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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2058)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5150"]

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Information about “FAST/SOFA/FFD”

FAST is a completely new language for PC compatibles.  FAST provides
many new commands and options supported by your computer, but not
supported by other languages.  The main feature is speed.  FAST produces
code which runs faster than any other high-level language including C,
Pascal, and compiled BASIC.

FAST supports multiple files, conditional assembly, word aligned
variable and compiler directives.  FAST has built in commands, fully
optimized, that support windows, sprites, very fast screen printing,
integer arithmetic, and file handling.  FAST even comes with a source
code debugger.

SOFA is a CHASM-compatible 8088 assembler that assembles about 350 lines
per second on a 4.77Mhz PC.  SOFA, like CHASM, builds .COM files, which
accounts for its speed.  Modular programming is possible with SOFA
because it can include any number of source files, a valuable feature.
However, the size of a .COM is still limited to 64KB.  SOFA also
supports conditional assembly.

FFD is a free-form database which can store an unlimited amount of data
and still access it almost instantly. FFD is different from most
information retrieval programs because it does much more than that.

FFD is designed for inputting data -- anything from client mailing
lists and letters to full scale relational data. With some planning,
FFD can be used to store client details, transactions and inventory
with order details. Full relational capabilities are possible without
actually defining any fixed structures.

FFD can also be used to store program source files. This is ideal for
producing cross-reference lists and finding field names or procedures.


Disk No: 2058                                                           
Disk Title: Fast/Sofa/FFD                                               
PC-SIG Version: S1.5                                                    
Program Title: Fast                                                     
Author Version: 2.60                                                    
Author Registration: $30.00                                             
Special Requirements: None.                                             
FAST is a completely new language for PC compatibles.  FAST provides    
many new commands and options supported by your computer, but not       
supported by other languages.  The main feature is speed.  FAST produces
code which runs faster than any other high-level language including C,  
Pascal, and compiled BASIC.                                             
FAST supports multiple files, conditional assembly, word aligned        
variable and compiler directives.  FAST has built in commands, fully    
optimized, that support windows, sprites, very fast screen printing,    
integer arithmetic, and file handling.  FAST even comes with a source   
code debugger.                                                          
Program Title: Sofa                                                     
Author Version: 1.75                                                    
Author Registration: $20.00                                             
Special Requirements: None.                                             
SOFA is a CHASM-compatible 8088 assembler that assembles about 350 lines
per second on a 4.77Mhz PC.  SOFA, like CHASM, builds .COM files, which 
accounts for its speed.  Modular programming is possible with SOFA      
because it can include any number of source files, a valuable feature.  
However, the size of a .COM is still limited to 64KB.  SOFA also        
supports conditional assembly.                                          
Program Title: FFD                                                      
Author Version: 1.80                                                    
Author Registration: $45.00                                             
Special Requirements: None.                                             
FFD is a free flow database which can store an unlimited amount of data 
and still access it almost instantly.  FFD is different from most       
information retrieval programs because it does much more than just      
retrieve information.  FFD is designed for inputting data, anything from
client mailing lists and letters to full scale relational data.  With   
some prethought FFD can be used to store CLIENT details, TRANsactions   
and INVENTory with ORDER details.  Supposing the capital letters were   
the different record names, and they were all stored in the database,   
you could search for CLIENTs, then sort them, find the one you want,    
then search for all transactions with the CLIENT's account number.  Full
relational capabilities are possible without actually defining any      
fixed structures.                                                       
FFD can also be used to store program source files.  This is ideal for  
producing cross reference lists and finding field names or procedures.  
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2058

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

GO       BAT        43  11-19-90   8:35a
README            4878   1-01-80  12:45a
UNFAST   EXE    172291   1-01-80  12:52a
UNSOFA   EXE     26475   1-01-80  12:52a
UNFFD    EXE     44777   1-01-80  12:52a
FILE2058 TXT      4219  11-19-90   8:34a
        6 file(s)     252683 bytes
                       66560 bytes free