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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2233)

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Information about “EGA COLORING BOOK”

This is a computer coloring book with a selection of over 500 crayons
(colors). There are five full-screen pictures that you can paint with
the crayons. This program was originally made for children but anyone
can enjoy it whether they're an adult or young at heart. It's just
right for those times when your kids need something to do or when you
need to color those blues away. Registered users get 10 more new


                     E G A     C O L O R I N G     B O O K

                               REFERENCE  MANUAL

                             Shareware Version 1.0

                                David C. Swope
                               3753 Tango Drive
                             North Bend, OH 45052

               This manual and the EGA COLORING BOOK program are
                    (C) Copyright 1990  by  David C. Swope
                             All rights reserved

       ------------------------- INTRODUCTION --------------------------

       EGA COLORING BOOK is a computer coloring book.  It allows
       children to use over 500 colors and patterns to color the
       pictures.  Children, age 3 and up, will enjoy bringing the
       pictures to life with color.  Very young children will need adult
       assistance to use this program.

       EGA COLORING BOOK will only work on EGA or VGA equipped systems.
       In addition, the display adapter must have at least 128K of
       display memory.  Use of a mouse input device is optional but

       ---------------------------- LICENSE ----------------------------

       EGA COLORING BOOK is NOT public domain or free software. This
       program is distributed as "Shareware".  EGA COLORING BOOK is (C)
       Copyright 1990 by David C. Swope.  All rights reserved.

       The owner of EGA COLORING BOOK, David C. Swope, permits the
       copying and transfer of the SHAREWARE VERSION of the EGA COLORING
       BOOK program to others, under the following conditions:

       1. No fee shall be charged for copies of any portion of the EGA
          COLORING BOOK program, its documentation, or other information
          contained on the EGA COLORING BOOK diskette.  A charge for the
          copying service and media is allowed as long as this charge
          does not exceed $8.00.

       2. The recipient receives an unmodified copy of all the EGA
          COLORING BOOK files, including this document.

       3. Any copy of EGA COLORING BOOK transferred to another may
          contain only the seventeen files listed here:  ECB.EXE,
          Additional files which are supplied to registered users may
          not be transferred to others without the written consent of
          the author.

       Any copy of EGA COLORING BOOK sold or copied in such a manner as
       to violate the above conditions shall be subject to a royalty fee
       of $50.00.

       The author encourages the copying and transfer of the program to
       others so that it may be evaluated by as many interested users as
       possible.  After the evaluation period, it is expected that the
       users either register their copy of the program or discontinue
       using it.

       ------------------- REGISTRATION INFORMATION --------------------

       The cost of user registration is $16.00. This registration fee
       provides you with the following benefits:

       1.  It licenses you to operate the EGA COLORING BOOK program
           on any computer at a single location.  You may have
           copies on more than one computer as long as there is no
           possibility of it being used in more than one place at
           the same time.  You may make copies of the EGA COLORING BOOK
           commercial version for backup purposes only.

       2.  It provides you with a set of 10 additional pictures to be
           used with the EGA COLORING BOOK program.  It will also
           provide you with the commercial version 1.0 of EGA COLORING

       3.  It will put you on the mailing list to receive information
           about additional picture sets and EGA COLORING BOOK updates
           when they become available.  The additional picture sets and
           updates will only be available to registered users.  They
           will not be included in future shareware versions of the
           program.  It is planned to release the pictures in sets of 15
           at a cost of $10.00 per set.  Mailings will also inform you
           when other programs by the author are released.

       4.  It will provide you with information on how to report
           problems or get assistance from the author.

       Educational institutions may reduce the registration fee to
       $12.50 if five or more registrations are purchased.  If more than
       one registration is purchased then only one copy of EGA COLORING
       BOOK will be mailed.  The user may make the additional copies of
       the EGA COLORING BOOK diskette.  Students may be given copies of
       the program for home use as long as the rules outlined in the
       LICENSE section are followed.  Remember that only the shareware
       version may be copied and given to others.

       I encourage you to support the "Shareware" method of software
       distribution by becoming a registered user. Every registration
       received will help convince the author to produce more pictures
       and to enhance this program in other ways.  A registration form
       is provided at the end of this document.

       Whether or not you decide to register your copy of the program,
       the author would like to receive your comments and constructive
       criticism on the program.  These same comments will also be used
       when designing other children's programs in the future.

       -------------------------- DISCLAIMER ---------------------------

       EGA COLORING BOOK is supplied as is.  No representation of any
       kind is made as to the use and/or suitability of this program for
       any purpose.  David C. Swope assumes no liability for any damages
       direct or consequential, which may result from the use of this
       program.  The author of EGA COLORING BOOK reserves the right to
       update the contents of the EGA COLORING BOOK program and its
       associated documentation at his discretion and without the
       consent of or any obligation to any registered users.

       ---------------------- REQUIRED  EQUIPMENT ----------------------

       EGA COLORING BOOK will run on most IBM or compatible computers
       with EGA or VGA graphics capability (with 128K or more of video
       memory), at least 256K of RAM (at least 199,900 bytes of free RAM
       after DOS and all TSR programs are loaded), PC-DOS or MS-DOS 2.1
       or greater and one disk drive.  A hard disk and mouse are
       optional. However, use of a mouse is recommended.

       MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
       PC-DOS is a registered trademark of IBM Corporation.

       ------------------------ GETTING STARTED ------------------------

       Before attempting to use the EGA COLORING BOOK program, please
       make a backup copy of the EGA COLORING BOOK diskette. Consult
       your DOS manual for instructions on performing this procedure.
       The EGA COLORING BOOK program will write color data files to the
       current directory during operation.  Therefore, be sure to keep a
       backup copy of the original disk.  Also, the disk that EGA
       COLORING BOOK is being run from must not be write protected.

       If your system includes a mouse input device, then the mouse
       driver must be installed before the EGA COLORING BOOK program is
       run.  Consult your mouse user's guide for instructions on loading
       the mouse driver.

       EGA COLORING BOOK will only operate in one graphics mode:

                  640 X 350   16 colors  VGA or EGA adapter.

       In order to run the EGA COLORING BOOK program the picture and
       support files must be in the current directory so they can be
       used by the program.  The necessary files are described below.

                    ECB.EXE   The EGA COLORING BOOK program.

                 ECBMAN.DOC   This document.

               ECBTITLE.001   Title screen data.

                ECBFONT.000   Graphics text font.

               ECBCOLOR.DAT   Palette data.

                 JUNGLE.PIC   Picture data.

       The EGA COLORING BOOK program will create files with the same
       names as the picture data files but with the extension "COL".
       These files contain data which describes how you last colored the
       picture.  Since the EGA COLORING BOOK program writes these files,
       the disk that you are running the program from must not be write

       All but one of these files must be located in the same directory.
       The file which is not needed is:  ECBMAN.DOC.

       To install the program on a hard disk, simply copy all needed
       files (see above) to a single directory on the hard disk.

       To run the program, set the current directory to the directory in
       which the files are located. Type "ECB" (do not type the quote
       characters), and press the <ENTER> key.  After the program is
       loaded, a title page will appear.  When you are ready to begin
       the program, press any key.

       -------------- USING THE KEYBOARD MOUSE SIMULATOR ---------------

       If your computer system does not include a mouse input device
       then it will be necessary for you to read this section.  If you
       have a mouse then you can skip this section.

       This section describes how to use the KEYBOARD MOUSE SIMULATOR to
       imitate real mouse input.  It does not describe how that input
       affects the EGA COLORING BOOK program.  Please refer to the USING
       EGA COLORING BOOK section for that information.

       If EGA COLORING BOOK does not detect the presence of a mouse
       driver, then it will use the KEYBOARD MOUSE SIMULATOR.  All mouse
       functions needed by the program are provided by the simulator.


       The simulator's mouse cursor is an arrow.  It is similar to the
       real mouse cursor, but smaller.  The cursor was made smaller to
       provide for fast cursor movement.


         <up arrow>    - move up.                  Remember that use of
         <down arrow>  - move down.                these keys on the
         <left arrow>  - move left.                numeric keypad will
         <right arrow> - move right.               require <Num Lock>
         <Home>        - move up and left.         to be turned off.
         <PgUp>        - move up and right.
         <PgDn>        - move down and right.
         <End>         - move down and left.

       Pressing these keys alone will cause the mouse cursor to move a
       distance which corresponds to the current mouse movement
       increment (this will be explained in a moment).  If the <SHIFT>
       key is held and these keys are pressed, then the mouse cursor
       will move one pixel in the selected direction.  In addition, if
       the <SHIFT> key is held and the <5> key on the numeric keypad is
       pressed, the mouse cursor will jump to the center of the screen.

       The speed of mouse cursor movement is controlled by the current
       mouse movement increment.  Currently two speeds are provided.  If
       the "+" key is pressed, then the increment will be large and the
       mouse cursor can be moved quickly.  If the "-" key is pressed,
       then the increment will be somewhat smaller causing the mouse
       cursor to move more slowly.  Typically, the user will toggle
       between the two speeds depending on how far the mouse cursor must
       be moved.  Remember to use the <SHIFT> key if small adjustments
       to the mouse cursor position are required.


       The simulator imitates a two button mouse.  To click the left
       mouse button, press the <Ins> key, the <ENTER> key or the
       <SPACEBAR>.  To click the right mouse button, press the <Del>

       -------------------- USING EGA COLORING BOOK --------------------

       EGA COLORING BOOK is very easy to use.  Before we get into the
       details, I would like to make some general comments about the
       mouse cursor.

       1. While you are moving aroung the screen, you will notice that
          the mouse cursor will change depending on the current screen
          location.  It changes so that it will always point toward the
          nearest corner of the screen.  This allows you to easily point
          to any screen location.

       2. The mouse cursor hotspot is at the very tip of the arrow's
          point.  The hotspot is the actual screen position you are
          clicking on when you press the left mouse button.

       3. At some points in the program, the mouse cursor will be
          restricted to a portion of the screen.  This is true when
          making a menu selection or a new picture selection.

       4. The phrase "Click the left mouse button on the command target
          ..." means to move the mouse cursor so that the hotspot is
          over the command target on the screen and then press and
          release the left mouse button.

       After starting the program and pressing a key at the title screen
       prompt, EGA COLORING BOOK will display a picture.  If this
       picture has been previously colored, the program will use the
       coloring data (stored in the .COL file) to recolor the picture.
       When the recoloring step has been completed, the command entry
       area (referred to as the CEA for the remainder of this document)
       will be displayed over the left side of the picture.


       The CEA is a rectangular shaped box.  The lower four fifths of
       this area is dedicated to displaying the active color palette.
       The top portion contains command targets.  The available commands
       are described below.


       1. In the upper right corner of the command entry area is a
          command target that has arrows pointing left and right.
          Clicking the left mouse button on this command target will
          move the CEA to the opposite side of the screen.  This is
          useful to move the CEA out of the way when coloring.  Pressing
          the <F10> key is a keyboard shortcut for this command.

       2. Clicking the right mouse button at any time will toggle the
          display of the CEA.  If the CEA is currently displayed,
          pressing the right mouse button will remove it from the
          screen.  If the CEA is not currently displayed, pressing the
          right mouse button will put it back on the screen.  This is
          useful to completely remove the CEA when coloring areas that
          extend behind the CEA or when you want to view your finished
          picture.  Pressing the <F9> key is a keyboard shortcut for
          this command.


       Just above the display of the active color palette in the CEA are
       five command targets that contain colors made of various
       combinations of black and white.  These command targets select
       the active color palette.  When the program begins running, the
       default active color palette corresponds to the second command
       target from the left.  Clicking on these command targets will
       change the active color palette and display the new set of colors
       available in the bottom of the CEA.  The keys <F1> through <F5>
       are shortcuts for selecting the active color palette.  The <F1>
       key corresponds to the leftmost command target and the <F5> key
       corresponds to the rightmost command target. Note that the
       "solid" colors appear in all five color palettes.  You will need
       to experiment with these command targets until you become
       familiar with the colors available in each palette.


       Clicking the left mouse button on the desired color in the active
       color palette will make that color the active crayon color.  The
       active crayon color is indicated by a white outline around the
       selected color's box in the active color palette display.


       As you color the picture, EGA COLORING BOOK remembers how you
       have colored it.  It keeps a list of "color commands" in memory.
       Clicking the left mouse button on the "OOPS" command target will
       undo the last color command.  This is useful if you accidentally
       color an area that was previously colored. Clicking on the "OOPS"
       command target will restore the area to its previous color.  You
       may use the "OOPS" command any number of times in a row.  It will
       always undo the last color command on the list and then remove
       that command from the list.  If the list is empty, then you will
       hear the error beep and no action will be performed.

       NOTE: If the CEA is on the screen when the "OOPS" command is
             requested it will be removed before the color of the area
             is restored.  After the color of the area is restored, the
             CEA will then be displayed again.

       There are two shortcuts for the "OOPS" command.  If you have a
       three button mouse, clicking the middle button at any time has
       the same effect as clicking the left mouse button on the "OOPS"
       command target.  Also, pressing the <O> key is the keyboard
       shortcut for this command.  You may use these two shortcuts for
       the "OOPS" command even if the CEA is currently not on the


       Clicking the left mouse button on the "MENU" command target will
       cause the top portion of the CEA to be replaced with six new
       command targets.  The use of these command targets is explained
       below.  Pressing the <M> key is the keyboard shortcut for this
       command.  You may use the keyboard shortcut to invoke the "MENU"
       command even if the CEA is currently not on the screen.


       Click the left mouse button on the "ERASE" command target if you
       want to erase the colors from your picture.  You may also invoke
       the "ERASE" command by pressing the <E> key on the keyboard.
       Using the keyboard shortcut for this command will only work when
       the "ERASE" command target is on the screen.  In other words, you
       must invoke the "MENU" command prior to requesting the "ERASE"
       command.  When this command is selected, you will be asked "Do
       you really want to erase the picture?".  If you want to continue
       with the erasure then click the left mouse button on the "YES"
       command target.  Click the left mouse button on the "NO" command
       target to abort the erase command.  The keys <Y> and <N> may be
       used to indicate a yes or no response.


       Click the left mouse button on the "QUIT" command target if you
       want to quit the program.  You may also invoke the "QUIT" command
       by pressing the <Q> key on the keyboard.  Using the keyboard
       shortcut for this command will only work when the "QUIT" command
       target is on the screen.  In other words, you must invoke the
       "MENU" command prior to requesting the "QUIT" command.  When this
       command is selected, you will be asked "Do you really want to
       quit?".  If you want to exit the program back to DOS then click
       the left mouse button on the "YES" command target.  Click the
       left mouse button on the "NO" command target to abort the "QUIT"
       command.  The keys <Y> and <N> may be used to indicate a yes or
       no response.


       Click the left mouse button on the "PICTURE" command target if
       you want to select a different picture to color.  You may also
       invoke the "PICTURE" command by pressing the <P> key on the
       keyboard.  Using the keyboard shortcut for this command will only
       work when the "PICTURE" command target is on the screen.  In
       other words, you must invoke the "MENU" command prior to
       requesting the "PICTURE" command.  When this command is selected,
       you will be presented with a list of pictures to pick from.  The
       desired picture can be selected by clicking the left mouse button
       on the picture's command target or by pressing the key on the
       keyboard that is indicated on the left side of the command target
       (keys <A> through <M>). The very last command target on the
       bottom of the screen will be -NO CHANGE-.  You should click the
       left mouse button on this command target or press the <N> key on
       the keyboard if you change your mind and want to keep the same
       picture you have been using.  If there are more pictures
       available than can fit on the screen (which will be the case if
       you register!), then the second last command target will be
       -MORE-. You can click the left mouse button on this command
       target or press the <M> key on the keyboard to provide a list of
       more pictures to select from.  If you select a new picture and
       that picture has been previously colored, then EGA COLORING BOOK
       will "recolor" the picture after it is loaded.  You may then
       erase the colors from the picture or continue coloring where you
       left off last time.


       Click the left mouse button on the "MODE" command target if you
       want to change the mode of the CEA display.  You may also invoke
       the "MODE" command by pressing the <M> key on the keyboard. Using
       the keyboard shortcut for this command will only work when the
       "MODE" command target is on the screen.  In other words, you must
       invoke the "MENU" command prior to requesting the "MODE" command.
       When this command is selected, you will be asked "Should the
       palette disappear after a color selection?".  If you would like
       the CEA (including the color palette display) to disappear after
       each color selection then click the left mouse button on the
       "YES" command target.  If you do not want the CEA to disappear
       after a color selection then click the left mouse button on the
       "NO" command target.  The keys <Y> and <N> may be used to
       indicate a yes or no response.  If you select the "YES" command
       target, then the CEA will be removed from the display each time
       you select a new color to use.  When in this mode, either the
       right mouse button or the <F9> key must be used to restore the
       CEA to the screen in order to make a new color selection.


       Click the left mouse button on the "RECOLOR" command target when
       you would like the picture to be erased and recolored.  You may
       also invoke the "RECOLOR" command by pressing the <R> key on the
       keyboard.  Using the keyboard shortcut for this command will only
       work when the "RECOLOR" command target is on the screen.  In
       other words, you must invoke the "MENU" command prior to
       requesting the "RECOLOR" command.  This command was included for
       two reasons.  The first reason is that during the recoloring,
       redundant color data is removed from the "color command" list.
       The other reason is that my three year old daughter likes to
       watch the "computer" color the picture.  The EGA COLORING BOOK
       may automatically execute this command if the color command list
       becomes too large to fit in memory.  This should only happen if
       you color a lot of areas that have already been colored before.
       If this should happen, the program will put a message on the
       screen before it begins the "recoloring process".  The message
       will ask you to press a key when ready.  After you press a key,
       the program will begin the "recoloring process".  The only
       problem caused by recoloring is that the "OOPS" command will not
       restore an area's previous color any longer (the area will be
       colored white).  This is because the "RECOLOR" command has
       determined that the previous coloring of an area was redundant
       and has removed it from the "color command" list.  The "OOPS"
       command will operate properly for any new "color commands" added
       to the list after the recoloring process has completed.


       Click the left mouse button on the "CANCEL" command target if you
       want to cancel the "MENU" command.  You may also invoke the
       "CANCEL" command by pressing the <C> key on the keyboard.  Using
       the keyboard shortcut for this command will only work when the
       "CANCEL" command target is on the screen.  In other words, you
       must have invoked the "MENU" command prior to requesting the
       "CANCEL" command.  When this command is selected, the "MENU"
       command will be cancelled and the top portion of the CEA will be


       Once you have selected the desired color, you can then "color" an
       area of the picture.  To color an area, simply move the mouse
       cursor to point at the desired area and click the left mouse
       button.  You may color over an area that has already been
       colored.  If the mouse cursor is pointing at the outline of an
       area (the black lines making up the picture) when the mouse
       button is clicked, then you will hear the error beep and no
       coloring will be done.  Each time you color an area the "color
       command" is added to the list in memory.  Eventually, this list
       may become full if you color a lot of areas that have already
       been colored.  Please see the description of the "RECOLOR"
       command above for information about this situation.

       ---------------------------- SUMMARY ----------------------------

       Happy coloring!  Thank you very much for evaluating EGA COLORING
       BOOK.  I hope to hear from you soon.

                                (please print)

       NAME    _________________________________________________________

       ADDRESS _________________________________________________________

       CITY    ________________________________   STATE ________________

       ZIP     ______________

       TYPE OF COMPUTER (PC, XT, AT, etc.)




       (Friend, BBS, etc. - If BBS please indicate the name)


         Qty                                      Price        Total

         ___  EGA COLORING BOOK registration(s)   $16.00   _____________

              If  3 1/2"  disks are required
              then add additional media cost       $1.50   _____________

              Outside US orders add
              additional shipping cost             $7.50   _____________

              Ohio residents only - 5.5% sales tax         _____________

                                                   Total   _____________

              All prices are in USA currency only.
              Make checks payable to  David C. Swope.

              Please send this form and your registration fee to:

                                David C. Swope
                               3753 Tango Drive
                            North Bend, OH   45052

              Please write comments or suggestions on the back of the
              form.  Thank you very much.


Disk No: 2233
Disk Title: EGA Coloring Book
PC-SIG Version: S1

Author Version: 1.0
Author Registration: $16.00
Special Requirements: 384K RAM, EGA or VGA.  Optional hard drive and mou

Here is a neat program that was made for children, but anybody can
enjoy  whether you are old or young at heart.  EGA COLORING BOOK is a
computer coloring book that has a selection of over 500 crayons.  There
are five full screens pictures that you can paint with the crayons.

Just right for those times when your kids need something to do, or when
you need to color those blues away. (Registered users get 10 additional

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.


║            <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #2233  EGA COLORING BOOK  >>>>             ║
║ To print documentation, type:  COPY ECBMAN.DOC PRN  (press ENTER)       ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To start program, type:  ECB  (press ENTER)                             ║

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2233

 Volume in drive A is #2233 S2.1
 Directory of A:\

ECB      EXE    168414   5-08-91   7:49p
ECB      DOC     52875   5-06-91  12:38p
ECBORDER FRM      3345   4-28-91   9:42a
ECBTP21S GXL     37949   5-05-91   9:37p
ECBFONT  000      2625   8-09-89   8:42p
ECBCOLOR DAT      8880  10-23-89   9:40p
ECBIMAGE GXL     32301   3-26-91  10:14p
ECBSETUP DAT        77   4-14-91   9:20a
GO       BAT        97   6-14-91   1:47a
PREVIEW  EXE      7347   4-18-91   1:15p
FILE2233 TXT      1629   6-20-91   2:20p
       11 file(s)     315539 bytes
                       39936 bytes free

PC-SIG Library Disk #2233