PCjs Machines

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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2232)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Information about “VGA CONCENTRATION”

This is a fun and challenging picture matching game with novice and
advanced levels.  It tests the player's memory and concentration
skills.  This game has superb VGA graphics in 256 and 16 colors,
derived from GIF files.  There are four collections for a total of 52
great quality pictures.

The user interface is extremely simple.  It's menu-driven and you can
use it with the keyboard or a mouse.  This is a special VGA version of
CRAZY SHUFFLE. Register this program and get more pictures!


Disk No: 2232                                                           
Disk Title: VGA Concentration                                           
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: VGA Concentration                                        
Author Version: 1.1                                                     
Author Registration: $20.00                                             
Special Requirements: 384K RAM and VGA.                                 
A fun and challenging picture matching game with novice and advanced    
levels.  It tests the player's memory skills.  It utilized superb VGA   
graphics in 256 and 16 colors, derived from GIF files. Four collections 
for a total of 52 great quality pictures are included.                  
The user interface is extremely simple, menu driven operation with      
keyboard, or optional mouse.  This is a special VGA version of CRAZY    
SHUFFLE.  Register this program and get more pictures!                  
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║           <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #2232   VGA CONCENTRATION  >>>>             ║
║ To print documentation, copy each file to the printer, finishing one    ║
║ before beginning the next.  Type:  COPY ALIVE.DOC PRN  (press ENTER)    ║
║                                    COPY VC.DOC PRN  (press ENTER)       ║
║                                    COPY README.DOC PRN  (press ENTER)   ║
║                                    COPY REGISTER.DOC PRN  (press ENTER) ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To start the program, type:  VC  (press ENTER)                          ║


                WELCOME TO VGA CONCENTRATION   1.1     03-MAY-1990

   This README file contains important, last minute information in
   addition to VC.DOC .  It also answers many common questions.

                       ANSWERS TO COMMON QUESTIONS

   A) VGA :  This program requires VGA graphics display and a minimum of
      384 K of system memory.  The program supports the most popular VGA
      cards.  If your card is not included in the "VGA CARD SELECTION"
      menu you have 2 options:  (1) Contact your VGA card manufacturer,
      and ask what other VGA card is yours COMPATIBLE with. Or (2) Just
      try all selections from the "VGA CARD SELECTION LIST" until you
      find one that works reliably.

   B) If you do not have VGA graphics display, read in ALIVE.DOC about
      CRAZY SHUFFLE, our memory Concentration program that works on CGA,
      EGA, Hercules, MCGA.

   C) The program files with extensions ".VL" and ".LST" must be present
      in your current disk and directory.

   D) MOUSE : if you plan to use the mouse, the mouse driver must be loaded
      before running VC. For best results, your mouse driver should be a
      recent update, 1988 or later.  If you have any problem with the mouse
      due to compatibility issues just select the keyboard option from the
      installation menu.

                             UPDATE HISTORY

    Ver 1.0   01-APRIL-1990  First publication of VGA CONCENTRATION
    Ver 1.1   03-MAY-1990    Fixed "Divide overflow" bug associated
                             with new MICROSOFT Mouse drivers




   Registration benefits:  You will receive the latest registered version
   of this program as described in the documentation file, also one more
   floppy disk with other high quality FREE shareware programs from ALIVE
   SOFTWARE.  Technical support,  updates  and new  product announcements.

    Your Name: _____________________________________________________

    Address:   _____________________________________________________

    City:      _____________________________________________________

    State:     _____  Zip Code: ___________  Country: ______________

    Where Did you get this program from ?  ___________________________

    Are you a New ALIVE SOFTWARE customer? Yes [ ]   No [ ]

    Specify floppy disk type :
    [ ]  5 1/4 360 K  (If none specified, 5 1/4  360 K floppy is assumed)
    [ ]  5 1/4 1.2 Mb
    [ ]  3 1/2 720K

    Describe your system by checking one or more of the following :
    [ ] CGA   [ ] TANDY   [ ] Hercules
    [ ] EGA   [ ] MCGA    [ ] VGA ( If VGA,manufacturer?____________)
    [ ] Mouse [ ] Joystick.

    ** Please read file ALIVE.DOC for detailed program descriptions

    Send _______ copies of CRAZY SHUFFLE $20 each        ___________

    Send _______ copies of VGA CONCENTRATION $20 each    ___________

    Send _______ copies of PC-JIGSAW at $15 each         ___________

    Send _______ copies of VGA JIGSAW at $20 each        ___________

    Send _______ copies of ALIVE SHARKS at $20 each      ___________

    Send _______ copies of VGA SHARKS at $20 each        ___________

    Send _______ copies of ALIVE SHAREWARE PACKAGE at $10 __________

    ( We pay for Shipping )                    TOTAL   _____________

    [ ] Check enclosed   [ ] Money order enclosed
   Foreign user, please send Check or Money order in U.S. dollars only

                                            :  ALIVE SOFTWARE        :
                                Send To:    :  P.O. BOX 4004         :
                                            :  SANTA CLARA, CA 95054 :

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2232

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

ALIVE    DOC      9673   5-03-90  12:00p
README   DOC      1831   5-03-90  12:00p
REGISTER DOC      2436   5-03-90  12:00p
VC       DOC     14471   5-03-90  12:00p
VC       EXE    106950   5-03-90  12:00p
VC016    LST       117   5-03-90  12:00p
VC016    VL     113250   5-03-90  12:00p
VC0256   LST       133   5-03-90  12:00p
VC0256   VL      62445   5-03-90  12:00p
FILE2232 TXT      1703   6-20-90   4:13p
GO       BAT        38   1-01-80   1:37a
GO       TXT       848   1-01-80   9:12a
GO       BAK      1156   1-01-80   9:08a
       13 file(s)     315051 bytes
                           0 bytes free