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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2463)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Information about “KATIE’S CLOCK AND REMEDIES”

Teaching children to tell time from an analog (standard old time) clock
can try the patience of most parents. That was before KATIE'S CLOCK was

KATIE'S CLOCK displays a giant analog clock on your computer screen. As
the dial changes position, you can quiz your child orally or have
him/her enter the time digitally into the computer. During the testing,
you can set the dials to move randomly or increment every five minutes.
You can also test by inputting the time digitally and having the clock
dials display the proper time. This program is a breeze to use and
you'll be teaching time -- in no time!

Whether you have a sore throat, colic, cramps, gas, a headache, or a
hangover, REMEDIES has some down-home ways to make you feel better.
REMEDIES is not meant to replace a doctor, but it does offer some
healthy natural advice for many common ailments.  Select a listed
ailment and REMEDIES recommends herbal cures.  Select a listed herb and
REMEDIES will tell you what it cures.  Over 60 herbs and 60 ailments
listed.  By the way, what are licorice and ginseng good for?


Disk No: 2463                                                           
Disk Title: Katie's Clock and Remedies                                  
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: Katie's Clock                                            
Author Version: 1.10                                                    
Author Registration: $12.00                                             
Special Requirements: EGA.                                              
Teaching children to tell time from an analog (standard old time) clock 
can try the patience of most parents.  That was until KATIE'S CLOCK was 
KATIE'S CLOCK displays a giant analog clock on your computer screen.  As
the dial changes position, you can quiz your child orally or have       
him/her enter the time digitally into the computer.  During the testing,
you can set the dials to move randomly or increment every five minutes. 
You can also test by inputting the time digitally and having the clock  
dials display the proper time.  This program is a breeze to use and     
you'll be teaching time -- in no time!                                  
Program Title: Remedies (Feeling Good with Herbs)                       
Author Version: 1.0                                                     
Author Registration: None.                                              
Special Requirements: None.                                             
Whether you have a sore throat, colic, cramps, gas, a headache, or a    
hangover, REMEDIES has some down-home ways to make you feel better.     
REMEDIES is not meant to replace a doctor, but it does offer some       
healthy natural advice for many common ailments.  Select a listed       
ailment and REMEDIES recommends herbal cures.  Select a listed herb and 
REMEDIES will tell you what it cures.  Over 60 herbs and 60 ailments    
listed.  ...By the way, what is licorice and ginseng good for?          
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║         <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #2463  KATIE'S CLOCK & REMEDIES  >>>>         ║
║ KATIE'S CLOCK =                                                         ║
║   To access KATIE'S CLOCK from the A: root directory, type:             ║
║                       CD KATIE  (press Enter)                           ║
║                       DIR       (press Enter)                           ║
║                                                                         ║
║   To install KATIE'S CLOCK on to your hard drive, type: K_INSTAL (Enter)║
║                                                                         ║
║   To print the author's documentation, type:  K_PRINT  (press Enter)    ║
║                                                                         ║
║   To run KATIE'S CLOCK, type:  KCK  (press Enter)                       ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To return to the A: root directory, type:  CD \  (press Enter)          ║
║                                                                         ║
║ REMEDIES =                                                              ║
║   To access REMEDIES from the A: root directory, type:                  ║
║                       CD REMEDIES  (press Enter)                        ║
║                       DIR          (press Enter)                        ║
║                                                                         ║
║   To read author's introduction, type:  TYPE REMEDIES.DOC  (press Enter)║
║                                                                         ║
║   To run REMEDIES, type:  REMEDIES  (press Enter)                       ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                           Copyright 1990, PC-SIG, Inc.  ║


       (c) Copyright 1990,  TZK Publications. All Rights Reserved.

   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NOTICE +++++++++++++++++ JULY 1990 ++++++

   Katie's Clock v1.10 may be distributed as "shareware" by any individual
   or organization.  This file, K_INFO.DOC, must be distributed with the
   executable code, KCK.EXE, as it contains a description of the program,
   registration details, and other information useful to end-users. Other
   files which should be included on any distribution disk are:

   K_VENDER.DOC - ASCII file which contains summary information about KC
                  to help shareware distributers evaluate program.

   K_INSTAL.BAT - Batch file to install KC and associated files on hard disk
                  (C drive) in directory called KC.

   K_PRINT.BAT - Batch file to print K_INFO.DOC file

   Katie's Clock v1.10 will run on any IBM compatible system with DOS 2.11, or
   higher, and a EGA or VGA color monitor. A CGA version will be available
   by October, 1990. Check with your shareware dealer or users group, or send
   $6 for the unregistered shareware version, or $12 for the registered
   version. Ordering details are given at the end of this file (page down).

   KC is distributed as shareware, which means that you may try it out BEFORE
   paying for it. If you intend to use KC you are obligated to register. On
   the other hand if you don't intend to continue using it you aren't under
   any obligation. Registration for individual users costs only $12. The terms
   are outlined on the registration/order form describe how you can register
   for FREE and get additional TZK shareware (print the form out or scroll to
   the end of this file).

   Site registration, for schools, day care centers, etc., is available for
   $25 (4 computers or less), $49 (5 computers or more). Please inquire.

   So try KC; if you find it to be useful in the education of your child
   please register. Whatever your decision, feel free to order any of the
   products described below.



   Katie's Clock (KC) is a tool to help parents teach their children how to
   tell the time of day from conventional analogue clocks. Although a computer
   literate child can easily learn how to use KC we recommend that a parent be
   present, at least in the beginning, to ensure that the child doesn't get
   discouraged.  Parental feedback is important in all learning situations.

   I you have VGA display KC will be displayed in the VGA mode. Likewise, if
   you have EGA display KC will be diplayed in the EGA mode. If you have VGA
   but want the display in EGA press F9 at the introductory screen. The only
   advantage to this is a faster screen response for slower machines.

   KC can be used in several different ways:

   CLOCK: In this mode the actual time will be displayed (if your computers'
   internal clock is set properly - refer to your DOS manual). This is the way
   in which the clock portion of the program begins. To get back TO this mode
   FROM any other mode press the F5 key.

   RANDOM: This mode, invoked by the F2 key, causes the clock to display
   various times, randomly, by pressing the Space Bar or the Enter key.

   INPUT: Invoked by the F3 key, this mode allows you to input a time in order
   to tell what it looks like on a clock face. Enter the Hour, a comma, then
   the Minutes. Use the backspace key to make corrections.

   SEQUENTIAL: Invoked by the F4 key, this mode starts the clock at 12:00 and
   allows you to increment the time by 5 minutes each time you press the Space
   Bar or Enter key.

   DIGITAL DISPLAY: The F1 key toggles (turns on or off) a digital display of
   the time and a statement of the time such as {15 minutes after 3}. This
   feature is available in any mode.

   REGISTERED USERS: Feel free to write if you have questions or suggestions to
   improve the program (be sure to send registration number with letter).

   HARDWARE/SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: Version 1.10 requires a color VGA or EGA
   monitor, and DOS 2.11 or greater. Version 1.20 (due out in October, 1990)
   will work with CGA monitors.

   REGISTRATION: By registering (only $12 postpaid) you'll not only fulfill
   your legal and ethical obligations but you'll also receive:

    1)  a floppy disk with the latest registered version of Katie's Clock;
    2)  another TZK program (shareware version) of your choice (see below);
    3)  a coupon worth up to 20% off on your next order;
    4)  an updated catalogue on disk of TZK products (a $3 value);
    5)  udates on new TZK shareware, books, videos,etc.;
    6)  50% off on any future upgrade to KC;
    7)  software support (via US mail).

   NOTE: Katie's Clock will be registered to you FREE when placing an order
   for $25 or more from the items listed below. Be sure to specify floppy
   disk size when ordering TZK shareware. An optional registration/order form
   is included at the end of this file.


                          TZK Products-Summer 1990

 Aside from Katie's Clock, TZK Publications offers an assortment of other
 products. Most are high quality non-fiction books dealing with computers,
 science, nature, how-to, self-help, education, and puzzles.

 For those with a natural history bent we offer museum quality reproductions
 of fossils and skulls (see below).

 We also offer an excellent selection of nature and science videos, as well
 as a small selection of our own shareware (we're not a shareware distributer;
 we only deal in our own programs).

 Descriptions and ordering information for some of our products have been
 provided below. A complete catalogue of our books, videos, software and
 specialty, products will be sent, free of charge, to everyone who registers
 KC or purchases any of the other products. Anyone else desiring a catalogue
 should remit $3 (deductible from the 1st order). Please specify disk size as
 catalogue is on floppy.

 The following list of products was compiled July, 1990. If this list is much
 over one year old when you get it please order catalogue before ordering
 (except when ordering shareware) as prices and availability may have changed
 significantly. The $3 catalogue price will be deducted from your first order.

         (All books are Quality Softbound unless otherwise noted)

 BOOKS: Education/Careers/Business

   * "Bear's Guide To Earning Non-Traditional College Degrees" ... $18.95
                                                   272 p...Order # TS-001

     This best-seller (now in its tenth edition) has helped thousands to
     complete, at their own pace, legitimate accredited college degrees
     without ever setting foot in a classroom or leaving their jobs. It
     includes sections on:

       - The importance of accreditation
       - Equivalency examinations
       - Correspondence courses
       - Credit for life experience learning
       - Complete listing of every school in the world offering Bachelor's,
         Master's, and Doctorate degrees by alternative methods.
       - Weekend colleges
       - Law Degrees
       - Diploma Mills & other fly-by-night institutions you should be
         wary off.

     If you're one of the many who attended college but never finished, or
     even someone who never went in the first place, then you should seriously
     consider what this book has to offer. A Bachelor's degree can be worth
     over $500,000 during the course of a career; a Master's several hundred
     thousand dollar's more.

   * "Superlearning" ............................................  $14.95
                                                342 p hbd  Order # SU-001

     A classic in its field, Superlearning describes stress-free, fast
     learning methods and gives you a step by step program to put them to
     work. It details a revolutionary way of opening what some call the
     "limitless capacities of your mind." Endorced by educators world wide,
     Superlearning describes a do-it-yourself program to: develop a
     supermemory and learn almost anything 2 to 10 times faster, improve
     your health through meditation as you learn, and recapture the joy of

   * "Mail-Order Moonlighting" ....................................$12.95
                                                   359 p  Order #  TS-002

     Cited as the best book on mailorder today. If you'd like to start your
     own business from your home in just a few weeks, and at your own pace,
     with little or no risk, then this new revised edition is must reading.
     An invaluable reference for anyone looking to gradually change careers
     and take more control of their own life.

   * "Running a One Person Business" ..............................$12.95
                                                   204 p  Order #  TS-003

     One-person businesses, especially small businesses run from the home
     are now a permanent part of our new economy. With interviews of the
     many successful entrepreneurs who have struck out on their own, it is
     full of practical information needed by those currently in business for
     themselves or those who are planning to be.

   * "The Self-Publishing Manual" (5th ed.)........................$19.95
                                                   415 p  Order #  PA-001

     Details how to write, print and sell your own book. Nothing is left
     out. Provides step-by-step instructions for producing a commercially
     viable book. Shows you how to get your book into print quickly by
     cutting out all of the middlemen (you'll also make 5 to 6 times as
     much money per copy sold). If your serious about getting your book, or
     book idea, into print, and keeping the profits for yourself, then "The
     Self-Publishing Manual" is must reading. You won't find another book
     like it anywhere.

   * "The 90-Minute Resume"........................................ $5.95
                                                     70 p  Order #  P-001

     This one-of-a-kind book changes resume writing from a chore to a
     satisfying project. It shows how to communicate your skills & experience
     on paper-even if your not a good writer, and how to best present yourself
     so that you're asked in for an interview.

   * "Great Getaways".........(available June 1990)................$12.95
                                                    225 p  Order #  P-002

     For anyone who loves to travel but finds it hard to get away for a
     week at a time. Gives descriptions of over 400 unusual minivacations
     of three or four days. Organized into six regions of North America, it
     features detailed & evocative descriptions of each minivacation,
     including costs and getting their. Minivacations for every taste:
     adventure, culture, scenic beauty, or just plain rest.

   * "Learning Vacations"...6th edition............................$11.95
                                                    312 p  Order #  P-003

     A treasure trove of enriching vacation opportunities. This new edition
     covers more than 400 programs for every interest, age, and budget.
     Gives full details (program content & duration; costs; accomadations;
     who to contact) on a wide variety of activities such as: African safaris,
     whale-watching trips, mountain climbing, archaeological digs, and cooking
     courses. Cited as our countries finest travel book.

   * "The 1990 What Color Is Your Parachute"..(20th Anniv. Ed).....$11.95
                                                          Order #  TS-009

     The all time bestselling practical manual for job-hunters & career
     changers. Thoroughly updated and creatively illustrated, this book
     will help anyone develope the best job hunting/changing strategies
     to match their personal style and background.

 BOOKS: Computers

   * "Learn C Now".................................................$39.95
                                                           Order #  I-010

     A complete course for learning to program in C. Includes: Microsoft
     Learn C compiler; on-line tutorial; scores of example programs; & more.
     Everything you need is contained in three 5.25 inch floppies and a 353
     page manual. A completely integrated system that allows you to learn C
     before investing in expensive programming tools.

   * "Learn BASIC Now".............................................$39.95
                                                           Order #  I-011

     The fastest and easiest way to learn modern QuickBASIC programming.
     Floppy disks (5.25 inch) and 476 page manual includes the Microsoft
     QuickBASIC Interpreter, electronic help resources, and on-line tutorials.
     Includes dozens of sample programs.

   * "Upgrade Your IBM Compatible & Save A Bundle"...............  $16.95
                                                    240 p  Order #  T-001

     In this new edition (spring 1990) to his highly praised "Build Your
     Own... " series, author Aubrey Pilgrim guides you through dozens of cost-"
     effective ways to breathe new life into aging hardware. You'll get clear
     instructions for replacing mother boards with 80286 or 80386 boards,
     adding floppy disk or hard disk drives, internal modems, VGA, FAX, &
     network boards. Includes reviews of the latest monitors & printers.

   * "Learn DOS-Guaranteed!" ......................................$14.95
                                                   192 p   Order #  T-002

     An essential entry level guide covering all versions of MS/PC-DOS.
     Concentrates on the most important DOS commands; guaranteed to get
     new DOS users up and running quickly without having to master a
     mountain of technical jargon. You'll learn how to hook up and operate
     system components; load software; create, copy, and delete files;
     make, change, and remove directories; format disks; and perform
     basic operations with AUTOEXEC.BAT & CONFIG.SYS files. Loaded with
     examples and complete explanations.

   * "Peter Norton's DOS Guide: 3rd Ed."...........................$24.95
                                                    379 p  Order #  I-012

     The bestselling author of Norton Utilities has completely revised his
     classic guide to DOS. Provides comprehensive, common sense coverage of
     on all versions of DOS including 4.0. New material includes about DOS
     Shell, extended memory, expanded memory, and hard disks.

   * "MS-DOS Batch File Programming-2nd Edition" ..................$24.95
                                                    304 p  Order #  T-003

     This highly recommended reference/tutorial will enable you to read
     and create sophisticated batch files. The 2nd edition is completely
     updated to include DOS 4.0 and the latest in batch file utilities.
     This definitive .BAT book offers DOS users new tips for saving time.
     you'll learn how to design batch file menus, write commands and run
     batch files within programs. Numerous examples are provided. Comes
     with a 5.25 floppy full of usefull batch files.

   * "Mastering WordPerfect 5.0" ................................  $19.95
                                                    456 p  Order #  T-004

     An excellent guide for intermediate and advanced users. Explains 5.0's
     advanced features: improved graphics and editing, macros, style sheets,
     desktop publishing, and much more.

   * "The Wordperfect Book-Ver. 5.0, Including 4.1/4.2"............$16.95
                                                     288 p Order #  T-005

     This bestseller teaches how to use 5.0's many new features; integrated
     text and graphics, automatic referencing, intelligent printing, automatic
     redlining, etc. Includes many practical examples.

   * "dBASE IV For Nonprogrammers" (includes ver. 1.1).............$22.95
                                                    632 p  Order #  T-006

     This books learn-by-example approach makes it a perfect guide for those
     who want to start producing with dBase NOW - without having to first
     decipher the program manual.It starts with the fumdamentals and ends
     with the writing of programs in dBase IV.

   * "Using Harvard Graphics"......................................$24.95
                                                   550 p  Order #  I-0013

     Demonstrates how to use Harvard Graphics to create slides, screen shows
     and overheads in addition to its standard graphing capabilities.

   * "3D Computer Graphics: A User's Guide for Artists & Designers-2nd Ed."
                                          240 p Order #  T-007.... $26.95

     Introduces readers with limited computer backgrounds to the professional
     techniques needed to create three-dimensional images, scenes, and
     animation. Includes a chapter on advanced modeling techniques.

   * "Working with Lotus 1-2-3 Macros"............................ $22.95
                                                   304 p   Order #  T-008

     This complete introduction to macro programming with Lotus 1-2-3,
     including releases 2.2 and 3, provides detailed instructions for using
     loops, conditional tests, arrays, branches, subroutines, and error
     handling procedures and guides the reader through the testing and
     debugging of their macros. Includes many example macros.

   * "The Illustrated Dictionary of Microcomputers - 3rd Edition"..$19.95
                                                    430 p  Order #  T-009

     This 3rd edition contains 1200 new entries. Provides concise explanations
     for all of the jargon, buzz words, and acronyms used by experts.

   * "Build Your Own 80386 IBM Compatible and Save a Bundle" .....$16.95
                                                    232 p Order #  T-010

     Provides a clear nuts and bolts approach to building your own 80386
     machine from. Over 100 illustrations help guide you through each step.

   * "High Performance Graphics in C: Animation and Simulation"...$26.95
                                                   544 p  Order #  T-011

     Will help C programmers achieve high quality graphics on their PCs.
     Uses six major animation programs to guide readers through frame,
     bitbit, and real-time animation.

     (This is just a sampling of our computer titles. If you're looking
     for a particular type of book please let us know. We offer exellent
     discounts for multi-title orders.)

 BOOKS: Science/Nature/Math

   * "Exploring The Geometry Of Nature" .........................  $16.95
                                                    208 p   Order # T-005

     Offers BASIC programs that can be used to model geometric processes
     and patterns in nature. Coverage includes Chaos, Fractals, Cellular
     Automata, and Neural Networks. Nearly 200 illustrations.

   * "Relativity Visualized" .............................. .....  $15.95
                                                    209 p  Order # IN-006

     Why can't you go faster than light? What makes space shrink & time
     slow? This book will give you an "intuitive" understanding of this
     famous theory. Illustrated. No special mathematical training required.

   * "A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes"...$18.95
                                                 192 p hbd  Order # I-011

     Stephen Hawking describes the findings and theories of physicists up
     to Einstein and details his own thoughts on black holes and mans place
     in the universe. Discusses the anthropic principle and inflationary
     expansion of the universe. A national bestseller since its publication
     in 1988!

   * "Build Your Own Laser, Phaser, Ion Ray Gun, and Other Working Space
     Age Projects".................................................$16.95
                                                   400 p   Order #  T-011

     Provides unusually complete instructions for building a variety of
     electronic devises. Over 300 illustrations help you build lasers, etc.

   * "The Secret Life of Quanta" ..................................$17.95
                                                   192 p   Order #  T-012

     Without advanced mathematics this book explaines the physical phenomena
     which underlies our advanced technology. Offers a painless way to acheive
     physics literacy. Includes discusions on superconductors, nuclear
     technology, semiconductors, and what these technologies mean for the

   * "Reaching for Infinity: Further Puzzles, Paradoxes & Brain Teasers."
                                           Order #  T-013.. 180 p....$9.95

     Do space and time have boudaries? Do we exist in and infinite number
     of dimensions? Is their a largest object? This third volume of
     intellectual challenges addresses these questions and more.

   * "The Mathematical Tourist: Snapshots of Modern Mathematics.....$10.95
                                                     256p  Order #  I-012

     Covers the frontiers of mathematics from fractals to strange attractors,
     the author reviews the latest thinking on chaos, minimal surfaces, knot
     theory, the Mandelbrot set, and more. Excellent coverage for the novice
     as well as the mathematically inclined.

 BOOKS: Environmental/Gardening

   * "50 Simple Things You Can Do To Save The Earth"................$5.95
                                                           Order #  E-001

     Besides explaining air pollution, ozone depletion and other environmental
     concerns, this book provides 50 straight-forward things that anyone can
     do to fight these problems. Became a national best-seller upon
     publication. A good book for beginners.

   * "How to Shit in the Woods".....................................$5.95
                                                    96 p  Order #  TS-004

     An environmentally sound approach to a lost art. Most outdoor books
     fall prey to Victorian sensibilities by failing to mention one of the
     most serious issues encountered when trekking through the countryside.
     This long over-do book corrects this with its straight-forward style.
     Chapters include: Anatomy of a Crap; Digging the Hole; When You Can't
     Dig a Hole; and What? No T.P.?

   * "The Rodale Guide to Composting" .............................$14.95
                                               416 p hbd   Order #  R-005

     Various ways of constructing a compost heap are described. You'll
     learn to custom-make a compost for you particular soil needs. In
     addition to providing you with healthier soil, composting is one the
     best ways to recycle biological wastes and can save a significant
     amount of money in garbage collection bills.

   * "The Encyclopedia of Natural Insect and Disease Control"......$24.95
                                                     496 p Order #  R-006

     The most comprehensive guide to protecting plants-vegetable, fruit,
     flowers, trees, and lawns-without toxic chemicals. Updates the previous
     bestsellers, Organic Plant Protection, and provides the latest natural
     controls for pests and diseases in the greenhouse or garden.

   * "Square Foot Gardening".......................................$14.95
                                                     352 p Order #  R-007

     Square foot gardening techniques are decribed which will allow you
     grow as much food as conventional gardens using only one-fifth of the
     space. Now, anyone with a small patch of ground can enjoy the benifits
     of fresh home-grown vegetables.

   * "Cut Your Bills In Half"......................................$24.95
                                                   400 hbd Order #  R-008

     Do your part to save our planets limited natural resourses and save
     thousands of dollars in the process. Written by a panel of experts in
     an easy to read format, this book offers thousands of practical tips to
     save money in every area of your life without sacrificing quality or

 BOOKS: Assorted

   * "Auto Repair For Dummies".....................................$17.95
                                                   480 p  Order #  TS-006

     This second revised edition provides consice, direct, simple explanations
     to help the reader understand the major systems of an automobile.  You'll
     no longer be afraid of lifting the hood of your car or discussing repair
     work with a mechanic. Don't keep throwing your money away on simple
     repairs that take only minutes to do.

   * "The Bike Bag Book"............................................$3.95
                                                    144 p Order #  TS-007

     The Bike Bag Book is the ideal traveling companion for bikers; its full
     of helpfull hints & information for emergency repairs.

   * "Anybody's Bike Book"..........................................$8.95
                                                    256 p Order #  TS-010

     A completely updated and revised version of THE classic book on bike
     repair.  Comprehensively covers mountain bikes and other new gear as
     well as conventional bikes. A wise investment for any serious biker.

   * "The Original Road Kill Cookbook"..............................$4.95
                                                     64 p Order #  TS-008

     Features Yellow Line Yummies such as: Pavement Possum, Highway Hash,
     Hushed Puppies, and more. An ideal gift for those with right sense of

   * "The 2 Ounce Backpacker".......................................$2.95
                                                   128 p  Order #  TS-005

     The definitive problem solving manual for use in the wilds. A hiker's
     bible if there ever was one.

 BOOKS: Health

   * "The Complete Book of Cancer Prevention"......................$16.95
                                                    576 p  Order #  R-001

     A working tool to help you prevent a disease that is diagnosed in over
     one million Americans a year. Includes hundreds of tips from doctors and
     researchers and more than 50 recipes using foods that fight cancer best.
     Reviews each major cancer and gives early detection techniques. Uses
     questionaires to evaluate your particular risks and then provides
     specific recommendations. You won't find a more complete book for the
     layman anywhere.

  *  "The Doctors Book Of Home Remedies" ..........................$29.95
                                                 704 p hbd Order #  R-002

     Thousands of tips and techniques anyone can use to heal everyday
     health problems. Over 2,300 do-it-yourself remedies from more than 500
     health professionals for 138 common health problems. An A to Z format
     for easy access. The ultimate self-helf book.

   * "The Complete Book of Vitamins and Minerals For Health".......$27.95
                                                 752 p hbd Order #  R-003

     This information packed source of ideas and advice about nutrition
     provides the latest facts about using vitamins as a powerfull force
     for health and healing.

   * "A Year of Health Hints: 365 Practical Ways to Feel Better & Live Longer"
                                    400 p hbd Order #  R-004.......$21.95

     The founder and executive director of the American Institute for
     Preventative Medicine shares simple, tip-a-day hints on how to fight
     disease, loose weight, reduce stress, and get the best medical care.

 BOOKS: Puzzles/Games

   * "Puzzlegrams" ................................200+ pages....  $14.95
                                                            Order # I-007

     This beautifully illustrated puzzle book emphasises puzzles of a
     perceptual nature. You'll have hours of fun while you exercise your
     spatial reasoning abilities.

   * "Intelligence Games" .........................184 pages....  $14.95
                                                           Order # I-008

     More than 100 brain teasers, board games, riddles, puzzles & games
     involving memory, logic, and numbers are presented in this book. By
     putting verbal, visual, mathematical and logical forms of intelligence
     in a different light, this lively and entertaining book offers you an
     opportunity to reflect about yourself and the way in which your mind

   * "The MENSA Book of Words, Word Games, Puzzles & Oddities".....$5.95
                                                           Order # I-009

     If you think you're a wordsmith, a phrasemaker or a veteran user of
     the English language, wait until you tried this collection of
     lexicographical brainbusters. Guarranteed to put your vocabulary
     back in shape.

   * "The MENSA Genius Quiz-a-Day Book" ............173 pages......$6.95
                                                           Order # I-010

     An all new collection of mindbusters from Mensa, the high I.Q. society.
     Provides a brainteaser, logic twister, math mystery, or word game for
     every day of the year. Included with each puzzle's solution is the
     percentage of Mensa members who answered it correctly, so you can score
     yourself against them.


   * "Neurobics" .................................................... $29
     256K w/DOS 2.11 or higher, & color monitor             Order # S-001
     3.5 or 5.25 inch floppy available

     This commercial program has been advertized nationally as "Aerobics
     for the Mind." It is a package of six games designed to test and improve
     concentration, short term memory, deductive reasoning, and spatial
     abilities. Each games level of difficulty may be adjusted to suit the
     individual, and has a scoring & timing feature. Suitable for kids and
     adults. Very good reviews in PC Magazine, Compute, Nibble, PCM,
     Psychology Today, and Computer Play Magazine.

   * "The Desktop Fractal Design System"..............................$39
     640K w/DOS 2.10 or higher, EGA or VGA adapter,         Order # S-002
     color monitor, 5.25 inch floppy only

     Everyone who has an interest in fractals, from artists to mathematicians,
     will find this program to be powerful and easy to use. You'll be able
     to generate visually stunning fractal images without having to deal with
     the mathematics. Save your images in a image library, or remove old


   TZK offers a small assortment of quality shareware. Most of these programs
   should be available through the major shareware dealers and users groups by
   late 1990  (unless otherwise noted), or you may order directly from TZK for
   $6 each, $5 each for two or more. Shipping is FREE to US addresses, $5 per
   order for foreign addresses.  Please specify disk size. Florida residents
   please add 6% sales tax.

   When ordering or registering any of our shareware we'll send you a current
   TZK catalogue on disk, so that you'll have the most current product,pricing,
   and discount information, & a coupon worth up to 20% off on your next order.

   NOTE: TZK is not a shareware distributer; we only deal in our own programs.

   Unless otherwise noted each program requires DOS 2.11 or greater and a
   color monitor (CGA, EGA, or VGA).

   * Super Scramble v1.11  ...........Avail June, 1990 .......Order #  SW-01

     SW version comes with over 400 words in 7 categories, including a contest
     file. The program will randomly select a word from the category of your
     choice, randomly scramble the letters, and diplay it for you to solve.
     You may play by yourself or against an opponent. Has hint mode and timer.
     Word files are expandable. Print mode allows user to print 20 puzzles at
     a time. First Registered users to solve contest words wins a cash prize.

   * Katie's Clock v1.10  .............Avail July, 1990 ......Order #  SW-02

     Excellent program for teaching children how to tell time from conventional
     analogue clocks. Program displays a large easy to read clock face which
     displays the time in 5 ways: normal clock mode (behaves as a real clock),
     random mode (time changes each time Enter key is pressed); sequential mode
     in which the clock starts at 12:00 and increases in time by 5 minutes at
     each key stroke; input mode in which you enter the time to be diplayed;
     digital mode in which a digtal display accompanies the other modes.
     Version 1.10 for EGA & VGA. Verion 1.20, available in October, will work
     with CGA, EGA & VGA.

   * SETI-2 ..........................Avail July, 1990 .......Order #  SW-03

     The 'Search for Terrestrial Intelligence' goes on. It's up to you to prove
     that there is intelligent life on Earth: be the first to solve the SETI-2
     Super Cipher and you'll win up to $500,000 (No, that's not a typo, we're
     talking real money!). Also includes a classic assortment of brain teasers
     and word games.  Hours of fun and mental stimulation guaranteed.

   * Mathematika v1.2 ........................................Order #  SW-04

     A mathematics dictionary for ages 11 and up. Treats math as a language.
     Presents illustrated definitions of many of the terms appearing in books
     and courses. An excellent tool for the student, teacher, or parent.

   * PC-Constitution v1.2 ....................................Order #  SW-05

     The US Constitution on disk. Its' quick reference index allows you to
     go directly to the section of interest. Includes a brief history of the
     Constitutions origin, and a dictionary of constitutional terms.

   * Gold Rush ........................Avail August, 1990 ....Order #  SW-06

     Gold Rush is the computerized version of the Beale Ciphers which is
     alleged to be a verbal treasure map to over 20 million dollars in gold
     and silver which was mined in the west and buried in the east during the
     gold rush era. To date this cipher hasn't been solved. In fact, it isn't
     known whether or not it's a hoax, although sophisticated computer analysis
     suggests that all two unsolved parts do actually contain messages. Program
     gives the complete cipher and its history. You'll also get the solution to
     the part of the cipher which has been cracked to date.

   * PC-College ..............................................Order #  SW-07

     Database of accredited college correspondence courses offered by the
     countries major universities. Excellent resource for anyone wanting to
     continue their education part-time at home.


   * 11 inch Tyrannosaurus Rex Tooth ............................... $39
                                                           Order # SK-01

     An exact replica of a fossil tooth found in South Dakota (the original
     is on display at the Museum of Geology in South Dakota). T-Rex, the
     largest land carnivore of all time, became extinct about 65 million
     years ago. Tooth comes with acrylic display stand and brass plaque.

   * 5 1/2 inch Fossil Shark Tooth ................................. $39
                                                           Order # SK-02

     This replica is molded from a fossil tooth of Carcharodon Megalodon,
     who lived 20 million years ago and was an ancestor of the Great White
     Shark of today. This shark dwarfed the modern-day great white, ranging
     from 50 to 100 feet in length. Tooth comes with smoked acrylic display
     stand and brass plaque.

   * Saber Toothed Tiger Skull .................................... $199
                                                           Order # SK-03

     This full-sized replica of Smilodon californicus, which became extinct
     over 12,000 years ago, is an eye catcher. It measures 13" long, 8" wide
     and 12" high, and comes with a display stand for mounting in the attack
     position. You have a choice of Antique or Tar Pit Finish.

     (TZK also carries replicas of human, gorilla, lion, wolf, and buffalo
     skulls, as well as several other fossil replicas. Please inquire.)


   * "The Grand Canyon"  ............................1 hour..... $29.95
                                                     2 hours.... $49.95
                                              Order # VB-01a, or VB-01b

     This critically acclaimed video, filmed using state-of-the art
     equipment, documents a helicopter journey through the vast canyon
     wilderness. you'll soar into narrow gorges and inches above the rapids
     and be accompanied by music which spans the classics of our past to
     the most contempory synthesizer artists. There'll be no narration to
     interfere with your imagination.

   * "Desert Visions" .......................................... $29.95
                                                 50 min   Order # VB-02

     A visually stunning aerial and land encounter over and through the most
     breathtaking scenes in the Southwest, often in areas never filmed before.
     It's a phenomenal visual/music journey-as though you're actually walking
     through 10 National Parks and Monuments. From an eagle's point of view
     you'll soar over mesas, along cliffs and through arches guided by the
     music of David Lanz and Paul Speer. This concert in nature is made of 10
     music videos.

     (Other titles offered through our catalogue include "Yellowstone in
     Winter", "Surf", "Clouds", and "Natural States", as well as a classic
     set of National Geographic and Nova films.)

   * "Bill Moyers' World Of Ideas"...3 volume anthology..............$79
                                                   261 min Order # VM-03

     This special edition was created from the award-winning PBS series.
     Take a thought provoking journey with Bill Moyers across the landscape
     of America, listening and talking with scientists, writers, artists,
     philosophers and historians.

     Each volume may be bought separately for for $29.95 :

     "The National Soul"  :    Discusses myth, morality and ethics in the
                               American consciousness.     Order # VM-04

     "Crisis of Democracy" :   Challenging our political and economic
                               assumptions.                Order # VM-05

     "Dissolving Boundaries" : Our independent planet-exploring a new
                               global reality.             Order # VM-06

   * "Joseph Campbell & The Power of Myth (with Bill Moyers)"
                                            348 min Six-program set $149
                                                           Order # VM-07

     Joseph Campbell was known as the world's foremost authority on
     mythology. His six-part PBS series drew nearly 3 million viewers
     Each week.

     Each 58 minute program may be purchased separately for $29.95.
     Specify Program number when ordering.

     Program 1: The Hero's Adventure      Program 4: Sacrifice & Bliss
     Program 2: The Message of the Myth   Program 5: Love & the Goddess
     Program 3: The First Storytellers    Program 6: Masks of Eternity

   * "The Power of Myth" & "The World of Ideas"  set............... $199
                                                           Order # VM-08

 Once again, the items listed above were taken from our Summer '90 catalogue.
 If this listing is much over one year old, we encourage you to order a new
 catalogue before ordering, except for TZK shareware, as prices and
 availability may have changed (you'll get it free when registering your
 shareware or buying any of the our shareware disks).

 kc-90-20099    *************REGISTRATION/ORDER FORM************       7.90

 [ ] Please send the latest version of Katie's Clock   [ ] 3.5    [ ] 5.25

 [ ] I'm not registering KC at this time, but I am ordering the following:

    Method of payment:   [ ] Check   [ ] Money Order   [ ] Cash

 Mail To: TZK Publications / 5859 W. Pine Circle/ Crystal River FL   32629

 NAME:____________________  ADDRESS: _____________________________________

 CITY:_________________________  STATE: _____________ ZIP: _______________

 | QTY |                  TITLE/ITEM               |   ORDER #  |   PRICE  |
 |     |                                           |            |          |
 |     |                                           |            |          |
 |     |                                           |            |          |
 |     |                                           |            |          |
 |     |                                           |            |          |
                                                   Order Total  |          |
                          Florida residence only--6% sales tax  |          |
            [ ] Rush shipping preffered (add $3)      shipping  |          |
 Disk Size: [ ]  3.5    [ ]  5.25                Total Enclosed |          |

 DISCOUNT: Katie's Clock is FREE with Order Total of $25 or more. When buying
 two or more items may take a 20% discount on item which costs the least.
 Orders under $25 are discounted an additional 10% when registering KC.

 PREMIUMS: ALL orders, $12 or more, get a another TZK program (share. version)
 FREE (you choose from among the list given above in the catalogue section of
 this file). PLUS, you get our current catalogue on disk, AND a coupon worth
 up to 20% off on your next order.

 GUARANTEE: Books and replicas may be returned within 30 days if not completely
 satisfied, so long as they are in original condition. Videos, audios, and
 software may be returned within 10 days if defective.

 SHIPPING: TZK shareware shipped free to US addresses. Books, videos, audios,
 commercial software $3 per order. Add $3 for each replica; $10 each if shipped
 to Alaska, Hawaii. All items, add $6 for foreign addresses.  Normally, you'll
 recieve your order within 15 working days. For rush delivery please add $3.

 PAYMENT: All orders must be accompanied by payment. FOREIGN ORDERS must be
 paid by International Money Order in US funds.

                    ************ Thank You ! ************



       (c) Copyright 1990,  TZK Publications. All Rights Reserved.

   K_VENDER.DOC +++++++++++++++++ NOTICE +++++++++++++++++ JULY 1990 ++++++

   Katie's Clock v1.10 may be distributed as "shareware" by any individual
   or organization.  The file, K_INFO.DOC, must be distributed with the
   executable code, KCK.EXE, as it contains a description of the program,
   registration details, and other information useful to end-users. Other
   files which should be included on any distribution disk are:

   K_VENDER.DOC - ASCII file which contains summary information about KC
                  to aid shareware distributers in evaluating program.

   K_INSTAL.BAT - Batch file to install KC and associated files on hard disk
                  (C drive) in directory called KC.

   K_PRINT.BAT - Batch file to print K_INFO.DOC file

   Katie's Clock (KC) is an excellent tool for parents use in teaching their
   children how to tell time. KC operates in five time modes: normal, random,
   sequential, input, and digital. All times are clearly displayed on a
   colorfull, easy to read clock face.

   HARDWARE/SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: Version 1.10 requires a color VGA or EGA
   monitor, and DOS 2.11 or greater. Version 1.20 (due out in October, 1990)
   will work with CGA monitors.

   REGISTRATION: $12 for individual ; $25 to $49 per site, depending on
   number of computers. Registered users get:

     - latest version of KC;
     - another TZK shareware program of their choice;
     - 50% off on future upgrades to KC;
     - software support via US mail;
     - coupon worth up to 20% on next order; and
     - notification of updates.

   -----------------------------CLOCK MODES----------------------------------

   CLOCK: In this mode the actual time will be displayed (if your computers'
   internal clock is set properly - refer to your DOS manual). This is the way
   in which the clock portion of the program begins. To get back TO this mode
   FROM any other mode press the F5 key.

   RANDOM: This mode, invoked by the F2 key, causes the clock to display
   various times, randomly, by pressing the Space Bar or the Enter key.

   INPUT: Invoked by the F3 key, this mode allows you to input a time in order
   to tell what it looks like on a clock face. Enter the Hour, a comma, then
   the Minutes. Use the backspace key to make corrections.

   SEQUENTIAL: Invoked by the F4 key, this mode starts the clock at 12:00 and
   allows you to increment the time by 5 minutes each time you press the Space
   Bar or Enter key.

   DIGITAL DISPLAY: The F1 key toggles (turns on or off) a digital display of
   the time and a statement of the time such as {15 minutes after 3}. This
   feature is available in any mode.

   The [Esc] key terminates program, while the [I] key takes you back to the
   documentation file, K_INFO.DOC.



       (c) Copyright 1990,  TZK Publications. All Rights Reserved.

   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NOTICE +++++++++++++++++ JULY 1990 ++++++

   Katie's Clock v1.10 may be distributed as "shareware" by any individual
   or organization.  This file, K_INFO.DOC, must be distributed with the
   executable code, KCK.EXE, as it contains a description of the program,
   registration details, and other information useful to end-users. Other
   files which should be included on any distribution disk are:

   K_VENDER.DOC - ASCII file which contains summary information about KC
                  to help shareware distributers evaluate program.

   K_INSTAL.BAT - Batch file to install KC and associated files on hard disk
                  (C drive) in directory called KC.

   K_PRINT.BAT - Batch file to print K_INFO.DOC file

   Katie's Clock v1.10 will run on any IBM compatible system with DOS 2.11, or
   higher, and a EGA or VGA color monitor. A CGA version will be available
   by October, 1990. Check with your shareware dealer or users group, or send
   $6 for the unregistered shareware version, or $12 for the registered
   version. Ordering details are given at the end of this file (page down).

   KC is distributed as shareware, which means that you may try it out BEFORE
   paying for it. If you intend to use KC you are obligated to register. On
   the other hand if you don't intend to continue using it you aren't under
   any obligation. Registration for individual users costs only $12. The terms
   are outlined on the registration/order form describe how you can register
   for FREE and get additional TZK shareware (print the form out or scroll to
   the end of this file).

   Site registration, for schools, day care centers, etc., is available for
   $25 (4 computers or less), $49 (5 computers or more). Please inquire.

   So try KC; if you find it to be useful in the education of your child
   please register. Whatever your decision, feel free to order any of the
   products described below.



   Katie's Clock (KC) is a tool to help parents teach their children how to
   tell the time of day from conventional analogue clocks. Although a computer
   literate child can easily learn how to use KC we recommend that a parent be
   present, at least in the beginning, to ensure that the child doesn't get
   discouraged.  Parental feedback is important in all learning situations.

   I you have VGA display KC will be displayed in the VGA mode. Likewise, if
   you have EGA display KC will be diplayed in the EGA mode. If you have VGA
   but want the display in EGA press F9 at the introductory screen. The only
   advantage to this is a faster screen response for slower machines.

   KC can be used in several different ways:

   CLOCK: In this mode the actual time will be displayed (if your computers'
   internal clock is set properly - refer to your DOS manual). This is the way
   in which the clock portion of the program begins. To get back TO this mode
   FROM any other mode press the F5 key.

   RANDOM: This mode, invoked by the F2 key, causes the clock to display
   various times, randomly, by pressing the Space Bar or the Enter key.

   INPUT: Invoked by the F3 key, this mode allows you to input a time in order
   to tell what it looks like on a clock face. Enter the Hour, a comma, then
   the Minutes. Use the backspace key to make corrections.

   SEQUENTIAL: Invoked by the F4 key, this mode starts the clock at 12:00 and
   allows you to increment the time by 5 minutes each time you press the Space
   Bar or Enter key.

   DIGITAL DISPLAY: The F1 key toggles (turns on or off) a digital display of
   the time and a statement of the time such as {15 minutes after 3}. This
   feature is available in any mode.

   REGISTERED USERS: Feel free to write if you have questions or suggestions to
   improve the program (be sure to send registration number with letter).

   HARDWARE/SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: Version 1.10 requires a color VGA or EGA
   monitor, and DOS 2.11 or greater. Version 1.20 (due out in October, 1990)
   will work with CGA monitors.

   REGISTRATION: By registering (only $12 postpaid) you'll not only fulfill
   your legal and ethical obligations but you'll also receive:

    1)  a floppy disk with the latest registered version of Katie's Clock;
    2)  another TZK program (shareware version) of your choice (see below);
    3)  a coupon worth up to 20% off on your next order;
    4)  an updated catalogue on disk of TZK products (a $3 value);
    5)  udates on new TZK shareware, books, videos,etc.;
    6)  50% off on any future upgrade to KC;
    7)  software support (via US mail).

   NOTE: Katie's Clock will be registered to you FREE when placing an order
   for $25 or more from the items listed below. Be sure to specify floppy
   disk size when ordering TZK shareware. An optional registration/order form
   is included at the end of this file.


                          TZK Products-Summer 1990

 Aside from Katie's Clock, TZK Publications offers an assortment of other
 products. Most are high quality non-fiction books dealing with computers,
 science, nature, how-to, self-help, education, and puzzles.

 For those with a natural history bent we offer museum quality reproductions
 of fossils and skulls (see below).

 We also offer an excellent selection of nature and science videos, as well
 as a small selection of our own shareware (we're not a shareware distributer;
 we only deal in our own programs).

 Descriptions and ordering information for some of our products have been
 provided below. A complete catalogue of our books, videos, software and
 specialty, products will be sent, free of charge, to everyone who registers
 KC or purchases any of the other products. Anyone else desiring a catalogue
 should remit $3 (deductible from the 1st order). Please specify disk size as
 catalogue is on floppy.

 The following list of products was compiled July, 1990. If this list is much
 over one year old when you get it please order catalogue before ordering
 (except when ordering shareware) as prices and availability may have changed
 significantly. The $3 catalogue price will be deducted from your first order.

         (All books are Quality Softbound unless otherwise noted)

 BOOKS: Education/Careers/Business

   * "Bear's Guide To Earning Non-Traditional College Degrees" ... $18.95
                                                   272 p...Order # TS-001

     This best-seller (now in its tenth edition) has helped thousands to
     complete, at their own pace, legitimate accredited college degrees
     without ever setting foot in a classroom or leaving their jobs. It
     includes sections on:

       - The importance of accreditation
       - Equivalency examinations
       - Correspondence courses
       - Credit for life experience learning
       - Complete listing of every school in the world offering Bachelor's,
         Master's, and Doctorate degrees by alternative methods.
       - Weekend colleges
       - Law Degrees
       - Diploma Mills & other fly-by-night institutions you should be
         wary off.

     If you're one of the many who attended college but never finished, or
     even someone who never went in the first place, then you should seriously
     consider what this book has to offer. A Bachelor's degree can be worth
     over $500,000 during the course of a career; a Master's several hundred
     thousand dollar's more.

   * "Superlearning" ............................................  $14.95
                                                342 p hbd  Order # SU-001

     A classic in its field, Superlearning describes stress-free, fast
     learning methods and gives you a step by step program to put them to
     work. It details a revolutionary way of opening what some call the
     "limitless capacities of your mind." Endorced by educators world wide,
     Superlearning describes a do-it-yourself program to: develop a
     supermemory and learn almost anything 2 to 10 times faster, improve
     your health through meditation as you learn, and recapture the joy of

   * "Mail-Order Moonlighting" ....................................$12.95
                                                   359 p  Order #  TS-002

     Cited as the best book on mailorder today. If you'd like to start your
     own business from your home in just a few weeks, and at your own pace,
     with little or no risk, then this new revised edition is must reading.
     An invaluable reference for anyone looking to gradually change careers
     and take more control of their own life.

   * "Running a One Person Business" ..............................$12.95
                                                   204 p  Order #  TS-003

     One-person businesses, especially small businesses run from the home
     are now a permanent part of our new economy. With interviews of the
     many successful entrepreneurs who have struck out on their own, it is
     full of practical information needed by those currently in business for
     themselves or those who are planning to be.

   * "The Self-Publishing Manual" (5th ed.)........................$19.95
                                                   415 p  Order #  PA-001

     Details how to write, print and sell your own book. Nothing is left
     out. Provides step-by-step instructions for producing a commercially
     viable book. Shows you how to get your book into print quickly by
     cutting out all of the middlemen (you'll also make 5 to 6 times as
     much money per copy sold). If your serious about getting your book, or
     book idea, into print, and keeping the profits for yourself, then "The
     Self-Publishing Manual" is must reading. You won't find another book
     like it anywhere.

   * "The 90-Minute Resume"........................................ $5.95
                                                     70 p  Order #  P-001

     This one-of-a-kind book changes resume writing from a chore to a
     satisfying project. It shows how to communicate your skills & experience
     on paper-even if your not a good writer, and how to best present yourself
     so that you're asked in for an interview.

   * "Great Getaways".........(available June 1990)................$12.95
                                                    225 p  Order #  P-002

     For anyone who loves to travel but finds it hard to get away for a
     week at a time. Gives descriptions of over 400 unusual minivacations
     of three or four days. Organized into six regions of North America, it
     features detailed & evocative descriptions of each minivacation,
     including costs and getting their. Minivacations for every taste:
     adventure, culture, scenic beauty, or just plain rest.

   * "Learning Vacations"...6th edition............................$11.95
                                                    312 p  Order #  P-003

     A treasure trove of enriching vacation opportunities. This new edition
     covers more than 400 programs for every interest, age, and budget.
     Gives full details (program content & duration; costs; accomadations;
     who to contact) on a wide variety of activities such as: African safaris,
     whale-watching trips, mountain climbing, archaeological digs, and cooking
     courses. Cited as our countries finest travel book.

   * "The 1990 What Color Is Your Parachute"..(20th Anniv. Ed).....$11.95
                                                          Order #  TS-009

     The all time bestselling practical manual for job-hunters & career
     changers. Thoroughly updated and creatively illustrated, this book
     will help anyone develope the best job hunting/changing strategies
     to match their personal style and background.

 BOOKS: Computers

   * "Learn C Now".................................................$39.95
                                                           Order #  I-010

     A complete course for learning to program in C. Includes: Microsoft
     Learn C compiler; on-line tutorial; scores of example programs; & more.
     Everything you need is contained in three 5.25 inch floppies and a 353
     page manual. A completely integrated system that allows you to learn C
     before investing in expensive programming tools.

   * "Learn BASIC Now".............................................$39.95
                                                           Order #  I-011

     The fastest and easiest way to learn modern QuickBASIC programming.
     Floppy disks (5.25 inch) and 476 page manual includes the Microsoft
     QuickBASIC Interpreter, electronic help resources, and on-line tutorials.
     Includes dozens of sample programs.

   * "Upgrade Your IBM Compatible & Save A Bundle"...............  $16.95
                                                    240 p  Order #  T-001

     In this new edition (spring 1990) to his highly praised "Build Your
     Own... " series, author Aubrey Pilgrim guides you through dozens of cost-"
     effective ways to breathe new life into aging hardware. You'll get clear
     instructions for replacing mother boards with 80286 or 80386 boards,
     adding floppy disk or hard disk drives, internal modems, VGA, FAX, &
     network boards. Includes reviews of the latest monitors & printers.

   * "Learn DOS-Guaranteed!" ......................................$14.95
                                                   192 p   Order #  T-002

     An essential entry level guide covering all versions of MS/PC-DOS.
     Concentrates on the most important DOS commands; guaranteed to get
     new DOS users up and running quickly without having to master a
     mountain of technical jargon. You'll learn how to hook up and operate
     system components; load software; create, copy, and delete files;
     make, change, and remove directories; format disks; and perform
     basic operations with AUTOEXEC.BAT & CONFIG.SYS files. Loaded with
     examples and complete explanations.

   * "Peter Norton's DOS Guide: 3rd Ed."...........................$24.95
                                                    379 p  Order #  I-012

     The bestselling author of Norton Utilities has completely revised his
     classic guide to DOS. Provides comprehensive, common sense coverage of
     on all versions of DOS including 4.0. New material includes about DOS
     Shell, extended memory, expanded memory, and hard disks.

   * "MS-DOS Batch File Programming-2nd Edition" ..................$24.95
                                                    304 p  Order #  T-003

     This highly recommended reference/tutorial will enable you to read
     and create sophisticated batch files. The 2nd edition is completely
     updated to include DOS 4.0 and the latest in batch file utilities.
     This definitive .BAT book offers DOS users new tips for saving time.
     you'll learn how to design batch file menus, write commands and run
     batch files within programs. Numerous examples are provided. Comes
     with a 5.25 floppy full of usefull batch files.

   * "Mastering WordPerfect 5.0" ................................  $19.95
                                                    456 p  Order #  T-004

     An excellent guide for intermediate and advanced users. Explains 5.0's
     advanced features: improved graphics and editing, macros, style sheets,
     desktop publishing, and much more.

   * "The Wordperfect Book-Ver. 5.0, Including 4.1/4.2"............$16.95
                                                     288 p Order #  T-005

     This bestseller teaches how to use 5.0's many new features; integrated
     text and graphics, automatic referencing, intelligent printing, automatic
     redlining, etc. Includes many practical examples.

   * "dBASE IV For Nonprogrammers" (includes ver. 1.1).............$22.95
                                                    632 p  Order #  T-006

     This books learn-by-example approach makes it a perfect guide for those
     who want to start producing with dBase NOW - without having to first
     decipher the program manual.It starts with the fumdamentals and ends
     with the writing of programs in dBase IV.

   * "Using Harvard Graphics"......................................$24.95
                                                   550 p  Order #  I-0013

     Demonstrates how to use Harvard Graphics to create slides, screen shows
     and overheads in addition to its standard graphing capabilities.

   * "3D Computer Graphics: A User's Guide for Artists & Designers-2nd Ed."
                                          240 p Order #  T-007.... $26.95

     Introduces readers with limited computer backgrounds to the professional
     techniques needed to create three-dimensional images, scenes, and
     animation. Includes a chapter on advanced modeling techniques.

   * "Working with Lotus 1-2-3 Macros"............................ $22.95
                                                   304 p   Order #  T-008

     This complete introduction to macro programming with Lotus 1-2-3,
     including releases 2.2 and 3, provides detailed instructions for using
     loops, conditional tests, arrays, branches, subroutines, and error
     handling procedures and guides the reader through the testing and
     debugging of their macros. Includes many example macros.

   * "The Illustrated Dictionary of Microcomputers - 3rd Edition"..$19.95
                                                    430 p  Order #  T-009

     This 3rd edition contains 1200 new entries. Provides concise explanations
     for all of the jargon, buzz words, and acronyms used by experts.

   * "Build Your Own 80386 IBM Compatible and Save a Bundle" .....$16.95
                                                    232 p Order #  T-010

     Provides a clear nuts and bolts approach to building your own 80386
     machine from. Over 100 illustrations help guide you through each step.

   * "High Performance Graphics in C: Animation and Simulation"...$26.95
                                                   544 p  Order #  T-011

     Will help C programmers achieve high quality graphics on their PCs.
     Uses six major animation programs to guide readers through frame,
     bitbit, and real-time animation.

     (This is just a sampling of our computer titles. If you're looking
     for a particular type of book please let us know. We offer exellent
     discounts for multi-title orders.)

 BOOKS: Science/Nature/Math

   * "Exploring The Geometry Of Nature" .........................  $16.95
                                                    208 p   Order # T-005

     Offers BASIC programs that can be used to model geometric processes
     and patterns in nature. Coverage includes Chaos, Fractals, Cellular
     Automata, and Neural Networks. Nearly 200 illustrations.

   * "Relativity Visualized" .............................. .....  $15.95
                                                    209 p  Order # IN-006

     Why can't you go faster than light? What makes space shrink & time
     slow? This book will give you an "intuitive" understanding of this
     famous theory. Illustrated. No special mathematical training required.

   * "A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes"...$18.95
                                                 192 p hbd  Order # I-011

     Stephen Hawking describes the findings and theories of physicists up
     to Einstein and details his own thoughts on black holes and mans place
     in the universe. Discusses the anthropic principle and inflationary
     expansion of the universe. A national bestseller since its publication
     in 1988!

   * "Build Your Own Laser, Phaser, Ion Ray Gun, and Other Working Space
     Age Projects".................................................$16.95
                                                   400 p   Order #  T-011

     Provides unusually complete instructions for building a variety of
     electronic devises. Over 300 illustrations help you build lasers, etc.

   * "The Secret Life of Quanta" ..................................$17.95
                                                   192 p   Order #  T-012

     Without advanced mathematics this book explaines the physical phenomena
     which underlies our advanced technology. Offers a painless way to acheive
     physics literacy. Includes discusions on superconductors, nuclear
     technology, semiconductors, and what these technologies mean for the

   * "Reaching for Infinity: Further Puzzles, Paradoxes & Brain Teasers."
                                           Order #  T-013.. 180 p....$9.95

     Do space and time have boudaries? Do we exist in and infinite number
     of dimensions? Is their a largest object? This third volume of
     intellectual challenges addresses these questions and more.

   * "The Mathematical Tourist: Snapshots of Modern Mathematics.....$10.95
                                                     256p  Order #  I-012

     Covers the frontiers of mathematics from fractals to strange attractors,
     the author reviews the latest thinking on chaos, minimal surfaces, knot
     theory, the Mandelbrot set, and more. Excellent coverage for the novice
     as well as the mathematically inclined.

 BOOKS: Environmental/Gardening

   * "50 Simple Things You Can Do To Save The Earth"................$5.95
                                                           Order #  E-001

     Besides explaining air pollution, ozone depletion and other environmental
     concerns, this book provides 50 straight-forward things that anyone can
     do to fight these problems. Became a national best-seller upon
     publication. A good book for beginners.

   * "How to Shit in the Woods".....................................$5.95
                                                    96 p  Order #  TS-004

     An environmentally sound approach to a lost art. Most outdoor books
     fall prey to Victorian sensibilities by failing to mention one of the
     most serious issues encountered when trekking through the countryside.
     This long over-do book corrects this with its straight-forward style.
     Chapters include: Anatomy of a Crap; Digging the Hole; When You Can't
     Dig a Hole; and What? No T.P.?

   * "The Rodale Guide to Composting" .............................$14.95
                                               416 p hbd   Order #  R-005

     Various ways of constructing a compost heap are described. You'll
     learn to custom-make a compost for you particular soil needs. In
     addition to providing you with healthier soil, composting is one the
     best ways to recycle biological wastes and can save a significant
     amount of money in garbage collection bills.

   * "The Encyclopedia of Natural Insect and Disease Control"......$24.95
                                                     496 p Order #  R-006

     The most comprehensive guide to protecting plants-vegetable, fruit,
     flowers, trees, and lawns-without toxic chemicals. Updates the previous
     bestsellers, Organic Plant Protection, and provides the latest natural
     controls for pests and diseases in the greenhouse or garden.

   * "Square Foot Gardening".......................................$14.95
                                                     352 p Order #  R-007

     Square foot gardening techniques are decribed which will allow you
     grow as much food as conventional gardens using only one-fifth of the
     space. Now, anyone with a small patch of ground can enjoy the benifits
     of fresh home-grown vegetables.

   * "Cut Your Bills In Half"......................................$24.95
                                                   400 hbd Order #  R-008

     Do your part to save our planets limited natural resourses and save
     thousands of dollars in the process. Written by a panel of experts in
     an easy to read format, this book offers thousands of practical tips to
     save money in every area of your life without sacrificing quality or

 BOOKS: Assorted

   * "Auto Repair For Dummies".....................................$17.95
                                                   480 p  Order #  TS-006

     This second revised edition provides consice, direct, simple explanations
     to help the reader understand the major systems of an automobile.  You'll
     no longer be afraid of lifting the hood of your car or discussing repair
     work with a mechanic. Don't keep throwing your money away on simple
     repairs that take only minutes to do.

   * "The Bike Bag Book"............................................$3.95
                                                    144 p Order #  TS-007

     The Bike Bag Book is the ideal traveling companion for bikers; its full
     of helpfull hints & information for emergency repairs.

   * "Anybody's Bike Book"..........................................$8.95
                                                    256 p Order #  TS-010

     A completely updated and revised version of THE classic book on bike
     repair.  Comprehensively covers mountain bikes and other new gear as
     well as conventional bikes. A wise investment for any serious biker.

   * "The Original Road Kill Cookbook"..............................$4.95
                                                     64 p Order #  TS-008

     Features Yellow Line Yummies such as: Pavement Possum, Highway Hash,
     Hushed Puppies, and more. An ideal gift for those with right sense of

   * "The 2 Ounce Backpacker".......................................$2.95
                                                   128 p  Order #  TS-005

     The definitive problem solving manual for use in the wilds. A hiker's
     bible if there ever was one.

 BOOKS: Health

   * "The Complete Book of Cancer Prevention"......................$16.95
                                                    576 p  Order #  R-001

     A working tool to help you prevent a disease that is diagnosed in over
     one million Americans a year. Includes hundreds of tips from doctors and
     researchers and more than 50 recipes using foods that fight cancer best.
     Reviews each major cancer and gives early detection techniques. Uses
     questionaires to evaluate your particular risks and then provides
     specific recommendations. You won't find a more complete book for the
     layman anywhere.

  *  "The Doctors Book Of Home Remedies" ..........................$29.95
                                                 704 p hbd Order #  R-002

     Thousands of tips and techniques anyone can use to heal everyday
     health problems. Over 2,300 do-it-yourself remedies from more than 500
     health professionals for 138 common health problems. An A to Z format
     for easy access. The ultimate self-helf book.

   * "The Complete Book of Vitamins and Minerals For Health".......$27.95
                                                 752 p hbd Order #  R-003

     This information packed source of ideas and advice about nutrition
     provides the latest facts about using vitamins as a powerfull force
     for health and healing.

   * "A Year of Health Hints: 365 Practical Ways to Feel Better & Live Longer"
                                    400 p hbd Order #  R-004.......$21.95

     The founder and executive director of the American Institute for
     Preventative Medicine shares simple, tip-a-day hints on how to fight
     disease, loose weight, reduce stress, and get the best medical care.

 BOOKS: Puzzles/Games

   * "Puzzlegrams" ................................200+ pages....  $14.95
                                                            Order # I-007

     This beautifully illustrated puzzle book emphasises puzzles of a
     perceptual nature. You'll have hours of fun while you exercise your
     spatial reasoning abilities.

   * "Intelligence Games" .........................184 pages....  $14.95
                                                           Order # I-008

     More than 100 brain teasers, board games, riddles, puzzles & games
     involving memory, logic, and numbers are presented in this book. By
     putting verbal, visual, mathematical and logical forms of intelligence
     in a different light, this lively and entertaining book offers you an
     opportunity to reflect about yourself and the way in which your mind

   * "The MENSA Book of Words, Word Games, Puzzles & Oddities".....$5.95
                                                           Order # I-009

     If you think you're a wordsmith, a phrasemaker or a veteran user of
     the English language, wait until you tried this collection of
     lexicographical brainbusters. Guarranteed to put your vocabulary
     back in shape.

   * "The MENSA Genius Quiz-a-Day Book" ............173 pages......$6.95
                                                           Order # I-010

     An all new collection of mindbusters from Mensa, the high I.Q. society.
     Provides a brainteaser, logic twister, math mystery, or word game for
     every day of the year. Included with each puzzle's solution is the
     percentage of Mensa members who answered it correctly, so you can score
     yourself against them.


   * "Neurobics" .................................................... $29
     256K w/DOS 2.11 or higher, & color monitor             Order # S-001
     3.5 or 5.25 inch floppy available

     This commercial program has been advertized nationally as "Aerobics
     for the Mind." It is a package of six games designed to test and improve
     concentration, short term memory, deductive reasoning, and spatial
     abilities. Each games level of difficulty may be adjusted to suit the
     individual, and has a scoring & timing feature. Suitable for kids and
     adults. Very good reviews in PC Magazine, Compute, Nibble, PCM,
     Psychology Today, and Computer Play Magazine.

   * "The Desktop Fractal Design System"..............................$39
     640K w/DOS 2.10 or higher, EGA or VGA adapter,         Order # S-002
     color monitor, 5.25 inch floppy only

     Everyone who has an interest in fractals, from artists to mathematicians,
     will find this program to be powerful and easy to use. You'll be able
     to generate visually stunning fractal images without having to deal with
     the mathematics. Save your images in a image library, or remove old


   TZK offers a small assortment of quality shareware. Most of these programs
   should be available through the major shareware dealers and users groups by
   late 1990  (unless otherwise noted), or you may order directly from TZK for
   $6 each, $5 each for two or more. Shipping is FREE to US addresses, $5 per
   order for foreign addresses.  Please specify disk size. Florida residents
   please add 6% sales tax.

   When ordering or registering any of our shareware we'll send you a current
   TZK catalogue on disk, so that you'll have the most current product,pricing,
   and discount information, & a coupon worth up to 20% off on your next order.

   NOTE: TZK is not a shareware distributer; we only deal in our own programs.

   Unless otherwise noted each program requires DOS 2.11 or greater and a
   color monitor (CGA, EGA, or VGA).

   * Super Scramble v1.11  ...........Avail June, 1990 .......Order #  SW-01

     SW version comes with over 400 words in 7 categories, including a contest
     file. The program will randomly select a word from the category of your
     choice, randomly scramble the letters, and diplay it for you to solve.
     You may play by yourself or against an opponent. Has hint mode and timer.
     Word files are expandable. Print mode allows user to print 20 puzzles at
     a time. First Registered users to solve contest words wins a cash prize.

   * Katie's Clock v1.10  .............Avail July, 1990 ......Order #  SW-02

     Excellent program for teaching children how to tell time from conventional
     analogue clocks. Program displays a large easy to read clock face which
     displays the time in 5 ways: normal clock mode (behaves as a real clock),
     random mode (time changes each time Enter key is pressed); sequential mode
     in which the clock starts at 12:00 and increases in time by 5 minutes at
     each key stroke; input mode in which you enter the time to be diplayed;
     digital mode in which a digtal display accompanies the other modes.
     Version 1.10 for EGA & VGA. Verion 1.20, available in October, will work
     with CGA, EGA & VGA.

   * SETI-2 ..........................Avail July, 1990 .......Order #  SW-03

     The 'Search for Terrestrial Intelligence' goes on. It's up to you to prove
     that there is intelligent life on Earth: be the first to solve the SETI-2
     Super Cipher and you'll win up to $500,000 (No, that's not a typo, we're
     talking real money!). Also includes a classic assortment of brain teasers
     and word games.  Hours of fun and mental stimulation guaranteed.

   * Mathematika v1.2 ........................................Order #  SW-04

     A mathematics dictionary for ages 11 and up. Treats math as a language.
     Presents illustrated definitions of many of the terms appearing in books
     and courses. An excellent tool for the student, teacher, or parent.

   * PC-Constitution v1.2 ....................................Order #  SW-05

     The US Constitution on disk. Its' quick reference index allows you to
     go directly to the section of interest. Includes a brief history of the
     Constitutions origin, and a dictionary of constitutional terms.

   * Gold Rush ........................Avail August, 1990 ....Order #  SW-06

     Gold Rush is the computerized version of the Beale Ciphers which is
     alleged to be a verbal treasure map to over 20 million dollars in gold
     and silver which was mined in the west and buried in the east during the
     gold rush era. To date this cipher hasn't been solved. In fact, it isn't
     known whether or not it's a hoax, although sophisticated computer analysis
     suggests that all two unsolved parts do actually contain messages. Program
     gives the complete cipher and its history. You'll also get the solution to
     the part of the cipher which has been cracked to date.

   * PC-College ..............................................Order #  SW-07

     Database of accredited college correspondence courses offered by the
     countries major universities. Excellent resource for anyone wanting to
     continue their education part-time at home.


   * 11 inch Tyrannosaurus Rex Tooth ............................... $39
                                                           Order # SK-01

     An exact replica of a fossil tooth found in South Dakota (the original
     is on display at the Museum of Geology in South Dakota). T-Rex, the
     largest land carnivore of all time, became extinct about 65 million
     years ago. Tooth comes with acrylic display stand and brass plaque.

   * 5 1/2 inch Fossil Shark Tooth ................................. $39
                                                           Order # SK-02

     This replica is molded from a fossil tooth of Carcharodon Megalodon,
     who lived 20 million years ago and was an ancestor of the Great White
     Shark of today. This shark dwarfed the modern-day great white, ranging
     from 50 to 100 feet in length. Tooth comes with smoked acrylic display
     stand and brass plaque.

   * Saber Toothed Tiger Skull .................................... $199
                                                           Order # SK-03

     This full-sized replica of Smilodon californicus, which became extinct
     over 12,000 years ago, is an eye catcher. It measures 13" long, 8" wide
     and 12" high, and comes with a display stand for mounting in the attack
     position. You have a choice of Antique or Tar Pit Finish.

     (TZK also carries replicas of human, gorilla, lion, wolf, and buffalo
     skulls, as well as several other fossil replicas. Please inquire.)


   * "The Grand Canyon"  ............................1 hour..... $29.95
                                                     2 hours.... $49.95
                                              Order # VB-01a, or VB-01b

     This critically acclaimed video, filmed using state-of-the art
     equipment, documents a helicopter journey through the vast canyon
     wilderness. you'll soar into narrow gorges and inches above the rapids
     and be accompanied by music which spans the classics of our past to
     the most contempory synthesizer artists. There'll be no narration to
     interfere with your imagination.

   * "Desert Visions" .......................................... $29.95
                                                 50 min   Order # VB-02

     A visually stunning aerial and land encounter over and through the most
     breathtaking scenes in the Southwest, often in areas never filmed before.
     It's a phenomenal visual/music journey-as though you're actually walking
     through 10 National Parks and Monuments. From an eagle's point of view
     you'll soar over mesas, along cliffs and through arches guided by the
     music of David Lanz and Paul Speer. This concert in nature is made of 10
     music videos.

     (Other titles offered through our catalogue include "Yellowstone in
     Winter", "Surf", "Clouds", and "Natural States", as well as a classic
     set of National Geographic and Nova films.)

   * "Bill Moyers' World Of Ideas"...3 volume anthology..............$79
                                                   261 min Order # VM-03

     This special edition was created from the award-winning PBS series.
     Take a thought provoking journey with Bill Moyers across the landscape
     of America, listening and talking with scientists, writers, artists,
     philosophers and historians.

     Each volume may be bought separately for for $29.95 :

     "The National Soul"  :    Discusses myth, morality and ethics in the
                               American consciousness.     Order # VM-04

     "Crisis of Democracy" :   Challenging our political and economic
                               assumptions.                Order # VM-05

     "Dissolving Boundaries" : Our independent planet-exploring a new
                               global reality.             Order # VM-06

   * "Joseph Campbell & The Power of Myth (with Bill Moyers)"
                                            348 min Six-program set $149
                                                           Order # VM-07

     Joseph Campbell was known as the world's foremost authority on
     mythology. His six-part PBS series drew nearly 3 million viewers
     Each week.

     Each 58 minute program may be purchased separately for $29.95.
     Specify Program number when ordering.

     Program 1: The Hero's Adventure      Program 4: Sacrifice & Bliss
     Program 2: The Message of the Myth   Program 5: Love & the Goddess
     Program 3: The First Storytellers    Program 6: Masks of Eternity

   * "The Power of Myth" & "The World of Ideas"  set............... $199
                                                           Order # VM-08

 Once again, the items listed above were taken from our Summer '90 catalogue.
 If this listing is much over one year old, we encourage you to order a new
 catalogue before ordering, except for TZK shareware, as prices and
 availability may have changed (you'll get it free when registering your
 shareware or buying any of the our shareware disks).

 kc-90-20099    *************REGISTRATION/ORDER FORM************       7.90

 [ ] Please send the latest version of Katie's Clock   [ ] 3.5    [ ] 5.25

 [ ] I'm not registering KC at this time, but I am ordering the following:

    Method of payment:   [ ] Check   [ ] Money Order   [ ] Cash

 Mail To: TZK Publications / 5859 W. Pine Circle/ Crystal River FL   32629

 NAME:____________________  ADDRESS: _____________________________________

 CITY:_________________________  STATE: _____________ ZIP: _______________

 | QTY |                  TITLE/ITEM               |   ORDER #  |   PRICE  |
 |     |                                           |            |          |
 |     |                                           |            |          |
 |     |                                           |            |          |
 |     |                                           |            |          |
 |     |                                           |            |          |
                                                   Order Total  |          |
                          Florida residence only--6% sales tax  |          |
            [ ] Rush shipping preffered (add $3)      shipping  |          |
 Disk Size: [ ]  3.5    [ ]  5.25                Total Enclosed |          |

 DISCOUNT: Katie's Clock is FREE with Order Total of $25 or more. When buying
 two or more items may take a 20% discount on item which costs the least.
 Orders under $25 are discounted an additional 10% when registering KC.

 PREMIUMS: ALL orders, $12 or more, get a another TZK program (share. version)
 FREE (you choose from among the list given above in the catalogue section of
 this file). PLUS, you get our current catalogue on disk, AND a coupon worth
 up to 20% off on your next order.

 GUARANTEE: Books and replicas may be returned within 30 days if not completely
 satisfied, so long as they are in original condition. Videos, audios, and
 software may be returned within 10 days if defective.

 SHIPPING: TZK shareware shipped free to US addresses. Books, videos, audios,
 commercial software $3 per order. Add $3 for each replica; $10 each if shipped
 to Alaska, Hawaii. All items, add $6 for foreign addresses.  Normally, you'll
 recieve your order within 15 working days. For rush delivery please add $3.

 PAYMENT: All orders must be accompanied by payment. FOREIGN ORDERS must be
 paid by International Money Order in US funds.

                    ************ Thank You ! ************



       (c) Copyright 1990,  TZK Publications. All Rights Reserved.

   K_VENDER.DOC +++++++++++++++++ NOTICE +++++++++++++++++ JULY 1990 ++++++

   Katie's Clock v1.10 may be distributed as "shareware" by any individual
   or organization.  The file, K_INFO.DOC, must be distributed with the
   executable code, KCK.EXE, as it contains a description of the program,
   registration details, and other information useful to end-users. Other
   files which should be included on any distribution disk are:

   K_VENDER.DOC - ASCII file which contains summary information about KC
                  to aid shareware distributers in evaluating program.

   K_INSTAL.BAT - Batch file to install KC and associated files on hard disk
                  (C drive) in directory called KC.

   K_PRINT.BAT - Batch file to print K_INFO.DOC file

   Katie's Clock (KC) is an excellent tool for parents use in teaching their
   children how to tell time. KC operates in five time modes: normal, random,
   sequential, input, and digital. All times are clearly displayed on a
   colorfull, easy to read clock face.

   HARDWARE/SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: Version 1.10 requires a color VGA or EGA
   monitor, and DOS 2.11 or greater. Version 1.20 (due out in October, 1990)
   will work with CGA monitors.

   REGISTRATION: $12 for individual ; $25 to $49 per site, depending on
   number of computers. Registered users get:

     - latest version of KC;
     - another TZK shareware program of their choice;
     - 50% off on future upgrades to KC;
     - software support via US mail;
     - coupon worth up to 20% on next order; and
     - notification of updates.

   -----------------------------CLOCK MODES----------------------------------

   CLOCK: In this mode the actual time will be displayed (if your computers'
   internal clock is set properly - refer to your DOS manual). This is the way
   in which the clock portion of the program begins. To get back TO this mode
   FROM any other mode press the F5 key.

   RANDOM: This mode, invoked by the F2 key, causes the clock to display
   various times, randomly, by pressing the Space Bar or the Enter key.

   INPUT: Invoked by the F3 key, this mode allows you to input a time in order
   to tell what it looks like on a clock face. Enter the Hour, a comma, then
   the Minutes. Use the backspace key to make corrections.

   SEQUENTIAL: Invoked by the F4 key, this mode starts the clock at 12:00 and
   allows you to increment the time by 5 minutes each time you press the Space
   Bar or Enter key.

   DIGITAL DISPLAY: The F1 key toggles (turns on or off) a digital display of
   the time and a statement of the time such as {15 minutes after 3}. This
   feature is available in any mode.

   The [Esc] key terminates program, while the [I] key takes you back to the
   documentation file, K_INFO.DOC.



Feeling Good With Herbs is a program of some of Grandmothers home-made
remedies that she used to make when someone didn't feel good.

In this program you have your choice of selecting an ailment and seeing
what herb will help, or selecting an herb and seeing what ailment it will

To run the program, at the A> type REMEDIES


Feeling Good With Herbs is a program of some of Grandmothers home-made
remedies that she used to make when someone didn't feel good.

In this program you have your choice of selecting an ailment and seeing
what herb will help, or selecting an herb and seeing what ailment it will

To run the program, at the A> type REMEDIES

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2463

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

FILE2463 TXT      2813  10-29-90   3:25p
GO       TXT      2388  12-05-90   5:42a
GO       BAT        40   1-01-80   6:00a
REMEDIES     <DIR>    
KATIE        <DIR>    
        5 file(s)       5241 bytes

 Directory of A:\REMEDIES

.            <DIR>    
..           <DIR>    
REMEDIES EXE     63733  11-12-89  11:14a
REMEDIES DOC       348  12-05-90   4:58a
        4 file(s)      64081 bytes

 Directory of A:\KATIE

.            <DIR>    
..           <DIR>    
KCK      EXE     80190   7-05-90   4:27p
K_VENDER DOC      2989   7-05-90  11:18a
K_INFO   DOC     44610   7-04-90  12:37p
K_INSTAL BAT       109   7-03-90   7:37p
K_PRINT  BAT        22   7-03-90   7:18p
        7 file(s)     127920 bytes

Total files listed:
       16 file(s)     197242 bytes
                      116736 bytes free