PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2527)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....



DoubleCross is a strategy game for two players.  The goal is to build a
solid connection between two sides of the playing board.  Each player
tries to connect their sides while blocking their opponent's attempts
to do the same.

This program will work with CGA, EGA, Hercules and VGA graphics modes.
When you run the program, you will be presented with a simple list of
display modes supported.  Simply press the key corresponding to the
mode of your choice and the game will continue loading.  If you do not
know which type you have, try them all until you eliminate those that
your computer cannot support.  Remember that the graphics get better
on the EGA and VGA modes.

To start the program, type DBLCROSS at the DOS prompt.

Advanced Information

For CGA displays, DoubleCross uses the high-resolution monochrome mode
to better show the board and pieces.  The VGA support is true 640x480,
16-color support and shows much greater detail than the EGA mode.

Any MS-compatible mouse is supported but you can also use the keyboard
at the same time.  This means that one player can use the mouse and the
other can use the keyboard if you do not like trading the mouse back
and forth after each turn.  We have tried this software with the
following mouse manufacturers: Microsoft, Logitech, and Genius.

If you try to run this program with a mode that your computer cannot
support, you will see a blank screen.  If this happens, don't panic!
The game probably has loaded so you can press the 'Q' key to quit.  If
that doesn't work, you might have to reboot the computer.  All of
this should not happen if you correctly identify your computer's
proper display type.

If you get annoyed at seeing the display menu, you can tell the program
from DOS when you run it by adding the letter for the display mode on
the same command line after the program name:

    DBLCROSS C   - loads in CGA mode
    DBLCROSS H   - loads in Hercules mode
    DBLCROSS E   - loads in EGA mode
    DBLCROSS V   - loads in VGA mode


Disk No: 2527                                                           
Disk Title: Pentrix, Boggler, & DoubleCross                             
PC-SIG Version: S1.32                                                   
Program Title: Pentrix                                                  
Author Version: 1.32                                                    
Author Registration: $10.00                                             
Special Requirements: None.                                             
It's like tic-tac-toe on steroids!  Based on the board game GO-MAKU,    
PENTRIX will test your strategic thinking.  You and an opponent take    
turns placing your games pieces on the board.  Outflank your opponent by
placing five of your pieces in a row and you've won.  The help screens  
explain the rules and make winning sound easy -- but it's not.          
PENTRIX works fine on any system, but has stunning graphics on EGA/VGA. 
Works great with or without a mouse.                                    
Program Title: DoubleCross                                              
Author Version: 4/91                                                    
Author Registration: $10.00                                             
Special Requirements: Graphics card. Supports a mouse.                  
Here's a strategy game to keep two players busy for a while! Build a    
bridge that solidly connects both sides of the board. ...But do it while
blocking your opponent's attempts to do the same!                       
Program Title: Boggler                                                  
Author Version: 4/91                                                    
Author Registration: $10.00                                             
Special Requirements: Graphics card.                                    
An addictive game that's great for get-togethers, BOGGLER is a word game
for any number of players. The game displays a 4x4 square of letters.   
All players try to build the longest and most unique words in three     
minutes time. You can connect any letter to any other adjoining letter  
to form large words (in other words, the path of the word does not have 
to be straight). And the challenges lie in the restriction of being able
to use each letter in the square only once per word.  The only words    
that count as points are words that have three or more letters in them  
and that are unique to everyone else's!                                 
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║                                                                         ║
║   To read the note by the author, type:  GO  (press Enter)              ║
║                                                                         ║
║   To read the documentation for the games, type:  MISC  (press Enter)   ║
║                                                                         ║
║   To start PENTRIX, type:  PENTRIX  (Enter)                             ║
║   To start BOGGLER, type:  BOGGLER  (Enter)                             ║
║   To start DOUBLECROSS, type:  DBLCROSS  (Enter)                        ║
║                                                                         ║
║   To print out the questionnaire, type:  COPY QUESTION.DOC PRN  (Enter) ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                           Copyright 1991, PC-SIG, Inc.  ║


        Disclaimer, Notice of Copyright, and Shareware Courtesy:
        This diskette contains software made available to customers
        as a service. In no event will Solaris Systems be liable to
        you for any damages, lost profits, lost savings, or any
        other incidental or consequential damages arising out of
        the use or inability to use this software, even if Solaris
        Systems has been advised of the possibility of such
        damages, or for any claim by any other party.
        This product is freely distributed as shareware.  However,
        all copyrights on the name, look-and-feel and operations
        are strictly enforceable.  It is illegal to change any text
        within the program code that would remove the copyright
        notice for Solaris Systems.  It is also illegal to change
        ordering information text in the program or to distort in
        any way the identity of the rightful copyright holder.
        This software was put on the shareware market to allow you,
        the consumer, to "try before you buy".  If you use this
        product, please show your appreciation by registering it.
        Shareware works on the honor system - Let's keep it alive.


                              Solaris Systems
                          CURRENT SOFTWARE TITLES
                     Prices valid through August, 1991.


    Title: Great Explorers (#EXP0100S)
    Descr: Educational select-a-stories.  Unregistered disk comes with two
           stories: "Columbus" and "Marco Polo".  When you register, you
           receive three additional stories about other famous historical
           explorers.  These electronic books allow the reader to make the
           choices that determine the fate of the explorer.  Provides a
           fun way to get kids interested in history.
    Equip: PC with any display type.
    Price: $10 reg. for all five stories.

    Title: Dave's Utility Packs 1 & 2 (#DPK0001S & #DPK0002S)
    Descr: Two bundled sets of utilities.  The first is geared for
           programmers and the second is geared for "power-users".  Each
           pack comes on a separate disk.
    Equip: Any PC.
    Price: $20 reg /ea.

    Title: Double Cross (#DBL0101S)
    Versn: 1.1
    Descr: Two-player strategy game.  Outflank your opponent and connect
           your pieces from one side of the board to the other.  Fast-paced
           fun for two players.  Excellent graphics in EGA and VGA modes.
    Equip: PC with CGA, Hercules, EGA or VGA.  Mouse-compatible.
    Price: $10 reg.

    Title: Boggler (#BGL0100S)
    Versn: 1.0
    Descr: Word game for any number of players.  The game displays a 4x4
           square of letters.  All players try to build the longest and
           most unique words in three minutes time.  Great for get-togethers
           and is very addictive!
    Equip: PC with CGA, Hercules, EGA or VGA.
    Price: $10 reg.


    Title: Pentrix (#PTX0132S)
    Versn: 1.32
    Descr: Two-player strategy game based on GO-MAKU (similar to Pente).
           Make five-in-a-row while preventing your opponent from doing
           the same.  Allows capturing for more fun!  Works with screens
           that have no graphics and supprts excellent EGA and VGA
    Equip: PC with MDA, CGA, EGA, Hercules, or VGA.  Mouse-compatible.
    Price: $10 reg.

    COMING ATTRACTIONS (Not Available at this time)

    Title: Party Pentrix (#PPX0000S)
    Descr: Play Pentrix with 3-6 players at once!
    Equip: PC with MDA, CGA, EGA, Hercules, or VGA.  Mouse-compatible.
    Stats: In development - release around June, 1991.

    Title: Pentrix Deluxe (#PTD0100D)
    Descr: Deluxe version of Pentrix.  Allows player to play against the
           computer.  Computer can recommend moves.  Save and load game
           feature also added.  Available through Solaris Systems for
           $21.50 direct.
    Equip: MDA, CGA, Hercules, EGA or VGA.  Mouse compatible.
    Stats: In development - release around May, 1991.

    Title: Double Deluxe (#DBD0100D)
    Descr: Expanded version of Double Cross.  Allows player to play against
           the computer.  Computer can recommend moves.  Save and load game
           feature also added.  Available through Solaris Systems for $24.00.
    Equip: CGA, EGA, VGA or Hercules.  Mouse compatible.
    Stats: In development - release around July, 1991.

    Title: Dave's Utility Pack 3 (#DPK0003S)
    Descr: Utilities bundled mostly for general use.
    Stats: In testing - look for release around July, 1991.

    Title: ZIN (#ZIN0100S)
    Descr: Action game for one or two players.  Unique action game!  Stop
           matching pairs of "sticks" as they bounce around the screen by
           connecting them when they intersect.  Different playing fields
           and multiple skill levels.  Lowest skill level acceptable for
           children.  Helps build mouse dexterity in an arcade-quality
           game format.
    Equip: PC with EGA/VGA and a mouse.  (12-mhz AT or faster recommended)
    Stats: In final phases of development and beta-testing - look for a
           release around Sept, 1991.

    Title: Meltdown (#MLT0100S)
    Descr: A game of skill and logic.  You work for a company that
           accidentally supplied sabotaged equipment to nuclear power
           plants - you must keep them from having a meltdown!  This
           unique game lets you play two different ways - either prevent a
           meltdown by using your skill and speed, or solve logic puzzles
           that correctly reprogram the equipment's computer.  Or both!
           The advanced levels have up to four machines to repair
           simultaneously!  You can also go "head-to-head" with another
           player.  Also lets you load your own PCX-file background
    Equip: Requires EGA or VGA.  Mouse compatible.
    Stats: In development - look for a release around Dec, 1991.


    You can order any of the New Releases or Additional Titles for a fee
    of $4 per program for unregistered versions.  This will give you the
    ability to have and use software for your evaluation.  We trust that
    if you use and like a program that you will register it.  Our business
    is based on this trust.

    If you order more than one unregistered program, the fee is reduced
    to $3 per program.  You may also pre-register any released title by
    including the amount of registration (listed for each release).  You
    can also request information about coming attractions.

    To Order or Register send Check or Money Order to:

        Solaris Systems, Shareware Group
        PO Box 476616
        Garland, TX 75047-6616

    If you are only requesting information, make the envelope to the
    attention of INFORMATION.  This will help keep our processing speed as
    fast as possible.  If you have any ideas for software products or
    have a product that you wish us to market, send for an author's kit
    (which includes a non-disclosure agreement to protect your idea).
    Please include $3 for processing and postage.

    Allow 1-3 weeks for delivery by mail.  If you wish, we can send
    diskettes 2nd Day Air via FEDEX if you include an $8.50 handling
    charge.  There is a $25 fee on all checks returned by banking


                            Pentrix version 1.32

     Pentrix is a strategy board game for two players.  It was originally
     written for color VGA displays and EGA support was added later.
     This version also incorporates the ability to run in text-based mode
     for universal compatibility.  The text mode uses block-graphic
     characters and retains all the playability of the graphics versions
     (including point-and-click mouse support).  All display modes are
     supported in the self-contained executable program.  You should have
     the following files: PENTRIX.EXE, NOTICE.DOC, SHOW.COM, OTHER.DOC,
     GO.BAT, and README.DOC.
     This version has been released as shareware on a "try before you buy"
     basis.  If you begin to play it often and enjoy yourself, please
     show your appreciation for the author's hard work by registering
     your copy.  Registration information is displayed after exiting the
     Ok, we're off the soapbox!  Give it a try by typing PENTRIX at the
     DOS prompt (remember to hit ENTER after).



     This questionnaire was compiled as a way for us to get more in 
     touch with our users.  All questions on this questionnaire are 
     designed to help us provide you with better software.  You are 
     encouraged to take the time to fill this out.  And if you complete 
     this and include it with your registration request, we will send 
     you a copy of one of our other shareware titles, for free.  We 
     thank you for your time. 

     1.  Circle the appropriate answer.  Tell us what type of equipment 
         you use: 

         CPU:   PC    XT    AT    286    386    486

     MONITOR:   MDA    CGA    EGA    VGA    Hercules


       MODEM:   YES    NO

      MEMORY:   640K or less    More than 640K

     2.  Tell us about who uses your computer:

      ADULTS:   YES    NO
        AGES:   18-24    25-34    35-45   46 and over


    IF OTHER:   Please Specify ___________________________________


        AGES:   2-5    6-10    11-14    15-19


    IF OTHER:   Please Specify ___________________________________

     If you have any comments, questions, product ideas or product 
     improvement suggestions, we would like to hear them.  Please use 
     the following section to write them down.





     Thank you for your time!



This set contains three games for your enjoyment - Pentrix, DoubleCross,
and BOGGLER.  All are shareware and can be distributed for free.  We ask
that you keep all the games and related files together.  Here is a brief
description of each game:

   Pentrix is a strategy game for two players that is based on the game
   of GO-MAKU.  Works in all display modes with excellent EGA and
   640x480 VGA screens.  Supports mouse and keyboard simultaneously.
   Registration: $10

   DoubleCross is a strategy game for two players.  Build a bridge that
   connects your sides of the board while preventing your opponent from
   doing the same.  Works with CGA, Hercules, EGA and 640x480 VGA
   graphic modes.  Supports both mouse and keyboard.  Registration: $10

   Boggler is a word game for any number of players.  The game displays
   a 4x4 square of letters.  All players try to build the longest and
   most unique words in three minutes time.  Great for get-togethers -
   very addictive!  Supports CGA, Hercules, EGA and 640x480 VGA graphic
   modes.  Registration is $10

As an alternative to registering individul games, all three games in the
"Dave's Games" set can be registered for only $20.  Both Pentrix and
DoubleCross have a short manual and winning strategy guides that are
sent to registered owners.  Registered owners of Boggler will receive a
copy of "Mega-Boggler" (has an 8x8 letter matrix).

The following files should be on this diskette:

General        Pentrix        DoubleCross    Boggler
------------   ------------   ------------   ------------
SHOW.COM                      SOL2.CHR
NOTICE.DOC                    TINY.CHR

Here is a list of things to type at the DOS prompt:

  MISC                   View the rest of the documentation
  PENTRIX                Run Pentrix
  DBLCROSS               Run DoubleCross
  BOGGLER                Run Boggler
  SHOW file.doc          View a DOC file

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2527

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

GO1      TXT      1310   1-01-80  12:17a
BOGGLER  EXE     90794   4-22-91   9:46p
DBLCROSS DOC      2113   4-08-91   2:11p
DBLCROSS EXE     90823   4-22-91   9:56p
GO       BAT        48   4-22-91   9:18p
MISC     BAT        85   4-22-91   9:19p
NOTICE   DOC      1284   1-14-91   2:40p
OTHER    DOC      6492   4-23-91   1:03p
PENTRIX  DOC      1158   4-23-91   2:56p
PENTRIX  EXE     82016   4-22-91   9:53p
QUESTION DOC      1835   4-05-91  12:14p
README   DOC      2155   4-22-91   9:24p
SHOW     COM     12852   4-22-91   8:50p
SOL2     CHR     12915   4-09-91   9:19p
TINY     CHR      8188   4-09-91   2:54p
GO1      BAT        29   5-29-91   9:43a
BOGGLER  DOC      2531   5-30-91   9:56p
FILE2527 TXT      3331   5-31-91  10:48a
       18 file(s)     319959 bytes
                       30720 bytes free