PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2127)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Information about “UNICOM”

A data communications application that takes advantage of the
Microsoft Windows operating environment.  UNICOM performs data
communication tasks in the background while other applications are
running.  You can even switch to another Windows application while
UNICOM is running.

UNICOM includes the following features:

~ X/Y/ZMODEM, Kermit, CompuServe B, Quick B and ASCII file transfer

~ ANSI-BBS, VT52 and TTY terminal emulation

~ Directory-assisted batch dialing for users with Hayes compatible

~ An on-line help system

~ Ability to record mouse and keyboard operations for later playback

~ Script file processing for automatic logon to remote host systems

~ Keyboard macros, file logging, file paste, and print screen.

UNICOM can transfer Windows-unique data formats between computers, such
as the contents of Window's Clipboard from one PC directly into the
Clipboard of another.

Operate your computer in a multi-user mode with UNICOM's Host mode.  A
built-in command processor lets a validated remote user examine or
transfer files on a designated disk drive while remaining completely
transparent to any user who may be at the keyboard operating other
Window applications.


    ║                  <<<< DISK #2127 UNICOM >>>>                  ║
    ║                                                               ║
    ║    To print the documentation, type:                          ║
    ║                                        COPY UC-READ.ME PRN    ║
 (c) Copyright, PC-SIG Inc.


                        UNICOM 2.0 Order Form 

        All prices are in U.S. funds and effective until 1/1/91. 
	Item			Quantity	Price	Amount 
UNICOM 2.0 License		________	$45.00	_______ 
UNICOM on 5.25" disk		________	$5.00	_______ 
UNICOM on 3.5" disk		________	$5.00	_______ 
Illustrated Manual (80+ page)	________	$10.00	_______ 
Foreign shipping per disk	________	$2.00	_______ 
Foreign shipping per manual	________	$8.00	_______ 
**Billing Fee (Reqd. for Purchase orders)       $20.00	_______

Washington State Residents Only	 Add 8.1% tax   	_______ 
Select Method of Payment:		TOTAL	        _______ 
VISA ____  MasterCard ____ *Check ____ **BILL ____ 
* Checks drawn on Non-U.S. banks or in Non U.S funds cannot be accepted. 
Checks must be in U.S. Funds drawn from a U.S Bank. 
** Purchase orders are per approval by Data Graphics
Name:   	___________________________________________ 
Company:	___________________________________________ 
Address 1	___________________________________________ 
Address 2	___________________________________________ 
City		________________________  State  _______ ZIP ___________ 

Country	        ___________________________________________

Phone (      )  _________ - _________________ 
For charge purchases, enter your card number and expiration date below: 
___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ 

Expiration Date ___/___ 

Signature: ______________________________   
Send this form with payment to:  

Data Graphics 
P.O. Box 46354 
Seattle, WA.  98146 

To order by phone using your VISA or MasterCard,  
call (206)932-8871 Weekdays 9am-6pm Pacific Time  

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2127

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

UNICOM   WRI     59776   8-05-90
UNICOM   EXE    218848   8-26-90   9:58p
UCLIB    EXE      2356   8-05-90
UNICOM   KEY      1936   8-05-90
UCSCRIPT HLP     27151   8-05-90
UNICOM   HLP     22468   8-05-90
UC-ORDER WRI      3072   8-05-90
COMPUSRV SCR       123   8-05-90
UC-READ  ME      11646   8-26-90  10:31p
UNICOM   MNU       224   8-05-90
UNICOM   CFG       899   8-26-90   9:55p
UNICOM   DIR      1064   8-05-90
UC-ORDER TXT      1725   8-26-90  10:36p
GO       BAT        27  11-01-90   9:29p
GO       TXT       529  11-01-90   9:42p
       15 file(s)     351844 bytes
                        3072 bytes free