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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2283)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “THE DIET BALANCER”

Need to lose weight, or reduce your sodium and cholesterol intake? With
this program you may be able to determine your appropriate diet based on
weight loss goals, sex, age, and exercise levels.


~ Chart your dietary performance over a 60-day period.

~ Analyze your diet for 26 different nutrients, including calories,
fat, sodium, and cholesterol.

~ Save meal plans, and have instant access to previous day's diets and
meal plans.

~ Look at the nutritional contents of any foods in the database,
including brand names, and fast foods.

~ Add any new food to the database.

~ Analyze your personal recipes for nutritional contents and save in
the database for use in future diets.

Whether you are looking to lose a few pounds, watch your nutrient
intake, or monitor your food intake, THE DIET BALANCER can help you get
on the road to a more healthy body.


Disk No: 2283                                                           
Disk Title: The Diet Balancer                                           
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: Diet Balancer                                            
Author Version: 04/90                                                   
Author Registration: $59.95                                             
Special Requirements: 512K RAM.                                         
Need to lose weight, or reduce your sodium and cholesterol intake?  With
this program you may be able to determine your appropiate diet based on 
weight loss goals, sex, age, and excercise levels.                      
THE DIET BALANCER can:                                                  
~ Chart your dietary performace over a 60 day period                    
~ Analyze your diet for 26 different nutrients, including calories, fat,
sodium, and cholesterol                                                 
~ Save meal plans, and have instant access to previous day's diets and  
meal plans                                                              
~ Look at the nutritional contents of any foods in the database,        
including brand names, and fast foods                                   
~ Add any new food to the database                                      
~ Analyze your personal recipes for nutritional contents and save in the
database for inclusion in future diets                                  
Whether you are looking to lose a few pounds, watch your nutrient       
intake, or monitor your food intake, THE DIET BALANCER can help you get 
on the road to a more healthy body.                                     
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║            <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #2283  THE DIET BALANCER  >>>>             ║
║ To view installation instructions, type:  README  (press ENTER)         ║
║                          To print, type:  COPY README.TXT PRN  (Enter)  ║
║                                                                         ║
║ For further documentation, type:  COPY HELP2.TXT PRN  (press ENTER)     ║
(c) Copyright 1990, PC-SIG Inc.


h11 Main Menu
#      This Menu Demonstrates the Options that are Available.
#      Make a Choice by Hitting @Enter@, then Hit @F1@ for
       Descriptions of Each Feature.
#      @Commands@: Those Listed at Bottom + @Home@ & @End@
112 Analyze Diet
#    This Menu Displays the Options that are Available to Analyze
     your Diet, Plan a Diet, and Look at your Past Performance.
##     1. @Enter Diet for Analysis@ - Enter your Diet for Analysis
       2. @Look at Analysis@ - Look Again at Analysis
       3. @Daily Diet Plan@ - Plan a Future Diet Before You Eat it
       4. @Continue Plan@ - Continue Plan Where You Left Off
       5. @Weekly Performance@ - Look at Past Weekly Performance
##   @Commands@: Those Listed at Bottom + @Home@ & @End@
113 Look at Food List
#    This Menu Displays the Options that are Available to Look at
     the Food List, as Well as to Sort the Food List According
     to Nutritional Value
#      1. @Look At Specific Food@ - See Nutritional Contents of
          Any Food in the Food List,  Both Actual Values and Percent
          of your Daily Requirement
       2. @Sort(One Nutrient)@ - Order the Foods in One or More
          Food Groups According to Nutritional Value of a Nutrient
       3. @Sort(Two Nutrients)@ - Order Foods as Above on Two
          Nutrients.  @Ex@: High Protein & Low Fat
#    @Commands@: Those Listed at Bottom + @Home@ & @End@
114 Update the Food List
     This Menu Displays the Options that are Available to Update
     the Food List.
       1. @Add a Food@ - Add the Nutritional Contents of a Food or
          Vitamin not Already in the Food List
       2. @Combine Foods@ - This Option can be used to Combine Foods
          that you Usually Eat Together.
          @Ex@: Coffee(6 oz.), Cream(2 Tsp.) & Sugar(1-1/2 tsp.)
       3. @Add a Recipe@ - Add the Nutritional Contents of a Recipe
          by Combining the Ingredients from Recipe Items and Other
          Food Groups
       4. @Delete@ - Deletes a Food that You May not Want
       5. @Change@ - Change the  Contents of a Food
#    @Commands@: Those Listed at Bottom + @Home@ & @End@
115 Update Profile
#     This Menu Displays the Options that are Available to Update
      your Personal Daily Requirements
##      1. @Update Profile@ - Change of Profile Status
           @Ex@: Start Weight Loss Program or no Longer Pregnant
        2. @See/Change Requirements@ - Change for Special Diet
        3. @Update Today's Exercises@ - Correct or Verify Exercises
        4. @Plan an Exercise Program@ - Create a Possible Exercise
           Plan to See How Many Calories Different Exercises Burn
#     @Commands@: Those Listed at Bottom + @Home@ & @End@
116 Additional Options
#     This Menu Displays the Options that are Available to
      Perform Miscellaneous Tasks
##      1. @Add Password@ - Add 3-Digit Code to Deny Access to
           Other Users
        2. @Remove Password@ - Remove Existing Password
        3. @Erase User@ - Will Eliminate a User from the List
           @Caution@: This Will Destroy all Records of this User.
        4. @Current Number of Foods@ - Will Count the Number of
           Foods in the Food List.
#     @Commands@: Those Listed at Bottom + @Home@ & @End@
h16 Choose Name
#      This Menu Displays the Names of all Current Users of the
       The Diet Balancer(R).  Choose your Name and Hit @Enter@,
       Or Choose "@New User@" if this is your First Time Using
       The Diet Balancer(R).
#      @Commands@: Those Listed at Bottom + @Home@ & @End@
117 Activity Level
       Choose the Activity Level that Best Describes your
       Occupation or your Daily Activities, Excluding Exercise.
##     @Light@ - Office Work, Driving, Housework, Shopping
       @Moderate@ - Yardwork,Restaurant Work,Manufacturing,Trades
       @Heavy@ - Heavy Yard Work, Scrubbing Floors, Heavy Lifting
##     @Commands@: Those Listed at Bottom + @Home@ & @End@
#      @Remember@: Don't Include your Exercises Here. Use the
                 Exercise Option to Add them.
h18 Group Choice
       This Menu Allows You to Choose a Food Group from the List.
       Just use the Commands Listed Below to Choose a Food Group
       and Hit @Enter@.
#      @Commands@: Those Listed at Bottom + @Home@ & @End@
                 @Arrows@: Left,Right,Up,Down
                 @Tab@: Tab(Right) & Shift-Tab(Left)
h19 Food Choice
       This Menu Allows You to Choose a Food from the List.
       Just use the Commands Listed Below to Choose a Food and
       Hit @Enter@.
#      @Commands@: Those Listed at Bottom + @Home@ & @End@
                 @Arrows@: Left,Right,Up,Down
                 @Tab@: Tab(Right) & Shift-Tab(Left)
h20 Look At Specific Food
       This Menu Displays the Nutritional Contents of a Specific
       Food.  You can Choose to Display the Data as the Nutritional
       Contents or as a Percent of your Daily Requirement.
       Use the Following Commands to Switch Between the Two:
#                @Arrows@: Left & Right
                 @Tab@: Tab(Right) & Shift-Tab(Left)
h21 Enter Diet/Plan
       Use this Menu to Enter your Diet or Diet Plan.
#      Enter the Number of Average Servings for the Food You Chose.
#         @Ex@:  2     1/2 Cup(s)            Broccoli  = 1 Cup
#         @Valid Formats@: 1 1/2, 2-1/3, 1.5, .25
h2b Edit Diet/Plan
       Use this Menu to Edit your Diet or Diet Plan.
       Enter the Number of Average Servings for the Food You Chose.
#         @Ex@:  2     1/2 Cup(s)            Broccoli  = 1 Cup
          @Valid Formats@: 1 1/2, 2-1/3, 1.5, .25
#      @Commands@: Up & Down @Arrows@, @Home@ & @End@, @PgUp@ & @PgDn@
h22 Save For Later
##     Use this Option to Save What You have Added so that You May
       Complete it at a Later Time.  This Allows You to Add
       Breakfast and Lunch Today, for Example, then Complete the
       Analysis Another Day.
123 Analysis Menu
       This Menu Displays the Analysis Options that are Available.
       1. @Percent RDA@ - Displays the Data as Percent of your
          Daily Nutritional Requirement.
       2. @Actual Value@ - Displays the Actual Values for the Diet
          that You Analyzed/Planned.
       3. @Bar Chart@ - Displays the Data Graphically
       4. @Print@ - Prints Out this Analysis/Plan
       5. @Update@ - Allows You to Change(or Add) the Inputs to
          your Analysis/Plan. @Note@: This Option is not Available
          Once You Exit Diet Analysis by Choosing Option #6 Exit.
          Also, not Available for Weekly Analysis.
       6. @Exit@ - Exit Diet Analysis/Plan Diet
#      @Commands@: Those Listed at Bottom + @Home@ & @End@
h24 Choose Nutrient
       This Menu Allows You to See the Nutrient Composition of your
       Move the @Arrows@ and Hit @Enter@ to See Which Foods
       Contributed the Most (or Least) to that Nutrients Value.
       @Commands@: Those Listed at Bottom + @Home@ & @End@
                 @Arrows@: Left,Right,Up,Down
                 @Tab@: Tab(Right) & Shift-Tab(Left)
h25 Choose Nutrient
       This Menu Allows You to Produce a Nutrient Diagram for
       the Nutrient of your Choice.
#      Move the @Arrows@ and Hit @Enter@ to Choose the Nutrient.
       @Commands@: Those Listed at Bottom + @Home@ & @End@
                 @Arrows@: Left,Right,Up,Down
                 @Tab@: Tab(Right) & Shift-Tab(Left)
h26 Nutrient Composition
#      This Menu Displays the Composition of the Nutrient that You
       Chose.  Move the @Arrows@ to Display the Data as Actual
       Values, or as a Percent of your Daily Requirement.
#      @Commands@: @Arrows@: Left,Right
                   @Tab@: Tab(Right) & Shift-Tab(Left)
h28 Bar Chart
       This Chart Graphically Displays the Data Presented in the
       Last Menu.  Move the @Arrows@ to See the Second Twelve
       Nutrients, and vice versa.
       @Note@: HighLighted Areas Require Special Attention
#      @Commands@: @Arrows@: Left,Right
                 @Tab@: Tab(Right) & Shift-Tab(Left)
h29 Choose Nutrient
#     This Menu Allows You to Choose the Nutrient for the Diagram.
##    @Commands@: Those Listed at Bottom + @Home@ & @End@
                @Arrows@: Left,Right,Up,Down
                @Tab@: Tab(Right) & Shift-Tab(Left)
h41 Choose an Exercise
      Use this Menu to Choose an Exercise, then Enter the Amount of
      Time for this Exercise.  First Select the Exercise and Hit
      Enter.  You will be Prompted to Enter Hours and Minutes for
      this Exercise.
      @Commands@: Those Listed at Bottom + @Home@ & @End@
                @Arrows@: Left,Right,Up,Down
                @Tab@: Tab(Right) & Shift-Tab(Left)
h42 Enter Time
      Enter the Time You Spent, or May Spend on this Exercise.
      First Enter Hours, then Minutes.  Notice that your
      Calories Burned at the Top of the Menu will be Increased to
      Reflect the Addition of this Exercise.
#     @Note@: You May Eliminate this Exercise by Entering Zero in
      Place of the Value.
h43 Enter Personal Choice
      Many Computerized Exercise Machines Produce Calories Burned
      Information, so You can Add them Directly to Personal Choice.
      Also, See Additional Exercises in the Appendices.
      Enter the Additional Calories that You May have Burned Here.
#     Just Type in the Value and Hit @Enter@.
h44 Update RequireMents
      Use this Menu to Change your Personal Daily Requirements.
      Use @Tab@ to Move the Cursor to the Nutrient that You Want to
      Change.  Change the Value to the New Number and Hit @Enter@.
      @Commands@: Those Listed at Bottom
                @Arrows@: Left,Right,Up,Down
                @Tab@: Tab(Right) & Shift-Tab(Left)
h45 Update Calories Breakout
      Use this Menu to Change the Ratios of Protein/Carb/Fat in your
      Diet.  The Default Values are 12%, 58% & 30%.
      By Changing the Ratios, You are Choosing to get your Calories
      from a Different Source. @Ex@: Less Fat, More Carbohydrate.
      @Note@: They Must Add up to 100%.
      @Commands@: Those Listed at Bottom
                @Arrows@: Left,Right,Up,Down


To run the program from your disk drive:

1) Insert Disk in A: Drive
2) Type "A:"   <ENTER>
3) Type "DEMO" <ENTER>

To Install the program on your C: disk:

1) Insert disk in A:
2) Type "INSTALL" and press <ENTER>

To Install on a fixed drive other than C:
(Replace D: with your drive letter)

1) D:       <ENTER>
2) CD\      <ENTER>
8) COPY A:*.*        <ENTER>
10)COPY A:\DATA      <ENTER>

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2283

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

DEMO     EXE    150096   2-09-90   4:56p
HELP2    TXT     10256   1-23-90  11:30a
README   EXE     11488   1-23-90  11:30a
README   TXT       607   1-23-90  11:30a
INSTALL  BAT       136   1-23-90  11:30a
GO       BAT        40   1-01-80   6:00a
GO       TXT       650   1-01-80   3:45a
FILE2283 TXT      2961   7-17-90  11:18a
DATA         <DIR>    
FOODS        <DIR>    
       10 file(s)     176234 bytes

 Directory of A:\DATA

.            <DIR>    
..           <DIR>    
INTAKE1  DAT       189   2-27-90   9:54a
INTAKE1  IDX       292   2-27-90   9:54a
INTAKE2  DAT      1296   2-27-90   9:54a
INTAKE2  IDX       511   2-27-90   9:54a
DATES    DAT       200   1-23-90  10:18a
DATES    IDX       146   1-23-90  10:18a
        8 file(s)       2634 bytes

 Directory of A:\FOODS

.            <DIR>    
..           <DIR>    
FILESTAT DAT       120   1-23-90  10:18a
FRUITDRK DTA      1264   2-27-90   9:54a
FRUITDRK IND       847   2-27-90   9:54a
COFFEET  DTA      1343   1-23-90  10:18a
COFFEET  IND       847   1-23-90  10:18a
CEREALS1 DTA      2054   1-23-90  10:18a
CEREALS1 IND      1452   1-23-90  10:18a
CEREALS2 DTA      1422   1-23-90  10:18a
CEREALS2 IND      1210   1-23-90  10:18a
BREADS   DTA      1106   1-23-90  10:18a
BREADS   IND       726   1-23-90  10:18a
BAGELS   DTA       869   1-23-90  10:18a
BAGELS   IND       605   1-23-90  10:18a
MUFFINS  DTA       711   1-23-90  10:18a
MUFFINS  IND       605   1-23-90  10:18a
PANCWAFF DTA       553   1-23-90  10:18a
PANCWAFF IND       484   1-23-90  10:18a
DAIRYEGG DTA      1264   1-23-90  10:18a
DAIRYEGG IND       847   1-23-90  10:18a
JELLYJAM DTA       869   1-23-90  10:18a
JELLYJAM IND       605   1-23-90  10:18a
GRAVYETC DTA       948   1-23-90  10:18a
GRAVYETC IND       726   1-23-90  10:18a
CHEESE   DTA      1264   1-23-90  10:18a
CHEESE   IND       847   1-23-90  10:18a
SALADS   DTA      1264   1-23-90  10:18a
SALADS   IND       847   1-23-90  10:18a
FRUIT    DTA      1659   1-23-90  10:18a
FRUIT    IND      1331   1-23-90  10:18a
SOUPS    DTA      1422   1-23-90  10:18a
SOUPS    IND      1210   1-23-90  10:18a
VEGETBL1 DTA      1185   1-23-90  10:18a
VEGETBL1 IND       847   1-23-90  10:18a
VEGETBL2 DTA      1264   1-23-90  10:18a
VEGETBL2 IND       847   1-23-90  10:18a
MEATS1   DTA      1580   1-23-90  10:18a
MEATS1   IND      1210   1-23-90  10:18a
MEATS2   DTA       869   1-23-90  10:18a
MEATS2   IND       605   1-23-90  10:18a
LMEATSAU DTA      1185   1-23-90  10:18a
LMEATSAU IND       847   1-23-90  10:18a
SEAFOOD1 DTA      1659   1-23-90  10:18a
SEAFOOD1 IND      1331   1-23-90  10:18a
SEAFOOD2 DTA      1264   1-23-90  10:18a
SEAFOOD2 IND       847   1-23-90  10:18a
POULTRY  DTA       711   1-23-90  10:18a
POULTRY  IND       605   1-23-90  10:18a
FROZDINN DTA      1422   1-23-90  10:18a
FROZDINN IND      1210   1-23-90  10:18a
ITALIAN  DTA      1896   1-23-90  10:18a
ITALIAN  IND      1452   1-23-90  10:18a
MEXICAN  DTA       948   1-23-90  10:18a
MEXICAN  IND       726   1-23-90  10:18a
ORIENTAL DTA       632   1-23-90  10:18a
ORIENTAL IND       484   1-23-90  10:18a
ETHNIC   DTA       711   1-23-90  10:18a
ETHNIC   IND       605   1-23-90  10:18a
ALCOHOL  DTA      1738   1-23-90  10:18a
ALCOHOL  IND      1331   1-23-90  10:18a
PIES     DTA       711   1-23-90  10:18a
PIES     IND       605   1-23-90  10:18a
CAKESETC DTA       790   1-23-90  10:18a
CAKESETC IND       605   1-23-90  10:18a
CRACKERS DTA       869   1-23-90  10:18a
CRACKERS IND       605   1-23-90  10:18a
COOKBISC DTA       632   1-23-90  10:18a
COOKBISC IND       484   1-23-90  10:18a
ICECREAM DTA      1106   1-23-90  10:18a
ICECREAM IND       726   1-23-90  10:18a
CANDY    DTA      1027   1-23-90  10:18a
CANDY    IND       726   1-23-90  10:18a
CONDSAUC DTA       632   1-23-90  10:18a
CONDSAUC IND       484   1-23-90  10:18a
NUTSSEED DTA       711   1-23-90  10:18a
NUTSSEED IND       605   1-23-90  10:18a
SPICES   DTA        79   1-23-90  10:18a
SPICES   IND       121   1-23-90  10:18a
RECIPE   DTA        79   1-23-90  10:18a
RECIPE   IND       121   1-23-90  10:18a
VITAMINS DTA       395   1-23-90  10:18a
VITAMINS IND       242   1-23-90  10:18a
PERSCHC  DTA        79   1-23-90  10:18a
PERSCHC  IND       121   1-23-90  10:18a
FIXINS   FFD       237   1-23-90  10:18a
FIXINS   FFI       242   1-23-90  10:18a
ARBY     FFD       869   1-23-90  10:18a
ARBY     FFI       605   1-23-90  10:18a
ARTHURT  FFD       632   1-23-90  10:18a
ARTHURT  FFI       484   1-23-90  10:18a
BURGERC  FFD       869   1-23-90  10:18a
BURGERC  FFI       605   1-23-90  10:18a
BURGERK  FFD      1027   1-23-90  10:18a
BURGERK  FFI       726   1-23-90  10:18a
CARLJR   FFD      1106   1-23-90  10:18a
CARLJR   FFI       726   1-23-90  10:18a
DAIRYQ   FFD      1027   1-23-90  10:18a
DAIRYQ   FFI       726   1-23-90  10:18a
HARDEES  FFD       869   1-23-90  10:18a
HARDEES  FFI       605   1-23-90  10:18a
JACKINBX FFD      1027   1-23-90  10:18a
JACKINBX FFI       726   1-23-90  10:18a
KENTUCKY FFD       790   1-23-90  10:18a
KENTUCKY FFI       605   1-23-90  10:18a
LONGJOHN FFD      1106   1-23-90  10:18a
LONGJOHN FFI       726   1-23-90  10:18a
MCDONALD FFD       948   1-23-90  10:18a
MCDONALD FFI       726   1-23-90  10:18a
ROYROGER FFD       869   1-23-90  10:18a
ROYROGER FFI       605   1-23-90  10:18a
TACOBELL FFD      1027   1-23-90  10:18a
TACOBELL FFI       726   1-23-90  10:18a
WENDYS   FFD       553   1-23-90  10:18a
WENDYS   FFI       484   1-23-90  10:18a
      115 file(s)      96160 bytes

Total files listed:
      133 file(s)     275028 bytes
                       15360 bytes free