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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2390)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


Issue 3's Headlines:

~ Milton Friedman debates a National-Interest Project-level Stock
Market (NIPS) NIPS privatized -- Now called FIPS (Future-Interest
Project-level Stock market)

~ Science Fiction author, Ben Bova, leads Electronic Media Debate with

ShareDebate International, a ShareWare diskette magazine distributed in
over 430 shareware channels in 25 countries, is a quarterly debate
forum for PC users concerned about the present & future.  About it, Ben
Bova, author and former editor of OMNI and ANALOG, wrote:
``Electronic publishing is here!  ShareDebate International is a bold,
exciting venture that deserves the attention and support of everyone
who seeks to create a better tomorrow.''

Issue 3 introduces two new debate topics, and Ben Bova and Nobel Prize
winner, Milton Friedman, contribute.  New topics:  Electronic Digital
Media Publishing, with an excerpt from Bova's novel, Cyberbooks; and,
Against Value-less Education.  Friedman analyzes the National Interest
Project-level Stock Market proposal.

A unique commission/subscription feature is built into ShareDebate
International to encourage people to distribute, participate, and
profit from the disk-based magazine.


Disk No: 2390                                                           
Disk Title: ShareDebate International #3                                
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: ShareDebate International #3                             
Author Version: 09/90                                                   
Author Registration: Multiple registration plans from $5 through $25    
Special Requirements: 384 K RAM                                         
Issue 3's Headlines:                                                    
~ Milton Friedman debates a National-Interest Project-level Stock Market
  (NIPS) NIPS privatized -- Now called FIPS (Future-Interest Project-   
  level Stock market)                                                   
~ Science Fiction author, Ben Bova, leads Electronic Media Debate with  
ShareDebate International, a ShareWare diskette magazine distributed in 
over 430 shareware channels in 25 countries, is a quarterly debate forum
for PC users concerned about the present & future.  About it, Ben Bova, 
author & former editor of OMNI & ANALOG, wrote: "Electronic publishing  
is here!  ShareDebate International is a bold, exciting venture that    
deserves the attention & support of everyone who seeks to create a      
better tomorrow."  Issue 3 introduces two new debate topics, and Ben    
Bova and Nobel Prize winner, Milton Friedman, contribute.  New topics:  
Electronic Digital Media Publishing with an excerpt from Bova's novel,  
Cyberbooks; and, Against Value-less Education.  Friedman analyzes the   
National Interest Project-level Stock Market proposal.                  
A unique commission/subscription feature is built into ShareDebate      
International to encourage people to distribute, participate, and profit
from the disk-based magazine.                                           
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║      <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #2390  SHAREDEBATE INTERNATIONAL #3   >>>>       ║
║ To start the program, type:  DBATE003 (press Enter; "003" = 3 digits)   ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To view documentation on your screen, type:  TYPE READ.ME (press Enter) ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print out the documentation, type:  COPY READ.ME PRN (press Enter)   ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                           Copyright 1990, PC-SIG, Inc.  ║


                      VALIDATE Version 0.2
					From McAfee Associates   408 988 3832

	VALIDATE is a file authentication program that may be used to
check shareware and other software for signs of tampering.  The
program uses two different methods to generate CRC checks for
designated files and displays the results.  The dual CRC checks
ensures a high level of security.  The results may then be compared
with validation data published by the author or obtained from any
reliable information source.  The Computer Virus Industry
Association, for example, maintains an on-line validation service
for participating shareware authors.  You may contact the CVIA
bulletin board at 408 988 4004 to access up-to-date validation data
for VIRUSCAN, SCANRES, SHEZ, LIST and other shareware programs. 
You need only run VALIDATE against the program in question, obtain
the authentication numbers and compare those numbers to the ones
on file in the on-line data base.  If they match, you can be
assured that the program has not been tampered with. 

	To run VALIDATE, type:

		VALIDATE d:\path\filename.ext

	The program will display the following validation information:

			     Size: (Number of Bytes)
			     Date: (File Creation Date)
	File Authentication:
		Check Method 1 - (4 digit CRC)
		Check Method 2 - (4 digit CRC)

	You may copy and distribute this program at no charge.  We ask
that you distribute the program with this documentation.  Please
report virus infection and verified instances of tampering to:

		Computer Virus Industry Association
		4423 Cheeney Street
		Santa Clara, CA 95054
		408 727 4559

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2390

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

FILE2390 TXT      2961  10-17-90   1:59p
READ     ME       1647   9-15-90  10:19p
DBATE003 BAT       848   9-15-90  10:20p
DBATE003 HDR      7288   9-15-90  10:20p
DBATE003 MRK     10484   9-15-90  11:24p
DBATE003 NEW        63   9-17-90   9:45p
DBATE003 OLD        70   9-15-90  10:19p
DBATE003 PGE    155530   9-15-90  10:12p
IRIS     EXE     67191   5-24-90   1:27p
IRIS     MSG      8345   5-20-90   1:27p
SI003FLS MRK      3139   9-17-90  10:04p
SI003FLS PGE      7439   9-17-90  10:04p
VALIDATE COM      6485  10-31-89   4:16p
VALIDATE DOC      1653  10-28-89  10:13p
GO       BAT        40   1-01-80   6:00a
GO       TXT      1002   1-01-80   6:23a
       16 file(s)     274185 bytes
                       38912 bytes free