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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2077)

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Information about “CREATIVITY PACKAGE 3 OF 3 (2075, 2076)”

The CREATIVITY PACKAGE is a three disk creativity and idea generator.
Disk one contains Thomas A. Easton's complete book, "Think Thunder! And
Unleash Your Creativity," a straightforward explanation of the nature of
creativity and how to develop it.  Disk two contains the program,
THUNDER THOUGHT, a proven tool for computer-aided brainstorming,
developing and refining ideas, particularly in the fields of creative
writing and inventing.  Disk three contains VERSIFIER, the amazing
poetry writing program that works with the user's word selection to
create fascinating free verse or haiku poetry.  Considering that any one
of these disks could be tremendously helpful in understanding and
developing creative thinking, the effect of all three may be mind
"Think Thunder!" can be read chapter by chapter on the computer screen
or printed out.  The book can encourage creative thinking with or
without the use of THUNDER THOUGHT.

THUNDER THOUGHT works to facilitate the creative process by automating
its initial stages.  With it, you don't need to worry about how to come
up with novel combinations of words, images, or ideas.  THUNDER THOUGHT
will do that for you, leaving you with the task of finding or
recognizing sense in whatever combinations of words and ideas it
produces.  THUNDER THOUGHT offers a variety of approaches for this
creative process including images, topical idea chaining, and other
innovative ways to expand your idea bank.

VERSIFIER is a creativity-enhancement program for poets. The program
combines words and phrases into several kinds of free verse and haiku,
which you can then save and edit.  To get started, both THUNDER THOUGHT
and VERSIFIER come with a vocabulary.  These lists can be modified or
replaced to include your own words and thoughts.  The program puts ideas
together in ways you might not have thought of consciously, yet they are
still your own ideas, expressed in your own words.


CREATIVITY PACKAGE - Set of three disks

R.K. West Consulting
P.O. Box 8059
Mission Hills, CA 91346

Disk #3: Contains the program VERSIFIER

VERSE.EXE     Executable program file
VERSE.DBF      > Vocabulary files
VERSEDOC.COM Instruction manual (command is VERSEDOC)
FILES.TXT     List of files on the disk


║              <<<<  Disk #2077  CREATIVITY PACKAGE  >>>>                 ║
║                   Disk 3 of 3 (2075 and 2076 also)                      ║
║ To start THUNDER THOUGHT, insert disk 2 and type:  THUNDER (press enter)║
║ To start VERSIFIER, insert disk 3 and type:  VERSE (press enter)        ║
║ To print the book, insert disk 1 and type: READ and follow instructions ║
║ To view or print documentation for THUNDER THOUGHT, insert disk 2 and   ║
║          type:  THUNDOC                                                 ║
║ To view or print documentation for VERSIFIER, insert disk 3 and         ║
║          type:  VERSEDOC                                                ║

Copyright 1990 PC-SIG, Inc.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2077

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

FILES    TXT       355  10-23-89   5:40p
GO       BAT        17   3-19-90   6:24p
GO       TXT       960   3-19-90   6:28p
HAIKU    DBF     12800  10-23-89   5:28p
VERSE    DBF     34304  10-23-89   5:25p
VERSE    EXE    261247   2-09-90   1:13p
VERSEDOC COM     21330  10-23-89   5:17p
WORDS    DBF     26451  10-23-89   5:22p
        8 file(s)     357464 bytes
                        1024 bytes free