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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2164)

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Information about “CLASSROOM JEOPARDY”

Answer: An excellent new teaching aid for your classroom.  Question:

If you feel your students are getting bored with the same, old
routine, try this new program from DEC Software.  Important subjects
such as history, math, and science become classroom fun instead of
classroom headaches.  Teachers may design their own questions (or
rather, answers) with the registered version, or use answers provided
by the program.

Answers will be presented in gigantic letters on the screen and can be
seen by students up to sixty feet away.  Select your teams (two or three
are suggested by the programmer) and divide your classroom into
corresponding groups.  CLASSROOM JEOPARDY will prompt you for a team
name and then ask you to assign them any key on the keyboard to ring in
for their responses.  Repeat this process for each team.

Two rounds of CLASSROOM JEOPARDY are played along with a final CLASSROOM
JEOPARDY answer.  Correct responses can be printed through the DOS print
command.  Point values range from 100 to 500 for the first round, 200 to
1,000 for the second round.  Final CLASSROOM JEOPARDY wagers are based
upon points available and daily doubles are found in each round.  You
need to keep score manually for each team.  The team with the most
points is the winner.

Registered users receive the current version of CLASSROOM JEOPARDY, a
module that allows customizing answers to fit course content and a
complete user's manual.  An entertaining yet challenging game.


Disk No: 2164                                                           
Disk Title: Classroom Jeopardy                                          
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: Classroom Jeopardy                                       
Author Version: 2.0                                                     
Author Registration: $20.00                                             
Special Requirements: Hercules Graphic Card.                            
Answer:  An excellent new teaching aid for your classroom.              
Question:  What is CLASSROOM JEOPARDY?  If you feel you are running     
your students through a monotonous routine, try spicing their           
imaginations with this new program from DEC Software.  Important        
subjects such as history, math and science become classroom fun         
instead of classroom headaches.  Teacher's may design their own         
questions (I mean answers) with the registered version, or use the      
answers provided by the program.                                        
Copy the files to your created directory and begin to play on any       
IBM or compatible.  A graphics card is required.  The answers will      
be presented in gigantic letters on the screen and can be seen by       
students up to sixty feet away.  Select your teams, 2 or 3 are          
suggested by the programmer, and divide your classroom into             
corresponding groups.  CLASSROOM JEOPARDY will prompt you for a         
team name and will then ask you to assign them any key on the           
keyboard to ring in for their responses.  Repeat this process for       
each team.  Two rounds of CLASSROOM JEOPARDY are played along with      
a final CLASSROOM JEOPARDY answer.  Correct responses can be            
printed through the DOS print command for any file XXXXX.ANS.           
Point values range from 100 to 500 for the first round, 200 to          
1,000 for the second round.  Move the ARROW KEYS to the answer you      
wish to view and press ENTER.  Final CLASSROOM JEOPARDY wages are       
based upon points available and daily doubles are found in each         
round.  You need to keep score manually for each team.  Team with       
the most points are the winners.                                        
Registered users receive the current version of CLASSROOM JEOPARDY,     
a module which allows for customizing answers to fit your course        
content and a complete user's manual.  An entertaining yet              
challenging game.  Your students won't even know they're learning!      
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║              <<<<  Disk No 2164 CLASSROOM JEOPARDY  >>>>                ║
║ To print the documentation, type: COPY JEOP.TXT PRN  (press enter)      ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To start the program, type: JP-GAME    (press enter)                    ║


               CLASSROOM JEOPARDY (c) 1988,1989  DEC Computing

       Classroom Jeopardy is a game for an entire group of students that

    is patterned after the TV game of similar name.  There are 6 categories,

    each with 5 levels of answers, with increasing values.

              CATEGORY 1    CATEGORY 2 ............ CATEGORY 6

                 100           100                     100

                 200           200                     200

                 300           300                     300

                 400           400                     400

                 500           500                     500

      Steps prior to playing CLASSROOM JEOPARDY
         o  The class is divided into 2 or 3 teams.

         o  A captain from each team is stationed near the computer keyboard.

         o  The CLASSROOM JEOPARDY game is started by typing "JP-GAME".

        [Registered users have the option of entering answers of their
         own choosing.  This allows the instructor to tailor CLASSROOM
         JEOPARDY to be completely compatible with the actual course

                        Playing CLASSROOM JEOPARDY

     Preliminary Steps

        1.  Set up for 1-3 teams, by typing the appropriate number.

        2.  Each captain chooses a key (the TEAM KEY) to type when
             his/her team wants to respond.

        3.  Each team chooses a team name and types it in.

        4.  If you wish to have a display of the time remaining in
             CLASSROOM JEOPARDY, answer "Y" and type in the number
             of minutes that you want.

        5.  Choose if you want to have sound effects used during play.

        6.  A listing of CLASSROOM JEOPARDY 'answer' files will be
             displayed, select the 'answers' of your choice and type the
             carriage return <CR>.

     Actual Play
        1.  One captain uses the arrow keys to highlight an amount and
                       category for the answer.

        2.  When the proper square is chosen, the carriage return or any
                       TEAM KEY is typed.

        3.  The answer is displayed in gigantic letters.

        4.  The captain, looking over his/her team, types the TEAM KEY
              when one of his/her team members raise his/her hand.

        5. The computer will display which TEAM KEY was pressed first.
                       (both audibly and on the screen)

        6. The captain of that team then calls on a member of his/her
             team to respond (should be in the form of a question).

        7.  The instructor (acting as moderator) decides if the response
              is correct, and adds (or subtracts) points accordingly.

        8.  If a team gives an incorrect response, then the other teams
               may make an attempt to respond and receive (or lose) points.

        9.  The last correct 'questioner' is allowed to choose the
                    category and amount of the next answer.

       10.  There is a DAILY DOUBLE.  The team picking the DAILY DOUBLE may
            wager any portion of their total (or up to 500).
       11.  When time has expired (either if the timer runs out or at
            the discretion of the moderator), move to DOUBLE JEOPARDY
            (type F1 then D).  After DOUBLE JEOPARDY, all teams with
            a positive score may play FINAL JEOPARDY.

       12. FINAL JEOPARDY (to get to FINAL JEOPARDY, type F1 then F) can
             be handled any way that the instructor desires.  One very
             effective way, is to have the captain wager any portion of
             their point total.  When the answer is displayed, each team
             member writes his/her question on a sheet of paper. Each
             response counts the amount of the wager.  Using this method
             affords each team member a chance to play for the team.
     Help during the game

        During play, type the F1 key (the function key) and the
        following screen will be displayed:

                I         Display  <I>nstructions for play

                S         <S>ound is ON  (or OFF)
                D         Move to <D>ouble Jeopardy

                F         Move to <F>inal Jeopardy

                Q         <Q>uit this game of Jeopardy

            space bar     Return to the game


                        Suggested Classroom Setup
       --------------------------    --------------------------
      |                          |  |                          |
      |                          |  |                          |
      |        THE NERDS         |  |         THE GEEKS        |
      |         (team 2)         |  |          (team 1)        |
      |                          |  |                          |
      |                          |  |                          |
       --------------------------    --------------------------
                   --------------     --------------
                  | NERD captain |   | GEEK captain |
                   --------------     --------------
                             | computer |
                             |  faces   |
                             |  teams   |
       | MODERATOR keeps score |

       Other programs for the IBM and Apple II computers by DEC Software

  o  Master Grade Calc.......................a simple and affordable gradebook

  o  Crossword Creator............create crossword puzzles on your own printer

  o  Fact Blaster................teach any set of facts to a group of students

  o  Wheel of Boredom...................a fun educational spoof of the TV game

  o  Chemistry CAI modules....Acids, Factor-Label, Atomic Theory, Bonding, etc.
                                                                  ($19.95 each)


  CLASSROOM JEOPARDY                                            REGISTRATION
                               DEC Software
                            5307 Lynnwood Drive
                          W. Lafayette, IN  47906




  QUANTITY         ITEM                 PRICE                   EXT.
 |  1     | Classroom Jeopardy   |      $20.00          |     $20.00        |
 |        |                      |                      |                   |
 |        |                      |                      |                   |
                                       Total  order     |                   |


 Registered users will get the following:

        o  The module that will allow the teacher to customize CLASSROOM
                JEOPARDY to use any questions he/she chooses.

        o  The most current version of CLASSROOM JEOPARDY.

        o  A complete teacher's manual.

        o  Customer support for 1 year.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2164

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

DJ       BRD     16392   4-01-89  11:11a
EL_MATH  ANS       201   4-01-89  11:11p
EL_SCI   ANS       276   4-01-89  11:11p
JEOP     TXT      8501   4-01-89  11:11a
JEOP1    DRW     16392   4-01-89  11:11p
JEOP2    DRW     16392   4-01-89  11:11p
JEOP3    DRW     16392   4-01-89  11:11p
JP-GAME  EXE    128658   4-01-89   7:57p
JP       BAT        35   4-01-89  11:11p
JP       MSG       660   4-01-89  11:11p
QS       ANS      6334   4-01-89  11:11p
QS       BAT        20   4-01-89  11:11a
READ     ME       2243   4-01-89  11:11p
SAMPLE   ANS        96   4-01-89  11:11p
SEC_MATH ANS       338   4-01-89  11:11p
SEC_SCI  ANS       292   4-01-89  11:11p
SEC_VOCB ANS       323   4-01-89  11:11p
SJ       BRD     16392   4-01-89  11:11a
US_HIST  ANS       322   4-01-89  11:11p
WLD_GEOG ANS       413   4-01-89  11:11p
GO       BAT        38  10-19-87   3:56p
GO       TXT       540   4-25-90   7:38a
FILE2164 TXT      3405   4-25-90   8:51p
       23 file(s)     234655 bytes
                       69632 bytes free