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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2670)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Islands of Danger is an EXCELLENT arcade game.  You must clear 7 islands
of missile launchers to rescue your friend.  Each island is a unique
challenge!  It scrolls in all directions over islands that range from 6
VGA screens large to 12 CGA/Monochrome screens large!

Has a demo mode, an easy mode, a high score chart, cooperative
multi-player mode, and a save game option.  Supports joystick or
keyboard.  With keyboard you can hold down more than one key at the same
time!  Very fast, runs fine on old machines.

If you like games that combine thinking with quick reflexes you'll love
this one!  Took 7 months of full-time programming.  Up to 4 people can
play AT THE SAME TIME cooperating together!


REQUIREMENTS:  256k memory.  Will run on any video adapter.

SHAREWARE LIBRARIES:  Send your most recent catalog to receive new
                      shareware when they are released by Carr Software.

BULLETIN BOARD SYSOP'S:  Send your bulletin board phone number, address,
                         and how many phone lines you have to receive new
                         shareware when they are released.


Disk No: 2670
Disk Title: Carr's Games
PC-SIG Version: S1.0

Program Title: Minelayer
Author Version: 1.2
Author Registration: $10.00
Special Requirements: Color adapter.

A colorful fast-scrolling arcade game with on-line documentation.  Your
high speed minelayer can move in eight directions across a huge
24-screen ocean.  Your mission: destroy (by ramming) all of the enemy
bases.  Your only defense against the enemy rammer ships are the mines
you deploy.  The advanced version has many variations that will keep you
challenged, busy, and addicted for a long, long time.

Program Title: Mix and Match
Author Version: 1.2
Author Registration: $10.00
Special Requirements: VGA.

If you liked Tetris, you'll love MIX AND MATCH.  In Tetris, the goal is
to arrange the blocks in the time allowed.  In MIX AND MATCH, the goal
is to match the random color in the fewest tries.

Match the color by choosing the correct intensity of the three primary
colors of light (red, green, blue).  A game the whole family will love!
You'll also learn something useful -- how the colors of light are made.
A great 640 by 480 high-res VGA game!

Program Title: Islands of Danger!
Author Version: 3.1
Author Registration: $13.00
Special Requirements: Graphics card.

Your mission -- Take your killer hovercraft, pass the Twenty Islands of
Danger (and their missile launchers), and rescue Jean.  Sound easy?
Guess again, Rambo!

The author has used standard ASCII graphic characters and created an
arcade-style game, complete with sound.  Control your ship's path with
one hand and shoot missiles with the other.  Dodge enemy missiles and
attack their launchers.  The game can be played at different speeds for
different abilities and also supports a joystick.  Arcade fun at home!

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1991 PC-SIG, Inc.


║              <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #2670  CARR'S GAMES  >>>>                ║
║ MINELAYER =                                                             ║
║   To read the documentation, type:  TYPE MINELAY.DOC  (press Enter)     ║
║   To play MINELAYER, type:  MINELAY  (press Enter)                      ║
║                                                                         ║
║ MIX AND MATCH =                                                         ║
║   To print the instructions, type:  COPY MIXMATCH.DOC PRN  (Enter)      ║
║   To play MIX AND MATCH, type:  MIXMATCH  (press Enter)                 ║
║                                                                         ║
║ ISLANDS OF DANGER =                                                     ║
║   To read the documentation, type:  TYPE DANGER.DOC  (press Enter)      ║
║   To play ISLANDS OF DANGER, type:  DANGER  (press Enter)               ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                           Copyright 1991, PC-SIG, Inc.  ║


MINELAYER is a GREAT fast-scrolling color arcade game.  Your high speed
minelayer can move in eight directions across a huge 24 screen ocean.  Your
mission: destroy (by ramming) all of the enemy bases.  Your only defense
against the enemy rammer ships are the mines you deploy.  The advanced
version has many variants that will keep one challenged, busy, and
addicted for a long, long, time.  The documentation for the game is on-line.

REQUIREMENTS:  Color adapter and 256k memory.

SHAREWARE LIBRARIES:  Send your most recent catalog to receive new
                      shareware when they are released by Carr Software.

BULLETIN BOARD SYSOP'S:  Send your bulletin board phone number, address,
                         and how many phone lines you have to receive new
                         shareware when they are released.


************************ MIX AND MATCH ************************
          by CARR SOFTWARE  P.O. Box 3919, Merced, CA 95344-1919


Try to match the randomly chosen color in the left paint can with the
fewest mixes (tries).  Mix your solution by choosing the intensity
(amount) of the three primary light colors (red, green, blue).

If you loved Tetris, you may love MIX AND MATCH.  In Tetris, the goal
was to correctly arrange the blocks.  The challenge was the time
constraint.  In MIX AND MATCH, the goal is to match the random color. 
The challenge is to do it with the fewest tries.


When you press the mixing key, it mixes the red intensity, the green
intensity, and the blue intensity together and PUTS the resultant new
color in the paint can below them.  Note, they are not added to what is
already in the paint can.  What is in the paint can is thrown away
before the new color combination is put in it.  You are not mixing
AMOUNTS of red, green, and blue but LEVELS of red, green, and blue


LEFT and RIGHT ARROW KEYS:    Selects the color to change.
UP and DOWN ARROW KEYS:    Changes color intensity.
ENTER (or INS or '+') KEYS:    Mixing key - mixes the 3 colors .
'S' KEY:    Toggles sound off and on WITHIN game.
ESC:    Quits the current game.

Hint:  Your hand doesn't need to leave the number pad if you use the
grey ENTER or '+' mixing keys that are to the RIGHT of the number pad
(the 5 key is also an down arrow key).

An alternative for enhanced keyboard owners:  use the four cursor keys
between the number pad and the regular keys.  For these keys, use the
INS mixing key that is to the right of them.


LEFT BUTTON:   Selects color and intensity.
RIGHT BUTTON:  Mixing key - mixes the 3 colors.

Pressing either button at most of the menus will allow you to proceed.


Score is not eligible for TOP 10 SCORE SHEET.


Except for level 6, the low intensities are not proportional.  To make
them visible they were given a higher number.


This game mixes colored lights not colorants.  Therefore it is not like
mixing paint.  The following is a quote from the World Book
Encyclopedia section on color:

"When lights of different colors are projected together onto a screen,
they blend and form new colors.  Mixing colored lights produces new
colors DIFFERENTLY from the way mixing colorants does.  Mixing
colorants results in new colors because each colorant subtracts some
wavelengths of light.  But mixing colored lights produces new colors by
adding light of different wavelengths.  For this reason, colored light
mixtures are sometimes called 'additive color mixtures' or 'color by

"In an additive color mixture, the primary colors differ from those in
paint.  The 'primary colors in light' are red, green, and blue,..." 
The primary colors for paint colorants are red, yellow, and blue.


     mixmatch.exe   (program file)
     mixmatch.doc   (documentation file)
     mixmatch.ord   (order form)
     mixmatch.fon   (font file)


256k and VGA adapter.


Send your most recent catalog to receive new Carr Software shareware as
they are released.


Send your bulletin board phone number, address, and how many phone
lines you have to receive Carr Software shareware as they are released.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2670

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

DANGER   EXE     42987   2-26-91   6:08a
DANGER   DOC      1179   2-25-91   9:27p
DANGER   ORD      1168   2-25-91   9:29p
MINELAY  EXE     33531   2-16-91   8:23p
MINELAY  DOC       850   2-16-91   9:06a
MINELAY  ORD      1171   2-17-91   7:57a
MIXMATCH EXE     52419   2-16-91  10:13p
MIXMATCH DOC      3465   2-16-91  10:57p
MIXMATCH FON     45936  11-12-87   1:27p
MIXMATCH ORD      1201   2-17-91   7:57a
FILE2670 TXT      1915   7-16-91   9:06a
GO       BAT        38   1-31-91  12:58a
GO       TXT      1387   5-28-91   3:42a
       13 file(s)     187247 bytes
                      128000 bytes free