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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2225)

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This educational program helps children to associate the printed word
with the object it describes.  Word Gallery is a set of colorful
word-object flashcards.  Children 4-7, will enjoy watching the screen
fill with color as they match the words with their pictures.

The program has four separate ``games'' or ``levels''.

When a child first gets started, he selects a picture, the computer
colors it, and its word will be displayed.

After becoming familiar with the word that describes the picture, the
child can advance to the next game.  Here, the computer displays a word
at the top of the screen.  When the child selects the picture described
by the word, the picture is colored.

The third game reinforces what has been learned in the first two
levels.  A picture is displayed and when the child selects the word
which describes the picture, the picture is colored.

The last level is the real test.  One of the pictures is highlighted
and puts the word which describes the picture at the top of the
screen.  The word, however, is missing one of the letters.  When the
child types the missing letter on the keyboard, the picture is colored
and the complete word displayed.

In all levels, when correct answers are given and the screen has been
colored, a song will play.  This is a fun program for kids with lots of
rewards and lots of learning!


║               <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #2225  WORD GALLERY  >>>>               ║
║ To print documentation, type:  COPY WG.DOC PRN (press Enter)            ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To start program, type:  WG (press Enter)                               ║ 
║                                                                         ║
║ To print a copy of the registration form, type:                         ║
║                    COPY WGREG.FRM PRN (press Enter)                     ║
(c) Copyright 1990, PC-SIG Inc.


                           W O R D     G A L L E R Y

                                REFERENCE MANUAL

                    Shareware version 2.0        August 1990

                                KinderWare, Inc.
                                 P.O. Box 1068
                           North Bend, OH  45052-1068

               This manual and the WORD GALLERY program and data
                 Copyright (C) 1989, 1990  by  KinderWare, Inc.
                              All rights reserved.

                            LIMITATION OF LIABILITY

     WORD GALLERY is supplied as is.  KinderWare, Inc.  makes no warranty
     or representation, either express or implied, with respect to this
     program, reference manual or documentation including their quality,
     performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose.

     In no event will KinderWare, Inc. be liable for direct, indirect,
     special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use
     or inability to use the program, reference manual or documentation,
     even if KinderWare, Inc. is advised of the possibility of such
     damages.  In particular, KinderWare, Inc. is not responsible for any
     costs including but not limited to those incurred as a result of lost
     profits or revenue, loss of use of computer programs, loss of data,
     the cost of a substitute program, claims by third parties or for
     other similar costs.

     KinderWare, Inc. reserves the right to update the contents of the
     WORD GALLERY program and its associated documentation at its
     discretion and without the consent of or any obligation to any
     licensed users.

                         LICENSE for Shareware version

     WORD GALLERY is NOT public domain or free software.  This version of
     WORD GALLERY is distributed as "SHAREWARE".  WORD GALLERY is
     Copyright (C) 1989, 1990 by KinderWare, Inc.  All rights reserved.
     KinderWare, Inc. permits the copying and transfer of the SHAREWARE
     VERSION of WORD GALLERY to others, under the following conditions:

     1. No fee shall be charged for copies of any portion of the WORD
     GALLERY program, its documentation or other information contained on
     the WORD GALLERY diskette.  A charge for the copying service and
     media is allowed as long as this charge does not exceed $7.50.

     2. The recipient receives an unmodified copy of all the WORD GALLERY
     files, including this document.

     3. You may not disassemble or decompile the WORD GALLERY files or in
     any fashion attempt to reverse engineer the program.

     Any copy of WORD GALLERY sold or copied in such a manner as to
     violate the above conditions shall be subject to a royalty fee of
     $100.00 for each violation.

     KinderWare, Inc. encourages the copying and transfer of the program
     to others so that it may be evaluated by as many interested users as
     possible.  After the evaluation period, it is expected that the users
     either register their copy of the program or discontinue using it.

                            REGISTRATION INFORMATION

     The cost of user registration is $16.00 plus shipping and handling.
     This registration fee provides you with the following benefits:

     1. You will receive the commercial version of WORD GALLERY and you
     will be licensed to operate the WORD GALLERY program on one computer
     and by one user at a time.  You will also receive a printed manual.

     2. It provides you with 100 additional words/pictures for use with
     the WORD GALLERY program.  The commercial version contains a total of
     150 words/pictures.

     3. It will put you on the mailing list to receive information about
     additional word/picture sets and WORD GALLERY updates when they
     become available.  Mailings will also inform you when other programs
     from KinderWare, Inc. are released.

     4. It will provide you with information on how to report problems or
     get assistance from KinderWare, Inc.

     Site licenses are available to educational institutions.  Please
     contact KinderWare, Inc. for information and prices.

     We encourage you to support the "Shareware" method of software
     distribution by becoming a registered user.  A registration form is
     provided in the file WGREG.FRM.

                           TRADEMARK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

     MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
     XT, AT and PC-DOS are registered trademarks of IBM Corporation.
     COVOX and SPEECH THING are registered trademarks of Covox, Inc.
     ADLIB is a registered trademark of Adlib, Inc.

                               REQUIRED EQUIPMENT

     WORD GALLERY will run on most IBM or compatible computers with color
     graphics capability, at least 350 KB of free RAM after DOS and any
     TSR programs are installed, PC-DOS or MS-DOS 2.1 or greater and one
     disk drive.  A hard disk and mouse are optional.


     Welcome to WORD GALLERY, an educational program for children of age 3
     and up.  Even adults who are studying English as a second language
     could make use of WORD GALLERY as a learning tool.

     Many hours were spent in the development of WORD GALLERY and your
     support would be greatly appreciated.  Supporting the Shareware
     concept helps to keep the cost of software down and also allows the

     developers to continue enhancing the product.  Remember that
     KinderWare, Inc.  will gladly accept any comments you may have
     regarding the WORD GALLERY program.  We are very interested in making
     the program even more valuable as a teaching aid.  We hope this
     program helps your child have fun and learn to read and spell at the
     same time.

     WORD GALLERY is an educational program designed to help children
     associate the printed word with the object it describes.  It provides
     a set of colorful word/object flashcards.  These flashcards are used
     to play a variety of games.  Children will enjoy watching the screen
     fill with color as they use WORD GALLERY.

     WORD GALLERY looks best on VGA or EGA equipped systems.  It will also
     run on systems with MCGA and CGA displays.  Use of a mouse input
     device is optional.

     Version 2.0 consists of five separate "GAMES".  The new games will
     appeal to an older child.  In addition, the old games have a fresh
     new look.  Individual games are "color-coded" so children can easily
     select the one they want.  The options can be changed directly from
     each game.  New options allow keeping score and placing a time limit
     on the responses.  An included utility program allows you to set the
     options to initial values and also to select which words you want
     WORD GALLERY to use.  The EGA version of the pictures are colored
     from a larger set of dithered screen colors.  Most importantly,
     the commercial version now includes 150 words/pictures!

                                 IN THE FUTURE

     Plans for future versions of WORD GALLERY include the following new
     features:  1) Support for different languages, 2) Better sound
     effects and animated sequences for right and wrong answers, 3)
     Additional games to drill phonics concepts, and 4) Support for add on
     sound/speech hardware such as the Adlib and Sound Blaster boards.  If
     you decide to register, be sure to indicate what type of additional
     sound hardware you have.  This will help us decide which board(s) or
     device(s) to support.

                                GETTING STARTED

     Before attempting to use the WORD GALLERY program, please make a
     backup copy of the WORD GALLERY diskette.  Consult your DOS manual
     for instructions on performing this procedure.  The disk that WORD
     GALLERY is being run from must not be write protected because the
     program will write configuration data to the disk.

     If your system includes a mouse input device, then the mouse driver
     must be installed before the WORD GALLERY program is run.  Consult
     your mouse user's guide for instructions on loading the mouse driver.

     WORD GALLERY will operate in one of three graphics modes depending

     upon your system's display adapter:

                 1. 640 X 350   16 colors  VGA or EGA adapter.
                 2. 320 X 200  256 colors        MCGA adapter.
                 3. 320 X 200    4 colors         CGA adapter.

     The proper mode is automatically selected.  The program attempts to
     enter mode 1 first.  If this is not possible, then mode 2 is tried.
     If this is also not possible, then mode 3 is entered.  If the program
     does not detect your particular display adapter properly, you can use
     the following parameters on the command line:  /M will eliminate the
     attempt to enter mode 1; /C will force the program into mode 3 (CGA).
     EXAMPLE - To force the use of mode 3 (CGA), enter the following at
     the DOS prompt: "WG /C" (do not type the quote characters).

     If your system contains an EGA adapter with only 64K of video memory,
     then mode 1 may not be used.  In this case mode 3 should be used.
     You may need to use the /C parameter to force this mode selection.

     In order to run the WORD GALLERY program the picture and support
     files must be in the current directory so they can be used by the
     program.  If you know which display adapter you have then you may
     remove the unnecessary picture file.  The necessary files are
     described below.


           WG.EXE   The WORD GALLERY program.
       WGFONT.000   \
       WGFONT.001   -These three files are graphics text fonts.
       WGFONT.002   /
      WGSETUP.EXE   The Setup Utility program.
     WGOPTION.DAT   The options data.
     WGWORDSE.000   Word set file for VGA and EGA adapters.
     WGWORDSC.000   Word set file for CGA and MCGA adapters.
           WG.DOC   This document.
        WGREG.FRM   A registration form.

     All but two of these files must be located in the same directory if
     WORD GALLERY is installed on a hard disk.  The three files which are
     not needed are: WG.DOC, WGREG.FRM and the word set file which does
     not match your display adapter.  To install the program on a hard
     disk, simply copy all needed files to a single directory on the hard

     The SHAREWARE version of the program has word set files which contain
     50 words/pictures.  If you register, you will receive the commercial
     version which has 150 words/pictures.  Use the WGSETUP program if you
     want to see the list of available words.


     The file WGSETUP.EXE is the WORD GALLERY setup utility.  This program

     allows you to set all the WORD GALLERY options and also to select
     which words/pictures you want WORD GALLERY to use.  You do not have
     to run this program before you can use WORD GALLERY.  In fact, you
     may want to wait until you have tried WORD GALLERY before you use

     All but one of the options may be changed from the WORD GALLERY
     program directly.  The option that may be changed only by WGSETUP
     indicates whether or not the other options may be changed from within
     WORD GALLERY.  If this option is turned off with WGSETUP, then the
     only way to change options will be by using WGSETUP.  This allows you
     to keep the children who use the program from changing the options
     you have selected.  The selected options are saved in the file
     WGOPTION.DAT.  This file is updated whenever the options are changed
     by WGSETUP or by WORD GALLERY itself.

     Selecting which words/pictures you want WORD GALLERY to use may only
     be done with the WGSETUP program.

     To run the WGSETUP program:
     1. Make sure that the wordset files (WGWORDS*.*) and the file
        WGOPTION.DAT are located in the current default directory.
     2. Run the WGSETUP program by typing: [path specification\]WGSETUP.
        The brackets ([]) indicate that the path specification is optional
        and should be used if WGSETUP.EXE does not reside in the current
        default directory.  Do not type the bracket characters when
        entering the command to run WGSETUP.  The path specification may
        select a different disk drive if necessary.
     NOTE: When you invoke the WGSETUP program you should use the same
     parameters on the command line that you use when invoking the WORD
     GALLERY program.  These parameters are described in the GETTING
     STARTED section.  In most cases no command line parameters will be

     When the WGSETUP program is run, the main menu will appear.


     To modify the options press the "A" key on the keyboard when the main
     menu is displayed.  The option modifications screen will then appear.

     Pressing the key which corresponds to the letter shown to the left of
     the option description will change the state of that option.  For
     example, to change the state of the "LETTERCASE" option, press the
     "A" key on the keyboard.  The effects of changing each option are
     described below.

     This option affects all games.  It has two possible settings:
     UPPER - All words will be displayed in upper case letters.
     LOWER - All words will be displayed in lower case letters.

     This option affects all games.  It has three possible settings:
     NONE  - All sounds will be turned off.
     TONES - The only sounds will be those signifying that an erroneous
             key has been pressed, or those indicating a correct or
             incorrect response.
     SONGS - All sounds will be turned on, those described for the TONES
             setting described above and also the songs which play after
             five correct responses have been entered.  NOTE: The songs
             will play in the flashcard game when all the words/pictures
             have been selected on the page.

     Words/page (flashcard game)
     This option affects only the flashcard game.  It allows you to select
     the number of words/pictures that will be displayed on each page
     during the flashcard game.  The choices range from one to six.

     Words/page (matching game)
     This option affects only the matching game.  It allows you to select
     the number of words/pictures that will be displayed as possible
     matches during the matching game.  The choices range from two to

     Flashcard Mode
     This option affects only the flashcard game.  It has two possible
     PICTURE FIRST - This setting will cause the picture "side" of the
                     flashcard to be shown first.
     WORD FIRST    - This setting will cause the word "side" of the
                     flashcard to be shown first.

     Matching Mode
     This option affects only the matching game.  It has two possible
     PICTURE TO WORD - This setting will cause the program to display a
                       picture and ask the child to select the word that
     WORD TO PICTURE - This setting will cause the program to display a
                       word and ask the child to select the picture that


     This option affects all games except the flashcard game.  This option
     has three possible settings:
     PRACTICE - The program will not keep score, and the responses are not
                timed.  The program will supply a hint to help the child
                select the correct answer after two incorrect selections
                have been made.  A star will be given at the top of the
                screen once the correct response has been entered,
                regardless of whether or not a hint was given.
     BEGINNER - The program will keep score (# right and # wrong), and the
                responses will be timed.  The program will supply a hint
                to help the child select the correct answer after two
                incorrect selections have been made or after the allowed
                time has elapsed.  The child must keep trying until the
                correct response is entered.  If a hint has been given,
                then the response will be counted as incorrect.  A star
                will be given at the top of the screen only for correct
     EXPERT   - The program will keep score (# right and # wrong), and the
                responses will be timed.  The allowed time period will be
                shorter than for the BEGINNER setting described above.
                The program will supply a hint to help the child select
                the correct answer after one incorrect selection has been
                entered or after the allowed time has elapsed.  The child
                must keep trying until the correct response is entered.
                If a hint has been given, then the response will be
                counted as incorrect.  A star will be given at the top of
                the screen only for correct responses.
     NOTES:  1. In the spelling game, each letter that must be entered is
                subject to the above incorrect response limits.  If a hint
                is supplied for any of the letters, then the overall
                response will be counted as incorrect.
             2. In the word guess game, six incorrect guesses are allowed
                for the whole word.  When the seventh incorrect guess is
                entered, then a hint will be given and the overall
                response counted as incorrect.
             3. When a hint is provided in the matching game, it will
                consist of flashing the number below the correct answer.
                The hints provided in the other games consist of flashing
                the correct letter's command target at the bottom of the

     This option is only valid for the guessing game.  This option has two
     possible settings:
     ON  - As each new word is presented to the child, the program will
           display the word's picture.
     OFF - As each new word is presented to the child, the program will
           not display the word's picture.

     Allow option modification
     The setting of this option determines whether or not the other

     options may be modified from the WORD GALLERY program.  This allows
     you to keep the child from changing the options you have selected.
     This option has two possible settings:
     YES - The WORD GALLERY program will allow the user to change the
     NO  - The WORD GALLERY program will not allow the user to change the

     Exit to main menu
     This selection will save the options you have selected in the file
     WGOPTION.DAT and then return to the WGSETUP main menu.


     To select which words/pictures that you would like WORD GALLERY to
     use press the "B" key on the keyboard when the main menu is
     displayed.  The word selection screen will then appear.

     The list of words will appear on the left portion of the screen, and
     special selection key descriptions will be shown on the right.  Only
     twenty words will be shown at a time.  Each word will be displayed in
     one of two colors.  If the word is highlighted (bright green), then
     it will be used by WORD GALLERY.  If the word is not highlighted
     (white), then it will not be used by WORD GALLERY.  You may change
     the state of a word by pressing the key which corresponds to the
     letter shown to the left of the word.  If the word is highlighted,
     then pressing the key will change its state to inactive and remove
     the highlighting (change it to white).  If the word is not
     highlighted, then pressing the key will change its state to active
     and highlight it (change it to bright green).

     You may change the portion of the word list that you are viewing by
     pressing the PgDn and PgUp keys.  An error beep will be heard if you
     attempt to move beyond either end of the list.

     The [Insert] key may be used to make all words in the list active.
     NOTE: This will make all words active, not just the ones that are
     currently on the screen.

     The [Delete] key may be used to make all words in the list inactive.
     NOTE: This will make all words inactive, not just the ones that are
     currently on the screen.

     If you do not want to save the changes you have made to the word
     list, then you may press the [Esc] key.  This key will return the
     program to the main menu without saving any changes.

     When you have completed your changes, then press the [Enter] key.
     This key will save the changes and then return the program to the
     main menu.

     NOTE: There must be at least ten active words for WORD GALLERY to
     operate.  So be sure to leave at least ten words highlighted.

     The active word information is stored directly in the WGWORDS*.*


     To exit the WGSETUP program press the "C" key on the keyboard when
     the main menu is displayed.  This will cause the WGSETUP program to
     terminate and return you to the DOS prompt.

                            THE WORD GALLERY PROGRAM

     To run the program, set the current directory to the directory in
     which the files are located. Type "WG" (do not type the quote
     characters), and press the ENTER key.  After the program is loaded, a
     title page will appear.  When you are ready to begin the program,
     press any key.


     The main menu will be displayed when the title page is cleared or
     when the user selects the MENU command target while playing any of
     the games.  This menu allows the user to select the desired game and
     also to end the program.  Selections may be made with the keyboard or
     with a mouse.  Each game has a command target on which is printed the
     name of the game and the key which must be pressed to select it.  If
     a mouse is used, then simply point to the command target and press
     any mouse button.

     The details of each GAME will be described later.  The meaning of the
     command targets are described below:

                  KEY   DESCRIPTION
                  ---   -------------------------------------
                   F1   Selects the flashcard game.
                   F2   Selects the matching game.
                   F3   Selects the missing letters game.
                   F4   Selects the spelling game.
                   F5   Selects the word guess game.
                  ESC   Exits the program and returns to DOS.


     General Information

     This section will describe WORD GALLERY features that are common to
     most or all of the games.  A detailed description of each game will

     follow this section.

     In the rest of this manual, the phrase "click the ...  command target
     with the mouse" will be used.  This phrase means:  Point to the
     command target with the mouse cursor and press and release any of the
     mouse buttons.

     In all games, the top portion of the display is divided into three
     areas.  The upper left corner contains the MENU command target.  The
     upper right corner contains the OPTIONS command target and the center
     portion contains the score display.

     This command target will have "F1" and the word "MENU" printed on it.
     Pressing the F1 key or clicking the MENU command target with the
     mouse will return the program to the main menu where a new game may
     be selected or the program may be exited.  See the description of the
     main menu above.

     This command target may or may not be present.  If you have used the
     WGSETUP program and have set the Allow option modification option to
     "NO", then you will not be allowed to modify the options from the
     WORD GALLERY program.  If the OPTIONS command target is not present,
     then the command target will contain the words "Word Gallery" and
     will not function.  Otherwise the command target will have "F2" and
     the word "OPTIONS" printed on it.  If this command target is valid
     then pressing the F2 key or clicking the OPTIONS command target with
     the mouse will cause the options modification window to appear.  The
     options modification window will be located in the top center of the
     display.  This window may use almost the entire screen in some games
     when using a CGA display.  The option modifications window will allow
     you to change all options that are applicable to the current game.
     Refer to the section about the WGSETUP program to find out the
     details of the various options and which games they affect.  The
     selections may be made with the mouse by pointing at the desired
     setting for a particular option and clicking any mouse button.  The
     selections may be made with the keyboard by pressing the key that
     corresponds to the capitalized letter of the desired setting.  When
     you are finished selecting the desired options, press the "D" (for
     Done) key or click the mouse on the "Done" command.

     The top center portion of the display is used for the score display
     in all games except the flashcard game.  This area will simply
     contain the word "FLASHCARD" when playing the flashcard game.  In all
     other games, the top center portion of the display will be divided
     into two areas.  The left hand side of this area will be divided into
     five rectangular areas.  When a correct response is entered a star
     will be drawn in one of the empty rectangular areas.  When all five
     areas have been filled with stars, then a song will play (if the
     sound option has been set to SONGS).  After the song finishes, the
     stars will be erased and they must be filled again before another
     song will play.  NOTE: When playing the flashcard game, a song will

     play when all words/pictures on a page have been selected and
     colored.  The appearance of the right hand side of the score display
     depends upon the setting of the difficulty option.  If the difficulty
     option is set to PRACTICE, then this portion of the score display
     will simply contain the word "PRACTICE".  Otherwise this area will be
     divided into three rectangular areas.  The areas will have the titles
     "RIGHT", "WRONG" and "TIME".  Below each of these titles will be a
     number.  The number under the RIGHT title indicates the number of
     correct responses that have been entered.  The number under the WRONG
     title indicates the number of incorrect responses that have been
     entered.  The number under the TIME title is a relative measure of
     the time remaining to enter a response.


     This game can be played in two ways depending on the setting of the
     Flashcard mode option.
     1. If the Flashcard mode option is set to WORD FIRST, then the
        computer will display the words.  When the child selects the word,
        its picture will be shown and colored.
     2. If the Flashcard mode option is set to PICTURE FIRST then the
        computer will display the pictures.  When the child selects the
        picture, it will be colored and its word will be displayed.
     The number of words/pictures that are displayed on each page is
     determined by the Words/page option.  Once the words/pictures have
     been displayed, the program will then wait for a word/picture to be
     selected or for the MENU or OPTIONS command targets to be selected.
     To select a word/picture, the user must press any mouse button while
     pointing to the word/picture or press the number key which is printed
     on the bottom of the word/picture.  When the word/picture is
     selected, the program will first display the picture if the word was
     selected (if the picture was selected then this step is not
     necessary). The picture will then be colored and its word placed at
     the bottom of the picture.  When all words/pictures have been
     selected and colored, the program will play a song (if the sound
     option has been set to SONGS).  When the song finishes, the next page
     of words/pictures will be displayed and the sequence continues.


     This game can be played in two ways depending upon the setting of the
     matching mode option.
     1. If the matching mode option is set to "WORD TO PICTURE", then the
        computer will display a word inside a box just below the score
        display.  A group of pictures will also be displayed.  The number
        of pictures that are displayed is determined by the words/page
        option.  Once the pictures have been displayed, the program will
        then wait for a picture to be selected or for the MENU or OPTIONS
        command targets to be selected.  If the picture that matches the
        word is selected, the picture will be colored and its word placed
        beneath it.  To select a picture , the user must press any mouse
        button while pointing to the picture or press the number key which

        is printed on the bottom of the picture.
     2. If the matching mode option is set to "PICTURE TO WORD", then the
        computer will display a picture just below the score display.  A
        group of words will also be displayed.  The number of words that
        are displayed is determined by the words/page option. Once the
        words have been displayed, the program will then wait for a word
        to be selected or for the MENU or OPTIONS command targets to be
        selected.  If the word that matches the picture is selected, the
        picture will be moved to the location of the selected word,
        colored and its word placed beneath it. To select a word, the user
        must press any mouse button while pointing to the word or press
        the number key which is printed at the bottom of the box
        containing the word.

     Refer to the description of the difficulty option in the section
     about the WGSETUP program and the description of the SCORE DISPLAY in
     the General Information section for details about the way the program
     keeps score and gives hints.

     GAMES #3 - #5  General information
     When any of these games are started, a group of command targets will
     be displayed at the bottom of the screen.  Each command target will
     have a letter written on it.  Letters may be entered with the
     keyboard or by clicking on the letter's command target with the
     mouse.  If an incorrect letter is entered then that letter's command
     target will change to have a red background.

     Missing letters in the words will be replaced with the underscore
     character.  The letter which must be entered in games #4 and #5 will
     have its corresponding underscore flashing.


     A picture will be displayed and its word will be placed beneath it.
     The word will have one letter missing.  The program will then wait
     for a letter to be entered or for the MENU or OPTIONS command targets
     to be selected.  When the correct letter is entered, the picture will
     be colored and the complete word placed beneath it.


     A picture will be displayed and its word will be placed beneath it.
     The word will have all of its letters replaced with underscore
     characters.  The program will then wait for a letter to be entered or
     for the MENU or OPTIONS command targets to be selected.  The letters
     must be entered in the proper order to spell the complete word.  As
     each correct letter is entered, its underscore will be replaced with
     the letter.  When the complete word has been entered, the picture
     will be colored and the complete word placed beneath it.


     If the Hints option is set to ON then a picture will be displayed.
     If the Hints option is set to OFF then a blank white box will be
     located in the place of the picture.  The word will be placed beneath
     the picture and will have all of its letters replaced with underscore
     characters.  Seven small boxes will be displayed to the right of the
     picture.  These boxes will be used to display the wrong guesses.  The
     program will then wait for a letter to be entered or for the MENU or
     OPTIONS command targets to be selected.  The letters may be entered
     in any order.  If the word contains two or more of the same letter,
     that letter must only be entered once.  If an incorrect guess is
     made, then that letter's command target will be removed and the
     letter will be placed into one of the wrong guess boxes.  After seven
     wrong guesses have been entered, a hint will be given.  The hint will
     show all remaining letters.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2225

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

WG       EXE    147736   9-07-90   6:25p
WGFONT   000      2689   8-09-90   8:52p
WGFONT   001      4772   8-09-90   8:53p
WGFONT   002      7622   8-09-90   8:53p
WGSETUP  EXE     58108   9-07-90   8:09p
WGOPTION DAT        18   9-12-90   9:11p
WGWORDSE 000     59806   8-27-90  10:20p
WGWORDSC 000     36202   8-27-90  10:22p
WG       DOC     34969   9-10-90  10:21p
WGREG    FRM      2020   9-08-90  12:30a
GO       TXT       805   1-01-80   5:56a
GO       BAT        38   1-01-80   1:37a
       12 file(s)     354785 bytes
                        1024 bytes free