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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2187)

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Information about “HOUSEHOLD REGISTER”

Wouldn't it be great if you had a complete inventory list of all your
household items?  HOUSEHOLD REGISTER gives you just that.  It
maintains a detailed list of your household possessions.  Each
inventory item is automatically stored by location, category, and
owner.  The pop-up menus can be easily customized for the location (24
selections), category (24 selections), and owner (8 selections)
fields.  And these menus can be turned off, if desired, and entries
made by typing data directly into the three fields rather than making
selections from a menu.

Each inventory database can contain 99,999 items and there can be an
unlimited number of databases.  On-screen help is available for each
screen and help lines are automatically displayed for each data entry

HOUSEHOLD REGISTER provides printed reports that can be sent to the
screen, printer, or a disk text file.  Inventory records can be
on 3 x 5 index cards or on Rolodex cards.  A detailed summary report
can be printed showing the number and value of items by
location, category, or owner.  A warranty list can be printed
showing the warranty expiration date for all warranteed intems.


Disk No: 2187                                                           
Disk Title: Household Register                                          
PC-SIG Version: 1.1                                                     
Program Title: HOUSEHOLD REGISTER                                       
Author Version: 1.1S                                                    
Author Registration: $25.00                                             
Special Requirements: 384k, and a printer.                              
Wouldn't it be great if you had a complete inventory list of all your   
household items?  HOUSEHOLD REGISTER gives you just that.  It           
maintains a detailed list of your household possessions.  Each          
inventory item is automatically stored by location, category, and       
owner.  The pop-up menus can be easily customized for the location (24  
selections), category (24 selections), and owner (8 selections)         
fields.  And these menus can be turned off, if desired, and entries     
made by typing data directly into the three fields rather than making   
selections from a menu.                                                 
Each inventory database can contain 99,999 items and there can be an    
unlimited number of databases.  On-screen help is available for each    
screen and help lines are automatically displayed for each data entry   
HOUSEHOLD REGISTER provides printed reports that can be sent to the     
screen, printer, or a disk text file.  Inventory records can be         
on 3 x 5 index cards or on Rolodex cards.  A detailed summary report    
can be printed showing the number and value of items by                 
location, category, or owner.  A warranty list can be printed           
showing the warranty expiration date for all warranteed intems.         
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989, 1990 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║              <<<<  Disk No 2187 HOUSEHOLD REGISTER  >>>>                ║
║ To print the documentation, type: COPY HR.DOC PRN (press enter)         ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To start the program, type: HR (press enter)                            ║


       Disk No:
       Program Title: Household Register Version 1.1s

       Household Register (HR) is a full featured menu driven easy to
       operate program that maintains a detailed list of your household
       possessions.  Each inventory item is automatically categorized
       by location, category and owner.  The user can easily customize
       the pop-up menus for the location (24 selections), category (24
       selections) and owner (8 selections) fields.  The pop-up menus
       can be turned off by the user if desired and entries can be made
       by typing data into the three fields rather than making selec-
       tions from a menu.  Each database can hold 99,999 items.  Can
       use an unlimited number of databases.  Prints reports to the
       screen, printer or disk file.  Each record can be printed on 3 X
       5 index cards or on Rolodex cards.  A detailed summary can be
       printed that shows the number of items and value of items by
       location, category or owner.  The categorized reporting features
       lets the user easily see for whom and on what items money is
       being spent.  Also can print a warranty list that shows the
       warranty expiration date for warranted items.  Has full featured
       search selection that lets the user print reports that meet
       specified criteria.  Includes a sample database that quickly
       allows the user to examine all the features of Household Regis-
       ter.  Also on screen help is available for each screen and help
       lines are automatically displayed for each data entry field.

       INTENDED USER: Everyone who owns possessions.  A detailed list
       of possessions proves invaluable in case of lost due to fire,
       theft or natural disaster.

       UNIQUE FEATURES: (1) Customizable pop-up menus to aid data entry
       that can be turned on and off by the user. (2) 12 easy to use
       functions available from the data entry screen: Next, Prev, Find,
       Top, Last, Edit, Add, Copy, Del, Search, Report and Help. (3) Five
       types of reports printed and each can be indexed by location, owner
       or category. (4) Each inventory entry automatically indexed by
       location, category and owner. (5) Performs powerful cross-referrenced
       searches on any combinations of fields. (6) Displays a list of items
       indexed by category, location or owner in one second.

       SYNOPSIS: Organizes and catalogs household possessions by
       category, owner and location.

       SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: 384K RAM, printer.

       HOW TO START: Type HR.


       SERVICES PROVIDED: Each registered user receives: (1) the latest
       version of Household Register without the shareware notice screens,
       (2) Re-Index Module (3) Customer support by a member of the
       Association of Shareware Professionals, (4) Advisement of program
       updates, (5) List of additional products available and (6) product


       HR       EXE  Main program file for Household Register.
       HR       OVR  Overlay files used by Household Register.
       HR       DOC  User manual for Household Register.
       CAT      DAT  Text file of item categories used by the program.
       LOC      DAT  Text file of locations used by the program.
       OWNER    DAT  Text file of owners used by the program.
       PRINTER  DAT  File of printers supported by the program.
       PRINTER  K1   Index file of printers supported by the program.
       HRPRINT  DEF  Printer codes used by program to print reports.
       HRHLP1   TXT  Help file for main data entry screen.
       HRHLP2   TXT  Help file for report selection screen.
       HRHLP3   TXT  Help file for search selection criteria screen.
       PRHLP    TXT  Help file for printer selection screen.
       ORDER    FRM  Registration order form.
       SAMPLE   HRD  Sample database data file.
       SAMPLE   H1   Sample database index file.
       SAMPLE   H2   Sample database index file.
       SAMPLE   H3   Sample database index file.
       HRFILES  TXT  This file.
       README   TXT  Intructions for quickly starting Household Register
                     and other useful information.


KEY         FUNCTION         COMMENT
 F          Find Record.     With this function you can find an item indexed
                             by category, location or owner.

 E          Edit Record.     Edit the displayed record.

 D          Delete Record.   Delete the displayed record.

 A          Add Record.      Allows addition of a new record to the file.

 C          Copy Record.     Same as Add but copies fields from current record.

 Q/ESC      Quit to Menu.    Quit back to the main menu.

 N          Next Record.     The next record will be displayed.

 P          Previous Record. The Previous record will be displayed.

 T          First Record.    The first record will be displayed.

KEY         FUNCTION         COMMENT
 L          Last Record.     The last record will be displayed.

 S          Search File.     Displays selector screen where you can set-up
                             search criteria.  Selections are displayed on the
                             main screen.

 R          Report Screen.   Displays the report selection screen where you can
                             select the type of report, where you want the
                             report listed and how to index the report.

 +          Menu On.         Allows the popup menus for the category, location
                             and owner fields to be displayed when adding or
                             editing a record.

 -          Menu Off.        Turns the popup menus off for the category,
                             location and owner fields.  With menus off, you
                             type data into the fields instead of selecting an
                             item from a menu.

                         ─* EDIT MODE KEYS *─
ESC         Abort Edit/Add.  This key may be used to Abort the Edit or Add
                             functions.  The data files will not be updated.

F5          Delete Field.    The field is deleted from the cursor position to
                             the end of the field and the cursor is placed at
                             the left margin of the field.

F10         Done Edit/Add.   This key is used to end editing. The record is
                             written to the data files.

Tab key     Skip to margin.  This function will skip to start or end of field

─┘ key     End field edit.  This key will end editing in the current field.
                             The cursor is moved to the next field.

─          Backspace.       This key will cause the cursor to move left and
                             erase the character to the left.

                         ─* EDIT MODE KEYS *─
Ins         Insert Toggle.   This key will toggle the insert mode On/Off.

Del         Delete char.     The character under the cursor will be deleted.

           Field Up.        This key is used to move to the previous field.

           Field Down.      This key is used to move to the next field.

           Cursor Left.     This key moves the cursor to the left.

Ü           Cursor right.    This key moves the cursor to the right.

                            ** END OF HELP FILE **


                               ** REPORT SCREEN **                    Page 1
This screen allows you to (1) select one of five report types, (2) specify one
of three output devices for the report, (3) decide to list the entire inven-
tory or just some of the inventory in your file, and (4) decide how to index
the report.

1.  Report Type:

    A.  Total Value      Prints report consisting of the following fields:
                         Item, *Category, Purchase Date, Quantity, and Value.
                         At the end of the report a summary report is printed,
                         showing the number of items in each *Category, the
                         total value of items in each *Category and finally the
                         total value of all items.

                         * Owner or Location will be used instead of Category,
                         if Owner or Location is selected to index the report.

    B.  Index Cards      Prints report on continuous form index cards.  All
          (3 x 5)        data fields are printed on each card.

                           ** REPORT SCREEN - cont **                 Page 2
    C.  Cards
        (8 1/2 X 11)     Prints report on continuous paper (8 1/2 X 11) using
                         the index card format.  Three index cards are printed
                         on each page.

    D.  Rolodex          Prints report on continuous Rolodex cards.  All data
        (2 1/6 X 4)      fields are printed on each card.

    E.  Warranty         This report list all items that are/were warranted
                         along with the warranty expiration date.  The
                         report will list whether the item is still under
                         warranty based on today's date.

2.  List To:

    A.  Screen           The report will be listed to the monitor screen.
                         Index Cards, Cards and Rolodex can't be listed to the
                         screen. (Report Types B, C and D).

    B.  Printer          Report listed to printer.  All report types can listed
                         to the printer.
                           ** REPORT SCREEN - cont **                 Page 3
    C.  Disk             If you select this item, you are prompted for a file
                         name to store the file on disk.  All report types can
                         be listed to disk.  The files can be edited with a
                         text editor or wordprocessor.

3.  Select:

    A.  All              All items in inventory file will be listed to the
                         output device previously selected.

    B.  Some             Only those items that meet the selection criteria
                         specified on the SELECTOR SCREEN will be listed to the
                         output device selected.

4.  Index By:

    A.  Category         Report will be listed indexed by category.
    B.  Owner            Report will be listed indexed by owner.
    C.  Location         Report will be listed indexed by location.


                             ** SELECTOR SCREEN **                    Page 1
The SELECTOR SCREEN is displayed if "some" is selected from the REPORT SCREEN
or Search from the MAIN SCREEN.  The purpose of this screen is to allow you to
selectively choose the inventory items you want displayed or included in a
report.   Selections of records that you require from your inventory file are
made through entries in four fields.

1.  Field       Enter field name on which you wish to test, select item from

2.  Operator    Specify which test to perform.  Select operator from menu.

3.  Value       Enter the value to be compared.

4.  LogOp       Select one of the logical operators from the menu (AND - OR).
                Select END to end data entry on the screen.

Note 1:  Up to eight selection criteria may be entered.  The criteria are
evaluated in pairs and the pairs joined by a logical operator are evaluated top
to bottom to determine if the item is selected for output.

Note 2:  All comparisons are case insensitive.


                     *** PRINTER INSTALLATION HELP ***
* Selecting Your Printer *
If your printer type is not displayed, press F)ind and return to get a listing
of the printers in the file.  If your printer is listed, highlight the printer
using the arrow keys and press return.  Your printer will then be displayed on
the Printer Installation Screen.  Next press S)elect and the printer codes will
be recorded for use by Household Register.

If your printer is not listed, its necessary to add a printer definition for
your printer.  To add a printer its necessary to enter the printer name, the
printer control codes for normal, compressed, bold/emphasied, underlined and
whether you will enter the codes in decimal, hex or ASCII.

To enter your printer definition, press A)dd, and fill in the following fields:
(1) PRINTER TYPE - the name you give your definition so you can recognize it in
the future, example Epson RX-80. (2) Enter D, H, or A to (decimal,hex, ASCII)
indicate with which you want to enter the control code instructions.  The ID
and Description fields for the first four entries cannot be edited by you.
You can edit these fields after the first four fields, but the entries will not
be used by Household Register. ** Please Continue To The Next Page **
To use all the printing features of Household Register you must enter the On
Codes and Off Codes for Normal, Compressed, Bold and Underline.  The codes that
are used to implement the different instructions can usually be found in your
printer manual, they may be listed in decimal, hex, ASCII or all three.

For example the instruction characters to make an Epson MX/RX/FX/LQ print bold
are the "ESC"  character followed by an "E".  Each of the following correctly
define this sequence:
                        DECIMAL      27  69
                        HEX          1B  45
                        ASCII        ESC  E
                  or    ASCII        ^[  E

After entering the on/off codes for your printer press F10 to exit the data
entry. Next press S)elect and your printer definition will be written to a
file for use by Household Register.






Household Register (HR) is the premier home inventory program
for IBM-PC users.  Each database can hold up to 99,999 items,
and HR can use an unlimited number of databases.  Each item in
your inventory is categorized by location, category and owner.
The program offers complete database management functions and
full featured report printing.  Reports can be sent to the
screen, printer or a disk text file.  Reports can be printed on
continuous form index or rolodex cards.  An inventory valuation
report prints your complete inventory and a summary of total
items and total value by category, location or owner.  This
program will prove invaluable for organizing your possessions
for reporting purposes in case of loss, theft or a natural

The program is extremely easy to use, menu driven and can be
customized to fit your needs.  The program features pop-up
menus on the data entry screen for the category (24 selec-
tions), location (24 selections) and owner (8 selections)
fields.  You can easily change the selection items in the pop-
menu fields to fit your situation.  Also for those who don't
like pop-up menus, the menus can be turned off and you can
enter data into the fields by typing.  The pop-up menus can be
easily turned off and on from within the program.

Household Register also provides on line help screens about the
major program functions and a help-line is provided for all
data entry fields throughout the program.

The diskette that your copy of Household Register was distrib-
uted to you should not be used for running the program.  You
should first make a back-up copy of the distribution disk and
then install Household Register on either your hard or floppy
disk system.

We recommend that you create a sub-directory that will contain
the Household Register program and associated files.  The
following DOS commands will create a sub-directory for House-
hold Register:

Once you have created the new sub-directory, select the new
sub-directory by entering:

Insert the Household Register distribution disk into drive A.
Next, copy the contents of the Household Register distribution
diskette onto your hard disk by executing the following com-
                  C>COPY A:*.* C:

To run Household Register type HR and the program will load.


Please don't use Household Register distribution diskette to
run the program.  Make a back-up copy of the distribution disk
prior to proceeding.  Refer to your DOS manual for details if
you are unfamiliar with disk copying procedures.  Using your
backup copy of the distribution disk, type HR at the DOS prompt
and the program will load and run.


After typing HR a shareware notification screen is displayed,
just press any key and then the Household Register Main Menu is
displayed.  We recommend the following to familiarize yourself
with the program:
1.  Select Item # 7 from the Main Menu to print out the on-disk
users manual.  The program is very straight forward and easy to
use but having the printout of the manual may be helpful if you
have a question over some feature.

2.  If you have an old type CGA color card installed you may
notice some screen flickering, if this is the case select item
#2 from the Main Menu and the install Video Screen will be
displayed.  On this screen press S to cycle to snow, then press
function key F10 to save the set-up to a parameter file. Next
press ESC to exit the screen and then press 9 on the Main Menu
to exit Household Register. Re-start Household Register by
typing HR and the screen flicker or snow will have disappeared. 
The Install Video Type/Colors screen also can be used to change
some colors used in the program, but for now we recommend that
you use the default selections.  You can experiment with the
color scheme at a later time.

3.  If you have an Epson or Epson compatible printer, you can
skip this step.  Next install your printer for use with House-
hold Register.  Select item #4  "Install Printer" from the Main
Menu.  As of the time this is being written, the program only
has built support for Epson printers but by the time you read
this you may be able to select from several printers.  Press H
for help from the printer installation screen to get the
details on installing any printer for use with Household
Register. Basically, if your printer is not Epson compatible,
you will have to find in your printer manual the codes to turn
on and off the following: (1) Normal Print (Can be 10 or 12
characters per inch); (2) Compressed Print (Must be 15 Charac-
ters per inch or greater); (3) Bold or Emphasized Print; (4)
Underline.  Now for those of you who can't find the codes or
don't have a printer manual, you still should be able to print
all the reports, except the index cards and rolodex cards.  Use
the printer installation screen, add your printer and leave
blank the on/and off codes.  Select your printer from the
installation screen so the blank codes are saved to the printer
definitions file.  If you can manually select compressed print
on your printer, you can print on the index and rolodex cards. 
Manually place your printer in compressed mode prior to print-
ing the cards.

4.  We have included a sample data file with the program for
you to use to get quickly familiarize yourself with all the
features of the program.  To use the sample database, select
item #1 "Update Household Register" from the Main Menu, the
program will load and the the file selection screen is

Press return to load the sample datafile and enter the main House-
hold Register program.  When you get ready to start your own
household datafile, press ESC at the on the file selection screen
and enter a name for your datafile.  The screen will display the names of
up to 16 data files, however if you have more than 16 data
files and you want to load one that's not displayed, press ESC
and enter the file name.

Once you've loaded the sample datafile, use all the features of
the program, add,  edit, delete some items. Use the report
screen to print out all the different reports.  You probably don't
want to use your index/rolodex cards for sample data, but you
can print using regular computer paper to see how the output will
look on the cards.  Use the selection screen to select specific
items for reports.  See how fast the Find function can locate

5.  After you have familiarized yourself with the operation of
Household Register, press Q to quite, next you should customize
the program for yourself and family.

6.  From the Main Menu Screen select item # 2, "Edit Menu
Descriptions".  Use this selection to customize the location,
category and owner menus to fit your household. After this is
complete you can re-enter the main program and start entering
your household possessions into the program.

7. We hope that you enjoy using the program, we encourage you
to fill out the comment form included with the manual, if you
would like to see some changes or should discover a bug.  We
welcome the comment form even if you decide not to register.


Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2187

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

CAT      DAT       408   4-29-90   7:10p
HR       EXE    144944   4-27-90   9:26p
HR       OVR     81138   4-27-90   9:26p
HRFILES  TXT      4409   4-30-90   5:06p
HRHLP1   TXT      4266   1-01-90   1:45a
HRHLP2   TXT      3380   7-15-89   2:21a
HRHLP3   TXT      1154  12-30-89  11:21p
HRPRINT  DEF       224  12-28-89  11:20p
LOC      DAT       408   1-15-90   2:15p
OWNER    DAT       168   4-29-90   7:10p
PRHLP    TXT      2687  12-31-89   9:42p
PRINTER  DAT      3156   4-29-90   7:10p
PRINTER  K1       2818   4-29-90   7:10p
README   TXT      7663   4-27-90   9:18p
SAMPLE   H1       5214   4-29-90   9:06p
SAMPLE   H2       4566   4-29-90   9:06p
SAMPLE   H3       5862   4-29-90   9:06p
SAMPLE   HRD     26265   4-29-90   9:06p
FILE2187 TXT      2819   5-18-90   3:23p
GO       BAT        38  10-19-87   3:56p
GO       TXT       540   5-03-90  10:09a
       21 file(s)     302127 bytes
                        7168 bytes free