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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2427)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5150"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5150" to load....

Information about “LORD OF THE FLIES 2 OF 2 (#2426 ALSO)”

You're studying LORD OF THE FLIES by William Golding.  They say
it's a classic, that it's a statement about society.  You find it to be
an interesting, sometimes boring, sometimes fascinating, sometimes you-
can-see-yourself-in-the-character sort of book.  What is Golding really

The author of the shareware programs MACBETH and ROMEO AND JULIET sheds
some more light for the high school English literature student.  In a
captivating way and from many angles, he draws the student into the
story, familiarizes the reader with the characters, plot, and themes,
and leaves the student with a new comprehension of THE LORD OF THE


Disk No: 2427                                                           
Disk Title: Lord of the Flies 2 of 2 (#2426 also)                       
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: Lord of the Flies                                        
Author Version: 1.0                                                     
Author Registration: $15.00; Site licence $60.00                        
Special Requirements: 512K RAM, CGA, and GWBASIC or BASICA.             
You're studying LORD OF THE FLIES by William Golding.  They say         
it's a classic, that it's a statement about society.  You find it to be 
an interesting, sometimes boring, sometimes fascinating, sometimes you- 
can-see-yourself-in-the-character sort of book.  What is Golding really 
The author of the shareware programs MACBETH and ROMEO AND JULIET sheds 
some more light for the high school English literature student.  In a   
captivating way and from many angles, he draws the student into the     
story, familiarizes the reader with the characters, plot, and themes,   
and leaves the student with a new comprehension of THE LORD OF THE      
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║            <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #2427  LORD OF THE FLIES  >>>>             ║
║                      (Disk 2 of 2, #2426 also)                          ║
║ To print the author's documentation and installation instructions,      ║
║       insert Disk 1 and type:  COPY MANUAL.TXT PRN (press Enter)        ║
║                                                                         ║
║        (You may want to first type:  TYPE README.TXT (Enter))           ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To run the program, first run a version of Basic.  Next, type:          ║
║                       RUN "LOF" (press Enter)                           ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To exit back to DOS, type:  SYSTEM (press Enter)                        ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                           Copyright 1990, PC-SIG, Inc.  ║

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2427

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

INTRO             2975   2-10-90   5:30p
MOUNTAIN BAS     16391   1-05-80   1:19a
ASSEMBLY BAS     16391   1-05-80   1:14a
CODE              1386   2-11-90   1:59p
QUOTES            8604   1-04-80   9:21p
QUOTREV  BAS      4111   6-20-89   9:40p
ESSAYS            2799   8-01-89   8:22a
QUOTINST BAS      4111   6-20-89   8:46p
SNAKE    BAS     16391   7-23-89  10:53a
WISLAND  BAS     16391   8-12-89  10:32p
ROCK     BAS     16391   6-11-89   8:36p
END      BAS     16391   7-23-89  10:49a
RALPH             2713   1-04-80  10:57p
EISLAND  BAS     16391   1-05-80   1:15a
WHOLE    BAS     16391   1-05-80   1:23a
CASTLE   BAS     16391   1-05-80   1:26a
TOPICS            1588   8-12-89   5:42p
PIGGY             2368   1-04-80   7:44p
JACK              2391   7-11-89  10:41p
TIPS              2746   8-01-89  11:59p
OTHERS             983   7-13-89   2:55p
CH4               2004   7-13-89   4:17p
CH1               1525   7-13-89   4:53p
TREASURE BAS     16391   1-04-80  10:06p
CH10              1861   8-12-89   5:51p
ISLAND            2265   8-12-89   7:15p
DEATH             1324   7-23-89   4:27p
THEMES            9664   1-04-80   6:38p
SYMBOLS           4414   8-12-89   5:44p
GOLDING  BAS     16391   7-23-89  10:45a
GOLDING           2116   7-22-89  11:03p
MODELS            3916   1-04-80  10:32p
SETTING           1601   1-04-80  11:11p
END               1351   8-12-89   3:21p
KILL              1734   1-04-80   4:22p
LORD              2913   1-04-80  12:37p
ELECTION          2107   1-04-80   3:53p
OVERALL           1026   8-12-89   4:23p
CH7               2256   8-12-89   4:24p
SIMON             2777   8-12-89   5:55p
ROGER             1712   8-12-89   5:40p
FILE2427 TXT      1999  11-19-90   5:33p
GO       BAT        40   1-01-80   6:00a
GO       TXT      1310  11-19-90   8:44a
       44 file(s)     266991 bytes
                       26624 bytes free