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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2376)

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Information about “SOFTWARE SALES TRACKER”

SOFTWARE SALES TRACKER is designed for software authors who sell and
distribute their own products directly to the PC user. It assists by
keeping track of the Who, What, Where, Why, and How Much involved in the
sale of most products. Get the most mileage out of your
program distribution dollar.

If used properly, SOFTWARE SALES TRACKER can save you a great deal of
time, effort, and money. Organize your sales and program distribution
into an intelligent and productive tracking system. As well as
keeping track of registered users, you will come to know "Who is"
producing sales for you and "Who is not."

SOFTWARE SALES TRACKER will organize your sales into a separate file
for each different product. Switching files is fast and easy, through
directory Pop-Up windows. As new entries are made, SOFTWARE SALES
TRACKER will automatically issue a unique product serial number for
each item sold. It will keep track of quantities sold, customer
addresses, telephone numbers, product serial numbers, product
versions or models, prices charged, shipping charges, sales tax, and
the dates sold and paid (as well as Purchase Orders and check numbers).

Automatically patch any of your .EXE files with your customer name,
date of sale, and registered serial number. Print options include
customer statements, customer information, disk and mailing labels, and
income statements.


Disk No: 2376                                                           
Disk Title: Software Sales Tracker                                      
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: Software Sales Tracker                                   
Author Version: 2.0                                                     
Author Registration: $39.00                                             
Special Requirements: 512K RAM, and a printer.  A hard drive is recommen
SOFTWARE SALES TRACKER is designed for the use of software authors who  
sell and distribute their own products directly to the "PC User".  It's 
purpose is to assist you with the tasks of keeping track of the "Who,   
What, Where, Why, and How Much" involved in the sale of most products.  
It will also help you to get the most mileage out of your "Program      
Distribution Dollar".                                                   
If used properly, SOFTWARE SALES TRACKER can save you a great deal of   
time, effort, and money, as it will allow you to organize your sales and
program distribution into a "tracking system" that is intelligent,      
mechanized, and productive.  Aside from simply keeping track of         
registered users, you will come to know "Who" is producing sales for you
and "Who" is not.                                                       
SOFTWARE SALES TRACKER will allow you to organize your sales into a     
separate file for each different product.  Switching files is fast and  
easy, through the use of directory Pop-Up windows.  As new entries are  
made SOFTWARE SALES TRACKER will automatically issue a unique product   
serial number for each item sold.  It will then keep track of quantities
sold, customer addresses, telephone numbers, product serial numbers,    
product versions or models, prices charged, shipping charges, sales tax,
and the dates sold and paid (as well as Purchase Orders and Check       
SOFTWARE SALES TRACKER gives you the ability to automatically "Patch"   
any of your ".EXE" files with your Customer's Name, Date of Sale, and   
Registered Serial Number.  Print options include, customer statements,  
customer information, disk and mailing labels, and income statements.   
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║               <<<<  DISK #2376 SOFTWARE SALES TRACKER   >>>>            ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To start the program, type: SST                                        ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To print the documentation, type: COPY SST.DOC PRN                     ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
(c) Copyright 1990, PC-SIG Inc.


  TSST20.ZIP - Brief description of features.

  "TypeRight  Software Sales Tracker" is a feature packed program  designed
for the use of software authors who sell and distribute their own  products
directly to the "PC User".

  It's purpose is to assist with the sometimes complicated tasks of keeping
track  of  the "Who, What, When, Where, Why and How Much" involved  in  the
sale of most products. It will also help you to get the most mileage out of
your "Program Distribution Dollar".

    If  used  properly, SST can save you a great deal of time,  effort  and
money, as it will allow you to organize your sales and program distribution
into  a  "tracking system" that is much more  intelligent,  mechanized  and
productive than simply using a "Shot Gun" approach.

   Aside  from simply keeping track of registered users, you will  come  to
know "Who" is producing sales for you..., and "Who" is not.

    SST will alow you to organize your sales into a seperate file for  each
different  product.  Switching files is fast and easy, through the  use  of
"Directory Pop-Up Windows".

    As new entries are made, SST will automatically issue a unique  product
Serial  Number for each item sold. SST will then keep track  of  quantities
sold, customer addresses, telephone numbers, product serial numbers, product
versions or models,  prices charged,  shipping charges,  sales tax, and the
dates sold and paid (as well as Purchase Orders & Check numbers).

  SST gives you the ability to automatically "PATCH" any of your "EXE" files
with your Customer's Name, Date of Sale, and Registered Serial Number.

   SST will also print customer statements for all unpaid records, or print
a customer statement for any single record you select.

   SST has a wide variety of other "print" options as well.

    - Customer Address Book
    - Customer Telephone Book
    - Address & Telephone Book
    - Complete Information Book
    - Index & Rolodex Cards
    - Labels (1, 2, 3 across)
    - "Pick & Choose" Records For Label/Envelope Printing
    - Multiple & Assorted Sizes Of Shipping Labels
    - Print To a Disk File

    In addition, SST will provide "gross income" information for each file,
and  will  give a wide variety of totals, sub totals and  averages.  Beyond
this,  SST  will get these figures for either the entire file, or  for  any
range of dates you select (last week, last month, last year, etc.).

    A NEW feature beginning with this version is the ability to "automate"
bulk disks preparation for mailing out to users.  When on "Full Automatic"
SSTPATCH will read data from your "SST RAN" files, patch your "EXE" files,
print a mailing label and a disk contents label,  and then it will follow
a list of commands which you provide for final disk preparation  (FORMAT,

    This new feature is a BIG help when sending out updates to users and
distributors.   The only thing you will need to do is keep a disk in the
drive, stick on the labels, and mail the finished product.


                               MAILING LISTS

   As  a benefit to our Users who register, we make several  mailing  lists
available. These lists include various categories of organizations to  whom
program authors mail copies of their programs for general distribution.

   If  you  represent  a BBS,  Computer  Publication,  Software  Publisher,
Distributor,  or a User Group, you can have your organization  included  in
these mailing lists. Send us your complete address and telephone number  on
a  business  card  or stationary that has the  name  of  your  organization
imprinted upon it by a commercial printing shop.

   To avoid fraudulent requests by individuals who simply wish to receive a
stack  of free disks and programs each month,  "rubber stamped"  and  "home
made" stationary or business cards will not be accepted.

   Specify  your organization's main interests and what you  support.  BBSs
should  include information such as "Upload on first call(?),  registration
required, hours of operation, baud rates, what type of computers & software
you  specialize  in, and so on".

   We are also trying to set up a "Secret Name & Password" with  interested
Sysops.  This  would  allow our registered "Author"  Users  to  call  "Long
Distance",  spend  an absolute minimum amount of time  "on-line",  and  have
immediate "Upload" access on the first call. As most authors include  their
Name,  Address & Phone in their creations, there should be little risk.  If
you are interested, let us know.

   If you don't want to register, or send in a comment, or be listed in the
mailing lists, you might want  to help  out by just sending a card with the
name, version & serial number  of your copy of this program  (we don't need
your name and address). By doing this, you will be helping whoever you  got
our  program from (or whoever "they" got it from), by moving them into  our
"HIT" list of "productive" organizations.

       OF THIS PROGRAM (found at the bottom of the opening screen).



	' Sample program on how to set up your code for using "SSTPATCH.EXE"
	' MicroSoft Quick Basic format

	'******************** YOUR BASIC PROGRAM **********************
	' The 'body' of your main program's source code
	'           would be placed in here.
	'                Many, many
	'                     lines long.
	GOSUB ShowPatch          'REM to display the new patch.
	'****************** END OF YOUR PROGRAM ***********************

	' Now, after the last line of code in your main program module,
	' insert the following "DATA" lines. No need to leave blank lines
	' between entries like we did (for clarity), but other than that
	' make the entries EXACTLY as we have them. When "messing" with
	' binary stuff, character counting is "everything".


	DATA "Customer_Name_And_Number"

	DATA "123456789012345678901234567890"
															'REM 30 Characters
	DATA "1234567890"
															'REM 10 Characters
	DATA "12345"
															'REM  5 Characters

	' That's all there is to it. Now compile and link your source code
	' into an "EXE" file, and then run "SSTPATCH.EXE". The entries in the
	' above "DATA" statements will be replaced with your customer's data.
	' You can then view the patch with any good binary editor, or simply
	' add something like the commands in "ShowPatch" to your source code
	' to display the patched variables on one of your program's screens.
	' Once the above DATA lines are in place, you can patch the same EXE
	' file over and over again with different information as many times
	' as you wish. The System Date is always used, so set your calender.

	' To display the patched data on screen, you could do something like....
	PRINT "Customer's Name: "; NAME$
	PRINT "Date Of Transaction: "; DT$
	PRINT "Product Serial #: "; SER$

'The file called "SAMPLE.EXE" is a compiled version of this source code.
'Try SSTPATCH to patch SAMPLE.EXE to see how all of this works.

'Note: Common reasons why an EXE file won't work after a patch:
'  -  You used a punctuation mark in your "CUSTOMER NAME"  entry.
'           Some of these characters will cause problems,  others work
'           just fine. The first time you try to patch a program, don't
'           try  to  get fancy - Just enter  Alpha/Numeric  characters.
'  - You left trailing "spacebars" at the end of the "DATA" lines.
'          There must be NO other characters of any kind after the last
'          quote mark on any "DATA" line entry (not even a REMark).
'  - You didn't enter the "DATA" lines EXACTLY as we show them in
'          the examples in "SAMPLE.BAS". If you are using Quick Basic,
'          load "SAMPLE.BAS" along with your own program, and then
'          "copy" the data lines from Sample.Bas to your program with
'          Quick Basic's "Cut & Paste" feature.


                        TypeRight Corporation
                           336 Swain Blvd.
                    Greenacres, Florida 33463-3342

                            (407) 967-7239


               Copyright (C) 1989 - All rights reserved

   Program For Patching EXE Files With "Name, Date & Serial Number"

    The  instructions on how to prepare your source code for  patching
are located in a Basic Source code file named "SAMPLE.BAS".

    "SAMPLE.BAS" is saved in ASCII format, and can be read in the same
manner as any other "DOC" or text file.

    "SAMPLE.BAS" is written as both instructions and  a  demonstration
program.  If  you  have Quick Basic, you can  load,  run  and  compile
"SAMPLE.BAS".  For those who do not have Quick Basic, we  have already
compiled the same program into "SAMPLE.EXE" for you.

    "SSTPATCH" has two methods of patching EXE files. One will patch a
single  EXE file, and the other will automatically patch  and  prepare
multiple disks for mailing (eg: for sending updates or demos).

     To try out the "SSTPATCH" program, run "SSTPATCH". Then...,

        - Choose Menu Selection "A" (Patch By Hand) from the first menu.
        - Name "SAMPLE.EXE" as the file to be patched.
        - Enter a name in the "Customer Name" field.
        - Enter a number in the "Serial Number" field.

     "SSTPATCH"  will then patch those entries into SAMPLE.EXE,  which
(when run) will display the new patch entries you just entered.

    Sample.Bas  shows you how to do the same thing to any of your  own
source codes which can be compiled into "EXE" files. It's simple!

    To  try  out the "Automated" multiple disks  method  of  patching,
choose Menu Selection "B" from the first menu.

        - Place a blank "FORMATTED" disk in drive A:
        - Name "SAMPLE.RAN" as your "SST" input Name & Address file.
        - Name "SAMPLE.EXE" as the file to be patched.
        - Answer "Y" (for Yes) to all of the other menu questions.

    "SSTPATCH" will read the names and addresses from the "SAMPLE.RAN"
file. If the record has no serial number, is marked "DELETED", or  has
no entry in the "Last Name" field, it will be skipped (no patch made).

    All other records will be patched and processed.

    "WHO.DAT" & "DO.DAT" Files:

         "WHO.DAT" is a hidden ASCII (text) file that will be  created
on the disk in drive A:. It will be a maximum of 30 bytes long, and it
will contain the name that was patched into the "EXE" file.

         "WHO.DAT" is "hidden", which means it will not appear in disk
directories and most customers will never know it's there. But YOU can
avoid  getting  disks mixed up by simply reading  "WHO.DAT"  with  the
command "TYPE A:WHO.DAT" (this is a "blessing" with archived files).

         "DO.DAT"  is another ASCII (text) file which YOU  create.  It
contains  a list of commands you wish to have "SSTPATCH"  perform  for
handling the "bulk" mailing of many disks.

         "DO.DAT"  should contain commands pertaining  to  "Formatting
disks,  Archiving files, Redating files, Copying files and so  on.  Of
course,  all  files referenced by your command lines must be  in  your
default directory or path.

         "DO.DAT"  can be created with any ASCII text editor, and  can
contain  up  to nine separate command lines. Each command can  be  any
length  necessary (up to 256 characters) and should be entered in  the
order in which you want each command to be processed.

         To  get an idea of how this works, read the  sample  "DO.DAT"
file which we have included with this package.



This is the lastest release of "TSST" Version 2.0.

If you have an earlier version of this software in your
"Files Section", please delete it.

Names of earlier TSST uploads:

Thank you for your time and trouble.

TypeRight Corporation




01/25/90 - Fix bug. "CONSTANT" - Trouble creating "FILENAME.KON" file.

02/01/90 - Improve "Directory Windows". Windows now show the file
           names, sizes and dates (in sorted order). Old windows only
           displayed the file names.

02/02/90 - Fix bug. When more than one serial number was issued,
           possibility existed for duplicate numbers.

02/04/90 - Edit & make some small changes/additions to instruction book.

02/06/90 - Change Sales Tax source code to match instructions on how to
           enter "calculated" Sales Tax entries.

02/07/90 - Fix bug. When printing a customer statement immediately after
           entering data into the fields (prior to the record being saved),
           some of the "Numeric" fields were improperly reset to zero.

02/14/90 - Improve cosmetics in some display screens.

02/15/90 - Major revision to all instruction manuals. Included text for
           suggested method of tracking distributor performance in the
           Shareware manual.

02/16/90 - Added file "SUGGEST.DOC"
         - Eliminated file "LPTSWAP.EXE"   (Package getting too big).

02/17/90 - Fix Bug. SYNOPSIS/TOTALS - When entering dates for record
           selection that encompassed two years (eg: 12/01/89 - 01/31/90)
           NO records would be selected and all totals would show zero.

02/20/90 - Fix Bug. "Some" smaller 80 column printers have a line length
           1 character less than the width of two of SST's directory
           printouts ("Address & Phone" & "Complete Information"). This
           caused two extra lines per record and improper page format.

02/21/90 - Changed method of entering "DATES" to the same data entry method
           as most of the other fields. Received too many complaints about
           Users accidentally deleting the record's date during "Editing"
           if any of a number of wrong keys were pressed in error.

        -  Also changed "PAID DATE" field so that a "blank" entry will
           automatically default to "00-00-00", which is the format needed
           for the "Customer Statement" routine to find the unpaid records.

02/22/90 - Changed "Statement Heading" and "Print Statements" screens for
           better "On Screen" instructions.

         - Changed method of collecting data in the "Statement Heading"
           routine to stop "Extended Key Scan Codes" from being displayed
           in the data entry fields.

         - Added ability to "CHANGE" user's "Return Address" data for the
           Statement Headings (without having to delete "SST-HEAD.DAT").

02/23/90 - Fix Bug. When entering a new record into a file containing some
           records with NO serial numbers (a file where no serial numers had
           been issued), the serial calculating routine would produce "1" as
           the starting serial number.

03/01/90 - Eliminated "SUGGEST.DOC" file and condensed unregistered user
           manual a little. "ZIP" file getting too large.

03/10/90 - Complete rewrite of SSTPATCH. Converted it from a small "Patching"
           routine into a full fledged program. Added ability to SSTPATCH to
           automate "bulk" disk mailing procedures by reading data from both
           "SST *.RAN" files and from a user created "DO.DAT" command file.

         - Converted all EXE files in this package to require the Microsoft
           "run-time" file called "BRUN45.EXE". This reduced the EXE file
           sizes by close to 50%.

         - Compressed "SST.EXE & SSTPATCH.EXE" still more by using LZEXE.EXE.
           Final result of all this was a "ZIP" file which is about 50k
           smaller than one with normal, stand alone (not compressed) files.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2376

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

TSST20   TXT      3089   3-10-90
TSST20   REQ      1466   3-10-90
TSST20   ZIP    171758   3-10-90
UPDATE   DOC      3871   3-13-90   5:08p
GO       BAT        24  10-03-90   1:40a
GO       BAK      1116  10-03-90   1:00a
FILE2376 TXT      3183  10-04-90  12:30p
GO       TXT      1116  10-04-90   4:31a
        8 file(s)     185623 bytes
                      131072 bytes free