PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2630)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


Disk No: 2630                                                           
Disk Title: Computer Buyer's Best Price Database                        
PC-SIG Version: S1.0                                                    
Program Title: Computer Buyer's Best Price Database                     
Author Version: 04/90                                                   
Author Registration: Varies.                                            
Special Requirements: None.                                             
Looking to buy computer hardware soon? COMPUTER BUYER'S BEST PRICE      
DATABASE has already done the research for you and found the best prices
on computers, drives, printers, modems, fax boards, video boards,       
monitors, mice, scanners, and tape backups. The database also includes  
names and phone numbers of vendors.  Search for hardware by name or     
specification. The information in this database is constantly selected  
from numerous different PC magazines and computer vending sources making
it comprehensive, easy-to-use, and current. Computer groups, businesses,
and individuals can save a bundle of time and money with this package!  
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2630

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

HELLO             1865   4-16-91  11:40a
HELLO2            1946   7-05-90  10:04p
HHCOLORS          1619   1-01-80  12:01a
HHCOMP1          15117   7-11-90  11:42p
HHMENU            2555   7-12-90   9:56a
HHORDER           1821   4-16-91  11:41a
HHPAGE1            958   7-02-90   6:27p
HHPAGE2           1407   7-02-90  11:15p
HHPAGE2N          1355   7-02-90  11:18p
HHPRINT           1637   7-12-90  10:07a
HHSEARCH          7602   7-11-90  10:35p
RUN      BAT        45   7-07-90   4:35p
CPI      EXE    101026   2-26-91   5:46p
VENDORS  RE2     32504   4-14-91   5:54p
286      RND      3200   4-16-91   9:10a
386      RND      6576   4-16-91   9:10a
486      RND       976   4-16-91   9:10a
FLOPPIES RND      1424   4-16-91   9:06a
HARDDR   RND      6288   4-16-91   9:07a
MICE     RND      1072   4-16-91   9:07a
MODEMS   RND      2240   4-16-91   9:08a
MONITORS RND      3440   4-16-91  11:21a
OTHERS   RND       216   4-16-91   9:10a
PRINTERS RND      5216   4-16-91   9:09a
SCANNERS RND       672   4-16-91   9:09a
TAPEBUS  RND       680   4-16-91   9:09a
VIDCARDS RND      2216   4-16-91   9:10a
XT       RND      1184   4-16-91   9:10a
286      SVV     10863   4-16-91   9:10a
386      SVV     28557   4-16-91   9:10a
486      SVV      4521   4-16-91   9:10a
FLOPPIES SVV      1939   4-16-91   9:06a
HARDDR   SVV     20458   4-16-91   9:07a
MICE     SVV      2221   4-16-91   9:07a
MODEMS   SVV      7778   4-16-91   9:08a
MONITORS SVV     11402   4-16-91  11:21a
OTHERS   SVV       692   4-16-91   9:10a
PRINTERS SVV      9523   4-16-91   9:09a
SCANNERS SVV      2088   4-16-91   9:09a
TAPEBUS  SVV      2508   4-16-91   9:09a
VIDCARDS SVV      5004   4-16-91   9:10a
XT       SVV      3249   4-16-91   9:10a
FILE2630 TXT      1777   6-26-91   6:35p
       43 file(s)     319437 bytes
                       20480 bytes free