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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2419)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “GEM UTILITIES”

A collection of many utilities, GEM UTILITIES was written with the
technical person in mind, but has a little something for everyone.
Included is a program to show your computer's equipment, disk's
parameters, generate TV test patterns, control your printer, display a
running clock, capture screens, display disk and (all) memory
capacity/usage, encode/decode files, display today's saying, test your
keyboard, split a file, display an ASCII table, CGA & VGA border color
control programs, remove tabs or control Zs from a file, etc....

File Descriptions:
ADD  Append two or three files into one file.
ADDPATH  Modify PATH without retyping it or rebooting computer.
ASCIIHEX  Display ASCII character, hex value, decimal value & more.
BLANK  TSR to blank screen, show running clock, capture screens.
COLORS40  Display color palette in 40 column text mode.
COLORS80  Display color palette in 80 column text mode.
COMSWAP  Swap COM1: and COM2:.
DIRECT  Display only subdirectories of the current directory.
DIS  Like DIR, but only displays the files you want.
DSKCHK  Display technical data about a disk.
FORTUNES  Display a fortune, saying, or quote.
FREE  Display capacity and free space of memory and disks.
GETNUM  Use with batch files to create simple yet powerful menus.
HELP!  HELP! for DOS, utilities, and general info.
KEYTEST  Check out your keyboard.
LISTEQ  List equipment installed on your computer.
MENU  User configurable menu program, uses keyboard or mouse.
MOVE  Move files from one directory to another, allows wildcards.
NODIR  Display files *. (optionally include subdirectories).
NODIS  Display files or directories except ???.
NOTABS  Expand tab characters into spaces and/or remove Cntrl-Zs.
PRINTERS  Use your printer's special features, user configurable.
PCONFIG  Use to create or edit overlay files for printers.
PORTSTAT  Show status or LPT1:-LPT4: & COM1:-COM4:.
PROCOLOR  Create special color (or B&W) prompt (requires ANSI.SYS).
SAYINGS  Displays multiple fortune files optionally in color.
SECRET  Encode/decode files (DOS & XENIX).
SPLIT  Split one file into two files.
ZDEL  Remove control Z characters from the end of a file.
NTSC  A collection of NTSC TV test patterns (requires color).
BORDER  CGA & VGA border color control programs.


Disk No: 2419
Disk Title: GEM Utilities
PC-SIG Version: S1

Program Title: GEM UTILITIES
Author Version: 6.0
Author Registration: $15.00; $50.00 site license.
Special Requirements: None.

A collection of many utilities, GEM UTILITIES was written with the
technical person in mind, but has a little something for everyone.
Included is a program to show your computer's equipment, disk's
parameters, generate TV test patterns, control your printer, display a
running clock, capture screens, display disk and (all) memory
capacity/usage, encode/decode files, display today's saying, test your
keyboard, split a file, display an ASCII table, CGA & VGA border color
control programs, remove tabs or control Zs from a file, etc....

File Descriptions
     ADD  Append two or three files into one file.
 ADDPATH  Modify PATH without retyping it or rebooting computer.
ASCIIHEX  Display ASCII character, hex value, decimal value & more.
   BLANK  TSR to blank screen, show running clock, capture screens.
COLORS40  Display color palette in 40 column text mode.
COLORS80  Display color palette in 80 column text mode.
 COMSWAP  Swap COM1: and COM2:.
  DIRECT  Display only subdirectories of the current directory.
     DIS  Like DIR, but only displays the files you want.
  DSKCHK  Display technical data about a disk.
FORTUNES  Display a fortune, saying, or quote.
    FREE  Display capacity and free space of memory and disks.
  GETNUM  Use with batch files to create simple yet powerful menus.
   HELP!  HELP! for DOS, utilities, and general info.
 KEYTEST  Check out your keyboard.
  LISTEQ  List equipment installed on your computer.
    MENU  User configurable menu program, uses keyboard or mouse.
    MOVE  Move files from one directory to another, allows wildcards.
   NODIR  Display files *. (optionally include subdirectories).
   NODIS  Display files or directories except ???.
  NOTABS  Expand tab characters into spaces and/or remove Cntrl-Zs.
PRINTERS  Use your printer's special features, user configurable.
 PCONFIG  Use to create or edit overlay files for printers.
PORTSTAT  Show status or LPT1:-LPT4: & COM1:-COM4:.
PROCOLOR  Create special color (or B&W) prompt (requires ANSI.SYS).
 SAYINGS  Displays multiple fortune files optionally in color.
  SECRET  Encode/decode files (DOS & XENIX).
   SPLIT  Split one file into two files.
    ZDEL  Remove control Z characters from the end of a file.
    NTSC  A collection of NTSC TV test patterns (requires color).
  BORDER  CGA & VGA border color control programs.

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1989, 1990 PC-SIG, Inc.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2419

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

GEMUTIL6 EXE    234023   9-07-90   5:55a
README   COM      6342   8-06-90   5:55a
FILE2419 TXT      2686  11-02-90   9:48a
        3 file(s)     243051 bytes
                       77824 bytes free