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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1945)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “FILE PATCH”

FILE PATCH is a utility program designed for use by computer
consultants, technicians, information centers, software developers and
those individuals who "tinker" with files. It provides the ability, at
the byte level, for on-screen viewing, dumping to the printer,
modifying, extracting or creating any data or program file up to 10
megabytes in length.

When displayed on the screen each character within a file is shown along
with its corresponding ASCII or Hex value. The screen may be scrolled
one line at a time up or down, may be paged a screen at a time, or
repositioning may be performed at any point within the file. Also, the
file may be scanned for a specific occurrence of a string of values and
the file will be automatically repositioned at the point where the
values are found.

If a file is dumped to the printer all or only portions of the file
contents may be printed and the values will be shown in either ASCII or
HEX and optionally the corresponding characters may be displayed. The
values in any file may be modified or new values appended to the end of
the file in either character, ASCII or HEX. Any of the 256 ASCII or
HEX values may be used. Values may not be inserted or deleted.
All or portions of a file may be extracted to a new file or appended to
the end of an existing file.


Disk No: 1945                                                           
Disk Title: File Patch                                                  
PC-SIG Version: S2.0                                                    
Program Title: File Patch                                               
Author Version: 2.0                                                     
Author Registration: $14.95                                             
Special Requirements: None.                                             
FILE PATCH is a utility program designed for use by computer            
consultants, technicians, information centers, software developers and  
those individuals who "tinker" with files.  It provides the ability,    
at the byte level, for on-screen viewing, dumping to the printer,       
modifying, extracting or creating any data or program file up to 10     
megabytes in length.                                                    
When displayed on the screen each character within a file is shown along
with its corresponding ASCII or Hex value.  The screen may be scrolled  
one line at a time up or down, may be paged a screen at a time, or      
repositioning may be performed at any point within the file.  Also, the 
file may be scanned for a specific occurrence of a string of values and 
the file will be automatically repositioned at the point where the      
values are found.                                                       
If a file is dumped to the printer all or only portions of the file     
contents may be printed and the values will be shown in either ASCII or 
HEX and optionally the corresponding characters may be displayed.       
The values in any file may be modified or new values appended to the end
of the file in either character, ASCII or HEX.  Any of the 256 ASCII or 
HEX values may be used.  Values may not be inserted or deleted.         
All or portions of a file may be extracted to a new file or appended to 
the end of an existing file.                                            
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989, 1990 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


                         F  I  L  E     P  A  T  C  H
                             R E L E A S E   2.0
                   S H A R E W A R E   E V A L U A T I O N
                          U S E R ' S    G  U I D E
                                M O R S O F T
                            9859 IH-10 West, 107/811
                           San Antonio, Texas 78230
                                (512) 692-9572
                   (C)  Copyright, 1989 MORSOFT
     S H A R E W A R E    L I C E N S E    S T A T E M E N T
This  software  is  protected by United States Copyright Law and  this
fully  functional  copy has been provided for your use to evaluate its
capabilities in regards to your  needs.    It  may  be  freely copied,
distributed to others and posted on computer bulletin board systems as
desired  provided the program, documentation and the MORSOFT copyright
remain  intact  and accompany each copy distributed.  Distribution  is
encouraged  so  that  others  may have the opportunity to evaluate the
system for their requirements.
This  program  is not "FREE" however and if you decide to continue the
use  of  it  you are required to register with the MORSOFT company  by
completing the SHAREWARE REGISTRATION AND ORDER FORM contained in this
manual  and  return  to MORSOFT along with applicable payment,  or  to
register using VISA, MasterCard, or COD by calling our toll free order
line 1-800-662-0028.
When  you  do  register  the  use of the program with MORSOFT you will
receive the following:
   -  The  regular distribution copy of the program which will  always
      be the latest version and  does not display the shareware notice
   -  The complete printed user's guide.
   -  You  will be entitled to no cost telephone support from  MORSOFT
      in regards to the use and  any problems encountered when running
      the  program,  and  will  be  notified  when new releases of the
      program become available.
Before  completing the registration form however see the end  of  this
manual for information on the other programs available from MORSOFT.
             S H A R E W A R E     L I M I T E D    W A R R A N T Y
                           M O R S O F T
                     9859 IH-10 WEST, 107/811
                     SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS  78230
                           (512) 692-9572
 MORSOFT - 9859 IH-10 West, 107/811 - San Antonio, TX 78230 - (512) 692-9572
  S H A R E W A R E    R E G I S T R A T I O N   A N D   O R D E R   F O R M
NAME __________________________________________________________
ADDRESS _______________________________________________________
CITY _____________________   STATE ________________  ZIP CODE ________
HOW DID YOU OBTAIN THIS SHAREWARE COPY? __________________________________
          P R O G R A M S    F O R    R E G I S T R A T I O N
Program Name             Quantity   *   Fee Each Copy    =    Total
------------------       --------       -------------        -------
FILE PATCH               ________           $14.95           ________
MORSOFT CALCULATOR       ________           $14.95           ________
DIRECT MAINT             ________           $29.95           ________
PC SYSTEM MANAGER        ________           $19.95           ________
                                 TOTAL REGISTRATION FEES   $__________
     P R O G R A M S    F O R    S H A R E W A R E    C O P I E S
Program Name             Quantity   *   Fee Each Copy    =    Total
------------------       --------       -------------        -------
MORSOFT CALCULATOR       ________           $4.00            ________
DIRECT MAINT             ________           $4.00            ________
PC SYSTEM MANAGER        ________           $4.00            ________
FILE PATCH               ________           $4.00            ________
                             TOTAL FOR SHAREWARE COPIES    $___________
DISKETTE SIZE: ____ 5 1/4"  ___ 3 1/2"     PAYMENT OF $_____________ ENCLOSED
          VISA, MasterCard, or COD call toll free 1-800-662-0028
             FILE PATCH FEATURES AND REQUIREMENTS ................   1
         INSTALLATION PROCEDURES .................................   2
             STARTUP .............................................   3
             PROCESS SELECTION ...................................   4
             VIEWING AN EXISTING FILE ............................   4
             ASCII VERSUS HEX MODE ...............................   7
             FINDING CHARACTER STRINGS ...........................   7
             PRINTING A FILE .....................................   9
             EDITING A FILE ......................................  10
             EXTRACTING FROM A FILE ..............................  11
             CREATING A NEW FILE .................................  13
             CHANGING COLORS .....................................  13
             DIRECT MAINT ........................................  15
             PC SYSTEM MANAGER ...................................  19
             MORSOFT CALCULATOR ..................................  21
         FILE PATCH is a utility program designed for use by  computer
         consultants,    technicians,  Information  Centers,  software
         developers and those  individuals that are responsible for or
         just wish to "tinker" with PC files. It provides the ability,
         at  the  byte  level,  for  on screen viewing, dumping to the
         printer,  modifying, extracting or creating any  DOS data  or
         program file up to 10 megabytes in length.
         When  displayed on the screen each character within a file is
         shown along with its corresponding ASCII or HEX value.    The
         screen  may  be  scrolled one line at at time up or down, may
         be paged a screen at a time or repositioning may be performed
         at  any  point within the file.  Also the file may be scanned
         for a specific occurence of a string of values and  the  file
         will  be  automatically  repositioned  at the point where the
         values are found.
         If  a  file is dumped to the printer all or only portions  of
         the file contents may be printed and the values will be shown
         in either ASCII  or  HEX  and  optionally  the  corresponding
         characters may be displayed.
         The values in any file may be modified or new values appended
         to the end of the file in either character, ASCII or HEX. Any
         of  the  256 ASCII or HEX values may be used.  Values may not
         be inserted or deleted.
         All or portions of a file may be extracted to a new  file  or
         appended to the end of an existing file.
         A new file may be created  and  any  of  the 256 ASCII or HEX
         values may be entered in an append mode.
         The basic machine and software requirements to use FILE PATCH
         are as follows:
           -  256k memory
           -  DOS 2.0 or later
           -  Color or Monochrome monitor
           -  Any disk or diskette configuration
         If any problems are experienced using FILE PATCH please  feel
         free to contact the MORSOFT company for assistance.

         The  FILE  PATCH  system  consists  of the FILE PATCH program
         FILEPATC.EXE only; no configuration or data files  are  used.
         Installation  of FILE PATCH is therefore up to you and it may
         be  copied  from the distribution diskette to a directory  or
         sub-directory  on a hard disk or it may be loaded when needed
         from a diskette.

         FILE  PATCH is loaded and started in the same manner  as  any
         other program.  At the  DOS  command  prompt  set the default
         drive and directory then enter the program name "FILEPATC".
         Example:  To  set  the  default drive and path then enter the
                   program  name  assuming  drive "C:" and the program
                   is under the directory "UTILITY".
                        CD \UTILITY
                   If  running  from a diskette insert in drive A: and
                        CD \
                        NOTE:  Do not have a write protect tab on the
         Optionally  the  path  of  a  file  to view or modify may  be
         entered on the DOS command line used to start FILE PATCH.
                   CD \UTILITY
                   FILEPATC C:\MYDIR\MYFILE.TXT
         When  the program starts it will simulate manual entry of the
         path, open the file and  stop  at  the  prompt  to  enter the
         beginning byte position for viewing.  Note that if using this
         option  the  complete  path including the disk drive must  be
         entered on the command line.

         When FILE PATCH starts the initial process selection screen
         will be displayed.
         To view on the  screen,  edit, dump to the printer or extract
         data from an existing file press the "F1" key.
         To create a new file press "F2".
         To change the screen colors press "F3".  Note this  option is
         not  available  on monochrome monitors and will not be shown.
         However  if  the  machine  has  a  color display board and  a
         monochrome  monitor  the  screen  will be garbled.  Press the
         "F9" key to switch to monochrome mode.
         To exit the FILE PATCH program press the "Esc" key.  A yes/no
         (Y/N)  prompt  will  be  displayed verifying that you wish to
         end. If yes press the "Y" key (upper or lower case) otherwise
         press  "N"  for  no  and the program will continue.
         To  view  (display on the screen) an existing file press  the
         "F1"  key  at  the  PROCESS  SELECTION.    A  prompt  will be
         displayed for the path  and  name  of  the  file.   Enter the
         drive letter, path, and the file name including any extension
         then  press  enter,  or  press  the  "F1"  key  for on screen
         selection.    Note  that if manually entering the information
         the    ":\"  in positions 2 and 3 of the entry window may not
         be overtyped and will be skipped over automatically.
         If "F1" is pressed a disk selection window will open.  Either
         type  the  letter  of  the  disk  drive to view or using  the
         up  and  down  arrow keys to the right of the keyboard on the
         numeric pad move the  highlighter  to  the  desired  disk and
         press  enter.    For drives above "D:" the window will scroll
         for  "E:"  through  "Z:".  To cancel the drive selection  and
         return  to  manually  entering  the file path press the "Esc"
         After   the  disk  has  been  selected  a  window  will  open
         displaying the files  and  sub-directories  under  the   root
         directory of the disk.  Note that sub-directories are flagged
         with the caption "<DIR>" to the right of the name.
         Either  press the key of the character (A thru F) to the left
         of the file to view or directory to open or using the  up and
         down  arrow  keys  move  the highlighter to the selection and
         press enter. If a sub-directory is selected it will be opened
         and  its   files and  sub-directories  will be shown  in  the
         window.  The file and  directory  names may be scrolled using
         the up and down arrow keys or they may be paged using  "PgUp"

         and  "PgDn".    To regress back up a directory tree press the
         "F2" key to move to the  previous  directory.   To cancel the
         file  selection and return to disk selection press the  "Esc"
           IMPORTANT NOTE:  When  FILE  PATCH  accesses a file to be
                            viewed it is opened in Input/Output mode
                            to allow for subsequent editing.  If the
                            file  has  a  "Read  Only"  attribute  a
                            yes/no  prompt will be displayed to this
                            effect  before  processing  begins   and
                            asking  if the attribute may be changed.
                            If no press the "N" key  (upper or lower
                            case)  and  the program  will  return to
                            file  path  entry  or selection.  If yes
                            press the  "Y"  key and  FILE PATCH will
                            change the  attribute before opening the
                            file then modify it back to its original
                            value when processing is complete.
         When a file path has been determined through manual  entry or
         the  selection process a prompt will be displayed  requesting
         the  starting  byte position within the file for the display.
         Also the number of the first (will always be 0) and last byte
         will be shown.  FILE PATCH references all byte positions in a
         file  relative to 0 (eg. the first byte will be 0, the second
         1, etc.).  Enter the desired number and press enter.  Use the
         cursor left arrow or backspace key to move the cursor  to the
         left.  Note  that when  the file is  displayed the first byte
         shown  will  be on an even 10 character boundry for ASCII  or
         16  character  boundry for HEX (eg. if in ASCII mode and 3274
         is entered the first  byte on the screen will be 3270.  If in
         HEX  and A5 is entered the first byte will be A0).   See  the
         ASCII VERSUS HEX MODE  section  below  on entering decimal or
         hex values.
         When the beginning position has been entered the file will be
         read  and the file path that was entered will be shown at the
         top  of  the screen next to the caption "FILE = " on the line
         just below the FILE PATCH heading.  Then if in ASCII  mode  a
         grid will be displayed showing the first 50 bytes of the file
         in both character and  corresponding  ASCII  values  starting
         with the byte postion entered.  If in HEX mode the  grid will
         show 80 bytes with both the characters and corresponding  HEX
         If  in ASCII mode, under the heading "BYTE #" is the starting
         byte position for the values shown on the corresponding  grid
         line.    In    each  grid  cell  is  one  character  and  its
         corresponding  ASCII  value.  To find the position within the
         file  of  a  character  sum the BYTE # with the corresponding
         number 0 thru 9 shown above the cells.
         If  there  are  less  than  50  bytes  remaining  in the file
         relative to the first byte shown on the screen the characters

         "EOF"  (END OF FILE) will be displayed in the cell AFTER  the
         last byte of the file.
         If  in  HEX  mode,  under  the  heading  "BYTE #" will be the
         starting    byte   position  for  the  values  shown  on  the
         corresponding grid line.  In  each grid cell is one character
         and  its  corresponding  HEX  value.    To  find the position
         within  the  file  of  a  character  sum  the BYTE # with the
         corresponding value 0 thru F shown above the cells.
         If  there  are  less  than  80  bytes  remaining  in the file
         relative  to the first byte shown on the screen double dashes
         ("--") will be shown  in  the cell AFTER the last byte of the
         At  the  bottom  of the screen are displayed the various keys
         used  for  program  control.  The ones used for moving within
         the file and  changing the  grid display are discussed below.
         The  others  ("F1"  turning  edit  on and off, "F2" printing,
         etc.)  are  discussed in their relative sections later in the
            Scrolling.   To scroll the grid one line at a time,  up or
                         down,  use  the  cursor  movement up and down
                         arrow keys on the number pad located  to  the
                         right  side of the keyboard.  If the up arrow
                         is pressed  and  the  first  character in the
                         grid is the beginning value in the  file,  or
                         the down  arrow is used and the last value of
                         the  file  is  displayed  on  the  screen the
                         computer will beep.
            Paging.      To move forward or backward within the file a
                         page  (screen)  at a time use the "PgUp"  and
                         "PgDn" keys.
            Reposition.  To  reposition forward or backward within the
                         file  press the "F3" key.  A prompt  will  be
                         displayed  requesting  the new beginning byte
                         number.  Enter the new value as required  and
                         press  the  enter key.  To move the cursor to
                         the  left  for  overtyping  a  value that has
                         been  entered  use  either  the  cursor  left
                         arrow  or  backspace  keys.  This function is
                         performed  in the same manner as entering the
                         starting byte position when the file is first
                         opened (see above).  See the ASCII VERSUS HEX
                         MODE  section later in the manual on entering
                         decimal or hex values.
            Exiting.     To  exit  from file viewing and return to the
                         process selection screen press the "End" key.
                         A  yes/no  (Y/N)  prompt will be displayed to
                         verify that you wish to exit.  Press  the "Y"
                         key  (upper  or  lower case) if yes otherwise
                         press  "N" for no and continue viewing.  Note

                         that the use of the "End" key here as opposed
                         to  "Esc"  is  for a particular reason.  When
                         in edit mode any of the 256 ASCII values  may
                         be  entered  and "Esc" is value 27.  If "Esc"
                         were  used  to  exit  the process the program
                         would  not  know  if  you wished to enter the
                         value  27  or end.  The "End" key however  is
                         received  as  a  two  character code from the
                         keyboard  and  can  be  interpreted  properly
                         by FILE PATCH.
         FILE  PATCH provides the ability to view the byte values in a
         file  in  either  ASCII  or HEX.  Which mode is currently  in
         effect is show on the  third  to  the  last line in the lower
         left corner of the screen (MODE=ASCII or MODE=HEX).  When the
         program first starts it will be in ASCII.  To change modes at
         any time while viewing an existing file or creating a new one
         simply press the "F8" key (F8 = MODE).  The screen will clear
         and  the corresponding new grid will be displayed.  The first
         byte  location of the file shown at the beginning of the grid
         will change however since the ASCII display is based  on a 10
         byte boundry and HEX  on  a  16 byte boundry.  You may switch
         back  and  forth  between  modes  as  often  as desired while
         working with the same file.
         Whenever  a  prompt  is  displayed  to  enter a byte position
         within  the  file (when the file is first opened, reposition-
         ing,  or  for  printing)  the  values  to be entered will  be
         dependant  on  the  current  mode.  If in ASCII enter decimal
         values  (0,  15,  13056,  etc.).  If in HEX enter hex numbers
         (00, A5, 03DF, etc.).  Also if in HEX the values entered must
         be even numbered; 05, 01D7, 0A54, not  5, 1D7 or A54.
         When dumping the contents of a file to the printer the values
         displayed will be the same as the mode of the screen display.
         See the PRINTING A FILE section below for details.
         FILE PATCH provides the ability to scan a file for  a  string
         of  characters  and if found the file will be repositioned at
         that point.   To start the  find process  press the "F4" key.
         One of two prompts, based  on  the current ASCII or HEX mode,
         will be displayed for entering the search values.
            If in ASCII enter  a  string  of up to 16 search values as
            required  using either the standard keyboard keys  or  the
            combination of the  "Alt"  key  and  the  numbers  on  the
            numeric  pad to the right of the keyboard.  For example to
            enter the character "t" (ASCII 116) press the "T"  key  in

            lower  case.  For  the  value  218  which  does not have a
            corresponding key press and HOLD DOWN the "Alt"  key  then
            press and release the 2, then the 1, then the 8 key on the
            numeric pad, then release the "Alt" key.
            To enter the null value (ASCII 000) press the "F2" key. To
            move the cursor to  the  left  and  overtype what has been
            entered  use  the  cursor  left  key.   To delete the last
            character entered press the "F3" key.
            As the values are  typed  the  characters  (if  any)  will
            appear  between  the  brackets  ( [ and ] ) and the  ASCII
            numeric    values  will   appear   vertically  below  each
            If in HEX mode enter  a string of up to 8 search values as
            required  using the 0 thru 9 and "A" thru "F" keys  (upper
            or  lower case, upper case will be displayed).  The values
            must  be entered in even pairs (eg. 0A, 09 not A or 9) and
            will be shown between the brackets ( [ and ] ) when typed.
            To  move  the  cursor  to the left for overtyping use  the
            cursor  left  arrow.  To delete the last character entered
            press the "F3" key.
         When  the  values  have been entered press the "F1" key.  The
         search  will  start at the first character shown in the grid,
         or  if in edit mode the character following the current  edit
         position  (see  the  EDITING  A FILE section below).  If  the
         string  is found the file will be repositioned at the closest
         previous 10 byte boundry  for  ASCII  mode or 16 byte boundry
         for  HEX  and  the  grid  will  be redisplayed with the first
         value of the string appearing in the top grid line.    Also a
         window  will be displayed stating the byte position where the
         string  was located and to press any key to continue.  If the
         string  was  not  found  a  window will be displayed to  this
         effect  and  the current position within the file will remain
         To cancel the find function  at  the  point  of  entering the
         string  values  press  the  "Esc"  key.  Once the search  has
         started it cannot be stopped.
         When  a  string has been found the "F5" key may be pressed to
         restart  the  find  search  again for the same values without
         having to reenter them.  The scan will start at the character
         following the first value of the previously found string (eg.
         if  the  search  string  was "This is" the refind scan  would
         start with the "h" in the word "This").
         The  find and find again functions perform in the same manner
         whether in view or edit mode.  Also if "F5" is pressed  with-
         out  a  previous  search being performed the program will ask
         for a search string in  the  same  manner as if "F4" had been

         FILE PATCH provides the option of printing (dumping)  all  or
         part  of  a  file for hard copy output and in either ASCII or
         HEX.  Also the corresponding characters may be displayed.  To
         start the print routine  press the "F2" key at any time while
         a  file  is  displayed  on the screen.  A prompt will be dis-
         played  requesting the beginning and ending positions  to  be
         printed.  Enter the values as required pressing the enter key
         after each entry. See the ASCII VERSUS HEX mode section above
         on entering decimal or hex numbers.  Note that the print will
         start  and  end on an even 10 byte boundry for ASCII mode and
         16 byte boundry for HEX.
         When  the  positions  have been entered a yes/no (Y/N) prompt
         will be displayed asking if the corresponding characters  for
         the  ASCII or HEX values are to be printed.  If yes press the
         "Y" key (upper or lower case) or if not press "N".    This is
         performed to avoid uncontrolled  print  head movement as some
         characters  are  interpreted  by  printers as control values.
         The  values  000  thru 031 (ASCII) are automatically filtered
         out  by  the  program  however  values  above  123  can cause
         problems on some printers.
         Next a prompt will be  displayed  to  ready  the  printer and
         press  enter.   To cancel the print at this point or  at  any
         time while it is running  press  the "Esc" key.  Note however
         that  if  the  print has started and the "Esc" key is pressed
         the printer will not actually stop until its buffer  has been
         The printout will be  in  a similar  format as the grid shown
         on  the  screen  with 10 values being displayed per line  for
         ASCII and 16 for HEX.  The beginning byte number for the line
         will  be  on  the  far left side followed by the values, each
         separated  by  a space, and if the characters are to be shown
         they  will  appear on the line to the right bordered  on  the
         left  and right with an asterisk ("*").  Below are two sample
         dumps the first in ASCII  and  the  second  in  HEX  and each
         displays the corresponding characters.
        BYTE #    0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9     0123456789
        13,150   032 116 101 099 104 110 105 099 105 097   * technicia*
        13,160   110 115 044 032 032 073 110 102 111 114   *ns,  Infor*

     MODE = HEX
     BYTE #  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F    0123456789ABCDEF
       3350  6F 6E 73 75 6C 74 61 6E 74 73 2C 20 20 20 20 74  *onsultants,    t*
       3360  66 63 68 6E 69 63 69 61 6E 73 2C 20 20 49 6E 66  *echnicians,  Inf*
         FILE PATCH provides the  ability  to  change  values within a
         file  and/or  append  values  at  the end.  Values may not be
         inserted within a file or deleted.
         To  start  the edit press the "F1" key at any time after  the
         file has been opened  and is being displayed.  A yes/no (Y/N)
         prompt will appear  as to whether or not a backup of the file
         is to be performed.  If yes press the "Y" key (upper or lower
         case) otherwise press "N".  If yes the file will be backed up
         to the same path and the name will be the file name  plus the
         extension ".FPB" (eg.  for file MYFILE.TST the backup will be
         MYFILE.FPB).    Note  however  if  the file being edited is a
         FILE PATCH backup file (or has the .FPB extension)  a  prompt
         will be displayed stating that the backup cannot be performed
         and  to  press  enter  to  continue with the edit or "Esc" to
         Next a warning message  will  be  displayed at the top of the
         screen below the "FILE =" caption as a reminder that the edit
         function is on and that the updates are made directly  to the
         To  indiciate  the  current  edit byte position the character
         portion of the grid cell will be shown in reverse video.   To
         change  a  value  move  the  indicator to the desired cell by
         using  the cursor movement left and right arrow keys within a
         line  or  up  and down arrow keys for line to line and scrol-
         ling.    If in ASCII mode use either a character key  on  the
         keyboard or press and  hold down the "Alt" key then press and
         release  the  corresponding  numeric keys on the numeric  pad
         then  release  the  "Alt"  key.    For  example  to enter the
         character "t" (ASCII 116) press the "T" key lower case.    To
         enter the ASCII value  205  press  and  hold  down "Alt" then
         press and release the "2" on the numeric pad to the  right of
         the  keyboard,  then  the  "0", then the "5" then release the

         "Alt"  key.    To  enter the null value (ASCII 000) press the
         "F6"  key.    If  in HEX 2 characters must be entered.  Press
         the keys 0 thru 9 or "A" thru "F" (upper or lower case, upper
         case  will  be  shown  on the screen) for the first character
         then enter the second.
         When  the  new value has been entered the ASCII or HEX number
         along  with the corresponding  character,  if  any,  will  be
         displayed in the cell.  Note that the edit position indicator
         will not automatically move after an entry has been made. The
         cursor  movement  keys  must be used to change locations.  To
         move within the file a screen (50 or 80) characters at a time
         the  "PgUp"  and  "PgDn"  keys  may  be  used.  The "F3" key,
         reposition, is also available and works in the same manner as
         when in view mode.
         To  append  a  value  to  the  end  of the file move the edit
         position  indicator  to  the  cell containing the end of file
         marker  ("EOF"  if in ASCII or "--" in HEX) and enter the new
         value.    The  end of file marker will automatically shift to
         the  next  cell.   When a value has been appended to the file
         it may not be deleted.
         As  noted  above  the  file  being  edited is not buffered in
         memory except for the  values  shown on the screen.  The "F7"
         key  however  may be used to reinsert (undo) a value after it
         has  been  changed but only if the cell position has not been
         scrolled  or  paged  off  of  the  screen.  Position the edit
         indicator  to  the  cell position and press "F7".  The  value
         that  was  previously  at the location before the last change
         will be reinserted.
         To  turn  the edit function off and return to view only press
         the "F1" key.  To turn edit back on press "F1" again.  If the
         file was backed up the first time edit was invoked the backup
         prompt  will  not be displayed.  The print, reposition, find,
         find  again and mode functions are available in edit mode and
         work in the same manner as when in view only.
                      NOT THE "Esc" KEY.  IF EDITING IN ASCII MODE AND
                      "Esc" IS  PRESSED  THE VALUE 27 WILL BE INSERTED
         FILE  PATCH  provides  the  ability  to  extract  all or only
         portions  of the data in a file and write it to a new file or
         append it to the end  of  an  existing  file.  To perform the
         extract process press the "F9" key at anytime while viewing a
         file.    First  a window will open requesting the name of the
         output (extracted to) file.  If this is a new file  enter the
         name and press enter.  If the file aleady exists and is to be
         appended  to  either  enter  the  name or  press  "F1"  for a

         selection process.
         If  the name is entered the next window displayed will be for
         entering  the  disk  drive  and path of the file and pressing
         enter  or  press  "F1"  for  selecting  the path. If "F1"  is
         pressed  a  window will  open  for selecting  the disk drive.
         Either enter the letter of the drive or using the up and down
         arrow keys highlight the desired drive and press enter.  Next
         a window will open showing the sub-directories under the root
         directory of the drive. Either press the letter key  (A  thru
         F)  of the directory or highlight using the up and down arrow
         keys.    In  either  case  press  enter  if  this is the last
         directory in the path or press "F1" to open and  display  its
         sub-directories.    If  "F1"  is pressed repeat the selection
         procedure  until  the  last  directory  has been selected and
         press  enter.  To regress back to the next previous directory
         press the "F2" key.  Press the "Esc" key at either  window to
         return to the previous window.
         Note  that if the file  name  was  manually  entered  and  it
         already  exists  a  prompt  will  display  to this effect and
         providing the option  to press enter to append to it, "F1" to
         overwrite it or "Esc" to cancel the extract.
         If the extracted to file already exists and at the  window to
         enter  the  file  name  the  "F1" key was pressed a selection
         process  performed in the same manner as selecting a file for
         viewing   (see  VIEWING  AN  EXISTING  FILE  above)  will  be
         When  the  file name and path have been determined a  process
         function window will open.
         Next  to  the caption "From File -" will be the path  of  the
         file currently being viewed.  Next to "To File -" will be the
         path  of  the  extracted  to  file.    To the right will be a
         reminder  that  the  first  byte in  the  current  file is 0;
         "(First byte in file is 0)",  and the number of the last byte
         in the file; "(Last byte  in  file is      )".  At the bottom
         of  the  window will be the count on the number of bytes thus
         far  extracted.    To cancel the extraction at this point  or
         at  any  time  during the process when the program is waiting
         for a response press the "Esc" key.
         The  cursor will be positioned in the box next to the caption
         "Enter  Beginning  Byte  Number".    At this point enter  the
         number  of  the  byte  within  the  current file to start the
         extraction (remember relative to 0) and press enter.
         Next the prompt "Enter Ending Byte Number" will display  with
         the cursor positioned  within an entry box.  Enter the number
         of the last byte to be extracted and press enter.
         The  data  will  then be extracted fron the current file  and
         written to the output  file.    When  complete  a prompt will
         display  asking if more data is to be extracted.  If no press

         the  "N"  key  and  the  output  file will be closed and  the
         program will return to normal file viewing.  If yes press the
         "Y"  key  and  the  procedure  for entering the beginning and
         ending byte positions will be repeated.
         FILE  PATCH  provides  the  ability  to create a new file and
         enter  data values in an append mode (at the file's  end)  in
         either  ASCII or HEX.  To start the create press the "F2" key
         at the process selection screen.  A window will be  displayed
         requesting  the  name  for the new file.  Type in as required
         and  press  enter.  Next a window will open for the drive and
         path for the file.  Either  enter as required and press enter
         or press the "F1" key for path selection.
         If  "F1"  is  pressed  a  drive  and directory path selection
         process  will  be  performed  in  the  same  manner  as  when
         selecting  the  path  for an extract file (see the EXTRACTING
         FROM A FILE section above).
         FILE PATCH will then check to see if the file already exists.
         If  so  a yes/no (Y/N) prompt will be displayed asking if the
         existing file is to be overwritten.  If yes press the "Y" key
         (upper or lower case) or if not press "N" and a new  name may
         be entered.  If the file  is  to  be  overlayed  it  will  be
         deleted then reopened for output with a length of 0.
         At  this  point  the  program  will shift to edit mode and an
         empty  grid  will be displayed with the end of file indicator
         ("EOF"  or "--") at byte position 0.  Enter the new file data
         in the same  manner as  appending values to an existing file.
         Press  the "End" key when all data has been entered  and  the
         file is to be closed.
         If using a color monitor  and  it  is  desired  to change the
         colors  of  the  screen  display  press  the "F3" key at  the
         process selection window.
         A  window  will  be  displayed showing the standard 15 colors
         with  a  letter  "A" though "O" above each.  A prompt will be
         given  to  press  the letter key of the color for the  screen
         outline (heading, grid outline, etc.).  Press the appropriate
         key  (upper or lower case).  Next will be a prompt requesting
         the color for the file  values  when  displayed.    Press the
         appropriate  key.    The screen will clear and then redisplay
         with the new colors.
         If the two colors given are the same  or  similar  (eg. light

         blue  and  dark  blue)  the screen outline and file data will
         appear  in  the  same  color and the prompts and function key
         display  at  the  screen  bottom will have a black foreground
         and colored background.
         Note  that  FILE  PATCH  does not retain any configuration or
         data  files  therefore  if  different colors are desired this
         procedure will have to be performed each time the program  is
             E N D   F I L E   P A T C H   U S E R ' S   G U I D E
                        H A P P Y   C O M P U T I N G !

           M O R E     P R O G R A M S     F R O M     M O R S O F T
                   - - - -  D I R E C T M A I N T - - - -
         TAME YOUR HARD DISK and forget DOS with DIRECTMAINT  the full
         full  function  disk  directory  and  file maintenance system
         comprised of three programs:   DIRECTMAINT I, DIRECTMAINT II,
         and FILE PATCH.
         DIRECTMAINT  I  provides  a  directory/file  view of  a  disk
         showing  with a formatted display all the sub-directories and
         files   for  a  specific directory.  Using the display    and
         "point    and    shoot"   highlighted  bounce  bar  menus the
         directories  and  files  may  be  selected  for the following
         various processing functions.
         For directories:
             -  Copy  all  or  selected  files  from  one directory to
                another  on  the  same or to a different disk.    When
                copying  from  a  hard  disk  to  floppies a prompt is
                displayed  for  switching  diskettes  when  the target
                disk    fills.      File   contents  are  not  spanned
                between  diskettes  however,  each  disk  will contain
                files in their entirety.
             -  Move  all  or  selected  files  from one directory  to
                another on the same or to a different disk.    If  the
                source   and  target  disks  are  the  same  only  the
                directory entries  will  be  modified,  the files will
                will  not be affected.  If the disks are different the
                files  will  be physically copied to the target  drive
                and then erased from the source disk.
             -  Compare  all or selected files on one disk or  in  one
                directory to those  on or in another.  If two files do
                not  compare  equal the machine will stop and a window
                will  open showing a block of 30 characters from  each
                file where the mismatch occurred and the byte location
                of the characters in error.  Optionally the files  may
                be modified on a character by character basis.
             -  Erase all or selected files in a directory.
             -  Create a new directory.
             -  Erase a directory.
             -  Print  the names  of  the  sub-directories  and  files
                in  a  single  directory  or optionally all the  names
                within a complete  directory  tree  structure.    This
                also  provides  the  ability  to  print  the  names of
                all the directories and all the files on a disk.
             -  Find  the  path  for  any  file  anywhere  on  a disk.

                Optionally  when  a file is found its directory may be
                "opened" and displayed  on  the  screen.   Also if the
                file is a program (.COM or .EXE) or batch (.BAT)  file
                it may be passed to DOS for execution.
         For individual files:
             -  Copy  or  move  a  file  to  a  different  disk, to  a
                different  directory  on  the  same  disk,  or  to the
                same    directory    on  the  same  disk  but  with  a
                different name.
             -  Compare  the  contents    of   one  file  to  that  of
                another  displaying  where  the files are in error and
                providing the option to modify them.
             -  Erase a file.
             -  Display the contents of a file on the screen.
             -  Print the contents of a file.
             -  Change  the  name,  date,  time  or  attribute  of   a
             -  One or more files may be "marked" for subsequent group
                copy, move, compare or erase.
             -  Load  and  run  a  program  or batch file.  Optionally
                DIRECTMAINT I  may  be  restarted  automatically  when
                the    program    or  batch  file  ends.
             -  Load  and  run  FILE  PATCH  using the file for input.
             -  Two   seperate  selections  for  loading  and  running
                programs  of  your  choice  using a file that has been
                selected  through  DIRECTMAINT.
         Also    while  viewing  the  directories and files on a  disk
         DIRECTMAINT I provides:
             -  Ease  of  movement  within  disk  and  directory  tree
             -  The  ability  to view  two disks or two directories on
                the same disk on the same screen at the same time.
             -  Directory names on the display screen may be sorted in
                ascending, descending or disk sequence.
             -  Files on the display screen may be sorted in ascending
                or descending sequence on name, extension, size, date,
                time,    date  and  time,  or  attribute  and  may  be
                resequenced  back  to  the order as they appear in the
                disk directory.

             -  An exit to DOS may be performed for executing commands
                or running other programs and  DIRECTMAINT I  returned
                to  at  the  same  point  where the exit was initiated
         DIRECTMAINT  II   is   similiar  to  DIRECTMAINT I except  it
         provides  a  full  view of ALL the files on one or more disks
         at one time.  The information  (name,  path, size, date, time
         and  attribute) for each of the files is read into memory and
         displayed using a formatted screen.  The information may then
         be    sorted  in  either  ascending  or  descending  sequence
             -  If  in  name  sequence  which  files are duplicated in
                multiple  directories  or  on more than one disk.  The
                duplicates  will  automatically  be  flagged  on   the
                screen for you.
             -  If  in  name extension sequence what are all the files
                with  the  same  extension,  what  are all the program
                files (.COM or  .EXE),  what  are all the batch (.BAT)
                files, etc.
             -  If  in  path  sequence a complete view of the disk  by
                directory and sub-directory.
             -  If  in  size sequence which are the largest files (the
                ones using up the most disk space).
             -  If in date/time  sequence  which files were created or
                modified on a specific day.
             -  If  in attribute sequence which are the read  only  or
                hidden files and  which  files have been changed since
                the last disk backup.
         DIRECTMAINT II also provides the following functions:
             -  Print  the  information  an all of the files in memory
                or only those with duplicate names.
             -  Display  disk  statistics  on  total  space available,
                total  space  used,  total  number  of files and total
                number of directories.
             -  Exit to  DOS  and return to DIRECTMAINT II.
             -  All  of  the   file    processing    capabilities   of
                DIRECTMAINT I  (copy,  move,  compare,  erase,  etc.).
                With these functions  DIRECTMAINT II is invaluable  in
                helping  to  keep  your  disks  clean  of obsolete and
                duplicated  files,  saving  valuable  disk  space  and
                in  many  cases  may  help  avoid  having  to purchase
                additional hard disks.
         Both  DIRECTMAINT  I  and  DIRECTMAINT  II are designed to be

         "user  friendly" with all instructions for operator responses
         displayed  on the screen and all processes are selected using
         either  single  key  strokes  or  through  "point  and shoot"
         highlighted bounce bar menus.  Only when specific information
         such  as  a  file selection mask or a new  file date or  time
         are required does the  user  have to enter data.  No commands
         or  keywords are required to be memorized and after using the
         system  a  few  times  reference  to  the  manual  is  seldom
         Also  DIRECTMAINT I and DIRECTMAINT II are "linked"  together
         in   that  when  running DIRECTMAINT I by simply pressing the
         "F10"  key  it  will  terminate    and    automatically  call
         DIRECTMAINT  II.  When in DIRECTMAINT II press "F10"  and  it
         will  end  and start DIRECTMAINT  I.
         FILE PATCH  comes  as a part of DIRECT MAINT at no additional
         The minimum machine requirements  for  using DIRECTMAINT  are
         as follows:
             -  A hard disk
             -  380k of usable memory.
             -  DOS 2.0 or later.
             -  A color or monochrome monitor.  If color is used
                screen colors may be selected.
             -  A printer is optional.
         Prices:  Registered copy $29.95
                  Shareware evaluation copy $4.00
                  Call toll free now 1-800-662-0028
                            9859 IH-10 West, 107/811
                            San Antonio, Texas 78230
                                 (512) 692-9572

           M O R E     P R O G R A M S     F R O M     M O R S O F T
             - - - -  P C   S Y S T E M   M A N A G E R  - - - -
         Tired  of  having  to  remember  and continually reenter  DOS
         commands  or batch file names to start your jobs or programs?
         Wish  your  computer  was  better  organized.  Now there's PC
         SYSTEM  MANAGER,  the  full  function,  fully  self-contained
         master menuing system for your IBM PC or compatible.
         Select  your  programs  to  be  run  from  easy  to  read and
         descriptive  menus  and sub-menus customized for your  system
         with  no  practical  limit  to  the number of menu entries or
         number  of  sub-menu  levels  (system limit is 32,000 entries
         overall).  The system starts up automatically when  you power
         on  or  reboot  and  restarts  itself  when a selected job or
         program ends.  It is always there for your next selection and
         does not "terminate and  stay  resident"  tying  up memory or
         possibly damaging system registers.
         Wish  the  computer  would  display  reminders  such as which
         diskettes  to  insert  or  what  forms  to use on the printer
         before a program starts  so you don't have to look it up in a
         manual or find those scribbled notes you put somewhere?    PC
         SYSTEM MANAGER allows up to 255 lines of free form text to be
         displayed whenever a menu entry is selected.
         Use replaceable parameters  in  your  batch files?  PC SYSTEM
         MANAGER will prompt you for them when a job starts so they're
         not forgotten.
         Have  a computer that is used by more than one individual and
         need security?  PC SYSTEM MANAGER provides passwording at the
         menu, sub-menu and menu entry level.
         Ever need to run a job or program with slightly different DOS
         commands for a one time run?  PC SYSTEM MANAGER allows you to
         alter the normal commands for a job when it is selected  from
         a menu but without changing those stored in the master  file.
         This makes ad hoc and "just this time only" runs easy.
         Need to keep track of your computer usage?  PC SYSTEM MANAGER
         records  in  its  log  file  the  date and time a program was
         started and the date and time it ended and through the use of
         logon user ID's who ran  the  program.  Also multiple reports
         may  be printed showing both detailed and summary information
         on user and program run times.
         PC  SYSTEM MANAGER is fully self-contained and has all of its
         own editors for entering, retaining and modifying all the DOS
         commands  to  run your programs, startup reminders, parameter
         prompts and passwords.    Also  all  of the files used by the
         system  are  retained in its own sub-directory and are  fully
         maintained by the system itself.

         Need  to  automatically  start  jobs?  PC SYSTEM MANAGER  can
         automatically start up to 30 different jobs or programs based
         on  time  of day and the current date, the day of the week, a
         specific day of the month,  the first and third or second and
         last  day  of  the week of the month (eg. the first and third
         Monday of each month), every other of a specific day  of  the
         week  (eg.  every  other  Friday),  the last day of the month
         or  the  last  of  a  specific day of the month (eg. the last
         Wednesday of each month).
         PC SYSTEM MANAGER comes with its own installation program and
         can be up  and running  on your system in just a few minutes.
         No  special  expertise  is required to load or use the system
         and  with  its  "user friendly" prompts throughout you always
         know what to do next.  If you can run your computer  now  you
         can use PC SYSTEM MANAGER.
         The basic machine and software requirements to use  PC SYSTEM
         manager are as follows:
           -  DOS 2.0 or later
           -  Monochrome or color monitor.  If a color monitor is used
              selection of screen colors is provided.
           -  256k usable memory
           -  Hard disk.
         Prices:  Registered copy $19.95
                  Shareware evaluation copy $4.00.
                  Call toll free now 1-800-662-0028
                                M O R S O F T
                           9859 IH-10 West, 107/811
                           San Antonio, Texas 78230
                                (512) 692-9572

           M O R E     P R O G R A M S     F R O M     M O R S O F T
            - - - -  M O R S O F T    C A L C U L A T O R  - - - -
         The  MORSOFT CALCULATOR is a full function calculator program
         designed  to  run on IBM PC and compatible computers.  It may
         be used as an "adding  machine"  providing the ability to sum
         up  to  1,000  values,  each  stored in the computer's memory
         "tape"  which may be scrolled forward or back, changed and/or
         printed.    Both sub and overall totals are retained and dis-
         played on the computer screen.
         Also calculations such as multiply, divide and  trigonometric
         functions  are  provided and the results may be added or sub-
         tracted    to  the  memory  tape.    In  addition  a "memory"
         constant feature  is  built  in  and  values  may  be  added,
         subtracted,  multiplied or divided to or from the constant as
         they are entered.
         And  all  functions  may  be  performed  in either decimal or
         hexadecimal mode.
                            F U N C T I O N S
         - Add                           - Trigonometric Sine, Cosine,
         - Subtract                        Tangnet, and Arctangent
         - Multiply                      - Memory constant add to,
         - Divide                          subtract, subtract from,
         - Square root                     multiply by, divide into,
         - Exponentiation                  divide by
         - Percent                       - Sub-total
         - All functions available       - Overall total
           in both decimal and           - 1,000 entry tape retention,
           Hexadecimal                     view, change and print
         - Maximum integer positions 13, maximum decimal positions 12,
           combined 12
         The  basic  machine  and  software  requirements  to  use the
         MORSOFT CALCULATOR are as follows:
           -  An IBM PC/XT/AT or compatible with DOS 2.0 or later
           -  Monochrome or color monitor
           -  256k usable memory
           -  A hard disk or 1 floppy
         Prices:  Registered copy $14.95
                  Shareware evaluation copy $4.00.
                  Call toll free now 1-800-662-0028
                                M O R S O F T
                           9859 IH-10 West, 107/811
                           San Antonio, Texas 78230
                                (512) 692-9572



║                 <<<<  Disk #1945  FILE PATCH  >>>>                      ║
║ To start program, type: FILEBATC     (press enter)                      ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation, type: COPY FILEBATC.DOC PRN                     ║
Copyright (c) 1990 PC-SIG INC.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1945

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

FILEPATC EXE    130756   6-27-90   4:27p
FILEPATC DOC     61239   6-27-90   5:08p
README             683   6-27-90   4:43p
GO       BAT        38   1-01-80   1:37a
GO       TXT       572   8-11-90  11:17p
FILE1945 TXT      2819   8-11-90  11:16p
        6 file(s)     196107 bytes
                      123904 bytes free