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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2588)

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Disk No: 2588                                                           
Disk Title: Volunteer Network #2 (2587, 2589 also)                      
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: The Volunteer Network                                    
Author Version: 5.0                                                     
Author Registration: $99.00                                             
Special Requirements: 512K RAM, and a hard drive.                       
THE VOLUNTEER NETWORK is an extensive database written in DBASE III,    
designed to help organize putting volunteers together to perform        
different tasks and assignments, and keeping track of special skills and
experience of each volunteer to meet special needs.  Assignments can be 
scheduled to meet the time availability of each volunteer, and you can  
keep track of the hours that each volunteer has worked and what groups  
or committees they belong too.  THE VOLUNTEER NETWORK is most useful to 
any volunteer organization that has a large volunteer base or has many  
assigments that need to be met, subject to time availability or special 
skills that may be required.  Sign in sheets can be printed, as well as 
mailing labels for the volunteers.                                      
For each volunteer you can keep track of specific information such as   
their age, education, health condition, education, emergency phone      
number and contact, membership dues, tests taken, whether or not they   
can drive, if they have a car or truck, assignment interests, the times 
that they are available, and the total number hours that they have      
worked.  The number of hours that each volunteer puts in is             
automatically updated as each work assignment is accomplished.  Awards  
can be issued on the basis of the number of hours put in, and you can   
keep track of the awards each volunteer has attained.                   
The skills and experience of each volunteer are entered in separate     
records from the personal information.  For each person business and    
volunteer skills can be entered, as well as all past experience and     
training courses completed.  This will allow a volunteer organization to
pool its resources more efficiently.  Assignments can be scheduled and  
filled by individual volunteers or by a group of volunteers.  Volunteers
can be given regular daily assignments or special tasks that need to be 
performed.  THE VOLUNTEER NETWORK will allow you to keep track of       
unfilled assignments and what hours are still open.                     
For reviewing and searching the volunteer information, THE VOLUNTEER    
NETWORK will allow you to find an individual record from a key field or 
find multiple records based upon criteria on several fields of          
information.  Moreover, you can display or print information in a       
customized format: you can select what fields are to printed, the order 
in which they are to be printed, and the sorting order of the records.  
In addition to the search and review options, THE VOLUNTEER NETWORK can 
print out many reports, among which are the following:                  
~ Address and phone listing.                                            
~ Volunteer group listing.                                              
~ Volunteer start date listing.                                         
~ Membership roster.                                                    
~ Membership dues listing for a range of dates.                         
~ Assignment interest listing for each volunteer.                       
~ Emergency information listing.                                        
~ Training class reports by class, instructor, certification expiration 
date, and other criteria.                                               
~ Assignment listing for each volunteer, or group.                      
~ A listing of all volunteers, or groups, with an assignment on a       
particular day.                                                         
~ A master schedule of assignments, sorted by date.                     
~ A daily assignment listing.                                           
~ Sign in sheets for recording work done.                               
~ Work entry reports.                                                   
~ Unscheduled assignment reports.                                       
THE VOLUNTEER NETWORK can produce mailing labels for the volunteers.    
Mailing labels can be printed for all volunteers, for specific groups or
committees, for volunteers on a particular assignment, for members only,
for board members only, or for inactive volunteers.                     
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989-1991 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║<<<<  PC-SIG Disk #2588 THE VOLUNTEER NETWORK #2 (also #2587, #2589) >>>>║
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(c) Copyright 1991, PC-SIG Inc.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2588

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

VOLNET   001    152146   5-07-90  10:56p
GO       TXT       649   3-11-91   1:40p
GO       BAT        28  10-04-90   5:21a
FILE2588 TXT      5925   3-11-91   3:43p
        4 file(s)     158748 bytes
                           0 bytes free