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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2477)

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Information about “CLUB-EZ”

CLUB-EZ is a simple to use program designed to handle any club or
organization's record keeping, including membership, attendance and
financial information. The program is powerful enough for the
experienced PC user yet, because it is "menu" driven, allows people who
probably have not had much experience with a PC or software packages to
be up and running in minutes.

CLUB-EZ is in full color, with no graphic cards or printer drivers
needed, and is packed with features. It prints 2 kinds of club rosters,
and will print dues statements on plain paper or letterhead for ANY
billing cycle. It produces mailing labels for members, guests, and dues
statements, tracks attendance, and easily handles meeting reservations.
The financial module (which is sent free with your $45 registration)
allows you to set up a budget and track income and expenses for any
period. The module also allows you to set up your own income and expense

CLUB-EZ seems to be particularly advantageous in that years of club
records can be saved for future reference and because it eliminates
compatibility problems when transferring records from one year (or
person) to the next, making CLUB-EZ a good value and useful for years to


Disk No: 2477                                                           
Disk Title: Club-Ez                                                     
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: Club-Ez                                                  
Author Version: 1.4                                                     
Author Registration: $45.00                                             
Special Requirements: None.                                             
CLUB-EZ is a simple to use program designed to handle any club or       
organization's record keeping, including membership, attendance and     
financial information. The program is powerful enough for the           
experienced PC user yet, because it is "menu" driven, allows people who 
probably have not had much experience with a PC or software packages to 
be up and running in minutes.                                           
CLUB-EZ is in full color, with no graphic cards or printer drivers      
needed, and is packed with features. It prints 2 kinds of club rosters, 
and will print dues statements on plain paper or letterhead for ANY     
billing cycle. It produces mailing labels for members, guests, and dues 
statements, tracks attendance, and easily handles meeting reservations. 
The financial module (which is sent free with your $45 registration)    
allows you to set up a budget and track income and expenses for any     
period. The module also allows you to set up your own income and expense
CLUB-EZ seems to be particularly advantageous in that years of club     
records can be saved for future reference and because it eliminates     
compatibility problems when transferring records from one year (or      
person) to the next, making CLUB-EZ a good value and useful for years to
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║                <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #2477  CLUB-EZ   >>>>                  ║
║  To print documentation and installation instructions, type:            ║
║                  COPY README.TXT PRN (press Enter)                      ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                           Copyright 1990, PC-SIG, Inc.  ║


               │ ┌───────────────────────┐ │
               │ │   WELCOME TO CLUB-EZ! │ │
               │ └───────────────────────┘ │

Dear Club Officer,

Look what Club-EZ can do for your group:

     CLUB-EZ is "menu" driven, which means that even a novice
     PC user will be up and running, literally in minutes.

     Because CLUB-EZ has three separate modules (membership, attendance,
     and financial management) it is referred to as "integrated
     software".  This means that it is possible for one person to handle
     all the record keeping needs of an organization because everything
     needed to run a club efficiently is right at his or her fingertips.
     But, each module can be run independently, too, so any number
     of people can share in club record keeping and later combine their

NOTE!!!! This shareware version does not contain the financial module.
As such, you will get an error message if you try to run option 3 off
the Main Menu. We will send you the financial module FREE! when you
register your copy. (SEE BELOW)

Speaking of everything needed to run a club, CLUB-EZ
does it all:

             Prints 2 kinds of club rosters, a detailed one
             that's great for networking; and a shorter
             version for clubs with hundreds of members.

             Prints dues statements on plain paper or
             letterhead for ANY billing cycle.

             Produces mailing labels for members, guests,
             and dues statements.

             Makes tracking attendance and handling meeting
             reservations a snap!

When you register your CLUB-EZ program, we will send you the
financial module that completes the CLUB-EZ set ABSOLUTELY
FREE! This module:

     Allows you to set up a budget and track income
     and expenses for any period.  You can even set
     up your own income and expense categories!

regularly updated, enhanced and improved from your comments!

                     BUT THAT ' S NOT ALL !

Years of club records can be saved for future reference.  Just
think what that will mean when your chapters celebrate their
anniversaries, or when someone is trying to look-up an old
friend or remember past officers!

Most clubs find that perhaps the best benefit to CLUB-EZ is
that it makes record keeping fun, simple, and FAST!  No more arm-
twisting to get committee volunteers, because everyone
wants to use CLUB-EZ!

Because it eliminates compatibility problems when
transferring records from one year (or person) to the next,
CLUB-EZ will serve your organization for years to come!

I truly believe your group will find CLUB-EZ to be of
tremendous benefit, especially because CLUB-EZ is particularly
strong in the areas of membership development, retention and networking.


Jeffrey L. Thomas

         │                 CLUB-EZ                 │

     STEP 1:  Make a directory on hard drive C called CLUB-EZ

     STEP 2:  Place the PROGRAM disk in the A drive and copy
              all the files (*.*) to the CLUB-EZ directory on
              the hard drive.

     STEP 4:  Type CLUB to start the program.

     STEP 5:  When the MAIN MENU screen appears, be sure to
              set-up your disk (choice #4) with your club's information.
              CLUB-EZ must know where your data
              files are before you start to write files.
              (This process only has to be done once.)

--------------------------- DETACH AND MAIL --------------------------

                           REGISTRATION FORM

     NAME: ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────

     CLUB NAME: ──────────────────────────────────────────────────

     ADDRESS: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────

     CITY: ──────────────────────────   STATE:────  ZIP:──────────

                ┌────────────┐                      ┌────────────┐
     date rec'd │            │     registration no. │            │
                └────────────┘                      └────────────┘
                                                    [to be completed by

           Mail form and $45.00 +$4.00 S/H (US) to:

                        SoftSolutions Software Registration
                        P.O. Box 54904
                        Tulsa, Oklahoma  74155

              [Money orders or cashier's checks, please]

With your completed registration, we will send you CLUB-EZ's financial
module ABSOLUTELY FREE! You will also be notified of up-dates.

                            COPYRIGHT NOTICE !!

  The CLUB-EZ software package is copyright (c) 1988, 1989, 1990  by
  SoftSolutions Software.  All rights are reserved, worldwide.  No part
  of this software or associated material may be reproduced,
  transmitted, transcribed, de-compiled or translated into any language
  by any means without the express written consent of SoftSolutions
  Software, P.O.  Box 54904, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74155.

                            SINGLE CPU LICENSE

    By using the enclosed diskette(s), you agree to the following :

  The price paid to license one copy of CLUB-EZ software permits you to
  use this product on one CPU, it is licensed to you for your own use.
  You do not obtain title to the software or any copyrights or
  proprietary rights in the software. You may not sub-license, rent,
  lease, convey modify, translate, convert to another programming
  language, de-compile or disassemble this software for any purpose.
  This software is provided "as-is". All warranties and representations
  of any kind with regard to the licensed software are hereby
  disclaimed, including any implied warranties of merchantability and
  fitness for a particular purpose. Under no circumstances will the
  manufacturer or developer of this software be liable for any
  consequential, incidental, special or exemplary damages. Some states
  do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental
  or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not
  apply to you.


Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2477

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

ATTEND   EXE     24656   3-03-90   2:49p
README   TXT      7040  10-20-90   3:13a
BRUN20   EXE     68396   6-13-86  10:55a
CLUB     EXE      4736   9-01-88  12:00p
CONTROL  EXE     22176   9-01-88  12:00p
MAINMENU EXE     11392   3-03-90   2:50p
ROSTER   EXE     57376   8-05-90   1:28p
GO       BAT        40   1-01-80   6:00a
FILE2477 TXT      2739  11-19-90   4:08p
GO       TXT       694  11-19-90   7:18a
       10 file(s)     199245 bytes
                      117760 bytes free