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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2314)

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Information about “LE_C C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS”

The LE_C LIBRARY is a set of C run-time functions that allow you to
easily create programs that implement many of today's standard user
interfaces such as menus, box menus, data entry, help facility, line
drawing, border drawing (including exploding boxes), and more.

What makes the LE_C LIBRARY unique is its integrated help facility. All
of the menu and input functions support help screens.  Specify help
screens unique to each menu selection and even move the help window
within the screen.  Help screens are an important part of any program,
especially those using data-entry.  The LE_C LIBRARY provides you with
the help functions you need to build professional-looking programs.

Specify up to 40 special function keys (Ctrl-F1, Ctrl-End, etc.) for
use with the menu and input functions.  These 40 keys are in addition
to the pre-defined commonly-used function keys.  The screen functions
write directly to video memory resulting in exceptional display speed.

You can increase the functional and aesthetic value of your programs
with the LE_C C LIBRARY functions.  A demonstration program is included
to illustrate the value of this library.


Disk No: 2314                                                           
Disk Title: Le_C C Library Functions                                    
PC-SIG Version: S1.1                                                    
Program Title: LE_C - C Library Functions                               
Author Version: 1.0                                                     
Author Registration: $30.00                                             
Special Requirements: QuickC or Microsoft C Compilers.                  
The LE_C Library is a set of C run-time functions that allow you to     
easily create programs that implement many of today's standard user     
interfaces, such as, menus, box menus, data entry, help facility, line  
drawing, border drawing (including exploding boxes), and much more.     
What makes the LE_C Library unique is its integrated help facility      
functions.  All of the menu and input functions support help screens.   
You can specify help screens unique to each menu selection and even move
the help window within the screen.  Help screens are an important part  
of any program using data-entry.  The LE_C Library provides you with the
help functions you need to build professional looking programs.         
The LE_C Library also allows you to specify up to 40 special function   
keys (Ctrl-F1, Ctrl-End, etc.) for use with the menu and input          
functions.  These 40 keys are in addition to the pre-defined commonly   
used function keys.  The screen functions write directly to video memory
resulting in exceptional display speed.                                 
You can increase the functional and asthetic value of your programs with
the LE_C C Library Functions.  A demostration program is also included  
to illustrate the value of this library.                                
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


  ║            <<<< PC-SIG #2314  LE_C C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS >>>>             ║
  ║                                                                         ║
  ║  To print author's manual, type:  COPY LE_C.MAN PRN (press ENTER)       ║
  ║                                                                         ║
  ║                                                                         ║
  ║                                        (c) Copyright 1990, PC-SIG Inc.  ║


LE_C - C Library Functions - Version 1.0

--------------  -----------------------------------------------
LE_C.LIB        LE_C Object Code Library for Linking C Programs
LE_C.H          LE_C Header File
LE_C.MAN        LE_C Manual
LE_DEMO.EXE     LE_C Demo Program - Type LE_DEMO to execute
LE_DEMO.HLP     LE_C Demo Program Help File
LE_C.ZIP        All of the above files compressed using PKZIP


The LE_C Library is a comprehensive set of C run-time functions
that allows you to easily create programs that implement many of
today's standard user interfaces.  LE_C contains routines for
menus, box menus, data entry, help facility, border drawing
(including exploding boxes), line drawing, and much, much more. 
Most of the LE_C functions write directly to the video memory
page -- giving you fast screens.

What makes LE_C unique is its integrated help facility functions. 
LE_C allows you to create a very useful help facility with a
minimum of fuss.  All of the menu and input functions of LE_C
support help screens.  In addition, you can specify help screens
unique to each menu selection.  Plus, LE_C will allow the user to
move the help window within the screen.

LE_C also allows you to specify up to 40 special function keys
(e.g. Ctrl-F1, Ctrl-End, etc.) for use with the menu and input
functions.  These 40 keys are in addition to the pre-defined
commonly used function keys.

Extra Bonus!  All registered users will receive the screen
painter & code generator.  The screen painter & code generator
allows you to create screens complete with boxes and lines.  This
utility will then generate LE_C function calls for the desired


LE_C - C Library Functions - Version 1.0

--------------  -----------------------------------------------
LE_C.LIB        LE_C Object Code Library for Linking C Programs
LE_C.H          LE_C Header File
LE_C.MAN        LE_C Manual
LE_DEMO.EXE     LE_C Demo Program - Type LE_DEMO to execute
LE_DEMO.HLP     LE_C Demo Program Help File
LE_C.ZIP        All of the above files compressed using PKZIP


The LE_C Library is a comprehensive set of C run-time functions
that allows you to easily create programs that implement many of
today's standard user interfaces.  LE_C contains routines for
menus, box menus, data entry, help facility, border drawing
(including exploding boxes), line drawing, and much, much more. 
Most of the LE_C functions write directly to the video memory
page -- giving you fast screens.

What makes LE_C unique is its integrated help facility functions. 
LE_C allows you to create a very useful help facility with a
minimum of fuss.  All of the menu and input functions of LE_C
support help screens.  In addition, you can specify help screens
unique to each menu selection.  Plus, LE_C will allow the user to
move the help window within the screen.

LE_C also allows you to specify up to 40 special function keys
(e.g. Ctrl-F1, Ctrl-End, etc.) for use with the menu and input
functions.  These 40 keys are in addition to the pre-defined
commonly used function keys.

Extra Bonus!  All registered users will receive the screen
painter & code generator.  The screen painter & code generator
allows you to create screens complete with boxes and lines.  This
utility will then generate LE_C function calls for the desired

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2314

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

LE_C     ZIP     91281  10-26-90  10:41a
LE_C     MAN    109388   3-07-90   4:22p
LE_DEMO  EXE     72239   3-07-90   4:45p
LE_DEMO  HLP       861   3-07-90   4:52p
LE_C     H        8179  10-26-90  10:24a
LE_C     LIB     54507  10-26-90  10:14a
README   DOC      1761  10-26-90  10:39a
FILE2314 TXT      2665  10-26-90  10:33a
GO       BAT        36  10-05-90   1:23a
GO       TXT       715  10-05-90   1:33a
       10 file(s)     341632 bytes
                       16384 bytes free