PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2728)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


Disk No: 2728
Disk Title: Hard At Work
PC-SIG Version: S1.0

Program Title: Hard at Work
Author Version: 1.1
Author Registration: None.
Special Requirements: No special requirements.

HARD AT WORK (HAW) has eight different screens to make your computer
appear busy while you are away.  These dynamically changing screens
produce a busy effect for the casual eavesdropper.

The screens supplied are those of a system test, a database re-index, a
spreadsheet FILL option, disk optimization using Speedy Disk, a virus
scan, and a speaker integrity test.  All of the screens are amusing and
provide laughs when the truth is discovered.

Definitely for the office computer.  Use as a joke on a co-worker who
may be fooled into believing that the computer is at work while you take
a break!

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1991 PC-SIG, Inc.


Understanding the Shareware Concept:

    Shareware is not free software. Copyright laws apply to both
shareware and "commercial" software, and the copyright holder retains
all rights in the program. The term "shareware" refers to a try-before-
you-buy method for distributing software. The author specifically
grants the right to copy and distribute the evaluation version of the
software, as long as no fee is charged. Where a copying fee is charged,
certain restrictions may apply.
    Shareware distribution gives you the chance to try software before
buying it. If you try a shareware program and continue using it, you
are expected to register your use with the author. With registration,
you receive a license to continue using the software. This may include
a copy of the latest version of the program, technical support, and, if
applicable, future upgrade notification and other services.
    Shareware authors are expert programmers, just like commercial
authors, and the products are of comparable quality. (In both cases,
you will find both good and bad programs!) The price of shareware is
significantly lower than that of commercial software because of the
method of distribution. When you pay for shareware, you pay for the
software only, not for expensive advertising and fancy packages. With
commercial software, you pay for the program before you try it, and you
may get stuck with a product that does not suit your needs. With
shareware, you pay for the software after you have found it to be
    Shareware authors are paid for their work only when you register
your use of their products. Your support keeps this system working and
makes it possible for the authors to keep producing new and better
    The shareware concept is based entirely on the honor system, and
generally works quite well. Most people are honest and will not violate
the trust placed in them by the author of the software. The author
counts on your integrity.

About the ASP:

    The Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP) is an industry
organization formed to strengthen the future of shareware. All ASP
members subscribe to a code of ethics designed to ensure that users
receive superior products and services. These policies work to the
mutual benefit of authors, users, and vendors.
    For more information on the ASP, write to P.O. Box 5786, Bellevue,
WA 98006, or visit the ASP forum on CompuServe (GO SHAREWARE at any CIS


                            SYSOP.DOC file
                         R.K. West Consulting

This is NOT a public domain program. All program and data files are
Copyright 1990, Rosemary West, all rights reserved. Distribution
restriction rights are claimed under that copyright and are outlined
below and in the file VENDOR.DOC.

Limited Distribution License:

As the exclusive copyright holders for this software, Rosemary West
and R.K. West Consulting authorize on-line distribution only in
accordance with the following restrictions. Disk Vendors and
Distributors should refer to the VENDOR.DOC text file for complete
license information.

The software package is defined as containing all the material listed
in the VENDOR.DOC text file. If any file listed in the VENDOR.DOC text
file, or the VENDOR.DOC file itself, is missing, then the package is
not complete and distribution is forbidden. Please contact us to
obtain a complete package suitable for distribution.

     *    The software package - including all related program files
          and documentation files - CANNOT be modified in any way
          (other than that mentioned in the following paragraph) and
          must be distributed as a complete package, without
          exception. The VENDOR.DOC text file contains a list of all
          files that are part of the software package.

     *    Many BBSs customarily add to each archived file a small text
          file which describes the BBS and tells people that the file
          was downloaded from that particular BBS. Other BBSs add a
          small one-line message with their BBS name and phone number
          into the compressed file, which will display when the file
          is uncompressed. Either of these methods of mentioning your
          BBS are acceptable and may be used, provided the program and
          documentation is otherwise unmodified and complete.

     *    We prohibit the distribution of outdated versions of the
          software package. If the version you have obtained is over
          six (6) months old, please contact us to ensure that you
          have the most current version.

     *    Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify,
          decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or
          transfer the licensed program except as provided in this
          agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in
          immediate and automatic termination of this license.

     *    U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure
          by the U.S. Government of the computer software and
          documentation in this package shall be subject to the
          restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software
          as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in
          Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013
          (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/ manufacturer is R.K.
          West Consulting, P.O. Box 8059, Mission Hills, CA 91346.

     *    All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to R.K.
          West Consulting.

Update Service:

Some BBSs prefer to obtain programs directly from the authors. If you
would like to obtain programs directly from us, automatically, then
please help us to cover the cost.

If your BBS would like to receive automatic upgrades to any of our
products, directly from us, then please refer to the information
below. Due to the time and expense we are generally unable to upload
directly to a large number of Bulletin Board Systems. However, we are
able to mail updates on disk to many BBSs.

If your BBS would like to receive automatic updates then please take
advantage of our Update Service. Under this program you can receive
updates of all our programs (as of this writing we have over 17
shareware programs in distribution) for an entire year for only $35
(this helps to offset our costs).

To receive updates, simply send us a letter with the name and mailing
address of your BBS, BBS phone number, voice phone number, the name of
the person we may contact (preferably the SYSOP or CO-SYSOP), and a
check or money order for $35 (for countries outside of North America
please add an additional $20). Payment in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S.
bank only, please.

NOTE: All BBSs participating in our Update Service will automatically
receive any NEW programs which we may release while their Update
Service is in effect.

The Update Service is only intended to help us cover our expenses in
those cases where a BBS desires to obtain the program directly from
us. If you have other standard ways to obtain current versions of
these programs, then you may not want to use our Update Service.


For consistency and to help users locate the files, please use the
following file name(s):

If the program and documentation are contained within an archive file,
please use the following name:


If the program is compressed using some other file compression method,
then please use the name listed above, but with the appropriate
extension (PAK, ARC, LZH, ZOO, ZIP, etc.).

If you have an earlier version of this software on your BBS, please
delete it. Thank you!


                             VENDOR.DOC file
                          R.K. West Consulting

This is NOT a public domain program. All program and data files are
Copyright 1991, Rosemary West, all rights reserved. Distribution
restriction rights are claimed under that copyright and are outlined

The copying restrictions in this file apply to any individual,
organization, user group, or business that charges ANY fee of any kind
for the distribution of this Shareware program produced by R.K. West

Minimum standards expected of distributors and vendors are summarized
below in this file. Under no condition will permission to distribute
be given to any organization which does not agree to follow the

Limited Distribution License:

     *    The software package is defined as containing all the
          material listed in the VENDOR.DOC text file. If any files
          listed in the VENDOR.DOC text file, or the VENDOR.DOC file
          itself, are missing, then the package is not complete and
          distribution is forbidden. Please contact us to obtain a
          complete package suitable for distribution.

     *    Vendors who are ASP Associate Members in good standing are
          hereby given permission to distribute the software package
          in accordance with the terms and conditions listed below.
          ASP Associate Members ("ASP Approved Vendors") in good
          standing do not need to request permission to distribute
          this package. This permission is in effect until or unless
          we notify you otherwise, in writing. We reserve the right to
          revoke this permission from any vendor at any time for any
          reason, whether or not the vendor is an ASP approved vendor.

     *    Vendors who are not ASP Approved Vendors may not distribute
          this software package under any circumstances, unless they
          have received explicit written permission to do so from R.K.
          West Consulting. To apply for written permission, vendors
          should send a copy of their most recent catalog and a sample
          disk labeled and packaged as it would be sent to customers.
          We reserve the right to revoke permission from any vendor at
          any time, whether or not we have given written permission to
          distribute in the past.

     *    Bona fide non-profit organizations, recognized as such by
          the Internal Revenue Service, may distribute this software
          package only in accordance with the terms and conditions
          listed below, and only if they apply for and receive written
          permission from R.K. West Consulting. As always, we reserve
          the right to revoke permission.

     *    Any distribution of this software package over bulletin
          boards and/or national telecommunication services will be
          limited to distributing a single archived file containing
          the contents of the entire distribution disk and NO charge
          specifically for this software package above the standard
          charge for connect time will be allowed. For details, please
          see the file SYSOP.DOC.

     *    The software package may not be sold as part of some other
          more inclusive package (including computer hardware sales)
          without written permission from R.K. West Consulting. ASP
          Vendor Members who wish to distribute this software package
          as part of a collection (such as a CD-ROM package) may do so
          provided that all the other restrictions are met. 

     *    Distributors may NOT add to or delete from any program or
          documentation file (the EXE, the VENDOR.DOC, or any related
          file). Any advertising material or other information must be
          placed in a separate file and identified so the user may
          delete it.

     *    R.K. West Consulting prohibits the distribution of outdated
          versions of this software package. If the version you have
          is more than six (6) months old, please contact us to ensure
          that you have the most current version.

     *    Under no condition may the software package be rented or
          leased to others.

     *    The documentation files may not be reproduced in whole or in
          part without the written permission of R.K. West Consulting.
          Printed (hardcopy) copies of the screens or documentation
          files may not be distributed in any form without a license
          from R.K. West Consulting.

     *    Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, 
          decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or
          transfer the licensed program except as provided in this
          agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in
          immediate and automatic termination of this license.

     *    U.S. Government Information:  Use, duplication, or
          disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software
          and documentation in this package shall be subject to the
          restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software
          as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in
          Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013
          (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is R.K.
          West Consulting, P.O. Box 8059, Mission Hills, CA 91346.

     *    All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to R.K.
          West Consulting.

If you are interested in becoming an ASP-approved vendor, please

          Vendor Membership Coordinator
          Association of Shareware Professionals
          545 Grover Rd.
          Muskegon, MI 49442-9427

Software reviewers:  If you plan to review this software for
publication, please contact us first to make sure you have the most
recent upgrade version of the product and that the ordering
information supplied to your readers will be accurate. We would
appreciate receiving a tearsheet or copy of any published reviews of
this product.

Update Service:

Most vendors prefer to obtain programs directly from the authors. If
you would like to obtain programs directly from us, automatically,
then please help us to cover the cost.

If you are an ASP Approved Vendor who would like to receive automatic
updates then please take advantage of our Update Service. Under this
program you can receive updates of all our programs (as of this
writing we have over 17 shareware programs in distribution) for an
entire year for only $35 (this helps to offset our costs).

To receive updates, simply send us a letter with your company name and
mailing address, phone number, the name of the person we may contact
(preferably the disk librarian or company owner), and a check or money
order for $35 (for countries outside of North America please add an
additional $20). Payment in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank only,

NOTE: All vendors participating in our Update Service will
automatically receive any NEW programs which we may release while
their Update Service is in effect.

The Update Service is only intended to help us cover our expenses in
those cases where a vendor desires to obtain the program directly from
us. If you have other standard ways to obtain current versions of
these programs, then you may not want to use our Update Service.


The following files MUST be included on all copies of this software

For "LoveDOS":                   LOVEDOS.EXE

For "Hard At Work":              HAW.EXE

For "Recap":                     RECAP.EXE

For all of the above:            VENDOR.DOC

Note: We have distributed these three programs to you on a single disk 
for convenience. They may be distributed individually.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2728

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

ASP      DOC      1589   1-12-91   5:31p
PREVIEW  EXE      7347   4-18-91   1:15p
SHARE    DOC      2500   8-05-90  12:00p
VENDOR   DOC      8312   2-18-91   1:29p
FILE2728 TXT       913   7-22-91   3:14a
GO       BAT        93   7-22-91   3:09a
HAW      DOC      3971   2-16-91   7:14p
HAW      EXE     98929   2-16-91   7:25p
SYSOP    DOC      5432   1-26-91   1:53p
        9 file(s)     129086 bytes
                       28672 bytes free