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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1999)

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Information about “WORDS DISK 2 OF 2 (1998 ALSO)”

Get the edge in school or business with this precisely done vocabulary
enhancement tool!   You know that people judge you by the clothes you
wear, but did you realize that they also judge you by your vocabulary?
Well, now's the time to use this smartly designed software to increase
your working vocabulary to further your career in the business world or
in school!

This well designed package allows you to test yourself by seeing
either the word itself or the word definition in the quiz format.  You
can use the author's initial 100 word starter vocabulary set to
familiarize yourself with the software.  With registration, you'll
receive the 500 word vocabulary file.  You can create your own
specialized vocabulary files for specific learning tasks, whether it be
a foreign language or a specialized interest area, such as
computers!  With a separate utility you can also define the screen
colors most appealing to you.  The program is fast, and elegant in its
simplicity; a must for students!


Disk No: 1999                                                           
Disk Title: Words  disk 2 of 2 (1998 also)                              
PC-SIG Version: S1.1                                                    
Program Title: Words                                                    
Author Version: 1.2                                                     
Author Registration: $15.00                                             
Special Requirements: A hard disk and CGA recommended.                  
Get the edge in school or business with this precisely done             
vocabulary enhancement tool!   You know that people judge you           
by the clothes you wear, but did you realize that they too              
judge you by your vocabulary?  Well, now's the time to use this         
smartly designed software to increase your working vocabulary           
to further your career in the business world or school!                 
This well designed package allows you to test yourself by               
having presented either the word itself or the word definition          
itself in the quiz format.  You can use the author's initial            
100 word starter vocabulary set to familiarize yourself with            
the software and with registration, you'll receive the 500              
word vocabulary file.  You can create your own specialized              
vocabulary files for specific learning tasks, whether it be             
a foreign language or a specialized interest area, such as              
computers!  Within the program itself, you can also define the          
screen colors most appealing to you.  The program is bug free,          
fast, and elegant in its simplicity; a must for students!               
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║                    <<<<  Disk #1999  WORDS  >>>>                        ║
║                       (disk 2 of 2, 1998 also)                          ║
║ To start program, insert disk 1 and type: WORDS   (press enter)         ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation, type: COPY WORDS.DOC PRN                        ║


                                 W  O  R  D  S

                         A Vocabulary Building Program

                             V e r s i o n   1 . 2

                           Conceived and Created by

                                  Tony Martin


                           The BAD SOFTWARE Company
                            1611 Harvest Green Ct.
                               Reston, VA  22094

                                 April 1, 1990

                 Software and Documentation (C) Copyright 1990
                                  Tony Martin

         T A B L E   O F   C O N T E N T S

                   Welcome to BAD SOFTWARE  . . . . . . . . . . . .  1

                           This is BAD SOFTWARE . . . . . . . . . .  1

                           The World of Shareware . . . . . . . . .  1

                           The Cost of WORDS  . . . . . . . . . . .  2

                   What is WORDS? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3

                   What WORDS Can Do For You  . . . . . . . . . . .  3

                        Capabilities Summary  . . . . . . . . . . .  3

                        Improving Your Vocabulary . . . . . . . . .  4

                        Specialized Uses  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5

                   Files Included with WORDS  . . . . . . . . . . .  6

                   Installing WORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7

                   Using WORDS - A Task-Oriented Approach . . . . . 10

                           Random WORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

                                   In Your AUTOEXEC.BAT . . . . . . 11

                                   Before Starting Any Program  . . 12

                                   Continuous Random Words  . . . . 13

                           Searching the WORDS Database . . . . . . 15

                           Finding Words If You Know the Meaning  . 18

                           Creating a Test  . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

                           Changing a WORDS Database  . . . . . . . 27

                                   Adding Words . . . . . . . . . . 28

                                   Deleting Words . . . . . . . . . 33

                                   Editing Definitions  . . . . . . 37

                           Finding Out What's in the Database . . . 41

                                                                page i

         T A B L E   O F   C O N T E N T S   ( c o n t i n u e d )

                                   Viewing the Wordlist . . . . . . 42

                                   Printing the Database  . . . . . 45

                           Making Your Own WORDS Databases  . . . . 47

                                   Database Creation  . . . . . . . 47

                                   Database Use . . . . . . . . . . 52

                           Packing the Definitions  . . . . . . . . 54

                           Reminder HELP Screen . . . . . . . . . . 57

                           Changing the Colors WORDS Uses . . . . . 58

                   Using WORDS - Reference  . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

                           WORDS Filename Conventions . . . . . . . 63

                           Starting WORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

                           The Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

                           The Function Keys  . . . . . . . . . . . 66

                           Adding Words to the Database . . . . . . 67

                           Deleting Words from the Database . . . . 69

                           Editing Definitions  . . . . . . . . . . 70

                           Searching the Database . . . . . . . . . 72

                                   Searching for Words  . . . . . . 72

                                   Searching the Definitions  . . . 73

                           Creating a Test  . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

                           Viewing the Wordlist . . . . . . . . . . 75

                           Printing the Database  . . . . . . . . . 76

                           Packing the Definitions  . . . . . . . . 77

                                                               page ii

         T A B L E   O F   C O N T E N T S   ( c o n t i n u e d )

                   Appendices and Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

                           Appendix A - A Short Note on
                                        BAD SOFTWARE  . . . . . . . 78

                           Appendix B - Disclaimers and Notices . . 79

                           Appendix C - Order Form  . . . . . . . . 80

                                                              page iii

         Welcome to BAD SOFTWARE

                   This is BAD SOFTWARE

                   If  this  is  your  first BAD SOFTWARE product, I'd
                   like  to  say  Welcome.   BAD  SOFTWARE,  though  a
                   fictitious  company,  stands  for  some  very  real
                   issues in the world of software.

                   The  first  item  of importance to me as a software
                   developer is that software and its documentation be
                   usable and functional.  It must satisfy your  needs
                   as  a  user  and  must  do it easily. Otherwise why
                   would you bother with it?  It's for  you  that  the
                   software is written.

                   Secondly,  I'm a firm believer that software should
                   be fun to use.  If we are forced to  use  computers
                   to  accomplish  what  must be done, why not make it
                   more interesting?  Even if you already like to  use
                   computers,   as   I  do,  tasks  can  at  least  be
                   entertaining.  Computing doesn't have to be dry and

                   It is with these two tasks in mind that we set  off
                   to see what WORDS can do for you.

                   The World of Shareware

                   WORDS  is  being  distributed  as  shareware.  This
                   simply means you are free to try it out for a while
                   and decide if you are pleased with  it  before  you
                   purchase.   If  you  decide to keep and use it, you
                   send in a registration fee  to  the  author.   This
                   marketing method has its ups and downs, however.

                   The  shareware  concept  benefits  the  end user by
                   making programs available for use before any  money
                   has  left  their pocket.  They can "try before they
                   buy."  Shareware   registration   fees   are   also
                   typically  much  lower  than the inflated prices of
                   commercial software.  The author  of  the  software
                   can   also   easily  and  widely  distribute  their
                   creations  using  the  vast  number  of  electronic
                   bulletin  boards around the country. Not only is it
                   easy, it's free.

                                                                page 1

                   Despite these apparent niceties,  shareware  is  an
                   endangered  species.  Less than five percent of all
                   people using shareware regularly bother to send  in
                   the   registration  fees.   Shareware  authors  are
                   understandably discouraged at this low turnout, and
                   often  stop  distributing using this method or turn

                   Since  this  author  has  not  the  inclination  to
                   distribute  his software commercially, he has opted
                   for the shareware approach.  Knowing  the  problems
                   shareware  has,  WORDS  is not only inexpensive, it
                   also comes with two enticements to register: a free
                   database and a free program.

                   The Cost of WORDS

                   The  registration  cost of WORDS is $15.00.  If you
                   register by sending this amount to me,  I  will  do
                   a  service  for you,  in addition to having already
                   provided you with WORDS and a  100  word  database.
                   Firstly,  I will send you an official diskette with
                   the latest version of WORDS on it  and  a  brochure
                   that   details   all  of  the  other  BAD  SOFTWARE
                   products. Secondly, I will send you  a  replacement
                   database  for WORDS, containing 400 new words for a
                   total of 500 vocabulary  words.

                   The registration fee of $15.00  will  probably  not
                   pauperize  you,  nor  will  it  make  me a software
                   publishing magnate.  It will, however, provide  you
                   with  the  above  listed  extras, and will serve to
                   encourage me to continue my efforts.  It will  also
                   help  pay  for  the  costs  of  being  a compulsive
                   shareware programmer: expenses such as distribution
                   diskettes, mailing costs, other supplies,  compiler
                   upgrades,  and  support software.

                   Please remember however, that the primary reason  I
                   do  this  is  for  fun. I do not expect to get rich
                   writing shareware, just to support the  habit.   If
                   you  are  enjoying  anything  from the BAD SOFTWARE
                   Company (that means me; the company is ficticious),
                   then I'll be happy. If you have any comments,  good
                   or  bad,  please drop me a letter at the address on
                   the title page of this manual.

                                                                page 2

         What Is WORDS?

                   WORDS  is  billed  as  a   Vocabulary   Enhancement
                   Utility.  What it is actually is a program that can
                   keep  track  of  any  data  that  share  a two-part
                   relationship.  As it is distributed, it can be used
                   as a vocabulary builder for anyone who  feels  they
                   need  it;  students, executives, technical writers,
                   or anyone who wants to be more expressive.

                   The program is flexible enough, however to  perform
                   similar tasks for a wide variety of users.

         What WORDS Can Do For You

                   Capabilities Summary

                   WORDS  can  maintain  databases of information that
                   share a two-part relationship, such as a  word  and
                   its  definition.   Listed  below  are  the features
                   WORDS  includes  that  makes  this  task  easy  and

                        - WORDS  can  display a random word  from  the
                          database  and  then  display  its definition
                          after a key is hit.  In this  way,  you  can
                          quiz  yourself  constantly  as  you  perform
                          tasks at your computer,  or  just  when  you
                          start it up.

                        - WORDS will perform a very fast search of the
                          database  for  any  word  you  enter.   Once
                          found, it will  display  the  word  and  its

                        - WORDS can  search  the  entire  database  of
                          definitions  for  any text you might want to
                          locate.  This would allow you, for  example,
                          to  find  all words whose definitions relate
                          to TALK.

                        - WORDS comes with a full complement of  data-
                          base maintenance capabilities, including the

                                                                page 3

                          ability  to  add  new words and definitions,
                          remove the ones you don't want, or edit  the
                          definitions of existing words.

                        - You  can create your own databases of  words
                          and  definitions  to  suit  your  particular

                        - WORDS  will  create a test for you to  print
                          out and take, or give to someone else.  Show
                          words  and  ask  for  definitions,  or  show
                          definitions and ask for words.

                        - You  can see what's in your database at  any
                          time.   Either  look at the list of words on
                          the screen, or print out the entire database
                          of words and definitions.

                        - In keeping form with making software fun  to
                          use,  WORDS  comes  with  a separate program
                          that  allows  you  to  fully  configure  the
                          colors  WORDS  will  use if you have a color

                        - WORDS comes  with  a  supplementary  program
                          called   QUIZ.    QUIZ   is  an  interactive
                          multiple choice test that  helps  you  learn
                          very quickly.

                   Improving Your Vocabulary

                   Whatever your reason for wanting  to  improve  your
                   vocabulary, WORDS can do it for you.  Add the words
                   that you need to know and test yourself regularly.

                   If  you are a writer, WORDS can, through vocabulary
                   building, make your writing much more expressive.

                   If you read often, WORDS can improve  your  ability
                   to understand more fully what it is you read.

                   Since  the database that accompanies WORDS tries to
                   focus on words that  are  heard  often  but  little
                   understood,  WORDS  can  help  you  understand  the
                   meanings of "nebulous" words, or those which you've
                   heard before, but aren't sure what they mean.

                                                                page 4

                   Specialized Uses

                   Depending  on  your  needs,  WORDS  can  fill  many
                   interesting  gaps  in  the  software world.  Take a
                   look at the few selected below.

                   ABOUT  TO  TAKE SAT's? - WORDS can help you prepare
                   for the SAT verbal test.  Create your own  database
                   of  vocabulary  words that SAT's are likely to use.
                   There  are  many  SAT  guides   at   libraries   or
                   bookstores  to serve as a reference.  Also, many of
                   the words in the  free  database  you  receive  for
                   registering  WORDS  have  appeared  on SAT's.  Have
                   WORDS quiz you.

                   TECHNICAL  WRITER  - You may be writing a book that
                   deals with a  technical  subject.   You  could  use
                   words to keep track of all your book's terms.

                   TEACHER  - As a teacher of most any discipline, you
                   are  sure  to  have  vocabulary  terms  which  your
                   students  must master.  WORDS can not only maintain
                   databases  of  your  terms  by  unit,  semester  or
                   subject,  it  will  generate  tests for you to give
                   directly to your students.

                   STUDENT - A student of any discipline  may  benefit
                   from  WORDS.   If  your  subject  has vocabulary or
                   terminology, WORDS can track it and quiz you on it.

                   DoD EMPLOYEE or CONTRACTOR - If you  work  for  the
                   Department   of   Defense  (or  the  Government  in
                   general), you have hundreds  if  not  thousands  of
                   acronyms  to  deal  with (I can relate personally).
                   WORDS can maintain a database of them all.  Need to
                   know one?  Ask WORDS what it means.

                                                                page 5

         Files Included with WORDS

                   The following is a  list  of  files  included  with
                   WORDS and a description of the purpose of each one.

                   File name                                   Purpose
                   WORDS.EXE . . . . . . . . . . .  The actual program

                   WORDS.DAT . . . . . . . Color information for WORDS

                   WORDS.WRD . . .  The database file containing words

                   WORDS.DEF  The database file containing definitions

                   WORDS.DOC . . . . . . . . . This documentation file

                   WORDS.CLR . . . . . . Color version of intro screen

                   WORDS.MON . . . . . .  Mono version of intro screen

                   COLORS.EXE . . . . . . .  The color changer program

                   QUIZ.EXE  . . . . . .  The interactive Quiz program

                   QUIZ.DOC  . . . . . Separate documentation for QUIZ

                   If  any  of  these files are missing, you can get a
                   new evaluation copy of the program  by  sending  me
                   $5.00 to cover materials and postage.

                                                                page 6

         Installing WORDS

                   Installing  WORDS is as easy as copying a few files
                   to another disk.  This section will take  you  step
                   by step through the procedure.  Note that there are
                   two  different  sections  for  floppy disk and hard
                   disk users.

                   A couple of general notes are appropriate.   First,
                   if  you are using a shareware release of WORDS, one
                   that  you  have  not  obtained  directly  from  BAD
                   SOFTWARE,  and  you  just  received a copy from BAD
                   SOFTWARE, then  make  sure  you  replace  all  your
                   existing files with the new ones.  The releases you
                   get  direct  from  us  are  always  the  latest and
                   greatest.  Secondly, when installing WORDS,  always
                   keep  your  original disks in a safe place and work
                   from copies.  In this way, you will be protected in
                   case natural disaster strikes your working copy.

                   FLOPPY DISK INSTALLATION: Right off I'll  tell  you
                   that  since  the  tasks  WORDS  performs  are  disk
                   activity intensive,  its going  to  be  slow  on  a
                   floppy  system.   I  strongly recommend using WORDS
                   from a hard disk.  WORDS also needs lots of working
                   disk space.  The larger your  databases  grow,  the
                   larger the amount of space it needs.

                   WORDS will, however, operate normally from a floppy
                   disk.  Presented here are instructions for making a
                   working  WORDS disk for a floppy system.  A summary
                   of the steps involved are listed below.

                        1. Obtain a blank, formatted diskette.

                        2. Copy  the   appropriate  files   from   the
                           original diskette to the blank one.

                        3. Store your originals in a safe place.

                   Step 1: Obtain a blank, formatted diskette
                   If  you  are  working  from a 360K disk system, one
                   diskette will not hold all  the  WORDS  files.   It
                   will, however, hold enough of them to make it work.
                   To  format a diskette, place the new blank into the
                   second drive of  your  machine  and  from  the  DOS
                   drive, enter the command

                                        FORMAT B:

                                                                page 7

                   assuming  your second drive is B:.  When the format
                   is done, you are ready to go.

                   Step 2: Copy files
                   Place your original WORDS disk 1  into  your  first
                   drive  (in  this  example,  drive  A:) and your new
                   formatted diskette in your second  drive  (in  this
                   example,   drive   B:),  and  enter  the  following

                                    COPY A:WORDS.* B:

                   This will place  all  of  the  files  necessary  to
                   operate  WORDS  on  the  new diskette.  You may now
                   start WORDS from drive B:.  You  also  have  enough
                   room  to  copy  the files for the QUIZ program, but
                   placing this on the same disk will take  up  enough
                   space to prevent you from packing your definitions.
                   I  suggest  making  a  separate  disk for QUIZ, and
                   copying  the   files   QUIZ.EXE,   WORDS.DEF,   and
                   WORDS.WRD  to  it.  This will make a QUIZ disk that
                   will operate by itself.

                   Step 3: Store your originals
                   Once installation onto diskettes is  finished,  you
                   should  store  your original disks (if you received
                   them  from  BAD SOFTWARE) in a safe place away from
                   your computer.  In this way, your WORDS  disks  are
                   isolated  from  any disaster that may strike in the
                   vicinity of your computer.

                   HARD DISK INSTALLATION:  WORDS  almost  requires  a
                   hard  disk  to operate in a convenient and complete
                   fashion.  The steps for installing WORDS on a  hard
                   disk are summarized below.

                        1. Create a subdirectory on your hard disk.

                        2. Copy all files to the subdirectory.

                        3. Store your WORDS originals in a safe place.

                   Step 1: Create a subdirectory
                   In  order  to keep your WORDS files more organized,
                   it is best to place WORDS in its  own  subdirectory
                   on  your  hard  disk.   Decide  on  a name for your
                   subdirectory (I suggest WORDS) and create  it  with

                                                                page 8

                   the  following DOS command (assuming you are logged
                   to your hard disk, say drive C:):

                                        MD WORDS

                   This will make a directory called C:\WORDS on  your
                   hard disk.

                   Step 2: Copy files
                   Change to the subdirectory you just created (in our
                   example, C:\WORDS) with the following command:


                   Once  this  is  done,  place your WORDS disk 1 into
                   your floppy drive (in our example,  drive  A:)  and
                   issue the following command:

                                       COPY A:*.*

                   This  will cause DOS to copy all the files on drive
                   A: to the current drive and subdirectory  (C:\WORDS
                   in our case).  When DOS finishes, replace the WORDS
                   disk  1  with the WORDS disk 2 and perform the same

                   Step 3: Store your originals
                   Once installation onto diskettes is  finished,  you
                   should  store  your original disks (if you received
                   them  from  BAD SOFTWARE) in a safe place away from
                   your computer.  In this way, your WORDS  disks  are
                   isolated  from  any disaster that may strike in the
                   vicinity of your computer.

                                                                page 9

         Using WORDS - A Task-Oriented Approach

                   Since most users know what they want to do, but not
                   how to do it, it makes sense to provide in software
                   documentation a reference of things  a  user  might
                   do, and tell the user how to do them.

                   While this makes frightening sense, you'd be amazed
                   how  few  software  manuals  work  this way.  We're
                   taking the approach that you know what you want  to
                   do.  We're going to tell you how to go about it.

                   You will see some information repeat itself several
                   times in this documentation.  This makes  a  manual
                   far  more  usable,  since  you  don't  have to flip
                   around in the documentation  so  much.   It's  very
                   much like writing a program with no GOTO statements
                   (Gotos  are  a  no-no in the programming world.  If
                   you use them, you are ostracized by your peers).

                   If  you  are  an  advanced  computer  user,  or are
                   familiar enough with WORDS that you don't need this
                   task-oriented section, refer to  the  more  concise
                   reference section toward the back of the manual.

                   The  manual  is  designed so that it can be read or
                   used as a reference.  Each new topic  starts  on  a
                   new  page, and the Table of Contents is a good tool
                   to help you find where you need to be.

                                                               page 10

         Random Words

                   If you want to learn your vocabulary casually, at a
                   pace  that  is calm, the WORDS Random Words feature
                   may be your way to go.

                   When this feature is used, WORDS clears your screen
                   (to prevent clutter that would  distract  you  from
                   concentrating),   and  displays  a  word  from  the
                   database at the top.  Once you think you  know  the
                   definition,  or  have given up, you can hit any key
                   and WORDS will show you the definition.

                   This can best be utilized in one of two ways:

                        1) In your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, so that you  get
                           a word every time you start your computer,

                        2) In  other  batch  files  that  start   your
                           programs, so that you get a new word  every
                           time you run a particular program.

                   Of  course, you can always do them one at a time as

                   To get a single random word,  issue  the  following
                   command at the DOS prompt:


                   This  will  cause  WORDS  to  perform  as described
                   above.  To see the  definition  once  the  word  is
                   displayed, hit any key.

                   In Your AUTOEXEC.BAT
                   If  you would like to place this  command  in  your
                   AUTOEXEC.BAT  file, so that WORDS displays a random
                   word for you  every  time  you  boot  (start)  your
                   computer,  you  must place the above command as the
                   last line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.   Perform  the
                   following steps to do so:

                        1) Using a word processor that saves text in a
                           purely  ASCII format (no formatting codes),
                           edit the file AUTOEXEC.BAT.  If  you  don't
                           have the file AUTOEXEC.BAT yet, then create
                           it by editing it as a new file.

                                                               page 11

                        2) Add a new line to the end of the file  that
                           looks exactly like this:


                        3) Save the file as ASCII text (no  formatting

                   The  next  time  you  start  your computer, it will
                   automatically run the batch file AUTOEXEC.BAT,  and
                   WORDS will show you a random word and definition as
                   described above.

                   Before Starting Any Program
                   You  can  do  this as well with any program so that
                   WORDS displays a random word for you each time  you
                   run the program.  To illustrate an example, we will
                   assume  you  have  a  program  you run all the time
                   called EDITOR, a shareware word processor.

                   To run EDITOR, you normally follow these steps:

                        1) Change to the \ED subdirectory.

                        2) Enter EDITOR to start the program.

                        3) When  you are finished, change back to  the
                           root directory.

                   What we will do is create a batch  file  that  will
                   cause WORDS to pop up a random word and definition,
                   and  then  run  EDITOR immediately afterwards.  The
                   effect will be that you get a vocabulary word  each
                   time you use your editor.

                   Perform the following step to generate a batch file
                   called  ED.BAT  that  will pop up a random word and
                   definition, and then run EDITOR:

                        1) Using a word processor that saves text in a
                           purely  ASCII format (no formatting codes),
                           edit  the  file  ED.BAT.   It will be a new

                        2) Type in the following text:


                                                               page 12

                        3) Save the file ED.BAT.

                   We have now created the batch file.  Every time you
                   type ED to start your editor, WORDS will give you a
                   random word and definition before it runs.

                   You can, of course, perform the  same  process  for
                   any   program.   Simply  substitute  the  program's
                   proper  subdirectory  name  and  start-up   command
                   (lines  2  and  3 in our sample batch file) for the
                   one's in our example.

                   Continuous Random Words
                   You  can  make WORDS show these random words to you
                   in  a  continuous  fashion.    This   provides   an
                   excellent  way  to  quiz  yourself.   To make WORDS
                   display random words and  definitions  continuously
                   on  the  screen,  pausing between each word, follow
                   these steps:

                        1) Make   sure  that  the   files   WORDS.EXE,
                           WORDS.DAT,  WORDS.WRD and WORDS.DEF are all
                           in the same place, i.e., on the  same  disk
                           drive and in the same subdirectory.

                        2) Start WORDS with the following command:


                           The  RC  stands  for Random Continuous.  If
                           you  need  to   start   WORDS   in   Random
                           Continuous  mode  with  your  own database,
                           follow the /RC with a  colon  (:)  and  the
                           name  of  your  database.   For example, if
                           your database was called GEOLOGY, you would
                           issue the following command:


                        3) Once the program begins, you will be  shown
                           a  random word from the database.  When you
                           have finished pondering its definition, you
                           can  hit  any  key  to   see   the   actual

                        4) Once the definition has been displayed, you
                           may  quit  the  program  by hitting the ESC
                           key, or have WORDS show you another  random
                           word,  repeating  the cycle, by hitting the

                                                               page 13

                   Using this feature will provide a  good  review  of
                   all the words in the database.

                                                               page 14

         Searching the Database

                   WORDS  has  the  capability  to  search  any  WORDS
                   database very quickly.  Simply type in the word you
                   want  to  look for and before you can hit the ENTER
                   key, it's found.

                   The following steps  summarize  the  procedure  for
                   searching the database:

                        1) Start WORDS

                        2) Select the Search  Database  function  from
                           the menu

                        3) Type in the word to find and hit ENTER

                        4) Read the definition if found

                        5) Quit WORDS

                   Step 1: Start WORDS
                   To  start  WORDS,  make  sure  the files WORDS.EXE,
                   WORDS.WRD, WORDS.DEF, and WORDS.DAT are all in  the
                   same  place, i.e, all on the same disk drive and in
                   the same subdirectory.  Once this is  accomplished,
                   type in the following command to start WORDS:


                   Complex, huh?  Words will load and greet you with a
                   friendly, easy to use menu.

                   Step 2: Select the Search Database Function
                   To select an item from the WORDS menu, you have two
                   options available to you.

                   The first is to  use  the  selection  bar.   You'll
                   notice   that  the  first  entry  on  the  menu  is
                   highlighted.  You can move this  highlight  up  and
                   down  to  select  the function of your choice.  The
                   following table summarizes the  movements  of  this
                   selection  bar and how to perform them.  To perform
                   the movement listed  on  the  left,  use  the  keys
                   listed on the right:

                                                               page 15

                        Bar Movement...                 ...Key(s)
                        Down 1 Entry                   Down Arrow
                        Up 1 Entry                       Up Arrow
                        Top of List                  Home or PgUp
                        Bottom of List                End or PgDn

                   Using these keys, you can move the selection bar so
                   that  the  Search Database function is highlighted.
                   Once your choice is selected, hit the ENTER key  to
                   execute the function.

                   The   second   selection  method  is  to  type  the
                   highlighted letter associated with the menu  entry.
                   If  you look at the menu entries, you will see that
                   each  function  has  a  single  letter  highlighted
                   within  it.   To  get  "direct access" to that menu
                   function,   simply   hit   the   letter   that   is

                   To select the  Search  Database  function  in  this
                   manner,  hit  the  S  key,  and  the  function will
                   execute immediately.

                   Step 3: Type In the Word to Find
                   As soon as you select the Search Database  function
                   from  the menu, the Search Database Facility screen
                   will be displayed.  On it you  will  see  an  entry
                   field for you to type in the word to find, with the
                   cursor waiting patiently for you to begin.

                   At  this point, simply type in the word you wish to
                   find.   You can type a portion of the word you wish
                   to find, and as long as  it  uniquely  defines  the
                   word,  WORDS  will  locate  it properly.  While you
                   are typing, there are editing keys active that will
                   make entry of the word much easier.  The  following
                   table  describes  a list of editing tasks you might
                   want to perform, and which keys to use  to  perform

                                                               page 16

                   Editing function...                       ...Key(s)
                   Move cursor left one space . . . . . . . Left Arrow
                   Move cursor right one space  . . . . .  Right Arrow
                   Move cursor left one word  . . . .  Ctrl-Left Arrow
                   Move cursor right one word . . . . Ctrl-Right Arrow
                   Move cursor to beginning of line . . . . . . . Home
                   Move cursor to end of line . . . . . . . . . .  End
                   Delete character at cursor . . . . . . . . . .  Del
                   Delete character to left of cursor . . .  Backspace
                   Delete from cursor to end of line  . . . . Ctrl-Q Y
                   Clear entry and restart  . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl-R
                   Toggle insert/overtype mode  . . . . . . . . .  INS
                   Save/accept entry  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ENTER

                   Once  you  have entered the word to search for, hit
                   the ENTER key to begin the search.

                   Step 4: Read the Definition if Found
                   Once the ENTER key has been hit, WORDS will begin a
                   very  fast  search of the database.  If it does not
                   find the word you are looking for, it will  display
                   a  small message stating "Not in database!" After a
                   short delay, you will be able to enter another word
                   to search for.  If you do not want to wait  through
                   this delay, you can hit any key to interrupt it and
                   move on.

                   If  WORDS  does  find  the  word, it will clear the
                   screen and display the word.  As soon as you hit  a
                   key,  it will display the definition.  One more key
                   will get you back to the  Search  Database  screen,
                   where  you  may  enter  another  word  for which to

                   Step 5: Quit WORDS
                   Quitting WORDS  is  a  one-  or  two-step  process,
                   depending on where you are.

                   The first step is to return from where you  are  in
                   WORDS  to  the  menu.  At any of the WORDS function
                   screens, you can return top  the  menu  by  hitting
                   either F10 or ESC.

                   Step two, once you are at the menu, is to highlight
                   the Quit option, located at the bottom of the menu.
                   You can do this by moving the highlight  using  the
                   arrow  keys  and  hitting  ENTER, or by hitting the
                   letter Q.  Either method  will  immediately  return
                   you to DOS.

                                                               page 17

         Finding Words If You Know the General Meaning

                   Occasions may  arise  when  you  know  the  general
                   meaning  of  a  word,  but not the word itself.  It
                   goes something like this:

                   "...shoot,  I  know  the words means something like
                   sad, or sorrowful, but I can't quite put my  finger
                   on it..."

                   With the Definition Search feature, WORDS can  help
                   you out here.  WORDS will search for the occurrence
                   of  any  text you specify in the definitions of all
                   the words in the database.

                   The search is not case sensitive.  That is, it will
                   find all instances of sad in a definition,  whether
                   they look like SAD, sad, or Sad.

                   The  search  will also find occurrences of the text
                   even if it is part of another word.  The down  side
                   of  this  is  that  it  will  also find words whose
                   definitions   contain   words   like   saddle,   or
                   ambassador,  since sad is part of those words.  The
                   up side is that it will also find sadness, saddest,
                   and sadly.

                   Once  you  enter  the  text you want to find, WORDS
                   will go off and search the definitions for it.   If
                   it  finds your text, the search will stop and WORDS
                   will display the words and its definition for  you.
                   After  looking  at  the  word,  you will be able to
                   terminate the search, or continue looking where you
                   left off.

                   With  all  this in mind, lets see exactly how to do
                   it.  The following steps  summarize  the  procedure
                   for searching the definitions for text:

                        1) Start WORDS

                        2) Select the Definition Search function  from
                           the WORDS menu

                        3) Enter the text for  which  you  want  words

                        4) Watch WORDS hunt through the  database.  If
                           it finds your text, examine  the  word  and
                           its definition when WORDS dislpays it.

                                                               page 18

                        5) Continue searching  the  database  for  the
                           text until you are finished.

                        6) Repeat  steps  3  through  5 until you  are
                           finished  searching  the  definitions   for

                        7) Quit WORDS

                   Step 1: Start WORDS
                   To  start  WORDS,  make  sure  the files WORDS.EXE,
                   WORDS.WRD, WORDS.DEF, and WORDS.DAT are all in  the
                   same  place, i.e, all on the same disk drive and in
                   the same subdirectory.  Once this is  accomplished,
                   type in the following command to start WORDS:


                   Tough,  huh?   Words will load and greet you with a
                   friendly, easy to use menu.

                   Step 2: Select the Definition Search Function
                   To select an item from the WORDS menu, you have two
                   options available to you.

                   The first is to  use  the  selection  bar.   You'll
                   notice   that  the  first  entry  on  the  menu  is
                   highlighted.  You can move this  highlight  up  and
                   down  to  select  the function of your choice.  The
                   following table summarizes the  movements  of  this
                   selection  bar and how to perform them.  To perform
                   the movement listed  on  the  left,  use  the  keys
                   listed on the right:

                        Bar Movement...                 ...Key(s)
                        Down 1 Entry                   Down Arrow
                        Up 1 Entry                       Up Arrow
                        Top of List                  Home or PgUp
                        Bottom of List                End or PgDn

                   Using these keys, you can move the selection bar so
                   that  the  Search Database function is highlighted.
                   Once your choice is selected, hit the ENTER key  to
                   execute the function.

                   The   second   selection  method  is  to  type  the
                   highlighted letter associated with the menu entry.

                                                               page 19

                   If you look at the menu entries, you will see  that
                   each  function  has  a  single  letter  highlighted
                   within it.  To get "direct  access"  to  that  menu
                   function,   simply   hit   the   letter   that   is

                   To  select  the  Definition Search function in this
                   manner, hit  the  F  key,  and  the  function  will
                   execute immediately.

                   Step 3: Enter text to find
                   The  next item on your searching agenda is to enter
                   the text to search for in the  definitions.   There
                   is a space in which you will enter the text, and is
                   limited  to about 53 characters.  Type in your text
                   and hit ENTER.   The  following  editing  keys  are
                   available while entering the text:

                   Editing function...                       ...Key(s)
                   Move cursor left one space . . . . . . . Left Arrow
                   Move cursor right one space  . . . . .  Right Arrow
                   Move cursor left one word  . . . .  Ctrl-Left Arrow
                   Move cursor right one word . . . . Ctrl-Right Arrow
                   Move cursor to beginning of line . . . . . . . Home
                   Move cursor to end of line . . . . . . . . . .  End
                   Delete character at cursor . . . . . . . . . .  Del
                   Delete character to left of cursor . . .  Backspace
                   Delete from cursor to end of line  . . . . Ctrl-Q Y
                   Clear entry and restart  . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl-R
                   Toggle insert/overtype mode  . . . . . . . . .  INS
                   Save/accept entry  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ENTER

                   Again, when you have finished entering  your  text,
                   hit  the ENTER key.  This will tell WORDS to accept
                   your text and begin the search.

                   Step 4: Watch WORDS hunt
                   In the bottom half of the Definition Search window,
                   you will see that  WORDS  displays  for  you  which
                   definition  by  number  it  is searching.  If WORDS
                   encounters your text in a definition, it will clear
                   the screen and display the word and its definition.
                   You may ponder it as long as you  like.   Once  you
                   are  finished  looking,  hit  any  key and you will
                   return to the Definition Search screen.

                                                               page 20

                   Step 5: Continue searching
                   Notice that there is  a  flashing  message  in  the
                   bottom  half of the window.  WORDS wants to know if
                   you would like to continue searching  the  database
                   for  the same text.  If you do, then hit Y for yes.
                   WORDS will then continue searching  where  it  left
                   off,  and  the  whole  process  for  this step will
                   repeat.  If you do not want to  continue  searching
                   for  the  same text, hit N for no (or any key other
                   than Y).  WORDS will then return to the text  entry
                   space, where you can type in more text for which to

                   Step 6: Search for something else
                   If  you wish to search for some other text, you may
                   do so now.  Simply repeat steps 3 through 5.

                   Step 7: Quit WORDS
                   If you choose not to search for any more text,  you
                   may  return  to the WORDS menu, and from there Quit
                   the program and return to DOS.

                   Quitting WORDS  is  a  one-  or  two-step  process,
                   depending on where you are.

                   The  first  step is to return from where you are in
                   WORDS to the menu.  At any of  the  WORDS  function
                   screens,  you  can  return  to  the menu by hitting
                   either F10 or ESC.

                   Step two, once you are at the menu, is to highlight
                   the Quit option, located at the bottom of the menu.
                   You can do this by moving the highlight  using  the
                   arrow  keys  and  hitting  ENTER, or by hitting the
                   letter Q.  Either method  will  immediately  return
                   you to DOS.

                                                               page 21

         Creating a Test

                   WORDS can quickly create a text file that  contains
                   a  test  for  you or someone else to take.  It will
                   randomly select a number of words you  define  from
                   the  database,  and  generate  both  a  test and an
                   answer sheet for the test.

                   The  following  steps  summarize  the procedure for
                   creating a test:

                        1) Start WORDS

                        2) Select the Create Test  function  from  the

                        3) Select the type of test to generate

                        4) Enter the number of questions to create

                        5) Enter the name of the file to save the test

                        6) Watch WORDS create your test

                        7) Quit WORDS

                   Step 1: Start WORDS
                   To  start  WORDS,  make  sure  the files WORDS.EXE,
                   WORDS.WRD, WORDS.DEF, and WORDS.DAT are all in  the
                   same  place, i.e, all on the same disk drive and in
                   the same subdirectory.  Once this is  accomplished,
                   type in the following command to start WORDS:


                   Difficult,  huh?   Words  will  load  and greet you
                   with a friendly, easy to use menu.

                   Step 2: Select the Create Test Function
                   To select an item from the WORDS menu, you have two
                   options available to you.

                   The first is to  use  the  selection  bar.   You'll
                   notice   that  the  first  entry  on  the  menu  is
                   highlighted.  You can move this  highlight  up  and
                   down  to  select  the function of your choice.  The

                                                               page 22

                   following table summarizes the  movements  of  this
                   selection  bar and how to perform them.  To perform
                   the movement listed  on  the  left,  use  the  keys
                   listed on the right:

                        Bar Movement...                 ...Key(s)
                        Down 1 Entry                   Down Arrow
                        Up 1 Entry                       Up Arrow
                        Top of List                  Home or PgUp
                        Bottom of List                End or PgDn

                   Using these keys, you can move the selection bar so
                   that the Create Test function is highlighted.  Once
                   your choice is  selected,  hit  the  ENTER  key  to
                   execute the function.

                   The   second   selection  method  is  to  type  the
                   highlighted letter associated with the menu entry.

                   If you look at the menu entries, you will see  that
                   each  function  has  a  single  letter  highlighted
                   within it.  To get "direct  access"  to  that  menu
                   function,   simply   hit   the   letter   that   is

                   To  select the Create Test function in this manner,
                   hit the  T  key,  and  the  function  will  execute
                   immediately.  You will see the Create Test Facility
                   screen on your display.

                   Step 3: Select the Type of Test
                   Once  you  see the Create Test Facility screen, the
                   fun  begins.   After   reading   the   introductory
                   information  on  the  screen,  you must select what
                   type of test WORDS will generate.   The  two  types
                   are as follows:

                        1) Words  test:  Generate  a  test that  lists
                           words  and  asks  you  to   fill   in   the

                        2) Definitions  test:  Generate  a  test  that
                           lists definitions and asks you to  fill  in
                           the words.

                   Notice  that on the screen, the first letter of the
                   test type is highlighted; the W for Words test, and
                   the D for Definitions test.  Hit the W if you  want
                   to  generate  a  Words test, or the D to generate a
                   Definitions test.

                                                               page 23

                   Step 4: Enter the Number of Questions
                   Once you have successfully selected  a  test  type,
                   you must tell WORDS how many questions to create.

                   On  the screen you will now see a short entry field
                   with the cursor waiting for you.  Here you type  in
                   the number of questions you want in your test.  The
                   prompt  on  the  screen  will  tell you the maximum
                   number of questions allowed.  The limit  is  either
                   the  maximum  number  of words in your database, or
                   999, whichever is lower.

                   Type in the number of questions to create.  Use the
                   Backspace or DEL key to fix  typing  errors.   Once
                   you  have entered the number of questions you want,
                   hit the ENTER key to finish it up.

                   Step 5: Enter the Name of the Test File
                   Once WORDS knows how many questions  to  make,  you
                   need  only  tell  it one more piece of information:
                   the name of the file in which to store the test.

                   You  will  see  on  the screen another entry field.
                   This is where you enter the filename for the  test.
                   You  are  allowed  eight  characters.  The filename
                   must be a valid DOS filename.  If you stick  pretty
                   much to normal letters, you'll be alright.

                   Notice that at the end of the field is the text


                   This  is the extension your file will have after it
                   is generated.  WORDS automatically fills it in  and
                   will not let you type over it.  This is so that you
                   can  always look at a file on your disk and know it
                   is a test file generated by WORDS.  For example, if
                   you chose to name your test file BIGWORDS, the  DOS
                   filename after it is created will be BIGWORDS.TST.

                   WORDS  also  generates  an answers file.  This file
                   will have the same name as your test file  (in  our
                   example,   BIGWORDS),  but  will  always  have  the
                   extension .ANS (our  example  would  result  in  an
                   answer file called BIGWORDS.ANS).

                                                               page 24

                   While you are typing, there are editing keys active
                   that will make entry of the filename  much  easier.
                   The  following  table  describes  a list of editing
                   tasks you might want to perform, and which keys  to
                   use to perform them:

                   Editing function...                       ...Key(s)
                   Move cursor left one space . . . . . . . Left Arrow
                   Move cursor right one space  . . . . .  Right Arrow
                   Move cursor left one word  . . . .  Ctrl-Left Arrow
                   Move cursor right one word . . . . Ctrl-Right Arrow
                   Move cursor to beginning of line . . . . . . . Home
                   Move cursor to end of line . . . . . . . . . .  End
                   Delete character at cursor . . . . . . . . . .  Del
                   Delete character to left of cursor . . .  Backspace
                   Delete from cursor to end of line  . . . . Ctrl-Q Y
                   Clear entry and restart  . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl-R
                   Toggle insert/overtype mode  . . . . . . . . .  INS
                   Save/accept entry  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ENTER

                   Once  you  have entered the filename, hit the ENTER
                   key to begin the test generation.

                   Step 6: Watch WORDS Create Your Test
                   Now that WORDS has all the information it needs  to
                   create your test, it goes about the  task  quickly.
                   As  the program generates your test, a small window
                   at the bottom of the screen will inform you  as  to
                   the progress of the test generation.

                   It  first  selects  the  words/definitions from the
                   database that it will put in your test.   Selection
                   is  random  and  there  will  be  no duplication of
                   questions.  Naturally, the more questions you asked
                   for, the longer it takes to select  questions.   On
                   an  8  MHz PC/XT Clone computer, WORDS took about 3
                   seconds to select 500 questions.

                   After it knows all the questions,  it  writes  your
                   test  and  answer  files  to  disk.  The  speed  at
                   which WORDS writes these files is dependent on both
                   the  number  of questions selected and the speed of
                   your disk drive.

                   Step 7: Quit WORDS
                   When  WORDS finishes your test and answer files, it
                   will automatically return you to the menu.

                                                               page 25

                   From  the  menu,  you  must  select  the Quit WORDS
                   function  to  leave.   You  can  either  move   the
                   selection  bar to this menu entry and hit ENTER, or
                   hit the letter Q.  Both operations will cause WORDS
                   to return you to DOS.

                                                               page 26

         Changing a WORDS Database

                   WORDS databases, whether provided by  BAD  SOFTWARE
                   or created by yourself, are likely to need changing
                   to  suit  your  particular needs.  This may involve
                   adding new words to  your  database,  deleting  old
                   ones,    or   editing   definitions.    All   these
                   capabilities  are  provided  by  WORDS,   and   are
                   described in detail below.

                   I would like to mention, however, that  if  you  do
                   make  changes  to  any  of your databases, do so on
                   copies only.  Make frequent backups of  your  WORDS
                   databases.  This will prevent accidental corruption
                   of  your databases, and save many hours of retyping
                   if damage is done.

                                                               page 27

         Adding Words

                   Growth is a natural occurrence in any database, but
                   especially in WORDS databases.  You may come across
                   three or four new words every day that would  merit
                   addition to your vocabulary database.  To this end,
                   WORDS has a very usable Word Addition Facility.

                   The  following  steps  summarize  the procedure for
                   adding words and definitions to the WORDS database:

                        1) Know your word and definition

                        2) Start WORDS

                        3) Select the Add Words function from the menu

                        4) Enter the word to add to the database

                        5) Type in the word's definition

                        6) Repeat steps 4 and 5 until  all  words  and
                           definitions desired are entered

                        7) Watch WORDS sort the database

                        8) Quit WORDS

                   Step 1: Know Your Word and Definition
                   Before  you  can type in a word and definition, you
                   must obviously know the word  and  what  it  means.
                   Grab  your  dictionary  and look up the word(s) you
                   want to enter and their definition(s).

                   Step 2: Start WORDS
                   To  start  WORDS,  make  sure  the files WORDS.EXE,
                   WORDS.WRD, WORDS.DEF, and WORDS.DAT are all in  the
                   same  place, i.e, all on the same disk drive and in
                   the same subdirectory.  Once this is  accomplished,
                   type in the following command to start WORDS:


                   Complicated, huh?  Words will load  and  greet  you
                   with a friendly, easy to use menu.

                                                               page 28

                   Step 3: Select the Add Words Function
                   To select an item from the WORDS menu, you have two
                   options available to you.

                   The first is to  use  the  selection  bar.   You'll
                   notice   that  the  first  entry  on  the  menu  is
                   highlighted.  You can move this  highlight  up  and
                   down  to  select  the function of your choice.  The
                   following table summarizes the  movements  of  this
                   selection  bar and how to perform them.  To perform
                   the movement listed  on  the  left,  use  the  keys
                   listed on the right:

                        Bar Movement...                 ...Key(s)
                        Down 1 Entry                   Down Arrow
                        Up 1 Entry                       Up Arrow
                        Top of List                  Home or PgUp
                        Bottom of List                End or PgDn

                   Using these keys, you can move the selection bar so
                   that  the  Add  Words function is highlighted. Once
                   your choice is  selected,  hit  the  ENTER  key  to
                   execute the function.

                   The   second   selection  method  is  to  type  the
                   highlighted letter associated with the menu entry.

                   If you look at the menu entries, you will see  that
                   each  function  has  a  single  letter  highlighted
                   within it.  To get "direct  access"  to  that  menu
                   function,   simply   hit   the   letter   that   is

                   To  select  the  Add Words function in this manner,
                   hit the  A  key,  and  the  function  will  execute

                   Step 4: Enter the Word to Add to the Database
                   You should now have the Add Word Facility screen in
                   front of you on your display.  Notice that there is
                   a  single-line  entry field in the middle.  This is
                   where you enter the word you want to  add.   It  is
                   limited in length to 20 characters.

                   The cursor will be sitting at the beginning of  the
                   field.   Simply type in the word you want to add to
                   the database.  While  you  are  typing,  there  are

                                                               page 29

                   editing  keys  active  that  will make entry of the
                   word much easier. The following table  describes  a
                   list  of  editing  tasks you might want to perform,
                   and which keys to use to perform them:

                   Editing function...                       ...Key(s)
                   Move cursor left one space . . . . . . . Left Arrow
                   Move cursor right one space  . . . . .  Right Arrow
                   Move cursor left one word  . . . .  Ctrl-Left Arrow
                   Move cursor right one word . . . . Ctrl-Right Arrow
                   Move cursor to beginning of line . . . . . . . Home
                   Move cursor to end of line . . . . . . . . . .  End
                   Delete character at cursor . . . . . . . . . .  Del
                   Delete character to left of cursor . . .  Backspace
                   Delete from cursor to end of line  . . . . Ctrl-Q Y
                   Clear entry and restart  . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl-R
                   Toggle insert/overtype mode  . . . . . . . . .  INS
                   Save/accept entry  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ENTER

                   Once you have entered the word, hit the  ENTER  key
                   to have WORDS accept it.  WORDS will then check the
                   database  to see if the word already exists.  If it
                   does, WORDS will show you a small  message  at  the
                   bottom of the screen.  You can hit any key to clear
                   the message.  If the word does not yet exist in the
                   database,  then  you  will  be  able to type in its

                   Step 5: Type in the Word's Definition
                   After  WORDS  accepts your new word, you must enter
                   it's definition.  The screen will provide you  with
                   a three-line editing window in which to type.

                   Inside the editing  window,  type  in  your  word's
                   definition.   The  editing window will perform such
                   tasks as automatic word wrap, insert/overtype,  and
                   supports  most  features  one  would expect from an
                   editor.  While you  are  entering  the  definition,
                   there  are editing keys active that will make entry
                   of the definition much easier.  On the next page is
                   a table which describes a list of editing tasks you
                   might want to perform, and which  keys  to  use  to
                   perform them.

                                                               page 30

                   Editing function...                       ...key(s)
                   Move cursor left one space . . . . . . . Left Arrow
                   Move cursor right one space  . . . . .  Right Arrow
                   Move cursor down 1 line  . . . . . . . . Down Arrow
                   Move cursor up 1 line  . . . . . . . . . . Up Arrow
                   Move cursor left one word  . . . .  Ctrl-Left Arrow
                   Move cursor right one word . . . . Ctrl-Right Arrow
                   Move cursor to beginning of line . . . . . . . Home
                   Move cursor to end of line . . . . . . . . . .  End
                   Toggle insert/overtype mode  . . . . . . . . .  INS
                   Delete character at cursor . . . . . . . . . .  Del
                   Delete character to left of cursor . . .  Backspace
                   Delete from cursor to end of line  . . . . Ctrl-Q Y
                   Delete line at cursor  . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl-Y
                   Save/accept entry  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ENTER

                   Step 6: Repeat 4 and 5 Until Finished
                   After you finish entry of your definition, you will
                   be  returned  to  the  word  entry  field, to begin
                   entering another word and definition.

                   You may repeat steps 4 and 5 until  all  the  words
                   and definitions you want to enter into the database
                   are entered.

                   Step 7: Watch WORDS Sort the Database
                   If you are finished entering words and definitions,
                   and  are  ready  to  quit, then WORDS must sort the
                   database to put the words you just  entered  in  to
                   proper  alphabetical  order.   WORDS  will  do this
                   automatically  when  you  leave   the   Add   Words

                   To leave the Add Words facility, and cause WORDS to
                   sort the database, you can either

                        1) Hit  the  ENTER key by itself, without  any
                           text in the word entry field, or

                        2) Hit the F10 key to return to the menu,

                        3) Hit  another  function  key  to  take   you
                           elsewhere in WORDS.

                                                               page 31

                   The idea is  that,  if  you  leave  the  Add  Words
                   Facility,  and  have added one or more words to the
                   database,  WORDS  will   automatically   sort   the
                   database before leaving.

                   The database sort is the most time-consuming of all
                   WORDS tasks.  When the sort begins, a small  status
                   window will appear at the bottom of the screen, and
                   inform  you  of  the  status  of  the  sort.  For a
                   database of 100 words, on an 8 MHz XT Clone,  using
                   a Seagate 225 21-megabyte hard disk (access time 65
                   ms),  the  sort  takes about 35 seconds.  Using the
                   same equipment, a sort on a 2500 word database took
                   about 9 and a half minutes.   For  this  reason,  I
                   recommend  you  limit  your databases to about 1000
                   words.  WORDS can easily handle as many  as  32,000
                   words in a single database, but sort times would be
                   prohibitively slow.

                   When the sort is finished, you will exit  from  the
                   Add  Words Facility and be taken to either DOS, the
                   menu, or some other place in  WORDS,  depending  on
                   the key you hit to exit the Add Words Facility.

                   Step 8: Quit WORDS
                   As mentioned above, you  can  return  to  the  menu
                   using  the  F10  key  or the ESC key and select the
                   Quit WORDS function.

                                                               page 32

         Deleting Words

                   The  capability  to  delete  words  and  respective
                   definitions  from  the  WORDS  database  is  indeed
                   useful.   If errors in the word itself are detected
                   after entry, or you decide later to  simply  remove
                   words  and  definitions,  then  you  will find this
                   function invaluable.

                   The following steps  summarize  the  procedure  for
                   deleting words from the WORDS database:

                        1) Start WORDS

                        2) Select  the Delete Words function from  the

                        3) Type  in the word to delete from the  WORDS

                        4) Watch WORDS delete the word

                        5) Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all words you want

                        6) Quit WORDS

                   Step 1: Start WORDS
                   To  start  WORDS,  make  sure  the files WORDS.EXE,
                   WORDS.WRD, WORDS.DEF, and WORDS.DAT are all in  the
                   same  place, i.e, all on the same disk drive and in
                   the same subdirectory.  Once this is  accomplished,
                   type in the following command to start WORDS:


                   Tough,  huh?   Words will load and greet you with a
                   friendly, easy to use menu.

                   Step 2: Select the Delete Words Function
                   To select an item from the WORDS menu, you have two
                   options available to you.

                   The first is to  use  the  selection  bar.   You'll
                   notice   that  the  first  entry  on  the  menu  is
                   highlighted.  You can move this  highlight  up  and

                                                               page 33

                   down  to  select  the function of your choice.  The
                   following table summarizes the  movements  of  this
                   selection  bar and how to perform them.  To perform
                   the movement listed  on  the  left,  use  the  keys
                   listed on the right:

                        Bar Movement...                 ...Key(s)
                        Down 1 Entry                   Down Arrow
                        Up 1 Entry                       Up Arrow
                        Top of List                  Home or PgUp
                        Bottom of List                End or PgDn

                   Using these keys, you can move the selection bar so
                   that  the  Delete  Words  function  is highlighted.
                   Once your choice is selected, hit the ENTER key  to
                   execute the function.

                   The   second   selection  method  is  to  type  the
                   highlighted letter associated with the menu entry.

                   If you look at the menu entries, you will see  that
                   each  function  has  a  single  letter  highlighted
                   within it.  To get "direct  access"  to  that  menu
                   function,   simply   hit   the   letter   that   is

                   To select the Delete Words function in this manner,
                   hit the  D  key,  and  the  function  will  execute

                   Step 3: Type in the Word to Delete
                   When  the  Delete  Words  Facility  appears on your
                   display, you will see a blank entry  field  in  the
                   middle  of  the  window.  This is where you type in
                   the word to delete.

                   While you are typing the word you wish  to  delete,
                   there  are editing keys active that will make entry
                   of the  word  much  easier.   The  following  table
                   describes a list of editing tasks you might want to
                   perform, and which keys to use to perform them:

                                                               page 34

                   Editing function...                       ...Key(s)
                   Move cursor left one space . . . . . . . Left Arrow
                   Move cursor right one space  . . . . .  Right Arrow
                   Move cursor left one word  . . . .  Ctrl-Left Arrow
                   Move cursor right one word . . . . Ctrl-Right Arrow
                   Move cursor to beginning of line . . . . . . . Home
                   Move cursor to end of line . . . . . . . . . .  End
                   Delete character at cursor . . . . . . . . . .  Del
                   Delete character to left of cursor . . .  Backspace
                   Delete from cursor to end of line  . . . . Ctrl-Q Y
                   Clear entry and restart  . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl-R
                   Toggle insert/overtype mode  . . . . . . . . .  INS
                   Save/accept entry  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ENTER

                   Once  you  have entered the word, hit the ENTER key
                   to have WORDS accept it.  WORDS will then check the
                   database to see if the word already exists.  If  it
                   does,  WORDS  will  delete  the word and definition
                   from the database.  If the word does not yet  exist
                   in the database, WORDS will inform you that it does
                   not  exist.   If  it  does  not exist, it cannot be

                   Step 4: Watch WORDS Delete the Word
                   Once WORDS accepts the word to delete as valid,  it
                   will  proceed  to delete it.  This involves several
                   internal steps (all done automatically, of course):

                        1) The  word's  location must be  found.  Very
                           fast operation.

                        2) The word is deleted (set to blank).

                        3) The  rest of the words in the database  are
                           moved up to fill in the blank space.

                        4) The word database is rewritten to disk.

                   WORDS  will  show  you  the  status  of  the delete
                   operation in a small status box at  the  bottom  of
                   the screen.

                                                               page 35

                   -- NOTE -------------------------------------------
                   When a word  is  deleted  from  the  database,  its
                   definition   is   not  actually  deleted  from  the
                   database.  The definition is MARKED for deletion at
                   a later time.  This is  done  to  save  time  while
                   deleting  words.  To clear out the definitions that
                   have  been  marked  for  deletion,  use  the   Pack
                   Definitions function  of  WORDS,  described  in the
                   reference section of this manual.

                   Step 5: Repeat 3 and 4 for All Words to be Deleted
                   When  WORDS  has completed the delete operation for
                   your word, it will return to the entry field.  Here
                   you may enter another word for deletion if  you  so

                   Step 6: Quit WORDS
                   If  you  are  finished  deleting  words  and  their
                   definitions,  you may quit WORDS by hitting the F10
                   key, which returns you to the  menu.  Once  at  the
                   menu,  you can select the Quit WORDS function using
                   the selection bar or hitting the Q key.

                                                               page 36

         Editing Definitions

                   If at any time you find errors in your definitions,
                   or simply find a better definition for a given word
                   than the one you originally entered,  you  can  use
                   the  Edit  Definitions  Facility of WORDS to change
                   it.  This function operates very much like the  Add
                   Words Facility, except there is no sorting involved
                   in the Edit function.

                   The  following  steps  summarize  the procedure for
                   editing definitions:

                        1) Start WORDS

                        2) Select the Edit Definitions  function  from
                           the menu

                        3) Enter the word whose definition you wish to

                        4) Edit the definition when it is displayed

                        5) Repeat  steps 3 and 4 until all definitions
                           you need to edit are completed

                        6) Quit WORDS

                   Step 1: Start WORDS
                   To  start  WORDS,  make  sure  the files WORDS.EXE,
                   WORDS.WRD, WORDS.DEF, and WORDS.DAT are all in  the
                   same  place, i.e, all on the same disk drive and in
                   the same subdirectory.  Once this is  accomplished,
                   type in the following command to start WORDS:


                   Rough,  huh?   Words will load and greet you with a
                   friendly, easy to use menu.

                   Step 2: Select the Edit Definitions Function
                   To select an item from the WORDS menu, you have two
                   options available to you.

                   The first is to  use  the  selection  bar.   You'll
                   notice   that  the  first  entry  on  the  menu  is
                   highlighted.  You can move this  highlight  up  and

                                                               page 37

                   down  to  select  the function of your choice.  The
                   following table summarizes the  movements  of  this
                   selection  bar and how to perform them.  To perform
                   the movement listed  on  the  left,  use  the  keys
                   listed on the right:

                        Bar Movement...                 ...Key(s)
                        Down 1 Entry                   Down Arrow
                        Up 1 Entry                       Up Arrow
                        Top of List                  Home or PgUp
                        Bottom of List                End or PgDn

                   Using these keys, you can move the selection bar so
                   that the Edit Definitions function is  highlighted.
                   Once  your choice is selected, hit the ENTER key to
                   execute the function.

                   The   second   selection  method  is  to  type  the
                   highlighted letter associated with the menu entry.

                   If you look at the menu entries, you will see  that
                   each  function  has  a  single  letter  highlighted
                   within it.  To get "direct  access"  to  that  menu
                   function,   simply   hit   the   letter   that   is

                   To select the Edit  Definitions  function  in  this
                   manner,  hit  the  E  key,  and  the  function will
                   execute immediately.

                   Step 3: Enter the Word Whose Definition You Will
                   When  the Edit Definitions Facility appears on your
                   display, you will see a blank entry  field  in  the
                   middle  of  the  window.  This is where you type in
                   the word whose definition you wish to edit.

                   While  you are typing the word whose definition you
                   want to edit, there are editing  keys  active  that
                   will  make  entry  of the word much easier.  On the
                   next page is a  table  that  describes  a  list  of
                   editing  tasks you might want to perform, and which
                   keys to use to perform them.

                                                               page 38

                   Editing function...                       ...Key(s)
                   Move cursor left one space . . . . . . . Left Arrow
                   Move cursor right one space  . . . . .  Right Arrow
                   Move cursor left one word  . . . .  Ctrl-Left Arrow
                   Move cursor right one word . . . . Ctrl-Right Arrow
                   Move cursor to beginning of line . . . . . . . Home
                   Move cursor to end of line . . . . . . . . . .  End
                   Delete character at cursor . . . . . . . . . .  Del
                   Delete character to left of cursor . . .  Backspace
                   Delete from cursor to end of line  . . . . Ctrl-Q Y
                   Clear entry and restart  . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl-R
                   Toggle insert/overtype mode  . . . . . . . . .  INS
                   Save/accept entry  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ENTER

                   Once  you  have entered the word, hit the ENTER key
                   to have WORDS accept it.  WORDS will then check the
                   database to see if the word already exists.  If  it
                   does,  WORDS will display its definition for you to
                   edit.  If the  word  does  not  yet  exist  in  the
                   database,  WORDS  will  inform you that it does not
                   exist.  If it does not exist, its definition cannot
                   be edited.

                   Step 4: Edit the Definition
                   The definition, if found, will be  displayed  in  a
                   three-line  editing window. Once WORDS displays the
                   definition, you may edit it  until  it  suits  your

                   The editing  window  will  perform  such  tasks  as
                   automatic  word wrap, insert/overtype, and supports
                   most features one  would  expect  from  an  editor.
                   While  you  are  editing  the definition, there are
                   keys  active  that  will  make   editing   of   the
                   definition   much   easier.   The  following  table
                   describes a list of editing tasks you might want to
                   perform, and which keys to use to perform them:

                   Editing function...                       ...Key(s)
                   Move cursor left one space . . . . . . . Left Arrow
                   Move cursor right one space  . . . . .  Right Arrow
                   Move cursor down 1 line  . . . . . . . . Down Arrow
                   Move cursor up 1 line  . . . . . . . . . . Up Arrow
                   Move cursor left one word  . . . .  Ctrl-Left Arrow
                   Move cursor right one word . . . . Ctrl-Right Arrow
                   Move cursor to beginning of line . . . . . . . Home
                   Move cursor to end of line . . . . . . . . . .  End

                                                               page 39

                   Toggle insert/overtype mode  . . . . . . . . .  INS
                   Delete character at cursor . . . . . . . . . .  Del
                   Delete character to left of cursor . . .  Backspace
                   Delete from cursor to end of line  . . . . Ctrl-Q Y
                   Delete line at cursor  . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl-Y
                   Save/accept entry  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ENTER

                   Step 5: Repeat 3 and 4 Until All Edits Complete
                   Once  you  have finished editing the definition and
                   saved it by hitting the ESC key, WORDS  will  place
                   you  back  at  the  word entry field.  Here you may
                   enter another word whose  definition  you  wish  to
                   edit.  If you are finished, then you may quit.

                   Step 6: Quit WORDS
                   If you are finished editing  definitions,  you  may
                   quit  WORDS  by hitting the F10 key or the ESC key,
                   which returns you to the menu.  Once at  the  menu,
                   you  can  select  the Quit WORDS function using the
                   selection bar or hitting the Q key.

                                                               page 40

         Finding Out What's In The Database

                   In WORDS, there are two ways to find out what  your
                   database  contains.   You  can view the wordlist or
                   print out your entire database.

                   Viewing the wordlist will place  on  the  screen  a
                   scrolling,  column-organized  list of all the words
                   in the database (but not the definitions).  It  can
                   be  an excellent reference while you are working in

                   For a more permanent reference,  WORDS  will  print
                   out  a  list  of all words AND their definitions to
                   any printer connected to LPT1 on your computer.

                                                               page 41

         Viewing the Wordlist

                   At any time while you are working in WORDS, a  list
                   of  all  words  in  the database can be very handy.
                   This function  will  display  the  words  from  the
                   database  on  the  screen,  and  allow  you to page
                   through them.  There is also a highlight  bar  that
                   allows  you  to  select  any  word  on  the current
                   screen and view its definition.

                   The following steps  summarize  the  procedure  for
                   viewing the wordlist:

                        1) Start WORDS

                        2) Select Show Wordlist from the menu

                        3) View the Wordlist

                        4) View any definitions

                        5) Quit WORDS

                   Step 1: Start WORDS
                   To  start  WORDS,  make  sure  the files WORDS.EXE,
                   WORDS.WRD, WORDS.DEF, and WORDS.DAT are all in  the
                   same  place, i.e, all on the same disk drive and in
                   the same subdirectory.  Once this is  accomplished,
                   type in the following command to start WORDS:


                   Rough,  huh?   Words will load and greet you with a
                   friendly, easy to use menu.

                   Step 2: Select the Show Wordlist Function
                   To select an item from the WORDS menu, you have two
                   options available to you.

                   The  first  is  to  use  the selection bar.  You'll
                   notice  that  the  first  entry  on  the  menu   is
                   highlighted.   You  can  move this highlight up and
                   down to select the function of your choice.  On the
                   next page is a table that summarizes the  movements
                   of  this selection bar and how to perform them.  To
                   perform the movement listed on the  left,  use  the
                   keys listed on the right:

                                                               page 42

                        Bar Movement...                 ...Key(s)
                        Down 1 Entry                   Down Arrow
                        Up 1 Entry                       Up Arrow
                        Top of List                  Home or PgUp
                        Bottom of List                End or PgDn

                   Using these keys, you can move the selection bar so
                   that  the  Show  Wordlist  function is highlighted.
                   Once your choice is selected, hit the ENTER key  to
                   execute the function.

                   The   second   selection  method  is  to  type  the
                   highlighted letter associated with the menu entry.

                   If you look at the menu entries, you will see  that
                   each  function  has  a  single  letter  highlighted
                   within it.  To get "direct  access"  to  that  menu
                   function,   simply   hit   the   letter   that   is

                   To  select  the  Show  Wordlist  function  in  this
                   manner, hit  the  W  key,  and  the  function  will
                   execute immediately.

                   Step 3: View the Wordlist
                   Once WORDS  has  displayed  the  Wordlist  on  your
                   screen,  you  can page through it however you wish.
                   Note that at the top  of  the  screen  there  is  a
                   status bar that shows you:

                        1) The number of words through the list

                        2) The total number of words in the database

                        3) The movement keys

                   While  you  are  in the Show Wordlist Facility, you
                   can move around in the following ways, by using the
                   following keys:

                   To move like this...              ...Use these keys
                   Up one screen of words . . . . . . . . . . . . PgUp
                   Down one screen of words . . . . . . . . . . . PgDn
                   Top of the list  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Home
                   Bottom of the list . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  End

                                                               page 43

                   When you hit a key to move the list, you will see a
                   small status window appear briefly in the center of
                   the screen, which says  "Reading."  This  indicates
                   that  WORDS is pulling more words from the database
                   to display for you.  It should never take more than
                   1 second or so to read a screen's worth  of  words.
                   By  operating  in  this  fashion, WORDS can display
                   words from a database of up to  32,000  words,  and
                   not be limited by computer memory problems.

                   Step 4: View Any Definitions
                   Notice that while you are viewing  the  word  list,
                   one  of  the words is highlighted.  You can hit the
                   ENTER key to view the definition of the highlighted
                   word.  You  can,  of  course  move  this  highlight
                   around  to  select  any  word on the current screen
                   who's  definition  you  might  might  want to  see.
                   Move the highlight  around  the  screen  using  the
                   following keys:

                   To move the highlight like this..  ..Use these keys
                   Highlight up one row . . . . . . . . . . . Up Arrow
                   Highlight down on row  . . . . . . . . . Down Arrow
                   Highlight left one word  . . . . . . . . Left Arrow
                   Highlight right one word . . . . . . .  Right Arrow
                   View definition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ENTER

                   Note that the highlight wraps on the current screen
                   full of words, from top to bottom to top, from left
                   to right to left (moving up or down  a  row  as  it
                   wraps),  and  from  corner  to  corner.  Moving the
                   highlight will not move to a  new  screen  full  of
                   words -- use the PgUp and PgDn keys for that.

                   Once   you   hit  ENTER,  WORDS  will  display  the
                   definition  of   the   word   that   is   currently
                   highlighted.   Once  you  have finished reading the
                   definition, hit any key to return to the word list.

                   Step 5: Quit WORDS
                   Once you have finished paging through the wordlist,
                   you may quit by hitting the F10 key or the ESC key,
                   which returns you to the menu.  Once at  the  menu,
                   you  can  select  the Quit WORDS function using the
                   selection bar or hitting the Q key.

                                                               page 44

         Printing The Database

                   WORDS provides you with the capability to print out
                   the entire database, words and definitions, to  any
                   text  printer  connected  to  the LPT1 port on your

                   The  following  steps  summarize  the procedure for
                   printing out your database:

                        1) Start WORDS

                        2) Select the Print Database function from the

                        3) Watch WORDS print your database

                        4) Quit WORDS

                   Step 1: Start WORDS
                   To  start  WORDS,  make  sure  the files WORDS.EXE,
                   WORDS.WRD, WORDS.DEF, and WORDS.DAT are all in  the
                   same  place, i.e, all on the same disk drive and in
                   the same subdirectory.  Once this is  accomplished,
                   type in the following command to start WORDS:


                   Tedious, huh?  Words will load and greet you with a
                   friendly, easy to use menu.

                   Step 2: Select the Print Database Function
                   To select an item from the WORDS menu, you have two
                   options available to you.

                   The first is to  use  the  selection  bar.   You'll
                   notice   that  the  first  entry  on  the  menu  is
                   highlighted.  You can move this  highlight  up  and
                   down  to  select  the function of your choice.  The
                   following table summarizes the  movements  of  this
                   selection  bar and how to perform them.  To perform
                   the movement listed  on  the  left,  use  the  keys
                   listed on the right:

                                                               page 45

                        Bar Movement...                 ...Key(s)
                        Down 1 Entry                   Down Arrow
                        Up 1 Entry                       Up Arrow
                        Top of List                  Home or PgUp
                        Bottom of List                End or PgDn

                   Using these keys, you can move the selection bar so
                   that  the  Print  Database function is highlighted.
                   Once your choice is selected, hit the ENTER key  to
                   execute the function.

                   The   second   selection  method  is  to  type  the
                   highlighted letter associated with the menu entry.

                   If you look at the menu entries, you will see  that
                   each  function  has  a  single  letter  highlighted
                   within it.  To get "direct  access"  to  that  menu
                   function,   simply   hit   the   letter   that   is

                   To  select  the  Print  Database  function  in this
                   manner, hit  the  P  key,  and  the  function  will
                   execute immediately.

                   Step 3: Watch WORDS Print Your Database
                   Once  you  see  the Print Database screen, you have
                   two options.

                   The first is to abort the print job,  in  case  you
                   got  in  here by accident.  To do this, hit the ESC

                   Your second option is to go ahead  with  the  print
                   job.   To begin printing, hit the SPACEBAR.  At any
                   time during the print job, you may hit the ESC  key
                   to abort the printing of the database.

                   Step 4: Quit WORDS
                   After the  database  finishes  printing,  you  will
                   automatically  be returned to the menu. Once at the
                   menu, you can select the Quit WORDS function  using
                   the  selection  bar  or  hitting the Q key.  Either
                   method will return you to DOS.

                                                               page 46

         Making Your Own WORDS Databases

                   Whether you have your own application  you  need  a
                   database  for,  or  the one that came with WORDS is
                   getting too big, you'll  probably  need  to  create
                   your own database at some point.

                   Your database may contain any data that share a two
                   part  relationship, like a word and its definition,
                   an acronym and what it stands for, or whatever  you
                   might come up with.

                   Creating a database is as easy as adding words with
                   the WORDS Add Words Facility.  The following  steps
                   summarize  the  procedure  for  creating  your  own

                        1) Determine the name of your new database

                        2) Start WORDS with your database name

                        3) Add words to your new database

                        4) Enter the Definition of Your New Word

                        5) Repeat 3 and 4 Until Finished

                        6) Watch WORDS Sort the New Database

                        7) Quit WORDS

                   Step 1: Determine the Name of Your Database
                   When choosing a name for your database, it's a good
                   idea to select a name that is representative of the
                   data stored in  it.   For  instance,  if  you  were
                   creating   a   database  for  your  first  semester
                   chemistry  class,  you  might  call  your  database
                   CHEM1.   If  your  database  was  intended to store
                   acronyms and their meanings,  you  might  call  the
                   database ACRONYMS.

                   When you make a new  database,  WORDS  creates  two
                   files  with  the  name of your database.  The first
                   has a .WRD extension, and contains the actual words
                   you enter.  The second file  has  an  extension  of
                   .DEF and contains the definition portion.

                                                               page 47

                   Step 2: Start WORDS
                   Armed  with  your new database name, start WORDS up
                   with the following command:


                   You  would  replace  the  filename  above  with the
                   actual name of the database you were creating.  For
                   example, if you want to create  a  database  called
                   BIOTERMS, the command to start WORDS would be


                   Once  you issue this command, WORDS will attempt to
                   find the database on disk.  Since the  database  is
                   new,  it  will  not  find  it,  and  will display a

                   This message will inform you that WORDS  could  not
                   find  the  database.   Since you intend to create a
                   new database, hit the SPACEBAR to proceed.

                   Once WORDS knows you are creating a  new  database,
                   it  automatically  places  you  into  the Add Words
                   Facility.  Here you begin entering  the  words  and
                   their definitions.

                   Step 3: Add Word to Your New Database
                   You should now have the Add Word Facility screen in
                   front of you on your display.  Notice that there is
                   a  single-line  entry field in the middle.  This is
                   where you enter the word you want to  add.   It  is
                   limited in length to 20 characters.

                   The cursor will be sitting at the beginning of  the
                   field.   Simply type in the word you want to add to
                   the database.  While  you  are  typing,  there  are
                   editing  keys  active  that  will make entry of the
                   word much easier. The following table  describes  a
                   list  of  editing  tasks you might want to perform,
                   and which keys to use to perform them:

                                                               page 48

                   Editing function...                       ...Key(s)
                   Move cursor left one space . . . . . . . Left Arrow
                   Move cursor right one space  . . . . .  Right Arrow
                   Move cursor left one word  . . . .  Ctrl-Left Arrow
                   Move cursor right one word . . . . Ctrl-Right Arrow
                   Move cursor to beginning of line . . . . . . . Home
                   Move cursor to end of line . . . . . . . . . .  End
                   Delete character at cursor . . . . . . . . . .  Del
                   Delete character to left of cursor . . .  Backspace
                   Delete from cursor to end of line  . . . . Ctrl-Q Y
                   Clear entry and restart  . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl-R
                   Toggle insert/overtype mode  . . . . . . . . .  INS
                   Save/accept entry  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ENTER

                   Once  you  have entered the word, hit the ENTER key
                   to have WORDS accept it.  WORDS will then check the
                   database to see if the word already exists.  If  it
                   does,  WORDS  will  show you a small message at the
                   bottom of the screen.  If the  word  does  not  yet
                   exist  in  the  database,  then you will be able to
                   type in its definition.

                   Step 4: Enter the Definition of Your New Word
                   After  WORDS  accepts your new word, you must enter
                   it's definition.  The screen will provide you  with
                   a three-line editing window in which to type.

                   Inside  the  editing  window,  type  in your word's
                   definition.  The editing window will  perform  such
                   tasks  as automatic word wrap, insert/overtype, and
                   supports most features one  would  expect  from  an
                   editor.   While  you  are  entering the definition,
                   there are editing keys active that will make  entry
                   of the definition much easier.  On the next page is
                   a  table that describes a list of editing tasks you
                   might want to perform, and which  keys  to  use  to
                   perform them.

                                                               page 49

                   Editing function...                       ...Key(s)
                   Move cursor left one space . . . . . . . Left Arrow
                   Move cursor right one space  . . . . .  Right Arrow
                   Move cursor down 1 line  . . . . . . . . Down Arrow
                   Move cursor up 1 line  . . . . . . . . . . Up Arrow
                   Move cursor left one word  . . . .  Ctrl-Left Arrow
                   Move cursor right one word . . . . Ctrl-Right Arrow
                   Move cursor to beginning of line . . . . . . . Home
                   Move cursor to end of line . . . . . . . . . .  End
                   Toggle insert/overtype mode  . . . . . . . . .  INS
                   Delete character at cursor . . . . . . . . . .  Del
                   Delete character to left of cursor . . .  Backspace
                   Delete from cursor to end of line  . . . . Ctrl-Q Y
                   Delete line at cursor  . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl-Y
                   Save/accept entry  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ENTER

                   Step 5: Repeat 3 and 4 Until Finished
                   After you finish entry of your definition, you will
                   be  returned  to  the  word  entry  field, to begin
                   entering another word and definition.

                   You may repeat steps 3 and 4 until  all  the  words
                   and definitions you want to enter into the database
                   are entered.

                   Step 6: Watch WORDS Sort the Database
                   If you are finished entering words and definitions,
                   and are ready to quit, then  WORDS  must  sort  the
                   database  to  put  the  words you just entered into
                   proper alphabetical  order.   WORDS  will  do  this
                   automatically   when   you   leave  the  Add  Words

                   To leave the Add Words facility, and cause WORDS to
                   sort the database, you can either

                        1) Hit  the  ENTER key by itself, without  any
                           text in the word entry field, or

                        2) Hit the F10 key to return to the menu, or

                        3) Hit  another  function  key  to  take   you
                           elsewhere in WORDS.

                                                               page 50

                   The idea is  that,  if  you  leave  the  Add  Words
                   Facility,  and  have added one or more words to the
                   database,  WORDS  will   automatically   sort   the
                   database before leaving.

                   The database sort is the most time-consuming of all
                   WORDS tasks.  When the sort begins, a small  status
                   window will appear at the bottom of the screen, and
                   inform  you  of  the  status  of  the  sort.  For a
                   database of 100 words, on an 8 MHz XT Clone,  using
                   a Seagate 225 21-megabyte hard disk (access time 65
                   ms),  the  sort  takes about 35 seconds.  Using the
                   same equipment, a sort on a 2500 word database took
                   about 9 and a half minutes.   For  this  reason,  I
                   recommend  you  limit  your databases to about 1000
                   words.  WORDS can easily handle as many  as  32,000
                   words in a single database, but sort times would be
                   prohibitively slow.

                   When the sort is finished, you will exit  from  the
                   Add  Words Facility and be taken to either DOS, the
                   menu, or some other place in  WORDS,  depending  on
                   the key you hit to exit the Add Words Facility.

                   Step 7: Quit WORDS
                   As mentioned above, you  can  return  to  the  menu
                   using  the  F10  key or the ESC key, and select the
                   Quit WORDS function.

                                                               page 51

         Database Use

                   Assuming  you  have just created a new database and
                   wish to use it with WORDS, how do you do it?   This
                   section will endeavor to explain.

                   When  WORDS  is  invoked  in  its simplest fashion,
                   using the command


                   it assumes there  will  be  a  database  out  there
                   called WORDS.  It will give you an error message if
                   it can't find it.  What we need to do is tell WORDS
                   to use a database other than this default of WORDS.

                   To do this, we start words with a  parameter  after
                   the  WORDS  command  that tells it what database to
                   use.  There three ways to do this, depending on the
                   function  you  want  WORDS  to  perform  with   the

                   Method 1: Starting the WORDS Program
                   To start WORDS with a different  database  so  that
                   the  menu  comes  up,  and we have access to all of
                   WORDS'  utility  functions,   use   the   following


                   You would replace the filename with the actual name
                   of  your  alternate database. This will cause WORDS
                   to come up as if you had simply typed


                   to start it, but  it  will  use  the  new  database
                   specified after the /D:.  You may then perform  any
                   of  the  normal  WORDS operations on your alternate

                   Method 2: Random Words with an Alternate Database
                   WORDS  has the useful capability to select a random
                   word from our database and display it on the screen
                   so that you may quiz yourself on a  regular  basis.
                   To  start WORDS with an alternate database, so that
                   it  displays  a  random  word  from  it,  use   the
                   following command:

                                                               page 52


                   You would replace the filename with the actual name
                   of the database you wanted WORDS  to  select  words
                   from.  This will cause WORDS to operate the same as
                   if you had started it with the command


                   but  will  select  words  only  from  the alternate
                   database specified after the /R:.

                   Method 3: Continuous Random Words with an Alternate
                   You  can  use  WORDS  to  continuously  show random
                   words. It works very much the  same  way  that  the
                   random word function listed above does, excpet that
                   instead  of  returning  to  DOS  after one word, it
                   continues to show more random words.

                   To start WORDS in this  mode  using  and  alternate
                   database, user the /RC: parameter, like this:


                   You  would replace filename with the actual name of
                   your  alternate  database.   Words   will   operate
                   exactly as if you had issued the


                   command,  except  it  will  be using your alternate

                   To see the next random word, hit the SPACEBAR.   To
                   quit WORDS and return to DOS, hit ESC.

                                                               page 53

         Packing the Definitions

                   What the heck is "Packing  the  Definitions?"   And
                   why would I want to do it anyway?

                   Both valid questions.  I shall endeavor to explain.
                   When  you  use the WORDS Delete Words Facility, you
                   would assume that both the word and definition  are
                   deleted.   Not  so.   At the time of word deletion,
                   WORDS only physically deletes  the  word,  not  the
                   definition.   The  reason  is to save time.  If the
                   definition  is  also  deleted,  not  only  do   the
                   definitions also have to be physically deleted, but
                   all  the  word pointers have to be updated as well.
                   If  that  doesn't  make  sense,  it  isn't   really
                   important.  What is important is to understand that
                   if  the  definitions were deleted at the same time,
                   you might be there much longer waiting on WORDS.

                   You  don't  have  to  rush and pack the definitions
                   every time you delete a word, however.  WORDS  will
                   work  just  fine with a bunch of unused definitions
                   floating around in the database.

                   But   if   it   works  fine  without  removing  the
                   definition, you might ask, why should you bother to
                   ever remove them?  The answer would be  to  improve
                   database performance and save disk space. The fewer
                   definitions  WORDS  has to deal with, the faster it
                   will be in general.  Since each definition uses  up
                   160 bytes of disk space, 100 unused definitions are
                   wasting  16,000 bytes of space!  That's why we pack
                   the definitions.

                   When  you pack the definitions database, all unused
                   definitions  are  removed.   The  following   steps
                   summarize the Packing procedure:

                        1) Start WORDS

                        2) Select  the Pack Definitions function  from
                           the menu

                        3) Begin the pack operation

                        4) Watch WORDS pack the definitions database

                        5) Quit WORDS

                                                               page 54

                   Step 1: Start WORDS
                   To  start  WORDS,  make  sure  the files WORDS.EXE,
                   WORDS.WRD, WORDS.DEF, and WORDS.DAT are all in  the
                   same  place, i.e, all on the same disk drive and in
                   the same subdirectory.  Once this is  accomplished,
                   type in the following command to start WORDS:


                   Rough,  huh?   Words will load and greet you with a
                   friendly, easy to use menu.

                   Step 2: Select the Pack Definitions Function
                   To select an item from the WORDS menu, you have two
                   options available to you.

                   The first is to  use  the  selection  bar.   You'll
                   notice   that  the  first  entry  on  the  menu  is
                   highlighted.  You can move this  highlight  up  and
                   down  to  select  the function of your choice.  The
                   following table summarizes the  movements  of  this
                   selection  bar and how to perform them.  To perform
                   the movement listed  on  the  left,  use  the  keys
                   listed on the right:

                        Bar Movement...                 ...Key(s)
                        Down 1 Entry                   Down Arrow
                        Up 1 Entry                       Up Arrow
                        Top of List                  Home or PgUp
                        Bottom of List                End or PgDn

                   Using these keys, you can move the selection bar so
                   that the Pack Definitions function is  highlighted.
                   Once  your choice is selected, hit the ENTER key to
                   execute the function.

                   The   second   selection  method  is  to  type  the
                   highlighted letter associated with the menu entry.

                   If you look at the menu entries, you will see  that
                   each  function  has  a  single  letter  highlighted
                   within it.  To get "direct  access"  to  that  menu
                   function,   simply   hit   the   letter   that   is

                   To select the Pack  Definitions  function  in  this
                   manner,  hit  the  K  key,  and  the  function will
                   execute immediately.

                                                               page 55

                   Step 3: Begin the Pack Operation
                   Once the Pack Facility screen comes  up,  you  will
                   have two choices available to you.  The first is to
                   abort  the  pack  operation,  in case you got in by
                   accident.  To abort the pack operation, hit the ESC
                   key and you will be returned to the menu.

                   The second option is to begin the  pack  operation.
                   To do this, hit the SPACEBAR, and things will start

                   Step 4: Watch WORDS Pack the Definitions Database
                   As  the  definitions  are  being packed, WORDS will
                   keep you informed as to how  many  definitions  are
                   being retained, and how many are being removed.

                   When  a  definition is removed, you will see at the
                   bottom of the window a  message  stating  that  the
                   WORDS.WRD  (or  current  database  name)  is  being
                   updated.   What's  going  on  is  the  program   is
                   changing all the pointers of the words, so they now
                   point to the right definitions.  Doesn't take long,
                   though, so you might miss it.

                   Step 5: Quit WORDS
                   Once  WORDS  has finished packing your definitions,
                   it will return you to the menu.  From there you may
                   use the selection bar to highlight the  Quit  WORDS
                   function  and  hit ENTER, or you can hit the Q key.
                   Either operation will take you out of WORDS.

                                                               page 56

         Reminder Help Screen

                   If you would like to start WORDS, but  can't  quite
                   remember the command you need to use, you can cause
                   WORDS  to  display a screen of helpful reminders on
                   just how to do it.

                   When you are at the DOS  prompt,  simply  type  the
                   following command:


                   WORDS  will  display  a  brief  screen  of  helpful
                   information and return to DOS.  You may  then  read
                   the  screen,  discover  how  to start WORDS to suit
                   your needs, and then proceed.

                                                               page 57

         Changing the Colors WORDS Uses

                   NOTE: This section applies only to users  who  have
                   color displays.

                   When WORDS was designed, care was taken  to  choose
                   colors  that  would  be  easy  to  look  at.   Good
                   comments have come in regarding the chosen colors.

                   However, I realize that half the  fun  of  using  a
                   program  can be customizing the colors to suit your
                   preferences.  Not all people are alike.

                   To  this  end,  WORDS  has  been  packaged  with  a
                   separate  utility that will allow you to change the
                   colors  WORDS  uses  in  its  display screens.  The
                   program is called COLORS.

                   The following  steps  summarize  the  procedure  of
                   changing the colors WORDS uses:

                        1) Start the COLORS program

                        2) Change the colors to your preference

                        3) Save colors and quit the program

                   Step 1: Start the COLORS Program
                   To start the COLORS program, the  files  COLORS.EXE
                   and  WORDS.DAT  must  be located in the same place,
                   i.e., the same disk  drive  and  subdirectory.   To
                   start up the program, issue the following command:


                   One   of three things may happen at this point.  If
                   you  are  running  COLORS  and  you  have  only   a
                   monochrome  system,  COLORS will abort and tell you
                   that you need a color system to run the program.

                   The second,  and  preferred  result,  will  be  the
                   COLORS  program  displaying  to  you  its operating
                   screen.  But  if  COLORS  cannot  find   the   file
                   WORDS.DAT,  it will display a message and ask for a

                   The  message  will  tell you that it could not find
                   the WORDS color information file (WORDS.DAT).   You
                   have the option of

                                                               page 58

                        1) Creating  a  new  WORDS.DAT  file  (hit the
                           SPACEBAR to do this)

                        2) Quit the COLORS program (hit the ESC key)

                   Option 1, Create a new WORDS.DAT color  information
                   file,  will cause a new file to be created with the
                   default colors, and then the COLORS program  to  be
                   brought  up.  You may then manipulate the colors as
                   much as  you  like.   Option  2,  Quit  the  COLORS
                   program, will return you immediately to DOS.

                   Step 2: Change the Colors
                   Once  the  COLORS  screen has come up, you may be a
                   bit overwhelmed  by  it.   It  contains  a  lot  of
                   information  on one screen.  Lets go over the parts
                   of it quickly.

                   Note that if at any time you need help, you can hit
                   the  F1  key.   This  will cause COLORS to show you
                   about  5  windows  with   help   information   that
                   describes the various parts of the screen.

                   In the upper-left hand corner  of  the  screen  you
                   will see a bit of text that says

                             Now changing the FOREGROUND of

                   This  is  the Foreground/Background indicator.  The
                   word FOREGROUND indicates that you are changing the
                   color of the text or window frames themselves.   If
                   the indicator says BACKGROUND, you will be changing
                   the  color  of  the  background  the actual text or
                   window frames are displayed on.

                   To change from FOREGROUND to  BACKGROUND  and  back
                   again,  use  the + key.  The indicator in the upper
                   left of the screen will change to  show  which  you
                   are currently changing.

                   In the middle of the left side of the screen is the
                   ITEM list.  There is also a red pointer that points
                   to  the  current  item you are changing.  To change
                   the color of a particular item, the pointer must be
                   pointing to it.

                   To move the pointer to a different item, use the up
                   and down arrow keys.  To move the  pointer  to  the
                   first  item in the list, use the Home key.  To move
                   the pointer to the last item in the list,  use  the
                   End key.

                                                               page 59

                   At the bottom of the left side of the screen is the
                   color  bar.   You will also see a small white arrow
                   that  points  to one of the colors on the bar.  The
                   color that the pointer points to is  the  color  of
                   the  current  item, be it foreground or background.
                   To change the pointer to a different color, use the
                   left and right arrow keys.

                   The rest of the screen, with  the  exception  of  a
                   small  reminder  that Help can be obtained with the
                   F1 key, is devoted to models of the WORDS  screens.
                   There  are four small models that represent all the
                   elements of the screens WORDS uses.  They show  you
                   the  colors  that  are  current.  As you change the
                   colors of items, these models are  updated  on  the
                   display to show the new colors.

                   Now that you  are  probably  overwhelmed,  lets  go
                   through  an  example.  Suppose you wanted to change
                   the colors of  the  Entry  Fields  in  WORDS.   The
                   default  is  a  bright white foreground and a black
                   background.  You want them to be yellow on red. You
                   would follow these steps:

                        1) Make    sure    the   FOREGROUND/BACKGROUND
                           indicator  reads  FOREGROUND.   If  it does
                           not, then hit the + key once.

                        2) Move the pointer on the ITEM  LIST  to  the
                           item ENTRY FIELDS.

                        3) Move  the  pointer on the COLOR BAR to  the
                           YELLOW color by using the  left  and  right
                           arrow  keys.   This  takes care of changing
                           the FOREGROUND.

                        4) Change the FOREGROUND/BACKGROUND  indicator
                           so  that  it  reads BACKGROUND.  Do this by
                           hitting the + key.

                        5) Move the pointer on the COLOR  BAR  to  the
                           RED  color  using  the left and right arrow
                           keys.   Note  that  if  you  are   changing
                           BACKGROUND,  only  the top row of colors on
                           the COLOR BAR are available.

                   And that does it.  You can repeat the  process  for
                   any of the items in the list.  As you change colors
                   you can see the screen models updated with your new
                   colors.  In this way, you can try many combinations
                   and see them before deciding.

                                                               page 60

                   Step 3: Save Colors and Quit the Program
                   When  you  have  the  colors  just the way you want
                   them, you can save them by hitting the F2 key. This
                   will write all your changes to the  WORDS.DAT  file
                   and  return you to DOS.  When you next start WORDS,
                   it will be with your new rainbow of colors.

                   If  you  decide  you  would rather abandon what you
                   have done to the colors, and leave without changing
                   anything, you can hit the ESC  key.   You  will  be
                   returned to DOS, and the colors  will  be  as  they
                   were when you began.

                                                               page 61

         Using WORDS - A Reference

                   For those of you who  are  more  advanced  computer
                   users,  or  who have already mastered the basics of
                   WORDS, this reference section is provided.   It  is
                   intended  to  be  a  lookup  section you can use to
                   remind you of how to do something.

                   This  section  will  reference  all capabilities of
                   WORDS, and some other information  not  necessarily
                   found in the Task-Oriented Approach section.

                                                               page 62

         WORDS Filename Conventions

                   WORDS makes some assumptions about several files it

                   All  databases  are  stored in two parts.  Part one
                   contains the actual words, plus an index pointer to
                   the  proper  definition.   Part  two  contains  the
                   actual definitions.

                   The  file  that contains the words must have a .WRD
                   extension.  The file that contains the  definitions
                   must have a .DEF extension.

                   Your  own  database  may  have any name you like as
                   long as these  extensions  are  maintained.   WORDS
                   handles  this  for  you  automatically,  so  do not
                   specify  any  extensions  when   naming   a   WORDS

                   WORDS also assumes it will be able to find the file
                   WORDS.DAT  on  disk  in  the same subdirectory that
                   contains the  WORDS  program.   WORDS.DAT  contains
                   color information for the program.

                                                               page 63

         Starting WORDS

                   To  start WORDS, issue the following command at the
                   DOS prompt:


                   To do the same thing with your own database,  issue
                   the following command:


                   where  filename  is  the name of your own database,
                   without an extension.

                   To start WORDS so that it displays  a  random  word
                   and  definition  on  the  screen for you, issue the
                   following command at the DOS prompt:


                   To do the same thing with your own database,  issue
                   the following command:


                   where  filename  is  the name of your own database,
                   without an extension.

                   You  can  use  WORDS  to  continuously  show random
                   words. It works very much the  same  way  that  the
                   random word function listed above does, excpet that
                   instead  of  returning  to  DOS  after one word, it
                   continues to show more random words.

                   To start WORDS in this  mode  using  and  alternate
                   database, user the /RC: parameter, like this:


                   You  would replace filename with the actual name of
                   your  alternate  database.   Words   will   operate
                   exactly as if you had issued the


                   command,  except  it  will  be using your alternate

                   To see the next random word, hit the SPACEBAR.   To
                   quit WORDS and return to DOS, hit ESC.

                                                               page 64

         The Menu

                   When WORDS is first brought up, a menu  of  choices
                   will  face  you.   On  the  menu  are  the  various
                   functions WORDS can perform.

                   There are two methods for selecting  an  item  from
                   the  menu.  The first involves moving the selection
                   bar to the item you want, and then pressing  ENTER.
                   In the second method, you press the highlighted key
                   associated with the menu entry.  This will take you
                   directly  into  the  function without having to use
                   the selection bar.

                   If  you  choose  to  use  the  selection  bar,  the
                   following  bar  movements  may be accomplished with
                   the following keys:

                        Bar Movement...                 ...Key(s)
                        Down 1 Entry                   Down Arrow
                        Up 1 Entry                       Up Arrow
                        Top of List                  Home or PgUp
                        Bottom of List                End or PgDn

                                                               page 65

         Function Keys

                   While you are working in WORDS, you will see at the
                   bottom  of  every  screen  but  the menu, a list of
                   function keys and a description of what each does.

                   At any time, with one or two exceptions in the name
                   of safety, you may press one of these keys to  jump
                   immediately  to  the WORDS function associated with
                   it.  Below is a list of the WORDS functions and the
                   function key associated with it.

                   Function...                       ...Associated Key
                   Add Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F1
                   Delete Words  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F2
                   Edit Definitions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F3
                   Search Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F4
                   Definition Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F5
                   Create Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F6
                   Show Wordlist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F7
                   Print Database  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F8
                   Pack Definitions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F9
                   Return to Menu  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F10

                   If you are in any given function,  that  function's
                   function  key  will  not be operative.  There is no
                   need to jump from a function into itself.

                                                               page 66

         Adding Words to the Database

                   To  add words to the WORDS database, select the Add
                   Words function from the menu, or jump into it  from
                   another function via the function keys.

                   Enter the word to add in the entry field on the Add
                   Words  Facility  screen.   While  entering  the new
                   word, the following editing keys will prove useful:

                   Editing function...                       ...Key(s)
                   Move cursor left one space . . . . . . . Left Arrow
                   Move cursor right one space  . . . . .  Right Arrow
                   Move cursor left one word  . . . .  Ctrl-Left Arrow
                   Move cursor right one word . . . . Ctrl-Right Arrow
                   Move cursor to beginning of line . . . . . . . Home
                   Move cursor to end of line . . . . . . . . . .  End
                   Delete character at cursor . . . . . . . . . .  Del
                   Delete character to left of cursor . . .  Backspace
                   Delete from cursor to end of line  . . . . Ctrl-Q Y
                   Clear entry and restart  . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl-R
                   Toggle insert/overtype mode  . . . . . . . . .  INS
                   Save/accept entry  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ENTER

                   If  the word is in the database already, WORDS will
                   inform you of this and  allow  you  to  try  again.
                   Otherwise, WORDS will then ask you to enter the new
                   word's  definition.  You  will  be  provided with a
                   three-line editing window in which to type  in  the
                   definition.  As you type, use the following editing
                   functions as necessary:

                   Editing function...                       ...Key(s)
                   Move cursor left one space . . . . . . . Left Arrow
                   Move cursor right one space  . . . . .  Right Arrow
                   Move cursor down 1 line  . . . . . . . . Down Arrow
                   Move cursor up 1 line  . . . . . . . . . . Up Arrow
                   Move cursor left one word  . . . .  Ctrl-Left Arrow
                   Move cursor right one word . . . . Ctrl-Right Arrow
                   Move cursor to beginning of line . . . . . . . Home
                   Move cursor to end of line . . . . . . . . . .  End
                   Toggle insert/overtype mode  . . . . . . . . .  INS
                   Delete character at cursor . . . . . . . . . .  Del
                   Delete character to left of cursor . . .  Backspace
                   Delete from cursor to end of line  . . . . Ctrl-Q Y
                   Delete line at cursor  . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl-Y
                   Save/accept entry  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ENTER

                                                               page 67

                   After  the  definition  has  been saved, WORDS will
                   return to the word entry field.  You may  enter  as
                   many words/definitions as you like in this manner.

                   To  quit,  you  can  perform  one  of the following

                        1) Hit  the  ENTER key by itself, without  any
                           text in the word entry field, or

                        2) Hit the F10 key to return to the menu, or

                        3) Hit  another  function  key  to  take   you
                           elsewhere in WORDS.

                   If you have added any new words,  WORDS  will  sort
                   the  database of words before leaving the Add Words

                   Since the sort is the most time consuming  activity
                   WORDS performs, it is recommended that you:

                        1) Keep  your databases to 1000 words or  less
                           (even  though  WORDS  will  easily   handle
                           databases  up  to  32,000  words)  to  keep
                           sort speeds reasonable

                        2) Save your words and add  them  in  a  large
                           batch.   This  will  prevent  having to sit
                           through the sort very often.

                   A sort of 100 words on an 8 MHz XT Clone,  using  a
                   Seagate  225 21-meg, 65 ms hard disk, took about 35
                   seconds.  Using the same  equipment,  a  2500  word
                   database  sort  took  9 and a half minutes.  Faster
                   hard disks will provide faster sorts.

                                                               page 68

         Deleting Words From the Database

                   To delete words to the WORDS database,  select  the
                   Delete Words function from the menu, or  jump  into
                   it from another function via the function keys.

                   You  will  see  a small window with an entry field.
                   Type in the word you want to delete in this field.

                   If  the  word  exists  in  the  database it will be
                   deleted.   Its  corresponding  definition  will  be
                   marked  for  deletion.   Marked  definitions can be
                   removed  permanently  by  using  the   WORDS   Pack

                   You may delete as many words as you like  while  in
                   the Delete Word Facility.

                                                               page 69

         Editing Definitions

                   To  edit any definition in a WORDS database, select
                   the Edit Words function from the menu, or jump into
                   from another function via the function keys.

                   WORDS  will  ask  you  to  enter  the  word   whose
                   definition you will be editing.  While entering the
                   word,   the   following   editing   functions   are

                   Editing function...                       ...Key(s)
                   Move cursor left one space . . . . . . . Left Arrow
                   Move cursor right one space  . . . . .  Right Arrow
                   Move cursor left one word  . . . .  Ctrl-Left Arrow
                   Move cursor right one word . . . . Ctrl-Right Arrow
                   Move cursor to beginning of line . . . . . . . Home
                   Move cursor to end of line . . . . . . . . . .  End
                   Delete character at cursor . . . . . . . . . .  Del
                   Delete character to left of cursor . . .  Backspace
                   Delete from cursor to end of line  . . . . Ctrl-Q Y
                   Clear entry and restart  . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl-R
                   Toggle insert/overtype mode  . . . . . . . . .  INS
                   Save/accept entry  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ENTER

                   WORDS  will  check  the database to see if the word
                   exists. If it does  exist,  the  word's  definition
                   will  be  displayed  in a three-line editing window
                   for you to modify.  As you edit the definition, the
                   following editing features are available:

                   Editing function...                       ...Key(s)
                   Move cursor left one space . . . . . . . Left Arrow
                   Move cursor right one space  . . . . .  Right Arrow
                   Move cursor down 1 line  . . . . . . . . Down Arrow
                   Move cursor up 1 line  . . . . . . . . . . Up Arrow
                   Move cursor left one word  . . . .  Ctrl-Left Arrow
                   Move cursor right one word . . . . Ctrl-Right Arrow
                   Move cursor to beginning of line . . . . . . . Home
                   Move cursor to end of line . . . . . . . . . .  End
                   Toggle insert/overtype mode  . . . . . . . . .  INS
                   Delete character at cursor . . . . . . . . . .  Del
                   Delete character to left of cursor . . .  Backspace
                   Delete from cursor to end of line  . . . . Ctrl-Q Y
                   Delete line at cursor  . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl-Y
                   Save/accept entry  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ENTER

                                                               page 70

                   After the definition has  been  saved,  WORDS  will
                   return  to  the  word entry field.  You may edit as
                   many definitions as you like in this manner.

                                                               page 71

         Searching the Database

                   There are two ways to search the database.  You can
                   have  WORDS  hunt  for  a  specific word, or search
                   throught the definitions for specific text.

                   Searching for Words
                   To search for a particular word and definition in a
                   WORDS database, select the Search Database function
                   from the menu, or jump into it from  another  WORDS
                   function via the function keys.

                   In  the entry field of the Search Database Facility
                   screen, type in the word you wish to find.  If  the
                   word   is   in  the  database,  the  word  and  its
                   definition will be displayed.  If it  is  not,  you
                   will  be  informed  via  a  small status box at the
                   bottom  of  the  screen.   You may clear the box by
                   hitting any key.

                   You   may   continue   to   search  for  words  and
                   definitions in this manner for as long as you like.

                   -- NOTE -------------------------------------------
                   For  those  of  you who are programmers (or perhaps
                   not), it may interest you to know that WORDS uses a
                   binary search to find words in the database.  In  a
                   database  of  1000  words,  WORDS  needs at most 10
                   comparisons to find any given word.  Not bad,  when
                   compared  to  the  linear  search,  which  needs an
                   average of 500 comparisons to do  the  same  thing.

                                                               page 72

                   Searching the Definitions
                   To  have  WORDS  search  the  definitions for text,
                   select the  Definition  Search  function  from  the
                   WORDS  menu.  You may also jump into the Definition
                   Search function from another WORDS function via the
                   function keys.

                   In the entry field, type in any text  you  want  to
                   find  in  the  definitions.  The text is limited to
                   about  53  characters.   WORDS  will   then   begin
                   searching the active definitions.  If an occurrence
                   of  your  search  text is found, WORDS will display
                   the word and definition in which  it  was  located.
                   After  hitting  a  key, you will have the option to
                   continue  or  abort  the  search.   To continue the
                   search, hit Y.  To abort, hit any key other than Y.

                   You may contine this process until you are finished
                   searching for text in  the  definitions.   You  may
                   return to the WORDS menu via the ESC key or the F10

                                                               page 73

         Creating a Test

                   To have WORDS create a test  for  you,  select  the
                   Create Test function from the menu, or jump into it
                   from another WORDS function via the function keys.

                   You must first select the type of test  WORDS  will
                   generate.  You can have it supply the words and ask
                   for  the definitions, or supply the definitions and
                   ask for the words.  To select  a  test  that  shows
                   words,  enter  a  W.   To  select a test that shows
                   definitions, enter a D.

                   Next tell WORDS how many questions to  put  on  the
                   test.  The maximum number of questions allowed will
                   be  either  the  maximum  number  of  words  in the
                   database, or 999, whichever is  lower.   Enter  the
                   number in the entry field.

                   Lastly, tell words the name of the file in which to
                   save the test.  You are allowed 8  characters,  and
                   the  test file will automatically have an extension
                   of .TST.  WORDS will simultaneously create  a  file
                   with all the answers to the test.  It will have the
                   same  name you gave the test file, but an extension
                   of .ANS.

                   WORDS will then select the questions  and  generate
                   the  test  on  disk.   You  will  automatically  be
                   returned to the  menu  when  WORDS  completes  this

                                                               page 74

         Viewing the Wordlist

                   To view a column-organized list of all the words in
                   the  current  database,  select  the  Show Wordlist
                   function from the  menu,  or  jump  into  it  using
                   function keys from another WORDS function.

                   Once  the  wordlist  is  displayed,  you  may  page
                   through it.  On the next page is a table describing
                   the  actions  you may perform, and the keys you use
                   to perform them.

                   To move like this...              ...Use these keys
                   Up one screen of words . . . . . . . . . . . . PgUp
                   Down one screen of words . . . . . . . . . . . PgDn
                   Top of the list  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Home
                   Bottom of the list . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  End

                   View any definitions of words on the current screen
                   full by moving the highlight to the word  you  want
                   to see.  Once the word you want a definition for is
                   highlighted,  hit the ENTER key, and the definition
                   will be displayed.  Hit any key to  return  to  the
                   word  list  screen.  Note that moving the highlight
                   will cause it to wrap in all directions.   It  will
                   not  move  to  a new screen full of words.  Use the
                   PgUp and PgDn keys to do this.

                   When you are finished browsing  the  wordlist,  you
                   can quit by jumping to another function, or hitting
                   the F10 key or the ESC key to return to the menu.

                                                               page 75

         Printing the Database

                   You  can  print  your  entire  database,  words and
                   definitions,  by  selecting  the   Print   Database
                   function from the WORDS menu, or by jumping into it
                   directly from another function via function keys.

                   You  will  have two options when the Print Facility
                   screen comes up.  You can abort  the  operation  by
                   pressing  ESC,  or  begin  printing  by hitting the

                   The print operation will send all words  and  their
                   definitions to the printer attached to LPT1 on your
                   computer.   You can abort the print job at any time
                   by pressing the ESC key.

                   Once the print operation has completed, you will be
                   returned to the WORDS menu.

                                                               page 76

         Packing the Definitions

                   When WORDS deletes  a  definition  via  the  Delete
                   Words  facility,  it  does  not actually delete the
                   word's  definition.   It  merely   marks   it   for
                   deletion  by  changing  the  first character of the
                   definition  to  an  ASCII  251  (the  square   root
                   symbol).  The Pack Definitions Facility permanently
                   removes these marked definitions.

                   To pack the definitions database, select  the  Pack
                   Definitions function from the menu, or jump into it
                   from another WORDS function via the function keys.

                   When  the Pack Definitions screen comes up, you can
                   hit the ESC key to abort the pack procedure, or hit
                   the SPACEBAR to begin.

                   When packing begins, you will see a status  of  the
                   packing   process  as  it  proceeds.   The  display
                   informs you of the number of  definitions  retained
                   and  the  number  deleted.   When  a  definition is
                   removed, you will see a message at  the  bottom  of
                   the  window  stating that WORDS.WRD (or the current
                   WORDS   database)   is   being   updated.    What's
                   happening here is all the definition  pointers  are
                   being   adjusted   so   they  point  to  the  right
                   definitions.   This  is  necessary,  since  when  a
                   definition  is  deleted,  the  sequence  (numerical
                   positioning) of the definitions changes.

                   Once the pack operation has finished, you  will  be
                   automatically returned to the menu.

                                                               page 77


                   Appendix A - A Short Note on BAD SOFTWARE

                   The   BAD   SOFTWARE  Company  is  the  name  of  a
                   ficticious company.  It is not real and is simply a
                   bit of fun for me, Tony Martin.

                   It does stand for two things however;  quality  and
                   fun.   The  first  premise  of  BAD  SOFTWARE is to
                   produce quality software and documentation that  is
                   functional  and usable.  Many software houses these
                   days still refuse to take  the  user  into  account
                   when  designing systems and documentation for them.
                   I would like to think that I am  not  one  of  that

                   The second premise of BAD SOFTWARE is that software
                   should be fun to use. I try my best to make all  my
                   software  fun  and  easy to use.  If I wouldn't use
                   it, there's a  good  chance  that  others  wouldn't

                   I hope that I have achieved these goals  in  WORDS.
                   If  you  have  any comments on the program that you
                   think would make it better, or any comments at all,
                   please feel free to drop me a line at  the  address

                   If you would like information on the other products
                   of BAD SOFTWARE, send me a note requesting such to:

                                       Tony Martin
                                 1611 Harvest Green Ct.
                                    Reston, VA  22094

                   I'll get  our  brochure  off  to  you  as  soon  as

                                                               page 78

                   Appendix B - Disclaimers and Notices

                   I  generally  dislike this portion of manuals, so I
                   place it here in the  back,  to  fulfill  my  legal

                   The first is to say that this software is  provided
                   "AS  IS"  with no warranties of any kind, expressed
                   or implied.  I cannot be held responsible  for  any
                   consequences  arising from the ability or inability
                   to use this software. You may not charge any  money
                   for  it.   If  you  need  to talk to me about this,
                   write me a letter at the above listed address.

                   Lastly, I'd like to say thanks  for  trying  a  BAD
                   SOFTWARE  product.   We're  out  to  make computing
                   productive and fun.

                                                               page 79

                   Appendix C - Order Form

                   Registration for  WORDS  1.1  is  $15.00.   If  you
                   register,  you  will  receive  an official diskette
                   containing the latest version of WORDS, plus a free
                   database containing an additional 400 words, for  a
                   total of 500 vocabulary words.

                   To  order,  fill  out  this  form  and mail it with
                   payment to:

                                       Tony Martin
                                 1611 Harvest Green Ct.
                                    Reston, VA  22094

                   Make all checks payable to Tony Martin.

                              O  R  D  E  R     F  O  R  M

                   Product: WORDS 1.2

                   Quantity: ________ Registration

                             ________ Evaluation copies

                   Cost: Registration $15.00 per copy
                         (includes postage)

                         Evaluation copy $5.00
                         (includes postage)

                   Total: $__________

                   Your Name: ________________________________________

                   Address:   ________________________________________


                   As  a shareware author whose hopes for a great free
                   enterprise are declining, I sincerely thank you for
                   your contribution.

                                                               page 80

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1999

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

WORDS    DOC    180961   4-02-90  12:36p
GO       BAT        38   1-01-80   1:37a
GO       TXT       617   1-01-80   2:25a
FILE1999 TXT      2369   5-08-90  10:14p
        4 file(s)     183985 bytes
                      136192 bytes free