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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2273)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “METZ WINDOW UTILITIES”

METZ DESKTOP MANAGER is a Microsoft Windows application designed to
provide you with a friendly menuing system plus several utilities.

With DESKTOP, create menus and sub-menus which directly access your
applications and data, across directories and drives.

METZ DESKTOP NAVIGATOR is a Microsoft Windows application designed to
provide fast access to your drives, directories, and files.  File and
directory management functions are included as well.  Additional
features such as a customizable screen blanker, windows arrangement
functions, and a file finder are also included.

METZ PHONES is a Microsoft Windows application designed for
maintaining lists of names, phone numbers, and addresses.  If you have
a Hayes compatible modem, PHONES can dial the phone for you.

METZ DIALER is a pop-up, speed dialer which, when coupled with a Hayes
compatible modem, provides a quick and convenient method of dialing
phone numbers.  A customizable pulldown menu allows you to add names
and numbers you frequently call.

METZ LOCK is a security application for MICROSOFT WINDOWS.  Lock can be
used to prevent unauthorized use of your system while unattended.

METZ RUNNER is a utility which provides a quick method to run
applications and files.

METZ TIME is a pop-up digital date and time display which can be
placed anywhere on the screen.

METZ FREEMEM is a moveable, digital, display of free conventional and
free expanded memory.


Disk No: 2273                                                           
Disk Title: Metz Window Utilities                                       
PC-SIG Version: S1.5                                                    
Program Title: METZ Window Utilities                                    
Author Version: 9/90                                                    
Special Requirements: Windows 2.x or 3.x                                
METZ DESKTOP MANAGER is a Microsoft Windows application designed to     
provide you with a friendly menuing system plus several utilities. With 
Desktop you can easily create menus and sub-menus which directly access 
your applications and data (across directories and drives). Additional  
features such as a customizable screen blanker, windows arrangement     
functions, directory tree display, file finder, point and shoot file    
management, and an automatic menu generator are also included.          
(Registration $30.00)                                                   
METZ DESKTOP NAVIGATOR is a Microsoft Windows application designed to   
provide fast access to your drives, directories, and files.  File and   
directory management functions are included as well.  Additional        
features such as a customizable screen blanker, windows arrangement     
functions, and a file finder are also included. (Registration $30.00)   
METZ PHONES is a Microsoft Windows application designed for maintaining 
lists of names, phone numbers, and addresses. If you have a Hayes       
compatible modem, Phones has the capability of dialing the phone for    
you. (Registration $20.00)                                              
METZ DIALER is a popup, speed dialer which, when coupled with a Hayes   
compatible modem, provides a quick and convenient method of dialing     
phone numbers.  A customizeable pulldown menu allows you add names and  
numbers you frequently call. (Registration $10.00)                      
METZ LOCK is a security application for MICROSOFT WINDOWS.  Lock can be 
used to prevent unauthorized use of your system while unattended.       
(Registration $10.00)                                                   
METZ RUNNER is a utility which provides a quick method to run           
applications and files. (Registration $10.00)                           
METZ TIME is a pop-up digital date and time display which can be placed 
anywhere on the screen. (Registration $10.00)                           
METZ FREEMEM is a moveable, digital, display of free conventional and   
free expanded memory.  (No registration fee)                            
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║        <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #2273  METZ UTILITIES FOR WINDOWS  >>>>        ║
║ To view installation instructions, type:  TYPE README.TXT (press Enter) ║
║                                 or type:  COPY README.TXT PRN  (Enter)  ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation for individual programs after they have been     ║
║       extracted, type:  COPY <filename>.DOC PRN  (press Enter)          ║
║                                                                         ║
║             *          *          *          *          *               ║
║                                                                         ║
║ NOTE:  MTMBETA.EXE (METZ Task Manager) mentioned in README.TXT          ║
║ is not being carried by PC-SIG at this time because the program is      ║
║ a Beta version.                                                         ║
(c) Copyright 1990, PC-SIG Inc.


  METZ Software                        Support       (206)-641-4525
  P.O. Box 6042                        Sales         1-800-447-1712
  Bellevue, Wa., 98008-0042, U.S.A.    International (206) 641-4525
                                       Fax           (206) 644-6026

  GEnie: A.METZ    Compuserve: [73567,1637]

The files contained on this disk are self extracting archive files.
By creating these files this way, we can provide more programs on
a diskette and you can un-archive them without any special tools.

  DLR.EXE - METZ Dialer
  DN.EXE  - METZ Desktop Navigator
  DT.EXE  - METZ Desktop Manager
  FM.EXE  - METZ Freemem
  LK.EXE  - METZ Lock
  MTMBETA.EXE  - METZ Task Manager Beta version
  PH.EXE  - METZ Phones
  RNR.EXE - METZ Runner
  TM.EXE  - METZ Time

Simply run the desired self extracting archive to extract it's contents.
For example, to extract the Phones files, copy PH.EXE to your disk then
type PH.  The contents of PH.EXE will be extracted.  PH.EXE will not
delete itself.

Special thanks to Haruyasu Yoshizaki for providing this self-extracting
file format.  (LHarc Version 1.13c)

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2273

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

DLR      EXE     30418   9-05-90   8:45p
DN       EXE     76084   6-18-90   9:55p
DT       EXE     75988   6-18-90  10:09p
FM       EXE     14983   8-06-90   7:10a
LK       EXE     48819   8-01-90   7:52a
PH       EXE     44258   5-28-90  10:37a
README   TXT      1144   9-04-90   8:14p
RNR      EXE     20833   8-05-90   1:40p
TM       EXE     14565   8-05-90   2:00p
GO       BAT        40   1-01-80   6:00a
GO       TXT      1189   1-01-80   8:33a
FILE2273 TXT      3775   9-18-90   4:39p
       12 file(s)     332096 bytes
                       22528 bytes free