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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2087)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “FICTIONARY & ATC”

What is the definition of bebung?  Could be "an Indian dessert made with
custard and honey."  Then again it might be "an alchemist's distillation
apparatus."  Wrong again, it's "a sustained musical note having a
pulsating effect. "  Sounds like fiction, but it's actually FICTIONARY,
a game of strange and unusual words designed by Steve Estvanik.

FICTIONARY can be played in two ways - either in a group where you try
to fool each other into choosing the incorrect definition, or
individually, where the game becomes a vocabulary guessing game.
Playing with a group brings out the best playability in this program.
You receive points for either selecting the correct definition or by
having someone select your definition.  You decide the final number of
points needed to finish a game.

Easy-to-use menus make playing FICTIONARY a breeze.  Load
FICTIONARY on any IBM or compatible and the fun begins.  Having a
pencil and a piece of paper around may also come in handy.
During each round of play, the word-giver sees the actual
definition, then enters a paraphrase.  The others see only the word and
make up their own definitions.  All players then vote for the
definition they think is correct.  If this appears similar to the board
game Haberdash, it is, plus you now have the assistance of the

A great party game, FICTIONARY will test both your intelligence and
creativity.  Adults will appreciate the difficulty, though children may
find the words too difficult to enjoy.  Nonetheless, hours of fun await
those who dare to take the challenge.

AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER, simulating the duties of a sector air traffic
controller, is a game that's perfect for a few minutes or hours of fun!
Easy to learn, but difficult to master, this game tracks best scores at
each of 20 levels of difficulty.

You must guide about 20 planes safely through your sector, symbolized
as a 13 by 13 grid.  Two airports are shown, as are six "fixes" which
are the only safe exits and entries to adjacent sectors.  Take off,
change altitudes, land -- each plane is shown as a letter with arrows
that show current direction.  Use the whole keyboard with this game
(...if you're moonlighting as an atc, F10 allows quick escape when your
real boss shows up!).


         >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   FICTIONARY <tm>    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<           
                                Version 1.2 
                     A game of strange and unusual words                        
                         designed by Steve Estvanik                             
                              4528 36th NE                                      
                            Seattle, WA 98105                                   
          This game is copyright (c) 1984,1989 by Steve Estvanik.  It           
          is being distributed as shareware.  Under this concept all            
          users are entitled to make as many copies as they wish.               
          If you like this game, then you are requested to make a               
          contribution ($15 suggested) to the author.                           
     Fictionary can be played by one or more players.  Each round, the word-    
giver chooses a word -- from the file, or by entering a new one. This player    
sees the actual definition, then enters a paraphrase.  The others see only      
the word and make up their own definitions.  All players then vote for the      
definition they think correct.  Points are awarded for guessing the correct     
definition and for fooling others into voting for a false definition.           

When played by one person, the game becomes a vocabulary guessing game.  
Teachers or parents can create custom wordsets using the Fictionary utility 
program that comes with the registered version. 

Users are encouraged to submit new words to Cascoly for inclusion in the 
game.  Registered users will receive the most current word list with their 
registered copy. 


Disk No: 2087                                                           
Disk Title: Fictionary                                                  
PC-SIG Version: 1.0                                                     
Program Title: Fictionary                                               
Author Version: 1.2                                                     
Author Registration: $15.00                                             
Special Requirements: None.                                             
What is the definition of construpate?  Could be "to shake              
violently."  Then again it might be "to rip open - to open by           
ripping the belly."  Wrong again it's "to violate or debauch! "         
Sounds like fiction but it's actually FICTIONARY, a game of strange     
and unusual words designed by Steve Estvanik.  FICTIONARY can be        
played in two ways - either as a group where you try to fool each         
other into choosing the incorrect definition or individually, where     
the game becomes a vocabulary guessing game.  Playing as a group          
brings out the best playability in this program.  Receive points        
for either selecting the correct definition or by having someone        
select your definition.  You decide the final number of points          
needed to finish a game.                                                
Easy to use menus make playing FICTIONARY a breeze.  Load               
FICTIONARY on any IBM or compatible and the fun begins.  Having a       
free pencil and piece of paper around may also come in handy.           
During each round of play, the word-giver sees the actual               
definition, then enters a paraphrase.  The others see only the word     
and make up their own definitions.  All players then vote for the       
definition they think is correct.  If this appears similar to the       
board game Haberdash, it is, you now have the assistance of the         
A great party game, FICTIONARY will test both your intelligence and     
creativity.  Adults will appreciate the difficulty.  Children may       
find the words too difficult to enjoy.  Nonetheless, hours of fun       
await those who dare to take the challenge.                         
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║                   <<<<  Disk #2087 FICTIONARY  >>>>                     ║
║ To start the program, type: FICT    (press enter)                       ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print the documentation, type: COPY FICT.DOC PRN  (press enter)      ║
║									  ║

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2087

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

FICT     DOC      1903  12-20-89   2:41p
FICT     EXE     84369  11-11-89   1:42p
FICT     SCR      4000  12-20-89   2:19p
FILE2087 TXT      3109   3-29-90   1:25p
GO       BAT        38   9-30-87   3:44p
GO       TXT       555   3-29-90   1:23p
README   LST      2007  10-02-89   4:41p
WORD1    DAT     16576  11-17-89   8:49p
        8 file(s)     112557 bytes
                       45568 bytes free