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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2590)

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Disk No: 2590                                                           
Disk Title: PC-Card Catalog                                             
PC-SIG Version: S1.1                                                    
Program Title: PC-Card Catalog                                          
Author Version: 1.01                                                    
Author Registration: $39.00                                             
Special Requirements: None.                                             
Look up your books and magazines with the simplicity of the traditional 
card catalog, but with the efficiency of a computer!  PC-CARD CATALOG   
(PCCC) is a cataloging program designed to provide your personal,       
church, school, or corporate library with a powerful on-line catalog    
that is easy to use, yet sophisticated enough for academic research.    
Search by title, author, and subject.  Items may be scrolled through,   
using the <Arrow> and <Page> keys.  Search for specific strings by      
simply typing them on-screen.  Searches are not case-sensitive and      
misspellings are usually ``close enough.''  The user may jump between   
catalogs (AUTHOR, TITLE, SUBJECT) with a single keystroke.              
Librarians will appreciate the fast, efficient entry and edit of        
cataloging information plus the intuitive menu access to all            
activities.  PCCC automatically files items in AACR2 (that is,          
``library,'' not strict ``ASCII-'') order.                              
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║           <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #2590  PC-CARD CATALOG  >>>>                ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To read the program introductory information, type:  TYPE README (Enter)║
║                                                                         ║
║ To install the program to your hard drive, type: INSTALL A: C: PCCC     ║
║ (substitue C: if you want to install to a different drive )             ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print the documentation, type:  COPY PCCC.DOC PRN  (Enter)           ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                    (c) Copyright 1991, PC-SIG Inc.      ║



                 P C - C A R D    C A T A L O G
                 =-=   =-=-=-=    =-=-=-=-=-=-=

           On-line Cataloging for Books and Magazines 
           ======= ========== === ===== === =========  

                        Reference Manual

               Copyright (c) 1990  DIAKON Systems
                      All Rights Reserved  
                    |  DIAKON Systems     |
                    |  Dept. 1H           |
                    |  3801 Glenmont Dr.  |
                    |  Fort Worth, Texas  |
                    |         76133-2955  |

               Copyright (c) 1989  DIAKON Systems

        The PC-CARD CATALOG program and document files 
        may be copied and freely distributed so long as  
        no changes or alterations are made to any of the 
        program, installation, or documentation files.  
        It is expected that users of the program will 
        register their usage as noted in the section "A 
        Word About Registration".


        DIAKON Systems makes no representations or war-
        ranties with respect to the contents hereof and 
        specifically disclaims any implied warranties of 
        fitness for any particular purpose.  In no event 
        shall DIAKON Systems be liable for any loss of 
        profit or any other commercial damage.  Further, 
        DIAKON Systems reserves the right to make 
        changes in the specifications of the product 
        described within this manual at any time without 
        notice and without obligation to notify any 
        person of such revision or changes.  

        IBM and IBM PC/XT are registered trademarks of 
        International Business Machines.
        Wordstar is a trademaark of MicorPro.

        A Word About Registration

        After using PC-CARD CATALOG, you may determine 
        that it is a useful tool for your continued use 
        in your library.  We of DIAKON Systems, the 
        developers of the program, are asking that you, 
        the user, contribute the modest amount of $39.00 
        to offset our development and support costs.  

        Thank you for taking the time to evaluate DIAKON 
        Systems' PC-CARD CATALOG.  If it meets your 
        needs, become a registered user by filling out 
        the Registration Form on the following page and 
        sending it, along with the appropriate payment 
                   DIAKON Systems
                   Dept. 1H 
                   3801 Glenmont Dr.
                   Fort Worth, TX  76133

        Registered users will receive information about 
        telephone support, future upgrades, and will 
        receive an enhancement diskette containing the 
        latest PCCC version with additional features.  

        The Registered Version of PCCC adds the KEYWORD 
        catalog feature.  Search for book and  magazine 
        information by keywords contained in the TITLE, 
        SUBJECTS, and NOTES. 

              R E G I S T R A T I O N    F O R M

        I would like to become a registered user of PC-
        CARD CATALOG.  Please send the latest Registered 
        Version of PCCC along with telephone support 
        information and include me in the upgrade 
        mailout list:

        NAME _________________________________________

        ADDRESS ______________________________________

        ADDRESS ______________________________________

        CITY ____________________  STATE _____________

        ZIP ________________  COUNTRY ________________

        [   ] PCCC Registration  ($39.00)   ____________

        [   ] Texas State Sales Tax ($3.12) ____________

        [   ] International Airmail ($4.00) ____________

        [   ] 3-1/2" Floppy ($2.00)         ____________

                            TOTAL ENCLOSED  ____________

        Site Licensing is available.
        Please make payments in US funds.   
        Mail this form and payment to:

                       DIAKON Systems
                       Dept. 1H
                       3801 Glenmont Dr.
                       Fort Worth, TX  76133

        IMPORTANT: On the reverse side of this form, 
        please comment about your likes and dislikes 
        about PCCC.  Include any improvements you would 
        like to see.  We appreciate your interest.  

          N O N - R E G I S T R A T I O N   F O R M

        Yes, that's right!  We want to know if you have 
        chosen NOT to register PCCC.  We sincerely want 
        to know your reasons WHY so we can continue to 
        improve PCCC.  Please give us your comments 
        below, and mail them to us at:
                       DIAKON Systems
                       Dept. 1H
                       3801 Glenmont Dr.
                       Fort Worth, TX  76133

        Why I didn't register PCCC:

        If you would like to be on our mailing list of 
        future upgrades to PCCC, please provide the 

        NAME _________________________________________

        ADDRESS ______________________________________

        ADDRESS ______________________________________

        CITY ____________________  STATE _____________

        ZIP ________________  COUNTRY ________________

        Thank you.


              T A B L E    O F    C O N T E N T S

        Copyright Notice/Disclaimer . . . . . . . . .  2
        A Word About Registration . . . . . . . . . .  3
           Registration Form  . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
           Non-registration Form  . . . . . . . . . .  5
        Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6

        Introduction - A PCCC Overview  . . . . . . .  7
        Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

        Operating PCCC  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
           A Word about Editing . . . . . . . . . . . 23
           The ACTIVITIES MENU  . . . . . . . . . . . 25
             <O>  On-line catalog . . . . . . . . . . 25
             <A>  Add book or magazine information  . 28
             <C>  Change or delete information  . . . 33
             <L>  print List by reference number  . . 35
             <R>  Rebuild indexes . . . . . . . . . . 36
             <X>  eXit to DOS . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
        Upgrading to Registered Version of PCCC . . . 38
        Questions and Answers . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

        Appendix A:
           Using CASSY and PCCC . . . . . . . . . . . 45
        Appendix B:
           Notes to the Fixed Disk User . . . . . . . 49
        Appendix C:
        DIAKON Systems Library Program Catalog  . . . 50

        An Overview of PC-CARD CATALOG
                       == ==== =======

        Welcome to DIAKON Systems' PC-CARD CATALOG sys-
        tem. This "software" system, or computer "pro-
        gram", is designed for use in the home, school, 
        church or commerical library to simplify access 
        to book and magazine information.  Its purpose 
        is to make your library's information readily 
        available to your users.

        Much like the traditional card catalog, PC-CARD 
        CATALOG can access your library holdings by 
        AUTHOR, TITLE, and SUBJECT.  You can file 
        through the "cards" forward and backward, until 
        you find the information you need.  

        Unlike the traditional card catalog, PCCC (our 
        clever abbreviation for PC-CARD CATALOG) re-
        quires the cataloging information to be entered 
        only once, not typed repeatedly for each item.  
        PCCC automatically files the items in the proper 
        locations in each catalog (AUTHOR, TITLE, 
        SUBJECT).  Additionally, PCCC (Registered Ver-
        sion) catalogs by KEYWORD, allowing the you to 
        lookup any word found in the TITLE,  SUBJECT or 
        DESCRIPTIVE NOTES.  (Well, not every word!  PCCC 
        keeps a user-defined list of words to ignore.)

        Let's look at some other features of PCCC: 
        * -  User lookup is fast and intuitive using the 
             Arrow and Page keys to scroll forward and 
             backward through the items.
        * -  Search strings may be typed in for a faster 
             search than scrolling item by item.  Mis-
             spellings are no problem.  Since seven 
             items are displayed at once, "close" is 
             usually good enough.  Upper-case /lower-
             case is not critical.
        * -  Lookup may be selected in any of the four 
             (AUTHOR, TITLE, SUBJECT, KEYWORD) cata-

                       page 7       

             logs, jumping easily between them with a 
             single keystroke.  
        * -  Catalogs are alphabetized in true AACR2 
             order (traditional library order, not com-
             puter/ASCII order).  Leading articles (A, 
             An, and The) are ignored when alphabeti-
             zing.  Items may be cataloged in the "lib-
             rary correct" upper-case/lower-case combi-
             nations since PCCC is case insensitive. The 
             IBM international character sets are pro-
             perly alphabetized.  Leading numbers in 
             titles and subjects are filed as though 
             spelled out.
        * -  The entry of information is fast and con-
             venient.  The normal cataloging information 
             is "typed" onto the computer screen.  Pow-
             erful, yet simple-to-learn screen editing 
             assures fast and easy data entry.  
        * -  The program is easy to learn, using menus 
             to move through the various activities.  
        * -  Certain items (such as cataloging date and 
             call letters) are automatically entered 
             onto the screen.  These items may be man-
             ually overwritten.
        * -  Automatic reference number (accession num-
             ber) assignment and incrementing is in-
             cluded. The next number is stored perma-
             nently and is available when the computer 
             is again turned on.  The assigned reference 
             number may also be overridden.
        * -  Review of the stored information may be 
             easily done at any time to assure correct 
             spelling, etc.  A single keystroke will 
             step through the items allowing the librar-
             ian to alter any items along the way.
        * -  You may print a complete or a partial list 
             of books and magazines.  The total value of 
             the items listed will be printed, providing 
             an invaluable insurance resource.
        * -  The program can be custom configured for 
             your computer with a color or a monochrome 
             monitor.  It is personalized with your 

                       page 8       

             library's name which will appear on screens 
             and printed listings.
        * -  A companion program available in Shareware 
             (Catalog card/ Accession Shelf list SYstem 
             or CASSY, PC-SIG #1091) can print tradi-
             tional catalog cards, accession and shelf 
             lists from PCCC's data.  The registered 
             version of CASSY can also print complete 
             and partial Author and Title Listings. 

        PCCC is designed to operate on the IBM PC/XT/AT 
        computer or compatible running PC or MSDOS 2.11 
        or greater and having 256K or more memory.  
        Having a fixed disk is almost a must.  A mono-
        chrome or color monitor may be used.  A printer 
        is necessary if you wish to print a list of your 

                       page 9       


        This section of the manual will show you how to 
        install PCCC on your computer and get it run-
        ning.  It "walks through" your first data entry 
        with basic editing and field description infor-
        mation.  Once you have some data stored, you are 
        given a short tour of the card catalog and how 
        to use it.  


        The first task (and, of course, the most con-
        fusing and difficult) in using PCCC is "install" 
        it on the your computer.  This installation 
        process will load the required program files 
        onto your computer, create the data files, and 
        configure PCCC to your computing environment.

        We will assume that you are using a fixed disk 
        though a dual-floppy system may be sufficient 
        for a small library.  (About 750 items will fit 
        on two 360K floppies.)   We also assume by now, 
        that you have printed this reference manual so 
        that you can refer to it during the instal-
        lation.  (See the README file for instructions 
        on printing this manual.)

        A file named INSTALL.BAT is included with PCCC 
        that will automatically step through the instal-
        lation routine.  To start the installation, 
        place the PCCC distribution diskette into the 
        floppy diskette drive.  At the DOS prompt type:
                  INSTALL  A:  C:  PCCC
        then press the <ENTER> or <RETURN> key.  The 
        installation will proceed from there.  If you 
        wish to use a different drive and sub-directory 
        name, replace the "C: PCCC" above with the 
        desired choice, for example "D: LIBRARY".

                       page 10       

        Below is a description of what the installation 
        batch file (INSTALL.BAT) includes:
             1)   First, INSTALL checks the root direc-
        tory of the drive for a file named CONFIG.SYS.  
        If this file is not there, it will copy the file 
        from the distribution diskette on to your disk.  
        If a CONFIG.SYS file already exists, INSTALL 
        will display it on the screen and give you a 
        message indicating that it needs a line that 
        says "FILES=20".  You may need to add that line 
        to your original CONFIG.SYS since INSTALL will 
        not alter your existing CONFIG.SYS file.  The 
        line may be edited into your CONFIG.SYS file by 
        using an ASCII text editor such as EDLIN.
             2)   Next, INSTALL will create a sub-
        directory named \PCCC (or whatever you told it on 
        the command line.)  If you are re-installing for 
        some reason and the directory already exists, 
        you will see a message saying "Unable to create 
        directory".  Ignore it, since the directory is 
        already in place.
             3)   Next INSTALL copies the PCCC program 
        files over into the sub-directory \PCCC.  
             4)   INSTALL next runs the program 
        PCCCINST.  This program creates a file named 
        PCCC.CNF.  This configuration file contains:
             name of your library,
             drive and sub-directory for data files, 
             drive and sub-directory for index files,
             names of the different data files,
             type of monitor you are using, and
             KEY-WORD-Active Flag.
             5)   PCCCINST also allows you to create new 
        Data files.  These files will contain your book-
        magazine, subject and notes data, plus your 
        pointer index files.  
             6)   INSTALL is complete at this point.  
        Files contained in the \PCCC sub-directory 
        should include:
                  PCCC.EXE (or PCCC&.EXE - Registered 

                       page 11       

                  PCCC.IGN (Registered Version)
        Files included in the designated DATA sub-
        directory (usually \PCCC) should include:
        Files included in the designated INDEX sub-
        directory (usually \PCCC) should include:
        The file names for data and indexes may be dif-
        ferent if you have designated different file 
        names in the PCCCINST program. 

        Once you have assured that your CONFIG.SYS file 
        has the line "FILES=20" (or more) in it, you are 
        ready to re-boot your computer and begin running 

        Running PCCC:

        At the DOS prompt change to the PCCC sub-
        directory by typing:
                  CD \PCCC 
        Then press <ENTER>.  You should then type:
                  PCCC      <ENTER>  
        Assuming all is in order, you will see the PCCC 
        sign-on screen.  The unregistered version in-
        cludes a plea for your financial participation 
        in the on-going livelihood of the developers.  
        You are free to ignore this plea for a while, 
        but if you continue using PCCC, we do encourage 
        you to register.  

                       page 12       

        Pressing any key will step you past the sign-on 
        and on to the ACTIVITIES MENU:

                  On-line card catalog
                  Add book or magazine information
                  Change or delete information
                  print List by reference number 
                  Rebuild indexes
                  eXit to DOS

        At this time, if you are using a monochrome mon-
        itor, you may want to adjust the brightness and 
        contrast knobs so that the menu upper-case 
        letters appear brighter than lower-case letters.  
        A correctly adjusted monitor will make moving 
        around in PCCC a bit more convenient.  A color 
        monitor will distinguish the highlighted items 
        with a different color so the brightness/ con-
        trast adjustment will be unnecessary.

        You will note the last selection in the ACTIV-
        ITIES MENU is the "eXit to DOS" choice.  It is 
        important to select this choice before you turn 
        off your computer.  NEVER turn off the computer 
        until you have exited to DOS.  (Nasty things 
        happen to computer indexes and pointer files 
        when exiting improperly.)  With that fearsome 
        thought out of the way, let's move on. 

        The ACTIVITIES MENU is a list of activities from 
        which the selection of a task is made.  The 
        choice is made by highlighting the activity with 
        the arrow keys and pressing <ENTER>.  Or the 
        activity may be selected by pressing the appro-
        priate (highlighted) letter. The various activ-
        ities are described in detail below in the sec-
        tion called OPERATING PCCC.

        Assuming you are still at the ACTIVITIES MENU, 
        let's now enter several books or magazines into 
        the system and see how it's done. You will need 
        the cataloging information for the books.  [See 

                       page 13       

        the Questions and Answers section for a way to 
        create BLANK-SCREEN WORK SLIPS to use in col-
        lecting information for entry.] 

        At the ACTIVITIES MENU press <A> to activate 
        "Add book or magazine information."  You should 
        come up with a blank entry screen.  Note, that a 
        reference number "1" appears in the Reference 
        Number field.  This number (also called an 
        Accession Number) is assigned to the item you 
        are entering and is used to uniquely identify 
        the item for PCCC.  Also note that the comp-
        uter's current date (you should have entered it 
        at computer turn-on) is displayed in the Date 
        field.  The cursor (flashing indicator that 
        shows where on the screen the characters you 
        type will appear) appears in Reference Number 

        Let's enter some data now.  You will see the 
        cursor positioned at the first character of the 
        Reference Number field.  If you wish to change 
        this number simply enter the desired number and 
        press the <ENTER> key.  If the number, "1" in 
        this case, is already correct, just press the 
        <ENTER> key.  The cursor will advance to the 
        Date field.

        Enter the Date by typing the two month numbers, 
        followed by the two day numbers followed by the 
        two year numbers.  That is, August 3, 1990, will 
        be entered 080390.  

        After the last digit is entered, the cursor will 
        automatically advance to the Author field.  
        Enter the author's name using upper- and lower-
        case letters, placing the author's last name 
        first, followed by a comma, a space, the first 
        name, and finally, the middle name or initial.  
        Press <ENTER>.  Notice that the cursor jumps 
        down to the start of the Title field.  Also, did 
        you notice when you exited the Author field, the 

                       page 14       

        first three letters of the author's name ap-
        peared down in the Call Letters field?  In most 
        cases, these will be the correct call letters, 
        but we can change them if necessary.  

        Now enter the book's title as it would normally 
        be typed on a catalog card, using upper- and 
        lower-case letters.  Once the title is complete, 
        press the <ENTER> key.  The cursor advances to 
        the Publisher field.

        You may now enter the publisher information.  
        Again, upper- and lower-case letters are al-
        lowed.  If the field is too short to contain the 
        complete publisher's name, abbreviate.  Press 
        <ENTER> to advance cursor.

        The Copyright Date is entered as "c1975".  Some-
        times a date is not known or the item may not be 
        copyrighted.  A publication year would then be 
        appropriate, example: "1890".   As is standard, 
        enter "n.d." for "no date".  Press <ENTER>.

        The cursor is now positioned at the start of the 
        Source field.  This field contains the informa-
        tion as to where the book came from such as a 
        "gift" or a store name where purchased.  If the 
        information is not known, simply press <ENTER> 
        to leave the field blank.  

        Enter the cost of the book as a simple "dollars. 
        cents" entry.  That is, a book costing $13.95 
        would be entered as "13.95".  Upon pressing 
        <ENTER>, the cost will re-format itself on the 
        screen.  This re-format feature allows us to 
        enter "15" for a $15.00 book and have it display 
        "15.00" without entering the trailing 0's.  

        The Notes field allows two lines of description 
        about the book or magazine.  You may include any 
        kind of information in this field. 

                       page 15       

        The Classification Number field is next.  This 
        field is designed for the standard Dewey Decimal 
        numbering system.  You may use any catalog num-
        bering system you wish, however.  Using Dewey 
        you would type the standard Dewey Decimal num-
        bers and press <ENTER>.  Leading zeros are re-
        quired for numbers below 100.  Fiction uses "F" 
        while books for ages 8 - 11 contain a leading 

        Now we come to the Call Letters field which, 
        probably, already has the correct letters in it. 
        (Correct, at least, if you are using Dewey Dec-
        imal.)  Assuming the letters are correct, simply 
        press <ENTER>.  The letters remain as though you 
        had entered them yourself.  Note: a field which 
        already contains the correct information will 
        retain that information by pressing <ENTER>  
        when the cursor is at the start of the field.  
        Had the Call Letters been incorrect, as in the 
        case of a biography, you would be able to type 
        the correct letters over the incorrect ones.  

        The cursor now appears at the start of the first 
        Subject field.  PCCC  allows up to five subject 
        heading entries.  Type the first subject heading 
        in the first blank.  Since subject headings are 
        always in upper-case, PCCC will type these head-
        ings in upper-case whether or not you use the 
        <Shift> or <CapsLock> keys.  When the first 
        heading is complete, press <ENTER> and type in 
        the second heading.  If fewer than five subject 
        headings are needed, press <ENTER> until the 
        cursor passes the last field.  

        Now you will see a new line near the bottom of 
        the screen requesting an OPTION selection.  The 
        possible choices are listed along the bottom of 
        the screen:  

        <S>save                 <R>review <ESC>exit

                       page 16       

        Before choosing one of the selections, look over 
        what you have entered.  Do you see any mistakes?  
        If so, press <R> for "review" to place the cur-
        sor back at the Reference Number field.  You may 
        now step through (by pressing <ENTER>) any cor-
        rect fields, or re-type any incorrect fields.  
        Any fields which are re-typed will need the 
        complete field reentered since pressing <ENTER> 
        partially through the field will "blank" the 
        rest of the entry.  

        Once you have the data correct, Press <S> for 
        "save".  The book or magazine information you 
        have just entered will now be stored on the disk 
        and placed in the catalog properly alphabetized 
        for later reference.  

        That's all there is to it!  All the hard work 
        for that book is done!  Let's enter another book 
        before we stop.  

        Notice several exciting/confusing things have 
        taken place.  First, the reference number has 
        incremented automatically.  You won't need to 
        keep track of it any more.  The cursor is back 
        at the Reference Number field and the Subject 
        Headings have been cleared from the screen.  The 
        other information you entered still remains on 
        the screen.  PCCC is ready to accept information 
        on the next book.

        Let's go ahead and enter another book.  Pro-
        bably, the new Reference Number is correct and 
        the Date will be the same, so just press <ENTER> 
        to step forward.  If changes are necessary, 
        simply type the new choices over the old 

        Now enter the new Author, again typing over the 
        "old" Author.  If, by chance, the Author name 
        you just entered is shorter than the previous 
        name, you will have some "extra" letters left 

                       page 17       

        over from the previous entry.  Simply press the 
        <ENTER> key to clear these extra letters.  Enter 
        the rest of the items for your second book, 
        typing over the previous book's data.

        Again, we arrive at the "select OPTION" ques-
        tion.  If all is well, and it should be, press 
        <S> to save the information.  This puts us back 
        to the beginning for another entry.  (Note the 
        reference number is again incremented automat-
        ically...Don't you love it?)  Enter several more 
        items if you like, or you may wish to stop here.  
        So let's "escape" this entry procedure.  

        Be sure that you have pressed <S> "save" on the 
        last entry.  The cursor should be at the Refe-
        rence Number field.  Now for a fast escape press 
        the <ESC> key.  This will take you immediately 
        to the "select OPTION" question.  This time, 
        press <ESC> meaning exit to menu, and you will 
        find yourself again at the ACTIVITIES MENU.

        Before we do anything else, let's go look at 
        what we've just entered.  That is quite easy to 
        do.  At the ACTIVITIES MENU select option 
        "Change or delete information".  After a brief 
        wait, you will see a screen requesting the ref-
        erence number you wish to view.  

        Type the reference number of the first item you 
        entered above ("1", I believe) and press 
        <ENTER>. Soon, the first item's information will 
        be displayed on the entry screen.  

        Scan the information on the screen.  If the 
        first item looks okay, then we will advance to 
        the next item.  Note the OPTIONS displayed 
        across the bottom of the screen:  

        <A>alter <PgUp>next <PgDn>previous  <ESC>quit

        Press the <Page Up> key now. You should see the 

                       page 18       

        next item displayed.  Continue pressing the 
        <Page Up> key until all the entered items have 
        been viewed.  When the viewing is complete, 
        press the <ESC> key to return to the ACTIVITIES 

        You may have noticed some corrections that are 
        necessary.  Using the <Page Up> and <Page Down> 
        keys, recall to the screen the item that needs 
        correction.  Press the <A> key to select the 
        "Alter/Delete" operation.  Note the cursor     
        appears at the Date field, and the OPTIONS 
        displayed across the bottom of the screen has 
        changed to show the ESCape route.    

        You will want to change only the incorrect 
        fields, so "step-through" the correct fields by 
        pressing the <ENTER> key.  When the cursor ar-
        rives at an incorrect field, simply reenter the 
        correct information and press <ENTER>.  Once the 
        incorrect fields have been corrected, press the 
        <ESC> key to make a hasty advance to the "select 
        OPTION" question.  We see the familiar choices 
        with the addition of a "D - delete" function.  
        We will probably want to "S - save" the changed 

        After saving we may continue to view the item 
        information by using the <Page Up> and <Page 
        Down> keys.  Here we will enter and correct the 
        rest of our list or press <ESC> to return to the 

        That completes the entry of several items, 
        giving PCCC something to work with.  So, let's 
        go look at the Card Catalog (which is what this 
        effort is all about anyway!)  

        Back at the ACTIVITIES MENU select "On-line cat-
        alog."  You will be see the Catalog Menu.  
        Assuming you have created several Subject 
        Headings, select the Subject catalog first.  Do 

                       page 19       

        this by highlighting the "Subject catalog" and 
        pressing <ENTER>.    

        You are asked for the starting letter to open 
        the catalog.  Press any letter.  The SUBJECT 
        catalog screen is displayed with the alphabetic 
        subject listing starting with the letter you 
        just typed (or next closest letter).

        Seven Subject Headings (or Titles or Authors) 
        will be displayed at one time.  You may scroll
        through them one at a time using the <UP> and 
        <DOWN> arrow keys.  You may use the <PageUp> and 
        <PageDown> keys to display the next or previous 
        seven items.  

        Note that only the subject, title, classifi-
        cation number and call letters are displayed for 
        each item in the SUBJECT catalog.  Similarly, 
        the Title, Author, Classification Number and 
        Call Letters are displayed in the TITLE and 
        AUTHOR catalogs.  This is usually enough infor-
        mation to find an item in a library. 

        Note also that the center item is highlighted.  
        Press <ENTER> at this point and see the complete 
        cataloging information for the highlighted item.  
        This is helpful if NOTES have been provided to 
        give further information.  By pressing the <UP> 
        and <DOWN> arrow keys you can view the next and 
        previous items in the catalog.  

        Once you are through viewing the detailed cat-
        aloging records, press the <ESC> key to return 
        to the screen of seven items.  The last detailed 
        item will appear as the center highlighted item.  

        Notice the "Search For:" label at the lower 
        right of the screen.  Notice the cursor is lo-
        cated at this position.  Here you may type a 
        string of characters for PCCC to lookup in the 
        catalog.  Type in a Subject.  Press <ENTER>.  

                       page 20       

        PCCC will go to the nearest alphabetic match of 
        what was typed, placing it in the center high-
        lighted position, then displaying the items 
        before and after it in the catalog.  You may 
        enter a partial or complete Subject (or Title or 
        Author), and PCCC will make its best guess to 
        find the matching string.  If it does not find 
        an actual match, it will display the next in 
        line alphabetically.  So, you can see, misspell-
        ings are not catastrophic.

        Notice how PCCC properly alphabetizes the Sub-
        ject Headings, Titles, and Authors.  Leading 
        articles (A, An, The) are ignored.  Letter case 
        is immaterial.  As traditional library practice 
        expects, PCCC locates the "McDonald's" with the 
        "MacDonald's" in the AUTHOR catalog.  If a title 
        has a leading number such as "100 ways to make 
        biscuits", PCCC will locate it with the O's as 
        though it read "ONE HUNDRED WAYS TO MAKE 

        At the bottom of the catalog screens, you are 
        given several function keys <F2>-<F5> to allow 
        you jump between catalogs.  As you jump from one 
        catalog to the next, PCCC will enter the new 
        catalog at approximately the same alphabetic 
        position.  From here you may scroll through the 
        catalog using the arrow and page keys, or you 
        may enter a search string.  

        Up to this point we have not yet described the 
        KEYWORD Catalog found in the Registered Version 
        of PCCC.  It works quite similarly to the other 
        three, scrolling through the catalog with the 
        <UP> and <DOWN> arrow keys or the <PageUp> and 
        <PageDown> keys.  Also "Search Strings" may be 
        typed in for lookup.  

        The KEYWORD screen is only slightly different 
        than the TITLE Catalog in that the lower right 
        of each item displays the >>Keyword<<.  Again, 

                       page 21       

        the alphabetic order is based on the Keyword 
        only, so the Titles may appear in a seemingly 
        random order.  Realize that the Keyword itself 
        may come from the item's Title, any of the 
        item's Subject Headings, or from the item's 
        Notes.  It may be necessary to look at the de-
        tailed item record (by pressing <ENTER>) to find 
        exactly where the Keyword is from.  

        Once you have stepped to the detailed record 
        display screen, you may arrow forward and back-
        ward through the items referring to the Keyword 
        at the top of the screen of each record.  

        The KEYWORD catalog maintains words 3 to 12 
        characters long even though this may include 
        partial words.  No punctuation within words is 
        considered except the dash (-) and the under-
        score (_).  

        When you are done with the card catalogs, press 
        <F6> from the seven-item display screen to re-
        turn to the Catalog Menu. (<ESC> also works.)  
        From here, you may select the Activities Menu.

        This completes the basic information necessary 
        to begin working in PC-CARD CATALOG.  Please 
        refer to the reference (Operating PCCC) section 
        of this manual for more details on editing, ways 
        to use the various entry fields, printing an 
        inventory list, using the program's utilities, 

                       page 22       


        This section of the manual will describe each 
        ACTIVITY in the PCCC system in thorough detail.  
        It is intended to be used as a reference though 
        an initial reading is advised.  The section 
        starts with a fews notes on the PCCC editing 
        mechanics.  Next is a description of the use of 
        the ACTIVITIES MENU.  It describes each activity 
        in menu order.  The description starts with an 
        activity overview then proceeds to to the entry 
        field descriptions.  

        A Word About Editing:

        All of the PCCC entry fields use a simple, yet 
        powerful field editing approach briefly 
        described as follows:

        Simply enter the desired data one character at a 
        time using the <Shift> key to generate upper 
        case characters.  The <Caps Lock> key may also 
        be used, but PCCC will automatically force the 
        critical fields into upper-case as needed.

        If an error is noted in the same field where the 
        cursor is located, using the <RIGHT> arrow, 
        <LEFT> arrow, or <Backspace> key will position 
        the cursor over the incorrect character.  Enter 
        the correct character, then continue entering 
        the rest of the field.  If the rest of the let-
        ters are correct, simply pressing the <RIGHT> 
        arrow repeatedly will advance the cursor over 
        the correct letters until the end of the line is 
        reached.  Then press the <ENTER> key to advance 
        to the next field.  

                       page 23       

        Should the entry of a field fill the allotted 
        space for that entry, the cursor will automa-
        tically advance to the next field.  If the cur-
        sor enters a field where the data is already 
        correct, pressing the <ENTER> key will accept 
        the data and advance the cursor to the next 

        Sometimes a field needs to have completely new 
        data entered into it.  Simply start typing over 
        the existing data with the new data.  Once the 
        new item is complete, press the <ENTER> key, the 
        cursor will advance to the next field clearing 
        off the end any extraneous information that may 
        have been left from the previous entry.  

        At any point you may advance to the OPTIONS 
        selection by pressing the <ESC> key.  Be certain 
        the cursor is at the beginning of a field, else 
        the field may end up with partial information.

        If you need to back up to a previous field, you 
        may press the <UP> arrow key.  The cursor will 
        be placed at the start of the previous field.  

        Sometimes you may need to blank out a field 
        which has data in it.  This is easily accomp-
        lished by entering a space in the first position 
        of the field, then pressing the <ENTER> key.  
        The rest of the field will blank out.

                       page 24       

        After the initial PCCC sign-on screen, the pro-
        gram progresses to the ACTIVITIES MENU.  It is 
        from this location that all PCCC processing 
        starts and returns.  

        The ACTIVITIES MENU is a list of ACTIVITIES from 
        which you choose the program section to work on.  
        The choice is made by using the <UP> and <DOWN> 
        arrow keys to highlight the desired ACTIVITY.  
        Then press the <ENTER> key to proceed to the 
        chosen ACTIVITY.  Another means of selecting an 
        ACTIVITY is to press the highlighted letter key 
        of the desired ACTIVITY.  PCCC will then proceed 
        immediately to the chosen procedure.

        The various activities are described in detail 
        in the following pages and are arranged in 
        ACTIVITIES MENU order.

        Before going to the detailed ACTIVITY descrip-
        tions, it is important to be reminded:  
           then exit(ed) to DOS!
        The reason for this precaution is that PCCC uses 
        the computer's memory to temporarily store per-
        manent information.  Until you have returned to 
        the DOS, we can never be assured that the infor-
        mation has been permanently stored on the disk.  

        <O>  On-line Catalog 

        This ACTIVITY is the heart of PC-CARD CATALOG.  
        Here is where you have access to your book and 
        magazine information by AUTHOR, by TITLE, by 
        SUBJECT and, in the Registered Version, by KEY- 
        WORD.  Selecting this ACTIVITY will take you to 
        the On-line Catalog sub-menu.  

                       page 25       

        From the sub-menu, you may select any of the 
        catalogs to open.  Select the desired catalog by 
        highlighting your choice with the arrow keys.  
        Then press <ENTER>.  Or select your choice by 
        pressing the associated highlighted letter.  

        You will next type a letter that will position 
        the opening of the catalog.  The open catalog 
        will immediately be displayed on the screen.  
        For example, if you pressed "F" after choosing 
        the SUBJECT catalog, the display would show the 
        first seven subjects alphabetically starting 
        with "F".  

        Using the <Up> and <Down> arrow keys, you may 
        scroll through the catalog one item at a time.  
        Likewise, using the <PgUp> and <PgDn> keys, you 
        may scroll through the catalog a page (seven 
        items) at a time.  You may scroll forward and 
        backward, of course.  You have access to the 
        entire catalog not being limited by the opening 
        letter you typed.

        Note the various options displayed across the 
        bottom of the screen.  Let's look at the "Search 
        For:" option.  The cursor is always displayed at 
        this location on the screen.  If you type a 
        string of characters here then press <ENTER>, 
        PCCC will search for the closest match to the 
        string and position the catalog at this point.  
        The item will appear in the center (highlighted) 
        position allowing you to see the items before 
        and after it also.  

        As you might have surmised, the "Search For:" 
        feature allows you type in a Title or Author or 
        Subject (or Keyword) and step directly to it.  
        Partial words and misspellings are acceptable.  
        Use the arrow keys to find the exact choice.  

        PCCC applies the same alphabetizing rules to 

                       page 26       

        your search strings as it does to the data en-
        tries.  Remember, numbers entered as numbers 
        will position the Title and Subject catalogs as 
        though the numbers are spelled out.  Leading 
        articles (A, An, The) are ignored.  "Mc's" and 
        "Mac's" are found together.  International 
        characters, which may be entered using the <ALT> 
        key and numeric keypad, are correctly located.

        Notice the item at the center of the screen is 
        highlighted.  If you press <ENTER>, the complete 
        cataloging information for the highlighted item 
        will be displayed.  By pressing the <Up> and 
        <Down> arrows you will scroll through the 
        catalog displaying each item's cataloging 
        information in turn.  A highlighted line near 
        the top of the display will indicate the field 
        PCCC is using for its index for the item.

        To leave the cataloging data screen and return 
        to the page of items, simply press <ESC> key.  
        The item you were looking at will be positioned 
        as the center, highlighted item.

        Notice across the bottom of the screen, are 
        displayed several Function Key choices.  By 
        pressing the selected Function Key, you may jump 
        immediately to another catalog.  The selected 
        catalog opens to approximately the alphabetic 
        position as the catalog you are leaving.  

        To leave the on-line catalog simply press the 
        <F6> key.  You will then be returned to the 
        on-line catalog sub-menu.  From this sub-menu 
        pressing <M> will return you to the ACTIVITIES 

                       page 27       

        <A>  Add Book or Magazine Information

        This ACTIVITY provides the means to enter and 
        store a book or a magazine's cataloging infor-
        mation.  Selecting <A> from the ACTIVITIES MENU, 
        you will see the blank new book entry screen.  
        Notice that the next Reference Number automat-
        ically appears in the upper left of your screen.  
        Also, the current (computer) date appears at the 
        upper right of the screen.  The cursor is lo-
        cated at the Reference Number field.   As we are 
        ready now to enter data let's discuss each 

        REFERENCE NUMBER - This a a unique number sup-
           plied for each item in the PCCC Book/ 
           Magazine File.  The next number is auto-
           matically displayed in this field as you 
           start a new entry.  You may overwrite the 
           provided number if you wish.  PCCC will store 
           and increment the new number from that point.
              The Reference Number is analogous to the 
           librarian's Accession Number which is a 
           unique number assigned each book as it is 
           cataloged.  In all honesty, this number has 
           little to do with any significant information 
           except it is used by the PCCC program to tie 
           different parts together.  That makes it 
           quite necessary for the computer program, but 
           of little use to anything else.  (Do I hear 
           screams of anguish from library purists?)
        CATALOGING DATE: This entry is simply the date 
           of the item's  cataloging entry.  PCCC de-
           faults to the computer's date entered at the 
           time the computer was turned on.  Enter the 
           one or two month numbers (1-12 for January  
           through December) followed by two day numbers 
           (01-31, leading zero is necessary) followed 
           by the two year numbers (90 for 1990.)  In-
           valid dates will not be accepted.  If the 
           date in the field is already correct, simply 
           press the <ENTER> key. and the date will be 

                       page 28       

           accepted as though you had entered it.
        AUTHOR:  The author entry is typed last name 
           first, followed by a comma, a space, and the 
           author's first  name or initial and middle 
           name or intial.  Enter both upper- and lower-
           case letters as is standard practice.  Once 
           the entry is complete, press the <ENTER> key.  
               Recall that the last character typed may 
           be the last character in the field.  When this 
           happens, the cursor will automatically jump 
           to the next field.  Though this may seem 
           annoying at first, you will learn to appre-
           ciate the feature as key strokes saved.
        TITLE: This field is the book's title as it will 
           appear in the catalog.  The field may be 
           entered in both upper- and lower-case 
           letters.  Library practice calls for capital-
           ization of only the first letter of the first 
           word and the first letter of any proper name 
           in a title.  Enter the title's leading ar-
           ticle (A, An, The) as normal.  For example:
                  The celebrated jumping frog 
                  of Caleveras County
               If the title requires the IBM Inter-
           national Character Set, these letters may be 
           entered by holding down the <ALT> key while 
           typing the corresponding number code on the 
           keyboard's number pad, then releasing the 
           <ALT> key.  Some computers are set up to more 
           handily use the International characters.  
               The Title field, used for a magazine 
           article, should contain the article name 
           followed by the magazine name.  For example:
               Finding the Bismarck -- "National 
                 Geographic", (Nov, 1989)
           Or a magazine title:
               "Newsweek", (Oct. 29, 1989)
           Note that the examples have used quotation 
           marks (") to distinguish magazine names from 
           book titles.  Consistent formatting of mag-
           azine and book entries will make the use of 
           your catalog more efficient.

                       page 29       

               The words used in this field will be 
           evaluated for inlcusion in the KEYWORD look-
           up if you are using the Registered Version of 
               Once the title has been entered, press 
           the <ENTER> key.  The cursor will advance to 
           the Publisher field.
        PUBLISHER: This field is simply the name of the 
           publisher.  The same entry features apply as 
           above.  Abbreviate if necessary.
        COPYRIGHT: This field accepts the copyright year 
           information formatted as follows: "c1983"  
           for a copyright in 1983.  This format is the 
           standard used on catalog cards.  Uncopy-
           righted items with known publishing dates use 
           the date only as in "1890".  Unknown dates 
           are entered as "n.d.".  
        SOURCE:  This field may be used to describe 
           where the book came from.  Examples might be 
           "gift" or "memorial".  You may also choose to 
           use the name of the store where the book was 
           purchased such as "Taylor Bks".
        COST:  Enter the book's cost in dollars followed 
           by the decimal then the cents.  (Actually, 
           dollars/ cents format is not a requirement.  
           The field uses two decimal places which are 
           automatically formatted if not entered.) This 
           field sometimes seems a bit offset, however, 
           after you have pressed the <ENTER> key, the 
           computer will re-format the field.  Verify 
           that you have entered the cost correctly.  
        NOTES:  Two lines are provided to allow addi-
           tional descriptive information.  
               The words used in this field will be 
           evaluated for inlcusion in the KEYWORD look-
           up if you are using the Registered Version of 
               Press <ENTER> when the field entry is 
        CLASSIFICATION NUMBER:  If you are the standard 
           Dewey decimal system, simply enter the class-
           ification number.  To isolate sections, the 

                       page 30       

           numbers may have letters such as a "J" pre-
           ceding the classification number designating 
           books for ages 8 to 11.  The "F" fiction 
           designation is entered in this field.  Sev-
           eral other designations are acceptable.  
               Many users will be cataloging with num-
           bering systems other than Dewey.  This field 
           may contain any combination of alpha-numeric 
           characters.  Note that this field will appear 
           in the catalog for each item as it is nor-
           mally used to "point" to a physical location 
           of the item.
        CALL LETTERS:  A handy feature of PCCC occurs in 
           this field.  In most cases, the first three 
           letters of the author's last name become the 
           call letters.  PCCC automatically inserts 
           them for you at the Author field entry al-
           lowing you to "step-through" the field with-
           out reentering the letters.  If the Call 
           Letters are different, you may, of course, 
           overwrite what PCCC has automatically 
           entered.  Individual biographies would not 
           use the Author's name letters.  
        SUBJECT 1 - 5:  In these fields you may enter up 
           to five subject headings.  As is standard 
           practice, subject headings are printed in 
           upper-case only, therefore, PCCC automa-
           tically sets the entry characters to upper-
           case.  Press <ENTER> when the heading is com-
           plete.  You will advance to the next subject 
               If you have used the title line for a 
           magazine name, you may find the Subject 
           Headings a handy place to include up to five 
           article names.  You may wish to again dis-
           tinguish these as articles by the use of 
           quotation marks (") for example:
               "WHEN THE CHIPS ARE DOWN"
               "100 WAYS TO WIN IN FUTURES"
               The words used in this field will be 
           evaluated for inlcusion in the KEYWORD look-
           up if you are using the Registered Version of 

                       page 31       

               When the last subject has been entered, 
           press <ENTER> through the blank subject 
           fields, or press the <ESC> key.  In either 
           case you will be advanced to the OPTIONS 

        OPTIONS:  Here the data entries for a single 
        book or magazine or article are complete.  Look 
        carefully over the data on the screen as what is 
        shown is what is stored.  You may now select 
        what to do with the data.  Pressing a single 
        letter (not followed by the <ENTER> key) will do 
        what is described below.  A simplified options 
        menu is displayed across the bottom of the 
        screen to remind you of the choices.  They are 
        as follows:
        S  - Save - This selection will save the data 
           permanently to one or more files on your 
           computer's disk.  The AUTHOR, TITLE, SUBJECT 
           and KEYWORD pointers are created automatic-
           ally "filing" the new data in the catalog. 
        R  - Review -  This entry does not store any 
           information, but rather, allows you back onto 
           the entry screen to correct some incorrectly 
           entered data.  As the cursor enters a correct 
           field, simply pressing the <ENTER> key will 
           step you through the field without having to 
           reenter the data.  Only the field that needs 
           changing must be reentered.  Once the neces-
           sary field has been altered, press the 
           <ENTER> key to go to the next field, then 
           press the <ESC> key to advance immediately to 
           the OPTIONS selection.  
        E  - Exit to menu - Once all the entries have 
           been made and saved, you will use this option 
           to go back to the ACTIVITIES MENU. Pressing 
           the <ESC> key works here also.  Always finish 
           the entry of a batch of book data with this 
           selection.  Note that you must SAVE the cur-
           rent screen's data before using the "E" 
           option.  Otherwise, the item will NOT be 

                       page 32       

           saved.  Likewise, you may use this option to 
           ignore the "just entered" data.  Remember, 
           ALWAYS return to the ACTIVITIES MENU then 
           exit to DOS before turning off the computer!

        <C>  Change or Delete Information

        Choosing this ACTIVITY from the ACTIVITIES MENU, 
        you may alter an item's information, store it, 
        and re-file in the catalog.  At entry into this 
        ACTIVITY, a screen will be displayed requesting 
        the item's Reference Number.  Enter the Number 
        and press <ENTER>.  If the Reference Number is 
        not found, the next Number in line will be dis-
        played.  Possibly there is no item next in line, 
        so a message will advise you of this.  

        Once found the data will be displayed on the 
        familiar data entry screen.  At this point, 
        several "Preview" options exist:

        A - Alter:  Press the <A> key if you choose to 
           change any of the information on the screen.  
           The fields are labeled and entered exactly as 
           above, so we will not repeat the discussion.  
           Remember to <ENTER>-step through the correct 
           fields reentering only the changed ones.  You 
           may also use the <ESC> key to skip immed-
           iately down to the Options selection.   
               You will note that the Options selections 
           are slightly different than described above.  
           The "Delete" Option has been added.  Using 
           this key will allow you to delete an item 
           from the files.  All other options will func-
           tion as described in the previous section.  
               Selecting any of the Options (except "R - 
           review") will return to the "Preview" 
           Perhaps we should note here that it is not 
           possible to directly alter the Reference 

                       page 33       

           Number in this section.  Please refer to the 
           QUESTIONS and ANSWERS section of this manual 
           for a description of that procedure.

        <Page-Up> - Pressing the <Page-Up> will display 
           the next item in the file which is in Refer-
           ence Number order.  You then have the options 
           of Altering the information, proceeding on, 
           or back exiting to the Reference Number entry 
           screen.  When the end of the list is reached, 
           a message indicating "no more items in the 
           file" will be briefly displayed before re-
           turning to the Reference Number entry screen.

        <Page-Down> - Pressing the <Page-Down> will 
           display the previous item in the file which 
           is in Reference Number order.  You then have 
           the options of Altering the information, pro-
           ceeding backward, or exiting to the Reference 
           Number entry screen.  When the start of the 
           file is reached, a message indicating "no 
           previous items in the file" will be briefly 
           displayed before returning to the Reference 
           Number entry screen.

        E - Exit to Reference Number entry screen.  When 
           you have completed "Previewing" the informa-
           tion, pressing <E> will place you back at the 
           Reference Number entry screen where you may 
           enter another Number to view or you may 
           return to the ACTIVITIES MENU.

        Using this ACTIVITY, you may alter as many items 
        as you like.  To return to the ACTIVITIES MENU, 
        press the <ESC> key.

        <L>   Print List by Reference Number 

        This selection prints a complete or partial list 

                       page 34       

        of your library's holdings, printed in Reference 
        Number order.  It is printed on standard 8-1/2" 
        x 11" computer paper which will need to be 
        loaded into the printer.  

        You will be asked to enter a starting reference 
        number for the listing followed by the entry of 
        an ending number.  The listing will print all of 
        the entries between and including the starting 
        and ending numbers.  You may press <ENTER> at 
        the starting field to start at the first. Like-
        wise, press <ENTER> at the ending number to 
        print to the end.   A heading will be printed on 
        each page giving the date, so later it will be 
        easy to determine how current the list is.  

        PCCC will allow you to pause the printer before 
        the process is completed.  Simply press the 
        <ESC> key.  The printer will PAUSE and ask if 
        you wish to continue printing, or return to the 
        ACTIVITIES MENU.  Answer <Y> or <N> as desired.  

        Remember, many printers have memory buffers in 
        them that may allow several hundred characters 
        to print after the <ESC> key has been pressed.  

        At the completion of printing the listing, PCCC 
        will print a line showing the total number of 
        items on the list, along with the total value 
        (sum of the COSTS) of the items on the list.  
        This is valuable information for inventory and 
        insurance purposes.  Once the printing is com-
        plete, you will be returned to the ACTIVITIES 

        <R>   Rebuild Indexes

        This utility is not a part of the normal PCCC 
        processing, but is provided to help recover from 
        the occasional computer disasters that can 

                       page 35       

        occur.  Indexes are tables of pointers to the 
        data files that set up the order within the 
        various catalogs.  If any problems ever happen 
        to the computer, it will likely be the Indexes 
        that suffer most.  

        Fortunately, it is fairly easy to recover, or 
        rebuild, the indexes.  In fact, this routine 
        makes it automatic.  That's the good news.  The 
        bad news is it takes a long time to complete.  
        You may expect about 10-15 minutes of computer 
        time for each 1000 items varying somewhat on the 
        number of subjects and notes that you have.  The 
        time is also highly dependent on the speed of 
        your disk drive access.

        You may need to use this rebuild procedure if 
        you have accidently turned the computer off at 
        the entry screens rather than exiting to DOS.  
        Also, if you have just installed the Registered 
        Version of PCCC, you will need to use this pro-
        cedure to initially create the KEYWORD index.  

        If PCCC seems to be acting strangely, try an 
        index rebuild before resorting to more drastic 

        Rebuild Indexes may be used any time without 
        fear of damaging any files, but be certain that 
        it completes the building of ALL its indexes.  
        Partial building of the indexes will assure that 
        the catalog will not work properly.

                       page 36       

        <X>   Exit to DOS 

        You must ALWAYS come back to the ACTIVITIES MENU 
        and exit to DOS before turning your computer 
        off.  When selecting "eXit", you will be 
        returned back to the "C>".  

                       page 37       


        Once you become a registered user, you will 
        receive a diskette containing the replacement 
        program "PCCC&".  To use your Registered Version 
        you will need to copy it onto your fixed disk.  
        Use the commands:
        [This assumes that you have installed PCCC on 
        the C: drive in the \PCCC sub-directory.]

        Now you may start the new version by typing at 
        the DOS prompt:
             PCCC&     then press <ENTER>.

        You will notice a slightly different sign-on 
        screen.  Everything will work the same as 
        standard PCCC.  You will need to do a "<R> 
        Rebuild Indexes" first to create the KEYWORD 
        index required for the new KEYWORD Lookup 
        feature.  Once the rebuild is completed, you 
        may lookup items by SUBJECT, AUTHOR, TITLE, and 

        The KEYWORD feature uses only words that are 
        three or more characters long.  Numbers are 
        ignored.  A text file named PCCC.IGN is a list 
        of words which PCCC will ignore when creating 
        the Index.  A sample of the PCCC.IGN file is 

        You will want to customize this list to match 
        your library's needs.  Use an ASCII-based word 
        processor (such as EDLIN or Wordstar in the non-
        doc mode), to add or delete words (250 words 
        max) from the file.  As you enter words into the 
        List, note that your new words may be in upper- 
        or lower-case.  PCCC does not care.  Each time 
        the list is changed, however, you must <R>ebuild 
        Indexes to update the KEYWORD Index.

                       page 38       

        The file PCCC.IGN must be located in the same 
        sub-directory as the PCCC program.  The words in 
        the KEYWORD Index are extracted from the Title, 
        the Subject Headings, and the Notes.  Other 
        fields are ignored.

                       page 39       

                     QUESTIONS and ANSWERS

        The following items are information that may be 
        helpful in case of problems or questions.  This 
        is far from an exhaustive list, so please write 
        DIAKON for additional information.

        1.   How do I enter more than one author?
          You must have noticed that the PCCC book 
          entry screen leaves room for only one author.  
          Indeed, that is true, so we have chosen to 
          stay with standard library practice and enter 
          only a single author.  You may wish to create 
          another entry for a joint author and make a 
          cross-reference in the NOTES section.

        2.   I noticed that when I step-through the 
             author field or enter author information, 
             the call letters on the entry screen 
             change.  What if I don't want them to 
          This feature of PCCC in a few cases can cause 
          unwanted information to appear in the call 
          letter field.  We feel like the advantages 
          out-weigh the disadvantages.  Be concious that 
          certain entries will need correcting from what 
          PCCC automatically  inserts.  These will be 
          biographies and books without authors.  Just 
          keeping this in mind will eliminate most of 
          the problems.

        3.   I notice that frequently, you warn against 
             turning off the computer at any point other 
             than the ACTIVITIES MENU.  So what about a 
             power outage, or what if I forget?  
          First, take precautions against power outages 
          such as using a backup or uninterruptible 
          power supply or not working during heavy thun-
          der storms.  But still, that may be unreal-
          istic.  It would be a wise idea to occasion-
          ally exit to the ACTIVITIES MENU several times 
          during a massive entry session simply for the 

                       page 40       

          purpose of keeping the disk directory updated.  
          In any case, an untimely power out can also 
          cause problems down the road as new data could 
          possibly overwrite existing data.  Use "<R> 
          Rebuild Indexes" from the ACTIVITIES MENU.  
          This ACTIVITY will rebuild the indexes to 
          assure that the overwriting problems do not 

        4.  How many entries does PCCC handle, and what 
            kind of disk space can I expect to need for 
            my library? 
          PCCC will keep track of over 65,000 books and 
          magazine items.  The required disk space is 
          dependent on how many Subject Headings you 
          average for your entries, and how many Notes 
          you have included.  If you are using the PCCC 
          Shareware version without the KEYWORD fea-
          ture, the disk usage will average 1600 entries 
          per megabyte.  If you have the Registered 
          Version with the KEYWORD feature, the average 
          will drop to about 1000 entries per megabyte.  
          Sorry, you just can't get something for 
          One nice feature of PCCC is that when an item 
          is deleted, PCCC will reuse that item's disk 
          space on new entries before it expands the 
          files.  This way, you can be sure that PCCC is 
          being space efficient without the need to 
          "compress" files. 

        5.  You mentioned earlier that I could make      
            some BLANK-SCREEN WORK SLIPS...what are      
            they, and how do I make them?
          Work slips are used by the librarian to 
          collect all of the information together for 
          the cataloging of a book or magazine item.  
          Wouldn't it be nice to have a blank screen 
          on paper to fill in the blanks as you are 
          cataloging and selecting subject headings?  
          Well, you can.  Just call up a blank entry 
          screen, and press the <Shift> and <PRT SC> 

                       page 41       

          keys at the same time so that the screen is 
          "dumped" to the printer.  Copy this print-out 
          several times and use it guide you as you 
          lookup and fill in information.

        6.   What if I made a mistake and need to change 
             an Reference Number?
          First you will need to delete the book or 
          magazine item with the incorrect number.  Use 
          "<C> Change or Delete Information" from the 
          ACTIVITIES MENU.  After you have the infor-
          mation on the screen, you might like to make a 
          printed "screen dump" of the information by 
          pressing the <Shift> key and the <PRT SC> key 
          at the same time.  Be sure the printer is on.  
          The screen will be printed on the printer so 
          that you have the data handy for reentry.  [A 
          few printers will not work properly in a 
          screen dump, so you might have to resort to 
          writing the information down.]  Now return to 
          the ACTIVITIES MENU, and if you are changing a 
          book, select "<A> Add Book or Magazine Infor-
          mation".  Write down the current "next" 
          Reference Number to reenter later.  Enter the 
          desired Reference Number in the first field.  
          The rest of the information may now be re-
          entered referring to the printed screen dump 
          as most of it should be correct.  Store the 
          information using the "<S> Save" option.  You 
          will need to keep the old "next" Reference 
          Number for the next time you make new entries.  

        7.  When I first start running PCCC I get the  
            message "not enough memory".  What do I do 
            about that?
          PCCC must have 256K of memory to run in.  
          Many early models of personal computers re-
          quire an additional expansion card to reach 
          that level of memory.  Unfortunately, there is 
          no solution other than the hardware additions.  

        8.  My screen suddenly read "Runtime error 4 at 

                       page 42       

            xxxx:yyyy" just after I started into PCCC.  
          This is an indication that you may not have 
          properly installed the CONFIG.SYS file or that 
          you turned on the computer with another disk-
          ette other then the PCCC diskette.  Check the 
          text of CONFIG.SYS.  PCCC requires that 
          CONFIG.SYS have the line "FILES=20" in it.   
          Then re-boot the computer being sure that the 
          correct CONFIG.SYS is located in the boot/root 

        9.   What if I am working away and suddenly I 
             see get this "Runtime error #nn at 
             xxxx:yyyy" message.  Now you told about 
             runtime error 4, but what about any others? 
          I sincerely hope this never happens as it 
          indicates a programming error.  Please take 
          the time to write down the numbers and the 
          conditions such as what ACTIVITY you were in 
          the process of doing and any out-of-the-
          ordinary keystrokes you may have made.  Then    
          write DIAKON as soon as possible so we can   
          solve the problem.

        10.  Okay, I've put all this information about 
             thousands of books on my disk.  Now I'm 
             ready to move up to something larger, maybe    
             with circulation and various research re-
             ports.  Spine label printing would be nice. 
             Can I move this information over to another 
             system without reentering it all?
          Good question!  It would be sad to not have 
          the capability of upgrading your PCCC data.  
          The answer is YES, you can.  Please write 
          DIAKON Systems and we will send you the infor-
          mation on other systems to which PCCC data can 
          be transfered.  
             You might also be interested in a companion 
          program to PCCC that will print traditional 
          catalog cards.  It uses 3-1/2" x 5" pin-feed 
          catalog card stock to print AUTHOR, TITLE, 

                       page 43       

          SUBJECT, and SHELF cards.  It can also print a 
          SHELF list which is a listing of all your 
          holdings in Shelf Order, plus an Accession 
          List much like PCCC's Reference Number List.  
             The best news is that it is a Shareware 
          program (cheap!).  It is called CASSY which 
          stands for Catalog card/ Accession & Shelf 
          listing SYstem.  You may order the registered 
          version from DIAKON Systems for $20(US) [+ $2 
          shipping].  This includes the registered 
          users' enhancements that will print a partial 
          or complete AUTHOR or TITLE listing.  

                       page 44       

        APPENDIX  A  -  Using CASSY and PCCC

        Some users will want to use both CASSY (Catalog 
        card / Accession & Shelf list SYstem) and PCCC 
        with the same data files (since the programs are 
        designed to be compatible).  This section of the 
        manual discusses the pros and cons of using both 
        programs with common data.  Instructions are 
        provided to add PCCC to an existing CASSY, then 
        to add CASSY to an existing PCCC.  Before begin-
        ning either installation, please BACKUP your 
        existing data files in case something goes awry.

        On the PRO side, obviously, by using CASSY, you 
        add the ability to print catalog cards.  The 
        shelf list makes inventory a breeze!  CASSY's 
        Accession Listing is exactly the same as PCCC 
        Reference Number Listing.  CASSY's Registered 
        Version will also print complete and partial 
        AUTHOR and TITLE listings.  What a helpful 
        resource when doing research!  Entry of infor-
        mation in PCCC has a few editing features that 
        make it a bit handier than CASSY at this time.  
        (Future versions of CASSY [2.0 and above] will 
        correct this, however.)

        On the CON side, PCCC does not address CASSY's 
        AV (audio-visual/media) cataloging.  CASSY's 
        "Remarks" field is not maintained in PCCC, and 
        PCCC's "Notes" field is not addressed in CASSY.  

        Adding PCCC to CASSY:

        First we will need to protect the existing CASSY 
        data files.  To do this, enter the CASSY sub-
        directory.  We will rename all the .DAT files 
        with the command as follows:
             RENAME  *.DAT  *.DAX    <ENTER>

        Now, as you are installing PCCC, you will need 

                       page 45       

        to install it in the existing CASSY sub-
        directory and tell PCCC to use the CASSY file-
        names.  The command will be as follows:
             INSTALL  A:  C:  CASSY     <ENTER>
        where "A:" is contains the PCCC distribution 
        diskette, "C:" is the CASSY program drive and 
        "CASSY" is the name of the sub-directory that 
        contains the CASSY program files.   

        When asked for the Book Filename, enter 
        "CASYBOOK".  When asked for the Subject File-
        name, enter "CASYSUBJ".  When asked for the 
        Notes Filename, it enter "CASYNOTE".

        At the question "Do you wish to create new PCCC 
        data files? (Y/N)" answer "Y"es.  This will 
        create empty data files.  Next, you will need to 
        copy the old CASSY data files back as follows:
             COPY  *.DAX  *.DAT    <ENTER>
        Now delete the .DAX files (since they are 
        duplicates anyway) with:
             DEL  *.DAX            <ENTER>
        This copying-renaming-deleting exercize provides 
        a way to create the CASYNOTE.DAT file without 
        damaging the existing CASSY*.DAT files.

        Once the PCCC installation is complete, you will 
        need to do a PCCC "<R> Rebuild indexes"  to 
        create the new PCCC indexes.  Once this is done, 
        you will be able to move between programs trans-

        Adding CASSY to PCCC:

        On the other hand, you may be installing CASSY 
        with an existing PCCC program.  1) You will need 
        to install CASSY on the drive and sub-directory 
        that currently contain the PCCC programs.  The 
        CASSY install file FIXDINST.BAT will need to 
        have the drive letter and sub-directory changed 

                       page 46       

        to match those of PCCC.  You will need to use an 
        ASCII word processor (such as EDLIN) to make the 
        changes.  As you are installing CASSY, go ahead 
        and create the empty data files when requested.  
        2) You will next need to change the PCCC data 
        filenames as follows:
             DEL CASYBOOK.*   [Assuming they are empty,]
             DEL CASYSUBJ.*   [of course! If they are  ]
                              [not empty, then use     ]
                              [CASSYMRG.COM from CASSY ]
                              [enhancements to merge.  ]

        3) Also, update the PCCC filenames in the 
        PCCC.CNF file as noted above.  Use the command:
             PCCCINST  C:  PCCC    <ENTER>
        where "C:" is the PCCC program drive and "PCCC" 
        is the PCCC sub-directory.  

        After that is done your files should look like:

        Whew, we're glad that's out of the way!  We 
        think you will find it worth the effort to make 
        these two companion programs work together.

        Notes on Using CASSY and PCCC:

        Note that entries and alterations in CASSY will 
        not update the catalog indexes used in PCCC.  
        Conversely, items entered in PCCC will not print 
        catalog cards until they have been "Saved to 
        Print" in CASSY.  A reasonable procedure to 
        resolve this problem would be:

                       page 47       

          1) Make new entries and alterations in PCCC.  
             This keeps the indexes current.
          2) Add remarks in CASSY's alter mode, then
          3) "Save to print" if you need to print cards.
        A PCCC Index Rebuild will correct any incorrect 
        indexes caused by making new and altered entries 
        in CASSY.

                       page 48       

        APPENDIX  B:
            A Special Note to Fixed Disk Users

        After a major session of DATA entry, you will 
        need to BACKUP your files.  Assuming the 
        BACKUP.COM file is currently on your "C drive", 
        with the cursor positioned at the "C>"  type:
               BACKUP C:\PCCC\PCCC*.DAT A:     <ENTER>

        This will backup onto one or more diskettes the 
        data file information that cannot be obtained 
        from your PCCC Distribution Diskette, or that 
        can be regenerated from the PCCC Rebuild Indexes 

                       page 49       

        APPENDIX C :
             DIAKON Systems Library Program Catalog

        PC-CARD CATALOG (registered version) - 
           includes:  Full on-line catalog look- 
           up features (Author, Title, Subject, 
           Keyword) ; New item entry and 
           alteration; Print-out of holdings; 
           Index rebuild; Documentation on 
           disk. (Two diskettes) ................. 39.00  

           - includes only the full on-line 
           catalog look up features noted above. 
           Excludes the ability to alter data or 
           print holdings.  This program is 
           designed for institutions that have 
           public access to the on-line catalog.  
           Once the program is running, no data 
           may be altered, access to DOS is via 
           password only.  This program is 
           available to registered PCCC users 
           only. (One diskette) .................. 29.00

        CASSY [CAtalog card/accession & Shelf 
           list SYstem] (Registered version) - A 
           companion program to PCCC that can 
           print formatted catalog cards 
           (Author, Title, Subject, Shelf); 
           Print listings in Author, Title, 
           Shelf, Accession order; Process 
           Audio-visual materials including 
           cards and listings.  Data files 
           (other than AV) are compatible with 
           PCCC.  Includes documentation on 
           diskette. (Two diskettes) ............. 24.00

        Each registered version ordered includes the 
        latest version of the Shareware program.  
        Registered versions include phone support.  
        Please order using the order form found on the 
        following page.

                       page 50       

                   DIAKON Systems Order Form
                   ------ ------- ----- ----
        Please send the following items:

        _____ PC-Card Catalog (Registered 
              Version) - $39.00 each .... _____________
        _____ PC-Card Catalog - Public 
              Access Catalog (please provide
              (PCCC registration number if
              not ordering PCCC at this 
              time. - No. ______________ )
              - $29.00 each ............. _____________
        _____ CASSY (Registered Version)
              - $24.00 each ............. _____________
        _____ Shipping & Handling (number 
              of diskettes x rate)( $2.00
              per diskette inside US; $4.00
              per diskette outside US to 
              allow for air mail.)....... _____________
        - - - Texas State Sales Tax (for
              orders inside of Texas only)
              add 8.0% .................. _____________

              TOTAL ENCLOSED (please make
              payments in US funds) ..... _____________

        Name __________________________________________

        Address _______________________________________



        Send order form and enclosed payment to:
                  DIAKON Systems
                  3801 Glenmont Dr.
                  Fort Worth, TX  76133-2955

        Purchase orders are NET + 10%, 30 days.

                       page 51       

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2590

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

PCCC     EXE     84960   5-06-90   1:13a
PCCCINST EXE     16608   1-01-90   7:35p
PCCC     DOC     88064   1-01-90   7:45p
INSTALL  BAT       997   1-01-90   7:28p
CONFIG   SYS        20   1-01-90   7:45p
README            3072   1-01-90   7:49p
GO       BAT        28   6-12-91   9:44a
GO       TXT      1002   6-12-91   9:44a
FILE2590 TXT      2295   6-27-91   4:43p
        9 file(s)     197046 bytes
                      121856 bytes free