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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2383)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “THE HELPER”

Create hypertext-like programs and Help files to be used as
information documents for interrelated topics, or as controller
programs in their own right.   Nice features include: many Help
screens; easy movement between categories; backtracking; animated
screens using time-delay overlays; text search, print screens; window
size control; position and colors for each page; program cursor to
execute specific DOS commands or shell (for menu programs, auto-
installation routines, etc); use files independently or interface to
Turbo Pascal for context-sensitive help and user-specified functions.

Note that you do NOT require Turbo Pascal to use The Helper, although
sample TP programs are supplied to demonstrate how you can add the Help
files to your own programs.



Three descriptions of THE HELPER are included here, for catalog listings.
They may be edited if required, provided the edited version remains accurate.

The Helper v3.2 - Creating Help screens and hypertext files

Long Description
The Helper is a fully integrated package for creating hypertext-
like programs and help files, which can either be used independently
or incorporated into Turbo Pascal programs. Features are:

  *  Create a "Help file" from an ASCII text file, and compile it
     into an interactive hypertext document. This can be used as
     an information document for inter-related topics, or as a
     controlling program in its own right.

  *  Each file is divided into categories of information, with
     a number of pages (screens) per category. Scroll within a
     category, or flip between pages and categories with cursors;

  *  backtrack through previously-selected categories;

  *  animate the screens by using time-delay overlays;

  *  search for text;

  *  print some or all of the Help screens;

  *  set window size and position individually for each page,
     with full color control on each page;

  *  cursor actions can be programmed to execute specific DOS
     commands, or enter a DOS shell (for sophisticated menu
     programs, auto-installation routines, etc).

  *  The Helper itself contains masses of help screens to guide
     you through all the features and aspects of the program
     while you develop your own applications.

  *  sample Help files are supplied as demonstrations and
     tutorials to illustrate most of the features of The Helper.

In addition, if you write Turbo Pascal programs you can add
access to the Help files to them, with the above features plus:

  *  entry from your program into any specific category of the
     Help file (for context-sensitive help) or automatic entry
     into the most recent category used;

  *  exit and re-entry for your own user-specific functions,
     activated either by global "hot keys" or from a cursor bar
     within the document. These user functions could be anything
     from sounding the bell to running another application,
     returning to the controlling Help file on completion.

Note that you do NOT require Turbo Pascal to use The Helper. However,
if you are a Turbo Pascal programmer you can incorporate access to your
compiled Help files directly into your programs. Sample Turbo Pascal
programs are supplied to demonstrate how easy it is to do this. In its
simplest application only 2 or 3 lines of source code are required.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Medium Description
With The Helper you can create hypertext-like programs and help files,
which can be used independently or incorporated into Turbo Pascal programs.
An ASCII text file is compiled into an interactive hypertext document.
Once compiled it can be used as an information document for inter-related
topics, or it can become a controlling program in its own right.
Major features are:

Masses of help screens for all the program's features.
Flip between categories with cursor bar.
Backtrack through previously-selected categories.
Animate the screens by using time-delay overlays.
Search for text, and print some or all of the Help screens.
Set window size, position and colors individually for each page.
Cursor actions can be programmed to execute specific DOS commands,
  or enter a DOS shell (e.g. menu programs, auto-installation routines).
Sample Help files are supplied as demonstrations and tutorials.

In addition, if you write Turbo Pascal programs you can access the Help
files directly from them, including context-sensitive help and global
"hot keys" or cursor selection for activating user-specific functions.
These could be anything from sounding a bell to running another
application, returning to the controlling Help file on completion.

Note that you do NOT require Turbo Pascal to use The Helper. However,
sample Turbo Pascal programs are supplied to demonstrate how easy it is
to add the Help files to your own programs. In its simplest application
only 2 or 3 lines of source code are required for full access to a Help
file for your program, including all the features listed above.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Short Description
Create hypertext-like programs and help files to be used as information
documents for inter-related topics, or as controlling programs in their
own right. Masses of help screens;  Easily flip between categories;
Backtracking;  Animated screens using time-delay overlays;  Search for
text;  Print screens;  Set window size, position and colors for each page;
Program cursor actions to execute specific DOS commands or shell (for menu
programs, auto-installation routines, etc); Use the files independently
or interface to Turbo Pascal for context-sensitive help and user-specified

Note that you do NOT require Turbo Pascal to use The Helper, though sample
TP programs are supplied to demonstrate how you can add the Help files to
your own programs.


Disk No: 2383                                                           
Disk Title: The Helper                                                  
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: The Helper                                               
Author Version: 3.2                                                     
Author Registration: $38.00                                             
Special Requirements: None.                                             
Create hypertext-like programs and help files to be used as information 
documents for inter-related topics, or as controlling programs in their 
own right. Masses of help screens; Easily flip between categories;      
Backtracking; Animated screens using time-delay overlays; Search for    
text; Print screens; Set window size, position and colors for each page;
Program cursor actions to execute specific DOS commands or shell (for   
menu programs, auto-installation routines, etc); Use the files          
independently or interface to Turbo Pascal for context-sensitive help   
and user-specified functions.                                           
Note that you do NOT require Turbo Pascal to use The Helper, though     
sample TP programs are supplied to demonstrate how you can add the Help 
files to your own programs.                                             
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║                 <<<<  Disk #hlp3  -  THE HELPER  >>>>                   ║

  The Helper 3.2 - Creating help files and hypertext documents
  First read the file readme.doc by typing:
  TYPE README.DOC        or print it out with

  How to start the program:
  At the DOS prompt type:
  HELPER      (press Enter)

  Optional command-line parameters can be added if desired:
  HELPER [fn] [/M]    fn = filename to edit,
                      /M = force mono colors for color card with mono screen.



  The Helper v3.2 - Creating Help screens and hypertext files

  With The Helper you can create hypertext-like programs and help files
  with the following features:

    *  a "Help file" is created from an ASCII text file, and this Help file
       is then compiled into an interactive hypertext document. The compiled
       file can be used as an interactive information document where various
       topics can be selected using the arrow keys and a cursor bar, or it
       can become a controlling program in its own right, or a combination
       of both.
    *  each Help file can have up to 254 categories of information, with up
       to 254 pages per category (though the shareware version is limited to
       a total of 64 pages). Use PgUp and PgDn to page up and down within a
       category, or flip between pages and categories using highlighted
       cursor options;

    *  backtrack through previously-selected categories;

    *  animate the screens by using time-delay overlays;

    *  search for text;

    *  print some or all of the Help screens;

    *  the window size and position can be individually set for each page,
       with full color control on each page;

    *  auto-sensing of color or mono video cards, to set colors accordingly
       (separate color sets can be specified for color or mono cards);

    *  cursor actions can be programmed to execute specific DOS commands, or
       enter a DOS shell (these features let you create sophisticated menu
       programs, auto-installation routines, etc).

    *  The Helper itself contains masses of help screens to guide you through
       all the features and aspects of the program while you develop your own

    *  several sample Help files are supplied to demonstrate most of the
       features of The Helper.

  In addition, if you are adding the Help to your Turbo Pascal programs,
  you can have:

    *  entry from your program into any specific category of the Help file
       (for context-sensitive help) or automatic entry into the most recent
       category used;

    *  exit and re-entry for your own user-specific functions, which can be
       activated either by global "hot keys" or from a cursor bar within
       the document. These user functions could be anything from sounding
       the bell to running another application, returning to the controlling
       Help file on completion.

  Note that you do NOT require Turbo Pascal to use The Helper. However, if
  you are a Turbo Pascal programmer you can incorporate access to your
  compiled Help files directly into your programs. Several sample Turbo Pascal
  programs are supplied to demonstrate how easy it is to do this. In its
  simplest application only 2 or 3 lines of source code are required for full
  access to a Help file for your program, including all the features listed


  The shareware version of The Helper is limited to a total of 64 pages
  per Help file. The full version supplied to registered users can have
  up to 2000 pages, and even this limit can be exceeded if necessary.


  Required:  IBM-PC or compatible.


  go      .bat    Start-up and installation batch file
  go      .txt    Text file used by go.bat
  helper  .bat    Batch file for running The Helper
  helper  .exe    The Helper program
  helper-s.hlp    Help file for helper.exe
  usehelp .exe    Program for using your own Help files
  install .hlp    Help file used for installing The Helper
  animate .hls    Animation demonstration text file for The Helper
  demo?   .hls    More demonstration text files
  demo?   .pas    Demonstration Turbo Pascal programs
  dosshell.tpu    Turbo Pascal 4 unit
  help    .tpu    Turbo Pascal 4 unit
  library .tpu    Turbo Pascal 4 unit
  readme  .doc    Read this file first
  catalog .doc    Program description, for a catalogue listing.


  Registration is US$38-00 or Aus$50-00.


  Type GO for a guided installation onto a hard disk, or..
  Copy all files to your hard disk if you have one. You can run from
  a floppy disk if you need to, but disk operations will be slower.

  The program automatically detects color or mono video cards and sets
  some of the colors accordingly. So if you have a color video card with
  a mono screen some of the colors may seem strange, or invisible. If that
  happens, use the command-line parameter /M to force the use of the mono
  color set.   ie. type   HELPER /M    at the DOS prompt.

  The program is normally started by typing:
  HELPER     (press Enter) at the DOS prompt.

  Command-line parameters can be added:
  HELPER [fn] [/M]      fn = filename to edit,  /M = force mono colors.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2383

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

GO1      BAT        24  10-04-90   4:59a
GO       TXT       785   5-30-90   1:53p
HELPER   BAT        17   5-24-90   1:21p
HELPER   EXE     95152   8-13-90   1:18p
HELPER_S HLP     68480   8-13-90   1:13p
USEHELP  EXE     25424   5-25-90   1:43p
INSTALL  HLP     11693   6-12-90   7:39a
ANIMATE  HLS      8015   6-01-90  10:37a
DEMO0    HLS      5238   6-22-90   1:25p
DEMO1    HLS      5508   6-22-90   1:38p
DEMO2    HLS      6753   6-22-90   1:51p
DEMO0    PAS      1071   6-12-90   1:27p
DEMO1    PAS      2344   6-12-90   1:29p
DEMO2    PAS      7732   6-12-90   1:30p
HELP     TPU     17968   8-30-90   2:02p
DOSSHELL TPU      2672   8-30-90   2:02p
LIBRARY1 TPU      4928   8-30-90   2:02p
README   DOC      5142   8-13-90   1:34p
CATALOG  DOC      5371   8-13-90   1:39p
FILE2383 TXT      2073  10-03-90  11:10a
GO       BAT       109   6-27-90   7:34a
       21 file(s)     276499 bytes
                       33792 bytes free