PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2545)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


Disk No: 2545                                                           
Disk Title: Learning Japanese, The Hiragana Symbols                     
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: Learning Japanese 1. The Hiragana Symbols                
Author Version: 1.01                                                    
Author Registration: $25.00                                             
Special Requirements: EGA.                                              
Have you ever wanted to learn Japanese? Well, this program will teach   
you the Hiragana symbols. Hiragana is like a code, with symbols         
representing syllables. The program teaches you to recognize the 75     
Japanese Hiragana symbols using flash cards, literal conversion of      
English sounds, and a tutorial with recognition practive. You can       
control the program with the mouse or the keyboard.                     
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989-1991 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2545

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

JAPAN    DOC       788   9-29-90  12:04p
AA                 445   8-26-90  10:28p
E2                1096   8-16-90  11:25p
N1                1194   8-14-90   9:12a
N3                 118   8-16-90  11:30p
N4                 164   8-15-90   1:07a
E1                1599   8-16-90   6:44p
A1                2110   8-21-90   8:59a
N5                 169   8-16-90  11:30p
N2                 232   8-16-90  11:34p
HO                 460   9-08-90  11:09a
KA                 438   8-26-90  10:30p
KI                 452   8-26-90  10:31p
NA                 452   8-26-90  10:50p
KU                 445   8-26-90  10:31p
II                 445   8-26-90  10:29p
UU                 452   8-26-90  10:29p
EE                 453   8-26-90  10:29p
OO                 438   8-26-90  10:30p
HI                 459   9-08-90  11:09a
HU                 459   9-08-90  11:09a
SA                 459   8-26-90  10:33p
KE                 452   8-26-90  10:31p
KO                 445   8-26-90  10:32p
SI                 445   8-26-90  10:34p
SU                 452   8-26-90  10:34p
SE                 452   8-26-90  10:34p
SO                 445   8-26-90  10:35p
TA                 452   9-03-90  10:31p
TI                 459   9-03-90  10:32p
TU                 459   9-03-90  10:32p
TE                 452   9-03-90  10:33p
TO                 459   9-03-90  10:33p
NI                 445   8-26-90  10:50p
NU                 452   8-26-90  10:51p
NE                 445   8-26-90  10:51p
NO                 452   8-26-90  10:51p
HA                 438   8-26-90  10:58p
HE                 445   8-26-90  10:52p
MA                 274   8-22-90   6:00p
MI                 269   8-22-90   6:00p
MU                 322   8-22-90   6:01p
ME                 333   8-22-90   6:01p
MO                 244   8-22-90   6:01p
YA                 286   8-22-90   6:02p
WA                 347   8-22-90   6:02p
YU                 262   8-22-90   6:02p
YO                 298   8-22-90   6:03p
WO                 254   8-22-90   6:03p
RA                 269   8-22-90   6:33p
RI                 180   8-22-90   6:04p
RU                 229   8-22-90   6:04p
RE                 333   8-22-90   6:04p
RO                 244   8-22-90   6:05p
NN                 476   8-22-90   6:34p
GA                 459   9-02-90   9:51a
GI                 459   9-02-90   9:51a
GU                 459   9-02-90   9:51a
GE                 459   9-02-90   9:52a
GO                 459   9-02-90   9:52a
ZA                 459   9-02-90   9:52a
ZI                 452   9-02-90   9:53a
ZU                 459   9-02-90   9:53a
ZE                 452   9-02-90   9:53a
ZO                 452   9-02-90   9:53a
DA                 354   8-22-90   6:10p
JI                 424   8-22-90   6:10p
DI                 358   8-22-90   6:11p
DO                 428   8-22-90   6:12p
DE                 444   8-22-90   6:12p
BA                 417   9-02-90  10:37a
BI                 459   9-02-90   9:48a
BU                 459   9-02-90   9:48a
BE                 452   9-02-90   9:48a
BO                 460   9-02-90   9:49a
PA                 346   9-02-90  10:38a
PI                 459   9-02-90   9:49a
PU                 459   9-02-90   9:50a
PE                 452   9-02-90   9:50a
PO                 460   9-02-90   9:50a
XA                 120   8-22-90   6:28p
XU                  76   8-22-90   6:29p
XO                  67   8-22-90   6:29p
A4                1824   9-08-90  10:54a
DU                 428   8-30-90   9:45a
RR                 286   9-02-90   9:56a
B1                 388   9-06-90   5:19p
B2                 364   9-06-90   5:19p
READ     ME        388  11-05-90   9:36p
ORDER    FRM      1351  11-05-90   9:44p
J        EXE     54560  11-05-90  10:40p
GO       BAT        36  10-08-90   1:36p
FILE2545 TXT      2078  10-08-90   1:38p
       93 file(s)      98562 bytes
                      163840 bytes free