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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2320)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “ORGANIZE!”

ORGANIZE! -- an innovative, cost-effective PIM (Personal Information
Manager) for Windows.

No matter how disorganized you are, this program can track all of your
important projects without the complex and rigid control systems most
PIMs use.  Cluttered with unused functions, they steepen the learning
curve unnecessarily.  With ORGANIZE!, add new functions only as you
need them.  Learn as you go.

One of the easiest-to-use systems ever, ORGANIZE! looks and feels just
like a diary.  Flip pages like the real thing with binders that click
open to insert more pages. The Word-in-Context system will manage all
random AND structured personal information that you enter into the
diary.  You will never lose your way in this piece of software.

If you are looking for a program to help you record contacts, schedule
appointments, track projects, or control random notes and ideas, this
may be for you.


This document is only for registered users of Organize!.

You are provided with a utility to convert your information 
invested in the shareware evaluation version of Organize!. This
utility allows you to convert your data files making it readable with
the new password that comes with registration.

How to Use the utility.
The utility program is convert.exe.
The command structure

   convert <keycode> <data file name>

e.g. convert ABCDEFXY myfile.dn

This would convert a user data file myfile.dn built with password 'share'
to myfile.dn1 that would be readable with the registered version of Organize!
with a password built with keycode ABCDEFXY. 

Backup your existing myfile.dn and rename myfile.dn1 to myfile.dn or any
filename with extension .dn


Disk No: 2320                                                           
Disk Title: Organize!                                                   
PC-SIG Version: S1.3                                                    
Program Title: Organize!                                                
Author Version: 1.3                                                     
Author Registration: $35.00                                             
Special Requirements: Windows 3.0, and EGA or VGA.                      
ORGANIZE! -- an innovative, cost-effective PIM (Personal Information    
Manager) for Windows.                                                   
No matter how disorganized you are, this program can track all of your  
important projects without the complex and rigid control systems most   
PIMs use.  Cluttered with unused functions, they steepen the learning   
curve unnecessarily.  With ORGANIZE!, add new functions only as you     
need them.  Learn as you go.                                            
One of the easiest-to-use systems ever, ORGANIZE! looks and feels just  
like a diary.  Flip pages like the real thing with binders that click   
open to insert more pages. The Word-in-Context system will manage all   
random AND structured personal information that you enter into the      
diary.  You will never lose your way in this piece of software.         
If you are looking for a program to help you record contacts, schedule  
appointments, track projects, or control random notes and ideas, this   
may be for you.                                                         
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║                   <<<<  DISK #2320 ORGANIZE!  >>>>                      ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To start the program from DOS, type: WIN ORGANIZE, or                  ║
║  From the Windows File Manager, choose:ORGANIZE.EXE                     ║
║                                                                         ║
║  You can view or print the manual MANUAL.WRI with Windwos Write.        ║
║                                                                         ║
║  The password to get into the program is: SHARE                         ║
║                                                                         ║
(c) Copyright 1990, PC-SIG Inc.



Remit to:                              From:

Kwek Sing Cher                         ____________________________
Software Park                          
Ghim Moh Estate P O Box 1004           ____________________________
S 9127, Republic of Singapore
Fax (65)-4663428                       ____________________________


                                       Contact Individual          



Qty     Item                    Unit Price     Total

_____   Organize! Version 1.3   US$35          __________

Note that the keycode and registration numbered for the copies of Organize! 
has been delivered and accepted by the customer. 



  ORDER/REGISTRATION FORM FOR Organize! version 1.3
  Copyright (c) 1989-1990 by S.C. Kwek
  Singapore residents wanting to register, please call author first.

    Organize! is licensed on a per user basis.  This license grants the user
    the right to install and use the software on one or more computers, so
    long as the number of users does not exceed the license quantity. 

    Please include the following information:

    (Name and Designation)



    (City)          (State/Prov)     (ZIP)



    (Fax, Compuserve)

    (Print Password between 4 and 10 characters, case sensitive)
    (share or SHARE is unavailable, choose characters from the )
    (range of a to z and/or A to Z                             )

    Registration fee is US$35. (US or equivalent Singapore dollar 
    cheques are preferred or for your convenience, British pounds, 
    Deustche marks, yen, francs, the major traded currencies 
    and the currencies of the ASEAN countries.)

    Please send* check/money order or cash to address below. Upon receipt 
    of your order, I would send you your Keycode which would enable you to 
    write in the password you have chosen and your registration number. 
    If you have a fax or compuserve account, please include it so that 
    the Keycode can reach you as quickly as possible.

    Mr Kwek Sing Cher
    Software Park
    Ghim Moh Estate P.O. Box 1004
    Singapore (9127)
    Republic of Singapore.

    *If you are ordering by fax, please transmit this filled up 
     form and the cheque, money order that is coming in the mail.
     Facismile No. (65)-466 3428

    Thank you for supporting Organize! and the concept of Shareware 



                              CUSTOMER INFORMATION

    You can help us serve you better by providing the following information.
    Please tick or fill in as appropriate

    1. Desktop Machine ___ 286   ___ 386   ___ 386SX   ___ 486
       Laptop          ___ 286   ___ 386   ___ 386SX   ___ 486

       Make            _______________________________________

    2. Video mode:  ___ EGA   ___ VGA    ___ Hercules

                    SuperVGA:  ___ (800x600)   ___ (1024x768)

                    ___ Other:___________________

    3. Found Organize!: ___ Bulletin Board  __________________  _____________
                                              (Name of BBS)       Phone #

                        ___ Software Catalog  _______________________________
                                                (Name of catalog)

                        ___ Other: __________________________________________

    4. Suggestions and Comments (Very important)






The complete Organize! ver 1.3 should come with the following files

organize.exe   -  The Organize! program.
readnow.txt    -  A very important file that you should read
whatsnew.txt   -  Details the history of the various versions
invoice.txt    -  A sample invoice if you need it.
order.txt      -  Order information for purchasing Organize!
packing.txt    -  This file
example.dn     -  A very substantial example illustrating the Word in 
                  Context System. Press Shift F9 to see keywords.
manual.wri     -  The online manual. You can read it from the Help menu
                  in the program. Make sure that it is located in right
convert.txt    -  Only relevant if your register
convert.exe    -  A data file conversion utility. Relevant for registered
                  users only.


Welcome to Organize!. The most innovative, easiest to use and most cost
effective PIM (Personal Information Manager) for Microsoft(R) Windows(TM).

You can get the latest version from Compuserve Windows Forum or send me a
cheque equivalent to US$7 and your contact address, so that I can mail you 
the latest version as soon as possible. Please specify 3.5 inch or 5.25 inch

You should explore the Word in Context/Keyword system of data management.
Under the Page menu, use the Page Keywords to look at the example keywords.

Read the Write document manual.wri if you have problems. It is only 7 short

Converting from earlier versions to 1.3
A significant new feature in this version is the ability of Organize! to print
a report to a Word Processor. This would allow you to review the report before
printing on the printer. To do this properly, you would have to use the
End Note feature (Activated with F2 or from the Edit menu) to tell Organize!
where to stop at the end of each entry.

Organize! looks and feels exactly like a diary, making it one of the easiest 
to use software ever. No matter how disorganized you are, Organize! can 
organize it all for you and without sticking to a system that all PIMs 
impose on their customers and there is no need to plough through thick 
manuals. Because of its innovative design, you add functions as you need 
them. There are no unnecessary functions to clutter your way, steepening 
the learning curve unnecessarily. 

Organize! can flip pages like the real thing with binders that click open
to insert pages. But most important, it uses a Word in Context system to
manage random and structured personal information that you enter into the 
diary. With this system you will never loose your way again in a software.

This document supercedes all documentation of earlier versions of Organize!.
Those who have registered with earlier versions can automatically use the
earlier keycode and registration number to register. Upgrade from earlier
versions is free at the moment.

You are encouraged to copy and share the program freely with others.  
You have the luxury of trying out the complete program, at your own pace 
in the luxury of your own home or workplace. If, after trying out the 
programs, you decide to continue to use them, you can purchase the programs
from the program's author, a process known as registration.

When you share this software with others, please include all the files as
shown in the packing list. Compress it in library format if you are 
uploading onto any BBS.

If you find this program useful you should register to get a personal 
version. Registration fee is only US$35. Please look at order.txt for 

Why you should register
1. You get your personal Organize! with a password of your choice. This 
   would keep your information confidential as they are encrypted with your
   password as the key. Password must be between 4 and 10 characters long.
   With encryption, another copy of Organize! with a different password
   cannot read your files and yours cannot read others likewise.

2. Inexpensive upgrade offers. (Free upgrades at the moment)

3. Be informed of updates.

4. The opportunity to shape the future of this product.

5. Free and unlimited technical support on Compuserve, letter or fax. 

6. A sense of pride in having honestly participated in the Shareware

Future Versions
I have received many wonderful suggestions. To keep you folks from waiting too 
long, I will release each version with additional features as fast as I can 
build them.

Version 2 is also in the works and would include enhanced features like support 
for DDE, book marking, more complete data manipulation, changeable passwords 
and yet with data encryption etc. This would be a major release 

The Author
My name is Sing Cher, Kwek. I work and live in Singapore. If you do not 
know where Singapore is, it is one of the NIE countries, among Hong Kong, 
Taiwan and South Korea. It is a small tropical island located at the 
southern tip of the Malayan archipelago right in the middle of South East 
Asia. The U.S. is our main investor and source of ideas, with over 600 
corporations and billions of dollars invested. Ashton Tate, Lotus and 
Xerox has software development centres here. My country is in an exciting 
period of change, one of the engines that is leading the Asia Pacific in 
its current expansion. Together with the West Coast, Japan and the other 
NIEs, we are significantly contributing to the coming Pacific Century.

On Compuserve. My ID is 72567,762
By Fax. (65)-4663428 
By mail. Send all queries and suggestions to 
Sing Cher, Kwek
Software Park
Ghim Moh Estate P.O. Box 1004
Singapore (9127)
Republic of Singapore.

Note to Distributors and SysOps and others sharing Organize!
Shareware distributors and BBS. If you are interested to distribute
Organize! please drop me a note so that I can keep you updated on the
latest version of Organize!.

You are required to do the following when distributing the software

1. A fee of not more than US$10 is to be charged. This fee is for the cost
   of diskette, shipping and handling.

2. The files and programs on the disks cannot be modified in any way,
   and must always be distributed together.

3. The program cannot be sold as part of some other more inclusive

4. When distributed via computerized bulletin boards or any other
   telecommunications link the following must be done:

   a. Some error checking protocol must be used for uploading.
   b. The files must be compressed together in library format.     

5. If you're copying the disks for distribution to students in a
   classroom, you must inform them that this is a user supported or 
   shareware program and that after adequate evaluation and if they so 
   choose it to use it permanently, they must register with the author.

PC/Laptop distributors and dealers
Any of you interested in bundling this software with your equipment please 
drop me a note. I am especially interested in the Sharp PC-6620 VGA Notebook
or its equivalent types.


Version History
Version 1    - Runs only in Windows 2 and the real mode of Windows 3.
(June '90)
Version 1.1  - Runs in all the memory modes of Windows 3.
(July '90)
Version 1.2  - Deletes blank pages, optional password, accept command line
(Aug '90)      parameters, load .dn files and/or run Organize! using the 
               WIN.INI file. Page to the Keywords page quickly.
Version 1.3  - Ability to produce reports in a Word Processor and printing.
(Oct '90)      Launches Windows Calendar and the on line manual from within
               the software.
               No more drop dead date of 12/91. No longer 'crippled' in
               any way.
               A new Personal Organizer icon
	       On Line manual that launches Windows Write and the manual.
	       Launches Windows Calendar program
               This is the first WIN 3 specific version.

The Future  -  Ver 2 is in the works. Support for DDE is planned, plus the
               1. It own calendar program.
               2. A new Context Sensitive Help System.
               3. A significant improvement in the Word In Context System.
                  You can read my ideas on version 2 in the example data
                  file example.dn. The keyword is 'Ver 2:'
               4. If or when high res 1024x768 becomes standard. A larger
                  book Organize! would be built and I would plan to 
                  include Graphics capability. At the moment the page 
                  size is too small for this.
               No more version 1.X series is planned, unless I receive
               too many common and overwhelming suggestions again.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2320

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

EXAMPLE  DN      66049  10-06-90   9:20a
INVOICE  TXT       909  10-02-90  11:07p
ORDER    TXT      3952  10-02-90  11:04p
CONVERT  EXE      8383  10-05-90   9:40p
READNOW  TXT      6729  10-06-90  12:12a
WHATSNEW TXT      1728  10-06-90  11:54a
ORGANIZE EXE     82432  10-01-90  12:08a
PACKING  TXT       849  10-05-90   9:33p
CONVERT  TXT       802  10-05-90   9:30p
MANUAL   WRI     22912  10-06-90   9:13a
GO       BAT        28  10-04-90   5:21a
FIL2320  TXT      2443  11-05-90   1:55p
GO       TXT       962  11-05-90   1:48p
       13 file(s)     198178 bytes
                      118784 bytes free