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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2007)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


THE PERSONAL PORTFOLIO ANALYZER performs record-keeping, analysis and
reporting on any number of portfolios containing mutual funds, stocks,
bonds, time deposits and other securities.

This program calculates market values, realized and unrealized gains and
losses, holding periods, annual percentage returns, expected annual
income and yield before and after taxes.  Reports, which can be
displayed on screen or printer, include income and taxability
analysis, realized (tax) gains and losses, and current market value
analysis.  In addition, a list of expected income payments can be
printed for the next 12 months.  Expected income can be broken down
monthly for budgeting purposes, and by security type and taxability
(non-taxable, taxable Federal and taxable State) for tax planning.
Total market value can be broken down by security type, portfolio name
or industry category.  Up to four portfolios may be combined in all

THE PERSONAL PORTFOLIO ANALYZER is designed to be easy to use for
individuals and small fund managers.  Entry of the market price for one
security, or application of a stock split or other distribution for one
security, in any portfolio, automatically applies to that security in
all portfolios.  Security sales may be applied on a first-in first-out
or last-in first-out basis, or applied to a particular purchase lot.
When necessary, a purchase lot is automatically split into two parts.


Disk No: 2007                                                           
Disk Title: Personal Portfolio Analyzer, disk 2 of 2                    
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: PERSONAL PORTFOLIO ANALYZER                              
Author Version: 2.1                                                     
Author Registration: $25.00                                             
Special Requirements: None, but 4-D recommended.                        
THE PERSONAL PORTFOLIO ANALYZER performs record-keeping, analysis and   
reporting on any number of portfolios containing mutual funds, stocks,  
bonds, time deposits and other security types.                          
This program calculates market values, realized and unrealized gains and
losses, holding periods, annual percentage returns, and expected annual 
income and yield before and after taxes.  Reports, which can be         
displayed on screen or printer, include income and taxability           
analysis, realized (tax) gains and losses, and current market value     
analysis.  In addition, a list of expected income payments can be       
printed for the next 12 months, for a checklist.  Expected income can be
broken down monthly for budgeting purposes, and by security type and    
taxability (non-taxable, taxable Federal and taxable State) for tax     
planning.  Total market value can be broken down by security type,      
portfolio name or industry category.  Up to four portfolios may be      
combined in all reports.                                                
THE PERSONAL PORTFOLIO ANALYZER is designed to be easy to use for       
individuals and small fund managers.  Entry of the market price for one 
security, or application of a stock split or other distribution for one 
security, in any portfolio, automatically applies to that security in   
all portfolios.  Security sales may be applied on a First-In First-Out  
or Last-In First Out basis, or applied to a particular purchase lot.    
When necessary, a purchase lot is automatically split into two parts.   
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║           <<<<  Disk #2007  PERSONAL PORTFOLIO ANALYZER  >>>>           ║
║                        (disk 2 of 2, 2006 also)                         ║
║ To start program, insert disk 1 and type: PA2   (press enter)           ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation, insert disk 1 and type: COPY PAVER21.DOC PRN    ║



To obtain directions on how to get these programs running, first make sure you
are in DOS.  You should see the prompt A> (or C> if you are on a hard disk).
Remove your DOS diskette, and insert the STARTUP diskette (or the STARTUP/PRO-
GRAM diskette if you have only a single diskette) in drive A.  Turn on your
printer and make sure it is ready to print.  Most printers have a ready light,
and it should be on.  Then type the following command just as it appears:

                           COPY A:PAVERS21.DOC LPT1:

and press the ENTER key.  Fourteen pages of information will be printed, and
the output will be paginated with pages numbered.

To get a "snapshot" printout of this screen, first make sure your printer is
ready and then press a shift key and the PrtSc key simultaneously.  The PrtSc
key on the IBM-PC keyboard is on the second row of keys up from the bottom row,
near the right-hand side under the ENTER key.  On other computers it may be in
a different position.  This procedure can be used to obtain a screen printout
at almost any time, except when the screen contains graphics.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2007

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

CATALOG  POR     32768   6-20-89   1:05p
DEMOFILE POR     16384   6-20-89  12:57p
FILE2007 TXT      2887   1-03-90  12:58p
GO       BAT        38   1-01-80   1:37a
GO       TXT       617   1-01-80   3:28a
PADDELS2 EXE     39585   6-18-89   7:12p
PADDELS2 HLP      9728   3-01-89   5:52p
PAINTAX2 EXE     38849   3-01-89   4:33p
PAINTAX2 HLP      6528   3-01-89   4:39p
PAMMENU2 EXE     25585   3-01-89   6:17p
PAMMENU2 HLP     12160   3-01-89   6:37p
PAMVALU2 EXE     34385   2-28-89   7:41p
PAMVALU2 HLP      5760   3-01-89   4:38p
PAREGAL2 EXE     30385   3-01-89   4:32p
PAREGAL2 HLP      3840   3-01-89   4:38p
PASALES2 HLP      3712   6-18-89   9:35p
PASETUP2 CTL       128   6-20-89   1:05p
PASTYPE2 HLP      4864   3-01-89   5:54p
PATRANS2 EXE     48193   6-18-89   7:13p
PATRANS2 HLP     13696   3-01-89   5:33p
READ     ME       1183   2-09-89   9:34a
README            1183   2-09-89   9:34a
README   DOC      1183   2-09-89   9:34a
RELEASE2 11        163   3-01-89   6:38p
       24 file(s)     333804 bytes
                       17408 bytes free