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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2692)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


  BatchMaker Plus Ver. 2.44 is the convenience and versatility you've been
  looking for, in a hard disk management system, at the right price. This
  action packed software includes the following:

Batch File Editor
      *  Menu driven full screen editor.
      *  Quick reference DOS help.
      *  Cut and paste text, even to and from other files.
      *  Locate function to find selected text in file.
      *  Print function to printout a hardcopy of a batch file.
      *  Make directory feature that will optionaly copy files to the
         directory and make a new batch file that will automaticly be
         displayed on the batch file menu.
      *  Mouse support for easy access.
      *  And more ...

Batch File Menu
      *  Batch file selection menu of up to 500 files.
      *  Displayed current disk and computer information.
      *  A calculator and a calendar for the years 1753-2078.
      *  Easy access to all BatchMaker Plus features.
      *  Mouse support for easy access.
      *  And more ...

DOS Utility
      *  Double directory menu driven DOS utility.
      *  Manage your disk's with a press of a button.
         ( Copy, Rename, Move, Erase, MkDir, RmDir )
      *  Copy a large file beyond the capacity of one floppy diskette.
      *  Select and execute programs from the directory listings.
      *  Display or change the file attribute of a selected file.
      *  View Text/Binary files. With option of text printout.
      *  Display current disk and computer information.
      *  Display/Select directory tree.
      *  Mouse support for easy access.
      *  And more ...

Disk Functions
      *  Menu selection for disk commands with options.
      *  Mouse support for easy access.
      *  And more ...

Loans & Savings
      *  Included with purchase.
      *  Figure a loan by payment or by amount.
      *  Figure the amount needed to payoff a loan.
      *  Plan your savings for the future.
      *  A calculator to assist with the figures.
      *  And more ...

      *  A setup program to get you started quick and easy.
      *  And more ...

  Excellent layout in living color that is pleasing to the eye and easy on
  the mind. All this and more for only $27.95 + $3.00 for shipping and
  handling. Don't let this opportunity pass you by. Send $30.95 to:

                                                    Brian Pfaffl
                                                    Northland Multisoft
                                                    1501 S. Glendora Ave.
                                                    Glendora, CA. 91740


Disk No: 2692                                                           
Disk Title: BatchMaker Plus 1 of 2 (2693 also)                          
PC-SIG Version: S1.1                                                      
Program Title: BatchMaker Plus                                          
Author Version: 2.44                                                    
Author Registration: $27.95                                             
Special Requirements: 384K RAM, Dos 3.0+, hard drive, CGA or better.    
BATCHMAKER PLUS has the convenience and versatility you've been looking 
for in a hard disk management system, and at the right price.  This     
action-packed software includes a menu-driven full screen editor for    
building and changing batch files.  Cut and paste (even to and from     
other files) and perform text searches.                                 
Making batch files is simpler than you may think and using just three   
DOS commands in your batch file will run most of your programs.         
BATCHMAKER PLUS provides a complete DOS utility function with a double  
directory menu display, similar to Norton Commander.  Manage your hard  
disk with the press of a button -- Copy, Rename, Move, Erase, MkDir, and
RmDir.  Select and execute programs from the directory listing as well  
as change a file's attributes, view text and binary files, and display  
system information.  Disk functions can be selected from the menu --    
Format, Chkdsk, Diskcopy, and Diskcomp.  There's even a pop-up DOS Quick
Reference so you never need to refer to the manuals.                    
BATCHMAKER PLUS includes a free program for figuring your savings and   
loan accounts.  Figure a loan by payment or by loan amount.  Calculate  
the amount needed to pay off a loan or plan for your future savings     
needs.  A pop-up calculator is ready to help you with any calculations. 
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║                 <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #2692 BATCHMAKER  >>>>                ║
║                           1 OF 2 (also #2693)                           ║
║ To install the program, type: SETUP (press Enter)                       ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print the documentation, type: COPY README.DOC PRN  (press Enter)    ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To run the program, type: BATMAKER (press Enter)                        ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                        (c) Copyright 1991, PC-SIG Inc.  ║


This software is not free! I invite you to try it out and see for yourself if
this is the package you would like to use. If you copy this software to let
someone else try it out, then the copy must be complete without any additives
or changes, on quality diskettes. If you decide to make this package part of
your software library collection then you must, out of all good conscience,
register your purchase at the reasonable price of $27.95 + $3.00 for shipping
and handling. Payment must be by check or money order only. With registration
you will receive a package with a manual and the latest version released with
an independent copy of LCOPY.EXE so that your large files can be transported
to a computer without the BatchMaker Plus system. Support will be given for
six months, from the date of registration. I wish you all success. To receive
an unregistered copy of BatchMaker Plus (two diskettes 5 1/4) form me send
$10.00 to:
                                                 Brian Pfaffl
                                                 Northland Multisoft
                                                 1501 S. Glendora Ave.
                                                 Glendora, CA 91740
                                                 (818) 963-6355


Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software before buying it.
If you try a Shareware program and continue using it, you are expected to
register. Individual programs differ on details -- some request registration
While others require it, some specify a maximum trial period. With
registration, you get anything from the simple right to continue using the
software to an updated program with a printed manual.

Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software, and the
copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific exceptions as stated
above. Shareware authors are accomplished programmers, just like commercial
authors, and the programs are of comparable quality. (In both cases, there are
good programs and bad ones!)

Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You should find
software that suits your needs and pocketbook, whether it's commercial or
Shareware. The Shareware system makes fitting your needs easier, because you
can try before you buy. And because the overhead is low, prices are low also.
Shareware has the ultimate money-back guarantee -- if you don't use the
product, you don't pay for it.


Users of BatchMaker Plus must accept this disclaimer of warranty: BatchMaker
Plus is supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or
implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and
of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages,
direct or consequential, which may result from the use of BatchMaker Plus.
BatchMaker Plus is a "shareware program" and is provided at no charge to the
user for evaluation. Feel free to share it with your friends, but please do
not give it away altered or as part of another system. The essence of "user-
supported " software is to provide personal computer users with quality"
software without high prices, and yet to provide incentive for programmers to
continue to develop new products. If you find this program useful and find
that you are using BatchMaker Plus and continue to use BatchMaker Plus after
a reasonable trial period, you must make a registration payment of $27.95 +
$3.00 for shipping and handling to Northland Multisoft. The $27.95 + $3.00 for
shipping and handling registration fee will license one copy for use on any
one computer at any one time. You must treat this software just like a book.
An example is that this software may be used by any number of people and may
be freely moved from one computer location to another, so long as there is no
possibility of it being used at one location while it's being used at another.
Just as a book cannot be read by two different persons at the same time.

Commercial users of BatchMaker Plus must register and pay for their copies of
BatchMaker Plus within 30 days of first use or their license is withdrawn.
Site-License arrangements may be made by contacting Northland Multisoft.

Anyone distributing BatchMaker Plus for any kind of compensation must first
contact Northland Multisoft at the address above for authorization. This
authorization will be automatically granted to distributors recognized by the
(ASP) as adhering to its guidelines for shareware distributors, and such
distributors may begin offering BatchMaker Plus immediately (However Northland
Multisoft must still be advised so that the distributor can be kept up-to-date
with the latest version of BatchMaker Plus).

You are encouraged to pass a copy of BatchMaker Plus along to your friends for
evaluation. Please encourage them to register their copy if they find that
they can use it. All registered users will receive a copy of the latest
version of the BatchMaker Plus system.

This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle
works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with
an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The
ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member,
but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to
the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 or send a CompuServe
message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.

Read all of this file first
        You can print this file from the BatchMaker Editor with the Print
        function. Also see the FEATURES.DOC file.

Install BatchMaker Plus Ver. 2.44
        You must install BatchMaker Plus on a hard drive before running
        this package. To setup BatchMaker Plus place disk #1 in the drive
        and type SETUP and press enter.


System Requirements
IBM PC/XT/AT or compatible
384K memory or greater
MS or PC DOS 3.0 or higher
Hard disk drive
CGA card or better

If you are using the 4.0 DOS Shell and chose to install the shell then you
must rerun the DOS Select program and choose not to install the shell in order
to use BatchMaker Plus. BatchMaker Plus does not attempt to dominate your
computer but let's you control your system. You will still have the option
of running the 4.0 DOS Shell.

Example of an AUTOEXEC.BAT file
        This is a batch file that automatically executes when the computer
        is turned on. If you wish to have the batch menu to execute when
        the computer is booted up then make this AUTOEXEC.BAT file and
        save it to the Root directory.

        CLS                          Clear the screen.
        PATH C:\;                    Set search path.
        MOUSE.COM                    Load the mouse driver.
        CHDIR\BATCH                  Change the directory to \BATCH.
        BATCH.EXE                    Start the program BATCH.EXE.

Example of typical batch files
                                     ECHO OFF
                                     ECHO Insert PRINTSHOP disk in drive A:
                                     SET PATH=C:\QC\BIN;C:\QC\TUTORIAL;
                                     SET LIB=C:\QC\LIB;
                                     SET INCLUDE=C:\QC\INCLUDE;
                                     \DOS\MEM /DEBUG > \BATCH\MEMFILE.DOC
                                     BATMAKER MEMFILE.DOC

Making batch files are simpler than you may think. Using three DOS commands in
your batch file will run most of your programs. The other programs that may
need an environment of there own, such as the SET or PATH commands, should
give you that environment ether in the manual, in a README.DOC file, or during
the setup procedure. When using the Batch Menu and after you leave a program
with it's own environment that environment will be canceled and will not
interfere with other programs. After you end a program you will need to
restart the batch menu from the DOS prompt by typing B and pressing ENTER. By
adding \B as the last line in your batch files most programs will not clear
the command and will run the Batch Menu after the program has ended.

BatchMaker editor
        BatchMaker Plus is a tool to help organize and to make use of the hard
        disk more accessible and less time consuming. Batch files are used to
        perform of a sequence of DOS commands that you write to a file with an
        extension of .BAT so that you only have to type the commands once.
        If SETUP has been run then the root directory will have a directory
        called BATCH with the BatchMaker Plus disk copied to it.

Function key status
        ESC Exit  . . . . . . . . . . Exit to Batch.
        F1 Help . . . . . . . . . . . Display help.
        F2 Save . . . . . . . . . . . Saves file from memory to disk.
        F3 Load . . . . . . . . . . . Loads file from disk to memory.
        F4 New  . . . . . . . . . . . Starts a new file and clears memory.
        F5 Erase  . . . . . . . . . . Erase file from disk.
        F6 Loc  . . . . . . . . . . . Locate selected text.
        F7 MkDir  . . . . . . . . . . Make directory and copy files.
        F8 RmDir  . . . . . . . . . . Remove directory and files.
        F9 Edit . . . . . . . . . . . Cut and paste text to and from buffer.
        F10 Print . . . . . . . . . . Print file from disk to printer.
        ALT F1  . . . . . . . . . . . Shell to DOS.
        ALT F10 Print . . . . . . . . Print file without filename.

Editor key status
        END . . . . . . . . . . . . . Send cursor to end of line.
        CTRL END  . . . . . . . . . . Send cursor to end of file.
        HOME  . . . . . . . . . . . . Send cursor to beginning of line.
        CTRL HOME . . . . . . . . . . Send cursor to beginning of file.
        DELETE  . . . . . . . . . . . Delete character under curser.
        BACKSPACE . . . . . . . . . . Delete character to the left.
        ARROW UP  . . . . . . . . . . Move up one line.
        ARROW DOWN  . . . . . . . . . Move down one line.
        ARROW LEFT  . . . . . . . . . Move cursor one character to the left.
        ARROW RIGHT . . . . . . . . . Move cursor one character to the right.
        ENTER . . . . . . . . . . . . Go to beginning of next line.
        INSERT  . . . . . . . . . . . On or off marker for Cut and Paste.

Example of a batch file
        CHDIR\BATCH . . . . . . . . Change directory to BATCH
        CLS . . . . . . . . . . . . Clear screen
        BATCH.EXE . . . . . . . . . Load and execute BATCH.EXE

Example of DOS filenames
        Directory and/or file names can have up to 8 characters, file name
        extensions can have up to 3 characters, and spaces are not allowed.


        Pathname = drive:\dir\filename.extension = C:\BATCH\B.BAT
        If you are already in drive C: and in the \BATCH directory then drive
        and dir does not need to be included. Your MS-DOS Reference Manual
        will have a complete list and details of all of the DOS Commands and
        optional switches.

General information
        The editor will hold 78 characters per line and up to 500 lines.
        If using a mouse the PG UP and PG DN functions are used by pressing
        the left mouse button with the mouse cursor on the upper or lower
        blue checkered area on the right side of the screen. Also the HOME
        and END functions are used by pressing the left mouse button with
        the mouse cursor on the upper or lower green checkered area on the
        right side of the screen.

        Cut and Paste has been added. If using a mouse, the right mouse
        button is used to select the text, or the INSERT key is used if you
        are using the keyboard. Also use ALT-F10 to print a file without
        printing the file name. A locate function has been added to search
        for selected text.

DOS Quick Reference
        The BatchMaker editor's DOS Quick Reference is located at the top of
        the first page of the Help screen. If using a mouse you can scan
        through the DOS commands slow (left button) or fast (right button)
        when the mouse cursor is placed on the arrow up or arrow down.

Batch menu
        Select a batch file with the cursor keys ( UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT )
        and then press ENTER to run the batch file. If using a mouse press the
        left mouse button to select a batch file and press the right mouse
        button to execute a batch file or a function. If the batch files have
        not yet been created then press F3 to make a batch file for each

        A calendar has been added that will display years from 1753 to 2078.
        The calculator makes a good use of your number key pad. Turn on your
        number lock key to make the use of the calculator easier to use.
        The file USAGE.LOG keeps a record of which programs are being used
        and when they are used. This file should be periodically deleted so
        that the file does not get to large. The batch file menu now has a
        capacity of 500 files. From the Batch Menu Alt-C will change the
        color of the screens so that if you are using a LCD screen the
        display will be more visiable.

Batch Utility
        F1 Help . . . Display help listing.
        F2 Copy . . . Copy the highlighted file to the opposite directory or
                      copy all files form the highlighted directory to the
                      opposite directory.
        F3 Rename . . Rename the highlighted file.
        F4 Move . . . Move the highlighted file to the opposite directory.
        F5 Erase  . . Erase the highlighted file.
        F6 Drive  . . Change the highlighted directory listing to the selected
                      drive's root directory.
        F7 MkDir  . . Make a new subdirectory in the highlighted directory.
        F8 RmDir  . . Remove the highlighted subdirectory.
        F9 Shell  . . Shell to DOS to perform DOS commands, then type EXIT to
                      return to Batch Utilities.
        F10 Sort  . . Set sort on/off.
        ESC . . . . . List exit options.
        CTRL F1 . . . List computer and disk information.
        CTRL F2 . . . Large file copy to and from floppy diskettes.
        ALT F2  . . . Group copy selected files to opposite directory.
        ALT F5  . . . Group erase selected files.
        ALT F1  . . . View highlighted file on the screen.
        TAB . . . . . Retrieve and display the highlighted directory tree.
        A or a  . . . Display the highlighted file's attributes.
        T or t  . . . Display the highlighted directory's disk space.
        Arrow up  . . Move the highlighter up one line.
        Arrow down  . Move the highlighter down one line.
        Arrow left  . Move the highlighter to the left directory.
        Arrow right . Move the highlighter to the right directory.
        PG UP . . . . Move the highlighter up one half of a page listing.
        PG DN . . . . Move the highlighter down one half of a page listing.
        HOME  . . . . Move the highlighter to the beginning of the list.
        END . . . . . Move the highlighter to the end of the list.
        ENTER . . . . On a directory will change the listed directory to the
                      highlighted directory.
        ENTER . . . . On a file with an extension of BAT, COM, or EXE will
                      execute that file.

        If using a mouse the left mouse button is used to locate the file to
        be highlighted. The right mouse button is used as the ENTER key when
        the mouse cursor is located on a highlighted file. The right mouse
        button is also used to execute a function when the mouse cursor is
        located on that function.

        A file attribute toggle/display and the total current directory size
        has been added. A subdirectory tree selection menu listing has been
        added for all the subdirectories on the drive you are currently
        highlighted on. This makes it easier to move around your drive and
        have a better view of what's on your drive. Maximum display is 2000
        subdirectories. The Tree will read the subdirectories again if you
        have shelled out, made or removed a directory, or changed drives.
        Large copy has been added so that you can copy a file larger than
        the disk capacity of one diskette. Lcopy will copy the file to as
        many diskettes as needed. The diskettes must first be preformated.
        Select the floppy drive A: or B: from one directory list. Then
        select the large file to be copied from the other directory list and
        press CTRL F2. To copy the large file back to a hard drive select
        the directory that you are going to copy to from one directory list.
        Then select the floppy drive and file that you are going to copy from.
        The file on the floppy with the extension of .@@@ holds information
        about the large file that has been copied.

VIEW function
        If using a mouse the left mouse button will scroll the file and the
        right mouse button will exit the VIEW mode.

       The Disk function uses the four DOS files (FORMAT, CHKDSK, DISKCOPY,
       DISKCOMP) in menu form with optional switches. These programs are used
       to prepare a floppy diskette for use with options, check a disk and
       optionally display and or correct errors, copy an entire diskette, and
       compare an entire diskette.

- End of file -


                          BatchMaker Plus

                           version 2.44

               V E N D O R    I N F O R M A T I O N

                    Last updated:  June, 1991

This file provides information for Shareware Distributors, Disk
Vendors and Computer Clubs who wish to distribute the BatchMaker
Plus 2.44 system.

Quick Description:
A DOS Menu/Utility/Editor/Information + more

Short Description:
A Shell and Utility that includes a menu for 500 files, a
calendar, a calculator, disk and computer information. A full
screen editor with cut and paste, search, DOS help, auto
install. A double directory DOS utility (any drives) with a
directory tree, change attributes, copy large files beyond the
capacity of one diskette, view files even binary files, copy,
rename, erase, move, make and remove a directory, disk functions
and more. All with mouse support.

Long Description:
Please see the FEATURES.DOC for a one page description.

System Requirements:
IBM PC/XT/AT or compatible
384K memory or greater
MS or PC DOS 3.0 or higher
Hard disk drive
CGA card or better

Registration Information:
Please see the README.DOC file for this information.

Author/Publisher Information:
Northland Multisoft is a small software company owned and
operated by Brian Pfaffl.

At Northland Multisoft we believe that the PRIMARY purpose of
business is the best quality software at the lowest possible
price. This concept is fundamental to our approach to product
development, production and marketing.

Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have any
questions, comments or suggestions.

   Brian Pfaffl
   Northland Multisoft
   1501 S. Glendora Ave.
   Glendora, CA 91740
   (818) 963-6355

Limited Distribution License:
As the exclusive copyright holder of the BatchMaker Plus system
Brian Pfaffl authorizes distribution only in accordance with
the following restrictions. Please refer to the additional
information listed below which is specific to ASP and non-ASP
Disk Vendors, Computer Clubs, and Disk-of-the-Month style

If any files listed below are missing, then the system
is not complete and distribution is forbidden. Please contact
us to obtain a complete system suitable for distribution.

       Disk 1 of 2

       Disk 2 of 2

    o  The BatchMaker Plus files and documentation files
       CANNOT be modified in any way and must be distributed
       as a complete system, without exception.

    o  No price or other compensation may be charged for the
       BatchMaker Plus system. A distribution cost may be
       charged for the cost of the diskette, shipping and
       handling, as long as the total (per disk) does not exceed
       US$8.00 in the U.S. and Canada, or US$12.00

    o  The BatchMaker Plus system CANNOT be sold as part of
       some other inclusive system. Nor can it be included in
       any commercial software packaging offer, without a
       written agreement from Northland Multisoft. For
       information on combining the BatchMaker Plus system to
       form a "disk-set", please refer to the information below
       for ASP or non-ASP Disk Vendors.

    o  The PRINTED User's Guide may not be reproduced in whole
       or in part, using any means, without the written
       permission of Northland Multisoft. In other words, the
       disk-based documentation may not be distributed in
       PRINTED (hardcopy) form.

    o  The BatchMaker Plus system cannot be "rented" or "leased"
       to others.

    o  The person receiving a copy of the BatchMaker Plus system
       MUST be made aware that each disk or copy is ONLY
       for evaluation, and that Northland Multisoft has not
       received any royalties or payment for the product. This
       requirement can be met by including the complete
       BatchMaker Plus system, which contains any
       appropriate registration reminders.

    o  The person receiving a copy of the BatchMaker Plus system
       MUST be made aware that he or she does not become a
       registered user until Northland Multisoft has received
       payment for registration of the software. This
       requirement can be met by including the complete
       BatchMaker Plus system, which contains any appropriate
       registration reminders.

    o  Northland Multisoft prohibits the distribution of
       outdated versions of the BatchMaker Plus system, without
       written permission from Northland Multisoft. If the
       version you have is over twelve (12) months old, please
       contact us to ensure that you have the most current
       version. This version was released in June, 1991.

    o  Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify,
       decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or
       transfer the licensed program except as provided in this
       agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in
       immediate and automatic termination of this license.

    o  U.S. Government Information:  Use, duplication, or
       disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer
       software and documentation in this system shall be
       subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial
       computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii)
       of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software
       Clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013).  The
       Contractor/manufacturer is Northland Multisoft, 1501
       S. Glendora Ave.  Glendora, CA  91740.

All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Brian

The following additional information and restrictions are
intended for Shareware Distributors, Disk Vendors, and Computer
Clubs who wish to distribute the BatchMaker Plus system.

ASP Associate (Disk Vendor) Member Information:

Vendors who are ASP Associate Members in good standing are
hereby given permission to distribute the BatchMaker Plus 2.44
system in accordance with the Distribution Restrictions listed
above. ASP Associate Members (often called "ASP Approved
Vendors") in good standing do not need to request permission to
distribute this system.

This permission is in effect until or unless we notify you
otherwise, in writing.

If your address, as listed in the ASP Vendor Catalog is
incorrect, please send us your current address so we can ensure
that you always have the most current version (mailed in a
sealed envelope). ASP Associate Members in good standing will
receive free upgrades for all shareware products developed and
distributed by Northland Multisoft.

ASP Vendor Members - Disk Sets:
ASP Vendor Members who wish to distribute the BatchMaker Plus
system as part of a collection (such as PsL's MegaDisk set, or a
CD-ROM package) may do so provided that all the other
restrictions listed above are met.

Other (Non-ASP) Disk Vendor Information:
Shareware Distributors and Disk Vendors who are not ASP
Associate Members, but who wish to distribute the BatchMaker
Plus system must comply with the following restrictions (in
addition to all the restrictions that are listed above).

In order for us to ensure that only current versions are
distributed, we require that you request permission from us
(Northland Multisoft) to distribute any of our products.

You may not list any of our products in advertisements,
catalogs, or other literature which describes our products as
"FREE SOFTWARE". Shareware is "Try-Before-You-Buy" software, it
is not free.

When making your request please ensure that we have your correct
address and phone number, as well as the name of the person we
may contact if necessary.

Other (Non-ASP) Vendors - Disk Sets:
Vendors (non-ASP Vendor Members) who wish to distribute the
BatchMaker Plus system as part of a collection (such as
PsL's MegaDisk set, or a CD-ROM package) must obtain permission
from Northland Multisoft prior to beginning such a distribution.

Applying for ASP Associate Membership:
If you would like to apply for ASP Associate Membership (to
become an ASP Approved Vendor), simply write to the following
address and request a Vendor Membership Application Package:

   ASP Executive Director
   545 Grover Road
   Muskegon, MI  49442-9427

   or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe MAIL to ASP
   Executive Director 72050,1433.

If you (Non-ASP Vendors) would like to be placed on our mailing
list for future upgrades to any of our products, please refer to
the "Vendor Update Program", described below.

Computer Clubs:
Computer Clubs and User Groups wishing to add the BatchMaker
Plus system to their disk library may do so in accordance with
the Distribution Restrictions listed above.

If the version you have is over twelve (12) months old, please
contact us to ensure that you have the most current version.

If you would like your Computer Club or User Group to be placed
on our mailing list for future upgrades to any of our products,
please contact us for complete details.  Our address, phone
number is listed above.

Disk-of-the-Month (or Subscription) Distribution:
If you would like to distribute the BatchMaker Plus system as a
Disk-of-the-Month, or as part of a subscription or monthly
service, then the following restrictions apply:

ASP Associate (Disk Vendor) Members in good standing are hereby
given permission to distribute the BatchMaker Plus 2.44 system
under the Disk-of-the-Month style of distribution.

Others (non-ASP Members) must contact us in advance to ensure
that you have the most current version of the software.

You cannot use a Disk-of-the-Month distribution to use up your
inventory of old (out of date) disks. Only current versions may
be shipped as Disk-of-the-Month disks. This version was released
in June, 1991!

CD-ROM and Other Collections:
If you wish to add BatchMaker Plus to a CD-ROM or other
collection, please check the release date of the version you
have. If the version is over six (6) months old then please
contact us to ensure that you have the most current version.
This version was released in June, 1991.

ASP Vendor Members who wish to distribute the BatchMaker Plus
system as part of a collection (such as PsL's MegaDisk set,
or a CD-ROM package) may do so provided that all the other
restrictions listed above are met.

Vendors (non-ASP Vendor Members) who wish to distribute the
BatchMaker Plus system as part of a collection (such as
PsL's MegaDisk set, or a CD-ROM package) must obtain permission
from  Northland Multisoft prior to beginning such a

Vendor Update Program:
Most non-ASP vendors have standard procedures for acquiring new
files. They get them from other vendors, BBSs, etc.  Most
authors cannot afford to mail disks to hundreds (perhaps
thousands) of vendors. However, some vendors prefer to obtain
programs directly from the authors. If you would like to obtain
programs directly from us, automatically, then help us to cover
the cost.

If you are NOT an ASP Approved Vendor (in good standing), but
you would still like to receive automatic updates directly from
us, then please take advantage of our Vendor Update Program.
Under this program you can receive updates for an entire year
for only $10 per program (this helps to offset our costs).

To receive updates, simply send us a letter with your name,
company name, mailing address, the name of the person we should
contact (such as your disk librarian), the program (or programs)
for which you would like to receive updates, and a check or
money order for $10 for each program (Countries outside of North
America please add an additional $10 per program). Payment in
U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank only please.

The Vendor Update Program is available for the following
products (as of June, 1991):

   BatchMaker Plus 2.44 . . . DOS utility/menu system
   CNC-Transedit 1.01 . . . . CNC program utility/organizer

All vendors participating in our Vendor Update Program will
automatically receive any NEW programs which we may release
while their Vendor Update Program is in effect.

NOTE: ASP Associate Members automatically receive free updates
      and do not need to apply for the Vendor Update Program.
      This is yet another advantage to being an ASP Associate

The Vendor Update Program is only intended to help us cover our
expenses in those cases where a vendor desires to obtain the
program directly from us. If you have other standard ways to
obtain programs, then you may prefer not to use our Vendor
Update Program.

Please Help Us Serve You Better:
We would appreciate copies of anything you print regarding
BatchMaker Plus. Please send us a copy of any reviews, articles,
catalog descriptions, or other information you print or
distribute regarding BatchMaker Plus. Thank you for your time
and assistance and for supporting the shareware marketing
concept. Thank you for your support!

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2692

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

BATCH    EXE     60304   6-22-91  11:26p
BATMAKER EXE    120112   6-22-91  11:47p
DOS      HLP     14140   6-27-91   5:11a
DX       EXE     10683   6-20-91   1:48p
EXECBAT  EXE      6649  11-01-90
EXECBATD EXE      6649  11-01-90
FEATURES DOC      2718   6-29-91  10:36p
INFO     EXE      8355   3-23-91  11:13p
README   DOC     19685   6-30-91   3:11a
SETUP    EXE     41296   3-24-91   1:44a
VENDOR   DOC     14157   6-30-91   3:39a
FILE2692 TXT      2741   7-29-91   7:53p
GO       BAT        38   7-23-91   2:37a
GO       TXT       925   7-28-91   1:11p
       14 file(s)     308452 bytes
                        7168 bytes free