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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2215)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Information about “ZEPHYR 1 OF 2 (2216 ALSO)”

ZEPHYR is a fully relational, FoxPro-compatible database management
system for non-programmers. Up to 25 databases can be manipulated
simultaneously. Its performance is roughly 16 times that of dBase III
and eight times that of dBase IV. Using a Mac-like interface,
sophisticated database applications (including reports, labels, lists,
and form letters) can be designed and generated in minutes, not
months. ZEPHYR is the perfect database tool for both novice and
experienced database users.

SPECIAL NOTE: The Shareware version of ZEPHYR is completely
functional but the accompanying FoxPro run-time supports only 120


Disk No: 2215                                                           
Disk Title: Zephyr 1 of 2 (2216 also)                                   
PC-SIG Version: 1                                                       
Program Title: Zephyr                                                   
Author Version: 1.0                                                     
Author Registration: $50.00                                             
Special Requirements: 640K RAM, and a hard drive.                       
ZEPHYR is a fully relational, FoxPro compatible data base management    
system for non programmers.  Up to 25 databases can be manipulated      
simultaneously.  Its performance is roughly 16 times that of dBASE III  
and eight times that of dBASE IV.  Using a Mac like interface,          
sophisticated data base applications (including reports, labels, lists, 
and form letters) can be designed and generated in minutes, not months. 
ZEPHYR is the perfect data base tool for both first-time and experienced
data base users.                                                        
SPECIAL NOTE:  The Shareware version of ZEPHYR is completely uncrippled;
however, the accompanying FoxPro run-time supports only 120 records.    
The author provides a $1 upgrade coupon with the Shareware version      
entitling the user to acquire an unlimited run-time for evaluation use. 
The unlimited run-time supports up to one billion records per data base.
Like all Shareware; following evaluation you are encouraged to register 
the program if it meets your needs.                                     
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


Listing of archive : 'INSTALL1.EXE'

  Name          Original    Packed  Ratio   Date     Time   Attr Type  CRC
--------------  --------  -------- ------ -------- -------- ---- ----- ----
                    1152       514  44.6% 90-04-20 18:36:30 a--w -lh1- CCB6
                     598       393  65.7% 90-04-21  7:17:18 a--w -lh1- 93EC
                     287       287 100.0% 86-12-22 10:35:08 a--w -lh0- 252D
                  399232    246133  61.7% 90-02-16  1:01:00 a--w -lh1- 64E5
                    1812       532  29.4% 90-04-20 18:24:24 a--w -lh1- AADD
                    6732      1795  26.7% 90-04-20 18:24:24 a--w -lh1- D300
                     194       180  92.8% 87-08-15 17:36:48 a--w -lh1- C593
                    1830       992  54.2% 90-04-21  8:37:22 a--w -lh1- C633
                      38        38 100.0% 90-03-12 19:30:32 a--w -lh0- 7C19
                  120058     41725  34.8% 90-04-18 22:33:42 a--w -lh1- E669
                   51484     51484 100.0% 90-04-21  8:19:12 a--w -lh0- BE6A
                     675       266  39.4% 90-03-01  5:56:24 a--w -lh1- 7469
                   11127      2559  23.0% 90-04-19 21:31:54 a--w -lh1- D749
--------------  --------  -------- ------ -------- --------
    13 files      595219    346898  58.3% 90-04-21 16:18:00

Listing of archive : 'INSTALL2.EXE'

  Name          Original    Packed  Ratio   Date     Time   Attr Type  CRC
--------------  --------  -------- ------ -------- -------- ---- ----- ----
                    1152       514  44.6% 90-04-20 18:36:30 a--w -lh1- CCB6
                  338176    187584  55.5% 90-03-23 23:01:08 a--w -lh1- 28C4
                   54181     27994  51.7% 90-02-16  1:01:00 a--w -lh1- 7970
                  502580    143715  28.6% 90-04-19 21:31:56 a--w -lh1- C321
--------------  --------  -------- ------ -------- --------
     4 files      896089    359807  40.2% 90-04-21 10:13:00


║                    <<<<  Disk #2215  ZYPHYR  >>>>                       ║
║                       (Disk 1 of 2 also #2216)                          ║
║ To install the program, type; C: (press enter)                          ║
║                    A: INSTALL \x (press enter)                          ║
║ \x - destination path                                                   ║
║ Do the same for disk #2                                                 ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation, after installing, type: COPY ZYPHYR.DOC PRN     ║


                       Zephyr License

     Zephyr 1.0 is software owned exclusively by Ward Mundy
Software.  It is licensed for use by any individual or
company for a period of 90 DAYS to allow you to determine
whether Zephyr meets your needs.  After 90 days, a license
must be obtained before continuing to use Zephyr.  Details
are included in the documentation accompanying these diskettes.

     Zephyr is not "crippled" in any way; however, our license
agreement with Fox Software requires that the ShareWare version
be distributed with the FoxPro "DEMO" run-time.  It limits data
bases to 120 records.  A $1 upgrade coupon is included in the
documentation for users to order the unlimited run-time directly
from us.  Our license agreement specifies that we must personally
sell the application to provide the unlimited run-time. We think
you will agree that the $1 fee is not too "crippling" to end-users.

     You are authorized to make copies of this software for
others so long as the software is distributed in exactly the
form received on up to 2 diskettes.  You may charge a copying
fee not to exceed $10 so long as you inform the recipient
that (1) the fee is to recover your copying and administra-
tive costs and in no way compensates the author of the
program for his work, (2) the recipient is granted a limited
license to use the software under the terms outlined above
and does not own the software, (3) the recipient is expected
to obtain a license by paying the current license fee if the
recipient continues to use the product after evaluating it
pursuant to the evaluation license outlined above.

                   What is Zephyr Anyway?

     Zephyr is a full-featured, menu-driven, fully-relational
dBASE and FoxPro-compatible data base management system.
It permits even novice computer users to develop powerful
applications in minutes instead of months.  Virtually every
dBASE IV command and function is supported using a simple,
menu-driven interface supporting 25 relational data bases.

     Zephyr can handle data bases as large as 1 BILLION records
with as many as 256 fields per file.  Zephyr is roughly 16
times the performance of dBASE III and 8 times the performance
of dBASE IV.  It's Mac-like interface makes a manual virtually
unnecessary.  Even non-programmers can design very sophisticated
applications in just a few minutes.

     Both stand-alone and network versions of Zephyr are
available.  Registration entitles a user to a free version upgrade,
a soft-bound user's guide, and 90 days free technical support
either by phone, mail, or BBS.

     System requirements:  DOS 2.X or higher, and a 640K
PC/XT/AT/286/386 PC with at least 470K free RAM, and a hard
disk with 1.5MB free disk space.  Mono or color monitors O.K.
A mouse is supported.  Network versions require DOS 3.1 or
higher and 640K with a Net-BIOS compatible network.

     License fees:  $50 per single-user PC.  Additional network
stations are $30 each.  Shipping is $5 U.S. or $10 foreign.


Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2215

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

INSTALL  EXE    349297   4-21-90   4:18p
LICENSE  DOC      3072   4-21-90   4:18p
FILES    DOC      2250   4-21-90   4:18p
GO       BAT        38   4-24-89   4:39p
GO       TXT       850   6-06-90   8:46a
FILE2215 TXT      2295   5-30-90   3:42p
        6 file(s)     357802 bytes
                        1024 bytes free