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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2662)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


Disk No: 2662                                                           
Disk Title: Account+ Plus                                               
PC-SIG Version: S1.3                                                    
Program Title: Account + Plus                                           
Author Version: 7.54                                                    
Author Registration: $49.00                                             
Special Requirements: 512K RAM, and two floppy drives or a hard drive.  
Do you need an integrated accounting management system for your         
business? ACCOUNT + PLUS is the ideal choice, providing everything a    
small business needs in one package.                                    
ACCOUNT + PLUS consists of individual modules: payroll, bookkeeping,    
inventory, checkbook, receivables, payables, and report generation.     
The payroll module handles all types of employee payroll. Deductions    
include federal, state taxes, insurance, and pension. Earning may be by 
hour, week, month, or commission.                                       
The bookkeeping module operates as a general ledger, keeping track of   
all of your income and expenses. It will also write the checks you need 
to issue in paying your bills.                                          
The inventory module lets you maintain an inventory database with add,  
delete, and change record functions. Many report generation options are 
available here.                                                         
The checkbook module is a complete checkbook management system. It will 
keep track of your deposits, your withdrawals, your checks, balancing of
your checkbook, and several report printing options.                    
ACCOUNT + PLUS is menu driven with an on-line help facility that does   
away with the need to constantly refer to printed documentation. No     
small business should be without ACCOUNT + PLUS, the integrated         
accounting management system.                                           
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2662

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

ACCOUNT  FEA      9804   2-09-90   2:00p
ACCTS    FRM      1990   2-09-90   2:00p
ACT      COM       960   2-09-90   2:00p
ACT2     OVL     26560   2-09-90   2:00p
ACT6     OVL     13584   2-09-90   2:00p
AGING    FRM      1990   2-09-90   2:00p
ALLMAST  FRM      1990   2-09-90   2:00p
ARSUMM   FRM      1990   2-09-90   2:00p
BANK     DBF       194   2-09-90   2:00p
BILLHIST DBF       322   2-09-90   2:00p
CHARGES  DBF       482   2-09-90   2:00p
CHECKS   DBF       258   2-09-90   2:00p
CHKBOOK  MEM      5575   2-09-90   2:00p
COA      DBF       226   2-09-90   2:00p
COA      FRM      1990   2-09-90   2:00p
CODEHIST FRM      1990   2-09-90   2:00p
COLOR    SET       565   2-09-90   2:00p
CUSHIST1 FRM      1990   2-09-90   2:00p
CUSHIST2 FRM      1990   2-09-90   2:00p
CUSTOMER DBF      1794   2-09-90   2:00p
DATES    FRM      1990   2-09-90   2:00p
DATHIST1 FRM      1990   2-09-90   2:00p
DATHIST2 FRM      1990   2-09-90   2:00p
DEPOSITS DBF       130   2-09-90   2:00p
DEPT     DBF        98   2-09-90   2:00p
DISCOUNT DBF       195   2-09-90   2:00p
FINSTALL BAT       405   5-14-91   9:35a
GENINFO  DBF       130   2-09-90   2:00p
HINSTALL BAT       255   2-09-90   2:00p
MASTER   DBF       867   2-09-90   2:00p
MENU     MEM        41   2-09-90   2:00p
MONO     SET       565   2-09-90   2:00p
NEWSTOCK DBF       323   2-09-90   2:00p
NEWSTOCK FRM      1990   2-09-90   2:00p
ONORDER  FRM      1990   2-09-90   2:00p
OVL      EXE     85876   5-14-91   9:29a
PAYHIST  DBF       226   2-09-90   2:00p
PAYMENTS DBF       354   2-09-90   2:00p
README   EXE      4208   2-09-90   2:00p
RECON    DBF       314   2-09-90   2:00p
REGISTER DBF       226   2-09-90   2:00p
REGISTER FRM      1990   2-09-90   2:00p
REORDERS FRM      1990   2-09-90   2:00p
SALES    DBF       611   2-09-90   2:00p
SALES    FRM      1990   2-09-90   2:00p
SETUP    DBF       195   2-09-90   2:00p
SETUP2   DBF       194   2-09-90   2:00p
TAX      DBF       279   2-09-90   2:00p
TRANS    DBF       386   2-09-90   2:00p
FILE2662 TXT      3035   5-14-91  10:00a
       50 file(s)     191077 bytes
                      109568 bytes free