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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2623)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


Disk No: 2623                                                           
Disk Title: System Master                                               
PC-SIG Version: S1.0                                                    
Program Title: SYSTEM MASTER                                            
Author Version: 3.1                                                     
Author Registration: $42.00                                             
Special Requirements: 384K RAM.                                         
SYSTEM MASTER'S multiple menu pages in a 4-dimensional setup give it a  
unique look among DOS shells.  With 16 menu pages and over 300          
pre-defined menu items, this hard disk organizer is a must for PCs with 
multiple users and security levels.                                     
SYSTEM MASTER provides not only the standard SHELL options such as mouse
control, custom color setup, and screen blanking, but also timed        
execution of programs, parameter passing to menu options, and a great   
context sensitive help system.  Users can define over 85,000 menu items 
within the menu pages.                                                  
SYSTEM MASTER matches most commercial disk management packages in its   
documentation.  More than 100 pages of documentation provide the user   
with operating instructions as well as a brief description of how DOS   
commands have been implemented in SYSTEM MASTER.                        
Although SYSTEM MASTER doesn't have an automatic program search and     
install option, addition of new menu items isn't difficult (though not  
recommended for the novice).  The program does not currently support    
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║              <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #2623  SYSTEM MASTER  >>>>               ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To begin using the program, type:  COPY README.1ST PRN  (press ENTER)   ║
║                               or:  TYPE README.1ST  (press ENTER)       ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                      (c) Copyright 1991, PC-SIG Inc.    ║


     SM_PURGE.EXE Utility - Documentation

     When you are operating SYSTEM MASTER and moving between menu levels
     and/or menu pages, SYSTEM MASTER creates a menu template file each
     time a new menu is entered if current menu data does not yet exist.

     SYSTEM MASTER creates an empty data file so that you can begin adding
     menu options immediately upon entering any specific menu.

     Since empty menu data files will tend to fill-up your hard disk very
     quickly, we have provided a utility program (SM_PURGE.EXE) to eliminate
     these empty, menu data files from your hard disk.

     SM_PURGE must be run from the command line or written into a menu option
     The SM_PURGE is part of the 'TOOLS' Special function in the Registered
     version of SYSTEM MASTER.

     SM_PURGE only deletes empty data files, so your valid menu data files
     will NOT be effected.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     SMPURGE                                                        Page  1- 1



     OOO        OOO   OOO  OOO           OOO     OOO        OOOOOO   OOOOOO
     OOO        OOO   OOO  OOO           OOO     OOO        OOO OOO OOO OOO
           OOO     OOO           OOO     OOO     OOO        OOO    O    OOO
           OOO     OOO           OOO     OOO     OOO        OOO         OOO

     OOOOOO   OOOOOO   OOO OOO   OOO           OOO     OOO        OOO   OOO
     OOO OOO OOO OOO  OOO   OOO  OOO           OOO     OOO        OOO   OOO
     OOO    O    OOO  OOOOOOOOO        OOO     OOO     OOO        OOO  OOO
     OOO         OOO  OOO   OOO        OOO     OOO     OOO        OOO  OOO

     Hard Disk Organizer                                        Version 3.1

                                 OWNERS' MANUAL

                            SYSTEM MASTER Created by

                                Thomas J. Medley

                              Medley Data Services
                                   PO Box 606
                            Dubuque, Iowa 52004-0606

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1


     (C) Copyright 1991  Medley Data Services


     SYSTEM MASTER is a trademark of Medley Data Services.

     All trademarks and registered trademarks referenced within this document
     are the property of their respective owners.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1

        Name: ________________________________________________________________

     Company: ________________________________________________________________

     Address: ________________________________________________________________

        City: _____________________________  St: ______  Zip: ________________

       Phone: ( _____ )  ______ - __________     User Group ID: SM.UG_________


                                                     Quan     Price
                                                     ======  ================
     Licensed Copies of the SYSTEM MASTER Software
        @ $30.00 ea. (Includes 1 free upgrade)   :   ______   $ _______.___
     Licensed Copies of the SYSTEM MASTER Manual
        @ $12.00 ea.                             :   ______   $ _______.___

     Iowa Residents add 5% Tax.         Sales Tax:            $ _______.___

                                            Total:            $ _______.___


       Register To:     _______ Company            _______ Individual

     Diskette Size:     _______ 5 1/4" Diskettes   _______ 3 1/2" Disk


     I hereby state that I have read the License Agreement, fully understand
     it, and agree to abide by it's terms.

                             Signature: ______________________________________


     Site & Corporate licenses are Available for SYSTEM MASTER.

     Quantity Discounts:    Quantity...        Disk(s)...     Manual(s)...
                             1.. 4  copies  -  $ 30.00 ea  -  $ 12.00 ea
                             5.. 9  copies  -  $ 27.00 ea  -  $ 12.00 ea
                            10..24  copies  -  $ 24.00 ea  -  $ 12.00 ea
                            25..49  copies  -  $ 21.00 ea  -  $ 12.00 ea
                            50..99  copies  -  $ 18.00 ea  -  $ 10.00 ea
                            100 +   copies  -  $ 14.00 ea  -  $ 10.00 ea

     Mail to:  Medley Data Services
               PO Box 606
               Dubuque, IA 52004-0606

     System Master 3.1
                                 LICENSE AGREEMENT

          The SYSTEM MASTER Hard Disk Organization System is NOT released
          as a "Public Domain" product and it may NOT be considered as
          "Freeware".  SYSTEM MASTER is a copyrighted software product
          developed and owned by Medley Data Services, located in Dubuque,
          Iowa, USA.

          Medley Data Services grants you, without charge as a PC user, to
          copy, distribute and use copies of this version of SYSTEM MASTER
          "Shareware" product, provided that you have registered your copy
          of SYSTEM MASTER, on the condition that you do not receive any
          payment, commercial benefit, or other consideration for such
          reproduction or distribution, or change this license agreement
          or the following copyright notice which appears on the software,
          documentation, user interface, menus and magnetic media:

          (C) Copyright 1991 Medley Data Services - Dubuque, Iowa USA.
                         ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WORLDWIDE

          You may make and keep 1 back-up copy of the software for your
          personal use, provided that you are a registered user.

          You may also distribute copies of the Shareware version of this
          product, to other persons, but solely for their evaluation, and
          solely for evaluation by such other persons during a 30 day trial

          SYSTEM MASTER may NOT be sold or otherwise provided as part of a
          larger system, or as a part of a more inclusive product or service,
          without the express written consent and licensing from Medley Data

          The rights to receive any such financial or other benefit, and to
          modify the product or employ its components in any kind of deriva-
          tive work, are reserved exclusively by Medley Data Services.

          Please feel free to contribute your ideas regarding desired addi-
          tional product features and functionality.

          Support from users enables us to develop additional features and
          future versions of the SYSTEM MASTER product.  Product support
          will only be made available to REGISTERED USERS.

          You may not reverse-engineer, disassemble, modify, decompile or
          create derivative works of the product. You acknowledge that the
          product includes certain trade secrets and confidential information,
          all of which is the copyrighted intellectual property of Medley
          Data Services.

          SYSTEM MASTER is a trademark of Medley Data Services.  All Rights
          Reserved Worldwide.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page    i
                                 LICENSE AGREEMENT

          This product is licensed "AS IS" without any warranty of merchant-
          ability or fitness for a particular purpose, performance, or other-
          wise.  All warranties are expressly disclaimed. By using the SYSTEM
          MASTER product, you agree that neither MEDLEY DATA SERVICES noy any
          officers, directors, employees, affiliates, owners, or other related
          parties will be liable to you ar any third party for any use of (or
          inability to use) or performance of this product, or for any damages
          whatsoever whether based on contract, tort or otherwise. Even if we
          are notified of such possibility in advance.

          (Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental
          or consequential damages, so the foregoing limitation may not apply
          to you.)

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page   ii
                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

     SECTION 1  ... SYSTEM MASTER Introduction

     1.1   What is SYSTEM MASTER?  ....................................   1- 1
     1.2   Using This Documentation  ..................................   1- 1
     1.3   Hardware Requirements  .....................................   1- 1
     1.4   Installing SYSTEM MASTER  ..................................   1- 1
     1.5   Starting SYSTEM MASTER  ....................................   1- 2

     SECTION 2  ... SYSTEM MASTER Features & Functions

     2.1   What can I do with SYSTEM MASTER?  .........................   2- 1
     2.2   SYSTEM MASTER Key Features  ................................   2- 1

     SECTION 3  ... SYSTEM MASTER System Specifics

     3.1   SYSTEM MASTER Menu Structure  ..............................   3- 1
     3.2   Menu Screen Layout  ........................................   3- 1
     3.3   Accessing Menu Options  ....................................   3- 3
           3.3.1   Accessing Menu Options  ............................   3- 3
           3.3.2   Accessing Menus  ...................................   3- 3
           3.3.3   Accessing Menu Levels  .............................   3- 4
     3.4   Accessing SYSTEM MASTER Functions  .........................   3- 4
           3.4.1   F1   - Context Sensitive Help  .....................   3- 5
           3.4.2   F2   - Menu Option Editor  .........................   3- 5
           3.4.3   F3   - User Profile Editor  ........................   3- 5
           3.4.4   F4   - Logging ON to SYSTEM MASTER  ................   3- 6
           3.4.5   F5   - Logging OFF of SYSTEM MASTER  ...............   3- 6
           3.4.6   F6   - Command Line DOS Command Processor  .........   3- 6
           3.4.7   F7   - Quick Jump Menu Option Accessing  ...........   3- 6
           3.4.8   F8   - Special SYSTEM MASTER functions  ............   3- 6
           3.4.9   F9   - Display Time/Date Toggle  ...................   3- 7
           3.4.10  F10  - Browse Theu Menu Structure  .................   3- 7
           3.4.11  ESC  - Exiting to DOS  .............................   3- 7
           3.4.12  PgUp - Jump to the Next Highest Menu  ..............   3- 7
           3.4.13  PgDn - Jump to the Next Lowest Menu  ...............   3- 7

     SECTION 4  ... SYSTEM MASTER Command Editor

     4.1   Accessing the Command Editor  ..............................   4- 1
     4.2   The Command Editor and the Keyboard  .......................   4- 1
           4.2.1   LeftArrow  .........................................   4- 1
           4.2.2   RightArrow  ........................................   4- 1
           4.2.3   Home  ..............................................   4- 2
           4.2.4   End  ...............................................   4- 2
           4.2.5   Del  ...............................................   4- 2
           4.2.6   Tab  ...............................................   4- 2
           4.2.7   F8  ................................................   4- 2
           4.2.8   BackSpace  .........................................   4- 2
     4.3   ADDing a menu option  ......................................   4- 2

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  iii
                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

     4.4   EDITing a menu option  .....................................   4- 3
     4.5   INSERTing a menu option  ...................................   4- 3
     4.6   DELETEing a menu option  ...................................   4- 4
     4.7   CUTting a menu option  .....................................   4- 4
     4.8   COPYing a menu option  .....................................   4- 5
     4.9   PASTEing a menu option  ....................................   4- 5
     4.10  DELETEing a menu box  ......................................   4- 6
     4.11  CUTting a menu box  ........................................   4- 6
     4.12  COPYing a menu box  ........................................   4- 7
     4.13  PASTEing a menu box  .......................................   4- 7
     4.14  Command Editor Input Fields  ...............................   4- 8
           4.14.1  Menu Title  ........................................   4- 8
           4.14.2  Button Text  .......................................   4- 8
           4.14.3  Pad Text  ..........................................   4- 8
           4.14.4  Option Text  .......................................   4- 9
           4.14.5  Informative Text  ..................................   4- 9
           4.14.6  SecurityLevel  .....................................   4- 9
           4.14.7  AccessCode  ........................................   4-10
           4.14.8  Command Strings Input  .............................   4-10
            F2  Insert  .............................   4-11
            F3  Delete  .............................   4-11
            F4  Cut  ................................   4-11
            F5  Copy  ...............................   4-11
            F6  Paste  ..............................   4-11
            F8  Clear to EOL  .......................   4-11
           F10  Select  .............................   4-12
                     Select Drive  ................   4-12
                     Select Path  .................   4-12
                     Select Program  ..............   4-12
                     Select File  .................   4-12
                     Select SYSTEM MASTER Command     4-13
                     Select DOS Command  ..........   4-13
                     Select Batch Command  ........   4-13
                     Select Menu Cell  ............   4-13

     SECTION 5  ... SYSTEM MASTER Tri-Level Security

     5.1    Security System Overview  .................................   5- 1
            5.1.1   Level 1 - Personal Passwords  .....................   5- 1
            5.1.2   Level 2 - User Access Level  ......................   5- 1
            5.1.3   Level 3 - Menu Option Access Code  ................   5- 1
     5.2    User Profile Editor  ......................................   5- 2
            5.1.2   The User Profile Record  ..........................   5- 2
             'Name'  Field  ..........................   5- 2
             'Title' Field  ..........................   5- 2
             'Addr' Field  ...........................   5- 3
             '    ' Field  ...........................   5- 3
             'City' Field  ...........................   5- 3
             'State'   ...............................   5- 3
             'ZipCode' Field  ........................   5- 3

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page   iv
                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

             'Phone' Field  ..........................   5- 3
             'Ext' Field  ............................   5- 3
            'Employee' Field  .......................   5- 3
            'PassWord' Field  .......................   5- 3
            'AccLevel' Field  .......................   5- 4

     SECTION 6  ... DOS Command Reference

     6.1    DOS Primer  ...............................................   6- 1
     6.2    DOS Command Descriptions  .................................   6- 2
            6.2.1   APPEND  ...........................................   6- 2
            6.2.2   ASSIGN  ...........................................   6- 2
            6.2.3   ATTRIB  ...........................................   6- 2
            6.2.4   BACKUP  ...........................................   6- 3
            6.2.5   BREAK  ............................................   6- 5
            6.2.6   CHCP  .............................................   6- 5
            6.2.7   CHDIR/CD  .........................................   6- 6
            6.2.8   CHKDSK  ...........................................   6- 6
            6.2.9   CLS  ..............................................   6- 7
            6.2.10  COMMAND  ..........................................   6- 8
            6.2.11  COMP  .............................................   6- 8
            6.2.12  COPY  .............................................   6- 8
            6.2.13  CTTY  .............................................   6- 9
            6.2.14  DATE  .............................................   6-10
            6.2.15  DEL  ..............................................   6-10
            6.2.16  DIR  ..............................................   6-10
            6.2.17  DISKCOMP  .........................................   6-11
            6.2.18  DISKCOPY  .........................................   6-12
            6.2.19  ERASE  ............................................   6-12
            6.2.20  EXE2BIN  ..........................................   6-12
            6.2.21  FIND  .............................................   6-13
            6.2.22  FORMAT  ...........................................   6-13
            6.2.23  GRAFTABL  .........................................   6-14
            6.2.24  GRAPHICS  .........................................   6-14
            6.2.25  JOIN  .............................................   6-14
            6.2.26  KEYBxx  ...........................................   6-14
            6.2.27  LABEL  ............................................   6-15
            6.2.28  MKDIR/MD  .........................................   6-15
            6.2.29  MODE  .............................................   6-15
            6.2.30  MORE  .............................................   6-15
            6.2.31  PATH  .............................................   6-16
            6.2.32  PRINT  ............................................   6-16
            6.2.33  PROMPT  ...........................................   6-17
            6.2.34  RECOVER  ..........................................   6-17
            6.2.35  RENAME  ...........................................   6-17
            6.2.36  REPLACE  ..........................................   6-18
            6.2.37  RESTORE  ..........................................   6-18
            6.2.38  RMDIR/RD  .........................................   6-18
            6.2.39  SELECT  ...........................................   6-18
            6.2.40  SET  ..............................................   6-19

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page    v
                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

            6.2.41  SHARE  ............................................   6-19
            6.2.42  SORT  .............................................   6-19
            6.2.43  SUBST  ............................................   6-19
            6.2.44  SYS  ..............................................   6-20
            6.2.45  TIME  .............................................   6-20
            6.2.46  TREE  .............................................   6-20
            6.2.47  TYPE  .............................................   6-20
            6.2.48  VER  ..............................................   6-21
            6.2.49  VERIFY  ...........................................   6-21
            6.2.50  VOL  ..............................................   6-21
            6.2.51  XCOPY  ............................................   6-21

     SECTION 7  ... Batch Command Reference

     7.1    Batch Primer  .............................................   7- 1
     7.2    Batch Command Descriptions  ...............................   7- 2
            7.2.1   :label  ...........................................   7- 2
            7.2.2   @  ................................................   7- 2
            7.2.3   %#  ...............................................   7- 2
            7.2.4   %string%  .........................................   7- 2
            7.2.5   CALL  .............................................   7- 3
            7.2.6   ECHO  .............................................   7- 3
            7.2.7   FOR  ..............................................   7- 3
            7.2.8   GOTO  .............................................   7- 3
            7.2.9   IF ERRORLEVEL  ....................................   7- 4
            7.2.10  IF EXIST  .........................................   7- 4
            7.2.11  IF s1==s2  ........................................   7- 4
            7.2.12  PAUSE  ............................................   7- 4
            7.2.13  REM  ..............................................   7- 4
            7.2.14  SHIFT  ............................................   7- 5

     SECTION 8  ... SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference

     8.1   SYSTEM MASTER Command Listing  .............................   8- 1
           8.1.1   Timer Operation Instructions  ......................   8- 1
           8.1.2   Command Processing Instructions  ...................   8- 1
           8.1.3   Command termination instructions  ..................   8- 1
           8.1.4   System Specific instruction  .......................   8- 1
     8.2   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference  ...........................   8- 2
           8.2.1   Timer Operation Instructions  ......................   8- 2
            [B]  Define Timer Break-out Sequence  ....   8- 2
            [T]  Set Timer for Unattended Processing     8- 3
           8.2.2   Command Processing Instructions  ...................   8- 4
            %s%  System Variable Flags  ..............   8- 4
            %n   Input Parameter Flags  ..............   8- 5
            #n   Calculated Input Parameter Flags  ...   8- 6
            [!]  Display a message  ..................   8- 7
            [?]  Prompt for Input  ...................   8- 8
            [%]  Set Input Parameter Directly  .......   8- 9
            [-]  ECHO OFF  ...........................   8-10
            [+]  ECHO ON  ............................   8-11

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page   vi
                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

            [*]  Remark  .............................   8-12
           [C]  Make a Calculation  .................   8-13
           [D]  Timed Delay  ........................   8-14
           [E]  Echo string to display  .............   8-15
           [I]  Include Menu Option  ................   8-16
           [M]  Multiple Execution  .................   8-17
           [P]  Pause for Keystroke  ................   8-18
           [W]  Display Input/Message Window  .......   8-19
           8.2.3   Command Termination Instructions  ..................   8-20
            [J]  Jump to Menu Option  ................   8-20
            [L]  Load SYSTEM MASTER and Jump  ........   8-21
            [X]  Load SYSTEM MASTER and Execute  .....   8-22
            [R]  Operate in Resident Mode  ...........   8-23
           8.2.4   Command Processing Instructions (continued)  .......   8-24
            [V]  Set System Variables  ...............   8-24

     SECTION 9  ... Building SYSTEM MASTER Menus

     9.1   Menu Design  ...............................................   9- 1
           9.1.1   The All-In-1 Approach  .............................   9- 1
           9.1.2   The Modular Approach  ..............................   9- 1
            Which Approach to Use  ...................   9- 1
     9.2   Menu Construction  .........................................   9- 2
           9.2.1   All-in-1 Approach  ................................    9- 2
            Defining Menu Options  ..................    9- 2
                      Simple Copy File Option  ....    9- 2
                      Advanced Copy File Option  ..    9- 3
           9.2.2   Modular Approach  .................................    9- 4
            Defining Menu Options  ..................    9- 4
                      Expert Copy File Option  ....    9- 4

     SECTION 10 ...SYSTEM MASTER Menu Design Examples

     10.1   Distribution Diskette Menus  ..............................  10- 1
            10.1.1  The BASE MENU  ....................................  10- 1
            10.1.2  The DOS Function MENU  ............................  10- 1
            DISK  ...................................  10- 1
            DIRECTORY  ..............................  10- 2
            FILE  ...................................  10- 3
            SYSTEM  .................................  10- 4
            10.1.3  Configuration Options Menu  .......................  10- 5
            COLORS  .................................  10- 5
            PALETTES  ...............................  10- 6
            SWITCHES  ...............................  10- 7
            SCRN_BLANK  .............................  10- 7
            ACCESS  .................................  10- 8
            10.1.4  Special Error Handling Options  ...................  10- 8
     10.2   Let's Design some practical Menu Options  .................  10- 9
            10.2.1   Move a File  .....................................  10- 9
             Writing the MOVE Command  ..............  10-10
            10.2.2   Executing Programs  ..............................  10-10

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  vii
                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

     APPENDIX A - SYSTEM MASTER System Command Summary  ...............   A- 1
     APPENDIX B - SYSTEM MASTER ColorSet Definitions  .................   B- 1
     APPENDIX C - SYSTEM MASTER ColorSet Attribute Definitions  .......   C- 1
     APPENDIX D - SYSTEM MASTER Default ColorSet/Attribute Settings  ..   D- 1
     APPENDIX E - SYSTEM MASTER Default Palette Register Settings  ....   E- 1
     APPENDIX F - SYSTEM MASTER System '[B]' Command KeyCodes  ........   F- 1

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  viii


     APPENDIX A - SYSTEM MASTER Command Summary

     System Timer Operations Instructions  ...................................

          [B] keycodes                  Define Timer Break-Out Sequence
          [T] hh:mm:ss                  Timer Op - Curr Day / Specified Time
          [T] hh:mm:ss mm/dd/yy         Timer Op - Specified Day & Time

     System Command Processing Instructions  .................................

          %string%                      System Variable Flag
          %n                            Input Parameter Flag
          #n                            Calculated Input Parameter Flag
          [!]                           Display an Empty Line in SM
          [!] n                         Display n Empty Lines in SM
          [!] string                    Display a message in SM
          [?] 0                         Clear Input Parameter Counter
          [?] s                         Input String w/o Prompt Message
          [?] n                         Input Integer w/o Prompt Message
          [?] r                         Input Real Number w/o Prompt Message
          [?] s string                  Input String w/ Prompt Message
          [?] n string                  Input Integer w/ Prompt Message
          [?] r string                  Input Real Number w/ Prompt Message
          [%] value                     Set Input Parameter Directly
          [-]                           Set DOS Echo OFF
          [+]                           Set DOS Echo ON
          [*] string                    Comment the Command Definition
          [C] n1  *,/,-,+  n2           Calculate an Input Parameter
          [D] n                         Delay n 1/10 ths of a Second
          [E] string                    Echo a String on DOS display
          [I] cell                      Include another menu option
          [M] n1 n2                     Multiple Execution of n1 lines n2 times
          [P]                           Pause for Keystroke
          [W]                           Open a Window in SM

     System Command Termination Instructions  ................................

          [J] cell                      Jump to Menu Option cell
          [L]                           Load SM and initialize structure
          [L] c                         Load SM and Jump to Calling Option
          [L] cell                      Load SM and Jump to Menu Option cell
          [X] cell                      Load SM and Execute Menu Option Cell
          [R] d parameters              Run DOS Command while SM is Resident
          [R] n command parameters      Run ANY Command while SM is Resident

     System Specific Instructions  ...........................................

          [V] t n                       Toggle SM system boolean var n
          [V] n n1 n2                   Set Numerical SM System var n1 to n2
          [V] s n1 s1                   Set String SM system var n1 to n2
          [V] p n1 n2                   Set Palette n1 to n2
          [V] c n1 n2 n3                Set Colorset n1, Attrib n2 to n3

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  A- 1
     APPENDIX B - SYSTEM MASTER ColorSet Definitions

          ColorSet #     ColorSet Description
          ----------     ------------------------------------------------

              01         Base Screen (Shaded Area)
              02         Header Block (Screen Lines 1..3)
              03         Footer Block (Screen Lines 24 & 25)
              04         Menu Bar (Pad Identifiers - Screen Line 2)
              05         Menu Box
              06         Button Menu Background
              07         Menu Selection Buttons
              08         Edit Windows
              09         Edit Menu Box
              10         Help Window
              11         Screen Blank Notice
              12         Time/Date Display
              13         System/Error Messages
              14         Operating Mode bar (Right SIde of Screen Line 1)
              15         Security Window
              16         Various Implementations

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  B- 1
     APPENDIX C - SYSTEM MASTER ColorSet Attribute Definitions

                   Attribute #     Attribute Description
                   -----------     -----------------------------

                        1          Normal Background Color
                        2          Normal Text Color
                        3          HiLite BackGround Color
                        4          HiLite Text Color
                        5          Message BackGround Color
                        6          Message Text Color
                        7          Border Background Color
                        8          Border Char Color
                        9          Title Background Color
                       10          Title Text Color
                       11          Shading Background Color
                       12          Shading Characher Color
                       13          Box Line Type
                       14          Shading Character Code
                       15          Drop Shadow On/Off
                       16          Window Edge On/Off

          * NOTE: The Attribute definitions shown above were implemented
                  to arrive at the color system data structure.  The actual
                  uses of the attributes may vary according to the colorset
                  used for any particular screen display item.

                  (See Appendix D for a chart of the utilized attributes
                   for each color set, and the value each had when this
                   version of SYSTEM MASTER was released.)

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  C- 1
     APPENDIX D - SYSTEM MASTER ColorSet/Attribute Default Settings

                                     A T T R I B U T E

                1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16

              --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
         1      6   7   7  15   6   8   -   -   6   8   0   7   - 178   -   -
              --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
         2      1   0   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
              --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
         3      1   0   -   -   -   -   -   -   1  11   -   -   -   -   -   -
              --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
         4      1  11   6   1   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
              --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
     C   5      6   0   1  15   -   -   6   0   -   -   -   -   2   -   1   1
              --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
     O   6      2  15   6   0   -   -   2  11   -   -   -   -   2   -   1   0
              --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
     L   7      1  15   6   0   -   -   2   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
              --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
     O   8      0   7   8  15   0  14   0   2   0   1   -   -   2   -   1   1
              --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
     R   9      4  15   6   4   -   -   4  12   -   -   -   -   2   -   1   1
              --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
     S  10      4  15   4  14   4  15   4   3   4   3   -   -   2   -   1   1
              --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
     E  11      -   -   -  11   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
              --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
     T  12      0   -   -  15   -   -   0   2   0  11   -   -   2   -   1   0
              --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
        13      4   -   -   -   4  15   4  15   -   -   -   -   2   -   1   1
              --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
        14      -   -   -  15   -   2   -   -   5   0   -   -   -   -   -   -
              --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
        15      0   7   -  11   -   -   0   2   -   -   -   -   1   -   1   1
              --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
        16      0   7   -  11   -   -   0   2   -   -   -   -   1   -   1   1
              --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

          *  An attribute setting of '-' above indicates that the attribute
             is not currently being utilized within SYSTEM MASTER.

          *  NOTE: The above settings are only valid for the color adapters.
                   Monochrome adapters utilize the same attributes, but the
                   setting values will not be similar.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  D- 1
     APPENDIX E - SYSTEM MASTER Palette Register Settings

                                            MASTER       IBM
                            Register        Standard     Standard
                            Number          Setting      Setting
                           ----------      ----------   ----------

                              0             00           00
                              1             57           01
                              2             11           02
                              3             39           03
                              4             04           04
                              5             62           05
                              6             63           20
                              7             07           07
                              8             56           56
                              9             09           57
                             10             58           58
                             11             31           59
                             12             60           60
                             13             44           61
                             14             62           62
                             15             63           63

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  E- 1
     APPENDIX F - SYSTEM MASTER  System '[B]' Command KeyCodes

          Key Desc       Key Code            Key Desc       Key Code
          --------       --------            --------       --------
            space          \032                  N            \078
              !            \033                  O            \079
              "            \034                  P            \080
              #            \035                  Q            \081
              $            \036                  R            \082
              %            \037                  S            \083
              &            \038                  T            \084
              '            \039                  U            \085
              (            \040                  V            \086
              )            \041                  W            \087
              *            \042                  X            \088
              +            \043                  Y            \089
              ,            \044                  Z            \090
              -            \045                  [            \091
              .            \046                  \            \092
              /            \047                  ]            \093
              0            \048                  ^            \094
              1            \049                  _            \095
              2            \050                  `            \096
              3            \051                  a            \097
              4            \052                  b            \098
              5            \053                  c            \099
              6            \054                  d            \100
              7            \055                  e            \101
              8            \056                  f            \102
              9            \057                  g            \103
              :            \058                  h            \104
              ;            \059                  i            \105
              <            \050                  j            \106
              =            \061                  k            \107
              >            \062                  l            \108
              ?            \063                  m            \109
              @            \064                  n            \110
              A            \065                  o            \111
              B            \066                  p            \112
              C            \067                  q            \113
              D            \068                  r            \114
              E            \069                  s            \115
              F            \060                  t            \116
              G            \071                  u            \117
              H            \072                  v            \118
              I            \073                  w            \119
              J            \074                  x            \120
              K            \075                  y            \121
              L            \076                  z            \122
              M            \077                  {            \123

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  F- 1
     APPENDIX F - SYSTEM MASTER  System '[B]' Command KeyCodes

          Key Desc       Key Code            Key Desc       Key Code
          --------       --------            --------       --------
              |            \124              DnArrow        \000\080
              }            \125              PageDown       \000\081
              ~            \126              Insert         \000\082
          ShiftTab       \000\015            Delete         \000\083
          Alt-Q          \000\016            ShiftF1        \000\084
          Alt-W          \000\017            ShiftF2        \000\085
          Alt-E          \000\018            ShiftF3        \000\086
          Alt-R          \000\019            ShiftF4        \000\087
          Alt-T          \000\020            ShiftF5        \000\088
          Alt-Y          \000\021            ShiftF6        \000\089
          Alt-U          \000\022            ShiftF7        \000\090
          Alt-I          \000\023            ShiftF8        \000\091
          Alt-O          \000\024            ShiftF9        \000\092
          Alt-P          \000\025            ShiftF10       \000\093
          Alt-A          \000\030            Ctrl-F1        \000\094
          Alt-S          \000\031            Ctrl-F2        \000\095
          Alt-D          \000\032            Ctrl-F3        \000\096
          Alt-F          \000\033            Ctrl-F4        \000\097
          Alt-G          \000\034            Ctrl-F5        \000\098
          Alt-H          \000\035            Ctrl-F6        \000\099
          Alt-J          \000\036            Ctrl-F7        \000\100
          Alt-K          \000\037            Ctrl-F8        \000\101
          Alt-L          \000\038            Ctrl-F9        \000\102
          Alt-Z          \000\044            Ctrl-F10       \000\103
          Alt-X          \000\045            Alt-F1         \000\104
          Alt-C          \000\046            Alt-F2         \000\105
          Alt-V          \000\047            Alt-F3         \000\106
          Alt-B          \000\048            Alt-F4         \000\107
          Alt-N          \000\049            Alt-F5         \000\108
          Alt-M          \000\050            Alt-F6         \000\109
          F1             \000\059            Alt-F7         \000\110
          F2             \000\060            Alt-F8         \000\111
          F3             \000\061            Alt-F9         \000\112
          F4             \000\062            Alt-F10        \000\113
          F5             \000\063            CtrlLfA        \000\114
          F6             \000\064            CtrlRtA        \000\115
          F7             \000\065            CtrlEnd        \000\116
          F8             \000\066            CtrlPgD        \000\117
          F9             \000\067            CtrlHom        \000\118
          F10            \000\068            Alt-Hyp        \000\130
          Home           \000\071            Alt-Equ        \000\131
          UpArrow        \000\072            CtrlPgU        \000\132
          Page Up        \000\073            Escape           \027
          LfArrow        \000\075            Carriage         \013
          RtArrow        \000\077            BackSpac         \008
          End            \000\079

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  F- 2


     SECTION 1   SYSTEM MASTER Introduction

     1.1   What is SYSTEM MASTER?

           SYSTEM MASTER is a Software Shell that will assist you in master-
           ing your day-to-day application accessing and data handling &
           collection chores very simply and very easily.

           The outright power of SYSTEM MASTER has been disguised within a
           beautifully structured user interface, which will allow even the
           most squeemish user to grasp the reigns of computing like an

     1.2   Using This Documentation

           This document describes the features and functions of SYSTEM MASTER
           You will not require a great deal of technical knowledge to under-
           stand and operate SYSTEM MASTER, although an understanding of the
           intricacies of DOS will allow you to take special advantage of the
           SYSTEM MASTER features.

     1.3   Hardware Requirements

           The SYSTEM MASTER shell is designed to operate with color as well
           as monochrome computer systems.  It has been tested and has been
           proven to operate effectively on the following systems:


           SYSTEM MASTER will operate on systems with 384K memory, but 512 or
           640K is desireable.  At the present time SYSTEM MASTER can not take
           advantage of Expanded or Extended memory directly.  Mouse support
           is available within SYSTEM MASTER, but is not required.

     1.4   Installing SYSTEM MASTER

           To install SYSTEM MASTER, execute the following steps as presented.

           1)  Make a Sub-Directory on your hard disk.  Call it SM.

               C:\> md c:\sm <ENTER>

           2)  Log the SM directory.

               C:\> cd\sm <ENTER>

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  1- 1
     SECTION 1   SYSTEM MASTER Introduction

           3)  Place the SYSTEM/DOCUMENTATION diskette in the appropriate
               diskette drive, and unpack the SM_PROG.ZIP, SM_MENU.ZIP and
               the SM_DOCS.ZIP files.

               C:\SM\> A:\PKUNZIP A:\SM_PROG <ENTER>
               C:\SM\> A:\PKUNZIP A:\SM_MENU <ENTER>
               C:\SM\> A:\PKUNZIP A:\SM_DOCS <ENTER>

           All of the necessary system and configuration files should now be
           operational.  Proceed to section 1.5 to start SYSTEM MASTER.

     1.5   Starting SYSTEM MASTER

           SYSTEM MASTER may only be run from within the directory in which
           it resides.  If you attempt to run the shell from outside the
           SYSTEM MASTER directory, necessary setup files will not be located
           and error messages will be displayed.


           You MUST use the following command to start SYSTEM MASTER:

           C:\SM\> sm <ENTER>

           The system will either work incorrectly or not at all if any of
           the other batch or exec files are run.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  1- 2


     SECTION 2   SYSTEM MASTER Features & Functions

     2.1   What can I do with SYSTEM MASTER?

           With SYSTEM MASTER, you can create menus that can range from very
           simple and direct to extremely sophisticated and functional:

           You can set SYSTEM MASTER to load and execute your frequently used
           application programs.

           You can set SYSTEM MASTER to perform DOS command tasks with the
           touch of a key or the click of a mouse.

           You can set SYSTEM MASTER to only respond when authorized users
           have given appropriate security responses.

           You can customize the SYSTEM MASTER shell, as well as create
           your own menuing schemes.

           You can set SYSTEM MASTER to perform predetermined tasks - at
           specific times throughout your day, without the need to even be
           at your computer system.

     2.2   SYSTEM MASTER Key Features

           SYSTEM MASTER boasts a magnificent collection of features and
           power tools which include:

              SYSTEM MASTER allows beginning or mid-range users unfamiliar
              with the DOS environment to get the most out of the operating
              system in a controlled and comfortable way.

              SYSTEM MASTER can prompt the user for the input required to
              execute command files properly and effectively.

              SYSTEM MASTER can execute command files with input parameters
              preset into a menu option (static variables) or can utilize
              free-form input parameter passing (dynamic variables) for the
              ultimate in menu shell flexibility.

              SYSTEM MASTER will allow you to chain menus and menu options
              thru a special Command Processor built into the shell.

              SYSTEM MASTER comes outfitted with a current maximum of 85,536
              menu options that can be set to perform a multitude of tasks.

              SYSTEM MASTER has password-controlled access to the sensitive
              functional areas within the shell.  Areas like the Command
              Editor, User Profiles, Menu Jumping, and DOS Environment are
              protected by minimum acess level requirements.

              SYSTEM MASTER provides for AccessCode-controlled access to
              specific menu selections, each able to have a unique AccessCode.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  2- 1
     SECTION 2   SYSTEM MASTER Features & Functions
     2.2   SYSTEM MASTER Key Features (continued)

              SYSTEM MASTER can also protect entire ranges of menu selections
              with AccessLevel controls which require users have an Access
              Level assigned to their user profile at least as high as the
              menu option selected.

              SYSTEM MASTER writes all command data into data files for
              added security.

              SYSTEM MASTER can execute menu selections by system Time & Date.

              SYSTEM MASTER normally removes itself from memory prior to the
              execution of menu option commands allowing maximum available
              memory to be available to applications.

              SYSTEM MASTER can be operated in resident mode which speeds up
              the return to SYSTEM MASTER after the execution of a command.

              SYSTEM MASTER provides on-line context-sensitive help at
              virtually every location within the shell.

              SYSTEM MASTER allows for easy modification of menu features
              such as screen colors, color palettes, system switches & screen
              display features.

              SYSTEM MASTER provides a screen blanking feature, to prevent
              imageburn, which replaces an inactive screen with a periodical-
              ly shifting user defined message.  Blanking interval is user
              selectable and the displayed blanking message is customizable.

              SYSTEM MASTER offers an on-line menu option editor which speeds
              up the menu option definition process dramatically.

              SYSTEM MASTER allows you to use your choice of the keyboard for
              moving around the shell or full mouse support coupled with the
              keyboard for accessing special areas.

              SYSTEM MASTER provides on-screen display of date and time.

              SYSTEM MASTER is written in assembler & Turbo Pascal and is not
              copy protected.

          Since SYSTEM MASTER was designed and written by a 'USER', it is a
          completely user oriented product. On-Line help screens and prompts
          walk you through every aspect of the package. A single keystroke
          (F1) will call up a Help window which will describe the item
          currently being accessed.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  2- 2


     SECTION 3   SYSTEM MASTER System Specifics

     3.1   SYSTEM MASTER Menu Structure

           The SYSTEM MASTER menu structure is extremely straight forward,
           but can become somewhat confusing to the novice user.

           The Menu Structure is Structured into what amounts to a
           4-dimensional array of menu options.  But don't let that scare
           you off.  Approximately 70% of your day-to-day operations will
           make use of only visible 2-dimensional structures. (i.e.  the
           6 menu boxes with 16 possible options in each).

           What Sets SYSTEM MASTER apart from the others is its ability
           to access any 1 of the 85536 defineable menu options with an
           absolute minimum of keystroking.  This is accomplished via the
           4-dimensional array structure which comprises SYSTEM MASTER.

           Let me define the 4 'dimensions' within the menu structure:

             Dimension 1 = The 16 possible menu options available within
                           a given menu box.

             Dimension 2 = The 6 possible menu boxes that can be utilized
                           within each SYSTEM MASTER menu.  (Each Menu Box
                           contains the 16 menu options from dimension 1).

             Dimension 3 = The 9 available menus that can be accessed thru
                           the Menu Select Function.  (Each Menu contains
                           the 96 menu options available in dimensions 1 & 2).

             Dimension 4 = The 99 available menu levels that are accessible
                           thru the Menu Select Function.  (Each Menu Level
                           contains 9 Menus with 96 Options within each to
                           comprise the 85,536 total available menu options).

     3.2   Menu Screen Layout

           The Standard Operating Mode Screen Display is the Screen
           which appears when you first load SYSTEM MASTER.

           Unless you are performing one of the SYSTEM MASTER
           functions, this is the display you will work in.

           At the top of the display (line #1),is the Title of the
           Currently active SYSTEM MASTER menu.  Following the Menu
           Title is a Code, which identifies the menu cell where the
           selection bar is currently located.  When SYSTEM MASTER
           is initially loaded, a location code of 'L01 M1 B1 O01' is
           displayed.  This code simply tells you that the selection
           bar is currently on 'L'evel '01', 'M'enu '1', 'B'ox '1',
           'O'ption '01'.  It's as simple as that.  As you move the
           Selection Bar you will notice that the location numbers

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  3- 1
     SECTION 3   SYSTEM MASTER System Specifics

           within that area change to reflect the current location.

           At the end of screen line #1, is the current operating mode.
           The current mode may be one of the following:

           '   MENU   ' - When this mode is displayed, you are able to
                          move around the SYSTEM MASTER shell and
                          select 'MENU' options to execute.  This mode
                          is always current after exiting all other
                          system function except the 'HELP' function.

           '   HELP   ' - Although quite obvious, due to the large
                          'HELP' screen displayed, this mode shows you
                          that you are in help mode.  When the F1 key
                          is pressed this mode becomes active.

           '   EDIT   ' - When this mode is displayed, you are in the
                          Menu Option 'EDIT'or.  Here, you can change
                          add, or delete menu options from the shell.
                          When the F2 key is pressed while in 'MENU'
                          mode, this function is available.

           '   USER   ' - When this mode is displayed, you are in the
                          'USER' Profile Editor.  Here, you can change
                          add, or delete user profiles from the shell.
                          When the F3 key is pressed while in 'MENU'
                          mode, this function is available.

           '  LogON   ' - When this mode is displayed, you are prompted
                          to input your System LogON Password.

           '   JUMP   ' - When this mode is displayed, you are prompted
                          to input a menu cell coordinate.  When a cell
                          coordinate has been input SYSTEM MASTER makes
                          a 'Quick JUMP' directly to the specified cell.

           '   TOOL   ' - When this mode is displayed, you are able
                          to use a collection of SYSTEM MASTER special

           '   TIME   ' - When this mode is displayed, you are able to
                          view a Clock which displays the current system
                          Time & Date.

           '  SELECT  ' - When this mode is displayed, you are able
                          to 'SELECT' a different Menu of Menu Level.
                          When the F10 key is pressed while in 'MENU'
                          mode this function is available.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  3- 2
     SECTION 3   SYSTEM MASTER System Specifics

           On the second line of the menu display is a group of 6
           menu 'Pads'.  These 'Pads' are the headers to Menu Boxes
           which may be defined under them.

           On the left side on the 4th screen line is displayed the
           name of the currently LOGged User.  All security access
           levels are checked against the currently logged user's
           'User Profile'.

           On the right side on the 4th screen line is the Serial
           Number of the Program.

           On the 23rd screen line, 3rd from the bottom of the display,
           is an area which may be optionally defined to display a
           message describing the currently hilited menu option.  This
           message is defined within the 'Menu Option Editor' which
           is accessible using the F2 key.

           The bottom screen line contains a summary of valid function
           keys which cause the system to switch operating modes.  This
           list changes depending upon which system function you are
           currently accessing.

     3.3   SYSTEM MASTER Menu Access

           3.3.1     Accessing Menu Options

                     Accessing menu options is as easy as:

                     1) Sliding the mouse from side-to-side to select a menu
                        'Pad' then up-and-down to HiLite a menu option.  Once
                        the option is HiLited, it may be 'Selected' by either
                        pressing the left mouse button or by pressing the
                        'Enter' key on the keyboard.

                                  - or -

                     2) Using the 'Arrow' keys to move up-and-down & from
                        side-to-side to HiLite a menu option, then pressing the
                        'Enter' key or Clicking the left mouse button.

           3.3.2   Accessing Menus

                   There are 4 distict methods for accessing menus:

                   1)  Program a menu option with a '[J] nnnnnn' command to
                       perform the jump when the option is selected.  (This
                       method is primarily used for nesting of menus).

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  3- 3
     SECTION 3   SYSTEM MASTER System Specifics

                   2)  While in 'MENU' mode, press the F7 key.  An input box
                       is displayed, and you are prompted to input a menu
                       option cell coordinate.  If the coordinate is within
                       the unsecured menu area,  jump immediately occurs.
                   3)  While in 'MENU' mode, press the F10 key.  This puts
                       SYSTEM MASTER into 'SELECT' mode.  You can move around
                       the menu shell by using the Up/Down Arrow keys, and
                       the PgUp/PgDn keys.  Press the <ENTER> key to enter
                       the selected menu, press the <ESC> key to return to the
                       original menu location.
                   4)  While in 'MENU' mode, pressing the PgUp/PgDn keys will
                       move you into the next highest/lowest menu.  As long as
                       the menu to be accessed is unsecured, the move is

           3.3.3   Accessing Menu Levels

                   There are up to 99 Menu Levels accessible within SYSTEM
                   MASTER.  The actual number of accessible levels is user
                   defineable thru the SYSTEM MASTER Customization Options.

                   SYSTEM MASTER is distributed with all 99 menu levels
                   directly accessible.  To limit the number of accessible
                   menu levels select the 'SYSTEM MASTER Customization'
                   menu option from the initially loaded menu.  Next, move
                   the selection bar to the 'SETTINGS' menu pad and select
                   the 'Menu Level Access' option.  When the input box
                   appears, input the number of menu levels that users may
                   directly access/browse.  (range 1..99).

                   This Limiting of access allows you to secure more
                   sensitive items within menus that only you or a [J] menu
                   jump can access.

                   There are 3 distict methods for accessing menus:

                   1)  Program a menu option with a '[J] nnnnnn' command to
                       perform the jump when the option is selected.  (This
                       method is primarily used for nesting of menus).
                   2)  While in 'MENU' mode, press the F7 key.  An input box
                       is displayed, and you are prompted to input a menu
                       option cell coordinate.  If the coordinate is within
                       the unsecured menu area,  jump immediately occurs.
                   3)  While in 'MENU' mode, press the F10 key.  This puts
                       SYSTEM MASTER into 'SELECT' mode.  You can move around
                       the menu shell by using the Up/Down Arrow keys, and
                       the PgUp/PgDn keys.  Press the <ENTER> key to enter
                       the selected menu, press the <ESC> key to return to the
                       original menu location.

     3.4   Accessing SYSTEM MASTER Functions

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  3- 4
     SECTION 3   SYSTEM MASTER System Specifics

           3.4.1   F1  - Context Sensitive Help

                   Context Sensitive Help is available within
                   SYSTEM MASTER at virtually every phase of input
                   or operation.  When the 'F1' key is pressed a
                   help screen which explains the current opera-
                   tion is displayed for the user.

           3.4.2   F2  - Menu Option Editor

                   The SYSTEM MASTER Menu Option Editor allows
                   you to fully customize each of the 85,536 menu
                   options available within the shell.

                   (See Section 4 for a complete discussion of
                    the Menu Option Editor).

                   Access to the Option Editor may be Secured
                   by setting the Option Editor minimum Access Level
                   to 99 from within the SYSTEM MASTER Customization

                   Menu Option.

           3.4.3   F3  - User Profile Editor

                   The User Profile Editor allows you to assign a
                   level of accessibility to all persons using the
                   SYSTEM MASTER shell.  This Level of Accessibility
                   allows you to develop a menu shell that will
                   allow only those users with an AccessLevel equal
                   to or greater than a pre-determined setting
                   to select and use any given menu option.

                   For Example, Joe Smith has been assigned an Access
                   Level of 60.  If there are menu options that Joe
                   should NOT have access to those menu options can
                   be defined to allow access only to individuals
                   that 1) know the password & 2) have an access
                   level equal to or greater than the one defined
                   within the menu option.  So, to keep Joe out of
                   a sensitive menu option, assign a menu level
                   larger than 60 to the menu option.  Anyone who
                   may access that option must be assigned an access
                   level at least as great as the one defined into
                   the menu option.

                   Access to the User Profile Editor may be Secured
                   by setting the User Profile Editor minimum Access
                   Level to 99 from within the SYSTEM MASTER Custom-
                   ization Menu Option.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  3- 5
     SECTION 3   SYSTEM MASTER System Specifics

           3.4.4   F4  - Logging ON to SYSTEM MASTER

                   If security is ACTIVE, you will not be able to access
                   menu options without the proper user security levels,
                   and password.  Press F4 to display a password input box.
                   Input your personal password, and proceed.

           3.4.5   F5  - Logging OFF of SYSTEM MASTER

                   To remove your user profile as the current system user,
                   press the F5 key, and the system reverts to boot status.

           3.4.6   F6  - Command Line DOS Command Processor

                   It may, at some time be necessary to perform DOS
                   commands without having them predefined within the
                   SYSTEM MASTER shell.

                   If You press the F6 key while in menu mode, you will
                   be immediately returned to DOS.  You can then perform
                   any DOS command or function as you normally would in DOS.
                   To return to SYSTEM MASTER, type 'EXIT' and press the
                   ENTER key.  SYSTEM MASTER will resume it's function.

           3.4.7   F7  - Quick Jump Menu Option Accessing

                   During the menu design process it will undoubtedly
                   become necessary to quickly move from menu-to-menu and
                   from level-to-level within the menu structure.

                   If You press the F7 key while in menu mode, a window
                   will appear and you will be prompted for the coordi-
                   nates of the menu cell you wish to 'J'ump into.  The
                   menu cell coordinates are structured as a 6 digit
                   integer string (positions 1&2 specify the menu level -
                   position 3 specifies the menu number - position 4
                   specifies the menu box number - positions 5&6 specify
                   the menu option number).

           3.4.8   F8  - Special SYSTEM MASTER functions

                   Pressing the F8 key while in 'MENU' mode causes a
                   menu to be displayed containg SYSTEM MASTER special

                   These SYSTEM MASTER 'Special' Functions are only avail-
                   able with the Registered Version of the SYSTEM MASTER

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     SECTION 3   SYSTEM MASTER System Specifics

           3.4.9   F9  - Display Time/Data Toggle

                   Pressing the F9 key while in 'MENU' mode displays a
                   clock which contains the current time & date.  The clock
                   remains the current process until the F9 key is pressed
                   again, and the clock is erased.

           3.4.10  F10 - Browse thru menu structure

                   See Items 3.3.2 & 3.3.3 above for the F10 function

           3.4.11  <ESC> Exiting to DOS

                   Pressing the <ESC> key Exits SYSTEM MASTER and return
                   to the DOS operating system.

                   The access to DOS may be limited to specified users.
                   Limitations are set in the configuration menu supplied
                   with SYSTEM MASTER.

           3.4.12  PgUp - Jump to the Next Highest Menu Level

                   See Items 3.3.2 & 3.3.3 above for the PgUp function

           3.4.13  PgDn - Jump to the Next Lowest Menu Level

                   See Items 3.3.2 & 3.3.3 above for the PgDn function

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     System Master 3.1                                              Page  3- 7


     SECTION 4   SYSTEM MASTER Command Editor

     The SYSTEM MASTER Command Editor is the system function that will
     assist you in harnessing the power of SYSTEM MASTER.  It will allow
     you to build the ultimate power base for your computing needs thru
     a multitude of editing features & shortcuts built into the Command

     4.1   Accessing the Command Editor

           The SYSTEM MASTER Security system is distributed inactive.
           If the Security System has been activated from the configuration
           menu, continue by reading the following:

           To access the Command Editor, you MUST Log onto SYSTEM MASTER
           by pressing the F4 key and entering your system password.

           After 'Logging' on to SYSTEM MASTER, you will be able to access
           the Command Editor by pressing the F2 key.

           Since the Command Editor is protected by access-level checks
           failure to LogOn, or modify the 'minimum access level system
           variable will cause SYSTEM MASTER to reject your request to
           access the editor.

           (See section 2 for Security Access Level discussion)
           (See section 7 for System Variable modifications)

     4.2   The Command Editor and the Keyboard

           When you are inside the Command Editor you will have access
           to various 'special' keys that were implemented to make
           command editing easier and quicker.


           4.2.1   LeftArrow

                   The LeftArrow key, if the current cursor position
                   is greater than position 1 of the current input
                   field, moves the cursor to the left 1 position.

           4.2.2   RightArrow

                   The RightArrow key, if the current cursor position

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     SECTION 4   SYSTEM MASTER Command Editor

                   is less than the length of the current input field
                   moves the cursor to the right 1 position.

           4.2.3   Home

                   The Home key moves the cursor to position 1 of
                   the input field.

           4.2.4   End

                   The End key moves the cursor to 1 position past
                   the end of the currently displayed character

           4.2.5   Del

                   The Del key deletes the character at the cursor
                   position and slides the balance of the string
                   to the right of the cursor to the left 1 position
                   to take the place of the deleted character.

           4.2.6   Tab

                   The Tab key, if the current cursor position
                   is less than the length of the current input field
                   moves the cursor to the right 5 positions.

           4.2.7   F8

                   The F8 key, is used while editing field data to
                   clear text from the cursor position to the end of
                   the current line.

           4.2.8   BackSpace

                   The BackSpace key, is used to delete the character
                   to the left of the cursor.  All characters under and to
                   the right of the cursor are shifted left 1 space.

     4.3   ADDing a menu option to SYSTEM MASTER

           To ADD a menu option, we mean ADD a completely new menu
           option to the shell.

           To ADD a menu option, you must first find the place within
           the shell you want the menu option to be displayed.

           The location can be virtually anywhere within the shell
           with 1 exception.  To allow the menu boxes to expand
           dynamically as options are added, the ADD command appends
           new options to the end of an existing menu box, or creates

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     SECTION 4   SYSTEM MASTER Command Editor

           a new menu box if the menu box does not yet exist.

           So, to ADD a menu option to SYSTEM MASTER, you only need to
           locate a menu level, a menu and a menu box for the definition
           to be located in.

           After a menu location has been selected and the selection
           bar has been located within that menu box, or on the menu
           pad where a new box will be placed, you need to press the
           'F2' key.

           You now have a list of 11 editing options from which to
           choose.  Move the selection bar so that the 'Add Menu Option'
           line is hilited, and either press the <ENTER> key or click
           the left mouse button once, and an editing box will appear.
           Go to sub-section 4.14 for further information.

     4.4   EDITing a menu option in SYSTEM MASTER

           To EDIT a menu option, we mean EDIT an existing menu
           option in the shell.

           To EDIT a menu option, you must first find the location of
           the menu option to be edited and place the selection bar
           on that menu option.

           After the menu option to be edited has been located and the
           selection bar has been located on that menu option, you need
           to press the 'F2' key.

           You now have a list of 11 editing options from which to
           choose.  Move the selection bar so that the 'Edit Menu
           Option' line is hilited, and either press the <ENTER> key
           or click the left mouse button once, and an editing box will
           appear.  Go to sub-section 4.14 for further information.

     4.5   INSERTing a menu option into SYSTEM MASTER

           To INSERT a menu option, we mean INSERT a new menu
           option into a specific location within a menu box.

           To INSERT a menu option, you must first find the place within
           the shell you want the menu option to be displayed.  The
           location can be virtually anywhere within the shell with 1
           exception.  Since the menu boxes expand dynamically, you can
           INSERT a menu option only within a previously defined
           menu box.

           After the menu option to be inserted has been located and
           the selection bar has been located on that menu option,
           you need to press the 'F2' key.

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     SECTION 4   SYSTEM MASTER Command Editor

           You now have a list of 11 editing options from which to
           choose.  Move the selection bar so that the 'Insert Menu
           Option' line is hilited, and either press the <ENTER> key
           or click the left mouse button once.  When the INSERT
           option is selected, the menu box is enlarged by 1 line and
           the option at the current location, as well as any options
           below that one on the menu box, are shifted down 1 line,
           and an editing box will appear. Go to sub-section 4.14
           for further information.

     4.6   DELETEing a menu option from SYSTEM MASTER

           To DELETE a menu option, we mean DELETE a menu option from the
           from the shell without writing its contents to the option buffer.

           To DELETE a menu option, you must first locate the option
           you wish to delete from the shell and place the selection
           bar over it.

           After the menu option to be deleted has been located and the
           selection bar has been located on that menu option, you need
           to press the 'F2' key.

           You now have a list of 11 editing options from which to
           choose.  Move the selection bar so that the 'Delete Menu
           Option' line is hilited, and either press the <ENTER> key
           or click the left mouse button once.  When the DELETE
           option is selected, the menu option is immediately deleted
           and all options below the deleted option are shifted up
           one line and the menu box is made 1 line smaller.

           No field editing is involved with this option.

     4.7   CUTting a menu option from SYSTEM MASTER

           To CUT a menu option, we mean CUT a menu option from
           the shell and save contents to the option buffer.

           To CUT a menu option, you must first locate the option
           you wish to cut from the shell and place the selection
           bar over it.

           After the menu option to be cut has been located and the
           selection bar has been located on that menu option, you need
           to press the 'F2' key.

           You now have a list of 11 editing options from which to
           choose.  Move the selection bar so that the 'Cut Menu
           Option' line is hilited, and either press the <ENTER> key
           or click the left mouse button once.  When the CUT
           option is selected, the menu option is immediately deleted

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     SECTION 4   SYSTEM MASTER Command Editor

           and all options below the deleted option are shifted up
           one line and the menu box is made 1 line smaller.  The
           contents of the menu option are written to the option buffer
           and made available for 'PASTING'.

           No field editing is involved with this option.

     4.8   COPYing a menu option in SYSTEM MASTER

           To COPY a menu option, we mean COPY the contents of a menu
           option from the shell and save contents to the option buffer.

           To COPY a menu option, you must first locate the option
           you wish to cut from the shell and place the selection
           bar over it.

           After the menu option to be copied has been located and the
           selection bar has been located on that menu option, you need
           to press the 'F2' key.

           You now have a list of 11 editing options from which to
           choose.  Move the selection bar so that the 'Copy Menu
           Option' line is hilited, and either press the <ENTER> key
           or click the left mouse button once.  When the COPY
           option is selected, the contents of menu option are
           copied to the option buffer with out any screen updates
           taking place.  The contents of the menu option are written
           to the option buffer and made available for 'PASTING'.

           No field editing is involved with this option.

     4.9   PASTEing a menu option into SYSTEM MASTER

           To PASTE a menu option, we mean PASTE the contents of the
           option buffer into the shell.

           To PASTE a menu option, you must first find the place within
           the shell you want the menu option to be displayed.  The
           location can be virtually anywhere within the shell with 1
           exception.  The paste menu item option, when utilized, places
           the Pasted item at the cursor location, and pushes the current
           item at the cursor plus all other items below it in the menu
           down 1 line.  Therefore, you can not paste an item to the end
           of a menu box listing.

           After the menu option to be inserted has been located and
           the selection bar has been located at that location,
           you need to press the 'F2' key.

           You now have a list of 11 editing options from which to
           choose.  Move the selection bar so that the 'Paste Menu

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     SECTION 4   SYSTEM MASTER Command Editor

           Option' line is hilited, and either press the <ENTER> key
           or click the left mouse button once.  When the PASTE

           option is selected, the menu box is enlarged by 1 line and
           the option at the current location, as well as any options
           below that one in the menu box, are shifted down 1 line.

           No field editing is involved with this option.

     4.10  DELETEing a menu box from SYSTEM MASTER

           To DELETE a menu box, we mean DELETE all menu options within
           a menu box from the shell without writing their contents to
           the menubox buffer.

           To DELETE a menu box, you must first locate the menu box you
           wish to delete from the shell and place the selection bar
           anywhere within it.

           After the menu box to be deleted has been located and the
           selection bar has been located in that menu box, you need
           to press the 'F2' key.

           You now have a list of 11 editing options from which to
           choose.  Move the selection bar so that the 'Delete Menu
           Box' line is hilited, and either press the <ENTER> key
           or click the left mouse button once.  When the DELETE
           option is selected, the menu box and all related menu
           options are immediately deleted from the shell.

           No field editing is involved with this option.

     4.11  CUTting a menu box from SYSTEM MASTER

           To CUT a menu box, we mean CUT all menu options within
           a menu box from the shell and write them to the menubox

           To CUT a menu box, you must first locate the menu box you
           wish to cut from the shell and place the selection bar
           anywhere within it.

           After the menu box to be cut has been located and the
           selection bar has been located in that menu box, you need
           to press the 'F2' key.

           You now have a list of 11 editing options from which to
           choose.  Move the selection bar so that the 'Cut Menu
           Box' line is hilited, and either press the <ENTER> key
           or click the left mouse button once.  When the CUT
           option is selected, the menu box and all related menu

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     SECTION 4   SYSTEM MASTER Command Editor

           options are immediately deleted from the shell and are
           written to the menubox buffer for 'PASTEing'.

           No field editing is involved with this option.

     4.12  COPYing a menu box in SYSTEM MASTER

           To COPY a menu box, we mean COPY all menu options of a
           menu box from the shell and save them to the menubox buffer.

           To COPY a menu box, you must first locate the menu box you
           wish to copy in the shell and place the selection bar
           anywhere with that menu box.

           After the menu box to be copied has been located and the
           selection bar has been located in that menu box, you need
           to press the 'F2' key.

           You now have a list of 11 editing options from which to
           choose.  Move the selection bar so that the 'Copy Menu
           Box' line is hilited, and either press the <ENTER> key
           or click the left mouse button once.  When the COPY
           option is selected, the contents of the menu box and all
           related menu options are immediately copied into the menubox
           buffer for 'PASTEing'.

           No field editing is involved with this option.

     4.13  PASTEing a menu box into SYSTEM MASTER

           To PASTE a menu option, we mean PASTE the contents of the
           menubox buffer into the shell.

           To PASTE a menu box, you must first find the place within
           the shell you want the menu option to be pasted.  The
           location can be anywhere within the shell.

           After the selection bar has been placed on the menu pad that
           the menu box will be pasted, press the 'F2' key.

           You now have a list of 11 editing options from which to
           choose.  Move the selection bar so that the 'Paste Menu
           Box' line is hilited, and either press the <ENTER> key
           or click the left mouse button once.  When the PASTE
           option is selected, the contents of the menubox buffer are
           copied to the menu location targeted.

           NOTE: if a menu box already appears at the paste location,
                 it will be overwritten by the pasted menu box.

           No field editing is involved with this option.

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     SECTION 4   SYSTEM MASTER Command Editor

     4.14  Command Editor Input Fields:

           Menu Title Input Field
           Button Text Input Field
           Pad Text Input Field
           Option Text Input Field
           Informative Text Input Field
           SecurityLevel Input Field
           AccessCode Input Field
           Command Input Section (19 Input Fields)

           4.14.1  Menu Title Input Field

                   The Menu Title Input Field, is the Title you see displayed
                   at the top of the SYSTEM MASTER screen.
                   If there is a value displayed next to the input
                   prompt, you will probably wish to leave it alone
                   for the following reason.  The 'Menu Title' as
                   displayed here can be edited from any of the 96
                   possible menu options within any given menu.
                   Changing the Menu Title for 1 option changes it for
                   all of the options within the current menu.

                   The Menu Title field is 51 characters long.

                   To leave the value as is, just press the <ENTER> key.

           4.14.2  Button Text Input Field

                   The Button Text Input Field, is an abbreviated 'Menu Title'
                   which appears in the menu selection area that you see when
                   you press the F10 key while in MENU mode.

                   If there is a value displayed next to the input
                   prompt, you will probably wish to leave it alone
                   for the following reason.  The 'Menu Title' as
                   displayed here can be edited from any of the 96
                   possible menu options within any given menu.
                   Changing the Button Text for 1 option changes it for
                   all of the options within the current menu.

                   The Button Text field is 12 characters long.

                   To leave the value as is, just press the <ENTER> key.

           4.14.3  Pad Text Input Field

                   The Pad Text Input Field, is the 'Menu Box Title'
                   which appears at the top of each menu box position
                   on SYSTEM MASTER screen.

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     SECTION 4   SYSTEM MASTER Command Editor

                   If there is a value displayed next to the input
                   prompt, you will probably wish to leave it alone
                   for the following reason.  The 'Menu Box Title'
                   as displayed here can be edited from any of the 16
                   possible menu options within the given menu box.
                   Changing the Pad Text for 1 option changes it for
                   all of the options within the current menu box.

                   The Pad Text field is 10 characters long.

                   To leave the value as is, just press the <ENTER>

           4.14.4  OptionText Input Field

                   The OptionText Input Field, is the text that will
                   appear in the displayed menu box.

                   When Adding a Menu Option, there will be no value
                   displayed.  If EDITing, the current option text
                   string will be displayed for modification.
                   If this field is left blank, SYSTEM MASTER
                   displays what appears to be an empty option,
                   although it is a valid option and any command
                   instructions will be processed as usual.

                   The OptionText field is 24 characters long.

                   To leave the value as is, just press the <ENTER> key.

           4.14.5  Informative Text Input Field

                   The Informative Text input field is the message
                   that is displayed on line 23 of your monitor when
                   the hilite bar passes over the corresponding menu

                   The Informative Text message allows you to attach
                   a little longer description of the function of the
                   menu option.

                   The Informative Text input field is optional and
                   can be skipped by pressing the <ENTER> key at the
                   empty prompt.

                   The Informative Text field is 60 characters long.

           4.14.6  SecurityLevel Input Field

                   The SecurityLevel input field is the minimum

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     SECTION 4   SYSTEM MASTER Command Editor

                   access level required of any user to access this
                   menu option.

                   If the current user has an access level equal to
                   or greater than the value input at this input
                   prompt, access to the option will be granted.

                   If the current user does not have an access level
                   greater than or equal to the 'SecurityLevel' field
                   access to the option will be denied.

                   The input SecurityLevel must be within the range
                   of 0..99.

           4.14.7  AccessCode Input Field
                   In addition to the SecurityLevel field, which is
                   checked against the access level of the current
                   user, the AccessCode, if assigned, adds a bit more
                   security to a menu option by requiring the user
                   to input an AccessCode at run-time that MUST match
                   this value exactly, or access will be denied.

                   The AccessCode checks are case sensitive so if you
                   mix upper & lower case characters within this field
                   the same combination of upper & lower case
                   characters must be entered by the user to gain

                   The AccessCode input field is optional and can be
                   skipped by pressing the <ENTER> key at the empty
                   prompt.  If this value is skipped, no access code
                   inquiry will be executed when the menu option is

                   The AccessCode field is 6 characters long.

           4.14.8  Command Input Section (19 Input Fields)

                   When you enter the Command Input Section of the
                   Command Editor, a second input window is displayed,
                   and you are prompted to input command descriptions.

                   The displayed window has 19 input positions (fields)
                   which are available for command input descriptions.

                   You will need to refer to sections 5, 6 & 7 for actual
                   DOS, Batch and SYSTEM MASTER commands appropriate to
                   this area of the menu description.

                   When the Command Input Section Window is displayed
                   a whole new set of editing features becomes

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     SECTION 4   SYSTEM MASTER Command Editor

                   available to you.  Along the bottom of the display
                   are 5 command editor 'special' keys.

                   F2  Insert
                   F3  Delete
                   F4  Cut
                   F5  Copy
                   F6  Paste
                   F8  Clear EOL
                   F10 Select

           F2  Insert

                             The F2 keys tells the Command editor to
                             insert a blank line at the cursor for
                             the insertion of a command.

           F3  Delete

                             The F3 key tells the Command Editor to
                             delete the command at the cursor and
                             move the remaining commands up one

           F4  Cut

                             The F4 key tells the Command Editor to
                             delete the command at the cursor, but
                             retain its contents in a buffer, and move
                             the remaining commands up one position.

           F5  Copy

                             The F5 key tells the Command editor to
                             copy the command at the cursor into the
                             command buffer for future paste operation

           F6  Paste

                             The F6 key tells the Command Editor to
                             insert the contents of the command buffer
                             at the current command line.  The command
                             at the current command line, as well as
                             all suceeding commands are moved down 1
                             command line.

           F8  Clear EOL

                             The F8 key, when pressed, clears all charac-
                             ters from the cursor location to the end
                             of the current line.

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     SECTION 4   SYSTEM MASTER Command Editor

           F10  Select

                             The F10 key invokes another extra special
                             SYSTEM MASTER feature...   The Command
                             Selection Assist Section.  The 'Selection
                             Assist' allows you to select, from dynamic
                             menus, virtually all of the items that can
                             be written into a SYSTEM MASTER command set.
                             There are 8 Select Options available thru
                             the Selection Assist menu:

                     Select Drive

                                         The Select Drive Assist provides
                                         you with a list of disk drive letters
                                         from which to make a selection.
                                         When a drive has been selected the
                                         corresponding text string is written
                                         to the input command line.

                     Select Path

                                         The Select Path Assist provides you
                                         with a list of valid path names that
                                         correspond to the drive selected
                                         in the 'Select Drive' Assist option.
                                         The innitial drive used is C: and is
                                         the current drive until the 'Select
                                         Drive' assist is selected.

                     Select Program

                                         The Select Program Assist provides
                                         you with a list of disk files which
                                         are executable. (.EXE  .COM  .BAT).
                                         The Select Drive and Select Path
                                         options determine which files are
                                         displayed within the selection window.

                     Select File

                                         The Select File Assist provides you
                                         with a list of valid disk files.
                                         The list of displayed files includes
                                         all files within the specified direc-
                                         tory except System files, volume
                                         labels and directories.

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     SECTION 4   SYSTEM MASTER Command Editor

                     Select SYSTEM MASTER command

                                         The Select SM command Assist displays
                                         a list of valid SYSTEM MASTER com-
                                         mands that may be selected from the
                                         menu and put into the command input
                                         work area.

                     Select DOS command

                                         The Select DOS Command Assist dis-
                                         plays a list of DOS commands that
                                         are valid with version 3.3 DOS.
                                         These commands can be selected from
                                         the menu and inserted directly into
                                         the command input work area.

                     Select Batch Command

                                         The Select Batch Command Assist dis-
                                         plays a list of Batch commands that
                                         are valid with version 3.3 DOS.
                                         These commands can be selected from
                                         the menu and inserted directly into
                                         the command input work area.

                     Select Menu Cell

                                         The Select Menu Cell Option is not
                                         yet installed in this version of
                                         SYSTEM MASTER.  When available it
                                         will allow you to move around the
                                         SYSTEM MASTER shell to select the
                                         command parameter required for the
                                         SYSTEM MASTER 'I', 'J', 'L', & 'X'
                                         commands (i.e.  011101).

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     SECTION 5   SYSTEM MASTER Tri-Level Security System

     5.1    Security System Overview

            The SYSTEM MASTER Tri-Level Security System will provide you with
            a fine array of System Security configuration possibilities.  The
            Tri-Level approach forces unauthorized users to defeat 3 levels
            of security to gain access to your system(s).

            You will first begin to create a secure environment by creating
            a 'User Profile' for each person who will have authorized access
            to your system. (See section 5.2 for details concerning the User
            Profile Editor).

            5.1.1   Level 1 - Personal Passwords

                    Within the User Profile record there is a 6 character
                    field for the entry of a Password.  The Password may be
                    from 1 to 6 characters in length.  (A nul password will
                    not be recognized at run-time).  This password should
                    be unique because it allows SYSTEM MASTER to recognize the
                    user on a first name basis.  It also reads the user's
                    'Access Level' and allows or denies access to specific
                    menu options base partly on the Access Level criteria.

            5.1.2   Level 2 - User Access Level

                    Within the User Profile record there is a byte field
                    for the Entry of a User Access Level.  The Access Level
                    value is read from the User Profile record at run-time
                    and allows or denies access to specific menu options
                    base partly on this criteria.  The User's Access Level may
                    be within a range of 0 to 99.  (0 = Access only to unpro-
                    tected options / 99 = Access to all options).

            5.1.3   Level 3 - Menu Option Access Code

                    Within each menu option definition record there is a 6
                    character field which completes the Tri-Level Security
                    system.  This Access Code, is used to further limit
                    access to menu options to only those individuals who
                    have satisfied the requirements of Security Levels 1 & 2
                    and who also know the 4 character code written into the
                    menu option record.

            For Example:

               Joe Smith has been given an access level of 60, and a password
               of JOES.  Upon entry to SYSTEM MASTER he MUST provide his
               password in order to access any of the menu options.  Assuming
               the proper password was entered, Joe may select a menu option.
               When Joe selects an option, the system compares Joe's access
               level to the minimum access level acceptable for anyone trying

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     SECTION 5   SYSTEM MASTER Tri-Level Security System

               to access that option.  Assuming that Joe has an access code
               that is equal to or greater than the specified minimum, the
               system checks to see if the menu option requires that a
               access code be entered.  If access code IS required a box
               appears on the CRT and Joe is prompted to input the access
               code for the selected option.  If, and ONLY if, the proper
               access code is entered by the user, the menu option is
               executed according to the guidelines written into the
               option's command definition record.

            If at any time an improper password or improper access code
            are entered, or the Joe's access level is not sufficient,
            a three pulse error beep is emitted, and processing returns
            to the option menu.

     5.2    User Profile Editor

            The User Profile Editor is the heart of the Tri-Level Security
            approach.  Initial security checks utilize the information
            within the user profile record to verify access to the system,
            as well as to menu options within the system.

            Access to the User Profile Editor may be limited from within
            the SYSTEM MASTER Customization menu.  To Limit access to the
            editor, you should set the minimum access level for access to
            the editor to 99.  Then, be sure that only the custodian of
            the system (yourself) has an access level of 99 in his/her user

            5.1.2   The User Profile Record

                    The User Profile Record consists of 12 data fields that
                    gather statistics about a user.  Only 3 of those fields
                    are currently used by the system, however.  The 'Name'
                    field, the 'Password' field and the 'AccLevel' field.
                    The other 9 fields will be utilized in future releases
                    of SYSTEM MASTER and can be completed if you desire.

                    A brief description of all 12 of the data fields follows:

             'Name'  This field holds the
                              full name of the user being given
                              access to this system.

                              Field length is 30 chars.

             'Title' This field holds the
                              title of the user being given access
                              to this system.

                              Field length is 16 chars.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  5- 2
     SECTION 5   SYSTEM MASTER Tri-Level Security System

             'Addr' This field holds the mailing
                              address of the user being given access
                              to this system.

                              Field length is 30 chars.

             '    ' This field is an extension of
                              the 'addr' field.

                              Field length is 30 chars.

             'City' This field holds the city of
                              residence of the user being given
                              access to this system.

                              Field length is 20 chars.

             'State' This field holds the state of
                              residence of the user being given
                              access to this system.
                              Field length is 2 chars.

             'ZipCode' This field holds the 10
                              digit zip code for the user being
                              given access to this system.

                              Field length is 10 chars.

             'Phone' This field holds the area code
                                + local phone number of the user
                                being given access to this system.

             'Ext' This field is the Phone exten-
                              at which this user can be reached.

                              Field length is 4 chars.

            'Employee' This field holds the
                              employee number of the user being
                              given access to this system.

                              Field length is 12 chars.

            'PassWord' This field is the key
                              word/phrase that this user MUST use
                              to LogOn to this system.  This field
                              triggers the search for the current
                              user & the search for the maximum
                              access level available to this user.

                              Field length is 6 chars.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  5- 3
     SECTION 5   SYSTEM MASTER Tri-Level Security System

            'AccLevel' This Field holds the a
                              value which defines the maximum
                              access level this user can access.

                              Field ranges from 0 thru 99.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  5- 4


     SECTION 6   DOS Command Reference

     6.1    DOS Primer

            A detailed description of DOS or its function would be a
            long and lengthy undertaking. So, in order to make this
            text as brief and meaningful as possible, each individual
            DOS command will be touched upon as it pertains to the
            SYSTEM MASTER command Processor.  (See the DOS Manual for
            your particular version of DOS for detailed descriptions
            of each of the following commands).

            DOS Commands (Listing)(DOS ver 3.3 specific)

                 ASSIGN                    LABEL
                 ATTRIB                    MKDIR/MD *
                 BACKUP                    MODE
                 BREAK *                   MORE
                 CHCP *                    PATH *
                 CHDIR/CD *                PRINT
                 CHKDSK                    PROMPT *
                 CLS *                     RECOVER
                 COMMAND                   RENAME *
                 COMP                      REPLACE
                 COPY *                    RESTORE
                 CTTY *                    RMDIR/RD *
                 DATE *                    SELECT
                 DEL *                     SET *
                 DIR *                     SHARE
                 DISKCOMP                  SORT
                 DISKCOPY                  SUBST
                 ERASE *                   SYS
                 FASTOPEN                  TIME *
                 FIND                      TREE
                 FORMAT                    TYPE *
                 GRAFTABL                  VER *
                 GRAPHICS                  VERIFY *
                 JOIN                      VOL *
                 KEYB                      XCOPY

            All DOS commands may be executed with the SYSTEM MASTER
            shell using batch conventions.  All DOS commands, above,
            flagged with an '*' must be run with a 'D' parameter when
            processing DOS commands with SYSTEM MASTER in Resident
            Mode.  All other DOS commands would use the 'N' parameter.
            (see the SYSTEM MASTER '[R]' command explanation in sub-
            section 4 of this  chapter).

            All Examples below assume that the DOS command resides in
            the current DOS search path.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  6- 1

     SECTION 6   DOS Command Reference

     6.2    DOS Command Descriptions

            6.2.1   APPEND

                    We DO NOT RECOMMEND using the APPEND command with
                    SYSTEM MASTER.  This command causes SYSTEM MASTER
                    to operate eradically,  and may cause your system
                    to lock.

            6.2.2   ASSIGN

                    The ASSIGN command allows you to reassign
                    disk drive identification letters.  This tells
                    DOS that any I/O requests targeted for a
                    specified drive should be carried out on
                    an ASSIGNed drive.

                    Format:  [d:path]ASSIGN [x[=]y[...]]

                    Exampl:  {{ Reassign a Disk Drive Spec }}

                             [?] S Enter Drive to be Reassigned:
                             [?] S Enter New Drive Specification:
                             ASSIGN %1=%2
                             [L] C

                             Tells DOS that all I/O requests
                             targeted for the innitial drive spec
                             are to be sent to the assigned drive
                             spec.  (i.e. requests for A: sent to C:)

                    Exampl:  {{ Reset Previous Drive Assignments }}

                             [L] C

                             Tells DOS to reset all drives to
                             their respective original identifi-

            6.2.3   ATTRIB

                    The ATTRIB command modifies disk file attributes
                    for a single file, for selected files
                    within a directory or for all files within a
                    directory level.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  6- 2
     SECTION 6   DOS Command Reference

                    Format:  [d:path]ATTRIB [+R|-R][+A|-A][d:][path]

                    Exampl:  {{ Make File Read-Only }}

                             [!] 3
                             [?] S Enter File to Protect:
                             ATTRIB +R %1
                             [L] C

                             Sets the Read-Only attribute of a file to +.

                    Exampl:  {{ Make File Read/Write }}

                             [!] 3
                             [?] S Enter File to Unprotect:
                             ATTRIB -R %1
                             [L] C

                             Sets the Read-Only attribute of a file to -.

                    Exampl:  {{ Clear File Archive Attribute }}

                             [!] 3
                             [?] S Enter File to Clear Archive Bit:
                             ATTRIB -A %1
                             [L] C

                             Clears the Archive attribute bit.

                    Exampl:  {{ Clear All Files Archive Attribute }}

                             [!] 3
                             [?] S Enter Drive/Path for Files:
                             ATTRIB -A %1\*.*
                             [L] C

                             Clears the Archive attribute bit for ALL
                             files in the specified drive/path.

            6.2.4   BACKUP

                    The BACKUP command backs up one or more files
                    from one disk (usually a hard disk) to another
                    (usually a floppy disk).  The disks cannot carry
                    the same drive identifier.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  6- 3
     SECTION 6   DOS Command Reference

                    Format:  [d:path]BACKUP d:[path][filename[.ext]]
                             d: [/S][/M][/A][/D:mm-dd-yy]

                    Exampl:  {{ Backup Specified Files }}

                             [?] S Enter Drive/Path to Backup
                             [?] S Enter Drive/Path for Backup
                             BACKUP %1 %2
                             [L] C

                             Backs up ALL files in the %1 Drive/Path
                             to the %2 Drive/Path.

                    Exampl:  {{ Backup ALL Files on Drive/Path, including
                                Sub-directories }}

                             [?] S Enter Drive/Path to Backup
                             [?] S Enter Drive/Path for Backup
                             BACKUP %1 %2 /S
                             [L] C

                             Backs up ALL files on drive/path %1 includ-
                             ing all sub-directories to drive/path %2.

                    Exampl:  {{ Backup files modified since last
                                backup to existing backup }}

                             [?] S Enter Drive/Path to Backup
                             [?] S Enter Drive/Path for Backup
                             BACKUP %1 %2 /M
                             [L] C

                             Backs up ALL files on drive/path %1 that have
                             been modified since last backup, to drive/path %2.

                    Exampl:  {{ Backup Specified files }}

                             [?] S Enter FileSpec for Backup Files

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  6- 4
     SECTION 6   DOS Command Reference

                             [?] S Enter Drive/Path for Backup
                             BACKUP %1 %2 /A
                             [L] C

                             Backs-up ALL files matching the %1
                             file specification and adds them
                             to an existing backup on drive/path %2.

            6.2.5   BREAK

                    The BREAK command instructs DOS as to whether
                    or not to monitor the Ctrl-Break escape sequence
                    during specified system operations.

                    Exampl:  {{ CTRL-Break Monitoring ON }}

                             BREAK ON
                             [L] C

                             Tells DOS to check for Ctrl-Break
                             whenever it is requested.

                    Exampl:  {{ CTRL-Break Monitoring OFF }}

                             BREAK OFF
                             [L] C

                             Tells DOS to check for Ctrl-Break only
                             during standard I/O and standard device

                    Exampl:  {{ Display Break Status }}

                             [L] C

                             Displays the current status of BREAK

            6.2.6   CHCP

                    The CHCP command selects the 'Code Page' that
                    DOS will use and selects that 'Code Page' for
                    all devices possible.

                    Format:  CHCP [nnn]

                    Exampl:  CHCP
                             [L] C

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  6- 5
     SECTION 6   DOS Command Reference

                             Displays the current code page.

            6.2.7   CHDIR/CD

                    The CHDIR/CD command changes the logged
                    directory to one specified as a command

                    Format:  CD [d:][path]
                    Format:  CD[\|..]

                    Exampl:  {{ Menu Option Def }}

                             cd %1

                             Changes the current directory to %1
                             during command file processing.

            6.2.8   CHKDSK

                    The CHKDSK command analyzes the file allocation
                    table (FAT), directories and files of a specific
                    disk drive, then issues a report as to the
                    status of the device/files.

                    Format:  [d:][path]CHKDSK [d:][path]

                    Exampl:  {{ Perform Check Disk }}

                             [!] 3
                             [?] S Specify Drive to Check:
                             CHKDSK %1
                             [L] C

                             Performs a drive/file check of the
                             specified drive %1.

                    Exampl:  {{ Perform Check Disk w/ Fix }}

                             [!] 3
                             [?] S Specify Drive to Check:

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  6- 6
     SECTION 6   DOS Command Reference

                             CHKDSK %1 /F
                             [L] C

                             Performs a drive/file check of the
                             specified drive %1.  If errors are
                             detected you have the option to
                             fix these errors.

                    Exampl:  {{ Perform Check Disk w/ View }}

                             [!] 3
                             [?] S Specify Drive to Check:
                             CHKDSK %1 /V
                             [L] C

                             Performs a drive/file check of the
                             Specified drive %1, and displays
                             all files and their directories on
                             the standard output device (CRT,PRN...)

                    Exampl:  {{ Check Disk - File Status }}

                             [?] S Specify Drive to Check:
                             [?] S Enter Path/File(s) to Check:
                             CHKDSK %1\%2
                             [L] C

                             CHKDSK displays the number of non-
                             contiguous areas occupied by disk file(s)

            6.2.9   CLS

                    The CLS command performs a clear screen
                    operation and places the cursor on line 2 of the

                    Format:  CLS

                    Exampl:  .

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  6- 7
     SECTION 6   DOS Command Reference

                             Clears the current CRT display.

            6.2.10  COMMAND

                    The COMMAND command starts a secondary command
                    processor.  This command should only be run by an
                    experienced user.  Detrimental effects can be
                    caused by using this command improperly.

            6.2.11  COMP

                    The COMP command compares the contents of a
                    group of specified files to another group
                    of specified files.

                    Format:  [d:][path]COMP [d:][path][filename[.ext]]

                    Exampl:  {{ Compare 2 sets of files and report }}

                             [?] S Enter FileSpec 1 for Comparison
                             [?] S Enter FileSpec 2 for Comparison
                             [?] S Enter File for Report
                             COMP %1 %2>%3
                             [L] C

                             Compares %1 files to %2 files and pipes
                             output to file %3.

            6.2.12  COPY

                    The COPY command copies one or more files to
                    a specified drive and/or path and/or filename.

                    Format:  COPY [/A][/B][d:][path]filespec[.ext][[/A][/B]

                    Exampl:  {{ Copy a file to another file }}

                             [?] S Enter File to Copy:
                             [?] S Enter Name of New File:
                             COPY %1 %2
                             [L] C

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     System Master 3.1                                              Page  6- 8
     SECTION 6   DOS Command Reference

                             Copies file %1 to file %2.

                    Exampl:  {{ Copy a file to a directory }}

                             [?] S Enter File to Copy:
                             [?] S Specify Path for New File:
                             COPY %1 %2
                             [L] C

                             Creates a duplicate of file %1 (including
                             it's filespec) within the path %2.

                    Exampl:  {{ Copy a directory of files to another
                                directory }}

                             [?] S Enter Source Path:
                             [?] S Enter Target Path:
                             COPY %1 %2
                             [L] C

                             Copies All files within path %1 into path %2.
                             All filespecs are duplicated.

                    Exampl:  {{ Copy a file/file(s) from a specified
                                drive/path to the current drive/path }}

                             [!] 3
                             [?] S Enter FileSpec for Source Files:
                             COPY %1
                             [L] C

                             Copies all files within path %1 into the
                             currently logged directory.

            6.2.13  CTTY

                    The CTTY command changes the systems standard
                    input/output device.  This command can cause your
                    system to behave eradically if it is used improperly.

                    Format:  CTTY device

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  6- 9
     SECTION 6   DOS Command Reference

            6.2.14  DATE

                    The DATE command displays/changes the system date.

                    Format:  DATE [mm-dd-[yy]yy]|[dd-mm-[yy]yy]|[[yy]yy]-mm-dd]

                    Exampl:  {{ Set System Date }}

                             [!] 3
                             [?] N Enter the Current Day (1-31):
                             [?] N Enter the Current Month (1-12):
                             [?] N Enter the Current Year (80-99):
                             DATE %2-%1-19%3
                             [L] C

                             Sets the System date.

            6.2.15  DEL

                    The DEL command allows you to delete disk files.

                    Format:  DEL [d:][path]filespec[.ext]

                    Exampl:  {{ Delete a Disk File }}

                             [!] 3
                             [?] S Enter File to Delete:
                             DEL %1
                             [L] C

                             Deletes disk file %1.

                    Exampl:  {{ Delete All Files in Path }}

                             [!] 3
                             [?] S Enter Name of Path to Clear
                             DEL %1
                             [L] C

                             Deletes ALL files in path %1.

            6.2.16  DIR

                    The DIR command allows you to view a list of
                    disk files.

                    Format:  DIR [d:][path][filespec[.ext]][/P][/W]

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  6-10
     SECTION 6   DOS Command Reference

                    Exampl:  {{ List Specified Files }}

                             [!] 3
                             [?] S Enter FileSpec for File Listing:
                             DIR %1
                             [L] C

                             Displays a List of Specified File Names.

                    Exampl:  {{ List Specified Files - Paged Format }}

                             [!] 3
                             [?] S Enter FileSpec for File Listing:
                             DIR %1
                             [L] C

                             Displays a List of Specified File Names 1
                             screen page at a time.

                    Exampl:  {{ List Specified Files - Wide Format }}

                             [!] 3
                             [?] S Enter FileSpec for File Listing:
                             DIR %1
                             [L] C

                             Displays a List of Specified File Names
                             using the wide format.

                    Exampl:  {{ List Specified Files - Paged/Wide Format }}

                             [!] 3
                             [?] S Enter FileSpec for File Listing:
                             DIR %1
                             [L] C

                             Displays a List of Specified File Names using
                             the wide format - 1 page at a time.

            6.2.17  DISKCOMP

                    The DISKCOMP command allows you to Compare the contents
                    of two diskettes.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  6-11
     SECTION 6   DOS Command Reference

                    Format:  DISKCOMP [d:[d:]][/1][/8]

                    Exampl:  {{ Compare Diskettes in A: & B: }}

                             DISKCOMP A: B:

            6.2.18  DISKCOPY

                    The DISKCOPY command allows you to Copy the contents
                    of 1 diskette to another.

                    Format:  DISKCOPY [d:[d:]][/1]

                    Exampl:  {{ Copy a Diskette Using 1 Drive }}

                             [!] 3
                             [?] S Enter Disk Drive Letter:
                             DISKCOPY %1: %1:
                             [L] C

                             Makes a duplicate diskette in drive %1.
                             Disk swapping will be prompted.

                    Exampl:  {{ Copy a Diskette Using 2 Drives }}

                             [!] 3
                             [?] S Enter Source Disk Drive Letter:
                             [?] S Enter Target Disk Drive Letter:
                             DISKCOPY %1: %2:
                             [L] C

                             Makes a duplicate diskette in drive %2
                             of Diskette in Drive %2.  Drive types must
                             be similar.

            6.2.19  ERASE

                    The ERASE command allows you to Erase one or more specified
                    files from a disk.

                    This command is the same as the DEL command.  Refer to the
                    DEL command for detailed description.

            6.2.20  FASTOPEN

                    The FASTOPEN command stores in memory, the locations of
                    directories and recently opened files for faster access
                    on subsequent access attempts.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  6-12
     SECTION 6   DOS Command Reference

                    Format:  FASTOPEN d:[=nnn]...

            6.2.21  FIND

                    The FIND command allows you to search for occurrences
                    of a specified string within a text file.

                    Format:  FIND [/V][/C][/N]"STRING" [[d:][path]

                    Exampl:  {{ Find a string in a specified file }}

                             [?] S Enter String to be Located:
                             [?] S Enter File to Search:
                             FIND %1 %2
                             [L] C

                             Displays all occurrences of string %1 in
                             file(s) %2.

            6.2.22  FORMAT

                    The FORMAT command prepares a disk for use in the
                    DOS environment.  You should NEVER format any drives
                    other than diskette drives from within the SYSTEM
                    MASTER shell.

                    Format:  FORMAT d:[/S][/1][/8][/V][/B][/4][/N:xx][/T:xx]

                    Exampl:  {{ Format a 720K diskette in HD Drive A }}

                             FORMAT A: /N:9 /T:80
                             [L] C

                             Formats a 720K diskette in hi-density drive A:

                    Exampl:  {{ Format a 720K diskette in HD Drive A &
                                Make it BOOTABLE }}

                             FORMAT A: /N:9 /T:80 /S
                             [L] C

                             Formats a 720K diskette in hi-density drive A: &
                             copies the System files onto it.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  6-13
     SECTION 6   DOS Command Reference

            6.2.23  GRAFTABL

                    The GRAFTABL command loads a character table so ASCII
                    characters over chr(127) can be displayed.

                    Format:  GRAFTABL [437|860|863|865|/STATUS]

            6.2.24  GRAPHICS

                    The GRAPHICS command allows you to print a graphics
                    display on any compatible graphics printer.

                    Format:  GRAPHICS [printer type][/R][/B][/LCD]

            6.2.25  JOIN

                    The JOIN command logically moves a drive, and all of its
                    files, into the specified sub-directory of another drive.

                    Format:  JOIN  -or-  JOIN d: d: \path  'or'  JOIN d:/D

                    Exampl:  {{ Join a Drive with a Sub-Directory }}

                             [?] S Enter Letter of Drive to move:
                             [?] S Enter Drive/Path for move:
                             JOIN %1: %2
                             [L] C

                             Cause drive %1 and all of it's sub-directories
                             to be logically accessed under the %2 directory.

                    Exampl:  {{ Cancel a Join }}

                             [!] 2
                             [?] S Enter Drive Letter to UnJOIN:
                             JOIN %1:/D
                             [L] C

                             Returns the environment to a state before the
                             JOIN was first executed.

            6.2.26  KEYBxx

                    The KEYBxx command replaces the keyboard driver with a
                    non-english keyboard driver.

                    Format:  KEYB [xx[,[yyy],[[d:][path]filespec[.ext]]]]

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  6-14
     SECTION 6   DOS Command Reference

            6.2.27  LABEL

                    The LABEL command is used to install a vloume name to a
                    specific disk.  Both fixed disks and floppy disks are
                    able to contain volume labels.

                    Format:  LABEL [d:][volume label]

                    Exampl:  {{ Label Volume in drive A: }}

                             LABEL A:
                             [L] C

                             You will be prompted for a label string (up to
                             11 chars) by DOS.

            6.2.28  MKDIR/MD

                    The MKDIR/MD command is used to create directories and
                    sub-directories on a fixed or floppy disk.

                    Format:  MD [d:]path  -or-  MD path

                    Exampl:  {{ Create a New Directory }}

                             [?] S Enter Drive Letter for Directory:
                             [?] S Enter Name for Directory:
                             MD %1:\%2
                             [L] C

                             A directory named %2 would be created on drive

            6.2.29  MODE

                    The MODE command is used to make changes to the manner
                    in which your system operates.  The MODE command can
                    effect the VIDEO MODE, the COM PORTS, the KEYBOARD as
                    well as numerous other system functions.  See your DOS
                    manual for details on this command.

            6.2.30  MORE

                    The MORE command is used by DOS as a filter.  This filter
                    allows the displaying of text files one screenful at a

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  6-15
     SECTION 6   DOS Command Reference

                    Format:  TYPE filename.ext | MORE
                             MORE <filename.ext

                    Exampl:  {{ Display a Text File }}

                             [!] 3
                             [?] S Enter Name of File to View:
                             TYPE %1 | MORE
                             [L] C

                             Displays the contents of file %1 one screenful
                             at a time.

            6.2.31  PATH

                    The PATH command is used to specify the search path for
                    command files not located in the current directory.

                    Format:  PATH [[d:]path[[;[d:]path]]]

                    Exampl:  {{ Set the Search Path }}

                             [!] 3
                             [?] S Enter Path Set Parameters:
                             [L] C

                             Sets the Search path(s) to %1.

            6.2.32  PRINT

                    The PRINT command is used to print a data file on
                    a line printer.

                    Format:  PRINT [/D:device][/B:buffsiz][/U:busytick]

                    Exampl:  {{ Set the PRINT Buffersize }}

                             [!] 3
                             [?] N Enter Value for BufferSize:
                             PRINT /B:%1
                             [L] C

                             Sets the PRINT Buffersize to %1.

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     System Master 3.1                                              Page  6-16
     SECTION 6   DOS Command Reference

                    Exampl:  {{ Set the PRINT Queuesize }}

                             [!] Queue Can hold up to 32 files!
                             [?] N Enter Number of Files in Queue:
                             PRINT /Q:%1
                             [L] C

                             Sets the PRINT Queuesize to %1.

                    Exampl:  {{ Print Specified Files }}

                             [!] 3
                             [?] N Enter Mask for Files to PRINT:
                             PRINT %1
                             [L] C

                             Selects all file(s) that match the file mask,
                             and writes them into the print queue for
                             output to a line printer.

            6.2.33  PROMPT

                    The PROMPT command is used to change the DOS command
                    prompt.  See your DOS manual for details on this command.

            6.2.34  RECOVER

                    This command does not operate in the manner in which it's
                    name implies.  Catastrophic results can occur from using
                    this command improperly.  We recommend that this command
                    should not be utilized within SYSTEM MASTER.

            6.2.35  RENAME

                    This command is used to rename one or more disk files.

                    Format:  REN[AME] [d:][path]filespec[.ext] filespec[.ext]

                    Exampl:  {{ Rename File(s) }}

                             [?] S Enter Name(Mask) of File(s) to Rename:
                             [?] S Enter Name(Mask) for new file names:
                             RENAME %1 %2
                             [L] C

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     SECTION 6   DOS Command Reference

            6.2.36  REPLACE

                    The REPLACE command is used to replace files already
                    in existance or to append files to a target directory.

                    Format:  REPLACE [d:] [path]filespec[.exe] [d:][path]

                    Exampl:  {{ Replace Files to Drive A: }}

                             REPLACE *.* A:
                             [L] C

                             This example would cause all files that are
                             located on drive A: to be replaced with files
                             on the current directory that have the same

           6.2.37  RESTORE

                   The RESTORE command is used to restore one or more files
                   from a BACKUP disk to another disk.  This command makes
                   BACKUP files useable.

                   Format:  RESTORE d: [d:][path]filespec[.ext][/S][/P]

           6.2.38  RMDIR/RD

                   The RMDIR/RD command is used to delete a directory
                   from the tree structure.

                   Format:  RD [d:]path

                   Exampl:  {{ Remove a Directory }}

                            [!] 3
                            [?] S Enter Name of Directory to Delete:
                            RD %1
                            [L] C

                            This command would remove directory %1 from
                            the DOS directory tree.

           6.2.39  SELECT

                   The SELECT command is used to configure the keyboard
                   and country configuration to settings of the user's

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     System Master 3.1                                              Page  6-18
     SECTION 6   DOS Command Reference

           6.2.40  SET

                   The SET command is used to SET the value or contents
                   of a DOS environmental variable.

                   Format:  SET [name=[parameter]]

           6.2.41  SHARE

                   The SHARE command is use to install file-sharing and
                   file-locking routines.

           6.2.42  SORT

                   The SORT command is used as a filter to format output
                   from files and devices in a logical ordered manner.
                   See your DOS manual for other details.

                   Format:  SORT [/R][/+n] [>filespec[.ext]]
                            command | SORT [/R][/+n][>filespec.ext]

                   Exampl:  {{ View DIR sorted by filesize }}

                            DIR | SORT/+14
                            [L] C

           6.2.43  SUBST

                   The SUBST command is used to substitute a drive letter for
                   a path name.

                   Format:  SUBST [d: d:path]  -or-  SUBST d: /D

                   Exampl:  {{ Substitute Drive for Pathname }}

                            [?] S Enter Path for Substitution:
                            [?] S Enter Drive Letter:
                            SUBST %1: %2
                            [L] C

                            Substitutes the Drive Spec %2 to represent the
                            full path name of %1.

                   Exampl:  {{ View ALL Drive/Path Substitutions }}


     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  6-19
     SECTION 6   DOS Command Reference

                            [L] C

                            Displays a list of all current substitutions.

           6.2.44  SYS

                   The SYS command is used to transfer DOS system files from
                   one disk to another.

           6.2.45  TIME

                   The TIME command is used to display or set the system time.

                   Format:  TIME [hh:mm[:ss[:xx]]]

                   Exampl:   {{ Set the System Time Clock }}

                             [!] All values MUST be 2 digit integers!
                             [?] N Enter the Current Hour (01-24):
                             [?] N Enter the Current Minute (00-59):
                             [?] N Enter the Current Second (00-59):
                             TIME %1:%2:%3
                             [L] C

                             Sets the System time.

           6.2.46  TREE

                   The TREE command is used to display the directory file
                   structure on a specified disk device.

                   Format:  TREE [d:][/F]

                   Exampl:  {{ Display Tree Structure w/ Files }}

                            TREE /F | MORE
                            [L] C

                            Displays the Tree Structure and displays all
                            disk files located in each directory.

           6.2.47  TYPE

                   The TYPE command lists the contents of a disk file to
                   the current output device (normally the CRT).

                   Format:  TYPE [d:][path]filespec[.ext]

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     System Master 3.1                                              Page  6-20
     SECTION 6   DOS Command Reference

                   Exampl:  {{ Type a File to the display }}

                            [!] 3
                            [?] S Enter Name of File to Display:
                            TYPE %1
                            [L] C

                            Displays the contents of file %1 to the display.

           6.2.48  VER

                   The VER command displays the version of the DOS operating
                   system installed.

                   Format:  VER

           6.2.49  VERIFY

                   The VERIFY command is used to turn VERIFY ON|OFF when
                   writing to a disk.

                   Format:  VERIFY [ON|OFF]

           6.2.50  VOL

                   The VOL command is used to display the volume name of
                   a disk drive.

                   Format:  VOL [d:]

           6.2.51  XCOPY

                   The XCOPY command is used to copy file(s) and may be
                   used to copy files from lower level directories.
                   See your DOS Manual for Detailed info.

                   Format:  XCOPY [d:][path]filespec[.ext] [d:][path]
                            [filespec[.ext]] [path][/A=[/d:mm-dd-yy)]

                   Format:  XCOPY [d:]path[filespec[.ext]] [d:][path]
                            [filespec[.ext]] [path][/A=[/d:mm-dd-yy)]

                   Format:  XCOPY d:[path][filespec[.ext]] [d:][path]
                            [filespec[.ext]] [path][/A=[/d:mm-dd-yy)]

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  6-21
     SECTION 6   DOS Command Reference

                   Exampl:  {{ Copy All Files from Path to Path }}

                            [?] S Enter Source Path Name:
                            [?] S Enter Target Path Name:
                            XCOPY %1 %2
                            [L] C

                            Copies All files in path %1 to path %2.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  6-22


     SECTION 7   Batch Command Reference

     7.1    Batch Primer

            A detailed description of DOS or its function would be a
            long and lengthy undertaking. So, in order to make this
            text as brief and meaningful as possible, each individual
            Batch command will be touched upon as it pertains to the
            SYSTEM MASTER command Processor.  (See the DOS Manual for
            your particular version of DOS for detailed descriptions
            of each of the following commands).

            Batch Commands (Listing)(DOS ver 3.3 specific)

                            IF ERRORLEVEL
                            IF EXIST
                            IF s1==s2

            All Batch commands may be executed with the SYSTEM MASTER
            shell using batch conventions.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  7- 1
     SECTION 7   Batch Command Reference

     7.2    Batch Command Descriptions

            7.2.1   :label

                    The :label command is not a true command, but is
                    instead a tag to which GOTO instructions are
                    routed within a batch file. A 'label' can be any
                    valid label tag as described within your DOS manual.

                    Format:  :label

                    Exampl:  if NOT EXIST bogusfil.txt GOTO exitbatch
                             del bogusfil.txt

                             This example first checks for the existance of
                             a disk file called 'bogusfil.txt'.  If the file
                             exists, it is deleted.  if it does not exist,
                             processing jumps to the 'exitbatch' label and,
                             and the batch file clears the CRT and terminates

            7.2.2   @

                    The @ command is not a true command, but it is instead
                    a filter which allows batch commands to be executed
                    without displaying the batch commands on the CRT.
                    This command is available starting with version 3.3
                    DOS.  Using this command with earlier versions of DOS
                    will cause SYSTEM MASTER to operate incorrectly.

                    Format:  @command

            7.2.3   %n

                    The %n command is not a true command but is instead a
                    means by which DOS passes input parameters to command
                    files which use them.  'n' can be any positive integer
                    value in the range 1..9 (SYSTEM MASTER requirement).

                    Other normal DOS Input parameter passing requirements
                    remain in effect.

            7.2.4   %string%

                    The %string% command is not a true command but is instead
                    a means by which program variables are passed to and from
                    the DOS environment.  'string' represents any valid
                    DOS Environmental variable assigned using the 'SET'

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  7- 2
     SECTION 7   Batch Command Reference

            7.2.5   CALL

                    The CALL command allows a batch file to be executed from
                    within another batch file without terminating the first
                    batch file.  This command allows batch files to be
                    processed as commands within other batch files.

                    Format:  CALL another.bat

                    This command is available starting with version 3.3
                    DOS.  Using this command with earlier versions of DOS
                    will cause SYSTEM MASTER to operate incorrectly.

            7.2.6   ECHO

                    The ECHO command has 3 functions:
                       1)  to turn echoing of screen commands ON.
                       2)  to turn echoing of screen commands OFF.
                       3)  to display a text string on the CRT.

                    Format:  ECHO ON

                    Format:  ECHO OFF

                    Format:  ECHO This String Will be Displayed!

            7.2.7   FOR

                    The FOR command allows repetitive execution (Looping) of
                    DOS commands.

                    Format:  FOR %%variable IN (set) DO command

            7.2.8   GOTO

                    The GOTO command allows branching within a batch file.
                    when a GOTO command is encountered in a batch file
                    processing continues at the 'label' specified.

                    Format:  GOTO label

                    Exampl:  if NOT EXIST bogusfil.txt GOTO exitbatch
                             del bogusfil.txt

                             This example first checks for the existance of
                             a disk file called 'bogusfil.txt'.  If the file
                             exists, it is deleted.  if it does not exist,
                             processing jumps to the 'exitbatch' label and,
                             and the batch file clears the CRT and terminates
     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  7- 3
     SECTION 7   Batch Command Reference

            7.2.9   IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL

                    The IF ERRORLEVEL command checks for errorcodes returned
                    from some DOS commands and provides those codes to the
                    batch processor.

                    Exampl:  replace bogusfil.txt a:\
                             IF ERRORLEVEL 2 then goto :exitbatch
                             echo File Not Found

                             This example first attempts to replace a disk
                             file called 'bogusfil.txt'.  If ERRORLEVEL is 2,
                             processing jumps to the 'exitbatch' label, and
                             the batch file displays an error message and
                             terminates normally.

            7.2.10  IF [NOT] EXIST

                    The IF EXIST command checks for the existance or non-
                    existance of a disk file.

                    Exampl:  if NOT EXIST bogusfil.txt GOTO exitbatch
                             del bogusfil.txt

                             This example first checks for the existance of
                             a disk file called 'bogusfil.txt'.  If the file
                             exists, it is deleted.  if it does not exist,
                             processing jumps to the 'exitbatch' label and,
                             and the batch file clears the CRT and terminates

            7.2.11  IF [NOT] s1==s2

                    The IF s1==s2 command compares 2 strings for equality.

                    Exampl:  if %1==STEVE ECHO STEVE IS USING THIS SYSTEM

            7.2.12  PAUSE

                    The PAUSE command suspends processing of the batch
                    file until the user presses a key.  A Remark can be
                    tagged to the PAUSE command for command clarity.

                    Exampl:  PAUSE Insert a New Diskette in Drive A

            7.2.13  REM

                    The REM command displays remarks from within a batch

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  7- 4
     SECTION 7   Batch Command Reference

                    file.  If ECHO is 'OFF' the remarks are NOT displayed.

                    Exampl:  REM If ECHO is ON this remark will be displayed

            7.2.14  SHIFT

                    The SHIFT command allows input parameters to exceed the
                    DOS limit of 10 (0..9).

                    When the SHIFT command is used, %2 param becomes %1 ...
                    and the last defined parameter becomes nul.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  7- 5


     SECTION 8   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference

     8.1   SYSTEM MASTER Command Listing

             1) Timer Operation
             2) Command Processing
             3) Command Termination
             4) System Specific

           8.1.1   Timer Operation Instructions are designed and imple-
                   mented to assist you in the automation and the security
                   of unattended command processing.

                      [B]  Define Timer Break-out Sequence
                      [T]  Set Timer Registers

           8.1.2   Command Processing Instructions are designed and imple-
                   mented to perform various screen formatting, command
                   specification, and system environment functions within
                   the SYSTEM MASTER shell.  These commands are the heart
                   of the system.

                      %s%  System Variable Parameter
                      %n   Input Parameter Flags
                      #n   Calculated Input Parameter Flag
                      [!]  Display a message
                      [?]  Prompt for Input
                      [%]  Set Input Parameter Directly
                      [-]  ECHO OFF
                      [+]  ECHO ON
                      [*]  Remark
                      [C]  Calculate Input Parameter
                      [D]  Timed Delay
                      [E]  Echo string to display
                      [I]  Include Menu Option
                      [M]  Multiple Execution
                      [P]  Pause for Keystroke
                      [W]  Display Input/Message Window

           8.1.3   Command termination instructions are designed and imple-
                   mented to achieve a smooth and powerful interface between
                   SYSTEM MASTER and the DOS environment.

                      [J]  Jump to Menu Option
                      [L]  Load System Master and Jump
                      [X]  Load System Master and Execute
                      [R]  Resident Mode

           8.1.4   System Specific instructions are commands whose only
                   purpose is to control the operation and 'feel' of the
                   SYSTEM MASTER shell.

                      [V]  Set System Variables

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  8- 1
     SECTION 8   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference

     8.2   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference

           8.2.1   Timer Operation Instructions

            [B]  Define Timer Break-out Sequence

                             The "Timer break-out" sequence allows you to
                             assign a user-defined series of key strokes
                             that can be used to exit an invoked timer

                             If a break-out sequence is to be defined, it
                             MUST be defined in the command set ahead of the
                             timer operation it will control.

                             A default sequence of ESC-E-X-I-T-ESC is prede-
                             fined into SYSTEM MASTER and is functional until
                             you override it with a definition of your own.

                             If you need to define a "secure" breakout se-
                             quence, use this command followed by six (6)
                             valid character codes in the format shown above.

                             If the [B] command is a requirement in your
                             command set, don't forget the key sequence you
                             used, because the default key sequence is dis-
                             abled during the timer operation.

                             (See Appendix 'F' for Valid Keycodes)

                             Format:   [B] KeyCodeSequence

                             Exampl:   [B] \027\000\060\027\000\067


                                       The KeyCodeSequence must begin in
                                       character position 5 of the command
                                       string and be formatted as shown.
                                       Codes of \000 indicate an extended
                                       keycode follows.

                                       (\000\060 represents the 'F2' key).

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  8- 2
     SECTION 8   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference

     8.2   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference (continued)

           8.2.1   Timer Operation Instructions (continued)

            [T]  Set Timer for Unattended Processing

                             The "Set Timer" command allows you to execute
                             option(s) and commands at any time of the day
                             or night unattended.

                             Only 1 timer operation may be defined within a
                             menu option.

                             If a command set containing a timer operation
                             contains any [I] instructions, the 'I'ncluded
                             command sets may NOT contain additional timer

                             NOTE: You can, although, terminate a menu selec-
                             tion with the SYSTEM MASTER '[X]' command to
                             'Chain' and 'Execute' additional menu options
                             that contain timer operations.

                             Format:   [T] time date

                             Exampl:   [T] 15:00:00

                                       Sets the timer to begin execution at
                                       3:00 PM of the same day.

                             Exampl:   [T] 15:00:00 01/31/91

                                       Sets the timer to begin execution at
                                       3:00 PM on January 31, 1991.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  8- 3
     SECTION 8   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference

     8.2   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference (continued)

           8.2.2   Command Processing Instructions (continued)

            %string%  System Variable Input Parameter

                             The "System Variable Input Parameter" allows you
                             to attach System variables, assigned with the DOS
                             'SET' command to DOS or NON-DOS System commands.

                             The useage of the input parameter passing feature
                             of SYSTEM MASTER is very similar to the DOS Batch

                             Format:   command %string%

                             Exampl:   cd\%mydir%

                                       This command changes the current direc-
                                       tory to one specified as a system var-
                                       iable 'mydir'.  The 'mydir' variable
                                       MUST exist in the DOS Environment and
                                       MUST have been defined with the DOS
                                       'SET' command.

                                       SET mydir=validnam
                                                 {defines 'mydir'}
                                                 {changes the current directory
                                                 to 'validnam'}

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  8- 4
     SECTION 8   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference

     8.2   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference (continued)

           8.2.2   Command Processing Instructions (continued)

            %n   Input Parameter Flags

                             The "Input Parameter Flag" allows you to attach
                             input parameters collected by the '[?]' command
                             to DOS or NON-DOS System commands

                             The useage of the input parameter passing feature
                             of SYSTEM MASTER is very similar to the DOS Batch

                             Format:   command %1 %2 ... %9

                             Exampl:   copy %1 %2

                                       This command implementation requires
                                       that '%1' & '%2' parameters be assigned
                                       by using the [?] input command prior to
                                       attempting to pass the parameters to a

                                       [?] S Input Source File Name:
                                                 {defines %1}
                                       [?] S Input Target File Name:
                                                 {defines %2}
                                       copy %1 %2

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
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     SECTION 8   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference

     8.2   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference (continued)

           8.2.2   Command Processing Instructions (continued)

            #n   Calculated Input Parameter Flags

                             The "Calculated Input Parameter Flag" allows you
                             to execute a mathematical calculation and then
                             attach input parameters collected by the '[C]'
                             command to DOS or NON-DOS System commands.

                             The useage of the calculated input parameter
                             passing feature of SYSTEM MASTER is not available
                             thru DOS.

                             Format:   command #1 #2 ... #9

                             Exampl:   CMDFILE #1

                                       This command implementation requires
                                       that the '#1' parameters be assigned
                                       by using the [C] calculate command prior
                                       to attempting to pass the parameters to
                                       a command.

                                       [?] R  Input First Real Value:
                                                 {defines %1}
                                       [?] R Input Second Real Value:
                                                 {defines %2}
                                       [C] %1 * %2
                                                 {calcs %1 * %2 and assigns
                                                  the result to #1}

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  8- 6
     SECTION 8   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference

     8.2   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference (continued)

           8.2.2   Command Processing Instructions (continued)

            [!]  Display a message

                             The "Display Message" command allows you to dis-
                             play a descriptive message or a set of responses
                             to input prompts on the SYSTEM MASTER screen.

                             Format:   [!]

                                       Displays an empty line in the open

                             Format:   [!] n

                                       Displays 'n' empty lines in the open
                                       ('n' must be in the range of 1..7)

                             Format:   [!] Message to be displayed

                                       Displays a message on the current line
                                       of an open window.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
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     SECTION 8   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference

     8.2   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference (continued)

           8.2.2   Command Processing Instructions (continued)

            [?]  Prompt for Input

                             The "Prompt for Input" command prompts the user
                             to specify input parameters for commands that
                             are designed to operate with them.
                             When collecting input parameters, SYSTEM MASTER
                             automatically begins with 1 and increments a
                             parameter counter for each input prompt encoun-
                             tered up to a maximum of 9. (see the '[F]' com-
                             mand description for exceptions)

                             Format:   [?] 0

                                       Resets the Internal Input Parameter
                                       Counter to a value of 0.

                             Format:   [?] N

                                       Forces the user to input an integer
                                       value.  No Input Message is displayed.

                             Format:   [?] R

                                       Forces the user to input a real value.
                                       No Input Message is displayed.

                             Format:   [?] S

                                       Forces the user to input a character
                                       string.  No Input Message is displayed.

                             Format:   [?] N Displayed Prompt

                                       Forces the user to input an integer
                                       value.  An Input Message is displayed
                                       with the input prompt.

                             Format:   [?] R Displayed Prompt

                                       Forces the user to input a real value.
                                       An Input Message is displayed with the
                                       input prompt.

                             Format:   [?] S Displayed Prompt

                                       Forces the user to input a character
                                       string.  An Input Message is displayed
                                       with the input prompt.
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     System Master 3.1                                              Page  8- 8
     SECTION 8   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference

     8.2   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference (continued)

           8.2.2   Command Processing Instructions (continued)

            [%]   Set Input Parameter Flags

                             The "Set Input Parameter Flag" allows you to
                             attach input parameters directly to a %n input
                             parameter flag, then assign them to DOS or NON-DOS
                             System commands.

                             The useage of the input parameter passing feature
                             of SYSTEM MASTER is very similar to the DOS Batch

                             Format:   [%] varvalue

                             Exampl:   del %1

                                       This command implementation takes the
                                       input parameter specified with the [%]
                                       command and deletes the disk file that
                                       corresponds with the value in %1.
                                       attempting to pass the parameters to a

                                       [%] diskfile.nam
                                                 {defines %1}
                                       del %1
                                                 {deletes disk file

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  8- 9
     SECTION 8   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference

     8.2   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference (continued)

           8.2.2   Command Processing Instructions (continued)

            [-]  ECHO OFF

                             The "Echo Off" command issues a DOS Batch
                             'ECHO OFF' command.

                             Format:   [-]

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  8-10
     SECTION 8   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference

     8.2   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference (continued)

           8.2.2   Command Processing Instructions (continued)

            [+]  ECHO ON

                             The "Echo On" command issues a DOS Batch
                             'ECHO ON' command.

                             Format:   [+]

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     System Master 3.1                                              Page  8-11
     SECTION 8   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference

     8.2   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference (continued)

           8.2.2   Command Processing Instructions (continued)

            [*]  Remark

                             The "Comment" command allows you to document
                             complicated or unusual command sequences within
                             a SYSTEM MASTER command set.

                             Note: Since you are allowed a maximum of 255
                                   command characters, using the "Remark"
                                   command a lot may cause you to run out
                                   of command space.

                             Format:   [*] Any comment

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     System Master 3.1                                              Page  8-12
     SECTION 8   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference

     8.2   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference (continued)

           8.2.2   Command Processing Instructions (continued)

           [C] Calculate Input Parameter

                             The "Calculate Input Parameter" command requires
                             2 Parameters to operate.  The 2 parameters MUST
                             be real numbers, and may be assigned directly
                             or collected with the [?] command.

                             When calculating input parameters, SYSTEM MASTER
                             automatically begins with 1 and increments a
                             parameter counter for each Calculate command
                             encountered up to a maximum of 9.

                             Format:   [C] 0

                                       Resets the Internal Input Parameter

                             Format:   [C] %r1  *,/,+,-  %r2

                                       Performs a calculation based on 2 input
                                       parameters '%r1' and '%r2'.  These 2
                                       parameters may be assigned directly, as
                                       collected input parameters, or a
                                       combination of the two.
                                       (Only 1 Calculation may be performed
                                       within any [C] command).

                                       Command operators are as follows:
                                        *  multiply       |
                                        /  division       |- Result = REAL
                                        +  addition       |
                                        -  subtraction ___|

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  8-13
     SECTION 8   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference

     8.2   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference (continued)

           8.2.2   Command Processing Instructions (continued)

           [D]  Timed Delay

                             The "Delay" command forces SYSTEM MASTER to delay
                             for 'n'/10 th's of a second.

                             Format:   [D] n

                             Exampl:   [D] 30

                                       Would delay parameter collection or
                                       SYSTEM MASTER processing for 3 seconds.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  8-14
     SECTION 8   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference

     8.2   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference (continued)

           8.2.2   Command Processing Instructions (continued)

           [E]  Echo string to display

                             The "Echo Message" command allows you to dis-
                             play a message onto the DOS screen as batch
                             commands are being processed.

                             Format:   [E] Message to be displayed

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  8-15
     SECTION 8   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference

     8.2   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference (continued)

           8.2.2   Command Processing Instructions (continued)

           [I]  Include Menu Option

                             The "Include Option" command is a very special
                             SYSTEM MASTER command feature.  This command
                             allows you to 'Include' other menu option com-
                             mand sets into the selected menu option command

                             You can create menu sub-options in various lo-
                             cations around the SYSTEM MASTER shell, and then
                             have SYSTEM MASTER collect those sub-options at
                             run time, and execute them as if the commands
                             were located within the selected option.

                             Note: Since you are limited to a maximum of 255
                                   total commands within a single selection,
                                   you should take care not to exceed this

                                   You can, although, terminate a menu selec-
                                   tion with the SYSTEM MASTER '[X]' command
                                   to 'Chain' and 'Execute' additional menu

                                   (see the '[X]' command in the Terminator
                                   Commands Sec.)

                             Format:   [I] nnnnnn

                             Exampl:   [I] 157404

                                       This command would tell SYSTEM MASTER
                                       to load menu level 15, menu 7 and copy
                                       the contents of Menu box 4, Option 4
                                       into the selected menu option command
                                       structure at the location where the
                                       '[I]' command occurred in the selected
                                       menu option command set.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  8-16
     SECTION 8   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference

     8.2   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference (continued)

           8.2.2   Command Processing Instructions (continued)

           [M]  Multiple Execution

                             The "Multiple Execution" command allows you to
                             process the 'n1' following command lines, 'n2'

                             The 'n1' & 'n2' parameters must be single digit
                             integers in the range of 1..9.

                             Multiple execution of [I] nnnnnn include commands
                             is supported although this practice can use up
                             command space very quickly.

                             Format:   [M] n1 n2

                             Exampl:   [M] 6 3

                                       A command call of '[M] 6 3' would pro-
                                       cess the 6 lines following the [M] a
                                       total of 3 times in succession.

                                       Note: Using this command as stated
                                       above ([M] 6 3) would take 18 of the
                                       maximum 255 command lines available.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  8-17
     SECTION 8   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference

     8.2   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference (continued)

           8.2.2   Command Processing Instructions (continued)

           [P]  Pause for Keystroke

                             The "Pause" command forces SYSTEM MASTER to
                             pause until the user presses a key.

                             A "Press Any Key to Continue..." message is
                             automatically displayed.

                             Format:   [P]

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  8-18
     SECTION 8   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference

     8.2   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference (continued)

           8.2.2   Command Processing Instructions (continued)

           [W]  Display Input/Message Window

                             The "Display Window" command opens a work window
                             to allow for the collection of input parameters
                             or for the displaying of information on the
                             SYSTEM MASTER work screen.

                             Format:   [W]

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  8-19
     SECTION 8   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference

     8.2   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference (continued)

           8.2.3   Command Termination Instructions

            [J]  Jump to Menu Option

                             The "Jump" command allows you to 'Jump' from the
                             selected menu option to another menu option any-
                             where within the SYSTEM MASTER shell.

                             If the target menu option does not exist, SYSTEM
                             MASTER will create all of the necessary data
                             files.  The target menu file is then loaded, and
                             the hilite bar is positioned on the target menu

                             This command should be used ONLY for internal
                             menu jumps, and should be used in a command set
                             by itself.

                             Format:   [J] nnnnnn

                             Exampl:   [J] 157404

                                       This command would tell SYSTEM MASTER
                                       to jump to menu level 15, menu 7, menu
                                       box 4, Option 4 and place the selection
                                       bar at that location.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  8-20
     SECTION 8   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference

     8.2   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference (continued)

           8.2.3   Command Termination Instructions (continued)

            [L]  Load System Master and Jump

                             The "Load & Jump" command is used at the end of
                             a command set to reload SYSTEM MASTER after com-
                             mand processing in DOS has terminated.

                             Format:   [L] I

                                       Reloads SYSTEM MASTER and repositions
                                       the menu selection bar to Level 1,
                                       Menu 1, Box 1, Option 1.

                             Format:   [L] C

                                       Reloads SYSTEM MASTER and repositions
                                       the menu selection bar to the 'Calling'
                                       menu option.

                             Format:   [L] nnnnnn

                             Exampl:   [L] 157404

                                       This command would reload SYSTEM MASTER
                                       and reposition the menu selection bar
                                       in menu level 15, menu 7 on Menu box 4,
                                       Option 4.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  8-21
     SECTION 8   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference

     8.2   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference (continued)

           8.2.3   Command Termination Instructions (continued)

            [X]  Load System Master and Execute

                             The "Load & Execute" command is used at the end
                             of a command set to reload SYSTEM MASTER and
                             Execute a specified menu option, after current
                             command processing in DOS terminates.

                             Specifying the '[X]' command reloads SYSTEM
                             MASTER but does NOT display the system master
                             screen.  SYSTEM MASTER only loads the command
                             definitions, and then executes the specified
                             menu option.

                             This allows for virtually infinite 'Chaining'
                             of menu options and command sequences.

                             Format:   [X] nnnnnn

                             Exampl:   [L] 157404

                                       This command would reload SYSTEM MASTER
                                       and execute the menu option in menu
                                       level 15, menu 7 on Menu box 4, Optn 4.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  8-22
     SECTION 8   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference

     8.2   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference (continued)

           8.2.3   Command Termination Instructions (continued)

            [R]  Operate in Resident Mode

                             The "Resident" command causes SYSTEM MASTER to
                             remain resident in system memory during command

                             See section 4.2 for the DOS commands that require
                             the 'D' parameter when executed with SYSTEM
                             MASTER in Resident mode.

                             The 'D' parameter allows DOS commands to be
                             executed thru SYSTEM MASTER and the DOS command
                             processor (COMMAND.COM) as long as sufficient
                             system memory remains available.

                             Format:   [R] D command


                             The 'N' parameter allows DOS command files &
                             program files to be 'Exec'uted thru SYSTEM MASTER
                             as long as sufficient system memory remains

                             Format:   [R] N command


                             The 'command' is a valid DOS command or file name
                             for the command/program file to be executed.  The
                             'command' MUST include the full path (if not in
                             the DOS search path) and the file extension.

                             The 'parms' are any valid input parameters re-
                             quired by the executed command to fulfill its

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  8-23
     SECTION 8   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference

     8.2   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference (continued)

           8.2.4   Command Processing Instructions (continued)

            [V]  Set System Variables

                             The '[V]' command allows for the customization of
                             SYSTEM MASTER environmental and operational

                             Variables for Screen Color & Color Palette Reg-
                             ister customization, System Variables setting,
                             Screen Blanking feature, and System Access set-

                             Format:   [V] T %1

                                       Sets system Toggle (ON/OFF) variables.

                                       These variables may be set by manually
                                       setting to the proper 2 digit integer
                                       string as stated below, or by prompting
                                       the user.

                                   %1 = 02 = Set System Sound ON/OFF (Toggle)
                                   %1 = 05 = Set Error  Sound ON/OFF (Toggle)
                                   %1 = 08 = Set Secutiry     ON/OFF (Toggle)

                                       NOTE:  %1 setting MUST be a 2 digit
                                       integer string.

                             Format:   [V] N %n1 %n2

                                       Sets system Numerical (integer)

                                       These variables may be set by manually
                                       setting to the proper range setting as
                                       stated below, or by prompting the user
                                       or by both in combination.

                                  %n1 = 01 = Sets the Screen Blanking Interval
                                             to %n2 Minutes (1..60)
                                  %n1 = 02 = Sets the Blank Message move Inter-
                                             val to %n2 Seconds (1..30)
                                  %n1 = 03 = Sets the maximum menu level which
                                             can be accessed by the F10 - PgUp
                                             /PgDn keys.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  8-24
     SECTION 8   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference

            [V]  Set System Variables (continued)

                                  %n1 = 04 = Sets the Minimum User Access Level
                                             required to satisfy the access
                                             requirements of the Option edit
                                  %n1 = 05 = Sets the Minimum User Access Level
                                             required to satisfy the access
                                             requirements of the User Profile
                                             Editor feature.
                                  %n1 = 06 = Sets the Minimum User Access Level
                                             required to satisfy the access
                                             requirements of the F10 Menu
                                             Select feature.
                                  %n1 = 07 = Sets the Minimum User Access Level
                                             required to satisfy the access
                                             requirements of the Exit to DOS
                                             System ESC feature.

                             Format:   [V] S %n1 %n2

                                       Sets system Character String variables.

                                       These variables may be set by manually
                                       providing a string value to a variable,
                                       or by prompting the user or by both in

                                  %n1 = 01 = Sets the Message displayed by the
                                             Screen Blanking feature to a value
                                             of %n2.

                             Format:   [V] P %n1 %n2

                                       Sets Color Palette Register variables.

                                       These variables may be set by manually
                                       setting to the proper range setting as
                                       stated below, or by prompting the user
                                       or by both in combination.

                                       This feature should only be used with
                                       EGA and VGA systems since a system
                                       'lock-up' could occur while attempting
                                       to access these registers.

                                       Using the [V] C command sets SYSTEM
                                       MASTER Palette Register %1 to a value
                                       of %2.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  8-25
     SECTION 8   SYSTEM MASTER Command Reference

            [V]  Set System Variables (continued)

                                       (See Appendix 'E' for Default Palette

                             Format:   [V] C %n1 %n2 %n3

                                       Sets SYSTEM MASTER ColorSet/Attribute

                                       These variables may be set by manually
                                       setting to the proper range setting as
                                       stated below, or by prompting the user
                                       or by both in combination.

                                       Using the [V] C command sets SYSTEM
                                       MASTER ColorSet %1 - Attribute %2 to a
                                       value of %3.

                                       (See Appendix 'B' for ColorSet
                                       (See Appendix 'C' for Attribute
                                       (See Appendix 'D' for Default

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  8-26


     SECTION 9   Menu Design & Construction

     9.1   Menu Design

           When designing a menuing system you should aim for a System which
           operates with the greatest ease and with the maximum of function-
           ality and flexibility.  It is with this goal in mind that we will
           proceed with this phase of the documentation.

           There are 2 ways in which to proceed from this point:
               1)  All-In-1 Approach
               2)  Modular Approach

           We will be discussing a file copying menu option throughout this
           section.  I will cover some of the processing possibilities of
           each approach.

           9.1.1   The All-In-1 Approach

                   The All-In-1 Approach involves including all of the com-
                   mands required to define a menu option into 1 menu option.
                   The All-In-1 approach is by far the most straight forward
                   method, but is not necessarily the most efficient.

           9.1.2   The Modular Approach

                   The Modular Approach involves the selective breaking up of
                   command sets into 'modular', reuseable command segments
                   that can be [I]ncluded into other menu options.  At some
                   point it may become necessary for you to utilize this
                   method, if your command sets become too large.  SYSTEM
                   MASTER's ability to process sub-command sets, puts it above
                   other 'menu systems' available today.

                   By utilizing the '[I]' SYSTEM MASTER Include command it is
                   very simple to create sub-command menu options, and call
                   them into another option at run-time.

            Determining When to Utilize the Modular Approach

                             There are no hard and fast rules for you to follow
                             on this subject.  There are, although a few guide-
                             lines that will assist you in choosing when either
                             may be appropriate.

                             1)  If the proposed command set will require more
                                 than 255 characters to define (Add 1 char to
                                 each command line for determining its ultimate

                             2)  If the proposed command set has a multitude of
                                 configurations, it may be wise not to repeat a
                                 lot of command sets redundantly, as any minor

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  9- 1
     SECTION 9   Menu Design & Construction

                                 revision to a processing method may cause a
                                 mountain of menu updating.

           In the Menu Construction discussion, we will cover both methods of
           menu design and then you will have the ultimate decision of utiliz-
           ing the method which best suits your requirements.

     9.2   Menu Construction

           The Menu Construction phase, involves the determination of the
           design method which best serves the purpose of the menu option
           being coded.  Either of the 2 design approaches can be used any-
           where in SYSTEM MASTER.  It is left up to your best judgement to
           use these options efficiently.  After the purpose of the menu
           option has been determined, and the best processing method has
           been decided upon, it is time to jump in and begin defining the
           commands for the menu option.

           9.2.1    All-in-1 Approach

                    The All-in-1 Approach means that all commands required to
                    perform a specific system task are located and defined
                    within a single menu option.

             Defining Menu Options

                              The Definition of menu options is by far the most
                              difficult for me to explain to anyone.  Because
                              of the virtually infinite ways in which commands
                              are used, and data is manipulated, there is no
                              correct way to define the menu options within
                              SYSTEM MASTER.  We will, however, give you our
                              input as to the way the SYSTEM MASTER tool could
                              be utilized.

                       A Simple File Copying Option

                                          The Following Command set is a very
                                          basic command for copying file(s).
                                          When executed, you would be promp-
                                          ted for the name of a source file,
                                          and for the name for the target file.
                                          No Error Handling is implemented.
                                          After the copying operation has been
                                          completed, SYSTEM MASTER would be
                                          reloaded and the selection bar re-
                                          turned to the Directory option
                                          without any verification that the
                                          copy operation was successful.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  9- 2
     SECTION 9   Menu Design & Construction

                          ------------ COPY FILE(S) Sample #1
                         |         [W]
                         |         [!]
                         |         [!] *** COPY FILE(S) ***
            * see menu option      [!]
            * 011101 for this      [?] S Enter Name of Source File:
            * command segment      [!]
            * in operation...      [?] S Enter Name for Target File:
                         |         copy %1 %2
                         |         [L] C
                          ------------ End of Sample...

                       An Advanced File Copying Option

                                          The Following Command set example is
                                          a bit more sophisticated than the
                                          example found in  When exe-
                                          cuted, you would be prompted for the
                                          name of a source file, and for the
                                          name for the target file.  If the
                                          Source file did not exist, or if the
                                          Target file did exist, the batch file
                                          would terminate, without an error
                                          message being displayed, otherwise
                                          the copy operation would continue.
                                          If the copy operation was unsuccess-
                                          ful, the batch file would terminate,
                                          without an error message being

                          ------------ COPY FILE(S) Sample #2
                         |         [W]
                         |         [!]
                         |         [!] *** COPY FILE(S) ***
            * see menu option      [!]
            * 011102 for this      [?] S Enter Name of Source File:
            * command segment      [!]
            * in operation...      [?] S Enter Name for Target File:
                         |         if NOT exist %1 goto EXITBAT
                         |         if exist %2 goto EXITBAT
                         |         copy %1 %2
                         |         :EXITBAT
                         |         cls
                         |         [L] C
                          ------------ End of Sample...

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  9- 3
     SECTION 9   Menu Design & Construction

           9.2.2    Modular Approach

                    The Modular Approach means that commands required to
                    perform a specific system task are broken into functional
                    tasks and located and defined throughout the system.

             Defining Menu Options

                              The Definition of menu options is by far the most
                              difficult for me to explain to anyone.  Because
                              of the virtually infinite ways in which commands
                              are used, and data is manipulated, there is no
                              correct way to define the menu options within
                              SYSTEM MASTER.  We will, however, give you our
                              input as to the way the SYSTEM MASTER tool could
                              be utilized.

                       A More Advanced Copying Option

                                          The Following Command set is one that
                                          builds on the 2 samples provided in
                                          section  Although similar,
                                          we are now going to implement error
                                          detection and handling routines.

                                          The Following Command set example is
                                          a lot more sophisticated than the
                                          examples found in  When exe-
                                          cuted, you would be prompted for the
                                          name of a source file, and for the
                                          name for the target file.  If the
                                          Source file did not exist, or if the
                                          Target file did exist, a message
                                          would be displayed and the batch file
                                          would terminate, otherwise the copy
                                          operation would continue.  If the
                                          copy operation was unsuccessful, an
                                          error message would be displayed and
                                          the batch file would terminate.

                                          The Copy Operation Example #3 uses
                                          the SYSTEM MASTER '[I]' Include
                                          instruction and utilizes the modular
                                          design approach.

                                          This Operation uses 5 menu cells to
                                          define the necessary commands: The
                                          first is the menu option call, and
                                          the remaining 4 cells describe the
                                          error handling procedures.

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  9- 4
     SECTION 9   Menu Design & Construction

             ***  The Cell Coordinates (6 digit integer string (i.e. 011103)),
                  attached to each of the command definition segments, below,
                  indicate the cell location within the sample menu, provided
                  with SYSTEM MASTER, where the physical command sets are

                           ------------ COPY FILE(S) Sample #3
                          |         [W]
                          |         [!]
                          |         [!] *** COPY FILE(S) ***
             * see menu option      [!]
             * 011103 for this      [?] S Enter Name of Source File:
             * command segment      [!]
             * in operation...      [?] S Enter Name for Target File:
                          |         if NOT exist %1 goto NOSRC
                          |         if exist %2 goto ISTAR
                          |         copy %1 %2
                          |         if NOT exist %2 goto NOTAR
                          |         [I] 989502
                          |         [I] 989503
                          |         [I] 989504
                          |         [I] 989505
                           ------------ End of example...

                           ----------- Include Option
                          |        :NOSRC
                      989502       echo Source File Does NOT EXIST...
                          |        echo Can NOT Continue Processing!!!
                          |        goto EXITBAT

                           ----------- Include Option
                          |        :ISTAR
                      989503       echo Target File Already EXISTS...
                          |        echo This File Must be REPLACEd!!!
                          |        goto EXITBAT

                           ----------- Include Option
                          |        :NOTAR
                      989504       echo Target File Does NOT EXIST...
                          |        echo Operation was Unsuccessful!!!
                          |        goto EXITBAT

                           ----------- Include Option
                          |        :EXITBAT
                      989505       PAUSE Press Any Key to Continue...
                          |        cls
                          |        [L] C

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  9- 5
     SECTION 9   Menu Design & Construction

                  In the above example, as the command set is processed,
                  each of the commands is interpreted by SYSTEM MASTER and
                  the appropriate actions are taken.  When the command pro-
                  cessor reads an [I] Include command, the menu cell,
                  specified by the 6 digit integer string it loaded from
                  the appropriate menu definition file, and its contents
                  are placed within the selected menu option's command set.

                  If the file 'SOURCE.FIL' was the response to the prompt
                  for the source file, and 'TARGET.FIL' was the response
                  for the target file, the following batch commands would be
                  written to a temporary file and executed:

                         if NOT EXIST SOURCE.FIL goto NOSRC
                         if EXIST TARGET.FIL goto ISTAR
                         copy SOURCE.FIL TARGET.FIL
                         if NOT EXIST TARGET.FIL goto NOTAR
                         echo Source File Does NOT Exist...
                         echo Can NOT Continue Processing!!!
                         goto EXITBAT
                         echo Target File Already EXISTS...
                         echo This File Must be REPLACEd!!!
                         goto EXITBAT
                         echo Target File does NOT EXIST...
                         echo Operation was Unsuccessful!!!
                         goto EXITBAT
                         PAUSE Press any key to Continue...
                         SML 011103

     By utilizing the SYSTEM MASTER commands in conjunction with DOS & Batch
     commands, the flexibility of SYSTEM MASTER is virtually limitless.

     When defining menu options, always weigh all of your configuration
     options carefully.  Doing so will almost ensure the results you are

     Release Date: 2 January, 1991
     System Master 3.1                                              Page  9- 6

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2623

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

README   1ST      6769  12-31-90   9:39p
SM_PROG  ZIP     68581   1-01-91   7:50a
SM_MENU  ZIP    200402  12-31-90   9:32a
SM_DOCS  ZIP     56472  12-31-90   9:38a
PKUNZIP  EXE     21440   7-21-89   1:01a
GO       BAT        38   1-31-91  12:58a
FILE2623 TXT      2591   6-06-91  11:04a
GO       TXT       773   1-01-80   4:36a
        8 file(s)     357066 bytes
                        2048 bytes free