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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2231)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “ALIVE SHARKS”

An underwater action arcade game that utilizes unique Artificial
Intelligence, simulation and classic animation techniques to transform
your computer screen into a realistic ocean floor.

You are the Frogman and your mission is to collect rare marine
creatures and recover lost treasures from the bottom of the sea. Armed
with your trusty stun-gun, you can retreat to your electromagnetic base
that repels sharks and the rest of your dreadful enemies.  Your diving
uniform is state-of-the-art, but you can survive only a few shark bites
and it is useless against the poison of the deadly

This is not your typical ``shoot-em-up,'' ``eat-the-dots'' kind of
game.  Your enemies are crafty and independent and they surround you in
clever formations.  When you shoot at them from far away, they are
smart enough to avoid your shot.


Disk No: 2231                                                           
Disk Title: Alive Sharks                                                
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: Alive Sharks                                             
Author Version: 1.0                                                     
Author Registration: $20.00                                             
Special Requirements: Optional Mouse or Joystick.                       
ALIVE SHARKS is an underwater action arcade game.  It utilizes unique   
Artificial Intelligence, Simulation and Classic Animation techniques to 
transform your computer screen into a realistic ocean floor.            
You are the Frogman and your mission is to collect rare marine creatures
and recover lost treasures from the bottom of the sea. Well, it not     
going to be easy.  Of course you are armed with your trusty Stun-gun and
you can always retreat in your electromagnetic base that repels sharks  
and the rest of your dreadful Enemies.  Your diving uniform is state of 
the art but you can survive only a few shark bites and it is useless    
against the poison of the deadly Jelly Fish.                            
This is not your typical "Shoot-them-up, Eat-the-Dots kind-of-game".    
Your enemies are crafty, independent, they surround you in clever       
formations.  And when you shoot at them from far away, they are smart   
enough to avoid your shot.  Registration includes additional games,     
marine creatures and background scenery.                                
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║              <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #2231   ALIVE SHARKS  >>>>               ║
║ To print documentation, copy each file to the printer, finishing one    ║
║ before beginning the next.  Type:  COPY ALIVE.DOC PRN  (press ENTER)    ║
║                                    COPY SHARKS.DOC PRN  (press ENTER)   ║
║                                    COPY README.DOC PRN  (press ENTER)   ║
║                                    COPY REGISTER.DOC PRN  (press ENTER) ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To start the program, type:  SHARKS  (press ENTER)                      ║


              WELCOME TO ALIVE SHARKS     1.0      25-APRIL-1990

   This README file contains important, last minute information in
   addition to SHARKS.DOC . It also answers many common questions.

                        ANSWERS TO COMMON QUESTIONS

   A) MOUSE :  if you plan to use the  mouse,  the mouse  driver  must be
      loaded before running SHARKS.  For best results,  your mouse driver
      should be a recent update,  1988 or later.  If you have any problem
      with the mouse due to compatibility issues just select the "POINT :
      With Keyboard" option from the installation menu.  If when  you are
      using the  mouse you run out of  desk space,  you are not  using it
      correctly, please read the OPERATION section in SHARKS.DOC

   B) EGA :  EGA graphics tend to be slow, so if you your system is not a
      fast one you may want to  try  running the game under CGA graphics.
      ALIVE SHARKS requires 256 K of system memory.

      3  different games:  RAYBATS,  SHARKS, and  KILLER  JELLY-FISH.  The
      Shareware  version will  only let you  play SHARKS,  the  registered
      version will however let you play all three,  plus any new games  we
      have  created for  SHARKS.EXE  since this  README.DOC  document  was

                             UPDATE HISTORY

     Ver 1.0   25-APRIL-1990  First publication of ALIVE SHARKS


   ALIVE SOFTWARE,   P.O. BOX 4004,   SANTA CLARA,   CA   95054    U.S.A.




   Registration benefits:  You will receive the latest registered version
   of this program as described in the documentation file, also one more
   floppy disk with other high quality FREE shareware programs from ALIVE
   SOFTWARE.  Technical support,  updates  and new  product announcements.

    Your Name: _____________________________________________________

    Address:   _____________________________________________________

    City:      _____________________________________________________

    State:     _____  Zip Code: ___________  Country: ______________

    Where Did you get this program from ?  ___________________________

    Are you a New ALIVE SOFTWARE customer? Yes [ ]   No [ ]

    Specify floppy disk type :
    [ ]  5 1/4 360 K  (If none specified, 5 1/4  360 K floppy is assumed)
    [ ]  5 1/4 1.2 Mb
    [ ]  3 1/2 720K

    Describe your system by checking one or more of the following :
    [ ] CGA   [ ] TANDY   [ ] Hercules
    [ ] EGA   [ ] MCGA    [ ] VGA ( If VGA,manufacturer?____________)
    [ ] Mouse [ ] Joystick.

    ** Please read file ALIVE.DOC for detailed program descriptions

    Send _______ copies of CRAZY SHUFFLE $20 each        ___________

    Send _______ copies of VGA CONCENTRATION $20 each    ___________

    Send _______ copies of PC-JIGSAW at $15 each         ___________

    Send _______ copies of VGA JIGSAW at $20 each        ___________

    Send _______ copies of ALIVE SHARKS at $20 each      ___________

    Send _______ copies of VGA SHARKS at $20 each        ___________

    Send _______ copies of ALIVE SHAREWARE PACKAGE at $10 __________

    ( We pay for Shipping )                    TOTAL   _____________

    [ ] Check enclosed   [ ] Money order enclosed
   Foreign user, please send Check or Money order in U.S. dollars only

                                            :  ALIVE SOFTWARE        :
                                Send To:    :  P.O. BOX 4004         :
                                            :  SANTA CLARA, CA 95054 :

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2231

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

ALIVE    DOC      9673   4-25-90  12:00p
README   DOC      1801   4-25-90  12:00p
REGISTER DOC      2436   4-25-90  12:00p
SHARKS   DOC     17856   4-25-90  12:00p
SHARKS   EXE    125242   4-25-90  12:00p
SHARKS0  GDL    148780   4-25-90  12:00p
FILE2231 TXT      2443   1-01-80   8:38a
GO       BAT        38   1-01-80   1:37a
GO       TXT       848   1-01-80   8:46a
        9 file(s)     309117 bytes
                        8192 bytes free