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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2569)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


Disk No: 2569                                                           
Disk Title: Memos&More                                                  
PC-SIG Version: S1.0                                                    
Program Title: Memos&More, The File Companion                           
Author Version: 1.10                                                    
Author Registration: $40.00                                             
Special Requirements: 370K RAM                                          
MEMOS&MORE, THE FILE COMPANION is a user productivity shell which       
provides file management, task documentation, file launching and file   
editing under one easy-to-use interface. It is designed to help get a   
handle on the ever-growing number of files generated by most computer   
MEMOS&MORE provides such features as attaching up to 500 lines of user  
defined text for each directory entry, launch files into applications,  
QuickView into another drive/directory, store keystrokes to often used  
applications in up to 26 Hotkeys, edit files with your own editor, and  
find a file anywhere on a drive.                                        
MEMOS&MORE can be used by both experienced and novice PC users. The     
experienced user will appreciate the memo feature to record notes on    
work-in-process and the hotkey to store tedious series' of keystrokes to
run applications or perform other operations. The novice can use the    
memos as mini online manuals to get familiar with the available         
applications. (This can be a great time saver for PC Managers.) Everyone
in between will find that having Help notes right with the files a great
memory jogger while the file launcher brings a file into an application 
in one keystroke.                                                       
MEMOS&MORE is not a DOS shell. It is a productivity shell to help you   
get your job done.  It is designed to be the center of user interaction 
with the PC.  It is a basic tool ready to make PC usage easier for all  
types of users.                                                         
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║               <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #2569  MEMOS&MORE  >>>>                 ║
║  To print the documentation and installation instructions, type:        ║
║                   COPY README.1ST PRN  (press Enter)                    ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To print the SAMPLES.DOC file, type:  COPY SAMPLES.DOC PRN  (Enter)    ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To print the order form, type:  COPY ORDER.DOC PRN  (press Enter)      ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To print the site license form, type:  COPY SITELICE.DOC PRN  (Enter)  ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                           Copyright 1991, PC-SIG, Inc.  ║


                        LICENSE AGREEMENT

COPYRIGHT =======================================================

MEMOS&MORE,THE FILE COMPANION is a copyrighted software product
developed and solely owned by JCK ENTERPRISES located in
Glastonbury, CT, USA.

LICENSE =========================================================

Prior to registration, you are allowed to distribute the original
software and related files, in its distributed form, subject to
the following limitations:

1) NO FEE or other consideration is to be charged for the
   distribution of the Memos&More Software package other than a
   reasonable charge for the cost of the diskette, shipping and
   handling.  This charge is not to exceed $10.00.

2) The files and programs cannot be sold as part of some other
   more inclusive package.

3) ALL distributions must clearly state that the product is
   SHAREWARE and that the author expects an additional
   registration fee if the software is used after and initial
   evaluation period.

4) The files and programs in the software package cannot be
   modified or deleted in any way.

After registration with JCK ENTERPRISES, you will be granted a
non-transferable perpetual license for the use of the software on
one single-user computer under the following conditions.  You
will be allowed to make archival copies of the software, in
its' entirety, strictly for backup purposes.  You will be
allowed to physically transfer the software from one computer to
another provided that there is NO POSSIBILITY that the software
is being used on one computer while it is being used on another.

OTHER RESTRICTIONS ==============================================

1) No portion of MEMOS&MORE, THE FILE COMPANION can be sold as
   part of some other more inclusive package.

2) You may not rent or lease MEMOS&MORE, THE FILE COMPANION to
   others.  ALL commercial benefits are reserved exclusively by
   JCK Enterprises.

3) Under no circumstances are you allowed to reverse-engineer,
   diassemble, modify, decompile or create derivative works of
   the product.

WARRANTY ========================================================

JCK ENTERPRISES hereby disclaims all warranties relating to this
software, whether express or implied, including but not limited
to any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose.  MEMOS&MORE, THE FILE COMPANION is licensed
on an "AS IS" basis.  In no event will JCK ENTERPRISES be held
liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or
similar damages due to loss of data or any other reason, even if
JCK ENTERPRISES or an agent of JCK ENTERPRISES has been advised
of the possibility of such damages.  In no event shall JCK
ENTERPRISES's liability for any damages ever exceed the price
paid for the license to use the software, regardless of the form
of the claim.  The person using the software bears all risk as to
the quality and performance of the software.  (Some states do not
allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential
damages, so these portions of the foregoing limitations may not
apply to you.)

GOVERNING LAW ===================================================

This agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with
the laws of the STATE OF CONNECTICUT.


                      REGISTRATION FORM FOR             (REG0790)
                    (C) 1990 JCK ENTERPRISES

From:                                        To:

      Name:_______________________________      JCK Enterprises
 (Company):_______________________________      P.O. Box 1262
   (Title):_______________________________      Glastonbury, CT
   Address:_______________________________                 06033
   Country:_______________________________    ZIP
     Phone:_______________________________        Date _________

How did you get the program ?
( i.e.  Downloaded from what BBS ?,etc ...)

for MS-DOS (Check One) ...

( ) * Latest Version, which includes diskette, manual
      and quick reference card ....( __ Copies) x $40.00 = _______

( ) * Site license is available at reduced rates for 10 or more
      copies ordered ... (includes one diskette with copy of the
      latest version, manual and quick reference card)

       - for quantities between 10-199 computers, figure
            $8.95 x (_____# computers) + $210 = .......... _______

       - for 200 or more computers,
            $2000.00 one time fee ........................ _______

       - Extra copies of the manual and quick reference
         card available at $10.00 each
         (for site licenses only)            ____ x $10 =  _______

Diskette format (Check One)     ( ) 5.25" disk     ( ) 3.5" disk

   Shipping & Handling for each package (Check One)......
     ( ) Domestic USA   $5.00
     ( ) Canada        $10.00
     ( ) OverSeas      $15.00   ... x ( ___ # packages) =  _______

            CT Residents add 8% Sales Tax   ... (x .08) =  _______

                            Total Enclosed ............... _______

   Make funds payable to:     JCK Enterprises
                              P.O. Box 1262
                              Glastonbury, CT 06033

   All licenses are prepaid only.  Check or Money order drawn on
   a USA bank in US funds only.  Purchase orders(30 days net)
   accepted from large corporations within USA & Canada.  All
   orders outside of USA & Canada must be prepaid.  All sales
   are final.

MS-DOS is a resgistered trademark of MicroSoft Corp.


                  WELCOME TO JCK ENTERPRISES'S          (VER0790)

SAMPLE PROGRAMS =================================================

In most cases, application programs commonly used today allow the
passing of a filename through the command line for automatic
loading.  The following examples are provided as guides for
loading files into programs which do not accept filenames as
command line parameters.  Once the process is defined the
launching of the file from the command line becomes transparent.

         Examples are provided for:

            1) Lotus 1-2-3
            2) DBase III Plus
            3) AutoCad

The techniques presented in the examples are fairly straight
forward and can be modified as required.  In addition, when
MEMOS&MORE, THE FILE COMPANION launches a file it writes the file
name information on the file EXITFILE.&MR in the Memos&More home
directory as text.  It has three lines which offers info on the
launched file name in the following ways:

                 1) Path only;
                 2) Filename & Extension only
                 3) Path, FileName & Extension

This file could be accessed by the application program or by some
other means for processing.

Example 1:  Lotus Spreadsheets ==================================

Lotus 1-2-3 provides a means of taking control upon loading
through the use of the \0 macro found in a spreadsheet.  This is
invoked after the file is loaded.  Lotus 1-2-3 also automatically
loads a default filename(AUTO123.WK1), if it exists.  These
features have been combined in the following batch file.

Note: This example assumes the following:
  o LOTUS 1-2-3 resides on the D:\LOTUS subdirectory
  o the file AUTO123.MAC resides on the D:\LOTUS subdirectory
  o first parameter( %1 ) is the Lotus worksheet you wish to load
  o you are running MS-DOS 3.30 or higher.
  o You also have the Allways Lotus Add-In package

Sample Call from the Command Line:   C:\ >LOTUS work1.wk1


@echo off
  .                Fill in your stuff here ....
set prog=123
set oldpath=%path%
set path=d:\lotus;d:\lotus\allways;%path%
if not exist allways.adn  set noall=true
if "%noall%" == "true"  copy d:\lotus\allways.adn allways.adn > nul
IF "%1" == "" GOTO :SKIP
    ECHO %1 > 123FIL.TXT
if "%noall%" == "true"  del allways.adn
IF "%1" == "" GOTO :SKIP2
    DEL 123FIL.TXT > NUL
    DEL AUTO123.WK1 > NUL
set path=%oldpath%
set oldpath=
set noall=
set prog=
  .                Fill in your stuff here ....

The AUTO123.MAC file is a spreadsheet with the following Macro:

      I            J            K            L            M
 1   \0       {WINDOWSOFF}
 2            {OPEN "123FIL.TXT",R}
 3            {READLN J10}
 4            {CLOSE}
 5            {RECALC J7..J7}
 6            /fr{ESC}{ESC}
 7                         { J7 Contains: @TRIM(@S(J10..J10)) }
 8            ~
10                         { J10 Gets the file name to load ... }

EXAMPLE 2: DBASE III Plus Data Base =============================

DBASE III Plus provides a means of loading a .PRG program file
from the command line.  The file DBLOAD.PRG is a short DBase
program which loads the desired database filename.  The file
DBLOAD.DBF is a short database consisting of only one character
field(FNAME) of width 80(Use DBASE to look at the file
DBLOAD.DBF).  The DBLOAD.PRG program uses the DBLOAD.DBF to read
the file DBFIL.TXT(created in the batch file) into the FNAME
field and then uses the database specified in FNAME.

Note: This example assumes the following:
  o DBASE resides on the D:\DBASE subdirectory
  o the DBLOAD.DBF & DBLOAD.PRG files also reside on D:\DBASE
  o first parameter( %1 ) is the DBase III Plus file when the
    second parameter ( %2 ) is specified. Other wise %1 is
    considered a .PRG file
  o you are running MS-DOS 3.30 or higher.

Sample Call from the Command Line:   C:\ >DBASE mydbf.dbf x


@echo off
  .                Fill in your stuff here ....
cd \dbase
IF "%2" == "" GOTO :PRG
    SET PRG=%1
d:\dbase\dbase %prg%
IF "%2" == "" GOTO :SKIPIT
  .                Fill in your stuff here ....

The DBASE III Plus program follows:


set delete on
delete all
go top
append from C:\DBASE\DBFIL.TXT type delimited
goto 1
s = Trim(FNAME)
use &s

EXAMPLE 3: AutoCad Drawing Files ================================

AutoCad provides a means to change the default file name at
startup and the capability to start executing a script file from
the command line.  These features have been combined in the
following example.

Note: This example assumes the following:
  o AutoCad resides on the C:\ACAD subdirectory
  o the ACADLD.SCR file also resides on C:\ACAD
  o first parameter( %1 ) is the AutoCad .DWG file you wish to
  o you are running MS-DOS 3.30 or higher.
  o you are using AutoCad version 10.

Sample Call from the Command Line:   C:\ >ACAD mydwg.dwg f


@echo off
  .                Fill in your stuff here ....
IF "%1" == "" GOTO :NOFILE
    acad %1 acadld.scr
  .                Fill in your stuff here ....

The ACADLD.SCR script follows:


This text file contains only two (2) lines.  The first one with
only option 2 invoked from the ACAD Main Menu.  The second line
which is blank tells ACAD to use the default filename which was
passed in on the command line .

 line 1: 2
 line 2:

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ================================================

  o Lotus, 1-2-3 and Allways are registered trademarks of Lotus
    Development Corp.
  o DBase III is a registered trademark of Aston-Tate Corp.
  o AutoCad is a registered trademark of AutoDesk, Inc.
  o MS-DOS is a registered trademark of MicroSoft Corp.



Sample Site License ........................

                     SITE LICENSE AGREEMENT

COPYRIGHT =======================================================

MEMOS&MORE,THE FILE COMPANION is a copyrighted software product
developed and solely owned by JCK ENTERPRISES located in
Glastonbury, CT, USA.

LICENSE =========================================================

JCK ENTERPRISES hereby grants [COMPAMY NAME] a perpetual,
non-transferable, site license for [# COMPUTERS] single-user
computers to use MEMOS&MORE, THE FILE COMPANION under the
following conditions.  This license allows internal use and
copying of the software by as many users/machines as specified
above.  You will also be allowed to make (1) archival copy of the
software, in its' entirety, strictly for backup purposes.  You
will also be allowed to physically transfer the software from one
computer to another provided that there is NO POSSIBILITY that
the number of working versions of the software package does not
exceed the number contracted for above.

OTHER RESTRICTIONS ==============================================

1) No portion of MEMOS&MORE, THE FILE COMPANION can be sold as
   part of some other more inclusive package.

2) You may not rent or lease MEMOS&MORE, THE FILE COMPANION to
   others.  ALL commercial benefits are reserved exclusively by
   JCK Enterprises.

3) Under no circumstances are you allowed to reverse-engineer,
   diassemble, modify, decompile or create derivative works of
   the product.

WARRANTY =======================================================

JCK ENTERPRISES hereby disclaims all warranties relating to this
software, whether express or implied, including but not limited
to any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose.  MEMOS&MORE, THE FILE COMPANION is licensed
on an "AS IS" basis.  In no event will JCK ENTERPRISES be held
liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or
similar damages due to loss of data or any other reason, even if
JCK ENTERPRISES or an agent of JCK ENTERPRISES has been advised
of the possibility of such damages.  In no event shall JCK
ENTERPRISES's liability for any damages ever exceed the price
paid for the license to use the software, regardless of the form
of the claim.  The person using the software bears all risk as to
the quality and performance of the software.  (Some states do not
allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential
damages, so these portions of the foregoing limitations may not
apply to you.)

GOVERNING LAW ===================================================

This agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with
the laws of the STATE OF CONNECTICUT.

AUTHORIZATIONS ==================================================


   Country:____________________________________    ZIP

Authorized by:

Authorized Signature:_________________________     Date _________


   JCK Enterprises
   P.O. Box 1262
   Glastonbury, CT 06033

Authorized Signature:_________________________     Date _________
               Title: President, JCK Enterprises

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2569

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

ACADLD   SCR         6   8-08-90   1:00a
AUTO123  MAC      1666   8-08-90   1:00a
DBLOAD   DBF       309   8-08-90   1:00a
DBLOAD   PRG       147   8-08-90   1:00a
LICENSE  DOC      3478   8-08-90   1:00a
ORDER    DOC      2400   8-08-90   1:00a
README   1ST      9938   8-08-90   1:00a
SAMPLES  DOC      6628   8-08-90   1:00a
SITELICE DOC      3723   8-08-90   1:00a
MM       BAT        32   8-08-90   1:00a
&MR      HLP     28473   8-08-90   1:00a
&MRPRG   EXE    167392   8-08-90   1:00a
&MR      CFG       166   8-08-90   1:00a
MEMOS    &MR      4974   8-08-90   1:00a
FILE2569 TXT      3035   3-18-91  12:39p
GO       BAT        38   1-31-91  12:58a
GO       TXT      1156   3-18-91   2:59a
       17 file(s)     233561 bytes
                       78848 bytes free