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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1998)

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Information about “WORDS DISK 1 OF 2 (1999 ALSO)”

Get the edge in school or business with this precisely done vocabulary
enhancement tool!   You know that people judge you by the clothes you
wear, but did you realize that they also judge you by your vocabulary?
Well, now's the time to use this smartly designed software to increase
your working vocabulary to further your career in the business world or
in school!

This well designed package allows you to test yourself by seeing
either the word itself or the word definition in the quiz format.  You
can use the author's initial 100 word starter vocabulary set to
familiarize yourself with the software.  With registration, you'll
receive the 500 word vocabulary file.  You can create your own
specialized vocabulary files for specific learning tasks, whether it be
a foreign language or a specialized interest area, such as
computers!  With a separate utility you can also define the screen
colors most appealing to you.  The program is fast, and elegant in its
simplicity; a must for students!


Disk No: 1998                                                           
Disk Title: Words  disk 1 of 2 (1999 also)                              
PC-SIG Version: S1.1                                                    
Program Title: Words                                                    
Author Version: 1.2                                                     
Author Registration: $15.00                                             
Special Requirements: A hard disk and CGA recommended.                  
Get the edge in school or business with this precisely done             
vocabulary enhancement tool!   You know that people judge you           
by the clothes you wear, but did you realize that they too              
judge you by your vocabulary?  Well, now's the time to use this         
smartly designed software to increase your working vocabulary           
to further your career in the business world or school!                 
This well designed package allows you to test yourself by               
having presented either the word itself or the word definition          
itself in the quiz format.  You can use the author's initial            
100 word starter vocabulary set to familiarize yourself with            
the software and with registration, you'll receive the 500              
word vocabulary file.  You can create your own specialized              
vocabulary files for specific learning tasks, whether it be             
a foreign language or a specialized interest area, such as              
computers!  Within the program itself, you can also define the          
screen colors most appealing to you.  The program is bug free,          
fast, and elegant in its simplicity; a must for students!               
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║                    <<<<  Disk #1998  WORDS  >>>>                        ║
║                       (disk 1 of 2, 1999 also)                          ║
║ To start program, type: WORDS        (press enter)                      ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation, insert disk 2 and type: COPY WORDS.DOC PRN      ║


                                  Q  U  I  Z

                       A Supplemental Program for WORDS

                             V e r s i o n   1 . 2

                           Conceived and Created by

                                  Tony Martin


                           The BAD SOFTWARE Company
                            1611 Harvest Green Ct.
                               Reston, VA  22094

                                 April 1, 1990

                 Software and Documentation (C) Copyright 1990
                                  Tony Martin

         T A B L E   O F   C O N T E N T S

                   The QUIZ Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1

                   Using QUIZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2

                   Using QUIZ with Your Own WORDS Databases . . . .  4

                   End Notes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6


         The QUIZ Program

                   The QUIZ Program is an interactive, multiple choice
                   test  to  help  you  learn  vocabulary  words   and
                   definitions quickly.

                   QUIZ  works  with  WORDS  databases.   The 500 word
                   database you received along with this program  will
                   provide  hours  of education and entertainment when
                   used in conjunction with QUIZ.

                   QUIZ  will choose, from the database you specify, a
                   word at random.  It will display it for you,  along
                   with four definitions, also from the database. Only
                   one  of  the  four is correct.  You must choose the
                   correct definition, the  one  that  best  fits  the
                   meaning  of  the  word.  Alternately,  you can have
                   QUIZ show you a  definition  and  four  words  from
                   which to choose.

                   QUIZ will keep this up as long as you like, all the
                   while  keeping track of the number of words you get
                   correct and wrong.

                   QUIZ can greatly increase the speed  at  which  you
                   learn  vocabulary.   It makes the learning more fun
                   as well.

                                                                page 1

         Using QUIZ

                   QUIZ is very easy to use.  There are  a  couple  of
                   steps listed below which summarize how to use QUIZ.
                   Each step will then be elaborated upon.

                        1) Start QUIZ

                        2) Choose a Quiz type

                        3) Answer as many questions as you like

                        4) Quit QUIZ

                   Step 1: Start QUIZ
                   To  start  QUIZ, the files QUIZ.EXE, WORDS.WRD, and
                   WORDS.DEF must be located in the same place,  i.e.,
                   in  the same disk drive and subdirectory. Once this
                   is  accomplished,  you  may  start  QUIZ  with  the
                   following command:


                   The  QUIZ  program will start immediately.  If QUIZ
                   cannot find the database  files  listed  above,  it
                   will  display  a  message explaining such and quit,
                   returning you to DOS.

                   Step 2: Choose a Quiz type
                   Once QUIZ starts, you will have to make your  first
                   choice.   You must decide on which type of quiz you
                   would like.  The types are:

                        1) Word  Quiz.   QUIZ shows you a single  word
                           and four definitions.  You must select  the
                           correct definition.

                        2) Definition  Quiz.  QUIZ shows you a  single
                           definition and four words.  You must select
                           the correct word.

                   On  the  screen  you  will  see  some  instructions
                   explaining all this, and a brief menu that contains
                   your  options.   You  may  select  a  Word  Quiz, a
                   Definition Quiz, or quit the program.

                                                                page 2

                   To select one of the options, you have two  methods
                   available  to  you.  You may move the highlight bar
                   to the option of your choice, and then  hit  ENTER.
                   The  following table describes the actions possible
                   and the keys used to implement them.

                   Action...                                 ...Key(s)
                   Move highlight up one selection . . . . .  Up Arrow
                   Move highlight down one selection . . .  Down Arrow
                   Move highlight to top selection . . . . . Home/PgUp
                   Move highlight to bottom selection  . . .  End/PgDn
                   Execute highlighted selection . . . . . . . . Enter

                   Alternately, you could hit the  highlighted  letter
                   associated  with the selection of your choice.  For
                   example,  note  that  the  W  of   Word   Quiz   is
                   highlighted.   If  you were to hit W, the Word Quiz
                   option would execute immediately.

                   Step 3: Answer As Many Questions As You Like
                   Now you will see the QUIZ screen. QUIZ will display
                   a word (or definition) for  you,  along  with  four
                   definitions  (or  words).   Only  one  of  the four
                   choices is correct.   Note  that  each  choice  has
                   associated with it a letter (A, B, C, or D).

                   Once  you  believe you know the correct answer, hit
                   the letter associated with the choice you think  is
                   the  right  one.   QUIZ  will  inform you as to the
                   result of your answer, be it right or wrong.

                   After  you answer the question and read the result,
                   you can move to a new question by hitting and  key.
                   You can keep this up for as long as you like.  Keep
                   track  of  your progress by watching the statistics
                   in the lower-right corner of the screen.

                   Step 4: Quit QUIZ
                   You may quit by hitting the ESC key  whenever  QUIZ
                   is waiting for your answer to a question.  You will
                   be returned promptly to DOS.

                                                                page 3

         Using QUIZ with Your Own WORDS Databases

                   There  are  a  couple  of  steps listed below which
                   summarize how to  use  QUIZ  with  your  own  WORDS
                   databases.  Each step will then be elaborated upon.

                        1) Start QUIZ with your database

                        2) Select a Quiz type

                        3) Answer as many questions as you like

                        4) Quit QUIZ

                   Step 1: Start QUIZ with Your Own Database
                   To  start  QUIZ, the file QUIZ.EXE and the .WRD and
                   .DEF files that make up your own database  must  be
                   located  in  the same place, i.e., in the same disk
                   drive and subdirectory. Once this is  accomplished,
                   you  may start with your own database QUIZ with the
                   following command:

                                      QUIZ database

                   You  would  replace  database with the name of your
                   own database.  For example, if you had  a  database
                   called MYWORDS, the command to start QUIZ would be

                                      QUIZ MYWORDS

                   The  QUIZ  program will start immediately.  If QUIZ
                   cannot find the database files, it will  display  a
                   message  explaining such and quit, returning you to

                   Step 2: Choose a Quiz type
                   Once QUIZ starts, you will have to make your  first
                   choice.   You must decide on which type of quiz you
                   would like.  The types are:

                        1) Word  Quiz.   QUIZ shows you a single  word
                           and four definitions.  You must select  the
                           correct definition.

                        2) Definition  Quiz.  QUIZ shows you a  single
                           definition and four words.  You must select
                           the correct word.

                                                                page 4

                   On  the  screen  you  will  see  some  instructions
                   explaining all this, and a brief menu that contains
                   your  options.   You  may  select  a  Word  Quiz, a
                   Definition Quiz, or quit the program.

                   To select one of the options, you have two  methods
                   available  to  you.  You may move the highlight bar
                   to the option of your choice, and then  hit  ENTER.
                   The  following table describes the actions possible
                   and the keys used to implement them.

                   Action...                                 ...Key(s)
                   Move highlight up one selection . . . . .  Up Arrow
                   Move highlight down one selection . . .  Down Arrow
                   Move highlight to top selection . . . . . Home/PgUp
                   Move highlight to bottom selection  . . .  End/PgDn
                   Execute highlighted selection . . . . . . . . Enter

                   Alternately, you could hit the  highlighted  letter
                   associated  with the selection of your choice.  For
                   example,  note  that  the  W  of   Word   Quiz   is
                   highlighted.   If  you were to hit W, the Word Quiz
                   option would execute immediately.

                   Step 3: Answer As Many Questions As You Like
                   Once QUIZ starts, you will  see  the  QUIZ  screen.
                   QUIZ  will  display a word (or definition) for you,
                   along with four definitions (or words).   Only  one
                   of  the  choices is correct.  Note that each choice
                   has associated with it a letter (A, B, C, or D).

                   Once you believe you know the correct  answer,  hit
                   the  letter associated with the choice you think is
                   the right one.  QUIZ will  inform  you  as  to  the
                   result of your answer, be it right or wrong.

                   After  you answer the question and read the result,
                   you can move to a new question by hitting and key.

                   Step 4: Quit QUIZ
                   You  may  quit by hitting the ESC key whenever QUIZ
                   is waiting for your answer to a question.  You will
                   be returned promptly to DOS.

                                                                page 5

         End Notes

                   QUIZ is obviously pretty easy to  use,  and  should
                   provide you with piles of utility and enjoyment.

                   If  you  have  any suggestions that would make QUIZ
                   better or more interesting,  please  let  me  know.
                   You can reach me at the following address:

                                       Tony Martin
                                 1611 Harvest Green Ct.
                                    Reston, VA  22094

                   Any comments or questions you have will be promptly
                   replied to.

                   Thanks again for using QUIZ.

                                                                page 6

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1998

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

WORDS    EXE    121448   4-02-90   1:24p
WORDS    CLR      4007   3-21-90   2:08p
WORDS    DAT        60   2-10-90  12:00p
WORDS    DEF     16000   5-15-89   1:56p
WORDS    WRD      2200   3-19-89   4:55p
WORDS    MON      4007   3-20-90   3:10p
COLORS   EXE     56236   3-19-90   1:44p
WHATS    NEW      3035   3-21-90   9:03a
QUIZ     EXE     63032   3-19-90   9:17a
QUIZ     DOC     13884   3-23-90   7:21a
GO       BAT        38   1-01-80   1:37a
GO       TXT       617   1-01-80   2:23a
FILE1998 TXT      2369   5-08-90  10:13p
       13 file(s)     286933 bytes
                       29696 bytes free