PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2580)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


Disk No: 2580                                                           
Disk Title: TEMPLEXX: The Template Multiplexer                          
PC-SIG Version: S1.0                                                    
Program Title: TEMPLEXX: The Template Multiplexer                       
Author Version: 1.0                                                     
Author Registration: $15.00                                             
Special Requirements: A hard drive and applications program.            
Keyboard templates are those little plastic instruction lists that lay  
on your keyboard or around your function keys.  They can be a lot of    
help -- if you can find one.                                            
TEMPLEXX is a program that ends searching and fumbling for templates or 
other program helpers.  TEMPLEXX is a memory resident (TSR) program that
lets you ``pop-up'' a helpful template while you're using your favorite 
word processor, database, or any other application program.             
TEMPLEXX is smart!  Press the hot key for a Help template and TEMPLEXX  
automatically senses the program and grabs the correct template to      
display.  It finds the help you need to quickly return to your          
application program.                                                    
Create a template for any application if it is not already included in  
the completed templates for many popular programs.   Templates for the  
following programs are included:                                        
~ dBASE IV                                                              
~ DisplayWrite                                                          
~ Lotus 1-2-3                                                           
~ Microsoft WORD                                                        
~ Multimate                                                             
~ PFS Professional Write                                                
~ QuickBasic and QuickC                                                 
~ R:BASE                                                                
~ SuperCalc                                                             
~ WordPerfect                                                           
~ WordStar                                                              
~ And more.                                                             
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║    <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #2580  TEMPLEXX: THE TEMPLATE MULTIPLEXER  >>>>    ║
║  To read the list of the application programs currently supported by    ║
║  TEMPLEXX, type:  Type SUPPLIED.LST  (press Enter)                      ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To print the documentation and installation instructions, type:        ║
║                    COPY READ.ME PRN  (press Enter)                      ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                           Copyright 1991, PC-SIG, Inc.  ║

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2580

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

HELPDICT           790   9-15-90   3:26p
INSTALL  EXE     69147   9-15-90   3:26p
TEMPLEXX EXE     13800   9-15-90   3:26p
TSG      EXE     49767   9-15-90   3:26p
COMMAND  HTX      4048   9-15-90   3:26p
DBASE4   HTX      4474   9-15-90   3:26p
DEBUG    HTX      4065   9-15-90   3:26p
DW4      HTX      4474   9-15-90   3:26p
EDLIN    HTX      4283   9-15-90   3:26p
FRMWRK3  HTX      4474   9-15-90   3:26p
LOTUS1A  HTX      4474   9-15-90   3:26p
LOTUS2   HTX      4474   9-15-90   3:26p
MANUSCR  HTX      4474   9-15-90   3:26p
MANUSCR2 HTX      4474   9-15-90   3:26p
MMADV2   HTX      4473   9-15-90   3:26p
MMATE    HTX      4424   9-15-90   3:26p
PWRITE   HTX      4474   9-15-90   3:26p
QB       HTX      4423   9-15-90   3:26p
QC       HTX      4474   9-15-90   3:26p
RBASE    HTX      4474   9-15-90   3:26p
REFLEX   HTX      4474   9-15-90   3:26p
SC3      HTX      4474   9-15-90   3:26p
SC5      HTX      4474   9-15-90   3:26p
TB       HTX      2186   9-15-90   3:26p
WORD3    HTX      4463   9-15-90   3:26p
WORD5    HTX      4474   9-15-90   3:26p
WP4      HTX      4463   9-15-90   3:26p
WP5      HTX      4474   9-15-90   3:26p
WP5AKVGA HTX      4474   9-15-90   3:26p
WP5ALTK  HTX      4474   9-15-90   3:26p
WP5VGA   HTX      4474   9-15-90   3:26p
WS       HTX      4474   9-15-90   3:26p
WS2000   HTX      4474   9-15-90   3:26p
SUPPLIED LST      1446   9-15-90   3:26p
READ     ME      25151   9-15-90   3:26p
TEMPLATE X        4463   9-15-90   3:26p
TEMPLATE Y        4463   9-15-90   3:26p
FILE2580 TXT      4145   3-18-91  11:37a
GO       BAT        38   1-31-91  12:58a
GO       TXT       925   2-27-91   5:47a
WP5      0   <DIR>    
       41 file(s)     300443 bytes

 Directory of A:\WP5.0

.            <DIR>    
..           <DIR>    
PC-SIG   DOC      1421   9-16-90   4:32p
        3 file(s)       1421 bytes

Total files listed:
       44 file(s)     301864 bytes
                       34816 bytes free