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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2609)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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                    Painless Accounting/Payroll Companion
                            Features Listing

     Painless Accounting/Payroll is a custom graph, report, export
     generating program designed to be used with Painless Accounting
     or Painless Payroll. The modules included consist of: Graphs,
     Reports, Exports, and Utilities.

       This module allows you to create, edit, and generate graphs
       from your Painless Acocunting or Painless Payroll data. All
       data files from either package can be graph. Graphs supported
       are: Line, Point, Bar, Stacked Bar, Pie, and High-Low Graphs.
       These graphs can be displayed, printed, or saved to a .PCX file

       This module allows you to create, edit, and generate custom
       line reports from any file in Painless Accounting or Painless
       Payroll. These reports can be displayed, printed, or saved to a
       file for future reference.

       This module allows you to export your Painless Accounting, and
       Painless Payroll Data to ASCII files. You can select either
       ASCII Delimited, or ASCII SDF data file formats. These exported
       files can then be read into other packages.

       This module allows you to create your own customize colors.
       Through this module you can also select a graphic, and report

       -  Unlimited Graph/Report/Export Formats
       -  Pull Down Window interface
       -  Context Sensitive Help through the program
       -  Shareware (try before you buy)
       -  24 hours dedicated BBS 2400-19200 baud (214)881-0313
       -  .dBASE-III File formats
       -  EASY installation
       -  Password Protection

     Painless Accounting/Payroll Companion registration is $40.00.
     This includes a printed manual, along with the latest version of
     Painless Accounting/Payroll Companion.


Disk No: 2609                                                           
Disk Title: Painless Accounting/Payroll Companion                       
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: Painless Accounting/Payroll Companion Disk               
Author Version: 1.0                                                     
Author Registration: $45.00                                             
Special Requirements: 640K RAM, and a hard drive.                       
PAINLESS ACCOUNTING/PAYROLL COMPANION is a custom graph/report/export   
generating program designed to be used with Painless Accounting and     
Painless Payroll. The modules included consist of: graphs, reports,     
exports, and utilities. This program allows you to create: line, bar,   
point, stacked bar, Pie, and high-Low graphs. These graphs can be       
display, printed, or saved to .PCX files. You can also create custom    
line reports from any file in Painless Accounting or Painless Payroll.  
You can also export your data to ASCII file formats. Just like all the  
programs in this series it contains pull down windows interface along   
with context sensitive help throughout the program.                     
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1991 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║                                                                         ║
║  You must have installed PAINLESS ACCOUNTING or PAYROLL for the         ║
║  this program to work.                                                  ║
║                                                                         ║
║  Before you can run the program you will need to copy the file          ║
║  PCACOM-D.EXE to the subdirectory where PAINLESS ACCOUNTING or PAYROLL  ║
║  reside.                                                                ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To unarchive the program files, type: PACOMP-D (press Enter)           ║
║                                                                         ║
║  Once dearchived to start the program, type:  PAG5-D (press Enter)      ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                        (c) Copyright 1991, PC-SIG Inc.  ║
║                                                                         ║



        I.  DEFINITION OF SHAREWARE.......................... 1

       II.  DISCLAIMER-AGREEMENT............................. 1

      III.  ORDERING......................................... 2

       IV.  SUPPORT.......................................... 2

        V.  INSTALLATION..................................... 3

       VI.  MULTIPLE COMPANIES............................... 3

      VII.  GRAPH............................................ 3
           1.  Create Graph.................................. 3
           2.  Edit Graph.................................... 4
           3.  Generate Graph................................ 4
           4.  Recall Graph.................................. 5

     VIII.  REPORTS.......................................... 5
           1.  Create Reports................................ 5
           2.  Edit Reports.................................. 5
           3.  Generate Reports.............................. 6

       IX.  EXPORTS.......................................... 6
           1.  Create Exports................................ 6
           2.  Edit Exports.................................. 6
           3.  Generate Exports.............................. 6

        X.  UTILITIES........................................ 7
           1.  Color Parameters.............................. 7
           2.  Graph Printer Setup........................... 7
           3.  Report Printer Setup.......................... 7
           4.  DOS Window.................................... 8
           5.  Graph to .PCX................................. 8




     Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software before
     buying it.  If you try a Shareware program and continue using it, you
     are expected to register.  Individual programs differ on details.
     Some request registration while others require it, some specify a
     maximum trial period.  With registration, you get anything from the
     simple right to continue using the software to an updated program with
     printed manual.

     Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software, and
     the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific
     exceptions as stated below.  Shareware authors are accomplished
     programmers, just like commercial authors, and the programs ar e of
     comparable quality.  (In both cases, there are good programs and bad
     ones!)  The main difference is in the method of distribution.  The
     author specifically grants the right to copy and distribute the
     software, either to all and sundry or to a specifi c group.  For
     example, some authors require written permission before a commercial
     disk vendor may copy their Shareware.
     Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software.  You
     should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook, whether
     it's commercial or Shareware.  The Shareware system makes fitting your
     needs easier, because you can try before you buy.  A nd because the
     overhead is low, prices are low also.  Shareware has the ultimate
     money-back guarantee -- if you don't use the product, you don't pay
     for it.
     Users of Painless Companion must accept this disclaimer of warranty:
     "Painless Companion is supplied as is.  The author disclaims all
     warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the
     warranties of merchantability and of fitness for an y purpose.  The
     author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential,
     which may result from the use of Painless Companion."
     Painless Companion is a "shareware program" and is provided at no
     charge to the user for evaluation.  Feel free to share it with your
     friends, but please do not give it away altered or as part of another
     system.  The essence of "user-supported" software i s to provide
     personal computer users with quality software without high prices, and
     yet to provide incentive for programmers to continue to develop new
     products.  If you find this program useful and find that you are using
     Painless Companion and continue to use Painless Companion after a
     reasonable trial period, you must make a registration payment of
     $45.00 to Painless Accounting.  The $45.00 registration fee will
     license one copy for use on any one computer at any one time, and you
     will receive a printe d manual.  You must treat this software just
     like a book.  An example is that this software may be used by any
     number of people and may be freely moved from one computer location to
     another, so long as there is no possibility of it being used at one
     location while it's being used at another.  Just as a book cannot be
     read by two different persons at the same time.

                                 PAGE 1


     Commercial users of Painless Companion must register and pay for their
     copies of Painless Companion within 30 days of first use or their
     license is withdrawn.  Site-License arrangements may be made by
     contacting Painless Accounting.
     Anyone distributing Painless Companion for any kind of remuneration
     must first contact Painless Accounting at the address below for
     authorization.  This authorization will be automatically granted to
     distributors recognized by the (ASP) as adhering to its guidelines for
     shareware distributors, and such distributors may begin offering
     Painless Companion immediately (However Painless Accounting must still
     be advised so that the distributor can be kept up-to-date with the
     latest version of Painless Companion.).

     You are encouraged to pass a copy of Painless Companion along to your
     friends for evaluation.  Please encourage them to register their copy
     if they find that they can use it.  All registered users will receive
     a copy of the latest version of the Painless Companion system, and a
     printed manual.
     Painless Accounting
     4401 Birdsong
     Plano, TX 75075
     If you wish to register Painless Companion simply print the file
     REGISTER.TXT and fill in the requested information, or call
     (214)596-9164 anytime.  We can send your program COD and we also
     accept American Express.
     As soon as your registration is received you will be sent the latest
     copy of Painless Companion, and a printed manual.  You will also be
     notified of any future releases of Painless Companion, and any new

     We provide technical support Monday-Thursday at (214)596-9164 from
     6pm-9pm Central Standard Time.  We can also be reached at R-Base 5000.
     This is a BBS that provides a forum dedicated to Painless Accounting.
     It operates 7 days a week 24 hours a day at 1 200-19200 baud.  You may
     also reach Kendall B. Pierce on CompuServe at ID 70337,3337.

                                 PAGE 2

     To install Painless Accounting/Payroll Companion simply copy the disk
     into your current Painless Accounting Version 5.0 subdirectory, by
     typing the following command at the DOS prompt:

                    COPY A:*.* C:\subdirectory name <return>

     If this is the registered Version type the following command from your
     Painless Accounting subdirectory:

                    PACOMP <return>

     If this is the shareware version type the following command:

                    PACOMP-D <return>

     To run the program type PAG5 or PAG5-D depending on the Version.
     Press the number of the company to access or highlight the proper
     company by using the arrow keys and press enter.
     If you try to access a company and receive the error message that the
     company is not installed, you must run the install process to create
     the data files for the company.  You could also receive this message
     if an invalid path is entered and the data file s are not found.
     VII.  GRAPH
     Select this option to create your graph formats.  You must first
     select the desired data file to graph.  All the data files will be
     displayed on the screen.  Highlight the file to graph and press enter,
     or press the letter or number corresponding to the d ata file you want
     to graph.

     Now you will be asked to provide a name for this graph.  You may then
     enter a graph title, which will be printed at the top of the graph.
     You can also specify a X-axis an Y-axis title.  The X-axis title will
     appear along the bottom of the graph and the Y-axis title will appear
     along the left side of the graph.

                                 PAGE 3

     Next the fields from the data file selected will be displayed.  You may
     then select the field description to sort by.  Only alphanumeric fields
     will be displayed for sorting.  When the graph is generated, it will be 
     sorted by this selection.  Next you must select the X-axis. It will 
     only allow numeric fields for the X-axis.  These will be displayed for 
     each element graphed.  For example, if you are graphing your expense 
     accounts, and select account number for the X-axis, for each account 
     graphed the account number will be displayed along the bottom.
     You can then select up to five Y-axis, these can only be numeric
     fields.  For example, if you are graphing your expense accounts, and
     select this month balance and previous balance, these two balances
     will be graphed for each expense account.  The only ex ception is if
     you generate a pie chart.  In this case only the first Y-axis will be
     graphed.  To save the graph press F10.
     2.  EDIT GRAPH
     Select this option to make modifications to any graph created.  All
     graphs created will be displayed on the screen.  Select the one you
     want to edit.  At this point you may go through and make any
     modifications necessary.

     Select this option to generate the graphs to the screen, printer, or
     to a file.  All graphs created will be displayed on the screen.
     Select the graph you wish to generate.  Next you can enter a low range
     and a high range to graph, you can also Press F4 a nd select
     individual items.  You can specify if you want a legend or if you want
     hatching.  The legend will appear in the upper right hand corner
     indicating the Y-axis fields selected.  If you select hatching, when
     doing a bar chart, the bar will have lin es through it instead of just
     being a solid bar.
     You must also specify where you want the graph to be sent.  You may
     send it to the screen, printer, or to a file.  If you select screen
     the graph will be displayed on the screen.  If you select printer, you
     can then select if you want to print the graph i n portrait or
     landscape mode.  You may also specify the horizontal and vertical size
     of the graph to print.  The default horizontal and vertical size is
     one, for the standard graph size.  If you want the graph to be printed
     bigger enter in a higher number.  If you want the graph to be smaller
     enter in a lower number.  If you select file you will then be prompted
     to enter in the file name in which to save the graph.  You may then
     recall the graph through the recall option.

                                 PAGE 4

     You will then be prompted to select the type of graph to generate.
     Highlight the desired graph type or press the number corresponding to
     that graph type.  The graph will then be generated.
     Select this option to look at a graph that has already been generated
     and saved in a file.  All graphs saved will be displayed on the
     screen.  Select the graph you wish to recall.  You may then display
     the graph to the screen or send it to the printer.
     Select this option to create your report formats.  You must first
     select a data file.  All the data files will be displayed on the
     screen.  Highlight the file to use and press enter, or press the
     letter or number corresponding to the data file you wish to select.
     Now the fields from the data file selected will be displayed.  You
     must then select the field to sort by.  You can then enter up to 10
     fields, and indicate whether to subtotal (S), total(T), or group(G) on
     the fields selected and enter in a heading for e ach field selected.
     The heading you input will be the heading printed above that
     particular column.  Press F10 to save the report format.

     When you select a numeric field you have the option to group on this
     field.  For example, if you select the accounts file and sort by
     account type, and enter the account type as a field to group on, and
     select to subtotal on the previous balance, each tim e the account
     type changes you will get a subtotal for the previous balance.  You
     may only total or subtotal on numeric fields.  If you opt to total on
     the previous balance, the total of all previous balances will be
     displayed at the end of the report.

     When you select to group on a field, every time this field changes,
     subtotals will be printed for any field you have chosen to subtotal.
     One thing to be aware of, is if you group on account number and
     subtotal on previous balance, you will get a subtotal for each account
     number.  This is because each account number is different.  You should
     only group on fields that are not unique.
     2.  EDIT REPORT
     Select this option to edit a report.  All the reports created will be
     displayed.  You can select the one you wish to edit.  The report will
     be loaded and you can make any changes necessary.  If you need to
     change field five, you must go through all the pr evious fields before
     you can change field five.  Then you can Press F10 to save the change.

                                 PAGE 5

     Select this option to generate any report created.  All reports
     created will be displayed, select the one you wish to generate.  You
     may then specify condensed printing or normal printing.  You may also
     enter a left margin.  Next specify the range of item s to print or
     press F4 to select specific items to report on.
     You can then indicate if you wish the report to be displayed on the
     screen, sent to the printer, or stored in a file.  If you display the
     report to the screen, after the report is displayed you will have the
     option to send it to the printer.  If you selec t file you will be
     prompted for the name of the file in which to save the report.
     Select this option to create an export format.  Next select the
     desired data file to export.  Then enter the export file name.  You
     must then select the field to sort by.  You can then enter up to 10
     fields to export.
     2.  EDIT FORMAT
     Select this option to modify any export format created.  All export
     formats created will be displayed, select the one you want to edit.
     You can then make any changes necessary.
     Select this option to export data to a file.  All export formats
     created will be displayed, select the one you want to generate.  You
     can then enter a low range and a high range.  You may also select
     specific items to export by pressing F4.  Next you must indicate the
     type of delimiters desired.  After this selection you must enter in
     the name of file to export the information to.

                                 PAGE 6

     This option allows you to customize your screen color attributes.  All
     possible color combinations will be displayed with a corresponding
     number.  Just enter this number in the option you wish to change.
     Following is a brief description of each option available for change.
     Standard:   This is the color of all menus and data entry routines.
     Enhanced:   This will be the color of the fields currently available
            for input.
     Active:     This is the color to the current field, i.e.  where the
                 cursor is located.
     Calc/Npad:  This is the color of the pop-up calculator and notepad.
     Status:     This will be the color of the status line displayed at the
            top of the screen at all times.
     Window:     This is the windows that pop up for various input options.
     View:       This will be the color of the screen when displaying lists
            of clients, vendors, etc.  on the screen.
     Help:  This is the color of all help panels.
     It will then ask if you want to set the intensity off.  If you set the
     intensity off, the blocked cursor will no longer be in a blocked form.
     It will display the colors you chose and ask if these are the colors
     you wish to use.  If you answer yes it will save these as your colors.
     If you do not like the colors you have chosen answer no and it will
     take you back to the color options and you may change them.
     Highlight the printer type to use when printing graphs and press
     enter.  Then select the printer port for this printer.  If you are not
     sure which port your printer is connected select LPT1 and then try
     printing a graph.  If this does not work select LPT2 and repeat the
     process until the graph prints.

     Highlight the printer type to use when printing reports and press
     enter.  Select other if your printer is not on the list.  This will
     allow you to enter in the decimal codes for normal and condensed
     printing.  These may be found in your printer manual.

                                 PAGE 7

     4.  DOS WINDOW
     This option will allow you to exit to DOS.  To return to Painless
     Accounting/Payroll Companion type in 'EXIT'.
     5.  GRAPH TO .PCX
     This option allows you to convert any graph generated to a file, into
     a PCX file format to import into other software packages that read PCX
     formats.  Indicate the file name in which to save the PCX file in.

                                 PAGE 8


   Remit to:                                     From:
   Painless Accounting
   Kendall B. Pierce                             __________________________
   4401 Birdsong
   Plano, TX 75093                               __________________________

                                                 Phone: (   )    -

   Qty                                                  Unit Price    Total

   ___     Painless Accounting Version 5.0/Registration  $125.00      _____
             (includes printed manual and 3 ring binder)

   ___     Painless Payroll/Registration                 $ 75.00      _____
             (includes printed manual and 3 ring binder)

   ___     Painless Accounting/Payroll Companion/Reg.    $ 45.00      _____
            A custom graph/report/export generating program
            for use with Painless Accounting and Payroll
             (includes printed manual)

   ___     Painless Menu Manager                         $ 19.95      _____
            A hard disk menuing system
             (includes printed manual)

   ___     Painless Accounting Home Version/Registration $ 64.95      _____
             (includes printed manual)

   ___     Painless Accounting Version 5.0/Shareware     $ 10.00      _____

   ___     Painless Payroll/Shareware                    $ 10.00      _____

   ___     Painless Accounting/Payroll Companion/Share   $  7.50      _____

   ___     Painless Accounting Home Version/Shareware    $  7.50      _____

                                                        SubTotal      _____

                        (On Registered Products Only)   Shipping       5.00

                            Texas Residents please add sales tax      _____

                                                           Total      _____

   _____  Check     _____ Money Order    _____ Cashier Check  _____ Amex

   American Express Card Holder: _______________________________________

   American Express Card Number: __________________________ Exp: ___/___

   Note that Painless Accounting has been delivered and accepted by the
   customer. Upon receipt of this paid invoice, a copy of the latest
   version of the registered program will be sent, and the user will
   be notified of all updates, and new Painless Accounting products.
   All sales are final. Thank you for your order.


  P A I N L E S S  A C C O U N T I N G/P A Y R O L L  C O M P A N I O N

                          Version 5.0

               V E N D O R    I N F O R M A T I O N

             Copyright (c) 1990 by Painless Accounting.
                       All Rights Reserved.

                  Last updated:  December, 1990

This file provides information for Shareware Distributors, Disk
Vendors and Computer Clubs who wish to distribute the
Painless Accounting/Payroll Companion package.

Individual and Company Users:  Please refer to REGISTER.TXT for

                        Table of Contents

Part 1:  Program Information:
   Program Name, Category, Keywords ........................... 2
   Short Description .......................................... 2
   Long Description ........................................... 2
   Quotes from Reviews, Articles and Users .................... 2
   Registration Information ................................... 2
   Author/Publisher Information ............................... 3

Part 2:  Distribution Requirements:
   Limited Distribution License ............................... 4
   ASP Associate (Disk Vendor) Member Information ............. 6
   Other (Non-ASP) Disk Vendor Information .................... 7
   Computer Clubs ............................................. 8
   Disk-of-the-Month (or Subscription) Distribution ........... 8
   CD-ROM and Other Collections ............................... 8
   Please Help Us Serve You Better ............................ 9

Vendor/Distributor Information                       Page 1 of  9

           - Painless Accounting/Payroll Companion  - Vendor.DOC -

                  Part 1:  Program Information:

Program Name, Category, Keywords:


Short Description:

   Accounting/Payroll Companion is a custom Graph/Report/Export
   generating program designed to be used with Painless Accounting
   and Painless Payroll. The modules included consist of: Graphs,
   Reports, Exports, and Utilities. This program allows you to
   create: Line, Bar, Point, Stacked Bar, Pie, and High-Low graphs.
   These graphs can be display, printed, or saved to .PCX files. You
   can also create custom line reports from any file in Painless
   Accounting or Painless Payroll. You can also export your data to
   ASCII file formats. This program contains Pull Down Windows
   interface along with Context Sensitive help throughout the
   program.  This program requires 512K and a Hard Disk.
   Registration is $40.00, which includes a printed manual.

Long Description:

   For a complete program description please see FEATURES.TXT.

Registration Information:

   For complete user registration information please refer to the
   REGISTER.TXT text file.

Vendor/Distributor Information                       Page 2 of  9

           - Painless Accounting/Payroll Companion  - Vendor.DOC -

Author/Publisher Information:

Painless Accounting is a small software company owned by Kendall B.

At Painless Accounting we are committed to producing quality, user
friendly software, at a reasonable price.

We have been in business since 1988.

Please feel free to contact me (Kendall B. Pierce) at any time if you
have any questions, comments or suggestions.  I can be reached by mail
at the following address:

   Kendall B. Pierce
   Painless Accounting
   4401 Birdsong
   Plano, TX 75075

I can also be reached by voice or electronically as follows:

   Phone:        (214) 596-9164
   FAX:          (214) 596-9164

   CompuServe:   70337,3337

   GEnie:        K.PIERCE7

Vendor/Distributor Information                       Page 3 of  9

           - Painless Accounting/Payroll Companion  - Vendor.DOC -

                Part 2:  Distribution Requirements

Limited Distribution License:

As the exclusive copyright holder for Painless Accounting/Payroll
Companion, Painless Accounting authorizes distribution only in
accordance with the following restrictions.  Please refer to the
additional information listed below which is specific to ASP and non-
ASP Disk Vendors, Computer Clubs, and Disk-of-the-Month style

The Painless Accounting/Payroll Companion package is defined as
containing all the material listed in the README.1ST  text file.  If
any files listed in the PACKING.LST text file, or the PACKING.LST file
itself, are missing, then the package is not complete and distribution
is forbidden.  Please contact us to obtain a complete package suitable
for distribution.

    o  The Painless Accounting/Payroll Companion package - including
       all related program files and documentation files - CANNOT be
       modified in any way and must be distributed as a complete package,
       without exception.  The PACKING.LST text file contains a list of
       all files that are part of the Painless Accounting/Payroll
       Companion package.

    o  No price or other compensation may be charged for the
       Painless Accounting/Payroll Companion package.  A distribution
       cost may be charged for the cost of the diskette, shipping and

    o  The Painless Accounting/Payroll Companion package CANNOT be
       sold as part of some other inclusive package.  Nor can it be
       included in any commercial software packaging offer, without a
       written agreement from Painless Accounting.  For information on
       combining the Painless Accounting/Payroll Companion package with
       related programs to form a "disk-set", please refer to the
       information below for ASP or non-ASP Disk Vendors.

Vendor/Distributor Information                       Page 4 of  9

           - Painless Accounting/Payroll Companion  - Vendor.DOC -

    o  The PRINTED User's Guide may not be reproduced in whole or
       in part, using any means, without the written permission
       of Painless Accounting.  In other words, the disk-based
       documentation may not be distributed in PRINTED (hardcopy)

    o  The Painless Accounting/Payroll Companion package cannot be
       "rented" or "leased" to others.

    o  The person receiving a copy of the Painless Accounting/Payroll
       Companion package MUST be made aware that each disk or copy is
       ONLY for evaluation, and that Painless Accounting has not
       received any royalties or payment for the product.  This
       requirement can be met by including the complete Painless
       Accounting/Payroll Companion package, which contains any
       appropriate registration reminders.

    o  The person receiving a copy of the Painless Accounting/Payroll
       Companion package MUST be made aware that he or she does not
       become a registered user until Painless Accounting has received
       payment for registration of the software.  This requirement can be
       met by including the complete Painless Accounting/Payroll
       Companion package, which contains any appropriate registration

    o  Painless Accounting prohibits the distribution of outdated
       versions of the Painless Accounting/Payroll Companion package,
       without written permission from Painless Accounting.  If the
       version you have is over twelve (12) months old, please contact
       us to ensure that you have the most current version.  This
       version was released in December, 1990.

    o  Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify,
       decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or
       transfer the licensed program except as provided in this
       agreement.  Any such unauthorized use shall result in
       immediate and automatic termination of this license.

    o  U.S. Government Information:  Use, duplication, or
       disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software
       and documentation in this package shall be subject to the
       restricted rights applicable to commercial computer
       software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the
       Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at
       252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013).  The
       Contractor/manufacturer is: Painless Accounting
                                   4401 Birdsong
                                   Plano, TX 75075

All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to
Painless Accounting.

Vendor/Distributor Information                       Page 5 of  9

           - Painless Accounting/Payroll Companion  - Vendor.DOC -

The following additional information and restrictions are
intended for Shareware Distributors, Disk Vendors, and Computer
Clubs who wish to distribute the Painless Accounting/Payroll Companion

ASP Associate (Disk Vendor) Member Information:

Vendors who are ASP Associate Members in good standing are hereby
given permission to distribute the Painless Accounting/Payroll
Companion package in accordance with the Distribution Restrictions
listed above.  ASP Associate Members (often called "ASP Approved
Vendors") in good standing do not need to request permission to
distribute this package.

This permission is in effect until or unless we notify you
otherwise, in writing.

If your address, as listed in the ASP Vendor Catalog is
incorrect, please send us your current address so we can ensure
that you always have the most current version (mailed in a sealed
envelope).  ASP Associate Members in good standing will receive
free upgrades for all shareware products developed and
distributed by Painless Accounting.

ASP Vendor Members - Disk Sets:
ASP Vendor Members who wish to distribute the Painless
Accounting/Payroll Companion package as part of a collection (such as
PsL's MegaDisk set, or a CD-ROM package) may do so provided that all
the other restrictions listed above are met.  Please check the release
date of the version you have.  If the version is over twelve (12)
months old then please contact us to ensure that you have the most
current version.  This version was released in December, 1990.

Vendor/Distributor Information                       Page 6 of  9

           - Painless Accounting/Payroll Companion  - Vendor.DOC -

Other (Non-ASP) Disk Vendor Information:

Shareware Distributors and Disk Vendors who are not ASP Associate
Members, but who wish to distribute the Painless Accounting/Payroll
Companion package must comply with the following restrictions (in
addition to those listed above, beginning on page 4).

In order for us to ensure that only current versions are
distributed, we require that you request permission from us
(Painless Accounting) to distribute any of our products.

You may not list any of our products in advertisements, catalogs,
or other literature which describes our products as "FREE
SOFTWARE".  Shareware is "Try-Before-You-Buy" software, it is not

When making your request please ensure that we have your correct
address and phone number, as well as the name of the person we
may contact if necessary.

Other (Non-ASP) Vendors - Disk Sets:
Vendors (non-ASP Vendor Members) who wish to distribute the
Painless Accounting/Payroll Companion package as part of a collection
(such as PsL's MegaDisk set, or a CD-ROM package) must obtain
permission from Painless Accounting prior to beginning such a

Applying for ASP Associate Membership:
If you would like to apply for ASP Associate Membership, simply
write to the following address and request a Vendor Application

   Executive Director
   P.O. Box 5786
   Bellevue, WA  98006

   or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe MAIL to ASP
   Executive Director 71327,2051.

If you (Non-ASP Vendors) would like to be placed on our mailing
list for future upgrades to any of our products, please refer to
the "Vendor Update Program", described below.

Vendor/Distributor Information                       Page 7 of  9

           - Painless Accounting/Payroll Companion  - Vendor.DOC -

Computer Clubs:

Computer Clubs and User Groups wishing to add the Painless
Accounting/Payroll Companion package to their disk library may do so
in accordance with the Distribution Restrictions listed above
(beginning on page 4).

If the version you have is over twelve (12) months old, please
contact us to ensure that you have the most current version.

If you would like your Computer Club or User Group to be placed
on our mailing list for future upgrades to any of our products,
please contact us for complete details.  Our address, phone
number, and CompuServe User ID number is listed above (page 3).

Disk-of-the-Month (or Subscription) Distribution:

If you would like to distribute the Painless Accounting/Payroll
Companion package as a Disk-of-the-Month, or as part of a subscription
or monthly service, then the following restrictions apply:

ASP Associate (Disk Vendor) Members in good standing are hereby
given permission to distribute the Painless Accounting/Payroll
Companion package under the Disk-of-the-Month style of distribution.

Others (non-ASP Members) must contact us in advance to ensure
that you have the most current version of the software.

You cannot use a Disk-of-the-Month distribution to use up your
inventory of old (out of date) disks.  Only current versions may
be shipped as Disk-of-the-Month disks.  This version was released
in December, 1990.

CD-ROM and Other Collections:

If you wish to add any of our programs to a CD-ROM or other
collection, please check the release date of the version you
have.  If the version is over twelve (12) months old then please
contact us to ensure that you have the most current version.
This version was released in December, 1990.

ASP Vendor Members who wish to distribute the Painless
Accounting/Payroll Companion package as part of a collection (such as
PsL's MegaDisk set, or a CD-ROM package) may do so provided that all
the other restrictions listed above are met.

Vendor/Distributor Information                       Page 8 of  9

           - Painless Accounting/Payroll Companion  - Vendor.DOC -

Please Help Us Serve You Better:

We would appreciate copies of anything you print regarding
Painless Accounting/Payroll Companion.  Please send us a copy of any
reviews, articles, catalog descriptions, or other information you
print or distribute regarding the Painless Accounting/Payroll
Companion package.  Thank you for your time and assistance and for
supporting the shareware marketing concept.

Please refer to page 3 for our mailing address and phone number.
Thank you for your support!

Vendor/Distributor Information                      Page  9 of  9


          ***************** IMPORTANT WARRANTY INFORMATION ****************


          The Shareware evaluation (trial use) version is provided AS IS.

          Painless Accounting warrants the physical diskette(s) and
          physical documentation provided with registered versions to
          be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period
          of sixty days from the date of registration.  If Painless
          Accounting receives notification within the warranty period
          of defects in materials or workmanship, and such
          notification is determined by Painless Accounting to be
          correct, Painless Accounting will replace the defective
          diskette(s) or documentation.

          The entire and exclusive liability and remedy for breach of
          this Limited Warranty shall be limited to replacement of
          defective diskette(s) or documentation and shall not include
          or extend to any claim for or right to recover any other
          damages, including but not limited to, loss of profit, data,
          or use of the software, or special, incidental, or
          consequential damages or other similar claims, even if
          Painless Accounting has been specifically advised of the
          possibility of such damages.  In no event will Painless
          Accounting's liability for any damages to you or any other
          person ever exceed the lower of suggested list price or
          actual price paid for the license to use the software,
          regardless of any form of the claim.

          Painless Accounting SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER

          ***************** IMPORTANT WARRANTY INFORMATION ****************

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2609

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

PACOMP-D EXE    201145  12-04-90   8:11p
MANUAL-G TXT     19653   8-13-90   7:54p
REGISTER TXT      2507   9-28-90   9:08p
VENDOR   DOC     16533  12-06-90  12:46p
FEATURES TXT      2016  12-04-90   4:14p
WARRANTY DOC      2514  12-06-90   5:33p
README   1ST      1205  12-06-90   5:24p
GO       BAT        28  10-04-90   5:21a
GO       TXT      1419   4-12-91   2:48p
FILE2609 TXT      1850   4-12-91   2:52p
       10 file(s)     248870 bytes
                       67584 bytes free