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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2460)

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Information about “W - THE NOTE WRITER”

Originally designed for use by handicapped persons, W - THE NOTE
WRITER, is a quick and easy way for anyone to write a letter.  No fancy
frills, just type your letter (any number of pages), and print.

Like most word processors, W - THE NOTE WRITER, includes wordwrap,
standard cursor movement commands, paragraph reformatting, printing, and
document storage.  But unlike most word processors, it stops there.  No
complex commands to get lost in, no fancy key combinations to press;
just type and print.  The perfect program for anyone who wants to dash
off a quick letter or for someone who has trouble with the complex word
processors or keyboards.


Disk No: 2460                                                           
Disk Title: W - The Note Writer                                         
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: W - The Note Writer                                      
Author Version: 1.0                                                     
Author Registration: $5.00                                              
Special Requirements: None.                                             
Designed to be used by a handicapped person, W -THE NOTE WRITER, is a   
quick and easy way for anyone to write a letter.  No fancy frills, just 
type your letter (any number of pages), and print.                      
Like most word processors, W - THE NOTE WRITER, includes wordwrap,      
standard cursor movement commands, paragraph reformatting, printing, and
document storage.  But unlike most word processors, it stops there.  No 
complex commands to get lost in, no fancy key combinations to press;    
just type and print.  The perfect program for anyone who wants to dash  
off a quick letters or for someone that has trouble with the complex    
word processors or keyboards.                                           
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║           <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #2460  W - THE NOTE WRITER   >>>>           ║
║ To print documentation and instructions, type:  COPY W.DOC PRN (Enter)  ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                           Copyright 1990, PC-SIG, Inc.  ║


                          W - The Note Writer

To start W - The Note Writer, just enter W.  This program is meant to give 
the user a simple "electronic typewriter" that allows you to edit your letter
before you print it.  

W will save your letter for future use. W provides for multiple 59 line
pages.  W does allow for editing.  W does "Word Wrap". W does hold the letter 
until you tell it  not to  (if  you  want to send the same basic letter to 
several people, print the first copy, say "Y" when asked if you want to repeat
the letter, make your name and address changes, print it, say "Y", etc., etc.).

                            BASIC OPERATION

Start W by entering W.

W will ask you for a file name to bring in for editing, or you can just press
 'Enter' to open a new file.  If you want to edit a file, but do not remember
 the exact name you gave it, just press the 'Esc' key and a list of your files
 will be displayed.  Note the name of the file and press ANY key.  Now enter
 the name of the file.

Start typing -  W does do "word-wrapping", so you don't have to watch your
 line lengths (just start typing and W will automatically do carriage returns
 for you).

W will scroll to new blank lines when you type to the bottom of the entry 
 screen (a dynamic display at the top of the screen will tell you what Page,
 Line and Column you are at).  

If you see a mistake in a line already typed, use your arrow keys (up, down, 
 left and right) to go to the error then press the "Insert" key, delete what is
 in error and type in the correction.  If "Insert" is not used, anything you
 type in will "over-write" whatever is presently on the screen.  With "Insert",
 what you type in will be "inserted" wherever the cursor is at.  If you have
 "deleted" a word (or words) and the line length if off, just press F9 and the
 paragraph will be "reformed" to new line lengths.  If you are adding words,
 and W senses that the line would be too long, W will automatically "reform"
 as you type.

The editing commands that you can use to move throught your letter are:

   Cursor Movement:

        Up one Line..................................Up Arrow
        Down one Line..............................Down Arrow
        Left one character.........................Left Arrow
        Right one character.......................Right Arrow
        Left one Word.............................^Left Arrow
        Right one Word...........................^Right Arrow
        Beginning of current Line........................Home
        End of current Line...............................End
        Beginning of Letter.............................^Home
        End of Letter....................................^End
        Window Up........................................PgUp
        Window Down......................................PgDn

   Editing Keys:
        Finish editing/writing............................F10
        Abort editing/writing.............................Esc
        Delete current line................................^Y
        Delete word right..................................^T
        Reform paragraph...................................F9

When you have finished your letter, press F10.  A "Command Line" will appear.  
 Press "P" to print your letter.  Press "E" to edit it (you will be
 placed back at the top of the letter).  Press "A" to abort (you will leave 
 the program).  If you press "A", you will be asked if you want to save the
 file you have been working on.  If YES, and the file is new and does not yet
 have a name, you will be asked to enter a name to save it under.  File names
 are a maximum of 8 characters plus an optional 3 character extension (ie,
 XXXXXXXX.XXX). Remember, if you use the 3 character extention, put a "period"
 between the file name and the extention.

If, after you first start W, you decide that you do not want to write a letter
 after all, press "Esc" and you will be jumped to the "Command Line" where you
 can enter an "A" to abort the program.

If you press "P" and your printer is not "on-line", the program will "beep"
 and ask you to put your printer on-line and press any key to continue. W will
 print your letter in 60 line pages.  When the document has been printed, you 
 will be asked if you want to "Repeat".  If you answer "Y", you will be placed  
 back to line 1 of the document just printed. You can use this mode to send the 
 same letter to several different people, but with their names and address on 
 it.  If you answer "N" when asked if you want to Repeat, you will be asked if
 you want to save the file.  If YES, and you have not previously named the
 file, you will be asked to do so. You will then be placed back in a blank
 edit screen to begin a new letter.

There you are, an eletronic typewriter that allows editing and multiple copies
of a document, and  "stores" your letter for future use.  Quick, simple and
easy to use with just one finger.

Infinity Data Products has placed many products into the "Public Domain" to
help bring computing enjoyment to the computing public.  Literally thousands
of hours have been expending in writing and testing these programs.  If you 
enjoy the use of W - The Note Writer, and you would like to keep the flow of 
these programs going, please send a small donation (we'd like $5) to:

                              Infinity Data Products
                              P.O. Box 533
                              Jackson, MO 63755

If you would like a FREE copy of our "Catalog-On-A-Disk", which lists all of 
the software ( and hardware ) available through our company, please call or
write us (please indicate 5 1/4" or 3 1/2" disk).  

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2460

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

FILELIST           198   7-17-90  12:16p
W        DOC      5900   7-17-90  11:32a
W        EXE    179536   7-17-90  11:16a
FILE2460 TXT      1925  10-29-90  11:43a
GO       BAT        40   1-01-80   6:00a
GO       TXT       617   1-01-80   4:24a
        6 file(s)     188216 bytes
                      131072 bytes free