or a page. Use the target as an object in
    scripts, like in the following examples:

    put "Wowee" into the target;

    if the hilite of the target then
      set the focus to button "Help";

    set the check of the target to false;

    set the color of the target to blue;

    You can also refer to the name of the target using the target()
    function. Examples of returned text are:

    page field id 2

    bkgnd button id 1

    page id 3

    These statements use the target () function:

    put the target into the message box;

    if word 2 of target() is "button" then
      set the check of the target to 31;

    A good example of the use of target is shown with the following two page
    handlers that modify a button's border when the mouse enters the
    button's rectangle.

    handler mouseEnter;
      if word 2 of target() is "button" then
        set the edgeType of the target to 2;

    handler mouseLeave;
      if word 2 of target() is "button" then
        set the edgeType of the target to 1;

                                      Chapter 5: The Current Object   49


    The owner of the currently executing script can be referred to by the
    object named me. For example:

    put the name of me into the message box;

    get the rectangle of me;

    if the loc of me is "10,10" then
      set the loc of me to 20,20;

    The following statements belong in a field's script:

    put "Hello World" into me;

    put page field 2 before me;

    Note: Care must be taken when using me, make sure that the use of me is
    consistent with the type of object that owns the script. For example,
    you would not want to put the following statement into a button's

    put "hello world" into me;

    This statement will only work within a field's script.


    You can reference the current page, background, or pad with the word
    this. For example, all of the following refer to current objects in the

    this page

    this background

    this pad

    You can use these object names in your PADtalk statements:

    go to this page;

    put the name of this background into msg;

    if the name of this pad is "home" then quit;

    set the cantDelete of this page to true;

    You cannot use the word this to refer to buttons or fields.


                                              Chapter 13: Functions   219



    This chapter describes all of the functions available in HyperPAD. Each
    HyperPAD function returns a single value to your script.


    To make a function call within a script, use the following syntax:

    put min(10,12) into msg;

    put the min of 10,12 into msg;

    If the function doesn't have any arguments, then use the following

    put screenWidth() into msg;

    put the screenWidth into msg;

    You cannot mix the two syntax together. For example, the following are

    put the min(10,12) into msg;

    put min of 10,12 into msg;


    All functions in HyperPAD are send as messages. For example, the
    function call min(4,5) sends a min message with two parameters: 4 and 5.
    This allows you to redefine any of the built-in function available in
    HyperPAD by replacing the function with your own.

    For example, the following redefines the built-in function min():

    function min;
      return 6;

    Redefining built-in functions prevents your scripts lower in the
    hierarchy from accessing the real function. If the above redefinition of
    the min() function occurred in a pad script, then all of the background,
    pages, button, and fields, of that pad which use the min() function
    would not work.

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   220

    In the next example, suppose you wanted HyperPAD to look for files in a
    certain directory on your hard disk that isn't specified in the DOS
    path. In this case, the findFile() function, which normally searches the
    DOS path for files, will not find files in your special directory. You
    could redefine the findFile() function and place it into the pad script
    of your Home pad so that all pads that use findFile() will work

    function findFile(fileName);
      return fileExists("C:\DOCUMENTS\OLD\" & fileName);



    The following is a complete list of computer functions in HyperPAD:

    coprocessor         freeMem             mouseLoc
    cup                 graphicsCard        mouseX
    cursorLoc           mouseButton         mouseY
    cursorX             mouseClick          screenHeight
    cursorY             mouseExists         screenWidth


    The following are the conversion functions in HyperPAD:

    charToNum           numToChar


    The following are the date and time functions in HyperPAD:

    date                longTime            time
    longDate            seconds

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   221


    The following are the DOS functions in HyperPAD:

    append              dosVersion          files
    commandLine         drive               fileSize
    create              drives              findFile
    directory           environment         fullName
    dirs                fileExists          longFiles
    diskSpace           fileOpen            open


    The following are the HyperPAD financial functions:

    annuity             stdev               compound


    The following are the keyboard functions in HyperPAD:

    altKey              key                 shiftKey

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   222


    The following are the mathematical functions in HyperPAD:

    abs                 exp2                round
    acos                fact                sin
    asin                ln                  sqrt
    atan                ln1                 sum
    average             max                 tan
    cos                 min                 trunc
    exp                 product
    exp1                random


    The following functions return information about pads: 

    currentBackground   freeSize            target
    currentObject       isSound             version
    currentPad          number of
    currentPage         padSize


    The following are the text handling functions in HyperPAD:

    clean               offset              substitute
    leftString          proper              upper
    lenght              repeatChar
    lower               rightString

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   223


    The following are the miscellaneous functions in HyperPAD:

    choose              paramCount          popup
    param               params              result



    Purpose: The abs() function returns the absolute value of a number;
    which is always a positive number, even if the <number> is negative.


    The following example puts 9 into page field 1.

    put the abs of 9 into page field 1;

    The next example puts 33 into the message box.

    put abs (-33) into the message box;



    Purpose: The acos() function returns the arc cosine of a number. The arc
    cosine (inverse cosine) is the angle whose cosine is <number>. The angle
    is given in degrees.


    The following example puts 60 into page field 1.

    put the acos of 0.5 into page field 1;

    See Also: asin(), atan()

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   224



    Purpose: The altKey() function returns the status of the ALT key. It
    returns either down or up.


    put the altKey into the message box;

    See Also: shiftKey(), ctrlKey()



    Purpose: This function computes the present or future value of an
    annuity. <Rate> represents the interest rate per period. <Periods> is
    the number of periods.

    HyperPAD uses the following formula:



    To compute the monthly payment of a loan of $10,000.00 at 11% for 10

    put 10000 into total;    --amount borrowed
    put 11/100/12 into interest;  -- interest per month
    put 10*12 into numPayments;   -- 10 years*12 mo/yr
    put total/annuity(interest,numPayments) into payment;

    HyperPAD puts the number 137.75 into the container payment.

    As another example, to determine the present value in 2 years of an
    investment of $1000.00 that earns 18% interest, use the following

    put 1000*annuity(18/100,2) into future_value;

    HyperPAD puts 1565.64 into the container future_value.

    See Also: compound()

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   225



    Purpose: The append() function accesses and opens an existing file
    moving the DOS file write position to the end of the file so that data
    can be added using the write command.

    The value returned by append() is a number that is used to refer to that
    file. You must supply this number in order to use the write and close

    If you attempt to append a file that doesn't exist, no file is opened
    and the result() function will return "no such file". If the append
    function is successful, the result() function will return empty. When
    you give the file's name (in the script) you must follow DOS file naming
    conventions. If no pathname is specified, HyperPAD searches the current

    The file is closed when the user exits HyperPAD, issues a run command,
    or explicitly closes the file with the close command.


    The following example appends a line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file:

    put the append of "C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT" into fh;
    if the result is empty then   --append successful?
      write return & "rem this is appended" to fh;
      close fh;

    See Also: write, close, open(), read



    Purpose: This function returns the arc sine of a number. The arc sine
    (inverse sine) is the angle whose sine is <number>.


    put the asin of .789 into page field 1;

    See Also: acos(), atan()

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   226



    Purpose: This function returns the arc tangent of a number. The arc
    tangent (inverse tangent) is the angle whose tangent is <number>.


    put the atan of 1 into page field 2;

    See Also: acos(), asin()



    Purpose: The average() function averages a group of numbers.
    The numbers can be constants or containers with numeric values. You can
    supply any number of parameters (at least two are required) to this

    The formula used is:



    get the average of (field 1, 10, field4);

    put the average of 10,67,10.67,page field 2 into msg;

    See Also: stdev()



    Purpose: This function returns the ASCII value of the specified
    character. If a string is given, charToNum() only returns the value of
    the first character.


    put the charToNum of "a" into "list";

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   227

    put the charToNum of "L" into field 3;

    See Also: numToChar()



    Purpose: The choose() function chooses the Nth parameter
    from the parameter list. The arguments may be any combination of values,
    strings, or containers. If the index is larger than the number of
    arguments, choose() returns empty.

    A good use for this function is in performing an "array" lookup. The

    put choose(2,10,12,14);

    puts the value 12 into the message box, because 12 was the second
    parameter (after the 2).


    put choose(3,"A",word 1 of page field 1,"C");

    put choose(i,page field 1,page field 2,page field 2) into
    page field 2;



    Purpose: The clean() function strips a text string of unreadable
    characters, returning a text string that does not contain control codes
    or any other non-printable characters.


    put the clean of it into the message box;

    put clean(page field 1) into page field 1;

    You can use clean() to strip unreadable characters from text read into
    HyperPAD from a file:

    read 3 lines from fh;
    put clean(it) into field 1;

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   228



    Purpose: The commandline() function returns the exact command line that
    was used to run HyperPAD from the DOS prompt. The command line can be up
    to 128 characters. No special DOS characters (like |, >, <) are returned
    because they are transparent to applications.

    Because HyperPAD ignores any command line parameters it doesn't
    recognize, authors can implement their own command line switches.


    If the user started HyperPAD with the following command:

    HPAD PHONE /43 /nomsg /geewiz

    The commandline() returns "PHONE /43 /nomsg /geewiz".

    This example tests for a user-defined command line option:

    if "/geewiz" is in the commandLine then
      visual effect peel;
      go to page "stuff";



    Purpose: This function computes the future value of an account that
    earns compound interest. <Rate> is the interest rate for the period,
    <periods> is the number of periods.

    The formula for the above syntax is:


                                              Chapter 13: Functions   229


    To determine the future value in 2 years of an investment of $1000.00
    that earns 18%, use the following statement:

    put 1000*compound(18/100,2) into future_value;

    This puts 1392.4 into the message box.

    See Also: annuity()



    Purpose: This function returns true if there is a math processor (80x87)



    Purpose: This function returns the cosine of an angle, which must be
    specified in degrees.


    put the cos of 45 into page field 12;

    See Also: sin(), tan()



    Purpose: The cpu() function returns the microprocessor in use, either
    8086, 80186, 80286, or 80386. HyperPAD doesn't differentiate between the
    8088 and 8086 microprocessors, it returns 8086 for 8088 machines.


    put the cpu into cpuType;

    put cpu() into the message box;

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   230



    Purpose: The create() function creates a new file with the specified
    filename that can be used with the write command. The returned value is
    a number that is used to refer to the file with the write and close

    If a file with that name already exists, its length is truncated to
    zero, so the new data replaces any previous data. If create() is
    successful, the result() function returns empty; if there is an error,
    the result() function will return "open error".

    A file created with create() can be written to using the write command.
    HyperPAD creates the file in the current directory if no path is
    specified in <filename>.

    All files are closed when the user exits HyperPAD, issues a run command,
    or explicitly closes the file with the close command.


    put the create of "C:\HPAD\DATA.DAT" into myFile;

    The following example uses create() to create a new file of page scripts
    from the current pad:

    put the create of "SCRIPTS.TXT" into fh;
    if the result is not empty then exit;
    for i = 1 to the number of pages do
      write (the script of page i) & return to fh;
    close fh;

    See Also: append(), open(), write, read



    Purpose: This function returns the status of the CTRL key. If the CTRL
    key is pressed, it returns down, and if the CTRL key is not pressed it
    returns up.


    put the ctrlKey into msg;

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   231



    Purpose: The currentBackground() function returns the number of the
    background used by the current page.


    put the currentBackground into the message box;

    See Also: currentPage(), currentObject(), currentPad()



    Purpose: This function returns the name of the object that currently has
    the focus in the following format:

    (page | background) (button | field) id <number>

    Some examples of text returned by currentObject() are:

    page button id 4

    page field id 9

    background field id 1

    background button id 89


    if word 4 of the currentObject is 4 then
      go to page 5;

    Abbreviations: curObj()

    See Also: target, me

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   232



    Purpose: The currentPad() function returns the full DOS filename of the
    current pad including the drive letter and directory.

    For example, if the current pad is HOME.PAD, then currentPad() might



    put the currentPad into the message box;

    This function is especially useful in determining the directory of the
    pad you are currently using. The following example extracts the
    directory from the name of the current pad and loads another pad from
    that same directory:

    get currentPad();             -- it = current pad
    get substitute(it,"\",",");   -- "\" changed to ","
    delete the last item of it;   -- get rid of filename
    get substitute(it,",""\");    -- "," changed to "\"
    go to pad it & "\PHONE.PAD"   -- append new name

    Abbreviations: curPad()

    See Also: currentPage(), currentBackground(), currentObject()



    Purpose: This function returns the number of the current page. This is
    not the page's ID number; it is the number that corresponds to the
    page's position in the pad.


    put currentPage() into msg;

    go to page (currentPage() + 2);

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   233

    The following example shows you how to alter the Next command on the Go
    menu so that on the last page of the pad, the command will do nothing.

    handler doMenu(d);
      if d is "Next" then
        if the currentPage = the number of pages then
        put "Last page.";

    Abbreviations: curPage()

    See Also: currentObject(), currentBackground(), currentPad()



    Purpose: This function returns the current X,Y coordinates of the
    cursor. The returned text string describes the character cell where the
    hardware text cursor (the blinking cursor) is located; for example,
    "10,12" specifies character position 10 horizontally and character
    position 12 vertically.


    put the cursorLoc into the message box;

    put the cursorLoc into page field 5;

    See Also: cursorX, cursorY, cursor

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   234



    Purpose: This function returns the X coordinate of the cursor. The
    X coordinate of the hardware text cursor (the blinking cursor) is its
    current horizontal position or column location. For example, 10
    specifies the tenth horizontal character cell.


    if cursorX() > 40 then put "right side of page";

    put the cursorX into the message box;

    See Also: cursorY(), cursorLoc(), cursor



    Purpose: This function returns the Y coordinate of the cursor. The
    Y coordinate of the hardware text cursor (the blinking cursor) is its
    current vertical position or character location. For example, 12
    represents the twelfth vertical character cell.


    if cursorY() > 12 then
    put "bottom half of page" into page field 4;

    put the cursorY into the message box;

    See Also: cursorLoc(), cursorX(), cursor



    Purpose: This function returns the short form of the current date. The
    date is a text string showing Month/Day/Year (MM/DD/YY), for example:


                                              Chapter 13: Functions   235


    if char 1 to 5 of the date is "12/25" then
      answer "It's Christmas!" with "Yippee";

    See Also: longDate()



    Purpose: The directory() function returns the working directory on any
    drive. The returned value includes a drive letter and the complete

    get the directory; -- get the current directory

    get the directory of "F"; -- get dir on drive F

    The drive letter parameter is optional. If one is not specified,
    directory() will return the current directory. A value of empty means
    that the specified drive was invalid.


    put the directory into page field "Current Directory";

    The following example searches the current directory on all drives for a
    file called JUNK.TXT:

    put the drives into driveList;
    for i = 1 to the number of items of driveList do
        get the directory of item i of driveList;
        if the last char of it is not "\" then
          put "\" after it;
        if fileExists(it & "JUNK.TXT") then
          answer "Found it in directory" && it with "Ok";

    Abbreviations: dir()

    See Also: currentDirectory()

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   236



    Purpose: The dirs() function returns a list of all the sub-directories
    within a specified directory. If you don't specify the optional
    pathname, HyperPAD returns a list of sub-directories from the current

    get the dirs;    -- subdirs of current directory

    get dirs("C:\"); -- subdirs of root on C:

    This function will return a list of sub-directories resembling the
    following format:

    [..          ]
    [123         ]
    [WORD        ]
    [SAMPLES     ]
    The ".." means that there is a parent directory.


    put the dirs into page field "Directory List";

    put dirs("C:\LOTUS") into page field "Dirs";

    if ".." is not in dirs() then
      answer "You are currently in a root directory";

    See Also: drives(), files(), longFiles()



    Purpose: The diskSpace() function returns the amount of free space on
    the specified drive in bytes. If the optional drive letter is not
    specified, then the free space from the current drive is returned.


    put the diskSpace of "E" into page field 4;

    put the diskSpace into background field 1;

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   237



    Purpose: This function returns the DOS version. Both the major version
    number and the minor version number are returned, like the following:



    put the dosVersion in the message box;



    Purpose: This function returns the current drive.


    if the drive is "C" then put "this is a hard disk"
      in page field 3;

    See Also: drives()

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   238



    Purpose: The drives() function returns a list of valid disk drives in an
    item delimited list, like the following:



    The following example puts the drives into a field, putting each drive
    letter on a different line:

    put substitute(the drives,",",return) into pg fld 1;

    The following statements let the user select a drive letter from a list:

    get popup(drives(),35,10);
    if it is not 0 then
      answer "You chose drive" && item it of drives();



    Purpose: This function returns the DOS environment setting for the
    passed DOS environment variable. The environment() function searches the
    list of environment variables for an entry corresponding to the passed

    The environment() function is useful for finding the location of the
    command processor (the COMSPEC variable). It may also be useful to
    retrieve user-defined environment variables that may control a pad.


    put the environment of "path" into the msg;

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   239

    The following example uses environment() to locate COMMAND.COM.
    Normally, there is an environment string called COMSPEC that has its

    get environment("COMSPEC");  --try the environment
    if it is empty then
      get findFile("COMMAND.COM");  --try the path
    if it is empty then
      get "C:\COMMAND.COM");  --last resort - drive C
    if not fileExists(it) then
      answer "Unable to locate the command processor.";



    Purpose: This function returns the value of e raised to the power of the
    argument. E equals 2.7182818, the base of the natural logarithm.


    The following statement puts 54.59815 into the message box:

    put the exp of 4 into msg;

    See Also: exp1(),exp2()



    Purpose: This function returns the value of one less than e raised to
    the power of the argument. E equals 2.7182818, the base of the natural


    The following statement puts 8102.083928 into the message box:

    put the exp1 of 9 into msg;

    See Also: exp(), exp2()

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   240



    Purpose: This function returns the value of 2 raised to the power of the
    argument. To calculate the power of other numbers, use the power (^)


    put exp2(6*2) into the message box;   -- 64

    put the exp2 of 4 into x;             -- 16

    See Also: exp(), exp1()



    Purpose: This function returns the factorial of the specified number.
    The factorial of a number is equal to:

    number*(number - 1) * (number *...* (number - n)
    where n = number - 1.


    put the fact of 6 into it;    -- 720

    put the fact of 10 into msg;  -- 3628800



    Purpose: The fileExists() function allows you to determine if the file
    you specified exists. This function returns true or false. You can
    specify any valid DOS filename, including a path.


    put the fileExists of "MY.PAD" into IT;

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   241

    if fileExists("C:\123\123.COM") then
      run "C:\123\123.COM" with programDirectory;


    fileOpen(<title>,<prompt>,<file extension>)

    Purpose: This function allows the user to select a file from the File
    Open dialog box. This is the same dialog box that HyperPAD uses when you
    select Open from the File menu.

    Parameter:       Description:
    <title>          Title of the dialog box

    <prompt>         Text above the filename field in the dialog box.

    <file extension> Extension of the files that HyperPAD displays in the
                     list box, like "WK1" or "DOC". This parameter can also
                     include a path specification, like "C:\123\*.WK1".

    The fileOpen() function returns empty if the user selected Cancel,
    otherwise it returns a complete DOS path specification (with drive
    letter) for the file that the user selects.

    For example:



    put fileOpen("Open File","File Name:","C:\*.COM");

    put the fleOpen of
      "My Open File Box",
      "Type in the file name:",

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   242



    Purpose: The files() function returns a list of all the filenames
    separated by carriage returns that match a search mask.

    If no search mask is specified, files() returns all of the files in the
    current directory (*.*). The files are returned in the following manner:


    The files are sorted according to the value of the fileSortMethod
    property, which is 1 by default (sort ascending by filename).


    put the files into page field 4;
    put files ("*.EXT") into page field 4;

    See Also: longFiles(), fileSortMethod



    Purpose: This function returns the size in bytes of the specified file.
    If the file does not exist, fileSize() returns 0.


    put fileSize("README.DOC") into the message box;

    if the fileSize of "DATA.DAT" < 30000 then
      doMenu "Import...";

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   243



    Purpose: This function searches for a file using HyperPAD's built-in
    search technique. HyperPAD looks in the following places in the
    following order:

    1.  Search the current directory.

    2.  Search the directory pointed to by the HPADNET environment variable
    (if there is one).

    3.  Search the directory where HPAD.EXE exists.

    4.  Search the directory where HyperPAD was started.

    5.  Search all directories specified in the DOS path.

    6.  Search the B: drive if the Program disk is in A and A is a low
    density disk (360K).

    If the file is located, you are returned the full DOS path name. If the
    file cannot be located, findFile() returns empty.


    if findFile("DATA.DAT") is not empty then
      answer "Can't find the data file";

    get the findFile of "readme.doc";

    See Also: fileExists(), fullName()



    Purpose: The freeMem() function returns the number of bytes of free
    memory. The number is not the total memory in the computer; nor is it
    the total amount of memory for your pad. It returns the free memory at
    the time you call the function.


    put the freeMem into the message box;

    See Also: padSize(), freeSize()

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   244



    Purpose: The freeSize() function returns the number of bytes of free
    space in the current pad. This number is constantly changing as you use
    your pad.

    Note: The free space in read-only pads (pads whose
    cantModify property is set to true) will never change.


    if the freeSize >` 4000 then doMenu "Compress";

    See Also: freeMem(), padSize()



    Purpose: The fullName() function takes a partial file specification and
    returns a full DOS path name for the file. The following table shows
    samples of what this function returns, depending on the parameter
    supplied to the fullName() function:

    Current Directory:   Parameter:         Returns:
    C:\HPAD2             ..                 C:\

    C:\HPAD\PADS         ..\ACCOUNTS\..\..  C:\

    C:\HPAD2             C:..               C:\HPAD2

    C:\HPAD2\PADS        C:\                C:\

    C:\HPAD2             C:                 C:\HPAD2

    C:\HPAD2             ..\..\DOS          C:\DOS

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   245


    put the fullName of "D:..\DOS" into msg;

    ask "What directory";
    put fullName(it) into msg;

    This function can be used to validate DOS filenames:

    ask "Pad to load";  -- get a pad name
    get fullName(it);   -- make sure it's a full name
    if fileExists(it) then
      go to pad it;          -- go to the pad



    Purpose: The graphicsCard() function returns the video card in use. The
    following are possible returned values:

    Extended CGA
    Extended CGA-PLASMA
    Hercules Monochrome
    Extended EGA
    Extended VGA
    Leading EDGE Internal Graphics Adapter


    put graphicsCard into the msg;

    if the graphicsCard is not "monochrome" then
      LoadGX2 "PICTURE.GX2";

    if the graphicsCard() is "vga" then
      go to pad "phone50";

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   246



    Purpose: This function returns true if music is playing or a sound
    command is active. Otherwise, the function returns false.


    put isSound() into the msg;

    if not isSound() then play "ABC";

    To wait until some music is finished playing:

    play "ABCDEFG";
    repeat until not isSound();

    See Also: play, sound, noSound



    Purpose: This function translates a key (the type passed with the
    keyPress message) to text.

    Keys are normally encoded into numbers in the following manner:

    scan code * 256 + ascii code

    For example, the scan code of the ENTER key is 28, the ASCII code is 13,
    so the key code is 256*28 + 13 = 7181. The key() function translates the
    number 7181 to the string "ENTER".

    In addition to normal letters, digits, and punctuation, key() returns
    strings like "ENTER", "F1", "ALT+T" for special keys and key
    combinations. The possible values returned by key() are listed in
    Appendix  2, "Key Values".

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   247


    put the key of k into It;

    handler keyPress(k);
      if the key of k is "escape" then quit
      else pass;

    See Also: keyPress



    Purpose: The leftString() function returns the specified number of
    characters in a string beginning from the left.

    For example, leftString("Hello World",7) returns "Hello W".

    Note:  This function requires exactly two arguments.


    put the leftString of "This is a string", 6 into msg;

    See Also: rightString()

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   248



    Purpose: The length() function returns the number of characters in a
    string. The string can be a literal string or a container.

    The following two statements are equivalent:

    the number of characters of page field 1;

    length(page field 1);

    if the length(page field 1) > 10 the beep;

    put length(userName) into userNameLength;

    Abbreviations: len()

    See Also: number of



    Purpose: This function returns the natural logarithm of the number. The
    natural logarithms are based on the constant e, 2.7182818. The argument
    must be positive.


    put the ln of 6 into it;       -- 1.791759

    put the ln of 89076 into msg;  -- 11.397245

    See Also: ln1()

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   249



    Purpose: This function returns the natural logarithm of the sum of one
    plus the number. The natural logarithms are based on the constant e,
    2.7182818. The argument must be positive.


    put ln1(7) into msg;

    See Also: ln()



    Purpose: This function returns the long form of the current date. The
    long date is a text string showing day of the week, month, day, and
    year; for example:

    "Monday, December 25, 1989"


    put longDate() into the msg;

    put "Today's date is" && the longDate into page field 8;

    get the longDate;
    convert it to abbreviated date;
    put in into msg;

    See Also: date(), time(), longTime()

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   250



    Purpose: The longFiles() function lists the filenames, extensions, size,
    and modification date and time for all files matching the specified
    filespec. If <filespec> isn't given, HyperPAD assumes "*.*" in the
    current directory and lists all those files. Below is a sample list:

    FILENAME.EXT   12345678  12-21-89  12:40p
    FILENAME.EXT   34577310  01-30-90  11:20a


    put longFiles("*.EXE") into page field 4;



    Purpose: The longTime() function returns the current time in the long
    format. The long time is a text string showing hours/minutes/seconds AM
    or PM (HH:MM:SSxx). For example:

    12:30:56 PM


    put the longTime into background field time;

    The following handler in a pad script updates the time displayed in the
    message box constantly:

    handler idle;
      put the longTime;

    See Also: time(), seconds()

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   251



    Purpose: The lower() function returns the specified string in lowercase
    letters. Characters that are not letters are left unchanged. For
    example, lower("HyperPAD 123") returns "hyperpad 123".


    put lower(page field 1) into page field 1;

    ask "What is your name";
    put lower(it) into page field "Name";

    See Also: upper()



    Purpose: The max() function returns the largest number in a series of
    numbers. The numbers can be constants or containers. Any number of
    arguments can be specified as long as there are at least two.


    The following example puts 77 into the message box.

    put the max of 23,43,77 into the message box;

    See Also: min()

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   252



    Purpose: The min() function returns the smallest number in a series of
    numbers. The numbers can be constants or containers. Any number of
    arguments can be specified as long as there are at least two.


    The following example puts 34 into page field 3.

    put min(34,67,89) into page field 3;

    See Also: max()



    Purpose: The mouseButton() function returns the current status of the
    mouse buttons. The response from this function is a text string
    describing the status:

    0     No buttons are pressed.
    1     The left button is pressed.
    2     The right button is pressed.
    3     Both left and right buttons are pressed.
    4     The middle button is pressed (three-button mouse).


    if mouseButton() = 1 then
      put "Button pressed" into the message box;

    The next example waits for all mouse buttons to be released.

    repeat until mouseButton() is zero;

    See Also: mouseClick(), mouseExists(), mouseLoc()

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   253



    Purpose: The mouseClick() function returns true if the mouse button has
    been pressed since the last idle message was sent; otherwise it returns


    if mouseClick() then beep;

    for i = 1 to 10 do go to next page;
    if the mouseClick then
      answer "You pressed the mouse during the show.";

    See Also: mouseButton(), mouseExists(), mouseLoc()



    Purpose: This function returns true if the mouse is installed and the
    mouse software is loaded and working, and false if the mouse is not


    put mouseExists() into the message box;

    get the mouseExists;

    This example installs a keyPress handler that allows keys to pass
    through only if there isn't a mouse present:

    handler keyPress(k);
      if not the mouseExists then pass;

    See Also: mouseClick(), mouseButton(), mouseLoc()

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   254



    Purpose: The mouseLoc() function returns the current X,Y coordinates of
    the mouse. For example:



    put mouseLoc() into background field "Mouse Location";

    if the mouseLoc is "1,1" then beep;

    See Also: mouseX(), mouseY()



    Purpose: The mouseX() function returns the current X coordinate of the
    mouse. The X coordinate of the mouse is its current horizontal position
    or column location.


    put the mouseX into the message box;

    See Also: mouseLoc(), mouseY()



    Purpose: The mouseY() function returns the current Y coordinate of the
    mouse. The Y coordinate of the mouse is its current vertical position or
    row location.


    put the mouseY into the message box;

    See Also: mouseLoc, mouseX

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   255


    number(chars | words | items | lines) of <container>
    number(backgrounds | pages)
    number([page | background] buttons)
    number([page | background] fields)

    Purpose: The number() function returns whether the number of objects, or
    returns the number of characters, words, items, or lines within a


    The different forms of number() are shown here:

    put the number of pages into msg;

    put the number of backgrounds into msg;

    put the number of pages of background 2 into msg;

    put the number of page buttons into msg;

    put the number of fields into msg;

    put the number of flds of pg 1 of bkgnd 4 into msg;

    put the number of characters of msg into msg;

    put the number of words of item 6 of page field 1;

    put the number of lines of page field "File List";

    To show all of the pages:

    for i = 1 to the number of pages do
      go to the next page;

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   256

    To print all the button scripts in a pad:

    set the printer to on;
    for i = 1 to the number of backgrounds do
        go to page 1 of background i;
        for j = 1 to the number of background buttons do
          print the script of background button j;
    for i = 1 to the number of pages do
        go to page i;
        for j = 1 to the number of page buttons do
          print the script of page button j;
    set the printer to off;

    Abbreviations: chars, flds, pgs, cds

    See Also: length()



    Purpose: The numToChar() function returns the ASCII character associated
    with the specified number (an integer from 0 to 255).


    The following example puts the letter "A" into the message box:

    put the numToChar of "65" into page field 3;
    To get a random capital letter:

    put numToChar(random(26) + 64) into msg;

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   257



    Purpose: The offset() function returns the character number where the
    first string appears in the second. If the first string doesn't occur
    within the second, offset() returns 0.


    The following example puts 5 into the message box:

    put offSet("blue", "the blue ocean");

    The next example puts 2 into the message box:

    put offSet("e", "hello there mate") into msg;

    The next example replaces all occurrences of one string with another:

      if repString is in searchString then exit;
      put length(searchString) into l;
      while searchString is in targetString do
        get offSet(SearchString);
        put repString into char it to it+l of targetString;
      return targetString;

    To use this function:

    put replaceIt(page field 1,"lawyer","attorney") into page field 1;

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   258



    Purpose: The open() function opens a file for reading and places the
    file pointer at the beginning of that file. The function returns a file
    number that you will need to refer to that file. A file opened with the
    open() function, can only be read, it cannot be modified.

    If HyperPAD can't locate the specified file, the result() function will
    return "no such file". If open() is successful, the result() function
    will return empty.

    Once you have opened a file, you can read from it using the read
    command. When you are done with the file, be sure to close it using the
    close command.


    put open("DATA.DAT") into the msg;

    To open a file and read its entire contents into a field:

    put open("DOCUMENT.TXT") into fh;
    if the result is empty then
        read from fh until end;
        put it into field "Document";
        close fh;
      answer "Error opening file";

    See Also: close(), read

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   259



    Purpose: This function returns the size of the pad in bytes.


    put the padSize into the message box;

    The following function uses padSize() to determine if there is room to
    expand the pad by a certain number of bytes.

    function roomForExpansion(numBytes);
      return the padSize > the diskSpace + numBytes;



    Purpose: The param() function returns the value of the nth parameter of
    the parameter list passed to the currently executing handler or

    If there are not any parameters or <paramnumber> is too large, then
    empty is returned.


    Use param to put all of the passed parameters into a separate line of a

    handler makeList;
      for i = 1 to the paramCount do
      put param(i) into line i of page field 1;

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   260

    The next example uses param() to define a max() function:

    function max;
      put param(1) into m;
      for i = 2 to the paramCount do
        if param(i) > m then put param(i) into m;
      return m;

    See Also: paramCount(), params()



    Purpose: The paramCount() function returns the total number of
    parameters passed to the currently executing handler, regardless of the
    number of place holders declared by the handler or function. This
    function is the only way to determine the actual number of arguments
    passed to a handler or function.


    get the paramCount;

    The next example uses paramCount() to determine the number of
    parameters, then checks to see if any of the parameters can be found in
    background field 1:

    function findMany;
      for i = 1 to the paramCount do
          find param(i) in field 1; --find parameter
          if the result is "found" then
              return true; --found one!
      return false; --can't find any

    See Also: param(), params()

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   261



    Purpose: The params() function returns a list of the parameters passed
    to the currently executing handler or function. The values of the
    arguments (not the expressions themselves) are returned in a list,
    separated by commas. The expressions are evaluated before the parameter
    list is returned. For example, if the following call is made to a
    handler called stuff:


    then the params() function will return the text



    put params() into the message box;

    handler putThem;
      put the params;

    See Also: param(), paramCount()

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   262


    popup(<upper left x>,<upper left y>,<choices>)

    Purpose: The popup() function displays and controls a popup menu. A
    popup menu is a window with a list of choices from which you can choose,
    similar to HyperPAD pull down menus (like the File menu). Here is a
    sample of a popup:

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    You specify the location of the popup menu by its upper left X,Y
    coordinates. The choices that appear within the popup menu are specified
    in the <choices> parameter. The <choices> text has the following format:


    Each choice is separated be either a semi-colon, comma, or a carriage
    return. The following characters have special meaning within a choice:

    - (hyphen)

    A hyphen defines a horizontal separator bar. You can also create
    separator bars by specifying an empty choice.

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   263


    When the @ character is the first character of a choice, the choice is


    The ! character as the first character of a choice, checks the choice.


    The & character means that the next character in the choice is an
    accelerator key.

    The following are sample choice strings:


    If you have many choices in your popup, you can put the choices into a
    field and use the statement:

    put the popup of 10,10,field 1 into userChoice;

    Using a popup is similar to using a HyperPAD pull down menu. The
    following keys control a popup:

    Key:              Action:
    UP                Highlight the previous choice.
    DOWN              Highlight the next choice.
    ENTER or SPACE    Select the highlighted choice
    HOME              Highlight the first choice.
    END               Highlight the last choice.
    LETTER            Select the choice with that accelerator key.

    The popup() function returns the number of the selected choice. If you
    press ESC, popup() will return 0.

    HyperPAD adjusts the popup's position if the coordinates you specify
    cause the popup menu to be drawn off the edge of the screen. Thus, if
    you wanted to create a popup in the lower right hand corner, you could
    use the following statement:

    get popup(100,100,"Choice1,Choice2,Choice3);

    In this case, HyperPAD would adjust the upper left corner to 70,21.

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   264

    The popup() function will return an error if the number of choices
    exceeds the height of the display, if the length of any of the choices
    is greater the 80, or if all of the choices are disabled.


    get popup(10,10,"Eggs,Ham,Cheese,Bread");

    To display a popup with three choices:

    put popup 4,3,"New...,Open...,Save a Copy..." into r;

    To display a popup with the same three choices, except this time, the
    first choice has an accelerator key (w) and the second choice has a
    check mark:

    put popup 10,10,"Ne&w...;!Open...;Save a Copy..." into r;

    The following handlers implement an Edit menu similar to HyperPAD's Edit
    menu. The two handlers should be in a button script.

    handler mouseDown;
      -- assemble some choices
      put "@&Undo,-,Cu&t,&Copy,&Paste,&Delete" cList;
      -- let the user pick one
      put popup(7,2,cList) into choice;
      if it is 0 then exit;
      -- convert choice to usable string
      get item it of cList;
      get substitute(it,"&",empty);
      get substitute(it,"@",empty);
      -- execute it
      domenu it;

    handler select;
      -- simulate the user pressing the mouse on this choice

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   265

    The following example allows the user to pick a drive from a list:

    get popup(3,3,drives());
    if it is 0 then exit;
    answer "You picked" item it of drives();

    See Also: setPopupColor, setDefaultPopupColors



    Purpose: The product() function multiplies each of the numbers given as
    arguments. This function accepts two or more arguments.


    put the product of 3,56,98,54 into total;

    put the product of 4,6,32,78,99 into page field 3;

    See Also: sum()



    Purpose: The proper() function returns the proper form of the passed
    parameter by changing the first character of each word to uppercase and
    all other characters to lowercase. The function also capitalizes any
    character that follows a non-alphabetic character.

    For example:            Returns:
    proper("hello there")   Hello There

    proper("hELLO THeRE")   Hello There


    put proper("this is a string") into the message box;

    ask "What is your name";
    put proper(it) into field "Name";

    See Also: upper(), lower()

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   266



    Purpose: The random() function returns a random integer greater than or
    equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number specified. The function
    may return the same number more than once before all the numbers within
    the specified range have been returned.


    put random(3) into the message box;

    put item random(3) of "Jim,John,Lisa" into pg fld 1;

    The next example shows each page in a pad in a random order. The problem
    here is that random can return the same value twice before all the
    values have been returned at least once. To remedy this, the handler
    creates an item delimited list of page numbers. For example, if there
    are 10 pages, list looks like:


    The algorithm retrieves a random number between 1 and the number of
    items in this list and retrieves this item number from the list. Then,
    this page is shown and that item is deleted from the list. This process
    continues until the list is empty.

    handler showAll;
      --create an item list of page numbers:
      put empty into list;
      for i = 1 to the number of pages do
        put i into item i of list;
      --show each item, delete the item after showing it
      while list is not empty do
          put random(number of items of list) into r;
          go to page (item r of list);
          delete item r of list;

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   267


    repeatChar(<number of times>,<character to repeat>)

    Purpose: This function returns a string made up of a single character of
    a specified length. For example,




    put repeatChar(10,char 1 of page field 1) into msg;

    print repeatChar(30-length(s),space);

    Abbreviations: repChar()



    Purpose: This function returns the result of many operations in
    HyperPAD, including run, open(), create(), append(), find, go, and

    The following modify the return value of result():

    1.  The run command. After running a program with the run command, the
    result() returns the value of the return code of the program. (This is
    the same return code that you test for using the DOS errorlevel

    2.  The read command. After reading data from a file using the read
    command, the result() returns "eof" if the end of file has been reached;
    otherwise the result() returns empty.

    3.  The write command. The result() returns empty.

    4.  The go command. If you attempt to go to an invalid page, the
    result() returns "no such page".

    5.  The open function. If there is an error opening a file, result()
    returns "no such file".

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   268

    6.  The append function. If there is an error opening a file, result()
    returns "no such file".

    7.  The create function. If there is an error creating the file,
    result() returns "open error".

    8.  The find command. The result() returns either "found" or "not found"
    depending on the outcome of the search.

    9.  The query command. The result() returns either "found" or "not
    found" depending on the result of the query.


    put the result into status;

    The following resume handler checks the result() function to see if the
    program exited with an error.

    handler resume;
      if the result is not zero then
        answer "The program exited with an error code";



    Purpose: This function returns the specified number of characters from
    the string beginning from the right. For example,
    rightString("Hello World",3);
    returns "rld".


    put rightString("This is a string",6) into the msg;

    See Also: leftString

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   269



    Purpose: This function rounds the specified number to the nearest
    integer. The operation is performed by adding .5 to the number and
    truncating the decimal part. If the number is negative, the negative
    sign is removed, rounding is performed and then the negative sign is put


    The following puts 6 into it:

    put the round of 5.77 into it;

    The following example puts 187654 into page field 2:

    put the round of 187654.222 into page field 2;

    See Also: trunc()



    Purpose: This function returns the height of the screen in character
    cells or rows. Normally, the screen is 25 rows high.

    You can change the screen height of new pads using the command line
    options "/43" and "/50".


    put the screenHeight into msg;

    The following positions a button beyond the 25th line, but checks first:

    if the screenHeight > 25 then
      --user has an extended text mode
      set the position of button "home" to 70,40;

    See Also: screenWidth()

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   270



    Purpose: This function returns the width of the screen, which is
    normally 80 columns wide.


    put the screenHeight into msg;

    See Also: screenHeight()



    Purpose: This function returns the number of seconds between January 1,
    1583 and the current date. The function works by retrieving your
    computer's date and time and converting it to seconds (be sure your
    computer's date and time are correct).


    put the seconds into msg;

    The following example uses seconds() to time an operation.

    put the seconds into savedSeconds;
    for i = 1 to the number of pages do
      go to page i;
    answer "That operation took" && seconds() - savedSeconds() && "seconds";

    Using seconds(), you can set up an alarm, as demonstrated
    with the following handlers. First, this button script sets up the alarm

    handler select;
      global stopSeconds;
      ask "Alarm at what time?" with the time;
      if it is empty then exit;
      convert it to seconds;
      put it into stopSeconds;

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   271

    The following script should be placed in the pad script of your Home
    pad. It watches for the alarm.

    handler idle;
      global stopSeconds;
      -- check to see if an alarm is set...
      if stopseconds > 0 then
          -- has time elapsed?
          if the seconds >= stopSeconds then
              answer "The alarm has gone off!" with "Ok";
              put 0 into stopSeconds;
      pass; -- pass on to the next object

    Abbreviations: secs()

    See Also: time(), longTime()



    Purpose: This function determines the status of the SHIFT key. It
    returns either up or down.


    put shiftKey() into shiftStatus;

    put the shiftKey into the message box;

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   272



    Purpose: This function returns the sine of an angle.


    put sin(30) into the message box;  -- 0.5

    put the sin of 45 into page field 1;  -- 0.707107

    See Also: cos(), tan()



    Purpose: This function returns the square root of <number>. A error
    occurs if <number> is negative.


    put the sqrt of 5 into it;

    put the sqrt of 90 into it;



    Purpose: This function calculates the standard deviation of two or more
    numbers. The formula used to compute the standard deviation is:

    sqrt(((num1-average)^2 + (num2-average)^2 +...+ (numN-


    put the stdev of 6600, 7954, 4399, 7895 into msg;

    put stdev(5000,15000,30000,40000,50000); -- puts 18234.583

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   273



    Purpose: The substitute() function replaces all of the occurrences of
    one string with another and returns the new string. For example, if you
    wanted to replace all occurrences of "o" with "X":

    substitute("Hello World","o","X")

    would return "hellX WXrld".


    put substitute("Biff and Chet and Sid","and","and not");



    Purpose: This function returns the sum off all the passed parameters


    put sum(1,45,6,92) into message box;

    put the sum of apples,oranges into fruit;

    See Also: product(), max(), min()



    Purpose: This function returns the tangent of an angle.


    put tan(30) into the message box;  -- 30

    put the tan of 45 into page field 5;  -- 1

    See Also: cos(), sin()

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   274



    Purpose: The target() function returns a string identifying the initial
    receiver of a message. The target can also be used as an object within
    the script. The target is returned in the following manner:

    page button id 2
    bkgnd button id 2
    page field id 1
    bkgnd field id 1
    page id 2
    bkgnd id 3
    pad "C:\HPAD2\HOME.PAD"


    put the target into the message box;

    if word 2 of the target is "button then
      send "select" to the target;

    See Also: currentObject()



    Purpose: This function returns time in the format:

    HH:MM PP
    where HH = hour, MM = minute, and PP = AM or PM


    get the time;          --put the time into IT
    convert it to seconds; --convert current time to seconds
    add 30 to it;          --add 30 seconds
    convert it to time;    --convert it back
    put it;                --display it in the message box

    See Also: longTime(), seconds()

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   275



    Purpose: The trim() function removes the trailing and leading spaces
    from a container. For example,

    trim("   hello   ")

    returns "hello".


    put the trim of page field 1 into page field 5;



    Purpose: This function returns the integer portion of a number. The
    function does not round the number, it simply ignores all digits
    following the decimal point. For example,


    returns 56.


    put the trunc of 7.489 into IT;

    put the trunc of "P" into the message box;

    See Also: round()

                                              Chapter 13: Functions   276



    Purpose: This function returns the string in all uppercase leaving
    characters that aren't letters unchanged. For example,

    upper("Hello World 123")

    returns "HELLO WORLD 123".


    put upper("this is a string") into the msg;

    See Also: lower()



    Purpose: This function returns the variance of two or more numbers.


    put the variance of 6600, 7954, 4399, 7895;

    See Also: compound(), annuity()



    Purpose: The version() returns the version number of


    put the version in the message box;


                                    Chapter 3: The Object Hierarchy   29


    Each handler, whose components were discussed in the preceding chapter,
    depends on receiving a specific message in order to execute its
    statements. This section describes HyperPAD's message passing system,
    how messages are sent to objects and what happens when the messages are
    received by objects.

    The type and nature of the message and the current object at the time
    the message was generated determines which object  receives the message
    first. The receiving object may or may not have a handler for that
    message. If it does, then the handler for that message executes and the
    message stops its travel. If the object does not have a handler for that
    message, then the message is passed on to the next object in the
    hierarchy. This process continues until there is either a handler for
    that message or the message reaches HyperPAD.

    The types of messages and the path that the messages take during their
    travel through HyperPAD (the hierarchy) are discussed in this chapter.

                                    Chapter 3: The Object Hierarchy   30


    Within HyperPAD, script execution is initiated by messages sent to
    objects. Messages are HyperPAD's way of "telling" the objects what's
    taking place in the environment. Messages are sent:

        0  When an event occurs (like a key being pressed or mouse button
           being clicked).

        0  When the user executes a statement from the message box.

        0  When certain commands are executed from within a script, such as:

        0  When the user selects a menu command.

        0  When the system is idle.


    When an object receives a message, one of two actions is taken. If the
    object has a handler for that message, the handler is executed and the
    message travel is stopped.

    If the object doesn't have a handler for the message, then the message
    is sent to the next object in the object hierarchy. The message will
    continue along in this manner until it encounters a handler for itself,
    or reaches HyperPAD. The following diagram summarizes the path taken by
    a message through HyperPAD:

                                    Chapter 3: The Object Hierarchy   31

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                                    Chapter 3: The Object Hierarchy   32

    The object with the focus receives the message first, which will usually
    be either a page, button, or field. For example, if a button is
    highlighted and the user selects it (by pressing ENTER) a
    select message is sent to the button. If the script doesn't have a
    select handler, the message is sent to the page, and on up the hierarchy
    until a handler is found or the message reaches HyperPAD.

    If the message reaches HyperPAD, one of three actions is taken.

    1.  The message will be ignored. This happens when there is no handler
    for a system message.

    2.  The message will be interpreted by HyperPAD. This happens, for
    example, with the quit message.

    3.  An error will be displayed indicating that HyperPAD didn't
    understand the message.


    The types of messages that are sent are discussed in this section.


    The most common messages passed through HyperPAD are system messages.
    These messages are sent to an object in response to a user-generated
    event. For example, if the pad user presses the left mouse button, the
    mouseDown message is sent to the object under the mouse pointer. Because
    system messages are generated by the pad user, the messages are
    initially sent to either the current page, button, or field. The object
    that first receives the message is called the target.

    There are two types of system messages:

    1.  Notification messages. These are messages that result from an action
    in the system and whose purpose is to notify a script that an action has
    occurred. Some examples are:

    openPage, mouseUp, newPad

    Creating handlers for these messages lets you specify actions to be
    performed after the user has completed an action in HyperPAD. For
    example, a mouseUp handler can be used to trigger some actions after the
    mouse button has been physically released.

    2.  Normal messages. These messages are sent before any actions have
    been taken and result in an action occurring when the message reaches
    HyperPAD. Normal messages are those that HyperPAD understands, such as
    doMenu, quit, help, beep, and deletePage. For example, if you select

                                    Chapter 3: The Object Hierarchy   33

    Delete Button on the Edit menu, then the deleteButton command is sent to
    that button. Only when this message is received by HyperPAD will the
    button be deleted.

    By creating handlers for these messages, you can control different
    aspects of HyperPAD. For example, the following handler intercepts the
    quit message asking if it is ok to quit. If the user selects Ok, the
    handler passes the message on (so that it will reach HyperPAD and you'll
    exit to DOS). If not, the message stops and HyperPAD doesn't quit.

    handler select;
      answer "Ok to quit?";
      if it is "Ok" then pass;


    Within your scripts, you can send messages. For example:

    handler select;

    The message calculateResult will be sent to the script of the currently
    executing object. If there is a handler called calculateResult somewhere
    in the message path, it will then be executed.


    The message box provides a way of executing statements immediately
    without having to type in a script. When you type in a command and press
    ENTER, one of the following will occur:

    1.  If you typed in a command, it will be executed (except the do
    command and any begin...end block).

    2.  If you typed in a message and parameters, the message will be sent
    to the current page. If there is a handler for the message, it will be
    executed. If there is no handler, and HyperPAD doesn't recognize the
    message, an error is displayed.

    3.  If a valid expression was entered, it is evaluated and the result is
    placed into the message box.

                                    Chapter 3: The Object Hierarchy   34


    Some commands within scripts are implemented as messages. This may seem
    confusing. For example, you may, at first, be unable to determine if the
    following statement is a command or a message:


    In fact, this is a command that sends a message called beep. When this
    message reaches HyperPAD, a sound is emitted from the system speaker.

    All of these special messages are noted in the Chapter Ten.


    As you learned above, the initial receiver of a message depends on the
    type and nature of the message as well as which object is currently
    selected when the message is generated.

    As senders and receivers of messages, all objects work the same. The
    type of object has no effect on the execution of the script. The
    following outlines the procedure taken when an object receives a

    First, the script is searched for a handler that corresponds to the
    message. If a match is located, that specific handler is executed. After
    a handler executes, the message stops its travel up the hierarchy unless
    it is passed with the pass command. If no matches are found, the message
    is passed to the next object up the hierarchy.

                                    Chapter 3: The Object Hierarchy   35

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │


    The exit command stops execution of a handler before the last statement
    of the handler has executed. In the following example, the statements
    following the exit statement will never be executed:

    handler select;
      go to the next page;

    The exit command terminates that message's travel through the hierarchy.
    If you want to stop the execution of all pending handlers, use the exit
    to hyperpad command. This command is similar to the user pressing

                                    Chapter 3: The Object Hierarchy   36

    The following example uses the exit to hyperpad command to stop the
    display of a sequence of screens. The checkContinue handler below does
    this by stopping all pending handlers, including the calling handler, at
    the user's request.

    handler checkContinue;
      answer "Is it ok to continue?";
      if it is "Cancel" then exit to hyperpad;

    handler select;
      go to the next page;
      go to the next page;
      go to pad "phone";
      go home;


    The pass command enables a handler to send the message to the next
    object in the hierarchy, as if the current handler hadn't received it.
    For example, consider the following scripts:

    Script:                 Description:
    handler select;         This message will stop here, and
    begin                   will not go on to the next level in
      :                     the message path.

    handler select;         This script intercepts the message,
    begin                   performs some actions, and then
      :                     passes the message on to be handled
       pass;                by other objects higher in the
    end;                    hierarchy.

                                    Chapter 3: The Object Hierarchy   37

    The pass command stops execution of a handler. For example, in the
    following script, the beep statement never gets executed:

    handler select;

    Make sure you position the pass statement as the last statement in the
    script you want executed.


    Messages are normally passed by default up the hierarchy, never across
    to other objects on the same level. With the send command, however, you
    can redirect messages to objects outside the normal hierarchy, such as
    those objects on another page, or lower in the hierarchy.

    For example, the following handler redirects the mouseUp message to a
    button on another page:

    handler mouseUp;
      send "mouseUp" to button "Help" of page 2;

                                    Chapter 3: The Object Hierarchy   38

    If the receiving object does not contain a handler for that message, the
    message will proceed to travel up that object's hierarchy (not the
    hierarchy of the sending object).

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                                    Chapter 3: The Object Hierarchy   39

    Messages sent from a script travel up the path of that sending object.
    This is important to remember in cases like the following:

    handler mouseUp;
      go to pad "B";

    Even though the pad has been changed (to pad "B"), the message
    calculateTotals still travels the message path of the original pad.


    Considering all of the stops a message makes on its journey along the
    message path, it may at first be difficult to decide where to put your
    handlers. For example, should you put a handler in the script of a
    button, a  page script, the corresponding background script, the pad
    script, or maybe in the Home pad script? To answer this question, you
    need to determine which objects need to use this handler. Then you will
    know exactly where to locate your handlers.

    Simply put, your handlers should be located in the script of the object
    lowest in the hierarchy and still be accessible to all the objects that
    need that handler.

    For example, if you have a single button that, when selected, takes you
    to the next page, you would create a handler in the script of the

    Suppose that you have 10 buttons on the page and you want the pad user
    to be able to click on any button and go to the next page. Instead of
    including this handler in the script of each of the ten buttons, you
    could put the handler into the script of the page. Thus, all buttons on
    the page would respond to the select message using the same handler.
    (Remember that if an object doesn't have a handler for a message, it is
    passed on to the next layer...in this case, the page.)

    In the next case, suppose that you have a handler called calcResult that
    you would like to access from several different pages which are all on
    the same background. Instead of including the handler in each page
    script that requires it, you could put the handler in the background
    script, making it accessible to every page that uses that background.

    Next, suppose that the calcResult handler is used in many different
    pages, buttons and fields throughout your entire pad, even from
    different backgrounds. In this case, you would want to put the handler
    in the pad script, making it accessible to each object in the pad.

                                    Chapter 3: The Object Hierarchy   40

    In the last case, suppose that the calcResult handler was used in many
    of your pads. Depending on how often it is used, you may want to copy it
    into each pad that uses it. Another approach is to put the handler in
    the pad script of the Home pad. This makes the handler accessible to all
    of your pads. You must be careful, however, to keep this script small
    and efficient because it is always loaded (thus requiring more memory).


                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   73


    The following chapter describes in detail all of the messages sent to
    HyperPAD's objects. It is divided into three sections, one for each type
    of object that can initially receive a message. Each section begins with
    a table describing the messages discussed in that section. At the end of
    this chapter is a table of common events that occur in HyperPAD, along
    with the list of messages sent when these events occur.


    A message is a notification sent to an object indicating that something
    has happened in the HyperPAD system. For example, if you click the mouse
    on a button, the mouseUp message is sent to that button.
    Once sent, a message follows a predetermined path through the object
    hierarchy. The starting point into this path is either a button, field,
    or page.

    If the receiving object does not have a handler for a message, the
    message will be passed on to the next object in the hierarchy until
    either a handler is found for that message or it reaches HyperPAD.

    There are two types of messages that can be sent to objects. The first
    type is a notification message. This type of message is sent after an
    action has already occurred, and thus notifies the object of the event.
    The second type of message is sent before an action occurs. For example,
    when the user selects the Delete Button command from the Edit menu, the
    deleteButton message is sent to the current button. The button will not
    be deleted until the message has traveled through the object hierarchy
    and is received by HyperPAD.

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   74


    In addition to the messages sent to objects, there are a few messages
    automatically sent by their command counterparts. You can create
    handlers for them. The implementation for these messages is defined in
    HyperPAD itself.


    You can find descriptions of these commands in Chapter Eleven,


    This section lists all of the messages that are initially sent to
    buttons. In other words, a button is a possible entry point into the
    object hierarchy for these messages. If the receiving button does not
    contain a handler for the message, the message will be passed up the
    hierarchy until it reaches a handler for that message. If no handler is
    found, the message will eventually reach HyperPAD.

    The following table shows all of the messages sent to buttons. The
    column on the right indicates if the message is sent before or after the
    action occurs (i.e. results in an action when received by HyperPAD).

    Message:            Message Type:
    closeButton         after

    deleteButton        before

    keyPress            before

    mouseDown           after

    mouseEnter          after

    mouseLeave          after

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   75

    Message:            Message Type:
    mouseStillDown      after

    mouseUp             after

    mouseWithin         after

    newButton           after

    openButton          after

    select              after, except with checkBox buttons


    This message is sent to a button when the focus is removed. A button
    loses the focus when the user moves the cursor by clicking the right
    mouse button outside the button's borders, or by pressing the TAB key or
    arrow keys to move to another object.

    The following example uses closeButton and openButton to change the
    border of a button, indicating when the button has the focus.

    handler closeButton;
      set the edgeType of me to 1;

    handler openButton;
      set the edgeType of me to 2;


    The deleteButton message is sent to a button when the user selects Cut
    Button or Delete Button from HyperPAD's menus. When this message reaches
    HyperPAD, the button is deleted. By intercepting the message, you can
    prevent buttons from being deleted.

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   76

    For example, the following handler (in a button script) presents the
    user with a dialog box whenever Delete or Cut Button is selected, asking
    them if it is okay to delete the button.

    handler deleteButton;
        answer "Ok to delete button?" with "Yes", "No";
        if it is "Yes" then pass;

    This example passes the message on to HyperPAD (to delete the button)
    only if the user answers "Yes" in the answer dialog box.


    The keyPress message is sent to the button with the focus when any key
    is pressed.

    In the following example, pressing CTRL+ENTER selects the button:

    handler keyPress(k);
      if key(k) is "CTRL+ENTER" then send "select" to me
      else pass;


    The mouseDown message is sent to the button when the mouse button is
    pressed while the mouse pointer is within the rectangle of the button.


    The mouseEnter message is sent to the button when the mouse pointer
    enters the button's borders. The mouse button does not have to be
    pressed for this message to be sent. (See the example under mouseLeave.)


    The mouseLeave message is sent to the button when the mouse pointer
    exits the button's borders. This message will only be sent to objects
    that have first received a mouseEnter message.

    An interesting use for mouseEnter and mouseLeave is to highlight the
    button that the mouse pointer is currently on.

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   77

    The following handlers in the button script will accomplish this:

    handler mouseEnter;
      set the hilite of me to true;

    handler mouseLeave;
      set the hilite of me to false;


    The mouseStillDown message is sent to a button continuously while the
    mouse button is held down. In order for this message to be sent, the
    mouse must have been initially pressed within the rectangle of the


    The mouseUp message is sent to a button when the mouse button is
    released and the mouse pointer is within the button's border. The mouse
    pointer must be inside the original button where the mouse button was


    When the pointer is within the button's rectangle, the mouseWithin
    message is sent continuously. This message is sent after the initial
    mouseEnter message.


    This message is sent to a button when it is created, just after it
    appears on-screen. Usually, this message gets passed through the button
    up the object hierarchy unless the button is being pasted and has a
    script with a newButton handler.

    The following example handler in the pad script of your Home pad causes
    all new buttons to be colored red and have a double border:

    handler newButton;
      set the edgeType of the target to 2;
      set the color of the target to red;

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   78


    This message is sent to a button when it receives the focus (is
    highlighted). A button receives the focus when the user presses TAB or
    the arrow keys to access it, or clicks a mouse button while the cursor
    is inside the button's border.

    The following example handler in a button script causes the button to
    have a double border when it has the focus:

    handler openButton;
      set the edgeType of me to 2;


    This message is sent to the button with the focus if you press ENTER,
    SPACE, or click the left mouse button while the cursor is inside the
    button's borders. In other words, this message is sent to a button when
    it is selected. Rather than using mouseUp handlers, create select
    handlers to perform actions when buttons are selected since not every
    HyperPAD user will use the mouse to select buttons.

    Below is an example of a button script that uses the select handler:

    handler select;
      go to the next page;

    The select message has special meaning for check box buttons. When the
    user toggles the check of the button (by pressing ENTER or clicking the
    button with the mouse), the select message is sent to that button. When
    the message is received by HyperPAD, the check of the button is toggled.
    By intercepting the select message, you can customize the behavior of
    check box buttons. For example, the following handler in the button
    script prevents  the button's check mark from being changed because the
    message is not passed on to the next object in the hierarchy.

    handler Select;

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   79

    The next example toggles the message box on and off in coordination with
    the check mark of the button:

    handler select;
      set the visible of msg to not the check of me;


    The following messages are initially sent to fields. If the receiving
    field does not contain a handler for the message, the message will be
    passed up the hierarchy until it reaches an appropriate handler. If no
    handler is found, the message will eventually reach HyperPAD.

    The column on the right indicates if the message is sent before or after
    the action occurs (i.e. results in an action when received by HyperPAD).

    These messages are sent to fields:

    Message:            Message Type:
    closeField          after

    deleteField         before

    keyPress            before

    mark                before (for list box fields only)

    mouseDown           after

    mouseEnter          after

    mouseLeave          after

    mouseStillDown      after

    mouseUp             after

    mouseWithin         after

    newField            after

    openField           after

    select              after

    unmark              before (for list box fields only)

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   80


    This message is sent to an unlocked field (one that can be edited) when
    the focus is taken away. The focus is removed from a field when it is
    exited by using TAB, the arrow keys, or the mouse. The focus may also be
    changed from within a script.

    The following example uppercases the contents of a field when the focus
    is taken away:

    handler closeField;
      put upper(the value of me) into me;

    See Also: openField


    The deleteField message is sent when the user selects Cut Field or
    Delete Field from the Edit menu. By intercepting this message, you can
    prevent fields from being deleted.

    The following handler in a field's script checks to make sure it is okay
    to delete the field.

    handler deleteField;
      answer "Ok to delete field" && the name of me;
      if it is "Ok" then pass;


    The keyPress message is sent to the field with the focus when a key is
    pressed. By intercepting this message, you prevent keys from reaching
    the field or HyperPAD. For example, you can create a field that does not
    allow numbers, as in the following handler:

    handler keyPress(keyNum);
      get key(keyNum);
      if it is not in "1234567890" then pass;

    See Appendix 2, "Key Codes," for details on keyPress key values.

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   81


    The mark message is sent to list box fields when the user attempts to
    mark a line by pressing SPACE or the right mouse button. You can prevent
    lines from being marked by intercepting this message and not passing it.
    The line number being marked is passed as a parameter with this message.

    As an example, the following handler keeps track of how many lines are
    marked, allowing a maximum of ten:

    handler mark(lineNumber);
      global numMarked;
      if numMarked < 10 then
          add 1 to numMarked;

    handler unmark(lineNumber);
      global numMarked;
      subtract 1 from numMarked;

    Note:  See the section on fields in the User's Guide for more
    information on list box fields.

    See Also: markerChar, unmark, markerAttr


    The mouseDown message is sent to locked fields (fields that can not be
    edited) when the user presses the left mouse button while the mouse
    pointer is within the field's borders.


    This message is sent to a field when the mouse pointer is within the
    rectangle of a field.

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   82


    This message is sent when the mouse pointer exits the boundaries of a


    The mouseStillDown message is sent to a locked field (uneditable field)
    while the left mouse button is held down. This message will only be sent
    if the mouse was initially pressed within the rectangle of the field.


    The mouseUp message is sent to a locked field (uneditable field) when
    the left mouse button is released and the mouse pointer is within the
    field's borders. The mouse pointer must be within the same field that
    received the initial mouseDown message.

    If you click the mouse on an unlocked text field, the field will be
    given the focus and opened for editing.


    The mouseWithin message is sent to a field continuously while the mouse
    pointer is within the rectangle of the field.


    The newField message is sent to a field when it is created, just after
    it appears on-screen. Usually, this message gets passed up the object
    hierarchy unless the field is being pasted and has a script with a
    newField handler.

    This handler, which causes all new fields to look like typical database
    fields with the name appearing on the left, belongs in the pad script:

    handler newField;
      set the showName of the target to true;
      set the withEdge of the target to false;
      set the rect of the target to 10,10,30,10;
      set the hiliteIfFocus of the target to true;

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   83


    The openField message is sent to an unlocked field (one that can be
    edited) when it receives the focus (opened for editing). A field
    receives the focus when it is entered using TAB, the arrow keys, or the
    mouse. The focus may also be sent to that field from a script or the
    message box.

    The following example keeps track of the last time a field was updated:

    handler openField;
      global previous_content;
      put the value of me into previous_content;

    handler closeField;
      global previous_content;
      if previous_content is not the value of me then
        put date() into field "last updated";


    This message is sent to list box fields when the user presses ENTER or
    double clicks the mouse on a line in the field, and it is sent to locked
    fields when the user releases the mouse button. Use this message to
    perform actions when the user selects an item from a list box. For

    handler select;
      get the currentLine of me;
      get line it of the value of me;
      ask "You have selected" && it;

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   84


    This message is sent to list box fields when the user attempts to unmark
    a line by pressing SPACE or the right mouse button. Prevent lines from
    being unmarked by intercepting this message and not passing it.

    The line being unmarked is passed as a parameter.

    The following unmark handler prevents the user from unmarking all the
    even lines (if they are marked).

    handler unMark(lineNum);
      if lineNum mod 2 is not zero then pass;

    Note:  See the section on fields in the User's Guide for more
    information on list box fields.

    See Also: mark, markerChar, markerAttr

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   85


    This section describes messages received directly by the page. If the
    receiving page does not contain a handler for the message, the message
    will be passed up the hierarchy to the background and so on until it
    reaches an appropriate handler. If no handler is found, the message will
    eventually reach HyperPAD.

    The following table lists all of the messages and indicates if the
    message is sent before or after an action occurs(i.e. results in an
    action when received by HyperPAD).

    Message:           Type:            Message:           Type:
    break              after            mouseStillDown     after

    cancel             after            mouseUp            after

    closePad           after            newBackground      after

    closePage          after            newPad             after

    deleteBackground   before           newPage            after

    deletePad          before           openPad            after

    doMenu             before           quit               before

    help               before           resume             after

    idle               after            startUp            after

    keyPress           before           suspend            before

    mouseDown          after


    This message is sent to the current page when the user presses

    The combination CTRL+BREAK stops the execution of any pending handlers.
    CTRL+BREAK also stops many other processes, including sort, query,
    print, find, import, and export. A break handler can be useful if you
    need to perform any cleanup when one of these tasks is interrupted.

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   86

    For example, the following break handler cleans up if a find command was

    This handler belongs in a button script:

    handler select;
      global inFind;
      ask "Find what?";
      if it is empty then exit;
      put true into inFind;
      find it;
      put false into inFind;

    This handler belongs in the page script:

    handler break;
      global inFind;
      if inFind then answer "Find aborted!" with "Ok";

    Comments: Another way to stop the execution of all pending handlers is
    with the exit command:

    exit to hyperpad;

    See Also: keyPress


    The cancel message is sent to the current page when the ESC key is
    pressed. This is used to maintain compatibility with the HyperPAD User
    Interface in which ESC takes you back.

    The following example goes Home when the user presses ESC:

    handler cancel;
      go home;


    The closePad message is sent to the current page before the pad is
    closed and disappears. This can happen when the user quits, changes to
    another pad, or runs another program.

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   87

    You can use closePad to perform any pad cleanup that may be necessary
    before you leave a pad. The following handler uses that opportunity to
    delete the contents of some fields:

    handler closePad;
      put empty into field "time";
      put empty into field "status";

    See Also: openPad, openPage, closePage


    The closePage message is sent to the current page when you go to another
    page, go to another pad, run another program, or quit HyperPAD.

    The following example uses a closePage handler to hide some buttons.
    Next time this page is accessed, the buttons will not be visible:

    handler closePage;
      set the lockScreen to true;
      hide button id 6;
      hide button "Quit";

    See Also: closePad, openPage


    The deleteBackground message is sent to the current page right before a
    background is deleted. You can only delete a background after all the
    pages using it are deleted or cut.

    By intercepting this message, you control whether a background is
    deleted. The following example allows a background to be deleted only if
    the user's name is "John":

    handler deleteBackground;
      ask "What is your name?";
      if it is "John" then pass;

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   88


    This message is sent to the current page when the user selects Delete
    Pad from the File menu. Since this message is sent before the pad is
    deleted you can prevent deletion by intercepting this message.

    The following example makes a backup of the current pad (with the same
    name as the current pad, but with a DEL file extension) before it is

    handler deletePad;
      get the name of pad;
      put ".DEL" after it;
      record it & "{enter}";
      doMenu "Save a Copy...";


    The deletePage message is sent to a page when the user selects Delete or
    Cut Page from the Edit menu. This message is sent before the page is
    actually deleted. The page will only be deleted if this message is
    received by HyperPAD. By intercepting deletePage, you prevent the page
    from being deleted.

    The following handler intercepts deletePage to make sure that a linked
    page gets deleted too. It first saves the current page, then gets a
    linked page number from a field called "Attached Page Number". It then
    goes to that page and deletes it.

    handler deletePage;
      get field "Attached Page Number";
      push this page;
      go to page "linked";
      send "doMenu" "Delete Page" to this page;
      pop page;

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   89

    The following handler intercepts deletePage to first make a copy of the
    page in another pad called "backup":

    handler deletePage;
      doMenu "Copy Page";
      push this page;
      go to pad "backup";
      doMenu "Paste Page";
      pop page;

    See Also: deletePad, deleteBackground


    The doMenu message is sent to the current page when the user selects a
    command from a menu. The exact text of the menu choice is sent with the
    message as a parameter.  Intercepting doMenu is a powerful way to
    customize HyperPAD. You can redefine the actions taken when a user
    selects commands from the menu.

    The following example shows how to redefine the File Exit command. All
    other menu commands will work normally.

    handler doMenu(command);
      if command is "Exit" then beep
      else pass;

    You can also select menu commands artificially, as is done in the
    following handler in a button script:

    handler select;
      doMenu "Printer Setup...";
      doMenu "Page Setup...";
      doMenu "Print...";

    Note:  The menu command must be represented exactly as it appears on
    HyperPAD's menu.

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   90


    The help message is sent to the current page when the user presses F1 or
    selects Help from the Go menu. By intercepting this message, you can
    create your own help for your pads. If this message reaches HyperPAD,
    HyperPAD's Help system will be loaded.

    In the following example, the user is asked which help is preferred, the
    local (yours) or the main HyperPAD Help system:

    handler help;
      answer "Which help?" with "Local", "HyperPAD";
      if it is "Local" then go to page "Local Help"
      else pass;

    You can send the help message from within a script in order to go to
    HyperPAD's help:

    handler select;


    This message is sent to the current page continuously when HyperPAD has
    no other messages to pass and no other scripts are currently executing.
    This message is only sent when the Browse tool is in use. Be cautious
    when creating idle handlers. Since the idle message is sent so
    frequently, the script will execute many times, greatly slowing down the
    overall performance of your pad.

    A good use of the idle message is to display the time in a field. The
    following handler in the pad script will do so (make sure you create a
    background field named "time" before trying this):

    handler idle;
      put the time into field "time";

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   91

    Directly before the idle message is sent, the following actions are

    1.  The printerTranslation property is set to false.

    2.  The lockScreen property is set to false. If the previous value was
    not false, then the screen is redrawn.

    3.  The lockRecent property is set to false.

    4.  The lockMessages property is set to false.

    5.  The numberForm at property is set back to its default: "0.######".

    6.  The visual effect is disabled.

    Note: If you have a runtime error in your idle handler, the only way to
    fix it is to select "Script" in the runtime error box.


    The keyPress message is sent directly to the page if a key is pressed
    and no button or field has the focus. (This condition exists if the
    mouse is clicked outside of all buttons and fields.) The key is passed
    along with the message in its numeric format. The keyPress message is
    only sent while the Browse tool is active.

    If you want a key on you keyboard to perform some action, regardless of
    the current button or field, put a keyPress handler in the page.

    Be cautious when intercepting the keyPress message. You can easily lock
    yourself out of HyperPAD. For example, the following handler in your pad
    script makes your keyboard useless within HyperPAD:

    handler keypress(k);

    Since this handler does not pass the keyPress message on, the keyboard
    will appear inactive. If you have a mouse, you will be able to access
    and change the script, otherwise you will have to re-boot your machine
    (by turning your machine off) and possibly lose some data. To safeguard
    against this condition, you can create the following break handler in
    every script containing a keyPress handler:

    handler break;
      edit the script of me;

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   92

    Thus, if you made a mistake in your keyPress handler, you can always
    press CTRL+BREAK to edit the script.

    The following keyPress handler processes the F11, F12, and CTRL+V
    keystrokes, and passes any other keystroke up the object hierarchy:

    handler keypress(keyNumber);
      get key(keyNumber);
      case it of
        "f11" : go to page "help";
        "f12" : go to page "index";
        "ctrl+v" : ;
        otherwise : pass;

    See Also: key


    The mouseDown message is sent to the current page when the
    user presses the mouse button and the mouse pointer is not within the
    boundaries of any button or field. When the user releases the mouse
    button, the mouseUp messsage is sent.


    The mouseStillDown message is sent to the current page continuously
    while the mouse button is held down. This message will be sent directly
    to the current page only if the mouse button was initially pressed
    outside of any buttons or fields.


    The mouseUp message is sent to the current page when the mouse button is
    released. This message will be sent directly to the current page only if
    the mouse button was initially pressed outside of any button or field's


    The newBackground message is sent to the current page when a background
    is created. (This message is sent to the new page of the new background,
    not the page that was current when the New Background command was
    selected.) You can put a handler for the newBackground message either in
    the current pad script or the pad script of your Home pad.

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   93


    The newPad message is sent to the new page of a pad after it is created.
    The only appropriate place for newPad handlers is in the pad script of
    the Home pad because new pads initially have no scripts.


    The newPage message is sent to a page when it is created, just after it
    appears on screen. This message is usually passed up the hierarchy,
    unless the page has been pasted and has a newPage handler.

    The following pad script names each new page according to the creation
    time and date.

    handler newPage;
      set the name of this page to date() && time();


    The openPad message is sent to the default page of a newly opened pad,
    just after it is displayed. Use this message to perform any
    initialization that your pad may require, like the following example:

    handler openPad;
      global taxTotal,salesTotal;
      put 0 into taxTotal;
      put 0 into salesTotal;
      put empty into page field "first name";
      put 0.07 into page field "Sales Tax";
      hide page button 5;

    See Also: closePad, openPage, closePage

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   94


    The openPage message is sent to a page just after it becomes the current

    The following example uses openPage to set the focus to a default

    handler openPage;
      set the focus to page button "Pick";


    This message is sent to the current page when the user selects Exit from
    the File menu. By intercepting this message, you can prevent the user
    from quitting HyperPAD. You can also send a quit message, causing
    HyperPAD to return to DOS.

    The following handler quits HyperPAD and returns to DOS:

    handler select;
      answer "Are you sure you want to quit?";
      if it is "Ok" then quit;

    The next example intercepts the quit message and goes to a pad called
    "phone" instead.

    handler quit;
      go to pad "phone";


    The resume message is sent to the current page when HyperPAD resumes
    execution after running another program. After running other programs,
    HyperPAD will not complete execution of the script containing the run
    command. In the following example, the resume handler performs the
    actions that normally would not be executed after a run command:

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   95

    Put this handler in a button:

    handler select;
      run "C:\COMMAND.COM";
      beep;             -- this NEVER gets executed

    This handler belongs in the page:

    handler resume;

    See Also: startUp, openPage, openPad


    The startUp message is sent to the first page displayed when HyperPAD is
    run for the first time that session.


    This message is sent to the current page just before the user runs
    another program. This occurs when "Run Program" is selected from the
    File menu or the run command is executed in a script. By intercepting
    this message, you can prevent HyperPAD from launching other programs.

    In the following pad script, the suspend handler remembers the disk
    space so it can monitor how much space the launched program required:

    handler suspend;
      put the diskSpace into page field "saved disk space";

    handler resume;
      get the diskSpace-page field "saved disk space";
      if it  0 then
        answer "Your program used" && it && "bytes";

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   96


    Sometimes it is difficult to know what messages are being sent during
    common everyday operations. The following section describes some basic
    operations and the messages that HyperPAD sends.

    These messages are sent when the user starts HyperPAD:

    Message:                     Sent To:
    startUp                      current page

    openPad                      current page

    openPage                     current page

    openButton/openField         current button or field

    These messages are sent when the user runs another program:

    Message:                     Sent To:
    closeButton/closeField       current button or field

    closePage                    current page

    closePad                     current page

    suspend                      current page

    These messages are sent when the user returns from running another

    Message:                     Sent To:
    resume                       current page

    openPad                      current page

    openPage                     current page

    openButton/openField         default button or field

    When the user presses the ESC key, these messages are sent:

    Message:                     Sent To:
    keypress 283                 current object

    cancel                       current page

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   97

    When the key combination ALT+F5 is pressed, these messages are sent:

    Message:                     Sent To:
    keyPress 27648               current object

    doMenu "Home"                current page

    When TAB is pressed to go one button to another button, these messages
    are sent:

    Message:                     Sent To:
    closeButton                  current button

    openButton                   new current button

    When you press PGDN to go to the next page, these messages are sent:

    Message:                     Sent To:
    keyPress 20736               current object

    doMenu "Next"                current page

    closeButton/closeField       current object

    closePage                    new current page

    openButton/openField         new current object

    When you click the mouse on a button, these messages are sent:

    Message:                     Sent To:
    mouseUp                      current object

    select                       current object


                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   63


    In PADtalk, operators are used to form expressions. There are operators
    to manipulate numbers, text, and Boolean values. The following
    expression involves all three:

    if (5 + i > 56) and (field 1 = "Lawyer") then...

    Each operator requires two operands of the same type. For example, (5+6)
    is legal, whereas (5 + "this is text") is not legal. However, since
    HyperPAD treats all numbers as text, the text operators work on both
    text and numbers. For example:

    expression:          yields:
    5 + 6                11
    "this" & "that"      thisthat
    "this" & 5           this5
    56 && 1              56 1
    "this" <> "that"     true

    The comparison operators work with both text and numeric arguments. For
    example, 5 > 6 returns false, as does "that" > "this". For text
    comparisons, the text operands are compared without regard to case and
    the argument lowest alphabetically will have the lower value.

    The following section describes all of the PADtalk operators:


    Affect the way operands are grouped in expressions. Expressions enclosed
    in parentheses are evaluated first.


    Produces the negation of the number to its right.


    Returns false if the result following is true, and true if the
    expression is false.


    Returns the number on the left raised to the power of the number on its

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   64

    / (DIVIDE)

    Returns the number on the left divided by the number on the right.


    Returns the number on the left multiplied by the number on the right.


    Returns the remainder of the division of the number on the left by the
    number on the right. For example:

    5 mod 3;
    5/3 returns 1 remainder 2, so 5 mod 3 returns 2.


    Returns the whole part of the division of the number on the left by the
    number on the right. For example:

    5 div 3;
    5/3 = 1.666667; truncating the decimal portion, 5 div 3 returns 1.

    + (ADDITION)

    Returns the number on the left added to the number on the right.

    - (SUBTRACT)

    Returns the number on the left subtracted from the number on the right.


    Returns the argument on the right appended to the argument on the left.
    For example:

    expression:       returns:
    1 & 4             14
    56 & "hello"      56hello
    6 & (6=7)         6false
    "this" & "that"   thisthat

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   65


    Returns the argument on the right appended to the argument on the left,
    with a space in between them. For example:

    expression:           returns:
    1 && 4                1 4
    56 && "hello"         56 hello
    6 && (6=7)            6 false
    "this" && "that"      this that


    Returns true if the expression on the left is greater than the
    expression on the right. This operator works with both numeric and text

    < (LESS THAN)

    Returns true if the expression on the left is less than the expression
    on the right. This operator works with both numeric and text quantities.


    Returns true if the expression on the left is greater than or equal to
    the expression on the right.


    Returns true if the expression on the left is less than or equal to the
    expression on the right.

    IS IN

    Returns true if the argument on the left is found in the argument on the
    right. For example:

    expression:                  returns:
    5 is in 5678                 true
    "there" is in "hello there"  true
    "i" is in "hello"            false

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   66


    Returns true if the argument on the left is not found in the argument on
    the right. For example:

    expression:                    returns:
    5 is not in 5678               false
    "it" is not in "hello there"   true


    Returns true if the argument on the right is found in the argument on
    the left. For example:

    expression:                     returns:
    "hello there" contains "lo"     true
    67.54 contains 7                true
    "what's up" contains 7          false

    = (EQUAL)

    Returns true if the left and right arguments are the same.
    The arguments can be textual, numeric, or Boolean.

    <> (NOT EQUAL)

    Returns true if the left and right arguments are not the same. The
    arguments can be textual, numeric, or Boolean.


    Same as =

    IS NOT

    Same as <>


    Returns true if both the left and right arguments are true.


    Returns true if either the left or right arguments are true.

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   67


    Precedence refers to which mathematical operations are performed first
    when evaluating expressions. Operators with the highest precedence are
    evaluated first.

    The following table shows the precedence of the PADtalk operators.
    Operators of equal precedence appear on the same line, separated by a
    comma. Parentheses alter the order of expression evaluation. Operators
    that require two operands (like plus, minus, etc...) are evaluated left
    to right. Exponentiation is evaluated right to left.

    Order:         Operator(s):
    1              ()

    2              -, not

    3              ^

    4              /, *, mod, div

    5              +, -

    6              &, &&

    7              >, >=, <, <=, is in, is not in, contains

    8              =, <>, is, is not

    9              and

    10             or


                                         Chapter 2: PADtalk Scripts   13



    In HyperPAD, scripts are written using the Script Editor. In order to
    access an object's script, the pad's user level must be set to
    scripting. (See the section on user levels in the HyperPAD User's Guide
    for additional information.)

    To access an object's script:

    1.  Make sure the pad's user level is set to Scripting.

    2.  Select the object with the Selector tool.

    In order to access a button or field's script, you must use the Selector
    tool and select the object.

    3.  Open the object's Info dialog box from the Objects menu.

    Depending on the type of object you are working with, select Pad, Bkgnd,
    Page, Button, or Field Info from the Objects menu.

    4.  Select the <Script...> button from the dialog box.

    The Script Editor will be loaded along with the object's script.

                                         Chapter 2: PADtalk Scripts   14


    The Script Editor is an environment that allows you to edit an object's
    script and then compile it. It looks like this: 

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │


    To exit the Script Editor and return to the previous screen, use one of
    the following methods:

    1.  Press ESC. If you have made any modifications, you will be asked if
    you want to save them.

    2.  Select Cancel from the File menu. Any changes you made will be lost.

    3.  Select Save and Return from the File menu. This saves any changes
    and then returns to the pad.


    Let's create a very simple script linking a newly created button to the
    Home pad. (If you are going to do the procedures, you should create a
    new pad and a new button.)

    To create a new pad:

    1.  Set the user level to scripting. (See the section on user levels in
    the HyperPAD User's Guide.)

                                         Chapter 2: PADtalk Scripts   15

    2.  Select the New command from the File menu.

    3.  Type in the name of your pad and press ENTER.

    A blank page will be placed on-screen.

    To create a new button:

    1.  Set the user level to scripting.

    2.  Select the Select tool from the Tools menu.

    3.  Select the New Button command from the Objects menu.

    A new button will appear on-screen.

    To go to the button's script:

    1.  Select Button Info from the Objects menu (or just press ENTER).

    2.  Select the button (or press ALT+S).

    First, access the button's script. When the Script Editor loads, you'll
    see that HyperPAD has already written part of the script for you.
    Because almost all buttons created in HyperPAD respond to being
    selected, each button's script, by default, provides an empty select

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    First, examine the script HyperPAD has provided, line by line:

    handler select;

    A handler is a portion of an object's script that defines what happens
    when a certain message is received. Each handler statement, like the one

                                         Chapter 2: PADtalk Scripts   16

    above, names the message the handler responds to (in this case the
    select message) and must end with a semi-colon. The name determines
    which message triggers the execution of this handler.

    For more information on messages see Chapter Ten.


    The begin and end statements enclose the list of actions that make up
    this handler. When the select message is received by this button, the
    action statements listed between the begin and end statements will be

    handler select;
      [statements executed when the button is selected]

    Each begin statement must have a corresponding end statement in order
    for the handler to be valid. A semi-colon must follow the end statement,
    signifying the end of the handler.

    The blank line that HyperPAD has left is for the author to complete. In
    between the begin and end statements, fill in the actions to be taken
    when this button is selected. In this case, we want the user to change
    to the next page. To complete the handler, add the following line:

    go to the next page;

    HyperPAD does not distinguish between upper and lower case letters - it
    recognizes go to the next page; and Go To The Next Page; as the same

    Every PADtalk statement within a begin...end block must end with a semi-
    colon. You can incorporate numerous commands to execute by inserting
    them between the begin and end statements. The full handler should
    resemble the following:

    handler select;
      go to the next page;

    We have just created a script with one handler that responds to the
    select message. If the user selects this button (by pressing ENTER or
    with the mouse) the handler will execute, changing to the next page in
    the pad.

                                         Chapter 2: PADtalk Scripts   17

    Scripts can contain many handlers allowing objects to respond to a
    variety of messages. For example, the following script responds to three

    handler select;
      go to the next page;

    handler mouseUp;

    handler mouseEnter;
      hide the menu bar;


    Each PADtalk statement ends with a semi-colon. A begin...end block, like
    in the Pascal languages, is really a single compound statement (that's
    why there is a semi-colon after the end).

    PADtalk is a flexible language. It sometimes provides more than one way
    to perform the same action. For example, the following statements access
    the next page:

    go to the next page;

    go to next page;

    go next page;

    go to page (currentPage() + 1);

    In many PADtalk statements, like the go statement shown above, you can
    use the word the. The use of this word is optional and has no purpose
    except to enhance readability of your scripts. (The exception is with
    the alternate syntax of function calls.)

    You can add comments to your scripts by enclosing them in curly
    brackets. Any text within brackets is ignored by the compiler. The
    following example shows a comment enclosed in brackets.

    { this is a comment }
    go to the next page;

                                         Chapter 2: PADtalk Scripts   18

    Brackets can enclose many lines, shown in the following example:

    { this is a comment that
      takes up two lines }
    go to the next page;

    You can also enclose comments within other comments. The following
    example comments out a few statements that have comments:

    go to the next page;  { change pages }
    beep;                 { emit a sound }
    answer "Find What?";  { ask user question }

    You can add a comment to the end of a line by using two consecutive
    hyphens (--). The text between the two hyphens and the end of the line
    is ignored by the compiler. For example:

     -- this is a comment
    go to the next page;   -- this is a comment too!

    PADtalk is a verbose language that understands over 400 different words.
    Before exploring it, become comfortable within the Script Editor.


    Press this key:             To:
    UP and DOWN                 Move up or down one line in a script

    LEFT and RIGHT              To move left or right on a line in a script

    HOME                        Go to the beginning of a line

    CTRL+HOME                   Go to the beginning of the script

    END                         Go to the end of the line

    CTRL+END                    Go to the end of the script

    CTRL+RIGHT or CTRL+LEFT     Move forward or backward one word

    BACKSPACE                   Delete the previous character

    DEL                         Delete the character under the cursor

    CTRL+Y or CTRL+D            Delete the current line

    CTRL+BACKSPACE              Delete the previous word

                                         Chapter 2: PADtalk Scripts   19

    Press this key:             To:
    SHIFT+ARROWS                Select text

    ESC or CTRL+Q               Exit with a check to save changes

    CTRL+C or CTRL+INS          Copy selected text

    TAB                         Inserts space up to next tab stop

    PGUP or MINUS (keypad)      Move up one page

    PGDN or PLUS (keypad)       Move down one page

    CTRL+X or SHIFT+DEL         Cut text

    CTRL+V or SHIFT+INS         Paste text

    CTRL+DEL                    Delete to the end of the line

    CTRL+F                      Find a string

    CTRL+R                      Find and replace text

    CTRL+N                      Find next occurrence of the string

    F4                          Compile the script, checking for errors

    F10                         Open the menus


    In the Script Editor, you can copy and move blocks of text within a
    script or even between scripts.

    Before you can using any of the editing features, you have to select the
    text you want to perform the operation on.

    To select text:

    1.  Place the cursor on the first character of the selection.

    2.  Hold down SHIFT and use the arrow keys to extend the selection.

    3.  When you've highlighted the entire selection, release the keys.

    To use the mouse, place the mouse pointer where you want to begin your
    selection. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse until
    you've highlighted the selection. Then, release the mouse button. Once
    the text is selected, you can copy, cut, or delete it.

                                         Chapter 2: PADtalk Scripts   20

    To copy text:

    1.  Select the text.

    2.  Select the Copy command from the Edit menu (ALT+E, C).

    To cut text:

    1.  Select the text.

    2.  Select the Cut command from the Edit menu (ALT+E, T).

    To paste text:

    1.  Position the cursor where you want to place the text.

    2.  Select the Paste command from the Edit menu (ALT+E, P).

    The contents of the clipboard will be inserted in the script.


    As you become more comfortable with PADtalk, your scripts will become
    longer and more complex. To reduce the amount of time and effort
    necessary to locate text, HyperPAD includes Search and Replace commands.

    To locate a string in a script:

    1.  Select the Find command from the Search menu (ALT+S, F).

    The Find dialog box will appear on screen.

    2.  Type in the string you want to locate and press ENTER.

    To locate the next instance of a string:

    1.  First complete the above procedure.

    2.  Select the Find Next command from the Search menu (ALT+S, N).

    To keep looking for that string, continue to select the Find Next
    command. CTRL+N is the shortcut for this command.

    Sometimes, you may need to replace a string in a script with another.
    Use the Replace command to locate the instance and replace it with what
    you've specified.

                                         Chapter 2: PADtalk Scripts   21

    To search and replace within a script:

    1.  Select the Replace command from the Search menu.

    2.  Enter in the search and replace text, then select:

    Verify - Allows you to confirm each replacement.

    Replace - Replace the text and continue.

    Skip - Continue without replacing the text.

    Cancel - Stop the procedure.


    To print the scripts in your pads:

    1.  Select Printer Setup from the File menu and complete the dialog box
    so the options conform to your system. If your printer is not listed,
    select the Generic Printer, or another that your printer can emulate.

    2.  Select Page Setup from the File menu and make sure the settings are

    3.  Select the Print command from the File menu.


    Before HyperPAD can use your scripts, they must first be compiled.
    HyperPAD compiles and saves your script when you exit the Script Editor.

    As it compiles, HyperPAD scans the script, checking for syntax errors.
    HyperPAD is only able to pass messages to handlers in scripts that have
    been successfully compiled without any errors.

    You can manually check for errors before exiting the Script Editor by
    selecting Compile from the Edit menu (or press F4). If there is an
    error, HyperPAD will assist you by positioning the cursor at the
    location of the error and displaying an error message.


    Runtime errors occur when something goes wrong in a script while
    browsing your pad. Normally, HyperPAD will take you to the offending
    script so that you can correct the problem. With larger scripts that
    contain many handlers, it may be difficult to locate the source of a
    runtime error.

                                         Chapter 2: PADtalk Scripts   22

    To assist you in locating runtime errors, you can turn on the Debug
    option on the Edit menu. When you compile the script with the Debug
    option on, HyperPAD includes line number information with the compiled
    code. Then, following a runtime error, HyperPAD places the cursor
    directly on the line in which the error occurred. If you compile with
    the Debug option off and a runtime error occurs, HyperPAD simply places
    the cursor at the top of the offending script.


    A script consists of handlers, which you were introduced to above, and
    functions, which will be introduced in this section.


    As you have learned, a handler is a portion of a script that is invoked
    when a specific message is received by the object that contains it. Each
    handler names the message it responds to and includes some action(s) to
    be taken when that message is received.

    Here is a more complex handler. It receives two parameters from the
    statement that calls it.

    handler calcResult(i,j);
      put i * j / 100 into the message box;

    Sometimes, you may want a handler to receive a variable number of
    parameters. In this case, it is necessary to know how many parameters
    were passed to your handler and what each of them are. This is
    accomplished using the functions param, paramCount, and params. These
    functions return information about the number of parameters that were
    passed to your handler, the entire parameter list, and what each
    parameter is. The following function sums its parameters and returns the
    total to the calling statement.

    function addNums;
      put 0 into total;
      for i = 1 to the paramCount do
        add param(i) to total;
      return total;

    Notice that this example doesn't declare any parameter variables.
    Instead, it accesses the parameters using the param function.

                                         Chapter 2: PADtalk Scripts   23


    In addition to handlers, scripts can contain your own functions. A
    function is a group of statements that returns a single value. Functions
    can be called from other handlers in the same script, or from scripts
    higher in the message hierarchy.

    For example, the following function asks a question in a dialog box
    using the answer command, then returns the result to the caller using
    the return statement.

    function okToContinue;
      answer "Is it safe";
      return it;

    The return statement defines the number or text value that the function
    will return to the calling statement. The return statement will not stop
    execution of the handler (only exit and pass stop the execution of a
    handler). If you specify more than one return statement, the last return
    statement executed will determine the returned value of the function.

    Calling your own functions is just like calling HyperPAD's built-in
    functions. The following statements call the function defined above:

    put okToContinue() into res;
    if okToContinue() is "Cancel" then beep;
    put "You selected" & okToContinue();

    The open and close parenthesis are used to distinguish a function call
    from a message name. The statement


    is a message name that gets sent to the current script, where as


    calls the user-defined function.

                                         Chapter 2: PADtalk Scripts   24

    The following example function counts the number of Bs in a passed

    function countBs(str);
      put 0 into total;
      for i = 1 to the length(str) do
        if char i of str is "B" then add 1 to total;
      return total;

    To call this function:

    put 5 + countBs("Bobby and Billy when out.");


    The following definitions are intended to introduce you to other PADtalk
    components used when writing scripts.


    Commands are statements that tell HyperPAD what to do. Each command ends
    with a semi-colon. For example:

    go to page 1;

    put "wow" into page field 1;

    HyperPAD's built-in commands are discussed in Chapter Eleven.


    A constant is any named value that can't be changed. Unlike a variable,
    you can not alter a constant, and unlike a literal, its value is not
    always identical to its name. The following tables summarize HyperPAD's
    constants and their corresponding values.

                                         Chapter 2: PADtalk Scripts   25


    The miscellaneous constants are:

    Constant:             Description:
    empty                 Empty String ""

    false                 Boolean value false

    true                  Boolean value true

    pi                    The mathematical constant 3.14159

    up                    Returned by ctrlKey(), altKey(), and shiftKey()

    down                  Returned by ctrlKey(), altKey(), and shiftKey()


    The character constants are:

    Constant:             Description:
    formfeed              ASCII 12

    linefeed              ASCII 10

    quote                 ASCII 34(")

    return                ASCII 13

    space                 ASCII 32(" ")

    tab                   ASCII 9

                                         Chapter 2: PADtalk Scripts   26


    The property constants are:

    Constant:             Used with this property:
    centered              align

    checkBox              style

    even                  parity

    fat                   cursor

    layer                 tabbing

    left                  namePosition, align

    listBox               style

    none                  parity

    odd                   parity

    off                   cursor, printer, mouse

    on                    mouse, printer

    opaque                style

    position              tabbing

    right                 align

    scrolling             style

    thin                  cursor

    top                   nameposition

    transparent           style


    The following constants can be used in place of any number to enhance
    readability of your scripts. The numeric constants are:

    zero          three        six          nine
    one           four         seven        ten
    two           five         eight

                                         Chapter 2: PADtalk Scripts   27


    A literal is a number or text string enclosed in quotes. The following
    are literals:


    Special codes can be inserted into quoted text strings for characters
    that you can't easily type with the keyboard. Each code is started with
    the caret (^). The following table shows the supported codes and lists
    some examples:

    Code:       Value:
    ^^          ^

    ^"          "

    ^f          formfee (ASCII 12)

    ^n          linefeed (ASCII 10)

    ^t          tab (ASCII 9)

    ^r          carriage return (ASCII 13)

    ^d<n>       ASCII character n (where n is the 3 digit character number)

    ^x<n>       ASCII character n (where n is the hex character number)


    "The quick brown ^"fox^" jumped over the lazy dog"

    "^rThis is a new line"

    "square character ^d254 inserted here"

    "hex ^xf4 insert here"

                                         Chapter 2: PADtalk Scripts   28


    HyperPAD contains many built-in functions, each of which return a single
    value. Some functions require you to pass some parameters. The following
    are a few of HyperPAD's built-in functions:




    HyperPAD's functions are discussed in Chapter Thirteen.


    Properties are values that control how objects look and behave. All
    objects of the same type have the same properties, but each object has
    its own values for these properties. Color, for example, is a property
    of buttons. All buttons have the color property and all buttons may be a
    different color. The following are properties:




    Object properties are discussed in Chapter Twelve.


    A container is a storage place for a value. The following are



    the message box


    Containers are discussed in Chapter Four.


                                             Chapter 12: Properties   145



    This chapter describes how properties are used in the HyperPAD system.
    The first section describes the global properties. The next five
    sections describe the properties of pads, buttons, fields, pages and
    backgrounds. The final four sections describe the properties of the
    message box, tool box, status bar, and menu bar.


    A property is a characteristic of an object that defines its appearance
    and behavior. Objects of the same type (such as all buttons) have the
    same properties. Each button, however, can have different values
    associated with these properties. An example of a button property is
    fillColor, whose value is a number between 0 and 255.

    Objects are created with default values for their properties. You can
    alter a property value in one of two ways. Many property values are
    accessible using the object's Info dialog box on the Objects menu. The
    other way to modify an object's property value is with the PADtalk
    language, which gives you access (using the set command) to all object

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   146



    The global properties are:

    asciiChar          lockRecent          paintAttr
    autoSave           lockScreen          parity
    baud               markerAttr          printDevice
    currentDirectory   markerChar          printer
    cursor             maxDirtyPages       printerTranslation
    cursorLoc          modem               selectedText
    dataBits           mouse               stopBits
    fileSortMethod     mouseAttr           tabbing
    focus              mouseChar           userLevel
    lockMessages       numberFormat


    The pad properties are:

    cantDelete         cantModify          longName
    name               passwordOnly        script

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   147


    The page properties are:

    cantDelete         id                  longID
    longName           name                script


    The background properties are:

    cantDelete         id                  longID
    longName           name                script


    The button properties are:

    acceleratorColor   hilite              name
    acceleratorKey     hiliteColor         rectangle
    align              hiliteIfFocus       script
    autoHilite         id                  shadow
    borderColor        layer               showName
    check              location            style
    color              lockText            visible

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   148


    The field properties are:

    acceleratorColor   hiliteIfFocus       nameColor
    acceleratorKey     id                  namePosition
    align              insertPoint         rectangle
    autoHilite         layer               script
    borderColor        listbox             scrollable
    color              location            showName
    currentLine        lockText            startLine
    edgeType           longID              style
    fillColor          longName            value
    hilite             markedLines         visible
    hiliteColor        name                withEdge


    The message box properties are: 

    location           value               visible


    The tool box properties are:

    location           visible


    There is one menu bar property:



    There is one status bar property:


                                             Chapter 12: Properties   149



    Purpose: This property allows the user to set and get the value of the
    ASCII paint character. The range of available values is from 0 to 255.
    You can also set or get this property by selecting ASCII char from the
    Workspace menu.


    set the asciiChar to charToNum("A");

    set the asciiChar to 65;

    if the asciiChar is charToNum(the first char of it) then
      answer "they are the same";

    The following handler demonstrates a use of asciiChar:

    handler select;
      doMenu "Text";
      doMenu "ASCII char...";
      answer "you picked" && the asciiChar with "Ok";

    See Also: paintAttr


    Purpose: By default, HyperPAD automatically saves your work every 30
    seconds. With autoSave, you can regulate (turn on or off) this feature.

    HyperPAD stores pages in a memory cache for quick access. If you modify
    a page in some way (i.e. type into a field or change the color of an
    object), the page is considered "dirty". The cache can't hold more than
    50 pages. If the cache fills up, the pages accessed least are removed
    from the cache.

    The maximum number of dirty (modified) pages allowed in the cache is
    determined by the maxDirtyPages property, which is 20 by default. When
    the number of dirty pages exceeds this number, they are saved to disk.
    The dirty pages will also be saved to disk if HyperPAD runs low on

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   150

    If autoSave is true, then every 30 seconds HyperPAD saves as many dirty
    pages as it can in 1 second. The disk access occurs at idle time (at the
    end of all pending handlers). If autoSave is false, then the cache is
    emptied when one of two conditions is met: when the number of dirty
    pages exceeds maxDirtyPages, or when memory is low enough to require the
    space that the dirty pages are taking up.

    When to use it: Setting maxDirtyPages to 1 and autoSave to false is the
    safest environment for running HyperPAD. However, it accesses the disk
    constantly and is therefore slower.


    set the autoSave to true;

    set the autoSave to false;
    set the maxDirtyPages to 2;

    To set the autoSave to false every time you start HyperPAD, put the
    following handler in the pad script of your Home pad:

    handler startup;
      set the autoSave to false;

    Comments: The autoSave property is true by default.

    When autoSave is true:

    1.  You stand to lose less information if there's a power failure.

    2.  Disk access is kept to a periodic short burst.

    3.  Disk space is monitored closely, and you are notified when disk
    space is low.

    When autoSave is false:

    1.  Disk access is less frequent, but takes more time when it does

    2.  Thrashing (continual disk accessing) can occur, depending on your
    application. For example, if there are 50 pages in the cache that need
    to be saved to disk, every time you switch to a new page, a page from
    the cache has to be saved, causing the disk to be accessed.

    3.  Since disk space is determined after each write, you may have
    information that needs to be saved to disk when there is insufficient
    disk space.

    See Also:  maxDirtyPages

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   151


    Purpose: Sets the baud rate for use with the dial command. You can set
    the baud property to any baud supported by your modem (300, 1200, 2400,
    9600). The dial command will not work if you set baud to an unusable
    value. The default baud rate is 300.


    set the baud to 300;

    set the baud to item i of "300,1200,2400,9600";

    See Also: modem, stopBits, parity, and dataBits


    Purpose: This property gets or sets the current DOS directory. You can
    set the directory to partial directory names as well. For example, if
    you want to set the directory to the parent:

    set the currentDirectory to "..";

    If you include a drive specifier, HyperPAD will also change the current
    drive. The following example changes to the S: drive and the directory
    called ACCOUNTS\JOHN:

    set the currentDirectory to "S:\ACCOUNTS\JOHN";


    put the currentDirectory into the msg;

    set the currentDirectory to "D:";

    set the currentDirectory to "C:\123";

    The following example runs MS-WORD from within a document directory and
    loads a document named MYDOC.DOC from the document directory.

    set the currentDirectory to "C:\DOCUMENT\PROJECT";
    run "C:\WORD5\WORD MYDOC";

    Abbreviations: curDir

    See Also: directory

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   152


    Purpose: Sets the hardware text cursor (the blinking cursor) shape to an
    underscore (thin), a full character block (fat), or invisible (off).

    When to use it: If you want to make the cursor change shape to indicate
    the cursor's entry into different portions of your application (such as
    entering buttons and fields).

    If you set the cursor shape to off (not visible) the cursor will be
    invisible until you change the shape to either thin or fat.


    set the cursor to thin;

    if the cursor is off then
      put "no one has the focus" into msg;

    See Also: cursorLoc, cursorX, cursorY


    Purpose: The cursorLoc property allows you to set or get the location of
    the hardware text cursor (the blinking cursor). The position is returned
    in the form "X,Y" where X is the horizontal position and Y is the
    vertical position with respect to the upper left corner of the screen.

    The range of values for the cursor location are:

    1 <= X <= screenWidth()    (usually 80)
    1 <= Y <= screenHeight()   (usually 25)


    put the cursorLoc into cl; -- puts X,Y into "cl"

    set the cursorLoc to 10,12 -- set it somewhere

    if the screenHeight is 43 then
      set the cursorLoc to 1,43

    See Also: cursor, cursorX, cursorY

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   153


    Purpose: Sets or gets the serial port property dataBits to
    either 7 or 8 for use with the dial command. The default value is 7.


    set the dataBits to 7;

    set the dataBits to 8;

    See Also: baud, stopBits, parity, modem


    Purpose: The fileSortMethod property determines how a list
    of files is sorted when it is read from disk. It can have the following

    Method Value:     Sorted by:
    1                 Name (ascending)

    2                 Extension (ascending)

    3                 Size (ascending)

    4                 Date/Time (ascending)

    5                 Name (descending)

    6                 Extension (descending)

    7                 Size (descending)

    8                 Date/Time (descending)

    The fileSortMethod property only affects the values of future calls to
    the files() and longFiles() functions.


    The following statements read in a directory list sorted by descending

    set the fileSortMethod to 7;
    put the longFiles into page field "List";

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   154


    Purpose: Use focus to change the focus to a particular button or field
    on the page or background. When a button or field has the focus, it is
    the current object and can be selected (button) or edited (field).

    You cannot set the focus to locked buttons or fields, or objects that
    are completely covered by other objects.

    When to use it: Use focus to highlight the button or field the user will
    most likely want to select.


    set the focus to page field 1;

    set the focus to button "initialize";

    The following handler (in a page script) sets the focus to the first
    empty field on a page:

    handler openPage;
      put 1 into i;
      while page field i is not empty AND
            i < the number of page fields do
        add 1 to i;
      set the focus to page field i;

    Comments: Changing the focus sends a closeButton/closeField message to
    the current object and an openButton/openField message to the object
    receiving the focus.


    Purpose: Use lockMessages to prevent HyperPAD from sending automatic
    messages such as openPage, openButton, and openPad. The possible values
    for lockMessages are true and false.

    When to use it: You may want to set lockMessages to true for the
    following reasons:

    1.  To speed up execution of a script that cycles through many pages.
    Since fewer messages are being sent automatically by HyperPAD, the
    script will execute faster.

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   155

    2.  When you want to go to another page (i.e. to gather some data) and
    don't want to stay there, you can set lockMessages to true to avoid
    sending the automatic messages (like openPage) to that page.


    set the lockMessages to true;

    The following example script retrieves some data from a pad called
    "PIF.PAD". It sets the lockMessages property to true to avoid sending
    automatic messages to that pad.

    set the lockMessages to true;
    push this page;               -- remember where we are
    go to pad "Phone";
    get field "First Name";
    pop page;                     -- go back there

    Comments: The default value of lockMessages is false. It is reset to
    false when the next idle message is sent (at the end of all pending

    Another reason to set the lockMessages property to true is to avoid
    subtle recursion. Recursion occurs when a script either directly or
    indirectly executes itself. The following example demonstrates a
    recursion problem:

    handler closeField;
      go to the next page;

    The above closeField hander goes to another page. However, changing to
    another page sends closeField to the current field, thus executing the
    same script again (recursion). The following script corrects this:

    handler closeField;
      set lockMessages to true;
      go to the next page;

    In this case, setting lockMessages to true prevents the second
    closeField message (which is an automatic message) from being sent. (The
    closePage and openPage messages that are normally sent when the page is
    changed are not sent either.)

    See Also: lockRecent, lockScreen

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   156


    Purpose: Setting lockRecent to true prevents HyperPAD from adding pages
    to the recent list. By default this property is false.

    When HyperPAD moves from page to page (including moving between pads),
    the order the pages are viewed is remembered in the recent list (the
    list of most recently accessed pages). When you press F5 (or select Back
    from the Go menu), HyperPAD accesses this list to take you back through
    the pages you've just viewed.

    When to use it: If you need to go to another page temporarily and don't
    want the user to cycle back to this page when pressing F5.

    Comments: The lockRecent property is reset to false when the next idle
    message is sent (at the end of all pending handlers).


    set the lockRecent to true;

    The following example goes to the Home pad and retrieves the user's name
    from the Preferences page, but doesn't allow the user to return there
    when F5 is pressed.

    set the lockRecent to true;
    push this page;
    go home;
    get page field "User Name" of page "Preferences";
    pop page;


    Purpose: Use lockScreen to freeze the screen, preventing HyperPAD from
    changing what is currently displayed. This is useful if you want to
    change to another page without seeing it.

    The value of lockScreen is either true or false, and is reset to false
    (the default) when the next idle message is sent (at the end of all
    pending handlers). If the value is true, the screen will be updated.

    When to use it: If you need to gather field contents from another pad,
    but don't want the user to actually view that pad, set the lockScreen to

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   157


    set the lockScreen to true;

    get the lockScreen;
    if it is true then beep;

    The following statements use lockScreen to hide the retrieval of the
    user name from the Preferences page of the Home pad:

    set the lockScreen to true;
    push this page;
    go home;
    get field "User Name" of page "Preferences";
    pop page;
    set the lockScreen to false;
    answer "Hello there" && it;

    Comments: Setting lockScreen to true increments an internal counter by
    1, setting it to false decrements this counter by 1.  When lockScreen is
    0, it is false. This is useful if you have a handler that is called from
    different places, sometimes when the screen is locked, and other times
    when it is not. As long as you set the lockScreen back to false, the
    value will be preserved, as in the following example:

              set the lockScreen to true;
              set the lockScreen to false;

    Note: The dialog boxes associated with the answer, ask, and fileOpen
    commands will be displayed regardless of the value of lockScreen.

    See also: lockMessages, lockRecent


    Purpose: Use markerAttr to determine the color of the marker character
    in all list box fields.

    By default, marked lines in list boxes are indicated by a right triangle
    character (ASCII 16) to the left of the line. Setting the markerAttr
    changes the color of these characters. You can select from a range of
    colors between 0 and 25.

    If the markerAttr is set to 0 (the default), then the marker characters
    are the same as the fillColor of the field they are in.

    If the markerChar is 0, then the markerAttr is used as the color of the
    entire line.

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   158


    set the markerAttr to yellow on red;

    set the marketAttr to 45;

    The following example makes the marked lines of a field reverse video by
    disabling the character that normally appears to the left of marked
    lines, and setting the color:

    set the markerChar to 0;
    set the markerAttr to black on grey;

    The next example sets the markings back to the default:

    set the markerChar to 16;        -- triangle
    set the markerAttr to 0;          -- use fillColor

    See Also: markerChar


    Purpose: Use the markerChar to set and get the value of the character
    that is used to show marked lines within a list box field.

    When the user selects a line in a list box field, the markerChar appears
    to the left of the line in order to show that it is marked. You can
    change or remove the use of this character by modifying the markerChar.
    The default character is 16, a right arrow (ASCII 16).

    To change the markerChar, you must supply the ASCII code of the
    character you want. For example, if you wanted the lines to be marked
    with the letter A, you would type:

    set the markerChar to charToNum("A");

    When to use it: If you don't want a marker to be used, or you want to
    specify a different character.


    This example sets the marker characters to a yellow diamond:

    set the markerChar to 4;      -- diamond
    set the markerAttr to yellow;

    Comments: Changing the markerChar affects the display of all list box
    fields until you change the value or exit HyperPAD.

    See Also:  markerAttr

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   159


    Purpose: HyperPAD stores pages in an area of memory called the cache.
    When pages are modified in any way, they are considered "dirty". The
    maximum number of modified pages in the cache is determined by this
    property. The default is 20. The range of values is between 1 and 50.
    When the number of modified pages exceeds the value of maxDirtyPages,
    the dirty pages are written to the pad file.

    When to use it: Setting maxDirtyPages to 1 causes HyperPAD to save each
    page as it is changed. This is the safest way to run HyperPAD, but also
    the slowest.


    set the maxDirtyPages to 1;

    See Also: autoSave


    Purpose: The modem property establishes the serial port that the dial
    command will use to communicate with your modem.
    The modem property can be set to either "COM1" or "COM2". If you set the
    modem property to the wrong port, the dial command will give you an


    set the modem to "com1";
    dial "555-1212";

    The following example sets modem to the user's choice of a serial port:

    answer "Where is your modem connected?" with
    if it is not empty then set the modem to it;

    The next example sets up each of the parameters to use with dial:

    set the modem to "com1";      -- default
    set the baud to 300;              -- default
    set the stopBits to 1;          -- default
    set the dataBits to 7;          -- default
    set the parity to "even";    -- default
    dial "555-1212";

    Comments: The default value is "COM1".

    See Also: baud, stopBits, parity, dataBits

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   160


    Purpose: The mouse property determines whether HyperPAD recognizes the
    presence of a mouse. By default, the mouse is recognized (and on) a
    mouse is connected to the system and the mouse driver is loaded.

    Setting this property to off causes HyperPAD to ignore the mouse, even
    if a mouse is present and operational. If you set the mouse property to
    off, you must reset it to on
    in order to use the mouse.

    If you attempt to set the mouse property to on and there isn't a mouse
    or the mouse software is not loaded, then the mouse property will remain
    off (HyperPAD will not return an error).

    The possible values are on or off.

    When to use it: If you want to force the user to use the keyboard in
    your pad, set the mouse to off.


    set the mouse to off;    -- turn mouse off, if present

    set the mouse to on;

    The next example determines if a mouse is present and available:

    set the mouse to on;
    if the mouse is not on then
      answer "You have no mouse";

    See also: mouseAttr, mouseChar, mouseLoc, mouseClick


    Purpose: The mouseAttr property controls the attribute component of the
    mouse pointer.

    The mouse pointer in HyperPAD has two components, the mouseChar and the
    mouseAttr, that determine its appearance. When HyperPAD draws the mouse
    pointer, it performs the following steps:

    1.  If the mouseChar is not 0, then the character component of the mouse
    pointer is set to the mouseChar.

    2.  If the mouseAttr is not 0, then the attribute component of the mouse
    pointer is set to the mouseAttr.

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   161


    set the mouseAttr = black on grey;    -- default

    set the mouseAttr to 76;

    set the mouseAttr to the color of page button 1;

    The following example adjusts both the attribute and the character
    portion of the mouse pointer:

    if the graphicsCard is "Monochrome" then
        set the mouseAttr to 112;
        set the mouseChar to 4;
        set the mouseAttr to 32;
        set the mouseChar to chartonum("A");

    The following makes the mouse invisible:

    set the mouseChar to 0;
    set the mouseAttr to 0;

    Comments: The default mouseAttr is 112, which means that the mouse
    pointer is a reverse video block. The range of values is from 0 to 25.

    When displaying the attribute, HyperPAD examines the attribute that is
    already there at the location of the mouse pointer on the screen. If the
    background color is the same as the background color of the mouseAttr,
    then the foreground and background colors of the mouseAttr are swapped
    before the mouse pointer is displayed.

    See Also: mouse, mouseChar, mouseLoc

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   162


    Purpose: With mouseChar, you can set the character component of the
    mouse pointer. The default mouseChar is 0, which means that the mouse
    pointer is represented only by an attribute (a rectangular block of

    To set the mouseChar, you need the ASCII value of the character you want
    to represent the mouse pointer. If you don't know the ASCII value, you
    can check it in the ASCII Char dialog box, or use charToNum() in your

    When to use it: Modify the mouseChar to create a visual cue that the
    mouse is on top of something. For example, you might change the pointer
    into a question mark whenever it enters your Help button.


    set the mouseChar to 4;  -- set mouse pointer to diamond

    -- set the mouse Char to the letter A
    set the mouseChar to chartonum("A");

    The following handlers (when placed in a page script) set the mouseChar
    to a diamond whenever the mouse pointer is inside a button or field.
    This gives the user a visual indication that the mouse can be pressed to
    initiate an action.

    handler mouseEnter;
      set the mouseChar to 4;  -- diamond

    handler mouseLeave;
      set the mouseChar to 0;  -- default is off


    Purpose: The numberFormat property determines the precision in which
    mathematical calculations are displayed. Internally, HyperPAD keeps
    track of 19 digits of precision; however, when you put a number into the
    message box or a field, it is displayed using the current numberFormat.

    The numberFormat is made up of zeros, pound signs, and a decimal point.
    A zero to the left or right of the decimal point instructs HyperPAD to
    place a digit or, if there is no digit, a 0 in that position. A pound
    sign (#) to the right of the decimal point instructs HyperPAD to place a
    digit at that position only if the internal number has a digit there.

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   163

    The value of numberFormat has the following format:

    <zeros>.<zeros><pound signs>

    The following are legal number formats:


    The following are not legal:

    Number format:     Not legal because:
    ##00.00            ##s to the left of the decimal place have no meaning

    00.##00            ##s cannot be followed by zeros

    The following table shows some sample numbers and how they would appear
    using some sample number formats:

    Number:              Number Format:        Looks Like:
    n3                   0.#####               3

    3.12                 0.#####               3.12

    3.66666666666667     0.#####               3.66667

    3                    00.00                 03.00

    3.1245               00.00                 03.12

    345.678              0.00##                345.68

    3                    0.00##                3.00

    3.123456789          0.00##                3.1235

    345.678              0.00##                345.678


    set the numberFormat to "0.00"; -- money format

    set the numberFormat to "0.00###";

    The next example increases the current precision by 2 digits:

    get the numberFormat;
    set the numberFormat to it & "##";

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   164

    The final example changes all background fields to use a new number

    ask "New Number Format" with the numberFormat;
    set the numberFormat to it;
    for i=1 to the number of fields do
      put (field i)*1 into field i;

    Comments: The default numberFormat is "0.######". HyperPAD resets when
    the next idle message is sent (at the end of all pending handlers).

    The numberFormat property will not affect the presentation of a number
    that is already displayed unless you first perform an arithmetic
    operation on it. If you don't want the value changed, simply multiply it
    by 1:

    set the numberFormat to "0.00";
    multiply field 1 by 1;


    Purpose: The paintAttr property is used to get or set the current value
    of the Paint Attribute. The valid range of values is from 0 to 255.

    You can also set this property using the Paint Attr command on the
    Workspace menu.


    set the paintAttr to 31;

    set the paintAttr to red on yellow;

    if the paintAttr is 78 then
      answer "you have changed the attribute";

    set the mouseAttr to the paintAttr;

    The following handler forces the user to change the current paint

    handler select;
      put the paintAttr into saved;
        doMenu "paint"; -- paint tool
        doMenu "Paint Attr...";   -- get the box
      until the paintAttr is not saved;

    See Also: asciiChar

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   165


    Purpose: This property sets the parity to either even, odd, or none for
    use with the dial command. The default is even.


    See the section on the MODEM property.

    See Also: baud, stopBits, modem, dataBits, parity


    Purpose: This property allows you to establish where HyperPAD will send
    printed output. You can specify either "LPT1", "LPT2", "COM1", "COM2" or
    any valid DOS filename. You can also set the print device manually
    through the Print Setup dialog box by changing the Print To setting.


    set the printDevice to "LPT1";

    if the printDevice is "LPT2" then
    answer "You don't have an LPT2 printer port";

    set the printDevice to "C:\HPAD\OUTPUT\STUFF.LST";

    The following example prints two fields, "first name" and "last name",
    from every page of a pad to a file called "OUTPUT.LST". The previous
    value of printDevice is saved and restored.

    put the printDevice into savedPrintDevice;
    set the printDevice to "OUTPUT.LST";
    set the printer to on;
    for i = 1 to the number of pages do
      print field "First Name" && field "Last Name";
    set the printer to off;
    set the printDevice to savedPrintDevice;

    Comments: LPT1 is the default printDevice.

    HyperPAD uses MS-DOS to perform its printing. Thus, any name that you
    specify must be a valid DOS filename.

    Once you set printDevice, it will remain unchanged until you change it
    again. The value is saved in your HPAD.INI file.

    Abbreviations: printDev

    See Also: print, printer, printerTranslation

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   166


    Purpose: You can use this property to turn the printer on and off. When
    printer is on, you can use the print command to send text out to the
    printer; if it's off, using the print command will cause a
    runtime error.


    set the printer to on;

    set the printer to off;

    The following example prints out all the background button scripts from
    the current pad:

    set the printer to on;  -- start the print job
    for i=1 to the number of pages do
        go to page i;
        for j = 1 to the number of bkgnd btns do
          print the script of bkgnd btn j;
    set the printer to off;  -- finished printing

    Comments: The printer property is automatically set to off when you exit
    HyperPAD, run a program using Run Program on the File menu or use the
    run command (from a script).

    See Also: print, printDevice, printerTranslation


    Purpose: Setting this property modifies how HyperPAD translates
    characters that you send to your printer using the print command.

    When printerTranslation is true (the default), HyperPAD performs the
    following translations:

    Character:     carriage-return
    ASCII Value:        13
    Translates To:      13,10

    Notes:    Changes the internal print position to the next line

    Character :     formfeed
    ASCII Value:       12
    Translates To:     12

    Notes:    Resets the internal print position to 1,1

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   167

    When printerTranslation is false, no translation is performed. This
    enables you to send special escape sequences to your printer to control
    various printer options.


    set the printerTranslation to false;

    The following example sends an escape sequence to an IBM Proprinter to
    print in NLQ mode (near letter quality):

    set the printerTranslation to false;
    print numToChar(27) & H;

    Comments: HyperPAD resets printerTranslation to
    true (the default) when the next idle message is sent (at the end of all
    pending handlers).


    Purpose: Use selectedText to determine what text is currently
    highlighted in a field or the message box.

    When the user highlights text in a field (using SHIFT+Arrow keys or by
    dragging the mouse), HyperPAD copies the highlighted text to the
    selectedText. The text will remain in the selectedText until you
    highlight something else, exit HyperPAD, or run another program.

    Setting the selectedText does not highlight the text on the screen. This
    is accomplished using the hilite command.


    put the selectedText into the message box;

    set the selectedText to empty;

    The following handler finds the selectedText:

    handler select;
      if the selectedText is not empty then
        find the selectedText;

    See Also: hilite

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   168


    Purpose: Sets the stopBits for use with the dial command. The possible
    values are 1 or 2. This value is used to initialize the serial port
    before using the dial command.


    set the stopBits to 2;

    set the stopBits to 1;

    See Also: modem, baud, parity, dataBits,dial


    Purpose: Use the tabbing property to control the behavior of the TAB key
    when moving from object to object on the page.

    When you press the TAB key, the focus is taken away from the current
    button or field and given to the next button or field. The next object
    that receives the focus is determined by the tabbing property, which can
    be set to either position or layer.

    If tabbing is set to layer, then the next object to receive the focus
    depends on the order which the objects sit on the page. Each button and
    field is on its own transparent layer, these layers are stacked on top
    of one another. Pressing TAB moves the focus to the object in the next
    layer higher (i.e. from page button 1 to page button 2).

    If tabbing is set to position (the default), then the next object is
    determined by the object's position relative to the current one on the
    page. HyperPAD looks for objects to the right and then down on the page.
    If there aren't any, then the object closest to the upper left corner of
    the screen receives the focus.

    When to use it: Use this property to make the movement between the
    buttons and fields in your pads as logical as possible.


    set the tabbing to position;

    handler openPage;
      set the tabbing to layer;

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   169


    Purpose: Use the userLevel property to limit access to your pad. You can
    modify this property with the Protect command on the File menu.

    Within HyperPAD, the commands you can access from the menus are
    determined by the userLevel. You can set the user level to one of five
    values. The higher the value, the more power HyperPAD gives the user.

    The numbers 1 through 5 correspond to the userLevel in the following

    Number:    User Level:
    1          Browsing

    2          Typing

    3          Painting

    4          Authoring

    5          Scripting

    As you change userLevel, the menus change to reflect the new
    capabilities HyperPAD gives you (or takes away!).

    The userLevel property can be set by the pad's user using the Protect
    dialog box on the File menu. The userLevel is saved with the pad, so
    that the next time you use the pad, it has the same user level.

    If you attempt to change the userLevel of a pad that currently has a
    password, then you will be asked for the password. The userLevel will
    remain unchanged if you give the wrong password or select <Cancel> from
    the Password dialog box.

    When to use it: If you want to limit the pad user's ability to alter the
    pad, or if you want to allow some changes but not others, you'll need to
    change the userLevel.


    set the userLevel to 5;

    set the userLevel to 1;

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   170

    The following handler sets the userLevel on entry to a pad. It sets a
    higher level if the user knows a certain password:

    handler openPad;
      ask "What is the password?";
      if it is "FANCY" then set the userLevel to 5
      else set the userLevel to 2;

    See Also: passwordOnly

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   171


    The following section describes the properties of a pad. You can change
    a pad property using the set command, as in the following example:

    set the cantDelete of pad to true;


    Purpose: Setting this property to true prevents a pad from being
    deleted. When cantDelete is false, the pad can be deleted using Delete
    Pad command on the File menu.

    Changing this value changes the value of the Can't delete option in the
    Protect dialog box.

    When to use it: Set cantDelete to true when you want to protect your
    pads from being accidentally deleted from within HyperPAD.


    set the cantDelete of pad to false;

    if the userLevel <= 2 then
      set the cantDelete of pad to true;

    Comments: This property does not prevent you from deleting the pad using
    the DOS Delete command (it doesn't modify the DOS file attributes).

    See Also:  cantModify


    Purpose: The cantModify property allows you to determine whether the
    pad's user can make modifications to a pad.
    When the value of cantModify is false, you can change the information in
    a pad within the constraints of the current user level.

    When cantModify is true, the pad cannot be changed. Thus, you are
    prevented from typing into fields, painting, modifying an object's
    position and properties, and modifying an object's script. Pads of this
    type (with cantModify set to true) are read-only and cannot be
    physically modified by HyperPAD. Furthermore, more than one user on a
    network can browse read-only pads at the same time.

    Changing the value of this property changes the value of the Read only
    option in the Protect dialog box.

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   172

    When to use it: If you want to allow a pad to be shared on a network, or
    if you want to further restrict the pad user from modifying it.


    set the cantModify of pad to true;

    The following handler in a pad script changes the userLevel to scripting
    if there are no other users accessing the pad on a network; otherwise,
    the pad is opened in read-only mode:

    hander openPad;
      if the cantModify of pad is true then
          set the cantModify of pad to false;
          if the cantModify of pad is false then
            set the userLevel to 5;

    Comments: Scripts can still modify the contents of fields and the
    properties of buttons. However, these changes will not be saved to disk.

    See Also: cantDelete, passwordOnly


    Purpose: Use this property to determine the full DOS pathname of the
    current pad, including a drive letter, like the following example:


    Note:  You cannot modify the longName of a pad; in order to change the
    path of a pad you must copy it through DOS or the DOS pad.


    put the longName of pad into pname;

    get the longName of pad;
    if the first character of it is in "AB" then
      answer "You are on a removable disk.";

    See Also: name

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   173


    Purpose: Use the name property to get or set the name of a pad. The
    value of name will be the DOS name of the pad without the extension. If
    you set the name of a pad, you will change the actual DOS name.


    if the name of pad is "HOME" then
      answer "You are home now!";

    The following example changes the name to one that the user specifies:

    ask "New name for pad:" with the name of pad;
    if it is empty then exit;
    if "." is not in it then put ".PAD" after it;
    set the name of pad to it;
    if the name of the pad is not it then
      answer "Unable to change the name" with "Ok";

    See Also: longName


    Purpose: This property determines whether a pad is accessible by
    password only.

    You can require that the user enter the correct password in order to
    access the pad for the first time in a HyperPAD session. Setting this
    property modifies the By Password Only option in the Protect dialog box.

    If you attempt to set passwordOnly to true and no password has been
    chosen, you will be prompted to enter one. If you cancel the Password
    dialog box, the property will not be changed.

    When passwordOnly is true, you must type in the password when you open
    the pad for the first time (you only have to give the password once per
    HyperPAD session). If you change the user level after accessing the pad,
    you must enter the password again.

    When to use it: When you want to protect your pad from being browsed by
    other users.


    set the passwordOnly of pad to true;

    set the passwordOnly of pad to (the userLevel >= 4);

    See Also: cantModify, cantDelete, userLevel

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   174


    Purpose: Use the script property to get or replace the current script of
    the pad. The value of script is a text string composed of lines
    separated by carriage returns.

    Setting this property replaces the current pad script with a new one.
    The new script must be compiled and checked for errors. Any handlers
    within the new script that contain errors will not be compiled.
    Getting the script allows you to view it or paste it into another

    When to use it: When you want to alter a script without using the Script


    put the script of pad into stext;

    set the script of pad to stext;

    set the script of pad to empty;

    The next example creates an openPad handler by appending text together
    (using the & operator) and attaching the new openPad handler to the end
    of the pad script. The new handler beeps when the pad is opened.

    set the script of pad to the script of the pad &
      return & return &
      "handler openPad;" & return &
      "begin" & return &
      "  beep;" & return &
      "end;" & return;

    The next example changes the script of page button 2 to a new script
    that causes the button to go to page 4 when selected.

    handler select;
      set the script of page button 2 to
      "handler select;" & return &
      "begin" & return &
      "  go to page 4;" & return &

    See Also: edit script

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   175



    Purpose: The acceleratorColor property determines the color of a given
    accelerator key when the ALT key is pressed. Any field in your pad can
    be assigned an accelerator key, which allows you to set the focus to
    that field quickly. An acceleratorKey must be set for a field and the
    showName property must be true for acceleratorColor to have an effect.

    You cannot set the accelerator key or color of a field using the Field
    Info dialog box like you can with buttons. The only way to do this is
    through the message box or a script.

    The range of values is from 0 to 25. The default is 7.


    set the acceleratorColor of page field 3 to red on blue;

    Abbreviations: accelColor

    See Also: acceleratorKey, showName


    Purpose: The acceleratorKey property defines the character within the
    field's name that the user can press to quickly go to that field. The
    acceleratorKey is highlighted when the user holds down ALT. For example,
    if a field's acceleratorKey is "A", the key combination ALT+A will set
    the focus to that field.

    If the acceleratorKey can't be found within the field's name, then it
    will not be highlighted when ALT is pressed. However, the field can
    still be accessed with the ALT key combination.

    Accelerator keys can be any letter or number (A..Z, 0..9).


    set the accelKey of field "First Name" to "E";

    Comments: Make sure you select a unique key code for the accelerator
    key. If it isn't, then the field or button lowest in the hierarchy will
    get the focus first. Further, be careful not to create accelerator keys
    that conflict with the menu accelerators.
    Abbreviations: accelKey

    See Also: acceleratorColor, showName

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   176


    Purpose: Use the align property to set or get the text
    justification of a field. By default, text in fields is left aligned.

    You can set align to left, right, or centered.


    set the align of page field 1 to right;

    The next example randomly aligns text in all the fields of a page:

    put "left,right,centered" into settings;
    for i = 1 to the number of page fields do
        set the align of page field i to
          item (random(3)) of settings;


    Purpose: Use  this property to determine whether a field is highlighted
    when it receives the focus. The value  can be true or false.


    set the autoHilite of field "Address" to true;


    Purpose: The borderColor property sets or gets the color of a field's
    border. The borderColor property will have no effect if withEdge is
    false or the style is transparent.

    The range of colors is from 0 to 255; the default is 7 (grey on black).

    This property can also be modified through the Field Info property box.


    set the borderColor of page field 1 to 7; -- the default

    if the style of field "Notes" is not transparent then
      set the borderColor of field 1 to yellow on red;

    See Also: color, fillColor, nameColor, hiliteColor

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   177


    Purpose: The color property allows you to determine or change the
    fillColor and borderColor of a field.

    When used with the set command, this property modifies both the
    fillColor and the borderColor properties of a field. When used with the
    get or put commands, the value of this property is the fillColor of the

    The valid colors are in the range 0 to 255; the default is 7 (grey on


    set the color of field 1 to 31;

    set the color of page field "Notes" to blue on white;

    Comments: This property can also be modified through the Field Info
    dialog box.

    See Also: fillColor, borderColor, nameColor, hiliteColor


    Purpose: Use currentLine to retrieve the line number of the current
    insert point within a field.

    The currentLine property returns the line number as it appears on the
    screen (not the line number as determined by carriage returns).

    This value cannot be changed. You can change the insertion location
    within the text using the insertPoint property.


    put the currentLine of field 1 into cline;

    get the currentLine of field "Notes" of page 2;

    The following makes the current line the first line displayed:

    set startLine of field 1 to the currentLine of field 1;

    See Also: insertPoint

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   178


    Purpose: The edgeType property determines the current edge type of a
    field. You can choose different characters to define the borders of a
    field. The valid edge types are 1 to 15. The default is 1, which is a
    single width line. The edgeType will only have an effect if the value of
    withEdge is true.

    Appendix 3 shows the available edge types and their corresponding

    This property can also be modified through the Field Info dialog box.


    set the edgeType of page field "Zip Code" to 7;

    put the edgeType of field 1 into the message box;

    The next two handlers in a field script change the border to a double
    line when the field is opened for editing and the changes the border
    back to a single line when the field is closed. This provides an
    additional visual cue for the user that the field is open for editing:

    handler openField;
      set the edgeType of me to 2;

    handler closeField;
      set the edgeType of me to 1;

    See Also: withEdge, borderColor

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   179


    Purpose: Use the fillColor property to set or get the color of the
    interior portion of a field. If the field is style is transparent,
    fillColor will have no effect.

    The valid range of colors is from 0 to 255; the default is 7 (grey on

    This property can also be modified through the Field Info dialog box.


    set the fillColor of field 1 to red;

    set the fillColor of field 2 to 31;

    See Also: color, borderColor, nameColor, hiliteColor


    Purpose: Use the hilite property to determine or change the current
    hilite status of a field.

    This property can be true or false; the default is false. If the value
    of the hiliteIfFocus property is true, the field will be highlighted
    automatically when the user tabs to it. Thus, the hilite property would
    be true. The color of the highlight is determined by the hiliteColor.


    set the hilite of page field 1 to true;

    set the hilite of page field 1 to the hilite of page button 1;

    Sometimes it is useful to highlight a field automatically when the mouse
    is moved into its rectangle. These two handlers in the field's script
    will do this:

    handler mouseEnter;
      set the hilite of me to true;

    handler mouseLeave;
      set the hilite of me to false;

    See Also: hiliteIfFocus, autoHilite

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   180


    Purpose: Use the hiliteColor property to determine or change the color
    of the field when it has the focus. This property will only affect
    fields with hiliteIfFocus set to true. If hiliteIfFocus is false, the
    field will not be highlighted when it receives the focus.

    The range of valid colors is from 0 to 255; the default is 112 (black on

    This property can also be modified through the Field Info dialog box.


    set the hiliteColor of field "help msg" to yellow;

    set the hiliteColor of page field 1 to
      the hiliteColor of page field 1 of the next page;

    See Also: color, nameColor, fillColor, borderColor


    Purpose: Use the hiliteIfFocus property to determine or change whether a
    field is automatically highlighted when it has the focus.

    When hiliteIfFocus is true, the field is automatically highlighted when
    it gets the focus. The user is then required to use F2 to edit the
    field. If hiliteIfFocus is false (the default), when the field receives
    the focus, the cursor is immediately placed within the text ready for

    This property can also be modified through the Field Info dialog box.


    set the hiliteIfFocus of page field 1 to true;

    set the hiliteIfFocus of field "Notes" to false;

    See Also: hilite, autoHilite


    Purpose: Use this property to determine how the button is identified.
    Each button ID is unique for that page and cannot be altered.

    Using the button ID is the only way to guarantee that you are
    referencing a unique button.

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   181

    The returned value of ID is a number.

    You can see the field's ID number in the Field Info dialog box.


    put the id of page field 1 into fid;

    if the id of me > 20 then set the visible of me to true;

    The following statements in a field script pass the field ID to a
    handler in the page called setProps. In this way, the setProps handler
    can uniquely identify this field.

    handler openField;
      get the id of me;
      send "SetProps" it to me;

    handler setProps(fid);
      hide field id fid;

    See Also: ID, name, longName


    Purpose: Use the insertPoint property to determine the position of the
    cursor within a text field. Each character in the field counts as a
    valid position for the text cursor, including carriage returns and

    The value of the insertPoint will be between 1 and the number of
    characters in the field:

    1 <= insertPoint <= the number of chars in the field


    set the insertPoint of field "Last Name" to 6;

    The following moves the insert point to the first occurrence of the word

    set the insertPoint of page field "Comment" to
      offset("that",page field "Comment");

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   182


    Purpose: Use the layer property to determine the layer of a field in
    relation to the other fields on the page or background.
    Fields are superimposed on their background or page according to their
    layer. The fields closest to the page are lower in value and are
    possibly overlapped by fields on a higher layer.


    put the layer of page field 1 into msg;

    The following example uses the field's layer to create an index into a
    container of values for that field. If the wrong value is entered into
    the field, an error is displayed.

    handler closeField;
      get the layer of me;
      if item it of "10,56,78,34" is not the value of me then
        answer "Field" && it && has the wrong value;

    See Also: ID


    Purpose: The location property determines the X (column) and Y (row)
    coordinates of the upper left corner of a field and returns two numbers
    in "X,Y" format; for example:


    The location can be changed using the Selector tool, or by setting the
    rectangle property.


    put the location of page field 3 into page field 4;

    Abbreviations: loc

    See Also: rectangle

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   183


    Purpose: Use the lockText property to prevent or allow editing within a
    field. When you create a field, lockText is initially false; this allows
    you to enter and edit the field.

    Locked text fields are completely inaccessible to the keyboard user. You
    can't enter text into them or edit them. A locked text field acts like a
    button when the mouse is clicked on it (the field receives mouseDown,
    mouseStillDown, and mouseUp).

    You can modify the lockText property using the Field Info dialog box.

    When to use it: When you want to protect the text in your fields from
    inadvertent editing, or you want a field to act like a button, set
    lockText to true. This is useful for creating fields that contain
    messages or visual information for the user.


    set the lockText of page field "Salaries" to true;

    The next example goes to a page that contains the word "hello" in
    background field 1. It is important to lock the field first to prevent
    HyperPAD from setting the focus to that field.

    set the lockText of field 1 to true;
    find "hello" in field 1;
    set the lockText of field 1 to false;


    Purpose: The longID property returns the full field ID, including the
    field's ID number, the page or background name the field is on, and the
    full DOS path of the pad it's in.

    You can not alter a longID. The format of the longID for a page field

    field id 1 of page id 1 of pad "C:\HPAD2\HOME.PAD"
    or for a background field:

    bkgnd field id 1 of bkgnd page id 1 of pad "C:\HOME.PAD"


    put the longID of page field "phone";

    See Also: ID, name, longName

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   184


    Purpose: The longName property returns the complete name of any field in
    a pad. The long name of a page field contains information such as the
    full DOS path and has the following format:

    field id 12 of page 45 of pad "C:\HPAD\HOME.PAD"

    For background fields, the word bkgnd is used:

    bkgnd field id 12 of bkgnd 3 of pad "C:\HPAD\HOME.PAD"

    You can't change the longName of a field.


    put the longName of field 1 into msg;

    The next example prints out the script of field 1 the
    longName of the field as the heading:

    print (the longName of field 1) & return & return;
    print (the script of field 1) & return & return;

    See Also: name, namePosition, nameColor, showName


    Purpose: Use this property to get a list of the line numbers of the
    lines currently marked in a list box field. The value of markedLines is
    an item delimited list of line numbers, like the following:


    The above example means that lines 10 though 12, 18 and 19 are all

    If there aren't any marked lines in the field, then the value is empty.


    if the markedLines of field "list" is empty then
      answer "There are no marked lines!";

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   185

    The following example copies all of the marked lines from page field 1
    into page field 2:

    put the markedLines of page field 1 into mlist;
    put the number of items of mlist into n;
    for i = 1 to n do
      put line (item i of mlist) of page field 1
        after the last line of page field 2;

    Comments: You cannot set the markedLines property of a field. By
    adjusting the field's content, however, you can mark lines.
    HyperPAD marks lines by inserting the ASCII character 1 as the first
    character on a line. For example, to mark the first line of field 1:

    put numToChar(1) before char 1 of line 1 of field 1;

    When you retrieve the markedLines, HyperPAD returns an item delimited
    list of the line numbers containing character 1 as the first character.
    Whenever you change a field's content, all of the marks are removed from
    the text. Thus, the following two statements result in only one line
    (the second line) being marked:

    put numToChar(1) before char 1 of line 1 of field 1;

    put numToChar(1) before char 1 of line 2 of field 1;

    To avoid this, you must first copy the field into a local variable, mark
    the lines you want, then copy the local variable back into the field:

    put field 1 into temp;
    put numToChar(1) before char 1 of line 1 of temp;
    put numToChar(1) before char 1 of line 2 of temp;
    put temp into field 1;

    See Also: mark, unmark

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   186


    Purpose: Use the name property to determine the name of any
    field in the current pad. The returned value is the same as the name in
    the Field Info dialog box.


    set the name of page field 1 of page 2 to "Last Name";

    if the name of page field i is "Last Name" then
      print page field i;

    put the name of page field 2 into fname;
    put the id of page field fname into msg;

    See Also: namePosition, longName, nameColor, showName, ID,


    Purpose: The nameColor property modifies the color of the displayed name
    of a field.

    When showName is true, the name appears either to the left or on top of
    the field using the attribute determined by nameColor.

    The colors you select must be in the range from 0 to 255 (or use the
    color constants). Changing this property modifies the Name Color option
    in the Field Info dialog box.


    set the nameColor of page field 1 to white on green;

    set the nameColor of field "Last Name" to 31;

    set the nameColor of field 2 to the fillColor of field 2;

    See Also: showName, namePosition

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   187


    Purpose: Use the namePosition property to determine the
    location of the field's name, which can be either on top or to the left
    of the field. In order for this property to have an effect, the name
    must be shown (the showName property must be

    When namePosition is left (the default), the name of the field appears
    on the left side of the field, decreasing the field's editing area by
    the width of the name. When set to top, the name appears on top of the
    field, decreasing the editing area by 1 line.

    A colon always follows the displayed field name.

    Changing this property changes the Name position option in the Field
    Info dialog box.


    set the namePosition of page field 1 to left;

    set the namePosition of field "Last Name" to top;

    Abbreviations: namePos

    See Also: showName, nameColor


    Purpose: The rectangle property determines the position of
    the rectangular region occupied by a field. The value of rectangle is a
    text string consisting of four numbers separated by commas, and may be

    upper left x, upper left y, lower right x, lower right y

    You can also change a field's rectangle property using the Selector
    tool. (See the User's Guide for more information on the Selector tool.)

    To set a field's rectangle, you must supply all four numbers, separated
    by commas (not a container having a text string of numbers). For
    example, the following statements will not work because the variable "r"
    contains a string of numbers:

    put the rectangle of page field 1 into r;
    set the rectangle of page field 1 to r;

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   188

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    The following will work:

    put the rectangle of page field 1 into r;
    set the rectangle of page field 1 to
      item 1 of r, item 2 of r, item 3 of r, item 4 of r;

    The default rectangle for a field is 29,9,55,15.


    set the rectangle of page field 1 to 10,10,70,20;

    Abbreviations: rect

    See Also: location


    Purpose: The script property allows you to retrieve or
    replace the script of any field in a pad. Setting this property replaces
    the script of a field with a new one. The new script must be compiled
    and checked for errors. Any handlers within the script that contain
    errors will not be compiled.

    The value of script is a text string composed of lines separated by
    carriage returns.

    The script can also be changed through the Field Info dialog box.

    When to use it: When you want to copy a script from one field to
    another, or assign a new script to a field, or print a script.


    To display the script of field 1:

    put the script of page field 1 into page field 1;

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   189

    To change a script:

    set the script of field "Last Name" to stext;

    To recompile a script of field:

    set the script of pg fld 1 to the script of pg fld 1;

    To print the script of field "First Name":

    print the script of field "First Name";


    Purpose: The scrollable property determines if you can view
    text outside the physical confines of a field. With HyperPAD, you can
    place more text into a field than can be viewed at once. With a
    scrollable field, you can allow the user to move down through the field
    to view the text that doesn't fit inside the field.

    The default is true.

    Changing the property changes the Scrollable option in the Field Info
    dialog box.

    When to use it: To include more information in a field without
    increasing its size, set scrollable to true.


    set the scrollable of page field 1 to true;

    set the scrollable of field "Last Name" to false;

    The following handler (in a pad or background script) sets the
    scrollable property to false for all new fields:

    handler newField;
      set the scrollable of the target to false;

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   190


    Purpose: The showName property determines whether the
    field's name is shown. When true, the name of the field is displayed
    either to the left or top of the field, depending on the value of
    namePosition. By default showName is false, meaning that the field's
    name isn't shown.

    This property can be modified using the Field Info dialog box.


    set the showName of page field 1 to true;

    set the showName of the target to false;

    The following handler creates a dBase style field. It sets all of the
    relevant properties, including showName, and receives the name as a

    handler DBASEField(fieldName);
      set the showName of field fieldName to true;
      set the withEdge of field fieldName to false;
      set the hiliteIfFocus of field fieldName to true;
      set the scrollable of field fieldName to false;
      set the lockText of field fieldName to false;
      set the style of field fieldName to opaque;
      set the align of field fieldName to left;
      set the namePosition of field fieldName to left;
    To call this handler:

    DBASEField "Last Name";

    See Also: showName, namePosition, nameColor, name, longName


    Purpose: The startLine property allows you to determine which is the
    first line displayed in a scrollable field. The value of startLine is
    not determined by carriage returns, but by the actual lines of text in
    the field.

    When to use it: By changing the value of startLine, you can simulate
    scrolling through a field. (Note: the field must be scrollable.).


    set the startLine of page field 1 to 1;

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   191

    To synchronize two fields so that they both start at the same line:

    set the startLine of page field 1 to
      the startLine of page field 2;

    The following example scrolls all the fields on a page down by one line:

    for i = 1 to the number of page fields do
      set the startLine of page field i to
      (the startLine of page field i) +1;


    Purpose: Use the style property to determine or change the style of a
    particular field. There are four different styles for fields.
    Each style changes the way a field looks and works.

    The fields styles are:
    opaque    transparent    scrolling    listBox

    List box fields require some special mention because they receive some
    additional messages that other style fields do not receive. The
    differences are summarized as follows:

    1.  Lines in list box fields do not word wrap; all lines are broken only
    by carriage returns.

    2.  The UP and DOWN arrow keys move a highlight bar through the choices
    in the field.

    3.  Pressing SPACE marks and unmarks the highlighted line. This actions
    sends the mark and unmark messages to the field.

    4.  Pressing ENTER or double clicking the mouse on a choice sends a
    select message to the field.

    5.  You can get the currently marked line numbers using the markedLines

    You can also change a field's style using the Field Info dialog box.


    set the style of page field 1 to listBox;

    if the style of field "Last Name" is scrolling then
      set the style of field "Last Name" to opaque;

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   192

    The following function returns the contents of all the list box fields
    on a page:

    function getListBoxes;
      get empty;
      for i = 1 to the number of page fields do
          if the style of page field i is listBox then
            put it after the last line of it;
      return it;


    Purpose: The value property determines the content of a field.

    The following handler copies a field's content into the message box when
    it receives the focus:

    handler openField;
      put the value of me into the msg box;


    Purpose: The visible property determines whether a field is visible or
    hidden. When a field is hidden, it cannot be edited or given the focus.
    Further, hidden fields cannot be edited using the Selector tool unless
    the visible property is set to true.

    When a field is created, the visible is true (the default).

    This property can also be changed using the hide and show commands. You
    are unable to modify this property using the Field Info dialog box (you
    must use the message box or a script).

    When to use it: If you have information in a field that you want the
    user to view only after a specific action is taken (such as selecting a
    button) you can use visible to hide and then show the field.

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   193


    set the visible of page field "Notes" to false;

    set the visible of page field "help" to the check   of button id 2;

    put the visible of field id 4;

    show page field 1;  -- sets visible to true
    hide page field 1;  -- sets visible to false

    The following button handler displays a help field when selected:

    handler select;
      show page field "help";
      wait 10000;              -- wait 10 seconds
      hide page field "help";


    Purpose: Use the withEdge property to determine whether a field has a
    border. When true (the default), the field is displayed with the
    edgeType as the border.

    You can modify this property using the Field Info dialog box.


    set the withEdge of page field 1 to true;

    put the withEdge of field "Last Name" into the message box.

    See Also: edgeType, borderColor

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   194


    The following section describes the properties that are used by buttons.
    Some of the properties used by buttons are also used by fields.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │


    Purpose: The acceleratorColor property determines the color of the
    selected acceleratorKey (a selected character in the button's name) when
    the user presses ALT in Browse mode. Any button in your pad can be
    assigned an accelerator key, which allows for quick selection of the
    button. An acceleratorKey must be selected and showName must be true for
    acceleratorColor to have an effect.

    The range of values is from 0 to 255; The default is 7 (grey on black).

    You can modify the acceleratorColor using the Button Info dialog box.


    set the acceleratorColor of page button 3 to red on blue;

    Abbreviations: accelColor

    See Also: acceleratorKey, showName

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   195


    Purpose: The acceleratorKey property defines the character in the
    button's name that the user can press to speed button selection.
    This property allows users to select buttons by holding down ALT and a
    specified character in the button's name.

    The acceleratorColor must be different from the fillColor and showName
    must be true for this property to work.

    When you press the accelerator key combination for a button, the button
    becomes highlighted and a select message is sent to that button.
    Any letter or number (A..Z,0..9) can be used an accelerator key. The
    default is empty.

    If the accelerator letter isn't within the button's name, then you will
    not see it when you press ALT. However, you can still press the ALT key
    combination to select that button.


    set the accelKey of page button 1 to "A";

    set the acceleratorKey of button "Home" to "H";

    Comments: Make sure you select a unique key code for the accelerator
    key. If you don't, then the button with the lowest layer gets the focus
    first. Also, be careful because button accelerator keys have priority
    over menu accelerators (such as ALT+F for File menu).

    Abbreviations: accelKey

    See Also:  acceleratorColor, showName, select


    Purpose: This property controls the positioning of the button's name
    within the button. The possible values are:

    The default is centered.


    set the align of page button 4 to right;

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   196


    Purpose: The autoHilite property determines if a button is automatically
    highlighted when it receives the focus. The color of the highlighted
    button is determined by the value of hiliteColor.

    The default value of autoHilite is true.
    Buttons that have the focus will be highlighted only if hiliteIfFocus is
    true. If hiliteIfFocus is false, then the button will only be
    highlighted while the mouse is pressed and the mouse pointer is within
    the rectangle of that button.

    When a button is highlighted, the hilite property for that button is set
    to true.


    set the autoHilite of button 1 to true;

    set the autoHilite of button "Home" to false;

    To make sure a button gets highlighted when it has the focus:

    set the autoHilite of button 1 to true;
    set the hiliteIfFocus of button 1 to true;

    See Also: hiliteIfFocus, hiliteColor, hilite


    Purpose: Use the borderColor property to determine the color of the
    characters that form the button's border. The borderColor property will
    have no effect unless withEdge is true and the style is not transparent.

    The range of colors is from 0 to 255; the default is 7 (grey on black).

    You can modify this property using the Button Info dialog box.


    set the borderColor of page button 1 to 7;

    if the style of button "Notes" is not transparent then
      set the borderColor of button 1 to yellow on red;

    See Also: withEdge, acceleratorColor, fillColor, color, hiliteColor

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   197


    Purpose: The check property determines whether a button is checked. This
    will only have an effect on checkBox styled buttons.

    If the check is true, then the check box button will have an X between
    the brackets:

    [X] Include Last Name

    If it false, then there will be a blank space between the brackets:

    [ ] Include Last Name

    The value of check gets modified when HyperPAD receives the select
    message initially sent to a check box styled button. For example, the
    following script in your checkBox button prevents its value (the check)
    from being toggled, because it prevents the select message from being
    sent to HyperPAD.

    handler select;

    Intercepting the select message enables you to create option button
    groups in your pads (an option button group is where one button in the
    group is checked while the other are not). Suppose you have 3 buttons,
    of which only one can be checked at a time. The button names are "Blue",
    "Red", and "Green". The script of button "Green" would be:

    handler select;
      set the check of button "Red" to false;
      set the check of button "Blue" to false;
      set the check of me to true;

    The script of button "Red" would be:

    handler select;
      set the check of button "Blue" to false;
      set the check of button "Green" to false;
      set the check of me to true;

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   198

    and the script of button "Blue" would be:

    handler select;
      set the check of button "Green" to false;
      set the check of button "Red" to false;
      set the check of me to true;


    set the check of page button 1 to true;

    set the check of me to false;

    set the check of the target to the salesTax > 10;

    The following handler in the script of a check box button locks and
    unlocks a field depending on whether the button is checked.

    handler select;
      get the check of me;
      set the lockText of page field "Custom Size" to it;

    Comments: You can still modify the checkBox property for buttons that do
    not have a checkBox style (you just won't see the X).


    Purpose: Use the color property to modify the
    fillColor and the borderColor of a button.

    Setting the color of a button sets both the fillColor and the
    borderColor of the button. Getting the color of a button, however,
    returns only the fillColor of the button.


    set the color of page button 1 to 31;

    set the color of button "Home" to white on red

    See Also: fillColor, borderColor, hiliteColor, acceleratorColor

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   199


    Purpose: Use the edgeType property to determine the type of border a
    button uses.

    The valid edge types are 1 to 15. The default is 1, which is a single
    width line. This property will only have an effect if the value of
    withEdge is true.

    Appendix 3 shows the available edge types and their corresponding


    put the edgeType of button 4 into the message box;

    The next two handlers in a button script change the border to a double
    line when the button has the focus, and sets the border back to a single
    width line when the focus changes to another object.

    handler openButton;
      set the edgeType of me to 2;

    handler closeButton;
      set the edgeType of me to 1;

    See Also: withEdge, borderColor


    Purpose: The fillColor property determines the color of the interior
    portion of a button, including the button name.

    You color will have no effect if the button style is transparent.

    The valid range of colors is from 0 to 255; the default is 7 (grey on


    set the fillColor of button 1 to red;

    set the fillColor of button 2 to the borderColor of button 2;

    See Also: acceleratorColor, borderColor, color, hiliteColor

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   200


    Purpose: Use the hilite property to determine whether a button is
    highlighted. When true, the button appears using the current color value
    of the hiliteColor property.

    Buttons that have the focus will only be highlighted if the autoHilite
    property is true. If false, then the button will only be highlighted
    when a mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is within the
    rectangle of the button.


    set the hilite of page button "Quit" to true;

    if the hilite of page button "Home" is true then
      answer "You are highlighting Home";

    See Also: autoHilite, hiliteColor


    Purpose: The hiliteColor property determines the color of a button when
    it has the focus. The autoHilite property has to be true for the button
    to be able to be highlighted.

    A button can be highlighted (using the hiliteColor) under the following
    two conditions:

    1.  If the button has the focus and hiliteIfFocus is set to true.

    2.  While the mouse button is held down and the pointer is inside the
    button's rectangle.

    The range of valid colors is from 0 to 255; the default is 112 (black on

    You can modify this property using the Button Info dialog box.


    set the hiliteColor of button "hello" to yellow;

    set the hiliteColor of page button 1 to
      the hiliteColor of page button 2;

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   201


    Purpose: Use the hiliteIfFocus property to determine whether your button
    is highlighted when it has the focus.

    When true, a button with the focus will be highlighted using the
    hiliteColor. If false, the button will not be highlighted when it has
    the focus.

    You can modify this property using the Button Info dialog box.


    set the hiliteIfFocus of page button 1 to true;


    Purpose: Use the ID property to determine the unique number that
    HyperPAD assigned to this button when it was created. The only way to
    uniquely reference a specific button is with the ID.

    You can't change a button's ID.

    You can see a button's ID using the Button Info dialog box.


    put the id of page button 1 into fid;

    if the id of me > 20 then set the visible of me to true;

    See Also: longID


    Purpose: The layer property returns the layer number of the button with
    respect to all the buttons on the page.

    You cannot change this property through a script. You must use the
    Selector tool to select a button, then use the Send Farther and Move
    Closer commands on the Object menu.

    When to use it: It is sometimes convenient to organize your button's
    layering so that the layer of a button can be used as an index into

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   202


    put the layer of button 1 into page field 2;

    handler select;
      -- get the line number corresponding to the layer
      get line (the layer of me) of page field "index";
      go to page it;


    Purpose: The location property determines the X (column) and Y (row)
    coordinates from the upper left corner of a button, returning two
    numbers in the "X,Y" format, like:


    You can also change a button's location using the Selector tool, or by
    modifying the value of the rectangle property.


    set the location of page button 1 to 10,10;
    if the location of button "Home" is "3,4"
      then go to the next page

    Abbreviations: loc

    See Also: rectangle


    Purpose: The lockText property locks a button so that it cannot be
    selected with the mouse or keyboard. Locked buttons receive no messages.

    When to use it: You can use a transparent button with the lockText
    property set to true to cover up other objects that you don't want

    You can't modify this property using the Button Info dialog box. You
    must use either the message box or a script.


    set the lockText of button 1 to true;

    if the lockText of page button "Cover Up" then
      answer "Can't select that right now";

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   203


    Purpose: Use longID to get a button's full identification information
    including its ID number, the name of the page or background the button
    is on, and the full DOS path of the pad it's in.

    The name is returned information is in the following format:

    button id 4 of page 4 of pad "C:\HPAD\HOME.PAD"

    You cannot change the longID of a button.


    put the longID of page button "exit" into the msg;

    if word 5 of the longID of the target is "page" then
      answer "This is a page button";

    See Also: ID, name, longName, layer


    Purpose: The longName property allows you to access the long name of any
    button in a pad. The long name of a page button has the following

    button id 12 of page 45 of pad "C:\HPAD\HOME.PAD"

    For background buttons, the word bkgnd is used:

    bkgnd button id 12 of bkgnd 3 of pad "C:\HPAD\HOME.PAD"

    You cannot alter the longName of a button.


    put the longName of button 1 into msg;

    The next example prints out the script of button 1 with a heading
    containing its longName:

    print (the longName of button 1) & return & return;
    print (the script of button 1) & return & return;

    See Also: name, ID, longID, layer

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   204


    Purpose: Use the name property to determine the name of any button in
    the current pad.

    The value of the name property is the same as the name in the Button
    Info dialog box. The button's name can be referred to in a script or in
    the message box.

    You can modify this property using the Button Info dialog box.

    When to use it: By naming objects, you give yourself an easy to remember
    reference for each object in HyperPAD scripts.


    set the name of page button 1 of page 2 to "Last Name";
    These statements use the name property to refer to the object:

    get the name of the target;
    set the color of button it to red;
    set the align of button it to left;

    Comments: The button name cannot begin or end with a space character
    (use character 255 if you need to create space to the left of a button

    See Also: longName, align


    Purpose: The rectangle property determines the rectangular region
    occupied by a button. The value of rectangle is a text string of four
    numbers separated by commas, as in the following:

    upper left x, upper left y, lower right x, lower right y
    For example:


    To set the rectangle of a button, you must supply all four numbers,
    separated by commas, not a text string of numbers. For example, the
    following statement will NOT work because the variable "r" contains a
    string of four numbers:

    put the rectangle of page button 1 into r;
    set the rectangle of page button 4 to r;

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   205

    The following will work:

    put the rectangle of page button 1 into r;
    set the rectangle of page button 6 to
      item 1 or r, item 2 of r, item 3 of r, item 4 of r;

    You can also set the rectangle of a button using the Selector tool.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │


    set the rectangle of page button 1 to 10,10,70,20;

    set the rect of page button "Home" to 10,10,20,20;
    if item 3 of the rect of button 1 > 10 then
      go to the next page;

    Abbreviations: rect

    See Also: loc

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   206


    Purpose: The script property retrieves or replaces the
    script of any button in a pad. The value of script is a text string
    composed of lines separated by carriage returns.
    Setting this property replaces the script of a button with a new one.
    The new script must be compiled and checked for errors. Any handlers
    within the script that contain errors will not be compiled.

    You can also view and modify the script through the Button Info dialog
    box, by selecting the Script button.


    put the script of page button 1 into page field 1;

    set the script of button "Last Name" to stext;

    To recompile a button's script:

    set the script of pg btn 1 to the script of pg btn 1;


    Purpose: Use the shadow property to determine whether a button has a
    shadow, giving it a three-dimensional appearance. The possible values
    are true and false; the default is false.

    This property can also be modified through the button's property box.

    Note:  Some monochrome and LCD systems will be unable to display a
    shadow correctly.


    set the shadow of me to false;

    set the shadow of page btn 1 to true;

    The shadow takes on the background color of the area on the screen
    behind the button. The shadow is drawn as follows:

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   207

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │


    Purpose: Use the showName property to determine whether the button's
    name is shown. When showName is true (the default), the name of the
    button is displayed using the current value of the align property.

    You can modify this property using the Button Info dialog box.

    When to use it: In most cases, the name of the button will be necessary
    for the user to know what is being selected.


    set the showName of page button 1 to true;

    See Also: align, name


    Purpose: The style property allows you to determine the style of a
    button to. The possible values are: opaque, transparent, and checkBox.

    You can also modify this property using the Button Info dialog box.


    set the style of page button 1 to checkBox;

    if the style of page button "wow" is opaque then
      set the focus to page field 2;

    See Also: check

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   208


    Purpose: Use the visible property to determine whether a
    button is shown or hidden. When a button is hidden, it is invisible and
    cannot be edited using the Selector tool unless the visible property is
    set to true.

    When a button is created, it is visible (the default). This property can
    be changed using hide or show. You can't change this property using the
    Button Info dialog box.

    When to use it: If you want to make a button appear or disappear,
    depending upon the user's action, you would modify this property.


    set the visible of page button "Word" to false;

    set the visible of page button "help" to
      not the visible of the message box;

    See Also: lockText


    Purpose: Use the withEdge property to determine whether a button has
    characters defining its borders. When withEdge is true (the default), a
    button is displayed with a border. (The border type is the value of the
    edgeType property.)


    set the withEdge of page button 1 to true;

    See Also: edgeType, borderColor

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   209



    Purpose: Setting cantDelete to true prevents a page from being deleted.
    When false, the page can be deleted using Delete Page on the Edit menu.

    This property can also be modified through the Page Info dialog box.

    When to use it: Set cantDelete to true when you want to protect pages
    from being accidentally deleted.


    set the cantDelete of page 2 to false;

    if the userLevel <= 2 then
      set the cantDelete of page 3 to true;

    See Also: userLevel, delete


    Purpose: Use this property to retrieve the identifier that HyperPAD gave
    a page when it was created. The ID is the most reliable way to refer to
    a  page.

    You can see, but not modify, the page ID using the Page Info dialog box.


    put the id of page 1 into pg;

    if the id of me > 20 then go to page 1;

    See Also: longID


    Purpose: Use the longID property to get a page's complete name,
    including the ID number and the full DOS path of the pad, as in the
    following example:

    page id 2 of pad "C:\HPAD.HOME.PAD"

    You cannot modify a page's longID.

    See Also: ID

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   210


    Purpose: Use the longName property to determine a page's complete name,
    including the page ID and full DOS pathname of the current pad, in the
    following format:

    page id 2 of pad "C:\HPAD\HOME.PAD"


    put the longID of this page into the message box;

    The following example prints the current page with the longName as the

    print the longName of this page;
    print this page;

    See Also: name


    Purpose: Use the name property to get or set the name of a page. This is
    the same name that appears in the Page Name option in the Page Info
    dialog box.


    if the name of page is "HOME" then
      answer "You are home now!";

    The following handler sets the name of the page when the page is
    created. This handler belongs in a background or pad script.

    handler newPage;
      set the name of the target to "page at" && time();

    See Also: longName, ID, longID

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   211


    Purpose: Use the script property to retrieve or replace the current
    script of the page. By using the set command, this property will replace
    the current page script with a new one. The new script will be
    immediately compiled and checked for errors. Any handlers within the
    script that contain errors will not be compiled.

    The value of the script is a text string composed of lines separated by
    carriage returns.

    You can get to a page's script using the Page Info dialog box.


    put the script of page 3 into stext;

    set the script of page 6 to stext;

    The next example appends an openPage handler to the current script of
    the page. The new handler beeps when the page is opened.

    set the script of page 1 to the script of the page &
      return & return &
      "handler openPage;" & return &
      "begin" & return &
      "beep;" & return &
      "end;" & return;

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   212



    Purpose: Setting cantDelete to true prevents a background from being
    deleted. When false, the background can be deleted by deleting all of
    the pages that use that background.

    You can modify this property using the Background Info dialog box.

    When to use it: Set cantDelete to true when you want to protect
    backgrounds from being accidentally deleted.


    set the cantDelete of page 2 to false;

    if the userLevel <= 2 then
      set the cantDelete of page 3 to true;

    See Also: userLevel, delete


    Purpose: The ID property gets the number which uniquely identifies a
    background. Using the ID number is the only sure way to uniquely
    reference a background.

    You can't change a background's ID.

    When to use it: Use the ID number in a script to refer to a background.


    put the id of bkgnd 8 into fid;

    go to background id 19;


    Purpose: The longID property gets the background's full name, including
    its ID number and the full DOS path of the pad it's in, as in the

    bkgnd id 4 of "C:\HPAD\INDEX.PAD"

    You can't change the longID of a background.

    See Also: ID, name, longName

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   213


    Purpose: The longName property retrieves the background's ID number and
    the full DOS path of the pad it's in, using the following format:

    bkgnd id 5 of pad "C:\HPAD\PHONE.PAD"

    You can't change the longName of a background.


    get the longName of bkgnd 5;

    put the longName of bkgnd 1 into the msg;

    See Also: name, ID, longID


    Purpose: Use the name property to get or set the name of a background.

    When to use it: It is often easier to refer to a background by name in a
    script then to use its object or ID number.

    You can modify a background's name using the Background Info dialog box.


    if the name of this bkgnd is "wild" then
      go to page 5;

    put the name of this background into page field 1;

    set the name of background id 4 to "template";

    See Also: longName, ID, longID

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   214


    Purpose: The script property gets or replaces the current background
    script. Setting this property replaces the current background script
    with a new one. The new script will be compiled immediately and checked
    for errors. Any handlers within the script that contain errors will not
    be compiled.

    The value of the script is a text string composed of lines separated by
    carriage returns.

    You can also access the Background's script through the background
    property box.


    put the script of bkgnd 1 into junk;

    set the script of bkgnd 5 to ex;

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   215



    Purpose: Use the location property to determine the X (horizontal) and Y
    (vertical) coordinates of the upper left corner of the message box. The
    message box's position on-screen can be changed or accessed using the
    location property.

    If you get the location of the message box, it returns two numbers in
    "X,Y" format, such as


    When you set the location of the message box, you must supply two
    parameters, like the following example:

    set the location of msg to 12,14;

    You can also modify the message box's position using the mouse.


    set the location of the message box to 32,1;

    Abbreviations: loc


    Purpose: With the visible property, you determine whether
    the message box is shown or hidden. When the message box is hidden, it
    is invisible and cannot be accessed (although you can still put text
    into it). By default, the message box is not visible.

    This property can also be changed using the hide and show commands.


    set the visible of msg to false;

    The following statements are equivalent:

    set the visible of the message box to true;
    show the message box;

    See Also: show, hide

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   216


    Purpose: Use the width property to adjust the size of the
    message box. The cannot set the width larger than the screen width.

    When to use it: When you want to shrink the message box so it doesn't
    obstruct your view of other elements on the page or background.


    To make the message box 40 characters wide:

    set the width of the msg to 40;

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   217



    Purpose: The location property determines the X (horizontal)
    and Y (vertical) coordinates of the upper left corner of the tool box,
    returning two numbers in "X,Y" format, like:


    You can also move the tool box around the screen with the mouse.


    set the location of the tool box to 10,5;

    put the location of the tool box into msg;

    Abbreviations: loc


    PURPOSE: USE the visible property to hide or show the tool box.

    When the tool box is hidden, it cannot be used by the pad user. By
    default, the tool box is not displayed (the visible is false).

    This property can be changed using the hide or show commands.

    You can also toggle the visibility of the tool box by selecting Tool Box
    from the Workspace menu.


    set the visible of the tool box to false;

    See Also: hide, show

                                             Chapter 12: Properties   218



    Purpose: Use the visible property to turn the menu bar or
    status bar on or off.

    You can also modify this property using the hide and
    show commands, or by accessing the Menu Bar and Status Bar
    commands from the Workspace menu. ALT+SPACE also lets you toggle the
    menu bar on and off.

    The status bar can't be displayed without the menu bar.

    When to use it: If your pad includes its own menu bar, or if you don't
    want your users to access the menu commands, set the visible
    of the menu bar to off. If you want your pad users to be able to read
    messages you place on the bottom line on the screen, turn the status bar


    set the visible of the menu bar to false;

    set the visible of the status bar to true;

    if the visible of the menu bar then
      set the visible of the status bar to true;

    See Also: show, hide


                                                  Table of contents   i


    Preface   1

    Chapter One: What's Really Happening?   5

    Chapter Two: PADtalk Scripts  13

    Chapter Three: The Object Hierarchy     29

    Chapter Four: Containers 41

    Chapter Five: The Current Object   47

    Chapter Six: Control Structures    51

    Chapter Seven: Chunk Expressions   59

    Chapter Eight: Numeric Operators   63

    Chapter Nine: Colors     69

    Chapter Ten: Messages    73

    Chapter Eleven: Commands 99

    Chapter Twelve: Properties    145

    Chapter Thirteen: Functions   219

    Appendix 1: PADtalk Error Messages 277

    Appendix 2: Key Codes    291

    Appendix 3: Writing Extensions     297

    Appendix 4: Support for Show Partner F/X     347

    Appendix 5: HyperPAD Utilities     349

    Appendix 6: Running HyperPAD on a Novell Network  353

    Appendix 7: Edge Types   357

    Appendix 8: ASCII Table  359

    Appendix 9: Working with Floppy Disks   361

                                                  Table of contents   ii

                                                  Table of contents   iii
    Preface   1
       About the PADtalk Reference Guide    1
       Chapter Summaries     1
       Notation Conventions  3
    Chapter One:  What's Really Happening?  5
       What is PADtalk? 6
       What do you use it for?    7
       Objects     7
       Pad    7
       Background  8
       Page   8
       Field  8
       Button 8
       Other HyperPAD Objects     8
       How to refer to objects    8
       Qualifying Objects    8
       Object Names     9
       Object Numbers   10
       Object ID Numbers     11
       Ready to script  11
    Chapter Two: PADtalk Scripts  13
       Constructing Scripts  13
       The Script Editor     14
       Exiting the Script Editor: 14
       Let's Start Scripting:     14
       Writing statements in PADtalk   17
       Using the Keyboard    18
       Editing a Script 19
       Search and Replace    20
       Printing Scripts 21
       Compiling Scripts     21
       Compiling with the Debugging Switch  21
       The Components of a Script 22
       Handlers    22
       Defining your own Functions     23
       Other Definitions     24
       Commands    24

                                                  Table of contents   iv
       Constants   24
       Miscellaneous Constants    25
       Character Constants   25
       Property Constants    26
       Numeric Constants     26
       Literals    27
       Functions   28
       Properties  28
       Containers  28
    Chapter Three:  The Object Hierarchy    29
       Sending Messages 30
       Where do messages go? 30
       Types of Messages     32
       System Messages  32
       Messages From Scripts 33
       Message Box Messages  33
       Messages that look like commands     34
       Receiving and Sending Messages  34
       The Exit Command 35
       The Pass Command 36
       Altering the Message Path  37
       Where to put your Handlers 39
    Chapter Four:  Containers     41
       Fields 41
       Variables   42
       Local Variables  43
       Global Variables 44
       Parameter Variables   44
       The Message Box  45
       The selectedText 45
    Chapter Five: The Current Object   47
       The Current Object    47
       The Target  48
       The Current Executing Object    49
       Referencing Current Objects with "this"   49

                                                  Table of contents   v
    Chapter Six: Control Structures    51
       If Statement     51
       Case Statement   52
       While...Do Statement  54
       Repeat...Until Statement   55
       For Statement    56
    Chapter Seven: Chunk Expressions   59
       Simple Chunk Expressions   59
       Character Chunks 60
       Word Chunks 60
       Item Chunks 61
       Line Chunks 61
       Specifying Chunks of Chunks     61
       Chunking Destinations 62
    Chapter Eight:  Numeric Operators  63
       ( ) (parentheses)     63
       - (unary minus)  63
       not (logical NOT)     63
       ^ (exponentiation)    63
       / (divide)  64
       * (multiplication)    64
       mod (module)     64
       div (divide and truncate)  64
       + (addition)     64
       - (subtract)     64
       & (concatenation)     64
       && (concatenation with space)   65
       > (greater than) 65
       < (less than)    65
       >= (greater than or equal to)   65
       <= (less than or equal to) 65
       is in  65
       is not in   66
       contains    66
       = (equal)   66
       <> (not equal)   66
       is     66
       is not 66
       and (logical AND)     66
       or (logical OR)  66
       Operator Precedence   67

                                                  Table of contents   vi
    Chapter Nine:  Colors    69
       Specifying Colors     69
       Color Numbers    70
    Chapter Ten: Messages    73
       About Messages   73
       Message Sent from Commands 74
       Messages sent to a button  74
       closeButton 75
       deleteButton     75
       keyPress    76
       mouseDown   76
       mouseEnter  76
       mouseLeave  76
       mouseStillDown   77
       mouseUp     77
       mouseWithin 77
       newButton   77
       openButton  78
       select 78
       Messages Sent to Fields    79
       closeField  80
       deleteField 80
       keyPress    80
       mark   81
       mouseDown   81
       mouseEnter  81
       mouseLeave  82
       mouseStillDown   82
       mouseUp     82
       mouseWithin 82
       newField    82
       openField   83
       select      83
       unMark 84
       Messages sent to a page    85
       break  85
       cancel 86
       closePad    86
       closePage   87
       deleteBackground 87
       deletePad   88

                                                  Table of contents   vii
       deletePage  88
       doMenu 89
       help   90
       idle   90
       keyPress    91
       mouseDown   92
       mouseStillDown   92
       mouseUp     92
       newBackground    92
       newPad 93
       newPage     93
       openPad     93
       openPage    94
       quit   94
       resume 94
       startUp     95
       suspend     95
       Common Message Groupings   96
    Chapter Eleven: Commands 99
       add    100
       answer 101
       ask    102
       close  103
       convert     104
       delete 107
       dial   108
       divide 111
       do     111
       edit Script 112
       find   112
       flushCache  114
       fxshow 115
       get    116
       global 116
       go     117
       hide   120
       hHilite     120
       multiply    121
       noSound     122
       play   122
       playBack    124
       pop Page    124
       print  125
       push   127

                                                  Table of contents   viii
       put    129
       query  130
       read   131
       record 133
       run    134
       send   136
       set    137
       setDefaultPopupColor  138
       setPopupColors   138
       show   139
       sort   139
       sound  141
       subtract    142
       visual 142
       wait   143
       write  144
    Chapter Twelve:  Properties   145
       Introduction     145
       What are Properties   145
       Property Listings     146
       Global Properties     146
       Pad Properties   146
       Page Properties  147
       Background Properties 147
       Button Properties     147
       Field Properties 148
       Message Box Properties     148
       Tool Box Properties   148
       Menu Bar Properties   148
       Status Bar Properties 148
       Global Properties     149
       asciiChar   149
       autoSave    149
       baud   151
       currentDirectory 151
       cursor 152
       cursorLoc   152
       dataBits    153
       fileSortMethod   153
       focus  154
       lockMessages     154
       lockRecent  156
       lockScreen  156
       markerAttr  157

                                                  Table of contents   ix
       markerChar  158
       maxDirtyPages    159
       modem  159
       mouse  160
       mouseAttr   160
       mouseChar   162
       numberFormat     162
       paintAttr   164
       parity 165
       printDevice 165
       printer     166
       printerTranslation    166
       selectedText     167
       stopBits    168
       tabbing     168
       userLevel   169
       Pad Properties   171
       cantDelete  171
       cantModify  171
       longName    172
       name   173
       passwordOnly     173
       script 174
       Field Properties 175
       acceleratorColor 175
       acceleratorKey   175
       align  176
       autoHilite  176
       borderColor 176
       color  177
       currentLine 177
       edgeType    178
       fillColor   179
       hilite 179
       hiliteColor 180
       hiliteIfFocus    180
       ID     180
       insertPoint 181
       layer  182
       location    182
       lockText    183
       longID 183
       longName    184
       markedLines 184
       name   186
       nameColor   186

                                                  Table of contents   x
       namePosition     187
       rectangle   187
       script 188
       scrollable  189
       showName    190
       startLine   190
       style  191
       value  192
       visible     192
       withEdge    193
       Button Properties     194
       acceleratorColor 194
       acceleratorKey   195
       align  195
       autoHilite  196
       borderColor 196
       check  197
       color  198
       edgeType    199
       fillColor   199
       hilite 200
       hiliteColor 200
       hiliteIfFocus    201
       ID     201
       layer  201
       location    202
       lockText    202
       longID 203
       name   204
       rectangle   204
       script 206
       shadow 206
       showName    207
       style  207
       visible     208
       withEdge    208
       Page Properties  209
       cantDelete  209
       ID     209
       longID 209
       longName    210
       name   210
       script 211

                                                  Table of contents   xi
       Background Properties 212
       cantDelete  212
       ID     212
       longID 212
       longName    213
       name   213
       script 214
       Message Box Properties     215
       location    215
       visible     215
       width  216
       Tool Box Properties   217
       location    217
       visible     217
       Menu Bar and Status Bar Properties   218
       visible     218
    Chapter Thirteen:  Functions  219
       Introduction     219
       Calling a Function    219
       Functions that Send Messages    219
       Function Listing by Topic  220
       Computer Functions    220
       Conversion Functions  220
       Date and Time Functions    220
       DOS Functions    221
       Financial Functions   221
       Keyboard Functions    221
       Mathematical Functions     222
       Pad Information Functions  222
       Text Handling Functions    222
       Miscellaneous Functions    223
       abs    223
       acos   223
       altKey 224
       annuity     224
       append 225
       asin   225
       atan   226
       average     226
       charToNum   226
       choose 227
       clean  227
       commandLine 228
       compound    228

                                                  Table of contents   xii
       coprocessor 229
       cos    229
       cpu    229
       create 230
       ctrlKey     230
       currentBackground     231
       currentObject    231
       currentPad  232
       currentPage 232
       cursorLoc   233
       cursorX     234
       cursorY     234
       date   234
       directory   235
       dirs   236
       diskSpace   236
       dosVersion  237
       drive  237
       drives 238
       environment 238
       exp    239
       exp1   239
       exp2   240
       fact   240
       fileExists  240
       fileOpen    241
       files  242
       fileSize    242
       findFile    243
       freeMem     243
       freeSize    244
       fullName    244
       graphicsCard     245
       isSound     246
       key    246
       leftString  247
       length 248
       ln     248
       ln1    249
       longDate    249
       longFiles   250
       longTime    250
       lower  251
       max    251
       min    252
       mouseButton 252

                                                  Table of contents   xiii
       mouseClick  253
       mouseExists 253
       mouseLoc    254
       mouseX 254
       mouseY 254
       number of   255
       numToChar   256
       offSet 257
       open   258
       padSize     259
       param  259
       paramCount  260
       params 261
       popup  262
       product     265
       proper 265
       random 266
       repeatChars 267
       result 267
       rightString 268
       round  269
       screenHeight     269
       screenWidth 270
       seconds     270
       shiftKey    271
       sin    272
       sqrt   272
       stdev  272
       substitute  273
       sum    273
       tan    273
       target 274
       time   274
       trim   275
       trunc  275
       upper  276
       variance    276
       version     276

                                                  Table of contents   xiv
    Appendix 1: PADtalk Error Messages 277
       Compiler Error Messages    277
       Runtime Error Messages     285
    Appendix 2: Key Codes    291
    Appendix 3 Writing Extensions 297
       Introduction     297
       How to Create an Extension 298
       Limitations 299
       Extension Components  299
       Function Pool    299
       WhenLoaded() and WhenUnLoaded() 299
       WhenLoaded()     299
       WhenUnLoaded()   299
       A Sample C Extension  300
       A Sample Assembly Language Extension 301
       Passing Data Between HyperPAD and your Extension    302
       Passing Parameters    302
       Returning Values 303
       Handling Memory  304
       Pointers    304
       Handles     305
       Dereferencing Handles 306
       HyperPAD Callbacks    306
       Memory Functions 307
       Conversion Functions  307
       Container Get/Set Functions     308
       Message Passing Functions  308
       Screen Handling Functions  308
       Event Handling Functions   309
       Miscellaneous Functions    309
       Callback Reference    310
       btoh   310
       Do     310
       FreeHandle  311
       FreePtr     311
       ftoh   312
       GetEvent    312
       GetFieldID  312
       GetFieldName     313
       GetFieldNum 314
       GetGlobal   314

                                                  Table of contents   xv
       GetSharedArea    315
       GetTime     315
       HandleSize  316
       HideMouse   316
       HighLine    316
       htob   318
       htof   318
       htoi   318
       htol   318
       htos   319
       itoh   319
       LockHandle  320
       ltoh   320
       MakeWin     321
       NewHandle   322
       NewPtr 322
       PeekEvent   322
       PtrSize     323
       PutAttr     323
       PutCh  324
       PutStr 324
       ReAllocHandle    325
       Refresh     325
       ReleaseHPAD 326
       RemWin 326
       RestoreHPAD 326
       ReturnValue 327
       SendHPMsg   328
       SendPageMsg 329
       SetFieldID  330
       SetFieldName     330
       SetFieldNum 331
       SetGlobal   332
       ShowMouse   332
       stoh   333
       UnGetEvent  333
       UnLockHandle     334
       C routines defined in HyperPAD  335
       Using Floating Point Math  335
       Data Structures used by Extensions   336
       Function Pool    337
       Video Packet     338
       Message     339
       The Event Queue  340
       Sared Data Area  342

                                                  Table of contents   xvi
    Appendix 4: Support for Show Partner F/X     347
       Introduction     347
       Show Partner File Types    347
       Using the fxshow Command   348
    Appendix 5: HyperPAD Utilities     349
       Extension Mover  349
       Pad Info    350
       Strip  350
       Compact     351
    Appendix 6: Running HyperPAD on a Novell Network  353
       Introduction     353
       Installation     353
       Sharing Pads     354
       Where HyperPAD Looks for Files  355
    Appendix 7: Edge Types   357
    Appendix  8: ASCII Table 359
    Appendix 9: Working with Floppy Disks   361


                                                              Index   363

    Special Characters
      & (concatenate) (See operators)
      && (concatenate with space) (See operators)
      ( ) (grouping) (See operators)
      * (multiply) (See operators)
      + (plus) (See operators)
      - (unary minus) (See operators)
      - (minus) (See operators)
      -- (comment) 18
      / (divide) (See operators)
      < (less than) (See operators)
      <= (less than or equal to) (See operators)
      <> (not equal) (See operators)
      = (equal) (See operators)
      > (greater than) (See operators)
      >= (greater than or equal to) (See operators)
      ^ (exponent) (See operators)
      {} (comment) 18
      ; (end of statement) 16
      # (pound sign)
        with numberFormat 162-164
        with play 122-123
      abbreviated (keyword) 104
      abs (function) 223
      acceleratorColor (property)
        buttons 194
        fields 175
      acceleratorKey (property)
        buttons 195
        fields 175-176
      accessing data 59
      acos (function) 223
      add (command) 100
      after (preposition) 62
      alert dialog boxes (See dialog boxes)
      align (property) 195
        buttons 195
        fields 176
      altKey (function) 224
      am (keyword) (See convert)
      and (operator) (See operators)
      animation 347-348
      annuity (function) 224
      answer (command) 101
      any (ordinal) (See ordinals)
      append (function) 225
      application types 7
      ascending (keyword) 141
      ASCII table 359

                                                              Index   364

      asciiChar (property) 149
      asin (function) 225
      ask (command) 102-103
      assembly language programming 297
      atan (function) 226
      autoHilite (property)
        buttons 196
        fields 176
      automatic highlighting
        of buttons 196,201
        of fields 180
      autoSave (property) 149-150
      average (function) 226
      back (See go)
        introduced 8
        numbers 10
        properties of (See properties)
      backgrounds (keyword) (See number of)
      baud (property) 151
      beep (command) 74
      before (preposition) 62
      begin...end 53,57
      blinking (color constant) 70
      borderColor (property)
        buttons 196
        fields 176
      box (effect) 142
      break (message) 85,86
      browsing 5
      built-in functions 28,219-276
        check boxes 78-79,197,198,207
        creating 15
        introduced 8
        layering 10,201,202
        messages sent to (See messages)
        names 9
        placing scripts in 39
        properties of (See properties)
        referenced by ID 11,201
        referenced by name 9,204
        referenced by number 10
        shadows 206-207
      buttons (keyword) (See number of)
      C language programming 297
      cache 114,149-150,159
      cancel (message) 86-87

                                                              Index   365

      cantDelete (property) 171
        background 212
        page 209
      cantModify (property) 171-172,354
      case (control structure) 51,52-54
      case sensitivity 16
      centered (constant) 26,195
      changing disks 117,361
      changing the current object 47,154
      changing the name of a pad 9,173
      character (See chunking)
      character constants 25
      characters (keyword) (See number of)
      charToNum (function) 226-227
      check (property) 197-198
      check box buttons 78-79,197,198,207
      checkBox (constant) 26
      checkBox (property) 207,197,198
      choose (function) 227
      chunk expressions (See chunking)
      chunking 59-62
        character 60
        deleting 107-108
        highlighting 120-121
        item 61
        line 61
        nonexistent chunks 62
        number of 255-256
        word 60
      clean (function) 227
      clear (keyword) (See query)
      clockwise (direction) (See visual)
      close (command) 103
      closeButton (message) 74,75
      closeField (message) 79,80
      closePad (message) 86-87
      closePage (message) 87
      color (property)
        buttons 198
        fields 176
      colors 69-71
        by name
          black 69
          blue 69
          brown 69
          cyan 69
          dark grey 69
          green 69
          grey 69
          light blue 69
          light cyan 69

                                                              Index   366

          light green 69
          light magenta 69
          light red 69
          magenta 69
          red 69
          white 69
          yellow 69
        numbers 70
        of buttons 196,198,199,200
        of fields 176,179,180,186
        of popup menus 138
        on monochrome 71
        specifying in PADtalk 69-70
      command line 269
      commandLine (function) 228
        by name 99
        defined 14,24
        listing 99
        sent as messages 34
        that send messages 74
      comments 18
      compact utility 351
      compiler errors
        listing 277-284
      compiling 21
        debug option 21-22
      compound (function) 228-229
      conditional structures (See control structures)
      configuration file 354
      constants 24-26
        by name
          centered 26
          character 25
          checkBox 26
          defined 24
          down 25
          eight 26
          empty 25
          even 26
          false 25,51
          fat 26
          five 26
          formfeed 25
          four 26
          layer 26
          left 26
          linefeed 25
          listBox 26
          nine 26
          none 26
          numeric 26

                                                              Index   367

          odd 26
          off 26
          on 26
          one 26
          pi 25
          property 26
          quote 25
          return 25
          seven 26
          six 26
          space 25
          tab 25
          ten 26
          thin 26
          three 26
          true 25,51
          two 26
          up 25
          zero 26
      containers 41
        fields 41
        introduced 28
        selectedText 45
        storage limit 41
        variables 42
      contains (operator) (See operators)
      control structures 51
        case 51,52-54
        conditional 51
        else 51
        for 51,56-57
        if 51-52
        looping 51,54,56-58
        repeat 51,55
        then 51
        until 51,55
        while...do 51,56
      convert (command) 104-107,274
      coprocessor (function) 229
      cos (function) 229
      counterclockwise (direction) (See visual)
      cpu (function) 229
      create (function) 230
      creating commands
        with assembly language (See extensions)
        with C (See extensions)
        with PADtalk 16-18
      ctrlKey (function) 230
      currentBackground (function) 231
      currentDirectory (property) 151
      currentLine (property) 176

                                                              Index   368

        function 48,231
        object 47
      currentPad (function) 232
      currentPage (function) 232-233
      cursor (property) 152
      cursorLoc (property)
        as a function 233
        as a property 152
      cursorX (function) 234
      cursorY (function) 234
        menus 89
        Open Pad dialog box 241
      dataBits (property) 153
        as a function 234-235
        sort data 140
      date formats 104,105
      dateItems (keyword) (See convert)
      dateTime (keyword) (See sort)
      days of the week 107
      debugging scripts 21-22
      defining properties 137
      delay (keyword) 142
      delete (command) 107-108
      deleteBackground (message) 87
      deleteButton (message) 74,75-76
      deleteField 79,80
      deletePad (message) 88-89
      deletePage (message) 88
      descending (keyword) 141
      destinations 62
      dial (command) 108-110
      dialog boxes 101,102,262-265
      directions (See visual)
        changing 151
        reading 236
        reading current 235
        reading files from 242,250
      directory (function) 235
      dirs (function) 236
      diskChange (keyword) 117,361
      diskSpace (function) 236
      div (operator) (See operators)
      divide (command) 111
      do (command) 111-112

                                                              Index   369

      doMenu (message) 89
        determining if a file exists 240-241
        finding a file's size 242
        finding free disk space 236
        getting command line parameters 228
        getting environment variables 238
        getting the current directory 151,235
        getting the current drive 237,238
        listing files 242,250
        running a program 134-136
        version 276
      DOS path 184
      dosVersion (function) 237
      down (constant) 25
      drip (effect) 142
      drive (function) 237
      drives (function) 238
      edge types 357
      edgeType (property)
        buttons 199
        fields 178
      edit script (command) 112
      effect (See visual)
      eight (constant) 26
      eighth (ordinal) 60
      else (keyword) 52
      empty 25,42
        equivalence with zero 42
      end (keyword) 16
        (See also HPADNET)
        as a function 238
        variable 135
      even (constant) 26
      events 6
      exit (command) 23,35
      exp (function) 239
      exp1 (function) 239
      exp2 (function) 240
        chunking 59-62
        numeric operators 63-68
      extensions 297-345
        attaching to a pad 298
        callback functions 297,306,310-334
        data structures 336-345
        example 300,301
        function listing 307-309,335
        guidelines for writing 298,302

                                                              Index   370

        memory usage and 304-306
        object hierarchy 297
        parameter block 302-303
        scope 297
        sharing data with HyperPAD 303-304
        structure of 299-301
        uses for 297
      external handlers and functions (See extensions)
      fact (function) 240
      fade (effect) 142
      false (constant) 25
      fat (constant) (See cursor)
      field 41
        changing marks in list boxes 157-158
        introduced 8,41
        list boxes 191-192
        messages sent to (See messages)
        properties of (See properties)
        referred to by ID 11,180-181
        referred to by name 9,186
        referred to by number 10
        text justification 176
      fields (keyword) (See number of)
      fifth (ordinal) 60
      fileExists (function) 240-241
      fileOpen (function) 241
        appending 225
        closing 103
        creating 230
        opening 131,258
        reading 131-133
        reading list from directory (See directory)
        sorting 153
        writing 144
      files (function) 242
      fileSize (function) 242
      fileSortMethod (property) 153
      fillColor (property)
        buttons (199)
        fields 179
      find (command) 112-114
      findFile (function) 243
      finding information
        with find 112-114
        with offset 257
        with query 130
        with sort 139-141
      first (ordinal) 60

                                                              Index   371

      five (constant) 26
      floating point numbers 27
      floppy disks 361
      flow control in scripts (See control structures)
      flushCache (command) 114
        as a property 154
        the object with 47
      for (control structure) (See control structures)
      formfeed (constant) 25
      "found" message 112-114,268
      four (constant) 26
      fourth (ordinal) 60
      freeMem (function) 243
      freeSize (function) 244
      freezing the screen 156-157
      from (preposition) 131-132
      fullName (function) 244-245
        built-in 28
        by name 219
        calling 219
        defining your own 23-24
        examples 24
        external (See extensions)
        listings 220
        returning values 23
        sent as messages 219-220
        syntax 23-24,219
        user defined 23-24
      fxshow (command) 115,347-348
      get (command) 116
      global (command) 116
      global variables (See variables)
      go (command) 117-119,361
      graphics 115,347-348
      graphics cards 245
      graphicsCard (function) 245
      handler 22
        creating 22
        examined 15-17
        external (See extensions)
        introduced 15
        placing in the hierarchy 39
        receiving parameters 22
      Hayes modem 107
      help (message) 90

                                                              Index   372

      hide (command) 120
        buttons 208
        fields 192-193
        menu bar 218
        message box 215
        objects 120
        status bar 218
        tool box 217
      hierarchy (See object hierarchy)
      highlighting (See hilite)
      hilite (command) 120-121
      hilite (property)
        buttons 200
        fields 179
      hiliteColor (property)
        buttons 200
        fields 180
      hiliteIfFocus (property)
        buttons 201
        fields 180
      Home pad
        going there 117
        in the hierarchy 30-32
      horizontal (direction) (See visual)
      HPAD.INI configuration file 355
      HPADNET environment variable 135,243,355
      hsplit (effect) 142
      HyperPAD (keyword) 35
      ID (property)
        background 212
        button 201
        fields 180-181
        page 209
      ID 11
      idle (message) 90-91
      if...then...else (control structure) 52
      in (keyword) 248
      in1 (function) 249
      insertPoint (property) 181
      installation on a network 353-354
      intercepting menu commands 89
      intercepting keystrokes (See keyPress)
      intercepting messages 22,32-33,73-74
      interrupting script execution 85-86
      into (preposition) 62
      is (operator) (See operators)
      is in (operator) (See operators)
      is not (operator) (See operators)
      is not in (operator) (See operators)

                                                              Index   373

      isSound (function) 246
      issuing a menu command 89
      it 43
        with answer 101
        with ask 102-103
        with get 116
        with read 131-133
      item (See chunking)
      items (keyword) (See number of)
      justification in fields 176
      key (function) 246-247,291
        handling 291
        redefinition 91-92
        keys understood only by HyperPAD 295
        listing 291-295
      keyPress (message) 74,76,79,80,91-92,291
      keystroke piping 124,133-134
      language support 297
      last (ordinal) (See ordinals)
      launching DOS programs (See running programs)
      layer (constant) 26
      layer (property)
        buttons 201-202
        fields 182
        move closer 201
        send farther 201
      layers 10
        as a constant 168
      left (constant) 26,195
      leftString (function) 247
      length (function) 248
      line (See chunking)
      lines (keyword) (See number of)
      listBox (constant) 26,191
      literals 27
      ln (function) 248
      ln1 (function) 249
      local variables (see variables)
      location (property)
        buttons 202
        fields 182
        message box 215
        tool box 217

                                                              Index   374

      lockMessages (property) 154-155
      lockRecent (property) 156
      lockScreen (property) 156-157
      lockText (property)
        buttons 202
        fields 183
      long (keyword) (See convert)
      longDate (function) 249
      longFiles (function) 250
      longID (property)
        background 212
        buttons 203
        fields 183
        page 209
      longName (property)
        background 213
        buttons 184
        pad 172
        page 210
      longTime (function) 250
      loops (See control structures)
      lower (function) 251
      mark (message) 79,81
      markerAttr (property) 157-158
      markerChar (property) 158
      markLines (property) 184-185
      max (function) 251
      maxDirtyPages (property) 149-150,159
      me (object) 47,49
      memory management 243
      menu bar (object) 8,218
        creating (See popup)
        selecting a command from 89
      message box (object) 45,216
        sending messages 33
      messages 73
        changing the path 37
        from scripts 33
        identifying the initial receiver 48
        listings 74,79,85
        normal 32-33
        notification 32
        passing 23,34,36
        path 30
        received by objects
        receiving 34
        sending (See send)
        sending 30
        sent by commands 34,74

                                                              Index   375

        sent to a button 74
        sent to a field 79
        sent to page 85
        system 32
        translated from events 5,96-97
        travel 30
        types 32-34
        (See also hierarchy)
      middle (ordinal) (See ordinals)
      min (function) 252
      mod (operator) (See operators)
      modem (property) 159
      modem commands 108-110
      months of the year 106
      mouse shape 160-161,162
      mouse (property) 160
      mouseAttr (property) 160-161
      mouseButton (function) 252
      mouseChar (property) 162
      mouseClick (function) 253
      mouseDown (message) 74,76,79,81,92
      mouseEnter (message) 74,76-77,79,81
      mouseExists (function) 253
      mouseLeave (message) 74,76,79,82
      mouseLoc (function) 254
      mouseStillDown (message) 75,77,79,82,92
      mouseUp (message) 75,77,79,82,92
      mouseWithin (message) 75,77,79
      mouseX (function) 254
      mouseY (function) 254
      mover utility 349
      msg (see message box)
      multiply (command) 121,265
      music 123
        name (property)
        background 213
        button 204
        field 186
        pad 173
        page 210
      nameColor (property) 186
      namePosition (property) 187
      navigation 117-119
      negation 63
      networks 172,353-356 (See also cantModify)
      newBackground (message) 92

                                                              Index   376

      newButton (message) 75,77
      newField (message) 79,82
      newPad (message) 93
      newPage (message) 93
      next (ordinal) 118
      nine (constant) 26
      ninth (ordinal) 60
      noHayes (See dial)
      none (constant) 26
      noSound (command) 122
      not (operator) (See operators)
      "not found" message 112-114,268
      Novell (See networks)
      number of (function) 255-256
      numberFormat (property) 162-164
      numeric (keyword) 140
      numeric constants 26
      numeric precision (See operators)
      numToChar (function) 256
        hierarchy 29,31
        layers 10
        referencing 8
          by ID 11
          by name 9
          by number 9
        changing the name of 9
        introduced 7-8
        tabbing order 168
        types 7
          background 8
          button 8
          field 8
          pads 7
          page 8
      odd (constant) 26
      of (preposition) (See chunking)
      off (constant) 26
      offset (function) 257
      on (constant) 26
      one (constant) 26
      opaque (constant) 191,207
      open (function) 131,258
      openButton (message) 75,78
      openField (message) 79
      openFile (function) 241
      opening files (See create,append,open)
      openPad (message) 93
      openPage (message) 94

                                                              Index   377

      operators 63-67
        by name
          & (concatenate) 64
          && (concatenate with space) 65
          ( ) (grouping) 63
          * (multiply) 64
          + (plus) 64
          - (minus) 64
          - (unary minus) 63
          / (divide) 64
          < (less than) 65
          <= (less than or equal to) 65
          <> (not equal) 66
          = (equal) 66
          > (greater than) 65
          >= (greater than or equal to) 65
          ^ (exponent) 63
          contains 66
          is 66
          is in 65
          is not 66
          is not in 66
        precedence of 67
      or (operator) (See operators)
        any 60
        eighth 60
        fifth 60
        first 60
        fourth 60
        last 60
        middle 60
        ninth 60
        second 60
        seventh 60
        sixth 60
        tenth 60
        third 60
      otherwise (keyword) 53
      out (direction) (See visual)
        compacting 351
        creating 14-15
        getting information 350
        properties of (See properties)
        protection (see userLevel,cantModify,passwordOnly)
        referencing 8
        saving to disk 150
      padinfo utility 350
      padSize (function) 259

                                                              Index   378

        case sensitivity 16
        compare with Pascal 54,58
        introduced 6
        writing statements 17
        introduced 8
        messages sent to (See messages)
        properties of (See properties)
        referred to by number 10
      page stack 124-125,127-128
      pages (keyword) (See number of)
      paintAttr (property) 164
      param (function) 22,259-260
      paramCount (function) 22,260
      parameter variables (See variables)
      parameters 22,259,260,261
        variable number of 22
      params (function) 22,261
      parity (property) 165
      part (keyword) 113
      pass (command) 23,34,36
      passing messages 36
      passwords 169, 173
      passwordOnly (property) 173
      pathnames 244-245
      pause (keyword) 135
      peel (effect) (See visual)
      phone dialing 108
      pi (constant) 25
      picture file formats 347
      play (command) 122-123
      playback (command) 133,295
      pm (keyword) (See convert)
      pop page 124-125,127,128
      popup (function) 262-265
      position (constant) 168
      precedence (See operator precedence)
      precision (See numberFormat)
      previous (ordinal) 118
      print (command) 125-127
      printDevice (property) 165
      printer (property) 166
      printerTranslation (property) 166-167
      printing 125-127
        pages 125-127
        scripts 21
      product (function) 265
      programDirectory (keyword) 135
      proper (function) 265

                                                              Index   379

        by name 145
        constants 26
        field 175
        global 146,149-170
        introduced 28
        listings 146
        of backgrounds 147,212-214
        of buttons 147,194-208
        of fields 148,175-193
        of pads 146,171-174
        of pages 147,209-211
        of the menu bar 148,218
        of the message box 148,215-216
        of the status bar 148,218
        of the tool box 148,217
        retrieving 116
        scrollable 189
      pulse (keyword) (See dial)
      push (command) 127-128
      push page (command) 127-128
      push recent (command) 128
      put (command) 129
      quad (effect) 142
      query (command) 130
      query clear (command) 130
      quit (message) 94
      quote (constant) 25
      random (function) 266
      read (command) 131-133
      read-only pads 354
      recent (ordinal) (See go)
      record (command) 133-134,295
      rectangle (property)
        button 204-205
        field 187-188
      recursion 155
      referring to
        backgrounds 9-11
        buttons 9-11,201,204
        fields 9-11,180-181,186
        pages 9-11,209,210
        the currently executing object 49
        the initial receiver of a message 48
        the object with the focus 47

                                                              Index   380

        leading and trailing spaces 275
        non-printable characters 227
        script text 350
      repeat...until (control structure) 55
      repeatChars (function) 267
      replace (effect) 142-143
      resources (See extensions)
      result (function) 267-268
        with append 225
        with create 230
        with open 258
        with query 130
        with read 132
        with run 135
      resume (message) 94,95
      return (constant) 25
      return (statement) 23
      right (constant) 195
      rightString (function) 268
      round (function) 269
      run (command) 134-136
      running other programs
        fxShow 115
        messages sent 96
        with run command (See run)
      runtime errors 21-22
        listing 285-290
      screenHeight (function) 269
      screenWidth (function) 270
      script (property)
        background 214
        buttons 206
        fields 188-189
        pad 174
        page 211
      Script Editor 13
        editing 19
        editing scripts 19
        exiting 14
        keyboard usage 18-19
        navigation 18
        accessing 13
        compiling 21
        components 22
        copying text 20
        cut text 20
        editing 19

                                                              Index   381

        find 20
        paste text 20
        removing script text 350
        search & Replace 20
        selecting text 19
      scrollable (property) 189
      scrolling (constant) 191
      second (ordinal) 60
      seconds (function) 270-271
      select (message) 75,78-79,83
      selectedText (property) 41,45,167
      send (command) 37-38,136-137
      serial port (See modem, stopBits,dataBits,parity,baud,dial)
      set (command) 137
      setDefaultPopupColors (command) 138
      setPopupColors (command) 138
      seven (constant) 26
      seventh (ordinal) 60
      shadow (property) 206-207
      sharing pads 354
      shiftKey (function) 271
      short (keyword) (See convert)
      show (command) 139
      Show Partner F/X 115,347-348
        buttons 208
        fields 192-193
        menu bar 218
        message box 215
        objects 120
        status bar 218
        tool box 217
      showName (property)
        buttons 207
        fields 190
      simulating keystrokes
        using keyPress (See keyPress)
        using record and playback 133-134
      sin (function) 272
      six (constant) 26
      sixth (ordinal) 60
        buttons 204-205
        fields 187-188
      sort (command) 139-141
      sound (command) 141
      space (constant) 25
      specifying a piece of data 59-62
      speeding up scripts 154
      spiral (effect) (See visual)
      sqrt (function) 272

                                                              Index   382

      square root (function) 272
      standard deviation (See stdev)
      startLine (property) 190-191
      startUp (message) 95
      status bar 8,218
      stdev (function) 272
      step (keyword) 56-57
      stopBits (property) 168
      stopping script execution 35
      strings 27
        concatenation 64-65
        finding within other strings 257
        highlighting 120-121
        in quotes 27
        searching for 112-114
      strip utility 350-351
      stripping text from script 350-351
      style (property)
        button 207
        fields 191-192
      substitute (function) 273
      subtract (command) 142
      sum (function) 273
      suspend (message) 95
      system messages (See messages)
      tab (constant) 25
      tabbing (property) 168
      tan (function) 273
      target (object) 47,48
        function 48,274
      telephone (See dial)
      ten (constant) 26
      tenth (ordinal) 60
      text (sort data) 140
      text data (See strings)
      text files (See files)
      the (preposition) 17
      then (keyword) 51-52
      thin (constant) (See cursor)
      third (ordinal) 60
      this (keyword) 49
      three (constant) 26
      time (function) 274
        converting 104-107,274
        formats 104,105
        function 274
        measuring 270-271

                                                              Index   383

      to (preposition)
        with for 56-57
        with go 117-118
        with set 137
      tone (keyword) (See dial)
      tool box (object) 8,217
      top (direction) (See visual)
      transparent (constant) 191,207
      trim (function) 275
      true (constant) 25,51
      trunc (function) 275
      two (constant) 26
      unmark (message) 79,84
      until (keyword) 55-56
      up (constant) 25
      upper (function) 276
      userLevel (property) 169-170
      utilities 349-352
        compact 351
        mover 349
        padinfo 350
        strip 350-351
      value (property) 192
      variables 42-44
        capacity 42
        global 44,116
        internal representation 43
        local 43
        maximum size 42
        parameter 44
        scope 43-44
      variance 276
      version (function) 276
      vertical (direction) (See visual)
      visible (property)
        button 208
        fields 192-193
        menu bar or status bar 218
        message box 215
        tool box 217
        with hide command 120
        with show command 139
      visual (command) 142-143
      visual effect (See visual)
      vsplit (effect) (See visual)

                                                              Index   384

      wait (command) 143
      weave (effect) (See visual)
      while...do 54
      whole (keyword) 113
      width (property)
        message box 216
      with (preposition)
        with answer 101
        with ask 102-103
        with dial 108-110
        with go 117-118
        with run 134-136
        with visual 142-143
      withEdge (property)
        buttons 208
        fields 193
      word (keyword) (See chunking)
      words (keyword) (See number of)
      write (command) 144
      zero (constant) 26


                                                            Preface   1



    This manual is a complete reference to the PADtalk scripting language,
    as well as a technical guide to the HyperPAD authoring environment.

    The first three chapters are for the beginning PADtalk programmer. They
    explain how to script using the Script Editor, how scripts receive
    messages via handlers and functions, how to write PADtalk statements,
    and how messages are passed between objects.

    The next six chapters present advanced topics for the intermediate
    PADtalk programmer including containers, flow control structures,
    chunking expressions, numeric operators, and colors.

    The last four chapters contain full descriptions of each PADtalk
    message, command, property, and function.



    A look behind the scenes in HyperPAD, including the different components
    of the HyperPAD authoring environment and an introduction to the PADtalk
    scripting language.


    How to use the Script Editor to write scripts and PADtalk statements.


    A look at HyperPAD's object hierarchy, the path along which messages are


    The places in HyperPAD where values can be stored.


    Detailed discussion of HyperPAD facilities for referencing special
    objects like the object with the focus, the object that initially
    receives a message, and the object whose script is executing.

                                                            Preface   2


    How to control the flow of execution of the statements within a script
    through the use of control structures.


    How to work with chunk expressions, special PADtalk constructs that
    allow you to specify any piece of information in a container.


    How to add complex expressions to your scripts.


    How colors are referred to in HyperPAD and displayed on the screen by
    your computer.


    A complete reference to the messages generated by HyperPAD, including a
    detailed description of each message.


    An alphabetical listing of every built-in command available in PADtalk.
    Each command's description includes its syntax and examples.


    The full list of HyperPAD properties, are used to control the appearance
    and behavior of objects. The properties of buttons, fields, pages,
    backgrounds, pads, the message box, the menu bar, the status bar, and
    the tool box are described.


    A complete list and discussion of HyperPAD's built-in functions.

                                                            Preface   3


    As you read this manual, keep in mind the following notational

    All PADtalk words are displayed in courier type, like: openPage,
    graphicsCard(), and sort.

    Words that appear within angle brackets (<  >) are required to complete
    the PADtalk statement. For example, <filename> indicates that you must
    supply a filename.

    Words that appear within square brackets ([  ]) are optional parameters
    which may be included if you need them.

    PADtalk is not case sensitive. For example OpenPage, openPage, and
    openPage refer to the same word. In this manual, however, all PADtalk
    language elements begin with a lowercase character. Any elements
    consisting of more than one word also begin with a lowercase character;
    any word within a language element, however, is capitalized. Examples:
    openPage, graphicsCard, insertPoint.


                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   5


    Until now, you may have only used HyperPAD and its applications (the
    pads) to simplify your computing environment. Pad users do not
    necessarily need to understand the inner workings of HyperPAD. They just
    type into fields and push buttons.

    As a pad author, you will explore the internal workings of the Browser
    and learn to control your applications by writing scripts using the
    PADtalk scripting language. You will also be introduced to the message
    passing system which controls execution of these scripts.

    Let's take a quick look at a pad from an authoring perspective.

    Each pad is made up of a number of screens which the user interacts with
    by pressing keys, moving the mouse, and clicking mouse buttons. Each of
    these user-initiated events is translated into a message and sent to the
    objects that make up HyperPAD. For example, if you select a button by
    pressing ENTER, the select message is sent to that button.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   6

    When an object receives a message, one of two things will occur. The
    object will either ignore the message because you haven't defined any
    actions to be executed when that message is received, or the object will
    execute preassigned actions. As you will learn, an object only performs
    actions defined in its script.


    As a pad author, you will use PADtalk scripts to define the actions that
    occur when objects receive certain messages. For example, when the Home
    button is selected by pressing ENTER, the select message is sent to the
    Home button, telling it that it has been selected. Since the button's
    script understands this message, the statements in the script are
    executed and the Home pad is opened and displayed.

    You will create your scripts using the HyperPAD language called PADtalk.
    Unlike most programming languages, it is understandable and English-
    like. Even non-programmers can understand and use PADtalk.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   7


    Some general types of applications you can create with PADtalk and
    HyperPAD are:

        0  PC interfaces for launching DOS and Windows programs

        0  Customized DOS shells for managing files and directories

        0  Interactive computer-based training systems

        0  Information bases

        0  Software prototypes

        0  Front ends for corporate information systems

    In order to create your own applications using PADtalk, you must
    understand objects, their relationship to each other, message passing,
    and the object hierarchy. Therefore, it is very important to understand
    the material in this chapter and the two chapters that follow:  "PADtalk
    Scripts" and "The Object Hierarchy."

    Before exploring the object hierarchy, we will discuss the family of
    HyperPAD objects and introduce you to its members.


    Generally, an object is something that receives and responds to
    messages. All HyperPAD objects have properties that allow you to modify
    their visual appearance and behavior. You can alter the properties of
    objects, including object scripts, with the Info dialog boxes accessible
    through the Objects menu.

    Buttons, fields, pages, backgrounds, pads and even HyperPAD itself are
    objects, receiving and passing messages. Messages travel between objects
    along a predetermined path called the object hierarchy. Below, we will
    discuss the objects, the hierarchy into which they're arranged and the
    HyperPAD environment.


    The word "pad" is an acronym for Personal Application Design. Pads are
    the basic HyperPAD file structure. All applications designed with
    HyperPAD, several dozen of which came in your package, are pads. Each
    pad is made up of at least one background and one page.

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   8


    Backgrounds contain those elements (buttons, fields, text, and paint)
    that recur on numerous pages throughout the pad. For example, if you
    want your pad's users to be able to quit from every page in your pad,
    you may place a Quit button on the background(s) in that pad.
    Backgrounds can also serve as templates for pads, defining where
    information is placed and what the pad looks like, since each page is
    overlaid on top of a background.


    Pages form the bulk of a pad and in general display the pad's
    information. Pages contain elements (text, paint, buttons, and fields)
    that are unique to that page. Furthermore, pages contain all the text
    from both background and page fields.


    A field is a container used to display or retrieve textual information.
    Although each field is placed on its own transparent layer, it "belongs"
    to either a page or a background. Regardless of where the field is
    located, the information it holds is always stored on the page.


    Buttons are objects that respond to user input by executing some pre-
    defined action(s). Each button is placed on its own layer, which belongs
    to either a page or a background.


    HyperPAD also contains the following objects: menu bar, status bar,
    message box and tool box.


    When writing scripts, you can refer to all objects, except pads, by
    name, number, or ID. Pads must be referred to by their DOS filename. In
    the sections below, each method is described.


    When referring to objects, you may need to specify where they are in
    your pad. For example, if you want to change the color of a button, you
    must specify whether the button is on the page or the background:

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   9

    set the color of page button 1 to red;
    set the color of background button 1 to red;

    If you do not specify the whereabouts of a button or field, HyperPAD
    assumes you want the one on the background. Thus, the following
    statements refer to the same object:

    set the color of field 1 to red;
    set the color of background field 1 to red;

    When referring to a page, you may need to specify what background the
    page is on:

    go to page 1;
    go to page 1 of background 2;

    If you do not specify which background a page belongs to, HyperPAD
    assumes you want the one nearest the front of the pad. For example,
    "page 1" and "page 1 of background 2" are not necessarily the same page.


    Although names are optional for all objects except pads, it is usually
    helpful to give your objects a name that describes their purpose. That
    way, it's easy to refer to them from within a script.

    To modify an object name in the Object Info dialog box:

    1.  Select the Pad, Bkgnd, Page, Button, or Field Info command from the
    Objects menu.

    2.  Highlight the Name text box and type in the object's name.

    3.  Select the << Ok >> button.

    Once a name is assigned to an object, you can use that name in a script.
    For example:

    go to pad "C:\MYPAD.PAD";
    set the color to page button "Last Name" to red;
    put "wow" into page field "Expression";
    go to page "Preferences";
    go to page "Setup" of background "Options";

    Note: When using an object's name in a script, you must enclose it in
    quotation marks.

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   10


    Each object within a pad can be referred to by a number based on its
    position relative to the other objects in its class. For example, page 1
    is the first page in a pad. As you edit your pads by copying, cutting,
    pasting, and creating pages, the numbers of the pages will change to
    reflect their new positions.

    Backgrounds are assigned an object number based on the order of their
    creation. For example, background 1 was the first background created
    when you selected New Pad. Background numbers change only if you delete
    a background from a pad by deleting each page belonging to that

    Buttons and fields are assigned object numbers corresponding to their
    layer on either the page or background. The object layer closest to the
    page or to the background is assigned the number 1 (i.e. page field 1,
    page button 1). As you use the Cut, Copy, Bring Closer and Send Farther
    commands, the object numbers assigned to the buttons and fields are
    altered to reflect their new positions.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    Since object numbers change constantly throughout pad creation, using
    them to refer to objects within a script is not the most reliable
    method. Determine an object's number by opening the Object Info dialog
    box for that object.

                                 Chapter 1: What's Really Happening   11

    Examples of objects referred to by their number:

    set the color of page button 1 to red;
    set the color of field 1 to blue;
    go to page 137;
    go to page 3 of background 4;


    When an object is created (this includes being copied, pasted and
    cloned) HyperPAD assigns it a unique identification number. An object's
    ID number cannot be altered and is never duplicated. Using this number
    to refer to an object in a script is foolproof because it will never

    You can retrieve an object's ID number by opening the Object Info dialog

    Examples of objects being referenced by their IDs:

    set the color of page id 5 to red;
    put "wow" into field id 3;
    go to page id 45;
    go to page id 4 of background id 5;
    go to background id 1;


    Now that you have a general introduction to HyperPAD objects, we will
    introduce you to HyperPAD scripts.


                     Chapter 9: Adding and Manipulating Information   147


    This chapter describes the database-management capabilities of HyperPAD
    and how to work with existing database pads. After introducing some of
    the basic concepts--such as how to browse in pads and how to cut, copy,
    and delete information stored in text fields--this chapter will explain
    how to share information with other programs, such as dBASE IV and Word
    Perfect. Finally, we'll take a quick look at the process of building
    hypertext applications with HyperPAD. As you'll see, a hypertext
    application can contain huge volumes of information, but in a structure
    unlike that used to store more traditional types of computerized data.

    We'll assume that you're familiar with the basic skills required to use
    HyperPAD. If you're unable to choose commands from menus, work with
    dialog boxes, move the highlight around the screen with the TAB and
    SHIFT+TAB keys, and open pads from the File menu, please take a few
    minutes to review the material presented in Chapter 2, "Fundamentals of
    Using HyperPAD," before continuing.

                     Chapter 9: Adding and Manipulating Information   148


    One of the best uses for your personal computer is managing the
    information you need every day at work and at home. The information
    explosion has easily outpaced our ability to keep track of the specific
    information that matters. With their unsurpassed capacity for storing
    and retrieving all kinds of information, today's personal computers have
    become indispensable to anyone who works with information.

    HyperPAD is not meant to be a high-powered database-management system,
    capable of managing the strategic information of a huge business
    enterprise. But it is in fact well suited for the user who needs a
    better handle on personal information, such as names, addresses, to-do
    lists, time-management records, reminders, and details of all kinds.


    HyperPAD is an environment from which you can launch any of your MS-DOS
    or Microsoft Windows programs. Thanks to HyperPAD, you may have stopped
    using the DOS prompt altogether by now, choosing to manage your
    programs, documents, spreadsheets, and other files with HyperPAD's DOS

    In the past, you may have come across a piece of information that you
    wanted to enter into your computer without exiting HyperPAD to launch
    another program. Perhaps you jotted it down on a legal pad or scribbled
    it on a Post-It note and stuck it to your computer screen. Later, when
    you needed the information, maybe it was right at hand.

    Or maybe not. Maybe your reluctance to take the time to run another
    program forced you to lose a vital piece of information or to waste
    valuable time tracking it down. The best thing about HyperPAD's
    database-management capabilities is their convenience. They're always
    there . . . just waiting for you to press a button . . . ready to spring
    into action.

                     Chapter 9: Adding and Manipulating Information   149


    HyperPAD contains several different tools for managing information.
    Before you jump right in and begin adding new information to your pads,
    please take a few moments to review the concepts discussed in this


    As you know, pads are the basic type of file that HyperPAD uses to store
    your work. The simplest data-management tasks can be accomplished within
    the structure of a single pad. For example, you can use the Phone pad by
    itself--adding names, addresses, and phone numbers--and then look up
    this information later. The Daily Planner system, on the other hand,
    shows off the benefits of pads that work together.


    Any information in a pad is placed there by the user. The basic
    container of information in HyperPAD is the field, which, as you saw
    earlier in the HyperPAD User's Guide, is a rectangular area of the
    screen in which you can type and edit.

    The Phone pad is a good example of an application designed by the pad
    author to allow you to add and manage information. If you'd like to try
    out some of the concepts presented in this chapter, open the Phone pad
    (or a copy of the Phone pad, if you're eager to experiment without any
    risk to existing information) and work with HyperPAD as we go along. (If
    you plan to build your own database pads or modify the ones that came in
    your package, there are many important concepts you can learn by
    examining the pads that came with HyperPAD. In Chapter 14, you will find
    a detailed discussion of page and background fields.)

                     Chapter 9: Adding and Manipulating Information   150


    This section tells you how to manage information in an existing database
    pad. In the course of this section, you will learn how to:

        0  Browse though a pad and its stored information

        0  Add information to a field

        0  Erase information from a field

        0  Copy information from one field to another

        0  Search for information stored in a pad

        0  Sort records of data by one or more background fields

        0  Query a database so that only selected pages are displayed


    Everyone looks up information. When you need a phone number, you can
    just pick up a phone book and page through it until you find the name
    and phone number you need.

    HyperPAD is very similar. First, use the Open command from the File menu
    (ALT+F, O) to find a database pad that stores the information you want
    to browse. Once you arrive, just press PGUP to move backward or PGDN to
    move forward through the pages in your pad. To move to the first page in
    the pad, press CTRL+PGUP. To move to the end of the pad, press

    If you're using a mouse, look around on the screen for buttons to take
    you places. In pads like Phone and Index, there are buttons centered at
    the bottom of your screen that you can point to and click on to take you
    to the previous and next pages in the pad.

    Next, you'll learn how to add and change information in pads.


    Keeping your important records up to date is easy when you use a
    personal computer to manage information. If you're a saleswoman and you
    receive a phone referral, press a few keystrokes and the name is on your
    PC. If one of your best customers moves out of your territory, press a
    different key and his or her name is removed from your records.

                     Chapter 9: Adding and Manipulating Information   151

    HyperPAD makes it easy to add information to pads. Just keep one
    important principle in mind: You should store each individual record of
    data on a separate page.

    For example, a customer named Abbott should be on one page, a customer
    named Beckinridge on the next page, and an attorney named Zachary on a
    page somewhere near the end of the pad.

    To add a new, blank page to a pad:

    Press F3.

    That's all there is to it! (Since you'll add new pages so often,
    HyperPAD offers this shortcut to allow you to add a page with little
    effort. A slightly longer method would be to choose the New Page command
    [ALT+E, N] from the Edit menu.)

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    Now that you have a new page to work with, you're ready to begin
    entering information. (Don't worry if you make mistakes--you'll learn
    how to correct them in this section.)

                     Chapter 9: Adding and Manipulating Information   152

    To move to a field and then enter information:

    1.  TAB to the field.

    2.  Press F2 to remove the highlight from the field so you can begin

    3.  Begin typing into the field.

    If you make a mistake, just press BACKSPACE to erase it.

    4.  To add information to another field, repeat steps 1-3 above.

    After entering information into a field, you may decide to delete it or
    change it in some way. A friend's phone number may have changed, or
    perhaps you made a typing mistake when you first entered the record into
    your database.

    To delete information from a field:

    1.  TAB to the field.

    2.  Press F2 to unhighlight the field.

    3.  Use the arrow keys to move to the first character you want to

    4.  Hold down the SHIFT key while you press one of the arrow keys.

    You'll know that the text is selected because text that's selected
    becomes highlighted.

    5.  When you've selected the text you want to delete, press DEL.

    HyperPAD erases the selected text from the field.

    Use a similar procedure to copy text from one field to another. Instead
    of pressing DEL, you'll use the Copy Text and Paste Text commands, both
    found on the Edit menu, to copy and then paste the selection.

                     Chapter 9: Adding and Manipulating Information   153

    To copy text from one field to another:

    1.  TAB to the field.

    2.  Press F2 to unhighlight the field.

    3.  Select the text you want to copy, using the technique described in
    the previous procedure.

    4.  When you've selected the text you want to copy, select Copy Text
    from the Edit menu. (The shortcut for Copy Text is CTRL+C.)

    5.  TAB to a different field.

    6.  Select Paste Text from the Edit menu. (Or use a shortcut--CTRL+V or

    HyperPAD pastes the selection into the field.

    You'll often copy information from one field to another. Keep in mind
    that you can copy information from a field to:

        0  A field on the same page in the same pad

        0  A field on a different page in the same pad

        0  A field in an entirely different pad

    In the two previous procedures, you learned one way to select text. A
    block of selected text can be as small as one character or as large as
    the whole field. Since selecting text is something you'll do so often,
    here's a table with shortcuts you can take when working with selected

    Action:                       Result:
    SHIFT+left/right arrow keys   Selects one character at a time.

    CTRL+SHIFT+left arrow key     Selects the word to the left of the cursor

    CTRL+SHIFT+right arrow key    Selects the word to the right of the

    Point to a word and           Selects a word with the mouse

    Point to a line, press        Selects a line with the mouse
    SHIFT, then double-click

                     Chapter 9: Adding and Manipulating Information   154

    Before learning how to search for information in a pad, you may want to
    review the following table of navigation keys that help you quickly move
    around pages and fields.

    Press this key:      To:
    TAB                  Go to the next field

    SHIFT+TAB            Go to the previous field

    F2                   Start editing a field

    Arrow keys           Move the cursor within a field

    ENTER                Insert a new line

    HOME                 Go to the start of a line in the field

    END                  Go to the end of a line in the field

    CTRL+HOME            Go to the first character in the field

    CTRL+MINUS           Go to the first character in the next word

    CTRL+PLUS            Go to the first character in the previous word

    PLUS (keypad)        Go to the next portion of text in a field

    MINUS (keypad)       Go to the previous portion of text in a field

    The following keystrokes delete text without requiring you to select it:

    Press this key:     To:
    DEL, BACKSPACE      Delete one character at a time

    CTRL+D              Delete an entire line

    CTRL+DEL            Deletes from the cursor to the end of the line

    CTRL+BACKSPACE      Deletes the word to the left of the cursor

                     Chapter 9: Adding and Manipulating Information   155


    After you've entered and edited information in one of your pads, you
    still haven't done much more than would be possible with an electric
    typewriter. Your information is neatly arranged so anyone can read it.
    However, when you use HyperPAD's tools to search for information in
    pads, you move beyond mere typing and begin to tap the PC's potential
    for information management.

    This section explains how to use two of the commands on the Database
    menu--Find and Query--to hunt down the information you need.

    If you had to press PGUP and PGDN repeatedly to look for a specific
    piece of data in a pad, you'd soon become frustrated and annoyed with
    your PC. Fortunately, HyperPAD provides basic database functions that
    let you quickly find names and phrases in your pads.

    Use the Find command whenever you want HyperPAD to locate a word or
    phrase and take you immediately to the page it's on. HyperPAD even
    highlights the word or phrase on the screen. If you want, you can then
    press a single keystroke and HyperPAD jumps to the next occurrence of
    the word or phrase.

                     Chapter 9: Adding and Manipulating Information   156

    To find information in a pad:

    1.  Select Find from the Database menu (ALT+D, F).

    HyperPAD opens the message box and prompts you for the information
    necessary to carry out your search.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    2.  Type the word or phrase you want HyperPAD to find.

    3.  Press ENTER.

    HyperPAD takes you to the first occurrence of the word or phrase,
    changing pages if necessary.

    4.  To tell HyperPAD to take you to the next occurrence, press ENTER.
    Press ENTER repeatedly to view every occurrence of the word or phrase in
    the pad.

    5.  To close the message box, press F4.

                     Chapter 9: Adding and Manipulating Information   157


    HyperPAD begins its search with the fields on the current page, starting
    with background fields and then looking in page fields. If it doesn't
    find what it's looking for, it moves on to the next page, searching
    background fields first and then page fields.

    The search continues in this way until each field in the pad has been
    searched. If HyperPAD arrives back at the original page without finding
    the word or phrase, it will beep--a signal that the word or phrase is
    not in any field in the pad.


    When HyperPAD finds the text it's looking for, it highlights the text
    for you. If you begin typing immediately after a successful Find
    command, you will replace the found text with whatever you type.

    After you use the Find command, the message box remains on-screen. To
    move the cursor back into the message box, press ALT+F4. If you want,
    type a different find statement into the message box and press ENTER to
    execute the statement. For a complete discussion of the many things you
    can do with the message box, see Chapter 15 in this User's Guide.


    As you know, when you choose the Find command, HyperPAD places the
    cursor in the message box and waits for you to enter the text you want
    to find. If you prefer, you can edit the find command before pressing
    ENTER. By changing the syntax of the Find command before pressing ENTER,
    you can change the results of the command.

    First, you can restrict the search to a single background field, as in
    the following example:

    find "New York" in field "City"

    You can also tell HyperPAD to search for an entire word and to bypass
    any occurrences of the text within another word. For example, the

    find whole "Law"

    will find "Law" in the title "L. A. Law," but the same statement will
    not find "law" in the sentence "My wife is a lawyer."

                     Chapter 9: Adding and Manipulating Information   158

    Finally, you can instruct HyperPAD to search for one of many items.

    For example, the statement

    find "New York", "Los Angeles", "Seattle"
    will cause HyperPAD to search for "New York" or "Los Angeles" or
    "Seattle" as it moves through the fields in your pad.

    For a complete discussion of the Find command, see Chapter 11 in the
    PADtalk Reference Guide.


    When using a pad that contains a large number of pages, it sometimes
    helps to restrict your work to a limited set of pages. For example, if
    you're using HyperPAD to keep records pertaining to contract management,
    you might want to work with only those pages describing contracts worth
    $250,000 or more.

    The Query command allows you to specify criteria that pages must match,
    excluding from your view those pages that don't match. Using the Query
    command, you could display only those customers in the Phone pad whose
    offices are in Minnesota or select only those individuals who own a
    certain type of life insurance policy.

                     Chapter 9: Adding and Manipulating Information   159

    To query a pad:

    1.  Select Query from the Database menu (ALT+D, Q).

    The Query Criteria dialog box, shown here, is displayed.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    2.  TAB into the Operator column and move to a row containing a field
    that will be part of your query.

    3.  Press SPACE repeatedly to select one of the operators from the
    following table:

    Operator:     Page included if the value is:
    is            Found in the specified field

    is not        Found in the specified field

    <             Less than the value of the specified field

    >             Greater than the value of the specified field

    <=            Less than or equal to the value of the specified field

    >=            Greater than or equal to the value of the specified field

    is in         Contained somewhere within the text of the field

    is not in     Not contained somewhere within the text of the field

                     Chapter 9: Adding and Manipulating Information   160

    4.  After selecting an operator for a field, TAB into the Value column
    and enter a value against which the content of the background field will
    be compared.

    5.  Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each background field you want to include
    in your query.

    6.  Once you have finished selecting operators and entering values into
    the Query Criteria dialog box, select <<Ok>> to begin the query.


    HyperPAD displays only the names of the background fields in the Query
    Criteria dialog box. You cannot use the values of page fields in your

    If you make a mistake when filling out the Query Criteria dialog box,
    select <Clear>. HyperPAD will remove all specified values.

    By leaving <not included>  as the value of a field, you are in effect
    telling HyperPAD to ignore a given field when the query is carried out.


    After you build a database pad with more than a few pages, you'll
    probably find yourself wishing you could group certain pages together.

    Let's say you're using the Project pad to keep track of 20 or 30
    commitments made by three or four different people in several different
    departments. Since HyperPAD does not automatically sort your pages,
    instead leaving them in the order in which they were originally entered,
    you need a way to group your pages by date, by name, or by department.

    To sort pages in a pad, simply choose Sort from the Database menu and
    fill out the Sort dialog box that appears. The following procedure shows
    you how.

                     Chapter 9: Adding and Manipulating Information   161

    To sort all pages having a single background:

    1.  Select the Sort command from the Database menu (ALT+D, S).

    The Sort dialog box, shown here, appears.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    2.  TAB into the Background field list box, highlight the background
    field you want to sort by, then press ENTER.

    3.  Select the Ascending or Descending option to indicate whether the
    pages should be sorted first to last or last to first.

    4.  Select one of the Type options.

    Select Text if the field you want to sort by contains text, Numeric if
    the field contains numbers, or Date if the field stores date

    5.  Select <<Ok>> to start the sort.

                     Chapter 9: Adding and Manipulating Information   162


    Personal computers operating in isolation from other computers are
    increasingly rare. Chances are good that your PC is connected to a
    network, to a mainframe or minicomputer, or to information services or
    bulletin boards by means of a modem in your system.

    If all computers were manufactured by the same vendor and ran the same
    operating systems and applications, interaction between different
    computers would be a breeze. But in reality, hundreds of vendors
    manufacture thousands of different types of computers, which run tens of
    thousands of different applications.

    As a computer user, you may own and use several software packages.
    Because of the vast number of software packages available, the ability
    to share data between them is increasingly important. HyperPAD offers
    several ways to exchange information between pads and other
    applications. This section will explain how to share your HyperPAD data.


    Although there is no single standard for storing information with
    database software, the .DBF standard established by Ashton-Tate's dBASE
    products is close to a universal standard on personal computers. If you
    have information stored in the .DBF format, you can easily import it
    into a pad and begin working with it. You can also export information
    stored in a pad to a .DBF file for use by dBASE III or another program
    that can work with .DBF files.

    To import a .DBF file into a pad:

    1.  Make sure that the user level is set to Painting or higher.

    Please refer to Chapter 3 for the procedure for raising your user level.

    2.  Select Import from the File menu (ALT+F, I).

    3.  Select the DBASE III (.DBF) option in the Import dialog box.

    HyperPAD displays the Import dBASE III dialog box:

    4.  Select a .DBF file in the Import dBASE III dialog box, then select
    <<Ok>> to import the database file.

    Note: When HyperPAD imports a .DBF file, it creates a new background,
    with background fields that match the fields in the database file. Once

                     Chapter 9: Adding and Manipulating Information   163

    the file has been imported, HyperPAD displays the last page that was


    You can easily export the data stored in background fields to a .DBF
    database file. In general, the procedure is nearly the reverse of that
    used to import a .DBF file into HyperPAD.

    To export pad data to a .DBF file:

    1.  Make sure that the user level is set to Painting or higher.

    Please refer to Chapter 3 for the procedure for raising your user level.

    2.  Select Export from the File menu (ALT+F, E).

    3.  Select the DBASE III (.DBF) option in the Export dialog box.

    The Export to DBASE III dialog box, shown here, is displayed. Each
    background field belonging to the open background is displayed in the
    Background field column.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    4.  TAB into the DBF field column, where you can modify the names that
    will be assigned to the fields when the data is exported to .DBF format.

    5.  TAB into the Type column, where you can press SPACE to select  .DBF
    field types.

                     Chapter 9: Adding and Manipulating Information   164

    Select Character to create a text field, Numeric to create a field to
    store numbers, Date to store dates, and Memo to create a dBASE III memo

    6.  Select options in the Width and Dec columns to specify the width of
    the fields to be created and the number of decimals for a numeric field.

    7.  TAB to the Export column to choose which fields to export.

    Press the up and down arrow keys to highlight the Yes/No option for each
    field and then press Y to include the field in the .DBF file or N to
    exclude it from the file.

    8.  Select <<Ok>>.

    A dialog box is displayed, asking you to give a filename to the new file
    that will be created.

    9.  Enter a valid DOS filename and press ENTER.


    If you need to exchange data between HyperPAD and another program that
    is unable to work with .DBF files, your next best choice may be to use
    the delimited ASCII file format. In a delimited ASCII file, database
    records are stored in a format resembling the following:

    "Richard","Thomas","123 Lake Road","Westport","CT"
    "Alycia","Blair","One Brook Lane","San Jose","CA"

    Each line in a delimited ASCII file contains items of information
    enclosed by quotes and separated from one another by a comma.

    To import a delimited ASCII file into a pad:

    1.  Make sure that the user level is set to Painting or higher.

    Please refer to Chapter 3 for the procedure for raising your user level.

    2.  Select Import from the File menu (ALT+F, I).

    3.  Select Delimited ASCII from the Import dialog box.

    4.  Select the filename of the ASCII file to be imported.

    5.  Select <<Ok>>.

    HyperPAD imports the information in the ASCII file, creating a new page
    for each row in the file. Since ASCII files do not have field names,

                     Chapter 9: Adding and Manipulating Information   165

    HyperPAD assigns names to the background fields it creates in this
    manner: Field 0, Field 1, Field 2, and so on for as many fields as are

    To export pages to a delimited ASCII file:

    1.  Make sure that the user level is set to Painting or higher.

    Please refer to Chapter 3 for the procedure for raising your user level.

    2.  Select Export from the File menu (ALT+F, E).

    3.  Select delimited ASCII from the Export dialog box.

    4.  Enter the name you want to use for the new file.

    By default, HyperPAD assigns the delimited ASCII files created with the
    Export command an extension of .TXT.


    Finally, you can use HyperPAD to import text files. This capability lets
    you import documents from a word processor like Word Perfect or
    Microsoft Word into HyperPAD. (This feature is particularly useful, for
    example, if you are developing hypertext applications such as help or
    computer-based training systems.)

    If you want to take free-form information stored in fields and export it
    to a text file in order to perform additional tasks upon it with your
    word processor, choose the Text file option in the Export dialog box.

    Note:  You can import and export text only from single fields in


    Since the procedures for importing and exporting information to the
    other file formats supported by HyperPAD are very similar to those
    described immediately above, we will not repeat them in this section. We
    will limit our discussion to a brief description of the other Import and
    Export options and make some suggestions about how you might use these


    Brightbill-Roberts also publishes a family of desktop presentation
    products for creating multimedia screen shows running under DOS. The

                     Chapter 9: Adding and Manipulating Information   166

    members of this family--which include Show Partner, Show Partner F/X,
    and PC Partner--create images that use the .GX2 file format.

    If you've used one of these products to capture or create text screens,
    you can import them into your pads for use.

    You can also import .GX2 images created by the CAP utility that came in
    your HyperPAD package. (This utility is described in Appendix 3, "Using
    the CAP Utility.")

    If you've developed screens in HyperPAD and want to use them in your
    Show Partner or Show Partner F/X screen shows, use the Export command to
    export these screens to .GX2.


    Microsoft QuickBASIC and other versions of the popular BASIC programming
    language use an image file format known as BSAVE, or .BSV. HyperPAD
    imports and exports .BSV files.


    By this point, we've introduced you to a variety of ways in which
    HyperPAD can be used to manage the information on your PC. Since these
    features are part of an environment in which you launch programs, manage
    files, and develop your own personal applications, they're available to
    you anytime that HyperPAD is running.

    You've learned how to add and edit information in fields, how to find
    text in a pad, how to sort the pages in a pad, and how to perform
    queries that enable you to work with a limited set of pages. Finally,
    you learned how to exchange information between HyperPAD and other
    software applications.

    In the next chapter, you'll be introduced to HyperPAD's printing
    features, which offer you another way to use the information stored in
    HyperPAD files.


                             Chapter 11: HyperPAD's Building Blocks   187


    This chapter describes the elements of a HyperPAD application and
    explains how to use these elements as building blocks for your own pads.
    A pad is nothing more than a collection of pages, organized on
    backgrounds, each of which can contain paint, buttons, and fields. These
    building blocks are the basic structure of every pad.

    As a pad user, you're already familiar with some of these elements. For
    example, in navigating around the pads, you've selected buttons, typed
    into fields, and moved between pages. You may have been using some other
    elements all along, such as the background, without even realizing they
    were there.

    In the following sections, we'll introduce you to all of HyperPAD's
    building blocks and show you how they interact with each other.

                             Chapter 11: HyperPAD's Building Blocks   188


    All of the building blocks used in pad construction are called objects.
    However, simply being part of a pad does not qualify an element for the
    family of objects. What distinguishes an object, like a button, from
    paint or text is the ability of an object to respond in some way to
    events happening within the HyperPAD environment.


    A pad (or personal application design), like a notepad, is comprised of
    one or more pages containing information. Each page in a pad is layered
    on top of a similar object called the background. Together with buttons
    and fields, these objects determine the structure of a pad.


    Backgrounds provide a backdrop onto which the pages are placed.
    Different types of information can be placed on the
    background--including paint, text, buttons, and fields--all of which
    will appear on every page associated with that background. The only time
    that elements on the background are not visible is when a portion of the
    page hides them.


    A page is a layer containing buttons, fields, and paint that is situated
    on top of a background. Unlike a background, the elements on a page are
    only visible when you're  viewing that page.

    You can think of the page as a transparency on top of the background.
    For example, you could create a pad that has a fancy border on the
    background while each page displays different information within that


    A button is an object on either the page or the background that you can
    select to carry out an action. The actions taken by a button may be
    simple, such as causing your computer to beep, or more complex, such as
    placing numeric values into variables.

    Many of the buttons you used throughout Part 1 served as navigation
    devices; selecting them allowed you to travel to other pages or pads, or
    even to other programs. Other buttons activated commands, such as
    finding text or sorting the pages of a pad. In short, buttons provide a
    mechanism for you to deliver commands to HyperPAD.

                             Chapter 11: HyperPAD's Building Blocks   189


    Fields are containers for text. A field can be placed on the page or on
    the background, depending on whether or not you want pages to share the

    A field placed on the page contains text visible only when you view that
    page. For example, on the Customize HyperPAD page of the Home pad, there
    is a field that contains the user's name.

    A field placed on a background can be seen and typed into from any page
    that uses that background. The content of the field can be different for
    each page on which the field appears. For example, the Phone pad
    contains many background fields, such as the First name and Last name
    fields, that appear on every page in that pad.

    In addition to providing the pad user with an area in which to enter and
    edit text, fields can also be used solely to display text. For example,
    there are many fields in the Tutorial that only display information.
    These fields are considered locked because the user is unable to type
    text into them.

    As a pad author, you'll find that fields offer you a flexible
    environment for handling text, since all fields can be resized, moved,
    copied, cut, and pasted regardless of whether they contain text. And
    when you modify a field, text is immediately reformatted to fit within
    its new dimensions.


    In the section above, we discussed the objects that are used to
    construct pads. HyperPAD also offers you tools to make your applications
    visually appealing and easier to use. Painting is the process by which
    you use these tools to modify the appearance of a page or background.
    With HyperPAD's painting tools, you can add and remove text, paint,
    ASCII characters, and lines.

                             Chapter 11: HyperPAD's Building Blocks   190


    In order to utilize HyperPAD's painting tools and work with objects, you
    have to switch out of Browse mode and into Authoring mode.

    To set the user level to Scripting:

    1.  Press SHIFT+ALT+F to open the extended File menu.

    2.  Press T to select the Protect command.

    The Protect dialog box will appear.

    3.  Select the scripting user level.

    The scripting user level gives you access to all of HyperPAD's tools and
    object-manipulation capabilities. Additionally, you can modify and
    create scripts that control the functionality of the HyperPAD


    Once you begin modifying the pads, you'll need to switch back and forth
    between authoring and browsing in order to experiment with the pad
    you're working on. One way to do so is by selecting different tools from
    the Tools menu, such as Paint and Browse. You can quickly toggle between
    the current authoring tool and the Browse tool by pressing ALT+ESC.


    Now that you've learned about HyperPAD's building blocks, you're ready
    to put these elements to work in creating your own pads. Throughout the
    remainder of Part 2, we'll discuss the features and functionality
    available in HyperPAD's authoring environment.


                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   241



    Suppose you have designed your own pad and have mastered using
    HyperPAD's painting tools. You probably created some pages and
    backgrounds with attractive screen layouts. However, now you want your
    pad to be more functional than just a collection of interesting screens.

    Your first step is to add buttons and fields to your pad. Buttons and
    fields are the focal point of all activity in a pad. Placed on pages and
    backgrounds, buttons can be selected to perform actions that you define,
    such as changing pages or running other DOS programs. Placing fields on
    your pages and backgrounds lets you define where the user will be able
    to type information. In short, buttons and fields make your pad come to

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   242


    A button is an object located on the page or background that the user
    can select to carry out an action. You can create buttons that allow the
    user to:

        0  Go to another page

        0  Go to another pad

        0  Perform calculations

        0  Run other DOS programs


    Fields are rectangular editing areas located on the page or background
    into which textual information can be typed. Fields can contain:

        0  Numbers

        0  Names and addresses

        0  Traveling expenses

        0  A list of files on your hard disk

        0  Information retrieved for further processing

    A field can contain up to 30,000 characters. Every field can hold more
    text than will fit within its borders.


    Buttons and fields can be placed anywhere on a page or background. Each
    has defining characteristics, or properties, used to control its
    appearance and behavior. Some examples of button and field properties

        0  Location

        0  Color

        0  Name

        0  Accelerator key

    By adjusting an object's properties, you can design attractive objects
    that behave appropriately for your pad.

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   243


    Buttons and fields can be added to a pad to increase its functionality.
    Most of the interaction between the user and the pad occurs through the
    use of buttons and fields. As a pad author, you will use buttons and
    fields to:

        0  Create links between pages and pads

        0  Hold information that the user can manipulate

        0  Automate repetitive tasks

        0  Display information for instructional purposes

    For example, you can create a database by adding fields to the
    background of a new pad. By adding pages and information to this pad,
    you are essentially adding records to the database.

    Once your database includes many pages, you may want to automate
    navigation, making it easier to move between pages. Simply add buttons
    on the background and link them to other pages in the database.

    Suppose that you then wanted to take some notes and attach them to a
    specific page in the pad. Simply add a field to that page.

    The procedures described in this chapter give you all the information
    necessary to perform tasks like those mentioned above.


    Using the Selector tool, objects can be positioned, cut, copied, pasted,
    edited, and duplicated. Combined with the painting tools, objects on the
    page and background make your pad functional, something that users can
    browse by clicking on buttons and typing into fields. This chapter will
    also explain how to use the Selector tool to create and modify objects.

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   244



    Buttons and fields are created on either the page or the background.
    Regardless of whether they are located on the page or background,
    objects are layered according to the order in which they were created.
    For example, the first object you create will be on layer 1, the next on
    layer 2, and so on.

    Objects on higher-numbered layers overlap those on lower-numbered
    layers. Objects on the lower-numbered layers are closest to the page,
    while objects on the higher-numbered layers are farther away.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │


    Background buttons appear on every page that use that background. They
    provide access to those functions you want available on every page that
    uses that background. One example is a navigation button, such as a Home
    button, that, when selected, takes a user to the Home pad, or paging
    buttons which let the user move to the next or previous page.

    Background fields are templates for holding text information. They
    define the area and position in which text can be placed on the page.
    Each page maintains its own private contents for the background fields.

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   245

    The following diagram shows how the background fields act as templates
    for text stored on the page:

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    Background fields are particularly useful for creating databases. The
    background containing the fields acts as the database structure or
    definition, and each page stores one record in the database.


    The Selector tool allows you to work with buttons and fields. Using the
    Selector tool, you can resize, move, cut, copy, paste, delete, and edit

    To use the Selector tool, the user level must be set to either authoring
    or scripting. At the authoring level, you can create, move, resize, and
    edit the properties of objects. The scripting level gives you all the
    capabilities of the authoring level, plus the ability to edit an
    object's script.

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   246

    To change the user level to scripting:

    1.  Select the Protect command from the File menu (ALT+F, T).

    2.  Select the scripting option (ALT+I), then press ENTER.

    Now that the user level is set to scripting, you can use the Selector


    To select a button or field with the keyboard:

    1.  Choose the Selector command from the Tools menu (ALT+T, S). The
    shortcut for this command is CTRL+S.

    Selected buttons and fields are indicated with anchors on each corner:

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    If there are no objects to edit, the cursor will not move until you
    create an object or move to a page with objects.

    2.  If the object you want to select is located on the background,
    select Background from the Edit menu (ALT+E, B).

    You can tell that you are editing the background if:

    "BKGND" appears on the status bar.

    The Background command is checked on the Edit menu.

    3.  Press TAB or SHIFT+TAB to place the anchors on the next or previous
    object until the one you want is selected.

    If you defined an accelerator key for the object, you can press ALT and
    the accelerator key to quickly select the object.

    To select a button or field with the mouse:

    1.  Choose the Selector tool from the Tools menu.

    2.  Point to the object and click the left mouse button.

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   247


    You can create buttons or fields by selecting the New Button or New
    Field command from the Objects menu. The shortcuts for these commands

    To:                     Press:
    Create a new field      CTRL+F3

    Create a new button     ALT+F3

    After an object is created, it's placed in the center of the screen
    ready to be positioned and resized.


    Fields, like buttons, can be added to either the page or the background.
    Each field acts as a storage area for information. When added to the
    page, both the field and its text are unique to that page--they have no
    effect on any other page in the pad.

    Background fields, however, can be shared by many pages. Each page that
    uses a specific background maintains its own contents for the fields on
    that background.

    Creating fields on the background is no different from creating fields
    on the page. However, if you create or delete any fields on a
    background, when you finish editing the background, HyperPAD will
    display the following message:

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   248

    Rebuilding the pad involves updating every page that uses a particular
    background with new field information. This operation happens
    automatically when you access a page. However, to speed access to these
    pages, you may want to rebuild the pad all at once.

    If you respond <<Ok>> to this dialog box, the pad will be rebuilt.
    If you select <Cancel>, the pages that use the background will not be
    updated until the next time those pages are accessed.


    When you create a button or field, it is placed in the center of the
    screen. Your next step is to reposition the object in the appropriate
    location on the page or background.

    To move a selected object with the keyboard:

    To:                                    Press:
    Move the object by one line            Arrow keys

    Move the object by larger amounts      CTRL+Arrow keys

    Move the object to the left edge       HOME

    Move the object to the right edge      END

    To move an object with the mouse:

    1.  Point to the object.

    2.  Press the left mouse button and drag the object to the desired


    After positioning an object, you can alter its size. An object can be as
    small as one row by one column, or as large as the screen.

    To resize an object with the keyboard:

    1.  Press ALT+TAB repeatedly until the cursor reaches the corner you
    want to stretch.

    2.  Press SHIFT+arrow keys to stretch the corner in the direction of the
    arrow key.

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   249

    The following keys can also be used to resize objects:

    To:                                           Press:
    Stretch a corner faster with the arrow keys   CTRL+SHIFT+Arrow keys

    Stretch a corner to the left edge             SHIFT+HOME

    Stretch a corner to the right edge            SHIFT+END

    To resize an object with the mouse:

    1.  Point to the corner that you want to stretch (place the mouse
    pointer on top of one of the four anchors).

    2.  Press the left mouse button and drag the corner to its new location.

    Note:  Dragging the mouse away from the center makes the object larger,
    while dragging the mouse toward the center makes it smaller.


    HyperPAD allows you to copy buttons and fields from one pad to another
    using the Cut, Copy, and Paste commands. Once an object has been copied,
    it can be placed anywhere--on another page or background in the same
    pad, or even on a page or background in another pad.

    When you copy an object, it is placed into the clipboard for later use.
    Since only one item at a time can occupy the clipboard, the previous
    contents of the clipboard are lost. When you paste the object from the
    clipboard, an exact copy will be placed onto the page or background in
    the same location as the original.

    Note:  The clipboard is a temporary storage area. When you leave
    HyperPAD or run another program from HyperPAD, the clipboard will be

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   250


    The Copy and Paste commands provide powerful shortcuts for customizing
    your pads. You can save time by making use of buttons and fields that
    already exist in another pad. You don't have to understand how a button
    or field works; simply copy an object that already does what you want,
    then paste it into the pad you're working with.

    For example, the Phone pad doesn't have a button that takes you directly
    to your Daily Planner. You can create a button to do this by copying the
    Daily Planner button from the Pads screen to the background of your
    Phone pad. Then, when you want to go directly to the Daily Planner, you
    can just select this button.

    To use a different example, suppose you want to add a mechanism to the
    Home pad that will enable you to take a quick note. You can easily
    accomplish this task by copying a field from the Ideas pad and pasting
    it onto your Home pad.

    To copy an object with the keyboard:

    1.  Select the object to be copied.

    2.  Select Copy from the Edit menu (ALT+E, C). (The shortcuts for this
    command are CTRL+C or CTRL+INSERT.)

    To copy an object with the mouse:

    Hold down CTRL, point to the object, then press the left mouse button
    and drag the object to its new location.

    Note:  The exact name of the Copy command on the Edit menu depends on
    the selected object. If a button is selected, the displayed command is
    "Copy Button"; otherwise, the displayed command is "Copy Field."


    A special copying feature available to mouse users allows you to copy an
    object's properties and apply them to another object of the same type
    without copying the location property or the script.

    For example, suppose that you just created a field in the Phone pad and
    want it to look exactly like all the other fields on the same page.
    Instead of duplicating the field (by copying and pasting it), you can
    just copy the properties.

    Note:  You can only copy properties to another object of the same type
    (i.e., between two buttons or between two fields).

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   251

    To copy an object's properties:

    1.  Select the object whose properties you want to copy.

    2.  Point to the object to which the properties to be copied (don't
    click on it yet).

    3.  While holding down the CTRL and SHIFT keys, click the left mouse
    button (CTRL+SHIFT+click).


    The Cut command  allows you to remove a button or field from the current
    page or background and store it in the clipboard for reuse.

    To cut an object:

    1.  Select the object to be cut.

    2.  Select Cut from the Edit menu (ALT+E, X). The shortcuts for this
    command are CTRL+X and SHIFT+DEL.

    The selected object will be copied into the clipboard and removed from
    the screen. The object can then be recalled with the Paste command.


    Once you have stored a copy of an object in the clipboard using either
    the Copy or Cut command, you can retrieve it with the Paste command.
    HyperPAD allows you to paste an object from the clipboard to the same
    page or background from which it was copied, to another page or
    background in the same pad, or to a different pad. You can paste as many
    copies of a stored object as you want.

    Note:  Pasted objects have all the same properties, including screen
    location and script, as the original object.

    To paste an object:

    1.  Navigate to the page on which you want to paste the object (this
    could be on the same page, a different page, a background, or a
    different pad).

    2.  Select the Paste command from the Edit menu (ALT+E, P). The
    shortcuts for this command are CTRL+V or SHIFT+INSERT.

    Note:  The name of the Paste command changes according to what is being
    pasted. If you're pasting a field, the displayed command is "Paste
    Field;" otherwise, the displayed command is "Paste Button."

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   252


    Use the Delete command to remove an object from the page or background
    without saving a copy in the clipboard.

    To delete an object:

    1.  Select the object to be deleted.

    2.  Select the Delete command from the Edit menu (ALT+E, D). The
    shortcut for this command is DEL.

    The selected object is removed from the page or background, without a
    copy being placed in the clipboard.

    Note:  A deleted object can never be recovered. Therefore, you may want
    to make a backup copy of your pad before deleting many objects, in case
    you need to recall them (use the Save a Copy command (ALT+F,S) on the
    File menu).


    The Clone command allows you to quickly place a copy of an object on the
    same page as the original, without copying it to the clipboard. Cloned
    objects overlap the object from which they were cloned, offset slightly
    down and to the right.

    This command avoids the two-step process of copying the object into the
    clipboard and then pasting it. In addition, the clipboard's contents are

    To clone an object:

    1.  Select the object to be cloned.

    2.  Select Clone from the Objects menu (ALT+O, C). The shortcut for this
    command is CTRL+D.

    A clone of the original object appears on-screen.  Note:  The new object
    is selected, so that you can modify it immediately.


    Each object created on a page or background is contained on an invisible
    layer. All of these layers are stacked on top of one another. If one
    object is on a higher layer than another, it will cover that object
    wherever they overlap.

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   253

    All buttons and fields are layered on top of one another. In addition,
    each object is numbered by its position relative to the other layered
    objects of the same type.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    When you create a new button or field, a new layer to hold that object
    is placed on top of all existing object layers. You can determine the
    layer of a given button or field by examining the Object Info dialog box
    for that object. This is discussed later in this chapter.

    The layer of a button or field can be changed using the Bring Closer and
    Send Farther commands on the Objects menu. These commands move the
    selected button or field up or down one layer.

    To move an object up one layer:

    1.  Select the object that you want moved to a higher layer.

    2.  Select the Bring Closer command from the Objects menu (ALT+O, R).
    The shortcut for this command is PLUS on the numeric keypad.

    The selected object is moved one layer farther from the page or

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   254

    To move an object down one layer:

    1.  Select the object you want moved to a lower layer.

    2.  Select the Send Farther command from the Objects menu (ALT+O, S).
    The shortcut for this command is MINUS on the numeric keypad.

    The selected object is moved one layer closer to the page or background.


    A common use for layering is to cover other objects. Objects completely
    covered by other objects are not selectable by the pad user.

    To cover an object:

    1.  Select the New Button (ALT+O,B) or New Field (ALT+O, F) command from
    the Objects menu to create a new button or field.

    The new object will be placed in the center of the screen.

    2.  Move the new object over the object to be covered.

    3.  Resize the object, if necessary, to completely cover the desired

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   255

    The following picture illustrates a pad with two background buttons that
    take you to the previous and next pages. On the first page of your pad,
    however, having the Prev button doesn't make sense because there is no
    previous page. Thus, you may want to cover this button up with an opaque
    button on page 1.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   256


    Until now we have focused on altering objects in relation to each other
    on the screen. This manipulation of objects is important when designing
    screen layouts. You can further customize your buttons and fields by
    altering their properties.

    Properties determine not only how an object looks--i.e., its color or
    edge type--but also how it responds to actions the user performs.
    HyperPAD allows you to modify an object's properties using the Button
    and Field Info dialog boxes.

    The following sections describe how to customize your buttons and fields
    by modifying the properties listed in these dialog boxes.


    All of a field's properties are accessible through the Field Info dialog
    box. From this dialog box, you can adjust the properties that control a
    field's color, edge type, and default behavior.


    With the keyboard:

    1.  Select the desired field.

    2.  Select the Field Info command from the Objects menu (ALT+O, I). A
    shortcut for this command is to press ENTER or SPACE.

    The Field Info dialog box appears on the screen.

    With the mouse:

    To access the Field Info dialog box with the mouse, select the field,
    then double-click the left mouse button.

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   257

    The Field Info dialog box is shown below.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    The following diagram shows a field with some of its field properties.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    The descriptions that follow explain how each of the available field
    properties modifies the appearance and behavior of the field.

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   258


    This text box displays the name of the field. If the Show name property
    is on, then the field name will appear either on top or to the left of
    the field (depending on the value of the Name position property). The
    field name text box is empty for a new field.

    Note:  The field name can be used to refer to a field from within a
    script, so choose a meaningful name that you can remember.


    This number indicates the field's layer in relation to the other fields
    on the page or background.

    Note:  The field number can be used to refer to a field from within a


    The ID is a unique number assigned to a field when it is created. This
    number will never change.

    Note:  The ID is the only way to uniquely identify a field from within a
    script. Unique IDs are assigned to each field on a page, but fields on
    different pages may have the same ID.

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   259


    The Align option controls the justification of text within a field.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    LEFT:  Aligns each line of text flush with the left edge of the field.
    This is the default.

    RIGHT:  Aligns each line of text flush with the right edge of the field.

    CENTER:  Centers each line between the left and right edges of the


    The Name pos (name position) property determines the positioning of the
    field name that appears if the Show name property is on. The name can be
    placed either on top or to the left of the field. By default, the name
    is placed to the left.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   260


    When this option is on, the field's name is displayed in the position
    designated by the Name pos property.


    This property determines whether the field is drawn with a border. The
    edge displayed around the field is determined by the value of the Edge
    type property. The color of the border matches the Border Color setting
    (if the field is not transparent).

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    If the With edge property is on, scrolling and list box fields are
    displayed with a scroll bar on their right edge. If you turn off the
    With edge property, the scroll bar will not be visible.


    This property determines whether the field is highlighted when it has
    the focus. When Hilite if focus is on, the field will be highlighted
    using the color specified by Hilite Color.

    If this property is not on, editing can begin as soon as the field
    receives the focus. Otherwise, the user must press F2 to remove the
    highlight and begin editing.


    This setting determines whether the field can hold more information than
    can be contained within the physical confines of the field's rectangle.
    When Scrollable is on, the text within the field can be scrolled to
    display text located below the visible area of the field.

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   261


    When this property is on, a read-only field is created. If you don't
    want your field to be edited or scrolled through, activate this
    property. Locked text fields do not receive the focus.


    The Style options control the type of field. The style can be set to
    Transparent, Scrolling, Opaque, and List box. The default style is

    OPAQUE:  This option creates a nontransparent field. The color of Opaque
    fields is determined by the Fill and Border Color settings.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    TRANSPARENT:  This option creates a transparent field. All characters,
    paint, and objects behind the field will be visible.

    SCROLLING:  Scrolling fields are opaque, with a scroll bar on the right
    edge. A mouse is required to use the scroll bar.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   262

    LIST BOX:  List box fields contain a list of items that can be marked
    and unmarked using SPACE. Text within a list box field is not word

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    In order to get information into a list box:

    1.  Set the style of the field to Opaque.

    2.  Type text into the field, pressing ENTER at the end of each line.

    3.  Set the style of the field back to List box.


    This property controls the attribute used to display the field's border
    (if the field is not transparent and the With edge property is on). The
    default is light grey on black.


    This property controls the color used to display the field's interior
    (if the field is not transparent). The default is light grey on black.


    This property controls the color used to display the field when the
    field receives the focus (if the Hilite if focus property is on). The
    default is black on light grey.

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   263


    This property controls which edge type is displayed as a field's border
    (if the field's With edge property is on). Choose among 15 edge types.
    The default edge type is 1 (single line).

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │


    The Name Color option controls the color used to display the field's
    name (if the Show name property is on). The default is black on light


    This option opens the field's script in the Script Editor window.


    All button properties are accessible through the Button Info dialog box.
    From this dialog box, you can adjust properties that control the
    button's color, edge type, and default behavior.


    To access the Button Info dialog box with the keyboard:

    1.  Select the desired button.

    2.  Select the Button Info command from the Objects menu (ALT+O,U). A
    shortcut for this command is to press ENTER or SPACE.

    The Button Info dialog box appears on the screen.

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   264

    To access the Button's Info dialog box with the mouse:

    Point to the button and double-click the left mouse button.


    The Button Info dialog box is shown below.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    The following subsections describe the button properties available in
    the dialog box and how they modify the appearance and behavior of a


    The button name is displayed in the button rectangle. It is centered by

    Note:  The button name can be used within a script to refer to a button.


    The Accelerator property determines the ALT key combination used to
    quickly select this button. Any letter or number can be used as a button


    This property controls the color of the button accelerators displayed
    when the user holds down the ALT key.

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   265


    This number indicates the button's layer in relation to the other
    buttons on the page or background.

    Note:  The button number can be used in a script to refer to a button.


    Every object on a page or background is assigned an ID number when it is
    created. This number is unique to each button on the page. (However,
    there may be two buttons with the same ID number on different pages.)

    Note:  The ID is the only way to uniquely identify a button from within
    a script.


    Set this option on to display the button name. It is on by default.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │


    When With edge is on, the button is displayed with a border.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   266


    This property determines whether a button is highlighted when it has the
    focus (the default is off). If so, the button is displayed using the
    hilite color. (The Hilite if focus property will have no effect if Auto
    hilite is not on.)


    This property determines whether  a button is capable of being
    highlighted (the default is on). If Auto hilite is on, the button will
    be highlighted when the user places the mouse pointer within its
    rectangle and presses the left mouse button. If the Hilite if focus
    property is also on, the button will be highlighted whenever it receives
    the focus.

    If Auto hilite is not on, the button will never be highlighted.


    This property causes a button to be displayed with a shadow  below and
    to the right of it. The default is off (no shadow).

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │


    Opaque:  This option, when on, makes a button nontransparent. The button
    completely hides any characters or objects under it. This option is on
    by default.

    Transparent:  When this option is on, any empty spaces in the button
    become transparent. Any characters or objects under the button are
    visible through the empty spaces.

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   267

    CHECK BOX:  This option creates check box buttons. Check box buttons are
    displayed with brackets to the left of the name. Selecting a check box
    button toggles the check mark [X] between the brackets.
    Check box buttons are transparent and cannot be shadowed.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │


    This property controls the color used to display a button's edge. The
    default is light grey on black. The Border Color has no effect if the
    button is transparent.


    This property determines the color used to display the interior of a
    nontransparent button.


    This property controls the color of a button when it is highlighted.
    Only buttons with the Auto Hilite property on will be highlighted. The
    default is black on light grey.


    This property determines the displayed border pattern of a button. If
    the button is not transparent, the edge will be displayed with the
    Border Color.


    This option opens the button's script in the Script Editor window.

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   268


    The following section describes some special uses of buttons and fields.


    You can create completely invisible buttons by:

        0  Setting the Style property to Transparent

        0  Setting the With edge property to off

        0  Setting the Show name property to off

    Buttons with these characteristics are, for all practical purposes,
    invisible to the user. There is no border, name, or edge to give away
    the button's position. Some practical uses for these buttons are
    discussed below.


    By placing an invisible button on top of another button, you can create
    the illusion of clicking on the visible button, when, in fact, the
    invisible button is being selected.

    In a help system, the background may contain paging buttons that go to
    the previous and next pages. On the index page, however, you want these
    buttons to be disabled (because there isn't a logical next or previous
    page). You can accomplish this by placing an invisible page button which
    executes the special case actions on top of the paging buttons.


    Invisible buttons can be used on top of the paint layer to create the
    illusion that the user is clicking on an icon, such as the phone or
    house icon found in the Ideas pad.

    Suppose you've been asked to develop an Executive Information System
    (EIS) for top management. Further, your boss wants to be able to click
    on icons to quickly see various reports about the company's status.
    Here's how to develop this type of linked icon:

    To create a linked icon:

    1.  Paint the icon on the picture layer.

    Copy an image from the Ideas pad if you want to save time.

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   269

    2.  Create an invisible button, as described above, and place it on top
    of the icon.

    3.  Link the button to where you want the boss to go when the icon is
    selected. (See invisible button section below about linking.)


    Invisible fields have the following properties:

        0  The Style property is set to transparent.

        0  The With Edge property is set to off.

        0  The Show Name property is set to off.

    Invisible fields are useful for creating graphic typing areas. You
    should specify a transparent field when the underlying graphics contain
    a visual clue that a field is there. The following example overlays a
    transparent field onto some painted lines to create the illusion of
    ruled paper:

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   270


    By modifying a field's properties, you can create traditional database
    entry fields. Database fields have the following properties:

        0  The With edge property is set to off.

        0  The Show name property is set to on.

        0  The Name position property is set to left.

        0  The Style property is set to Opaque.

    These fields are familiar to many users who work with database programs,
    which often display information on forms with these kinds of fields.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │


    A link is a connection established between a page and another page or
    pad. Links are established using buttons, so that when you select a
    button on a page, you access the linked page or pad.

    When you create information applications, like help systems, links are
    especially useful. With HyperPAD, you can link a series of information
    pages together. When browsing, a user can then move easily between
    pieces of related information simply by selecting buttons.

    All buttons contain link information hidden in their scripts, which is
    accessible through the Button Info dialog box. HyperPAD automates the
    process of creating a link, freeing you from the task of having to type
    the actions into the button's script.

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   271

    To link a button:

    1.  Select the button to be linked.

    2.  Press ENTER to open the Button Info dialog box.

    3.  Select the Link To button from the bottom of the dialog box.

    The following popup dialog box appears:

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    If you have a mouse, you can move this dialog box to the side, getting
    it out of the way so that you can view the page underneath.

    4.  Navigate to the destination page. This may involve using PGDN or
    PGUP to change pages, or using Open from the File menu (ALT+F,O) to go
    to another pad, or using one of the Go menu commands.

    5.  Select one of the following options from the dialog box:

    This Page:  This choice links the button to a specified page, even if it
    is on a different pad than the button being linked. The shortcut for
    this command is ALT+P.

    This Pad:  This choice links the button to this pad.

    When you select the button, it will take you to the page that was
    accessed when the pad was last opened. The shortcut for this command is

    Cancel:  This choice cancels the linking process. The shortcut for this
    command is ALT+C.

    After selecting one of these buttons, you'll be returned to the page
    that was open when you began the procedure.

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   272


    When you link buttons using the Link To command in the Button Info
    dialog box, HyperPAD actually creates statements within the button's
    script that perform the link. These statements essentially say, "When
    this button is selected, change to this other page".

    You can examine these statements by selecting the Script button from the
    Button Info dialog box. Scripts are introduced in the next section.


    Each button in HyperPAD has an attached script that can define what
    happens when the button is selected (although each button has a script,
    some scripts are blank). When you select a button, HyperPAD tells that
    button that it has been selected. The button, in response, can execute a
    group of commands that you have created.

    The commands in a script are written in an Englishlike language called
    PADtalk. Using PADtalk, you can instruct your buttons to perform diverse
    tasks, such as changing to another page, running another program, or
    preparing a report and sending it to the printer.

    The following section introduces PADtalk and gives some practical
    examples to use in your own scripts. PADtalk is examined in depth in the
    PADtalk Reference Guide.


    To access a button's script:

    1.  Use the Selector tool to select a button.

    2.  Press ENTER to open the Button Info dialog box.

    3.  Select the Script button.

    A shortcut to get to the script is to press SHIFT+ENTER when the button
    is selected.


    PADtalk is different from most computer languages. Many languages suffer
    from a strict set of rules that must be followed. PADtalk, on the other
    hand, allows you to write commands in a more intuitive, Englishlike
    style that is easy to read.

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   273

    Even so, HyperPAD's commands and language syntax still follow loose
    rules that you must keep in mind. Don't worry, though. HyperPAD provides
    you with instant error information when you make a mistake.


    Scripts are composed of groups of commands; each group is called a
    handler. The word handler marks the beginning of a group of statements
    that is executed when something happens to the button. Generally,
    commands are executed when buttons are selected (when you highlight the
    button and press ENTER or click on the button with the mouse).

    The following shows a sample handler that instructs HyperPAD to change
    to the next page when the button is selected.

    handler select;
      go to the next page;

    Simply, the above handler says: "When the button is selected, change to
    the next page".

    The group of commands that is executed is contained between the words
    begin and end. You can specify as many commands as necessary between
    these words, separating each command with a semicolon.

    Don't worry about upper- or lowercase words. PADtalk pays no attention
    to capitalization.

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   274


    There are many types of statements and commands that you can type into
    PADtalk. This section introduces some useful statements that you can
    include in your scripts immediately, without knowing any more about


    The go command lets you change to another page or even another pad. The
    following are examples of the go command:

    go to page 10;

    go to page "Preferences";

    go to the next page;

    go to the previous page;


    The run command lets you run other DOS programs from within HyperPAD.
    When doing so, HyperPAD shrinks down to 3K of memory, providing your
    programs with plenty of memory in which to run. Some examples of the run
    command are:

    run "C:\LOTUS\123.EXE";

    run "COMMAND.COM";


    The find command allows you to locate a particular piece of text
    anywhere in your pad. Some examples of the find command are:

    find "hello";

    find "lawyer" in field 1;

    find "james" in field 2;

                                     Chapter 14: Buttons and Fields   275


    In this chapter you learned about buttons and fields, including how they
    are created, moved, resized, and deleted. You learned how to customize
    your pads by copying and pasting objects between pages and even between
    different pads. We also told you about properties, which give you the
    ability to create attractive buttons and fields that behave in a manner
    appropriate for your pad. In the last section, you learned how to make a
    button respond in different ways when it is selected by placing commands
    into the button's script.


                                  Appendix 3: Using the CAP utility   373


    The HyperPAD CAP program is a screen capture utility for developing
    computer based training or demonstration programs and other
    applications. With the CAP utility, you can import character based
    screen images into HyperPAD.

    You can capture images from nearly any DOS program that runs in
    character mode, such as Lotus 1-2-3, WordPerfect, dBASE IV and Microsoft
    Word. You can capture text of three resolutions: 80 by 25, 80 by 43, and
    80 by 50.


    Before you start the applications program containing the screens you
    want to capture, you have to load CAP into your computer's memory.

    To load CAP into memory:

    1.  Change to the directory containing your HyperPAD program.

    2.  Type:

    cap <filename>

    Where <filename> is the name of the file in which you'd like to store
    your images. If the file you name already exists, CAP adds captured
    images to the end of that file

    For example:

    cap c:\hpad2\pics

    cap screens

    3.  Press ENTER.

    CAP displays a message that tells you that it has been loaded into
    memory. CAP is loaded into memory like any other DOS program but unlike
    many others, it returns you immediately to the DOS prompt.

                                  Appendix 3: Using the CAP utility   374


    After you've loaded CAP into memory, the next step is to load a program
    and bring up the screen you want to capture. The trigger (hot keys) for
    taking a picture of a screen is both shift keys (SHIFT+SHIFT).

    With the screen that you want to capture displayed, hold down both SHIFT
    keys together until you hear a tone.

    If HyperPAD can capture the image, it writes to your disk and produces a
    short tone. If CAP is unable to capture the image on your screen, it
    produces a longer variable tone. This occurs if you attempt to capture
    from a graphics mode program, such as Windows 3.0.


    Microsoft Word versions 4.0 and higher give you the option of switching
    from graphics mode to character mode. ALT+F9 is the keystroke you press
    to toggle from one to the other. If you hear the HyperPAD error signal
    when you press SHIFT+SHIFT, press ALT+F9 and try again.


    Once CAP is in memory, you are free to change to a different file for
    storing your images.

    1.  At the DOS prompt, type:

    cap <newfilename>

    <newfilename> is the name of a different file to receive the next
    captured image.

    2.  Press ENTER.

                                  Appendix 3: Using the CAP utility   375


    Once you've created a CAP file, it remains on disk, waiting for you to
    use the Import command from the HyperPAD File menu.

    To import captured images:

    1.  Load HyperPAD.

    2.  Select the Import command from the File menu.

    3.  Select the Show Partner (.GX2) option from the dialog box.

    4.  Select the filename to be imported.

    5.  Select <<OK>>.

    HyperPAD creates a new page on the current background for every image
    you captured.


    Many DOS programs now support the capability of Enhanced Graphics
    Adapter (EGA) and Video Graphics Array (VGA) cards to display more than
    twenty five rows on a single character mode screen. You can capture
    these screens with CAP, then import them into HyperPAD with the Import

    When importing, you must make sure the pad uses the sample screen mode
    as the captured images. HyperPAD skips importing any captured images
    that do not match the size of the current page. (If you have the
    appropriate hardware, you can create pads in these modes by selecting
    either the 43 Lines option of the 50 Lines option from the New command
    on the File menu.


    You can remove the capture program from memory by typing the following
    command at the DOS prompt:

    CAP /r

    Make sure the CAP program was the last program loaded, or you will be
    unable to remove it from memory.

                                  Appendix 3: Using the CAP utility   376


    You can change the trigger keys used to capture an images using the
    following command:

    cap /k

    Capture responds by displaying a message instructing you to press the
    new key combination.


                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   23


    This chapter describes the elements of a HyperPAD screen and tells you
    how to perform the procedures most commonly used in working with
    HyperPAD. In short, it covers all the essential terminology, concepts,
    features, and operations.
    Although this chapter is geared toward first-time HyperPAD users, it
    will also be helpful to experienced users who have recently updated to
    HyperPAD 2.0 or who need to refresh their memory about HyperPAD basics.

    Here's a friendly warning to all HyperPAD users: The fundamental
    terminology, concepts, features, and procedures are described at length
    only in this chapter. In subsequent chapters, we'll simply use the
    terminology, refer to the concepts and features, and tell you to perform
    the procedures--without explaining them in detail again. That is, we'll
    assume you know what we're talking about. If you forget anything, just
    return to this chapter for a quick review. (To make it easier for you to
    look up the major topics covered here, we've listed them below. By the
    end of the chapter, you'll be quite comfortable with the terminology in
    these lists, so don't be concerned if there's anything here that you
    can't immediately understand.)
    The components of a HyperPAD screen, which are discussed in the first
    section of Chapter 2, include:

        0  Menu bar

        0  Title bar

        0  Buttons

        0  Fields

        0  Command line

        0  Message line

        0  Status bar

                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   24

    The fundamental HyperPAD procedures, which are discussed in the second
    section of Chapter 2, include:

        0  Selecting commands from menus

        0  Selecting buttons

        0  Selecting commands from the command line

        0  Working with fields

        0  Selecting from list boxes

        0  Filling out dialog boxes

        0  Navigating within HyperPAD

        0  Accessing the on-line Help system

        0  Exiting from HyperPAD


    The following illustrations show the elements most commonly found on
    HyperPAD screens. This section will help you make sense of these
 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │


                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   25

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    You should be aware that some of the components of a HyperPAD screen
    only display information (i.e., there's nothing you actually have to do
    with these components other than understand what information they
    present), whereas other components let you perform certain tasks (i.e.,
    you have to know how to operate them). We'll explain the purpose of both
    types of components in this section, but we'll save the how-to
    procedures for the next section of the chapter, "Basic HyperPAD Tasks."


    A menu is a group of related HyperPAD commands. By selecting a command
    from a menu, you instruct HyperPAD to carry out an action. The names of
    the currently available menus are listed on the menu bar, a horizontal
    strip at the very top of the HyperPAD screen.

    In the second half of this chapter, you'll learn how to use the keyboard
    or the mouse to open a menu (i.e., make the menu display its commands)
    and then select a command from the open menu.

    If you decide you don't want the menu bar displayed, you can toggle the
    menu bar on and off by holding down the ALT key and pressing SPACE

                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   26


    When you first start working with HyperPAD, you have access to five
    menus: File, Edit, Database, Go, and Workspace. If you start working
    with HyperPAD's design capabilities, discussed in the second half of the
    HyperPAD User's Guide, you'll learn how to gain access to three more
    menus Tools, Objects, and Block as well as to expanded versions of the
    File, Edit, and Workspace menus.


    The title bar appears below the menu bar. On the left-hand side, the
    title bar shows the name of the current pad. In those few cases where a
    particular screen within a pad has its own name, the screen name is
    displayed in the center of the title bar.

    The pad name and the screen name (if any) are just there for your
    information, so you'll always know where you are in HyperPAD. However,
    on the right-hand side of all HyperPAD title bars (except those in the
    on-line Help system), there appears a box labeled "F1=Help." This box is
    a device called a button. Selecting the F1=Help button takes you to the
    Help system. In the next subsection, you'll learn a bit more about
    buttons, and in the second half of this chapter, you'll learn how to
    operate them.


    Buttons are rectangular areas on a HyperPAD screen that
    usually display a name indicating their function. Buttons might look
    unimpressive, but they're actually powerful devices that can, among
    other things, link you to different points both within and beyond

    Suppose you're working in a pad and want to hop straight to another pad,
    or run one of your other software programs, or go to the Index for the
    Help system and pick a topic. No problem! Selecting a button can take
    you from where you are to where you want to go in a single easy
    operation. In the second half of this chapter, you'll learn how to
    select buttons using simple keyboard and mouse techniques.


    A field is a rectangular area on a HyperPAD screen into which you can
    type information. In the page from the Phone pad shown at the start of
    this section, John Smith's name, address, and phone numbers are
    displayed in fields. Fields can range in size from small enough to hold

                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   27

    only a single character to large enough to cover the entire screen. In
    the second half of this chapter, you'll learn how to enter information
    into fields.


    The command line, a new feature in HyperPAD 2.0, appears as a row of
    numbered commands near the bottom of many HyperPAD screens. It displays
    both commands that are specific to the current pad and selected menu
    commands that you'll use often in working with the pad.

    Since the command line's numbered commands are actually buttons, picking
    a command from the command line will be explained together with using
    buttons in the second half of this chapter.


    The message line, another new feature in HyperPAD 2.0, is a strip at the
    very bottom of the HyperPAD screen that presents a brief reminder of how
    to perform one or more basic procedures required to work with a
    particular HyperPAD screen.

    As indicated in the next subsection, you could have HyperPAD replace the
    message line with the status bar, depending on which information you
    prefer to have visible.


    The status bar is a strip at the very bottom of the HyperPAD screen that
    appears in place of the message line--but only if you turn it on. Its
    purpose is to display important information about the pad you're working

    On the left-hand side of the status bar, you can see the name of the
    current pad and the number of the page you're viewing within that pad.
    On the right-hand side of the status bar, you can see the name of the
    HyperPAD tool you're working with. (This will probably be the Browse
    tool, which HyperPAD automatically selects when you're simply using the
    pads rather than redesigning existing pads or designing new

    On the far right edge of the status bar, special symbols appear if you
    have the CAPS LOCK and/or NUM LOCK key locked. If you were using
    HyperPAD's design capabilities (discussed in the second half of the
    User's Guide), you might see additional information on the right-hand
    side of the status bar.

                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   28

    Later in this chapter, we'll show you how to turn on the status bar
    during a particular HyperPAD session. If you'd like to save yourself the
    trouble of having to activate the status bar, the "Customizing HyperPAD"
    section in Chapter 3 tells you how to tailor HyperPAD so it
    automatically displays the status bar rather than the message line.

    When first learning to use HyperPAD, you may want to leave the status
    bar off so you can see the message line, with its brief reminders about
    how to perform basic tasks associated with the current screen. However,
    once you start working with pads that have a number of pages (such as
    the Phone pad), you'll probably want to keep the status bar displayed so
    you can see the page numbers.

    If you have the status bar displayed and want to shut it off in order to
    see the message line, hold down the ALT key and press SPACE (ALT+SPACE).
    Doing this causes both the menu bar and the status bar to toggle on and
    off together.

    Now that you understand what you're seeing when you look at a HyperPAD
    screen, let's check out the HyperPAD operations you'll need to perform
    most often.


    This section explains the procedures for operating some of the elements
    you've already seen on the HyperPAD screen, including how to open up
    menus and select commands from the open menus, how to select buttons and
    choose a command from the command line, and how to use fields. This
    section also introduces you to a number of other common HyperPAD
    procedures, including how to use list boxes, how to fill out dialog
    boxes in order to give HyperPAD vital information, how to navigate from
    one place to another within HyperPAD, and how to reach HyperPAD's on-
    line Help system. The last part of this section reviews the information
    on exiting from HyperPAD presented in Chapter 1 and also introduces
    another way to exit.

    This section is your first real opportunity to play with HyperPAD, so we
    suggest that you take the time to try out each of these key procedures
    as you read about them. Hands-on experience is the best way to get a
    feel for how any new program works, and HyperPAD is no exception.

    Since we'll be showing you how to perform each of the basic HyperPAD
    tasks both with the keyboard and with the mouse, we'll begin this

                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   29

    section with a brief summary of the mouse procedures used in working
    with HyperPAD. If you don't have a mouse, skip the "Using a Mouse"
    subsection and proceed to "Selecting Commands from Menus."


    When you work with HyperPAD, you'll be using the mouse procedures shown
    in the accompanying table, which are performed with the left and right
    mouse buttons. (If you have a three-button mouse, you can ignore the
    middle button.)

    Mouse Procedure:         Explanation:
    Point and click          Place the mouse pointer on the desired item,
                             then press and release the left or right mouse
                             button. (In the User's Guide, we'll specify
                             which button should be used.)

    Point and double-click   Place the mouse pointer on the desired item,
                             then rapidly press and release the left mouse
                             button twice.

    Point and press          Place the mouse pointer on the desired item,
                             then hold down the left mouse button.

    Point, press and drag    Position the mouse pointer at the desired
                             starting point, then hold down the left mouse
                             button and slide the mouse, releasing it when
                             you reach the desired spot.

    There are many HyperPAD operations that can be done with either the
    keyboard or a mouse. In some cases, it's faster to use the keyboard; in
    other cases, it's faster to use a mouse; and in still other cases, the
    two methods are equally fast. You'll soon develop your own preference
    for which method to use in carrying out each task.

                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   30


    Giving orders to HyperPAD is a simple two-step process. All you have to
    do is open the menu that contains the command you want and then select
    the command from the open menu. When you open a menu, a list of the
    commands it contains appears below its name on the menu bar, as shown

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
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    You can use either the keyboard or a mouse to open a menu and select a
    command from the open menu. Here's how.

    To select a command from a menu:

    1.  To open a menu:

    With the keyboard:  Press ALT and the first letter of the menu name. For
    example, to open the Go menu, press ALT+G.

    With the mouse:  Point to the menu name on the menu bar and click the
    left mouse button.

    2.  To select a command:

    With the keyboard:  Press the key matching the highlighted letter in the
    command. For example, to choose the Home command from the Go menu, press

    With the mouse:  Point to the command and click the left mouse button.

                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   31

    In the first step of the above procedure, you learned how to open a menu
    by holding down ALT and pressing a keyboard letter. That keyboard letter
    is called an accelerator key. As you'll see later in the chapter, menus
    aren't the only HyperPAD elements that can be activated by pressing ALT
    and an accelerator key.

    The following are two optional command-selection methods you might want
    to try: Once you've opened a menu with the keyboard or the mouse, you
    can select a command by pressing the up and down arrow keys until the
    desired command is highlighted and then pressing ENTER. And you can
    select a command with a mouse by pointing to the menu name, pressing the
    left mouse button, dragging the highlight bar down to the desired
    command, and then releasing the button. (To avoid selecting the wrong
    command, make sure the highlight bar is correctly positioned before you
    release the button.)

    If you're not sure which menu lists a particular command, use the
    following procedure to browse through the menus.

    To browse through the menus:

    1.  To activate the menu bar, press ALT or F10.

    The name of the last menu you used is highlighted.

    2.  To highlight the name of a different menu, press the left or right
    arrow keys.

    3.  To open the menu whose name is highlighted, press ENTER.

    4.  To open other menus, press the left and right arrow keys.

    As you open each new menu, the previously opened menu automatically

    To open different menus with the mouse, point to the name of each menu
    and click the left mouse button. Every time you open a new menu, the
    previously opened menu automatically closes.

    If you open a menu and then decide that you don't want to pick a
    command, here's how to close the menu without making a selection.

    To close a menu without selecting a command:

    Press the ESC key, click the right mouse button, or place the mouse
    pointer anywhere on the screen other than the menu bar or the open menu
    and click the left mouse button.

                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   32

    To check out some of the keyboard procedures, start by pressing ALT+W to
    open up the Workspace menu, then press S to select the Status Bar
    command. The menu closes, and the message line at the bottom of your
    screen is replaced by the status bar. To turn off the status bar, just
    reopen the Workspace menu and select the Status Bar command again. Not
    only is this a good example of how to select a command, but in the
    process you learned how to activate the status bar!

    Now, let's try some more keyboard procedures. With the Workspace menu
    closed, press ALT or F10. Workspace (the name of the menu you opened
    most recently) is highlighted on the menu bar. Use the left and right
    arrow keys to move the highlight around the menu bar. When File is
    highlighted, press ENTER to open the File menu. Practice using the up
    and down arrow keys to move the highlight bar through the File menu's
    list of commands. Then use the left and right arrow keys to open other
    menus. Once you're comfortable with these techniques, press ESC to close
    whatever menu is now open.

    If you have a mouse, point to Workspace on the menu bar and click the
    left mouse button. When the Workspace menu opens, turn on the status bar
    by pointing to the Status Bar command and clicking the left mouse
    button. Practice opening different menus by pointing to the menu names
    on the menu bar and clicking the left mouse button. Point to File on the
    menu bar, press the left mouse button, and practice dragging the
    highlight bar up and down the File menu's commands. (If you accidentally
    select a command, press ESC to cancel it.) When you're through
    practicing, click the right mouse button to close whatever menu is now


    HyperPAD gives you the ability to select certain commands and carry out
    certain actions by using a keyboard shortcut. A keyboard shortcut can
    consist of either a single keystroke or a keystroke combination. If a
    keyboard shortcut is available for a menu command, it appears to the
    right of that command on the menu.

    The Go menu, shown at the start of this subsection, contains
    some examples. The Help command is followed by F1, which means you could
    press F1 to access the Help system without opening the Go menu. *F5
    appears after the Home command, meaning you could press ALT+F5 ("*"
    means "ALT") to return to the Home pad from anywhere in HyperPAD. ^PGUP
    appears after the First command, meaning you could press CTRL+PGUP ("^"
    means "CTRL") to go directly back to the first page in a pad. And so on.

                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   33

    To try it out, keep all the menus closed and press the F1 key. The Help
    system appears. Press the ESC key to exit from Help and return to the
    page you were on when you pressed F1.

    Once you become more experienced in working with HyperPAD, you'll begin
    to remember the keyboard shortcuts and use them to save yourself time.


    In the course of exploring the menus, you may have discovered that
    you're unable to highlight some commands with the keyboard or the mouse.
    These commands even look different: They may be dimmer than the other
    commands, and they don't have a highlighted accelerator key. What's
    going on?

    There are some commands that HyperPAD won't let you select until you're
    actually ready to carry them out--for example, the Edit menu's Cut,
    Copy, and Delete commands. These commands (which you'll learn about in
    Chapter 9) are for editing text, and in order to use them, you must
    first select a specific block of text that you want to cut, copy, or
    delete. If you haven't done so, HyperPAD "knows" you're in no position
    to perform those particular operations and therefore prevents you from
    selecting the commands. But once you take whatever preparatory action is
    needed, HyperPAD enables the commands related to that operation so you
    can select them.

                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   34


    In the first section of the chapter, we explained that many buttons are
    navigation devices that you can use to travel from the page on which the
    button appears to another pad or page within HyperPAD or to somewhere
    outside of HyperPAD. To start the journey, you have to select the button
    that links you to your desired destination. Here's how to do it.

    To select a button:

    With the keyboard:  Press the TAB key and/or the arrow keys until the
    button you want to select is highlighted (pressing SHIFT+TAB moves the
    highlight backward); then press ENTER.

    With the mouse: Place the mouse pointer on the button you want to select
    and click the left mouse button.

    If you're ever unsure which items on a HyperPAD screen are buttons,
    press CTRL+ALT. A dotted border will be displayed around all the buttons
    and fields on the current page.

    To check out how buttons work, go to the Home pad, which was shown at
    the start of the first section in this chapter. (If you aren't at the
    Home pad right now, hold down the ALT key and press F5 [ALT+F5] to go
    directly to the Home pad from anywhere in HyperPAD.) Use TAB, SHIFT+TAB,
    and the arrow keys to move the highlight from one button to another on
    the Home pad. In the course of moving the highlight around, you'll
    discover that the rectangles in the "What would you like to do?" box get
    highlighted, as do F1=Help on the title bar and Shut Down and ESC=Exit
    in the lower right corner of the screen. These items are all buttons.

    Once you're comfortable using the keyboard to move the highlight from
    one button to another, use the keyboard or the mouse to select the Go to
    a pad button. A screen appears with even more buttons!

                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   35

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 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │
    You've just used the Go to a pad button to travel from the Home pad to
    the Pads screen, from which you can access many of the pads that come
    with HyperPAD. In Chapter 3, you'll learn more about this screen, but
    since we're just sightseeing right now, use the keyboard or the mouse to
    select the Home button in the lower right corner of the screen to make
    the return journey from the Pads screen to the Home pad.


    In the first half of this chapter, you were introduced to the command
    line, a feature that appears on many HyperPAD screens to display not
    only commands that are specific to the current pad but also menu
    commands used frequently in working with the pad.

    Use the following accelerator key method to select a command from the
    command line.

    To select a command from the command line:

    Hold down ALT and press the number on the keyboard that matches the
    number in front of the command.

    Note: You must press the appropriate number on the keyboard, not on the
    numeric keypad.

    You may recall that we said the commands on the command line are
    actually special numbered buttons. So if you wanted to, you could select

                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   36

    them just as you would select any other button--i.e., by pressing TAB,
    SHIFT+TAB, and the arrow keys to highlight the command you want to
    select and then pressing ENTER or by pointing to the desired command and
    clicking the left mouse button. However, you'll find the accelerator key
    method is much faster.

    To check it out, go to the Home pad (ALT+F5) and select the Manage files
    button. A pad called the DOS Shell appears.

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 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    The DOS Shell lets you perform a wide range of file-management tasks, as
    you'll see in Chapter 4. But for the moment, all you're going to do is
    get a taste for the kinds of things that can happen when you select a
    command from the command line.

    Start by pressing ALT+1 to select the Sort command. A list called a pop-
    up appears, offering you a choice of different ways to sort your files.
    Close the pop-up by pressing the ESC key or clicking the right mouse
    button. Now select the Tree command (ALT+2). A list (called a tree view)
    appears showing the breakdown of directories on one of your local
    drives. (Notice that the tree list has its own command line.) Press the
    ESC key to exit from the tree view and return to the DOS Shell. And
    finally, select the Browse command (ALT+8). A rectangle (called a dialog
    box) is superimposed on the screen, asking you which file you'd like to
    browse. Press the ESC key or click the right mouse button to close this
    dialog box. Then press ALT+F5 to return to the Home pad.

                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   37


    Many HyperPAD screens have fields--rectangular areas into which
    information can be entered. On the page from the Phone pad shown in the
    first section of this chapter, you saw a number of fields, with John
    Smith's name, address, and phone numbers typed in. (If you ever have
    trouble telling which areas of a page are fields, remember the tip we
    gave you earlier in the chapter: Press CTRL+ALT to make a dotted border
    appear around all the buttons and fields on the current page.)

    Using fields requires two skills: First you have to know how to get the
    cursor into the field you want to work with; then you have to know how
    to add new information or edit existing information.

    To enter and type into a field:

    1.  To enter the field where you want to type:

    With the keyboard:  Press the TAB key until the field is highlighted
    (pressing SHIFT+TAB moves the highlight backward); then press F2 to
    unhighlight the field so you can start typing.

    With the mouse:  Move the mouse pointer to the spot in the field where
    you want to start typing and click the left mouse button to place the
    cursor there.

    2.  To move the cursor around the text in the field, either use the
    arrow keys or reposition the cursor with the mouse; to delete text, use
    the BACKSPACE key.

    3.  To go to the next button or field when you're done, press TAB or
    point to the desired item and click the left mouse button.

    To check it out, go to the Home pad (press ALT+F5 ) and select the Go to
    a pad button. When the Pads screen appears, select the Phone button.
    John Smith's page, which you saw earlier in this chapter, appears. To
    get a fresh page that you can experiment with, select the New command
    from the command line (ALT+7). When the new page appears, try using TAB
    and SHIFT+TAB to move the highlight from one field to another.

    Once you're comfortable moving the highlight around, either press the F2
    key or place the cursor in a field with the mouse and then type in some
    information. Use the keyboard or the mouse to enter a couple of more
    fields and type in additional information. Then use the keyboard or the
    mouse to reenter the fields into which you've already typed text and
    practice pressing the arrow keys to move the cursor around within the
    text. Try using the BACKSPACE key to delete some text. When you're
    finished, press ALT+F5 to return to the Home pad.

                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   38

    Scrollable fields:  Some HyperPAD screens, such as the one shown here,
    have scrollable fields.

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 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │
    The important thing to realize about a scrollable field is that it's
    capable of containing far more information than what you see displayed
    at one time. You can use the keyboard and mouse techniques shown in the
    accompanying tables to "scroll" (move) up and down through the
    information until the material you're after is displayed in the field.

    Key(s):                   Action:
    Arrow keys                Move the cursor in the direction of the arrows
                              by pressing the up/down arrow keys, you can
                              scroll the cursor up/down through the text.

    PLUS key (keypad)         Moves the cursor down one page.

    MINUS key (keypad)        Moves the cursor up one page.

    HOME key                  Moves the cursor to the start of the current

    END key                   Moves the cursor to the end of the current

    CTRL+END keys             Moves the cursor to the end of the field.

                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   39

    To get some practice with a scrollable field, let's go to the Daily
    Planner's Notes for the day field, which you saw earlier in this
    subsection.  Start by returning to the Home pad (ALT+F5) and selecting
    the Go to a pad button; then select the Daily Planner button.  When the
    Daily Planner page appears, place the cursor in the Notes for the day
    field and type in a numbered list 15 items long.  As you get to about
    item 9, you'll see the field scroll up to give you more room to type.
    Once you've entered all 15 items, try using the keyboard and mouse
    techniques presented in the tables to move around through the text in
    the field.  When you're finished, press ALT+F5 to return to the Home

    Mouse technique:                        Action:
    Point to the up/down scroll             Moves the cursor up/down one
    arrow and click the left mouse          line at a time.

    Point to the up/down scroll             Moves the cursor up/down
    arrow and press the left mouse          continuously.
    button, releasing the button when
    the desired text comes into view.

    Place the mouse pointer on the          Moves the cursor up/down
    field, press the left mouse button,     extremely rapidly.
    and drag the mouse up/down,
    releasing the button when the
    desired text comes into view.

                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   40


    Sometimes you'll ask HyperPAD to perform a particular operation and
    HyperPAD starts by telling you what your available options are. You
    might, for example, select the Home pad's Run a program button because
    you want to launch one of your other software programs. Since HyperPAD
    can't take any action until you specify which program to run, it
    displays a list box (a new feature in HyperPAD 2.0, an example of which
    is illustrated here) showing the programs that can currently be
    launched, so you can pick the one you're after.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
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    A list box, then, is simply a device that HyperPAD uses to let you
    select from a large number of choices.

    In order to work with list boxes, you have to know how to perform three
    operations.  First, you have to know how to use the keyboard or the
    mouse to highlight an item on the list.  Then you have to know how to
    either select an item or mark one or more items.  (Whether you select an
    item or mark items depends on what type of operation you want to perform
    in a particular list box.  You can select only one item at a time from a
    list box, but you can mark as many items as you want.)

    As you can see from the illustration, list boxes are scrollable.  This
    means that in many ways list boxes work like scrollable fields.  List
    boxes often contain more information than what you see displayed at one
    time, and you can use a number of keyboard and mouse techniques to move
    up and down through the information until the item you're after is
    displayed in the list box.

                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   41

    Key:                    Action
    Up/down arrow keys      Move the highlight up/down one line.

    A...Z keys              Move the highlight directly to the first
                            item on the list starting with that letter.

    PLUS key (keypad)       Moves the highlight down one page.

    MINUS key (keypad)      Moves the highlight up one page.

    HOME key                Moves the highlight to the first item on the

    END key                 Moves the highlight to the last item on the

    To use a list box with the keyboard, press TAB until the highlight
    enters the list box you want to work with (if the highlight isn't
    already on one of the items there).  Now that one of the items in the
    list box is highlighted, you can use the keys presented in the
    accompanying table to move the highlight bar to the desired item.  Some
    of the same keys are used to move around within list boxes as to move
    around within scrollable fields;  however, notice that there are some

    If the list you're working with exceeds the length of the list box, you
    can make the list scroll up to reveal additional items by continuing to
    press the down arrow when the highlight reaches the last item displayed
    in the list box or by pressing the plus key on the numeric keypad.  You
    can make the list scroll down by continuing to press the up arrow when
    the cursor reaches the first item displayed in the list box or by
    pressing the minus key on the numeric keypad.

    Once you've highlighted the desired item with the keyboard, press ENTER
    to select it or press SPACE to mark it.  When you mark a list box item,
    an arrow appears in the left margin of the list box beside the item.
    (To unmark an item, just highlight it and press SPACE again.)

    If you have a mouse, you can scroll through a list box using the same
    techniques presented earlier in the chapter for moving through a
    scrollable field.  Once the desired item is visible in the list box, you
    can select the item by pointing to it with the mouse and double-clicking

                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   42

    the left mouse button.  You can mark an item by pointing to it with the
    mouse and clicking the right mouse button.  (To unmark an item, just
    point to it with the mouse and click the right mouse button again.)

    To check it out, select the Run a program button on the Home pad to
    display the Programs list box shown at the start of this subsection.  If
    necessary, TAB or use the mouse to move the highlight into the list box;
    then practice using the keyboard and mouse techniques presented in this
    chapter to move the highlight through the list.

    Try using the keyboard and the mouse to mark and unmark a few items on
    the list.  If you're feeling adventurous, launch one of your other
    software programs by selecting it with the keyboard or the mouse.  When
    you exit from the program, you'll come right back to the Programs list
    box.  Press ALT+F5 to return to the Home pad once you're through


    Whenever HyperPAD needs to communicate with you--i.e., to send you a
    message or get some information from you--it displays a special window,
    called a dialog box. Every dialog box has one or more controls, which
    are devices you can use to specify information or change a setting.

    The most basic type of dialog box is the error message, an example of
    which is shown here.

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 │                                                                       │

    This error message explains why HyperPAD can't carry out your command.
    <<Ok>> is already highlighted, so all you have to do is press ENTER to
    acknowledge that you've received the message.

                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   43

    Selecting the Printer Setup command from the File menu calls up the
    following more complicated HyperPAD dialog box, in which there are three
    types of controls: a list box, a group of option buttons, and a text

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    If you use the Print command on the File menu to tell HyperPAD you want
    to print columns, you also get a relatively complicated dialog box,
    shown here, in which, in addition to the controls you saw earlier, there
    are some option buttons. (In a minute, we'll explain the difference
    between option buttons and option button groups.)

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 │                                                                       │

    Earlier in the chapter, when you practiced opening menus and viewing
    their lists of commands, you may have wondered why some of the commands
    are followed by three periods (called ellipses). For instance, ellipses
    appear after many of the commands on the File menu, shown here.

                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   44

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 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    Ellipses after a menu command are a tip-off that HyperPAD is going to
    need certain information from you in order to carry out that command--
    i.e., that HyperPAD will present a dialog box if you select the command.

    To fill out any kind of dialog box, you must know three things: how to
    move the highlight between and within controls, how to operate each type
    of control, and how to tell HyperPAD that you're through with the dialog


    Moving the highlight between dialog box controls is simple. Just keep
    pressing the TAB key until the control you want to work with is
    highlighted. (Press SHIFT+TAB to move the highlight backward.)

    Once you've reached the desired control, how you move the highlight from
    one item to another within it depends on what type of control it is.
    Therefore, navigating within dialog box controls is discussed in the
    following subsections on the various controls.


    Text boxes are one dialog box control you should have no
    trouble operating, since typing into a text box is just like typing into
    a field, which you learned how to do earlier in this chapter. When

                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   45

    you're through entering information in a text box, move to the next
    control either by pressing TAB or by pointing to it with the mouse and
    clicking the left mouse button.


    List boxes, another HyperPAD feature discussed earlier in this chapter,
    can also appear within dialog boxes, where they're used to let you
    quickly choose from a list. For instance, to change the name of the
    current printer in the Printer Setup dialog box, illustrated at the
    start of this subsection, just select the name of another printer from
    the list box (by highlighting the name with the keyboard and pressing
    ENTER or by pointing to it with the mouse and double-clicking the left
    mouse button). The newly selected name is now shown as the current


    An option button is a dialog box control that can be turned on
    (selected) or turned off (unselected). To toggle an option button from
    selected to unselected or vice versa, either TAB to the option button
    and press SPACE or point to it with the mouse and click the left mouse
    button. When an option button is selected, an "X" appears within the
    brackets in front of the button. Once you've changed the option button's
    setting, TAB to the next control.

    An option button group is an interconnected set of mutually exclusive
    options--i.e., only one option from the group can be selected at any
    given time. For example, in the Print Column Report dialog box, shown
    earlier, the Spacing list is a group of two option buttons--Single and
    Double. Clearly, you can pick just one of these options, since a report
    can't simultaneously be both single- and double-spaced. (In contrast,
    the option buttons in the Names column of this dialog box are not
    grouped--i.e., they're not mutually exclusive. In the illustration, both
    Field and Page are selected in the Names column, since there's no reason
    why you can't simultaneously print field names and page names in your
    report. Or you could have told HyperPAD to print only one of these two
    names or neither name.)

    To select an option from an option button group, TAB to the group of
    option buttons and then use the up and down arrow keys to move the
    highlight through the options. As you highlight each option, an "X"
    appears in the parentheses in front of the option. When the desired
    option is highlighted, press TAB to select that option and proceed to
    the next control. Or point to the desired option with the mouse and
    click the left mouse button. When you click on an option, an "X" appears

                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   46

    within the parentheses in front of the option and the previously
    selected option in the group is automatically unselected.

    You've probably noticed that option buttons and option button groups
    look pretty similar and that a single dialog box can contain a number of
    option buttons as well as one or more option button groups. So the
    question is, how do you tell whether a control is an option button
    (which can be selected or unselected independently of other option
    buttons) or whether it's part of an option button group (which functions
    as an interconnected set of options from which you can make only one
    selection at a time)?

    Here's an easy way to tell at a glance: Each option button is preceded
    by a pair of brackets [  ], whereas each option in an option button
    group is preceded by a pair of parentheses (  ). Just look for the
    parentheses or the brackets, and you'll know how to operate the control.


    After you've typed in all the required information and made any
    necessary changes to a dialog box's settings, TAB to <<Ok>> and press
    ENTER or point to <<Ok>> and click the left mouse button. This tells
    HyperPAD that you're through with the dialog box and that it can now
    close the box and carry out your instructions.

    If you want to exit from a dialog box without changing the status of any
    of the controls, either press the ESC key, TAB to <Cancel> and press
    ENTER, or point to <Cancel> and click the left mouse button. Even if
    you've already typed information into a text box or changed some of the
    dialog box's settings, this tells HyperPAD to ignore these changes
    (i.e., leave the dialog box the way it originally was) and just close
    the box.


    In some cases, you'll open a dialog box and find that HyperPAD has
    already chosen certain options and values to save you the trouble of
    doing so. These preselected settings, which are the settings HyperPAD
    "expects" you to choose, are called default settings. For example, in
    the dialog box used to set up pages for your printer, one of HyperPAD's
    default settings is for letter-size paper measuring 8.5 inches by 11
    inches--the most common choice. If HyperPAD failed to guess your
    intentions correctly, you can easily change these default settings.

                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   47

    For practice, you can work with the dialog boxes shown in this
    subsection. To access the Printer Setup dialog box, open the File menu
    and select the Printer Setup command (ALT+F, U). Use the keyboard or the
    mouse to select different printers from the Available printers list box
    and watch how your selections change the name of the Current printer
    (displayed above the list box).

    TAB to the Print to control (a group of option buttons) and use the up
    and down arrow keys to move the highlight within the group. If you have
    a mouse, try selecting different options in this group. When you're
    through practicing, close the dialog box by selecting <Cancel>, pressing
    the ESC key, or clicking the right mouse button.

    To call up the Print Column Report dialog box, you must be on a page
    with fields (HyperPAD won't present this dialog box unless it knows
    you're working with a page on which printable information could be
    typed). Go to the Home pad, select the Go to a pad button, and then
    select the Index Cards button. When the Index Cards pad appears, select
    the Print command from the File menu (ALT+F, P). This brings up the
    Print dialog box, which has only one control--an option button group.
    Use the up and down arrow keys or the mouse to select the Columns
    option. When you select <<Ok>> or press ENTER, the Print Column Reports
    dialog box appears.

    Move the highlight to the Names column and practice selecting both of
    the option buttons, or only one of them, or neither. If you want more
    practice with an option button group, work with the options in the
    Spacing column. If you want more practice with text boxes, type in new
    information for the header and footer and for the margins. When you're
    finished with the dialog box, close it as indicated above.


    When we talk about navigating within HyperPAD, we're referring to the
    techniques you can use to travel around a HyperPAD screen, to travel
    within a pad, and to travel between pads. This subsection will review
    some methods you're already familiar with and introduce a number of new


    You've already seen how to use the arrow keys, TAB, and SHIFT+TAB to
    move the highlight around the buttons on a HyperPAD screen and how to
    use TAB and SHIFT+TAB to move between fields. You've also seen how to

                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   48

    move the highlight to the name of the most recently selected menu on the
    menu bar by pressing the F10 key.

    You've also learned how to save yourself time by using accelerator keys
    to open menus and to select commands from the command line (i.e., hold
    down the ALT key and press either the highlighted letter in the menu
    name or the number of the command on the command line), as well as to
    select commands from an open menu (i.e., just press the highlighted
    letter in the command, without holding down ALT).

    However, you may not have realized that other HyperPAD elements can
    sometimes have accelerator keys, too, such as dialog box options and
    buttons that are not on the command line. To identify the accelerator
    keys on a particular screen, press ALT and see which letters and numbers
    become highlighted. You can select any of these items simply by pressing
    the highlighted letter or number while holding down ALT (i.e., without
    bothering to move the highlight around).

    To check it out, select the Printer Setup command from the File menu to
    call up the Printer Setup dialog box again. (You saw this dialog box and
    experimented with it in the preceding subsection of this chapter.) Press
    ALT and watch the dialog box for highlighted accelerator keys. In this
    case, 1, 2, F, O, and C become highlighted, so you could select the LPT1
    option in the Print to group by pressing the accelerator key 1 while
    holding down ALT (ALT+1); you could select the File option in this group
    by pressing ALT+F; you could select <<Ok>> by pressing ALT+O; etc.


    When you work with pads that have more than one page (such as the Phone
    pad, which you saw in the first section of this chapter), you need to
    know how to get from one page to another within the pad. You could
    always open the Go menu and select the Next, Previous, First, and Last
    commands to get to the following or preceding page in a pad or to the
    first or last page, but HyperPAD also offers some considerably faster
    navigation techniques.

    Earlier in the chapter, you learned about keyboard shortcuts--single
    keystrokes or keystroke combinations that you can press to activate a
    command without even opening a menu. The keyboard shortcuts for
    navigation are PGUP and PGDN (to go to the previous page or the next
    page in a pad) and CTRL+PGUP and CTRL+PGDN (to go to the first page or
    the last page in a pad).

                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   49

    You can also travel between pages by selecting one of the on-screen
    paging buttons, shown here.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    Selecting the left-hand paging button moves you back one page within the
    pad; selecting the right-hand paging button moves you forward one page.

    The paging buttons are just like any other HyperPAD buttons, so you can
    select them with the same keyboard and mouse techniques for button
    selection that you learned earlier in
    the chapter.

    If you want to create a new page within the pad, press the F3 key. The
    new page is inserted right after the page you were on when you pressed
    F3, and the remaining pages in the pad are renumbered accordingly. You
    can now use the methods described above to travel to and from your new

    To check it out, go to the Notes pad. (To get there, go to the Home pad,
    select the Go to a pad button, then select Notes from the Pads screen.)
    Start by selecting the Status Bar command from the Workspace menu if you
    don't already have the status bar displayed. That way, you'll be able to
    see the page numbers on the status bar as you move around within the
    Notes pad. Press F3 several times to create some new pages, since you
    won't get much navigational practice if your pad only has a page or two.

    Practice using the PGUP and PGDN keys to go from one page to another.
    Try pressing PGUP and PGDN while holding down the CTRL key to skip
    straight to the first and last pages in the pad. Move between pages by
    selecting the paging buttons with the keyboard or the mouse. When you're
    through experimenting, return to the Home pad by pressing ALT+F5.


    You've already learned that you can move from one pad to another if the
    page you're on has a button that links it to another pad.

    A couple of very common HyperPAD buttons are F1=Help (which appears on
    all title bars except those in the Help system) and Home. You could also
    reach the Help pad and the Home pad by selecting the Help and Home

                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   50

    commands from the Go menu or by using the keyboard shortcuts F1 (for
    Help) and ALT+F5 (for Home).

    When you experimented with the Notes pad in the preceding subsection,
    you might have noticed the following little angled double arrow near the
    bottom of the page.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    This arrow, called the return button, takes you back to the place in
    HyperPAD from which you originally accessed the current pad. For
    example, if you select the return button on the Notes pad, you'll go to
    the Pads screen again, which is where you were when you called up the
    Notes pad. Return buttons are most often found on pads that you reach
    via the Pads screen, and they provide a quick way to come back to that
    screen so you can pick another pad.

    On some HyperPAD screens, you'll see a button that reads ESC=Done, which
    serves a similar purpose. Selecting ESC=Done returns you to wherever you
    were when you called up the current screen.

    Pressing the ESC key on the keyboard has the same effect as selecting
    the on-screen return button or the ESC=Done button. It takes you from
    one screen in HyperPAD to the place from which you accessed that screen.
    For example, if you're in a dialog box, pressing ESC takes you back to
    the screen from which you called up the dialog box. If you're in a pad
    that you reached from the Pads screen, pressing ESC takes you back to
    the Pads screen. From there, you could press ESC to return to the Home
    pad, which is the screen from which the Pads screen is accessed. Once
    you finally reach the Home pad, pressing ESC starts the procedure for
    exiting from HyperPAD.


    If you ever want to retrace your steps through HyperPAD, just press the
    F5 key repeatedly. This takes you back through the pages you've just
    viewed, one page at a time--regardless of whether the pages are in the
    same pad or in different pads. (You could also backtrack by selecting
    the Back command from the Go menu over and over again.)

    To check it out, try pressing F5 a few times. You'll see the pages
    you've just been using, starting with the most recent and working

                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   51

    backward from there. Whenever you get tired of backtracking, just press
    ALT+F5 to return to the Home pad.


    HyperPAD's on-line Help system is discussed in detail in Chapter 6. But
    just in case you get into trouble (or simply get curious) before then,
    we'll tell you how to access this feature.

    Pressing F1 on your keyboard calls up a Pad Help page that summarizes
    key information about the screen you were just viewing. You can then get
    even more information by selecting the summary screen's Index button
    (which appears on all Pad Help pages except Indexes) to access a list of
    Help topics for the current pad.

    Once you're in Pad Help, pressing F1 a second time calls up the Index
    for General Help; you can select from the topics listed there to get
    further information about basic HyperPAD operations.

    Whenever you're done using Pad Help or General Help, just
    press the ESC key to return to the page you were working on when you
    accessed Help.


    In Chapter 1, you were firmly cautioned not to turn off your computer
    until you first follow one of several very simple and quick procedures
    for exiting from HyperPAD. Two of these exiting methods are to press the
    ESC key when you're on the Home pad or hold down CTRL and press Q
    (CTRL+Q) from anywhere in HyperPAD. HyperPAD then asks you to confirm
    your intentions by presenting a dialog box with the question "Are you
    sure you want to exit?" You can reply by selecting <<Ok>> or <Cancel>.
    Another approach is to select the Home pad's Shut Down button, which
    calls up a dialog box advising you that "You may now turn off your
    computer safely."

    The reason this step is so crucial is that when you give fair warning
    that you're about to end the current session, HyperPAD immediately saves
    your data, whereas if you shut off your machine without announcing your
    intentions in advance, you could lose important data, including whole

                          Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   52

    Another way to exit (besides the ESC, CTRL+Q, and Shut Down methods) is
    to select the Exit command from the File menu. When you leave HyperPAD
    in this manner, HyperPAD does not present a dialog box asking you to
    verify your decision but instead immediately returns you to DOS once you
    select Exit.


    After reading this chapter, you should recognize the elements that are
    common to all or most HyperPAD screens and know how to perform basic
    operations in HyperPAD, including accessing Pad Help and General Help,
    selecting buttons, and selecting commands from the command line. You
    should also be able to use a mouse (if you have one) for basic HyperPAD
    tasks, navigate within HyperPAD, type into a field, open up a menu and
    select from the commands displayed there, and use list boxes and dialog
    boxes to communicate your intentions to HyperPAD. And finally, you
    should know how to exit from HyperPAD. Armed with this information,
    you're all set to start using HyperPAD!


                                 Appendix 1: General Error Messages   357


    HyperPAD displays an error message when it finds itself unable to carry
    out a command or action. The message displayed is intended to help you
    understand the error and take an appropriate action. This section lists
    each of the HyperPAD general error messages in numerical order, and
    includes a description of each error and suggestions for recovering.


    All error messages are contained in the file HPAD.MSG, which was copied
    to your hard disk when you first installed HyperPAD. If HPAD.MSG is not
    present, only the error number is displayed when an error occurs.

    See  Appendix 1 of the PADtalk Reference Guide for errors received when
    using PADtalk.

    1.   Can't delete page while linking.

    You chose the <Link To...> option from a Button Info dialog box, then
    attempted to delete the page containing the button you are linking.

    If you want to delete this page, press ESC to cancel the Link To action,
    then choose the Delete command (ALT+E,D) from the Edit menu.

    2.   Can't delete protected page.

    You have attempted to delete a page with the Cant delete option set in
    the Page Info dialog box.

    Open the Page Info dialog box and set the Can't delete option off, then
    choose Delete from the Edit menu to delete the page.

    3.   Can't delete last page.

    You have attempted to delete the only remaining page of a pad.

    HyperPAD does not permit you to delete a pad in this way. To delete a
    pad, choose Delete from the File menu.

                                 Appendix 1: General Error Messages   358

    4.   Can't duplicate object.

    You have attempted to duplicate a button or a field when your system
    lacks sufficient memory to carry out the action.

    Exit HyperPAD, then try to free up some memory in your system by
    removing Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) programs from memory. Then
    start HyperPAD and try this action again.

    You can also try reducing the number of objects on a page, therefore
    reducing the memory requirement of the page.

    5.   Can't delete protected pad.

    You have attempted to delete a pad with the Can't delete pad option set
    in the Protect dialog box.

    Choose Protect from the File menu and set the Can't delete pad" option
    to Off, then choose Delete from the File menu.

    6.   Not enough memory to edit script.

    You have attempted to edit a script when there is not enough memory.

    Exit HyperPAD, then try to free up some memory in your system by
    removing Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) programs from memory. Then
    start HyperPAD and try this action again.

    You might also try reducing the number of objects on the page, thereby
    reducing the memory requirement.

    7.   Can't modify protected pad.

    You have attempted to modify a "read-only" pad.

    To make it possible to modify this pad, choose Protect from the File
    menu and set the Read Only option to off. (If Protect does not appear on
    your File menu, press ESC to close the File menu, then press ALT+SHIFT+F
    to open the extended File menu).

                                 Appendix 1: General Error Messages   359

    8.   Reserved.

    Reserved for future use.

    9.   Invalid pad or wrong version.

    You have attempted to load a DOS file that is either not a pad file, is
    a corrupt pad file, or was created with a later version of HyperPAD than
    the version you are running.

    10.  Can't use tool at current user level.

    You have attempted to choose a tool when the user level of the pad is
    set too low. This error is displayed, for example, if you attempt to use
    the Selector tool while the user level is set to Painting.

    Choose Protect from the File menu to increase the user level of the pad.

    11.  Can't go to that page.

    You have attempted to go to a page that does not exist.

    To see the current page number, turn the status bar on with the
    Workspace Status bar command. To go to the last page, press CTRL+PGDN.

    12.  Premature end of file (possible non-ASCII file).

    You have attempted to import an ASCII file with the Import command, but
    the file you chose contains an unexpected end of file character.

    Check to make sure that the file you are trying to import is an ASCII
    text file and repeat the Import command.

    13.  Can't find file.

    You have attempted to run a program that HyperPAD can't find. HyperPAD
    searches the current directory, the directory from which you started,
    the directory specified by the environment variable HPADNET, and every
    directory specified in your DOS path.

    Choose Run from the File menu, then enter a valid program filename,
    including a directory in front of the filename if the program is not in
    your DOS path.

                                 Appendix 1: General Error Messages   360

    14.  Invalid print settings--change and try again.

    You entered incorrect information in a dialog box when you attempted to
    print. You may have specified an invalid range of pages or more pages
    than will fit on a printed page using the current printer settings.

    First, choose Printer Setup from the File menu to make sure that
    HyperPAD is using the printer driver for your printer. Then choose Print
    from the File menu and complete the dialog boxes that appears.

    15.  Can't edit scripts at current user level.

    You have attempted to edit a script in a pad whose user level is not

    Choose Protect from the File menu to set the User option to Scripting.

    16.  Printer not ready.

    The printer reported an error receiving characters that you sent with
    the print command.

    Check that the printer cable is connected to your parallel port and make
    sure that the printer is turned on and on-line.

    17.  Can't delete home pad.

    You have attempted to delete the Home pad.

    Due to the importance of the Home pad in the HyperPAD message passing
    hierarchy, you cannot delete the Home pad from within HyperPAD. Use the
    DOS Delete command to delete the HOME.PAD file.

    18.  No records to import.

    You have selected a DBF file that is empty.

    Load dBASE III or another file that reads and writes DBF files and enter
    some records into the file. Then repeat the Import command.

    19.  Modem port not found.

    You have attempted to use the dial command, but HyperPAD can't find the
    serial port you have chosen.

    Open the Dial pad and make sure that the communications port you chose
    for your modem is correct, then attempt the action again.

                                 Appendix 1: General Error Messages   361

    20.  No response from modem.

    HyperPAD has sent a Hayes command to your modem, but the modem did not
    respond as expected.

    Make sure that your modem is on and is properly connected to your PC. If
    so, it may be that your modem is not fully Hayes compatible.

    21.  Error printing.

    There has been an error by DOS while printing.

    Since DOS does not provide any specific information about the error, you
    may have to try a number of actions. Check the connection between your
    system and your printer. Make sure that your printer is on and is ready
    to print. And make sure that there the paper is properly loaded. If
    these actions do not correct the error, choose File Printer Setup from
    the File menu and make sure that HyperPAD is using the correct printer

    22.  Can't edit mastered script.

    You have attempted to edit a script that has been stripped of its source
    code using the STRIP utility program. (This utility removes the readable
    portions of scripts in a pad, leaving only the compiled code needed for
    HyperPAD to run the pad).

    Locate the original pad containing the full scripts and edit the scripts
    in that pad, then remaster the pad with the STRIP utility.

    23.  Invalid file name.

    You have entered an invalid DOS filename, such as the name of a reserved
    DOS device like "con", "prn", "aux", "lpt", "lst" or "nul", into a
    dialog box.

    Make sure the filename you specified into the dialog box is a valid.

    Invalid characters include: =,:;*?![]()/.$\~+

    24.  Can't create file.

    You have attempted to create a file, either by Saving a copy or with the
    create command, but the filename you specified was invalid, or the disk
    you are working with is full, or the directory you are working with
    contains too many files.

    Try specifying a different name, or a different disk drive.

                                 Appendix 1: General Error Messages   362

    25.  Field too big to import.

    You have attempted to read a delimited ASCII file that contains more
    than 255 characters in a single field. (HyperPAD could be fooled into
    thinking there were more than 255 characters in a field if the quote
    required to close the field is missing).

    Run the program that you originally used to create the delimited ASCII
    file and make sure that all fields stay with the 255 character limit,
    then start HyperPAD and repeat the action.

    26.  No background fields to print.

    You have attempted to print a Label, Row or Column report from a pad
    that has no background fields.

    Since there aren't any background fields, try using Print Pages command
    from the File menu.

    27.  Can't find text.

    You have chosen Find from within the Script Editor, but HyperPAD cannot
    find the text you entered.

    Choose Find from the Search menu and enter a different string to search

    28.  Error in file HPAD.PRN.

    You have attempted to print, but HyperPAD cannot find the printer
    definition file called HPAD.PRN.

    Locate  your original HyperPAD disks, copy the file named HPAD.PRN into
    the directory containing HyperPAD, then start HyperPAD and attempt to
    print again.

    29.  Page wrong size for this pad.

    You have attempted to paste a page from a pad into a pad of a different
    size. For example, you may have attempted to copy a page from a 43-line
    pad into a 25-line pad.

    There is no way to copy different sized pages from pad to pad. However,
    you can copy fields and buttons between pages and backgrounds regardless
    of their mode.

                                 Appendix 1: General Error Messages   363

    30.  Object too big for page.

    You have attempted to paste an object whose height is larger than the
    height of the target page. This error would occur if you attempt to copy
    a button that is 40 lines high into a pad that is only 25 lines high.

    Resize the object so it will fit on the target page.

    31.  Block too big for page.

    You have attempted to paste a marked block than the size of the page.
    This error would occur if you attempt to copy a marked block that is 30
    lines high (from a 43 line pad) into a pad that is only 25 lines high.

    32.  Out of memory on import.

    You have attempted to import a large ASCII text file into a field or
    when there was insufficient memory.

    Check to make sure that the ASCII file is not too large. (The number of
    bytes listed in a DOS directory listing will give you an approximation
    of the number of characters). If the file is less then 30,000 bytes in
    size, try to free up some memory in your system by removing Terminate
    and Stay Resident programs from memory. Then try importing again.

    33.  Can't open file.

    You have attempted to load a file, but DOS reported an error.

    This error will occur if the file you have attempted to load is in use
    by another user or program. If you are on a network, make sure that no
    one has opened the file you are trying to open.

    34.  Wrong password.

    You have attempted to open a password protected pad and supplied an
    incorrect password.

    Try typing the password again.

    35.  Can't rename pad.

    You opened the Pad Info dialog box and entered an invalid filename into
    the Pad Name field.

    Try entering a valid DOS filename. Also, you cannot specify a different
    directory in the new name of the pad.

                                 Appendix 1: General Error Messages   364

    36.  Invalid sort.

    You have attempted an invalid sort from the Sort dialog box.

    To enter a valid sort, TAB into the Background Field list box and press
    SPACEBAR to select a field to sort by, then select <<Ok>>.

    37.  Reserved.

    Reserved for future use.

    38.  Can't restrict Find to page fields.

    You have attempted to restrict a Find command to a page field.

    Repeat the Find command with a background field.

    39.  No pages match Query.

    HyperPAD could not find any pages that matched your query criteria.

    Attempt the Query command with different criteria.

    40.  Invalid or no query criteria.

    You chose Query from the Database menu but did not complete the Query
    Criteria dialog box properly.

    Modify the information entered into the Query Criteria dialog box.

    41.  Out of disk space.

    You have run out of disk space while trying to copy a stack, compress a
    stack, or perform a large query or sort.

    Exit HyperPAD and use the DOS Delete command to free up some disk space,
    then try the action again.

    42.  Incorrect file type.

    You selected the HyperPAD Capture option from the File Import dialog box
    and chose a file that was not a text mode GX2 file.

    Make sure the GX2 screen you are attempting to import is a text screen
    (and not a graphics file). If necessary, use the CAP utility to capture
    the screen again.

                                 Appendix 1: General Error Messages   365

    43.  Pad screen mode not supported by your video card.

    You have attempted to load a pad that was created in a video mode not
    supported by your video hardware. For example, if you create a 43-line
    pad and then attempt to load the 43-line pad on a CGA system.

    Load a different pad or copy this pad to an EGA system.

    44.  Error creating print file.

    You have attempted to print with an invalid filename specified in the
    Printer Setup dialog box.

    Select Printer Setup from the File menu and specify a valid filename.

    45.  Option not supported by printer.

    You have selected an option in the Page Setup dialog box that the
    current printer driver does not support. You may have selected
    Compressed when the selected printer driver can't print compressed type.

    Choose Printer Setup from the File menu to select a different printer
    driver, then choose the Page Setup command from the File menu.

    46.  Must be browsing a field to import/export text.

    You chose the Text option in the File Import dialog box but were not
    editing a field at the time.

    Choose Browse from the Tools menu, TAB into the field that will receive
    the contents of the text file, then choose the File Import command.

    47.  No text to export.

    You chose the Text option in the File Export dialog box while browsing
    an empty field.

    Make sure you are in a field containing some text before exporting.

    48.  Field widths exceed page width.

    The values in the Width column of the Print Column Report dialog box are
    greater than the width of the printed page.

    Check the width settings in the Page Setup dialog box, then choose
    column widths in the Print Column Report dialog box that fit within the
    specified width of the printed page.

                                 Appendix 1: General Error Messages   366

    49.  Invalid DBASE III file.

    You have attempted to import a file that is not a valid DBF file.

    Try specifying another DBF file. You might also try loading the program
    that created the DBF file and save it again.

    50.  No background fields to export.

    You have attempted to export data to a delimited ASCII or DBF file from
    a pad that contains no background fields.

    Open a pad with background fields before choosing the File Export

    51.  Maximum of 48 fields may be imported.

    You have attempted to import a DBF file that contains more than 48

    Load dBASE III or another program that reads and writes DBF files, then
    modify the structure of the file so it has no more than 48 fields.

    52.  Not enough memory for copy.

    You have attempted to copy an object at a time when there is not enough
    memory in the HyperPAD environment to do so.

    Exit HyperPAD, then try to free up some memory in your system by
    removing Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) programs from memory. Then
    start HyperPAD and try this action again.

    53.  Invalid response from modem

    You have tried to dial the phone, and received an error from the modem.
    HyperPAD expects the modem to respond "OK" to commands.

    Make sure that your modem is on and is properly connected to your PC. If
    so, it may be that your modem is not fully Hayes compatible.

    54.  Can't hang up

    You have attempted to dial the phone, and HyperPAD couldn't disconnect
    the modem from the line.

    It may be that your modem is not fully Hayes compatible.


                                         Chapter 1: Getting Started   7


    Chapter 1 covers everything you need to know in order to get HyperPAD
    running so you can begin working with it. The major topics presented
    here include:

        0  What types of hardware HyperPAD is compatible with

        0  What items your HyperPAD package should contain

        0  Making backup copies of your HyperPAD disks

        0  Installing HyperPAD (if your system has a hard disk)

        0  Starting HyperPAD

        0  Setting HyperPAD up so it will work properly on your system

        0  Checking a file called the README.DOC for the latest information
           about HyperPAD

        0  Ending a HyperPAD session

        0  Getting technical support

                                         Chapter 1: Getting Started   8


    Before you install HyperPAD, please review the two checklists below,
    just to make sure that your system is compatible with HyperPAD and that
    your HyperPAD package is complete.


    The following are the system requirements for using HyperPAD:

        0  Personal computer:   IBM PC, PC-XT, PC-AT, IBM PS/2, Compaq, or
           100% compatible system

        0  Drives:   Two 5.25", 360K floppy drives; or at least one 3.5",
           720K floppy drive; or a hard disk and at least one floppy drive
           (hard disk recommended)

        0  Memory:   448K of available memory

        0  Display and display adapters:   Any color or monochrome display
           or adapter

        0  Operating system:   DOS 2.0 or later

        0  Mouse (optional): Microsoft Mouse or 100% compatible

        0  Printer (optional): HP LaserJet series, IBM Graphics Printer, IBM
           Proprinter, IBM Color Printer, Toshiba P351, Epson FX/MX/LQ,
           Okidata 92/93, Okidata 192/193, Panasonic KX-P4450, Canon LPB-8,
           NEC Pinwriter P6/P7, DEC LA-50, or any printer capable of
           emulating one of the preceding printers

           Note: If you don't have one of the printers listed above,
           HyperPAD also offers the following generic printer options:
           Generic Line Printer, which uses the standard IBM character set
           and works with any printer, and Extended Generic, which uses the
           extended IBM character set, including ASCII characters 127-255.

                                         Chapter 1: Getting Started   9


    The following items should be included in your HyperPAD package:

        0  HyperPAD User's Guide

        0  PADtalk Reference Guide

        0  Quick Reference Guide

        0  Registration Card

        0  The following disks:

    5.25" version of HyperPAD:            3.5" version of HyperPAD
    Program Disk 1                        Program Disk 1 & 2
    Program Disk 2                        Pad & Utility Disk
    Pad Disk                              Help & Tutorial Disk
    Utility Disk
    Tutorial Disk
    Help Disk

    If you're missing any of these items, please call Brightbill-Roberts at
    (315) 474-3400.


    By registering your copy of HyperPAD, you become eligible for free
    technical support and your name gets added to our mailing list so you'll
    receive information on improvements and program updates. Therefore,
    please take a moment to fill out and return the Registration Card, which
    can be found in the HyperPAD disk pack.

                                         Chapter 1: Getting Started   10


    In your HyperPAD package, you found the disks you need to run the
    program. In order to safeguard the original disks against accidental
    modification or damage, we recommend that you make a working copy of
    each of these disks before you begin using HyperPAD. Then put the
    originals away in a safe place and use the working copies to perform any
    operations that require HyperPAD disks. (Your software license agreement
    authorizes you to make backup copies of the HyperPAD disks for this

    In order to carry out the following procedures for making backup copies,
    you'll need a blank disk for each of the HyperPAD disks you want to
    copy, and you'll need to know how to use the Diskcopy command. (See your
    DOS manual if you need information on the Diskcopy command.)

    To back up your HyperPAD disks--dual floppy disk system:

    1.  Insert the first HyperPAD disk you want to copy (the source disk) in
    drive A.

    2.  Insert the blank disk (the target disk) in drive B.

    3.  At the A prompt, type:

    and press ENTER.

    Follow the on-screen instructions until you've copied all of your
    HyperPAD disks.

    To back up your HyperPAD disks--single floppy disk system:

    1.  Put the first HyperPAD disk you want to copy in drive A.

    2.  At the A prompt, type:

    and press ENTER.

    Follow the on-screen instructions until you've copied all of your
    HyperPAD disks.

                                         Chapter 1: Getting Started   11


    If you have a dual (5.25" or 3.5") floppy disk system without a hard
    disk, no installation is required. Go to the next section in this
    chapter, Starting HyperPAD.

    If your computer has a hard disk, HyperPAD's Install program allows you
    to install HyperPAD in a directory there using your working copies. Just
    follow the instructions below.

    To install HyperPAD--hard disk system:

    1.  Put the Utility Disk in the A drive.

    2.  To go to the A drive, type:

    and press ENTER.

    3.  Type:

    and press ENTER.

    By default, HyperPAD makes a directory called HPAD2 on the C drive and
    copies the HyperPAD files to that directory. If you want to install
    HyperPAD on any other drive or assign another directory name, simply use
    the BACKSPACE key to delete C:\HPAD2 and type in the desired drive and

    Please note that your license agreement permits use of HyperPAD on a
    single system, so if you plan to install HyperPAD on a network file
    server, you will need a separate license agreement for each HyperPAD

    Follow the on-screen instructions, and when the system prompts you,
    insert the next disk. When HyperPAD is installed, the program returns
    you to the DOS prompt and you are ready to start HyperPAD.

    To abort the installation procedure at any time, hold down the CTRL key
    and press the BREAK key (CTRL+BREAK).

                                         Chapter 1: Getting Started   12


    Regardless of whether or not you had to install HyperPAD, you must know
    how to start the program before you can begin working with it. How you
    start HyperPAD depends on your system's configuration, so select the
    appropriate procedure from the group below.

    If you plan to use a mouse, make sure the mouse software is active
    before you start HyperPAD. (See your mouse manual if you need
    information on activating the mouse software.)

    To start HyperPAD--dual 5.25" floppy disk system with no hard disk:

    1.  Boot (turn on) your system with DOS.

    2.  Insert your working copy of Program Disk 1 in the A Drive.

    3.  Insert your working copy of Program Disk 2 in the B drive.

    4.  At the A prompt, type:

    and press ENTER.

    HyperPAD starts, and you are now ready to run the Setup pad.

    Note: You should not, under any circumstances, remove Program Disk 1
    while you are working in HyperPAD. However, if you are prompted to do so
    by HyperPAD, you can remove Program Disk 2 and replace it with your
    working copy of the Pad Disk in order to use the applications, or pads,
    that come with HyperPAD.

    To start HyperPAD--3.5" disk system with no hard disk:

    1.  Boot (turn on) your system with DOS.

    2.  Insert your working copy of Program Disk 1 & 2 in the A drive.

    3.  At the A prompt, type:

    and press ENTER.

    HyperPAD starts, and you are now ready to run the Setup pad.

    Note: If you are using a single disk drive system, do not remove Program
    Disk 1 & 2 from the disk drive while running HyperPAD.

                                         Chapter 1: Getting Started   13

    To start HyperPAD--hard disk system:

    1.  Boot (turn on) your system with DOS.

    2.  If necessary, switch to the drive that contains HyperPAD. For
    example, if HyperPAD is on drive C, type:

    and press ENTER.

    3.  Switch to the HyperPAD directory. For example, if HyperPAD is in the
    HPAD2 directory, type:

    and press ENTER.

    4.  Type:

    and press ENTER.

    HyperPAD starts, and you are now ready to run the Setup pad.

    You probably noticed that each of the above start-up procedures ended by
    telling you that you're now ready to run HyperPAD's Setup pad. The Setup
    pad loads automatically the first time you run HyperPAD, and you should
    complete Setup before you start working with HyperPAD in order to
    configure your new program for use on your system. It doesn't take long.
    Just follow the directions in the next section.

                                         Chapter 1: Getting Started   14


    The first time that you load HyperPAD, the opening screen in HyperPAD's
    Setup pad appears.
 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │
    Besides welcoming you to HyperPAD, the Setup pad lets HyperPAD perform
    the following functions:

        0  Scan your computer's hard disk for programs that HyperPAD
           recognizes. (You will then be able to launch these programs
           easily from within HyperPAD.)

        0  Modify one of your DOS files so that HyperPAD runs automatically
           every time you start your computer, which would save you the
           trouble of performing the start-up procedure described earlier in
           the chapter. (Since this is an optional feature, HyperPAD lets
           you skip this portion of Setup if you don't want your system to
           work this way.)

        0  Configure the applications, or pads, that come with HyperPAD so
           they will work on your computer. (You must run Setup in order to
           use many of the features of these pads.)

                                         Chapter 1: Getting Started   15

        0  Create a specially formatted list, called a tree list, that shows
           you a treelike representation of the directories on each of your
           computer's local drives. (As you'll see later on, the tree list
           is a handy reference tool that can be used to perform a number of
           HyperPAD functions that you would otherwise have to perform by
           running a DOS command.)


    Although we recommend that you complete Setup now, you could come back
    and run it later. If you decide not to complete Setup at this time,
    here's how to exit from the welcome screen (shown at the start of this
    section): By default, Continue, in the middle of the screen, is
    highlighted. Since you're not going to continue, press the TAB key until
    you highlight Abort, in the lower right corner of the screen, and then
    press ENTER. Aborting Setup sends you to the Home pad, HyperPAD's
    control center. From there, you can either begin using HyperPAD or end
    the current HyperPAD session. (See the Exiting from HyperPAD section
    later in this chapter for instructions on how to end a HyperPAD

    Until you complete Setup, the Setup pad automatically loads and the
    welcome screen appears each time you boot your system and start
    HyperPAD. Once you've completed Setup, the Home pad appears whenever you
    boot your system and start HyperPAD.


    If you do want to run Setup now, just press ENTER to tell HyperPAD to
    proceed. To get more information at any point while running the Setup
    pad, press the F1 key to access HyperPAD's on-line Help system. When
    you're done, press the ESC key to exit from the Help system and return
    to where you left off in Setup.

    During Setup, you're presented with on-screen information and sometimes
    told to press ENTER to continue the Setup process after you've finished
    reading. The only real decision you have to make is whether or not you'd
    like to modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT file (discussed below). HyperPAD
    automatically performs the rest of the Setup functions for you--i.e.,
    scanning your hard disk for programs, configuring the pads, and creating
    a tree list.

                                         Chapter 1: Getting Started   16


    During Setup, you're asked whether you want to modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT
    file (one of your DOS files), which would make HyperPAD run
    automatically every time you turn on your computer. Selecting this
    option allows you to use HyperPAD as a shell that's always available
    when you turn on your PC and substitutes the intuitive procedures you'll
    learn throughout Part 1 of the User's Guide for the complexities of
    working with DOS commands.

    If you'd like to take advantage of this feature, Modify AUTOEXEC.BAT is
    already highlighted, so when you reach this point in Setup, all you have
    to do is press ENTER. HyperPAD then adds some commands to your
    AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Before modifying this file, however, HyperPAD makes a
    backup of the existing AUTOEXEC.BAT file called AUTOEXEC.OLD.

    If you don't want HyperPAD to run automatically when you
    boot your system, TAB to highlight Skip and press ENTER.


    When Setup is finished, a screen appears showing you the options
    available from the Home pad. To go to the Home pad--which, as mentioned
    above, serves as HyperPAD's control center--press ENTER.

    Although you could start using HyperPAD now that you've reached the Home
    pad, please take a few moments first to follow the instructions in the
    next section. They tell you how to check for late-breaking news about
    HyperPAD that could be important to you.

                                         Chapter 1: Getting Started   17


    HyperPAD's Utility Disk includes a file called README.DOC, with last-
    minute updates and changes that we were unable to include in your
    manuals. Follow the procedure below to display the README.DOC; then look
    this file over to see whether it contains information you should be
    aware of in order to use the HyperPAD features that you're interested

    To review the README.DOC:

    1.  Boot your system with DOS.

    Note: If you modified your AUTOEXEC.BAT file during Setup so that
    HyperPAD now runs automatically when you boot your system, see Exiting
    from HyperPAD later in this chapter for instructions on returning to the
    DOS prompt.

    2.  Put the Utility Disk in the A drive.

    3.  To go to the A drive, type:

    and press ENTER.

    4.  To display the README.DOC, type:

    and press ENTER.

    5.  To halt the README.DOC's scrolling so you can read the file, press
    CTRL+S. Then press ENTER to continue.

    6.  To get a printout of the README.DOC, type:

    and press ENTER.

    The first time you scan through the README.DOC, you'll probably focus on
    material that you understand immediately or that seems directly relevant
    to the HyperPAD features you plan to use right away. However, as you
    become more familiar with HyperPAD and as you start exploring more of
    its features, you may want to review the README.DOC from time to time
    for material whose meaning or relevance you may not initially have
    understood. And if you run into trouble with some aspect of HyperPAD,
    it's a good idea to check the README.DOC for information that might shed
    some light on your problem before calling for technical support.

                                         Chapter 1: Getting Started   18


    When you're done with a HyperPAD session, you just shut off your
    machine, right?

    Wrong! When you're finished using HyperPAD, you have to go through a
    very simple procedure known as exiting, which tells HyperPAD to save
    your data before it ends the current HyperPAD session. If you skip this
    step, you could lose some of your work.

    One way to exit is to press the ESC key. If you're somewhere in HyperPAD
    besides the Home pad, pressing ESC one or more times returns you to the
    Home pad, from which you can press ESC again to exit from HyperPAD. But
    there's a much faster way to exit from anywhere in HyperPAD without
    having to return to the Home pad. Just hold down the CTRL key and press
    Q (CTRL+Q).

    Regardless of which of these methods you use to exit, HyperPAD
    superimposes a rectangle (called a dialog box) on the screen displaying
    the question Are you sure you want to exit? <<Ok>> is already
    highlighted, so just press ENTER to confirm your intention to exit and
    return to DOS. If you started to exit accidentally, just TAB to
    highlight <Cancel> and press ENTER to tell HyperPAD to forget about

    If you don't want to bother returning to DOS, there's one more way to
    exit. When you reach the Home pad, press the TAB key until Shut Down is
    highlighted and press ENTER. HyperPAD presents a dialog box with the
    message You may now turn off your computer safely. In the lower right
    corner of this box, Cancel is highlighted, so if you don't want to exit,
    press ENTER to cancel the exiting process. If you do want to exit, just
    shut off your machine.

                                         Chapter 1: Getting Started   19


    If you have a question about HyperPAD and can't find the answer by
    checking the documentation, using the on-line Help system, accessing the
    relevant portion of the on-line Tutorial, or looking through the
    README.DOC, here are five ways to contact Brightbill-Roberts for
    technical support:

    1.  Call our Technical Support department at (315) 474-3400. If you call
    after regular business hours, leave a message for the Technical Support
    department and a representative will get back to you when we reopen.

    2.  Use our bulletin board system (BBS) by setting up your modem to dial
    (315) 472-1058 at 300, 1200, or 2400 baud; eight data bits; one stop;
    and no parity.

    3.  Contact us by fax at (315) 472-1732.

    4.  Contact us by MCI Mail (Brightbill-Roberts).

    5.  Contact us through CompuServe by typing GO PCVENC and then choosing
    Brightbill-Roberts from the Main Menu that appears or send mail to the
    Brightbill-Roberts CompuServe account at 75300,363.

                                         Chapter 1: Getting Started   20


    At this point, you've made backup copies of your HyperPAD disks and used
    them to install, start, and set up HyperPAD so that it runs on your
    system. You've checked the README.DOC to see whether it contains any
    last-minute information that concerns you. You've registered your copy
    of HyperPAD with Brightbill-Roberts and are aware of how to get
    technical support. And you know the procedure for ending a HyperPAD

    That's it. You're all set to begin learning HyperPAD!

    One way to learn HyperPAD, of course, would be to continue reading Part
    1 of the User's Guide. However, another effective learning strategy
    would be to take time out at this point to explore HyperPAD's
    interactive, on-line Tutorial. It's an excellent supplement to the
    User's Guide that can give you some practical experience in working with
    HyperPAD. To access the Tutorial, go to the Home pad, press TAB until
    Learn about HyperPAD is highlighted, then press ENTER. (If you need more
    information, see Chapter 5, The On-Line Tutorial.) When you're through
    with the Tutorial, you can return to the next chapter in the User's


                                                           Glossary   377


    accelerator key

    A keystroke combination you use to quickly select a menu or button.
    Holding down ALT highlights the available accelerator keys.


    Orientation of a field's text or a button's name: left, right, centered.


    A foreground and background color combination used in conjunction with
    HyperPAD's painting tools to change the appearance of objects and pages.


    The fourth user level; you can modify pads by manipulating objects.


    A HyperPAD object that contains information shared by every page
    associated with it.


    To use a pad by clicking on buttons and typing into fields.


    The first, user level; you're limited to clicking on buttons.


    A HyperPAD object that performs actions when selected.

    capture utility (CAP)

    A program that grabs a screen image from a character-mode DOS program
    and saves it in a .GX2 file, which can be read by HyperPAD.

                                                           Glossary   378


    Press and release the left mouse button.

    click and drag

    Press and hold down the left mouse button while moving the mouse.


    An area in memory used to store marked blocks, text, buttons, fields,
    and pages after you cut or copy them.

    command line

    A row of numbered commands located near the bottom of many pads.


    Elements of dialog boxes used to give information to HyperPAD. Controls
    include text boxes, list boxes, and option buttons.


    Refers to the active page, background, or pad.


    A proposed value that HyperPAD presents for your convenience.


    To modify or create a pad.

    dialog box

    A window that HyperPAD presents when more information is required to
    carry out a command.


    To press and release the left mouse button twice in rapid succession.

                                                           Glossary   379


    To move the mouse with the left mouse button pressed.

    error message

    A dialog box that displays a message explaining why HyperPAD can't carry
    out your command.


    A HyperPAD object on a page or background into which you can type text.


    The button or field on which the cursor is located.


    A group of PADtalk commands in an object's script that get executed in
    response to a user's action.


    A group of pads that provide information about the current pad (Pad
    Help) or about HyperPAD (General Help).

    highlight bar

    A horizontal bar that indicates the currently selected item in a list


    A body of information containing links that you can select in order to
    browse the information in a nonlinear manner.


    The order of a button or field relative to other buttons and fields
    located on a page or background.

                                                           Glossary   380


    A connection between two different pages in the same pad or in different

    list box

    A scrollable field of choices from which you can select.


    A window containing a list of commands from which you can select.

    menu bar

    A line at the top of the screen containing HyperPAD's menus.

    message box

    A popup window used to display messages, calculate expressions, and
    execute PADtalk commands.

    message line

    A line at the bottom of the screen displaying a brief help message.


    Moving between the pages within a pad or between pads.


    The basic elements of a pad.

    option button

    An dialog box control that can be turned on ([X]) or off ([  ]).

                                                           Glossary   381

    option button group

    An interconnected group of option buttons in a dialog box.


    HyperPAD's basic file structure.


    The Englishlike language used to control the HyperPAD environment.


    A HyperPAD object that contains paint, buttons, and fields and is
    overlaid on a background.


    The third user level; the painting tools become available.


    A defined menu of choices from which you can make a selection.


    The modifiable characteristics of HyperPAD objects.


    A property of a HyperPAD object that determines how the object behaves.


    The highest user level; the ability to write, edit, and print scripts.

    scroll bar

    A component of a scrollable field that lets mouse users move through the

                                                           Glossary   382


    A pad that runs the first time you load HyperPAD.

    shortcut key

    A keystroke or keystroke combination that invokes a menu command.

    status bar

    A line at the bottom of a HyperPAD screen that displays the name of the
    current pad, the page number, and the currently selected tool.

    text box

    A dialog box control into which you can type information.

    title bar

    A line below the menu bar that displays the title of the pad and the
    Help button.


    To turn an option button, a menu, or the message box on or off.

    tool box

    A popup for mouse users containing all of the available HyperPAD tools.


    The second user level; you can select buttons and type into fields.

    user level

    The extent to which you are currently permitted to access HyperPAD's
    tools, which is determined by a dialog box control.


                                         Chapter 6: The Help System   111


    The Help system is an on-line resource that can be accessed from
    anywhere in HyperPAD. Its material consists of informational screens and
    illustrations designed to answer your questions both about individual
    pads and about HyperPAD.

    In this chapter, we'll discuss two basic aspects of using the Help

        0  Finding information in the Help system

        0  Navigating within the Help system

    Most users tend to regard an on-line Help system as their last resort
    when they get stuck trying to operate a program. HyperPAD's Help system
    does indeed serve this purpose very effectively. However, if you only
    use the Help system to bail yourself out of trouble, you're failing to
    take full advantage of its potential. We suggest that you might also
    wish to familiarize yourself with what the Help system has to offer and
    employ it as one of your supplemental resources for learning about

    We'll start by showing you how to locate Help system material that's
    relevant to whatever question or interest you currently have and then
    explain how to navigate around within the Help system after you've
    reached the desired material.


    In this section of the chapter, you'll learn how the Help system is set
    up, how to get into the Help system, and once you're there, how to
    access relevant information.


    HyperPAD's Help system is organized in two layers. The first layer, Pad
    Help, is a context-sensitive resource designed to provide further
    information about a particular pad. (For example, Pad Help for the Phone
    pad is called Phone Help; for the Notes pad, it's called Note Help; for
    the Index Cards pad, it's called Index Help; and so on.) The second
    layer, General Help, is a resource designed to provide further
    information about HyperPAD.

                                         Chapter 6: The Help System   112

    If you run into a problem while using HyperPAD or would like more
    information about some aspect of HyperPAD, you'll locate relevant Help
    material a lot more quickly by giving a moment's thought both to the
    nature of your question and to the structure of the Help system before
    accessing Help.

    Does the question involve an operation common to all or most of the pads
    in HyperPAD, such as how to select a button, how to work with fields, or
    how to open a menu? If so, the answer probably lies in General Help.
    Does the question involve an operation that seems pretty specific to the
    current pad or to only a few pads, such as how to add a note to a Phone
    pad page, how to find information you've entered into the Notes pad, or
    how to sort your Index Cards? If so, the answer probably lies in Pad
    Help for that particular pad.

    Once you've decided which layer of the Help system might contain the
    desired information, you'll need to know how to enter the Help system,
    which is discussed in the following subsection.


    As you can see from the accompanying table, reaching the Help system is
    an extremely simple process.

    Action:                         Result:
    Press F1 from anywhere in       Takes you to Pad Help.

    Press F1 while in Pad Help.     Takes you to General Help.

    Press F1 twice from HyperPAD.   Takes you directly to General Help.

    Press ALT+F1 from HyperPAD.     Takes you back to the last-viewed
                                    Pad Help or General Help page.

    When you press F1, you get a Pad Help page that summarizes key
    information about the page you were just viewing, thereby answering the
    questions you're most likely to have about that page. You can then get
    even more information by selecting the summary page's Index button to
    bring up a list of all the Help system material that's directly relevant
    to how your current pad works.

                                         Chapter 6: The Help System   113

    When you access General Help (either from a pad or from within Pad
    Help), you get the Index for General Help, which lists all the Help
    system material dealing with basic HyperPAD operations.

    The accompanying illustration shows a sample index page from a typical
    Help system.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    Each topic on a Help system Index is actually a HyperPAD button, so once
    you spot the topic heading for the desired information, you can select
    the heading by using HyperPAD's standard button-selecting techniques,
    which takes you straight to the start of the Help system material on
    that topic. In the next section of the chapter, you'll learn how to
    navigate around within the Help system once you've reached the topic
    you're after.

                                         Chapter 6: The Help System   114


    Moving around within the Help system is simply a matter of learning to
    use the navigational buttons, nearly all of which are located on the
    command line. In the following subsections, we'll explain the purpose of
    these navigational devices and tell you whether each one appears on all
    Pad Help and General Help pages or only on some pages in the Help


    These buttons appear on all Pad Help and General Help pages. Once you
    leave the Pad Help or General Help Index and arrive at the start of a
    Help system topic, select the PGDN button (or press the keyboard's PGDN
    key) to move through the material on that topic. To return to the
    previous Help page, either select the PGUP button or press the PGUP key.

    If you keep pressing PGDN once you reach the end of the material on a
    particular Help system topic, you'll continue into the material on the
    next Help system topic listed on the Index. (If you're ever unsure about
    whether you've progressed into the next topic, just check the screen
    title in the center of the title bar. It matches the topic heading on
    the Index page, and it changes as you move from one topic to another
    within Pad Help or General Help.) If you continue pressing PGDN when you
    reach the end of the last topic in Pad Help or General Help, you'll
    automatically return to the Index page from which you started.


    This button, which appears on the command line of Pad Help and General
    Help pages, takes you back to the Index for the layer of Help that
    you're currently in. From there, you can select another Pad Help or
    General Help topic.


    This button appears only on those Pad Help and General Help pages
    dealing with topics covered in the on-line Tutorial. Selecting the Learn
    button takes you directly to the relevant portion of the Tutorial, where
    you can deepen your understanding of the topic in question by reviewing
    instructional material and completing one or more practice sessions. (If
    you'd like more information about the Tutorial, see Chapter 5 of the
    HyperPAD User's Guide..) Upon exiting from the Tutorial, you return to
    the Pad Help or General Help page on which you selected the Learn

                                         Chapter 6: The Help System   115


    HyperPAD's Tutorial includes an on-line Notebook, which you can use to
    record key observations and reminders, both as you're learning HyperPAD
    and as you're working with it. The Notebook button, which appears on all
    Pad Help and General Help pages, provides immediate access to your
    notes, so you can modify or expand upon them as the need arises. (The
    Notebook is described more fully in Chapter 5 of the User's Guide,
    "The On-Line Tutorial.") Upon exiting from the Notebook, you return to
    the Pad Help or General Help page on which you selected the Notebook


    The F1=Help button appears only on Pad Help pages. You can either select
    this button or press the F1 key to move from Pad Help to General Help.


    Pressing the ESC key or selecting the ESC=Exit button, which appears on
    all Pad Help and General Help pages, takes you directly back to the
    HyperPAD page you were on when you first accessed the Help system.


    Sometimes you'll find one or more highlighted words and phrases worked
    into the text on Pad Help and General Help pages. (You might, for
    instance, see a Phone Help sentence reading "You can print address
    labels easily from your Phone pad.") These highlighted elements, which
    are especially common on the summary pages that appear when you press F1
    to call up Pad Help, are actually buttons. You can select them if you'd
    like further information about that subject. (By selecting "print" in
    the preceding example, you would proceed directly to a Phone Help page
    that explains how to print address labels.)


    When you press CTRL+ALT, HyperPAD displays a dotted border around all
    buttons and fields on the current screen. You can use this technique if
    you ever have trouble determining which elements on a particular Help
    system screen are buttons.

    Once you're finished with the supplemental material you called up by
    selecting the highlighted word or phrase, press F5 to return to the Help
    system page from which you accessed that material.

                                         Chapter 6: The Help System   116


    To reach the on-line Help system from anywhere in HyperPAD, all you have
    to do is press F1 once to bring up Pad Help (the Help layer that
    contains material directly relevant to operating the current pad) or
    press F1 twice to bring up General Help (the Help layer that contains
    material relevant to operating HyperPAD). Selecting a topic from the Pad
    Help or General Help Index takes you to the start of the material on
    that topic, after which you can use the Help system's navigational keys
    to move around within the material. Pressing ESC when you're done takes
    you right back to the page you were on when you first pressed F1.
    Really, there's nothing to it!

    However, to use HyperPAD's on-line Help system most productively, it's a
    good idea to refer to it not only when you get stuck but before you get
    stuck. Start by familiarizing yourself with the General Help Index and
    with the Pad Help Indexes for the pads you use most often. That way,
    you'll know what Help system material is available. Spending some time
    browsing through those portions of the Help system that explain HyperPAD
    operations you haven't quite mastered yet might very well keep you from
    getting stuck in the first place.


                                            Chapter 3: The Home Pad   55


    At one level, the Home pad is the control center for all the work you do
    with HyperPAD. At another level, the Home pad is nothing more than a
    collection of buttons sitting beneath the question "What would you like
    to do?" The answers to that question are what this chapter is all about.
    To find the answers, we have to look more closely at those buttons and
    where they can take you.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    You will recall that many buttons are navigation devices that can
    transport you from where you are to where you want to go. What makes the
    Home pad so special--what makes it, in fact, your gateway to HyperPAD--
    is that it brings together on a single page the buttons that can take
    you to all of HyperPAD's major functions.

                                            Chapter 3: The Home Pad   56

    You answer the question "What would you like to do?" by selecting one of
    the Home pad's six main buttons and letting it take you to where you can
    perform the operation you're interested in, which could include any of
    the following:

        0  Running a program that's outside the HyperPAD environment

        0  Managing files that are on your disks

        0  Running a DOS command

        0  Going to a pad to perform an action

        0  Customizing HyperPAD to suit your personal needs

        0  Learning about HyperPAD

    In this chapter, we'll journey to each of these destinations and see
    what you can do once you get there.

    But before we depart, let's give a bit of thought to the return trip.
    After all, whenever you travel, it's comforting to know how to get Home
    again! So in the accompanying table, we've summarized the techniques you
    learned in Chapter 1 for reaching the Home pad from anywhere in

    Action:                     Result:
    Press the F5 key.           Retraces your steps through the pages you
                                just viewed, one by one--even if those pages
                                are in several different pads.

    Press ALT+F5.               Takes you to the Home pad.

    Select the Home button      Takes you to the Home pad.

    Select the Home command     Takes you to the Home pad.
    from the Go menu.

                                            Chapter 3: The Home Pad   57


    Let's start by selecting the Customize HyperPAD button. Even though this
    isn't the first button on the Home pad, there are a couple of reasons
    why it's a good place to begin our journey. What you'll learn in this
    section not only could keep you from getting into trouble with HyperPAD
    but will also come in handy later on, when we discuss one of the
    functions you can perform with the Programs pad.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    In addition to a text box for your name, the Customize HyperPAD screen,
    shown here, displays three columns of buttons--the first for setting the
    user level, the second for activating or deactivating certain HyperPAD
    features, and the third for choosing which pad appears when you start
    HyperPAD. In the following subsections, we'll take a closer look at
    exactly what each of these controls allows you to do.


    The user level refers to the range of capabilities presently available
    to you while working with HyperPAD. You can choose only one option from
    this group. As soon as you select an option, the previously selected
    option is automatically unselected.

    With the user level set to browsing, you can manage files, run DOS
    commands, and launch programs. You can also open up pads, operate their

                                            Chapter 3: The Home Pad   58

    working parts, read the information in the pads, and use the information
    already entered there to print reports and labels. But you can't perform
    many of the more advanced HyperPAD features.

    When the user level is raised from browsing to typing, you retain all
    the capabilities you had at the browsing level and also gain the ability
    to add text to fields and manipulate text in fields. When you first
    start working with HyperPAD, the user level is set to typing.

    The remaining three user levels (painting, authoring, and scripting)
    enable you to perform increasingly sophisticated operations with
    HyperPAD, such as would be required to redesign existing pads or develop
    new pads.

    Since you'll hardly ever need the more advanced user levels just to
    operate the pads that come with HyperPAD, we suggest that you keep your
    user level set at typing for now. That way, you won't be able to make
    any drastic changes that could accidentally damage your pads. (If you
    think you might be interested in using some of HyperPAD's design
    features, Part 2 of the HyperPAD User's Guide, "Designing with
    HyperPAD," discusses the more advanced user levels and the capabilities
    that come with them.)

    When we describe how to perform those very few operations covered in
    Part 1 of the User's Guide for which you do need a higher user level,
    we'll remind you to reset the user level temporarily for that purpose.
    You should be aware that raising the user level causes additional menus
    to appear and makes some of the menus you're familiar with expand to
    include additional commands. These extra menus and commands are used
    almost exclusively for redesigning existing pads and developing new
    pads, so don't worry about them when they appear. As soon as you finish
    the operation that requires the higher user level and reset your user
    level to typing, they'll disappear.


    The Options column contains three buttons used to control the display of
    the status bar and tool box, as well as determine how frequently
    HyperPAD saves your work during a session.


    If you select the Status bar option, the status bar is displayed at the
    bottom of your HyperPAD screen instead of the message line. Even if you
    turn the status bar off during a particular HyperPAD session (either by

                                            Chapter 3: The Home Pad   59

    selecting the Status Bar command from the Workspace menu or by pressing
    ALT+SPACE, which toggles both the status bar and the menu bar on and
    off), the status bar reappears once you restart your system or reenter
    HyperPAD after exiting and returning to DOS.


    The tool box is a feature that can be operated with a mouse at the
    painting and authoring user levels. Since you won't need the tool box
    just to use the pads that come with HyperPAD (it's only for performing
    design functions), you should leave this option unselected.


    If you select the Auto save option, HyperPAD saves your work
    automatically every 30 seconds. If you don't select this option,
    HyperPAD still saves your work automatically but does not do so as
    frequently. Lengthening the interval between "saves" may cause HyperPAD
    to be a bit slower when it does save your work, simply because the
    longer interval gives you time to accumulate more changes for HyperPAD
    to save.


    The options in the third column can be used to control which pad is
    displayed when you start HyperPAD. The selected pad then appears
    whenever you first enter HyperPAD from DOS and whenever you reenter
    HyperPAD after having exited and returned to DOS. The selected pad also
    appears whenever you first turn on your computer if you allowed Setup to
    modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT file so that HyperPAD runs automatically every
    time you start your system.

    By default, the Home pad is already selected as the startup option.
    Selecting the second option causes HyperPAD to start at the Programs
    pad, from which you can launch your other DOS and Microsoft Windows
    programs. Selecting the File manager option causes HyperPAD to start
    with the file manager, which, as you'll learn in Chapter 4, you can use
    to manage your files.

    For now, you'll probably want to leave the default setting unchanged so
    that HyperPAD continues to start with the Home pad, since this is the
    pad you'll be most familiar with after completing this chapter. Later in
    this chapter you'll learn about running programs, and in Chapter 4
    you'll learn about managing files. After you understand those two

                                            Chapter 3: The Home Pad   60

    HyperPAD functions better, you might want to come back and select a
    different startup option.


    Now that you know what the Customize HyperPAD button can do for you,
    let's press ESC to leave the Customize HyperPAD screen and return to the
    Home pad. Then select Run a program, the first button on the Home pad,
    which takes you to the following pad.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    In this section, you'll learn not only how to launch the programs on
    your hard disk but how to perform maintenance functions on the Programs
    list, such as editing program information, scanning your drives for
    additional programs not shown, adding programs, and creating buttons to
    launch programs on the list.


    Do you remember running the Setup pad before you started to use
    HyperPAD? Well, one of the purposes of Setup was to let HyperPAD scan
    your hard disk for programs it recognizes--programs that you might later
    want to launch from HyperPAD. After Setup scans your disk, the Programs
    list box displays an alphabetized list of those programs.

                                            Chapter 3: The Home Pad   61

    You can launch any of the programs on this list by highlighting the
    program name with the keyboard and pressing ENTER or by pointing to the
    program name with the mouse and double-clicking the left mouse button.

    If HyperPAD knows enough about the program you're launching to make a
    guess about the type of work file the program uses, it presents a dialog
    box that asks "Load a work file?," to which you can reply <<Yes>>, <No>,
    or <Cancel>.

    If you select <No> (or if the "Load a work file?" dialog box doesn't
    appear), HyperPAD runs your program alone, without a work file.

    If you select <Cancel>, HyperPAD returns you to the Programs page
    without launching the program.

    But if you answer the question "Load a work file?" by selecting <<Yes>>,
    HyperPAD asks you which work file you'd like to load by presenting the
    Work File dialog box, shown here.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    By entering the right information into this dialog box, you can use
    HyperPAD to save yourself the time and trouble of remembering how to
    load a work file for the program you've chosen.

    To use this dialog box, type the drive, directory, and filename of the
    work file you'd like to load in the Work filename text box. If you don't
    happen to remember all the vital statistics, you can also fill in this
    text box by selecting the filename from the Files list box.

                                            Chapter 3: The Home Pad   62

    If the desired work file already appears in the Files list box, here's
    how to tell HyperPAD to load it.

    To load a work file that appears in the Files list box:

    1.  TAB to the Files list box.

    2.  Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the work file that you
    want to load.

    3.  Press ENTER or select <<Ok>>.

    HyperPAD loads the selected work file and runs the program you want.

    You can also load a work file that appears in the Files list box by
    pointing to it with the mouse and double-clicking the left mouse button.

    If the desired work file is on another drive, use the following
    procedure to view the contents of a different drive.

    To change drives:

    1.  TAB to the Other drives & directories list box.

    2.  Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the drive that you want
    to view.

    3.  Press ENTER or select <<Ok>>.

    You can also change drives by pointing to the desired drive with the
    mouse and double-clicking the left mouse button.

    If the work file you want is located on the drive whose contents you're
    currently viewing but is in a different directory, here's how to view
    the contents of the desired directory.

    To change directories:

    1.  TAB to the Other drives & directories list box.

    2.  Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the desired directory.

    If you want to view the contents of the parent directory, select the ".
    ." choice in the Other drives & directories list box. This moves you up
    one level in the directory hierarchy.

    3.  When the directory you want is highlighted, press ENTER.

                                            Chapter 3: The Home Pad   63

    You can also change directories by pointing to the desired directory (or
    to the ". ." choice) with the mouse and double-clicking the left mouse

    Once the desired filename appears in the Files list box, load the file
    as described above.

    Assuming you do run a program (either with or without a work file),
    HyperPAD gets out of your way by shrinking down to 3K of memory while
    the other program is running. When you exit from the selected program,
    HyperPAD reloads and returns you
    to the Programs pad.


    Suppose you go to the Programs pad with high hopes of launching a
    program that you know is on one of your drives, only to find that the
    program doesn't appear on the Programs list. Why not? When HyperPAD last
    scanned your hard disk, it didn't recognize your program, either because
    the program hadn't been installed on your hard disk yet, or because it
    was located on a remote drive on a network file server, or because
    HyperPAD simply doesn't have the information it needs to launch your
    program successfully.

    You'll have to give HyperPAD a chance to scan each drive where such
    changes have occurred and update its Programs list accordingly. To do
    this, select Misc. from the command line (ALT+4) and then select the
    Scan for programs button from the screen that appears. HyperPAD displays
    a list of drives, from which you can choose the drive you want scanned.
    You can select a network drive if you wish, but be aware that network
    drives can have enormous capacity, leading to a time-consuming scan.

    HyperPAD then scans the selected drive for programs it recognizes that
    don't already appear in the Programs list box. If it finds any, the new
    program names are added to your Programs list, and the list is
    automatically realphabetized.

                                            Chapter 3: The Home Pad   64


    Suppose you want to run a program that doesn't appear on your Programs
    list and you come up empty-handed after scanning for additional
    programs? Perhaps the program you're trying to run isn't one that
    HyperPAD recognizes. To add a program to your Programs list, select the
    Add command (ALT+2) from the Programs screen's command line. The Add New
    Program dialog box, shown here, appears.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    To fill out this dialog box, you can use the same procedures you learned
    above for filling out the Work File dialog box.

    After you select a program filename, HyperPAD presents a dialog box that
    asks "Would you like to edit the program description and run
    parameters?" If you answer <No>, HyperPAD simply adds the program to
    your Programs list and realphabetizes the list accordingly.

    If you answer <<Yes>>, HyperPAD presents the Edit Program dialog box,
    shown here. (This dialog box can also be accessed by highlighting a
    program name in the Programs list box and then selecting the Edit
    command [ALT+1] from the command line.) You may want to use this dialog
    box to give HyperPAD some important information about the program, such
    as where to find its work files and how to load them.

                                            Chapter 3: The Home Pad   65

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    The following subsections explain how to fill out the Edit Program
    dialog box. If you need further information about what should appear in
    any of the text boxes in this dialog box, refer to HyperPAD's Help
    system (which can be accessed by pressing F1).


    The default entry in this text box is the name of the program you
    selected. If you'd like the program name to read differently when
    HyperPAD adds it to the Programs list, you have to change it here.


    This is the location of the program on your hard disk. You cannot edit
    this information.


    This text box contains optional instructions that HyperPAD will pass on
    when it runs the program. For information on your program's command line
    options, refer to your program's documentation and to HyperPAD's Help


    Earlier in this section, you learned that HyperPAD may ask whether you'd
    like to load a work file when you run a program. The information you
    enter in the Work file directory and Work file extension text boxes sets

                                            Chapter 3: The Home Pad   66

    the defaults for the Work File dialog box, which appears when you run
    your program. The Work file directory text box specifies the location
    where work files associated with the program are stored, and the Work
    file extension text box shows the default extension for your program's
    work files.

    For example, if your Word Perfect documents are located in the C:\WPDOC
    directory and each uses a .DOC extension, you would enter C:\WPDOC into
    the Work file directory text box and .DOC into the Work file extension
    text box.


    In this text box you tell HyperPAD the exact sequence of keystrokes it
    must use to load a work file from a particular program. You won't
    ordinarily need to edit this text box. If you ever do, refer to the Help
    system (F1) for directions.


    This option, which is selected by default, causes the program to be run
    from its own directory. In rare circumstances, you may want to unselect
    this option, causing the program to be run from the directory in which
    HyperPAD is located.

    When you're through editing program information, select Ok to implement
    your changes and return to the Programs screen, where the new program
    now appears on the Programs list. In the future, HyperPAD will
    automatically run the program according to the additions and changes you


    Here's a program-launching shortcut you can use when you want to launch
    a program that isn't on your Programs list and you don't want to take
    the time to add the program to the list by scanning your drives for
    additional programs or using the command line's Add command.

    To run a program quickly:

    1.  Select Run Program from the File menu (ALT+F, R).

    The Run Program dialog box appears.

    2.  Type the program name, including drive and directory, into the
    Program to run text box.

                                            Chapter 3: The Home Pad   67

    3.  If necessary, select the Keep current directory option if you want
    the program to be run from the directory in which HyperPAD is located.

    4.  Select <<Ok>>.

    Your program runs immediately.

    You can also access the Run Program dialog box by selecting
    Misc. from the command line (ALT+4) and then selecting the Quickly run a
    program button.


    At some point you may find your Programs list getting a bit cluttered.
    Perhaps you'd like to tidy up the list by removing the names of seldom-
    used programs.

    There are two ways to take unwanted programs off the list. The first way
    is to use the keyboard or the mouse to highlight the name of a program
    you want to remove from the list and select Remove from the command line
    (ALT+ 3).

    The second way to weed out your Programs list is to "mark" programs for
    removal by highlighting the name of each unwanted program and either
    pressing SPACE or clicking the right mouse button. An arrow appears
    beside each program name as you mark it. Then select the Remove command
    to take the marked programs off the list. This method is especially
    handy if you're trying to remove more than one item at a time.

    The Remove command only takes program names off the Programs list. It
    does not remove these programs from your hard disk. After removing a
    name, you could restore it to the list by rescanning the drive on which
    the program appears or using the Add command (ALT+2).

                                            Chapter 3: The Home Pad   68


    Once you become proficient in working with HyperPAD and begin to explore
    the other pads that came in your package, you may find yourself wishing
    you had a button you could use to launch one of the programs in the
    Programs list from a different pad. In fact, it's easy to create such a

    To create a program-launching button from the Programs pad:

    1.  Set your user level to Authoring.

    To do this, go to the Home pad (ALT+F5), select the Customize HyperPAD
    button, reset the User level control, press ESC to return to the Home
    pad, and then select the Run a program button to come back to the
    Programs pad. (If you need more information on resetting the user level,
    refer to the "Customizing HyperPAD" section earlier in this chapter.)

    2.  Highlight the program name in the Programs list box.

    3.  Select Misc. from the command line (ALT+4).

    4.  When the screen of miscellaneous commands appears, select Create

    HyperPAD presents a dialog box informing you that the button has been

    5.  Use the Open command from the File menu (ALT+F, O) to go to the pad
    where you want to put the button.

    6.  When you arrive at the target pad, select Paste Button from the Edit
    menu (ALT+E, P).

    7.  To move the button to the desired location, press the arrow keys or
    point to the button with the mouse and drag it while pressing the left
    mouse button.

    8.  To end the button-pasting operation and make the button operative,
    it's important that you press CTRL+B.

    This tells HyperPAD that you're through performing design functions,
    such as pasting buttons, and want to resume using the pads. If you
    forget this step, your pads will no longer work the way you expect!

    9.  Set your user level back to Typing.

    You can now use your new button to launch the program directly from the
    pad where the button appears. When you exit from the program, HyperPAD

                                            Chapter 3: The Home Pad   69

    "remembers" which page that particular program-launching button is on
    and returns you there.

    If you ever want to delete a program button, refer to the directions in
    Chapter 14.


    If you want to return to the DOS prompt from anywhere in HyperPAD,
    here's how.

    To go to the DOS prompt without exiting from HyperPAD:

    1.  Select Run Program from the File menu (ALT+F, R or ALT+F10).

    2.  When the Run Program dialog box appears, press ENTER.

    HyperPAD shrinks down to 3K of memory and sends you to the DOS prompt.

    When you want to come back to HyperPAD from DOS, type

    and press ENTER.

    HyperPAD reloads and returns you to the page you were from when you
    selected the Run Program command.

    You can also return to the DOS prompt by selecting Misc. on the Programs
    screen's command line (ALT+4) and then selecting the Go to DOS prompt
    button from the screen of miscellaneous command buttons that appears.
    When you exit from DOS, HyperPAD reloads and returns you to the Commands

                                            Chapter 3: The Home Pad   70


    Press ESC to leave the Programs pad and return to the Home pad's Main
    Menu, where you'll learn about the Manage files button next. This button
    takes you to HyperPAD's DOS Shell, shown here, which can be used to
    perform a wide variety of file-management chores.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    For instance, the DOS Shell is where you go if you'd like to view the
    files in each of your drives and directories; sort and find files; view
    your files in a tree list format; copy, move, and delete files; and
    browse the contents of files. But we're going to postpone our tour of
    the DOS Shell because this is such a powerful pad that we've devoted all
    of Chapter 4 to explaining the capabilities it gives you.


    To end your brief journey to the DOS Shell and return to the Home pad's
    Main Menu, press ESC. To proceed to the next stop on our tour, select
    the Home pad's Run a DOS command button, which is your ticket to the DOS
    Commands Index screen, shown here.

                                            Chapter 3: The Home Pad   71

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    The buttons displayed on the DOS Commands Index screen let you perform
    some very common DOS operations within HyperPAD, merely by filling out
    simple dialog boxes. This saves you the trouble of having to exit to
    DOS, look up the long, complicated, and often nonintuitive syntax for a
    particular DOS command, and then type it in.

    But before we check out these buttons, let's take a look at the command
    line. The purpose of the DOS Prompt command is pretty straightforward.
    Select it (by pressing ALT+2) if you want to exit to DOS to run a DOS
    command not available from this page. When you're finished, type EXIT at
    the DOS prompt and press ENTER to return directly to this page. The
    Options command (ALT+1), however, requires a bit more explanation.

                                            Chapter 3: The Home Pad   72

    In order to carry out a command listed on the DOS Commands Index screen,
    HyperPAD needs to find the program on your system that runs the command.
    So if you select a command whose program HyperPAD can't find for some
    reason, use Options (ALT+1) on the command line to call up the Options
    dialog box, shown here, which you can use to tell HyperPAD where to look
    for your DOS programs.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    If necessary, press F1 to access the on-line Help system, which provides
    instructions for using this dialog box.


    When working with DOS, you sometimes need to check how much disk space
    or memory is free. To do this with HyperPAD, select the Check a disk
    button. This produces a very simple dialog box, in which you can specify
    the drive you want to check (the Pick button lets you indicate a drive
    other than the one already shown). Use the two option buttons to tell
    HyperPAD whether you want it to write corrections to the disk and
    display a list of the directories it checked. HyperPAD prints out the
    results in a scrollable field for your review. When you're done, press
    ESC to close the dialog box.

                                            Chapter 3: The Home Pad   73


    HyperPAD makes it easy for you to prepare a disk for use. Just select
    HyperPAD's Format a disk button, which brings up a simple dialog box.
    Fill it out by picking which drive to format, specifying what type of
    disk you're formatting, and indicating whether you'd like to make the
    disk bootable and whether you want to assign a volume label to the newly
    formatted disk. Close the dialog box by pressing ESC when you're


    A really simple dialog box appears when you select the Copy a disk
    button. All you have to specify is which drive your source disk is in
    and which drive your target disk is in. When you're done, press ESC.


    You can also use HyperPAD to run the DOS Backup command, a helpful DOS
    command that receives little use, perhaps because of its difficult
    syntax. HyperPAD merely asks you to fill out a simple dialog box and
    then creates the proper syntax and runs the Backup command for you.

    To run the DOS Backup command, select the Backup files button. A dialog
    box appears that lets you tell HyperPAD the location of the files you
    want to back up (use the Pick button if you prefer to select this
    information from a tree list rather than type it in) and the drive to
    which you want to back up the specified files (again, use the Pick
    button to choose a drive other than the one shown).

    With the option buttons in this dialog box, you can tell HyperPAD
    whether to include subdirectories, back up only changed files, overwrite
    duplicate files, or back up only those files created since a particular
    date or time.

    The default settings for this dialog box are for files to be backed up
    to the A drive and for the Include subdirectories and Overwrite
    duplicate files options to be selected, with the remaining options
    unselected. To instantly restore the default settings, select the Set
    Default button.

    Once you've finished backing up your files, press ESC to
    exit from the dialog box.

                                            Chapter 3: The Home Pad   74


    The Restore files button takes you to a dialog box that you can fill out
    to tell HyperPAD the location of the files you want to restore and where
    you want them restored to. The two Pick buttons are used to change the
    source drive that's specified and to call up a tree list from which you
    can select the target drive and directory. With the option buttons, you
    can control whether subdirectories are included and whether HyperPAD
    prompts you before overwriting files. Press ESC to close this dialog box
    once you're done.


    Whenever you ask DOS to display a list of the files in your directories,
    it also shows the date and time when each file was created or when it
    was last modified. In order for this information to be accurate, your
    personal computer's clock and calendar must be set properly. The Set
    date and time button gives you an easy way to reset DOS's clock and
    calendar. After you've reset the date and/or time, exit from the dialog
    box by pressing ESC.


    Once you're through exploring the DOS Commands pad, press ESC to get
    back to the Home pad's Main Menu, where we'll be selecting the Go to a
    pad button next. This button takes you from the Home pad to the screen
    shown here.

                                            Chapter 3: The Home Pad   75

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    As you can see, its buttons hint at a variety of intriguing
    capabilities. Just to whet your appetite, let's take a brief peek at the
    pads you can access by selecting these buttons.

        0  Phone:   Enables you to create a flexible, easily accessible
           database of names, addresses, and phone numbers. Selected
           information from this database can also be used to print labels.
           You can access the Phone Dialer pad and the Track Call pad from
           within the Phone pad (as well as from the Pads screen) to
           automatically dial phone numbers in your database and record
           histories of your calls to people listed there.

        0  Phone Dialer:   Dials calls for you if your computer is connected
           to a Hayes-compatible modem. This pad is accessible not only from
           the Pads screen but from within the Phone pad, the Take Message
           Pad, and the Track Call pad, too. Phone Dialer allows you to
           automatically dial a phone number recorded on the current page of
           those pads.

        0  Take Message:   Lets you quickly and easily record phone messages
           on-line and then print them out. If you later decide you want to
           call the individual who left the message, you can access the
           Phone Dialer pad from within the Take Message pad and place that
           call automatically.

                                            Chapter 3: The Home Pad   76

        0  Track Call:   Enables you to create (and print out) an ongoing
           history of your calls, both to individuals listed in your Phone
           pad and to others. A timer feature is included, which records the
           starting time and elapsed time for each call you make. The Phone
           Dialer pad is linked to the Track Call pad and can be used to
           automatically place your calls and start the timer.

        0  Project:   Helps you coordinate and monitor the progress of team
           projects by keeping track of who's supposed to do what by when.

        0  Notes:   Enables you to create a database of notes, which can be
           searched for specified material, and also offers the capability
           of printing out the notes, importing text into the notes from
           files created in other programs, and exporting text from the
           notes to files in other programs.

        0  Calculator:   Offers, in addition to a regular calculator,
           specialized calculators for performing financial, scientific,
           programming, and time computations.

        0  Expenses:   Consists of a spreadsheet that business travelers can
           use to record--and automatically total--daily and weekly
           expenses, which can then be printed out.

        0  Letter Writer:   Gives you the capability of creating and
           printing form letters, which you can automatically address to
           selected recipients from your Phone pad's database.

        0  Daily Planner:   Offers vastly more capacity and flexibility than
           conventional printed planners. This on-line appointment book's
           navigation devices let you record and easily access appointments,
           reminders, and notes on pages that are dated months or even years
           from now. Used on a laptop, this planner can go wherever you go,
           keeping you on time and up to date.

        0  Index Cards:   Offers the on-line equivalent of a very large and
           flexible stack of index cards, with which you can create a
           database of information that can be searched, sorted, and

        0  Label Printer:   Lets you create a database of labels and then
           print either the entire database or selected items from it onto a
           wide variety of standard Avery labels or onto custom-designed
           labels of your choice.

        0  Network:   Lets you send messages and modify print queues if
           you're running HyperPAD on a Novell network.

                                            Chapter 3: The Home Pad   77

        0  Computer Info:   Automatically records important information
           about your system, such as its configuration, memory, and
           settings; allows you to enter general information about your
           computer; and lets you obtain a printout of this information.

        0  Script Printer:  Enables users who are working with PADtalk,
           HyperPAD's scripting language, to print out specified scripts
           created in HyperPAD.

        0  F/X Show:    Lets you view graphic slide shows and animation
           using the FXSHOW.EXE program. (This pad is geared toward users
           who want to operate HyperPAD in conjunction with Show Partner
           F/X, another Brightbill-Roberts program).

        0  Puzzle:   Provides a bit of diversion whenever you're in need of
           a break!

        0  Ideas:   Consists of a storehouse of navigational devices,
           musical and visual special effects, and working parts that you
           can copy and incorporate into the pads you create. (This pad is
           geared toward users who want to work with HyperPAD's design

    One enjoyable way to familiarize yourself with what HyperPAD has to
    offer is to spend some time browsing through the pads that can be
    accessed via the Pads screen. And if you ever lose your way, just
    remember to press ALT+F5 to return to the Home pad.


    The HyperPAD Tutorial is your destination when you select the Home pad's
    Learn about HyperPAD button. You could either select this button and go
    through the Tutorial right now or come back to it whenever you like. If
    you do decide to explore the Tutorial at this point, you may want to
    refer to Chapter 5, which explains in detail how to get the most out of
    this on-line, interactive tour of HyperPAD.

                                            Chapter 3: The Home Pad   78


    Having read this chapter, you should recognize the Home pad as your
    gateway to HyperPAD--the point of access for all of HyperPAD's major
    functions. More specifically, this means you should understand where the
    buttons on HyperPAD's Home pad can take you and what you can do once you
    get there.

    You should know quite a bit about the Customize HyperPAD button (which
    takes you to a dialog box that lets you control important aspects of how
    HyperPAD works), the Run a program button (which takes you to where you
    can launch programs and perform related chores), and the Run a DOS
    command button (which takes you to where you can carry out some common
    DOS commands in a hassle-free way).

    And although you probably won't have an in-depth understanding of
    everything that the Manage files button, the Learn about HyperPAD
    button, and the Go to a pad button enable you to do, you will know that
    file management and the Tutorial are discussed in detail in Chapters 4
    and 5, respectively, and that the Go to a pad button takes you to the
    Pads screen, from which you can reach many of the pads that come with

    Our journey through the Home pad has undoubtedly made you realize just
    how many other exciting HyperPAD features and capabilities remain to be
    explored. So now that you know how to use the Home pad to reach those
    destinations, you can begin taking side trips to additional points of


                                          Chapter 4: Managing Files   55


    Selecting the Home pad's Manage files button takes you to a pad called
    the DOS Shell, shown here.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    The DOS Shell is an especially powerful pad that makes it easy for you
    to perform a wide range of file-management tasks without having to exit
    to DOS and type in complicated commands.

    At first glance, though, the DOS Shell looks pretty formidable! The
    screen seems chock-full of information, and you may be wondering just
    how "easy" it's going to be to operate this pad. Actually, you'll find
    it surprisingly simple once you understand how the DOS Shell works.

                                          Chapter 4: Managing Files   56

    In addition to such standard HyperPAD screen elements as the menu bar,
    the title bar, the command line, and the message line or status bar, you
    also see two main components when you look at the DOS Shell screen:

        0  A group of three list boxes (titled Files, Directories, and
           Drives) in the middle of the screen.

        0  A portion of the screen just above the list boxes (called the
           status area) that displays key information about the files shown
           in the Files list box.

    Of these elements, the Files list box is really the heart of the DOS
    Shell, because you must get your files displayed in the Files list
    before you can work with them.

    The first section of this chapter, "Displaying Files," shows you how to
    make the file(s) you're interested in working with appear in the Files
    list box. The second section of the chapter, "Working with Files,"
    explains what you can do with those files once you have them displayed
    there. In the last section of the chapter, "Using the Tree View," you'll
    learn how the tree view, a tool accessible from the DOS Shell, can be
    used to change the structure of your directories.


    The DOS Shell offers you a number of ways to display the files in each
    of your directories. It also offers you a number of ways to zero in on
    particular files by displaying subsets of your files and by sorting your
    files in various ways. In this section of the chapter, you'll learn how

        0  Change the directory whose files are displayed in the Files list

        0  Create separate DOS Shell pages to display the contents of the
           directories you work with most often.

        0  View specified subsets of the files in a particular directory.

        0  Sort the files displayed in the Files list box according to
           specified criteria.

        0  Find a particular file and view the contents of the directory
           containing that file.

        0  Update the information in the DOS Shell and tree view to reflect
           any changes you've made to your drives, directories, and files
           while outside of HyperPAD.

                                          Chapter 4: Managing Files   57

    The preceding list reflects the order in which the topics in this
    section are presented. We'll start with the most basic operation
    (displaying all the files in a specified directory) and then progress to
    more sophisticated operations.


    When you first go to the DOS Shell, the following information may appear
    in the three list boxes:

        0  Files:   A list of files (including the number of bytes in each
           file and the date and time that the file was created or last

        0  Directories:   A list of subdirectories

        0  Drives:   A list of one or more drives

    The location of the files and subdirectories that you're viewing is
    displayed in the status area after "Directory."

    There are two ways to view the files and subdirectories in a different
    directory. The first is to use the DOS Shell's Drives and Directories
    list boxes, and the second is to use the tree view. In the following
    subsections, we'll take a look at each of these methods.


    Sometimes you may want to work with files that are on a drive other than
    the one specified after "Directory" in the status area.

    To change the drive:

    1.  TAB to highlight the Drives list box.

    2.  Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the drive that you want
    to view.

    3.  Press ENTER.

    You can also change the drive by pointing to the desired drive with the
    mouse and double-clicking the left mouse button. The "Directory" portion
    of the status area is automatically updated to show the new directory
    for the drive you just picked.

    If the files that you want to work with are located on the same drive
    but in a different directory, select the desired directory from the
    Directories list box, using the procedure described above for changing
    the drive.

                                          Chapter 4: Managing Files   58

    To view the contents of the parent directory, just select the ". ."
    choice from the Directories list box. This simply moves you up one level
    in the directory hierarchy.

    As you use the Directories list box to move around between the parent
    drive and its directories, you'll see that the contents of the Files
    list box keep changing accordingly and that the information following
    "Directory" and "Number of Files" in the status area is also
    automatically updated.

    With a little practice, you'll soon become quite adept at using the
    Drives and Directories list boxes to display the contents of different
    directories. However, you may find it a bit cumbersome to use the
    Directories list box if you have to move between many subdirectories--
    e.g., between C:\123\SHEETS\BACKUP and C:\WORD\DOC\PROJ1\BACKUP.

    Whenever complex DOS Shell navigation would be required to display a
    particular group of files or you can't immediately recall where the
    desired files are located, the tree view (discussed next) is an
    invaluable tool.


    To display the tree view, shown here, select the Tree command (ALT+2)
    from the DOS Shell's command line.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                                          Chapter 4: Managing Files   59

    The tree view illustrates the structure of the directories on a
    specified drive. Later in this chapter, we'll discuss the tree view more
    fully, but for now, you'll use the tree view as a way to quickly access
    the directory containing the files you want to work with so those files
    can be displayed in the DOS Shell's Files list box.

    When you call up the tree view, it shows the structure of the drive
    whose contents you're currently viewing on the DOS Shell. To see a tree
    view of a different drive, use the command line's View Tree command
    (ALT+1), which lets you pick from a list of drives. Once you have a tree
    view of the drive containing the files you want to work with, use the
    keyboard or the mouse to scroll through the tree view list box until you
    spot the location of the desired files.

    To select the target directory, either highlight it with the keyboard
    and press ENTER or point to it with the mouse and double-click the left
    mouse button. As soon as you select your target, the DOS Shell
    automatically reappears, showing the contents of the selected directory
    in the Files list box.


    Since there are probably a number of directories whose files you work
    with often, HyperPAD lets you make separate DOS Shell pages to display
    the contents of those directories. By doing so, you can save yourself
    the trouble of having to access the drive and directory each time you
    want to work with that group of files. To create DOS Shell pages, just
    follow the instructions below.

    To create DOS Shell pages:

    1.  Use the DOS Shell's Drives and Directories list boxes or the tree
    view to display the desired files in the Files list box.

    2.  Select Misc. (ALT+7) from the command line.

    3.  When the pop-up showing miscellaneous commands appears, select New
    Page either by highlighting it with the keyboard and pressing ENTER or
    by pointing to it with the mouse and clicking the left mouse button.

    A dialog box then appears containing a text box that's already filled in
    with the path of the directory whose files are now shown in the Files
    list box. Just press ENTER or select <<Ok>> to make a separate DOS Shell
    page for the currently displayed information.

                                          Chapter 4: Managing Files   60

    Once you've created a few DOS Shell pages, you can navigate through them
    either by pressing the PGUP and PGDN keys on the keyboard or by
    selecting the on-screen paging buttons. The page number of the current
    DOS Shell page appears at the center of the title bar.

    If you want to remove DOS Shell pages that you no longer need, use the
    Delete Page command from the Edit menu. (This command only eliminates
    unwanted pages from the DOS Shell; it has no effect on the contents of
    your hard disk.) Once you remove a page from the DOS Shell, the
    remaining pages are renumbered accordingly.


    Whether you realized it or not, up until now we've been telling you how
    to display all the files in a particular directory. (HyperPAD's default
    setting is to display all files.) But if you only want to view a portion
    of the files in a particular directory, select the FileSpec command
    (ALT+3) on the DOS Shell's command line.

    The FileSpec popup that appears can be used to change the file
    specification from All Files to a particular subset of files (and vice
    versa) in the directory whose contents you're viewing. The file
    specifications you can select from are shown in the accompanying table.

    FileSpec:       Files displayed:
    All Files       Displays all the files in the directory you're viewing.

    Programs        Displays only the program files in that directory.

    Mask            Displays only the files in that directory with a certain

    Search          Displays only the files containing specified text.

    The currently selected file specification appears after "Viewing" in the
    status area, so you can always tell at a glance whether the Files list
    box shows all files or a given subset of files. In the following
    subsections, we'll take a closer look at the four FileSpec options.


    Selecting Programs from the FileSpec pop-up makes the DOS Shell's Files
    list display only the program files in the directory whose contents
    you're currently viewing. (These are files having the file extension
    COM, EXE, or BAT.)

                                          Chapter 4: Managing Files   61

    If you then use the DOS Shell to view the contents of a different
    directory, HyperPAD continues to display only the program files in the
    newly selected directory until you change the file specification (for
    example, by selecting All Files from the FileSpec pop-up).


    Selecting Mask from the FileSpec pop-up produces a dialog box asking you
    for the mask of the files you want displayed.

    To display only the files in the currently viewed directory that
    have a particular extension, type an asterisk (*), a period (.), and the
    extension, like "*.DOC."  When you press ENTER or select <<Ok>>, the
    files with the specified extension are displayed in the DOS Shell's
    Files list box. If, for example, you were in the HPAD2 directory and
    wanted to view the files in that directory with the extension PAD, you
    would type *.PAD in the dialog box's New mask text box. If you wanted to
    view only the files that start with the letter C and have the extension
    PAD, you would type C*.PAD.

    Once you use the FileSpec command to specify an extension and then use
    the DOS Shell to view the contents of a different directory, HyperPAD
    continues to display only the files (if any) with that extension in the
    newly selected directory until you change the file specification (for
    example, by selecting All Files from the FileSpec pop-up).

                                          Chapter 4: Managing Files   62


    Selecting Search from the FileSpec pop-up produces the Search dialog
    box, shown here. You can use this dialog box to tell HyperPAD to search
    the contents of the files in the currently viewed directory for the word
    or string that you type into the Search for text box.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    Selecting the Case sensitive option tells HyperPAD to identify only
    files that contain the specified text exactly as you've typed it. If,
    for example, you type Bill in the Search for text box and select the
    Case sensitive option, HyperPAD lists the files in the currently viewed
    directory that contain the word "Bill" (i.e., capital "B," lowercase
    "ill," just the way you typed it). But if you don't select the Case
    sensitive option, HyperPAD lists all the files that contain the text
    string "bill"--including not only "Bill" but also such instances as
    "Brightbill" and "billing."

    Once you've typed in the text string and selected the Case sensitive
    option (if desired), select the Start Search button to initiate the
    search. HyperPAD uses the Found list box to display the files from the
    Search list in which it finds the specified text string.

    When HyperPAD has finished its search, select the Search dialog box's
    Set View button. The DOS Shell reappears, with the list of files
    containing the specified text string now displayed in the Files list

                                          Chapter 4: Managing Files   63


    When you're through viewing any of the file subsets, you can display all
    the files in the directory again by selecting the command line's
    FileSpec command (ALT+3) and then selecting All Files from the FileSpec


    HyperPAD offers a variety of options for sorting the files currently
    displayed in the DOS Shell's Files list box. The default is for files to
    be listed by name in ascending alphabetical order. However, you can also
    sort files by extension, size (in bytes), and the date and time that the
    files were created or last modified.

    To sort files, select the Sort command (ALT+1) from the command line.
    A popup appears from which you can select Name, Extension, Size, and
    DateTime. Once you select any one of these options, a second pop-up
    automatically appears showing the options Ascending and Descending.
    (This means you really have eight sort options because you could sort
    according to any of the four options in either ascending or descending

    Once you've selected an option and specified ascending or descending
    order, the files in the Files list box are rearranged accordingly, and
    your sort option is recorded after "Sorted by" in the status area. If
    you selected descending order, the sort option in the status area is
    followed by a downward-pointing arrow.

    Once you select a sort option with the Sort command, if you then use the
    DOS Shell to view the contents of a different directory, HyperPAD
    continues to display the files in the newly selected directory according
    to the current sort option until you use the Sort command again to
    select another option (for example, HyperPAD's default setting--Name and

                                          Chapter 4: Managing Files   64


    Suppose you're trying to locate a file but you don't know which
    directory it's in? Worse yet, suppose you don't even remember the file's

    To resolve this dilemma, select the Misc. command (ALT+7) from the DOS
    Shell's command line, and when the pop-up of miscellaneous commands
    appears, select Find File. The DOS Find File dialog box, shown here,

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    To fill out this dialog box, type into the Find what text box the first
    letter of the filename (if you happen to know it), an asterisk (*), a
    period (.), and the extension of the desired file, like "*.BAT." Then
    use the Drive to search text box to specify the drive you think the file
    is located on. (Select the Pick button to choose a drive other than the
    one already shown.)

    Up to this point, the preceding explanation probably sounds a lot like
    using the Mask command on the FileSpec pop-up. However, the Mask command
    searches only the files listed for the currently viewed directory,
    whereas the Find File command performs a global search of all the
    directories on a particular drive.

    Once HyperPAD displays the results of its search in the DOS Find File
    dialog box's Found list box, you can use the keyboard or the mouse to

                                          Chapter 4: Managing Files   65

    select one of the files. As soon as you select a file, the DOS Shell
    reappears and displays the contents of the directory containing that


    In order to keep your DOS Shell and tree view current, you should give
    HyperPAD a chance to update its information whenever you know that
    you've made changes that affect your drives, directories, and files. (If
    you happen to notice discrepancies between the information displayed on
    the DOS Shell or the tree view and the actual status of your drives,
    directories, and files, you've probably failed to advise HyperPAD of
    recent changes!)

    If you've made changes affecting the contents of a directory, start by
    displaying that directory on the DOS Shell. Then select the Misc.
    command (ALT+7), and when the pop-up of miscellaneous commands appears,
    select Reread Directory. HyperPAD rereads the currently viewed directory
    and automatically displays an updated version of it.

    If you've made changes affecting the structure of a directory, start by
    selecting Tree (ALT+2) from the DOS Shell's command line to bring up the
    tree view. Then, if necessary, use the View Tree command (ALT+1) on the
    DOS Tree's command line to select a drive other than the one whose tree
    view is displayed. Once you have a tree view of the drive containing the
    directory where you made the changes, select Reread Tree (ALT+2) from
    the command line. HyperPAD rereads the tree for the selected drive and
    automatically displays an updated version of it.

    Now that you've seen how to display selected files in the DOS Shell's
    Files list box so you can work with them, let's take a look in the
    following section at some of the operations you can perform on those

                                          Chapter 4: Managing Files   66


    Once you have the files you want to work with displayed in the DOS
    Shell's Files list box, you can use that list to run a program; browse
    the contents of files; and copy, move, and delete files. The subsections
    below explain how.

    If in the course of working with your files, you need to carry out a DOS
    command, there's a handy shortcut you should be aware of. Simply select
    Misc. (ALT+7) from the DOS Shell's command line and then select DOS
    Command from the pop-up of miscellaneous commands that appears. This
    takes you directly to the DOS Commands Index page, just as if you had
    selected the Home pad's Run a DOS command button.


    In this subsection, you'll learn how to use HyperPAD's DOS Shell to
    launch a program.

    To launch a program from the DOS Shell:

    1.  Get the program file displayed in the Files list box.

    2.  Select the program with the keyboard or the mouse.

    HyperPAD launches the program but does not ask you whether you'd like to
    load a work file.

    When you exit from the program, HyperPAD returns you to the DOS Shell.

    Another way to launch a program from the DOS Shell is to get the work
    file that you want to load displayed in the Files list box. When you
    select that file with the keyboard or the mouse, HyperPAD automatically
    searches for the program that uses that type of file and (assuming it
    finds the program) launches the program with the selected work file.
    When you exit from the program, HyperPAD returns you to the DOS Shell.


    Suppose you have a group of files displayed in the DOS Shell's Files
    list box but aren't quite sure which of the files contains certain
    material that you want to work with. You can view the contents of a file
    by highlighting the file in the Files list box and then selecting the
    Browse command (ALT+8) from the DOS Shell's command line. A dialog box
    appears with the name of the highlighted file, but if you want to browse
    a different file, you can type another choice in the text box. Once the
    name of the file you want to browse is shown in the text box, press

                                          Chapter 4: Managing Files   67

    ENTER to call up the View File dialog box, illustrated here, which
    displays the raw contents of the file.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    Some files contain readable text (e.g., HyperPAD's README.DOC). The
    contents of other files consist of both readable text and other data,
    which may look like strings of meaningless characters. Some files, in
    fact, contain no readable text at all.

    When you browse the contents of a file (even a file whose raw contents
    aren't deliberately made to be readable, such as the one shown here),
    you can usually pick out enough readable text strings to determine
    what's in the file. In short, the Browse command lets you take a quick
    peek at a selected file to see whether it contains the material you want
    to work with.

    If you'd like to browse the contents of more than one file from the DOS
    Shell's Files list box, first mark the files (by highlighting each file
    with the keyboard and then pressing SPACE or by pointing to each file
    with the mouse and clicking the right mouse button) and then select
    Browse (ALT+8) from the command line. The View File dialog box
    immediately appears. When you're finished browsing the contents of the
    first marked file, you can select the Next button below the scroll box
    in the View File dialog box to display the contents of the next marked
    file without having to return to the DOS Shell and make another

                                          Chapter 4: Managing Files   68


    As shown in the accompanying table, three of the commands on the DOS
    Shell's command line can be used to manipulate the files that appear in
    the Files list box.

    Command:   Result:
    Copy       Places a copy of the file in another location on you system
               while leaving the original file in its directory.

    Move       Takes the file off the directory where it now appears and
               places it in another location on your system.

    Delete     Removes the file from your system entirely.

    In this subsection, you'll learn how to perform each of these


    The procedures for copying and moving files are very similar. First,
    display the files you want to work with in the DOS Shell's Files list
    box and use the keyboard or the mouse to mark the files you want to copy
    or move.

    As you mark files, notice how the number of files marked and the total
    number of bytes they contain are recorded after "Marked files" and
    "Bytes marked" in the status area. This information can be useful if
    you're trying either to free up a certain amount of space on a drive or
    to make sure the marked files will fit on another drive. (We'll explain
    below how to tell whether the marked files will fit on your target

                                          Chapter 4: Managing Files   69

    Once you've marked the files you want to work with, select Copy (ALT+4)
    or Move (ALT+5) from the command line. If you're copying files, the Copy
    dialog box, shown here, appears; if you're moving files, a nearly
    identical Move dialog box appears. In either case, the files you just
    marked appear in the scroll box, and the number of marked files and
    their source are recorded immediately above the scroll box.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    To use the Copy or Move dialog boxes, type the desired destination for
    the files in the Copy to or Move to text boxes. If you'd prefer to fill
    in the Copy to or Move to text boxes automatically by selecting the
    target destination from a tree view, just use the Pick button. The
    amount of free space on the target drive is shown after "Bytes free" to
    the right of the tree view, so you can determine whether the marked
    files will fit there.

    Select the Confirm overwriting option on the Copy or Move dialog box if
    you want HyperPAD to replace any existing files with the same names at
    the target location with the files that you're about to move or copy to
    that location.


    To remove files from your hard disk, start by displaying the contents of
    the directory containing the files in the Files list box. Then use the
    keyboard or the mouse to mark which files you want to delete. If you're
    interested in freeing up space on the drive containing the files, you

                                          Chapter 4: Managing Files   70

    can check "Bytes marked" in the status area to see the total number of
    bytes in the marked files.

    After making sure the files you've marked are the ones you intend to
    delete, select Delete (ALT+6) from the DOS Shell's command line. A
    dialog box appears asking you to confirm your intention to delete the
    specified number of files. When you select <<Ok>>, the marked files are
    removed from your hard disk.

    In the first two sections of this chapter, you learned how to use the
    DOS Shell to display files that you're interested in working with and
    how to perform a number of common file-management operations on those
    files. We'll close the chapter with a look at some additional functions
    you can carry out with the tree view.


    Earlier in the chapter, you were introduced to the tree view as a tool
    for specifying the directory whose contents you want to display on the
    DOS Shell and the directory to which you want to copy or move files.

    As you'll see in the next two subsections, in addition to these
    functions, the tree view is an excellent information resource as well as
    a tool that you can use to change the structure of your directories.

    is a good way to get a feel for the structure of the directories on one
    of your drives, since it displays the hierarchy of directories,
    subdirectories, and sub-subdirectories at a glance.

    To make it easier for you to browse through the tree views of your
    drives, HyperPAD creates a separate tree view page for each drive the
    first time you call up a tree view of that drive. (This process is
    similar to creating separate DOS Shell pages, except that in the case of
    the tree view, HyperPAD performs this function automatically.) Once your
    tree list contains more than one page, you can use the keyboard's PGUP
    and PGDN keys or the on-screen paging buttons to travel between pages
    rather than having to use the command line's View Tree command (ALT+1)
    to specify a drive each time you want to see a tree view.

    If you find that your tree view is becoming cluttered with pages for
    drives that you seldom work with, just access each unwanted tree view
    page and remove it by selecting Delete Page (ALT+3) from the command

                                          Chapter 4: Managing Files   71

    line. Doing this simply eliminates the tree view page; it has no effect
    on the contents of your hard disk. The next time you have occasion to
    work with a drive whose tree view page you previously deleted, you can
    create another tree view page for that drive by using the command line's
    View Tree command (ALT+1).


    The tree view also lets you create a new directory and delete a
    directory from a drive.

    To create a new directory, call up a tree view of the drive on which you
    want to place the directory, use the keyboard or the mouse to select the
    directory to which you want to add a subdirectory, and then select Make
    Dir (ALT+4) from the command line. A dialog box appears containing the
    New directory text box, with the drive and directory information already
    filled in (e.g., C:\FX\SAMPLES). All you have to do is type in the name
    of the new directory and select <<Ok>>.

    To remove a directory or branch (including all the files and subordinate
    directories within it) from your hard disk, call up a tree view of the
    drive containing that branch, mark the branch with the keyboard or the
    mouse, and then select Delete Branch (ALT+6) from the command line.
    HyperPAD presents a dialog box asking you to confirm your intention to
    delete the specified branch, together with its contents. Selecting
    <<Ok>> removes the branch from your system.

    Be careful when you use the Delete Branch command, because if you take
    material off your hard disk with this command, it's gone for good.

                                          Chapter 4: Managing Files   72


    Once you master the information presented in this chapter, you should be
    able to access the files you want to work with by using the DOS Shell
    and the tree view to display those files in the DOS Shell's Files list
    box. You should also know how to sort the currently viewed files, how to
    display subsets of the files in a particular directory, and how to find
    a file on a drive. And you'll be able to update your DOS Shell and tree
    view to reflect any changes you've made to the contents or structure of
    your directories.

    After you have the files you want to work with displayed in the DOS
    Shell's Files list box, you should know how to launch a program by
    selecting a program file or a work file on the list; how to browse the
    contents of one or more of the listed files; and how to copy and move
    files on the list or delete them from your system.

    And finally, you'll know how to use the tree view not only as an
    information resource that shows the structure of your directories but
    also as a tool for selecting directories in order to perform certain DOS
    Shell functions and as a tool for changing the structure of your

    In short, you'll be able to manage your files simply by using HyperPAD's
    DOS Shell and tree view to display the contents of your directories and
    then selecting easily understandable options and commands from pop-ups
    rather than by manually entering a lot of hard-to-remember DOS commands.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   293



    The File menu commands allow you to execute file and pad maintenance
    tasks. Open the File menu to:

        0  Open, save, and create new pads

        0  Perform pad maintenance tasks

        0  Import and export screen and database files

        0  Print reports and labels

        0  Run DOS programs

        0  Exit HyperPAD

    The commands displayed on the File menu change depending on the current
    user level. Below, the File menu is shown at the browsing and painting
    user levels:

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   294


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+F, N
    Keyboard Shortcut:  F11
    User Level:  All

    The New command saves the current pad and creates a new pad.
    When you select New, you must type a name for the new pad in the New Pad
    dialog box. If the "Keep current background" box is checked, the new pad
    will use the current background.

    Depending on the graphics card in your system, you can select from
    different screen modes. If your system is CGA-compatible you must select
    25 line mode. EGA systems support 25 and 43 line mode, and VGA systems
    support 25, 43, and 50 line mode.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+F, O
    Keyboard Shortcut:  F12
    User Level:  All

    The Open command saves the current pad and accesses another pad. Either
    type in the name of the pad you want to open or select the pad from the
    Files list box in the Open Pad dialog box.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+F, S
    Keyboard Shortcut:  ALT+F11
    User Level:  All

    Use the Save a Copy command to save the current pad under a new name or
    to create a backup copy of your pad. Since HyperPAD saves all changes to
    the current pad, a backup copy provides the only means of restoring a
    pad to its previous state. So you should always make backups prior to
    editing a pad.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   295

    When you select the Save a Copy command, the Save a Copy dialog box
    appears. The default pad name is the current pad name with a .BAK
    extension. To choose the default, press ENTER. Otherwise, type in the
    new name (and the drive and directory if you are saving the pad in a
    drive or directory other than the current directory) and press ENTER.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+F, C
    Keyboard Shortcut:  none
    User Level:  Painting

    The Compress command decreases the amount of disk space occupied by the
    pad by freeing space created when you delete pages, backgrounds,
    buttons, and fields. Use the Compress command periodically to free disk
    space and thereby increase disk access speed. While compressing,
    HyperPAD displays a status box showing which pages and backgrounds are
    being compressed.

    Compress requires twice the disk space that the uncompressed pad


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+F, T
    Keyboard Shortcut:  none
    User Level:  Painting

    Use the Protect command to set passwords and to set the various forms of
    pad protection.

    Note:  When the user level is typing or browsing, the Protect command
    will not appear on the File menu. This protects your pad from
    modification. When the pad is protected, access the extended File menu
    by holding down the SHIFT key and pressing ALT+F (ALT+SHIFT+F). If you
    are using a mouse, hold down the SHIFT key and click on the File menu.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   296

    When you select Protect from the File menu, the Set Pad Protection
    dialog box appears.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    Read only:  When this option is set, HyperPAD prevents modification of
    the file. Further, the pad is opened in a shared, read-only mode that
    allows network users to open and use the pad simultaneously. Using
    PADtalk, you can still modify pages by putting information into fields
    and modifying button properties, etc.; however, these changes will not
    be saved.

    Activating this option does not limit the user's ability to alter the
    user level.

    Can't delete pad:  This option prevents you from accidentlaly deleting
    your pad from HyperPAD. When this option is active, the Delete command
    from the File menu will not work.

    By password only:  When this option is selected, you may only access the
    pad after providing the correct password. Assign a password with the
    <Set Password> button.

    Entering a password without checking the By password only option will
    allow all users to access the pad. However, only those who know the
    password can access the Protect dialog box.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   297

    User level:  Determines which tools, menus, and editing capabilities the
    user can access. The following describes the five user levels:

    User level:        Description:

    Browsing           Allows you to only click on buttons

    Typing             Allows you to type into fields

    Painting           Allows you to use the painting tools

    Authoring          Allows you to create and manipulate objects

    Scripting          Allows you to create and modify scripts

    Each user level encompasses all of the capabilities of the previous
    levels. For example, painting gives you all of the capabilities of
    typing and browsing.

    Set Password:  This option accesses the Set Password dialog box into
    which you enter the password.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+F, D
    Keyboard Shortcut:  none
    User Level:  Painting

    Use the Delete command to remove a pad from disk. To delete a pad, open
    the pad you want to delete, then select the Delete command. Once a pad
    is deleted, you can only restore it with a DOS file recovery program.
    While the "No Delete" option in the Set Pad Protection dialog box is
    activate, the pad cannot be deleted.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+F, I
    Keyboard Shortcut:  none
    User Level:  Painting

    Use the Import command to bring dBASE III, HyperPAD Capture, ASCII text,
    Delimited ASCII, and BASIC BSAVE files into HyperPAD.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   298

    When you select the Import command, the Import dialog box appears.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │


    This option imports character mode screen images captured using
    HyperPAD's Capture utility program, CAP.EXE. A new page is created for
    each image in the .GX2 file.

    For an image to be imported into the current pad, the resolution (i.e.,
    the height and width) of the image must be the same as the current pad.

    Those images with different character modes will not be imported.


    This option imports a text file into the current field.

    To import text:

    1.  Make sure you are using the Browse tool (CTRL+B).

    2.  Press TAB until the receiving field has the focus.

    3.  If the field is highlighted, press F2 to edit the field.

    4.  Position the cursor where you want to insert the imported text.

    5.  Select Import and choose the Text option.

    6.  Select the text file to import from the Import Text File dialog box.


    This option imports records from dBASE III and dBASE III Plus files.
    HyperPAD will automatically create a new background in the current pad
    with fields that correspond to the dBASE fields. HyperPAD then creates a
    separate page in the pad for each record in the dBASE III file. You can
    import a maximum of 48 fields.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   299


    This option imports records from delimited ASCII files created by
    spreadsheets, databases, word processors, and other programs. When
    importing delimited ASCII files, HyperPAD creates a new background in
    the current pad containing fields that correspond to the fields in the
    delimited ASCII file. HyperPAD then creates a separate page for each
    record in the delimited ASCII file.


    This option imports a BASIC.BSV file into HyperPAD. These files are
    memory images of the screen data usually created in BASIC. The .BSV file
    replaces all painting on the page or background. For example, when you
    import a .BSV file, everything painted on the current layer (page or
    background) is replaced with the screen image contained in the file.

    The following BASIC statements create a BSAVE file called MYFILE.BSV:

    DEF SEG=&HB800              'use &HB000 for mono
    BSAVE "myfile.bsv",0,4000   'use 8000 for 50 lines
                                'use 6880 for 43 lines


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+F, E
    Keyboard Shortcut:  none
    User Level:  Painting

    Use the Export command to save data from the current pad to the
    following file formats: Show Partner F/X (.GX2), BASIC BSAVE (.BSV),
    dBASE III (.DBF), Delimited ASCII, and Text (.TXT).

    Selecting the Export command accesses the Export dialog box:

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   300


    This option exports the current screen (excluding the menu bar, status
    bar, and tool box) to a Show Partner F/X (.GX2) file. The exported file
    can then be used with Show Partner F/X and other products that support
    the .GX2 file format. When this option is activated, HyperPAD displays a
    dialog box that asks you for a filename. Type in the filename, including
    a drive and directory if necessary, then press ENTER.


    This option exports the current screen (excluding the menu bar, status
    bar, and tool box) to a .BSV file. This file is a memory image of a
    screen that can be used by BASIC or other programming languages. The
    following BASIC statements read and display the file MYFILE.BSV:

    DEF SEG=&HB800       'use &HB000 for mono screens
    BLOAD "myfile.bsv"

    dBASE III (.DBF)

    This option exports data from background fields to a dBASE III (.DBF)
    file. If you select dBASE III, HyperPAD displays the Export to DBASE III
    dialog box.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   301

    Background field:  Lists the current background fields.

    .DBF field:  HyperPAD proposes the first eight (8) characters of the
    field name as the .DBF field name. For example, if a HyperPAD field is
    named "STREETADDRESS", "STREETAD" is proposed as the .DBF field name.

    Type:   DBASE III supports five types of fields: character, numeric,
    date, logical, and memo. Initially, each field is a character type. To
    change the field type, TAB to highlight Type and press SPACE until the
    correct field type is displayed.

    Width:  This option allows you to set the width of the dBASE III field.
    Initially, HyperPAD assigns a field width (number of characters wide)
    based on the physical dimensions of the field (no greater than 255). To
    change the width, enter a new value in the Field Width text box. The
    maximum allowable widths for each are:

    Field Type:         Maximum width:
    character           255

    numeric             10 (8 decimal places)

    date                8

    logical             1

    memo                10

    Orientation:  The orientation options determine how the characters are
    placed on the paper. Portrait positions the print in standard page
    format. Landscape rotates the paper horizontally, so that the pages are
    wider than they are long. Use the Landscape option to produce wide
    reports. The Landscape option can only be used on page printers, such as
    the HP LaserJet Series III.

    When you select <<Ok>> from the Export to dBASE III dialog box, HyperPAD
    displays a dialog box that asks you to name the dBASE III filename
    you're exporting to. Type in the filename, including the drive and
    directory, if necessary.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   302


    This option exports data from the current background fields to a
    delimited ASCII file. ASCII files can be used by most word processors
    and database programs. If you select the Delimited ASCII option,
    HyperPAD displays the Export Delimited ASCII dialog box.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    Type in the filename, include the drive and directory, if necessary. If
    you do not specify a file extension, HyperPAD assumes .TXT.

    Delimited ASCII files are exported in the following format:

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    Each line is terminated with both a carriage return character (ASCII 13)
    and a linefeed character (ASCII 10). The file itself is terminated with
    an end of file character (ASCII 26).

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   303


    This option exports the content of the current field to a text file.

    To use the Export Text command:

    1.  Make sure you are using the Browse tool (CTRL+B).

    2.  TAB until the field you want to export information from has the

    3.  Select Export and choose the Text option.

    A dialog box is placed on screen.

    4.  Type in the filename and include the drive and directory, if
    necessary. If you don't specify a file extension, HyperPAD assumes .TXT.

    The carriage returns (ASCII 13) in the field are translated to carriage
    return/linefeed pairs (ASCII 13/ASCII 10).


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+F, U
    Keyboard Shortcut:  none
    User Level:  All

    Use the Printer Setup command to select your printer and the port to
    which your output is directed. When you select the Printer Setup
    command, the Printer Setup dialog box appears:

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   304

    Available Printers:  In the Available printers list box, HyperPAD lists
    all the available printer drivers. If your printer is not listed, choose
    Generic Line Printer. Select a printer by TABBING to the Available
    Printers list, using the UP and DOWN arrow keys to highlight a printer,
    and then pressing SPACE.

    If your printer is not listed, you have two printer options, which are
    described below:

        0  Generic Line Printer:  Use this driver to print to a file or
           to a standard printer. This driver prints all printable
           characters, translating extended characters (less than 32 and
           greater than 126) to printable characters (usually a space). The
           end of line character is printed as a carriage return and
           linefeed pair. The end of page character is printed using a

        0  Extended Generic:  This driver is the same as the Generic Line
           Printer with one exception: it allows characters greater than 126
           to be printed. Choose this option if your printer supports these

    Print to:  Select LPT1 or LPT2 if your printer is connected to a
    parallel port, or COM1 or COM2 if your printer is connected to a serial
    port. If you don't want to immediately print the information, you can
    print to a file with the File option. If you print to a file, you must
    specify a valid DOS filename in the text box to the right of the File


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+F, G
    Keyboard Shortcut:  none
    User Level:  All

    Use the Page Setup command to specify the print orientation, the paper
    size, and whether manual or continuous feed is used. Once these
    parameters are set, they are retained until the next time you alter

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   305

    When you select the Page Setup command, the Page Setup dialog box

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    Orientation:  The orientation options determine how
    the characters are placed on the paper. Portrait positions the print in
    standard page format. Landscape rotates the paper horizontally, so that
    the pages are wider than they are long. Use the Landscape option to
    produce wide reports. The Landscape option can only be used on page
    printers, such as the HP LaserJet Series III.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   306

    Compressed:  This option allows you to print more
    characters on a line. The Compressed option can be activated, regardless
    of which orientation option is selected.

    Form:  Form determines the page size. Letter specifies a standard 8.5- x
    11-inch page, Legal specifies a 8.5- x 14- inch page, and Custom allows
    you to set your own dimensions. If you select Custom, TAB to the Height
    and Width text boxes under Custom and enter the page's dimensions (to
    two decimal places).

    Feed:  Feed determines how paper is fed into your printer. Manual feed
    pauses between pages and prompts you to insert pages by hand. Continuous
    feed does not pause between pages. Use Continuous Feed for tractor feed
    and automatic feed printers.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+F, P
    Keyboard Shortcut:  none
    User Level:  All

    Use the Print command to print pages, reports, and labels.

    When you select the Print command the Print dialog box appears.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   307

    When you select one of the print type options, its corresponding dialog
    box appears and then prompts you for information regarding the print


    This option allows you to print a page (or group of pages) as it appears
    on screen. When you select the Pages option, the following dialog box

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    Header:  Select the Header text box and enter any text you want to
    appear at the top of each printed page. (See the table at the end of the
    Print section for format code information.) If you don't want a header
    to appear, leave this text box empty.

    Footer:  Select the Footer text box and enter any text you want to
    appear at the bottom of each printed page. (See the table at the end of
    the Print section for format code information.) If you don't want a
    footer to appear, simply leave the text box empty.

    Pages:  The Pages option specifies the range of pages to be printed. If
    the All option is selected, then all the pages in the pad are printed.
    If the Pages option is active, you must specify the range of pages to be
    printed. Type the starting and ending page numbers in the From and To
    text boxes.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   308

    As is:  The As is option specifies that the page be printed exactly as
    it appears on the display. This includes the menu bar, the status bar,
    and tool box, if they are currently displayed.

    Margins:  All margins default to 0.5". Change the margins by selecting
    the appropriate margin text box and typing in a new value. All
    measurements are given in inches.

    Pages per printed page:  The Pages per printed page option specifies the
    number of pages to be printed on a single sheet of paper. The default is
    one page per sheet of paper. The maximum value depends on the size of
    the HyperPAD page and the paper size.


    The Labels option prints mailing labels using selected background

    When you select the Labels option, the Print Labels dialog box is
    displayed. By default, all background fields are included on the label.
    However, you can select which fields are included with this dialog box.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    The dialog box options allow you to specify the dimensions of each label
    and the layout of the labels on the page.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   309

    The following diagrams will help you to understand what each option

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   310

    Background field:  This column lists all the fields on the current
    background. If a field does not have a name, its ID is displayed.

    Print:  This option specifies the background fields to print on the
    label. To toggle the value between Yes and No, TAB to this column and
    press SPACE.

    Labels across:  This option specifies the number of labels printed
    across each page. By default, labels are printed two across, which is
    typical for laser printer label sheets. For tractor feed labels, use the
    value 1.

    Labels down:  This option selects the number of labels placed vertically
    on the label sheet. For tractor feed labels, use the value 0 (which
    means that the labels are continuous). The default is 7.

    Top margin:  This option specifies the top margin on the label sheet.
    For laser labels, specify the exact number of inches from the top of the
    page to the top of the first label. For tractor feed labels, set the Top
    Margin to 0 and position the print head at the top of the first label.
    The default is 0.25".

    Left margin:  This option specifies the distance from the left side of
    the paper to the left side of the first label in inches. The default is

    Horizontal (space between labels):  This option controls the horizontal
    spacing between labels. When you choose to print two or more labels
    across, you must specify the space between labels. The default is 0.134
    " (1/8").

    Vertical (space between labels):  This option controls the vertical
    spacing between labels. The default is 0 (used by most tractor feed

    Width:  The Width option specifies the width of the label in inches. The
    default is 4".

    Height:  This option specifies the height of the label in inches. The
    default is 1.5".

    Label Margins (left and right):  These options allow you to specify the
    margins within the label itself. Normally, you will have to make a few
    test prints in order to find the correct margin settings.


    The Columns option prints data in column reports using information from
    selected background fields. The column report has the following format:

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   311

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    When you select the Columns option from the Print dialog box, the Print
    Column Report dialog box appears.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    Background field:  This column lists all the fields on the current
    background. If the field does not have a name, then its field ID is

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   312

    Width:  This option specifies the column width allowed for the field on
    the printed page. By default, HyperPAD tries to print all the background
    fields on the page and adjusts the width of each field accordingly. To
    change the width, use TAB and the UP and DOWN arrows to highlight the
    field's width that you want to change, then type in a new value. The
    measurement must be in inches.

    Print:  This option specifies the background fields to print in the
    column report. To toggle the value between Yes and No, TAB to the
    setting and press SPACE.

    Single (Spacing):  This option allows you to print a single-spaced

    Double (Spacing):  This option allows you to print a double-spaced

    Field (Names):  This allows you to print field names across the top of
    the report. If field names are printed, they are wrapped within the
    allowed column width.

    Page (Names):  This option allows you to print the pad's name along the
    left side of the printed page. If this is not selected, there will be
    more room in which to print the field information.

    Header:  This option allows you to specify the text that will print at
    the top of each page. If you do not want to include a header, leave this
    text box empty. See the table at the end of the Print section for format
    code information.

    Footer:  This option allows you to specify text that will print at the
    bottom of each page. If you do not want a footer, leave the text box
    empty. See the table at the end of the Print section for format code

    Margins (top, bottom, left, right):  These options allow you to specify
    the page margins (in inches).

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   313


    Prints data in row reports using selected background fields. A row
    report has the following format:

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   314

    When you select the Rows option from the Print dialog box, the Print Row
    Report dialog box appears:

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    Background field:  This column lists all the current background fields.
    If the field does not have a name, then its ID is used.

    Width:  This field is not used.

    Print:  This option allows you to specify the background fields printed
    in the row report. To toggle the value between Yes and No, TAB to the
    setting and press SPACE.

    Single:  This option specifies a single-spaced report.

    Double:  This options specifies a double-spaced report.

    Field (Names):  This option causes field names to be printed to the left
    of the field's content. If you want more room for your field
    information, don't select this option.

    Page (Names):  This option allows you to print the page names, if one
    has been assigned, before each set of field information. If the page
    doesn't have a name, its number is printed instead. Use this option to
    identify the sections of a report.

    Margins (top, bottom, left, right):  These options allow you to specify
    the page margins in inches.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   315

    Header:  This option allows you to specify text that will be printed at
    the top of each page. If you do not want a header, leave this text box
    empty. (See the table at the end of the Print section for format code

    Footer:  This option allows you to specify text which will appear at the
    bottom of each printed page. If you don't want a footer, leave this text
    box empty. (See the table at the end of the Print section for format
    code information.)

    All headers and footers can include print commands to execute at print
    time. Each command is preceded by an ampersand. The commands and their
    functions are:

    Command:      Function:
    &L            Prints text flush left

    &R            Prints text flush right

    &C            Prints centered text

    &P            Automatic page numbering

    &D            Prints the date

    &E            Prints the long date

    &T            Prints the time

    &S            Prints the pad name

    &A            Prints the page name

    &N            Prints the page numbers from the pad

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   316


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+F, R
    Keyboard Shortcut:  ALT+F10
    User Level:  All

    Use the Run Program command to run a DOS program or a batch file. When

    you run a program from HyperPAD, HyperPAD shrinks to 3K bytes,
    essentially freeing up all the computer's memory. When you exit the
    program, HyperPAD returns to the page in the pad where you left off.
    When you run a program, HyperPAD displays the Run Program dialog box:

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    Program to run:  Type in the name of the program you
    want to run. If you do not specify a directory for the program, HyperPAD
    will search the current directory first. If the program is not found,
    HyperPAD searches the directories given by the DOS environment variable
    "PATH", which is set in the AUTOEXEC.BAT.

    If you do not include a file extension, HyperPAD will look for .COM
    files, then .EXE files, then .BAT files. If you specify a batch file
    (.BAT), HyperPAD will attempt to locate your copy of COMMAND.COM, which
    is necessary to run a batch file.

    By default, HyperPAD presents "COMMAND.COM." If you press ENTER,
    HyperPAD will load DOS. To return to HyperPAD, type EXIT and press

    Keep current directory:  This option runs the specified program from the
    current directory--i.e., the directory is not changed to the one
    containing the program. This should be activated when you want to run a
    program from the directory that contains its work files.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   317

    Some executables, like Lotus 1-2-3, require program files to be in the
    same directory as the executable. For instance, if Lotus 1-2-3 is not in
    the current directory, the directory must be changed to where the
    program and its files are located. For this case, this option must not
    be activated.

    Note:  Be careful when running memory-resident programs. If the
    available memory after you run a memory-resident program is too small,
    HyperPAD may not be able to reload.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+F, X
    Keyboard Shortcut:  CTRL+Q
    User Level:  All

    Use Exit to quit HyperPAD. Exit is available in all pads. When you
    select this menu command, HyperPAD saves the current pad and exits
    immediately. If you use the keyboard shortcut (CTRL+Q), HyperPAD prompts
    for confirmation to quit.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   318


    Open the Edit menu to:

        0  Switch between editing the page and the background

        0  Toggle between the page and background

        0  Create new pages using the existing background

        0  Cut, copy, or paste text in a field, objects, and marked

        0  Undo the most recent painting operation


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+E, U
    Keyboard Shortcut:  CTRL+Z or CTRL+U
    User Level:  Painting

    Use the Undo command to cancel the most recent painting change to a pad.

    Note:  Only painting modifications can be undone.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+E, T
    Keyboard Shortcut:  CTRL+X
    User Level:  Typing

    The Cut command removes the selected text, objects, or marked block and
    places it in the clipboard. You can retrieve the cut item using the
    Paste command.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+E, C
    Keyboard Shortcut:  CTRL+C
    User Level:  Typing

    This command copies text, objects, or a marked block to the clipboard,
    depending on the current tool. The Copy command changes as you select

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   319

    different types of information. For example, when you highlight text in
    fields, the command appears as Copy Text, and when you mark a block
    using the Mark Block tool, the command appears as Copy Block.

    Copy saves the selected information to an area in memory called the
    clipboard. You can retrieve the clipboard's content with the Paste
    command. Because the clipboard can only store one piece of information
    at a time, its contents  are overwritten each time you use the Copy or
    Cut commands.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+E, P
    Keyboard Shortcut:  CTRL+V
    User Level:  Typing

    Use the Paste command to retrieve the contents of the clipboard (placed
    in the clipboard by the Cut or Copy command). The Paste command is only
    available after something has been copied or cut. The name of the Paste
    command changes depending on the item in the clipboard (i.e., Paste
    Button, Paste Text, Paste Page).

    Pasting is dependent on the tool in use. For example, to paste a button
    or field, you must be using the Selector tool; to paste text, you must
    be editing a field using the Browse tool; and to paste a paint block,
    you must be using the Paint tool.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+E, L
    Keyboard Shortcut:  none
    User Level:  Typing

    Use the Delete command to remove an object, text, or a marked block from
    the current page. When you use Delete, HyperPAD removes the selected
    item from the pad. Delete does not store a copy in the clipboard.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   320


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+E, N
    Keyboard Shortcut:  F3
    User Level:  Typing

    Use the New Page command to create a new, blank page immediately after
    the current page. Once a page is created, it becomes the current page.

    For database pads (like a phone/address database pad), creating a new
    page is similar to adding a new record to the database.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+E, G
    Keyboard Shortcut:  none
    User Level:  Typing

    Use the Cut Page command to remove a page and its background from the
    pad and copy it to the clipboard. Retrieve the page and background using
    the Paste Page command.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+E, O
    Keyboard Shortcut:  none
    User Level:  Painting

    Use the Copy Page command to copy a page and its background to the
    clipboard. Use the Paste Page command to paste the page and the

    When you paste a page, you will also paste the background if the
    background doesn't exist in the pad.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   321


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+E, D
    Keyboard Shortcut:  none
    User Level:  Typing

    Use the Delete Page command to remove the current page from the pad.
    When you delete a page, the next page in the pad becomes the current
    page. HyperPAD prevents you from deleting the only page remaining in a

    To prevent a page or background from being deleted, activate the No
    delete option in either the Page or Background Info dialog box.

    Note:  Use the Delete command from the File menu to remove the entire
    pad from your disk.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+E, B
    Keyboard Shortcut:  None
    User Level:  Painting

    Use the Background command to switch between editing the background and
    the page. When editing the background, the following keys are available:

    Keystroke:            Result:
    CTRL+SHIFT+PGUP       Edit the previous background in the pad

    CTRL+SHIFT+PGDN       Edit the next background in the pad

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   322


    Open the Database menu to:

        0  Find information in a pad

        0  Sort the pages in a pad

        0  Create a subset of pages in a pad


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+D, F
    Keyboard Shortcut:  CTRL+F, CTRL+N, or ENTER = find next
    User Level:  All

    Use the Find command to search the fields of the current pad for text.
    When you select Find, the message box is displayed with the Find

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    Type the text string that you want to locate, between the quotes, and
    press ENTER. HyperPAD will search the pad, beginning with the fields on
    the current page.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   323

    If HyperPAD locates the text, the page the field is on becomes the
    current page and the text is highlighted.

    If HyperPAD locates the text within a locked field (one that cannot be
    edited), the page the field is on becomes the current page.

    If HyperPAD is unable to find the text anywhere in the pad, it will
    sound two beeps. To find the next occurrence, press ENTER or CTRL+N (for
    next). HyperPAD will locate the next occurrence after the one just

    If you want to locate only whole words, use BACKSPACE to delete the word
    "part" so that the command reads like this:

    find "<<text>>"

    If you want to restrict the search to a particular field, use a command
    that looks like this:

    find part "<text>" in field "Last Name"

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   324


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+D, S
    Keyboard Shortcut:  none
    User Level:  All

    Use the Sort command to rearrange the page order in the current pad
    based on an alphabetic, numeric, or date comparison. Specify a sort by
    one, two, or three fields in ascending or descending order.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    Sort by:  This text box allows you to specify a field to use as the sort

    Background field:  Lists the names or ID numbers of all the current
    background fields.

    Ascending:  This option arranges the pages in ascending order (from low
    to high).

    Descending:  This option arranges the pages in descending order, (high
    to low) depending on the specified sort type.

    Text:  This option sorts the specified field alphabetically. The text
    sort also treats numbers as characters; consequently, the number 1,000
    appears before 20 because the first character of 1,000 (1) is lower than
    the first character of 20 (2)

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   325

    Numeric:  This option sorts fields by their numeric values.

    DateTime:  This option sorts fields containing dates. HyperPAD
    recognizes common date formats. For example, HyperPAD converts March 5,
    1973, 3/5/73, and 3-5-73 to the same expression before sorting.
    European-style date formats (DD/MM/YY) are not supported directly by
    HyperPAD but may be supported through a PADtalk script. (See the PADtalk
    Reference Guide for more information.)


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+D, Q
    Keyboard Shortcut:  none
    User Level:  All

    Use the Query command to view a group of pages that match the criteria
    you establish. The Query Criteria dialog box allows you to specify the
    conditions the fields are checked against.

    The Query Criteria dialog box is shown below:

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   326

    Background field:  This column lists the fields on the current
    background. If the field does not have a name, then its ID is used.

    Operator:  This column specifies the operator used to compare the field
    content to the data you specify in the Value column. To change the
    operator, TAB to this column and press SPACE.

    Operators:    Description:
    contains      TRUE if the value can be found within the field

    is            TRUE if the field is the same as the value

    is not        TRUE if the field and the value are different

    is in         TRUE if the value can be found within the field

    <             TRUE if the field is less than the value

    <=            TRUE if the field is less than or equal to the value

    >             TRUE if the field is greater than the value

    >=            TRUE if the field is greater than or equal to the value

    You may specify a numeric quantity in the Value text box (such as 3500).
    Text may also be specified in the Value text box (such as Jim, Hisur,
    delicious). The text must be entered without quotes. Text comparison is
    case-insensitive; thus, JOHN and john are equal.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   327


    Open the Go menu to:

        0  Open a pad

        0  Return to a pad

        0  Return to the last page viewed (even if the page is in a
           different pad)

        0  Navigate through the current pad


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+G, E
    Keyboard Shortcut:  F1
    User Level:  All

    Use the Help command to access HyperPAD's on-line Help system. To access
    Pad Help, press F1 once. If you want to open General Help, press F1

    Note:  In a pad you designed, pressing F1 will take you directly to
    General Help.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+G, H
    Keyboard Shortcut:  ALT+F5
    User Level:  All

    Use the Home command to open the Home pad.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   328


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+G, B
    Keyboard Shortcut:  F5
    User Level:  All

    Use the Back command to retrace the path of your current HyperPAD
    session. HyperPAD keeps a record of the previous 100 pages opened and
    the order in which you opened them. When you select this command,
    HyperPAD returns you to the previously opened page. Even if you go to a
    different pad, you can still use this command to backtrack through the
    pages you viewed.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+G, N
    Keyboard Shortcut:  PGDN
    User Level:  All

    Use the Next command to go to the following page in the current pad.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+G, P
    Keyboard Shortcut:  PGUP
    User Level:  All

    Use the Previous command to go to preceding page.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+G, F
    Keyboard Shortcut:  CTRL+PGUP
    User Level:  All

    Use the First command to go to the first page in the current pad.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   329


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+G, L
    Keyboard Shortcut:  CTRL+PGDN
    User Level:  All

    Use the Last command to go to the last page in the current pad.


    Open the Tools menu to select an authoring tool. HyperPAD's authoring
    tools are used to:

        0  Alter the design of a pad

        0  Change the appearance of a page or background

        0  Mark a section of a page or background for modification

        0  Select buttons and fields

        0  Browse

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   330


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+T, T
    Keyboard Shortcut:  CTRL+T
    User Level:  Painting

    Use the Text tool to add text to the paint layer of a page or
    background. Any text you add to a background appears on every page
    sharing that background. You cannot use the Text tool to enter text into
    a field or to change scripts.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+T, P
    Keyboard Shortcut:  CTRL+P
    User Level:  Painting

    Use the Paint tool to add color to your pads. The Paint tool operates on
    the page or background and has no effect on buttons or fields. Use the
    Paint Attr command on the Workspace menu to select different attributes.
    (See the "Workspace Menu" section of this guide for information about
    the Paint Attr command.)


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+T, E
    Keyboard Shortcut:  CTRL+E
    User Level:  Painting

    Use Erase to delete text, ASCII characters, or paint from the current
    page or background. To erase, move the cursor to your starting point,
    hold down SHIFT, and then use the arrow keys to erase.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   331


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+T, L
    Keyboard Shortcut:  CTRL+L
    User Level:  Painting

    Use the Line tool to draw single or double lines on a page or
    background. To specify the type of line, use the Line type command on
    the Workspace menu.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+T, M
    Keyboard Shortcut:  CTRL
    User Level:  Painting

    Use the Mark Block tool to select an area of a page or background
    (excluding buttons and fields) and then edit it with the Block commands.
    Each option is explained in the "Block Menu" section of this chapter.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+T, H
    Keyboard Shortcut:  CTRL+H
    User Level:  Painting

    Use the Char Paint tool to paint the current ASCII character (selected
    from the Set Paint Character dialog box), which is specified to the
    right of the ASCII Char command on the Workspace menu.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   332


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+T, S
    Keyboard Shortcut:  CTRL+S
    User Level:  Painting

    The Selector tool allows you to select buttons and fields for
    modification. Use the Cut, Copy, Delete, and Paste commands from the
    Edit menu, and Button Info and Field Info from the Objects menu, to
    modify a selected button or field. With the Selector tool you can also
    change a button or field's size and position.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+T, B
    Keyboard Shortcut:  CTRL+B
    User Level:  Painting

    Use the Browse tool to select buttons, view information in fields, or
    enter text into fields. HyperPAD automatically chooses the Browse tool
    when the user level is set to browsing or typing.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   333


    The Objects menu commands allow you to create new objects (pads, pages,
    backgrounds, buttons, and fields), and edit object properties.
    Open the Objects menu to:

        0  Add new buttons and fields to a page or background

        0  Create new backgrounds

        0  Alter or set object properties

        0  Access object information

        0  View object scripts

        0  Duplicate a field or button

        0  Change the order of layering of fields and buttons

    The Objects menu is available at the authoring and scripting levels.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   334


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+O, B
    Keyboard Shortcut:  ALT+F3
    User Level:  Authoring

    Use the New Button command to create a button associated with a page or
    background. A button on a page is exclusive to that page; it is not
    shared among pages. A button added to a background appears on all the
    pages that share that background.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+O, F
    Keyboard Shortcut:  CTRL+F3
    User Level:  Authoring

    Use the New Field command to create a field on the current page or
    background. A field on the page is unique to that page, while fields
    created on the background appear on all pages that share that


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+O, G
    Keyboard Shortcut:  SHIFT+F3
    User Level:  Authoring

    Use the New Background command to create a new blank page and
    background. HyperPAD inserts the blank page immediately after the
    current page. The new background remains active until you select the
    Background command from the Edit menu and return to viewing both the
    page and background.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+O, U
    Keyboard Shortcut:  ENTER (when the button is selected)
    User Level:  Authoring

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   335

    Use the Button Info command to:

        0  View the button ID and button object number relative to the
           other buttons on the page.

        0  Modify button properties and attributes.

        0  Link the current page to a page in the current pad or in a
           different pad.

        0  Write or edit a button's script.

    The Button Info command is only active when a button is selected with
    the Selector tool. To use this command, select either the Button Info
    command from the Objects menu or double-click on the selected button.

    Button Name:  Assign the button's name.

    Accelerator Key:  Assigns the character within the button's name used to
    activate a button from the keyboard (by pressing ALT).

    Accelerator Color:  Choose the color in which the accelerator key
    character appears when the user presses ALT.

    Show name:  Displays the button name (on by default).

    With edge:  Displays the button border (on by default).

    Hilite if focus:  Changes the button's color to the highlight color when
    the button receives the focus. This is used in combination with the Auto
    Hilite option.

    Auto hilite:  Changes the button's color to its highlight color when the
    button receives the focus (on by default).

    Shadow:  Places a black shadow at the right and bottom edges of the
    button. If the button is placed on a black area, its shadow will not be

    Opaque:  Makes a button non transparent. The button completely hides the
    characters under it (selected by default).

    Transparent:  Makes the empty areas within the button see-through.
    Characters underneath the button can be seen when you select this

    Check Box:  Places a check box [ ] to the left of the button's name. The
    check box attribute is useful to the pad designer for setting the state
    of a control option.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   336

    <Border Color...>:  Determines the color of the button boundary when the
    With edge attribute is selected.

    <Fill Color...>:  Determines the color of the button interior.

    <Hilite Color...>:  Determines the color of the button when the button
    receives the focus.

    Whenever one of the options listed above is selected, a color selection
    dialog box appears.

    You select an attribute from this dialog box with the arrow keys. Move
    the cursor box to enclose the desired color combination and press ENTER.
    If you are using a mouse, move the mouse pointer to the desired color
    combination and click the left mouse button. Press ESC to leave the
    dialog box without making a selection.

    <Edge Type...>:  Controls the border style when the With edge attribute
    is selected.

    <Script...>:  Select this button to access the button's script.

    <Link To...>:  Allows you to create a one-way connection to another page
    in the current pad or in another pad.

    To use the Link To command:

    1.  Select <Link To...> in the Button Info dialog box, then go to the
    target page or pad.

    2.  When you reach your destination, select <<This Page>> or <This Pad>
    from the Link To dialog box as your target for the source button.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+O, I
    Keyboard Shortcut:  ENTER
    User Level:  Authoring

    Use the Field Info command to verify and change a field's attributes
    and, access the field's script. The Field Info command is only active
    when a field is selected.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   337

    When you select the Field Info command, the Field Info dialog box

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    Show name:  Displays the field name.

    With edge:  Displays the field border using the current Border Color and
    Edge Type (set by default).

    Highlight if focus:  Changes the field's color to the highlight color
    when the field receives the focus.

    Scrollable:  Changes the field from fixed text to scrollable text. Use
    this option when the amount of text in the field is greater than can be
    displayed at one time (set by default).

    Lock Text:  Creates read-only fields to prevent users from overwriting
    or deleting field contents or properties. A locked-text field cannot be

    Opaque:  Makes the field non transparent. The field will completely hide
    any characters underneath it (set by default).

    Transparent:  Makes empty areas in the field see-through, so characters
    located under the field can be seen.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   338

    Scrolling:  Makes the field opaque and creates a scroll bar on its right
    edge. This allows you to scroll through text in the field. You must have
    a mouse to use the scroll bar.

    Left:  Left-justifies text (flush left) (set by default).

    Right:  Right-justifies text (flush right).

    Center:  Centers each line of text in the field.

    Left (Name pos):  Places the field name to the left of the field
    (selected by default). This decreases the width of the field by the
    number of characters in the field's name plus two characters.

    Top (Name pos):  Places the field name directly above the field,
    decreasing the field height by one line.

    <Border Color...>:  Determines the color of the field boundary when the
    With edge attribute is selected.

    <Fill Color...>:  Determines the color of the field interior.

    <Hilite Color...>:  Determines the color of the field interior when the
    field has the focus.

    <Edge Type...>:  Determines the border style when the With edge
    attribute is selected.

    <Name Color...>:  Determines the color of the field name.

    <Script...>:  Select this button to access the field's script.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+O, P
    Keyboard Shortcut:  F6 (when the Selector tool is active)
    User Level:  Authoring

    Use Page Info to create, change, or verify a page name, protect the
    current page from being deleted, and access the page's script. You can
    also check the page ID, the hierarchical position of the page relative
    to other pages in the pad, and the number of fields and buttons on the

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   339

    When you select the Page Info command, the Page Info Dialog box appears
    with the following items:

    Page Name:  Assigns or changes the page name.

    <Script... >:  Writes or edits the page script.

    No Delete:  Prevents the page from being deleted. Attempts to delete the
    page will result in an error message.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+O, K
    Keyboard Shortcut:  F7 (when the Selector tool is active)
    User Level:  Authoring

    Use the Bkgnd Info command to name a background or edit its script. You
    can also use Bkgnd Info to check the background ID, find out how many
    pages in the pad use the background, and determine how many buttons and
    fields are associated with it.

    When you select the Bkgnd Info command, the Bkgnd Info dialog box opens,
    presenting the following items:

    Background Name:  Enter, verify, or change a background name

    No Delete:  Prohibits a background from being deleted.

    <Script>:  Edit the background's script (active only at the Scripting


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+O, D
    Keyboard Shortcut:  F8 (when the selector tool is active)
    User Level:  Authoring

    The Pad Info command allows you to access information about the current
    pad. When this command is selected, the Pad Info dialog box appears.
    Here, you can change or retrieve the pad's name and its script. The
    dialog box also tells you how many backgrounds and pages this pad
    contains as well as the amount of disk space it uses.

    Pad Name:  Change or verify the pad name.

    <Script...>:  Accesses the pad's script (scripting level only).

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   340


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+O, C
    Keyboard Shortcut:  CTRL+D
    User Level:  Authoring

    Select a button or field with the Selector tool, then use the Clone
    command to create a duplicate of the object on the original page or
    background. The cloned object contains the same attributes, properties,
    and script as the original object.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+O, R
    Keyboard Shortcut:  PLUS (numeric keypad)
    User Level:  Authoring

    Use the Bring Closer command and the Selector tool to change the order
    of objects layered on a page or background. Each time you create an
    object, the object is placed on its own transparent layer. If you want
    an object to move closer to the top, select it with the Selector tool
    and choose the Bring Closer command.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+O, S
    Keyboard Shortcut:  MINUS (numeric keypad)
    User Level:  Authoring

    Use the Send Farther command with the Selector tool to change the
    position of an object's layer on a page or background. Each time you
    create a new object, it hides any other objects occupying the same
    location. If you select an object and use the Send Farther command, the
    selected object moves farther back in the object hierarchy and reveals
    the object beneath it.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   341


    Open the Workspace menu to:

        0  Display and hide the menu and status bars

        0  Change the current  paint attribute

        0  Assign function keys for colors and edge types

        0  Open and close the message box

    The Workspace menu commands vary, depending on the current user level.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   342


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+W, P
    Keyboard Shortcut:  - (numeric keypad)
    User Level:  Painting

    Use the Paint Attr command to select attributes to use with the painting
    tools. When you select Paint Attr, the following dialog box is placed on

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    Accelerator Keys:  Accelerator keys allow you to switch between
    attributes without accessing the Paint Attr palette. To assign a paint
    attribute to an accelerator key, move the cursor to the desired color,
    hold down ALT and press a number (0-9) from the main keyboard (i.e., do
    not use the numeric keypad).

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   343


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+W, A
    Keyboard Shortcut:  PLUS (numeric keypad)
    User Level:  Painting

    Use the ASCII char command to select extended ASCII characters for use
    with the Char Paint tool, Workspace options, and Fill Block command (See
    the "Block Menu" section).


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+W, L
    Keyboard Shortcut:  CTRL+=, CTRL+- (not on the numeric keypad)
    User Level:  Painting (when Mark Block is active)

    Use the Line type command to switch between single- and double-width


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+W, O
    Keyboard Shortcut:  none
    User Level:  Painting

    Use the Options command to:

        0  Attach the current paint attribute to the painting tools

        0  Set automatic indenting

        0  Automatically switch between the Selector tool and the
           previous painting tool

        0  Toggle between Insert mode and overtype mode

        0  Push or not push characters off the page

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   344

    When you select the Options command, the dialog box, shown here, appears
    on screen:

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    Use painting tools with current attribute:  This option causes all the
    painting tools to apply the current paint attribute.

    Automatic Indenting:  When Automatic Indenting is selected and the ENTER
    key is pressed, the cursor moves directly below the leftmost character
    on the previous line. This is helpful when you are using the Text tool.

    Use extended ASCII characters as end of line:  This option causes the
    extended ASCII characters to act as the right margin of a typing area
    when using the Text tool. If existing text is pushed across the page or
    background, the text will be lost when it reaches the extended ASCII

    Automatic tool switching:  This option allows you to alternate between
    the Selector tool and the most recently applied painting tool. If
    Automatic tool switching is on and you select a button or field, the
    Selector tool is activated. If you click anywhere else on the page, the
    most recent painting tool selected becomes active. (This option can only
    be used with the mouse.)

    Insert mode (push characters right):  Use Insert mode to insert text
    without overtyping. If you type to the left of existing text, that text

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   345

    will be pushed to the right. Use the INS key as a keyboard shortcut for
    the Insert mode option.

    Push characters off edge of page:  If this option is selected, and you
    are in Insert mode, text that is pushed beyond the right margin will be
    lost. If this option is inactive, HyperPAD will beep when the right
    margin is reached, and no more text will be inserted on that line.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+W, M
    Keyboard Shortcut:  F4
    User Level:  All

    The message box allows you to communicate directly with HyperPAD, by
    executing a command immediately or retrieving information about the
    current pad.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+W, T
    Keyboard Shortcut:  none
    User Level:  Painting

    The tool box is a popup window, for mouse users, that contains
    HyperPAD's authoring tools. The tool box remains on-screen and can be
    moved as you work without affecting any of the elements contained on the
    page or background.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+W, S
    Keyboard Shortcut:  ALT+SPACE (if the status bar is active)
    User Level:  Painting

    Use the status bar command to toggle the status bar. The status bar,
    located at the bottom of the screen, displays the current pad name, page
    number, layer (page or background), tool, cursor position, and the
    status of the Number Lock and Caps Lock keys.

    Note:  The menu bar must be active for the status bar to be displayed.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   346


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+W, E
    Keyboard Shortcut:  ALT+SPACE
    User Level:  All

    The menu bar, at the top of the page, displays the menus available at
    the current user level.


    Open the Block menu to:

        0  Manipulate a marked block

        0  Select a box style

        0  Turn a marked block into a button

    The Block menu appears only when the Mark Block tool is active (see the
    "Tools menu" section). Once a block is marked, you can use the Block
    menu commands to modify the marked block.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+B, E
    Keyboard Shortcut:  E (with a marked block)
    User Level:  Painting

    Use the Erase Block command on a page or background to delete all paint
    and characters from a marked block.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+B, B
    Keyboard Shortcut:  B (with a marked block)
    User Level:  Painting

    Use the Box Block command to place a rectangular border around the area
    selected with the Mark Block tool. The type of border is determined with
    the Box Style command, described below.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   347


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+B, P
    Keyboard Shortcut:  P (with a marked block)
    User Level:  Painting

    Use Paint Block to color a marked block with the current paint
    attribute. If you want to change the current paint attribute, select
    Paint Attr from the Workspace menu before using a painting command.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+B, O
    Keyboard Shortcut:  O (with a marked block)
    User Level:  Painting

    Use the Opaque Block command to make the marked block non transparent.
    Opaque Block is the opposite of Clear Block. If you move an opaque block
    over a painted area, all elements under the opaque block are hidden from


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+B, C
    Keyboard Shortcut:  C (with a marked block)
    User Level:  Painting

    Use the Clear Block command to make all of the empty space in a marked
    block transparent.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+B, F
    Keyboard Shortcut:  F (with a marked block)
    User Level:  Painting

    Use the Fill Block command to paint the selected area with the current
    extended ASCII character, which is specified next to the ASCII char
    command on the Workspace menu.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   348

    Note:  You can combine the Fill Block command with the Paint Block
    command to fill a block with the current ASCII character and paint it at
    the same time. When your block has been selected, press F to fill it and
    P to paint it.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+B, T
    Keyboard Shortcut:  T (with a marked block)
    User Level:  Painting

    Use the Trim Block command to decrease a selected area such that all the
    transparent space is excluded from the selection. The Trim Block command
    does not physically change the attribute or the content of the marked
    block; it simply allows you to be more precise in selecting an area.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+B, M
    Keyboard Shortcut:  M (with a marked block)
    User Level:  Painting

    Use the Make Button command to convert a marked block into a transparent
    button. You can create buttons in a greater range of styles with the
    Make Button command than with the New Button command.

    To delete a button created with the Make Button command, select the
    button and then press CTRL+X. The painted area will remain on screen,
    however, it is no longer a button.

    When you select the Make Button command, the Link To dialog box appears.
    If you want to link the button, go to the page or pad you want to link
    it to, and select <<This Page>> or <This Pad>.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   349


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+B, X
    Keyboard Shortcut:  none
    User Level:  Painting

    Box Style gives you a choice of fifteen different borders to use with
    the Box Block command. When you select the Box Style command, the
    Default Box Style dialog box prompts you to select a style. Either move
    the cursor box with the arrow keys to the desired box style and press
    ENTER or click the mouse on the new box style. The selected box style
    remains active until you change it or exit from HyperPAD.


    Use the File menu to:

        0  Import text and export scripts to a text file

        0  Set up your page and printer

        0  Print a script

        0  Save and compile a script

        0  Exit the Script Editor without saving any changes


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+F, I
    Keyboard Shortcut:  none
    User Level:  Scripting

    Use the Import Text command to load an ASCII text file prepared by a
    text editor or word processor into the current script. The text file is
    inserted at the cursor position in the script. When this command is
    selected, a dialog box appears. Type the name of text file to be
    imported or select the filename from the Files list box.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   350


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+F, E
    Keyboard Shortcut:  none
    User Level:  Scripting

    Use the Export command to export scripts written in HyperPAD's Script
    Editor. The Export Text dialog box appears and prompts you for the text
    filename to which the script will be saved.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+F, U
    Keyboard Shortcut:  none
    User Level:  Scripting

    See the "Printer Setup" section under File Menu.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+F, G
    Keyboard Shortcut:  none
    User Level:  Scripting

    See the "Page Setup" section under "File Menu".


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+F, P
    Keyboard Shortcut:  none
    User Level:  Scripting

    Use the Print command to print a script.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+F, S
    Keyboard Shortcut:  ESC
    User Level:  Scripting

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   351

    Use the Save and Return command on the File menu to compile and save a
    script and then return to the current page. If a syntax error is
    detected while compiling your script, a dialog box will appear with a
    description of the error.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+F, C
    Keyboard Shortcut:  none
    User Level:  Scripting

    Use the Cancel command to exit the Script Editor. When you select the
    Cancel command, all changes, including any compiled changes, are


    Use the Edit Menu to:

        0  Cut, copy, paste, and delete lines of a script

        0  Set the left margin of a script

        0  Compile and debug the script


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+E, T
    Keyboard Shortcut:  CTRL+X
    User Level:  Scripting

    The Cut command removes the selected text from the script and places a
    copy of the text in the clipboard.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+E, C
    Keyboard Shortcut:  CTRL+C
    User Level:  Scripting

    The Copy command places a copy of the selected text into the clipboard.
    You can retrieve it by selecting the Paste command.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   352


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+E, P
    Keyboard Shortcut:  CTRL+V
    User Level:  Scripting

    The Paste command retrieves the text from the clipboard and places it
    into the script at the cursor's current position.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+E, L
    Keyboard Shortcut:  none
    User Level:  Scripting

    The Delete command removes the selected text from the script without
    placing a copy in the clipboard. Thus, the deleted text is


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+E, A
    Keyboard Shortcut:  none
    User Level:  Scripting

    Auto Indent is a Script Editor command that formats your scripts for
    readability. When you press ENTER, the cursor moves to the next line,
    directly beneath the left most character of the preceding line. Two
    consecutive ENTERs returns the cursor to the left margin. Auto Indent is
    activated by default.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+E, M
    Keyboard Shortcut:  F4
    User Level:  Scripting

    Compile translates the current script into a more efficient set of
    instructions executable by the computer. When you select Compile,
    HyperPAD examines each line for typing errors. If such an error is
    detected, HyperPAD will display a message describing the error.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   353

    Note:  HyperPAD scans only for syntax errors. Errors in script logic
    cannot be found until the script is executed.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+E, D
    Keyboard Shortcut:  none
    User Level:  Scripting

    The Debug command activates the debugging facility available within
    HyperPAD. Normally, when an error occurs during the execution of a
    script, selecting << Script >> from the error dialog box takes you to
    the script containing the error. When the Debug command is active, the
    cursor will be placed on the line of the script where the error appears.
    Your scripts will run faster and more efficiently when the Debug command
    is inactive.


    Use the Search menu to:

        0  Find the first or following occurrence of a text string in the

        0  Change any or all occurrences of one text string to another text


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+S, F
    Keyboard Shortcut:  CTRL+F
    User Level:  Scripting

    Use the Find command to locate the first occurrence of a specified text
    string within a script. The search string may be up to 128 characters.

    When you select the Find command, the Find what dialog box will appear.
    Type the text string you want to locate into the text box and press
    ENTER. HyperPAD will highlight the first occurrence of the text in the

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   354


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+S, N
    Keyboard Shortcut:  CTRL+N
    User Level:  Scripting

    Use the Find Next command to find the next occurrence of the text string
    located with the Find command. This command is active after the Find
    command locates the search text.


    Accelerator Key:  ALT+S, R
    Keyboard Shortcut:  CTRL+R
    User Level:  Scripting

    Use the Replace command to replace one or more occurrences of a text
    string with another text string. The replace string may be up to 128

    When you select the Replace command from the Search menu, the Search and
    Replace dialog box appears.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    Find What:  Type the text string you want to locate. Upper- and lower-
    case characters are treated the same.

                             Chapter 16: Menu and Command Reference   355

    Replace With:  Type in the text with which you want to replace the
    exiting text with.

    <Global>:  If you select Global, HyperPAD will replace all occurrences
    of the string without asking for confirmation.

    <<Verify>>:  If you select verify, HyperPAD will stop at each occurrence
    of the text string and a dialog box will ask you for confirmation before
    replacing the text. You respond by selecting one of the following:

    Option:         Action:
    <<Replace>>     Make the replacement

    <Skip>          Do not replace this occurrence, search for the next one.


                                        Chapter 15: The Message Box   277


    The message box is a communication gateway between HyperPAD and you.
    This chapter will explain how to use the message box to display
    messages, evaluate expressions like a calculator, and execute commands.


    The message box is a window in which the pad displays status information
    and other messages. For example, in the DOS pad, when you click on a
    work file, HyperPAD displays a status message in the message box
    indicating that it is searching for programs.


    The message box can also be used as a calculator. Any arithmetic
    expression typed into the message box is evaluated by HyperPAD and the
    result is placed in the message box.


    Commands typed in the message box are immediately executed by HyperPAD.
    Thus, you can observe the effects of a PADtalk command on the HyperPAD
    environment immediately.

                                        Chapter 15: The Message Box   278


    The message box, like the tool box, is a popup window that you can
    reposition anywhere on the screen using the mouse. HyperPAD remembers
    the last location of the message box. So the next time you run HyperPAD,
    the message box will be located in the same place.

    Below is a picture of the message box.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │


    The message box can be hidden or shown while you are browsing or
    designing pads. If you're designing a pad and need to perform a quick
    calculation, you can show the message box, perform the calculation, and
    then hide the message box before continuing to design.

    Even though the message box is visible, all painting and object tools
    still function normally. If the message box is not in a convenient
    position, simply use the mouse to move it to another location on the

    To view the message box:

    1.  Select the Message Box command from the Workspace menu (ALT+W,M).
    The shortcut for this command is F4.

    When the message box is displayed, the Message Box command on the
    Workspace menu will be checked.

    2.  When you initially show the message box, the cursor is positioned
    for you to begin typing. If you want to skip typing, press TAB to move
    the focus to an object.

                                        Chapter 15: The Message Box   279


    When you're done with the message box, you can hide it.

    To hide the message box with the keyboard:

    Select the Message Box command from the Workspace menu (ALT+W,M). The
    shortcut for this command is F4.

    By pressing F4, you can quickly show and hide the message box.

    To hide the message box with the mouse:

    Click on the close box in the upper left corner.


    You can only change the location of the message box if you have a mouse.

    To move the message box with the mouse:

    1.  Position the mouse on one of the borders of the message box.

    2.  While pressing the left mouse button, drag the message box to a new

    3.  Release the left mouse button.


    This section describes the message box editing keys.

        0  If the message box is not displayed, press F4 to show it. This
           automatically positions the cursor within the message box ready
           for you to begin typing.

        0  If the message box is already displayed, press ALT+F4 to put
           the cursor in it.

        0  If you have a mouse, click in the message box to place the
           cursor there.

                                        Chapter 15: The Message Box   280

    The following table describes the editing keys available when working
    with the message box.

    To:                                               Press:
    Erase the contents of the message box             CTRL+D, CTRL+Y

    Continue browsing without executing any commands  TAB

    Move the cursor to the beginning of the line      HOME

    Move the cursor to the end of the line            END

    Move the cursor left one character                Left arrow key

    Move the cursor right one character               Right arrow key

    Cycle through list of executed commands           Up/Down arrow keys

    Delete the character to the left of the cursor    BACKSPACE


    The message box provides a quick and easy way to perform calculations.
    The result of a calculation is placed in the message box.


    For example, suppose you need to know the number of seconds in a day:

    1.  Press ALT+F4 to position the text cursor within the message box.

    2.  Type 60*60*24 into the message box.

    3.  Press ENTER.

    The result of the calculation (86400) will be placed in the message box.

                                        Chapter 15: The Message Box   281


    HyperPAD recognizes many operators that you can use within expressions.
    The following table contains some of the more common operators and
    examples of their use. (For a complete listing of operators, see the
    PADtalk Reference Guide.)

    Operator:                 Example:             Result:
    ^ (exponentation)         2^4                  16

    / (division)              21/7                 3

    * (multiplication)        3*4                  12

    - (subtraction)           6-2                  4

    + (addition)              3+4                  7]


    HyperPAD normally evaluates expressions from left to right. Some
    operators, however, are evaluated before others. For example, the
    expression 2+3*4 evaluates to 14 (not 20) because the multiplication
    operator has precedence over the addition operator. The table above
    listed the operators in the order of highest to lowest precedence.

    To change the order of evaluation, use parenthese:

    Expression:        Result:
    2+3*4              14

    (2+3)*4            20

                                        Chapter 15: The Message Box   282


    HyperPAD also understands functions in expressions. For example, the
    expression 5+sin(90) uses the built-in HyperPAD function called sin().
    Functions often take parameters, such as the sin() function. The
    following table lists a few of HyperPAD's built-in functions. (For a
    complete listing, refer to the PADtalk Reference Guide.)

    Function:             Example:            Returns:
    sin()                 sin(90)             1

    cos()                 cos(45)             0.707107

    tan()                 tan(30)             0.57735

    directory()           directory()         "C:\HPAD2"

    diskSpace()           diskSpace()         6554012

    date()                date()              "5/12/90"

    You can incorporate functions into your expressions, as in the following

    8 * sin(30) / .4

    diskSpace() - 35640


    In addition to calculatorlike expressions, you can type commands into
    the message box. Commands are actually "words" in the PADtalk vocabulary
    that direct HyperPAD to perform some action. Typing commands into the
    message box allows you to experiment with PADtalk and immediately
    observe the effects the commands have on the HyperPAD environment.

    To type a command into the message box:

    1.  Press ALT+F4 to position the text cursor in the message box. If the
    message box is hidden, this command makes it visible.

    2.  Type your command in the message box.

    3.  Press ENTER.

    If you want to execute the same command more than once, press

                                        Chapter 15: The Message Box   283

    Since you can only enter one command at a time, there is no need to type
    a semicolon at the end of the line.

    The most common PADtalk commands are described in the following section.
    (For a complete listing, see the PADtalk Reference Guide.)


    You can use the go command to navigate to any other page or pad in the
    HyperPAD environment. The following are examples:

    go home

    go help

    go to pad "phone"

    go to pad "ideas"

    go to page 4

    go to page "Preferences"


    The dial command uses a Hayes-compatible modem to dial the phone. The
    following are some examples that you can type into the message box:

    dial "3154743400"

    dial "18005551212"

    When dialing the phone, HyperPAD displays a message indicating that the
    phone is being dialed. After dialing is completed, a dialog box will
    instruct you to pick up the phone. When you select <<Ok>>, the modem
    will disconnect from the line, allowing you to talk.

                                        Chapter 15: The Message Box   284


    The find command helps you locate information anywhere in your pad. Some
    examples of what you can type into the message box are:

    find part "lawyer"

    find part "John" in field "Name"

    find whole "Smith" in field "Last Name"

    The text that you want to find is enclosed within quotes. The words
    part and whole specify whether you want to find the text as part of
    another word or as a whole word.

    While HyperPAD is searching, a message is displayed to indicate a find
    is in progress. If the search is successful, the found text will be
    highlighted. If the search is unsuccessful, HyperPAD will beep twice.


    The set command allows you to change an object's properties. Normally,
    you change an object's properties using the Info dialog boxes. However,
    a few object properties can only be assigned by with the set command.


    To use the set command to change a property of an object, you must
    reference a specific button or field on either the page or background.

    Specifically, you need to know:

        0  The object type--whether the object is a button or a field.

        0  The ID of the object. You can determine the ID of a button or
           field by looking at either the Button Info or Field Info dialog
           boxes. The ID is listed below the name.

        0  Whether the object is on the page or the background.

    To determine an object's reference information:

    1.  Use the Selector tool and TAB until the button or field you want to
    change is selected.

    2.  Press ENTER to view the Info dialog box.

    Note the object's ID and position (whether the object is on the page or

                                        Chapter 15: The Message Box   285


    The Align property determines whether a button's name is aligned left,
    right, or centered. For fields, this property is set from the Field Info
    dialog box. For buttons, however, this property can only be assigned
    with the set command.

    To change the alignment of the button's name:

    1.  Press ALT+F4 to edit the contents of the message box.

    2.  Type one of the following commands replacing the number 4 with the
    ID of your button. Replace the word "page" with "background" if the
    button is on the background:

    set the align of page button id 4 to left

    set the align of page button id 4 to right

    set the align of page button id 4 to centered


    The Lock Text property specifies whether an object can be given the
    focus. Locked buttons cannot be clicked on with the mouse or highlighted
    using the TAB key. Locked fields cannot be edited or scrolled.

    For fields, this property is set from the Field Info dialog box. For
    buttons, however, this property can only be set from the message box.

    To change the Lock Text property of a button:

    1.  Press ALT+F4 to edit the contents of the message box.

    2.  Type in a command similar to one of the following:

    set the lockText of page button 4 to true

    set the lockText of background button 4 to true


    Buttons and fields are normally visible, allowing users to TAB to
    different objects; type into fields, and select buttons.

    The hide command makes an object invisible on the page or background.
    However, the hide command doesn't delete the object, it simply hides it
    from view. The show command makes the hidden object visible.

                                        Chapter 15: The Message Box   286

    In the Phone pad, for example, you may not have an immediate need for
    the Fax Phone field, but you want to keep it around for future use.
    Instead of deleting the field, simply hide it.

    To hide a button or field:

    1.  Press ALT+F4 to activate the message box.

    2.  For buttons, type one of the following commands, replacing the
    number 4 with the ID of your button:

    hide page button id 4

    hide background button id 4

    For fields, type one of the following commands:

    hide page field id 4

    hide background field id 4

    To show a button or field:

    show page button id 4

    show background field id 4


    Use the following examples to perform advanced functions with the
    message box. You can enhance these commands with skills learned in this
    chapter. In some cases, you'll need to replace the information contained
    in the command with data specific to your pad.

    Each command can be typed into the message box and executed by pressing
    ENTER. If the command is longer than the width of the message box, the
    message box will scroll horizontally to accommodate a longer line.

    To hide all of the buttons on a page:

    for i = 1 to the number of page buttons do hide page button i

    To sort the pad using a field as a sort key:

    sort by field 1

                                        Chapter 15: The Message Box   287

    To run another program:

    run "c:\word5\word"

    To place a bookmark on the current page:

    push this page

    To return to a bookmarked page:

    pop page

    To display a Show Partner F/X presentation:

    fxshow "C:\FX\SHOWS\ANIMATE.PRO"

    To change the location of the message box:

    set the location of the message box to 4,4


    This chapter introduced the message box, the gateway between you and
    HyperPAD. You've learned how to display the message box, move it around
    the screen using a mouse, and hide it when you'rr done. The message box
    can be used as a calculator or as a way of immediately executing
    statements so that you can observe their effects on the HyperPAD

    This chapter also introduced you to some PADtalk commands that you can
    use from the message box. You were shown how to modify object properties
    that don't appear in the Info dialog boxes by using these commands.


              Chapter 12: Manipulating Pads, Pages, and Backgrounds   191


    A pad is an application created with HyperPAD. HyperPAD is especially
    suited for designing certain types of applications, including
    information systems like tutorials and help, flat-file databases, and
    front ends. All of the applications that come with HyperPAD are pads.

    This chapter defines a pad and describes how to perform some basic pad
    functions, including creating a pad, setting a pad's protection, and
    making a copy of a pad. This chapter also introduces pages and
    backgrounds, the major components of a pad, and describes how these
    elements fit together.


    In the following section, you'll learn how to work with pads.
    Specifically, you'll learn some basic pad-maintenance tasks such as how

        0  Save a copy of a pad

        0  Access information about a pad

        0  Add pages and backgrounds to a pad

        0  Protect a pad

        0  Remove extra space from a pad

        0  Create pads

              Chapter 12: Manipulating Pads, Pages, and Backgrounds   192


    As a pad author, you may need certain information about your pad, such
    as how many pages and backgrounds the pad has and the amount of disk
    space the pad requires.

    To access information about the current pad:

    1.  Access the pad you want information about.

    2.  Make sure the user level is set to painting or higher.

    3.  Select Pad Info from the Objects menu (ALT+O, D).

    The following dialog box is displayed on-screen:

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    The Pad Info dialog box lets you:

        0  Change the name of the pad.

        0  See important information about the pad.

        0  Access the pad's script. (Scripts are discussed in Chapter 14.)

              Chapter 12: Manipulating Pads, Pages, and Backgrounds   193

    The dialog box includes the following information:

        0  The pad's name (which you can alter).

        0  The location of the pad on your hard disk.

        0  The number of backgrounds in the pad.

        0  The number of pages in the pad.

        0  The size of the pad in bytes. (This is helpful in determining
           whether a pad will fit on a drive.)

        0  The amount of free space the pad contains. Free space can be
           removed from the pad to decrease its size. (See "Compressing
           Pads" below.)


    From the Pad Info dialog box, described above, you can change the DOS
    name of the pad. Simply type the new name into the Pad name text box and
    press ENTER. You will receive an error message if you specify the name
    of an existing pad or the new name is invalid.


    Oftentimes during pad development you may want to try out a new design
    or change the look of some button or field as a test. Since HyperPAD
    saves everything, it is a good idea to first make a backup copy of the
    pad so that you can return to the original if you accidentally delete or
    modify something.

              Chapter 12: Manipulating Pads, Pages, and Backgrounds   194

    To save a copy of a pad:

    1.  Select the Save a Copy command from the File menu (ALT+F, S).

    The following dialog box is presented on-screen:

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    HyperPAD presents the current pad's name in the dialog box, but with a
    .BAK extension.

    2.  If you want to save the pad under a different name, just BACKSPACE
    over the name and type in a different one. You can specify the full DOS
    path name of the pad, including a different drive letter and directory
    if necessary.

    3.  Press ENTER or select <<Ok>>.


    Suppose you have a pad containing sensitive business information or your
    bank account information. These types of pads can be password-protected
    to guard your sensitive information from prowlers.

    In another instance, you might want the pad to be viewed by other
    people, but you don't want the structure changed. Also, you may want to
    protect your pad-development secrets from other users. All these things
    can be accomplished by setting a password.

              Chapter 12: Manipulating Pads, Pages, and Backgrounds   195

    Finally, suppose you want a pad to be public to many users, but you
    don't want it modified. For example, you may have a pad explaining
    company policy that you want to give to all of your employees. You can
    protect a pad from inadvertent modification by making it read-only.

    These forms of pad protection are:

        0  Setting the user level so that certain tools are not available

        0  Setting a password so that the user level cannot be modified

        0  Setting the pad to read-only so that it can be examined but not

        0  Password-protecting the pad so that it can only be accessed if
           you know the password

    Pads are protected using the Protect command on the File menu. When you
    select this command, the Protect dialog box appears on-screen:

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    To access the Protect dialog box:

    1.  Select the Protect command from the File menu (ALT+F, T).

    If the user level is set to browsing or typing, you'll have to press the
    special key combination (SHIFT+ALT+F) to open the File menu.

    2.  If a password is set, you'll have type the correct password and
    press ENTER.

              Chapter 12: Manipulating Pads, Pages, and Backgrounds   196


    The user level determines the capabilities and commands available to the
    user. The available user levels are summarized in the following table:

    User level:      Allows you to:
    Browsing         Click on buttons

    Typing           Type into fields

    Painting         Paint on the page or background using the painting

    Authoring        Access the script of buttons, fields, pages,
                     backgrounds, and the pad

    Each higher user level provides you with additional capabilities,
    including all of the capabilities of the previous levels.

    If you set the user level to browsing or typing, HyperPAD displays the
    short form of the File, Edit, and Workspace menus. Furthermore, the
    Objects and Block menus do not appear on the menu bar.

    When the user level is set to typing or browsing, the Protect command
    will not appear on the File menu. In this case, to access the Protect
    command, press SHIFT+ALT+F. This safety check prevents casual users from
    inadvertently changing the user level.


    Setting a password restricts access to the Protect dialog box. If a
    password is set, you cannot access the Protect command on the File menu
    without supplying the correct password.

    This is useful if you want to restrict the user's capabilities and
    prevent knowledgeable users (who may know about the Protect command!)
    from changing the protection.

              Chapter 12: Manipulating Pads, Pages, and Backgrounds   197

    To set a password:

    1.  Select the Protect command using the procedure described above.

    2.  Press ALT+S to set a password.

    The Set Password dialog box appears on-screen.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    3.  Type your password and press ENTER.

              Chapter 12: Manipulating Pads, Pages, and Backgrounds   198

    After you type your password, the Verify new password dialog box is
    placed on-screen:

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    4.  Verify your new password by retyping it, then press ENTER.

    After you type in your password for the second time, HyperPAD returns
    you to the current page. Be sure to remember your password because there
    is no way to access the Protect dialog box (and change your password)
    without it.

    Setting a new password replaces the previous password, if there is one.

    To remove a password (assuming one is set):

    1.  Select the Protect command using the procedure described above.

    2.  Press ALT+S to select the Set Password command.

    The Set Password dialog box is placed on-screen.

    3.  Press ALT+N to select the None command. This removes any password
    and returns you to the page.


    Password-protecting a pad restricts access to it, requiring a user to
    know the password in order to open the pad. This option is useful for
    preventing pads containing sensitive data from being accessed by
    unauthorized users.

              Chapter 12: Manipulating Pads, Pages, and Backgrounds   199

    If a pad is password-protected, you will be asked for the password only
    the first time you open the pad during each HyperPAD session.
    Thereafter, you can access the pad without entering the password.

    To password-protect a pad:

    1.  Select the Protect command, as described above.

    2.  Set the Password Only option on.

    3.  Select Ok (ALT+O).

    You won't be able to see the effects of this option until you exit, run
    HyperPAD, then open the pad.


    Read-only pads cannot be modified. The user is prevented from typing
    into fields, painting, changing objects, or performing any other
    activity that would modify the pads.

    Because read-only pads can't be modified, more than one user on a
    network can browse a pad at the same time. For example, if your company
    policy were described in a pad, you could set the read-only option and
    place the pad in a directory on a network. In this manner, many users
    could access the policy at the same time. (This option requires DOS 3.0
    or higher.)

    To set a pad to read-only:

    1.  Select the Protect command using the procedure described earlier.

    2.  Set the Read-only option to on.

    3.  Select Ok.


    You may have noticed that the Pad Info dialog box contains a Free Space
    otion, which reports the number of bytes of free space within the pad.
    Free space accumulates while you're modifying or creating pads.

    As you use your pad, HyperPAD objects change size and empty spaces form
    within the disk file. These spaces are used, resized, and emptied as
    needed while you're working with the pad. In fact, HyperPAD manages free
    space in your pad without your knowing it. However, to conserve disk
    space, HyperPAD gives you the ability to remove all the free space in
    the pad.

              Chapter 12: Manipulating Pads, Pages, and Backgrounds   200

    To remove the free space in a pad:

    1.  Select the Pad Info command from the Objects menu (ALT+O, D) and
    check the free space. (The user level has to be set at least to

    The free space is shown in the Pad Info dialog box. It is not especially
    useful to compress a pad to recover a small number of bytes. However, if
    there is a large amount of free space, compressing the pad can improve
    the pad's performance.

    2.  Select Compress from the File menu.

    A message indicating the status of the compress is displayed during the
    compression process.

    Pad compression requires twice the disk space of the original pad. For
    example, if the size of the pad is 10,000 bytes, to compress the pad you
    will need 10,000 free bytes of space on your disk.


    When you first begin designing, you may start by customizing your
    existing pads by adding paint, buttons, and fields to enhance their
    functionality. However, you may eventually decide that you want to begin
    an application entirely from scratch.

    It's a good idea to create a new pad whenever you want to explore
    features of HyperPAD with which you're unfamiliar. This provides a
    "clean slate" on which to experiment with the painting and object-
    manipulation tools.

    To create a new pad:

    1.  Select the New command from the File menu (ALT+F, N).

              Chapter 12: Manipulating Pads, Pages, and Backgrounds   201

    The New Pad dialog box will appear on-screen:

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    2.  Type a new pad name into the New pad name text box. The name cannot
    exceed eight characters. HyperPAD assumes a .PAD file extension.

    Include the entire path name of the new pad if the directory listed in
    the dialog box is incorrect.

    3.  If you want the new pad to be created with a copy of the current
    background, select the Keep current background option.

    Setting this option allows you to create a new pad that uses the current
    background as a template for the new pad. For example, to quickly create
    a database pad similar in structure to the Phone pad, you would first go
    to the Phone pad, then select the New command from the File menu and set
    this option.

    4.  If you want to alter the number of lines that are displayed on the
    screen, set the Screen mode option to either 25, 43, or 50 lines.

    You can only set these options if you have an EGA or a VGA video card.
    Select the 25 lines option to create pads compatible with all systems.

    5.  Select <<Ok>> to accept your selections and create a new pad.

    The new pad consists of a blank background and a blank page.

              Chapter 12: Manipulating Pads, Pages, and Backgrounds   202


    Your next step depends on the type of pad you want to create.

    If you intend to create a database, for example, you should proceed to
    the section on "Working with Backgrounds" later in this chapter. This
    will help you understand how the background defines your database

    If you intend to create an information system, you might want to begin
    by creating some additional blank pages and then begin to place
    information on those pages. Thus, you should proceed to the next
    section, "Working with Pages."


    Pages contain most of a pad's information. Together with their
    associated backgrounds, they define the structure of your pad. This
    section examines pages in detail, including how to create, copy, paste,
    and delete them.

    As a browser, you used pages to hold information in your database pads.
    Additionally, as an author, you will use pages to display paint, text,
    buttons, and fields.


    As a pad author, you may need information about a particular page, such
    as how many buttons and fields are on the page, the name of the page,
    and its page number within the pad. You'll find some of this
    information, such as the name and number of the page, on the status bar.
    Here's how to get additional information.

    To access information about the current page:

    1.  Navigate to the page you want information about. (You can use the
    PGUP or PGDN keys to pinpoint the page.)

    2.  Select the Page Info command on the Objects menu (ALT+O, P). (Make
    sure the user level is set to Painting or higher.)

              Chapter 12: Manipulating Pads, Pages, and Backgrounds   203

    The Page Info dialog box is placed on- screen.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    Using the Page Info dialog box, pictured above, you can:

        0  Change the name of a page.

        0  Determine important information about the page, including the ID,
           which page it is, and the number of buttons and fields contained
           on the page.

        0  Access the page's script. (See the PADtalk Reference Guide for
           more details.)

        0  Change the status of a page so that it can't be deleted.


    The page name helps you distinguish which page you're currently viewing.
    The name of the page along with the page number always appear on the
    status bar. You might choose a name that best reflects the purpose of
    the page. For example, if the page contains information about today's
    appointments, you might name it "Appointments for 5/12/90."

              Chapter 12: Manipulating Pads, Pages, and Backgrounds   204

    To change the name of the page:

    1.  Access the Page Info dialog box using the above procedure.

    2.  Type the new name into the Page name text box.

    3.  Press ENTER.

    You can use the name to refer to a page in PADtalk. (See the PADtalk
    Reference Guide.)


    You can protect a page from being deleted by checking the No delete
    option in the Page Info dialog box. Since HyperPAD can't undo the Delete
    Page command, you can use this safety feature to prevent any mistakes.

    For example, if there is a name in your Phone pad that you don't want
    removed, you can set this option.


    This section describes how to copy, paste, and delete pages in your pad.
    These commands not only provide you with a way of reorganizing the pages
    in your pads, but they also give you a way to get new pads up and
    running quickly.

    If you want to create a new pad borrowing some buttons, fields, or paint
    from an existing pad, then use the Copy Page command to copy the page
    from the existing pad and paste it into the new pad. Once the page is
    pasted, you can then modify the paint and objects, tailoring the page
    for your own needs.

    The Copy Page, Cut Page, and Paste Page commands are only available when
    the user level is set to painting or higher. The Delete Page command is
    available at all user levels.


    When you copy a page in HyperPAD, you copy everything you see on screen,
    including the page's background and all of the buttons and fields.

              Chapter 12: Manipulating Pads, Pages, and Backgrounds   205

    To copy a page:

    1.  Set the user level to painting or higher.

    2.  Navigate to the page you want to copy. You may have to use the PGUP
    or PGDN keys to find the page you want.

    3.  Select the Copy Page command from the Edit menu (ALT+E, O).

    A copy of the current page is placed on the clipboard.

    If there was anything previously in the clipboard, the copied page will
    replace it. If you want to retrieve the copied page, use the Paste Page

    Every time you copy a page, the background used by that page is also
    copied. Thus, when you paste the page into a different pad, the
    background is pasted, too.


    The Cut Page command copies a page to the clipboard, then deletes it
    from your pad. Everything on the page, including all of the buttons and
    fields, is copied also.

    To cut pages:

    1.  Set the user level to painting or higher.

    2.  Navigate to the page you want to cut. You may want to use the PGUP
    and PGDN keys to change pages until you find the correct one.

    3.  Select the Cut Page command from the Edit menu (ALT+E, G).

    A copy of the current page is placed on the clipboard, and the page is
    removed from the pad.

    The clipboard is a temporary storage area for pad elements that have
    been cut or copied. If you want to retrieve information from the
    clipboard, you must do so before you cut or copy another element,
    because the clipboard only holds one item at a time.

              Chapter 12: Manipulating Pads, Pages, and Backgrounds   206


    The Paste Page command inserts a page from the clipboard after the
    current page in the pad. You can copy a page using the Copy Page and Cut
    Page commands on the Edit menu.

    To paste a page:

    1.  Use the procedure described earlier to copy or cut a page to the

    2.  Navigate to the page that you want the new page to appear after.

    4.  Select the Paste Page command from the Edit menu (ALT+E, P).

    The page in the clipboard is placed in the pad after the current page
    and then becomes the current page.


    The Copy and Paste commands can be used to copy pages between different
    pads. In doing so, the background is carried with the page and pasted,

    The Copy Page and Cut Page commands copy both the page and the
    background to the clipboard. If you're pasting a page into the same pad
    that it was copied from, only the page will be inserted (because the
    corresponding background already exists in that pad). However, if you
    paste a page into another pad, you'll also paste that page's background.
    HyperPAD will recognize that the original background and the pasted
    background are the same until you exit HyperPAD or run another program.
    Thus, if you copy many pages that all use the same background between
    two pads, the background will only be pasted once.


    The Paste Page command always inserts the pasted page after the current
    page. Since the insertion always occurs in this manner, you have to do
    an extra step in order for the pasted page to become the first page of a

              Chapter 12: Manipulating Pads, Pages, and Backgrounds   207

    To paste a page as the first page:

    1.  Press CTRL+PGUP to view the first page of the pad.

    2.  Select the Paste Page command from the Edit menu (ALT+E, P).

    The page will be inserted as page 2, and you will be viewing the pasted

    3.  Press CTRL+PGUP again to change to the first page of the pad.

    4.  Select the Cut Page command from the Edit menu (ALT+E, G).

    5.  Select the Paste Page command from the Edit menu (ALT+E, P). Now,
    the first page of the pad is the one that you originally copied.


    Deleting a page removes the page from the pad. Use caution because the
    deleted page cannot be recovered using Undo, and a copy is not placed
    into the clipboard.

    If you feel unsure about deleting a page, use the Save a Copy command on
    the File menu to create a backup copy of your pad under a different

    To delete pages:

    1.  Make sure the user level is set to painting or higher.

    2.  Access the page you want to delete.

    3.  Select Delete Page from the Edit menu (ALT+E, D).

    The current page is removed from the pad.

    You can't delete the only remaining page in a pad. In order to remove
    the last page from a pad, you must delete the pad using the Delete
    command on the File menu.

              Chapter 12: Manipulating Pads, Pages, and Backgrounds   208



    Each page in a pad is assigned to a particular background. You can think
    of the page as a transparency overlaid on the background. The pad
    building elements on the background--such as paint, buttons, and
    fields--show through to the page (unless, of course, the elements on the
    page cover them up).

    A background can be used by many pages, in which case the pad building
    elements--such as paint, buttons, and fields--are visible on many pages.
    Thus, the background serves as the backdrop (or structure) for all of
    the pages that use it.

    If the background is empty (i.e., it contains no paint, buttons, or
    fields), then the structure of the pad is basically determined by the
    contents of the pages. This type of pad usually has few similar visual
    elements that are common to many pages.


    The Background Info dialog box contains information that you can use
    while developing your pads, including the number of pages that use the
    background and the background's name and ID.

    To access the Background Info dialog box:

    1.  Navigate to the page that uses the background you want information
    on. You may have to use the PGUP and PGDN keys to change to the
    appropriate page.

    2.   Make sure the user level is set to painting or higher.

    3.  Select the Bkgnd Info command from the Objects menu (ALT+O, K).

              Chapter 12: Manipulating Pads, Pages, and Backgrounds   209

    The Background Info dialog box will be placed on-screen:

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    The Background Info dialog box contains the following information and

        0  The name of the background.

        0  The number of pages that use this background. This number will
           never be less than one.

        0  The number of buttons and fields contained on this background.

        0  The No delete option.

        0  Script button to take you to the background's script.


    You can change the name of a background using the Background Info dialog
    box. You should choose a name that best reflects what the background is
    used for. For example, if the background is used as a template for your
    recipe database, then you might name the background "Recipe Template."

              Chapter 12: Manipulating Pads, Pages, and Backgrounds   210

    To change the name of a background:

    1.  Access the Background Info dialog box using the above procedure.

    2.  Type the new name of the background in the text box
    and press ENTER.


    You can protect a background from being accidentally deleted by setting
    the No delete option in the Background Info dialog box. This safety
    feature prevents the last page that uses this background from being


    You can add buttons, fields, and paint to the background the same way
    that you do with the page. Everything you add to a background will
    appear on every page that uses that background.

    To access the background:

    Select the Background command from the Edit menu (ALT+E, B).

    You can tell if you are editing the background when the status bar
    displays "BKGND" or the Background command on the Edit menu is checked.

    To return to editing the page, just select ALT+E, B again (the command
    toggles you between the page and the background).


    In order to delete a background, you must delete every page that uses
    that background. Be careful when you delete the last page that uses a
    particular background since there will be no warning indicating that the
    background will also be deleted.


    There is no direct way to make a copy of a background within the same
    pad. You can, however, achieve the same effect by using another pad as a
    temporary holder for the page and the background:

              Chapter 12: Manipulating Pads, Pages, and Backgrounds   211

    To make a copy of a background in the same pad:

    1.  Navigate to a page that uses the background that you want to copy.

    2.  Select the Copy Page command (ALT+E, O). The page and the background
    are copied to the clipboard.

    3.  Create a new pad called TEMP. (Select the New command from the File
    menu [ALT+F, N] and type TEMP, then press ENTER.)

    4.  Select the Paste Page command (ALT+E, P) to paste the page and the
    background into the new pad.

    5.  Exit HyperPAD and return to DOS. You must exit all the way to DOS to
    make HyperPAD "forget" the fact that the two backgrounds are the same.

    6.  Run HyperPAD again and load the TEMP pad.

    7.  Select the Copy Page command (ALT+E, O). This copies the page and
    the background.

    8.  Navigate to the original pad.

    9.  Select the Paste Page command from the Edit menu. Both the page and
    the background will be pasted into the pad.


    This chapter described pads and the components from which they are
    constructed, including pages and backgrounds. You learned how to perform
    some general maintenance tasks such as saving a copy of a pad,
    protecting a pad, and compressing a pad. You learned the relationship
    between the pages and backgrounds and how they fit together, as well as
    how to manipulate them during pad design.


                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   213


    HyperPAD's painting tools let you create visually appealing screens
    tailored to your audience's needs. The appearance of a pad is important
    because a design that is carefully planned and pleasing to look at is
    more effective in presenting information.

    In this chapter, you'll learn:

        0  The organization of the text screen.

        0  How to select and use the painting tools.

        0  How to use the tool box.

        0  How each painting tool works so that you can modify your pages
           and backgrounds.

        0  Special tips describing how to use the painting tools more

                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   214



    Each page is overlaid on top of a background, creating a composite
    referred to as the screen. The screen is what you see when you look at
    your computer display.

    The screen is structured in composition, made up of a grid of rectangles
    called character cells. Depending on your screen resolution, there are
    normally 80 cells across and 25 cells down. Each cell contains
    aaracterandnd an attribute.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   215

    The previous illustration shows you how the screen is divided and how
    characters and attributes fit into a character cell.

    HyperPAD's painting tools allow you to add or delete characters and
    attributes in the cells that make up the backgrounds and pages in a pad.


    As described above, each cell on the screen contains a character and an
    attribute. The range of characters you can include in a cell is from 0
    to 255 (known as ASCII values). For example, the character A is
    represented by number 65.  In Appendix 8 of the PADtalk Reference Guide,
    there is a table showing all of the 256 characters.

    The attribute portion of a cell is a number that represents a
    combination of a foreground color and a background color. Attributes
    range in value from 0 to 255.

    When a character is placed inside a cell, it is displayed with the
    foreground color of the attribute, while all other remaining space in
    the cell appears in the background color.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    As you know, each HyperPAD screen is a combination of a page and
    background layer. You may be wondering how elements on the background
    are visible on the page.

    Cells on the background are compared with the corresponding cells on the
    page. If the page cell contains the transparent character, the character
    from the background cell shows through. The same applies for the

    When a new page is created, all the cells on that page are filled with
    the transparent character (ASCII number 0) and the transparent attribute
    (7, or grey on black). Thus, the entire background shows through a newly
    created page.

                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   216

    The following illustration demonstrates how characters on the background
    show through onto the page.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    In the next illustration, the background contains the character A and
    the page contains the character B in identical positions. Notice that
    the background character is not seen, as the page's character blocks it
    from view.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   217

    The next illustration demonstrates the difference between the
    transparent character and the space character. It might appear to the
    human eye that the space and transparent characters are the same;
    however, as you can see from the illustration, that is not the case.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │


    You can determine the contents of a character cell using the Character
    Cell Info dialog box. This box describes both the character and the
    attribute that currently occupy a character cell.

    Use this command if you're having trouble determining whether a
    character cell is transparent or contains a space, or if you want to
    know the attribute within a cell.

                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   218

    To access the Character Cell Info dialog box:

    1.  Place the cursor on the cell that you want information about.

    2.  Press F9.

    The Character Cell Info dialog box, shown here, appears on-screen.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │


    HyperPAD maintains a current character and a current attribute. As you
    design your pages and backgrounds, you will constantly be changing the
    values of these settings.

    When you paint color on the page or background, you are really setting
    the attribute portion of the character cell to the value of the Paint
    attr. Similarly, when you use the Char Paint tool, you are really
    assigning the character portion of the character cell to the value of
    the ASCII char.

                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   219

    To determine the Paint attr and ASCII char values:

    1.  Select a painting tool from the Tools menu.

    2.  Open the Workspace menu (ALT+W). The Workspace menu, shown below,
    will be placed on-screen.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    Displayed to the right of the ASCII char and Paint attr commands are the
    values of the current character and paint attribute.

    3.  To remove the menu from the screen, press ESC.


    When you begin using the painting tools, you may find it necessary to
    use the screen areas normally hidden by the menu and status bars.
    Because of this, HyperPAD gives you a way to quickly hide and show the
    menu and status bars.

    To toggle the menu and status bars on and off:

    1.  Press ALT+SPACE.

    The menu and status bars will be removed from the screen.

    2.  Press ALT+SPACE to place them back on-screen.

                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   220


    HyperPAD provides many tools for you to select from when you paint. This
    section describes the various methods used to select a painting tool.

    The easiest way, of course, is to select a painting tool from the Tools
    menu. However, when you're painting, you're constantly changing from
    tool to tool, making menu selection tedious. HyperPAD provides you with
    both shortcut keys and a tool box for quick tool selection.


    HyperPAD provides you with a palette of tools from which you can pick in
    order to paint on the page or background. The available tools are
    summarized in the following table.

    Tool:        Shortcut key:      Purpose:
    Text         CTRL+T             Adds text

    Paint        CTRL+P             Adds color

    Erase        CTRL+E             Removes attributes and characters

    Line         CTRL+L             Draws single or double lines

    Mark Block   CTRL+M             Marks a block that you can move, copy,
                                    and, and paste or perform a block
                                    command on

    Char Paint   CTRL+H             Paints with the current ASCII character

    Selector     CTRL+S             Manipulates buttons and fields

    Browse       CTRL+B             Allows you to use the pads


    Using the tool box popup window, mouse users can quickly select a
    painting tool.

    To display the tool box, select the Tool Box command from the Workspace
    menu (ALT+W, T).

                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   221

    The tool box will now stay on-screen until you close it.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    To move the tool box using the mouse:

    Place the mouse pointer on the border of the tool box and drag it to a
    new location, then release the button.

    Selecting a tool from the tool box:

    Click the mouse on the tool you want to select.

    A triangle will appear next to the tool you selected, indicating that it
    is the current tool.


    Double-clicking the mouse on different tools in the tool box provides a
    convenient shortcut for many of the painting commands.

        0  You can change the current paint attribute by double-clicking
           on the Paint tool in the tool box. When you do, the Paint
           Attribute dialog box is displayed, letting you pick from the
           available attributes.

        0  By double-clicking on the Char Paint tool in the tool box, you
           can set the current ASCII char, which, when combined with the
           Char Paint tool, lets you paint characters on the screen.

        0  The line type can also be toggled (between single and double
           lines) by double-clicking on the Line tool.


    The tool box can be removed from the screen by selecting the Tool Box
    command from the Workspace menu (ALT+W, T). You can also click the mouse
    on the close box on the upper left corner of the tool box.

                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   222


    Before you can begin painting, check to make sure the user level is set
    to painting or higher. As you proceed through this chapter, you may find
    it helpful to try out the described procedures. If you want to follow
    along, you should create a new pad on which to practice so that you
    don't have to worry about changing an existing pad.


    The following table describes the various methods used to move around
    the page or background while working with the painting tools. When
    you're painting, the cursor location is displayed on the status bar.

    Key:                 Moves the cursor:
    Up arrow             Up one line

    Down arrow           Down one line

    Left arrow           Left one character

    Right arrow          Right one character

    HOME                 To the left edge of the screen

    END                  To the right edge of the screen

    CTRL+Up arrow        Up two lines

    CTRL+Down arrow      Down two lines

    CTRL+Left arrow      Left four characters

    CTRL+Right arrow     Right four characters

    To use the mouse to position the cursor, simply move the pointer to
    where you want the cursor and click the right mouse button.

                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   223


    All of the painting tools are used the same way. When you're painting,
    you are free to move the cursor anywhere on the screen using the keys in
    the preceding table. To apply a tool, you move the cursor the same way
    but with the SHIFT key held down.

    To use a painting tool with the keyboard:

    1.  Select the painting tool you want (use one of the shortcut keys
    described earlier).

    2.  While holding down the SHIFT key, move the cursor using the arrow

    To move the cursor faster while applying a painting tool, hold down
    CTRL+SHIFT while moving the cursor with the arrow keys.

    To use a painting tool with the mouse:

    Hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse.

    To paint in a straight line, hold down the SHIFT key while dragging the

    As an example, suppose that you wanted to draw a box:

    1.  Press CTRL+L to select the Line tool.

    2.  Move the cursor to where you want one of the corners of the box to
    be located.

    3.  Hold down the SHIFT key while using the arrow keys to outline your


    Painting occurs on the page or background layer behind all of the
    buttons and fields. Even though you're unable to see your screen
    modifications, they are indeed happening behind the objects. Use the
    Selector tool to move objects out of the way so you can see beneath

                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   224


    The following tools use the current paint attribute:

        0  Paint tool

        0  Mark Block tool

    To change the current attribute:

    1.  Select a painting tool. (Use the shortcut keys described above.)

    2.  Choose the Paint attr command from the Workspace menu (ALT+W, P).
    The shortcut for this command is + (on the numeric keypad).

    The Set Paint Attribute dialog box appears, displaying a palette of
    colors. This dialog box lets you pick an attribute from a list of all
    possible combinations. Each column contains a different background
    color, and each row shows a different foreground color.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    3.  To select an attribute:

    With the keyboard: Use the arrow keys to move the double box until it
    surrounds your choice and press ENTER.

    With the mouse:  Place the mouse cursor on your choice and click the
    left mouse button.

                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   225

    Once you select a paint attribute, it appears next to the Paint attr
    command on the Workspace menu. Your selection remains the current paint
    attribute until you select another.


    When you begin modifying and creating pads, you may find yourself
    constantly switching between a number of paint attributes. HyperPAD
    makes it easy! You can assign accelerator keys to up to 10 different
    paint attributes. Then, once you've selected a painting tool, you can
    quickly switch between colors without accessing the dialog box.

    To assign accelerator keys to paint attributes:

    1.  Select a painting tool.

    2.  Choose the Paint attr command from the Workspace menu.

    The Set Paint Attribute dialog box appears on-screen.

    3.  Use the arrow keys to select an attribute.

    4.  Hold down ALT and press the number (0 through 9) to be used as the
    accelerator key.

    A list of the available accelerator keys (ALT+1, ALT+2 . . . ALT+0)
    appears in a column to the right of the palette in the Set Paint
    Attribute dialog box. As you assign attributes, the attribute appears
    next to the corresponding accelerator key.

    5.  Repeat steps 3 and 4 to make additional assignments.

    When you assign accelerator keys to paint attributes, they remain active
    (even after you exit HyperPAD) until you select other paint attributes
    to take their place.


    After you've assigned accelerator keys to the attributes you use most
    often, you can select them using the ALT key:

    1.  Select a painting tool.

    2.  Hold down ALT and press the number corresponding to the attribute
    you want (0 through 9).

    The paint attribute you assigned to that accelerator key becomes the
    current paint attribute and appears next to the Paint attr command on
    the Workspace menu.

                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   226


    If the attribute that you want to paint with is already on the screen,
    you don't have to pick the attribute over again. HyperPAD provides a way
    that you can "pick up" the attribute off the screen, making it the
    current attribute.

    To "pick up" an attribute off the screen:

    1.  Move the cursor to the character cell with the attribute you want to

    2.  Press CTRL+ - (on the numeric keypad).


    The Undo command, on the Edit menu, allows you to recover the screen
    before the most recent painting change. After you've selected Undo, you
    can reselect it to recover the screen before you originally selected
    Undo--in effect, undoing the Undo.


    The painting tools allow you to add attributes to the pages and
    backgrounds in your pads. Use the painting tools to draw page layouts
    and lay out your screen, including such components as the border, the
    background color, the title bar, the message line, and any other
    information that will make the page more intuitive.

    Each of the painting tools is used the same way, following the
    procedures described in the previous subsection, "Applying a Painting


    The Paint tool allows you to add attributes to the pages and backgrounds
    in your pads. This tool paints using the current attribute, which
    appears next to the Paint attr command on the Workspace menu.

                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   227


    The Text tool allows you to type text directly on the pages or
    backgrounds in your pads. You can actually type text on the screen while
    using any of the painting tools. The following keys can be used while
    typing text.

    Key:             Function:
    DEL              Deletes the character under the cursor.

    BACKSPACE        Deletes the character to the left.

    CTRL+DEL         Deletes all characters to the end of the line.

    TAB              Moves the cursor to the next tab stop.

    CTRL+D, CTRL+Y   Deletes the line with the cursor.

    INS              Toggles Insert mode.

    ENTER            Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next line.


    While you're designing the pages and backgrounds for your pads, you may
    find it necessary to insert characters that you can't type on the
    keyboard. You can place any ASCII character on the screen, including
    line-drawing characters and international characters. You can select
    from 255 characters using the Set Paint Character dialog box.

                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   228

    To choose an ASCII character:

    1.  While the Text tool is active, position the cursor where you want
    the character to be inserted.

    2.  Press the PLUS key on the numeric keypad.

    The Set Paint Character dialog box appears on-screen:

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    3.  To insert a specific character:

    With the keyboard:  Use the arrow keys to highlight the character you
    want to select, then press ENTER.

    With the mouse:  Place the pointer over the ASCII character you want to
    select and click the left mouse button.

    The ASCII character you selected will be inserted at the cursor


    The Text tool behaves differently depending on the Insert mode
    (accessible from the Workspace Options dialog box). If Insert mode is
    set, then the characters you type will replace those already on the

    If Insert mode is not set, then the characters you type will push the
    other characters on the line off the end of the line.

                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   229


    As you type text when Insert mode is not set, characters to the right on
    the same line are pushed right up to the end of the line. The end of the
    line is determined by setting an option in the Workspace Options dialog
    box (called "Use extended ASCII characters as end of line"). If this
    option is not set, the characters are pushed off the right edge of the
    screen and cannot be recovered.

    If this option is set, the end of the line is determined by the first
    character that is not a letter, punctuation mark, space, or digit. This
    option is especially useful for typing text inside a painted box.


    The Erase tool can be used to clean up any mistakes you may have made.
    It erases both the character and attribute portions of the character
    cell, replacing them with the transparent character (character 0) and
    the transparent attribute (7). Thus, when you use the Erase tool on the
    page, characters and attributes from the background will show through.

    When you use the Erase tool, only the paint and characters on the
    current page or background will be deleted.


    The Line tool allows you to add single and double lines to the pages and
    backgrounds in your pads. Using the Line tool, you can create boxes,
    charts, and borders easily without having to worry about line


    As noted above, you can use the Line tool to draw both single and double
    lines. To toggle the line type, select the Line Type command from the
    Workspace menu (ALT+W, L). A sample of the current line type appears
    next to the Line Type command in the menu. With the keyboard, you can
    quickly change the line type using the following keys:

    Key:          Line Type:
    CTRL+=        Double

    CTRL+-        Single

                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   230


    The Mark Block tool is used to perform a painting operation on a
    rectangular area of the screen. This helps speed the painting process by
    relieving you of the tedious job of painting large areas of the screen
    using the other painting tools.

    The Mark Block tool makes creating boxes easy. First, you select an area
    of the screen where you want to place the box, press P to paint it, then
    press B to draw a box in it. There are many painting operations that can
    be performed on marked blocks.

    When this tool is enabled, the commands on the Block menu are carried
    out on the entire block.

    You can also copy and paste blocks on the same screen or different
    screens. This allows you to grab screen designs from other pads, like
    the Ideas pad that comes with HyperPAD, and use them in your own screen

    To use the Mark Block tool:

    1.  Select Mark Block from the Tools menu (CTRL+M).

    2.  To mark an area:

    With the keyboard:  Move the cursor to the upper left corner of the area
    you want to select. While holding down a SHIFT key, press the arrow
    keys, dragging the outline until the area you want to select is within
    the outline's boundaries.

    With the mouse:  Move the cursor to the upper left corner of the area
    you want to select. Press the left mouse button and drag the mouse until
    the outline surrounds the area you want to select.

    Once a block is marked, you can perform the functions described in the
    following subsections. If you want to cancel the marking, just press
    SPACE or click the mouse outside the boundaries of the block.

                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   231

    The block commands are summarized in the following table:

    To:                                      Press:
    Copy the block                           CTRL+C or CTRL+INSERT

    Cut the block                            CTRL+X or SHIFT+DEL

    Delete the block                         DEL or E

    Draw a box within the block              B

    Paint the block with the current         P

    Clear the block                          C

    Opaque the block                         O

    Fill the block with current ASCII char   F

    Shrink the block to enclose material     T

    Make a button and link it to the page    M


    If you make any mistakes manipulating a block, press CTRL+U to undo your
    changes. This is especially handy when you experiment with different
    block commands, finding the best color or position for the block. For
    example, you might mark a block, paint it, draw a box inside it, and
    then change your mind and press CTRL+U to undo it.

    When you select Undo, the block is returned to its original position,
    size, and content. The block will remain outlined so that you can
    continue editing the same block.


    Use the arrow keys (and CTRL+arrow keys for faster movement) to move the
    block anywhere on the screen.

    If you're using a mouse, just place the mouse pointer within the outline
    of the block, press the left mouse button, and drag the block to the new
    location. If you hold down SHIFT while moving the block with the mouse,
    HyperPAD leaves copies of the block all over the screen. This is useful
    for painting patterns on a large area of the screen.

                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   232
    You can leave a copy of the block on the screen at the current position
    by pressing ENTER.

                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   233


    You can cut and copy blocks to the clipboard, replacing what is
    currently in the clipboard, using the Copy Block and Cut Block commands.

    To copy a block using the mouse, hold down CTRL, then click the left
    mouse button within the block and drag the copy to a new location.


    This command erases all of the characters and attributes within the
    block, replacing them with the transparent character and the transparent

    If you erase the block accidentally, you can recover it using the Undo


    The Box Block command creates a border around the block using the
    current box style. The border is drawn within the confines of the
    outline that defines the block.

    To draw a box within the marked block:

    1.  Mark a block.

    2.  Press B to draw the box.

    To change the type of border, select the Box Style command from the
    Block menu. The dialog box that appears gives you 15 common border types
    from which to choose. With the keyboard, use the arrow keys to select a
    new border, then press ENTER. With the mouse, just click on the border
    you want.


    If you want to paint a large area with the current attribute, use the
    Paint Block command. This command changes all of the attributes within
    the borders of the block to the current paint attribute.

    If you want to change the color, press MINUS on the numeric keypad. This
    changes the current attribute, leaving the outline unchanged so that you
    can immediately paint the block again, by pressing P.

                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   234


    Oftentimes, a marked block contains transparent space. If the block is
    moved to a new location, the characters and attributes behind the marked
    block show through, making the information seem garbled. You can remedy
    this situation using the Opaque Block command.

    The Opaque Block command makes the block opaque, translating all
    transparent characters to spaces.


    Sometimes when you move a marked block, you may want the characters and
    attributes behind the block to show through the empty spaces. In this
    case, use the Clear Block command.

    The Clear Block command makes all empty space in a block transparent by
    replacing the spaces with the transparent character (0).


    Use the Fill Block command to fill the block with the current ASCII

    You can change the current ASCII character by pressing PLUS on the
    numeric keypad and selecting a new character. Since the block remains
    marked, you can immediately fill it again by pressing F.


    The Trim Block command allows you to shrink the block's boundaries so
    that they enclose only the nontransparent data. HyperPAD computes the
    minimum-size rectangle needed to enclose the nontransparent data and
    reselects the block for you.

    This command is useful if you were sloppy marking your block and you
    accidentally enclosed some extra blank space. You could use the Trim
    Block command to enclose only the data you initially intended.


    The Make Button command is used to create a transparent HyperPAD button
    the same size as the marked area, then link the button to another page.

    This command is useful in designing hypertext systems, which present
    screens of information. Each screen contains links that go to other
    screens containing related information. This type of system lets the
    user browse through your data in an intuitive manner, selectively

                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   235

    clicking on information of interest. In HyperPAD, a quick way to create
    these links is to use the Make Button command.

    To create a button from a marked block:

    1.  Mark a block.

    2.  Choose the Make Button command from the Block menu (ALT+B, M). The
    shortcut for this command is M.

    When you select Make Button, HyperPAD presents you with a dialog box
    telling you to navigate to the destination page and select one of the
    choices. The destination page is the page that you want the button to be
    linked to when it's selected.

    3.  Navigate to the destination page and select one of the following:

    Press:      To:
    ALT+P       Select the current page as the destination.

    ALT+A       Select the current pad as the destination.

    ALT+C       Cancel the command and return to the original page.


    The Char Paint tool allows you to paint with the current ASCII
    character. Before you begin painting, you need to select a specific
    character to paint with.

    To choose an ASCII character:

    1.  Select the ASCII char command from the Workspace menu (ALT+W, A).
    The shortcut for this command is PLUS on the numeric keypad.

    The Set Paint Character dialog box appears on-screen.

    2.  To select an ASCII character:

    With the keyboard:  Use the arrow keys to highlight the character you
    want to select and press ENTER.

    With the mouse:  Click the mouse on the ASCII character you want to

    The ASCII character you selected will appear next to the ASCII char
    command on the Workspace menu.

                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   236


    If you need to constantly switch back and forth between various ASCII
    characters, you may find it tedious to use the ASCII character dialog
    box. You can speed up selection of ASCII characters by assigning
    accelerator keys to the characters you use most (up to 10 accelerator
    keys can be assigned). These keys allow you to switch between ASCII
    characters without using the dialog box.

    To assign accelerator keys to ASCII characters:

    1.  Choose the Char Paint tool from the Tools menu (ALT+T, H). The
    shortcut is CTRL+H.

    2.  Choose the ASCII Char command from the Workspace menu (ALT+W, A).
    The shortcut is the PLUS key on the numeric keypad.

    3.  When the Set Paint Character dialog box appears, use the arrow keys
    to highlight one of the characters to which you want to assign an
    accelerator key.

    4.  Hold down CTRL and press the number (0 through 9) that you want as
    the character's accelerator key.

    A list of the available accelerator keys (CTRL+1, CTRL+2, CTRL+3,. .
    .CTRL+0) appears in a column to the right of the character list. As you
    assign accelerator keys, each character selection is placed next to the
    corresponding accelerator key.

    5.  Repeat steps 3 and 4 to make additional assignments.

    Accelerator keys remain operational until you replace them with other
    characters (even if you leave HyperPAD).

    To use the accelerator keys:

    1.  Select the Char Paint tool from the Tools menu (ALT+T, H). The
    shortcut is CTRL+H.

    2.  Hold down CTRL and press the accelerator key (0 through 9)
    corresponding to the character you want.

    The character assigned to that accelerator key will be inserted into the
    text and will become the current ASCII character.

                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   237


    The Selector tool allows you to modify the buttons and fields present on
    backgrounds and pages. This tool is discussed in depth in Chapter 14,
    "Manipulating Buttons and Fields."


    HyperPAD offers many customization options that change the way the
    painting tools are used, including the way attributes are placed on the
    screen, automatic indenting when the ENTER key is pressed, and Insert
    mode. Each option is accessible using the Options command on the
    Workspace menu (ALT+W, O).

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    Each option with an X between the brackets is active.

    The following subsections describe each of the available options.


    This option causes the current paint attribute to be used with every
    painting tool. When you type text or draw lines, the characters are
    placed on the screen using the current attribute.

                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   238


    Automatic indenting only works with the Text tool. When this option is
    selected, and the ENTER key is pressed while entering text, the cursor
    moves directly under the leftmost (nonspace) character on the previous
    line. This is helpful when you want to line up text or type into boxes.

    Note:  This capability is available only if you turn on the option
    called  Use extended ASCII characters as end of line.


    Extended ASCII characters are nonletter, nondigit, nonpunctuation
    characters that you can't normally type with the keyboard. Selecting
    this option causes extended characters to act as the right margin of a
    typing area when you're using the Text tool.

    Note:  In order for this option to have any effect, the Insert mode
    (push characters right) option must also be selected.


    This option allows mouse users to quickly change between the Selector
    tool (which is used to manipulate buttons and fields) and a painting
    tool. When this option is on and you select a button or field with the
    mouse, the Selector tool is automatically activated. And when you click
    the mouse button outside of any buttons or fields, the painting tool you
    were last working with is activated.

    This option is useful if you constantly switch between the Selector and
    a painting tool.


    When this option is on, the text that you type on the screen pushes the
    remaining characters on that line to the right. When this option is not
    on (overtype mode), the characters that you type replace those on the

    To toggle Insert mode on and off without accessing a menu, simply press
    the INS key.

                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   239


    If you select this option, text will be pushed off the end of the line
    (if Insert mode is also selected). For example, if there is a character
    in column 80 on the line on which you are typing, HyperPAD will push the
    character off the edge of the screen.

    If this option is not selected, HyperPAD will beep instead of losing the
    characters off the end of the line. Use this option if you're afraid of
    losing characters off the end of your lines.

    This option has no effect if Insert mode is not selected (because
    characters aren't being pushed right).


    The following subsections describe techniques that will make painting
    easier. Among the tricks are ways to view the page separated from its
    background, view nontransparent elements on a page or background, and
    delete and insert lines.


    If you want to know what attribute is assigned to each cell on the page
    or background, you can do so quickly.

    When a character cell contains a space or the transparent character, it
    is impossible to determine the foreground color, because the cell
    appears as a block using the background color. This trick lets you
    temporarily view the screen filled with characters so that you can
    determine the foreground/background color combination being used in the
    character cells.

    To see all of the attributes on the screen:

    1.  Select a painting tool.

    2.  Press CTRL+A.

    HyperPAD temporarily fills the screen with block characters in each
    character cell. This allows you to examine the attributes assigned to
    the cells.

    3.  Press ESC to return to what you were just viewing.

                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   240


    As your pads become more complex, you may find it difficult to keep
    track of what elements are on the background and page layers. Instead of
    selecting the Background command from the Edit menu (ALT+E, B), you can
    quickly view only the page elements by holding down both SHIFT keys. As
    soon as you release the keys, HyperPAD will return to viewing both the
    current page and its background.


    By holding down ALT+SHIFT, you can see all the elements on the page or
    background that are not transparent. This technique is used to identify
    which paint elements on the page will hide background elements and spot
    the holes through which background elements will be seen.


    The two key combinations presented below are used to insert a new line
    on the paint layer.

    To insert a line:

    1.  Position the cursor on the line before which you want to insert a
    new line.

    2.  Press one of the following key combinations:

    CTRL+I:  Inserts a line above the cursor's position. The cells in this
    line will contain the transparent character and attribute.

    CTRL+SHIFT+I:  Inserts a line above the cursor's position.


    You can delete a line anywhere on the screen, creating a blank line on
    the bottom of the screen.

    To delete a line on the page or background:

    1.  Position the cursor on the line to be deleted.

    2.  Press CTRL+D or CTRL+Y.

                                         Chapter 13: Painting Tools   241


        0  To paint faster with the keyboard, hold down CTRL+SHIFT while
           painting with the arrow keys.

        0  To paint straight lines of ASCII characters, place the mouse
           pointer where you want to begin painting, then hold down both the
           SHIFT key and the left mouse button while dragging the mouse.

        0  When the tool box is displayed, you can quickly access the Set
           Paint Attribute dialog box by placing the mouse cursor on the
           Tool Box's Char Paint command and double-clicking the left mouse


    In this chapter, you learned how to use HyperPAD's painting tools to
    create attractive screen layouts for your pads. The first section
    described the painting environment, including how the screen is divided
    up into character cells. You learned all about the painting tools, which
    allow you to manipulate the characters and attributes that make up these

    At the end of the chapter, you learned how to control your painting
    environment using the Workspace Options and picked up some productivity
    tips that can help make the on-screen information more easily


                                    Chapter 7: The Phone Pad System   119


    Imagine the following scenario: You want to phone one of your clients,
    Bob Jones, so you get his number by going to HyperPAD's Phone pad and
    selecting Find from the command line, which takes you directly to the
    page for Bob Jones. Since you'd like to have a history of this call for
    billing purposes, you use the Track Call command to bring up the
    Outgoing Message Log for Bob Jones.

    If you have a modem and select the Dial command, HyperPAD places the
    call for you automatically and indicates the call's starting time on the
    Outgoing Message Log. As you're talking with Bob, you type some notes in
    the Call History area of the Outgoing Message Log, and when you hang up,
    you use the Stop Timer command to automatically record the call's
    elapsed time.

    A while later, Al Martin phones for Mary Johnson, whose calls are being
    forwarded to you while she's out of town. You access HyperPAD's Take
    Message pad, record the message right on-line, and print it out for

    As you may have gathered from the preceding scenario, HyperPAD offers
    not just a number of separate phone-related pads but an interconnected
    system of pads for managing phone-related tasks more easily and

    In this chapter, you'll learn about the following pads:

        0  The Phone pad:   Lets you keep track of names, addresses,
           telephone numbers, and related notes; find information
           automatically; and print labels.

        0  The Phone Dialer pad:   Lets you dial phone numbers automatically
           if you have a Hayes-compatible modem.

        0  The Track Call pad:   Lets you record call histories (including
           starting times and elapsed time), leave messages, and take notes.

        0  The Take Message pad:  Lets you take phone messages on-line;
           automatically display a short message selected from a menu of
           commonly used messages; and type in longer messages and notes.

                                    Chapter 7: The Phone Pad System   120

    All the pads in the Phone pad system can be accessed directly by going
    to HyperPAD's Home pad, selecting the Go to a pad button, and then
    selecting the name of the pad you want from the Pads screen. Some of the
    pads in the Phone pad system can be accessed from within other pads in
    the system as well--a handy feature that, as you'll discover later in
    the chapter, saves you time and automates certain functions.

    Learning tip:  You'll get a much better feel for how to use the various
    pads in the Phone pad system if you run HyperPAD and experiment with the
    features of each of these pads as you go through this chapter.


    When you select the Phone button from the Pads screen, HyperPAD takes
    you to the Phone pad. Although, as you can see from the accompanying
    illustration, the Phone pad's screen resembles an ordinary page from an
    address book, there's nothing ordinary about the Phone pad's

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    In this section of the chapter, you'll learn how to work with Phone pad
    pages, enter information into the fields there, find information
    recorded in your Phone pad, and print labels using selected information
    from its database. You'll also learn how to use the Phone Dialer and

                                    Chapter 7: The Phone Pad System   121

    Track Call pads (discussed at length later in the chapter) in
    conjunction with the Phone pad.


    In this subsection of the chapter, we'll cover everything you need to
    know about working with the pages in your Phone pad, including adding
    new pages, deleting pages you no longer need, navigating from one page
    to another, and sorting pages into a specified order.


    The Phone Pad offers three ways to create a new (i.e., blank) page into
    which you can enter information:

        0  Press the keyboard shortcut F3.

        0  Select New from the command line (ALT+7).

        0   Select the New Page command from the Edit menu (ALT+E, N).

    Regardless of which of the preceding methods you use, as soon as a new
    page is created, it's added after the last page in the Phone pad and
    you're automatically taken to it. Don't worry about the fact that new
    pages aren't inserted in alphabetical order. Later in this section,
    we'll explain how to automatically sort phone pages not only
    alphabetically but according to a number of other criteria as well.


    To remove a Phone pad page, go to the unwanted page and then select the
    Delete Page command from the Edit menu (ALT+E, D). The page disappears,
    and the remaining Phone pad pages are renumbered accordingly.

    Be careful about deleting a Phone pad page, because once the page is
    gone, there's no way to retrieve it.


    The accompanying table summarizes the methods you learned in Chapter 2
    for navigating between pages in a pad.

                                    Chapter 7: The Phone Pad System   122

    Method:                                Result:
    Select the left or right on-screen     Takes you to the previous or next
    paging button.                         page.

    Press the PGUP or PGDN key.            Takes you to the previous or next

    Select the Previous or Next commands.  Takes you to the previous or next

    Press CTRL+PGUP or CTRL+PGDN.          Takes you to the first or last
                                           page in the pad.

    Select the First or Last commands.     Takes you to the first or last
                                           page in the pad.


    Earlier in this subsection, we told you not to be concerned about the
    fact that as you add new pages, they're accumulating in more or less
    random order at the end of your Phone pad. In fact, it takes only a few
    seconds to sort your Phone pad pages automatically, and you can do it as
    often as you like.

    To sort pages, select Sort (ALT+1) from the command line, which produces
    a pop-up of sort options. By selecting one of these options, you can
    arrange the pages in your Phone pad according to the information shown
    in the First name or Last name field, the Company field, or the City,
    State, or Zip fields.

    Once you select the desired sort option, the pages in your Phone pad are
    reshuffled accordingly and automatically renumbered.


    As you work with the Phone pad, you'll be entering information not only
    into the fields on the Phone pad screen (for First name, Last name,
    Title, etc.) but also into a scrollable field for notes, which remains
    hidden unless you access it in order to attach a note to a Phone pad
    page. In this section, we'll describe how to enter information into
    these fields.


    In Chapter 2, you learned how to work with the fields on a HyperPAD
    screen. Since those techniques are so essential for using the Phone pad,
    we've summarized them below.

                                    Chapter 7: The Phone Pad System   123

    To enter and type into a field:

    1.  To enter the desired field:

    With the keyboard:  Press TAB or SHIFT+TAB until the field is
    highlighted, then press F2 to unhighlight the field so you can start

    With the mouse:  Point to the spot in the field where you want to start
    typing and click the left mouse button to place the cursor there.

    2.  To move the cursor around the text in the field, either use the
    arrow keys or reposition the cursor with the mouse; to delete text,
    press BACKSPACE.

    3.  When you're ready to move to another field, repeat step 1.


    HyperPAD gives you the option of attaching a note to each page in your
    Phone pad, so you can have key information right at hand. Here's how to
    use this handy feature.

    To attach a note:

    1.  Go to the Phone pad page to which you want to attach the note.

    2.  Select Note (ALT+4) from the command line.

    A scrollable field appears. If the field is blank, the cursor is
    positioned at the start of the field; if the field already contains
    text, the cursor is positioned within it.

    3.  To enter new text, just start typing; to edit existing text, use the
    keyboard or the mouse to reposition the cursor and then start typing.

    Note:  If you need more information about using scrollable fields, see
    the "Scrollable Fields" subsection in Chapter 2.

    4.  To return to the Phone pad page once you've finished your note,
    press ESC or select the ESC=Done button.

    "Note Attached" now appears to the right of the Fax phone field to
    remind you of the note's presence. Anytime you want to review or modify
    the note, you can reach it by pressing ALT+4 again.

                                    Chapter 7: The Phone Pad System   124


    If you want to track down information in your Phone pad and aren't sure
    where it's located, there's no need to rummage through the pages
    manually. Instead, you can use the following procedure to conduct an
    automated search of all the fields on the Phone screen for specified
    words, phrases, or numbers.

    To find information in the Phone pad:

    1.  Select Find (ALT+2) from the command line.

    A text box appears showing, by default, the last word, phrase, or number
    you searched for, if any--making it easy for you to continue searching
    for the same material.

    2.  Type the information you want to find into the text box.

    3.  Press ENTER or select <<Ok>> to start the search.

    If HyperPAD finds the word, phrase, or number, it highlights the entire
    field in which the material appears and sets the material itself off
    with a reverse highlight.

    If HyperPAD can't find the material, it displays a dialog box telling
    you so. Press ENTER to remove this message from your screen.

    4.  If HyperPAD finds the word, phrase, or number but it isn't the
    material you're after, press ENTER again to make HyperPAD highlight the
    next instance of that material, either on the same page or on another
    page. Keep pressing ENTER until you arrive at the desired information.

    You should be aware that when you use the Find command to search the
    fields on the Phone pad screen, HyperPAD highlights all places where it
    finds the specified word, phrase, or number, regardless of whether the
    material appears separately or within another word, phrase, or number.
    If, for example, you type "John" into the text box, HyperPAD spots not
    only "John" but also "Johnson" and "Johnstown."

    Knowing this can come in handy when you need to locate some information
    but are unsure of exactly how the desired material reads. In a case like
    this, you can try searching for some component of the word, phrase, or
    number that you're reasonably certain of. Let's say the client whose
    name you recorded somewhere in the Phone pad is either "Joe Cooper" or
    "Joe Cowper," and you realize your Phone pad contains quite a few names
    starting with "C" and quite a few instances of the name "Joe." You could

                                    Chapter 7: The Phone Pad System   125

    zero in on the correct page by telling HyperPAD to find the information
    that you do know--namely, the final portion of the last name (per).


    The Print command on the Phone pad's command line allows you to use
    selected information from your Phone pad database to print labels. If
    you haven't printed before, here's how to make sure your printer is set
    up properly:

    To check your printer setup:

    1.  Select the Printer Setup command from the File menu (ALT+F, U).

    The Printer Setup dialog box appears.

    2.  If the printer you're using isn't specified correctly after "Current
    printer," select the name of your printer from the Available printers
    list box.

    Note:  If the name of your printer doesn't appear in the list box,
    select Generic Line Printer.

    3.  If necessary, change the setting in the Print to column.

    4.  When you're finished changing the settings, press ENTER or select
    <<Ok>> to close the dialog box.

    The following procedure takes you through the process of first
    specifying the kind of information you want to appear on your labels,
    the Phone pad pages for which you want labels printed, and the type of
    labels you'll be using--after which you give HyperPAD the Ok to print
    the labels.

                                    Chapter 7: The Phone Pad System   126

    To print labels:

    1.  Select Print (ALT+3) from the command line.

    A dialog box appears asking whether you want to print business or
    personal labels. (Personal labels include the first and last name,
    address, city, state, Zip code, and country. Business labels show the
    same information plus the person's salutation and business title.)

    2.  Select <<Business>> or <Personals> from the dialog box.

    The Label Printer dialog box, shown here, appears.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    3.  Check the Copies text box and, if necessary, change the information
    there to indicate how many copies you want of each label.

    4.  Select the All option if you want to include every page in the Phone
    pad when labels are printed. If you'd rather print only specified pages,
    select the Pick button below the Pages option.

    When you select the Pick button, HyperPAD returns you to the Phone pad,
    where an Include this page option button now appears to the left of the
    paging buttons.

    5.  Press PGUP and PGDN to navigate to each page in the Phone pad for
    which you want to print a label and use the keyboard or the mouse to
    select the Include this page option button.

    6.  When you've picked all the Phone pad pages you want to include,
    select the return button or just press ESC.

                                    Chapter 7: The Phone Pad System   127

    The Label Printer dialog box reappears, and the numbers of the Phone pad
    pages you picked are now listed after the Pages option.

    7.  To tell HyperPAD whether you want the text on your labels left-
    justified or centered, select either Left or Center in the Align column.

    8.  If you want to use a label other than the one specified at the top
    of the Label Printer dialog box, select the Pick button on the right
    side of the "Label Type" area and indicate a different label. If you
    want to edit an existing label or create a new label, press F1 for Help.

    9.  Select Ok or press ENTER to print the labels.

    10.  After the labels are printed, select Cancel to return to the Phone


    You can use the Phone Dialer pad (if you have a Hayes-compatible modem)
    and the Track Call pad in conjunction with the Phone pad by selecting
    Dial (ALT+5) or Track Call (ALT+6) from the Phone pad's command line.

    When you select Dial, a pop-up appears that lets you specify whether you
    want to automatically dial the home, work, or fax phone number recorded
    on the currently viewed Phone pad page. Once you pick an option, the
    Phone Dialer pad appears. The selected number is already displayed,
    although you can type in a different number if you like. (If the phone
    number corresponding to the option you pick is blank, the pop-up simply
    vanishes and the Phone Dialer pad does not appear.)

    When you select Track Call, HyperPAD produces the existing Outgoing
    Message Log page for the individual whose name appears on the currently
    viewed Phone pad page. If there's no existing Outgoing Message Log page
    for that individual, HyperPAD produces a blank page headed with selected
    information from the currently viewed Phone pad page.

    Refer to the next two sections of this chapter for detailed information
    on how to use the Phone Dialer and Track Call pads.

                                    Chapter 7: The Phone Pad System   128


    You can reach the Phone Dialer pad, shown here, either by selecting the
    Phone Dialer button on the Pads screen or by selecting the Dial command
    on the Phone pad, Track Call pad, or Take Message pad's command line.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    The Phone Dialer pad allows users with a Hayes-compatible modem to
    automatically dial phone calls. If you access the Phone Dialer directly
    from the Pads screen, you can have HyperPAD dial whatever number you
    type in. If you access the Phone Dialer from one of the other pads in
    the Phone pad system, HyperPAD displays the phone number that appears on
    the currently viewed page in the pad you came from, saving you the
    trouble of typing the number in. Here's the procedure for placing a call
    with the Phone Dialer.

    To automatically dial a phone number:

    1.  Access the Phone Dialer, either from the Pads screen or from the
    command line on the Phone pad (ALT+5), the Track Call pad
    (ALT+2), or the Take Message pad (ALT+2).

    2.  The first time you use the Phone Dialer, check the Dial type and
    Modem port option buttons and change the settings if necessary. (The
    default settings are Pulse and COM2.)

                                    Chapter 7: The Phone Pad System   129

    The options you choose will remain in effect for all future calls unless
    you change the settings.

    3.  Type in the desired number if the Number to call field is blank or
    you want to change the default number displayed there.

    4.  Type in the desired dialing prefix.

    Note:  Later in this section, we'll give you some tips on filling out
    the Number to dial and Dialing prefix fields.

    5.  When the phone number and dialing prefix are shown correctly, select
    Ok to place the call.

    6.  Pick up the phone when HyperPAD displays a dialog box telling you to
    do so.

    Note:  In order not to interfere with the dialing process, don't pick up
    the phone until HyperPAD gives you the Ok.

    7.  When the call is finished, simply hang up the phone.

    The following paragraphs present the tips on entering phone numbers and
    dialing prefixes that we promised you earlier.

    HyperPAD assumes that any number shown in parentheses at the start of a
    phone number is an area code and automatically inserts a "1" in front of
    it when dialing the call (i.e., there's no need for you to type in the

    If you're using a dialing prefix that requires an area code but doesn't
    require dialing a "1" in front of it, you can stop HyperPAD from
    inserting the "1" by deleting the parentheses around the area code.

    If HyperPAD displays a default phone number that includes an area code
    you don't need to dial from your current location, just delete the area
    code from the Number to dial field.

    Tip:  To prevent HyperPAD from displaying default phone numbers that
    include an unwanted area code or parentheses, simply delete the unwanted
    material on the pad from which HyperPAD picks up the default number.

    The Dialing prefix field is used to enter any extra numbers you would
    normally have to dial before the actual phone number (such as "9" to get
    an outside line).

                                    Chapter 7: The Phone Pad System   130


    You can reach the Track Call pad, shown here, either by selecting the
    Track Call button on the Pads screen or by selecting the Track Call
    command (ALT+6) on the Phone pad's command line.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    The Track Call pad allows you to keep a log of your outgoing calls on
    which you can automatically record the starting time and the elapsed
    time. This pad also lets you type in notes during and after your calls
    and automatically display a short message selected from a menu of
    commonly used messages.

    When you access the Track Call pad directly from the Pads screen, the
    last Outgoing Message Log page you were working with appears. If that's
    not the page you want, you can reach the desired page by pressing PGUP
    and PGDN, using the on-screen paging buttons, or selecting Find (ALT+6)
    from the command line. (Since the procedure for using the Track Call
    pad's Find command is nearly identical to the procedure for using the
    Phone pad's Find command, see "Finding Information" in "The
    Phone Pad" section earlier in this chapter if you need further
    instructions.) If you haven't yet created an Outgoing Message Log page
    for the person you want to call, select New (ALT+5) from the command
    line to produce a fresh page and then fill in the heading fields.

                                    Chapter 7: The Phone Pad System   131

    When you access the Track Call pad from the Phone pad, HyperPAD
    automatically displays the existing Outgoing Message Log page for the
    person whose name appears on the currently viewed Phone page. If there
    is no existing page for that person, HyperPAD creates one and
    automatically fills in the heading fields for you.

    The following procedure shows how to record a call history using the
    Track Call pad.

    To track a call:

    1.  Access the Track Call pad, either from the Pads screen or from the
    Phone pad (ALT+6).

    2.  When the Outgoing Message Log appears, fill in or edit the heading
    fields if necessary.

    Note:  If you'll be placing your call automatically, the Phone Dialer
    dials the number that's shown in the Phone number field.

    3.  Either place the call manually and start the timer yourself by
    selecting Start Timer (ALT+3), or place the call and start the timer
    automatically by selecting Dial (ALT+2). (For detailed instructions on
    using the Phone Dialer, refer to "The Phone Dialer Pad" section earlier
    in the chapter.)

    As soon as the timer is started, HyperPAD records the call's starting
    time in the Call History field. While the call is in progress, the
    elapsed time in minutes and seconds is automatically displayed above the
    Call History field. (This information is updated at one-second

    4.  During the call, you can use the Call History field to make notes.
    Since the field is scrollable, you're not limited in the number of notes
    you can enter.

    5.  After you hang up, select Stop Timer (ALT+4).

    As soon as the timer is stopped, HyperPAD records the call's elapsed
    time in the Call History field and displays a menu of standard messages
    (e.g., "Not In," "No Answer," "Wrong Number") for you to choose from.

    6.  If you want to display one of the default messages in the Call
    History field after the call's elapsed time, select the desired message
    with the keyboard or the mouse. If you don't want to select a message,
    press ESC or click the right mouse button to remove the message menu
    from your screen.

                                    Chapter 7: The Phone Pad System   132

    You can edit any of the information that appears in the Call History
    field, including information that HyperPAD has recorded there
    automatically, such as call starting times, elapsed times, and messages.

    To obtain a hard copy of a page from the Outgoing Message Log, go to
    that page and select Print (ALT+1) from the command line. (If you need
    to set up your printer, see the instructions given in the "Printing
    Labels" subsection earlier in the chapter.)


    The Take Message pad, shown here, lets you record messages on-line and
    print them out.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    To use the features of the Take Message pad, just follow the
    instructions below.

    To take a message:

    1.  Go to the Take Message pad by selecting the Take Message button from
    the Pads screen.

    2.  To get a fresh page, select New (ALT+3) from the command line. To
    find an existing page, press PGUP or PGDN or use the on-screen paging

    3.  Fill out the fields at the top of the message form. (By default,
    today's date is already shown.)

                                    Chapter 7: The Phone Pad System   133

    4.  Use the Pick button if you want to display a menu of standard
    messages (e.g., "Wants to see you," "Returned your call"), which can be
    selected with the keyboard or the mouse.

    Once you select a message from the menu, it appears after "Message" at
    the top of the form.

    5.  If necessary, type a longer message in the scrollable field.

    6.  To obtain a hard copy of the message, select Print (ALT+1) from the
    command line. (For information on setting up your printer, see "Printing
    Labels" earlier in the chapter.)

    If you have a modem and subsequently need to call the person who left
    the message, go to the page that contains the message and select Dial
    (ALT+2). The Phone Dialer automatically dials the number shown in the
    Phone number field. (For detailed instructions on using the Phone
    Dialer, refer to "The Phone Dialer Pad" section earlier in the chapter.)


    Now that you've finished this chapter, you should know how to access the
    Phone pad, the Phone Dialer pad, the Track Call pad, and the Take
    Message pad and how to use the main features of each of these pads. But
    your understanding shouldn't stop with just knowing how to operate the
    phone-related pads individually. You should also understand how to
    multiply the power of these pads by using them in conjunction with one
    another as an integrated system for simplifying and automating your work
    and increasing your productivity.


                                    Chapter 8 The Daily Planner Pad   135


    Do you have an untidy collection of reminders stuffed into your daily
    planner because it just doesn't provide enough room to write decent-size
    notes? Do you accumulate next year's appointments on assorted slips of
    paper at the back of your current planner because it makes no provision
    for future years? Do you waste precious time rummaging through your
    planner in search of an appointment or note that you know is in there
    somewhere--if only you could track it down? Or have you given up on
    planners entirely because they're just too much bother? Well, HyperPAD's
    Daily Planner pad lets you say good-bye to planner hassles!

    In this chapter, you'll learn how to:

        0  Go straight to the Daily Planner page for a desired date--days,
           months, or years from now.

        0  Zero in on the Daily Planner page bearing a specified
           appointment, even if you haven't the vaguest idea of its date.

        0  Enter a reminder or a long note for a particular time or leave a
           note applicable to an entire day.

        0  Free up disk space by deleting appointments prior to a date you

        0  Print out the information in your Daily Planner pad (including
           reminders, long notes, and Notes for the day), not only for a
           single day but for a whole month.

    You'll catch on to the procedures in this chapter much faster (and have
    a lot more fun learning this pad!) if you bring the Daily Planner up on
    your system and play with its features as you read about them.

                                    Chapter 8 The Daily Planner Pad   136


    At first glance, HyperPAD's Daily Planner pad, shown here, resembles a
    conventional printed planner. But as you're about to learn, there's a
    lot more here than meets the eye!

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    In order to get the most out of the Daily Planner pad, you'll need to
    acquire some navigational skills--so you can go directly to the day,
    month, and year where you want to enter information and then find
    information again once you've entered it.


    When you first open the Daily Planner pad, HyperPAD displays the page
    for the date you were last working with. To bring up the page for the
    current date, just select Today (ALT+4) from the command line.

    To move forward or backward one day at a time through the Daily Planner,
    use the Day buttons in the lower right corner of the screen or just
    press the PGUP and PGDN keys.

    But if you need to travel very far within the Daily Planner, the day-at-
    a-time method can get pretty cumbersome, so let's see how to move
    through the Planner in larger increments.

                                    Chapter 8 The Daily Planner Pad   137


    There are two ways to move between months. The first is to use the Month
    buttons in the lower left corner of the Daily Planner screen, which take
    you to the first day of the preceding or following months. Once you
    arrive at the desired month, you can use the Day buttons to reach the
    day you're after within that month.

    The second method achieves the same effect but requires a bit less work.

    To move to another month and day with the Monthly Planner:

    1.  Select Monthly (ALT+2) from the Daily Planner's command line.

    A Monthly Planner page (like the one illustrated here) appears showing
    the month you were on in the Daily Planner.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    2.  To move from month to month, use the paging buttons or the PGUP and
    PGDN keys.

    Note:  Selecting This Month (ALT+3) from the Monthly Planner's command
    line displays the current month.

    3.  To select the day you're after once you reach the desired month:

    With the keyboard:  Press the arrow keys until the day is highlighted
    and then press ENTER.

    With the mouse:  Place the mouse pointer on the day and click the left
    mouse button.

    The Daily Planner reappears, showing your newly selected date.

                                    Chapter 8 The Daily Planner Pad   138

    Tip: If you're in the Daily Planner and realize it would require a lot
    of PGUP or PGDN keypresses or mouse clicks to get to a particular day
    within the same month (e.g., you want to move from June 4 to June 30),
    you can reach your target more quickly by calling up the Monthly Planner
    (ALT+2) and just selecting the desired day as indicated above.


    There are two ways to move between years. The first is to use the Year
    buttons in the lower left corner of the Daily Planner screen, which take
    you to the preceding or following years. Once you arrive at the desired
    year, you can use the Month buttons to reach the month you're after
    within that year, after which you can use the Day buttons to reach the
    day you're after within that month.

    However, the preceding method can require a lot of keypresses or mouse
    clicks, so let's look at a more direct approach.

    To move to another year and month with the Yearly Planner:

    1.  Select Yearly (ALT+3) from the Daily Planner's command line.

    A Yearly Planner page (like the one illustrated here) appears showing
    the year you were on in the Daily Planner.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                                    Chapter 8 The Daily Planner Pad   139

    2.  To move from year to year, use the paging buttons or press the PGUP
    and PGDN keys. To proceed directly to a particular year, select Go to
    Year (ALT+1) from the command line, type the desired year in the text
    box, and press ENTER.

    Note:  Selecting This Year (ALT+2) from the Yearly Planner's command
    line displays the current year.

    3.  To select the month you're after once you reach the desired year:

    With the keyboard:  Press the arrow keys until the month is highlighted
    and then press ENTER.

    With the mouse:  Place the mouse pointer on the month and click the left
    mouse button.

    The Monthly Planner for that month appears.

    4.  Select the day you're after from the Monthly Planner as indicated

    Tip:  If you're in the Monthly Planner and realize it would require
    quite a few PGUP or PGDN keypresses or mouse clicks to get to a
    particular month within the same year (e.g., you want to move from June
    to November), you can reach your target more quickly by calling up the
    Yearly Planner (ALT+2) and just selecting the desired month as indicated


    Let's say that ten days ago you scheduled a meeting with Betty Robinson,
    a prospective out-of-town client, for around the end of next month and
    recorded both the appointment and her phone number in your Daily
    Planner. You've just discovered that (1) you need to phone Ms. Robinson,
    (2) you can't locate her phone number anywhere else, and (3) you've
    forgotten the meeting's date so you don't know which Daily Planner page
    you recorded the phone number on. In short, the classic needle-in-a-
    haystack challenge!

    Does this mean you should take your best guess at the meeting's date,
    bring up that page in your Daily Planner, and then press PGDN
    repeatedly, scanning your appointments and notes for each succeeding day
    until you hit pay dirt? Not at all! Here's how to go directly to the
    Daily Planner page on which "Betty Robinson" (or any other word or
    phrase) appears.

                                    Chapter 8 The Daily Planner Pad   140

    To move to a Daily Planner page containing specified information:

    1.  Select Find (ALT+6) from the Daily Planner's command line.

    2.   Type the desired text into the dialog box that appears.

    3.  Press ENTER.

    The text box disappears, and HyperPAD highlights the first place where
    it finds the specified word or phrase in the appointments list or Notes
    for the day.

    4.  To find the next instance of the same word or phrase (if the first
    occurrence isn't the one you're after), press ENTER again.

    HyperPAD highlights the next place (either on the same page or on
    another page) where it finds the specified word or phrase in the
    appointments list or Notes for the day.

    5.  Keep pressing ENTER to move from one instance of the specified word
    or phrase to the next, until you arrive at the desired material.

    The above procedure should have taken you straight to the Daily Planner
    page showing the appointment and Betty Robinson's phone number.

    Occasionally, though, you may have to put a little thought into tracking
    down information. Suppose, for instance, that you type Betty Robinson
    into the dialog box and get the message "Can't find text" rather than
    the desired Planner page. Try typing in a smaller segment of the word or
    phrase you're after--perhaps just Robinson. You might come up with a
    Daily Planner page showing the appointment "Mtg. with Elizabeth [not
    "Betty"!] Robinson -- (212) 675-4912."


    In the appointments column on the left side of the Daily Planner, you
    can enter both a reminder and a long note for each hour and half-hour
    listed. Just follow the instructions in the next two subsections.


    A reminder is a note (usually short) that can be displayed on the
    appointments list, to the right of the time to which it pertains. Here's
    how to enter a reminder:

                                    Chapter 8 The Daily Planner Pad   141

    To enter a reminder for a particular time:

    1.  To select the desired time:

    With the keyboard:  Press TAB or the arrow keys until the highlight
    enters the appointments column, press the up and down arrow keys until
    the time you want is highlighted, and then press ENTER.

    With the mouse:  Point to the time you want and double-click the left
    mouse button.

    A dialog box appears showing the options <<Reminder>>, <Long Note>, and

    2.  Select <<Reminder>> from the dialog box.

    3.  Type the reminder into the dialog box that appears and press ENTER.

    The dialog box closes, and your reminder appears in the appointments
    column to the right of the selected time.

    You can type a reminder that's quite a bit longer than the width of the
    reminders area on the appointments list. However, if you do type a
    reminder note that exceeds the width of the reminders area, only the
    first portion of your reminder will be visible. To see the entire
    reminder, you'll have to bring up the text box again and move through
    the reminder with the left and right arrow keys.


    As its name implies, a long note is a note that's too long to be
    displayed on the appointments list. Instead, when you use the procedure
    below to enter a long note for a particular time, a check mark appears
    on the appointments list to the left of the time to which the long note
    pertains. The check mark is simply your tip-off that a long note is

    To enter a long note for a particular time:

    1.  Select the desired time, as indicated above.

    2.  When the dialog box appears showing the options <<Reminder>>, <Long
    Note>, and <Cancel>, select <Long Note>.

    A scrollable field appears, headed with the selected time and date.

    3.  Type your note into the scrollable field.

    4.  When you've finished typing, press ESC to return.

                                    Chapter 8 The Daily Planner Pad   142

    A check mark now appears beside the time to which your long note

    Whenever you need to review or modify your long note, just use the above
    procedure to display it again.

    You should be aware that the command line's Find command (ALT+6)
    searches only reminders and Notes for the Day, not long notes.

    Therefore, if you've left some vital information in a long note that you
    think you might later want to track down, it's always a good idea to put
    a keyword in the reminders area that you can use to zero in on the
    material in your long notes.

    For example, suppose that for a particular time a few weeks from now you
    have the reminder Staff Mtg. accompanied by a long note that lists
    safety concerns you want to raise, since this staff meeting will deal
    with workplace safety. However, this Staff Mtg. reminder looks no
    different from all the other reminders about your weekly staff meetings,
    so you might have a hard time finding the list of safety concerns in
    order to expand on it. But if you enter a more descriptive reminder
    (e.g., Staff Mtg.--safety) you can use the Find command to access the
    reminder and then call up the long note for that time.


    To enter the Notes for the day field, press TAB or place the cursor in
    the field with the mouse. Since this field is scrollable, you can type
    extensive notes into it and then use the keyboard or the mouse to move
    through your notes and bring portions of them into view in the field.


    From time to time, you'll probably want to delete old reminders, long
    notes, and Notes for the day from your Daily Planner, just to free up
    the disk space they occupy, thereby improving the performance of the
    Daily Planner pad.

    To remove outdated material, select Delete Old (ALT+5) from the Daily
    Planner's command line. The text box that appears can be used to delete
    all Daily Planner notations prior to a specified date. By default,
    yesterday's date is already displayed in the text box, but you can use
    the BACKSPACE key to remove the default date and type in a date of your
    choice. Once you press ENTER or select <<Ok>>, the old information is
    removed from the Planner.

                                    Chapter 8 The Daily Planner Pad   143


    In this section, you'll learn how to get a hard copy of your reminders,
    Notes for the day, and long notes for the currently viewed day or month.

    If you haven't printed before, you should start by checking to see
    whether HyperPAD has the correct setup information for your printer. If
    you have printed before, HyperPAD will remember the settings you
    selected last time, so you can skip this procedure unless you need to
    change any of the settings.

    To check your printer setup:

    1.  Select the Printer Setup command from the File menu (ALT+F, U).

    The Printer Setup dialog box appears.

    2.  If the printer you're using isn't specified correctly after "Current
    printer," select the name of your printer from the Available printers
    list box.

    Note: If the name of your printer doesn't appear in the list box, select
    Generic Line Printer.

    3.  If necessary, change the setting in the Print to column.

    4.  When you're finished changing the settings, press ENTER or select
    <<Ok>> to close the dialog box.

    Use the following procedure to print out one day's worth of Daily
    Planner information.

    To print a Daily Planner page for a particular day:

    1.  Using the procedures described earlier in this chapter, go to the
    page whose material you want to print out.

    2.  Select Print (ALT+1) from the command line.

    HyperPAD automatically prints out the desired material.

    If you're going to be traveling and won't have access to your computer,
    you might want a hard copy of your Daily Planner pages for a whole
    month. Of course, you could accomplish this by checking through the
    Daily Planner pages for the month in question and printing out each page
    on which you find information entered. But HyperPAD also offers the
    following method, which is much faster.

                                    Chapter 8 The Daily Planner Pad   144

    To print the Daily Planner pages for a particular month:

    1.  Using the procedures described earlier in this chapter, go to the
    Monthly Planner page for the month whose material you want to print out.

    2.  Select Print (ALT+1) from the command line.

    A dialog box appears asking you to confirm that you want to print the
    Daily Planner pages for that month. When you reply affirmatively,
    HyperPAD automatically searches through the Daily Planner for the
    currently viewed month and prints out only the pages on which you've
    entered information.


    Now that you've finished this chapter, you should know how to move
    through the Daily Planner using the Day, Month, and Year buttons as well
    as how to use the Monthly Planner and the Yearly Planner to help you
    navigate within the Daily Planner. And you'll be able to use the Daily
    Planner's Find command to go directly to the page containing reminder

    Once you reach the desired date, you'll know not only how to enter
    reminders, long notes, and Notes for the day but how to delete this
    material once it has outlived its usefulness. And you'll be able to
    obtain a hard copy of your Daily Planner information for the day or
    month of your choice.

    In short, you'll be able to increase your productivity by using the
    Daily Planner as a valuable scheduling aid!


                                               Chapter 10: Printing   169


    This chapter explains how to use HyperPAD to print information stored in
    your pads. We'll begin with instructions on how to set up HyperPAD to
    work with your printer. Next, we'll examine the Print command in depth
    and show you how to print labels, reports, and reproductions of screens.
    Finally, we'll briefly describe how to accomplish more complex printing
    tasks with the PADtalk language.

    This chapter describes the Printer Setup, Page Setup, and Print commands
    on the File menu and offers suggestions about the best way to use these
    commands to print information.

    This chapter will not cover printing capabilities available from the
    command line buttons in pads like Daily Planner or Phone. To make use of
    special printing buttons in pads, please refer to the chapter that
    describes the individual pad or press F1 for context-sensitive help.
    HyperPAD offers you several printing options. If you're using HyperPAD
    to design screen layouts or as a simple database manager, printing a
    reproduction of the screen may be sufficient. If you're a heavy user of
    HyperPAD's database-management features, it's more likely that you'll
    print labels, column reports, and row reports from the data stored in
    your pads.

                                               Chapter 10: Printing   170


    Before you can print, you must set up HyperPAD to work with your printer
    and with the pages you'll be using. This section describes the Printer
    Setup and Page Setup commands, each of which must be used before you
    print for the first time.

    Once you set your printer and page options, HyperPAD saves those options
    and automatically uses them the next time you print. So unless you
    change printers or change forms, you'll only have to perform the
    following procedures once.


    HyperPAD communicates with your printer by means of a special computer
    file called a printer driver. The Printer Setup command allows you to
    select a printer driver that matches your printer.

    To use the Printer Setup command:

    1.  Select the Printer Setup command from the File menu (ALT+F, U).

    The Printer Setup dialog box, shown here, appears superimposed on the
    current page.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                                               Chapter 10: Printing   171

    2.  If your particular printer isn't specified as the Current printer,
    select the name of your printer from the Available printers list box.

    If your printer doesn't appear on the list, choose either the Generic
    Line Printer or, if your printer is capable of emulating an Epson
    printer, the Epson FX/MX/LQ printer driver.

    3.  TAB to the Print to group of option buttons and, if necessary,
    highlight your choice of printer ports.

    (A printer port is the interface that your PC uses to send data to a
    printer. You may be using a parallel printer, in which case your printer
    port is either LPT1 or LPT2, or a serial printer, in which case you
    should select COM1 or COM2.)

    4.  TAB to <<Ok>> and press ENTER.


    You might choose to print to a file if:

        0  You want to view your information before printing it

        0  You want to load the report into a word processor for formatting

        0  You want to print the report at a later time

    To print to a file, repeat the procedure above, with one exception.
    Select the File option button in the Print to column, then enter a valid
    DOS filename into the File text box.

    If you enter the name of an existing file, a dialog box will appear and
    ask if you want to replace the existing file. Select <<Ok>> to overwrite
    the existing file or <Cancel> to return to the Printer Setup dialog box
    and enter a different name.


    When you've selected the desired Printer Setup options, move on to the
    Page Setup command.

    HyperPAD allows you to print on:

        0  Letter-size (8.5" x 11") paper

        0  Legal-size (8.5" by 14") paper

        0  Label sheets with side-by-side blank labels

        0  Custom forms of any size that fits into your printer

                                               Chapter 10: Printing   172

    Use the Page Setup command to define the page in terms of its
    orientation, form, and method of feeding paper into the printer. Once
    you complete the procedure below, you'll be ready to use the Print
    command to tell HyperPAD exactly what to print and how to print it.

    To set up HyperPAD to work with the forms in your printer:

    1.  Select Page Setup from the File menu (ALT+F, T).

    The Page Setup dialog box, shown here, appears.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    2.  Select Portrait or Landscape orientation. (Choose Portrait, unless
    you want to print sideways.)

    3.  Select the Compress option button only if you want to print using
    your printer's compressed character set.

    4.  Use the Form column to select the form size that matches the forms
    in your printer.

    If your form is not letter- or legal-size paper, select the Custom
    option, then type the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the form, in
    inches, into the Width and Height text boxes.

    5.  Indicate whether the paper will be continuously or manually fed.

    Unless you'll be using letterhead or another form type that you want to
    insert by hand, select the Continuous option.

    6.  When all settings are correct, select <<Ok>>.

                                               Chapter 10: Printing   173


    Once you set the printer and page options, using the Printer Setup and
    Page Setup commands, move on to the heart of HyperPAD's printing
    capabilities: the Print command.

    When you select the Print command from the File menu, HyperPAD displays
    the Print dialog box. This dialog box offers four options: Pages,
    Labels, Columns, or Rows. The remainder of this section will describe
    each option in the order in which it appears.


    The most basic type of printing available in HyperPAD is page printing.
    Choose this option if you want to reproduce information as it appears on
    the screen.

    To print a page:

    1.  Select Print from the File menu (ALT+F, P).

    2.  Select the Pages option from the Print dialog box.

    The Print Pages dialog box, as shown here, appears superimposed on the
    current page.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                                               Chapter 10: Printing   174

    3.  If you want to include a header on each page, enter text into the
    Header text box. You can also enter text for the footer in this dialog

    For more information about controlling the formatting of headers and
    footers, see the subsection called "Printer Control Codes" later in this

    4.  TAB to the Pages option and select the All option to print all the
    pages in the pad or the From option to print a range of pages.

    If you want to print only a portion of the pad, enter the range of pages
    into the text boxes that appear to the right of the From option.

    5.  TAB to the As is option.

    If the As is option is on, HyperPAD will print a page exactly as it's
    displayed, including such HyperPAD elements as open menus, the status
    bar, and the message box.

    6.  TAB to the options that control the margins and enter your settings,
    in inches.

    7.  TAB to the Pages per printed page option and indicate how many pages
    from a pad should be printed on a single form.

    If you're printing from a 25-line pad, the default size for pads, two
    pages from your pad will fit on each printed page.

    8.  Select <<Ok>> to begin printing.

                                               Chapter 10: Printing   175


    HyperPAD's label-printing option is useful with the Phone pad system or
    a similar information manager.

    Note: Label printing is designed to be used from within database pads
    such as Phone, Daily Planner, and Index Cards. If your pad does not have
    background fields, you cannot print labels from it.

    To print labels from a database pad:

    1.  Select Print from the File menu (ALT+F, P).

    2.  Select the Labels option from the Print dialog box.

    The Print Labels dialog box, as shown here, appears.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    3.  Choose the fields to be included on the label.

    HyperPAD lists all background fields for the current page. To exclude a
    field from the label, use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the
    row on which the field name appears, then type N to tell HyperPAD not to
    print that field.

    All selected fields will be included on the label.

    4.  TAB to the settings for number of labels, margins, and space between
    labels on the label sheet, and make your selections.

                                               Chapter 10: Printing   176

    Refer to the accompanying table for a description of each option in the
    Print Labels dialog box.

    Option:               Description:
    Labels Across         Number of labels across the label sheet

    Labels Down           Number of labels down on the label sheet

    Top Margin            Distance between top of label sheet and first

    Bottom Margin         Distance between last label and the bottom of the
                          label sheet

    Space Between Labels  Space in colums between labels

    Label Margins         Margins for each individual label

    5.  After making your selections, select <<Ok>> to begin printing.

    Notes:  If you activate more fields than can fit on a label, HyperPAD
    will exclude as many fields as necessary, beginning at the bottom of the
    Background field list.

    By default, HyperPAD selects all the background fields for printing.
    Deactivate any unwanted fields before printing labels.

    HyperPAD remembers the options you selected. The next time you print
    labels, these settings will be the default values.


    At this point, you've learned how to print information from your pads as
    pages and labels. You can also print reports, oriented by row or by
    column, from pads that contain background fields.


    Column reports are useful for information structured in a limited set of
    categories. For example, the Phone pad uses name, address, and phone
    number as three of the categories of information you can add and edit.
    You can easily create a table with three columns of information,
    arranged to make it simple to scan and find the information pertaining
    to a given individual listed in your Phone pad.

                                               Chapter 10: Printing   177

    To print a column report:

    1.  Select Print from the File menu (ALT+F, P).

    2.  Select Columns from the Print dialog box.

    The Print Column Report dialog box, shown here, appears.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    3.  TAB to the Width column to adjust the width of any column whose
    default value you want to change.

    4.  TAB into the Print column and deactivate any fields that you don't
    want to include.

    Type Y to activate a field, N to deactivate it.

    5.  TAB into the Spacing control and select Single for a single-spaced
    report, Double for double-spaced.

    6.  Activate the Field option if you want field names to appear on top
    of the columns. Activate the Page option if you want the page name to
    appear in a column at the left of the report.

    7.  Enter any information you want to appear in the header and footer
    areas of the report.

    8.  Select top, bottom, left, and right margins

    9.  Select <<Ok>> to start printing.

                                               Chapter 10: Printing   178

    Notes:  As with labels and row reports, you can only print column
    reports from pads with background fields.

    In the report, each page from the pad will start on a separate line. A
    blank space will be inserted after the information from each page is
    printed in columns.

    If the content of a field does not fit into its respective column,
    HyperPAD will word-wrap the information onto the next line of the


    While column reports are useful for printing information from a small
    number of fields in a pad, you will choose row reports if you want to
    print information from a large number of background fields in a pad.

    HyperPAD prints row reports by stacking field information on top of
    other field information, with at least one row given to each field.

    To print a row report:

    1.  Select Print from the File menu (ALT+F, P).

    2.  Select Rows from the Print dialog box.

    The Print Row Report dialog box, shown here, appears superimposed on the
    current page.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

                                               Chapter 10: Printing   179

    3.  Follow the actions described in steps 4-8 of the procedure for
    printing column reports shown above.

    4.  Select <<Ok>> to begin printing.

    Note:  Although the Width column is displayed, since there are no
    columns in a row report, HyperPAD does not permit you to enter any
    values into this column.


    The following table describes some special printer control codes that
    you can add to the Header and Footer text boxes of the Print Page, Print
    Column Report, and Print Row Report dialog boxes.

    To:                                                Add this Code:
    Print the text that follows flush left             &L

    Print the text that follows flush right            &R

    Center the text that follows                       &C

    Print the page number of the printed report        &P

    Print the date in a format such as: 5/3/90         &D

    Print the date on each printed page in a format    &E
    such as: Thursday, May 3, 1990

    Print the time                                     &T

    Print the pad name                                 &S

    Print the page name                                &A

    Print the HyperPAD page number                     &N

                                               Chapter 10: Printing   180


    Although most users will be satisfied with the printing commands
    described above, you may need to produce a specialized report that
    requires something more.

    There are two options that you should consider if you need a custom

        0  First, if you are comfortable using the PADtalk scripting
           language, look into the print command, as well as the
           printerDevice and printer properties. PADtalk can perform very
           sophisticated reporting.

        0  Second, consider exporting information from pads to the .DBF
           or ASCII format and then using a program such as R&R Relational
           Report for more sophisticated report writing.


    After finishing this chapter, you should know how to use HyperPAD to
    print pad information in several different formats. You should be able
    to use the Print Pages command to print a range of pages. Also, you
    should be able to print labels from a pad containing background fields
    or print row and column reports from pads.

    Finally, you should be aware that the PADtalk scripting language
    contains several elements for controlling and sending information to

    This is the end of Part 1 of the HyperPAD User's Guide. In Part 2,
    "Designing with HyperPAD," you'll take the next step as a HyperPAD user
    by learning to design your own HyperPAD applications.




    If you want to learn how to get the most out of the applications, or
    pads, that come with HyperPAD, this first portion of the HyperPAD User's
    pads, that come with HyperPAD, this first portion of the HyperPAD User's
    Guide is where you should be. Part 1 is set up to make it easy for you
    to master the fundamentals and get right down to working with the pads.

    Should you read everything in Part 1?  Not necessarily. Instead, it
    might be more productive for you to look through the following overview
    of the chapters in Part 1 to see which ones address your particular
    needs and interests as a HyperPAD user.

    Let's begin with the chapter that all HyperPAD users must go through.

        0  Chapter 1, "Getting Started," tells how to install HyperPAD (if
           your computer has a hard disk), how to start it, how to set it up
           for your system, and how to get technical support. Once you've
           got HyperPAD running, you can begin using the appropriate printed
           and on-line resources to learn how to use it.

    Chapters 2-8 explain how to operate HyperPAD and discuss the major pads
    that come with it. These chapters are especially recommended if you're
    using HyperPAD for the first time or if you need a review of HyperPAD.

        0  Chapter 2, "Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD," explains the basic
           terminology, concepts, features, and procedures involved in
           working with HyperPAD. Chapter 2 is critical, because this is the
           only place where the basics are explained in detail. In later
           chapters, it will be assumed that you've mastered the material
           covered in Chapter 2.

        0  Chapter 3, "The Home Pad," presents the pad that serves as your
           gateway to HyperPAD's major functions. Chapter 3 is another
           critical chapter, because you need to know how to operate the
           Home pad in order to be able to access all the other pads that
           come with HyperPAD.

        0  Chapter 4, "Managing Files," will be of interest if you want to
           learn how to use HyperPAD's DOS Shell to greatly simplify your
           file-management chores. By mastering the DOS Shell, you can
           eliminate practically forever the need to work from the DOS

                                             Part 1: Using HyperPAD   4

        0  Chapter 5, "The On-Line Tutorial," shows you how to use
           HyperPAD's interactive Tutorial most effectively. If you're the
           type of person who learns best from hands-on experience, you
           might want to finish Chapter 1, then skip ahead to this chapter
           and start your journey through HyperPAD by browsing around in the
           Tutorial to get a feel for how the program works. After that, you
           could return to the earlier chapters and deepen your
           understanding of HyperPAD.

        0  Chapter 6, "The Help System," explains HyperPAD's network of
           on-line resources, which can provide fast, specific answers to
           your questions about how particular pads work or about how
           HyperPAD works in general. If you're new to HyperPAD and think
           you might need a helping hand as you learn the program, this
           chapter is for you.

        0  Chapter 7, "The Phone Pad System," presents the key procedures
           required to work with the Phone pad, the Phone Dialer pad, the
           Track Call pad, and the Take Message pad. If you use the phone
           frequently in your work and want to learn how HyperPAD can help
           you organize and manage your phone records, print labels, dial
           calls, record call histories, take phone messages on-line, and
           much more, this chapter is for you.

        0  Chapter 8, "The Daily Planner Pad," shows you how HyperPAD can
           put the capacity of a giant stack of daily planners right at your
           fingertips. If you want to manage your time more effectively,
           check out this chapter.

    In Chapters 9 and 10, we move beyond the basics and discuss some
    relatively specialized HyperPAD features. If you're interested in
    learning how to perform the functions described there, you should first
    become comfortable using HyperPAD.

        0  Chapter 9, "Adding and Manipulating Information," expands
           considerably upon the rather rudimentary instructions for adding
           and deleting information that were presented back in Chapter 2.
           Here you will find more sophisticated techniques for entering
           information into your pads as well as instructions for using
           HyperPAD's editing commands (Cut, Copy, Paste, and Delete) and
           database capabilities to work with that information. You'll also
           learn how to use the Import command to bring data created or
           stored in other programs into HyperPAD fields and how to use the
           Export command to send data created or stored in HyperPAD to
           files in a number of other programs. If you plan to use HyperPAD
           as a flat-file database program, this chapter is a must.

                                             Part 1: Using HyperPAD   5

        0  Chapter 10, "Printing," tells you how to set up your printer, how
           to give HyperPAD instructions regarding the dimensions and
           orientation of your printed page, and how to print out
           information in a variety of formats.

    After reading the preceding overview of "Using HyperPAD," you should
    know which of the chapters here will be of immediate interest in helping
    you learn about the HyperPAD features you especially want to use. If
    this overview has whetted your curiosity about other HyperPAD features,
    you may want to check out additional chapters once you've mastered the
    features you're most concerned with. And you've probably determined that
    you can safely skip one or more of the chapters in Part 1 because they
    describe features you don't plan to use.

    Let's turn to Chapter 1 so you can get HyperPAD installed, started, and
    set up on your system. After that, you can proceed to the portions of
    "Using HyperPAD" that you want to concentrate on.


                                   Part 2:  Designing with HyperPAD   185


    In Part 1 of the HyperPAD User's Guide, you learned the basic skills                     _____________________
    necessary to use the pads and the HyperPAD environment. As you became
    comfortable with HyperPAD, you probably began compiling a "wish list" of
    features that would make the pads even more useful by addressing your
    needs. Using the designing capabilities of HyperPAD, you can do just


    HyperPAD can be viewed in two ways. You may see HyperPAD as a collection
    of applications that make you more productive. With the pads, you can
    perform such diverse tasks as managing your DOS files, DOS programs, and
    information of all kinds.


    The other way to look at HyperPAD is as the tool capable of creating
    these pads. HyperPAD's authoring environment allows you to design your
    own screens by painting. Further, you can add buttons and fields to your
    screens to make them come to life. Thus, if there is a feature you'd
    like to see in one of the pads, you can add it yourself.

    When you begin to build your own pads, you become an architect, artist,
    and builder. As the architect, you design the forms and layout of your
    screens, determining the functionality of your pad. As the artist, you
    add visual elements by painting on the screen. As the builder, you bring
    your design to life using HyperPAD's objects as your raw material.


    Is it necessary to read everything in Part 2 to begin designing your own
    applications? Certainly not. Preview the following chapter summaries to
    determine which ones will help you the most as a pad developer.

                                   Part 2:  Designing with HyperPAD   186

        0  Chapter 11, "HyperPAD's Building Blocks," describes each of
           HyperPAD's objects and introduces you to important concepts such
           as browsing and painting.

        0  Chapter 12, "Manipulating Pads, Pages, and Backgrounds," explains
           the basics of pad creation, including how to create and modify
           pages and backgrounds.

        0  Chapter 13, "Painting," describes all of HyperPAD's painting
           tools, which allow you to alter the appearance of pages and

        0  Chapter 14, "Manipulating Buttons and Fields," describes how to
           use buttons and fields to add life to your pads. You'll learn how
           to customize existing pads by copying and pasting buttons and

        0  Chapter 15, "Working with the Message Box," describes the message
           box and how it can be used to display messages, perform simple
           arithmetic like a calculator, and execute PADtalk commands.

    In Part 2, we assume that you're familiar with the procedures and
    concepts discussed in Chapter 2, "Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD." If
    you haven't gone through that chapter, you should take the time to do so
    now; and then return to "Designing with HyperPAD."


                                 Part 3: Menu and Command Reference   291


    The "Menu and Command Reference" is divided into sections, one for each
    menu. The sections for the HyperPAD menus, listed below, are presented
    in the order in which the menus appear on the menu bar. Then the Script
    Editor menus are described following HyperPAD's menus.


        0  File menu: These commands perform pad-maintenance tasks,
           including importing files; deleting pads; printing pages, labels,
           or reports; and executing DOS programs.

        0  Edit menu: These commands allow you to copy, cut, paste, and
           delete elements within the HyperPAD environment.

        0  Database menu: These commands perform data-management tasks,
           including sorting, finding and querying.

        0  Go menu: These commands allow you to access other pads and pages
           within the current pad.

        0  Tools menu: These commands access HyperPAD's authoring tools,
           used to modify paint, buttons, and fields on pages and

        0  Object menu: These commands create and modify pads, backgrounds,
           pages, buttons, and fields.

        0  Workspace menu: These commands allow you to show and hide the
           message box, tool box, status bar, and menu bar. When a painting
           tool is active, this menu also allows you to set attributes for
           applicable painting tools.

        0  Block menu: These commands are used to alter a selected portion
           of a page or background.

                                 Part 3: Menu and Command Reference   292


        0  File menu: These commands are used to save and compile an
           object's script, import and export scripts to and from text
           files, and print scripts.

        0  Edit menu: These commands perform cut, copy, paste, and delete
           functions inside the Script Editor.

        0  Search menu: These commands are used to find or replace text
           strings in an object's script.


    The commands appear in alphabetical order within each section. The
    description of each command includes reference to its:

    Accelerator key:  Keystroke(s) to execute the command.

    Keyboard shortcut:  Quick key combination (if available) to execute a
    menu command.

    User level:  The user level required to access the command.


                                  Appendix 2: Questions and Answers   367


    This appendix contains the questions most commonly asked by HyperPAD
    users. As the appendix goes on, the questions become more complex.

    How much RAM do I need to run HyperPAD?

    HyperPAD needs at least 448K of available memory to run.

    Why isn't my mouse working?

    HyperPAD does not install your mouse driver, the interface between your
    PC and the mouse. This option comes with your mouse and must be
    installed prior to running HyperPAD. Please refer to the driver's
    instructions for installation.

    My pad is in an infinite loop! How do I stop it?

    Type CTRL+BREAK, then change the script which caused the problem.

    My HyperPAD menus are not visible. How do I get them back?

    Press ALT+SPACE to toggle the Menu Bar on and off.

    Why can't I change some of the original HyperPAD scripts?

    Some of the pads are protected to read-only mode. To switch this, select
    PROTECT from the File menu and toggle the Read-only switch. You should
    now be able to modify any scripts in that pad. If you don't see the
    Protect command on the File menu, hold down SHIFT while pressing ALT+F.

    When I start up HyperPAD, everything is blinking. What's

    The pads that come with HyperPAD use the high intensity colors from the
    color selection box. On an EGA or VGA graphics card, these colors will
    appear bright. On certain other color systems with non-standard graphics
    cards (such as those incompatible with the IBM CGA, EGA, or VGA), they
    may appear blinking.

    To change the colors to non-blinking, simply use the mark block tool to
    select the blinking area of the screen and paint it with another color.

                                  Appendix 2: Questions and Answers   368

    When my Selector Tool is active, why am I unable to select certain

    The objects you cannot select are probably on the background. Go to the
    background by choosing the Background command from the Edit menu
    (ALT+E,B), then the button or field.

    After I create a button on the background, it disappears when I move to
    the page level.

    It is likely that paint on the page is covering this button or field.
    While editing the page, select the Mark Block tool from the Tools Menu
    (ALT+T,M). Mark the area that appears to have been painted, and select
    Erase Block from the block menu.

    What input devices does HyperPAD support?

    HyperPAD supports the Microsoft Mouse standard and all compatible input
    devices, including the Logitech TrackMan, Mouse Systems three button
    White Mouse, Touch Screen (if Microsoft compatible), CalComp's WIZ
    Mouse, and Intelligent Pad Version 1.1.

    How can I print from the PADtalk language and still take advantage of
    the menu options' formatting capabilities?

    Use the print at command to locate the print head on the paper. Use the
    printing commands and properties printDevice, printer, print, and
    printerTranslation to send a file to the printer line by line.

    When I load HyperPAD on my laptop, which has a monochrome VGA display,
    the screen looks shrunk by about an inch on top and bottom. Why?

    HyperPAD uses 350 scan lines in text mode in order to enhance the way
    extended ASCII character appear on the screen. A side effect of using
    this mode, especially on some monochrome laptops, is a shrinking
    display. In order to correct your display, use the command line switch
    "/NO350" when you start HyperPAD.

                                  Appendix 2: Questions and Answers   369

    How will HyperPAD recognize running on an international keyboard?

    DOS versions 3.3 or greater are required to set up an international code
    page. In the config.sys and autoexec.bat files, put the following
    (example for Germany):

    The CONFIG.SYS file needs the following lines:

    device=c:\dos\display.sys con=(ega,437,1)

    The AUTOEXEC.BAT files needs the following lines:

    mode con cp prepare=((850)c:\dos\ega.cpi)
    keyb gr,,c:\dos\keyboard.sys
    chcp 437

    How does HyperPAD make use of EMS memory?

    HyperPAD saves indexing information of the pages in a pad in EMS memory.
    Normally, a small portion of the index is contained in main memory. With
    EMS memory available, the entire index may be loaded into EMS memory.

    This makes access to the pages in your pad faster.

    Is it possible to incorporate graphics in a HyperPAD pad for a graphics
    database retrieval system?

    HyperPAD's fxshow command displays graphics and animation created with
    Brightbill-Roberts' Show Partner F/X program. The fxshow command
    temporarily leaves HyperPAD to display the image(s). Buttons can
    activate pictures or animation, but may not be placed OVER the graphics.
    Also, a language extension called GX2.EXE displays GX2 pictures without
    leaving HyperPAD (See Appendix on Extensions).

    How are end of line and carriage returns within a field recognized by

    Scrolling fields use word wrap, also known as soft carriage returns. The
    only hard returns in a field are manually placed there when you press

                                  Appendix 2: Questions and Answers   370

    How can a checkbox style button be used as a logical field in a

    A checkbox styled background button will have the same value in all
    foreground pages. You can save the status of a checkbox button in a
    hidden field. As you click on the button, you can have a script save the
    value into the hidden field. The following script belongs in a the check
    box button:

    handler select;
      put not the check of me
        into field "Check status";

    Then, place the following in the script of the background:

    handler openPage;
      set the check of button "New Button" to
        field "check status" is true;

    How can I execute a "find next" from the PADtalk language?

    The following script implements a find next command using PADtalk:

                                  Appendix 2: Questions and Answers   371

    function findNext(searchCriteria);
      set the lockScreen to true;
      show the message box;
      put "Working..." into msg;
      put -1 into thePage;
      put currentPage() into savedPage;
      put empty into results;
        put thePage into lastPage;
        find searchCriteria;
        put the currentPage into thePage;
        if thePage  lastPage then
            put thePage after the last line of results;
            go to next page;
      until thePage <= lastPage;
      go to page savedPage;
      set the lockScreen to false;
      put "Finished!" into msg;


                                    Chapter 5: The On-Line Tutorial   101


    The Tutorial is a highly interactive resource designed to teach you
    about HyperPAD, give you an opportunity to practice the skills you'll
    need in order to use HyperPAD, provide feedback on your progress in
    mastering those skills, and serve as an on-line reference tool.

    This chapter explains the Tutorial's structure and main features and
    shows you how to operate the Tutorial most effectively. The major topics
    covered here include:

        0  Entering the Tutorial

        0  Using the Tutorial

        0  Exiting from the Tutorial

    As you'll see, the Tutorial is set up to make it easy for you to enter,
    go directly to topics of interest, browse around, and then exit whenever
    you like. Therefore, you might find it helpful to explore the Tutorial's
    features on-line as you read about them in this chapter.


    Selecting the Home pad's Learn about HyperPAD button takes you to the
    Tutorial's title screen. By pressing ENTER, you leave the title screen,
    and the Tutorial's welcome screen appears.

    On the welcome screen, you're asked to type in your name. This isn't
    merely a formality. As you'll see in the next section of the chapter,
    HyperPAD automatically records how much of the Tutorial each user has
    completed and saves this information under his or her name. This feature
    helps you keep track of your progress in using the Tutorial. To enable
    HyperPAD to call up your records, be sure to type in your name the same
    way each time you use the Tutorial. (HyperPAD won't recognize you if you
    switch from "Elizabeth" to "Betty" or from "Robert" to "Bob"!)

    Once you type in your name and press ENTER, you're taken to the Course
    Menu Map, from which you can begin using the Tutorial.

                                    Chapter 5: The On-Line Tutorial   102


    In this section of the chapter, we'll explain how to use the Tutorial
    most effectively, give you a feel for the Tutorial's content, and show
    you how to navigate within each of the Tutorial's topics and use the
    Tutorial's supplemental learning aids.


    The Course Menu Map, shown here, displays the Tutorial's structure. As
    you can see, the Tutorial is broken down into six lessons, each of which
    contains two or more topics.

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    We'll start by describing how to take all the lessons from start to
    finish at a single sitting, which will give you an idea of how the
    Tutorial operates. But the Tutorial isn't a rigid presentation whose
    topics must be covered at one time, after which you never look at it
    again. Instead, as you'll also see in this subsection of the chapter,
    it's an extremely flexible resource that you can use in a number of
    ways, not only as an aid to learning HyperPAD but as an ongoing
    reference tool while you're working with HyperPAD.

                                    Chapter 5: The On-Line Tutorial   103


    The lesson and topic names on the Tutorial's Course Menu Map are
    HyperPAD buttons. Therefore, you can go directly to a specific lesson or
    topic by using TAB, SHIFT+TAB, and the arrow keys to highlight it and
    then pressing ENTER or by pointing to it with the mouse and clicking the
    left mouse button.

    When the Menu Map originally appears, the name of the Tutorial's first
    lesson is already highlighted. To go to the first topic within that
    lesson, just press ENTER.

    Each time you finish a topic, you're automatically returned to the Menu
    Map, where you'll see that the topic you just completed now has a check
    mark in front of it and the next topic is highlighted (if you just
    finished the last topic in a lesson, the title of the next lesson is
    highlighted). To proceed to the next topic or lesson, all you have to do
    is press ENTER. You can keep repeating this process until you reach the
    end of the Tutorial.


    Although the Tutorial can be taken in one fell swoop, it's equally
    acceptable to take it one lesson at a time or even one topic at a time.
    As explained above, each time you complete a topic, that topic is
    checked off on the Course Menu Map. So if you do exit before finishing
    the Tutorial, when you return to it the check marks on the Menu Map will
    show you at a glance which portions of the Tutorial you have and haven't
    taken. To pick up where you left off, just highlight the next unchecked
    topic and press ENTER.

    Once you've finished the Tutorial, you can use it as an on-line resource
    whenever you need to refresh your memory about certain topics, practice
    certain skills, or review and expand upon the entries you made in the
    Tutorial's on-line Notebook (which is described in detail later in the

    The Tutorial is accessible not only from the Home pad but also from
    HyperPAD's on-line Help system. As you'll see in Chapter 6, many pages
    in the Help system have a Learn button, which links them directly to the
    relevant portion of the Tutorial, so you can deepen your understanding
    of topics explained in Help.

    In short, the Tutorial is designed both to let you learn HyperPAD in the
    way that suits you best and to serve as a handy reference tool while
    you're using HyperPAD.

                                    Chapter 5: The On-Line Tutorial   104


    Since the Tutorial is designed to be self-explanatory, we won't describe
    its content in detail here. Instead, we'll give you an idea of how the
    Tutorial presents its content--namely, through explanation, guided
    practice, and simulation.

    The explanatory material consists of informational screens, which
    present text and illustrations. All you have to do with these screens is
    look them over and proceed to the next screen when you're ready.

    Each topic also contains one or more guided practice sessions. During
    these practice sessions, you'll be led through a process step by step
    and receive immediate feedback whenever you do anything incorrectly.

    Some topics also contain a simulation. Simulations are unguided practice
    sessions, during which you're asked to perform an entire process from
    start to finish without prompting. No feedback is given until the end of
    the simulation. If you do well on the simulation, HyperPAD tells you so
    and lets you move along to the next portion of the Tutorial. If you're
    unable to complete the simulation correctly within a couple of minutes,
    HyperPAD lets you choose either to take a bit more time to complete the
    simulation or to repeat the presentation and then return to the

    Rather than having a standard lesson or topic format (i.e., a set
    pattern of informational screens, practice sessions, and simulations),
    the Tutorial employs these three types of learning techniques flexibly
    within each topic, depending on the nature of its content.


    Earlier in the chapter, you learned how to use HyperPAD's regular
    button-selecting techniques to go from the Course Menu Map to a Tutorial
    topic. In this subsection of the chapter, you'll learn how to navigate
    once you reach the desired topic.

    Each of the Tutorial's informational screens has a PGDN button. You can
    either select this button or press the keyboard's PGDN key to proceed to
    the following screen. Screens within practice and simulation sessions
    don't have a PGDN button because you're expected to advance through
    these screens by following the instructions for performing the practice
    or simulation rather than by paging down through them.

    If you ever lose track of where you are as you're moving along in the
    Tutorial, you can always find the topic title on the bar at the top of
    the Tutorial screen's window.

                                    Chapter 5: The On-Line Tutorial   105

    Nearly all Tutorial screens have a CTRL button. You can select this
    button or press the keyboard's CTRL key to reach the Control Panel,
    shown here. (The only Tutorial screens without a CTRL button are the
    informational screens that actually describe the Control Panel.)

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    Calling up the Control Panel is a way of interrupting the Tutorial so
    you can move in another direction, use the Tutorial's supplemental
    learning aids, or exit from the Tutorial. Since the options listed on
    the Control Panel are numbered buttons, you can select them the same way
    you would select any other HyperPAD buttons. You can also select them by
    holding down the ALT key and pressing the number on the keyboard (not on
    the numeric keypad) that corresponds to the button number.

    The first three options on the Control Panel (Return, Go back one page,
    and Show Menu Map) are navigation aids, which we'll discuss in this
    subsection of the chapter. The next three Control Panel options (Print
    screen, Notebook, and Cross-reference listing) involve supplemental
    learning aids, which we'll discuss in the following subsection of the
    chapter. We'll save the last Control Panel option (Exit) for the final
    section of the chapter, "Exiting from the Tutorial."

    The Control Panel's Return button simply takes you right back to the
    page you were on when you selected the CTRL button. This button should
    be selected when you've finished using one of the Control Panel's

                                    Chapter 5: The On-Line Tutorial   106

    functions and want to resume the Tutorial or when you've called up the
    Control Panel by mistake and want to escape from it. The Go back one
    page button lets you view the preceding page in the Tutorial.

    The Show Menu Map button takes you to the Course Menu Map. From there,
    you can proceed directly to another topic in the Tutorial. (If you use
    the Show Menu Map button to leave a topic before completing its practice
    and simulation sessions, that topic won't be checked off on the Menu

    So proceeding through a topic in the Tutorial is simply a matter of
    selecting the PGDN button or pressing the PGDN key to move from one
    informational screen to the next, following the on-screen instructions
    to move from one screen to the next within practice and simulation
    sessions, and calling up the Control Panel if you want to go back a
    screen or return to the Course Menu Map to select another topic.


    In the preceding subsection, you got a look at the Tutorial's Control
    Panel. Among the options listed there were Print screen, Notebook, and
    Cross-reference listing. These buttons provide access to supplemental
    learning aids, which let you go beyond just viewing the Tutorial on-


    As you proceed through the Tutorial, you may find that you'd like a hard
    copy of certain screens. Whenever you spot material of particular
    interest, you can call up the Control panel and select the Print screen
    command to get a printout of the screen you were just viewing.

    When you select the Print screen command, HyperPAD displays the
    information it currently has about the printer you're using and the port
    to which it's connected. If you haven't printed before, HyperPAD shows
    the default printer settings (Generic Line Printer and LPT1 port).

    After making any desired changes to the printer settings (and making
    sure your printer is turned on and set to on-line), select the Start
    Printing button. Once your page is printed, the Control Panel reappears.
    The Return button is already highlighted, so just press ENTER to go back
    to the Tutorial screen you were viewing.

                                    Chapter 5: The On-Line Tutorial   107


    As you use the Tutorial and work with HyperPAD, you'll probably find
    yourself wanting to make some notes. If you're ready to move beyond the
    time-honored approach to note taking (i.e., jotting down key
    observations and reminders on various slips of paper, which you then
    misplace), HyperPAD offers an on-line Notebook, which is accessible not
    only from the Tutorial but also from every page in HyperPAD's Help

 │                                                                       │
 │ **** The Printed Documentation has a picture or screen shot here **** │
 │                                                                       │

    To reach the Notebook (a sample page from which is shown here) just call
    up the Tutorial's Control Panel and select the Notebook button. By
    default, you're taken to a Notebook page whose topic heading corresponds
    to the topic you're currently studying in the Tutorial. Any notes you
    previously took under that topic heading automatically appear so you can
    modify them or expand upon them, or if you've never taken any notes on
    that topic, a fresh Notebook page appears headed with the name of the
    current Tutorial topic.

    HyperPAD allows you to use the BACKSPACE key to delete the default topic
    heading on your Notebook pages. However, unless you want to make notes
    on an entirely different topic, it's a good idea to keep the default
    heading so HyperPAD can automatically produce your notes on that topic
    the next time you access the Notebook from that topic in the Tutorial.

                                    Chapter 5: The On-Line Tutorial   108

    Once the topic heading on the Notebook page is filled in (with either
    HyperPAD's default heading or a heading you've typed in), you can enter
    your notes in the field below the heading.  The field for your notes is
    scrollable, which means you can type all your notes for a particular
    topic right on the same page and use the keyboard or the mouse to move
    the cursor around the text and scroll the text into view in the field if
    your notes exceed the field's length.

    You can use either the on-screen paging buttons below the scrollable
    field or the keyboard's PGUP and PGDN keys to move from one page to
    another within the Notebook. The New Page and Delete Page buttons let
    you add fresh Notebook pages and remove outdated ones at your

    If you want to track down specific material in your notes, select the
    Find button below the scrollable field. When the Find what? dialog box
    appears, type the text you're trying to locate into the text box and
    press ENTER. HyperPAD displays the first page in the Notebook on which
    it finds that word or phrase and highlights the specified text on that
    page. If that's not the material you're after, just press ENTER again,
    and HyperPAD highlights the next place (either on the same page or on
    another page) where it finds the specified word or phrase. Keep pressing
    ENTER to skip from one instance of the specifiedinformation to the next,
    until you spot the desired notes.

    If you want to obtain a hard copy of your notes on a particular topic,
    select the Print button below the scrollable field. HyperPAD displays
    the information it currently has about your printer and the port to
    which it's connected. Make any necessary changes to the printer settings
    (and check to be sure your printer is turned on and set to on-line),
    then select the Start Printing button. After your notes are printed,
    HyperPAD returns you to the Notebook page you were working with.

    When you've finished using the Notebook, select the Return button to go
    back to the Control Panel. The Return button there is already
    highlighted, so just press ENTER to display the page you were viewing in
    the Tutorial when you accessed the Notebook.


    If you need more information about any of the topics covered in the
    Tutorial, select the Control Panel's Cross-reference listing button.

                                    Chapter 5: The On-Line Tutorial   109

    HyperPAD then displays a list of Tutorial topics cross-referenced to the
    relevant portions of the HyperPAD User's Guide. Once you've looked up
    the information you need, use the Return button on the Cross-Reference
    Listing screen to get back to the Control Panel.


    When you call up the Control Panel and select Exit, a screen entitled
    End the Tutorial appears displaying two options: Quit the Tutorial and

    If you selected the Exit button accidentally, you can cancel the exiting
    process by selecting the Return button, which takes you back to the
    Control Panel.

    If you're finished using the Tutorial, select the Quit the Tutorial
    button to exit. HyperPAD then presents a dialog box asking whether you
    want to save your place. If you select <<Yes>>, HyperPAD marks your
    place in the Tutorial by saving the check marks in front of the topics
    you've completed and returns you to the Home pad. If you select <No>,
    HyperPAD still returns you to the Home pad, but without saving the check


    Having read this chapter, you'll not only know the mechanics of
    operating HyperPAD's Tutorial (i.e., how to access it, move from one
    lesson to the next, progress through each topic, and exit), but you'll
    also see the Tutorial as an extremely flexible resource and know how to
    get the most out of it.

    When you first begin working with HyperPAD, the Tutorial can be used at
    your own pace as an aid to learning the program. Once you're through
    with the initial learning phase, the Tutorial and its Notebook remain
    available from the Home pad or from the Help system as on-line reference
    tools that can help you use HyperPAD more effectively.


                                                              Index   383

    Special Characters
      << (operator) 159
      <<= (operator) 159
      >> (operator) 159
      >>= (operator) 159
      accelerator keys
        assigning to buttons 264
        for selecting ASCII characters 235
        for selecting paint attributes 225
      adding and manipulating information 147-166
        introduced 4
      anchors 246
      appointments, recording 140
      area codes 129
      ascending (sort order) 89, 161
      ASCII Char
        menu command 343
        settings 218-219
      ASCII characters 215
        as end of line 229
        choosing 228, 234
        entering 227
      ASCII files (See text files)
      attributes 215
        current 219
        to "pick up" a color 226
      authoring 190
      auto save 59
      AUTOEXEC.BAT 14, 16
      available printers 8
      Back (menu command) 328
        Info dialog box 209
        menu command 321
      background color 215-216
      backgrounds 208-211
        accessing 210
        changing the name 209-210
        copying 210-211
        defined 188
        deleting 210
        editing 210
        getting info 208-210
        protecting 210
      backing up 10
      BASIC BSAVE files 166
      BKGND indicator 210, 246

                                                              Index   384

      Bkgnd Info (menu command) 339
      Block Menu 346
        clearing 233
        copying 232
        cutting 232
        drawing a box within 231
        erasing 232
        filling 233
        key summary 231
        making a button 233
        making opaque 232
        marking 230-231
        moving 231
        painting 232
        trimming 233
        undoing 231
      Box Block (menu command) 346
      Box Style (menu command) 349
        Bulletin Board 19
        CompuServe 19
        fax number 19
        phone number 9
        technical support 9
      Bring Closer 253
        menu command 340
      Browse (menu command) 332
      browsing files 92-93, 94
      BSV files 166
      building blocks 186-190
      Bulletin Board 19
      Button Info
        dialog box 263-264
        menu command 334
        as icons 268
        colors 267
        creating from a marked block 233-234
        defined 188, 242
        designing with 243
        highlighting 266
        introduced 26
        invisible 268
        linking 270-273
        selecting 34-36
        showing 34
        used for 242, 243
        capability in the message box 280
      calculator pad 76

                                                              Index   385
      CAP utility 166, 373-376

                                                              Index   386

      case-sensitive searching 88
      case sensitivity 273
      cell, character 214
      change directory 83-85
      Char Paint
        menu command 331
        tool 234-235
      character cell 217-218
      Character Cell Info dialog box 217-218
      characters 215
        background 216
        opaque 216
        space in painting 217
        transparent 215-217
      check box buttons 266-267
        an ASCII character 228
      Clearn Block (menu command) 347
      clipboard 249
      Clone (menu command) 340
      command line 27, 35-36
      commands in PADtalk 274
      compatibility 8
      Compress (menu command) 199-200,295
      compressed printing option 172
      CompuServe 19
      Computer Info pad 77
      containers 26
      contains (operator) 159
        backgrounds 210-211
        menu command 318
        object properties 250-251
        objects 249-251
        pages 204
          between pads 206
        text 153
      Copy Page (menu command) 320
        files 94
        text between fields 153
      current attribute 219
      cursor movement in painting 222
      customizing HyperPAD
        from the Home pad 57
        with copy and paste 250
      Cut (menu command) 318
      Cut Page (menu command) 320
        objects 251
        pages 205

                                                              Index   387

      Daily Planner pad 135-144
        deleting old information 142-143
        finding information in 139-140
        going to a date 136
        introduced 76, 135
        long notes
          entering 141-142
        making appointments 140-142
          entering long notes 141-142
          entering reminders 140-141
        moving to another day 136
        Notes for the day 142
        printing 143-144
        today's info 136
      database commands
        Find 155-158
        Query 158-160
        Sort 160-161
      Database Menu 322
      dBASE III 162-163
      Delete (menu command) 319
      Delete Pad (menu command) 297
      Delete Page (menu command) 321
      delete page
        files 94, 95-96
        in the phone pad 121
        text in fields 152, 154
      deleting a row of paint 239
      delimited ASCII files 164-165
      descending (sort order) 89, 161
      designing with buttons and fields 243
      Dial (command) 283
        prefix 129
        the phone 127-129
      dialog box 42-47
        closing 46
        controls 43
        default setting 46-47
        examples of 42-43
        list boxes 45
        moving between 44
        option button groups 45-46
        option buttons 45
        text boxes 44
      dimmed choices 33
        in the DOS pad 83
        rereading 91

                                                              Index   388

        where HyperPAD installs 11
      disk drives in the DOS pad 83
        used to back up HyperPAD 10
      display adapters 8
        attributes 238
        files 82
      DOS 8
        tree (See tree)
      DOS commands 92-96
        browsing files 92-93, 94
        copying and moving files 94
        deleting files 94, 95-96
        running a program 92
      DOS files, print to 171
      DOS pad 81-84
        change directory 82
        displaying files 82
        file spec 86
        finding files 90
        introduced 81
        list box, files 82
        managing files 81-98
        mask 87, 90
        searching 88
          case-sensitive 88
        sorting files 89
        status area 82
        tree view (See tree view)
      DOS Shell (See DOS pad)
      double lines 229
      Edit Menu 318
        script editor 351
      ellipses following menu commands 43-44
      Erase tool 229,330
      error messages 357-366
      exchanging information 162
      executing scripts 273
      Exit (menu command) 317
      exiting HyperPAD 18, 51
        Shut Down 51
      Expenses pad 76
        to BSV 166
        to DBF files 163
        to delimited ASCII 165
        to GX2 165-166
        to text 165

                                                              Index   389

      Export (menu command) 299
      expression operators 280-281
      extended File menu 190
      F1=Help button 49
      Field Info
        dialog box 256-257
        menu command 336
      fields 37-39
        colors 262, 263
        copying text 153
        database like 270
        defined 189, 242
        deleting text 152
        highlighting 260
        introduced 26
        invisible 269
        list boxes (See list boxes)
        moving the cursor within 38
        on the background 245, 247
        scrollable 38
        scrolling with the mouse 39
        selecting for editing 37
        selecting text 153
        showing 34
        typing into 152
        used for 242, 243
      File Menu 293
        extended 190
        in the script editor 349
      file spec 86
      file types
        BSAVE 166
        dBASE III 162-163
        delimited ASCII 164-165
        GX2 165-166
        text 165
      files in the DOS pad 82
      Fill Block (menu command) 347
      filling out a dialog box 42
        command 156, 284, 322
        in the Phone pad 124
      finding files in the DOS pad 90
      finding information
        files 90
        in a pad 156-157
      First (menu command) 328
      foreground color 215
      fundamentals 3
      fxshow pad 77

                                                              Index   390

      getting Help 26
      getting started 3, 7-20
        back 50
        command 283
        to a pad 74
      Go Menu
      graphics 165-166
      GX2 files 165-166, 373-376
      Help 6, 111-116
        accessing 112
        and the Tutorial 114
        ESC=Exit button 115
        exiting 115
        from within the Tutorial 107
        General 111
        getting 51
        highlighted words in 115
        hints 115
        Index 113-114
        introduced 26
        Learn button 114
        menu command 327
        navigating within 114-115
        Notebook button 115
        pad-specific 111
        taking notes 115
      Help system, The (See Help)
      hide (command) 285
      hiding the message box 279
      Home (menu command) 327
      Home pad
        customizing 57
        functions of 56
        going to 56
        going to other pads 74
        introduced 24
        managing files from 70
        running a DOS command from 70-74
        running a program from 60-67
        backing up 10
        Basics 28
        designing with 185-186
        exiting 18
        Help (See Help)
        learning 77
        menus 291
        registering 9

                                                              Index   391

        starting from the DOS prompt 12
        startup options 59-60
        tools (See painting tools)
      hypertext 165
      icons 268
        of buttons 265
        of fields 258
      Ideas pad 77
        to BSV files 166
        to DBF files 162
        to delimited ASCII files 164
        to GX2 files 165-166
        to text files 165
      Import (menu command) 297
      inactive menu commands 33
      Incoming pad 132-133
        dialing the phone 133
      Index Cards pad 76
        adding and editing 150-151
        browsing 150
        locating 150
        organizing 150
        searching for 155-158
      insert mode 228
      inserting a line 239
      installing HyperPAD 11
        buttons 268
        fields 269
      is (operator) 159
      is in (operator) 159
      is not (operator) 159
      is not in (operator) 159
      justification of text 259
        ALT 32
        ALT+SPACE 25, 28, 59
        CTRL+ALT 34, 37, 115
        F10 31, 32
        for Block commands 231
        for editing the message box 279
        in dialog boxes 41, 44, 46-47

                                                              Index   392

        in fields 38, 154
        in list boxes 41
        painting movement 222
        SHIFT+TAB 35
        TAB 35
        to access the painting tools 220
        to add a new page 151
        to create an object 247
        to delete text 154
        to move an object 248
        to navigate 47-51
        to resize an object 248
        to select a menu command 31
        to select text 153
        to set the line type 229
        to type text 227
        with Selector tool 246
      Label pad 126
      labels (See printing, labels)
      landscape 172
      Last (menu command) 329
      last-minute information 17
      layering 244
        Bring Closer 253
        Send Farther 254
      learning resources 77
        Help 111-116
        Tutorial 101
      Letter Writer pad 76
      Line tool 229
        menu command 331
      line type 229
        menu command 343
      Link To command 271
      linking buttons 270-273
      list box 40-42
        dialog box control 45
        marking a choice 41
        scrolling text in 41
        used for 40
      lock text (property) 285
      Make Button (menu command) 348
      managing files 3, 70
        in the DOS pad 81-98
        introduced 36
      managing information 148, 149
        in pads 149
        in pages, backgrounds, and fields 149

                                                              Index   393

      Mark Block tool 230-234
        menu command 331
      marking choices in list boxes 41
      mask 87, 90
      memory requirement 8
      Menu and Command Reference 291-354
      menu bar 30-33
        introduced 25
        menu command 346
        turning on and off 28, 219
      menu commands 25
        dimmed choices 33
        shortcuts 32-33
      message box
        advanced commands 286-287
        changing an object's properties through 284
        defined 277
        dialing the phone from 283

        displaying 277-278
        editing 279
        executing PADtalk commands from 277
        functions for arithmetic 282
        hiding 279
        locating information through 156, 284
        menu command 345
        moving the location of 279
        showing 278
        typing commands into 282
        using as a calculator 277
      message line 27
      modem 283
      Monthly Planner pad 137
        moving to another month 137
        selecting a day 137
      mouse 8
        to mark a block 230
        to select a menu command 31
        usage 29
        within fields 35
      moving files 94
      moving within a field 152, 154
      navigating 47-51
        between buttons and fields 47-48
        between dialog box controls 44
        between Help pages 114-115
        between pads 49-50
        between pages 48-49, 150
        going Home 56
        to Help 49, 51

                                                              Index   394

        to Home 32
        to previously viewed screens 50-51
        using ESC 50
        using shortcuts 48
        using the Go menu 48, 50
        with the go command 283
        within topics in the Tutorial 104
      navigation (See also navigating)
        creating links 270
        defining buttons for 244
      Network pad 76
      New (menu command) 294
      New Background (menu command) 334
      New Button (menu command) 334
      New Field (menu command) 334
      New Pad dialog box 201
        keep current background 201
        screen mode 201
      new page 49, 151
        adding to the Phone pad 121
        menu command 320
      Next (menu command) 328
      No delete option
        for background 210
        for pages 204
      Note pad 76
        in the Daily Planner pad 140-142
        in the Phone pad 123
        in the Tutorial 107
        backgrounds 188
        buttons 188
        cloning 252
        copying 249-251
        covering 254-255
        creating 247
        cutting 251
        deleting 252
        fields 189
        layering 244, 252-254
        moving 248
        numbering 253
        on the background 244
        pads 188
        pages 188
        pasting 249, 251
        referring to from the message box 284
        showing all 34

                                                              Index   395

      Objects Menu 333
      obscuring objects 254-255
      on-line resources
        Help 111-116
        README.DOC 17
        Tutorial (See Tutorial)
      Opaque Block (menu command) 347
      Open (menu command) 294
        << 159
        <<= 159
        >> 159
        >>= 159
        contains 159
        is 159
        is in 159
        is not 159
        is not in 159
        precedence 281
      Options (menu command) 343
      options, painting tool (See painting tool options)
      package contents 9
      Pad Info
        dialog box 192
        menu command 339
        building blocks 185
        by name
          Calculator 76
          Computer Info 77
          Daily Planner 76
          Expenses 76
          Fxshow 77
          Help 111-116
          Ideas 77
          Index Cards 76
          Letter Writer 76
          Network 76
          Notes 76
          Phone 75
          Phone Dialer 75
          Project 76
          Puzzle 77
          Script Printer 77
          Take Message 75
          Track Call 76
        changing the name 192, 193
        compressing 199-200
        creating a new pad 200-202
        defined 188

                                                              Index   396

        designing 185
        getting information 192-193
        protecting 194-195
        read-only 199
        saving a copy 193-194
        setting a password 195-198
        working with 191-212
      PADtalk 272-274
      Page Info
        dialog box 203
        menu command 338
      Page Setup
        dialog box 172
        menu command 304
        changing the name 203-204
        copying 204-205
        cutting 205
        defined 188
        deleting 207
        getting information 202-204
        pasting 206-207
        protecting 204
        redesigning 204
        working with 202-207
      paging buttons 49
      Paint (menu command) 330
      Paint attr
        menu command 342
        Paint Block (menu command) 347
        value of 219
      paint attribute
        accelerator keys 225
        changing 224
        selecting 224
      Paint tool 226
        a straight line 223
        defined 189
        effects on objects 223
        tips 238-240
        under the menu bar and status bar 219
      painting tool options 236
      painting tools 213-240
        applying 223
        moving the cursor 222
        selecting 220
        using 222-226
        with the mouse 223
        of attributes 224
      paper sizes 171

                                                              Index   397

        protecting a pad 198
        removing 198
        setting 195-198
        verifying 198
      Paste (menu command) 319
        as the first page of a pad 206-207
        between pads 206
        objects 249, 251
        pages 206-207
      Phone Dialer pad 75
      Phone pad 6, 75, 119
        adding pages 121
        attaching a note 123
        deleting pages 121
        dialing the phone 127-129
        entering information 122-123
        examples of 119
        finding information in 124
        introduced 25
        moving between pages 121-122
        printing labels 125-127
        sorting pages 122
        taking a message 132-133
        tracking a call 130-132
      pick up the phone 129
      picking up an attribute 226
      portrait 172
      precedence 281
      Previous (menu command) 328
      Print (menu command) 306
      Print Column Report dialog box 47, 177
      Print Labels dialog box 175
      Print Page dialog box 173
      Print Row Report dialog box 178
      printer control codes 179
      Printer Setup
        dialog box 47, 170-171
        menu command 303
      printers, available 8
      printing 169
        codes in headers and footers 179
        column reports 176-178
        from PADtalk 180
        in the Daily Planner pad 143-144
        labels 175-176
          from the Phone pad 125-127
        pages 173-174
        row reports 178-179
        setting label margins 176

                                                              Index   398

        setting the paper size 171, 172
        setting up customized forms 172
        setting up the page 171-172
        setting up your printer 170-171
        to a DOS file 171
      Project pad 76
        defined 242
        of buttons 256-263
          accelerator color 264
          accelerator key 264
          auto hilite 266
          border color 267
          edge type 267
          fill color 267
          hilite color 267
          hilite if focus 266
          ID 265
          name 264
          number 265
          shadow 266
          show name 265
          style 266
          with edge 265
        of fields 263-267
          align 259
          border color 262
          edge type 263
          fill color 262
          hilite color 262
          hilite if focus 260
          ID 258
          lock text 261
          name 258
          name color 263
          name pos 259
          number 258
          script 263
          scrollable 260
          show name 260
          style 261
          with edge 260
        dialog box 195
        menu command 295
      protecting 190, 194-198
      Puzzle pad 77
      query 158-160
        clear 160
        completing the dialog box 159-160

                                                              Index   399

        dialog box 159
        menu command 325
        operators 159
      questions 367-372
      quitting (See exiting)
      read-only 199
      README.DOC 17
      rebuilding a pad 247
      registering your software 9
      Registration Card 9
      removing free space 199-200
      rereading directories in the DOS pad 91
      resizing objects 248-249
      Return button 50
      return to DOS 69
      Run Program (menu command) 316
      running a DOS command 70-74
        backing up files 73
        checking disks 72
        copying disks 73
        formatting disks 73
        restoring files 74
        setting the date and time 74
      running a program 60-67, 92
        adding programs 64-65
        creating a program button 68-69
        editing program info 65-66
        from the Programs list 60-66
        locating additional programs 63
        quickly 66-67
        removing programs 67
        with a work file 60-62
      runtime errors 357
      Save a Copy (menu command) 193-194,294
        auto save 59
      scanning your hard disk 14
        capturing 373-376
        components of 23, 24-28
        creating 213
        defined 214
        layers 215
      Script Editor menus 292
        Edit Menu 351
          Auto Indent 352
          Compile 352

                                                              Index   400

          Copy 351
          Cut 351
          Debug 353
          Delete 352
          Paste 352
        File Menu 349
          Cancel 351
          Export 350
          Import Text 349
          Page Setup 350
          Print 350
          Printer Setup 350
          Save and Return 350
        Search Menu 353
          Find 353
          Find Next 354
          Replace 354
      Script Printer pad 77
        framework 272
        handlers 273
        introduced 272
        of buttons 267, 272
        of fields 263
      Search Menu 353
        in a single field 157
        in the DOS pad 88
        a button 34-36
        a menu command 30-33
        commands from the command line 35-36
        from list boxes 40-42
        painting tools 220
        text in a field 153
      Selector tool 236
        introduced 245
      Send Farther 254
      set (command) 284
      Set Paint Attribute dialog box 224-225
      Set Paint Character dialog box 228
      Set Password dialog box
      setting up
        the printed page 172
        the printer 170
      Setup procedure 13-16
        aborting 15
        modifying your AUTOEXEC.BAT file 16
      sharing information 162
      shortcut keys 48, 32-33
        ALT+F5 32, 37
        for Help 112

                                                              Index   401

        ALT+F3 247
        CTRL+F3 247
      show (command) 285
      Show Partner F/X 165-166
      showing the message box 278
      Shut Down 18, 51
      Sort (menu command) 324
      sorting 160-161
        completing the dialog box 161
        files in the DOS pad 89
        the Phone Pad 122
      special characters 227
      starting HyperPAD
        on 3 1/2" disks 12
        on 5 1/4" disks 12
        on a hard disk 12
      startup options 59-60
      status bar 27, 58-59
        BKGND indicator 210
        menu command 345
        toggling on and off 219
      stretching an object 248-249
      system requirements 8
      tabbing 34
      Take Message pad 75
      technical support 19,357
        questions and answers 367-372
      text boxes 44
      text files (TXT) 165
      Text tool 227-229
        Insert mode 228
        menu command 330
      title bar 26
      tool box 59, 220-221
        menu command 220, 345
        moving with the mouse 221
        palette 220
        removing 221
        selecting a tool from 221
        special functions 221
        authoring 190
        browsing 190
        Char Paint 234-235
        Erase 229
        Line 229
        Mark Block 230-234
        Paint 226
        Selector 236

                                                              Index   402

        Text 227-229
      Track Call pad 76, 130-132
        call history 131
        message log 131
      transparent character 216-217
      tree 15
      tree view 84-85, 91, 96-97
      trigger keys, capture 374
      Trim Block (menu command) 348
      trouble shooting 357, 357-372
      turning off your computer 18
      Tutorial 101, 104
        content 104
        Control Panel 105-106
        Course Menu Map 102
        cross-reference listing 108-109
        entering 101
        exiting 109
        from Help 103
        introduced 4
        navigating within a topic 104
        printing a screen 106
        taking a lesson 103
        taking notes 107
        a Block command 231
        described 226
        menu command 318
      user level 57-58
        authoring 58
        browsing 57-58
        painting 58
        scripting 58
        setting 196
        typing 58
        only the page 239
        opaque areas 239
      welcome screen 14
      Workspace Menu 341
      Workspace Options dialog box 236
      Yearly Planner pad
        moving to another year 138
        selecting this year 139


                                                  Table of Contents   iii


    Chapter 1:  Getting Started   7

       Before You Begin 8
       Registering Your Software  9
       Backing Up Your HyperPAD Disks  10
       Installing HyperPAD   11
       Starting HyperPAD     12
       Setting Up HyperPAD   14
       Reviewing the README.DOC   17
       Exiting from HyperPAD 18
       Getting Technical Support  19
       Conclusion  20

    Chapter 2:  Fundamentals of Using HyperPAD   23

       Components of the HyperPAD Screen    24
       Basic HyperPAD Tasks  28
       Conclusion  52

    Chapter 3:  The Home Pad 55

       Customizing HyperPAD  57
       Running a Program     60
       Managing Files   70
       Running a DOS Command 70
       Going to a Pad   74
       Learning About HyperPAD    77
       Conclusion  78

    Chapter 4:  Managing Files    81

       Displaying Files 82
       Working with Files    92
       Using the Tree View   96
       Conclusion  98

                                                  Table of Contents   iv

    Chapter 5:  The On-Line Tutorial   101

       Entering the Tutorial 101
       Using the Tutorial    102
       Exiting from the Tutorial  109
       Conclusion  109

    Chapter 6:  The Help System   111

       Finding Information in the Help Pad  111
       Navigating Within the Help System    114
       Conclusion  116

    Chapter 7:  The Phone Pad System   119

       The Phone Pad    120
       The Phone Dialer Pad  128
       The Track Call Pad    130
       The Take Message Pad  132
       Conclusion  133

    Chapter 8:  The Daily Planner Pad  135

       Going to a Date  136
       Making Appointments   140
       Using the Notes for the Day Field    142
       Deleting Outdated Information   142
       Printing    143
       Conclusion  144

    Chapter 9: Adding and Manipulating Information    147

       Managing Information with HyperPAD   148
       Organizing and Locating Information  150
       Searching for Information  155
       Using the Query Command    158
       Exchanging Information with Other Programs     162
       Conclusion  166

                                                  Table of Contents   v

    Chapter 10: Printing     169

       Setting Up HyperPAD to Work with Your Printer  170
       Printing to a DOS File     171
       Printing Information with the Print Command    173
       Other Printing Options     180
       Conclusion  180


    Chapter 11:  HyperPAD's Building Blocks 187

       Objects     188
       Pads   188
       Backgrounds 188
       Pages  188
       Buttons     188
       Fields 189
       What Is Painting?     189
       To Begin Designing    190
       Conclusion  190

    Chapter 12:  Manipulating Pads, Pages, and Backgrounds 191

       Working with Pads     191
       Setting the User Level     196
       To set a password:    197
       Password-Protecting a Pad  198
       Read-Only Pads   199
       Working with Pages    202
       Changing the Name of a Page     203
       Copying Pages    204
       Cutting Pages    205
       Pasting Pages    206
       Pasting Pages Between Pads 206
       Deleting Pages   207
       Working with Backgrounds   208
       Changing the Name of a Background    209
       Protecting a Background    210
       Conclusion  211

                                                  Table of Contents   vi

    Chapter 13:  Painting Tools   213

       The Painting Environment   214
       Selecting a Painting Tool  220
       Using the Painting Tools   222
       The Painting Tools    226
       Painting Tool Options 236
       Painting Tricks  238
       Conclusion  240

    Chapter 14:  Buttons and Fields    241

       Introduction     241
       How Buttons and Fields Are Organized 244
       Editing Objects Using the Selector Tool   245
       Creating Objects 247
       Moving Objects   248
       Resizing Objects 248
       Copying and Pasting Objects     249
       Cutting Objects  251
       Pasting Objects  251
       Deleting Objects 252
       Cloning Objects  252
       Layering Objects 252
       Properties of Objects 256
       The Field Info Dialog Box  256
       The Button Info Dialog Box 263
       Button and Field Ideas     268
       Selecting Objects of a Lower Layer   268
       Selecting Paint  268
       Linking Buttons  270
       Scripting   272
       Conclusion  275

    Chapter 15:  The Message Box  277

       Showing the Message Box    278
       Hiding the Message Box     279
       Moving the Message Box     279
       Editing the Message Box    279
       Using the Message Box as a Calculator     280
       Typing Commands into the Message Box 282
       Conclusion  287

                                                  Table of Contents   vii


       HyperPAD Menus   291
       Script Editor Menus   292
       Description of Commands    292

    Chapter 16:  Menu and Command Reference 293

       The File Menu    293
       Show Partner (.GX2)   300
       The Edit Menu    318
       The Go Menu 327
       The Tools Menu   329
       The Objects Menu 333
       The Workspace Menu    341
       The Block Menu   346
       The File Menu (Script Editor)   349
       The Edit Menu (Script Editor)   351
       The Search Menu (Script Editor) 353

       Appendix 1: General Error Messages   357

       Appendix 2:  Questions and Answers   367

       Appendix 3:  Using the CAP utility   373

       Glossary    377


                                               Introduction to HyperPAD   ix


    Welcome to HyperPAD, the program that meets the diverse needs of
    personal computer users in the 1990s.

    Included in the HyperPAD package are over two dozen ready-made
    applications-known as pads, or personal application designs-that let you
    organize a wide range of personal and business information and operate
    your PC more easily and efficiently. For instance, the pads can be used

        0  Launch your other DOS and Microsoft Windows programs with simple
           keyboard or mouse techniques.

       0  Manage your files by using a straightforward file-management pad
          rather than by entering long, complex commands at the DOS prompt.

       0  Create a database of names, phone numbers, and addresses; print
          mailing labels using selected information from this database;
          automatically dial phone numbers; and simplify a variety of other
          telephone-related tasks.

       0  Keep track of your daily schedule with an on-line planner that
          lets you instantly access the day, month, and year of your choice;
          enter appointments and notes; and then automatically find vital
          information again.

    The remaining pads in the HyperPAD package let you do everything from
    sending form letters to compiling your weekly expenses on a spreadsheet.
    In short, the pads that come with HyperPAD can turn your personal
    computer into a powerful productivity tool!

    However, operating the built-in applications is only the start of what
    you can do with HyperPAD. HyperPAD is also an object-oriented authoring
    environment. So if you're interested in moving beyond just operating the
    pads, you can use HyperPAD like a "construction set" to design your own

    What sorts of pads can you create? For some specific examples, take a
    look at the pads included in the HyperPAD package. Every one of them was
    designed with HyperPAD's authoring tools!

                                               Introduction to HyperPAD    x

    If you decide to try your hand at authoring, the applications you
    develop with HyperPAD will probably fall into one of the following broad

       0  General-purpose PC interfaces:   HyperPAD lets you design simple
          program-launching interfaces with which to start other software
          programs, eliminating the need to enter cumbersome, nonintuitive
          commands at the DOS prompt. Because HyperPAD shrinks down to 3K of
          memory while running other programs, it doesn't interfere with
          their use. HyperPAD's Home pad is an example of a PC interface.

       0  Flat-file databases:   HyperPAD is ideally suited for designing
          applications that let you create and manage a body of information.
          Although HyperPAD isn't intended to do the work of relational
          database products such as dBASE IV or Oracle, which are better
          suited for handling large transaction-based systems, it is a fine
          tool for meeting many other information-management needs.
          HyperPAD's Phone pad-which can be used to organize names,
          addresses, and telephone and fax numbers-is an example of a
          flat-file database.

       0  Tutorials:   HyperPAD is perfect for creating interactive
          tutorials on just about any topic. And with HyperPAD's capture
          program (CAP.EXE), you can save a series of screens that you've
          created with other programs and incorporate them into your
          tutorial. HyperPAD's own on-line Tutorial is an example of this
          type of instructional application.

       0  Information systems:   With HyperPAD, you can employ hypertext
          principles to design a body of information with built-in links
          that give users instant access to relevant material. For example,
          HyperPAD's on-line Help system contains extensive information
          about HyperPAD. Instead of having to move through this material in
          a linear fashion, one page at a time, users can proceed directly
          to topics of interest by selecting on-screen buttons linked to
          those topics. Associative links like this are the heart of any
          hypertext application, and HyperPAD makes them a breeze to create.

       0  Software prototypes:   HyperPAD is a great tool for developing
          screen mock-ups and program simulations for your programming
          projects. You can capture existing screens with HyperPAD's capture
          utility (CAP.EXE) and then use HyperPAD's powerful character
          painting facilities for screen design.

                                               Introduction to HyperPAD   xi

       0  Programs/applications:   HyperPAD makes it easy for programmers
          and nonprogrammers alike to develop an application and get it up
          and running quickly. Once you do this, you can create external
          programs in C or assembly language and incorporate them into your
          new application.

       0  Client/server front ends:   With HyperPAD, you can construct
          easy-to-use interfaces that let PC users interact with
          applications running on a mainframe, minicomputer, or local area
          network. By developing pads that follow the client/server model of
          computing, you can permit the most efficient use of PCs in an
          interconnected environment. The user merely runs HyperPAD and
          doesn't have to worry about what's happening behind the scenes.

       0  Multimedia front ends:   HyperPAD also makes it easy to develop
          multimedia applications on systems with sound, interactive video,
          or CD-ROM capabilities. You can even incorporate graphic
          presentations and animation into your pads using Show Partner F/X,
          another program from Brightbill-Roberts.

    Regardless of whether you use HyperPAD's built-in applications to
    simplify your work and increase your productivity or use HyperPAD's
    authoring tools to create your own custom-made applications, you'll find
    HyperPAD's power and flexibility to be valuable resources for meeting
    your computing needs.

                                               Introduction to HyperPAD  xii


    If you already understand how to operate HyperPAD and just need to get
    the program running on your system, refer to Chapter 1 of the HyperPAD
    User's Guide, "Getting Started," which contains instructions for
    installing, starting, and setting up HyperPAD and tells you how to get
    technical support from Brightbill-Roberts.

    If you don't already understand how to operate HyperPAD, this section
    will help you decide how you're going to learn about it.

    You should be aware that the HyperPAD package offers a variety of
    printed and on-line resources designed to meet the unique needs of a
    wide range of users with different interests and different levels of
    experience. Obviously, you won't want to waste time either with material
    that's too elementary or too advanced for you or with material on
    HyperPAD functions that don't interest you. So reading all the manuals
    from cover to cover probably isn't an effective learning strategy.

    Instead, take a few moments to review the following brief summary of
    HyperPAD's printed and on-line resources. It should help you zero in on
    the resources that can help you accomplish exactly what you're setting
    out to do with HyperPAD.

       0  HyperPAD User's Guide:   The User's Guide is divided into three
          parts. Part 1, "Using HyperPAD," explains everything you need to
          know in order to operate the pads that come with HyperPAD.

          Part 2, "Designing with HyperPAD," shows you how to modify the
          existing pads and create new pads. (For a more detailed overview
          of the topics covered in "Using HyperPAD" and "Designing with
          HyperPAD," see the introductions to Part 1 and Part 2.) Part 3,
          "Menu and Command Reference," explains each of the commands on
          HyperPAD's menus.

       0  Tutorial:   The Tutorial is an interactive, on-line introduction
          to HyperPAD. If you want to learn about the entire range of
          HyperPAD's features and capabilities, you can go through the
          Tutorial in its entirety. If your interests are more narrowly
          focused, the Tutorial has a clearly defined structure that lets
          you go directly to selected topics. The Tutorial's flexibility
          makes it an excellent resource for both novices and experienced

                                               Introduction to HyperPAD  xii

       0  Help system:   The Help system is an on-line resource that you can
          access from anywhere in HyperPAD to get information about the pad
          you're working with or about the HyperPAD program. Although the
          Help system isn't designed specifically to teach you how to use
          HyperPAD, you will learn a great deal about the program by calling
          up directly relevant information from Help whenever you have a

       0  Quick Reference Guide:   As its name implies, this manual briefly
          tells you how to perform basic HyperPAD operations and contains
          short definitions of important and commonly used HyperPAD terms.
          The Quick Reference Guide isn't meant to serve as a resource for
          learning how to use HyperPAD, but it is an effective resource for
          refreshing your memory about concepts and procedures you learned

       0  PADtalk Reference Guide:   This manual, which is for advanced
          HyperPAD users, contains a detailed discussion of PADtalk,
          HyperPAD's powerful yet simple scripting language.


    By the time you finish reading the Introduction, you should have a
    pretty good understanding of what HyperPAD is all about. You should know
    which of the printed and on-line resources you're going to concentrate

    The first step in learning how to use HyperPAD is to follow the
    instructions in Chapter 1 of the User's Guide to get the program running
    on your system. After that, you can start putting HyperPAD to work.
    Good luck, and have fun!

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