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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1963)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


Print a year's worth of calendar, four months per 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of
paper, for any year from 1990 through 1999.  The program was designed to
print the output using the Epson or Epson-type printer codes.  The
operating instructions are quite simple and prompts are available where

If you have regular appointments and your current calendar is making you
enter each one separately, TRACKSTAR specializes in repetitive
scheduling.  The repetition cycles can be defined by the number of days,
the number of months, twice a month (15 days apart), or three special
monthly cycles.  Great for reminding yourself of when your bills are to
be paid each month.  You can even set an early reminder prompt for any
number of days in advance.  Of course the calendar is just as effective
with one-time appointments.


			      4631 N. Camino Campero
			    Tucson, Arizona  85715-6321
			      Telephone: 602/299-1587

						       March 30, 1990

	 This program is distributed under the SHAREWARE concept and
	 may be freely copied and distributed without charge to anyone
	 who has a use for the program.  The author of this program
	 retains all rights to the software under the copyright laws
	 of both domestic and foreign countries.  The software may not
	 be modified in any way, shape or form either by editing the
	 compiled code or by reverse de-compilation.  Author recognition
	 must be retained on all distributed copies of the program.
	 Users are encouraged to correspond with the author with
	 suggested improvements and or problems arising from the use
	 of the program.  The software is provided "as is" without
	 warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.  The entire
	 risk as to the quality and performance of this program is with
	 the user.  The user assumes full responsibility for selection
	 and results obtained from the use of this program.

	 The program is designed to print yearly calendars between the
	 years 1990-1999.  The program uses three (3) sheets of 8.5 X
	 11 paper to print the calendar for the year.  The program was
	 designed to print the output using the EPSON type of printer
	 codes for the graphic and font output.

	 There is no User Manual.  The operating instructions are quite
	      1.   Bring up the system in the normal manner.
	      2.   Insert the program disk in the default drive and make
		   it ready.
	      3.   Type "CALENDAR" (without the quotes!) then press the
		   enter key.
	      4.   The Shareware message will appear on the screen for
		   approximately 15 seconds followed by the CALENDAR
		   program input screen.
	      5.   Enter the year of the calendar to be printed.
	      6.   Follow the instructions about preparing the printer
		   paper and strike any key to begin printing the
	      7.   Striking the ESC key during printing will abort the
		   printing and return to the CALENDAR input screen.
		   Please note that the printer may not stop immediately
		   If your printer has a print buffer;	in this case
		   it is suggested that you power off the printer to
		   stop printing after striking the ESC key.
	      8.   To end the program, enter 00 for the calendar year.
	If you find this program usefule to you and wish to renumerate the
	author, please remit your contribution of $5.00 to the above
	address.  Thank you for using our program and enjoy.


Disk No: 1963                                                           
Disk Title: TrackStar I & Calendar Program by Small                     
PC-SIG Version: S1.2                                                    
Program Title: Calendar Program by Small                                
Author Version: 1.1                                                     
Author Registration: $5.00                                              
Special Requirements: Epson or compatible printer.                      
Print a year's worth of calendar, four months per 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of   
paper, for any year from 1990 through 1999.  The program was designed to
print the output using the Epson or Epson-type printer codes.  The      
operating instructions are quite simple and prompts are available where 
Program Title: TrackStar I                                              
Author Version: 1.15                                                    
Author Registration: $15.00                                             
Special Requirements: None.                                             
If you have regular appointments and your current calendar is making you
enter each one separately, TRACKSTAR specializes in repetitive          
scheduling.  The repetition cycles can be defined by the number of days,
the number of months, twice a month (15 days apart), or three special   
monthly cycles.  Great for reminding yourself of when your bills are to 
be paid each month.  You can even set an early reminder prompt for any  
number of days in advance.  Of course the calendar is just as effective 
with one-time appointments.                                             
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║    <<<<  Disk #1963   TRACKSTAR I & CALENDAR PROGRAM BY SMALL  >>>>     ║
║ To start program, type:  TS (press Enter)                               ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation, type:  COPY TS.DOC PRN (press Enter)            ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To start program, type:  CALENDAR (press Enter)                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation, type:  GO (press Enter)                         ║
(c) Copyright 1990, PC-SIG Inc.



                       TrackStar I Documentation

       TrackStar was written by Salim I. Sindhi, who is the sole owner of
       all rights and privileges to TrackStar as covered by all United
       States and International copyright laws.  Distribution of
       TrackStar is permitted only under the following conditions.

       1) That no duties or fees be charged for said distribution except
          for reasonable expenses occurred in copying or shipping of
          TrackStar, not to exceed US $5 for continental distribution or
          US $10 for overseas distribution.

       2) That no changes be made to the program or the documentation
          file which is included, as to their functions, contents, or
          file names, nor can any other program or function be appended
          to said program or documentation file.  An exception is made
          only for publicly available compression and decompression
          programs intended solely to enhance distribution and which
          accurately reproduce the original product.

       3) Violation of the above mentioned conditions constitute legal
          grounds for prosecution under US and international law.

       TrackStar is a user supported program.  You have permission and
       are encouraged to copy and distribute TrackStar under the
       conditions mentioned above.  You are also permitted to use this
       program for a reasonable time to evaluate its functions and
       potential usefulness to you.  If you wish to continue to use
       TrackStar, a registration fee of $15 is required along with your
       name and address to:

          Salim I. Sindhi
          P.O. Box - 55135
          Houston, TX 77255-5135
          Phone : (713) 464-3713

       For registering, you will receive the latest product upgrades,
       which will include no registration notice at start-up, an
       automatic exit when no reminders are pending, and any other
       current improvements or upgrades, with a list of other products
       available from Salim I. Sindhi.  If the manner in which you have
       received this product is not in keeping with rules as spelled out
       above, please notify Salim I. Sindhi at the address above.


       TrackStar is a PC based utility, designed to assist the computer
       user in keeping track of dated events which may occur once or
       which are repetitive.  The repetition cycles can be defined by
       the number of days, the number of months, twice a month (15 days
       apart), or by three special monthly cycles.  TrackStar uses the
       operating system's clock/calendar to determine the current date,
       so DOS's DATE must be set properly either using the Dos command or
       by the utility provided with the battery backed-up time-of-day

       Getting started:
       If the system clock date has not been set, type DATE at the DOS
       prompt and enter the current date.  (Refer to your DOS manual for
       details.)  Copy 'TS.EXE' and 'TS.DOC' to the drive and
       subdirectory from which they will be used, either floppy or hard
       drive.  Then change to that drive and type 'TS'.  After a few
       questions, TrackStar will configure itself and display the opening
       screen.  This screen displays the registration and program use
       information.  Press any key to continue.  The next screen displays
       the current reminders which have been entered.  At the bottom of
       the screen all commands are displayed.

       'A'dd will add a new entry to the reminder list.
       'R'ename will allow changing information in the selected entry.
       'E'rase will remove the entry from the reminder list.
       'P'rint will send the entire list to the printer.
       'U'pdate will set the reminder date for the next reminder cycle.
       'Esc' key terminates the program.

       When TrackStar is run, it checks for the presence of the DOS file
       'TS.CFG'.  If it is not found, TrackStar will prompt the user as
       to the type of monitor to be used (color or monochrome).  Then it
       will ask for the sorting method, whether by due date or by
       reminder name.  Finally, it asks for the data path where 'TS.DAT'
       is to be kept.  When these questions are answered, it creates a
       new file 'TS.CFG'.  If you wish to reconfigure TrackStar in the
       future, delete this file and run TrackStar again.  The data is
       kept in 'TS.DAT'.  DO NOT delete this file as all the reminders
       will be lost!


       Adding a new reminder:
       To create a new reminder, select the 'A' option.  A pop-up menu
       guides the user through each step.  In the event that a menu
       option is incorrectly entered, the entry method is circular so
       that each entry can be re-entered before the reminder is saved to
       the data file.

          At this prompt, enter the reminder name to be displayed in the
          reminder list.

          Select the menu option which represents the repetition cycle of
          the reminder.  The seven options for this entry are described

            1) 'One time' will trigger a reminder once on the date
               selected.  When updated it will be removed from the data

            2) 'Every ???? days' will request the number of days in the
               cycle, and the date the cycle will end.  This option
               should be used for weekly events as well.

            3) 'Every ???? months' will request the number of months in
               the cycle, and the day of the month the cycle ends.  This
               option would be used to reminder the user of events taking
               place on the tenth of every month or the fifteenth of
               every yearly quarter.  It can be used for yearly reminders
               such as birthdays.

            4) 'Twice a month' is used for cycles which are timed from
               the first of the month, but repeat again after 15 days.
               An example would be of reminders for the first and the
               fifteenth, or the fifth and the twentieth.  The user is
               prompted for the starting date.

            5) 'Monthly - Type A' is used for events which repeat
               monthly, but which occur on a specific day of the week.
               For example, the second Tuesday or the third Saturday of
               the month would use this option.

            6) 'Monthly - Type B' is used specifically for credit card
               payment dates.  The user is prompted to enter the
               statement closing date and the number of days in the grace
               period.  The program will calculate the due date
               automatically each month and enter the reminder.

            7) 'Monthly - Type C' is similar in function to 'Monthly -
               Type B' except that any closing date which falls on a
               weekend is automatically advanced to the following Monday
               for that particular month.


          Notes on options 6 & 7:
          All credit card accounts (that we know of) have a billing cycle
          based on the number of days in the month, ie: the cycle always
          ends on the fifth of every month or the twenty second of every
          month.  Some companies, also end the statement for that month
          on the date of the billing cycle.  Others choose to move the
          closing date to the Monday following the billing cycle if it
          ends on a weekend.  The grace period (typically 25 days) is
          added to the closing date to determine the due date.

          Highlight the option of choice using the up/down arrow keys and
          press 'ENTER'.

          Next scheduled date:
          The entry will reflect the type of reminder frequency selected.
          Enter either the starting date, closing date, or the day of the
          week and week of the month as prompted by the appropriate
          pop-up menu.  The date can be increased or decreased by
          pressing '+' or '-' keys.

          Days in advance to remind:
          At this prompt, enter the days in advance of the due date to
          highlight the reminder.

          Change date to current date when updating:
          Answer "Y" to this option when the reminder cycle should be
          rescheduled to begin at the date of the update (current date)
          rather than due date.  If a reminder  has been created for an
          oil change in a vehicle on the fifteenth of every third month,
          but was not performed until the twentieth, this option would
          allow the system to reschedule the next oil change for the
          twentieth day in three months rather than holding to a
          shortened cycle to end on the fifteenth as before.


       Renaming reminders:
       Selecting the 'R' option will allow the highlighted reminder to be
       completely redefined.  All the options described above in adding
       reminders apply when renaming a reminder.

       Erasing reminders:
       Selecting the 'E' option will erase the highlighted reminder from
       the reminder data file.

       Printing reminders:
       Selecting the 'P' option will send the entire reminder list to the

       Updating reminders:
       Selecting the 'U' option will update the highlighted reminder.  If
       the reminder is a one time only reminder, it will be deleted.  If
       it is to be repeated, then the next due date will be calculated
       and the reminder will be updated and stored into the data file
       with the new due date.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1963

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

GO       BAT       123   3-30-90   4:10p
PRINTDOC BAT        82   3-30-90   4:10p
CALENDAR DOC      2651   3-30-90   4:10p
CALENDAR EXE     44342   3-30-90   4:10p
READ     ME       1211   3-30-90   4:10p
TS       DOC     10456   2-15-90  12:00a
TS       EXE     60816   2-15-90  12:00a
GO1      BAT        39   1-01-80   1:33a
FILE1963 TXT      2443   9-05-90   3:21p
GO1      TXT       881   1-01-80   7:29a
       10 file(s)     123044 bytes
                       34304 bytes free