PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2300)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Information about “TELIX”

This is a powerful communications program designed to meet the needs of
almost any user.  Features include a large range of built-in file
transfer protocols, such as Zmodem, Compuserve Quick B, Xmodem,
Xmodem-1k, Xmodem-1k-g, Ymodem (TRUE), Ymodem-g, Kermit, SEAlink,
Telink, Modem7, and ASCII.  Up to four "external" protocols can be
defined and called from within TELIX, making almost any kind of file
transfer possible.

Multiple dialing directories hold up to 1000 entries each.  Also
provided are: automatic queue redialing for hard-to-reach numbers, DEC
VT100 and VT52 terminal emulation, full access to DOS including a DOS
shell, a host mode, a chat mode, and even an extensive SALT script
language to allow TELIX to perform automated logons. As an example of
the power of script files, the TELIX Host Mode is written in the SALT
script language.


Disk No: 2300                                                           
Disk Title: Telix                                                       
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: Telix                                                    
Author Version: 3.12                                                    
Author Registration: $39.00                                             
Special Requirements: Hard drive, and a modem.                          
This is a full-featured communications program designed to meet the     
needs of almost any user.  Features include a large range of built-in   
file transfer protocols, such as Zmodem, Compuserve Quick B, Xmodem,    
Xmodem-1k, Xmodem-1k-g, Ymodem (TRUE), Ymodem-g, Kermit, SEAlink,       
Telink, Modem7, and ASCII.  Up to four "external" protocols can be      
defined and called from within TELIX.  In this way, almost any kind of  
file transfer is possible.                                              
Multiple dialing directories, holding up to 1000 entries each, are fully
integrated into the system. There is also automatic queue redialing for 
hard-to-reach numbers, DEC VT102 and VT52 terminal emulation, full      
access to DOS including a DOS shell, a host mode, a chat mode, and even 
an extensive SALT script language which allows TELIX to perform         
automated logons. As an example of the power of script files, the TELIX 
Host Mode is written in the SALT script language.                       
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║                  <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #2300  TELIX  >>>>                   ║
║                                                                         ║
║ For installation instructions, type:  README.DOC (press Enter)          ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                      (c) Copyright 1990, PC-SIG Inc.    ║


-[ TELIX EVALUATION DISK ]-------------------------------------------------
          EXIS Inc., P.O. Box 130, West Hill, ON, Canada  M1E 4R4
       (416)-289-4641 voice, (416)-289-4645 FAX, (416)-439-8293 BBS
          Telix Copyright (C) 1986,87,88,89 by Exis Incorporated
This copy of Telix comes to you in compressed form, for smaller size, and
more importantly so that its integrity can be assured. To extract the Telix
files and install them on your system, please run the install program (at
the DOS prompt), by placing this disk in drive A:, typing
and then pressing the Enter key (substitute B: for A: to install from B:).

Once the Telix documentation files, TELIX.DOC and SALT.DOC, are extracted,
they may be printed out by using the DOS copy command to copy the file to
the printer, for example:
     copy TELIX.DOC prn
Once the manual has finished printing, see the section called 'Getting
Started'. Note that the Telix documentation is formatted to use 66
lines/page (as supported by most printers). Laser printers by default print
only 60 lines/page. Running the LASER66.COM program on this disk will set
up an HP Laserjet or compatible laser printer to print 66 lines/page.

See the file TELIX312.NEW for details about this version of Telix.




      Telix is Copyright (c) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 by Exis Inc.

      Telix is not, nor has ever been, public domain or free software.

      The commercial, registered version of Telix may not be duplicated
      other than for backup purposes. A registered copy of Telix must be
      treated like a book, in that the same registered copy of Telix may
      not be used in more than one computer at the same time, just as a
      book may not be read by more than one person at the same time
      (without making an illegal copy).

      Users are granted a limited license to use the User Supported, trial
      version of Telix for a limited evaluation period of up to 45 days,
      in order to determine if it suits their needs. Any other use of
      Telix or use past this period requires registration.

      All users are granted a limited license to copy the User Supported
      version of Telix only for the purpose of allowing others to try it,
      subject to the above restrictions as well as these:

           Telix must be distributed in absolutely unmodified form, in-
           cluding ALL program, documentation, and other files.

           Telix may not be included with any other product for any reason
           whatsoever without a license from Exis.

           No charge or payment may be levied or accepted for Telix.

      Bulletin Board system operators may post the unregistered, User Sup-
      ported version of Telix on their BBS for downloading by their users
      without written permission only if the above conditions are met, and
      only if no special fee is necessary to access the Telix files (a
      general fee to access the BBS is ok).

      Distributors of User Supported and Public Domain software MUST ob-
      tain written permission from Exis Inc. before distributing Telix and
      must follow the above conditions. Permission is almost always
      granted; this requirement is necessary to ensure protection for our-
      selves and Telix users from unscrupulous individuals.

      The following section contains information on registration and li-


      Registering Telix allows you to use the product after the trial pe-
      riod. Registered Telix users get the current copy of Telix on disk
      along with their own serial number, mailed notification of major
      Telix updates, and priority when calling the Telix Software support
      BBS (we guarantee no support to unregistered users). Most impor-
      tantly, registered users know they are helping to make sure that
      high-quality software like Telix continues to be sold in this low-
      cost way.

      Telix registration costs $39 US / $44 CDN, and includes a
      'registered' copy of Telix on disk. An evaluation disk with the cur-
      rent copy of Telix on it is also available for $10 US / $12 CDN.
      This is to be used to try out Telix, and does not include registra-
      tion (the right to use Telix after the evaluation period). The fee
      covers the cost of diskette(s) and handling.

      Payment may be in the form of check, money order, or with a VISA
      card (we expect Mastercard availability before 2/90, please call for
      confirmation). We also accept corporate purchase orders for amounts
      of $39 US and over. All US dollar checks must be drawn on a US bank,
      and all Canadian dollar checks must be drawn on a Canadian bank.
      VISA orders can be charged in Canadian funds only.

      To place an order, please use the order form on the following page,
      or call us at (416)-289-4641 with your VISA card.


      The order form on the following page may be used to purchase mul-
      tiple copies of Telix, with discounts as follows:

                  1 -  10 copies     no discount
                 11 -  20 copies    10% discount
                 21 -  50 copies    15% discount
                 51 - 100 copies    22% discount
                101 - 200 copies    30% discount
                200+      copies    40% discount

      Purchases of up to 50 copies are bulk purchases and include that
      many copies of Telix on disk, as with single registrations. Pur-
      chases of 51 or more copies are site licenses. Exis Inc. provides a
      master copy of Telix and the appropriate number of diskette labels.
      The licensee is responsible for copying the disks (backups of the
      MASTER do not count towards the total copies in the license).

      The name on the order form is considered the contact and is the per-
      son with whom all correspondence will take place.

      Note: All prices and discounts are subject to change without notice.
      Discounts apply only to separate orders, they are not cumulative.

      Telix version 3.12                            Invoice #891201-312
      Remit to:  Exis Inc., P.O. Box 130, West Hill, ON  CANADA  M1E 4R4
      Quan       Item                              US/CDN        Price

      ___  Telix Registration................   @ $39/$44 ea   $________
            (includes serial #, registration +
              program and manual on disk)
      ___  Telix evaluation disk.............   @ $10/$12 ea   $________
             (includes program and manual
              on disk, but not registration)

                                  Add $1/copy for 3.5" disks   $________

                                                    Subtotal   $________

                                                  - Discount   $(______)

           Ontario residents please add Prov. Sales Tax (8%)   $________

                                 Shipping ($1/copy, max $10)   $________

                                                       TOTAL   $________

              Check, money order, or VISA card payments accepted.
                  VISA can be charged in Canadian funds only!
      Payment by: ( ) Check or MO  ( ) VISA  ( ) PO # _______________





      Following information needed for VISA card payments only

         Phone(______)________________  Other(______)________________

        Card #_______________________________  Expiry date___________

      Name of cardholder_____________________________________________

                      (VISA orders may also call voice: 416-289-4641)

      Where did you hear of or obtain Telix?


      Comments below:


-[ TELIX EVALUATION DISK ]-------------------------------------------------
          EXIS Inc., P.O. Box 130, West Hill, ON, Canada  M1E 4R4
       (416)-289-4641 voice, (416)-289-4645 FAX, (416)-439-8293 BBS
          Telix Copyright (C) 1986,87,88,89 by Exis Incorporated
This copy of Telix comes to you in compressed form, for smaller size, and
more importantly so that its integrity can be assured. To extract the Telix
files and install them on your system, please run the install program (at
the DOS prompt), by placing this disk in drive A:, typing
and then pressing the Enter key (substitute B: for A: to install from B:).

Once the Telix documentation files, TELIX.DOC and SALT.DOC, are extracted,
they may be printed out by using the DOS copy command to copy the file to
the printer, for example:
     copy TELIX.DOC prn
Once the manual has finished printing, see the section called 'Getting
Started'. Note that the Telix documentation is formatted to use 66
lines/page (as supported by most printers). Laser printers by default print
only 60 lines/page. Running the LASER66.COM program on this disk will set
up an HP Laserjet or compatible laser printer to print 66 lines/page.

See the file TELIX312.NEW for details about this version of Telix.


 Telix version 3.12 bugs and releases history, current as of August 14, '90

Known bugs/problems in the _original_ Telix v3.12 release:

  1) Destructive/Non-Destructive Backspace key setting could not be saved.

  2) 'frename' script function would move file being renamed to current
     directory, if it was in another directory on the same drive.

  3) On a few individual PCs that we know of, Telix's routines to detect an
     enhanced keyboard BIOS think that there is one, when there isn't,
     leading to very strange results. This is more likely caused by
     misbehaving keyboard related resident programs, rather than a Telix
     bug. If the keyboard is thus completely unrecognized by Telix, the way
     to get Telix running is to add the line 'ENHKB=OFF" in the TELIX.CNF
     file (or change the existing line with this parameter).

  4) In ANSI or VT102 mode, the escape code 'ESC [ L', which is used to
     scroll lines down, would sometimes clear the first or first few entries
     in the translate table on systems running in 43 or 50 line mode.

  5) The Host Mode Remote Shell did not work properly on some systems. The
     symptom is the shell just exiting as soon as it was entered.

  6) Some time ago code was added to emulate (for conformity) a bug in the
     MS-DOS ANSI.SYS driver in Telix's own ANSI terminal, but the new code
     slightly messed up VT-102 terminal. The ESC[J and ESC[J1 terminal
     escape sequences would reset part of the current line to Gray on Black
     instead of the proper default colors.

Release history for Telix 3.12 'unregistered' (evaluation) version:
  89-12-1 date on TELIX.EXE file.
    Original release. All above bugs present.
  90-4-30 date on TELIX.EXE file.
    Fixes 1 through 5 above.
  90-8-14 date on TELIX.EXE file.
    Fixes 6 above.

Release history for Telix 3.12 'registered' version:
  89-12-1 date on TELIX.EXE file (before branding).
    Original relase. All above bugs present.
  89-12-11 date on TELIX.EXE file (before branding).
    Fixes 1 & 2 above. Adds documentation for vputchrs, vputchrsa, and
    unload_scr SALT functions left out of SALT.DOC.
  89-12-22 date on TELIX.EXE file (before branding).
    When there is no existing TELIX.CNF file, or when updating from
    Telix 3.11 or earlier, Telix will now turn enhanced keyboard support
    off by default, instead of on as before, to work around problem 3
    above... The option can be toggled on/off in the General Options
    page of the Configuration Menu.
  90-4-30 date on TELIX.EXE file (before branding)
    Fixes 4 and 5 above.
  90-8-14 date on TELIX.EXE file (before branding).
    Fixes 6 above.





      Telix is Copyright (c) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 by Exis Inc.

      Telix is not, nor has ever been, public domain or free software.

      The commercial, registered version of Telix may not be duplicated
      other than for backup purposes. A registered copy of Telix must be
      treated like a book, in that the same registered copy of Telix may
      not be used in more than one computer at the same time, just as a
      book may not be read by more than one person at the same time
      (without making an illegal copy).

      Users are granted a limited license to use the User Supported, trial
      version of Telix for a limited evaluation period of up to 45 days,
      in order to determine if it suits their needs. Any other use of
      Telix or use past this period requires registration.

      All users are granted a limited license to copy the User Supported
      version of Telix only for the purpose of allowing others to try it,
      subject to the above restrictions as well as these:

           Telix must be distributed in absolutely unmodified form, in-
           cluding ALL program, documentation, and other files.

           Telix may not be included with any other product for any reason
           whatsoever without a license from Exis.

           No charge or payment may be levied or accepted for Telix.

      Bulletin Board system operators may post the unregistered, User Sup-
      ported version of Telix on their BBS for downloading by their users
      without written permission only if the above conditions are met, and
      only if no special fee is necessary to access the Telix files (a
      general fee to access the BBS is ok).

      Distributors of User Supported and Public Domain software MUST ob-
      tain written permission from Exis Inc. before distributing Telix and
      must follow the above conditions. Permission is almost always
      granted; this requirement is necessary to ensure protection for our-
      selves and Telix users from unscrupulous individuals.

      The following section contains information on registration and li-


      Registering Telix allows you to use the product after the trial pe-
      riod. Registered Telix users get the current copy of Telix on disk
      along with their own serial number, mailed notification of major
      Telix updates, and priority when calling the Telix Software support
      BBS (we guarantee no support to unregistered users). Most impor-
      tantly, registered users know they are helping to make sure that
      high-quality software like Telix continues to be sold in this low-
      cost way.

      Telix registration costs $39 US / $44 CDN, and includes a
      'registered' copy of Telix on disk. An evaluation disk with the cur-
      rent copy of Telix on it is also available for $10 US / $12 CDN.
      This is to be used to try out Telix, and does not include registra-
      tion (the right to use Telix after the evaluation period). The fee
      covers the cost of diskette(s) and handling.

      Payment may be in the form of check, money order, or with a VISA
      card (we expect Mastercard availability before 2/90, please call for
      confirmation). We also accept corporate purchase orders for amounts
      of $39 US and over. All US dollar checks must be drawn on a US bank,
      and all Canadian dollar checks must be drawn on a Canadian bank.
      VISA orders can be charged in Canadian funds only.

      To place an order, please use the order form on the following page,
      or call us at (416)-289-4641 with your VISA card.


      The order form on the following page may be used to purchase mul-
      tiple copies of Telix, with discounts as follows:

                  1 -  10 copies     no discount
                 11 -  20 copies    10% discount
                 21 -  50 copies    15% discount
                 51 - 100 copies    22% discount
                101 - 200 copies    30% discount
                200+      copies    40% discount

      Purchases of up to 50 copies are bulk purchases and include that
      many copies of Telix on disk, as with single registrations. Pur-
      chases of 51 or more copies are site licenses. Exis Inc. provides a
      master copy of Telix and the appropriate number of diskette labels.
      The licensee is responsible for copying the disks (backups of the
      MASTER do not count towards the total copies in the license).

      The name on the order form is considered the contact and is the per-
      son with whom all correspondence will take place.

      Note: All prices and discounts are subject to change without notice.
      Discounts apply only to separate orders, they are not cumulative.

      Telix version 3.12                            Invoice #891201-312
      Remit to:  Exis Inc., P.O. Box 130, West Hill, ON  CANADA  M1E 4R4
      Quan       Item                              US/CDN        Price

      ___  Telix Registration................   @ $39/$44 ea   $________
            (includes serial #, registration +
              program and manual on disk)
      ___  Telix evaluation disk.............   @ $10/$12 ea   $________
             (includes program and manual
              on disk, but not registration)

                                  Add $1/copy for 3.5" disks   $________

                                                    Subtotal   $________

                                                  - Discount   $(______)

           Ontario residents please add Prov. Sales Tax (8%)   $________

                                 Shipping ($1/copy, max $10)   $________

                                                       TOTAL   $________

              Check, money order, or VISA card payments accepted.
                  VISA can be charged in Canadian funds only!
      Payment by: ( ) Check or MO  ( ) VISA  ( ) PO # _______________





      Following information needed for VISA card payments only

         Phone(______)________________  Other(______)________________

        Card #_______________________________  Expiry date___________

      Name of cardholder_____________________________________________

                      (VISA orders may also call voice: 416-289-4641)

      Where did you hear of or obtain Telix?


      Comments below:


-[ TELIX EVALUATION DISK ]-------------------------------------------------
          EXIS Inc., P.O. Box 130, West Hill, ON, Canada  M1E 4R4
       (416)-289-4641 voice, (416)-289-4645 FAX, (416)-439-8293 BBS
          Telix Copyright (C) 1986,87,88,89 by Exis Incorporated
This copy of Telix comes to you in compressed form, for smaller size, and
more importantly so that its integrity can be assured. To extract the Telix
files and install them on your system, please run the install program (at
the DOS prompt), by placing this disk in drive A:, typing
and then pressing the Enter key (substitute B: for A: to install from B:).

Once the Telix documentation files, TELIX.DOC and SALT.DOC, are extracted,
they may be printed out by using the DOS copy command to copy the file to
the printer, for example:
     copy TELIX.DOC prn
Once the manual has finished printing, see the section called 'Getting
Started'. Note that the Telix documentation is formatted to use 66
lines/page (as supported by most printers). Laser printers by default print
only 60 lines/page. Running the LASER66.COM program on this disk will set
up an HP Laserjet or compatible laser printer to print 66 lines/page.

See the file TELIX312.NEW for details about this version of Telix.




      Telix is Copyright (c) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 by Exis Inc.

      Telix is not, nor has ever been, public domain or free software.

      The commercial, registered version of Telix may not be duplicated
      other than for backup purposes. A registered copy of Telix must be
      treated like a book, in that the same registered copy of Telix may
      not be used in more than one computer at the same time, just as a
      book may not be read by more than one person at the same time
      (without making an illegal copy).

      Users are granted a limited license to use the User Supported, trial
      version of Telix for a limited evaluation period of up to 45 days,
      in order to determine if it suits their needs. Any other use of
      Telix or use past this period requires registration.

      All users are granted a limited license to copy the User Supported
      version of Telix only for the purpose of allowing others to try it,
      subject to the above restrictions as well as these:

           Telix must be distributed in absolutely unmodified form, in-
           cluding ALL program, documentation, and other files.

           Telix may not be included with any other product for any reason
           whatsoever without a license from Exis.

           No charge or payment may be levied or accepted for Telix.

      Bulletin Board system operators may post the unregistered, User Sup-
      ported version of Telix on their BBS for downloading by their users
      without written permission only if the above conditions are met, and
      only if no special fee is necessary to access the Telix files (a
      general fee to access the BBS is ok).

      Distributors of User Supported and Public Domain software MUST ob-
      tain written permission from Exis Inc. before distributing Telix and
      must follow the above conditions. Permission is almost always
      granted; this requirement is necessary to ensure protection for our-
      selves and Telix users from unscrupulous individuals.

      The following section contains information on registration and li-


      Registering Telix allows you to use the product after the trial pe-
      riod. Registered Telix users get the current copy of Telix on disk
      along with their own serial number, mailed notification of major
      Telix updates, and priority when calling the Telix Software support
      BBS (we guarantee no support to unregistered users). Most impor-
      tantly, registered users know they are helping to make sure that
      high-quality software like Telix continues to be sold in this low-
      cost way.

      Telix registration costs $39 US / $44 CDN, and includes a
      'registered' copy of Telix on disk. An evaluation disk with the cur-
      rent copy of Telix on it is also available for $10 US / $12 CDN.
      This is to be used to try out Telix, and does not include registra-
      tion (the right to use Telix after the evaluation period). The fee
      covers the cost of diskette(s) and handling.

      Payment may be in the form of check, money order, or with a VISA
      card (we expect Mastercard availability before 2/90, please call for
      confirmation). We also accept corporate purchase orders for amounts
      of $39 US and over. All US dollar checks must be drawn on a US bank,
      and all Canadian dollar checks must be drawn on a Canadian bank.
      VISA orders can be charged in Canadian funds only.

      To place an order, please use the order form on the following page,
      or call us at (416)-289-4641 with your VISA card.


      The order form on the following page may be used to purchase mul-
      tiple copies of Telix, with discounts as follows:

                  1 -  10 copies     no discount
                 11 -  20 copies    10% discount
                 21 -  50 copies    15% discount
                 51 - 100 copies    22% discount
                101 - 200 copies    30% discount
                200+      copies    40% discount

      Purchases of up to 50 copies are bulk purchases and include that
      many copies of Telix on disk, as with single registrations. Pur-
      chases of 51 or more copies are site licenses. Exis Inc. provides a
      master copy of Telix and the appropriate number of diskette labels.
      The licensee is responsible for copying the disks (backups of the
      MASTER do not count towards the total copies in the license).

      The name on the order form is considered the contact and is the per-
      son with whom all correspondence will take place.

      Note: All prices and discounts are subject to change without notice.
      Discounts apply only to separate orders, they are not cumulative.

      Telix version 3.12                            Invoice #891201-312
      Remit to:  Exis Inc., P.O. Box 130, West Hill, ON  CANADA  M1E 4R4
      Quan       Item                              US/CDN        Price

      ___  Telix Registration................   @ $39/$44 ea   $________
            (includes serial #, registration +
              program and manual on disk)
      ___  Telix evaluation disk.............   @ $10/$12 ea   $________
             (includes program and manual
              on disk, but not registration)

                                  Add $1/copy for 3.5" disks   $________

                                                    Subtotal   $________

                                                  - Discount   $(______)

           Ontario residents please add Prov. Sales Tax (8%)   $________

                                 Shipping ($1/copy, max $10)   $________

                                                       TOTAL   $________

              Check, money order, or VISA card payments accepted.
                  VISA can be charged in Canadian funds only!
      Payment by: ( ) Check or MO  ( ) VISA  ( ) PO # _______________





      Following information needed for VISA card payments only

         Phone(______)________________  Other(______)________________

        Card #_______________________________  Expiry date___________

      Name of cardholder_____________________________________________

                      (VISA orders may also call voice: 416-289-4641)

      Where did you hear of or obtain Telix?


      Comments below:


      T E L I X


      Program Reference Manual

                 Copyright (C) 1986,1987,1988,1989 by Exis Inc.

                              ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

                                   Exis Inc.

                  P.O. Box 130, West Hill, ON  CANADA  M1E 4R4

                               (416)-289-4645 fax
                               (416)-439-8293 BBS

          Telix v3.12                                  COPYRIGHT    ii

                                COPYRIGHT NOTICE

      Telix is Copyright (c) 1986, 1987, 1988 by Exis Inc.

      This document is Copyright (c) 1988,1989 by Exis Inc.

      No parts of Telix or this document may be copied in part or in
      whole, except as provided in the License in the following pages.


      Exis Inc. makes no warranty of any kind, either express or implied,
      including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability
      and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to this software
      and accompanying documentation.



      Telix is a trademark of Exis Inc.

      Many product names found throughout this manual are trademarks of
      various companies.

          Telix v3.12                                   License    iii


      Telix is Copyright (c) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 by Exis Inc.

      Telix is not, nor has ever been, public domain or free software.

      The commercial, registered version of Telix may not be duplicated
      other than for backup purposes. A registered copy of Telix must be
      treated like a book, in that the same registered copy of Telix may
      not be used in more than one computer at the same time, just as a
      book may not be read by more than one person at the same time
      (without making an illegal copy).

      Users are granted a limited license to use the User Supported, trial
      version of Telix for a limited evaluation period of up to 45 days,
      in order to determine if it suits their needs. Any other use of
      Telix or use past this period requires registration.

      All users are granted a limited license to copy the User Supported
      version of Telix only for the purpose of allowing others to try it,
      subject to the above restrictions as well as these:

           Telix must be distributed in absolutely unmodified form, in-
           cluding ALL program, documentation, and other files.

           Telix may not be included with any other product for any reason
           whatsoever without a license from Exis.

           No charge or payment may be levied or accepted for Telix.

      Bulletin Board system operators may post the unregistered, User Sup-
      ported version of Telix on their BBS for downloading by their users
      without written permission only if the above conditions are met, and
      only if no special fee is necessary to access the Telix files (a
      general fee to access the BBS is ok).

      Distributors of User Supported and Public Domain software MUST ob-
      tain written permission from Exis Inc. before distributing Telix and
      must follow the above conditions. Permission is almost always
      granted; this requirement is necessary to ensure protection for our-
      selves and Telix users from unscrupulous individuals.

      The following section contains information on registration and li-



      Registering Telix allows you to use the product after the trial pe-
      riod. Registered Telix users get the current copy of Telix on disk
      along with their own serial number, mailed notification of major
      Telix updates, and priority when calling the Telix Software support
      BBS (we guarantee no support to unregistered users). Most impor-
      tantly, registered users know they are helping to make sure that
      high-quality software like Telix continues to be sold in this low-
      cost way.

      Telix registration costs $39 US / $44 CDN, and includes a
      'registered' copy of Telix on disk. An evaluation disk with the cur-
      rent copy of Telix on it is also available for $10 US / $12 CDN.
      This is to be used to try out Telix, and does not include registra-
      tion (the right to use Telix after the evaluation period). The fee
      covers the cost of diskette(s) and handling.

      Payment may be in the form of check, money order, or with a VISA
      card (we expect Mastercard availability before 2/90, please call for
      confirmation). We also accept corporate purchase orders for amounts
      of $39 US and over. All US dollar checks must be drawn on a US bank,
      and all Canadian dollar checks must be drawn on a Canadian bank.
      VISA orders can be charged in Canadian funds only.

      To place an order, please use the order form on the following page,
      or call us at (416)-289-4641 with your VISA card.


      The order form on the following page may be used to purchase mul-
      tiple copies of Telix, with discounts as follows:

                  1 -  10 copies     no discount
                 11 -  20 copies    10% discount
                 21 -  50 copies    15% discount
                 51 - 100 copies    22% discount
                101 - 200 copies    30% discount
                200+      copies    40% discount

      Purchases of up to 50 copies are bulk purchases and include that
      many copies of Telix on disk, as with single registrations. Pur-
      chases of 51 or more copies are site licenses. Exis Inc. provides a
      master copy of Telix and the appropriate number of diskette labels.
      The licensee is responsible for copying the disks (backups of the
      MASTER do not count towards the total copies in the license).

      The name on the order form is considered the contact and is the per-
      son with whom all correspondence will take place.

      Note: All prices and discounts are subject to change without notice.
      Discounts apply only to separate orders, they are not cumulative.


      Telix version 3.12                             Invoice #891201-312
      Remit to:  Exis Inc., P.O. Box 130, West Hill, ON  CANADA  M1E 4R4
      Quan       Item                              US/CDN        Price

      ___  Telix Registration................   @ $39/$44 ea   $________
            (includes serial #, registration +
              program and manual on disk)
      ___  Telix evaluation disk.............   @ $10/$12 ea   $________
             (includes program and manual
              on disk, but not registration)

                                  Add $1/copy for 3.5" disks   $________

                                                    Subtotal   $________

                                                  - Discount   $(______)

           Ontario residents please add Prov. Sales Tax (8%)   $________

                                 Shipping ($1/copy, max $10)   $________

                                                       TOTAL   $________

              Check, money order, or VISA card payments accepted.
                  VISA can be charged in Canadian funds only!
      Payment by: ( ) Check or MO  ( ) VISA  ( ) PO # _______________





      Following information needed for VISA card payments only

         Phone(______)________________  Other(______)________________

        Card #_______________________________  Expiry date___________

      Name of cardholder_____________________________________________

                      (VISA orders may also call voice: 416-289-4641)

      Where did you hear of or obtain Telix?


      Comments below:

          Telix v3.12                                  Contents    vi

                                C O N T E N T S

      1 Introduction.............................................1
        1.1  Program Description.................................1
        1.2  The Telix Philosophy................................1
        1.3  Machine Requirements................................2
        1.4  Telix Files.........................................2
        1.5  Start-Up Directory..................................3

      2 Getting Started..........................................4
        2.1  Starting a Telix Session............................4
        2.2  Terminal Mode.......................................5
        2.2.1  The Help/Status Screen............................5
          2.2.2  The Status Line.................................6
        2.3  Communications Parameters...........................6
        2.4  Using Telix Menus...................................7
        2.5  Entering and Editing Strings........................7
        2.6  Output String Translation...........................7
        2.7  Ending a Telix Session..............................8

      3 Program Features.........................................9
        3.1  Hang-Up.............................................9
        3.2  Capture File........................................9
        3.3  Printer.............................................9
        3.4  Usage Log...........................................9
        3.5  Scroll-Back........................................11
        3.6  Keyboard Definitions/Macros........................11
        3.7  DOS Shell..........................................12
        3.8  DOS Command........................................13
        3.9  Editor.............................................13
        3.10  DOS and File Functions............................13
        3.11  Screen Image......................................14
        3.12  The Translate Table...............................14
        3.13  Chat Mode.........................................15
        3.14  Clear Screen......................................16
        3.15  Local Echo........................................16
        3.16  Add Line Feeds....................................16
        3.17  Break Signal......................................16
        3.18  DOORWAY Mode......................................17
        3.19  Miscellaneous Functions...........................17
        3.19.1  Sending Modem Strings...........................17
        3.19.2  Setting the Screen Size.........................17

          Telix v3.12                                  Contents    vii

                           C O N T E N T S   (cont.)

      4 The Dialing Directory...................................18
        4.2  Editing an Entry...................................20
        4.3  Adding Entries.....................................20
        4.4  Clearing Entries...................................20
        4.5  Finding an Entry...................................20
        4.6  Dialing............................................20
          4.6.1  Long Distance Codes............................21
        4.7  Other Functions....................................22
          4.7.1  Inserting Blank Entries........................22
          4.7.2  Deleting Entries...............................22
          4.7.3  Revising Long Distance Codes...................22
          4.7.4  Creating a Dialing Directory...................22
          4.7.5  Loading a Dialing directory....................23
          4.7.6  Printing the Dialing directory.................23
        4.8  Automatic Queue Redial.............................23
        4.9  The Quick Dial Bar.................................24

      5 File Transfers..........................................25
        5.1  Downloading (Receiving) Files......................25
        5.2  Uploading (Sending) Files..........................26
        5.3  File Transfer Protocols............................26
        5.4  Which One to Use...................................28

      6 The Telix Configuration Menu............................29
        6.1  Screen and Color Settings..........................29
        6.3  General Settings...................................32
        6.4  Modem and Dialing settings.........................33
        6.5  Filenames and Path Settings........................35
        6.6  ASCII Transfers....................................36
        6.7  Protocol options...................................38
        6.8  Kermit Transfers...................................40
        6.9  Comm port setup....................................40
        6.10  Saving Changes and Leaving........................40

      7 Terminal Emulation......................................41
        7.1  TTY................................................41
        7.2  ANSI-BBS...........................................41
        7.3  VT102..............................................41
        7.4  VT52...............................................42

      8 Using Script Files......................................43

      9 Host Mode...............................................45

          Telix v3.12                                  Contents    viii

                           C O N T E N T S   (cont.)

      10 Appendix A - Command Summary by Keystroke..............50

      11 Appendix B - Troubleshooting (Problems/Solutions)......51

      12 Appendix C - Product Support...........................54

      13 Appendix D - Installing External Protocols.............55

      14 Appendix E - Dialing Directory File Format.............56

      15 Index..................................................57

          Telix v3.12                               Introduction    1

                                1.  INTRODUCTION

         1.1  Program Description

         Telix is a full-featured communications program for PCs run-
         ning the PC/MS-DOS operating system, that is able to meet the
         needs of almost any user. Telix features include:

              - an extensive range of built-in file transfer protocols,
                including Zmodem, Compuserve Quick B, Xmodem, Xmo-
                dem-1k, Xmodem-1k-g, Ymodem (TRUE), Ymodem-g, Kermit,
                SEAlink, Telink, Modem7, and ASCII. Telix allows up to
                four 'external' protocols to be defined and called from
                within Telix. In this way, almost any kind of file
                transfer is possible from within Telix.

              - powerful multiple dialing directories, holding up to
                1000 entries each. An entry contains many pieces of in-
                formation required for communicating with remote ser-
                vices, such as the phone number and communications pa-

              - automatic queue redialing for hard-to-reach numbers.

              - reliable DEC VT102 and VT52 terminal emulation. Keys
                may be redefined by the user.

              - extensive SALT script language which allows Telix to
                perform automated logons and many more complicated
                functions. As an example of the power of script files,
                the Telix Host Mode is written in the SALT script lan-

              - full access to DOS including a DOS shell, a DOS Command
                option, and full path support.

              - A Host Mode with file transfers, operator paging, a Re-
                mote DOS shell, and two access levels.

              - A Chat Mode, keyboard macros, a scroll-back buffer,
                session capture, usage log, translate table, and a va-
                riety of other features, detailed in this manual. Above
                all however, Telix is FAST, and has powerful, friendly,
                user interface.

         1.2  The Telix Philosophy

         When Telix was written, a basic idea was kept in mind. It was
         felt that a powerful program could be simple to operate, with
         no loss of speed in order to achieve this ease of use.

          Telix v3.12                               Introduction    2

         1.3  Machine Requirements

         Telix will run on an IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/2, or true compatible
         with one hard drive and one floppy drive, or two floppy
         drives, and with at least  180k of free memory. This is memory
         available after DOS has been loaded. For a few functions, such
         as the DOS Shell, more memory is helpful. Telix will support
         up to 8 defined comm ports (COM1 through COM4 are predefined),
         any number of disk drives, and a printer connected to the
         parallel port.

         To get full use of Telix your modem must meet certain stan-
         dards as well, especially for the Host Mode script. The Car-
         rier Detect signal should not be forced high (on) by the mo-
         dem, so that Telix can tell when you are online. This is usu-
         ally controlled by the setting of a dip switch on the modem,
         or a modem command. The DTR (Data Terminal Ready) signal
         should not be ignored by the modem.

         1.4  Telix Files

         Telix comes with a number of files and creates more in its
         normal operation. Some files included in the Telix package

              TELIX.EXE      - The Telix program itself
              TELIX.DOC      - The Telix program reference manual
              CS.EXE         - The SALT script language compiler
              SALT.DOC       - The SALT script language reference
              CONVERTF.EXE   - Converts phone directories to Telix for-
              HOST.SLT       - The Host Mode script file (source)
              HOST.SLC       - The Host Mode script file (compiled)
              HCONFIG.SLT    - Host Mode configuration script (source)
              HCONFIG.SLC    - Host Mode config. script (compiled)
              *.KEY          - The various key definition files for the
                               terminals supported by Telix

         Files (optionally) created and used by Telix include:

              TELIX.FON      - The default dialing directory file
              TELIX.LD       - The Long Distance Codes file
              TELIX.CAP      - The default session capture file
              TELIX.IMG      - The screen image save file
              TELIX.KEY      - The default user key macros    defini-
                               tion file

              HOST.CNF       - The Host Mode configuration file

         Telix at one time or another can have a number of files open,
         especially during Host Mode and a few other instances. If
         Telix tells you it is having problems opening files then it is
         probable that including the line:

          Telix v3.12                               Introduction    3


         in your CONFIG.SYS file could clear up the problem. This al-
         lows DOS to open more files (the default is 'files=8'). For
         more information on the config.sys file see your DOS manual.

         1.5  Start-Up Directory

         When you run Telix it will remember the disk directory you ran
         it from. After this point, even if you have changed the cur-
         rent directory with the 'Change directory' command, Telix will
         know that it should look for its program files on the start-up
         directory. Some files will also be written on this directory
         unless you specify another.

         If you set the environment variable 'TELIX', Telix will have
         another (even better) way of knowing where to look for its
         files. The command form at the DOS prompt is:

              set TELIX=pathname

         where pathname is a the legal DOS pathname of the directory in
         which the Telix files are located. Do not leave any space be-
         tween the '=' and the arguments. For example, if you used 'set
         TELIX=C:\TELIX\', Telix would know to look for its files in
         the Telix directory on drive C. This way, no matter where you
         run it from, Telix will always be able to find its files. To
         reset this environment variable to nothing the command is:

              set TELIX=

         For more information on environment variables see your PC/MS-
         DOS manual.

          Telix v3.12                            Getting Started    4

                              2.  GETTING STARTED

         2.1  Starting a Telix Session

         To start the Telix program type the following while at the DOS

              Telix [O] [Q] [B] [Sfilename] [Cfilename] [Ffilename]

         The letters in the square brackets are optional command line
         switches affecting what Telix will do upon start-up. The
         square brackets should not be entered. The order and case of
         the options does not matter but they MUST be separated by at
         least one blank.

         Specifying the 'O' option upon start-up tells Telix that you
         are already online (connected to a host systems), and that it
         should not try to initialize the modem.

         The 'Q' option in the command line chooses quiet mode for the
         current session. When quiet mode is on Telix will not sound
         any alarms (e.g., when a file transfer is over), no matter
         what the default setting for alarms is. This is useful for
         those late night sessions. Any bell characters sent by the re-
         mote system are still sounded however.

         Specifying 'B' in the command line forces Telix to use the
         PC's BIOS for all screen write operations, whatever the de-
         fault setting for screen writes might be. This is useful when
         you want to run Telix in a multi-tasking environment such as
         Topview or MS Windows for just one session. Note that Telix is
         DESQview aware, so you do not have to use this mode for

         The 'S' option indicates that a script file (explained else-
         where) is to be run immediately upon start-up. The 'S' should
         be followed immediately (no blanks) by the name of the script
         file to execute.

         The 'C' option indicates that another Telix configuration file
         than the standard TELIX.CNF should be used. If it doesn't ex-
         ist, it will be created. In this way, you may have multiple
         configurations for Telix. The name of the configuration file
         should immediately follow the 'C', and should include the ex-

          Telix v3.12                            Getting Started    5

         The 'F' option indicates that another dialing directory (FON)
         file than the default TELIX.FON should be loaded at start-up.
         The name should immediately follow the 'F'. Note that another
         dialing directory file may also be loaded from within Telix
         (in the dialing directory screen).

         Upon starting, Telix will display a title screen for a period
         of 25 seconds or until you press a key. Please read the mes-
         sage on the title screen carefully. After you are past the ti-
         tle screen, you will be in 'terminal mode' unless Telix can't
         find the configuration file (usually  TELIX.CNF), in which
         case it will ask you a few questions about your machine and
         modem, and then will write a configuration file for you.

         2.2  Terminal Mode

         Immediately after starting Telix, and for most of the time
         while using it, you will be in Telix's terminal mode. While in
         this mode any normal (ASCII) characters you type will be sent
         to the modem port, and any incoming characters will be printed
         on the screen. It is from the terminal mode that most Telix
         commands are initiated. Most commands are selected by pressing
         two keys at the same time. For example, to access the dialing
         directory, you would press Alt-D. That is, while holding down
         the Alt key, you press the D key.

         2.2.1  The Help/Status Screen

         While in terminal mode, pressing the Alt-Z sequence will
         switch you to a help screen showing you a summary of all the
         available commands. If the key for a command is pressed while
         the help screen is still on, the screen will be turned off and
         the command will be executed.

         On the bottom of the help/status screen is some information
         regarding some current settings and the status of the current
         connection, as follows (in slightly compressed form).

         | Time..10:39:00   Online .... No      | Capture...Off       |
         | Date..06-29-88                       | Printer...Off       |
         | Baud..2400       Terminal .. VT102   | Script....None      |
         | Comm..N,8,1      Port ...... COM1    | Reg. Key..TELIX.KEY |
         | Echo..Off        Add LF .... Off     | Dial Dir..TELIX.FON |

         Items included are: the current time and date, the connect
         status, the elapsed time for the call in progress, the current
         communications parameters, the state of the capture file and
         printer, the currently executing script file (if there is
         one),  the current dialing directory, the current keyboard
         macro definition file, and a few other items.

          Telix v3.12                            Getting Started    6

         2.2.2  The Status Line

         Telix has an optional status line which may be displayed at
         the bottom or top of the screen (it may be controlled via the
         Telix Configuration Menu). The status lines displays the cur-
         rent communications setting such as baud rate and parity, the
         state of the Capture file, whether or not the printer is on,
         the currently executing script file (scripts are explained
         elsewhere), and whether Telix is On-line or Off-line.

         2.3  Communications Parameters

         Pressing Alt-P allows you to change the Communications Parame-
         ters. This is the format in which Telix sends data over the
         modem, and expects to receive it in. After pressing Alt-P a
         window is displayed with the current parameters at the top,
         and the options in the rest of the window. To change a value
         press the letter of the setting you want.

                     +-| Comm Parameters |----------------+
                     |                                    |
                     | Current: 2400,N,8,1,COM1           |
                     |                                    |
                     |  Speed         Parity         Data |
                     |                                    |
                     | A: 300         J: None        Q: 7 |
                     | B: 1200        K: Even        R: 8 |
                     | C: 2400        L: Odd              |
                     | D: 4800        M: Mark        Stop |
                     | E: 9600        N: Space            |
                     | F: 19200                      S: 1 |
                     | F: 38400                      T: 2 |
                     | F: 57600       O: N-8-1            |
                     | F: 115200      P: E-7-1            |
                     |                                    |
                     | 1: COM1  3: COM3  5: COM5  7: COM7 |
                     | 2: COM2  4: COM4  6: COM6  8: COM8 |
                     |                                    |
                     | Choice, or <Enter> to exit?        |

         There are a number of parameters that can be changed. The baud
         rate is the speed that you want to communicate at (it should
         really be called bps rate, which stands for bits per second.
         1200 baud and 2400 baud are the two most common speeds in use,
         and represent about 120 and 240 characters per second, respec-
         tively. Baud rates all the way up to 115200 are supported by
         Telix, however a fast PC is needed for the higher rates (a
         stock 4.77 MHz XT can handle 9600 and possibly 19200 baud,
         higher rates need an AT class computer). Parity is a form of
         error checking. Allowable parities are None, Even, and Odd.
         Data bits is the number of bits in each character. Allowable
         values are 7 and 8. Finally, the number of stop bits parameter

          Telix v3.12                            Getting Started    7

         can be set to either 1 or 2. The most common format for BBS
         use is a baud rate of 1200 or 2400, 8 data bits, no parity,
         and 1 stop bit. On many large networks such as Compuserve, the
         data format used is E71.

         The communications parameters menu also allows you to select
         the communications port you want to use. Note that by default
         only the first four comm ports are defined (the last four are
         duplicates of COM1).

         Changing any parameters changes them only for the duration of
         the current communications session. If you want a set of pa-
         rameters to be the default when you start Telix, use the Telix
         Configuration Menu.

         2.4  Using Telix Menus

         Whenever Telix must ask you to select an item from a group of
         options, it uses the same basic type of menu. The options will
         be arranged vertically for a vertically oriented menu, and
         next to each other for a horizontally oriented menu. There are
         two ways to select the item that you want. Each menu option
         has one of its letters in bold text; pressing that letter will
         select the corresponding option. As well, one option in the
         menu is always highlighted in inverse video. The arrow keys on
         the PC's keypad will move the highlight up and down or left
         and right. When the highlight is over the option you want to
         select, press Carriage Return.

         2.5  Entering and Editing Strings

         While using Telix, you will often have to enter a string of
         characters, for example a filename, or a list of numbers to
         dial. Telix gives you full editing powers when you enter a
         string. As you type characters, you may use the Backspace key
         to delete previously entered characters. The Left and Right
         arrow keys allow you to move back and forth in the string to
         edit what you have entered. By default, any characters you en-
         ter overwrite any that are already there. Pressing the Ins key
         will place Telix in insert mode, and any existing characters
         are pushed ahead as you type. Pressing Ins once more places
         you back in overwrite mode. Finally, pressing the Ctrl-Left
         and Ctrl-Right arrow keys allows you to move back and forth in
         the string by increments of a word.

         2.6  Output String Translation

         In quite a few instances while using Telix, the user must
         specify a string to be sent out over the modem port. Sometimes
         this string must contain characters which can not be printed
         on the screen, for example, control characters, and even
         pauses. There has to be a way of indicating these special

          Telix v3.12                            Getting Started    8

         characters, and it is done through the use of special charac-
         ters called translation characters. When these translation
         characters are encountered in an output string they are trans-
         lated into other characters. The default translation charac-
         ters are:

            ^ - when this character is encountered in an output
              string it will make the following character a con-
              trol character. For example, ^A will send out the
              code for Control-A. A few common control characters
              are ^M, which is the Carriage Return character, ^J,
              which is the Line Feed character, and ^[, which is
              the Esc character. To send out the ^ character it-
              self, use two ^'s, as explained above.

            ~ - when this character is encountered it will make
              Telix pause for 1/2 a second. There is no way to
              send the actual ~ character out. Two in a row will
              be converted to two pauses.

         There is one thing to keep in mind. These characters are only
         translated on strings sent out to the modem, for example, the
         dialing prefix, the hang-up string, a keyboard macro, the mo-
         dem initialization string, and a few other cases.

         2.7  Ending a Telix Session

         To exit the Telix program, press Alt-X. Telix will ask you if
         you really want to exit. Press 'Y' to confirm the exit, 'N' or
         Esc to return to Telix.

         If Telix detects that you are still on-line (connected to an-
         other computer), it will also present a third option,
         'Hang-Up'. If this option is selected, Telix will make sure
         that the connection is broken before exiting.

          Telix v3.12                           Program Features    9

                              3.  PROGRAM FEATURES

         3.1  Hang-Up

         Pressing Alt-H will make Telix attempt to hang-up the modem.
         Unless this is disabled in the configuration Menu, Telix first
         attempts to hang up the modem by turning off a signal on the
         RS-232 port called the DTR line. This works with most modems.
         If this doesn't work, Telix then sends the hang-up string de-
         fined in the Configuration Menu to the modem. If this still
         doesn't work and Telix detects that you are still online,
         Telix will warn you. If Telix is consistently telling you that
         hang-ups fail even when they work, your modem is almost cer-
         tainly overriding the Carrier Detect signal. See the appendix
         on common problems for the solution to this.

         3.2  Capture File

         Telix allows you to capture (record) data coming in from the
         comm port and printed on the terminal screen, to a disk file.
         To open the capture file, press Alt-L. You will be prompted
         for the filename to save the log to. Press Return to use the
         default filename. All data is added to the end of the file if
         it exists already. To turn off the log press Alt-L again and
         select the "Close" option. To temporarily pause capturing data
         to the file, press Alt-L and select the "Pause" option. While
         capturing is paused, any characters received are not saved to
         the file. To then un-pause capturing, press Alt-L and select
         the "Unpause" option.

         3.3  Printer

         The printer may be toggled on and off by pressing Ctrl-@ to
         record information coming in from the comm port and printed on
         the terminal screen. If Telix hangs when printer logging is
         turned on, the printer is turned off, and should be turned on
         to proceed.

         3.4  Usage Log

         Telix allows a usage log to be opened, which keeps track of
         calls you make and file that you transfer. This is handy for
         keeping a record of your long distance calls, for example. The
         Usage Log is toggled on and off with the Alt-U key. If it is
         currently closed, you are prompted for the name to open it to
         (TELIX.USE is the default). If it is currently opened, then it
         is closed. You may also set the Usage Log to be opened by de-
         fault at Telix start-up (via the Configuration Menu).

          Telix v3.12                           Program Features    10

         Following is a sample portion of a log:

              88-05-17  00:12:41  Telix Usage Log Created.
              88-05-29  00:12:41  Telix Usage Log Opened.
              88-05-29  00:13:06  Connected with : TBoard
              88-05-29  00:13:06  ++ At phone #  : 123-4567
              88-05-29  00:13:06  ++ Settings    : 2400,N,8,1
              88-05-29  00:14:53  Hangup command selected.
              88-05-29  00:16:25  Connected with : Joe's BBS
              88-05-29  00:16:25  ++ At phone #  : 1-987-654-3210
              88-05-29  00:16:25  ++ Settings    : 2400,N,8,1
              88-05-29  00:17:17  Download using Telink protocol.
              88-05-29  00:17:19  ++ File : D:\DL\ZTC100.ARC
              88-05-29  00:41:09  ++ Chars per second : 165
              88-05-29  00:41:11  ++ File : D:\DL\SRC100.ARC
              88-05-29  00:58:26  ++ Chars per second : 165
              88-05-29  00:58:28  ++ File : D:\DL\OPT100.ARC
              88-05-29  01:22:54  ++ Chars per second : 165
              88-05-29  01:23:11  Hangup command selected.
              88-05-29  01:23:12  Exiting Telix.
              88-05-29  01:23:12  Telix Usage Log Closed.

         The log is quite simple in form and easy to understand. Lines
         that start with '++' are a continuation of the previous line.
         Following is a listing of possible entries:

              Key       Log Entry
              ----      -----------------------------------------------
              Alt-U     Telix Usage Log Created.
                        Telix Usage Log Opened.
                        Telix Usage Log Closed.

              Alt-D     Connected with : (entry name)
                        ++ At phone #  : (phone number)
                        ++ Settings    : (comm settings)

              Alt-R     Download using (name) protocol.
                        ++ File : (pathname)
                        ++ Chars per second : (CPS)
                        ++ Transfer aborted.

              Alt-S     Upload using (name) protocol.
                        ++ File: (pathname)
                        ++ Chars per second : (CPS)
                        ++ Transfer aborted.

              Alt-H     Hangup command selected.

              Alt-X     Exiting Telix.

         The entries on the right are related to the commands shown on
         the left. Note that a script file has the ability to stamp
         text into the Usage Log, so other entries are possible.

          Telix v3.12                           Program Features    11

         3.5  Scroll-Back

         To review past screens of characters press Alt-B. You will be
         in the Scroll-Back display. You will be able to move through
         the last one thousand to 64 thousand characters received
         (depending on the setting in the Configuration Menu) by using
         the arrow keys to scroll line by line, the Home and End keys
         to go to the beginning and end of the buffer, and the PgUp and
         PgDn keys to scroll through the buffer a page at a time.

         To find a certain string in the buffer press 'F'. Telix will
         prompt for the string to search for. If the string is found
         the line containing it will be placed at the top of the
         screen. To search for the same string as last time press Re-
         turn when asked for the search string.

         To save the screen image to a file press 'I'. Telix will
         prompt you for the file to save the image to. If the file al-
         ready exists, the screen image will be appended to it. To
         print out a screen image to your printer press Shift-PrtSc.

         3.6  Keyboard Definitions/Macros

         Telix will let you assign text to a key so that it is sent to
         the comm port when that key is pressed. This is usually called
         a keyboard macro, and is useful in saving keystrokes (for ex-
         ample, you can assign your name to a key). Telix actually
         keeps two key definitions tables in memory at all times (each
         table holds the text assigned to each key), the user table and
         the terminal table. The terminal table is used for terminal
         emulation key assignments. When Telix is told to start emulat-
         ing a certain terminal, it loads into this table definitions
         specific to that terminal. Therefore, for each terminal there
         is a key definition file which is loaded as needed. The user
         table on the other hand is relatively constant. You might want
         to assign your name to the Atl-1 key for example. This kind of
         definition would be put in the user table.

         When a key is pressed, Telix follows this procedure: If there
         is a definition for that key in the terminal key table, send
         that text; otherwise if there is a definition in the user
         table for that key, send the text; otherwise if the key repre-
         sents an ASCII value, send that value; otherwise if the key is
         a Telix command (like Atl-D), perform that command.

         The keyboard definition/macro editor is entered with the Alt-K
         key sequence from terminal mode. Telix will ask you if you
         want to access the user or the terminal key definition table.
         Unless you wanted to modify the keys for a specific terminal,
         you would always select the user table. Telix will present the
         following menu:

              Load  Save  Clear  Display  displayKey  Edit  eXit

          Telix v3.12                           Program Features    12

         To load definitions from a previously saved key definition
         file into memory, select the 'Load' option. Telix will ask for
         the name of the key definition file (and use the extension
         '.KEY' if none is specified). Current key assignments will be
         cleared. The standard key definition file is "TELIX.KEY" and
         is loaded at start-up if it exists.

         To save the current key definitions to a disk file, select the
         'Save' option. Telix will ask what file to save them to, and
         use the extension '.KEY' if none is specified.

         Selecting 'Clear' will clear all the current key definitions
         in this table.

         Selecting 'Display' will show what text is assigned to each

         Selecting 'displayKey' will allow you to look at what is as-
         signed to one specific key, by pressing it when prompted.

         To actually enter or edit the text assigned to a key, select
         'Edit'. Telix will print the existing definition and allow you
         to edit it. Enter the characters that you want the key to send
         when pressed. Control characters and pauses can be included in
         the definition in the manner described previously in the man-
         ual under Output String Translation. Remember that if you make
         any changes they will be lost when you exit Telix unless you
         use the 'Save' option as described above, to save them to

         Telix also allows you to run a script file when a certain
         function key is pressed. If a function key definition has an
         '@' character as its first character Telix will assume the
         rest of the definition is the name of a script file, and will
         try to execute it. For example pressing the function key whose
         definition is '@logon' would run the script file called
         'logon.scr'. If you really want to send out an '@' character
         as the first character in the key definition, then use two of
         them instead. e.g., the definition '@@Hello' would send out

         3.7  DOS Shell

         Pressing Alt-J will let you jump to a DOS shell. You will see
         the DOS prompt and will be able execute any DOS command, for
         example 'dir'. If there is enough memory left, you can even
         run programs. To exit the DOS shell type 'exit' and press Re-
         turn. You will be back in Telix with the screen undisturbed
         from before your jump to the shell. In order to run the DOS
         shell, there must be enough memory left, and Telix must be
         able to find the file called COMMAND.COM. If either of these
         requirements is not met, Telix will tell you so. (The file
         COMMAND.COM is the DOS command interpreter. It is usually
         pointed to by the DOS environment variable COMSPEC. See your

          Telix v3.12                           Program Features    13

         DOS manual for more information). If you run a serial port re-
         lated program in the shell, there is a good chance that it
         will re-initialize the com port and another piece of informa-
         tion called the com interrupt vector. If this happens, Telix
         will notice and re-initialize the port to the old values when
         you return from the shell.

         3.8  DOS Command

         Pressing Alt-V allows you to enter one DOS command or filename
         to run. This command is then executed and control is returned
         to Telix. As can be seen this is similar to the DOS shell, but
         is useful when you have only one command to enter. There are
         many uses for this command. For example, if your file viewing
         utility is called 'List', you could press Alt-V and then enter
         'List TELIX.DOC'. This would load your file view utility and
         let you look at the TELIX.DOC file. After you terminated this
         program you would be back in Telix. Any DOS command is legal,
         for example 'copy a:*.arc c:', or 'ren data dat1'. If for some
         reason you might want Telix to pause after the command is fin-
         ished, add a ';' character to the end of the command string,
         for example 'type TELIX.DOC;'. This stops the last screen-full
         typed from scrolling by too quickly when control returns to

         3.9  Editor

         Pressing Alt-A will allow you to run your favorite editor from
         within Telix. In order to do this you must go to the Con-
         figuration Menu and supply the full name and path of your edi-
         tor in the 'Filenames and paths' area. As well, there must be
         enough memory left, and if you specified a batch file to be
         run, Telix must be able to find the DOS command processor COM-

         3.10  DOS and File Functions

         Pressing Alt-F will display a menu of some common DOS op-
         erations. For convenience, a few commands available elsewhere
         have been included.

          Telix v3.12                           Program Features    14

                           +-| DOS Functions |------+
                           |                        |
                           | Jump to DOS shell      |
                           | Files directory        |
                           | Change drive/directory |
                           | Delete file            |
                           | DOS command            |
                           | Run editor             |
                           | Exit                   |
                           |                        |

           1: Jump to DOS Shell. This performs the same function as the
              Alt-J command.

           2: Files directory.  Telix will prompt you for the optional
              filespec, for example '*.doc'. If you want to list all
              the files in the current directory then just press Re-
              turn. Telix will then do one of two things. If you have
              defined a directory program to use (in the Configuration
              Menu), Telix will run it. Otherwise Telix will use its
              own internal directory program, which is similar to the
              DOS 'dir' command but also displays the time it would
              take to transfer each file shown. The time is correct for
              the current default upload file transfer protocol.

           3: Change drive/directory. The current directory is dis-
              played and you are asked to enter a new one. You can en-
              ter a new drive, a new directory, or both. This will be-
              come the current directory. Note that this is slightly
              different from the DOS 'chdir' command.

           4: Delete file. You are asked to enter the filename of the
              file to delete.

           5: DOS command. This performs the same function as the Alt-V

           6: Run editor. This performs the same function as the Alt-A

         3.11  Screen Image

         Pressing Alt-I saves an image of the screen to the Telix
         Screen Image file. This file is usually called TELIX.IMG, but
         can be renamed in the Configuration Menu. If the file exists,
         the image is added to the end of it.

         3.12  The Translate Table

         Sometimes it is necessary for certain incoming or outgoing
         characters to be changed to another value or stripped alto-
         gether. For this purpose, Telix keeps in memory and incoming

          Telix v3.12                           Program Features    15

         and an outgoing character 'translate table'. For every charac-
         ter in the ASCII set, the table defines what it should be
         changed to. By default, no character translation is performed,
         as for each character, the new value is defined to be the same
         as the old one. The translate table facility is entered by
         pressing Alt-W while in terminal mode. Telix will ask whether
         you want to work with the incoming or outgoing table, and then
         display the translate table screen with the following menu at
         the bottom:

                      Load  Clear  Save  Edit  Other  eXit

         Most of the screen is used to display translation values. Each
         column holds on the left the original character (ASCII value),
         and on the right the new character. Only half the ASCII set
         can be displayed on one screen. Select the 'Other' option to
         toggle the display to show the other half of the character

         The 'Load' option is used to load a previously saved translate
         table definition file. Telix will ask for the filename, in-
         cluding extension.

         The 'Clear' option is used to reset all values in the trans-
         late table in memory, so that no translation is performed.

         The 'Save' option is used to save the current translate table
         definition to a disk file. Telix will ask for the file name to
         save the table to. You must include the extension if needed (a
         common extension for this purpose is '.XLT").

         The 'Edit' option is used to actually edit the translate
         table. Telix will ask for the old ASCII value, and the new
         one. If the new value of a character is defined as 0, that
         character is completely striped.

         It is sometimes useful to have an incoming and/or outgoing
         translate table load automatically when Telix is run. If the
         file TELIXIN.XLT exists at Telix start-up, it is assumed to be
         a default incoming character translate table, and is loaded
         into that slot. Similarly, if the file TELIXOUT.XLT exists at
         start-up, it is assumed to be the default outgoing translate
         table, and loaded.

         3.13  Chat Mode

         Normally while using Telix with a remote host, your characters
         are not echoed by Telix. When you type a character, it is sent
         to the remote host, which checks it and then sends it back to
         you, and only then is it printed on your screen. However if
         two users want to chat with each other this becomes a problem,
         because each user's software expects the other side to echo
         the characters back, and since it doesn't, nothing is printed.
         Telix has a special Chat Mode to deal with this.

          Telix v3.12                           Program Features    16

         When you press Alt-Y Telix enters Chat Mode. Any characters
         you type are printed on your screen immediately, without hav-
         ing to be echoed by the other side. As well, it takes only a
         Carriage Return to advance to a new line, a Line Feed charac-
         ter is not needed immediately afterwards. Telix also splits
         the streams of text. Any characters you type are displayed on
         the bottom half of the screen, while the characters coming
         from the remote side are displayed on the top half of the
         screen. When you wish to exit Chat Mode, press the Esc key.

         3.14  Clear Screen

         To clear the screen press Alt-C. The screen will be cleared to
         the default colors, and the cursor will be placed in the upper
         left-hand corner.

         3.15  Local Echo

         Pressing Alt-E will toggle local echo on and off. If local
         echo is on, characters you type are printed on the screen. If
         local echo is off characters you type are not printed on the
         screen, they must be sent back to you by the remote host to be
         printed by the screen. Most hosts are set up so that local
         echo should be off; they will do the echoing. This is called a
         full duplex host. Often however when talking to another user,
         or when talking to a half duplex host, local echo must be
         turned on to see the characters you type.

         3.16  Add Line Feeds

         When a line of characters is received from a remote system, it
         is usually terminated by a Carriage Return followed by a Line
         Feed character. If the Line Feed character is missing lines
         will overwrite each other. If this seems to be happening when
         you are connected to a remote host then you must make Telix
         add Line Feeds to each incoming Carriage Return. Pressing
         Shift-Tab will toggle the adding of Line-Feed characters. If
         this option is on, every time a Carriage Return is received, a
         Line Feed is added immediately after it.

         3.17  Break Signal

         Some hosts require the use of a special modem signal called a
         Break signal, to do certain tasks like end transmissions. To
         make Telix send a Break signal to the remote host press Ctrl-

          Telix v3.12                           Program Features    17

         3.18  DOORWAY Mode

         Pressing Alt-= while in Terminal Mode will toggle DOORWAY mode
         on/off. DOORWAY mode is used by the DOORWAY utility, and sev-
         eral other applications. While in DOORWAY mode, when a key is
         pressed Telix simply sends its raw scan code out the serial
         port, as returned by the PC's BIOS keyboard function. Note
         that since for any key except Alt-=, Telix just sends the
         value to the serial port, you must first switch out of DOORWAY
         mode to perform any Telix function.

         3.19  Miscellaneous Functions

         Pressing Alt-M while in Terminal Mode will cause Telix to dis-
         play the Misc. Functions menu

                          +-| Misc. Functions |-----+
                          |                         |
                          | Send Modem Init string  |
                          | Send Auto-Answer string |
                          | 80x25 screen            |
                          | 80x43 screen            |
                          | 80x50 screen            |
                          | eXit                    |
                          |                         |

         3.19.1  Sending Modem Strings

         To re-send the Modem Init string defined in the Modem and di-
         aling page of the configuration Menu, select the first option
         of the Misc. Functions Menu.

         To send the Modem Auto-Answer string defined in the Modem and
         dialing page of the configuration Menu, select the second op-
         tion of the Misc. Functions Menu. If this string is properly
         defined, the modem will be placed in auto-answer mode.

         3.19.2  Setting the Screen Size

         The third through fifth options of the Misc. Functions Menu
         deal with setting the screen size (height). These options are
         valid only on EGA and/or VGA systems. Note that a standard EGA
         system can switch only between 25 and 43 lines, and can not
         handle 50. Note that some VGA cards can switch only between 25
         and 50 lines, and can not handle 43. Trying to use one of
         these options on a system not equipped with an EGA or VGA
         video card is not allowed.

          Telix v3.12                      The Dialing Directory    18

                           4.  THE DIALING DIRECTORY

         Telix allows you to keep telephone numbers in files called di-
         aling directories. A dialing directory is variable sized and
         can hold from 1 to 1000 entries. Besides the number, many
         other fields of information are stored, such as the communica-
         tions parameters needed to talk to the service. All the fields
         are described below. The default dialing directory file is
         called TELIX.FON, but you can have as many directories as you
         want and load them as needed.

         To access the dialing directory press Alt-D while in terminal
         mode. A small window will appear, asking you to enter the en-
         tries to dial or to press Return to see the dialing directory.
         For the moment just press Return. This first window is simply
         a very quick way to dial your most commonly called numbers.
         Once you have pressed Return the dialing directory will ap-

          4.1  The Display

         Most of the screen is taken up by a window showing 15 (or
         more, depending on the screen mode) of the possible 1000 en-
         tries in the dialing directory. On the bottom of the screen is
         a menu of options, here shown on two lines so that it will

           Dial  List  Toggle  Find  Manual  Redial  Add  Edit  Clear
                              Unmark  Other  eXit

         This menu works in a similar manner to the other menus found
         in Telix, as described in the section 'Using Telix Menus'. In
         addition, since dialing is such a common function, if any nu-
         meric key is pressed, it is assumed that the 'List' function
         is wanted and this number is carried over as the first digit
         entered for that function. At the same time you may view the
         dialing directory. To scroll through the directory one entry
         at a time, use the Up and Down arrow keys. Use PgUp to go back
         one page, and PgDn to go forward one page. Press Home to go to
         the beginning of the directory, and End to go to the end of
         the directory. It should be emphasized that whenever the line
         'Scroll with Up, Down, Home, End, PgUp, and PgDn' is dis-
         played, you may scroll through the directory.

         For each entry, many items are stored. All the fields can not
         be displayed at the same time; you may toggle which fields are
         shown on the screen by selecting the 'Toggle' command. Each
         entry contains information under the following headers:

         Name: This is the name of the remote service (i.e., Com-
         puserve, Genie, Telix Software Support BBS, etc.).

          Telix v3.12                      The Dialing Directory    19

         Number: This is the phone number which Telix should dial to
         reach the remote service.

         Line Format: These are the communication parameters (such as
         baud rate, parity, etc.) needed to talk to this service.

         Script: A script file may be linked to each entry in the dial-
         ing directory. When Telix connects to this service, that
         script file is then run, and may for example automatically
         log-on, entering your name and password as needed, for greater
         convenience and speed.

         LastCall: This is the date of the last successful call you
         made to this remote service.

         Total: This is the total number of successful calls you've
         made to this number.

         Terminal: This is the terminal Telix should start emulating
         when a connection has been reached to this number.

         P: This is the first letter of the protocol which should be
         set as the default if a connection is reached to this number.

         E: This controls whether local echo should be on or off when a
         connection is reached with this number.

         L: This controls whether the Add Line Feeds setting should be
         on or off when a connection is reached with this number.

         H: This controls whether Telix will strip the high (most sig-
         nificant) bit of incoming characters in terminal mode.

         BD: This controls whether a received backspace sequence is de-
         structive (that is, if the character backspaced over should
         also be erased).

         BK: This controls what value the Backspace key sends, either
         Backspace, or Del.

         DP: This (advanced) setting is used to tell Telix what Dialing
         Prefix to use when dialing this entry. One use for it is to
         turn on or off MNP (error correcting) support in modems, to
         avoid delays when the number called does not support it any-

         Password: This filed may hold a password for the remote ser-
         vice represented by this entry. The password may be used by a
         script file to automatically perform a log-on operation.
         Please note that this field is not encrypted, so if security
         is a problem, do not store your passwords in the dialing di-

          Telix v3.12                      The Dialing Directory    20

         4.2  Editing an Entry

         To edit the currently highlighted dialing directory entry se-
         lect 'Edit' from the dialing directory menu. A window will ap-
         pear with the old contents of the entry. You may edit each
         field, starting with the first (name). to leave the contents
         of a filed as-is, press Return. Pressing Esc one or more times
         will get you out of the edit window without any changes being

         Once all the fields have been edited, Telix will ask you if
         the 'Last Call' and 'Total Calls' fields should be cleared.
         Answer yes or no as needed. Telix will then ask for confirma-
         tion before writing any changes to disk.

         4.3  Adding Entries

         To add a blank entry to the end of the dialing directory, se-
         lect  'Add' from the dialing directory menu. A dialing direc-
         tory may hold up to 1000 entries.

         4.4  Clearing Entries

         To clear an entry or a range of entries select 'Clear' from
         the dialing directory menu. Telix will ask you to select the
         range of entries to clear, by moving the highlight bar and
         pressing Enter. After confirming your choice, Telix will clear
         the selected entries back to empty entries.

         4.5  Finding an Entry

         To search for a particular entry in the dialing directory se-
         lect 'Find' from the dialing directory menu. You will be asked
         to give the string to search for. If Telix finds the entry
         with that string in it, that entry will be highlighted. If
         while searching for the string Telix reaches the end of the
         directory, it will wrap around to the beginning and continue
         the search. If the string still can not be found Telix will
         say 'Sorry, string not found'. If you want to search for the
         same string as last time, just press Return when asked for the
         search string.

         4.6  Dialing

         Telix allows you to dial a group of dialing directory entries
         repeatedly until a connection is established, or you abort the
         attempt. Selecting the 'Dial' function from the dialing direc-
         tory menu will make Telix commence dialing in sequence all the
         currently marked entries.

          Telix v3.12                      The Dialing Directory    21

         You may also dial a user-entered list of entries, by selecting
         the 'List' function from the dialing directory menu. Telix
         will ask you to enter up to 10 entries to dial in sequence (to
         make List dialing even more convenient, you may also select
         the 'List' function by pressing a numeric key while in the di-
         aling directory menu; this number is then carried over and en-
         tered as the first digit in the string you are asked to en-
         ter). While you are entering the list of entries to dial you
         may also scroll through the directory as described above. If
         you specify more than one entry to dial, each should be sep-
         arated by a space.

         Sometimes you may want to dial a number that is not in the di-
         aling directory. To do this select the 'Manual' option of the
         dialing directory menu, which stands for 'manual dial'. You
         will be asked to enter a number to be sent to the modem. What-
         ever you supply will be sent out exactly as is, except for
         Long Distance codes (see below), which are still valid.

         4.6.1  Long Distance Codes

         A Long Distance code is an advanced dialing option which adds
         some flexibility. There are four Long Distance code charac-
         ters: !, @,  $, and +, which when encountered while dialing
         expand to user-defined strings (see section below on revising
         Long distance codes).

         If Telix is dialing a number from a dialing directory entry,
         and one of the Long Distance code characters is encountered in
         the number, Telix will instead send whatever string has been
         assigned to that code. For example, a dialing directory entry
         could contain the phone number '!967-1111'. If the string
         '9,,' was assigned to the ! LD code character, Telix when di-
         aling this entry would first send the 9 followed by the com-
         mas, and then send the rest of the digits.

         LD codes may also be used with the 'List' dial function. When
         you place one of them in front of or behind an entry number to
         dial, it will be expanded to a string. For example you could
         have the exclamation sign  '!', be expanded to '9,', or any
         string you specify. You may place up to 3 Long Distances codes
         in front and one Long Distance code after each entry number.
         For example, specifying the entry '+21!' would send the string
         for the '+' Long Distance code, followed by the number from
         entry 21, followed by the string for Long Distance code '!'.
         The string

                '10 +15 20!'

         entered at the prompt would dial entry 10, then entry 15 with
         a Long Distance code in front of it, and finally entry number
         20, with a Long Distance code after it. These numbers are re-
         dialed repeatedly until a connection is reached. To learn
         about the redial window see the Redial function below.

          Telix v3.12                      The Dialing Directory    22

         4.7  Other Functions

         Selecting 'Other' from the dialing directory menu will present
         a menu of secondary functions, dealing with the deletion or
         insertion of entries in the dialing directory, with revising
         Long Distance Codes, and with the handling of dialing directo-
         ries (Telix allows you to have as many dialing directories as
         needed and switch among them at will).

         4.7.1  Inserting Blank Entries

         To insert blank entries in the dialing directory, select
         'Insert' from the dialing directory 'Other' menu. Entries will
         be inserted at the current position of the highlight bar.
         Telix will ask how many entries to insert and will ask for
         confirmation before proceeding.

         4.7.2  Deleting Entries

         To delete an entry or a range of entries in the dialing direc-
         tory select the 'Delete' option from the dialing directory
         'Other' menu. The range to delete is selected by moving the
         highlight bar. After confirming your choice, the entries will
         be deleted and any following entries will move up to where the
         deleted entries were.

         4.7.3  Revising Long Distance Codes

         To revise the Long Distance codes, select the option called
         'Edit_LD' from the dialing directory 'Other' menu. There are
         four Long Distance code characters: ! @ - +. As described in
         the section on dialing, when you place one of them in front of
         or behind a number to dial, it will be expanded to a string.
         After selecting this option you will be shown a menu of the
         available long distance codes. Selecting an LD Code will let
         you modify the text currently assigned to it. After you have
         made your changes, you must save them to disk with the 'Save
         changes' option, if you want to use them every time you run

         4.7.4  Creating a Dialing Directory

         To create a blank dialing directory (which can later be modi-
         fied), select the option called 'Create' from the dialing di-
         rectory screen's 'Other' menu. Telix will ask you for the name
         the new directory should use. Any legal DOS filename is suit-
         able, and there is no default extension. Telix will then cre-
         ate the blank directory on disk. The current dialing directory
         is not be affected and will stay in memory.

          Telix v3.12                      The Dialing Directory    23

         4.7.5  Loading a Dialing directory

         To load another dialing directory select the 'Load' option
         form the dialing directory screen's 'Other' menu. Telix will
         ask for the name of the new directory and then load it into
         memory. Telix does not assume any default extension, so if the
         directory you want to load has one, include it (e.g.,
         TELIX.FON). The new directory becomes the default directory
         for the rest of the session or until you load another one.

         4.7.6  Printing the Dialing directory

         Selecting the 'Print' option from the dialing directory
         screen's 'Other' menu allows you to print out the current di-
         aling directory, to the printer, the serial port, or any de-
         vice or disk file. Telix will ask you for the device or file
         to print to. Enter the name or press Return to use the 'PRN'
         device (printer). Since these are DOS devices, Telix has no
         way of knowing, for example, things such as whether or not
         your printer is online. So if Telix seems to lock-up here,
         make sure your printer is on and it is set to online.

         4.8  Automatic Queue Redial

         When Telix has one or more numbers to dial, it redials repeat-
         edly until a connection is made. To keep you informed of the
         status of the redial Telix displays a status window, and
         alerts you when a connection is established. The status window
         is similar to the figure below.

         +-| Redial |-------------------------------------------------+
         |                                                            |
         | Redial started at 20:15:33    Press: T to change dial time |
         | Attempt #10       20:19:27           D to delete from list |
         |                                                            |
         | This attempt: Dialing My Favorite BBS ... 22               |
         |       number: 967-1111                                     |
         | Last Attempt: Busy                                         |
         |                                                            |
         |     Press Space to cycle to next number, Esc to exit.      |

         Information included in the status window is the time redial
         was started, the time the current attempt was started, the
         status of the last attempt, the status of the current attempt,
         and a countdown timer for the current attempt.

         If you are dialing all the marked entries with the dialing di-
         rectory 'Dial' command, when a connection is reached, the mark
         is taken off the entry connected to, so that when you later
         select the 'Dial' function again, only the remaining entries
         are dialed. If you are dialing a list of entries selected with
         the 'List' dialing directory command, when a connection is es-

          Telix v3.12                      The Dialing Directory    24

         tablished the entry connected to is taken out of the list, so
         that when you later select the 'Redial' command from the dial-
         ing directory or the Alt-Q command from terminal mode, only
         the remaining entries will be shown.

         While redialing, you have the option of changing the time that
         Telix waits for a connection, and also the option of deleting
         a number from the list to dial, by pressing 'T' and 'D'

         Normally, when a connection has been reached, Telix sounds an
         alarm to alert you of this. If a script file is linked to the
         entry however, the alarm is skipped so that the script may im-
         mediately proceed. It is thus the responsibility of the linked
         script to alert the user of the fact that a connection has
         been reached.

         Pressing Alt-Q while in the terminal mode or selecting 'Redial
         last' from the dialing directory menu will allow you to redial
         one or more numbers that you entered previously using the
         'List' command, so that you do not have to re-enter them. You
         will be shown the list and asked to edit it until you are sat-
         isfied, and then to press Return.

         4.9  The Quick Dial Bar

         You may have noticed that after you press Alt-D an inverse bar
         is displayed on the bottom of the screen, asking you to select
         the entries to dial or press Return to see the Dialing direc-
         tory. Up to now, you have just pressed Return to go on to the
         Dialing Directory, but this bar is a quick way to dial com-
         monly called directory entries whose numbers you have memo-
         rized. You may enter a list of entries to dial just as if you
         had used the 'List' command of the dialing directory menu.
         This saves the dialing directory from having to be displayed
         on the screen if you already know the entry or entries you
         want to dial. The Quick Dial Bar can also be used to dial a
         number manually. To do this just preface the number with an
         'm'. For example, 'm967-1111' would dial 967-1111, just as if
         you had used the 'Manual' dial option of the Dialing Di-
         rectory. Either lowercase or uppercase 'm' is accepted. The
         use of the Quick Dial Bar may be disabled via the Configura-
         tion Menu.

          Telix v3.12                             File Transfers    25

                               5.  FILE TRANSFERS

         Sending files from one computer to another is one of the most
         useful things you can do with your modem. Telix supports a
         full assortment of the most popular file transfer protocols,
         including Xmodem, Xmodem-1k, Xmodem-1k-g, Zmodem, Compuserve
         Quick B, Kermit, Ymodem, Ymodem-g, SEAlink, Telink, Modem7,
         and ASCII. Telix's file transfers are very fast, surpassing
         most programs in speed by a respectable margin. All file
         transfers use a 10 Kbyte buffer, and full error detection is

         Telix allows you to define up to four external protocols,
         which are completely integrated into the file transfer menus.
         when you select one of these protocols, Telix executes a DOS
         batch file or Telix script file, which must then call the ap-
         propriate external driver for the protocol. In this way, you
         may add virtually any file transfer protocol to Telix. Adding
         external protocols is defined in the section on the Configura-
         tion Menu.

         5.1  Downloading (Receiving) Files

         To start downloading (receiving) a file from a remote host,
         you must usually inform the remote host of the files that you
         want it to send to you. You must then start the download on
         the Telix side. Pressing the Alt-R key will display a menu
         asking which file transfer protocol you would like to use:

                             +-| Download file |-+
                             |                   |
                             |  Which Protocol?  |
                             |                   |
                             |  ASCII            |
                             |  CIS Quick B      |
                             |  Kermit           |
                             |  Modem7           |
                             |  SEAlink          |
                             |  Telink           |
                             |  Xmodem           |
                             |  1k-Xmodem        |
                             |  G-1k-Xmodem      |
                             |  Ymodem (Batch)   |
                             |  YmodEm-g         |
                             |  Zmodem           |
                             |  Quit             |
                             |                   |

         If any external protocols are defined, they are also shown as
         part of the menu.

          Telix v3.12                             File Transfers    26

         If you have selected Xmodem, Xmodem-1k, Xmodem-1k-g, or ASCII,
         as the protocol, Telix will ask you for the filename to save
         the file to. Telix always watches what you type while online,
         and will often know the name of the file you want to transfer,
         in which case this name will be displayed and all you have to
         do to accept it is press Return. Any legal DOS filename is
         valid, including a path. If the filename you supply already
         exists, Telix will ask you to confirm your choice or give an-
         other filename. If you select any other protocol, the remote
         sender of the file will supply the name to save the file to.
         If you have entered a download directory name in the
         Configuration Menu, Telix will automatically save download
         files there if you don't specify another path. Telix has auto-
         matic incoming file protection. If the name is supplied by the
         host and exists already the file is renamed by using numerals
         in the extension, as needed.

         During the transfer, a full status window is displayed showing
         the elapsed time, the number of bytes received, and an approx-
         imate Character Per Second rating, which can give an idea of
         the effective speed of the transfer. Batch protocols will also
         display the expected file size and file transfer time. For
         ASCII transfers, a status window is not displayed, only a sin-
         gle status line at the top of the screen. To abort a file
         transfer at any time press the Escape key.

         5.2  Uploading (Sending) Files

         To start uploading (sending) a file to a remote host you must
         also usually inform the host of the file you will be sending
         it. To start the upload on the Telix end press the Alt-S key.
         This will display a menu asking you which file transfer proto-
         col you want to use to send the file. After you have selected
         the protocol, you will be asked for the file(s) to send. You
         may use the wildcard characters ? and * (see your DOS manual,
         for more information about wildcard characters). During the
         file transfer, a full status window is displayed, unless you
         are using ASCII protocol, in which case only a status line is
         displayed. Information shown is the expected time the transfer
         will take, the time remaining, the number of bytes to send,
         the number of bytes left, and an approximate Character Per
         Second rating, which can give an idea of the effective speed
         of the transfer. To abort a transfer at any time press the Es-
         cape key.

         5.3  File Transfer Protocols

         Xmodem  -  This is the most popular protocol in use today, but
         it is slowly being replaced by quicker and more reliable
         protocols. Xmodem sends files in blocks of 128 characters at a
         time. When the receiving computer is satisfied that the block
         has arrived intact, it signals so and waits for the next
         block. Error checking is a checksum or a more sophisticated

          Telix v3.12                             File Transfers    27

         Cyclic Redundancy Check. Telix supports both and will auto-
         matically use the right one. During a download, Telix will at-
         tempt to use the CRC, but will switch to checksum if it seems
         the host does not support CRC. The Xmodem protocol also needs
         a setup of no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit. If your
         communications parameters are different from these when you
         start an Xmodem transfer, Telix will switch to the required
         setup for the transfer, and back to the original setup after
         it is finished. In the Configuration Menu, you may enabled Re-
         laxed Xmodem timing. This is for use with remote services that
         can not tolerate strict timing during Xmodem transfers.

         Xmodem-1k  -  This is a small variation of the above that uses
         blocks that are 1 Kilobyte (1024 bytes) in size. This protocol
         is still mistakenly called 'Ymodem' by many programs, but peo-
         ple are gradually moving over to the proper name.

         Xmodem-1k-g  -  This is a variation of the above that is meant
         for error-free channels such as error correcting modems or
         null modem cable links between two computers. It achieves
         great speed by sending blocks one after another without wait-
         ing for acknowledgement from the receiver. Because of this
         however, it can not re-send blocks in case of errors (and thus
         the need for an error-free link). If an error is detected by
         the receiver, the transfer is aborted. This protocol is still
         mistakenly called 'Ymodem-g' by many programs, but people are
         gradually moving over to the proper name.

         Compuserve Quick B  -  This protocol is used only on the Com-
         puserve Information Service. It is quite fast and specially
         suited for the networks used in accessing CIS, which have
         large turnaround delays. This is a windowed protocol, which
         basically means that unless errors are detected, data is being
         sent at all times. A CIS Quick B transfer is totally con-
         trolled by Compuserve. After telling CIS what file(s) to send,
         the user does nothing. Telix, in terminal mode, then detects
         the command from CIS which tells it to start the transfer
         (note that CIS Quick B transfer must be enabled in the Config-
         uration Menu, or they will not work).

         Zmodem  -  This advanced protocol is very fast and incredibly
         reliable, and offers many features. Zmodem can transfer a
         group of files in one batch, and keeps the exact file sizes
         and dates. Zmodem can detect and recover from errors quickly,
         and can resume an interrupted transfer at a later time (this
         feature, called Crash Recovery, may be toggled in the
         'Protocol options' page of the Configuration Menu). Zmodem is
         also very well suited for satellite links and packet switched

         SEAlink -  SEAlink is an advanced version of Xmodem developed
         by System Enhancement Associates. It is a sliding window pro-
         tocol  SEAlink is 15 to 25 percent faster than regular Xmodem.
         SEAlink passes a file's name, size, and date when transferring
         it, and can be used to send more than one file at a time.

          Telix v3.12                             File Transfers    28

         ASCII  -  in an ASCII transfer, it is as if the sender is ac-
         tually typing the characters and the receiver is just record-
         ing them. There is no form of error detection used. Usually
         only ASCII files can be sent in this way, as binary files con-
         tain characters which would foul-up the screen.

         Ymodem  -  This protocol is a variation on Xmodem, which al-
         lows for multiple files to be sent per transfer. While trans-
         ferring files, it keeps the correct name, size, and date, and
         may use 128 or 1024 byte block sizes.

         Ymodem-g  -  This protocol is a variation on the above, which
         achieves very high transfer rates by sending blocks one after
         another without waiting for acknowledgement. This however
         means than an error-free link such as an error-correcting mo-
         dem or null modem cable between two computers is needed. If an
         error is detected by the receiver, the transfer is aborted.

         Telink  -  This protocol is mainly found on Fido bbs systems.
         It is basically the Xmodem protocol using CRC checking with an
         extra block sent ahead of the file telling its name, size, and
         date. This protocol allows more than one file to be sent at a

         Modem7 -  Modem7 is a close cousin to Xmodem that passes the
         filename before starting the transfer, thus taking away some
         of the user's work. It is common on CP/M systems. This proto-
         col allows more than one file to be sent at a time.

         Kermit  -  The Kermit protocol; was developed to make it eas-
         ier for computers of different types to send files to each
         other. Almost any computer using Kermit can be set up to send
         files to another computer using Kermit (the same can be said
         of Zmodem however). Various options in the Kermit protocol
         implemented in Telix can be tailored to the user's needs in
         the Configuration Menu, option 'Kermit transfers'.

         5.4  Which One to Use

         Telix supports a large number of built in file transfer proto-
         cols. To this can be added external protocols. It can get con-
         fusing to decide which one to use. When both sides of the con-
         nection only support one protocol, then obviously that is the
         one to use, no matter what its deficiencies. Otherwise some
         protocols are a better choice than others. On Compuserve, CIS
         Quick B should be used. For most purposes, Zmodem is the best
         all around protocol. It is very fast and very reliable. Ymo-
         dem-g and Xmodem-1k-g are slightly faster. However these two
         protocols need an error-free link. After that, Ymodem,
         SEAlink, and Xmodem-1k are quite fast and pretty reliable. The
         last choice would be Xmodem and its close cousins Telink and
         Modem7. ASCII transfers are suitable only for text files and
         do not perform any error detection or correction, so they are
         to be avoided if possible.

          Telix v3.12                   Telix Configuration Menu    29

                        6.  THE TELIX CONFIGURATION MENU

         Telix has many features which can be customized. These include
         things like the screen setup, the communications parameters,
         and many other items. The default values for these parameters
         are stored in a file called TELIX.CNF, the configuration file.
         Telix will automatically read this file upon starting up. The
         first time you use Telix, this file is created for you with
         some standard default values. Pressing Alt-O while in terminal
         mode brings up the Telix Configuration Menu, which allows you
         to change all these default settings.

                       +-| Configure Telix |------------+
                       |                                |
                       | Change which default settings? |
                       |                                |
                       |     Screen and color           |
                       |     Terminal Options           |
                       |     General settings           |
                       |     Modem and dialing          |
                       |     Filenames and paths        |
                       |     ASCII transfers            |
                       |     Protocol options           |
                       |     Kermit transfers           |
                       |     Comm port setup            |
                       |     Write changes to disk      |
                       |     Exit                       |
                       |                                |

         The first seven options are parameter areas, the last two deal
         with leaving the Configuration Menu.

         6.1  Screen and Color Settings

         The fist item of the Configuration Menu allows you to set the
         screen and colors default settings. After picking this option
         you will be shown a menu listing the various parts of the
         screen displays (e.g., menu foreground colors). If you pick
         one of these items you will be allowed to scroll through the
         possible colors for it by using the arrow keys. When you have
         selected the right colors, press Return. If you want to leave
         the colors menu without selecting one press Esc.

         Another setting on the 'Screen and colors' menu is the 'Screen
         write mode'. If you pick this option you will be asked in
         which way you want Telix to write to the screen. This depends
         on the video adapter present in your system. The first option
         is a direct screen write. This is the fastest mode, and should
         be used if you have a monochrome adapter, an EGA adapter, or
         another video adapter that never gets snow. The second option

          Telix v3.12                   Telix Configuration Menu    30

         is a direct screen write with port checks. This method is
         slightly slower. You should use this method if you screen gets
         snow on it or it flickers while executing the DOS 'dir' com-
         mand. One card with which you should use this is the
         color/graphics adapter. Don't use this option if your video
         card doesn't need it, as it may interfere with communications.
         The final method is a screen write with BIOS calls. You should
         use this method with applications like Topview or DoubleDOS.
         This method is quite slow however. Note that you do not need
         this mode to run Telix under DESQview, since Telix is DV

         Another setting on this menu is 'Default screen size'. This
         allows you to pick an alternate default screen size of 80x43
         or 80x50. Note that these modes require an EGA or VGA card.
         Note also that many EGA cards can not do 80x50, and some VGA
         cards can not do 80x43.

         When you have finished picking the colors, select the 'Keep
         changes & exit' option if you want to keep the color changes
         you have made, or the 'exit' option if you want to discard

          6.2  Terminal Options

         Selecting the second option of the Configuration Menu shows a
         screen of settings related to Telix operation while in termi-
         nal mode (with some extending to other areas of Telix). To se-
         lect a setting to change type the letter beside it. Telix will
         then allow you to change the old setting. Press Esc at this
         point to exit without changing anything. Options include:

             A: The default communications parameters. These include
                baud, data bits, parity, and stop bits. Note that this
                will not change the current settings, only the defaults
                the next time you run Telix.

             B: The default communications port. This can be COM1
                through COM8. Note that this will not change the cur-
                rent port, only the port used the next time you run

             C: The terminal Telix emulates by default. Allowable ter-
                minals are "TTY", "ANSI-BBS", "VT102", "VT52", and
                "AVATAR". Note that this will not change the current
                port, only the port used the next time you run Telix.

             D: The Status Line. Telix allows a status line to be dis-
                played at the bottom or top of the screen. The status
                line shows some useful information. This option con-
                trols whether Telix displays the status line at the
                bottom or top of the screen, or not at all.

          Telix v3.12                   Telix Configuration Menu    31

             E: Local echo on/off. This controls whether or not Telix
                should echo on the screen any characters you type while
                in Terminal mode. This is usually off for BBS use. Lo-
                cal echo on is often also called Half Duplex, while lo-
                cal echo off is called Full Duplex.

             F: Add line feeds on/off. This controls whether or not
                Telix should add line feeds to incoming Carriage Re-
                turns characters while in terminal mode. If you are
                connected to a remote system and lines are overwriting
                each other, this should be on, otherwise it should be

             G: Strip high bit on/off. Telix can strip the high (most
                significant) bit from incoming data bytes while in ter-
                minal mode. This is sometimes useful because it allows
                the high/parity bit of incoming text to be ignored.

             H: Received backspace destructive on/off. This setting
                controls how Telix treats incoming backspace charac-
                ters. If backspace characters are destructive, Telix
                backs up over the previous character and erases it,
                otherwise the existing character is not erased.

             I: Backspace key sends. Normally, Telix sends Backspace
                when the Backspace key is pressed, and DEL when Ctrl-
                Backspace is pressed. This option allows these settings
                to be swapped.

             J: XON/XOFF software flow control on/off. This controls
                whether or not Telix should use the XON/XOFF software
                handshaking protocol while in terminal mode and during
                ASCII file transfers. This should usually be on.

             K: CTS/RTS hardware handshaking on/off. Hardware handshak-
                ing is used with high speed modems and null modem cable
                links to regulate the flow of data. If the modem sup-
                ports Hardware handshaking this should be on. If a null
                modem cable is being used and these signals are valid
                over the cable, this should be on.

             L: DSR/DTR hardware handshaking on/off. Hardware handshak-
                ing is used with high speed null modem cable links to
                regulate the flow of data. If a null modem cable is be-
                ing used and these signals are valid over the cable,
                this should be on. Often a null modem cable will allow
                one type of hardware handshaking to be used, but not
                the other.

             M: Compuserve Quick B transfers on/off. Compuserve Quick B
                transfers are initiated by Compuserve, which sends a
                special character. Telix, upon detecting this character
                while in terminal mode, starts the transfer. This op-
                tion allows this recognition to be disabled.

          Telix v3.12                   Telix Configuration Menu    32

             N: Zmodem auto-downloads on/off. Telix, while in Terminal
                Mode, can detect the packet from another computer send-
                ing files using the Zmodem protocol, and automatically
                begin a Zmodem download on the local end. This option
                allows this feature to be disabled.

             O: Answerback string. Some systems require that the termi-
                nal program send an identification string when an ENQ
                (Ctrl-E) character is received. You may define such an
                'answerback' string here. If this string is empty,
                nothing is sent. As well, note that the answerback
                string is not sent if Compuserve Quick B transfers are
                enabled (above), as Ctrl-E is used as part of that pro-

         6.3  General Settings

         The third option of the Configuration Menu allows you to
         change some general default settings. They are:

             A: Sound (on/off). If this is off Telix will not make ANY

             B: Alarm sound (on/off). If this is off Telix will not
                make ANY alarm sounds, but will still beep when it re-
                ceives the bell code from the remote host, unless the
                sound option is also off.

             C: Keep aborted downloads (on/off). If this is on, Telix
                will keep files which were aborted during a download.
                Otherwise Telix will delete these files.

             D: Show free space for downloads (on/off). This setting
                controls whether or not Telix will display the free
                space on the disk when you start a download. The option
                to turn it off is provided because the free space dis-
                play takes a few seconds for large hard disks.

             E: Use of Quick Dial Bar (on/off). When you press Alt-D to
                access the dialing directory, Telix normally first dis-
                plays the Quick Dial Bar at the bottom of the screen,
                which allows you dial entries without having to view
                the dialing directory. If you would rather go directly
                to the dialing directory when you press Alt-D, set this
                option to Off.

             F: Confirm Hang-up (on/off). Setting this option to on
                will make Telix ask for confirmation before hanging up,
                when Alt-H is pressed.

             G: Usage Log on by default (on/off). If this option is set
                to on, Telix will open the standard Usage Log
                "TELIX.USE" at program start up. Otherwise the usage
                log must be manual turned on if needed.

          Telix v3.12                   Telix Configuration Menu    33

             H: Scroll-Back buffer size. This setting controls the size
                of the Telix Scroll-Back buffer (in kilobytes). For
                changes to this setting to take effect you must save
                the changes to disk and restart Telix.

             I: Capture file buffer size. This is the size of the disk
                buffer that Telix should use for the Capture file when
                it is opened. Values from 0 to 4 Kilobytes are allowed.
                A larger buffer size means the disk is accessed less

             J: Date format. This is the format that Telix should use
                when displaying dates. Allowed formats are MMDDYY, DDM-
                MYY, and YYMMDD.

             K: Date separator character. This is the character that
                Telix will print between parts of the date when dis-
                playing a date. The default character is the hyphen (-

             L: Time formatThis is the format that telix should use
                when displaying times. Allowed formats are 12-hour and

             M: Time separator character. This is the character that
                Telix will print between parts of the time when dis-
                playing a time. The default character is the colon (:).

             N: Enhanced keyboard support. This option allows you to
                turn off Telix's support for the enhanced (101) key-
                board. This should normally be left on, unless there
                seems to be a keyboard problem.

             O: Shell: 16550 buffer on. This option allows you to spec-
                ify whether the buffer on the 16550a comm chip should
                be left on or off during a DOS shell. If it is in-
                stalled in your PC, Telix normally recognizes and en-
                ables the buffer on this chip at all times, for greater
                efficiency, but there are still a few comm application
                that users might want to run from the shell which can
                not handle the chip with the buffer turned on.

         6.4  Modem and Dialing settings

         Selecting the fourth option of the Configuration Menu shows a
         screen-full of default settings that Telix uses to control the
         modem and its output. The default configuration that Telix
         comes with is set up for Hayes compatible modems. These modems
         use the 'AT' command set. By changing these settings Telix can
         work with almost any modem. The parameters are:

             A: Modem initialization string. This string will be sent
                to the modem when Telix first starts. Different modems
                might need different strings. The default string is set
                up for Hayes compatible modems. It is:

          Telix v3.12                   Telix Configuration Menu    34

                   'ATZ^M~~~AT S7=45 S0=0 V1 X1^M   where:

                   AT   is the modem attention code.
                   Z         resets the modem to default state
                   ^M        sends the terminating Carriage Return
                             character to the modem.

                   ~~~       pauses to give the modem time
                   AT        is the modem attention code.

                   S7=45     makes the modem wait 45 seconds for a con-
                   S0=0      turns off auto answer.
                   V1        makes the modem respond with words.
                   X1        makes the modem give extended result
                             codes. It is important that if your modem
                             supports a higher 'X' value, you use that
                             instead. For example, on a Hayes 2400,
                             'X4' enables BUSY signal detection.

                   ^M        sends the terminating Carriage Return
                             character to the modem.

             B: Dialing prefix 1. A Dialing prefix is what Telix sends
                to the modem when dialing, before the number, for exam-
                ple, 'ATDT' for Hayes compatible modems. There are
                three dialing prefixes allowed, and in the dialing di-
                rectory you may chose which one to use for each entry.
                One use for this is if your modem support MNP, to de-
                fine two prefixes which turn MNP support on and off,
                thus avoiding the delay when you call a system that
                doesn't support MNP.

             C: Dialing prefix 2:

             D: Dialing prefix 3.

             E: Dialing postfix. This is the string Telix should send
                after the number when dialing. On Hayes compatible
                modems this is just a Carriage Return character, '^M'.

             F: Connect string. This is the string which the modem
                sends upon getting a connection. e.g., 'CONNECT'

             G: No connect strings. These are up to four strings which
                the modem sends when it has failed to make a connection
                while dialing, for example 'NO CARRIER', 'BUSY', etc.

             H: Hang-up string. This is the string Telix should send to
                the modem to make it hang up. The default string works
                for Hayes compatible modems and is:

                   '~~~+++~~~ATH0^M'       where

          Telix v3.12                   Telix Configuration Menu    35

                   ~~~       pauses Telix for 1 1/2 secs.
                   +++       escapes the modem into command mode.
                   ~~~       pauses Telix for 1 1/2 secs.

                   AT        is the modem attention code.
                   H0        tells the modem to hang up.
                   ^M        sends the terminating Carriage Return
                             character to the modem.

                Before sending this string to the modem Telix always
                tries to hang-up the modem by a faster way that works
                with MOST modems. This is done by dropping (turning
                off) a special signal called the DTR (Data Terminal
                Ready) line on the RS-232 port. If dropping the DTR
                makes the modem hang-up then the hang-up string is not
                sent to the modem.

             I: Auto Answer string. This is the string that Telix
                should send to the modem upon entering Host Mode. This
                string should allow the modem to automatically pick up
                the phone when it rings, and initialize it in any other
                ways that might be necessary.

             J: Dial cancel string. This is the string Telix should
                send to the modem to cancel the current dialing at-
                tempt. On most modems all that is necessary is a Car-
                riage Return character, "^M".

             K: Dial time. This is the amount of time Telix should wait
                for a connection while dialing. This should usually be
                set to be greater than the amount of time the modem
                waits for the connection.

             L: Redial pause;. This is the number of seconds Telix
                should wait between attempts while redialing.

             M: Auto baud detect (on/off). If this option is on and
                Telix dials a number, it will check the modem connect
                message for a baud rate indication. If the baud is dif-
                ferent than was specified for the entry being dialed,
                Telix switches to the new baud rate. This option only
                works with Hayes compatible modems. This option must
                not be enabled when you have told the modem to maintain
                a constant or locked baud rate between the computer and
                the modem, as is often done with high-speed, error cor-
                recting modems, or modems supporting MNP (e.g. USR HST,
                Hayes V-Series, etc.).

         6.5  Filenames and Path Settings

         The fifth option of the Configuration Menu allows you to
         change several filename and pathname defaults. They are:

          Telix v3.12                   Telix Configuration Menu    36

             A: Download directory. This is the disk directory in which
                Telix should save files which are downloaded
                (received). The user can override this by giving a full
                pathname when prompted.

             B: Upload directory. This is the disk directory where
                Telix should look for files to be uploaded. The user
                can override this by giving a full filename when

             C: Script directory. This is the directory in which Telix
                should look for script files when trying to execute
                them. The user can override this by using a full path-
                name in front of the filename when specifying it.

             D: Default Capture file. This is the default name Telix
                should use when opening the capture file. The user can
                override this.

             E: Default Usage Log. This is default name Telix should
                use when opening the Usage Log. The user can override

             F: Directory program. This is the name of the disk di-
                rectory program the Telix should run when you select
                the 'Files directory' command. If you do not specify a
                program here Telix will use an internal routine that
                also displays the amount of time it will take to trans-
                fer each file in the directory. An example of a program
                you could specify here is 'dir/p', which would use the
                DOS dir command with pauses at each page full, to dis-
                play the directory.

             G: Screen Image file. This is the file that Telix should
                save screen images (generated with the Alt-I command)
                to. the default name is TELIX.MSG.

             H: Editor name. This should be name of your editor, in-
                cluding the extension of the name (EXE, COM, or .BAT
                for batch files), for example "c:\editor.com'. The in-
                dicated file must either be in the current directory,
                in a directory included in the DOS Path, or the name
                must include the full path. You need to set this param-
                eter only if you want to run your editor using the Alt-
                A, Run Editor command.

         6.6  ASCII Transfers

         The sixth option of the Configuration Menu allows you to cus-
         tomize Telix ASCII file transfers to your needs, so that Telix
         may work with almost any system. The options are:

             A: Strip high bit during transfers (on/off). If this pa-
                rameter is on, the high (most significant) bit of each

          Telix v3.12                   Telix Configuration Menu    37

                character sent for uploads, or received for downloads,
                is stripped. This can be used to ignore parity. On the
                other hand, the upper 128 characters in the IBM ex-
                tended ASCII character set are then converted to the
                lower value.

             B: Remote abort character. This is the character which
                when received during an ASCII upload or download, is
                taken to mean that the remote end is wants to abort the
                transfer. One possible value might be 24 (Ctrl-X).

             C: Local echo. If this is on, Telix will echo characters
                locally while uploading. This should normally be off.

             D: Expand blank lines. If this is on, when Telix is send-
                ing a file and it encounters a blank line, it will add
                a space to that line. This is very useful for systems
                that assume a blank line means "end of file", or for
                uploading a message on most bulletin boards.

             E: Pace character. This is the ASCII value of the char-
                acter that Telix should wait for before sending each
                line. If this value is 0, Telix will not wait for any

             F: Line Pacing. This is the amount of time (in 1/10 sec-
                onds), that Telix should wait before sending each line.
                This delay is often not necessary, but for some bbs's
                for example, it's vital.

             G: Character pacing. This is the time delay (in millisec-
                onds) that Telix should wait between each character. As
                the PC's hardware clock does not have enough resolu-
                tion, this is a software loop based delay. Therefore, a
                value of 1 here will delay a 4.77 MHz XT approximately
                1 millisecond, and faster PCs for a proportionally
                smaller time period.

             H: Upload CR translation. This is what Telix should do
                with Carriage Return chars when uploading ASCII files.
                The three options are to do nothing, to strip them, or
                to add a Line Feed character afterwards.

             I: Upload LF translation. This is what Telix should do
                with Line Feed characters when uploading ASCII files.
                The three options are to do nothing, to strip them, or
                to add a Carriage Return before each.

             J: Download CR translation. This is exactly the same as
                setting E (above), but applies when downloading ASCII

             K: Download LF translation. This is exactly the same as
                setting F (above), but applies when downloading ASCII

          Telix v3.12                   Telix Configuration Menu    38

         6.7  Protocol options

         The seventh item of the configuration Menu allows you to con-
         figure external protocols, as well as a couple of other set-

         An external protocol is simply a file transfer protocol that
         is implemented outside of Telix. You specify the name of the
         protocol, the key used to select it on the file transfer menu,
         and define how it is to be called. Items 'A' through 'D' are
         the definitions for the four external protocols allowed. When
         you select a definition to edit, Telix will ask a series of

              Key: This is the key that should be pressed to select
              this protocol when the file transfer menu is displayed.

              Protocol Name: This is the name Telix will display on the
              file transfer menu for this protocol.

              Upload Filename: This is the name of the DOS batch file
              or Telix script file to call when the user selects an up-
              load using this protocol.

              Download filename: This is the name of the DOS batch file
              or Telix script file to call when the user selects a
              download using this protocol.

              BAT or Script: This controls whether the above two file-
              names are DOS batch files or Telix script files.

              DL Name: This option controls whether or not Telix should
              ask for the name of the file when performing a download
              using this protocol. In many protocols, the sender passes
              the name of the file(s) to the receiver, so Telix
              shouldn't ask for the download name.

         See the Appendix titled 'External Protocols' for information
         about what information is passed to the batch or script files
         when an external transfer is selected.

         Other settings on this page are:

             E: File xfer disk buf. size This option allows you to set
                the size of the disk buffer used by telix during file
                transfers from 1k to 10k (kilobytes) in size. A larger
                value is more efficient with floppy disk systems, while
                a smaller value can get around problems with disk con-
                trollers or Extended memory use on some hard-disk sys-

             F: Relaxed Xmodem timing. This option controls whether or
                not Telix should use relaxed timing when performing an
                Xmodem transfer. When calling some services, this op-

          Telix v3.12                   Telix Configuration Menu    39

                tion must be turned on because they can not tolerate
                strict timing.

             G: Filename guessing. This option controls Telix's use of
                filename guessing. When you selected a file transfer to
                be performed, telix can often guess the name of the
                file to be transferred, based on your past keystrokes.
                This option may be turned off here. As well, you may
                specify that Telix gives only guesses which it is al-
                most certain are filenames, or gives its 'Best try',
                which may include guesses with extra characters which
                are not necessarily part of the filename.

             H: Zmodem receive crash recovery. When an aborted Zmodem
                transfer must be resumed, this option should be turned
                on. While this option is on, if a file being downloaded
                using Zmodem already exists on the disk (and is shorter
                than the file the sender has), Telix will tell the
                sender to send only the bytes needed to complete the
                file. This option should be used with care. The possi-
                bility exists that a file with the same name but dif-
                ferent contents exists on each system, in which case
                you do not want only some of the data transferred.

             I: Zmodem send crash recovery. When this option is on,
                during a Zmodem upload of files, Telix will try to tell
                the sender to resume aborted transfers. This option
                should be used with care, as some systems do not sup-
                port crash recovery, and will behave unpredictably.

             J: Allow Zmodem 32 bit CRCs. Real speed freaks may turn
                off the use of 32 bit CRC error checking (still quite
                reliable 16 bit CRCs are used instead), to get on the
                order of a quarter to a half of a percent speed in-
                crease in Zmodem transfers.

             K: Zmodem window size. Zmodem normally sends data in
                streaming mode, never pausing unless the other side re-
                quests a resend due to an error being detected. In some
                environments, a pause for acknowledgments can be more
                efficient. The window size (in kilobytes) is the maxi-
                mum amount of data the protocol should seed before
                waiting for a reply. A value of 0 indicates streaming
                mode should be used.

             L: Zmodem file type. This option allows you to specify
                whether the file being transferred with the Zmodem
                protocol is 'Binary', 'ASCII', or 'Either'. Binary
                means that Telix will make sure no end-of-line conver-
                sion is done on files received or sent. ASCII means
                that on a download, as long as the other side doesn't
                override this, Telix will assume the file being re-
                ceived is a text file and will make sure the end of
                each line has a Carriage Return followed by a Line
                Feed, by adding the CR if the file has only LFs at the

          Telix v3.12                   Telix Configuration Menu    40

                end of each line. An ASCII setting when sending will
                make Telix tell the other system to do end-of-line con-
                version, although the other system  may override this.
                Finally, a setting of Either (the default), will make
                Telix assume the file is binary, unless the other sys-
                tem indicates otherwise. DO NOT use a setting of
                'ASCII' for file that are not ASCII text files, as bi-
                nary files will be corrupted by this option.

         6.8  Kermit Transfers

         The eighth option of the Configuration Menu allows you to con-
         figure Telix's implementation of the Kermit protocol to your
         needs. The options will not be described here, due to the fact
         that the Kermit protocol is relatively complicated, and if you
         must change one of these parameters, you should already know
         what it means.

         6.9  Comm port setup

         The ninth option of the Configuration Menu allows you to con-
         figure/define the communications ports. Telix supports defini-
         tions for 8 comm ports. By default, the first four comm ports
         are defined to the standards for COM1 through COM4. The last
         four comm ports are by default duplicates of COM1. For each
         port you may define the base address (in hexadecimal) of that
         port, as well as the interrupt request number (irq) to use.
         Unless you are absolutely sure about your information, do not
         play around with these values! Wrong values could cause unex-
         pected and possibly disruptive results.

         6.10  Saving Changes and Leaving

         Once you have picked your default options you can save them to
         the configuration file by selecting the option 'Write setup to
         disk'. If you want to keep any changes just for the current
         session, then exit the Configuration Menu using the option

          Telix v3.12                         Terminal Emulation    41

                             7.  TERMINAL EMULATION

         A video display terminal is basically a relatively dumb com-
         puter which is linked up to another computer (over a cable or
         modem link) and displays what that computer sends to it. A
         mainframe or mini computer has a large amount of processing
         power and can drive a number of terminals at the same time.

         There are many different terminal types. Each one follows its
         own codes for controlling how information is displayed on the
         screen. For example, there are sequences to clear the screen,
         move the cursor, scroll the display, and so on. Most terminals
         also have special keys which send special sequences back to
         the main computer.

         Telix can emulate several terminals. While in terminal mode,
         you may change the terminal type Telix is currently emulating
         by pressing Alt-T. The default terminal can also be set in the
         'Terminal settings' page of the Configuration Menu. Following
         are the choices Telix offers:

         7.1  TTY

         A TTY (Teletype) terminal is very stupid. It basically dis-
         plays all the values it receives, except for about 5 or 6 Con-
         trol codes (such as Carriage Return), which move the cursor
         and ring the bell. Telix does not have any special key defini-
         tions for this terminal type.

         7.2  ANSI-BBS

         This is a subset of the real ANSI terminal type defined by the
         American National Standards Institute. Many BBS programs, when
         told to do so, can send sequences supported by this terminal
         to make screen display more interesting and colorful.

         The ANSI.KEY file contains definitions for the arrow keys, and
         is automatically read when this terminal is selected. These
         definitions are supported by some full screen editors, for ex-

         7.3  VT102

         The DEC VT102 terminal is one of the most popular (and most
         emulated) terminals in existence. It was developed by Digital
         Equipment Corporation. The VT102 terminal has a large number
         of functions. Telix supports all of these except for 132 col-
         umn mode and double height mode. As well, Telix only emulates
         double width mode, by adding a space after every character.

          Telix v3.12                         Terminal Emulation    42

         Telix fully supports both normal and application cursor mode
         in VT emulation. The VT102 keyboard layout used by Telix is
         stored in the VT102.KEY file, which is automatically read by
         Telix when VT102 terminal emulation is selected. Once Telix
         has loaded this into memory, the definitions can be edited
         through the use of the Alt-K (Keyboard/macros) function. The
         default layout is one used by many comm programs, in which the
         normal function keys (F1-F10) represent the left side of the
         VT's numeric keypad, while the shifted function keys (Shift-F1
         - Shift-F10) represent the right side, as follows:

             Telix function Keys                  DEC VT102 Keypad

          F1  - F10     SF1  - SF10

         +----+ +----+  +----+ +----+       +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
         |PF1 | |PF2 |  |PF3 | |PF4 |       |PF1 | |PF2 | |PF3 | |PF4 |
         +----+ +----+  +----+ +----+       +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
         +----+ +----+  +----+ +----+       +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
         | 7  | | 8  |  | 9  | | -  |       | 7  | | 8  | | 9  | | -  |
         +----+ +----+  +----+ +----+       +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
         +----+ +----+  +----+ +----+       +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
         | 4  | | 5  |  | 6  | | ,  |       | 4  | | 5  | | 6  | | ,  |
         +----+ +----+  +----+ +----+       +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
         +----+ +----+  +----+ +----+       +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
         | 1  | | 2  |  | 3  | | E  |       | 1  | | 2  | | 3  | | E  |
         +----+ +----+  +----+ | N  |       +----+ +----+ +----+ | N  |
         +-----------+  +----+ | T  |       +-----------+ +----+ | T  |
         |     0     |  | .  | | R  |       |     0     | | .  | | R  |
         +-----------+  +----+ +----+       +-----------+ +----+ +----+

         The arrow keys are also defined to send the proper sequences.

         There is also an alternate VT102 keyboard layout available,
         which may be more suitable to some users, and is much more
         useful on newer (101) enhanced keyboard. It is in the file
         VT102ALT.KEY. This layout, instead of using all the function
         keys to send out the codes generated by the VT's numeric key-
         pad, will send the proper codes from the PC's numeric keypad
         when the Num-Lock key is depressed (F1 to F4 represent the
         VT's PF1 to PF4). This layout is especially handy for users
         with the enhanced 101 key keyboard with the separate cursor
         key and numeric keypads, and functions keys across the top. To
         make use of the alternate layout, while at the DOS prompt

              ren VT102.KEY VT102OLD.KEY
              ren VT102ALT.KEY VT102.KEY

         7.4  VT52

         The DEC VT52 is another relatively common terminal type, that
         is considerably simple than the VT102. Telix's key definitions
         for the VT52 are stored in the VT52.KEY file.

          Telix v3.12                         Using Script Files    43

                             8.  USING SCRIPT FILES

         Telix has an incredibly powerful built-in 'script' or command
         language, called SALT (Script Application Language for Telix).
         In the simplest terms, a script file is a sequence of commands
         for Telix to follow, written using a certain format. Script
         files can do many useful things like automatically logging on
         to a host, setting up special parameters, performing unna-
         tended file transfers, and many other tasks. A script file can
         be linked to a dialing directory entry so that it is run auto-
         matically when that entry is connected to, and supplies the
         needed logon information.

         Before a SALT script can be used, it must be 'compiled'. The
         CS.EXE program included with Telix takes the ASCII 'source'
         scripts that the user writes, and compiles or converts them to
         a form that is easier for Telix to process, usually takes less
         space, and loads more quickly. SALT scripts may actually use
         any name. However in standard practice the extension 'SLT' is
         used for SALT source scripts, and the same name with the ex-
         tension 'SLC' is used for the compiled version.

         Like any real programming language, SALT has a large number of
         features. Because of this, programming in SALT is not easy for
         the beginner who has no knowledge of any programming concepts.
         However SALT scripts can be used to different degrees. The ad-
         vanced user can program complex applications, while even a
         novice can modify the sample scripts include with Telix, and
         run scripts supplied by others.

         For advanced users, a separate 100+ page manual describes SALT
         and its syntax. The rest of this section describes how to run
         and compile SALT scripts.

         If you have an already compiled SALT script (ending with the
         extension 'SLC' (for example, the HOST.SLC Host Mode script
         file), it is very easy to execute. While in terminal mode,
         press Alt-G. Telix will ask for the name of the script file to
         run. If you supply no extension, 'SLC' is assumed. If a spe-
         cial directory where script files are to be found has been de-
         fined, Telix will look there for script files, unless a path
         is given. To define this script directory use the Telix Con-
         figuration Menu. Telix will then load the script file and fol-
         low its instructions. To abort a script while it is executing,
         press the Esc key. Sometimes you may have to press Esc twice,
         the first time to abort the current function, and the second
         time to abort the script itself.

         You may have used your text editor to modify one of the sample
         scripts included with Telix (most simply require inserting
         your name in a clearly marked location near the top). You now
         need to compile the script file. To do this, the CS.EXE pro-

          Telix v3.12                         Using Script Files    44

         gram is used. While at the DOS prompt, type 'CS', followed by
         a space and the name of the script file you want to compile
         (the extension 'SLT' is assumed if none is given). CS will
         scan through the source file and produce the compiled version,
         using the same base name but the extension 'SLC'. If a syntax
         error is discovered while compiling the script file, CS will
         report it and abort. In that case the error should be fixed
         and CS run again. From within Telix, you may quickly run CS
         either by using the DOS Command function (Alt-V), or from the
         DOS Shell (Alt-J).

         Remember, every time you make a change to the source file, you
         must re-compile it, otherwise Telix will still run the old
         compiled version. This sounds tedious, but in practice once a
         script is developed it doesn't change very often.

          Telix v3.12                                  Host Mode    45

                                 9.  HOST MODE

         Telix allows you to set up your computer as a remote host, so
         that others may call your system and perform operations like
         transferring files and chatting. In short it is like having a
         small BBS on your system, without all the setup work (however
         if your security needs are complicated you should consider us-
         ing a real BBS program). There are a few requirements to run-
         ning Host Mode. Your modem must be able to pick up the phone
         when it rings. The CD (Carrier Detect) Mask must be properly
         defined in the Configuration Menu, so that Telix can tell when
         it is connected to a caller. Telix must also be able to hang
         up the modem by dropping (turning off) the DTR line on the RS-
         232 port. If one of these requirements is not met you probably
         can not run Telix Host Mode on your system.

         The Telix Host Mode is implemented as a script in Telix's pow-
         erful SALT script language. To run the Host Mode script, press
         Alt-G while in Terminal mode, and then enter 'HOST' as the
         script file name. The script 'HOST' will then be run. Several
         Host Mode configuration settings are kept in a file called
         'HOST.CNF'. The first time you run the Host Mode script, it
         will not find this file, and automatically run the host Mode
         configuration script 'HCONFIG', which will created the needed
         file and allow you to change the default values. At any time
         in the future, you should run HCONFIG when you need to config-
         ure the Host Mode. HCONFIG will present you with the following

             A: Level One access password. This is the password that
                callers must successfully enter to be admitted to the
                Host Mode and have Level One access.

             B: Level two access password. This is the password that
                callers must successfully enter to be admitted to the
                Host Mode and have Level Two (Sysop) access.

             C: DOS shell password. This is the password that users of
                the Host Mode have to enter to use the Remote DOS Shell

             D: Shut down Host Mode password. This is the password that
                callers must enter to shut down the Host Mode, when
                they press Ctrl-Z.

             E: Host Download Directory. Level 1 access callers will
                only be able to download (have Telix send them) files
                that are in this directory. As well, the 'F'iles com-
                mand will show them only the contents of this direc-
                tory. Do not under any circumstances define this direc-
                tory to the same name as the directory you run Telix
                in. If you did that, callers could download the Host

          Telix v3.12                                  Host Mode    46

                Mode configuration file, which is stored there, and see
                your passwords. Level 2 access callers may specify any
                download path, but this is the default.

             F: Host Upload Directory. Level 1 access callers will only
                be able to upload (send to Telix) files into this di-
                rectory. Level 2 access callers can specify any path,
                but files will go here by default.

             G: Connection type. This can be either 'Modem' or
                'Direct'. Use 'Modem' if your host system is being ac-
                cessed through a modem, or 'Direct' if two computers
                are hard-wired. This stops Telix from trying to ini-
                tialize a non-existent modem. or trying to determine
                the caller's baud.

         There is one other important parameter which must be properly
         set for Host Mode operation. This is the Auto Answer string,
         which is defined in the 'Modem and dialing' page of the Con-
         figuration Menu. This string is sent to the modem when Telix
         enters Host Mode, and should make the modem able to pick up
         the phone when it rings. The default string is set up for
         Hayes compatible modems. It is:

                   'AT X1 S0=1|^M'       where

                   AT        is the modem attention code.
                   X1        tells the modem to reply with extended re-
                             sult codes. This means the modem indicates
                             the caller's baud rate.
                   S0=1      tells the modem to answer after one ring.

                   ^M        sends  the   terminating  Carriage  Return

         There are two optional text files which are displayed to
         callers if they exist, called LOGO.MSG, and WELCOME.MSG. They
         are described below.

         Once the Host Mode has been configured, it can actually be
         run. Telix will make a note in the Host Mode audit file
         HOST.LOG and then will immediately send the Host Mode init
         string to the modem. Telix then waits for a caller. While in
         Host Mode, on the local side, the user can always press Esc to
         exit Host Mode, or End to terminate the current caller. He can
         also enter commands for the remote caller, so that a novice
         caller can be helped along by the host operator. Also, at any
         time, the current caller will be automatically terminated if
         there is inactivity for five minutes, or the connection is
         lost. This is all noted in the host audit file. If the caller
         has only access level one, references to other disk directo-
         ries than the ones defined in HCONFIG are ignored, and all op-
         erations take place in those directories. As well, Telix pro-
         tects your files from being accidentally overwritten by the

          Telix v3.12                                  Host Mode    47

         When the Carrier Detect signal turns on Telix knows a caller
         is online. At this point Telix will try to determine the
         caller's baud rate. Most Hayes compatible modems can be ini-
         tialized to send the string 'CONNECT baud' where baud is the
         baud rate of the caller, when they sense a connection. If
         Telix sees this string it will switch to the appropriate baud.
         If this string is not received within a few seconds of the
         connection, Telix will leave the baud rate at whatever it was.
         Also, it should be mentioned that Telix can not determine the
         caller's other settings like parity, data bits, and stop bits.
         These must already be matching Telix's settings.

         At this point, if the file LOGO.MSG exists in the Telix direc-
         tory, it is displayed to the caller. It should basically iden-
         tify the system. Then Telix will ask the caller for his/her
         name. The name must be at least five letters long and is only
         used when indicating the caller in the Host Mode audit file.
         If a password has been defined Telix will ask the caller for
         it. The caller has three tries to complete the password. All
         password attempts, successful or failed, are written to the
         Host audit file. If the caller enters the Level One access
         password, he may manipulate only the disk directories defined
         in HCONFIG. Any other directories can not be accessed. If he
         enters the Level Two access password, the caller may use full
         pathnames in all file specifications. The level 2 password
         should only be kept for yourself or those you completely
         trust, as a Level 2 caller can access any files on your sys-

         If there is a file called WELCOME.MSG in the Telix directory,
         it is then shown to the caller. This file can contain further
         identification or news, that you only want valid callers to
         see. After each 23 lines the caller is prompted to press any
         key to continue. As well, the caller may press Ctrl-S to pause
         at any time, and Ctrl-C or Ctrl-K to abort the listing. After
         the TELIX.MSG file is displayed the caller is presented with a
         menu of options:

             Files  Type  Upload  Download  Shell  Chat  Goodbye ?

         The action to be taken is selected by entering its first let-
         ter. Case does not matter. As mentioned already, the host op-
         erator is free to enter any keystrokes for the caller.

         The 'Files' option allows the caller to list the files in the
         current disk directory. The caller must press a key after each
         screen. The output is not echoed on the local screen. If the
         caller has access level two s/he is prompted for a filespec,
         which may include the * and ? wildcard characters (see your
         DOS manual), so that the contents of other directories than
         the 'Host download dir' may be listed.

         The 'Type' option allows the caller to view any ASCII file in
         the Host Download Directory, or in any directory for access
         Level 2 callers. The same format and commands are available

          Telix v3.12                                  Host Mode    48

         during this command as for the displaying of the optional mes-
         sage file TELIX.MSG.

         The 'Upload' option allows the caller to send a file to the
         host. The caller is shown the following menu (here slightly
         compressed so it could fit):

          Modem7 SEAlink Xmodem 1k-Xmodem G-1k-Xmodem Ymodem Ymodem-g
          Which protocol?

         and should select the appropriate protocol by its first letter
         (or 'E' for Ymodem-g). If appropriate the caller is also asked
         for the filename. The transfer is then initiated. Level 1
         callers may only upload files into the 'Host Upload Directory'
         defined with HCONFIG.

         The 'Download' command allows a caller to receive a file from
         the host. The caller must select the protocol as described
         above, and then must tell Telix the file(s) to send. The
         transfer is then initiated. Level 1 access callers may only
         download files from the 'Host Download Directory' defined with

         The 'Shell' command is a very powerful but also very dangerous
         command. It allows the caller to run a DOS shell on your sys-
         tem, except that the caller receives the output, and the
         caller enters the keystrokes. This command is basically simi-
         lar to entering 'CTTY COMx' at the DOS prompt. The remote side
         has complete control of your system. This is obviously very
         dangerous, as the caller can format disks, delete files, or
         perform any other operation. To provide security, a password
         must be entered to use the remote DOS shell. Be very careful
         of whom you give this password to, as they can do anything
         they want with your system. As well, don't leave it at the de-
         fault that Telix comes with. There are a few limitations in
         the remote DOS shell. The caller will see program output only
         if the programs use standard DOS output. Programs that write
         directly to the video screen will work, but will not be seen
         by the remote caller. As well, programs that use non-DOS meth-
         ods of getting keystrokes will not receive the callers
         keystrokes. Finally, under some systems, if the caller presses
         Backspace at the DOS prompt when the current line is empty,
         DOS will hang on the Host machine. As these are functions of
         DOS, there is nothing that can be done about these lim-

         The 'Chat' command allows the caller to chat with the host op-
         erator. When the caller presses 'C' the host operator is paged
         for 20 seconds. Press the Space bar to chat with the caller,
         or any other key not to. Accepting the chat will place you in
         Chat Mode, exactly as if you had used the Alt-Y command. The
         caller's keystrokes are echoed back to him/her however, so
         that he/she can see them.

          Telix v3.12                                  Host Mode    49

         Finally, the 'Goodbye' command allows the caller to log off
         the host. An entry noting the time and date is made in the
         host audit file, and Telix then waits for a new caller.

         The caller may also use one other command that is not dis-
         played in the menu. This is to shut down the Host Mode. If the
         caller presses Ctrl-Z and successfully enters the shut down
         Host password defined in the Configuration Menu, the Telix
         Host Mode is shut down and Telix returns to whatever it was
         doing before Host Mode was initiated.

          Telix v3.12                                 Appendix A    50


                                 Major Commands

                        Alt-B          Scroll Back
                        Alt-D          Dialing Directory
                        Alt-F          DOS and File Functions
                        Alt-G          Run Script File (Go)
                        Alt-J          Jump to DOS Shell
                        Alt-K          Keyboard Definitions
                        Alt-L          Capture File
                        Alt-M          Misc. Functions
                        Alt-O          Configuration Menu
                        Alt-P          Comm Parameters
                        Alt-Q          Queue Redial Last Numbers
                        All-R          Download (receive) Files
                        Alt-S          Upload (send) Files
                        Alt-T          Terminal Emulation
                        Alt-U          Usage Log
                        Alt-W          Translate Table
                        Alt-X          Exit Telix

                              Secondary Functions

                        Alt-A          Run editor
                        Alt-C          Clear screen
                        Alt-E          Local echo On/Off
                        Alt-H          Hang-up modem
                        Alt-I          Screen Image
                        Alt-T          Translate Table
                        Alt-V          DOS command
                        Alt-Y          Chat Mode
                        Alt-=          Toggle DOORWAY mode on/off
                        Ctrl-@         Printer log on/off
                        Ctrl-End       Send break signal
                        Shift-Tab      Add line-feeds on/off

         All of  these commands  should be  entered while  in  terminal
         mode. Many will prompt you for further courses of action.

          Telix v3.12                                 Appendix B    51



         Telix and the modem do not seem to be able to detect busy sig-


         Some modems (especially older 1200 bps units) do not have the
         capability to detect busy signals. Assuming yours does, you'll
         still probably have to edit the default modem Init String. The
         X1 that Telix uses in the string to be compatible with all
         modems does not enable busy detection in most modems. Try a
         value like X3, X4, or higher.


         When the Host Mode script is run Telix always thinks that a
         caller is online and immediately asks for the caller's name;
         or Telix always says that a Hang-up operation failed even when
         it did in fact successfully hang-up the modem.


         Your modem is almost certainly overriding the true state of
         the Carrier Detect signal. This is the factory default on most
         modems, but should be disabled. For proper operation, Telix
         needs to see this signal on when connected to another com-
         puter, and off when not. If your modem has dip switches, as do
         most 1200 bps units and all US Robotics external Couriers,
         switch number 6 usually controls this and must be in the up
         position. If your modem does not seem to have any dip switches
         (look carefully, sometimes the front needs to be popped off),
         it is probably controlled solely by software commands, as are
         most 2400 bps units. Just a few examples of these are the
         Hayes 2400, ATI 2400etc., GVC 2400, and many others. For these
         modems, adding &C1&D2 in the modem Init String (before the fi-
         nal ^M (Carriage Return is a good spot)) will configure the
         modem properly.


         When trying to use a multi-tasking system like MS Windows,
         Topview, or DoubleDOS, with Telix in the background, window
         displays bleed through to the active partition.


         In the Telix Configuration Menu, select the 'Screen and colors
         settings' option, then select as the Screen Write Mode, 'BIOS

          Telix v3.12                                 Appendix B    52

         calls used for writes'. Screen updating will be slower but
         will not bleed through.


         When redialing Telix does not seem to know when a connection
         has been reached.


         Telix knows when a connection has been reached in one of two
         ways: when it receives a Connect string from your modem, or
         when the Carrier Detect signal turns on (if it was off). Make
         sure that the Connect string is properly defined in the Con-
         figuration Menu, or that your modem does turn on the Carrier
         Detect signal regardless of whether or not there is a connec-


         Telix doesn't work with a certain modem.


         Telix is set by default to use the Hayes 'AT' modem command
         standard. There are modems that are not Hayes compatible how-
         ever, and use other commands to dial, hang up, and perform
         other tasks. Make sure that if your modem is not Hayes compat-
         ible Telix has been properly configured to its commands.


         When trying to use the DOS Shell, or another function that
         uses DOS, Telix warns that it can not find a file called COM-
         MAND.COM, and aborts the function.


         The file COMMAND.COM is the DOS command interpreter. Telix
         must be able to find it to use many DOS functions. The loca-
         tion of COMMAND.COM is stored in an environment variable
         (explained in your DOS manual) called COMSPEC. COMSPEC is set
         at boot-up, but if you boot of a floppy and then change to an-
         other floppy or a hard disk, it will not point to the right
         place anymore. In short, make sure that COMSPEC always points
         to the location of COMMAND.COM, or that COMMAND.COM is in the
         current directory.


         When calling some systems, especially large ones such as Com-
         puserve or the Source, all incoming characters look like

          Telix v3.12                                 Appendix B    53


         The communications parameters are probably wrong. Most of
         these systems need a setting of Even parity, 7 data bits, and
         1 stop bit. This is different from the normal standard of N81
         used for most bulletin boards.

          Telix v3.12                                 Appendix C    54

                       12.  APPENDIX C - PRODUCT SUPPORT

         Telix is a relatively large and complicated program. In order
         to support Telix and to provide a means of distribution, a BBS
         (Bulletin Board System) for Telix support has been set up.

         The Telix Software Support BBS is available 24 hours a day at
         416-439-8293. If you have a Telix question or problem, or have
         found a bug in Telix, give the support BBS a call. The latest
         version of Telix may also be found on the support BBS.

         If you're calling about a problem, try to be as specific as
         possible when describing the problem. Include any relevant de-
         tails, such as your machine's configuration, Telix version
         number, resident software installed, steps taken before the
         problem happens, and any other things you feel are important.
         It is very hard to answer vague questions such as, "Telix
         doesn't work on my PC. Do you know why?".

         At the current time, the support BBS is open to all callers.
         Since it is extremely busy, it is almost certain that in the
         future it will be restricted to registered users of Telix.
         Registered users will also receive mailed notices of major up-
         dates to the program.

          Telix v3.12                                 Appendix D    55


         While Telix supports a very large number of protocols inter-
         nally, it also allows users to define up to 4 external proto-
         col implementations, for the utmost in flexibility.

         External protocols are defined in the 'Protocol options' page
         of the Configuration Menu. Basically, based on this configura-
         tion, when the user selects a transfer with this protocol,
         Telix will either run a specified DOS Batch file, or a TELIX
         SALT script file.

         13.1 Batch File Method

         If a Batch file has been configured to be executed when the
         external protocol is selected, TELIX will execute it and pass
         to it 3 parameters (with the third sometimes being blank). The
         first parameter is the baud rate. This is accessed within the
         DOS batch file as %1. The second parameter is the comm port
         number. This is accessed as %2. The third parameter is the re-
         ply the user gave when asked what file(s) to transfer. If this
         is a download and this protocol has been defined to not need a
         download name, this parameter will be blank. This parameter is
         referred to as %3 in the Batch file.

         It is now the responsibility of the Batch file to call a
         driver program for the protocol, using the supplied info. For
         example, assuming Telix didn't have built-in Zmodem support, a
         batch file called SZB.BAT could be defined to perform Zmodem
         uploads using the commonly available DSZ program with the fol-
         lowing command it .

              DSZ port %2 speed %1 sz %3

         This would tell DSZ what files to transfer, and also would
         specify the proper baud rate and comm port.

         13.2 Script File Method

         Alternately Telix can run a SALT script file when the user se-
         lects an external protocol. The script should be compiled
         ahead of time (as explained elsewhere in this manual). The
         user's reply to the question of what files to transfer is
         stored in the system variable '_ext_filespec'. The script file
         is free to implement the protocol in whatever way it wants to,
         such as calling an external driver program using the 'RUN'
         function, or by actually performing the transfer itself.

          Telix v3.12                                 Appendix E    56


         For programmers who wish to write dialing directory handling
         utilities, a text file describing the dialing directory format
         used by Telix is available on the Telix Software Support BBS.

          Telix v3.12                                      Index    57

                  15.  INDEX              Baud detect  35
                                          Baud rate  6, 30, 46, 47
         +++  35                          BIOS  4
         ^  8                             BIOS calls  30
         ~  8                             Blank lines  37
         ~~~  35                          Break Signal  16
         16550a chip  33                  Buffer size  38
         Aborted downloads  32            BUSY  34
         Add  20                          Busy strings  34
         Add Line Feeds  16, 31           Capture  9
         Alarm sound  32                  Capture file  36
         Alt-=  17                        Capture file buffer size  33
         Alt-A  13                        Carrier Detect  45
         Alt-B  11                        CD  45
         Alt-C  16                        Character pacing  37
         Alt-D  5, 18                     Character translation  14
         Alt-E  16                        Chat Mode  15, 48
         Alt-F  13                        Chdir  14
         Alt-G  43                        Checksum  26
         Alt-H  9                         CIS Quick B  31
         Alt-I  14, 36                    Clear  20
         Alt-J  12                        Clear Screen  16
         Alt-K  11                        Comm parameters  6
         Alt-L  9                         Comm port setup  40
         Alt-M  17                        Command line switches  4
         Alt-O  29                        COMMAND.COM  12
         Alt-P  6                         Compuserve Quick B  31
         Alt-Q  24                        Compuserve Quick B protocol
         Alt-R  25                            27
         Alt-S  26                        COMSPEC  12
         Alt-T  41                        CONFIG.SYS  3
         Alt-U  9                         Configuring Telix  29
         Alt-V  13                        CONNECT  34
         Alt-W  15                        Connect status  5
         Alt-X  8                         Connect string  34
         Alt-Y  16, 48                    Connection  35
         Alt-Z  5                         Connection type  46
         ANSI-BBS  41                     CR translation  37
         Answerback string  32            CR/LF  16
         ASCII  5, 26                     Crash recovery  39
         ASCII Transfer Setup  36         CRC  27
         ASCII transfers  28              Create (dialing directory)
         AT  33, 34, 35, 46                   22
         ATDT  34                         Ctrl translation char  8
         Audit file  46                   Ctrl-C  47
         Auto answer  34                  Ctrl-End  16
         Auto Answer string  35           Ctrl-K  47
         Auto baud detect  35, 47         Ctrl-S  47
         Auto-downloads  32               CTS/RTS handshaking  31
         Automatic log-on  18, 43         CTTY COMx  48
         Automatic Queue Redial  23       Data bits  6, 30
         Backspace  31                    Data Terminal Ready  35
         Backspace key sends  31          Date format  33
         Batch Ymodem  28                 Date separator character  33
                                          Default Capture file  36

          Telix v3.12                                      Index    58

         Default Comm port  30            External protocols  25, 38
         Default d/l path  36             File transfer buffer  25
         Default screen size  30          File Transfer Protocols  26
         Default Script dir.  36          File Transfers  25
         Default terminal  30             File xfer disk buf. size  38
         Default u/l directory  36        Filename guessing  39
         Default Usage Log  36            Files directory  14
         Delete  22                       Files=  3
         Delete file  14                  Find  20
         DESQview  30                     Flow control  31
         Destructive backspace  31        Free space  32
         Dial cancel string  35           Function keys  11
         Dial time  35                    Handshaking  31
         Dialing directory  18            Hang-up  32
           Adding  20                     Hang-up string  9, 34
           Clearing  20                   Hanging-up  9
           Deleting  22                   Hardware  2
           Dialing  20                    HCONFIG  45
           Editing  20                    Help/Status Screen  5
           Finding an Entry  20           High bit  31, 36
           Inserting  22                  Home  11
           LD Codes  22                   Host Download Directory  45
           Long Distance Codes  21        Host Mode  45
           Other Functions  22            Host shell password  45
         Dialing postfix  34              Host Upload Directory  46
         Dialing prefix  34               HOST.LOG  46
         Direct screen write  29          Insert  22
         Directory program  14, 36        Inserting entries  22
         Disk buffer size  38             Keep aborted  32
         DOORWAY Mode  17                 Kermit protocol  28
         DOS and File Functions  13       Kermit Transfers  40
         DOS Command  13                  Keyboard definitions  11
         DOS Shell  2, 12, 48             Keyboard macros  11
         DOS shell password  45           LD Codes  22
         DoubleDOS  30                    Level One access  45, 47
         Download directory  36           Level two access  45, 47
         Downloading Files  25            LF  16, 31
         Drive/directory  14              LF translation  37
         DSR/DTR handshaking  31          Line Feed  16, 31
         DTR  2, 9, 35, 45                Line Pacing  37
         Duplex  16, 31                   Linked scripts  43
         Echo  37                         Load (dialing directory)  23
         Echo, local  31                  Local echo  16, 31, 37
         Echo locally  16                 Long distance Codes  22
         Edit  20                         Machine Requirements  2
         Edit_LD  22                      Menus, using  7
         Editor  13                       Misc. Functions  17
         Editor name  36                  Modem init string  33
         Elapsed time  5                  Modem Setup  33
         Ending a Telix Session  8        Modem7 protocol  28
         Enhanced keyboard support        NO CARRIER  34
             33                           No connect strings  34
         Environment variable  3, 12      Online  4
         Exiting Telix  8                 Output String Translation  7
         Expand blank lines  37           Pace character  37

          Telix v3.12                                      Index    59

         Pacing  37                         TELIX.CAP  2
         Parameters, comm  6                TELIX.FON  2
         Parity  6, 30                      TELIX.KEY  2
         Partial files  32                  TELIX.LD  2
         Pause capture  9                 TELIX.CNF  5, 29
         Pause translation char  8        TELIX.FON  18
         PgDn  11                         TELIX.IMG  14
         PgUp  11                         TELIX.MSG  36
         Printer  9                       TELIX=  3
         Printing (dialing directory)     Terminal  41
             23                           Terminal, default  30
         PRN  23                          Terminal emulation  41
         Protocol options  38             Terminal options  30
         Queue Redial  23                 Time format  33
         Quick B  31                      Time separator character  33
         Quick Dial Bar  24, 32           Topview  30
         Quiet  4                         Transfer buffer  25
         RAM requirements  2              Translate Ctrl char  8
         Receive Files  25                Translate pause char  8
         Redial  23                       Translate table  14
         Redial pause  35                 TTY  41
         Redial time  35                  Upload directory  36
         Relaxed Xmodem  38               Uploading Files  26
         Remote DOS shell  48             Usage Log  9, 32, 36
         SALT  43                         VT102  41
         Screen dump  14                  VT52  42
         Screen dump file  36             WELCOME.MSG  47
         Screen Image  11, 14             Xmodem protocol  26
         Screen image file  11, 36        Xmodem-1k protocol  27
         Screen size  17                  Xmodem-1k-g protocol  27
         Screen write mode  29            XON/XOFF handshaking  31
         Script directory  36             Ymodem protocol  28
         Script files  43                 Ymodem-g protocol  28
         Scroll-Back  11                  Zmodem 32 bit CRC  39
         Scroll-Back size  33             Zmodem auto-downloads  32
         SEAlink protocol  27             Zmodem file type  39
         Send Files  26                   Zmodem protocol  27
         Sending modem strings  17        Zmodem receive crash
         Session Capture  9                   recovery  39
         Settings, comm  6                Zmodem send crash recovery
         Shift-Tab  16                        39
         Show free space  32              Zmodem window size  39
         Shut down Host  45
         Snow  30
         Sound  32
         Split screen  16
         Status Line  6, 30
         Stop bits  6, 30
         String editing  7
         String entering  7
         String translation  7
         Strip high bit  31, 36
         Telink protocol  28
         Telix Configuration Menu  29
         Telix files  2




      Telix is Copyright (c) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 by Exis Inc.

      Telix is not, nor has ever been, public domain or free software.

      The commercial, registered version of Telix may not be duplicated
      other than for backup purposes. A registered copy of Telix must be
      treated like a book, in that the same registered copy of Telix may
      not be used in more than one computer at the same time, just as a
      book may not be read by more than one person at the same time
      (without making an illegal copy).

      Users are granted a limited license to use the User Supported, trial
      version of Telix for a limited evaluation period of up to 45 days,
      in order to determine if it suits their needs. Any other use of
      Telix or use past this period requires registration.

      All users are granted a limited license to copy the User Supported
      version of Telix only for the purpose of allowing others to try it,
      subject to the above restrictions as well as these:

           Telix must be distributed in absolutely unmodified form, in-
           cluding ALL program, documentation, and other files.

           Telix may not be included with any other product for any reason
           whatsoever without a license from Exis.

           No charge or payment may be levied or accepted for Telix.

      Bulletin Board system operators may post the unregistered, User Sup-
      ported version of Telix on their BBS for downloading by their users
      without written permission only if the above conditions are met, and
      only if no special fee is necessary to access the Telix files (a
      general fee to access the BBS is ok).

      Distributors of User Supported and Public Domain software MUST ob-
      tain written permission from Exis Inc. before distributing Telix and
      must follow the above conditions. Permission is almost always
      granted; this requirement is necessary to ensure protection for our-
      selves and Telix users from unscrupulous individuals.

      The following section contains information on registration and li-


      Registering Telix allows you to use the product after the trial pe-
      riod. Registered Telix users get the current copy of Telix on disk
      along with their own serial number, mailed notification of major
      Telix updates, and priority when calling the Telix Software support
      BBS (we guarantee no support to unregistered users). Most impor-
      tantly, registered users know they are helping to make sure that
      high-quality software like Telix continues to be sold in this low-
      cost way.

      Telix registration costs $39 US / $44 CDN, and includes a
      'registered' copy of Telix on disk. An evaluation disk with the cur-
      rent copy of Telix on it is also available for $10 US / $12 CDN.
      This is to be used to try out Telix, and does not include registra-
      tion (the right to use Telix after the evaluation period). The fee
      covers the cost of diskette(s) and handling.

      Payment may be in the form of check, money order, or with a VISA
      card (we expect Mastercard availability before 2/90, please call for
      confirmation). We also accept corporate purchase orders for amounts
      of $39 US and over. All US dollar checks must be drawn on a US bank,
      and all Canadian dollar checks must be drawn on a Canadian bank.
      VISA orders can be charged in Canadian funds only.

      To place an order, please use the order form on the following page,
      or call us at (416)-289-4641 with your VISA card.


      The order form on the following page may be used to purchase mul-
      tiple copies of Telix, with discounts as follows:

                  1 -  10 copies     no discount
                 11 -  20 copies    10% discount
                 21 -  50 copies    15% discount
                 51 - 100 copies    22% discount
                101 - 200 copies    30% discount
                200+      copies    40% discount

      Purchases of up to 50 copies are bulk purchases and include that
      many copies of Telix on disk, as with single registrations. Pur-
      chases of 51 or more copies are site licenses. Exis Inc. provides a
      master copy of Telix and the appropriate number of diskette labels.
      The licensee is responsible for copying the disks (backups of the
      MASTER do not count towards the total copies in the license).

      The name on the order form is considered the contact and is the per-
      son with whom all correspondence will take place.

      Note: All prices and discounts are subject to change without notice.
      Discounts apply only to separate orders, they are not cumulative.

      Telix version 3.12                            Invoice #891201-312
      Remit to:  Exis Inc., P.O. Box 130, West Hill, ON  CANADA  M1E 4R4
      Quan       Item                              US/CDN        Price

      ___  Telix Registration................   @ $39/$44 ea   $________
            (includes serial #, registration +
              program and manual on disk)
      ___  Telix evaluation disk.............   @ $10/$12 ea   $________
             (includes program and manual
              on disk, but not registration)

                                  Add $1/copy for 3.5" disks   $________

                                                    Subtotal   $________

                                                  - Discount   $(______)

           Ontario residents please add Prov. Sales Tax (8%)   $________

                                 Shipping ($1/copy, max $10)   $________

                                                       TOTAL   $________

              Check, money order, or VISA card payments accepted.
                  VISA can be charged in Canadian funds only!
      Payment by: ( ) Check or MO  ( ) VISA  ( ) PO # _______________





      Following information needed for VISA card payments only

         Phone(______)________________  Other(______)________________

        Card #_______________________________  Expiry date___________

      Name of cardholder_____________________________________________

                      (VISA orders may also call voice: 416-289-4641)

      Where did you hear of or obtain Telix?


      Comments below:

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2300

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

README   DOC      1371  12-22-89   3:12a
INSTALL  EXE     23915  12-01-89   3:12a
TLX312-1 ZIP    153602   8-14-90   3:12a
TLX312-2 ZIP     46197   8-14-90   3:12a
TLX312-3 ZIP     55216  12-11-89   3:12a
TLX312-4 ZIP     58692  12-11-89   3:12a
FILE2300 TXT      2221   9-04-90   3:35p
GO       BAT        40   1-01-80   6:00a
GO       TXT       619   1-01-80   7:49a
        9 file(s)     341873 bytes
                       14336 bytes free