PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2507)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


          TopWare Series Order Form

          To:  Micro Mart Computer Center
               792 Hamilton Street
               Somerset, NJ  08873

          Name: _________________________________________________

          Address:  _____________________________________________



          Indicate the Product and Quantity to Order:

          Product                                  Qty         Price
          -------                                  ---         -----
          TopWare (2-User, Arcnet) v4.1x @ $19     ___      ________
                  (For PC/MS DOS v4.xx)
                  (Note: Shareware Version 3.52)

          TopWare (4-User, Arcnet & Ethernet)      ___      ________
                   @ $295.00

          TopWare (8-User up  with Keycard)        ___        CALL

          8-Bit Arcnet Interface Card @ $100.00    ___      ________

          Shipping & Handling ($3)                 ___      ________
            ($10 outside US/Canada)

          Tax (New Jersey Residents add 6%)                 ________

          TOTAL.......................................      ________

          Payment by:

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          (Make Checks Payable to Micro-Mart)

          Credit Card Number __________________________________

          Expires __________

          Name on the Card ____________________________________

          YOU MAY ALSO ORDER BY CALLING   (908) 247-7699 or
          Fax (908) 297-7399.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2507

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

GO       EXE     44225   1-01-80   1:09a
αßτσµπΣδ COM      3328   5-06-86   1:13a
█▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀█         3   1-01-89  12:00a
█▌THANKS ¡▐█      2028   5-01-90  10:02a
█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄█         3   1-01-89  12:00a
CONTROL  DAT       411   5-01-90  10:01a
MANUAL           41239   5-01-90  10:02a
TOPHEAD           1843   6-28-88
README   352     11722   5-01-90  10:01a
ENDSPOOL COM       226   6-28-88
HANDLE   COM      1747   6-28-88
INITBOOT COM      5675   6-28-88
LOCK     COM      1096   6-28-88
PCLANKEY COM       288   6-28-88
TOPATTR  COM      2467   6-28-88
UNLOCK   COM       924   6-28-88
USELOCAL COM         9   6-28-88
BYE      EXE      1250   6-28-88
TOPLOOK  EXE     11161   6-28-88
TOPMAP   EXE      4774   6-28-88
TOPNETF  EXE     47581   6-28-88
TOPNETR  EXE     32059   6-28-88
TOPPRO   EXE     18405   6-28-88
TOPSEND  EXE      2325   6-28-88
TOPSHARE EXE     38618   6-28-88
TOPSHOW  EXE     11677   6-28-88
TOPSPOOL EXE     39530   6-28-88
TOPSTAT  EXE     12899   6-28-88
ORDER    DOC      1909   5-01-90  10:01a
SERVER   BAT       115   5-01-90  10:01a
REMOTE       <DIR>    
SERVER       <DIR>    
       32 file(s)     339537 bytes

 Directory of A:\REMOTE

.            <DIR>    
..           <DIR>    
CONFIG   SYS        42   6-28-88
RTN                  2   6-28-88
        4 file(s)         44 bytes

 Directory of A:\SERVER

.            <DIR>    
..           <DIR>    
CONFIG   SYS        27   6-28-88
        3 file(s)         27 bytes

Total files listed:
       39 file(s)     339608 bytes
                        1024 bytes free