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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2234)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “VPT, VFONT, READ, SEL, SNOOP, V7CURS”

With this program, VGA or MCGA users can use the quarter-million
(262,144) available VGA colors.  It's interactive and easy to use. It
has a graphic display -- there are no ``magic numbers'' to type.

Set any text-mode attribute to any color out of the quarter-million and
control the overscan (border) color (not available on MCGA
systems).  The colors ``stick'' with almost all programs.  Load and
save your favorite settings in color files, and use the program in a
command-line mode (for batch files).

VPT operates in text mode and allows setting of any or all of the
sixteen attributes available in text mode.

Tired of the default VGA text-mode font?
VFONT contains and loads replacement fonts for VGA systems.  It
includes two variations of a ``modern'' font, and a handwritten
``scrawl'' font.

The DOS version is a TSR (memory-resident) program that takes up
approximately 4.5K of RAM, and works only in text modes.  The OS/2
version calls the OS to request a new font, and works only in
full-screen sessions.

The four fonts are modern solid-line, modern-double-line,
scrawl-straight-line, and scrawl-scrawled-line.  Modern is a pleasing,
sans serif font.  Scrawl is a handwritten looking ``scrawled'' font.

VFONT remains in place even if your software sets the video mode. This
means the font won't go away as with some other font programs.  The
OS/2 version is saved and restored by the OS when switching between
screen groups.

If you are a batch file writer who needs interaction and the use of
DOS' environment variables, here are utilities to make your life

Most batch file utilities return results in the ERRORLEVEL.  These
utilities set an environment variable, which means direct character
results can be communicated between programs.  If you ask for a Y or N
you can test for a Y or N.

READLN and READKEY are programs that get input from the keyboard and
place it in environment variables.  They're perfect for making
interactive batch files and much easier to use than utilities that use
ERRORLEVEL to communicate the results.

READLN displays the prompt and waits for input.  All input up to an
ENTER is placed in a specified environment variable.  If the first
letter of var is capitalized, the input will be also.

READKEY displays the prompt and waits for input.  ONE character is read
(no ENTER is needed) and it is placed in the environment variable var.
If the first letter of var is capitalized, the input character will be
also.  If an extended key (function key, arrow keys, &c.) is pressed,
the ASCII representation of the hexadecimal scan code for the key is
placed in the variable. If a Carriage Return, Escape, BEL, or TAB is
pressed, the ASCII representation of the character's ASCII code is
placed in the variable.

SEL is an ANSI color selector for DOS or OS/2 for those who use any
ANSI screen driver (ANSI.SYS, NANSI.SYS, &c. under DOS; ANSI ON for

The program has easy color selection using mnemonics instead of
numbers, a random color selection mode, and sets the prompt to a
contrasting color.

This utility is not for beginners; it's for programmers and advanced
users who wish to snoop around the VGA BIOS.

SNOOP shows various EGA and VGA pointers maintained by BIOS, and
displays the contents of the tables these pointers point to.  These
tables include the user palette override table, the alpha character
override table, and the SAVE_PTR table.  The program also displays the
current contents of the VGA color registers.

V7CURS is for anyone who owns a VGA card based on the V7VGA chipset,
such as the FastWrite VGA or VRAM VGA and hates blinking cursors.

It exploits the non-blinking hardware cursor built into the V7VGA
chipset by Video-7/Headland Technologies.  It is a small TSR (memory-
resident) program that turns off the blinking, leaving you with an XOR
cursor.  This mode shows what's underneath the cursor.


Disk No: 2234                                                           
Disk Title: VPT, VFONT, READ, SEL, SNOOP, V7CURS                        
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: VPT                                                      
Author Version: 3.50                                                    
Author Registration: $20.00                                             
Special Requirements: VGA.                                              
Anyone who wants to improve their color VGA system's look by setting    
their own VGA color shades should try out VPT.                          
This program allows VGA or MCGA users to view the quarter-million       
(262,144) available VGA colors.  It's interactive and easy to use.  It 
has a graphical-type display, there are no "magic numbers" to type.         
Users can also set any text-mode attribute to any color out of the      
quarter-million; control the overscan (a.k.a. border) color (not        
available on MCGA systems); have the colors "stick" with almost all     
programs; load and save their favorite settings in color files, and use 
the program in a command-line mode (for batch files).                   
VPT operates in text mode and allows setting of any or all of the       
sixteen attributes available in text mode.                              
Program Title: VFONT                                                    
Author Version: 4.35                                                    
Author Registration: None.                                              
Special Requirements: VGA.                                              
This program is for anyone tired of the default VGA text-mode font.     
VFONT contains and loads replacement fonts for VGA systems; it includes 
two variations of a "modern" font, and a handwritten "scrawl" font.     
The DOS version is a "terminate-and-stay-resident" program that takes up
approximately 4.5K of RAM, and works only in text modes.  The OS/2      
version calls the OS to request a new font.  OS/2 version only works in 
full-screen sessions.                                                  
The four fonts are modern solid-line, modern double-line,              
scrawl-straight-line, and scrawl-scrawled-line.  Modern is a pleasing,   
san-serif font.  Scrawl is a handwritten-looking "scrawled" font.      
VFONT remains in place even if your software sets the video mode. This  
means the font won't "go away" like with some other font programs.  The 
OS/2 version is saved and restored by the OS when switching between     
screen groups.                                                          
Program Title: Read                                                     
Author Registration: None.                                              
Special Requirements: DOS 3.3 or 4.0                                    
If you are a batch file writer who needs interaction and the use of DOS'
environment variables, here are a couple of utilities to make your life 
Most batch file utilities return results in the ERRORLEVEL.  These      
utilities set an environment variable, which means direct character     
results can be communicated between programs.  If you ask for a Y or N,  
you can test for a Y or N.                                              
READLN and READKEY are programs that get input from the keyboard and    
place it in environment variables.  They're perfect for making          
interactive batch files and much easier to use than utilities that use  
ERRORLEVEL to communicate the results.                                  
READLN displays the prompt (which must be in double quotes) and waits   
for input.  All input up to an ENTER is placed in specified environment 
variables.  If the first letter of var is capitalized, so will the 
READKEY displays the prompt (again in double quotes) and waits for      
input.  ONE character is read (no ENTER is needed) and it is placed in  
the environment variable var.  If the first letter of var is            
capitalized, so will the input character.  If an extended key (function 
key, arrow keys, etc.) is pressed, the ASCII representation of the       
hexadecimal scan code for the key is placed in the variable. If a       
Carriage Return, Escape, BEL, or TAB is pressed, the ASCII              
representation of the character's ASCII code is placed in the variable. 
Program Title: SEL                                                      
Author Version: 6.05                                                    
Author Registration: None.                                              
Special Requirements: CGA, and ANSI driver.                             
SEL is an ANSI color selector for DOS or OS/2 for those who use any ANSI
screen driver (ANSI.SYS, NANSI.SYS, &c. under DOS; ANSI ON for OS/2).   
SEL allows easy color selection using mnemonics instead of numbers; has 
a random color selection mode; and sets the prompt to a contrasting     
Program Title: Snoop                                                    
Author Version: 3.93                                                    
Author Registration: None.                                              
Special Requirements: EGA, or VGA.                                      
This isn't an end-user program; rather, it's for programmers and 
advanced users who wish to snoop around a part of the VGA BIOS.  SNOOP 
is a program to show various EGA and VGA pointers maintained by BIOS, 
and display the contents of the tables these pointers point to.  These      
tables include the user palette override table, the alpha character     
override table, and the SAVE_PTR table.  The program also displays the  
current contents of the VGA color registers.                            
Program Title: V7CURS                                                   
Author Version: 1.01                                                    
Author Registration: None.                                              
Special Requirements: VGA with the V7VGA chip set.                      
For anyone who hates blinking cursors and owns a VGA card based on the 
V7VGA chipset, such as the FastWrite VGA and VRAM VGA.                  
V7CURS exploits the non-blinking hardware cursor built into the V7VGA   
chipset by Video-7/Headland Technologies.  It is a small TSR that turns 
off the blinking attribute, leaving you with an "XOR" cursor; this mode 
shows what's underneath the cursor.                                     
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║   <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #2234  VPT, VFONT, READ, SEL, SNOOP, V7CURS  >>>>   ║
║ To print documentation for VPT, type:  COPY VPT.MAN PRN  (press ENTER)  ║
║ Follow instructions to install and use utility program.                 ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation for VFONT, type:  COPY VFONT.MAN PRN  (ENTER)    ║
║ Follow instructions to install and use utility program.                 ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation for VFONT2, type:  COPY VFONT2.MAN PRN  (ENTER)  ║
║ Follow instructions to install and use utility program.                 ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation for READ, type:  COPY READ.MAN PRN  (press ENTER)║
║ Follow instructions to install and use utility program.                 ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation for SEL, type:  COPY SEL.MAN PRN  (press ENTER)  ║
║ Follow instructions to install and use utility program.                 ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation for V7CURS, type:  COPY V7CURS.MAN PRN  (ENTER)  ║
║ Follow instructions to install and use utility program.                 ║

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2234

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

LOCK     COM       170   9-24-89   7:46p
SEL      EXE      7824   9-24-89   7:46p
TSTPATN  EXE      6048   9-24-89   7:46p
VPT      EXE     23840   9-24-89   7:46p
VPT      MAN     15743  11-24-89   5:21p
VFONT    COM     17310   3-05-89  10:32p
VFONT    MAN      4819  11-08-89   9:43p
VFONT2   EXE     18277   4-15-89   9:02p
VFONT2   MAN      4393  10-29-89   8:01p
SEL      BAT        35  10-31-89  10:28p
SELPRG   EXE     15042  11-02-89  10:17p
SEL      CMD        36  11-26-89   9:14p
SELPRG2  EXE     15263  11-29-89   9:39p
SEL      MAN      8293  11-27-89   8:00p
READ     MAN      5527   3-27-89   9:13p
READKEY  EXE      5632   3-27-89   9:10p
READLN   EXE      5104   3-27-89   9:10p
SNOOP    EXE     23104   3-02-89  10:35p
V7CURS   COM       191   3-03-89   7:47p
V7CURS   MAN      3607   3-03-89   8:07p
GO       BAT        38   1-01-80   1:37a
FILE2234 TXT      8954   1-01-80   4:01a
GO       TXT      1618   1-01-80   4:11a
       23 file(s)     190868 bytes
                      119808 bytes free